#aion siel
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thehopelessgirlofficial · 1 year ago
Tyttö sä oot diiva, haluut multa kaiken, ei kelpaa mikään muu Uskottelet ain et en tarvii mitään muuta Rukoilet sun katseel, et mä sisään tuun, u-uu Ja sun nimi Blondina, tiedän et oot yksin, etit pelastajaa Yön pimeyteen, kun sinä menet salaa Laulun sulle laulan Itämeren takaa, a-aa, yaah
Helsingist Stokiksee, rommii mun kokiksee Välillä mietin otanko ikinä opiksee Mut se siitä, mul on elämä edes Ja aion ottaa kaiken siitä irti täst edes Koko talvi jäävedes, nyt on kesä, mä oon kuumin Hiljasella pidän luurin ku se on niin boomin' Oon koittanu skipata houkutuksii Ja varoo sua, etten turhaa koukuttus kii Syitä ja seurauksii, välil tää kaikki on vaa liikaa Onneks oon oppinu skriivaa ku riivaa Ja sillon ku tää kaikki on vaa liikaa, mietin sua Blondina
Tyttö sä oot diiva, haluut multa kaiken, ei kelpaa mikään muu Uskottelet ain et en tarvii mitään muuta Rukoilet sun katseel, et mä sisään tuun, u-uu Ja sun nimi Blondina, tiedän et oot yksin, etit pelastajaa Yön pimeyteen, kun sinä menet salaa Laulun sulle laulan Itämeren takaa, a-aa Blondina, Blondina, Blondina Laulun sulle laulan Itämeren takaa, a-aa, yaah
En oo ettiny sun kaltaista Sä pidät pahiksist ja varkaista Kerro mikä mussa viehättää, tai ei tarvii, tiiän kyl et oon yks parhaista Ellen paras Leikit avutonta, ku oisit veden varas Meikit valuu kohta, ku joudun menee takas Stadii, ne tarvii mua siel Joudun kohtaa taas ne pirut, jotka vaanii mua siel Silmät vahtii mua siel, mut mä löydän sieltki rauhaa Samaa lauluu silti sydän vielki pauhaa Ja sillon ku tää kaikki on vaa liikaa, mietin sua Blondina
Tyttö sä oot diiva, haluut multa kaiken, ei kelpaa mikään muu Uskottelet ain et en tarvii mitään muuta Rukoilet sun katseel, et mä sisään tuun, u-uu Ja sun nimi Blondina, tiedän et oot yksin, etit pelastajaa Yön pimeyteen, kun sinä menet salaa Laulun sulle laulan Itämeren takaa, a-aa Blondina, Blondina, Blondina Laulun sulle laulan Itämeren takaa, a-aa Blondina, Blondina, Blondina Laulun sulle laulan Itämeren takaa, a-aa, yaa
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psydelisy · 1 year ago
Aion Classic Game Promo Code
Grab your Siel's Aura + Red Diabol Pet Egg Bundle with the code below.
Follow me for more free codes from my Amazon Prime, I don't need them if I'm not playing the game so I share my codes just for you.
Enjoy your in game goods ^^ let me know after use please. <3
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silmeria-exe · 7 years ago
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I forgot to post stuff for awhile. Here some blue bunny skin screenies cuz i am cute magical girl Jayda.
And scary Bastion of Souls asshole bosses and looking at ToE entrance.
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alice-islost · 7 years ago
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kenokami · 8 years ago
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Hehehe 5.6 New Ishalgen :p
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koolkidsclubaion · 4 years ago
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tumblycactus · 8 years ago
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Was pvping in Illuma today and was lagging w ping spikes pretty bad halfway, apparently my rubberbanding made someone think I was a hacker lmao. He uploaded some video and was asking about enlightenment on one of the FB groups. Funny thing is a person I thought was a veteran player who should be able to tell it was a rubberband said I had Hide IV. 
Poco’s face is just like “uhh ok bro.” r.n It’s especially hilarious cus when I was duelling Steam this afternoon (and rubberbanding cus I’ve been having really shitty ass ping spikes lately) he made a joke that my rubberbanding was going to make someone call me a hacker, and a few hours later it happened.
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mrsmaow · 6 years ago
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thepuffinwhisperer · 6 years ago
So I have a few ideas on who this woman might be..
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1) Meslamtaeda the 2nd ranking Dragon Lord - now that Ereshikagal is dead story wise ofc the next step is number 2 right? But throughout the lore they use male pronouns for him. (They did the same for Tiamat and Ereshigakal too tho so who knows lol)
2) Fregion the main dragon lord - I'm pretty sure I read sooome where that Meslamtaeda died before or durring the shattering of the tower of eternity. But i cant find it. If he is really dead then Fregion would be next! Tho again they do refer to Fregion as a man in the lore.
3) Siel the lady of time - Look i know that we know what she looks like thanks to 5. whatever and that she is very much dead. But! She is the lady of time. Whos to say this isnt her but younger! (It would also make sense as to why she is on the actual whole log in screen!)
4) She is the secret daughter of Siel and Israphel - This is not very likely at all since Kahrun is the secret child of Nezekan and Triniel... but i still very much love the idea of this.
5) its Apsu - He is not dead and they turned him into a lady to make Beritra not gay anymore! (I'm for real they refer to Apsu as a male and then say he was Beritras lover!) The actual real 5th dragon lord is back! (I would hate this. I love gay Beritra v much)
6) its none of these! hooray! I am wrong!
I don't know. I'm just super excited for the 7.0 update. The lore possibilities are great right now.
Also if you havent heard the new ost go do that right now. Its so so good.
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etethia · 6 years ago
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Soooooo I been around Aion a very long time. I am a very old cleric. Going through memory lane because holy cow it’s 2019!!!
If I ever were to describe Aion I would probably say be ready to have an emotional attraction with a digital toon that shall never grow old , meet people miles away who become apart of your family and might never meet in irl , and oh yea rage a lot......
- p.s
No one REALLY ever leaves Aion ❤️
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cinnamonbunsffxiv · 7 years ago
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I’m an asshole who makes friends hold alliances for an hour after the run is finished just so I can take screenshots to repaint.  thanks guys 10/10 best legion mates would recommend. 
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azsurance · 7 years ago
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Another batch of Aion players done (´ー`)
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arceot · 7 years ago
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And that’s all I have to say in response to the Spanish lfg discourse
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silmeria-exe · 8 years ago
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The top picture is just a basic map/guide to doing the double loot for the FIRST boss in Cradle of Eternity. It’s pretty basic, just make sure to talk to the mage NPC BEFORE you kill the mobs. If you touch the mobs before talking to the NPC, then you won’t be able to have the “ascended” mobs.
I’ve also been dabbling in Bastion of Souls, and I thought those four bosses before last boss was pretty cool (although it was hell for me).
Rest is just random pics in AoE, freeze frame during my favorite boss and how lovely Ishalgen looks. And what happens when you fight a fireform in PVE gear (my poor baby sin).
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kenokami · 8 years ago
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My sin hehe
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koolkidsclubaion · 4 years ago
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Taking a break from leveling in Aion Classic to pose for a photo. :)
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