#aiming my transgender beam at her
lordofthesillystraws · 6 months
i love Princess Peach: Showtime!
that is all
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goosedoes-fics · 11 months
Madness Headcanons
Madcom x Reader
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Content Warnings: I talk about tits a lot sorry. Also mentions of organ failure and transfem Tricky
Notes: Trying to get back into the writing groove. Sorry if this is shit
If you didn't know ASL before meeting them, they would communicate primarily with hand and head movements. He's too cool to use a notepad
Not a big fan of PDA, but in private he's quite affectionate and cuddly. theyre just a big ass guard dog cmon
Hank Motherfucker Wimbleton what are you doing here????? waiting for them to play gangnam styl.
I like to imagine Dedmos's rock face works similarly to Hank's metal jaw. It's just a rock jaw. Rock lobster.
He is an ASSHOLE (affectionate)
The kind of person to like. Punch your shoulder when they laugh
Their ideal first date is stealing the declaration of independence
If you don't make him, he will go days without showering he is SO smelly anfd SO stinky. He has GREASY ASS HAIR i just know it
If Hank is a guard dog he's one of those goofy dogs that look like bear cubs
VERY big fan of PDA he will smooch you anywhere. everywhere. any time any place any day
He takes missions more seriously than Deimos but outside of missions he is just a big fat goofball
I'm going to place my hands directly on his man tits. anyways where was I
He lost his nipples in The War
I'm kidding. He lost them during top surgery.
At this point i'm aiming the transgenderification beam at all of them. nobody is safe. BE TRANSGENDER
Sometimes he wears his hair down and it's like a mullet w/ shaved sides
Out of all of them he's the most adverse to PDA but! In private he is very sweet. very silly
Hey are you okay with being tested on? Yeah? Cool will you drink this organ failure potion I brewed
Plays the piano sometimes! He might serenade you if you ask nicely
BE TRANSGENDER. (shoots her with my transfem beam)
Yeah so he/she bigender Tricky is real. Krinkels told me himself
He is like a big weird dog as well. He might lick your face (don't let him zed spit is slightly acidic)
Probably likes PDA the most. She will make out with you very grossly and sloppily in the middle of McDonalds
Very soft very fluffy. Which is surprising considering how many times he's died
His tail is somewhat prehensile, he could dangle from a tree branch if he tried hard enough
They are very good at sharing!
Sorry not sorry yandere enjoyers but they would NOT kill someone for looking at you they would be like haha yeah everyone should look at our awesome fucking partner theyre so cool and hot
Sometimes they forget how big they are compared to you so they might try to like flop over on you. Pigpile on the small one
Very prone to roughhousing and play fighting but they'll be gentle if you ask
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colby-jac-cheese · 8 years
beta testers
i have decided to follow my friend advice, and post a single hamilton fanfiction of my own on here. just to see if people would like my writing and stuff. 
two history majors alex and andrew have been chosen through a lottery to beta test the newest prototype for a time machine. all participants get to choose what ever time they with to go too, be it the future or the past. only rule is you can’t bring anyone or anything back from wherever it is you go. so of course our little history majors and hamilton fans decide to go to the american revolution.
“ok now remember girls, these are just prototypes.” we both nodded listening intently to doctor tucker. he handed us a little capsule, holding the condensed machine. “they might have a few bugs, and will most likely overheat so i would change into something to accommodate for that.” alex looked down at her oversized hoodie, before looking over at her fellow classmate and beta tester andrew wearing a fairly puffy jacket. she sighed, peeling off her hoodie, leaving her in only a tank top, and some gym shorts. andrew did the same looking down disgusted at his body. allow me to explain, andrew is transgender. female to male, so he hates the fact that he now had to change into something that wouldn't hide his “figure” as he called it. i pressed the small activation button on the top of the capsule, watching as the machine unfolded in front of us. “just type the date into the dashboard inside and you're off. when you come back, tell us how everything worked and what improvements need to be made.” mr. tucker explained pointing at the small dashboard. andrew and i shared a knowing look, smiling as we raced over to input the year we had agreed on.
september 26, 1781. a few days before the start of the battle of yorktown.
alexander hamilton peered over the map in deep thought. lafayette pointed at a small set of troup figures mumbling about how they would be too exposed there, which in turn had john laurens move them a bit deeper into the surrounding woods. general washington watched intently, adding in when he saw fit. the tense and quiet atmosphere was only shattered by a loud bang, and the sound of two women shouting. “overheats my ass, we almost caught on fire!” “alex calm down.” we heard a loud think on metal, followed by a small hiss and yelp. “that things red hot, and you decided it's a good idea to punch it? come on you're supposed to be smart here.” getting over our shock of the loud sounds, we all grab our guns quickly making out way out incase they where british troops. what they saw instead sent the entire group into a mad blushing frenzy. two tall women stood near a strange metal object that seemed to give off so much heat you could see the steam rising off of it. only problem was the women seemed to be nearly naked. one with long brown hair clutched her hand, and from what alexander could see it was red and getting blisters. that must be the one that had supposedly punched whatever the large metal dome was. the other had hair so short that if not for the rest of her body alex would have mistaken her for a man. though her voice was oddly deep. “shut up you dick.” the men choked at such vulgar language coming from a woman. “hey guilty as charge WOAH ok they have guns.” the taller woman said, finally noticing the group of blushing yet armed men. “well we can put down in out notes that it worked at least.” “and that tucker need to get a cooling system on the same thing before it melts us to death.” “who are you.” laf said aiming his gun with a slightly steadier hand. the girls both rose their hands quickly, the shorter one flinching from the red and irritated skin. “woah woah mon ami we mean no harm!” she stated. “look my name is alex, and this brute over here is andrew. were from the future, and were beta testers from a new time machine.”  she explained quickly. “bull shit.” hurc growled aiming his gun with laf. “no no no, we can prove it!” ‘alexander’ shouted lowering his hands slightly. “look just let me prove it ok?” we all watched as the woman slid her hand into a pocket of her pants. hurc let out a small warning making her freeze the slowly continue to pull out whatever she was getting. alex grinned catching on to what she was doing as soon as she saw the strange little box. “oh yeah, we still have those on us.” she reached down, hissing as she forgot her blistering hand was the one that reached into and brushed against the harsh fabric. lafayette’s eyes flickered for a moment, torn between safety and helping the obviously injured woman. he lowers his gun after a split second when he sees the single tear that makes its way down the girl's face. “ow that hurt.” she moaned cradling her hand. “that's why you don’t punch red hot metal idiot.” we both flinched at the harsh language. reaching with her other hand instead she pulls out a similar box, only this one has a strange covering on it with a picture of a man standing on a star pointing upwards. “ok so what's that supposed to mean?” john mumbled confused. both girls spared him a pitying look, as if they knew something we didn't. “this is a phone. in out time we can look up anything we want to from it, and even talk to people on the other side of the world within seconds. here, i’ll play some music i have downloaded.” alex states eagerly tapping the now illuminated screen. we all jump at the sounds coming from the box. a man can be heard speaking with a sing song voice. “how does a bastard, orphan son of a whore and a scotsman-” andrew reached over turning it off with a slight chuckle. “you have no chill man. playing the musical about them? really?” “what i thought it was a good choice? it was either that or heathers.” “wait back up, a musical? about us?” hercules asked shocked. “well namely about alexander but it overes all of you. t tells all of your story, about the revolution and everything.” alex explained wincing at her hand brushing up on her shirt. “ici, let me help you wrap that wound up.” laf said springing into action. alex smiled grateful at the towering frenchmen. though it was quite funny how tall the two girls were. alex was only a head shorter than him, something that was impressive for a woman. andrew stood at about the same height as he did though, towering over all but washington and lafayette himself. as he wrapped her hand in a bandage wincing as her face shifted to one of pain, andrew showed up a few features of this “phone” just the music and the moving screen had been enough, but it wasn't long before the woman had a devious smirk on her face watching john attempt to beat her score on a game she called “flappy birds.” “all you have to do is tap the screen when you see the bird going down, and maneuver him through the pipes. alex had a feeling she was up to something. and soon john was kneeling and shushing us in an attempt to remain concentrated. “so, may i ask what s the world like where you come from?” “oh it's hell.” alex called. this caused the men to tense up. “oh shut up, the world is fine you just got a bad draw.” “yeah and you still owe me 20 bucks.” andrew snorted rather unlady like, as she rolled her eyes. “you guys end up winning the revolution, and america becomes one of the biggest powerhouses for a while, but things kinda balanced out. you own like half of the continent, but our politic are kinda bad because of who is our president at the moment. i’ll be honest things have had their ups and downs.” “eat dog shit, the country has been a rollercoaster ever since 2016. there's a reason they skipped that year at first.” “the economy is stabilizing now though, don’t just tell them the bad.” “oh yeah england got freedom from the uk that year as well, so that was cool.” “canada was a safe haven, until it was closed off to americans for a while due to some disagreements.” “oh alexander, a zoo named a camel alexander hamilton after you, be proud!” and so the girls went back and forth listing off things that had been happening. all the while we listened in shock. “we had really won.” i mumbled a smile growing on my face.” “oh and john slavery was abolished in 1865.” “though there was still tension. there still is today.” john beamed brightly at that news. again a flash of sadness came over the two, as they looked away. of course. they were from the future so they knew how and when we would die. and by the looks they give him and i can tell it's not pretty. alex stood thanking lafayette, before walking over to john and hugging him. “sorry had to, i was just always so proud of how you stood up for what you knew was right.” it was this that started a round of hugs, giveing vague praises on things they have yet to do. i noticed that alex had suddenly lost her little spark. her smile seemed strained now, and didn't reach her eyes.
i will make a part two if people want it! please leave any response in the comments or feel free to message me!
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