#aids patients
lgbtq-archives · 10 months
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“How Y’all Doing?” A Reflection on Leslie Jordan
Beyond the comedy scene, Leslie’s career touched on multiple creative mediums...
Better known as Beverly from NBC’s successful 1998 sitcom “Will and Grace,” Leslie has helped chip away the barriers for many in his 40-year career. Prior to fame, his reputation in the community stemmed from comforting dying AIDs patients to a vehement aching in a career as jockey for horse races. Living a films’ trope-ish origins of the queer child born in a Christian-religious,…
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rightnewshindi · 1 month
अरवल में मिले एड्स के 336 मरीज, पूरे जिले में मचा हड़कंप; हर महीने 3 से 4 मरीज मिलने से फैला खौफ
Arwal News: सिविल सर्जन कार्यालय के सभागार में एड्स पर परिचर्चा का आयोजन सिविल सर्जन डॉ राय कमलेश्वर नाथ सहाय की अध्यक्षता में की गई। परिचर्चा में शिक्षा विभाग, आईसीडीएस, जीविका और नेहरू युवा केंद्र ने भाग लिया। सिविल सर्जन ने कहा कि एड्स एक खतरनाक बीमारी है, लेकिन चिंता का विषय यह है कि एड्स इस जिले में तेजी से पांव को पसार रहा है। जिले में एड्स के 336 संक्रमित मरीज हैं और हर माह तीन से चार नए…
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sneakygreenbean · 1 year
personal observations made by a new cane user:
you do not need to be in constant pain to own a cane.
folding canes have a clasp or band to keep them folded. losing the band is a pain in the ass.
you will get dirty looks
it does not matter what age you are. you will get dirty looks.
you have to hold it in the opposite hand as the disabled leg. this is fortunate, as I am right handed, so i hold it in my left hand to support my right leg.
people will try to steal your cane from you.
when standing still, I hold it in my right hand unless i need to do something right handedly. this does not work as well as i thought it would.
being visibly physically disabled is difficult. having a mobility aid will help with pain and movement, but some people don't get them because visible disability is treated with disgust.
if someone meets you for the first time, and you don't have your cane, then they will like you more, but they will not believe you are actually disabled.
if someone meets you for the first time, and you have your cane, they will not treat you the same.
the majority of other cane and mobility aid users I have met are homeless. I live close to a big city.
People do not want to see you being disabled.
you will not hear of the benefits of using a cane from anyone who does not use a cane.
no one will prepare you for the world of being visibly physically disabled. however bad you think we have it is usually not from the disability at all. I can deal with pain and I can deal with an indisposed left hand.
the hardest part of being disabled is the fact that no one will care until you make them care.
the disabled seats on trains are a suggestion
the disabled seats on buses are a suggestion.
you will have a different experience with using a cane than I have had.
your hand will become tired. you are using it as a leg.
your cane is legally a part of your body. this will not stop some people.
you are not your disability. but it will affect you.
i love you
theres always an invisible someone who has it worse. that person will not be affected or offended by your use of a cane. take the damn ibuprofen. put the folded cane in your bag. ask your friends for help. gd knows they need help sometimes too.
you will have to learn that things will be impossible to you. you may not run as fast anymore. you may not become a skater, like you always wanted to be. you may be left behind when everyone else runs ahead.
you deserve better.
your cane handle gets dirty. wash it.
some days pain is worse. some days you will feel it the moment you wake up.
no one deserves pain. the human condition is not to suffer. we deserve better. we deserve to be loved and not tolerated. we deserve to be seen better than from the corners of eyes. we deserve to be heard better than an afterthought at a meeting.
be quick to care for yourself. I love you.
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charlie-artlie · 4 months
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i love the completely baseless assumption that first aid has a thing for helicopters, its so good sometimes i forget its not canon
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yaskie · 5 months
This video is also uploaded on TIKTOK Ko-fi Website: Click Here
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A continuous battle and I am scared(URGENT) - you can click on the image to direct you to the Ko-Fi Site.
Dear Friends, Right now I feel despair, and hopelessness. And I feel so tired. I deeply apologize for tagging you all again, please don't get mad. I just really needed help.😢😢 I just got my life back, and recently recovered from my debts from my previous battle in between 2021 and mid 2023. I really felt so ashamed in writing this, because I am avoiding as much as I can to ask help financially again. 
You were there for me during my darkest hours, and for that, I will be eternally grateful. But now, I find myself in a situation more dire than ever before, and I am trembling with fear as I implore you to lend me your aid once again.
The video you see attached to this post is a painful reminder of the recent loss I've endured. Uncle Dindo joined our creator last March 24, 2024, after battling Stage 4 Lung Cancer for a month. His passing has left a void in our souls, and also drowned us in debts too. I am helping with expenses as much as I can, that it also drowned me. My Father died of the same illness as well. I made a post more than a month ago with the Title: FIGHTING AGAINST CANCER sadly we still have zero donation and sales from our Emotes and Digital Stickers sale. 
I do not know how to approach all of you again, but I am so scared right now. The reason I made this new post is I've been doing my best to make ends meet, trying to loan to a bank to be able for me to start my Treatment again(but mostly got rejected). I am already back to work eversince the fourth quarter of 2023, but the income is not enough as I earn only $12-$15/day with 12 hours plus of work.  I am really really scared right now as I am writing this. First, I need to settle my rent within 12-24 hours which cost $500(water & electricity is unstable). My landlord is threatening me that he will lock the house, kicking me out and leaving my pets behind. My cats and my dog are my life. Update(05/02/2024): I asked helped from a local council here to help me talk to my landlord. We have an agreement and I am given enough time until Saturday of this week - May 4, 2024. To settle the rent and for me and my pets to leave the apartment, we found a new one but we need a 2 month deposit. And payment for a rental truck. I need to pay my landlord too - so, I can be able to transfer to another home, and he will let me leave peacefully. Which will have another cost, as I need to rent a small truck because I have my pets with me. I have written this on my previous blogs before that I have been sexually harassed(this SCARES me so much too), and stalked by a former friend. He was jailed, but he is back again(already reported it to police). But for safety transferring home is needed. My trauma is still not yet recovered. We still need to prioritize as well my Aunt's treatment, as her health is rapidly deteriorating too(Stage 3 breast Cancer is advancing, her right breast has already been removed). And I need to start mine again, it spread in other parts of my body(I am holding on). I'm really scared right now. If you can spare anything—money, support, anything at all—it would mean the world to me. I hate asking, but I don't know what else to do. Any amount is appreciated, or you can purchase from my Small Shop as well. Thank you so much. Please take Care. Love, Jasky P.S. Sorry if my writing sounds scattered. I don't have proper sleep at the moment.
Sorry for tagging again, please do not get mad at me. I really help so badly. Reposting, or if you have any at least $5 or buy stickers it will really mean a lot to us, to me.
@boost-the-signal @measurelessdreamer @c1a1r3r3df1e1d @samblerambles @nearlybitches
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anony-man · 10 months
Ratchet, over the comms: First Aid, I’ve got another package here with your name on it. Did you order something for the medibay again?
First Aid: Not recently, no. What’s inside?
Ratchet, rustling through the open box: Looks like spare parts, but there’s no return address. Primus, they’re in rough shape. There’s energon everywhere, and… is that—is that a brain module?
First Aid: No return address? What the hell are you—oh my god, not again.
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valvarads · 11 months
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Wake up. This isn’t who you are! Healing the patients and bringing back their smiles… That’s the real you!
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remembertheplunge · 8 months
Two men with no choice but to be there
May 18, 1995
Donald had a stroke. He was too ill to talk to me tonight on the phone. Pat was there, caring for them both, Donald and his Mom. I said I’d be there Sunday AM for a visit.
May 21, 1995
Drove to Patterson to take Donald donuts and fresh flowers. He and his Mom were thrilled.
Donald now loses his hearing.
May 22, 1995. Monday
Talked with Donald tonight. He sounded drifty, floating. Yet, he was crystal precise as to fact and time. I told him that I was very concerned about his physical deterioration. His 84 year old Mom can’t care for him alone.
July 6, 1995
 My Mom said to me tonight “Don’t match up with a person with Aids again soon…I’m worried about your mental health.”
July 11, 1995. Tuesday
Los Gaviotas  Restaurant in Patterson threw a big 5 year anniversary party tonight. There I sat, writing my notes and enjoying the spray of events! Then on to Donald, and then to his Mom’s, and then back to Donald.
Donald sees men in his room One man is in a tank top. One looks like his boy friend. They are men who are not there, at least our eyes. They at times speak to Donald.
I’m so glad that Donald is in the hospital. He needs that close care. But, how much longer must he endure this?
July 14, 1995
Sweet time with Donald. Such an alone experience. Two men with no choice but to be there (Donald and I)…one giving a back rub, one receiving it. I asked him “When all is gone, what’s left? What’s the meaning? He said He’d go to a gay bar in Stockton. (after death) I said “Where is the meaning there? He said “I haven’t thought that far ahead yet.” I said “ You have handled this so graciously. You are so kind (Donald now being nearly blind due to complications caused bt Aids),  He said “Oh great, I get the posthumous award?” I said “ Yea, a great thing!” A nurse wanted to show him pictures of her grand kids. He tried , but he could not see them. She, wearing her badge complete with Aids red ribbon, then proceeded to tell him what they looked like, what they wore.. Fuck the eyes! He’s got ears. As one nurse walked by laughing, he yelled out, catting around with her.
I massage him, especially his back. He loves that.
 Around 5pm, he started yelling for home. His Mom was there.The nurses and I tried to console him. This is home, as horrifying as it is.
July 16, 1995
I again didn’t visit Donald. 2 days away now. Poor dear thing. My whole soul and being however are with him. I just needed breathing space.
July 17, 1995
Sweet time with Donald tonight. He wants to die happy, meaning, with the knowledge that he will be remembered.
He feels abandoned now by friends and family and by and large , he has been abandoned. Yet, his Mom is very devoted. Pat was there tonight and Donald’s friend Bob showed up. Even in this advanced stage  of Aids, Donald wants to score!
July 18, 1995
A visit again with sweet Donald. He floats in and out of full and of partial hallucinations. He goes hot, then cold, in a minute.
July 28, 1995
Rodney died yesterday at 11am. Lots of gasping, per the nurse. Rodney’s Mom had just stepped out. The nurse ran to get her. His sister was not there. Donald and his Mom set feet away, in their space. Grueling beauty. Unspeakable. (Rodney was Donald’s Aids patient room mate. They were patients in the  Patterson hospital , where the last stage Aids patients in Stanislaus county were sent Note. 2/12/2024)
July 29, 1995
Donald said as I left today “You made me happy.” He made me happy, too. I had purchased a card for Rodney , his roomy who died. Donald’s Mom, his friend Randy and I signed it. So will the hospital staff. That meant a lot to Donald. And, I brought him flowers which he can’t see, but that he appreciates. His Mom can see them however.
White flowers for brevity of life and for peace.
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vvynia · 8 months
yall, today made me rethink my entire career 😭
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marvin-cohen · 1 month
Hiya again. How are you doing? Even if its completely shitty. I wanna hear about how you are, so feel free to use this to vent. You’re actually pretty nice to talk too :) might show up here more tbh if you dont mind ofc!
-🦝 (gasp so unexpected)
Hi again.
You're nice to talk to, too, I'm sorry I'm not gonna be- y'know- very positive.
Everything hurts.
I'm tired all the time. I thought that it was from the drinking and my awful sleep schedule but... I've been passed out the whole time I've been here and I'm still so goddamn tired.
I'm so lonely. I just wanna go home. I can't stop crying- fuck.
It'd be... nice to hear from you more. Maybe you could- visit me sometime? They're starting to get strict on who can and can't come in, it'd be nice to... see someone. Before i can't anymore.
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year
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crazycatsiren · 3 months
I deserve another pretty cane, as a treat.
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fishatar · 1 year
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glass fishing floats!
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Glass fishing float mage 🔮 a medic who insists on giving patients a glass float "'balloon" at the end of their visit, which is said to help them stay afloat even through the roughest ailments.
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doomednarrative · 5 months
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He's such a cunt tbh and I Do love that about him
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flipping-the-coin · 1 year
[Patient Report: OP-7845-91653]
[Authorization Requirement: Alpha]
[Document Status: Sensitive - 99% preserved]
[Listed Authorized Individuals: Primal Steward Ratchet]
[Overseeing Medical Personnel: - Primary Physician: CMO Ratchet - Secondary Assistant: First Aid]
[Session: #001]
I was called to perform an emergency checkup on patient OP-7845-91653 roughly half a groon after mid cycle. The call was sent by the patient's Conjunx [Note: Conjunx status still not legalized] and I arrived within the following twenty Kliks.
Upon arrival the patient's Conjunx was rather hostile but escorted me into the residence [Note: Residence unregistered - cannot be listed]. Signs of an intense and frantic struggle were evident within the hab in large part due to the damaged furnishings and the various claw marks on the walls. Initial observations led me to consider extreme paranoia and schizophrenia as possible mental ailments.
The patient was in a catatonic state upon my arrival. He was practically feral and curled up in a ball in the center of the living room. He remained unresponsive until I attempted to begin repairing the wounds he inflicted on himself in his madness. Possibly due to the tools or my presence, he flew into a rage the moment I attempted to work on his injuries. The patient needed to be pinned by his Conjunx and sedated by me in order for any sort of progress to be made.
At that point I tended to what wounds I could and then spoke at length with the patient's Conjunx about what symptoms he presents on a regular basis. According to what information I was given, patient OP-7845-91653 will be a long term care project. He suffers from extreme paranoia, minor schizophrenia, partial bipolar disorder, extreme PTSD and trauma, stimuli sensitivity, dissociation, and field management disorder of the third degree. The source of these issues has so far proven to be because of [Subject: Optimus Prime - See file for affiliation description].
For the time being, the patient will need to be put onto strong medication to dull his severe responses to external stimuli. My current prescription is sedatives [Chemical composition YD-7869], sensory blockers [Patch type SUO-3602], and therapeutic exercises [Sensory Adjustment Therapy - Type 90897]. My assistant will deliver the prescription medication within the next cycle and report on any changes in the meantime. The patient's next checkup will be in a stellar cycle and will continue to have similar checkups regularly until confirmed to be more stable.
[Personal Note: I never thought I would live to see the day when the face I knew so well could be contorted in such fear. Optimus never showed such expressions, he was always stoic and controlled in every action and word. Orion though? Whatever happened to him while he was sharing a frame with Optimus... it damaged him so deeply that I fear he may not recover.
He is... terrifying to say the least. The friend I knew before the war seems all but gone now. It is my hope that with time I can fix this... that I can ensure what little remains of Optimus is kept safe and preserved. I know this is not the correct way to think of my friend, but how can I not? He looks so much like Optimus it makes my tanks churn.
I may not be the best Doctor for this case. I cannot remain impartial like this. However at the moment I am quite possibly the only Doctor on Cybertron who can handle a situation this severe. So for the time being... I will endure and do what I can. Its what Optimus would have wanted, and it is what I owe my old friend after everything, even if his Conjunx is a mech I would rather see shredded bit by bit publicly.]
[Assistant First Aid's Report:
Medication was delivered without issue! Mr. Pax's Conjunx was a bit scary, but thankfully he took the package and didn't do anything else. I wasn't able to get a good look at the situation so far, but maybe next time I deliver a package I can check up on Mr. Pax properly.]
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