#air misses kp
absolutebl · 4 months
I just finished Triage and was pretty impressed with the plot. Altho I mostly love love-centered BLs/QLs, it made me realize I really like plot-heavy ones (especially action/thriller/mystery) if they're done well. Can you look through what I've seen and let me know if I'm missing any good ones?
Ones I thought succeeded to varying extents: Triage, Not Me, Manner of Death, 3 Will Be Free, The Eclipse, Pit Babe, The Sign
Ones I thought fell short plot-wise (but still kinda appreciated for trying): KinnPorsche, Playboyy, Laws of Attraction
(And I've seen others with actiony/mystery plots but I consider the romantic plot to be more dominant so I don't think of them the same way: Long Time No See, Candy Colored Paradox, Kiseki Dear to Me, Never Let Me Go etc...hope that makes my ask clearer....)
Thanks! Appreciate you!
I live for this shit!
Plot heavy (driven) BL/QL
(external motivation)
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Triage *
Not Me *
Manner of Death *
3 Will Be Free *
The Eclipse
Pit Babe
The Sign
The ones I put an * by are ones that I barely consider BL because they are so very plot heavy.
It's Okay:
Laws of Attraction
Also seen, but more romance
Long Time No See
Candy Colored Paradox
Kiseki Dear to Me
Never Let Me Go
Hum, difficult, because I see very little difference between Pit Babe and KP and Kiseki. So I'm gonna spitball a bunch of BL that edges into gay romantic suspense (or in some cases horror / PNR) and see if any hit. These will mostly be Thailand, only Taiwan also dabbles in this sub-genre, and rarely (because of the expense).
He's Coming to Me
Dear Doctor, I'm Coming for Your Soul (similar team as Triage so def worth trying, it's PNR tho)
Great Men Academy (an odd pick but I think it might work for you)
HIStory 3: Trapped (the first one I thought of after reading your ask)
Golden Blood
To Sir, With Love (more of a soap opera)
Because of You
Ghost Host Ghost House (more horror than suspense)
Chinese stuff:
My Esports Genius Brother (it's WILD)
Word of Honor (censored)
The Untamed (censored)
Guardian (censored)
SCI Mysteries (censored)
Advance Bravely (censored)
Legend of Long Yang: Rebirth
This is one of the few times I'll rec this because this is kinda China's BL speciality and one of the many reasons the censorship is so annoying. Their product is quality... sigh. Bummer it also has to be evil.
Not as much suspense + action but stil external motivation + complex plot (earned romantic threads)
AKA Korea can play, too.
Color Rush
Until We Meet Again
Love For Love's Sake
I Feel You Linger in the Air
La Pluie
Unintentional Love Story
Tinted With You
Vice Versa
My Dear Gangster Oppa
DNA Says Love You
Be My Favorite
Stay By My Side
Two Worlds
The End Of The World, With You AKA Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu
First Love Again
Oh! My Sunshine Night
Cupid's Last Wish
Absolute Zero
So Much In Love (PULP warning)
(These tend to be my personal favorite style of BL. Although some are much less successful than others, in order with best ones at the top.)
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 9 months
The DM's Excerpts - Charles III: New King, New Court
Robert Hardman (who also wrote Queen of Our Times, published 2022) has written a new book about the British Royal Family. The Daily Mail is serializing parts of the book over four days, from 12 - 15 January 2024. Here are the links. If anyone has any others, feel free to share them in the comments.
If you don't want to give the DM clicks, I've included highlights below. (My browser doesn't recognize archive.vn or archive.ph as a valid domain so I can't create or access those links.)
The day the Queen died, 12 Jan 2024
Secret summits over making Charles regent in Queen's last years, 13 Jan 2024
How the royals have dealt with a torrent of allegations from Harry and Meghan, 14 Jan 2024
Harmdan's intimate portrait of a woman who dances at Abba concerts, jabs the King with her handbag and 'knows when to wink at a bishop,' 15 Jan 2024
Excerpt #1, 12 Jan 2024
The last time most of her staff saw The Queen was at the pre-dinner cocktails the evening of September 6th. She was happy, chatty, and in a good mood. (September 6th was the Boris Johnson-Liz Truss transition.)
It was sheer luck that Anne and Peter were at Balmoral during this time. Anne was passing through for work, Peter was preparing for a shooting party he was going to host over the weekend (which ended up cancelled). Also Sarah Chatto was nearby.
On September 7th, The Queen planned to attend the Privy Council meeting as it involved new Cabinet officials being installed. She eventually cancelled on medical advice. This was the first signal to many that she wasn't doing well.
Charles and Camilla were on the western side of Scotland for a series of engagements September 7 - September 8. The morning of September 8, Anne called Charles to come to Balmoral at once. On the helicopter to Balmoral, everyone was reviewing the Operation London Bridge papers. They arrived at Birkhall around 10:30am and traveled to Balmoral in a borrowed car.
William was called around breakfast time and informed of the situation, including that was on his way to Balmoral. Charles himself called William (and Andrew, Edward, and Harry) that they should also come. After Charles's calls, Kensington Palace began coordinating with Royal Lodge (Andrew's office*) and Bagshot Park (Edward's office*) on travel to Scotland. William and KP did not reach out to the Sussexes because betrayal, and they felt the responsibility should have been on the Sussexes to make contact. (*Not really their offices, but it's the easiest way to keep them separate so you know who I'm talking about.)
Everyone was disturbed by Harry's inclusion of these events, especially the "Meghan's not coming/she's my wife/Kate's not coming either/that's all you had to say" bit, in his memoir. Harry's recollection of how he was notified of The Queen's death isn't true - he claims no one was talking to him but actually Charles and the palace had been trying to reach him repeatedly. The calls weren't going through because he was in the air. (Interesting that he'd check the BBC first as opposed to calling back after seeing a dozen of missed calls...or not springing for the wifi package...)
Liz Truss, the new PM, was in a G7 conference call on September 8th when she was notified of the situation in Scotland. She bowed out of the call early and quickly. The G7 leaders knew what was happening.
Charles was rather close to Balmoral when he received the call that The Queen had passed. William, Andrew, Edward, and Sophie were on the way to Balmoral from the Aberdeen airport. Charles called them himself to let them know.
The Archbishop of Canterbury was in France on a personal holiday. He and his wife began preparing to return home after seeing the palace's first statement about The Queen's health. They drove home overnight so Welby could make an address in the morning.
Excerpt #2, 13 Jan 2024
The Queen had been quite ill in her final year. She knew and was aware her time was ending that summer.
A regency would have been created had she lived as long as The Queen Mother because everyone was fearful of a health condition flaring up in public.
Planning for Charles's accession and coronation began in 2015. Sir Alderton, his private secretary, created a "training video" of the accession/transition then that Charles, Camilla, and William watched in the evening of September 8th during their private dinner at Birkhall, while Princess Anne hosted the rest of the family at Balmoral. If Harry wasn't such a dick (my word, not Hardman's), he'd have been part of the Birkhall dinner but he wasn't and there were very serious concerns he would write about it in Spare.
The announcement of The Queen's death was delayed because family members hadn't been informed yet. (I think it was Harry they were waiting on, per the events in the first article.)
The royals were very touched by the outpouring of public affection for The Queen, themselves, and their family. Camilla was struck by how supportive the crowd was of her. Anne was touched by the tractors, horses, and the crowds that lined the roads in Scotland. It was a six hour drive, and she and Tim had had snacks in their car but they both felt it would have been rude to everyone that came to see the procession and pay their respects to be seen eating.
Camilla sobbed through Charles's first speech.
The Privy Council were concerned that the political upheaval in the government would cause problems for the accession, transition, and royal mourning.
It was William's idea for him, Kate, and the Sussexes to do the Windsor walkabout together. He organized it in two hours. No one found it easy or enjoyable.
Excerpt #3, 14 Jan 2024
The Queen felt she had to say 'yes' when Harry contacted her about naming his daughter Lilibet and she was very angry with him for it. (Reading between the lines, it sounds like the decision was presented by the Sussexes as "fait accompli" and The Queen took offense.)
The Sussexes tried to force the palace to go along with their version (that they had asked The Queen for permission) but the palace refused to play. They also tried to intimidate the press with legal action if anyone didn't report "their" version of events, even going so far as threatening the BBC with a lawsuit.
Everyone at the palace rolled their eyes about the Sussexes getting the RFK "Ripple of Hope Award." They felt that the "legacy" the Sussexes were being rewarded for was laughable, especially when compared to Charles's work.
The Caribbean gets its news through the US media. (I believe this confirms the theory that Sussex PR influenced the Caribbean's coverage of the Royal Family)
William saw Harry's comments in the Netflix documentary that they're expected to marry someone who fits the mold as an attack on Kate and he's been furious since. He feels betrayed by Harry having discussed their relationship so freely, thinks it's an intrusion of privacy.
Neither William nor Kate have read Spare but they are aware of what's being said and their staffs have briefed them.
Harry's version of events when The Queen Mother died is totally made up. (In Spare, Harry says he was alone, it was springtime just before Easter, and he took the call himself, but actually he was in Switzerland skiing with Charles and William and all three were told together by an aide.)
It's very suspicious that Spare largely skips May 2018 - March 2020. The palace thinks it'll be covered in the second version or Meghan's memoir.
The door is open for Harry and Meghan to return but they'll have to make the first steps since Charles has given up.
Anne's seat the coronation in front of Harry was a last-minute change so she could leave more quickly after the service in the procssion. She was concerned about keeping her hat on since it was "decent-sized" but she was told to keep it on.
Excerpt #4, 15 Jan 2024 - TBD
It's been a difficult transition to Queen for Camilla, but everyone believes she handled it well. Her family finds it surreal.
Camilla doesn't mind being second fiddle to Charles.
She still has her Wiltshire home, Ray Mill, which she bought after divorcing Andrew PB. She still visits and stays there to this day.
Everyone walks a bit on eggshells around Charles because he's a bit temperamental, but Camilla steadies him.
Camilla likes her rooms hot. Charles like his rooms cold and windows open.
Charles skips lunch. Camilla does not.
Camilla keeps Charles running on time when he gets chatty.
Camilla is hands-on with her charities and patronage.
I find her sister is overstaying her welcome. After her starring role in the coronation documentary and now her interviews with Hardman for the book, it's too much and feels like she's trying too hard.
Other stories by Hardman from his book:
Foreign Office officials 'ditched buses for dignitaries' at coronation after backlash at the Queen's funeral, 13 Jan 2024
Brigadier who helped carry Queen's coffin was at a wedding in Corfu, 13 Jan 2024
Queen's funeral rehearsal was a comedy of errors as even the band went AWOL, 13 Jan 2024
Prince Andrew could be 'far more damaging outside the loop,' 14 Jan 2024
The DM's other royal reporters - Martin Robinson, Rebecca English, Natasha Livingstone - are publishing "recaps" of Hardman's excerpts. Some of Rebecca English's stories are augmented by her own sources. Here are a few:
Insiders revewal how the Queen was so upset by Harry and Meghan's Lilibet decision that she told aides 'the only thing I own is my name. And now they've taken that': The royal row taht troubled Her Majesty in twilight of her reign, 15 Jan 2024
'For William, this was the lwoest of the low,' 15 Jan 2024
Camilla was given the affection nickname 'Lorraine' before seh became Queen, 14 Jan 2024
Harry and Meghan likely caused Queen 'distress' in her final years over naming of baby Lilibet, 15 Jan 2024
The Queen's final years were overshadowed by Harry and Meghan's hunger for publicity, 15 Jan 2024
Also, these are reminding me of some things Harry and Meghan (Harry mostly) have claimed and Hardman's articles are debunking them. I need to do a bit of research to check if the dates on what I'm remembering line up with the timeline Hardman is presenting. I'll do a separate post on that since this is already quite long.
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luckydragon10 · 2 years
Rambling on the state of KinnPorsche fanfic
I think we've all seen it and felt it. The fanfic for KP is slower than it used to be. And that's not shocking given that we're so many months out from airing, plus recent scandals and the fact that no S2 was announced. We've all noticed that a handful of the best writers in the fandom are less active.
So why am I more enthusiastic about KP fanfic than ever? It's really, really weird, I know.
Thing is, there are still some amazing, high-quality fics coming out, and every now and then, a bunch of authors drop updates all at once, and suddenly there's this feast to glut myself on.
Not only that, but there's so much room left to explore, in canon and in AU. One weakness I feel like I've witnessed is that a lot of writers are exploring the same topics and themes. The result is a bit like an ongoing echo, but it also means there are many, many, many story possibilities that have barely been touched.
I feel like I'm playing a game, and huge areas of the map aren't unlocked yet. And it's not that hard to be the first one to open a new map, and that's exciting.
If there's one thing I'd like to encourage KP writers to think about, it's unlocking new territory. Take a look around and ask "what's missing?" Because let me tell you, there are PLENTY of gaps, and a lot of them could be a helluva lot of fun to write.
We ain't done yet!
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manogirl · 1 year
In the comments on @callipigio's My Ride rewatch post, I asked if Toy was supposed to be likable, because so many of us don't like him. And @sliceduplife asked me what is likable about Toy, and the answer is, I don't know. That's why I am asking if we're supposed to like him.
This isn't news to anyone, but in general, a romance should probably endeavor to make its couples likable enough that you're rooting for them to get together, and when that fails, well...the show is failing, on some level. Don't get me wrong! I ADORE My Ride, and I recommend to anyone I think might give it a shot. But we could jettison Toy and Boss into the sun, and I don't think anyone would miss them.
The interesting thing is (to me anyway), I think we'll root for a "villain" in a love story, if it's told the right way and if the character has enough nuance. I'm sorry to bring up KP, but I keep thinking of VegasPete. Vegas is reprehensible, and there's not much to like there, but in my experience, most people end up rooting for VegasPete. (I suppose we could also quibble about whether Vegas is really a villain or not but either way, he's wildly dislikable.)
OR! Let's take Fluke Teerapat's currently airing show: La Pluie. Lomfon isn't the most likable chap, is he? He does a lot of really ridiculous shit, and it seems he's only realized it in episode 11. But man, I am ROOTING for him and Tien. Because there's enough nuance there that a) he's dislikable, b) he's at least a little understandable and c) the audience can thus feel for him and root for him.
I'm trying to think of a show that has a similarly dislikable couple, to the point that no one cares about them or if they end up together. I keep thinking of side couples where one of the fellows is some degree of unlikable or both are some degree of unlikable but I can't think of one where I think to myself, "This guy sucks so bad I hope he ends up alone."
(Shout out to other My Ride rewatchers out there! @bengiyo @lurkingshan)
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nick-nellson · 2 months
laura I still remember you asking me how I was watching KP and I feel like we were both BL newbies at that time! It’s crazy how much time has flown by. I was wondering if there’s any particular BLs you’d recommend (I’m sure we’ve seen a number of the same ones, but I’d love to hear your recommendations if you’re up for it!). Even GL recommendations if that’s your thing! I feel like we have similar taste so I trust your judgement. Thanks and I hope you’re doing well dear 💗
paige!!! i was so excited to receive this ask and then immediately forgot all about it 🤦🏻‍♀️ but yes i remember asking you too and life has never been the same since!! i'm just gonna list all the bls/gls i've loved which means there'll defo be ones here you've seen but then you can see if there's any new and any that take your fancy!
(in no particular order) bad buddy, triage, manner of death, the eclipse, not me, only friends, my beautiful man, my personal weatherman, gap, 23.5, the untamed (it's a bl to me!!!!), i feel you linger in the air, 3 will be free, stay with me, until we meet again/between us, cherry magic th, cutie pie, dark blue kiss, dangerous romance, kiseki dear to me, last twilight, love for love's sake, moonlight chicken, my school president, a tale of thousand stars, never let me go, not me, tokyo in april is..., my stand in, vice versa, la pluie, love in the air, my tooth your love, pit babe, semantic error, the eighth sense, the warp effect (technically not a bl but it still counts), theory of love, wandee goodday, we best love, century of love, be mine superstar, antireset, bed friend, the sign, be my favorite, 2gether.
i really feel like i've missed a bunch as well and this list is huge khjdfjhsdfkjs
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thefreeblog · 2 months
Hello there! I've been following your blog since the KinnPorsche days
*sighs wistfully*
remember those days?
So tell me, are you excited for 4 MINUTES? Any thoughts? Expectations?
Hello anon,
That's so sweet of you. Thanks 🫶
Aaah, the KP days, it does seem so long back now. The nostalgia..
I miss those days so much, and the brain rot the whole fandom went through collectively.
No other series came close tbh. Even today, if I get any notes on my KP post, it makes my day. So thanks for this ask anon.
VegasPete is still dear to me, and I keep looking for parallels in other shows. (MSI did come close a little bit. You would know if you have watched it).
And that said, Yes, of course I am excited for 4 minutes.
Bible has always been one of my favourites.
That boy has epic amount of talent. And I am sure it will show in his next series.
I always like thrillers and suspense kind of stories, so 4 minutes fits the bill.
I didn't comment on it much because I don't know what to expect, I generally never follow any news around the BLs or production houses, so I don't know much. The teaser does look promising.
But be sure I'll be posting when the series airs. I am ready for whatever story they wanna tell. I can sense it's gonna be controversial and not everyone's cup of tea.
So let's see how it goes.
Do tell me what you are expecting from 4 minutes.
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nuwildcat · 2 years
Cocktails and an Irish WIP Wednesday
Happy WIP Wednesday Team! I know it’s stab Caesar Day, but it will shortly be St. Paddy’s Day and given my Irish roots I decided to dip my toe into writing some fae lore. While torturing myself with this I managed to pull @luckydragon10​ in with me! We’ve both crafted some Gaelic stories for your enjoyment with a nice side bonus of monster fucking, because why not?
Silvered Perceptions is getting an update tomorrow! Because of that you all are getting a cocktail recipe here!
The High Horse
Chill a Martini glass using ice and set aside.
1 1/2 ounces aged rum
1/2 ounce kirsch brandy
1/2 ounce cherry liqueur
1/2 ounce sweet vermouth
2 dashes Angostura bitters
Combine in a mixing glass with ice. Stir mixture until well chilled, 30-45 seconds. Strain into chilled Martini glass and garnish with a brandied cherry.
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As for our Irish Snippet! I have wandered into uncharted territories here. @dr-lemurr​ is all to blame here for tossing an awesome prompt into the KP Kink Meme. So for this fic you’ve got a new flavor from me, Kim/Chay! Here’s a little taste test for you before it gets posted on Friday with Nemi’s beasty.
Without further ado, I give you a sample of The Death of Autumn:
All around him, autumn is slowly dying, the frost creeping in and leeching the life away from plants that will go dormant over the winter. Bugs no longer hum in the air and animals have gone sleepy and quiet. The silence of winter is starting to descend.
The tug in Chay’s gut lights up as he thinks, like a compass pointing him due north. He scrambles up, smearing mud on his sweater and knocking dried leaves from the seat of his pants. He plods off in the direction his instincts are calling. The song that he created with Kim is humming underneath his skin, and Chay has to let it out. 
It doesn’t take long for him to come to a clearing. Chay knows this part of the woods. In the summer this field is full of flowers, now it is a dullish brown. He can see a figure standing across the way, shrouded in shadows despite the fact that the sun has not yet fully set. Chay steps out into the field and tries to get a better look at the figure. In doing so he freezes in place, stunned by what he sees.
It’s been unraveling in his head the whole day, clues and hints that he hadn’t put together at the time. The things Kim was doing that didn’t add up, or couldn’t be explained. All of it pointed to the fact that Kim was not the human he masqueraded as. Chay is now certain that the boy he met a few weeks ago is in fact fae. As he approaches the shadowed figure, he knows it’s Kim.
Chay isn’t afraid. He’s never truly been afraid of Kim, even when he should have been. But this isn’t Kim. This isn’t the awkward man who watched him in the woods. This isn’t the man who has kept Chay company while Porsche is missing. This is something else entirely.
If you need a little more Irish in your life go check out Nemi’s little snippet! Sealed with a Kiss, I both love and hate the pun...
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bitacrytic · 5 months
I am happy you are here right now though. Your commentary during kp airing was a gem and I missed it. I am happy you are here again ❤
Oh, Anon.
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bigbrainkatrina · 1 year
Rooftop Run - a Kigo fanfic
Shego runs. Kim chases her.
"KP, this is like, our third mission tonight. Can we just let this one go?" Ron pants, doubled over his weary knees.
Kim doesn't respond right away. Chest puffed out, arms and legs tensed, she’s on a rooftop to a museum. The thief got away, though Kim can still see her. Dressed in all black with a backpack slung over her shoulders, the thief quickly climbs up the ladder to the next building over. She reaches the top and rolls over the edge, disappearing from view. 
Kim and Ron are several stories below. She leans forward and Ron's hand swings out, catching her by the shoulder. "Kim."
She looks at him. "I still got a little fight left in me."
He frowns. "You sure? I mean, uh, the cops look like they're on it."
"Yeah," she rasps. "That's what I'm worried about."
She knows this thief. 
It's the darkness in her eyes. 
The way her raven black ponytail trails behind her head like ribbon as she runs. 
Her posture. Her preference of style over substance. The trendy cut of her jacket.
Kim wishes it wasn't her .
But she's not unhappy to see her.
“HEY!” Kim calls out the moment she lands on the rooftop with the thief. “I don’t want to do this with you.”
The thief is wrapped in a sleek leather jacket and ski mask. She immediately turns on her heel and dashes to the edge of the rooftop, leaving Kim with no choice but to give chase.
Her feet pound against the gravelly rooftop, her limbs smash against their joints as she sprints as fast as she can. She reaches out, about to grab onto the thief from behind when—
—the thief snaps her fingers and a massive cloud of lime green light blooms just before Kim’s fingertips, shrouding her in an all-encompassing fog. A slight tingle on her skin from this unearthly glow.
At least this confirms that it really is her . 
Kim swats her way through the fog, still running. She knows the edge of the rooftop is coming up soon, she’ll just need to jump and—
—she overestimates how far out the edge is, and feels her foot fall onto nothing but air. Moving too fast to stop, she sprints right off the roof and flops between buildings, falling fast. Her arms spin in full circles around their sockets, desperate to find something, anything to cling onto and…
Slam .
…she bodyslams the brick wall opposite the roof she fell from. Slides down the length of the building, hands swatting at the bricks to find some kind of foothold to—she gets it. Catches herself mid fall, body dangling off the edge. 
Her body weight pulls against her taut arm and she winces.
Wedges her knee against the wall, presses her heel down into another foothold, and reaches for her grapple gun. It’s a tricky shot she has to take but she knows she can do it.
She can do anything. Especially when it’s for  her .
She fires her line at the top right corner of the building and twists her body around until her hip is facing the ground way below. She runs along the wall, makes it to the corner, and leaps…
…and swings. 
She throttles up onto the roof and lands directly beside the thief. 
The thief jumps in surprise, hands then falling to her hips. “Why am I not surprised? You never make it easy.”
“No, I don’t,” Kim snarks, tensing her body for a brawl.
“Hm,” the thief, or rather, Shego scoffs. “You’re still wearing the purple tunic thing? Kinda miss the bare midriff number.”
Kim smiles weakly; she loves their banter, she really does. But Shego is being such an idiot right now. It’s only been two months since Lowardia. She’s clean. All of her crimes have been pardoned for her work in saving the world. And already she’s blowing it.
“We need to talk,” Kim says, fingers twitching in and out.
“Oh, sorry,” Shego jerks her head towards the incoming police helicopters. “No time! Ciao, Princess!”
And she dashes off.
Kim slumps, grunting. “Maybe Ron was right. Christ, this is annoying.”
Kim throws herself back into it, chasing after Shego. Reaches the first ledge and leaps. Closes her eyes. Soars. And lands on the next roof.
She doesn’t stop, she uses the momentum of her jump to keep her legs locked into a sprint. 
Shego jumps to the next roof and Kim follows. Again and again. Eventually, Shego starts kicking up sparks. Moving faster and faster, as Kim closes the gap between them. 
Meanwhile, search lights start tailing them. The police don’t move in as closely as they should, because Kim Possible is about to do their job for them…
…or so they think.
She is  not  bringing Shego in, she knows that much. 
Suddenly, one search light gets too close. Swings in between Kim and Shego, flying right into Kim’s face, momentarily blinding her. And again, she has to guess when to jump and she misjudges it. Jumps too early. 
Her chest thumps against the lip of the next roof and she tumbles, elbows digging into gravel. Arms slide against the itty bitty rocks and she just manages to grab on in time. But still she dangles.
Shego walks up to the edge, staring down at her with wild hubris. 
Kim grimaces. “You still say  Ciao . Interesting.”
Shego rolls her eyes and falls back, giving her a mock salute. “Whatever, catch ya on the flippity, Kimmie. That  better?”
“Eh,” Kim shrugs, playing dumb.
Shego stops her retreat, looking at her. Because now she knows Kim is up to something. 
Kim makes it happen fast. Releases her hold with one arm so she can get the grapple gun. But instead of using it to fire herself back up, she shoots at Shego. The hook latches around the woman’s waist.
“Yo, the fuck?!” Shego cries out.
Kim smirks and drops off the roof. Kicks off the brick wall and falls into a series of somersaults that cascade her down the side of the building. Until she reaches the first window in her sights. She lands on the window ledge, kicks the window open with the assistance of all her built-up adrenaline, and tumbles into the building. 
The grapple cord pulls against the window, almost snapping against broken glass, but Shego spins through the shattered window just as planned.
The two girls fall to the floor. Or rather, a bridge. It’s a steel girder bridge above a cement warehouse floor. 
Shego gets up first. Lights up and rips the grapple hook off her, tossing it aside. Opens her mouth to spit out some quip but Kim shushes her, pointing at the window.
The search light, for one half-second, shines through the window. But then passes by. Lazy cops probably didn’t notice that Kim broke in with Shego in tow. 
“They probably think you’re on foot now,” Kim says, getting up with a shaky start. “Now we can talk.”
“Oh you wanna talk, huh?” 
Shego doesn’t even hesitate. She goes straight for the kill.. Hurls a plasma bolt at Kim that nails her right in the chest, knocking her backwards into the guardrail.
Kim’s body sways against the guardrail, and the flimsy metal snaps off its hinges.
And she falls.
Falls and lands on her back. Hard. 
Shego drops down beside her in a panic. Immediately pulls the mask off. “Shit, shit, I overdid it. That’s my bad, I’m sorry—”
Kim swats Shego away in aggravation, pushing herself up to her feet. “It’s fine.”
“It’s not,” Shego shakes her head. 
Kim gives her a sidelong glance. “A few years ago it’d have been fine, I guess.”
Shego looks at her for a moment, reading between the lines. 
Who knows what she’s really thinking about though. Kim never knows. Though she’d like to think Shego is reflecting on the time she was going to turn Kim into a  Kimmie Frappe  with a giant batter mixer. At one point in Kim’s hero career, Shego really was trying to kill her. Nowadays, it’s not even close. 
Kim shakes her head. "Why are you doing this? The U.N. pardoned you on everything! You'd risk it all for some money?”
"The money’s whatevs, honestly, I’m in it for the thrill," Shego drawls, mouth sinking into a smirk. Plasma flares up. "Besides, I only ‘violate the pardon’ if I get caught!"
Kim winces, testing the waters. She really doesn't want to fight her. "Yeah, well I caught you."
"Did you now?"
Oh brother.
Shego kills the sparks and plays it like a normie. Basic punch to the face. Kim dodges it. Another punch to the face, faster this time. Dodge. Punch dodge punch dodge punch dodge. 
Shego doesn’t stay at a distance, she’s practically on top of Kim. Twisting, turning, and flailing. Trying to get in just one good hit. Punches and kicks. To the ribs, to the legs, to the chest, the face. Kim dances around her, hot footing it. She slips and evades each attack, searching for her opening.
She finds it after fifteen solid seconds of dodging. Kim leaps and spins into a corkscrew. Scissors her legs around Shego’s waist, sending them both tumbling to the ground. But Shego hits the ground harder.
Kim rolls off her and lands in a crouch. Shego leers at her, growling. 
“Can you at least hear me out—” Kim starts.
“Less talking, more fighting,” Shego spits, lunging at Kim again. 
Kim rolls her eyes. She’s trying to tell Shego something important and she just. won’t. listen. 
Shego stays low, swiping at Kim again and again. It must look awfully silly from afar, both girls crouched down to their haunches, locked into combat. Kim inches backwards, gradually getting pushed back across the floor. Soon she’ll have her back to the wall, which is when she’ll be forced to fight. 
She grimaces and—did Shego just lick her lips? 
Kim locks her footing down and leans her body back as much as she can, forcing Shego forward. She lands beside Kim’s stretched out legs, and Kim snaps back into it. Spins her body into Shego’s from the side and crunches her against the floor. Rolls off her back and hops to her feet.
Shego gets up almost immediately, smirking. 
Kim is… smirking too. 
There’s just nothing like it. Shego’s her equal. Plain and simple. No one else even comes close. 
Shego comes at her again. Punches and kicks. All fast and swift. Kim twists and squirms around each hit. 
It really is a dance. They’re perfectly in-sync with each other. 
Shego strikes in ways where she  knows  Kim will dodge her attack. But Shego also knows  how  Kim will dodge the blow, so her follow-up is always perfect.
Or. Would be perfect, on anyone else. But not Kim. 
They spin across the floor and the sweat on Kim’s face feels good. But Ron was right. It’s her third mission tonight, she’s exhausted, and Shego could get in serious trouble if Kim holds her here for too long.
She needs to end this.
But Shego won’t talk. 
Which leaves Kim with no other choice.
She pirouettes around Shego until she’s right in front of her. Looks her dead in the eye. Shego looks back, wordlessly. Her mouth opens.
Kim lunges.
And they kiss. 
It escalates fast. 
Kim pushes Shego up against the wall, arms grabbing onto hers. Feeling her. Touching her.
Shego’s hands fly up to Kim’s face, patting her cheeks, running through her hair. And God, do they  kiss . All of these unsaid feelings built up over the years explode and it feels so right. She wanted this so badly, she realizes.
Kim pulls back when it passes, and looks at Shego with a spark in her eyes. “That’s what I was trying to tell you. I care about you, and I want to make sure that you don’t—”
“You know,” Shego snarks, running her fist across her black lips. “I kinda picked up on that.”
Kim stops herself mid-explanation and smiles. “I guess that would make sense, huh?”
A cute little smile crawls up Shego’s cheek, and the girls stare at each other.
“You are so fucking charming,” Shego mutters, dropping her backpack to the floor. She rummages through it while Kim looks on smugly. “Here’s your fucking artifact.”
Shego tosses the priceless stone to Kim as if it were a basketball. She catches it and sets it on the floor. 
“Please and thank you,” Kim grins. “If you want action, Shego, um, you’re always welcome to…”
Shego narrows her eyes with a playful smirk. “Oh really?”
“Y-yeah,” Kim stammers. “I mean, Ron and Wade might think it’s weird but I wouldn’t mind having my, uh,” she coughs into her fist. “—my girlfriend—” Cough cough. “—with me.”
Shego pops both her eyebrows up. “You are bold, Possible, I’ll give you that.”
“Tell me more,” Kim purrs, stepping towards her and taking her in by the arms.
Shego slips out of Kim’s grip, a lime blush on her cheeks. “I, uh, gotta go.”
“Uh huh,” Kim nods along knowingly.
“Yeah and regain my pride,” Shego grunts, giving Kim one last look. “We’re really dating?”
“Yeah, you’re  clearly  interested in me,” Kim relishes in it. 
Shego blushes again. “God dammit, I am interested in you, okay fine, we’re girlfriends, woop-dee-doo. See ya.”
She escapes.
Kim stands there in the afterglow for some time, until Ron kicks the door open and rushes in.
“KP! Are you okay—whoa, you look… happy. Uh.”
Kim turns back to Ron, grinning from ear to ear. “Yup. I got the artifact.” She holds it up for Ron to see. 
Ron crosses his arms. “Don’t tryna tell me you’re happy about the artifact, you’re happy about somethin’ else.” He narrows his eyes. “Hey how come you got black lipstick all over—WAIT WAS THAT SHEGO!?”
Kim giggles. “You mean my  girlfriend ? Yeah.”
“GIRLFRIEND?!” Ron cries out. “Since when?!”
“Since now,” she throws a hand over his shoulder. “C’mon, I’ll tell you about it on the way home.”
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omishu · 1 year
Tagged by @saccharineomens
Top 3 ships at the moment: Kim Possible x Ron Stoppable (OTP 5evar), Angel x Cordelia (always), and idk, Garion x Ce'nedra (from the David Eddings books), I guess
First ever ship: tbh I'm not really that into shipping (because I'm aroace), and mine are all vanilla canon, so like ... I honestly don't remember my first. Maybe it was KP and Ron? Idk
Last song: the Cruel Ship''s Captain by Bryan Ferry from the Rogue's Gallery album (I'm starting a pirate themed DnD campaign soon and have been exploring albums/artists to beef up my shanties playlist for hype)
Last movie: I think it was Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves with the bestie who tagged me (during their visit. Miss you already, boo!). I mostly binge shows, so idk. Every once in a while I'll take a break from a series to watch a movie, but it never stays in my 'Continue Watching', so I literally don't remember. Lately, I've been trying to catch up on Critical Role 3: Bells Hells, and those episodes are longer than the longest movies
Currently reading: oh God, so many things. I'm reading the last book of the Howl's Moving Castle trilogy: House of Many Ways by Diana Wynne Jones. Also, The Story of Kullervo by JRR Tolkien and published posthumously by his son. Also, part one (the Serpent Queen) of book two (King of the Murgos) of Volume One of The Malloreon sequel to The Belgariad by David Eddings. Also, Stardust by Neil Gaiman and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis (both AGAIN again). And also the first book of the Shadow and Bone series ... and this doesn't even include the MANY webcomics I'm trying to catch up on, or any of the non-fiction I've picked up, or anything on my TBR list that I haven't started yet. Anyway, tldr I like fantasy novels lol
Currently consuming: Air ? Pain killers with some water ? The first episode of the new AMH season ? Snuggles with Lulu ?
Currently craving: *dehydrated SpongeBob voice* WaTeR (always, like a gd fish out of it). Food? Hm idk maybe something sweet, as usual. Friendship, always. Money for my debts. Dreams of a brighter future. More video games to escape reality, MORE cuddles with Lewy, etc etc
People to tag: some of my beloved mutuals <3 no pressure if you don't want to answer
@birchshutter, @piplupcola, @avoidingnaptime, @spikeope, @ashshem, @notsureifyoureablogoragirl, @aviolinstruggle, @demigirl-demigod
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - Bunch of Stuff Coming in August
July 2023 Wk 5
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Laws of Attraction (Sat iQIYI) 2-3 of 8 - Oh good, we now know that Thailand has the same statutory rape laws as the US. Dub con is as dub con does. MEANWHILE Oh my God I love evil lawyer cutie so much. Him and his beautiful weaponized smile, maybe my new favorite character. I like the way this director is playing with noir mystery tropes, settings, and archetypes too - it’s feeling very 60s pulp, I’m getting gay Travis McGee vibes. Grandma knowing that her grandson likes boys is so sweet. I have to be completely frank here, this is what I wanted from both Manner of Death and KP. I truly love this show
Hidden Agenda that isn’t hidden (Sun GMMTV YouTube) ep 3 of 10 - It’s a very Cyrano de Bergerac kind of narrative... If Cyrano fell in love with Christian instead of Roxanne. Mock date was fun. 
Low Frequency (Sat iQIYI) ep 4 of 8 - Into the lion’s den. Investigation begins. Why isn’t the ghost acting lookout? Who are these random side characters? I’m confused. Half way through kiss is right on schedule tho. 
Wedding Plan (Weds YT & iQIYI) ep 2 of 7 - The kiss was nice, but it’d be nicer if Nuea had punched Lom. Manipulative arse. A trash watch is happening!
Be Mine Super Star (Mon Viki) ep 4 of 12 - Meh. 
Dinosaur Love (Sun iQIYI) ep 5 of 8 eps - The hazing has begun + secret relationship and it’s kinda like a v soft SOTUS. Dino is getting a bit too controlling and obsessive for me so it slid down the ranks. I much prefer La Cusine’s version of this dynamic. The friends protecting Dino’s interests were funny tho - boy is so obsessed he outsources his stalking. 
Be My Favorite (Fri YouTube) ep 10 of 12 - Max is BEST BOY. I hate Kawi. Tra la la. Trash watch here.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Jun & Jun (Korea Thurs Viki) 2 of 8 - Our ex idol is a total FLIRT. Nice to see an uke with agency. I mean baby girl is a newbie worker bee… but still flirty, good for you, sweetie. I see your little lip bite and so does your soon to be husband. Speaking of, I love Choi Jun’s style of seme aggression: a little sleezy + a bit too handsy + ultra clever with his words. Plus tie tug!!! Also threatening to take off your TAILORED suit so baby wears your shirt and smells like you? HOT. Boy you sped right past American style and into Italian - that’s real Corinthian leather, that is. 
Stay By My Side (Taiwan Fri Gaga) 5 of 10 eps - Mid series kiss right on schedule. Thank you for never upsetting me, Taiwan. Omg. Such boyfriends. Only Taiwan gets this sappy. I have to say, I watch this show after Tokyo on purpose. (I need the pallet cleanser.) Still, I’m scared that the perception will be that Bu Xia is using Jiang Chi, not in love with him, when the truth about ghosts comes out. Why doesn’t BX’s useless sister do something for her disaster brother? I guess JC likes a needy boy? Oh no, the kiss confusion. Lip touch but rejection (?). Nooooo. I suppose they have to draw this out for 10 eps. Gah, they’re so cute. But BX is a bit dim, isn’t he? Poor thing. 
Minato's Laundromat Season 2 AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (Japan Thu Gaga) 4 of 12 eps - Shin is such a worrywart, over protective, over the top boyfriend. I guess we saw a little bit of give from Minato? More than usual, baby steps. This is Japan after all.
Tokyo in April is... AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 7 of 8 - Japan’s favorite trope = the running of the gays. Kazama knows everything now. Ep ends on one of my few triggers. SKIP! Japan you better NOT go there.
Vian the series (Vietnam YouTube ) ep 11-12fin - terrible ending, he turned back into a cat and the whole thing was pointless. I am very annoyed. 4/10 FATALLY FLAWED 
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It’s airing but ...
Stay With Me ... NO I WILL NOT! And you can’t make me.
In case you missed it
Stay (Pinoy YouTube) finished its run at 7 eps. It’s mostly English & set in LA (shudder) so I did not bother. I say little to no chatter about this (that’s normal with the Pinoy stuff tho). Did anyone watch and enjoy? 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Coming August 2023
8/1 Stay Still (Hong Kong Tues YouTube) 5 eps - Yes we have had BL from Hong Kong before, but that was... before... who knows what it’ll be like now. Hayden, moves into a new apartment and starts a complicated relationship with his neighbor’s grandson, Damien, after an unexpected kiss. Meanwhile: Archie rekindles a romance with his high school sweetheart, Kelvin, who is now married.
8/11 Love Class Season 2 (Korea Fri Viki) 10 eps - Hyun, Minwoo and Joo-Hyuk are looking forward to their freshman year at college. But trials and tribulations of love that await them outside the classroom: from learning about maturity to being unable to forget the scars of past lovers. (All new cast from season 1.) 
8/12 My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho (Japan Sat ????) 8 eps - hum. 
8/19 Love in Translation (Thai Sat One31) ? eps - Two strangers start working in a cafe together.
8/20 My Universe series begins (Thai Sun iQIYI) 24 episodes - This is sampler pack BL, 12 pairs, each pair gets 2 episodes, not entirely sure on the order they’ll drop in. Known couples include EarthBank from Destiny Seeker and KaownahTurbo from Love Stage!!!, mostly fresh faces otherwise. Jane to direct several. 
8/22 Kisseki: Dear to Me formerly known as Miracle (Taiwan Tues ????) 13 eps - From screenwriter Lin Pei Yu (We Best Love, H3: Trapped) features a student doctor forced to take care of a gangster. I love the premise and like the writer, I’m thinking Viki or Gaga will get this one.  
8/24 Man Suang (Thailand movie domestic cinemas) - historical drama about Thai burlesque with KP’s MileApo. Tong is in this one too? 
8/? Sing My Crush previously Follow The Wind (Korea ????) 8 eps - supposed to have released in the first half of 2022 this is a adaption of Myung’s webtoon, from the director of My Sweet Dear, and the Love Tractor production house, looks like Korea does About Youth.
8/? Why R U? (Korean remake)  is supposed to be out this month, filming started in sept 22. I find everything about this hilarious. I mean if Korea remakes it, we lose all the sexy and then... would we have a story at all? No we would not. Not even for six short eps. It’d be like one of those mesh shopping bags. 
We can probably expect a new BL from GMMTV too, to slot into BMF’s spot mid month. 
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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I do love a hyung romance, and this aggressive ghost-ish thing is working for me. (Low Frequency) 
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Hidden Agenda + My Ride. 
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So coy
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I agree with @heretherebedork​ that these two make a great side couple but I am utterly in love with...
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HER. (All Laws of Attraction.) 
(Last week)
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discluded · 2 years
Am dying to see the movie but am so worried how promotion is going to work and filming it all before August. Usually a movie is filmed a year before so they can do full promo next year it airs. So doing everything within the same year is wild so am curious how their going to promote it I guess festivals but I have no clue how that works. Hope they go all out because kp had popularity before it aired and 2 years in the making to help it gain traction. The movie deserves high scale promos. 😤
so I'm not sure what the typical arthouse movie release cycle for a Thai film is, but the production/post-production side of the industry is very well oiled. the Filmania kpts trailer was actually released in early Jan 2021 and was slated to start airing in March 2021, after casting was confirmed in mid Oct 2020, but as we know things fell through under Filmania.
It's also not particularly unusual to have production overlap with airing in certain industries like animation. South Park has been noted to me as a series that can react fairly quickly to recent events even though I don't watch SP and Yuri on Ice's struggle with some of the more complex animation sequences brutally exposed how some animators were working days, if not hours, on episodes before they're aired.
Filming for movies also can take less time than filming for a series. Most movies need about 90-210 minutes of footage (and note that 210 minutes is 3.5 hours and as a person watching the film I don't want more than that....) and some of that will B roll. Efficiently, movies can be filmed in 1-2 months. Conversely, each KPTS episode averaged about 50 minutes which means they needed to cut ~700 minutes of footage.
Giving the timing between when the finished filming KPTS and when it begun airing, I'm pretty sure they'll do OK with Man Suang. The main thing they're missing out on is the film festival application cycle.
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chalkrevelations · 2 years
So, Piety Fortnight achieved, EXCELLENT, which means it’s time to turn toward prep for Winter Fortnight, because the speedrun of Saturnalia-Solstice-Christmas-New Year’s with various permutations of community/coven/household/family is Too Much to not have everything possible lined up beforehand. (Srsly, once we hit the final quarter of the year, that’s it, my calendar year is booked, and there’s no time for additions. Which is why I’m not precisely sad that I’ve missed the registration deadline for December CHPN certification testing and will have to finish studying and register for the March test instead. I don’t know why I thought I’d have time to take it in December, and March will still let me get it done (fingers crossed, Fortuna please smile on me) before my next annual review. ANYWAY.)
In addition to the usual end-of-year scrummage, we’ve also got the contractors working downstairs – walls are back in, which means I can stop worrying about the cats exploring the foundation and getting lost/stuck somewhere, but also means we’ve had to pick paint colors, if we wanted to take advantage of the chance for re-painting. More on all THAT later.
Meanwhile, I’m working over Thanksgiving and into the holiday weekend, which means I had a chance at a seven-day stretch off leading into it, but I was a dumbass and said I’d go in and work a short shift on Monday because we’re going to be short-staffed. But it’s hard to say no to the kind of money we’re getting for extra shifts right now, and it’s only eight hours, so I’ll get out in the afternoon, so there’s that, but still, why tf did I think it was a good idea to break the last stretch of off days I can possibly have until January?
At any rate, queue is definitely in charge in the upcoming weeks. On the fannish tip: I’m planning a re-watch of KP after New Year’s, ostensibly in pursuit of character and plot background material for fic, so likely an uptick in KP posting then. Meanwhile, I’m likely to keep working my way through LITA in my bits of downtime. I’m thinking I’ll also watch The Eclipse after the New Year, but I’ve been saying I was going to finally watch Not Me for a year now, before KP knocked me over, and I still haven’t gotten to it, so I guess we’ll see what actually happens.
Anyway anyway, making a to-do list to see if I can keep on track, and possibly keep adding to. (ETA: Oh, wow, OK that’s a lot.)
This weekend
Go through holiday gifts already in-hand
Make holiday gifts list
Buy that thing, and also that other thing
Order candles (gifts and for ritual)
Call insurance company back
Documents to bank
Hair color?
Send out email re: Saturnalia ritual
Get the last of the canning jars that are stacked in the dining room washed and boxed and ready to go back downstairs ffs
2 birthday gifts for November
3 2 1 birthday gifts for December
Note to self: Sunday is Trans Day of Remembrance
Upcoming week:
For December
Tattoo + consult
Rune ordeal assist
Community Solstice party
12/3 birthday gift
Ed meeting (12/8)
Cookies with Mom
Make turkey stock (12/10 pm)
Admin meeting (12/11)
Resource meeting (12/15)
Saturnalia (w/coven) (+ SOUP with turkey stock) (12/15)
Holiday brunch
M’s birthday
L’s birthday
Solstice Vigil (21st into the 22nd) – review existing ritual
Christmas Eve/Christmas with family
Priesthood initiation ritual
New Year’s dinner?
Daily observance (litanies for the dead) (WRITE THIS)
Hospice volunteer paperwork (OUTSIDE of my hc system, I want a very clear bright line re: roles and duties)
cord-cutting ritual? (WRITE THIS)
finish knitting Water shawl
finish knitting Earth shawl
finish knitting Air shawl
for January
tattoo second session (presumably)
REGISTER for CHPN testing (2/15 deadline)
Mystic South registration
for February
Election ritual follow-up (check probable date) – revamp existing ritual
for March
CHPN testing (earlier is better)
Community Croning/Saging (?) ritual – planning/writing/written material/announcement
 Reading list:
Transformative Witchcraft (Mankey)
The Discoverie of Witchcraft (Scot)
Agrippa’s Occult Philosophy (including IV)
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forkaround · 2 years
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I posted 1,612 times in 2022
That's 1,610 more posts than 2021!
428 posts created (27%)
1,184 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 930 of my posts in 2022
Only 42% of my posts had no tags
#kinnporsche - 448 posts
#vegaspete - 114 posts
#youtube - 112 posts
#kinnporsche meta - 107 posts
#kinnporsche the series - 100 posts
#love in the air - 90 posts
#the eclipse - 86 posts
#vegas - 63 posts
#mile phakphum - 39 posts
#big dragon - 38 posts
Longest Tag: 125 characters
#how much more disappointed he would look in the arm gives commentary while porsche is interogated for being in love with kinn
My Top Posts in 2022:
Kinn is an eldest daughter but he is a middle son
291 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
am I the only one who wants BLs to stay as the middle level productions that they are? A couple of out of trend things like Kinnporsche or The Eclipse but overall the essence should stay the same. I don't want it to become a bigger production. I don't want 'sophisticated storylines'. Let it be messy with each country having their own essence and style. I don't want BLs to become serious. I don't want the simplicity and humanity taken from it.
318 notes - Posted October 10, 2022
I'm sorry for going crazy over Thai BLs calling out same sex marriage legalization. As if that's my fault.
336 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
Bullshit BL Bois pulled this year:
Rain talking about Payu [doesn't matter which time]
Pai’s wasting paper
Kamol wasting water
Vegas wasting water and pants
Chay + headphones + hair dye
Kuea’s entire lying sthick
Pakorn refusing sex / running away coz do reapers get punished for fucking humans?
Akk joining a cult coz of a cute boy and deprogramming coz of a cute boy
Dao ‘dating’ Phoon for a day
Shin’s sheet play
Admiration shrines in Japanese BL Bois homes
Yai’s plan back firing in the worst, sexiest, horniest way possible [Kids remember to drug people right]
KP E13 sex scene
Puen not telling Talay his name
Am I missing something?
450 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I love tumblr definition of Wife = Someone to be taken care of. Doesn't matter the gender or sexuality. Doesn't matter the war crimes. The person I wanna lay down and hold them till they fall asleep = Wife
958 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sirgiant-blog-blog · 2 years
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This is the Rainbow River in Dunnellon, Florida.
I have an intimate relationship with the Rainbow River. We go back a long way.
Early in my life my family would travel from New York to see my grandparents and they would often take us swimming at a place called The KP Hole on the Rainbow River.
When we moved to Dunnellon in ‘72, I worked at Rainbow Springs at the headwaters during my senior year in high school.
I have swam in this river hundreds of times (if not more). I have gone tubing, canoeing, and even plein air painting here.
When I was young I would bring my acoustic guitar to the river’s edge, sit cross legged on the shore, and play.
I was still 17 years old. A lady from a local church heard me playing and invited me to play for her Christian Teen Group that Friday evening. It was a camping retreat on the river’s edge.
I didn’t realize until I got there that it was an all girl group.
They lit a campfire, cooked hot dogs on sticks, and asked me to play and sing for them. I don’t think the songs mattered. I probably played Beatles stuff and maybe some Cat Stevens.
The sun was almost down when I overheard one of the girls softly saying to another girl, “If Larry wasn’t here we could go skinny dipping.”
I may have been singing “Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da,” but I could still hear her. I didn’t miss a beat but I will confess that I still think of that moment every time I am near the Rainbow River.
I have so many memories from the Rainbow River.
But, just one more.
I was asked to write a song for the Queen Of The Rainbow beauty pageant. In the lyric to the song, I chose to elevate the position of “Queen” to more than a pretty face. I wanted the song to be a call to protect the river and the chosen “Queen” to be an ambassador for responsible stewardship of the land.
Call me a tree hugger!
Part of the lyric reads, “Dunnellon, protect her. Her gift is in your hands. The life of the Rainbow is the life of your land.”
Here is a link to the song with video footage of the river: https://youtu.be/KnIBR7hmFg0
The painting is in pointillism using the dry brush on Procreate.
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bdapublishing · 8 months
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It's Valentine's Day and love is in the air. But for Beth, love is in the shape of a triangle!
Journey into the mind of Beth, and meet Tom and Grady from KP Roberson’s upcoming novel, Between the Birches: Awakening. This love triangle with a twist is set in the mystifying Appalachian Mountains, where the line between reality and nightmares blur. It's a captivating, dark, romantic folk horror that you won't be able to put down.
Mark your calendars for March 19th, you don't want to miss this.
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