#aib collage
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lavuedelilie · 2 months ago
Hari kemerdekaan Indonesia
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Jaka sudah bolak – balik kesana kemari, membantu semua keamanan lapangan disana sudah rame dengan ibu – ibu dan bapak – bapak yang menonton acara 17 an.. “Panitia ngumpul dulu sebentar..” semua team inti dan anggota mengikuti jaka.. kedalam Siskampling.
“PDT handle semua kabel dan mic, keamanan tolong bisa di kondusifkan warga yang menontona acara ini peralatan Stand By, untuk Nabil dan yang lain tolong banget ya kalo chaos waktunya ditambahin ya gapapa kita lambat dikit pastikan jamnya agak sesuai dengan yang sudah di jadwalkan, Siska lu masuk bagian konsumsi..” ujar jaka dengan jiwa kepemimpinannya. “ oke..”
“oke mencar semua..” kata jaka. Mereka menjalanankan tugasnya dengan sangat cekat dan teratur tidak ada waktu untuk terlambat. Pak RT dan pak RW melihat Karang Taruna sengat berkesan. Semua lomba berjalan dengan baik tanpa adanya hambatan. Hari sudah sore tinggal 2 lomba lagi yang belum dimulai , perserta sudah di kasih konsumsi sama bunga dan siska.
Bunga pun duduk disamping jaka.. jaka yang melihat bunga di sampingnya begeser dikit sedangkan siska duduk disamping nabila. “Terima kasih makanannya tadi..” mereka pun melihat kearah bunga dan jaka.. “apanih..” nabila dengan tatapan mencurigakan. Bunga yang melihat mereka langsung membuang mukanya.
“makanan apa ini pak?, widih dan start saja ini.” Goda adji. “dih, makanan doang yelah.. gua mah sudah start dari dudlu anjir dianya saja susah banget dideketin nya apalagi ntar deketin bapaknya double gua..” “belum makan dia, yaudah gua kasih makanan heboh banget.” “jak, tahu ga.. dia itu memang begitu kalo pagi gabiasanya makan..jak langkah lo 1 sudah diterima dia haha.” Guman siska.
“tapi benar yang dikata siska dia pagi itu jarang banget buat makan kalo ga dipaksa ya ga bakal makan itu bocah.” “kok, malah buka buka aib gua sih bajingan.” Ujar bunga. “sakit ntarnya bandel.” Jaka menyentil jidat bunga.
Mereka yang melihat kejadian itu melongo ini jaka lagi ngapain barusan.” “dih modusnya kelihatan dengan jelas..” “Si abang bisa modus tai anjing juga ya.” Ujar salah satu anggota, iya sih kevin yang bilang itu. Mereka tertawa bersama sambil menunggu jam istirahat selesai. Bunga kasih kue ke jaka..
jaka yang melihat itu pun menganguk kepalanya “makasih..” lomba sudah mulai di lakukan lagi. Sedangkan siska dan bunga sudah selesai membereskan sisa – sisa makanan, piring – piring sudah di cuci bersih. Mereka berduapun gabung ke team panitia yang lain.
Dan ini yang mereka tunggu, acara selesai tepat waktu walaupun delay dikit. “selesai ini kita?.” Ujar elkie. “wrap up..” “berhasil ini kita?.” Ujar Siska. “Project pertama kitaa akhirnya telaksanakan dengan baik..” “kita hebat, kita semua hebat banget ga sih?.” Guman jaka. “Makan seblak habis ini keanya enak ini..” mereka semua berpelukan seperti teletubies. “kita berhasill, gua bunga sebagai pemantau kalian, gua sangat amazing banget buat kekompakan kita , kerja sama ke back up an kalian lakuin tadi membuat gua semakin yakin kedepanya akan bakal lebih wow lagi.” “nah yang kurangnya apa? Yang kurangnya kita bakal di pakai terus sama pak RT dan pak RW ayah gua lihat kalian senyam senyum saja.” “tandanya apa?tanda nya hadiah liburan kita semakin dekat..” mereka semua pun pindah ke siskampling memesan kopi dan makanan buat menemani ngobrol.
Adik – adik sudah sangat akrab banget sama team inti, “tamara, kevin, sultan ngerokok ga?.” Tanya adji. “mereka mah pada ngerokok bang..” jawab Lia. “haha mampus lu di bocorin lia, ini gua ada 1 bungkus rokok dah.” Adji wkasih rokok filter kemereka. “ini sudah pada kuliah semua? Atau tara saja?.” Tanya jaka.
“sudah pada kuliah semua bang tapi beda semester, si kevin sama sultan dia semester 5 sedangkan Lia sama Tamara semester 6.” Jelas Lia. “oh kalian beda satu semester doang?” “Kampusnya dimana? Kalian?.” “Lia di Jakarta Internasional collage, Kevin sultan di UPN Jakarta, Tamara unj.” “Noh sih jaka senior lu tam lulusan UNJ juga mantan playboy dia..” ujar elkie. “tolong jangan bikin image gua jelek ya babi.”
"oh iya ada calon bininya disini." ujar elkie melihat bunga, bunga yang di arah sana pun mengerut keningnya. "apaan lu kaya gitu."
"gausah bikin masalah dah ya.." jaka memukul kaki elkie. mereka sampe lupa waktu, karena kebanyakan ngobrolnya. untungnya acara 17 agustus berjalan dengan sangat lancar tanpa adanya sebuah hambatan.
Adik - adiknya juga pada tertib untuk memulai lomba tadi, wah hari ini hari yang sangat menyenangkan bagi mereka semua panitia kaya rasa capenya terbayar dengan hari ini.
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p1nkdreamz · 2 years ago
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
♡ alice in borderland wallpaper ♡
basically the same wallpaper 4 times with 2 different filters and 2 with grain!
like or reblog if you save <3
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aibagence · 2 years ago
Gourma : Un élève tué dans l’explosion d’un compresseur à air
Gourma : Un élève tué dans l’explosion d’un compresseur à air
Gourma : Un élève tué dans l’explosion d’un compresseur à air Fada N’Gourma, 10 octobre 2022(AIB)-L’explosion d’un compresseur à air dans un atelier de collage, a ôté la vie tôt lundi, à un élève et blessé une femme, a appris l’AIB. Un compresseur à air a explosé aux environs de 6h, le lundi 10 octobre 2022 dans un atelier de collage au secteur 10 de la ville de Fada N’Gourma. L’explosion a tué…
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nessinborderland · 4 years ago
Hey there :3 I’m so so glad you liked your bracelet 🥺❣️ and the collage! I was like: it’s her birthday iiii should definitely make something cool AiB themed :3 I’m so happy it arrived safely! Also thanks a lot for your support and the Post.. that just means the world to me! ❣️♥️ I allready got 2 orders and I’m so excited 🥺☺️♥️ thanks again! Lots of love to you!
Heyy! I really did love it, I've been wearing it since I got it 🥰 and the rest of your other gifts were super adorable, I really appreciate it.
And I'm so happy you got more orders! Hope you get many more! 💖✨
Sending you lots of love! 😊💕
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umarganie-blog · 7 years ago
law examination in India law examination is after 12th and graduation some of the entrance examination are- 1 CLAT ( Common Law Admission Test) CLAT is an all India entrance examination conducted by 18 National Law universities for admission to their under-graduate and post-graduate programmes. 2 LSAT India — Law school admission test is a standardized test of reading and verbal reasoning skills conducted four times a year and specially design for LLB and LLM courses.  3 AIBE (All India Bar Exam) It is not conducted for admission to Law collages its motive is to examine an advocate’s capability to practice the professional of law in India. After passing the examination candidate will be awarded “Certificate of practice” by the bar council of India. 4 AILET (All India Law Entrance Test) AILET is conducted by the National Law universities. 5 SET (symbiosis Entrance Test) It is a common written entrance test for under graduate law admissions into symbiosis law school situated in in Pune and Noida. youth4work Youth4work is a people platform which empowers youth to access themselves, improve talent and showcase their talent and profession achievements. youth4work help students to crack competitive exam by online exam preparation helping many students especially those who do not to the coaching centers due to financial problems.                                                                                                                      links https://www.prep.youth4work.com/management/CAT-Test https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.youth4work.CAT
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artinbuildings · 5 years ago
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Throw Back Thursday to Art-in-Buildings' 2013 exhibition at the West 10th Window, "Dominique Paul, Insects of Surinam 19"!
Dominique Paul's Insects of Surinam 19 is a site-specific installation composed of an original print, lit from behind, effectively morphing the West 10th Window into an exposed lightbox. Insects of Surinam 19 is part of an ongoing photo-collage series in which male body parts from bodybuilding magazines are juxtaposed with Maria Sibylla Merian's botanical illustrations from The Metamorphosis of the Insects of Surinam. Published in 1705, this text is still considered one of the most significant contributions to the field of entomology and is notable for its careful documentation of butterfly metamorphosis. Here, Paul juxtaposes the form of the male body builder with the illustration of a sweet potato plant, positioned as if growing out of the sidewalk. Paul's prints work to destabilize common associations of the feminine and nature; as the flesh of the male body becomes part of the plants and insects depicted in Merian's drawings, masculinity and nature become one.
Learn more on the AiB website!
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dougsirois · 6 years ago
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Back in college at AIB I illustrated a song in comic book form. Here I am experimenting with collage and painting techniques and not really caring much for anatomy or proportions... oh the things you can get away with while in school. Can you guess the song? #comics #art #illustration #bornunderpunches #talkingheads #fun #college #collage #painting #acrylicpainting https://www.instagram.com/p/Buyy47XBi4A/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mxddndjhkptn
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hypergraphia16 · 8 years ago
so am gonna save my....ugh I hate to say this my dream concept of wed invitation or video or whatever. just in case i need this later....when the time is right tho. am totally not in hurry or in having that urge about marriage...not ready yet, i said that, just in case yknow.
so it’s gonna be mixture of this (i know it’s mainstream but it’s cute!)
....and this
(it’s when regina spektor’s us playing i looooooooove the song btw)
sadly i have no video of my childhood, maybe just some collage of photos :( but that’s okay.
and oh some classic javanese costume in old city is okay (i want ice cream scene in them). i have the photos in my old phone but too lazy to upload em there, maybe later.
and yass i want our stupid aib historical face in the video, not our polished face and directed pose, nor the “profession” thingy. not saying that they’re bad but i think it will suit myself more (i hate my full make up face and am so bad at taking directed pose, i am an awkward human being), and will be very happy if i can make this kind of video. 
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artinbuildings · 6 years ago
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Now on view at the West 10th Window: Geoff Kim, Untitled Selfie!
Geoff Kim's practice is rooted in the analog and digital collaging of portraiture. In Untitled Selfie, Kim turns the camera away from his usual external subject matter and onto himself, embedding his face into an image that appears to be within a cell phone screen (see the Wi-Fi and battery symbols in the top left and right corners). Kim boldly presents multiple copies of his face to the public as a way to insert himself, and the Asian-American male figure, into the contemporary art scene, and as an exploration of the self in the age of digital image making. Kim's compilation of selfies confronts the viewer – his portraits are scaled up and removed from the confines of the selfie medium as usually viewed on a smart phone. Presenting 'selfies' as printed image in the West 10th Window, Kim explores how the images of ourselves captured on screens form our sense of self. Kim's selfies confront passerbyers and encourage self-reflection: How much of our time is connected to screens and the images that are born from them? How do we present, or create, the self via selfies? What is the role of the artist's hand in digital image making? Examining the selfie as an undeniable force in the zeitgeist of contemporary portrait photography, Untitled Selfie explores the changing nature of portraiture in the twenty first century.
Learn more on the AiB website!
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artinbuildings · 5 years ago
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There are only a few weeks left to see MaryKate Maher, Portable Landscape at the West 10th Window!
Come by this holiday season to check it out!
Using sculpture and collage, Maher's installation in the West 10th Window creates an imagined abstracted setting. In her ongoing titular series, Maher deconstructs landscapes into forms and planes, arranged in space so that they change as the viewer moves. She draws inspiration from locations affected by extreme climates, where colors are born from high acidity or levels of air pollution.
Portable Landscape evokes Giorgio de Chirico's metaphysical paintings by drawing on sharp contrasts between light and shadow, and Constantin Brancusi's Bird in Space through its emphasis on movement over object. Merging the two and three dimensional planes, Maher plays with color, light, form, and movement to reconfigure the environment of the West 10th Window.
Learn more on the AiB website!
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artinbuildings · 5 years ago
Now on View at the w10w   MaryKate Maher, Portable Landscape
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Now on View at the West 10th Window | MaryKate Maher, Portable Landscape!
Using sculpture and collage, Maher's installation in the West 10th Window creates an imagined abstracted setting. In her ongoing titular series, Maher deconstructs landscapes into forms and planes, arranged in space so that they change as the viewer moves. She draws inspiration from locations affected by extreme climates, where colors are born from high acidity or levels of air pollution.
Portable Landscape evokes Giorgio de Chirico's metaphysical paintings by drawing on sharp contrasts between light and shadow, and Constantin Brancusi's Bird in Space through its emphasis on movement over object. Merging the two and three dimensional planes, Maher plays with color, light, form, and movement to reconfigure the environment of the West 10th Window.
Learn more on the Art-in-Buildings website!
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artinbuildings · 6 years ago
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Throw Back Thursday to Art-in-Buildings' 2016 exhibition Daniel Horowitz | Totem & Taboo: The Pathologies of Liberty at the West 10th Window! 
Daniel Horowitz's installation is a response to his ongoing engagement with Sigmund Freud's 1913 text, Totem & Taboo: Resemblances Between the Mental Lives of Savages and Neurotics. Horowitz's work is akin to a three-dimensional collage that explores an unfettered range of references, including the aesthetics of cultural appropriation, the legacy of Freudian psychoanalysis as a means to mine the subconscious, and the impact of tribal art on 20th Century Western art movements. The multi-media space Horowitz created in the West 10th Window is a synthesis of these swirling, complex ideas.
Learn more on the AiB website!
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