hknshaven · 4 years
I Spy With My Little Eye...
So. It looks as tho Rob and Kristen are putting the Malibu house up for sale. The pictures tell a very interesting story...
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Now why would someone who the dipshidiots claim has NO children have this in their home?
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I spy with my little eye quite a few children things on that shelf. Let's play a game. How many can you see? The blind with denial dipshidiots will say zero of course. I count 11. How many did you get? 
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hknshaven · 4 years
The Ring Returns!...
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The infamous ring. When asked who gave her the ring what was Kristen's answer?...
                                          " EVERYONE KNOWS "
Rob gave it to her long ago. It hasn't been seen for quite a while. Until very recently...
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Yep. There it is. On her finger again. Making a triumphant return. After many years. Now I have a question for the dipshidiots. Why oh why would a woman suddenly show up wearing a ring from a man she SUPPOSEDLY broke up with 7 years ago? Can't wait to hear your excuses. They should be a hoot!😂😂😂
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                             A close up just to irritate the dipshidiots even more! Beautiful isn't it? Rob has great taste in jewelry! This is one of many baubles Kristen has received from her husband. I'm jealous! How about you?😄
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hknshaven · 4 years
Breaking News...
Rob is supposedly back on set after testing positive for Covid and according to the dipshidiots Suki has been taking care of him while in quarantine...
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Yeah right. She's been busy doing other things. Doesn't look like she's been in quarantine with Rob to me...
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Does this look like someone in quarantine taking care of her man? NOPE.
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Dipshidiot logic says this is recent pic. Anyone with a brain knows it was 86 degrees out the day this pic was SUPPOSEDLY taken. So why is Suki wearing a heavy coat like it's fall or winter? Funny how Rob's hair color has suddenly changed from his Batman  color. Much lighter. And his hair has suddenly stopped growing when it usually grows like crazy? This pic is old and manipulated. Typical pap picture. End of story.
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Another dipshidiot tried to tell everyone this was a recent pic of Kristen. Wrong again...
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This is a recent pic of Kristen. Completely different hair. Nice try anyway fools.
No matter how hard they try the dipshidiots fail repeatedly at their efforts. Rob and Kristen and the kiddies are just fine thank you. Glad Rob is doing good and able to return to work. Everybody be safe out there!😘😘😘
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hknshaven · 4 years
What's In A Name...
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                        My name is HKN aka Haters Know Nothing.
The dipshidiots have been trying unsuccessfully for years to figure out my real name. Their biggest failures have been when they involve law enforcement...
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Vernistine and her imaginary law enforcement buddies claimed they were given permission by a judge to investigate me. Yes there are people that actually believed this.😂😂😂
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Hope Katz aka Phyllis/Syphilis claims to have a top notch lawyer in the family. And if you believe this I have a bridge to sell you. 😒
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This is their favorite desperate game. They go on Facebook and find a Twilight fan from Ohio and they then assume it is me.
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Their next step is stealing the persons pictures and personal information and posting it all in Twitter. Debbie was the first one to get this treatment. They also had harassed her family members. 
Until one day they got bored and decided to attack a new victim...
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Yep. Suddenly they didn't believe their imaginary law enforcement buddies anymore. I was Teresa now. Same MO as before. They found her on Facebook and saw she was a Twilight fan from Ohio. Let the harassment begin. Tizzy took things too far coming this close to legal trouble and suddenly disappeared from Twitter. 
I am not Teresa. I am not Debbie. I am not Windswept. I am not Smartlurker. I am not Mamanails. If I left you out I apologize. The list is long!
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And that about does it for this episode. Stay tuned for the next episode of What's In A Name!😂
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hknshaven · 4 years
Remember When....
Rob said Kristen was pregnant! It was hilarious!
And Kristen's reaction was priceless!😂😂😂😂
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hknshaven · 4 years
A New Home A New Start
A new home. Yes I have moved back to Ohio. (Go Tribe!) A new start with this blog. No. I did not get kicked off Wordpress. There were some pics that were copyrighted and they asked me to take them down. I did not see the warning until later and decided to delete the whole site. My decision. 
I see no matter how long I may be gone some things never change. Dipshidiots still believing photo shopped pics and whatever else they throw at them...
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Doesn't matter. Rob and Kristen are together and happy. No matter what the haters say.
I am glad to be back and missed you all so much! Hugs and smooches!😘😘😘
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hknshaven · 4 years
Testing testing.
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hknshaven · 9 years
Poor Little Twitobsessed...
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SO…passing off old photos as new ones…trying to assume that your dear little humping obsession is still loved up with the would be singer, who can’t even get people to go to her concerts, never mind actually appearing in them herself.
So blind to see that in order of their dear ‘Rob’ to appear in recent photos as put up by TwigsLife (used to be called Robert Pattinson Life, but they had to change it to Twigs) as they are all up her ass, never mind Rob’s…you need to be able to prove they are recent as in ‘same hair length, same body shape etc’
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I’m sorry, but i thought it was only the ‘Southern Hemisphere’ that is currently going through Autumn to Winter…i am positively sure that LA and indeed even the UK are going through a Spring season and not the other way around?
So padding the poor chappie out and claiming it’s because it’s cold, really? And how do you account for the sudden and very quick hair growth, never mind piling on a few kilos?
A few weeks ago, yes dear stupids a few weeks ago he was at  Coachella, where his hair was shorter than recently claimed ‘new pics’ not to mention he looked (and i do say so myself) pretty buff and slim…
But then you can’t cure the twankers and obsessed loonies from trying to make you believe he is snuggled in the arms of someone, who throws more temper tantrums than a petulant child!
Nor can they spot the difference or understand the wording of their ‘King’ as he takes apart the trash media, who put up photos and create stories even if they are old ones
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Losing the plot are we? Who are we kidding, you wouldn’t know a plot if it jumped up and bitchsmacked you in the face. So consumed with riding this ‘fake’ relationship out, you are willing to even LOL pass off that you have seen a platinum and diamond ring on dear twiglettes finger…
Dear chelsea, hopeless, eviltwatnumber9…there is so much fail in you even grumpy cat has threatened to kill itself over your stupidity.
As always i am surrounded by daily updates of bullshit, from those too stupid to think for themselves and others, too stupid to even think.
Those that have not possessed enough brain cells to even think why, why, why and oh yeah WHY Rob and Kristen are not seen together, but there sure is a hell of a lot of hints from both friends and um work colleagues…
I guess unless it’s the front cover of a trash-mag or trash-toid site it’s not real right?
Since 2008; there has been so much bullshit and so much truth, you just have to have a brain to be able to tell the difference…oops to the idiots they know nothing of their stupidity.
Protecting what is their own, hiding from the bullshit and the trash that just can’t help itself, but make up stories, because it beats actually making a living…
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If you are a sucker and can’t calm your tits long enough to see the truth. Then clearly you are lost and will never be able to find your head, because it’s lodged so far up your arse. You have my sympathy, because clearly i am not the Wizard from Oz and i cannot give you a brain.
One last note…layering is not a ‘British thing’, unless it applies to winter time and we need to layer up. Layering in Spring/Summer are you daft or just stupid…oh wait…
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hknshaven · 9 years
Cause This Gif Never Gets Old <3
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hknshaven · 9 years
I remember watching this video. They just wouldn't stop and he felt so dejected that I just wanted to give him a big hug and tell him it would all be okay. 😰  Parasites!
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hknshaven · 10 years
i dont understand why you honestly think rob and kristen are married with a kid? i get that you love them both and think this, but why cant you accept that they are longer together and moved on ? rob is engaged and kristen is happy with her life? at what point do you really think this is all little to odd?
Rob is not engaged. You do know it was an April Fools joke that you and the tabs fell for right? You were played expertly and I loved every second of it. Yes Rob is married to Kristen with a child. Hopefully he is having a nice quiet Easter with them as we speak.
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hknshaven · 10 years
What is your take on Kristen being pregnant with her and Rob's scond child? Now yes more than ever ? Any thoughs? Just wondering?
Well they are married in every sense of the word 😜 So yes she could be pregnant with Sweet pea number 2 😁
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hknshaven · 10 years
Used to love going to your blog that is until I found out you are a racist and a liar. While you are alone sitting behind your computer spewing hate for a person who does not know you exist, she'll be with a man that you will never be able to have except in your delusional fantasy. Robsten is over yet you are still trying to hang onto the delusion that they are because you have no life of your own.
Uhm just because I think she is a skank and I don't like her music doesn't make me a racist. I have never said a racist thing about her. Never used the N word or any other racist slur to describe her.
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hknshaven · 10 years
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hknshaven · 10 years
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I have been thinking of the pics the xsessed have been releasing, and I don’t even think it occurred to them that they were sending sibliminal messages. They actually shot themselves in the foot right out of the gate with their pictorial tall tales.
In their attempt to further their delusional idea that Robert has moved on to a new epic romance with the singer, and convince the masses, they made a huge mistake….
The xsessed insisted that the singer had upgraded Robert’s fashion style to edgy, fashion forward, trend setting. Superb.. Kudos to the singer. However, an observation on my part…why in the world have all the recent attempts at photo manipulation and photo shopped efforts has Robert been seen sporting the wardrobe choices that we have come to recognize as Robert’s “uniform” of everyday life. Where were the costumes that most us came to associate him with whenever in the singer’s presence?
Yes where were the trendy clothes?
I have an idea….since the only time he was seen in those articles of clothing, considered cutting edge by the xsessed, was because he was playing a role while in the singer’s company. The xsessed pics showed him in his usual attire he sports during downtime. Why do you suppose….seems obvious to me …the pics were obviously old and manipulated.
That’s right, they have no pics of him in the singer’s company, as he has spent the time since December 20th with his wife, child an extended family and friends.
Just a small detail the xsessed missed when they attempted to assure everyone Robert had moved on. They forgot their own stated beliefs, and tripped themselves up.
Actually humorous!
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hknshaven · 10 years
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What did Dornan and Pattinson talk about? “I don’t remember what we talked about the last time I saw him,” Dornan says. “I think we just got drunk.”
Sounds about right. 
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hknshaven · 10 years
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100 posts!
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