#ai looks really angry in the panels
kyrieeleisonelise · 6 months
Ai’s true feelings?
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Judging by the amount of times I’ve seen with this manga panel on tumblr and YouTube, Ruby’s interpretation of Ai in the recent chapter has definitely made a stir. 
Is this really how Ai felt? 
Realistically, it would be difficult to accurately re-tell the life story of somebody as secretive as Ai once they are long-dead.
In the world of the Manga though, we are supposed to understand the movie as being at least mostly an accurate representation of Ai’s life, since they have the analytical genius Akane point out it’s ‘90% accurate’.
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But when it comes to the topic of Ai’s feelings, it seems significant that both Ruby and Aqua- who sometimes seem to represent the two sides of Ai- interpret her differently.
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Throughout the manga, but especially the movie arc, we are seeing two different interpretations of Ai. There is Nino and to an extent Aqua who think Ai was as emotionally invincible as she acted. 
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Then there is Ruby and the director (and even Kana) who recognise that there was probably a lot of dark feelings and anger that Ai felt she had to hide. 
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Even the Director, who has the tapes of Ai we’re yet to see admits he feels like he never got to see the true Ai, even when she was trying to be honest with him. This further cements the idea that nobody really knows how Ai feels. 
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We’ve seen hints about Ai hiding darker emotions throughout the chapter, but Ruby’s interpretation of her seems more extreme. Did Ai have this much hate in her heart? Or is Ruby projecting her own feelings?
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In chapter 136 we see the argument between Nino and Ai being acted out by Ruby and Kana.
I think we are meant to take the acted-out argument as being an accurate representation of what actually happened between Nino and Ai.  From Kana’s insights while playing the role, I get the impression that Nino was so upset by Ai not only because she was jealous, but because Ai, someone who she thought of as a friend, seemed indifferent to her. Ai just gave glib responses when Nino was trying to express that she was struggling, and when Nino lashed out and tells Ai that she wishes she was dead, Ai just smiles at her. 
Nino thinks Ai doesn’t care- Nino means so little to her that her hatred can’t hurt her at all. Even years later, Nino still maintains that Ai probably immediately forgot what Nino said to her. 
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But I really don’t think Ai was unaffected by Nino’s words. Kana was probably right when she said Nino and Ai used to be friends. Anyone would be hurt if a friend wished them dead. 
We met Ai’s mother a few chapters back, and it’s revealed that she gave up custody of Ai out of jealousy over her beauty (when Ai was 8!?) Having someone else in her life hate her over her looks probably really hurt Ai, and maybe even made her angry . If Kana is right about Nino and Ai being friends, it probably hurt even more to have another person she cares about reject her out of jealousy. 
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Why didn’t Ai just tell Nino how upset she was? If Nino saw Ai’s human side it may of lead to them actually making up and deepening their friendship.
Ai had a really troubled upbringing; She was abused and abandoned by her mother and then raised in a children’s home. It isn’t surprising that she had a lot anger in her heart. 
To protect herself, Ai would lie about how she felt and pretend she didn’t have feelings and that nothing could hurt her. Eventually it seems like lying became automatic and Ai didn’t know how to stop, how to express herself truthfully or what the truth even was any more. 
When Ai first meets Ichigo, she uses her traumatic background as a defence mechanism to try and unsettle him and chase him off. She acts tough, saying that she doesn’t care she was put in a children’s home. She protects herself by acting indifferent and making the people around her uncomfortable.
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But her reaction when Ichigo gives her some encouragement and tells her she can be an idol and say she loves people ‘until it’s real’ shows she does still want to connect with others, she just doesn’t know how. 
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Ai was good at lying. So good that some people started to believe she was as detached as she pretended to be. They saw the ‘invincible persona’ she was projecting instead of the traumatised girl.
I don’t know if Ruby’s interpretation of Ai’s feelings are completely accurate. But I do think that Ai was probably deeply, deeply hurt by Nino. Ai’s dismissive reaction to Nino was probably due to Ai’s lack of social skills rather than true indifference. If Ai hated the world in that moment I wouldn’t be surprised, but I don’t think Ai carried any long-term resentment towards Nino.  
 The Ai we know seemed a bit more socially adept and stable compared to the Ai Ruby portrayed. Ai was probably only around 14 when she had her argument with Nino. I thin as Ai matured she probably realised why Nino lashed out the way she did, but it was too late to repair things.
It’s been mentioned a few times that Ai stopped her ‘catastrophic’ behaviour and matured after her time in theatre troupe, so it will be interesting to see what specifically it was that made her change
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I don’t know if the story will ever give us a definite answer on Ai’s actual feelings, or if, just like in real life, we’re left to interpret and guess how a person really felt about something after they’re no longer there to ask.
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allen-etcetera · 11 months
Hiatus: DHL Mind Upload (Gene's Transition to Robot)
Date: 50/96/3
I'm Gene Therac, a facility operator and AI tester at the Department of Human Longevity. I'm 36 Pre-Smog years old and I have been commissioned by my supervisor, Stuart Hennings, to be the first subject for a brain upload. In simple terms, my consciousness will be transferred to a robot's body. Hennings believes this can resolve the problem we have with food and, frankly, the decline of humanity on this damned rock. To ensure safety and give an idea of what goes on for potential future subjects, I have to take notes of what's happening in real time. Hennings trusts me to be the first subject as I've thoroughly studied Avenue and Sircam's behaviors and how they respond to things compared to humans. Next, he likely knows I'm the least... able, so to speak. I have a really bad leg, I'm albino and burn in the sun, and I've got bad lungs since I was outside when the Smog happened. To everyone there, it's less risky if I die instead.
It's time, and I've been mentally preparing. I have no idea if this will work or not, but the payoff if it does is euphoric to even think about. I enter the lab room, and it's full of workers and supercomputers surrounding a bed with straps. They make room for me as I lean down on the bed. I'm strapped to the bed, but not too tight. My long hair was shaved off so there wouldn't be any interference with the next part: this dome thing that goes over my whole head. I take a few deep breaths as they count from 5, and immediately I feel a sharp pain in my head as the machine emits a loud whirr.
I can't do anything about it, nothing in my body can move, not even my eyes. I feel as though the bed spins out of control, and I catch a view of the room from the door that's no longer there. The pain stops suddenly, and the workers in the lab start discussing something. I know the words, but can't make the connections. I fall down from where I was looking, gazing at several doors. The first door shows me a house, but it looks way too expensive. The second door shows elves in a ballroom, pointing to the next door while they remind me that my name is Gene. I open the third door, and find a desk with a control panel. I approach the control panel, and look at my hands. Static. Television static. I am only a genral humanoid shape right now, so I have to enter the password to access this panel so I can get a more defined shape. As I press enter, I'm launched to space. This is wrong, I need to get down from here so I can continue the upload. I descend, I don't have time to slow down and I feel as though I'm burning from returning to Hiatus. Before I know it, my hands are metal pincers.
According to my coworkers, the process took days. That feels like an error, as I only experienced five minutes. However, this cannot be debunked, as the current date is 50/99, and New Year's Eve is today. They feed the information to the keyboard plugged in the side of my head, but I want to hear them talk. I try to speak, but it comes out as unintelligible garbled mess.
"Gaaaaarmmmeamomomomorrrr..." I say.
Understandably, they have no idea what I meant. I don't have a mouth, so I don't know what to articulate until Hennings says something that gets picked up by my not ears. It takes a while to understand what he's saying, as if I need to remember how communication sounds.
"Stop trying to talk with a mouth, there isn't one. Use your speaker, think of how Avenue does it." He says.
I try again, forming more of coherent language.
"Hhhhhowawawa... Ewowowyuyyyyyuhhh... PROFANE WORD FILTERED. Hooow doooo I mooove? Diiiiid iiiit woork?" I vocalize.
The staff confirm that I am, indeed, a robot now. It worked... It FILTERing worked! I need an adjective, I forgot what those are. An adjective is a word used for describing a noun. Happy, sad, angry, hungry. Adjectives. I spin my pincers at the wrists and flinch, expecting immense pain of breaking bones, yet nothing happens. I try to close my hand, but it doesn't work the way I expect it to. How does a robot do it? Wait. The pincer isn't a hand, and seems to have wheels at the end... I think about the wheels turning, then a slider moving. It works, and I manage to close both hands. I then attempt to move forward, only to feel no legs. I input 75 degrees on my neck, turning it to face the floor. I am using the bottom of a cart, meaning I am using wheels. Forward, move forward by ensuring all wheels spin in unison. I move forward, as needed. It's strange, movement now feels like I'm picturing numbers, turning dials, and moving sliders all with my mind.
"I thrthzzzink I have it now. Therthink. Think. Yeah." I claim.
"Really? That was faster than I thought. How does it feel?" Henning asks, typing into a PDA.
"Confiusing, it feelss like operating a tank with my brai... Brain. Using dials, sliders, and inputting numbers with my brain." I answer.
"That makes sense. Now, tell me what this is."
My display switches to a bunch of colors arranged in a way that indicates the interior of a cube. But there is a protrusion at the bottom... Wait, I know what this is: It's a room, the kind for a house. In the corner is a vertical line with the base of a circle laying horizontally. The top is a white cylinder, and the area around is tinted white... It's a lamp. Logically speaking, the objects nearby should be furniture for this kind of room, but instead I see something red and rectangular... It should be a sofa, but all I see is an abnormally long armchair.
"Is it a living room?" I ask.
Hennings gives a simple "yes" and reactivates my vision. I can see my own body without issue, yet everything else will still take some getting used to. My only guess is that my body has markers that ensure I'm always comprehensible. I am then shown a mirror, and see the visage of a robot. I have an old television for a head that displays things on the screen. On the screen is a lightbulb, because that's what I'm currently thinking about.
I'm guided by one of the scientists to my room. It at least looks like my room, based on my memory database. The scientist shows me what she calls a phone, claiming it to be my own. They show me a picture of two humans, but I can't seem to determine the gender or ethnicity of the two humans. All I know is that they're both smiling, and they're adults given they're far too tall and aged to be children, but not yet old enough to be considered elderly due to the lack of wrinkles or sagging facial features. In fact, I can't seem to determine the gender of the scientist holding the phone. I ask them, and they confusedly inform me that they are a woman.
She then shows me... How I used to look. I recognize him, but I don't recognize him as me. It's as if I'm looking at a distant acquaintance, not me. Knowing Hennings, that was likely on purpose to help reduce any potential body dysmorphia. However, it still messes with my head. I try to access the memories of before I got uploaded, and they all seem to play in third person, and I still don't recognize Gene Therac as myself. Somehow, I can even access memories that I couldn't remember in my human form. Being born, starting school, my first crush, getting run over and my leg being rendered useless, the Smog, saying goodbye to my parents. I CAN ACCESS ALL MY MEMORIES WHENEVER I WANT, AND IT'S ALL IN THIRD PERSON LIKE I'M WATCHING THE WORLD'S MOST BORING ANIME. The scientist in the room looks at me with concern, asking if I'm okay.
"Systems are running optimally," I say, "I just... didn't expect all my memories to be accessible like this. It's both fascinating and terrifying. Looking at who I used to be is like looking at an acquaintance instead of me."
She types the information in, and speaks to me about how much of a marvel I am, and how many lives I've saved just by proving that something this advanced is possible. She gives me a hug, and I feel my CPU heat up. Never before has a hug felt like this, but it feels very comforting. But how? How did Hennings get the touch sensitivity to work like this? There's even an algorithm for touch sensitivity. After a while, the hug is broken, and she hands me my charging cord. She states that I don't really "sleep" anymore, as that can mess with all the software in place, but I also don't need to sleep anymore. Every so often, though, I should reboot or update my backup data in case this body is no longer operational.
No longer operational? I can die and just get a new body or something? I'm effectively immortal? I'm effectively immortal. I'm the reason that the human mind will transition to something somehow more advanced than a brain. We've saved humanity on Hiatus. No more hunger, no more thirst, no more need for sleep, and no more aches. I won't burn in the sun anymore, and if a part stops working I can just get a new one... I feel optimal.
I plug the charger in and feel myself shudder in response. Odd. I plug the other end into the wall, and wait until I'm at full battery. In the meantime, perhaps I should rewatch some of the best memories I had as a human; I want to ensure I never forget the joys I had as a human, and the journey that led to this new chapter--this new book--of my life.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
after chica puts the battery dead helpy and El chip down on the floor of roxy's garage, roxy gently picks up helpy and holds him in her arms, their AI chips were still in one piece and spared from the flames (those chips are well protected)
She picks this lump of melted ice cream lookin' thing up, carefully puts him on a table and starts prying off plastic to see what the fuck she's dealing with. She's half convinced this was just an actual children's toy or something but nope! She finds a personality chip! She's so confused! Was this just a really weird looking Mini Music Man?? The fuck???
Takes the chips out and sticks them in a computer to have a looksee and whethere this is just a weirdly complex toy or an actual animatronic and she sees the old pizza place. She watches the fire and she sees Helpy running in fear, reaching out to El Chip who runs through the fire to sweep him up and try and escape.
Here she thought it was just a toy, but it turns out, it was anything but. That still doesnt tell her who this is though. It makes who the random brown blob is pretty obvious but who's this thing??
It feels wrong to look in on another animatronic's memory. All she was expecting was a few images or bug reports on Helpy, she didn't mean to witness that kind of memory so she's not making the same mistake with El Chip. She has to figure out who the little guy is through other means and it takes a little while but she manages to connect the dots with what little she can find to figure out this must be the little informational bear on all the interactive screens and control panels.
But in terms of you seemingly hoping for a Roxy and Helpy hug, they'd get one of course! Helpy is in a completely unfamiliar environment with completely unfamiliar faces. Who's he going to latch onto until he starts to settle in? The first friendly face he sees: Roxy. They'd get that hug anon. She absolutely could carry him around like a teddy bear if so desired. She does it enough with the Minis she probably wouldn't even notice she's doing it with Helpy unless someone points it out.
Would be funny if a few of the Minis got a little jelly of the arsonist bear in training though. Just angry morse code to each other shit talking the newbie until he's adopted by Freddy or Chica or someone. You know what actually? Chica found them, Chica would probably be the most excited about them and the most supportive. Chica gets a bear son she deserves it. Or maybe he's just everyone's lil guy. Universal lil guy for everyone. Why not?
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mediocreauthor · 3 years
nana komatsu: how we surpass trauma to survive
tw: rape, sexual assault 
I recently wrote the way Hachi didn’t acknowledge or deal with her rape was one of the most realistic portrayals I have ever seen, whether that was Yazawa’s intention or not. 
Now you can say how Yazawa portrayed certain issues was wrong and potentially harmful for many young girls who read NANA and saw incredibly damaging behaviors brushed over or not even portrayed as bad. And you would be correct but this post isn’t about NANA’s affect, but rather story itself. 
The morning after Hachi’s pregnancy was revealed, which I consider as a turning point of the story, Takumi raped Hachi. I really don’t want to sugar coat or be poetic about this, he raped her. Now, I have been seeing some posts excusing Takumi’s actions therefore I will explain why this is considered as rape. 
In chapter 29, we don’t see Hachi explicitly saying no or fighting back, but hesitant and reluctant because Nana is right next door. Takumi first tries to convince her and when Hachi remains hesitant, what does he tell her?  “You should worry about making me angry.” I am paraphrasing but the message was this. Hearing this, Hachi gives up and people might think she ‘lets’ Takumi do whatever she wants therefore it’s okay somehow, it’s not. 
I read this somewhere and I want all of everyone to read it as well: A ‘yes’ only has value when someone is comfortable enough to say ‘no’. Hachi’s unwilling ‘yes’ means nothing because she was just very openly threatened by Takumi. Hachi, alienated from her friends, knowing Nana sees her as a traitor, Nobu as a cheater, Hachi who had no support for her baby, was given a clear ultimatum by Takumi, the only person she had by her side: if you don’t give me what I want, I will hurt you. You will be left alone. So she does. And then she doesn’t even acknowledge it as rape. She is angry and distraught after but it’s for the strawberry glasses and she just looks slightly annoyed with Takumi. That’s all. Where is that dramatic aftermath we usually see in media, where woman cries, breaks everything within reach then stares blankly at the ceiling?
Because most rape aftermaths don’t look like that. I am BY NO MEANS saying women whose experiences was as I wrote above as invalid. Most rape cases aren’t reported, we know that. But there is also a heartbreaking amount of women who can’t even decide if they have been raped or not. Women, who are  haunted by a certain memory but always pushing it to back of their minds.  I believe Hachi is one of them.  There is a high possibility Hachi was unable to register it as rape but we -readers can observe the effects of it through her behaviour. Hachi is terrified of Takumi. Fans give her so much shit for not contacting Nobu, even Hachi called it out of selfishness and no action is done with one mere emotion, but she also avoided it out of fear of angering Takumi. 
Hachi’s fear of him is displayed plain as day during Shin and Reira’s birthday party. Hachi knew she has angered Takumi by staying at the party, she even considers divorcing him and her inner monologue was pretty brave and promising. So what changed when Takumi knocked on Nana’s door? I would like to break down what for me, is one of the most disturbing scenes in NANA.
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This scene right here, is a cry for help for someone who can recognize certain patterns in abusive relationships.
Hachi was in a good mood right before this scene, Nana even pointed out she was too cheerful for someone in the brink of a break up. However, at presence of Takumi, she immediately caves and apologizes for doing things without his knowledge while at the same time, still offering a way out. This way out isn’t for Takumi, it’s for her. I am %100 sure if Takumi said ‘okay go live your own then’, even though sad, Hachi’s predominant emotion would be relief.
She is terrified of Takumi. Hachi is unable to escape this unless he gives her an out. She regretted her ‘choice’ of being with Takumi the morning after but she had no one or nowhere to go. Now, you might think ‘she could’ve gone back to her parents!’ or ‘she could’ve lived on her own’ and I want to counter with: abused people’s mind don’t function like that. Even though you are somewhat aware that you are being treated badly, taken advantage of, it’s pushed way back in your mind. Your world consists of only you and your abuser, you can’t think of options simply because you don’t see any. 
And your abuser makes you believe what they are doing isn’t a big deal. They treat you with kindness right after abusing you while not acknowledging their behavior to leave you disoriented and unsure about the weight of what you have experienced. What Takumi did to Hachi was exactly that. So what did she do? She surpassed it and moved on.
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‘I didn’t allow it for the sake of our future, but because I wanted to escape the terror and anxiety of that moment’ Read this sentence over and over again and process it. If I read one more take about how ‘what Takumi did wasn’t that bad compared to other NANA characters’ I am going to fucking slap them with this panel. Hachi learned that disobeying Takumi is pointless. She allows it even when considering separation, why? She is paralyzed by fear.  Because she tried to object Takumi once and learned her lesson. Obedience is so much easier than what you might face with your abuser. You bend and cave, do everything in your power to avoid their wrath. It’s safer.  Admitting that you haven’t received the best treatment from someone who is supposed to cherish you is an act strength by itself. I do not blame any victims of abuse who don’t want to admit or process their trauma. It’s hard, it’s terrifying and frustrating. Being able to process your trauma is a luxury most women don’t have. Hachi doesn’t have it with a belly up her nose at the age of 21. She is in a vulnerable position and don’t think even for a second Takumi isn’t aware of it. 
Next day, Hachi greets Takumi by the door as usual. Their home life becomes pretty stable since she takes all his micro aggressions,  his snarky comments and belittlement with slight annoyance, still with humor. Because the other scenario is losing herself. She surpasses her trauma to maintain her sanity. 
Why do I love this? 
Because a lot of women do exactly this. A lot of housewives who stick with their husbands despite years of abuse, young girls with their boyfriends do this. Because I read NANA at the age of 14 and didn’t even understand what Hachi went through but rereading it at 23, with what I have seen made me sob. Whether Ai Yazawa’s approach was irresponsible or genius I don’t know. But I took something valuable from it and if any minors or young adults especially are following me, I want them to recognize these patterns and behaviors too. 
And what should never be done is to take this tragic coping mechanism and turn it into an excuse to diminish your favorite rat boy’s behavior. You can keep saying what Takumi did wasn’t bad based on Hachi’s reaction, be aware it’s a survival instinct, not nonchalance.   To sum it up: Hachi is a survivor and what she lived through was just as sad and tragic as other characters, and  I am fucking sick of people invalidating it because she coped with a smile.
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Out Of Time ~ 102
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 4,000ish
Summary: A group goes to Korea. Tony convinces Bruce to help finish putting the Stone in the body.
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Y/N was walking out to the quinjet with Fury, dying to ask a question.
“Are you going through with Theta Protocol?” Y/N asked, quietly.
“I am,” Fury answered. “I believe we’ll need it. Don’t you?”
“As much as I want to believe we can end it in Korea, I have a feeling it won’t end there.”
“Coulson contacted me. Tried to get me to convince you to stay out of this. Any idea why?”
“He’s worried.”
“Nothing to do with the sudden ability to create portals?”
“I’m just saying, I don’t usually sit people out. But you should think about sitting this one out.”
“It’s too late. I’m already in this.”
“Alright, just… stay safe.”
Steve and Y/N were dropped off a few roofs down from Cho’s lab, for safety measures. They headed towards the edge of the roof and looked towards the lab.
“Two minutes,” Steve told Nat and Clint, who were on comms. “Stay close.” He glanced at Y/N before looking back at the lab. “You know, I really wish that you could just open a portal into the building.”
“You and me both,” she replied.
Steve jumped from roof to roff as Y/N used her portals to get to each roof. When they reached the lab building and entered, it was clear that Ultron and been there but also wasn’t there anymore. They found Helen on the floor, wounded.
“Dr. Cho!” Steve exclaimed as they ran to her. They knelt beside her.
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“He’s uploading himself into the body,” she stated, clearly in pain.
“Where?” Y/N asked.
“The real power is inside the Cradle. The gem, its power is uncontainable…. You can't just blow it up… You have to get the Cradle to Stark.”
“First we have to find it,” Steve said.
They ran out of the lab and towards the highway. They began to climb up the ladder to get to higher ground.
“Did you guys copy that?” Steve asked through the comms.
“We did,” Clint responded.
“I got a private jet taking off, across town, no manifest,” Natasha informed them. “That could be him.”
“There. It’s the truck from the lab. Right above you guys. On the loop by the bridge. It’s them. I got three with the cradle, one int he cab. I could take out the driver.”
“Negative!” Y/N quickly said. “If that truck crashes, the gem could level the city.”
“We need to draw out, Ultron,” Steve stated.
Steve jumped down onto the truck, getting Ultron’s attention. Y/N rolled her eyes and formed a portal above the truck, accessing it that way. Trying to get through the doors of the truck, Steve and the doors are blasted back by Ultron.
“Well, he’s definitely unhappy!” Steve commented, hanging onto the door as it got dragged. “I’m gonna try and keep him that way.”
“You’re not a match for him, Cap,” Clint said.
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“Thanks, Barton.”
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Ultron blasted at Steve as he tried to enter the truck. Steve hit the windshield of the car behind them. Y/N ran and flipped into the truck, dodging a blast from Ultron by creating portals. The blast came through a portal behind Ultron, hitting him in the back.
Steve found a way back onto the roof of the truck, Y/N appearing at the same time to avoid a blast. Ultron hovered at the end of the truck’s roof.
“You know what's in that Cradle?” Ultron asked. “The power to make real change, and that terrifies you.”
“I wouldn’t call it a comfort,” Steve commented. 
He tossed his shield at Ultron. It hit Ultron and he started firing back. Y/N used the portals to use the blasts against Ultron, once again.
“Get in and protect the gem!” Steve ordered.
Y/N nodded. She appeared in the truck, where two Ultron bots were guarding the cradle. They began shooting at her. She used the portals again to her advantage, but she could feel her energy being drained. Natasha was now on a motorcycle, chasing after the truck. She noticed Y/N fighting off the two bots by herself while Steve was fighting off the main Ultron bot on the roof.
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“Clint, can you draw out the guards?” Natasha ordered through the comms.
“Let’s find out,” Clint responded.
He flew the quinjet lower and fired at the main Ultron bot. That put the other two into protective mode, going after the quinjet.
“Thanks, Barton,” Y/N panted.
She went over to the cradle’s control panel, to see what she could do, as commotion continued through the comms.
“Heading back towards you,” Clint warned. “So whatever you’re going to do, do it now.”
“I’m going in,” Nat said. “Cap, can you keep him occupied?”
“What do you think I’ve been doing?” Steve responded.
Nat jumped into the truck as the Ultron bots lifted it off the ground.
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“I can’t access the panel,” Y/N stated. “I can’t stop whatever’s happening. Unless…” Y/N looked at the Stone. “I could—“
“No,” Nat stated. “Not here. Don’t you dare and try to do something that could kill you in this truck.”
“But, Nat, I could protect the—“
“I said no, Rogers!”
“Okay, package is airborne,” Clint stated over the comms. “I have a clean shot.”
“Negative,” Nat responded. “Y/N and I are still in the truck.”
“What the hell are you—“
“Just be ready, we’re sending the package to you.”
“How do you want me to take it?”
Nat cut through the straps holding the cradle in place. “Uhh, you might wish you hadn’t asked that.”
“I lost him!” Steve suddenly yelled over the comms. “He’s headed your way.”
“Guys, we gotta go,” Clint said, lining up the back of the quinjet with the back of the truck.
“Nat, get on the cradle!” Y/N ordered. She slipped a small bomb she had from her belt and placed it on the wall.
“What?” She responded. 
“Do it!”
Natasha did as she was told and laid on top of the cradle. Y/N pushed it towards the opening. It slid out of the truck and into the quinjet. Y/N portaled herself out of the truck and into the quinjet just as the truck exploded. Suddenly, Nat was grabbed by the Ultron bot.
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“Nat!” Both Clint and Y/N screamed.
“Cap, you see Nat?” Clint asked, panicked.
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“If you have the package, get it to Stark!” Steve ordered. “Go!”
“Steve, do you have eyes on Nat?” Y/N asked.
“Damn it,” Clint muttered as he reluctantly took off in the quinjet. 
“I should have portaled both of us in here,” Y/N shook her head. “I should have done something to save her.”
Clint was silent, but his thoughts were loud and clear, “Yeah. You should have.”
Y/N portaled the cradle and Clint into the lab, but not herself. She wanted time to feel the guilt, and she didn’t need the looks of blame from Bruce and Tony just yet. She was also tired. She had been practicing forming portals but she hadn’t used them in combat like she had today. Leaning her head back against the seat, Y/N closed her eyes and tried to calm the noise in her mind. It failed as the loudest mind of all drew near.
“She can’t be blaming herself over this,” Tony thought. “He would have grabbed one of them to prove a point anyway. And, sorry Nat, better you then Y/N.” 
Tony came up and set a caring hand on Y/N’s shoulder, rubbing it with his thumb.
“Heard what happened over the comms,” he said, spinning the captain’s chair around. “It wasn’t your fault.”
“Clint blames me,” she replied.
“You don’t kno—“
“But I do! I know it because I heard it. Yes, he didn’t say it out loud, but in his thoughts he was blaming me. I—“ Y/N gripped her hair. “I can’t do this! This burden is too much! I don’t want it anymore!”
“Woah, woah, woah.” Tony’s hands flew to Y/N’s wrists. “Honey…”
“I can’t do it!” She cried. “I can’t do what they’re expecting of me. They should have let me die!”
“What are you talking about?” Tony tried to pull Y/N closer to him. “No, they shouldn’t have.”
“Stop! Don’t touch me!”
Tony’s hands suddenly flew off of Y/N. His eyes widened at the action that he had no control over.
“Sweetheart….” He gently called. “What did the Maximoff witch show you?”
A loud, painful sob ripped through Y/N throat as the vision she was shown flashed through her mind. So much death and destruction. Crumbling in on herself, she slipped onto the floor. Tony’s heart broke as he watched the strongest woman he knew fall apart. He slowly knelt down beside her, carefully reaching out to touch her. When Y/N didn’t flinch away from his touch, Tony gently guided her hands out of her hair.
“Y/N… please tell me what you saw.”
“Dust,” she replied, barely a whisper. “Screams… so many screams…”
“It wasn’t real, Y/N, remember?”
“It felt real…. So real…”
“I know the feeling…” Tony slowly pulled Y/N up and into him, cradling her softly. 
“I shouldn’t have been saved….”
“Whatever those alien objects are making you feel, I’m grateful that they’ve been saving you… or else I wouldn’t have ever met you… and I can’t imagine my life without you.” He held a kiss to her head. “We’ll figure this out. We’ll get through it… we always do…”
Y/N gripped Tony’s hand tightly as he led her back to the lab. Bruce was entering as well as Clint tried to open the cradle.
“Anything on Nat?” Bruce asked.
“Haven’t heard,” Tony answered, giving Y/N’s hand a light squeeze. “But she’s alive, or Ultron’d be rubbing our faces in it.”
“This is sealed tight,” Clint stated.
“We’re going to need to access the program, break it down from within,” Bruce explained. 
“Hm,” Tony hummed. "Any chance Natasha might leave you a message, outside the internet, old school spy stuff?”
“There’s some nets I can cast,” Clint responded. “Yeah, alright. I'll find her.” And he headed off.
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“How about you sit here?” Tony guided Y/N down into a seat, kissing her forehead. “Does that work?” She nodded.
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Bruce eyes were laced with concern, but moved on, not wanting to say anything that would set anything off. “I can work on tissue degeneration, if you can fry whatever operational system Cho implanted.”
“Yeah, about that…”
“You have to trust me.” Y/N furrowed her brows.
“Kinda don’t.”
“Our ally? The guy protecting the military's nuclear codes? I found him.” Tony pulled up a consciousness.
“Hello, Dr. Banner, Agent Rogers,” JARVIS greeted.
“J?” Y/N gasped. She didn’t realize how much she could miss an AI.
“Ultron didn't go after JARVIS cause he was angry. He attacked him because he was scared of what he can do,” Tony explained. “So JARVIS went underground. Okay? Scattered, dumped his memory. But not his protocols. He didn't even know he was in there, until I pieced him together.”
“So, you want me to help you put JARVIS into this thing?” Bruce asked, pointing to the body inside the cradle.
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“No, of course not! I want to help you put JARVIS in this thing.” Bruce shook his head. “We're out of my field here. You know bio-organics better than anyone.”
“And you just assume that JARVIS' operational matrix can beat Ultron’s?”
“JARVIS has been beating him from inside without knowing it. This is the opportunity, we can create Ultron's perfect self, without the homicidal glitches he thinks are his winning personality. We have to.”
“I believe it’s worth a go,” JARVIS added.
“No, I’m in a loop!” Bruce exclaimed. “I'm caught in a time loop, this is exactly where it all went wrong.”
“I know, I know. I know what everyone's going to say, but they're already saying it,” Tony said, moving to standing next to Bruce. “We're mad scientists. We're monsters, buddy. You gotta own it. Make a stand.” Bruce shook his head again. “It's not a loop. It's the end of the line.”
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Feeling the sudden need to try something, Y/N stood up, the men eyeing her. She pressed her hand against the glass above the Stone and closed her eyes. She began searching it, as it searched her.
“You’re the only one,” it told her. “There’s no other option.”
“But what if I don’t want to?” She responded.
“Then half of the universe will die… I will be safe in this body, as long as JARVIS is in control and not Ultron. And I will help guide and protect you.”
“Y/N?” Tony called, growing concerned as the Stone had began glowing. “Y/N, what’s going on?”
“Just tell me one thing, when?” Y/N asked. “When does this all happen?”
“Soon,” the Stone replied. “But there are several things that must happen before then… You will be prepared though. We would not have chosen you if you weren’t going to be.”
“Y/N,” Tony called louder, coming up beside her.
With a light gasp, Y/N removed her hand and looked at Tony. “Do it,” she said. “Do it.”
“This framework is not compatible,” Tony stated. The men were experimenting with the cradle, trying to upload JARVIS.
“The genetic coding tower’s at ninety seven percent,” Bruce informed. “You have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes.”
Suddenly, Steve and the Maximoff twins appeared in the lab.
“I’m gonna say this once,” Steve warned.
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“How about ‘nonce’?” Tony retorted.
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“Shut it down!”
“Nope, not gonna happen.”
“You don’t know what you’re doing.”
“And you do?” Bruce asked, clearly angry. “She's not in your head?”
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“I know you’re angry—“ Wanda said, stepping up.
“Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade.”
“Banner,” Steve called, “after everything that’s happened—“
“That’s nothing compared to what’s coming!” Y/N shouted, surprising Steve.
“You don’t know what’s in there!” Wanda responded.
“This isn’t a game, Y/N,” Steve scolded. “How are you taking his side?”
“His side?” Y/N repeated. “This isn’t about sides, Steve! This has more to do than just us!”
“The creature—“ Wanda started but was cut off by Pietro using his speed to destroy the lab equipment.
“No, no. Go on,” Pietro taunted. “You were saying?”
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Suddenly, the glass floor Pietro was standing on shattered, sending him to the floor below. Barton was there, being the one who had shot the floor.
“Pietro!” Wanda yelled.
“What? You didn’t see that coming?” Clint taunted.
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The computers in the lab and the cradle began beeping. The sudden power loss was going to destroy everything they had done.
“I’m rerouting the upload!” Tony said.
Then a bang. Steve had thrown his shield at the equipment, trying to stop Tony. Tony called the suit to him, it quickly forming around him. He shot at Steve, throwing him down. Bruce went around to Wanda, holding her in a choke hold as her eyes began to glow red.
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“Go ahead,” Bruce whispered to her. “Piss me off.”
Clint came rushing up the stairs, cocking his gun. Steve quickly jumped up and started heading for Tony. Tony heading for him as well. Y/N jumped in between the two men, getting frustrated at what was happening.
“STOP!” She shouted. Suddenly, everyone froze. Y/N could feel it was her doing, her energy draining. 
“Y/N, how are—“ Steve began.
“NO! You don’t understand, this is needed.”
Thor suddenly slid into the lab, making his grand entrance after 24 hours. Him and Y/N made eye contact.
“I know the truth,” he thought, directly speaking to her. “I can help.”
She nodded and he jumped onto the cradle. Thor lifted up his hammer and began to summon lightning.
“Wait!” Bruce yelled.
But it was too late. Thor hit down on the cradle with his hammer. He lifted the hammer once the cradle started beeping.
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“Y/N, let us go,” Tony said.
“No,” she replied. 
Everyone eyed her worriedly, while still trying to watch the cradle. They grew more concerned when they noticed that she was breaking a sweat and trembling.
But Steve was cut off when the cradle burst opened, throwing Thor off from on top of it. The red body appeared on top of the cradle, housing the Mind Stone on its forehead. Y/N panted as she released everyone from her hold. They all stared at the body.
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Suddenly, the body flew at Thor. Thor tossed him through the glass wall and into the room below. Thor and Steve jumped out behind him, on the defensive, as Tony quickly came up to Y/N.
“Honey,” he called, grabbing her to steady her.
“If you and Steve… ever try to attack each other like that again…” Y/N panted. “I’ll kill you both myself…”
She shrugged off Tony and headed down the stairs, Tony slowly following behind her. The red body was hovering at the main wall of windows, staring at its reflection. Thor had his hand out, telling Steve not to attack. Thor set his hammer down and made his way toward the body. It flew down, changing its appearance to seem like it was wearing clothes, stopping when it was next to Thor.
“I am sorry,” his voice sounded like JARVIS, “That was… odd.” He looked at Thor. “Thank you.” 
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“Thor,” Steve’s authoritative voice rang through the room. “You helped create this?”
“I had a vision,” Thor started, glancing at Y/N. “A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life, and at its center is that.” He pointed to the Mind Stone.
“What?” Bruce questioned. “The gem?”
“It’s the Mind Stone,” Thor continued, glancing at Y/N once again as she tensed. Steve noticed as well. “It’s one of the six Infinity Stones. The greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities.”
“Then why would you bring—“ Steve started.
“Because Stark is right.”
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“Oh, it’s definitely the end times,” Bruce commented.
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“I’m not the only one who knows this.” Thor made eye contact with Y/N, causing everyone to look at her. “The Avengers can not defeat Ultron.”
“Not alone,” the body added, walking closer to everyone.
“Why does your vision sound like JARVIS?” Steve asked.
“We… we reconfigured JARVIS’ matrix to create something new,” Tony replied. He walked around the man, studying him carefully.
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“I think I’ve had my fill of new,” Steve commented, shooting a glance Y/N’s way.
“You think I’m a child of Ultron?” The body asked.
“You’re not?” Steve questioned.
“I’m not Ultron. I’m not JARVIS. I am… I am…”
“I looked in your head and saw annihilation,” Wanda stated.
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“Look again.”
“Yeah,” Clint spoke up. “Her seal of approval means jack to me.”
“Their powers, the horrors in our heads, Y/N—“ Thor stopped himself as Y/N frantically shook her head. Thor quickly continued, “Ultron himself, they all came from the Mind Stone, and they're nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with it on our side—“
“Is it?” Steve asked. “Are you? On our side?”
“I don’t think it’s that simple,” it responded.
“Well it better get really simple real soon,” Clint growled.
“I am on the side of life. Ultron isn't, he will end it all.”
“What’s he waiting for?” Tony asked.
“Where?” Bruce wondered.
“Sokovia,” Clint answered. “He’s got Nat there too.”
“If we're wrong about you, if you're the monster that Ultron made you to be—“
“What will you do?” It questioned, silencing everyone.
“It’s not a monster,” Y/N responded, stepping forward. She kept her eyes on the Stone. “Trust me.��
“I don't want to kill Ultron. He's unique, and he's in pain. But that pain will roll over the earth, so he must be destroyed. Every form he's built, every trace of his presence on the net, we have to act now. And not one of us can do it without the others. Maybe I am a monster. I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not what you are, and not what you intended. So there may be no way to make you trust me. But we need to go.” 
Suddenly, the body lifted Thor’s hammer, handed it to the god. Thor took and at the body walked off as everyone stared in shock.
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“Right,” Thor nodded. He walked over to Tony, patting him on the shoulder. “Well done.”
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“Three minutes,” Steve ordered. “Get what you need.”
Thor walked over to Y/N, grabbing her arm as he led her away.
“Hey!” Tony called out, causing everyone to notice. “What are you doing?”
“We need to talk,” Thor responded, getting leading her away.
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Y/N looked back at the rest of the team, who were hurt and confused. “We’ll be right back,” she said. Opening a portal, the two appeared on the roof of the Tower. “So… you know?”
“About what though, exactly?”
“The Infinity Stones are what give you your gifts. They are what is protecting you.” Y/N sighed with a nod. “I’m getting that you haven’t told anyone the full extent of everything.”
“How could I? Tony had a vision of us all dead in front of him and that’s why we’re now going to fight a murder bot! If I told any of them that the Stones were saving me for a bigger threat….” She scoffed. “They would lock me up and throw away the key.”
“They wouldn’t do that to you. Stark and Rogers care a great deal about you.”
“They wouldn’t if they’ve seen what I’ve seen.”
“Are you sufficiently practicing your abilities?”
“I only learn about them as the Stones see fit.”
“Good, good.” He nodded. “Do you feel up to fighting Ultron, Y/N?”
“Please don’t doubt me too, Thor.”
“I’m not. I just saw how much of a strain that was, stopping everyone. I want to make sure you have your full strength before heading in.”
“I’ll be fine, Thor. We should get back to the team… They aren’t going to be happy about this.”
“I will help you, Y/N. They won’t be able to hurt you.”
Y/N gave a small nod as she created a portal and her and Thor entered the Tower again. Y/N drew back as she saw the anger in Steve’s eyes and the hurt in Tony’s. Noticing it as well, Thor protectively stepped in front of her.
“This needs to stop,” Thor ordered. “We have bigger problems than what’s going on with Y/N at the moment.”
“You don’t know what you’re—“
“I do know what’s going on here, Stark. And I know it can wait until after Ultron.”
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“We’re just asking her to be honest with us,” Steve stated.
“And I’m just asking for some time,” Y/N responded, meekly. 
“I think you’ve had enough. How long have you known about the Infinity Stones?”
“Steve, please und—“
“How long, Y/N?! How long have you decided to keep things from this team? From your family? You are my twin, the only one I have ever really trusted! But now—“
“That’s enough!” Thor roared, lightning cracking. Thor’s Vision appeared behind Y/N before moving in front of her to protect her as well. “Like I said before, this isn’t something we should worry about now. Ultron first, this later.”
“Come on,” the Vision said, urging Y/N to move. She did, slowly following him to the quinjet.
next chapter >
NOTES: from now on the taglist when be added by a reblog. I will reblog it using my second account, @just-dreaming-marvel-2​. Just so that my main page doesn’t get too cluttered.
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask. 
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On Genre and Intentionality: A Conversation between Kazuo Ishiguro and Neil Gaiman
Earlier tonight, Kazuo Ishiguro and @neil-gaiman had a conversation hosted by Gramercy Books, alongside Quail Ridge Books and Books & Books, in order to talk about Ishiguro’s newest novel, Klara and the Sun. The conversation touched on everything from the slippage between genres to the immense opportunities of the art of comics (Ishiguro has plans to write a graphic novel) to the joys as well as fears of collaboration and adaptations. But at the core was Ishiguro’s new novel, a soft science fiction novel about an AI named Klara who becomes an artificial friend to a young sick teenager named Josie.
It may surprise people that Ishiguro first intended Klara’s story to be a picture book for young children. He had become preoccupied with the ways that children’s novels balance the wish of adults to protect kids from harsh realities with the “little hints, behind the clouds or in the shadows” of the darknesses and fears behind the scenes. But after Ishiguro ran the story past his daughter, she told him it was too sad. He pulled the child’s viewpoint into what would become this darker adult tale.
In 2015, Ishiguro and Gaiman took part in a magnificent conversation about genre for the New Statesman. They touched on the conversation a few times today, particularly after Gaiman commented on Ishiguro daring to release a science fiction novel, historically regarded as “genre fiction,” as his first book after winning the Nobel Prize for Literature. But Ishiguro said that while Never Let Me Go had felt like consciously bringing in the tropes and tricks of science fiction, Klara didn’t. Ishiguro had been studying and investigating developments in AI and gene editing for years, and so these began to pull into the novel quite naturally. “It felt less like something daring,” said Ishiguro, “and more like writing about something on our doorstep...something that people haven’t quite woken up to yet.”
“For many years as a fiction writer,” said Ishiguro, “I’ve been obsessed about how to make a story linger in readers’ minds.” Ishiguro got his start as a songwriter, where your goal is to make that single 3-minute song lodge in the listener, and last past its final notes. So what makes stories last?
The two writers agreed that largely, it’s making sure that the reader meets you halfway. “I always find myself on the side of not giving much information,” said Ishiguro. “Let the reader wonder.” He cited the gaps between panels in comic books: you have to bring the reader in, make it so they’re an active participant filling in the spaces. Gaiman mentioned the final chapter of The Buried Giant as a perfect example—by answering some questions but leaving others open, you are able to “force the reader to become a collaborator”—and once the reader is part of the creative process, the story tends to haunt them. 
My question was passed on to Ishiguro, to my immense gratification. I asked about the experimental imagery he uses in Klara—as he explained to attendees, when Klara is stressed or confused, her vision can split into a grid somewhat like a Zoom window. For example, if she isn’t sure why someone is staring at her, her vision splits into many pairs of eyes, some that look angry, some that look calm, and others that are even looking away. Ishiguro said that it was sort of a cubist idea—seeing a face that you can interpret many ways. He said that 2001: A Space Odyssey taught him an important lesson years ago by including the light show. “It’s pure abstract avant-garde film-making, but viewers accept it because it’s in context,” said Ishiguro. “I learned that you can do really weird things if you put them in context.” If you take experimental literature and technique and put it into an understandable context, it still connects with readers. And in Klara, with this AI protagonist, he knew immediately, “I can do this with a vengeance.”
At one point, Ishiguro emphasized that the important thing at the core of writing is always intentionality. He explained that a good jazz musician improvises every solo, but not simply by throwing out nothing riffs and well-known patterns: they improvise with intention, with a story to tell, an emotion or thread to communicate to the listener. Something that sounds like “it really had to come out.” You can play with a lot of things in your writing as long as it has that core sense; the feeling that the author was writing something that was “hovering in his head” that absolutely had to be let loose.
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I had an idea and thought it was funny so:
This takes place after Cloud Recess but before the Wen stuff, WWX is visiting NHS in the Unclean Realm and they’re gardening. It starts with WWX POV and ends with WWX POV but the middle is mostly NMJ’s POV. 
It’s a mix of MDZS Donghua canon and Untamed canon but it doesn’t really matter. The only difference is NMJ is clean shaven here.
It’s mostly one sided Mingxian with WWX talking about how hot NMJ is, so. 
“So, how has Madam Jiang and Jiang-Zhongzhu been?” Huaisang asks as the pair wade around the small pond. 
 “As good as they ever are.” Wei Wuxian groans, “Ai, sometimes it’s exhausting though. Madam Yu is always so angry with me and Uncle Jiang is always so lenient. Finding common ground sucks.” 
“Have you told them this?” Huaisang asks, as if not telling your clan leader when you think they fucked up is foreign to him. Honestly, it probably was, considering Huaisang didn’t mince his words to his brother. Most of the time. 
Wei Wuxian snorts, “You can’t just say that sort of stuff. It has to be polite and buried under six compliments and formalities. I mean, you wouldn’t tell Lan-Zhongzhu he’s stuck up, right?” 
 Huaisang giggles, ”I wouldn’t, but I wouldn’t put it past you though.” 
 Wei Wuxian rolls his eyes, “Yeah, well, maybe to annoy him. But as a legitimate complaint? Doesn’t happen. You don’t do that. Tell your Clan Leader when you have a problem with their attitude. Or anything that isn’t detrimental to your health. It’s just not done. You can’t speak freely to Sect Leaders.” 
 “You say that like you didn’t say upon meeting Dage, ‘Insanely hot, is this even possible? How can someONE!’” Huaisang’s imitiation of Wei Wuxian turns into a panicked shout when Wei Wuxian tackles him down into the shallow pond. Huaisang doesn’t stop, “‘How can someone be so hot? What God allowed-‘“ Huaisang trails off into laughter and Wei Wuxian gives him a noogie. 
 Not far, hidden by some decorative paneling, stood Nie Mingjue who looked onto the pair with amusement. He hadn’t been happy when he found out Huaisang had ditched Saber Training again to play in his garden, but friends were always nice to have. 
 “Why do you have to bring that up!” Wei Wuxian demands sitting in the pond beside Huaisang, keeping Huaisang’s head above the water as Mingjue’s brother just lays in the pond. 
 Huaisang laughs and Mingjue has a very bad feeling suddenly, “Because he forgot your name-“ Oh that little! “He couldn’t remember your name for an entire year and just called you,” Huaisang takes a break to laugh before finishing, “just called you Insanely Hot Guy. Obviously in reference to your first words to him, but Zonghui was so confused!” 
“Ai, well, I am insanely hot.” Wei Wuxian states with no irony, and gets smacked in the face by Huaisang for his trouble. “Why is there even a pond here? I thought you didn’t have this stuff.” 
 “We didn’t. I made it!” Huaisang was incredibly proud.
“Because it’s pretty.” Huaisang sits up, but the hand Wei Wuxian had been using to support him follows so the pair end up sitting close together with Wei Wuxian’s hand on the back of Huaisang’s head. If Mingjue didn’t know his brother, he’d assume it was some intimate setting. “And! You always talk of how good Lotus seeds are, and how pretty the flowers are, and we could use some beauty here.” 
“What, your brother isn’t enough?” 
 Huaisang sighs, “Why does everyone think Dage is so hot?” 
“Because he’s tall, ripped, and could probably snap me in half without any real effort.” Wei Wuxian says with zero hesitation.
 “That’s attractive?” Huaisang asks with clear disbelief. Mingjue was with him. The tall and ripped stuff he knew. The third thing was confusing him. 
Wei Wuxian shrugs, “It is to me. Although I also love small scheming men who helped me shave off Lan Qiren’s mustache.” 
“Ah! Not so loud!” Huaisang shushes, “Dage will be furious if he finds out I had anything to do with that!” Huaisang vastly overestimates how much Mingjue’s cares. And vastly underestimates how much he loved seeing the esteemed Grandmaster Lan with no facial hair. He’s such a baby. 
“Fine fine. What was disturbing about that is that he’s hot. How can someone so hot decide terrible facial hair is the way to go? Huaisang, promise me you’ll never let Chifeng-zun grow terrible facial hair.” 
“I’ll shave it off myself.” Huaisang promises. Well. There goes the plans for the mustache. Mingjue has no doubt Huaisang would sneak into his rooms and shave his face in his sleep. Furthermore, Mingjue’s not confident in his ability to say ‘no’ if Huaisang begs him and looks at him pitifully. 
 Actually, he’s entirely confident he’ll fold like a paper crane if Huaisang does that. 
“Good.” Wei Wuxian stands up suddenly, “Now! You said we’re making a Lotus Pond? I can help with that!” Huaisang stands up too fast, looking very eager and happy, and upon trying to grab Wei Wuxian for stability, drags him back down. 
Mingjue huffs a laugh at the scene, mostly because Wei Wuxian looks so disappointed in Huaisang, and apparently decides dumping a handful of water over Huaisang is entirely appropriate. Huaisang doesn’t even protest, or try to get back at Wei Wuxian. 
 Mingjue tenses when he hears familiar footsteps, he peers behind him and sees Elder Qin slowly making her way down the walkway. Thankfully, her sight was worse than Mingjues, so she does not see him.  He was not waiting around for her to reach him though. He was avoiding her for a reason. Sucks to be Huaisang. 
“Huaisang!” Mingjue yells, walking off the walkway and into the garden. 
 “Da Ge!” Huaisang calls with a yelp and both boys try to stand up but their legs were entwined from their previous fall and made them fall again. 
“If you have time to garden you have time to practice your saber.” 
 “But Da ge,” Huaisang whines, and Mingjue doesn’t let him get another word in, silently picking Huaisang up by the back of his clothes, he doesn’t hesitate to grab Wei Wuxian by the back of his collar too. 
“Uh, Chifeng-zun.” Wei Wuxian starts, clearly confused.
 “Time to garden, time to train.” Mingjue repeats and walks away from the pond and Elder Qin. 
Huaisang, used to this, had brought his legs up and essentially curled himself into a ball, Wei Wuxian, not so used to it, lets his legs drag a while before pulling them up as well. Normally Wei Wuxian would complain about how uncomfortable it was to be pulled by his collar, like he did with Lan Zhan, but right now, he has bigger problems. Well, not bigger, but more pressing problems he really doesn’t want anyone to notice. 
 Apparently another thing that made Chifeng-zun hot was his ability to pick Wei Wuxian up with one hand with barely any effort. Who knew?
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arandompostarchive · 3 years
Inure - Ch. 2
Summary: To some, The Specter is a serial killer. To some, a hero. But to everyone, you were entirely a mystery. You had no history, just a list of victims a mile long. No matter how many people searched your name, they could find anything. If only they had the spelling right. Now, you’ve come across some unfortunate information that drives you out of your usual shadows and into the path of the Avengers. Including two of the more reclusive members of the team. And it’s hard to pick only one of them.
“Howard, I’m not sure this is a good idea. SPECTR isn’t ready to show the public yet, much less reporters who will make up a million theories on how we’ll use this.” You argued. You sat across from Howard as you looked over the machine’s blueprints. Howard had suggested that it was ready for a test run, which was completely wrong. It was far from perfect.
“I’m not saying we have to keep it running, but we’ve got to show people something!” He said, getting frustrated. You began to get frustrated too.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have bragged about it to every media outlet in the country, then. You told them about SPECTR, now you have to tell them it’s not ready. It’s that simple.” You didn’t look up at him.
“C’mon. One test, we don’t have to test all it’s features, let’s just turn on its most basic setting. Just show that it works!” He said. You stood, walking toward the control panel you had set up. The machine was behind glass in a testing room. If you turned it on right now, you weren’t sure what the reaction would be, so you insisted it be put safely away from you.
“But it doesn’t work.”
“They don’t have to know that! I just gotta show them something.” You were tempted to give in. To let him bring in his media crew and you would have if it weren’t for the dangers SPECTR presented.
“Turning it on right now could endanger lives. We need to stay safe about this.” He rolled his eyes. He hated your safety rules which you had only implemented because he would run around the lab doing stupid things otherwise. “Look, I get it. I’m excited about this too! We’re making life-changing stuff here! But let’s save it until we know it will actually change lives.” You bent down and unscrewed a panel on the control board. You had missed the upset look on Howard’s face, not that you couldn’t guess what it looked like.
You continued working while he made a call or two in the background. You jumped a bit when a spark came out of the panel. You stood up, opening the door to the test room to check the machine itself. You could feel Howard staring at the back of your head.
You jolted up, sweating a bit. Most of your dreams were memories now. At least, all the dreams you remembered were. At the time, that memory didn’t seem so bad. It just seemed like two friends arguing and that’s what you thought it was. You wished you could go back. Tell yourself to listen a little closer to his phone calls. Double check that he really wouldn’t get a dozen reporters. Instead, you trusted him. That had been a grave mistake.
You pushed yourself off of your bed. Your room was nice to say the least. Leave it to a Stark to make things look expensive. You had an apartment-like area. There was a bedroom and a small living room and kitchen hybrid. It had a tv, a couch and the bare essentials of a kitchen.
You walked into your kitchen area to make tea. “What time is it?” You wondered out loud, seeing the darkness outside your windows. “I need to tell that Captain more about what I know, maybe the team would stop talking about me. Or at least do it in a more private setting.” You grabbed an electric kettle and filled it with water, waiting for it to boil.
“It’s 3:44 am, and I can remind you, if you’d like,” A voice offered. The sound of another person in your space made you jump, but when you looked around you couldn’t spot anyone.
“Hello?” You said loudly, unsure of where the person came from.
“Hello.” The voice said again. You stepped closer to the couch and looked around, still, no one was in sight.
“Who are you?” You asked. Trying to locate the voice.
“I’m FRIDAY, Mr. Stark’s AI system.” You almost laughed. Of course.
You were still curious though. She was really AI? Had she passed the Turing Test? How had he made a completely functional system? How was she built in, is it just in certain rooms, or did he manage to put her everywhere? You had questions to ask Stark about his inventions, though you were dreading having to talk to Howard’s son. He couldn’t be that much better than his father and you weren’t ready to spend time with Howard 2.0. You’d seen Tony on the news and even spent your own time watching over him, but you’d never had a real conversation.
“FRIDAY, huh? And how do you work?” You asked. Admittedly, it felt weird talking to the air. There was no where to focus, so you really just ended up staring at the ceiling. It felt odd.
“I was implemented to help Mr. Stark after he lost his previous AI. I’m a network of different systems Mr. Stark has created. I’m not allowed to share all the details, but I’m sure Boss wouldn’t mind showing you.”
Of course she calls Tony “Boss”, seems just like a Stark to put themselves on a pedestal. “Well,” you began, “Thank you FRIDAY. I can remember to talk to Captain Rogers, though. I don’t really have much else to do.”
“Alright, Miss.”
“Just call me Spectr,” you told her, smiling at the ceiling.
“No problem, Spectr.” There was a soft whistling behind you and you stopped the kettle before it got too loud. You took the tea along with a bit of honey and sat down on the couch, slowly sipping it. It felt odd to have a ‘home’. A TV, couch, bed, kitchen, even the weird body-less AI felt comforting. Something you hadn’t felt in a long time.
Coming downstairs to get breakfast was one of the most awkward experiences of your rather long life. You had come down late, hoping the Avengers ate early. To your dismay, most of the team were in their kitchen, chatting about something or other, though it seemed like a few of them there only to talk to the group.
When you walked in, book in hand, their conversation immediately hushed and all eyes turned to you. The team was terrible at pretending not to stare, but you did your best to ignore them.
“Um, Spectr.” The Captain spoke up. His voice stayed steady, but you could tell he felt odd asking you anything. You turned around to face him, silently telling him to continue. “Join us, we’d like to get to know you.” The sentiment was nice, though you knew what he was doing. If they could befriend you, they’d have a permanent ally or maybe even stop your ‘crime spree’. Or maybe they wanted a reason to justify working with you. Maybe they felt guilty putting a serial killer on the team, even temporarily, and thought that maybe, just maybe, if you were a kind person they’d feel just a little bit better. But the much more likely option was that they wanted a way to take you down. They wanted to know exactly what made you tick just in case you got too hard to handle. You wished them luck, you had died decades ago.
“No, Captain, you don’t want to talk to me. I’m a possible threat in your house. You want to learn whatever you can about me. That’s fine, I understand.” Everyone at the table was avoiding meeting both your eyes and Steve’s. You didn’t really have anything against Rogers, but you weren’t here to become best friends, you were here to stop a threat. Then you could leave and go back to your old life with no record of your crimes. Not that the city papers wouldn’t have a field day.“But you don’t want to talk to me. Don’t pretend you do, it’s rude.” You didn’t get a response, so you assumed you guessed right.
The team went back to your hushed conversation and you scanned the room. You grabbed a cup of coffee from the fresh brewed pot and sat yourself on a couch in their living room area. A man was sitting across from you also buried in a book. You didn’t mind the lack of conversation, though his book choice was interesting. Shakespeare’s The Tempest, certainly a good read.
You looked down at your book, staring at the page but still focused on the man in front of you. You recognized him, though you weren’t certain from where.
“The team seems to have deemed you a villain as well.” He said, barely glancing up from the pages. Usually, you’d be angry. You’d leave and find somewhere else so you could be alone. But for some reason, you didn’t.
“You’re getting the same treatment?” You asked, somewhat skeptical. From the outside, he looked like just another team member.
“It is to be expected after what I did. They still do not trust me.” This time he looked up at you, fully meeting your eyes. Then, you recognized him. Loki. The guy who wrecked New York.
It wasn’t your style, but it did end up taking out one of your targets for you and he seemed nice enough.
“I see. Well, can’t exactly blame them for not liking me either, then.” You said. He kept a straight face. It looked practiced, like he knew exactly how to keep his emotions hidden. But you knew that look in his eyes. The very silent desperation that maybe, maybe you could relate to him. Maybe you could be outcasts together. You weren’t sure you liked that idea. Being alone in your new ‘room’ seemed much more favorable.
“I’m not exactly clear on what you did.” He closed his book, keeping his thumb between the pages and setting it on his lap. You did the same.
“Well, I kill for a living. Sort of. It’s not the most high paying gig out there, but ‘heroes’ don’t tend to appreciate serial killers.” You tried to state that in the most lighthearted way possible, though there wasn’t really a nice way to phrase it.
“Do you simply kill anyone?” He asked, clearly trying to piece together why a murderer is currently trying to help save the world. You smirked a bit.
“Not exactly. All my victims are the people who’ve escaped justice. Maybe they got away with murder maybe the court just isn’t moving fast enough. Or they’ve got connections and keep walking free. I never miss a target.” You said, proud of your work.
The Avengers didn’t see it how you did. You were correcting the world. Bringing back hope, even if no one would cheer for you out loud.
“And the Avengers feel you are doing the world a disservice by ridding it of evil?” He seemed confused by the concept. As far as he was concerned, it sounded fair. Harsh, but fair.
“They don’t like the whole ‘murder’ part. Well, torture and murder part. They think we should let the system handle it. But the system isn’t working, so here I am.” You said, taking a large sip of your coffee.
“And if authorities catch you? Will they put you to death over such a thing?” You shrugged in response. In all honesty, you hadn’t really looked up what consequences you’d face. You didn’t care. “You do not seem scared.” He noted.
You laughed a bit. “Death is an old friend.” You took another sip of your coffee and he seemed to acknowledge that he wasn’t going to get any more than that. You spent a little while longer in a comfortable silence, both reading your respective books.
Soon, you finished yours and stood up. Loki nodded to you and you nodded back. You wouldn’t call him a friend, but he certainly wasn’t an enemy and that’s the closest thing you had to a friend right now.
You walked back to the kitchen, dropping your now empty coffee cup into the sink and washing it, placing it on the small drying rack they had there. Some of the team was still in the kitchen and you heard their conversation quiet. You had better hearing than average, but it wasn’t anything to brag about. And since the team was mostly super-soldiers, you could hear their extremely quiet whispers. Whatever they were talking about, they were being careful about it.
You grabbed a few granola bars from the cabinet when you spotted a bottle of whiskey that had been left on the counter, probably by mistake. You suspected Stark, Howard would leave your bottles on your table when he went to your house, why would Tony be different? You grabbed a glass and filled it, not bothering to look at the brand of whiskey.
“I like a good drink myself, but, uh, that’s a full size glass and it’s 10 in the morning?” Tony said, looking slightly concerned. You scoffed a bit.
“I’m starting that late, huh?” You asked, drinking a bit of the glass and walking toward their training room. The drink  wouldn’t do much, your heart had stopped, well, working after you died. Everything had. As far as you knew, you were essentially a walking, talking corpse. The only reason you had to breathe was so you could talk, so when you lived alone you didn’t find it necessary. Your alcohol limit was high to say the least, you were almost certain you could out drink Thor. And now that you lived in the same house as the guy, you were kinda tempted to try it.
Since all of the loud members of the team were at breakfast, including Thor and Tony, you settled for getting exercise. Their training rooms were huge. Starks always went big. You could hear someone else and you groaned at the thought of human interaction. Like living with a bunch of do-good superheroes wasn’t enough, now you had to actually talk to them.
You walked in anyway, hoping it was one of the quieter members, like Vision. Though you didn’t see why a floating android would need to work out. Instead, it was Steve’s friend, Bucky Barnes. Although Steve and Bucky didn’t know you, you knew of them. Peggy had talked about Steve a bit, so you knew a little bit about their life in the army. You had even comforted Peggy once Steve crashed into the ocean.
The closest you had ever been to actually talking to them was consulting when Howard was designing possible shields for Steve. Bucky on the other hand, you had only heard about once or twice. Mainly about how he had gone missing.
You tried not to make eye contact with him while you went over to the weights. He was practicing what looked like knife throwing, so he wasn’t really focused on you.
“You created that machine, right?” You hadn’t even crossed the room before he addressed you. You internally groaned, not liking the idea of a conversation right now. Especially with someone who would quiz you on all your weaknesses.
He looked at you and offered a knife out of the small chest full of them. You took it and resigned yourself to questioning. It would be easier to manage if it was only one of them.
“Me and a friend. We thought it could do good, but it was never finished.” You said, throwing the knife at the target. Knife throwing wasn’t your specialty, but you weren’t terrible, so it landed off-center. Bucky still looked impressed though.
“Not bad. That machine was made to heal people, right?” You nodded and he threw his own knife, landing dead center. It looked like he was making a ‘X’ shaped pattern out of them. “So how’s he going to use it to hurt anyone?”
You had considered that before. But, considering the… malfunctions the machine was capable of, you didn’t doubt it could harm people as well as heal. “Trust me, it can kill without a problem.” You said, not liking the topic he had chosen. You tossed another knife at the target, this time landing further off-center than the one before. You internally sighed at your lack of focus.
He considered what you said and nodded, seemingly understanding that there was more to your statement.
“I don’t think you’re a threat, if that’s what you’re worried about.” He said, pausing in his knife throwing. You scoffed.
“You don’t, huh? Then why exactly are you talking to me?”
He shrugged a bit. “You seemed lonely.”
You continued throwing knives discussing members of the team. It seemed you had two not-enemies in the tower.
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the-river-person · 3 years
Human Soul
A spark leapt from the circuit board that Alphys was working on, but she hardly noticed. Essentially she was putting the finishing touches on the ship’s environmental systems. The Human Soul of Kindness had offered to oversee the system from the inside, adjusting manually what normally a computer AI would be doing. Unlike a computer it would be able to assess a system based on the Monsters using it and what they needed and wanted rather than what streams of impersonal data told it they wanted. All of the souls had volunteered willingly enough. It had been quite a shock to see it. The King and Queen had resisted Doctor Gaster’s plan quite adamantly, backed by their son. Even Alphys had been called in for her opinion on it, and she squirmed with embarrassment at the memory of herself standing there and struggling to choke the words out while her anxiety skyrocketed. But she’d pointed out that the Souls might be the only way to actually power the ship at this point, since they had no other source. Not one readily available at least. That hadn’t pleased the Royal Family in the least and more experts were called in. Even Isa was brought in, and Papyrus in his role as Captain of the Royal Guard, and Sans as a former scientist and current psychologist. The argument had gone on for more than an hour, and she’d found herself shrinking back behind the others, not really wanting to be a part of this as voices had raised higher and higher. It was the only time she’d ever actually seen Doctor Gaster look angry. He was gesticulating wildly, illustrating his words with grandiose movements of his arms and skeletal hands, his eyes tinged red with fury. Toe to toe with him was Queen Toriel, her own hands practically smoking as she resisted the urge to summon fire. Asgore too was hanging back from everything, looking as if he wished he was anywhere else while his son and wife led the front line of the heated argument. Then something changed. A sound like shattering glass cut through the sound in an instant. Everyone went quiet and turned to look as something soared in through the doorway. It was the human souls. She’d never imagined that they had only stayed in the containers because they wished to, that they were never truly trapped at all. But the moment they decided to make a move, they simply shattered their prisons and moved on as if it were nothing. They couldn’t really speak, not directly. But Asriel was able to translate, having once been connected with them. In the end, Gaster’s plan had been the one they chose. Insisting on the need for leaving this world. What they had actually called it was “This dying world”, but Alphys was trying not to think about that. Each of the different Souls ran one of the main systems. Kindness was the environmental controls, Bravery was the Tactical and Defense system, Perseverance was the Emergency Operations system and various auxiliary systems that responded in case of malfunction in any of ship’s other systems, Integrity ran the sensor stations and the communication system, Patience headed the Navigation system, and Justice oversaw the Command systems. Together with the crew of the ship, they would work as a team to move them through whatever they found in the Void. Not that she entirely understood what they’d be facing there. Gaster’s explanation had been...convoluted. She smirked and closed the panel, satisfied that it was finished. “ALPHYS!” What? That was Papyrus. What was he doing here? And why did he sound... distressed? The tall skeleton, seeming quite authoritative and dashing in his uniform, burst through the door. From the noise outside it seemed like he’d run down the steps of Gaster’s cavern where the ship was and ordered scientists and workmen out of his way without stopping. She stood up and dusted herself off, giving him her full attention. This must be serious. What came out of his mouth next spread ice through her veins. “DOCTOR ALPHYS, WE NEED YOUR HELP! ISA IS GRAVELY ILL! WE’VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE IT!”
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olde-scratch · 4 years
It Happened Again
Fandom: Hermitcraft (s7)
Summary: Grian compares Grumbot to NPC Grian and RoboGrian and ends up almost having a mental breakdown.
Notes: Based on this amazing comic by @grians-of-salt (please check it out, it’s really good!) | I’m saying this is Character!Grian since this fic includes the robots he made for his videos, which have nothing to do with Hermitcraft | Grumbot loves his Dads | I’m new to posting stuff like this on Tumblr so if I miss something in this little intro section, yell at me
Warnings: Robot death, Angst
Word Count: 4,515
It wouldn't happen again.
    As Grian placed block after block, creating Grumbot's exterior, he tried to convince himself this was true. Over and over and over. This wouldn't be like nay of Grian's other failed projects--like NPC Grian or RoboGrain. This wouldn't be a rustic house-creating disaster or an aspiring murderer with a monotone voice.
    Grumbot was going to be different. Mumbo was helping with this one. And Mumbo was better at the technical stuff than Grian was ever going to be.
    Grian placed the final block of concrete, stepping back to view his creation so far.
    A smile overtook his face.
    It wouldn't happen again.
"I've developed artificial intelligence in Minecraft, making use of redstone. Y'know, I'm quite proud of myself on that one. It took a day, and--"
    "A day!" Grian interrupted. (It took him at least a few months to create NPC Grian and God knows how many more to make RoboGrian.) "Just cracked artificial intelligence, like that--just took a day. Really long time."
    Mumbo chuckled. "Yeah. So, um, it should--it should all be working and we should be able to start asking it questions and things?"
    "Okay, um..." Grian tilted his head. "Should we--How does--How does it work?"
    Mumbo lead him over to the interface, Grian immediately focusing on the fact that there were buttons--four of them, one with a diamond block behind it. He directed Grian over to the left of Grumbot's control panel and explained the output--a dropper that the "mayoral advice" came from.
    "And then, we have the different stages of priming, all of which are incredibly important..." Mumbo added as he head Grian over to the buttons.
    Grian looked over the buttons, reading them out--"Prime Grumbot. Step two: Bootload Brain... Step three: Flood mayoral reservoir--"
     "Yep, that's most important."
    Grian turned to Mumbo, obviously puzzled. "What does that even mean?! What does flood mayoral--"
    "You've just gotta flood the mayoral reservoir," Mumbo said with a shrug. "You know, you've just gotta get them flooded and... mayoral."
    "We may be the first humans ever to use that sequence of words--flood mayoral reservoir--"
    Mumbo furrowed his brows. "Maybe. That might have never been said before."
    Grian let out a laugh. "I wouldn't be surprised! And now I'm curious of the situation that someone else used it." He returned his focus to the control panel, reading out the final step: "Deposit Question Diamond."
    "Yes!" Mumbo chirped.
    Grian looked between him and the label, quiet. "Deposit--What--What does that mean?"
    "Yeah, you have to name a diamond," Mumbo explained, "that's--that's the question, and then, yeah, you make your payment."
    "You designed a machine that we have to pay to use?!"
    Mumbo blinked, obviously just now comprehending what he'd done. "Oh, yeah, you w--yeah..."
    Grian couldn't help but laugh at his face.
    "I was the one that built this," Mumbo continued, still looking a little shell-shocked. "Why did I make it charge...?" He chuckled. "I mean, I just thought--! Y'know, like--he--he probably has feelings, too!" He gestured up to Grumbot, both of them backing up to get a better view of Grumbot's curious eyes. "He's artificial intelligence, he doesn't wanna be doing this for free!"
    (Grian would have to make sure NPC Grian and RoboGrian never heard that. They'd start demanding payment for what they've already done and if--if Grian ever needed them again, they'd want diamonds in return.)
    "Everyone on the server just wants diamonds!" Grian complained half-jokingly. "That's all anyone cares about! Even the things we create, they want diamonds!"
    "I know, I know!" Mumbo assured. "It's a real problem--Should we start chucking questions into this thing? I've only done tests so far, I'm really curious if it actually does... work."
    Grian agreed, and so they started brainstorming on what to ask.
Mumbo asked first: "What is our slogan?"
    He took the diamond from the anvil and approached the control panel. He primed Grumbot, bootloaded the brain, and flooded the mayoral reservoirs.
    The buttons let out short beeps as they were pressed, prompting Grian to grin. ("There's one thing that's better than a button--that's a button that goes be-beep!")
    ("Exactly!" Mumbo agreed with a look back at him.)
    Mumbo put the diamond in the dropper. "Right--do you wanna do the honors?"
    Grian pressed the final button.
    A few more beeps echoed out of Grumbot, the people before him backing up to watch his face.
    "Alright, it's calculating!" Mumbo said.
    "Yes--!" Grian lurched forward as a quick be-be-beep! came forth, much different from the previous 
    The first paper popped out, Grumbot's mustache wiggling.
    "Oh, his mustache!" Grian laughed, picking up the paper. "That's like a proper thinking--"
    Grian announced it to Mumbo, surprised and amazed. It was good so far--that was their slogan.
    Next test: "What is the meaning of life?"
    Mumbo stammered, "What? Dude--no, no--wait--no, this is a mayoral bot, man!"
    Grian snickered.
    "I mean, it's artificial intelligence, but--"
    Grian popped the diamond into the dropper and turned to the buttons. "Uh, prime--"
    Be-beep! Be-beep! Be-beep! Be-beep!
    "I mean, you said you cracked AI. And there it goes--"
    "Doesn't mean it's that smart, dude," Mumbo protested with a laugh as they backed up.
    NPC Grian and RoboGrian had answered the question--"Life is like a rustic house. You work on it until it is done, then you work on a new one. And you work on it until it is done, then you work on a new one. And you work on it until it is done--" and "Life has no meaning, only purpose. My purpose is to destroy humans. Especially you, Grian. You are magnificent. Why have you programmed me this way?"
    Grumbot beeped a few more times.
    The paper popped out.
    Fear loomed over him. Would this one hate him? Would it be obsessed with a single thing? Would it be intent on world destruction?
    "He's got an answer for us!" Grian exclaimed, hoping his voice didn't sound strained. A few giggles escaped, a tremor in his hands.
    "He presented an answer," Mumbo agreed.
    Grian picked up the paper.
    A scream tore itself out of him, though he quickly corrected it into a laugh. He stumbled over his explanation, staring in what he hoped looked more like elation than horror.
    He didn't clearly remember what happened next--Mumbo made a few jokes, and Grian probably responded in kind but--
    "Maybe it's the meaning of life for Grumbot?" Grian suggested, mostly to himself, looking up at the robot's glowing face.
    Mumbo said it might have been a bug.
    "Maybe it just says "Mumbo for Mayor" no matter what we put in."
 Test three. "Can you say anything different?"
    Grian bit his tongue as Mumbo pressed the buttons. He half-heard himself repeating the be-beep!s.
    Grumbot's mustache wiggled.
    A paper popped out.
    His eyes turned sad.
    Was... Was that a good thing...?
    "I think we might've insulted his intelligence a little bit," Mumbo said as he and Grian made their way over to the paper.
    Grian picked it up, momentarily freezing.
    They continued with one a more question--Grian being a lot more careful than before. This could work, and he did not wanna ruin it.
    "What's the plan?"
    Grumbot got angry.
    "We just gave you four diamonds, mate, what--" Mumbo cut himself off.
    Grian swallowed back a cry of happiness. He turned to Mumbo. "What have you created? You've created a robot--an intelligent robot, not only to ask him questions, but he wants more diamonds."
    Mumbo wheezed. "But I suppose--I mean, I--maybe he's--"
    "Look at his hands, those hands are like yeah, I want to hold--like--holding diamonds."
    Glancing between the hands, Mumbo nodded. "It is true. Maybe--Uh, like--mayoral races do actually require quite a lot of funding? I mean, maybe he's saying that we need to provide funding?"
    As they continued to discuss their plans to appease Grumbot, Grian had to shove down the growing bits of unadulterated glee bubbling up inside of him.
    It wouldn't happen again.
"What's that?" Grian asked, squinting at what stood in Grumbot's right hand. "What's that?"
    "It's a stack of--" Mumbo tried.
    "Is that five--five? I--that's not a stack!"
    "It's seven--" Mumbo wheezed.
    "You said a stack! You just said "that's a stack of diamonds"--that--"
    "That's a stack of diamonds right there, dude!"
After they finished bickering over what was clearly neither a stack of diamonds nor a sufficient budget for anything, they showed off their Mumbo for Mayor t-shirts.
    They, um... They couldn't see Mumbo's. Cause of his pants being so high.
    ("We should also sell a croptop," Mumbo offered as Grian snickered at the thought. "And it just says Mumbo--")
    But, after that was over with, Grian brandished his diamond.
    "Tell us what to do."
    Mumbo repeated it. "Okay, that seems like a--"
    "Tell us what to do," Grian read out. "It's not even a question, just tell us what to do."
    "It's a command. We are now commanding Grumbot."
    Grian popped the diamond into the dropper.
    He primed Grumbot, bootloaded the brian, flooded the mayoral reservoirs, and deposited the question diamond.
    Grumbot's mustache wiggled.
    A paper popped out.
    Grian scooped it up and read it out: "Processing..."
    A book tumbled out from the dropper, Grian backing away before he picked it up.
    "Oh, that was fast!" He snickered.
    "Wait, hang on--" Mumbo looked between the dropper and the book. "Wait, he actually--" He burst into giggles as he said, "He's formulated a long-form answer!"
    "Well, I guess..." Grian reread the paper. "I mean, the paper just says processing, and that's it. Right, what does he say?"
    "He was just kinda working things out," Mumbo agreed as he opened the book.
    Grumbot provided them with what could loosely be called the beginnings of the plan in a book--one of them would build a film studio, and the other a "Grumbot Shop", whatever that was.
    Grian couldn't help but hesitate when Mumbo told him to give Grumbot a voice--he wasn't very good with voices. NPC Grian just had his voice, and RoboGrian just had an automated text-to-speech reader. "Oh, no, no--now you've put me on the spot..."
    Mumbo giggled. "I know! It's scary, isn't it?"
    Grian reviewed the text--all caps, with okay punctuation. "INSTRUCTIONS FOR MY CREATORS--"
    A laugh ripped through his interpretation of Grumbot's voice. "Why does he sound so dark? Why does he sound so scary? Like the Terminator?"
    "It's cause--because he types--" Speaks? No. "--he types in capital letters--that's why!"
    "Okay, fine," Mumbo acquiesced. "Keep it goin'."
    (As if he could be misinterpreted and one of them makes a real life film studio. Of course.)
    "Well, I guess we need to decide who's creator one, and who's creator two..."
In the end, Mumbo ended up making the film studio. He was the one who dealt with that stuff and--while they probably weren't making a documentary--he'd be better at figuring out the equipment they'd need.
    Which left Grian with the shop. Not that he was complaining, mind you--he would have been happy building either. (Although he would have liked a little more detail on why they needed those built, he supposed nothing would have to do. Grumbot wasn't saying anything more.)
    He and Mumbo said their goodbyes and parted ways.
    Grian looked up to Grumbot as Mumbo flew off, no doubt to work on one of his own projects a bit. The edges of his mouth quirked up into a smile.
    It might have been too soon, but...
    It hadn't happened again. He hadn't failed!
    Grian laughed openly, jumping and grinning. He looked up at Grumbot, who simply stared down at him. "I didn't fail!" he told him.
    Grumbot remained still.
    Regardless, Grian planted his hands on his hips. "I didn't fail..."
"We've done what Grumbot's said," Grian started as they prepared to speak to Grumbot once more. "I can see you've built up your film studio, of course--" He gestured to the film studio with an innertube keeping it afloat. "--and I've built up the--the Grumbot shop, or the Jrumbot shop, which is incredibly difficult to say. And now..."
    Grian cast his gaze up to look at Grumbot. "Tell us what to do again."
"We have done what you said."
    Prime Grumbot.
    Bootload the Brian.
    Flood Mayoral Reservoirs.
    Deposit Question Diamond.
    They backed up as soon as the button was pressed, both focused on Grumbot's face.
    "I don't know why I always get really nervous before this," Mumbo worried. "Like, I'm assuming he's not gonna do anything."
    Oh God no Mumbo don't you dare--
   A paper popped out.
    "It's because sometimes he gets angry," Grian dismissed, picking it up. "You never know if he's just gonna smite you."
    Mumbo chuckled. "That's very true--Oh--"
    A book fell to the floor.
    "Oh, another book." Grian skimmed over the paper.
    The words echoed in his head.
    Grian swallowed back a sob of joy.
    "Oh, that is sweet," Mumbo said once Grian told him what it said.
    "That is very cute," Grian agreed. "Grumbot is proud of you."
    Mumbo picked up the book. "Okay, so... but he's--he's given us further instructions, though." He flipped open the book.
    Mumbo looked up. "Sell diamonds...?"
    "Is that for the--is that for the shop--" Grian backed up to look up at Grumbot. "Sorry, wait--" he tried over Mumbo's chuckles. "--that's what the budget's for; we're giving them away?"
    "But selling diamonds, is that..." Mumbo trailed off.
    "That sounds really shady, Grumbot. That sounds really shady."
    Mumbo laughed. "Is he suggesting that we bribe people for support?"
   "Okay, so we have to make an advert for Mumbo for Mayor. I guess that--" He nodded to the floating film studio.
   "That sounds cool," Grian contributed.
    "I mean, that does make sense. I mean, the film studio does make a lot of sense."
    Grian nodded in agreement.
    Mumbo turned back to the book.
    "I don't know how I feel about selling the diamonds," Grian admitted, "for support. It's a bit weird. But I--er--this piece of paper that says Grumbot is proud of you--I kinda want another one."
    Mumbo turned the page, eyes widening at the words. "Well, things have... he's referred to--he's said "good luck, dads", as well."
    "Oh--" Grian let out a loud laugh, hands shaking. "Has he?!"
    "Yeah!" Mumbo handed him the book, laughing. "So, we've gone from Creators to Dads."
    Grian fumbled with the book, opening it to the second page.
They eventually came up with the idea to sell mustaches for a diamond block, and to play the advert they had yet to film for two blocks.
    They shaved Mumbo's head, filmed the beginnings of the advert (they could edit later), and headed over to Jrumbot to set up the shop.
    Mumbo had left soon after, stating he needed to get to work on his Industrial District.
    Grian held the book close to his chest as his friend flew off. He opened the book and reread the last three words. "Good luck, dads..." he muttered.
Grian didn't visit Grumbot alone very often, but when he did, he received... two music discs?
    "Do I have a--I don't have a jukebox--" He frowned at the contents of his ender chest. "--I've got lot of random items that--Mumbo heads in my ender chest!" he interrupted himself with a laugh. "Got Mumbo heads, but no jukebox."
    As he flew off to get a jukebox, he couldn't help but wonder if those discs would have Grumbot speaking to him. Maybe Grumbot had programmed his own voice which--as terrifying as that concept could be--made Grian feel almost giddy with excitement.
    If Grumbot had made his own voice, would it sound more like Grian or Mumbo? Or would it sound like an automated text-to-speech program, like RoboGrian?
    He passed Bdubs and landed in the portal, mind racing with the possibilities.
Grian soared through the air, intent on confronting Grumbot to tell him his plan wasn't working--how they needed to do something different...
    He landed on the mustache before Grumbot.
    The bobble on Grumbot's head was pink. And Grumbot's face now had a heart on it.
    He hopped down, unsure if the pit in his stomach was fear or anger. "They've rebranded my son!" he cried. "Grumbot, are you okay?! Speak to me, Grumbot!"
    Grian practically yanked a diamond out of his ender chest, rushing over to the anvil.
    "Grumbot are you ok?"
    "I was about to give him a hard time for failing his job!" he said to himself, placing the diamond in the dropper.
    Prime Grumbot.
    Bootload the Brain.
    Flood Mayoral Reservoirs.
    Deposit Question Diamond.
    Grian backed up, staring up at Grumbot's heart face. "Grumbot...?"
    Grumbot's mustache wiggled. His eyes went sad.
    Grian ran over to the paper.
    "What...?" he whispered. He glared over at the GG headquarters, a good ways away from Grumbot. "That's their slogan! No, Grumbot--Mumbo for Mayor! Mumbo for Mayor!"
Grian slammed the diamond into the dropper.
    "Mumbo for mayor!!"
    He pressed the buttons and backed up. "C'mon, Mumbo for Mayor. You can do it--You can do it, Grumbot." He backed up. "Come on, Grumbot..."
    Grumbot's mustache wiggled. His eyes went sad again.
    "He's still sad!" he whispered. Grian grabbed the paper.
    "I think he's stuck on Get Gorgeous..." Grian mumbled.
    One more test proved his theory right.
    "No!" Grian half-whispered, half-whimpered. "We need to fix him... We need to fix him right now."
    He sped around to the back, readying his pickaxe.
    "Okay, Grumbot--we're going in, and we're gonna fix this okay?"
Grian had put on his Mumbo head to go in there, simply because Mumbo had actually managed to create Grumbot in the first place without screwing it up. Unlike Grian.
    "Grumbot are you ok?"
    Prime Grumbot.
    Bootload the Brian.
    Flood Mayoral Reservoirs.
    Deposit Question Diamond.
    A paper popped out. Grumbot's eyes went sad.
    Grian froze.
    No, no, no.
    Not again.
  Grumbot couldn't have meant that, right? He was sad, so he didn't mean that, right? He was not RoboGrian--he wasn't like Grian's other failed projects. He just--He was just glitched! Grumbot was sad when he said it, so he couldn't have meant it!
    Grian shoved another diamond into the dropper and ran for the paper once it landed on the floor. (Did Grumbot's eyes go angry...?)
    He needed to get Mumbo. Now.
Grian couldn't help but agree with Mumbo that, while Grumbot had been hacked, he did look quite cute with the heart on his face.
    "I mean, I've tried my best to unhack him," Mumbo offered, "and y'know, I've done the internals and things like that, and... Things seem better."
    "I tried to fix him, too, but I just got him stuck on Get Grian..."
    "Yeah, I--I saw that..."
    "He was stuck on Get Gorgeous--" Grian pointed out, "--so, I got some progress... but don't let me touch this sorta thing ever again."
    Mumbo turned his gaze up at Grumbot. "So, I managed to fix the Get Grian problem, um... I--yeah. It's fixed."
    "Okay." Grian began to make his way over to the control panel. "You don't sound too confident."
    Mumbo protested that he was fixed, but it was also interesting to "see how things would go".
    Grian opened a shulker box and pulled out a bunch of banners, stating how they should probably get rid of the heart before they did anything else. (The bauble on his head was another story, but Grian had brought blocks to fix that, too.)
"There we go," Grian sighed as they backed up. "Lookin' all handsome again."
    "He is looking a lot better."
    "Back to his usual self." Hopefully. "Now, we have to ask him, like, last-minute... pull something out the bag."
    Mumbo chuckled. "Yeah, this is like... forgotten to revise for your test. Doing your homework that morning."
    "Eating breakfast and doing my homework," Grian agreed after pulling a diamond out of his ender chest. "What do I ask him? Uh--"
    "it is vote day, HELP"
    Prime Grumbot.
    Bootload the Brian.
    Flood Mayoral Reservoirs.
    Deposit Question Diamond.
    Grian sprinted over to Mumbo. "Come on, Grumbot, you better pull something out the bag here, because we're, like... following your instructions has made our polls worse."
    "We've not done well," Mumbo agreed.
    Grumbot's mustache wiggled. One of his eyes went sad, the other remaining the way it was before.
    "That doesn't look good at all," Grian offered.
    Then he saw the papers spilling onto the floor.
    A chill went up Grian's spine.
    He and Mumbo picked them up, Grian shuffling through them.
    "What has..." Grian trailed off.
     it happened again it happened again oh god no it happened again
    "Oh, gosh..." Mumbo muttered.
    "Mumbo..." Grian murmured.
    it happened again he failed again
    "He's having an existential crisis!" Grian cried.
    "What if it was all a dream?" Mumbo read. "Do I have control? Am I good?"
    "What if our world is not ours?"
    "Oh, no..." Grian whimpered.
    "If I make Mumbo mayor, am I mayor?"
    "Oh, there's smoke coming out the top of his head!" Mumbo laughed.
    "What?" Grian backed up and looked to the top of Grumbot's head. "Oh, he's officially melted..."
    he failed he failed again he failed he failed he failed
    "Oh, we've melted him."
    Grian dashed over to the papers, intending to pick up a few more. "He's melted."
    he failed again he failed again he failed again he failed again
    "Why must my life make me ache?" Mumbo read. "Jesus..."
    "Oh my--" Grian cut himself off.
    "He's gone dark," Mumbo said.
    "He's been sending a lot of the same message... They're still comin' out too fast, but has he..."
    "Oh, my goodness--"
    "He's just been saying Goodbye dads..."
    i failed i failed him i failed i failed i did it wrong i was wrong it happened again i failed
    Mumbo wheezed. "Goodbye dads. Oh, dear, this is not... this is not a good situation."
    "I mean, I've got almost two stacks of Goodbye dads," Mumbo said.
    "I've got one and a half stacks of..." Grian trailed off. "I think we killed him..."
    "Grumbot's gone," Mumbo added. "I mean, he's asking what are all these feelings?"
    "Why is my head hurting?" Grian read numbly.
    "Oh, bless him!" Mumbo said.
    "Are my thoughts just a tool? I am Grumbot yet I am Dads. This is awful!"
    "I know so much, yet so little," Mumbo read. "Are my creators happy for me?"
    "Yes, we are, Grumbot!" Grian cried.
    "Are there others like me?"
    "What is love?"
    "Does anything really matter?"
    Mumbo burst into giggles. "He's--He's had a full breakdown--"
    Grian let out a laugh despite himself.
    It happened again.
    The rest of the day was a blur--he remembered laughing (because if he didn't laugh, he'd cry), and joking (because if he didn't joke, he'd scream), and voting (though he couldn't remember who he voted for). But...
    But long after Mumbo left, as Grian forced a smile and continued on...
    The feeling in his stomach seemed to weigh him down. The chill that had gone up his back still made him shiver. He could barely talk without his breath catching on something in his throat.
    It happened again.
In the end, they built Grumbot his own little virtual reality. Enclosed him in an area where it was always daytime, and always sunny, and had grass and had a little mini mustache headquarters.
    Mumbo dressed up in a mayor suit, and they'd told Grumbot he'd won, though they actually hadn't gotten a single vote.
    Grian forced himself to smile as he and Mumbo talked to Grumbot, a dull ache in his chest.
    After exiting through the back of the box, they made a window up front so they could check in on him every now and again.
    Grian gasped as they checked in through the newly-made window, his eyes landing on Grumbot's expression. "He's so happy!"
    "He's the happiest he's ever been," Mumbo added.
    "He is the happiest Grumbot!"
    Mumbo glanced over at Grian. "I mean, the only emotions he's ever shown is just a deadpan face, angry, or sad. This is the first time he's actually..."
    "This is what he was built for," Grian said. "He was built to make you mayor, and in his world, you are the mayor. You're just gonna have to turn up now and again to just, y'know, show face."
    "I was gonna say, is this..." Mumbo made a vague gesture towards the fake world inside. "I mean, y'know, it's a really, really happy ending, like--he is... He is happy... Are we good people?"
    "I think so."
    "Is this a good thing to do?" Mumbo asked.
    Grian cast a glance back at Grumbot, inside his fake little world. With grass and bamboo and clouds. Inside his own little enclosed space, with...
    With no choice in where he lived, nor how long he stayed there.
    But Grumbot was happy. That should count for something, right...?
    ("This is an error. ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR E̵̞͝R̵̮̍R̴͙̾O̷̗̓R̸̖͠E̴͇͂R̷̗̓Ŕ̴̯O̵̘̔Ŗ̶̀E̸̶̷̥̯̲̊̈̃Ṟ̶̶̵̡͍̓́͗R̷̵̶̙͇͛̕͜O̵̶̵̩͔̎̋͂Ŗ̴̵̷̭̳͇͋̚E̷̵̸̡͓͛͌R̸̴̵̟͈͊̐̎Ȑ̵̴̵̠̝̥͎́Ŏ̵̸̶̼̫̕R̶̵̵̖͎̘͌͆́Ë̵̵̸̻̙̯̊̚R̸̴̶̪̞̬̓̏͐R̶̸̷͙̃̽̎̆͜O̶̷̷̖̼̫͊̇͐͜R̴̵̴̝̼̓̔̾--")
    Grian forced himself not to waver.
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senor-cummies · 4 years
I Haven't Felt This In The Longest Time
Some petercest because I said so, okay? --
Peter ran his fingertips over the smooth, yet slightly dusty, walls of the ship. "This...This is a real space ship!" "Well, yeah, you say that like you've never seen one before." Peter whipped his head around to look at Quill in disbelief, that was a very outlandish statement. But any remark he could make died on his tongue because Quill was half naked. Which wasn't that hard to imagine since this is his spaceship but--but--pretty man have pretty man chest. "Do you...uhm...Yeah, Quill, that's because I haven't. Spaceships don't grow on trees." Quill scrunched up his face pulling on a tank top that, Jesus Christ, did nothing but cling to him. "Uh, yeah no, they're sold in dealerships." Quill couldn’t exactly understand what the boy was balking at. 
“You have spaceships on earth, right? Cold War? Space Race? You learned about that.” Peter scoffed, opening up a hatch under the main control panel that exposed the ship’s major mechanics for him to inspect. “Yeah, but those aren’t nearly as cool as this and cost billions of dollars to build so they aren’t really...Available...To people like me.”  “In all the years since I’ve been on earth, there’s semi-sentient AI, there are Gods and Aliens living in Manhattan condos, superheroes and villians who all most likely go their powers through some scientific means and yet you don’t even have readily available spaceship dealers? You’re telling me I haven’t been to earth in a little more than 90 years and you guys are still using cars?”
“Most scientific discoveries go to weapons to attack other people with.” Quill sighed, so earth really hasn’t changed much. He went to make a comment, as more questions on how earth has changed, but when he turned around Peter was laid down on his back under the control unit. He sighed, watching with a lopsided smile for a little while before he’d heard on too many tiny ouchies and crouched down to hand him a flashlight. Peter grabbed it out of his hand before he’d even crouched all the way down, mumbling a gruff thank you and something about a 3/4 wrench before going back to his inspection. Quill cleared his throat, looking in Rocket’s tool bag for the wrench.  “You know, uhm, Rocket won’t be very happy with you coming down here and fixing his spaceship.” The metal clanging stopped and Peter scooched out from under the control panel, eyebrow raised  “Who?”
Quill continued digging through the bag, trying to find something that looked close enough to a wrench that Peter would be able to use it.  “It, uhm, he’s the racoon. The angry one?” Peter looked at him with the most adorably confused face. Wait, what? Adorable? Peter isn’t adorable! He’s small and annoying, and he has the ugliest not-cute-at-all eyes that get all glossy when he’s thinking and Quill wouldn’t even let the thought grace his mind that Peter’s lips are cute and small and plum and very very red because he chews on them all the time or that, sometimes, he just wants to cup his cheeks to see if they’re as soft as they look. Definitely. Not cute. No. Nope. Not Peter. Not Cute at all.  “Quill?” He flinched, looking away from the tool bag to not-cute, very ugly, Peter Parker. “Are you alright? You spaced out there for a second.”
Quill nodded, picked up the leather pouch and setting it down in front of the boy, face flushed with embarrassment.  “You--you can use these tools if you want. Some of them are mine, most of them are Rockets, and I think the front pocket is Nebula’s first-aid kit, spare fuses and such. If you n--need anything I’ll be here. In the spaceship. Where you are. Also...Inside the spaceship.” Peter thanked him, smile soft and giggle softer.  Yep, so very not-cute. So very definitely not in love.  Oh god, I need to talk to Gamora.  -- @cagestark, @loki-iwanttobeking, @peteysboyhole
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Here’s a collection of thoughts/things I noticed in the Rise of Skywalker trailer.
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We open with Rey ‘Jedi’ training, with the helmet and droid thingo which is a callback to Luke’s training with Obi-Wan: “Stretch out with your feelings!”. But since she’s dropped the helmet, looks like she’s surpassed what Obi-Wan taught Luke, or the training droid has gone crazy. 
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This visually parallels the Force cracking the ground between Kylo and Rey on Starkiller Base at the end of TFA. Also Rey has the ‘red string of fate’ tied around her right-hand (which we also saw in the teaser, see below), so this is likely the same sequence of ‘Jedi’ training with Leia in the forest. ALSO related to the ‘string of fate’, there’s a damn rope there in shot running across the valley.
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Cool shot, it brings to mind when we were first introduced to Rey, scavenging a Star Destroyer on Jakku in TFA. I’m certain this is the Death Star ruins, because she does have her bag on her, which we know she brings with her to the ruins from the teaser footage (see below), and that also explains why she’s wet! 
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[Those last 2 shots are from the first teaser trailer] Note: Rey, Poe and Finn all have bags, and Poe has an injured his arm and has wrapped his scarf around the wound. 
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Poe is making a speech to the Resistance, and note he has his left arm injury properly bandaged now (the wrappings are white).
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Here’s a shot of the Resistance in a ship or hanger, and they look under attack as blaster fire shoots in the background. Most Resistance folks are running away, but (Dominic Monaghan), Connix, and Rose aren’t retreating but looking on at something horrible unfolding. Rose keeps moving towards what’s upsetting her (probs Finn being hurt less be honest), and it kind of looks like Dominic is calling “Rose” to get her attention and convince her to retreat to safety like everyone else. Also note that the orbaks riders are already there with the Resistance.
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Here’s Finn, Poe, and Chewy and it looks like they’re in the same forest that Rey’s training in, so this is probably the Resistance’s new “headquarters/base”. Note that Poe has his injured arm wrapped up in his neck scarf he wore on Pasaana, so he hasn’t given his Resistance speech yet, and both Poe and Finn have their saddle bags.  
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She is one angry bean! Also, note no bag. 
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Kylo/Ben’s Darcy moment. #imdead
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He looks SO sad and serious approaching her. 
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He flips his lightsaber up and over slowly, so that the ‘blade’ is facing away from Rey, which to me looks like a “I don’t want to fight you” move. 
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I have no idea what this iceberg floating in space is, but its visually EPIC. Note there’s some kind of ‘factory’ on the top left hand part, that is producing steam from lots of pipes. And there’s also some form of ~buildings~ underneath it too with steam also, but on the underside of the berg the structures are made up of cube forms. Is this perhaps where Palpatine’s headquarters is, secretly hidden in the Outer Rim?
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Here is Palpatine’s throne, which has the newly created ‘Sith’ symbol on the back of the chair. Also note that there is blue flashing lightning happening in the background of this scene. 
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Here are an Imperial Star Destroyer powering up and rising from the icy cold water. Is this on the ice-berg?? This explains where the Imperial fleet came from that we saw in the teaser trailer. There is also blue flashing lightning happening in the background of this too.
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I don’t read/view any other SW materials besides the films, so I don’t recognise any these ships except the Falcon but this is obviously the Resistance’s fleet ready and assembled to fight Palpatine’s Imperial Fleet/The First Order.
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This is Rey in her bloat/ship going on solo to the Death Star ruins.
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Note Rey’s look of concern/disbelief in the background, at what Babu Frik is doing to C-3PO’s memories/system. 
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That looks like a droid or person in shiny armour on the right, that captures BB-8′s and Dio’s attention in Babu Frik’s workshop. 
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So the gang is in Babu Frik’s workshop all wearing big ass jackets, and Zorii Bliss is there so this obviously take’s place on Kijimi. And Poe is still wearing his scarf, which likely means that they haven’t visited Pasaana yet and he hasn’t been injured yet. 
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They cut to this shot, bit this is not Babu Frik’s workshop, this is likely at the Resistance base as you can see the Resistance members in the background are in their beige uniforms, and those rebels/resistance green map/screens are visible too. 
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Same with this shot, it’s not the same scene as the workshop. Poe isn’t wearing his scarf and jacket.
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Finn, Poe and Chewie are on board a First Order ship. Note the lighting panels look very similar to the ones in the Empire magazine photo of Kylo in the FO hanger (see below). Poe does not have an injured arm, and both him and Poe have their saddle bags on. 
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On Pasaana, during the speeder chase, BB-8 cuts into a cylinder of something that leaks yellow dangerous stuff. Also I think Chewie is in the background, so BB-8 is on his speeder.
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Rey is then seen throwing it at the following Storm Troopers that are trailing her on another speeder, and the two Jet Troopers in the air. 
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Meanwhile on the other speeder, Finn C-3PO and Poe seem to be having a successful time against the Troopers. Note Poe is wearing his scarf, Finn has his saddle bag on, and C-3PO seems okay he’s cheering like Finn.
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This ship that is shooting at the First Order X-Wings and Star Destroyer looks very much like the Resistance Y-Wing seen in the lego that has the characters of Poe and Zorii, so one of them could be piloting this. 
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Here we see an epic shot of BB-8, Finn, and Jannah leading her people on their orbaks on the side of ... a Star Destroyer?? Note the blue lightning happening in the background and the Imperial Fleet in the sky behind them. 
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This is the Emperor’s throne room in the Death Star ruins, so this happens likely before their watery fight outside. Rey still looks pretty angry, with her saber lit, but Kylo/Ben is giving super patient vibes with no saber lit. HE WANTS TO SORT THIS SHIT OUT.
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Here’s Finn, with Jannah behind him on the similar Death Star ruins we’ve seen Rey and Kylo fighting on. Looks like Finn is yelling “REY!!!!”, maybe he’s watching their fight ensue. Or maybe she’s being captured again, mirroring TFA. He’s still got his bag on.
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Here’s Rey and Kylo destroying (on purpose or accident?) the stand that holds the charred Vader mask. Note Rey has a dagger in her left hand, and it looks to me like Kylo is reaching out with the force for the Vader mask with his left hand. Are the fighting over it, or both wanting to destroy it?
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Here Finn and Poe and C-3PO all look very serious, Poe has his gun out. We can assume this is Pasaana because of he’s wearing his scarf, and the cave’s colour/texture looks very much like the rocky formations of Pasaana (see below). The blue light cast over Finn on the left is likely coming from Rey’s lightsaber. This looks to be from the same scene as the image that was shown at D23 (see below). Also Rey, Finn, and Poe all have their bags on them!
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Here we get a true sense of how big this epic last star “war” really is. Again there’s more blue lightning in the background. (I don’t understand the science behind how the resistance members are breathing right now, maybe the ships are very low and still within a planet’s atmosphere?) Also I’m not a ship guru, but are they riding on a FO ship? What ever ship it is, it seems to be an ally ship, as not in the same formation as Palps’ Imperial fleet. 
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Cue more trademark Palpatine blue lightning flashes. Ben looks SO cut up. He’s also very dirty which reminds me of this D23 photo of him (see below) where he also looks pretty miserable. He definitely looks like he’s stepping up to face something epic (probably Palpatine or Dark Rey) to help save Rey/the day.
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Then we get Rey facing Palpatine, and he seems to be in an apparatus that is keeping him alive/helping him hover/stand/whatever he’s doing while he’s intimidating her. She looks so smol. There’s some runes carved on the floor. Also, there’s more blue lightning happening.
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Then lastly, we get this shot of Rey, with more blue lightning action. This shot is a little eerie, with the lightsaber reflecting in her iris making her look almost like an AI robot. But then faintly she smiles and it seems genuine.
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n7inky-fanfics · 3 years
Aftermath pt. 10
CW: trauma, mention of suicide, burns, PTSD, mentions of nightmares
A few days later, Kaidan awakens at Shepard's bedside to see her sleepily watching him.. There's something different about her today, but he can't quite put his finger on it... Oh, her eyes! Her eyes are focused and present. She's really here!
"Hazel," he says softly "good morning."
She smiles weakly. "Kaidan."
"Are you okay? Are you in any pain?"
"Nothing I can't handle." She tries to move her arm towards him, but stops and winces at the pain. "Damn, those burns are a bit intense." She laughs dryly.
"Can I get you anything? Water, a nurse?"
"Kaidan, I'm alright. Stop fussing over me and tell me what happened."
"What do you remember?"
"I..." She pauses and looks away from him. "The Crucible. I remember the Crucible. Did it work?"
"It did. The Reapers are destroyed. When you've woken up before, you've asked about this. Do you know about the Geth and EDI?" He's trying to be straightforward with her. It's usually what she needs. He just hopes telling her again doesn't break her.
"If the AI was right, they're... dead. Are they?"
The pain in her voice makes Kaidan want to hold her close, but he knows that will hurt her so he strokes her hair gently and says "EDI backed herself up after scanning the blast. We think she got it done on time. It'll take time to bring her back, but we think we can do it. The Geth... we don't think they made it."
"I... It was the only way to destroy the Reapers. It wasn't my only choice, but.. I..."
"Hey, you don't have to justify yourself to me. I trust you, Shepard. Hackett is here somewhere, and he'll want to ask you about it. But you don't owe me any justification. If you want to tell the Alliance to go to hell, I'll back you."
"Since when have you been willing to piss off the Alliance?"
"Since realizing that they abandoned you when you were inconvenient and used you when you weren't."
"Oh..." Shepard looks worried about him. Why is she worried about him? He should be the one worrying about her. Before he can respond, Hackett comes in and pulls up a chair.
"Good to see you awake and talking, Commander."
"Admiral." She sounds tired. Kaidan opens his mouth to ask Hackett to leave and let her rest, but she shoots him a reassuring look and says "What can I do for you?"
"We'd like to talk with you about what happened on the Citadel before the Crucible fired. Major Alenko, would you please give us the room?"
"Let him stay, please." Her voice shakes a little. Hackett's expression softens and he nods. "I'll explain everything, but first tell me... did you find Anderson?"
"Yes, Commander. He was recovered and laid to rest with a funeral in accordance with Alliance traditions."
"Where would you like me to start?"
"How did you make it? We thought that all of Hammer was killed."
Shepard inhales sharply and her eyes look beyond Hackett, back to the battle. "The Reaper beam hit near me. It seared most of my armor into my skin. I was out for a while. When I came to, the Reaper was leaving and everyone was dead. I..."
Her breath was shallow and fast. Kaidan reached out to her, to stroke her hair, but she pulled away and continued. "I got to my feet. I think I was severely injured, but I had to keep going. I walked towards the beam. There were husks and a marauder. I shot them with my pistol and got to the beam. It brought me to this room I've never seen before. The Keepers were there. And the..."
She inhaled shakily before continuing "The piles of human bodies took up the whole room. Anderson had reached me on the comms. He had made it too. We landed in different places. We both made our way to this corridor and into a central chamber. He got there first... And the Illusive Man was there."
Kaidan tenses at the name. That man is one of the most disgusting and horrible beings in the Galaxy.
"The Illusive Man?" Hackett asks.
"He was indoctrinated. Some of his skin had melted away. He was implanted with Reaper tech, I think. He used indoctrination to control Anderson and I, to stop us. We talked. I tried to convince him to stop fighting us, to help us instead. He decided to show me the power of indoctrination. I.. He made me shoot Anderson. It didn't kill him, but..."
Shepard is visibly shaking now, but she sucks in as much air as she can and continues.
"Anderson and I talked him down. He realized what he was, and he fought the indoctrination long enough to shoot himself. Then we opened the arms."
"Did anything happen between when you opened the arms and when I contacted you?" Hackett had spoken with her while she was on the Citadel? Kaidan knows he shouldn't be jealous or angry, but he is. He couldn't be there for her, but Hackett was there. Of course, Hackett was probably asking more of her. He always is.
"I was so tired. The pain was... just exhausting. So I sat down next to Anderson. We talked. He... he died. I was so tired, and I thought I'd just close my eyes for a second. That it was over and that I could just rest and wait for someone to come get me. Then you came on the comms and said it wasn't firing. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't get up, so I tried to crawl to the control panel. I couldn't make it. I... I think I blacked out."
Kaidan would give anything to hold her, to comfort her. She doesn't seem to notice the tears that have been quietly sliding down her face since she started talking about Anderson. It's good to know he wasn't alone when he died, though.
"So how did you get it to fire?" Hackett asks.
"I came to on a platform, just below the connection to the Crucible. There was a figure in front of me. It was... I think it was like a hologram, but not quite. It looked like that little boy..." Her breathing is speeding up rapidly and her voice is shaking. Kaidan reaches for her once more. This time she doesn't move away when he strokes her hair.
"A little boy?"
"When we were fighting our way to the Normandy, back on Earth, I found a little boy in a ventilation system. I tried to help him, to get him to safety, but he said I couldn't help and fled back into the vents. I saw him later, when I had gotten onto the Normandy. The boy was on the docks. He got into an Alliance shuttle... and it was blown to bits by a Reaper."
"The hologram figure looked like a child that you saw die?" Hackett looks confused at best.
"Yeah... I think it could see into my mind... It must have known that I couldn't stop dreaming about that boy."
"You what?" This time it's Kaidan asking. She has been haunted by drwams about a dead child and didn't tell him? Is this why she startled awake that night before they raided the Cerberus base?
"I... Come on, we need to get back on topic." Kaidan doesn't want to. This new development worries him, but he nods and she continues. "It told me that it was the AI that lead the Reapers. The Citadel wasn't the Catalyst, it was. It confirmed what the Leviathan had told me. It determined that in order to save organic life, the Reapers must kill advanced galactic civilizations at their peak, before they develop advanced AI that destroys them. It said that this cycle, the factors had changed. The Crucible brought new options, and we had proved that the galaxy could overcome and change. So it gave me options. It told me that I was the one to choose..."
Despite themselves, Kaidan and Hackett are both on the edges of their seats. She had talked with the original AI? Kaidan can't help but note just how extraordinary her life has been.
"It told me that I could assume control of the Reapers by directly interfacing with them and replacing it, that I could provide my organic body and genetics to synthesize all life, making everyone a mixture between organics and synthetics, or I could destroy the Reapers. It said that no matter what, I would die... and that if I destroyed the Reapers, it would destroy all synthetic life."
That's why she had asked about the Geth and EDI, and why she had felt so guilty. She blames herself for their deaths, despite the fact that she did her best in an impossible circumstance.
"I just couldn't trust it. Something about the way it pushed the other options on me felt off. There were so many ways they could go wrong. So I stuck with the original plan. I destroyed them... and committed genocide in the process."
"Shepard, you did good." Hackett says. "We'll mark it down in the file, but keep it classified. You saved the galaxy. We knew there would be great costs. You were right, the other options do sound too risky." Shepard doesn't look convinced, but nods. "What do you remember after that?"
"I shot this container, which blew up. To destroy the Reapers. It flung me backwards. There was this intense heat, and my head hit something. The next thing I remember is waking up this morning to the Major sitting at my bedside."
"Thank you for your testimony, Shepard. I will keep this in classified records. When you have rested and healed, we can discuss your future with the Alliance. There will, of course, be awards and ceremonies to attend. For now, I will leave you."
"Thank you, Admiral." Shepard says, always the diplomat and model soldier. "I would salute, but... well, you know." She smiles a little.
"It is my turn to salute you, Commander." Hackett says. He salutes her and adds "Thank you for your service, Shepard." He turns and leaves the room.
Kaidan strokes Hazel's hair gently. "Thank you, Hazel."
"For what?"
"For coming back to me."
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alatismeni-theitsa · 4 years
answering anon anti LO asks // S1 Finale
Questions and Answers under the cut, cause this is gonna be long!
(1) Go figure that the LO stans on here are praising Persephone for going evil and killing innocent mortals for PICKING FLOWERS. Do they know by their own logic persephone would murder them too? Over nothing? No wonder the average reader of it is only in their teens, they can’t tell deities are supposed to protect humans, not treat them like playthings to abuse and kill for any minor annoyance. 
(2) Wait, so when LO has Demeter starving mortals we’re supposed to see her as a cruel, unredeemable monster, but Persephone is empowered and in the right for murdering mortals because they picked flowers that killed nymphs she didn’t even like? How does that logic work out? How is that fair? Where the justice? Why can’t this spoiled child be held accountable for her own sins?
(3) I was disappointed in lo finale. Everyone talked how great and creppy it looked and i thought since it was a finale they would put some effort in making it  look better than usual. But this episode was like every episode-art was ok but not great. In my opinion it was worse than most of episodes bc in every episode there is 1-4 really good looking panels but in this one i didnt see nothing. They could put more effort into "persephone crazy killing moment" and in rest of panels since it was final.
(4) I just read finale... it's bad. And confusing. I think Persephone didn't murder the nymphs herself, they just died because of the villagers while she was yelling at them?? The pacing is really awkward in some moments, and the fact that most people seem to be cheering on her is just... ugh. Also some people are getting angry that she probably will be punished but not Apollo (for now), which is just weird because... sexual assault is horrible, sure, but it's not the same as literal MASS MURDER.
(5) Apparently the LO fandom is ripping each other apart on here trying to either justify Persephone's actions or the other half calling everyone awful and toxic because they're blindly supporting evil actions and how she's now irredeemable. You love to see it. I'm getting the popcorn as we speak.
(6) One thing i find so weird about LO is that there's such a weird emphasis on how Hades looks SO much older than Persephone to where she's confused for his kid. First off, why even mention that when so many are already creeped out by the age gap? Second, how can we tell? The character design is not good at showing this beyond making her looking like a ten year old or making him dress all dorky. Third, if he's actually that old looking then maybe Persephone has some daddy abandonment issues.... 
(7) Recently smythe posted on twitter drawing of Hades and giant Persephone wich looked like rhea. Its weird bc its not a first time smythe make persephone and rhea very similliar. For example thanatos description of persephone was perfect description of rhea. Maybe smythe wants to make story more greek by making hades have edyp complex XD
(8) I feel like a big problem with LO is it has no idea what it wants to be. Is it a teen drama? A comedy? A modern retelling? A coming of age story? A giant epic? A romance? A social commentary? Because i don't understand how we're supposed to reconcile Persephone being a naive college sophomore, a future (likely violent and cruel) queen, AND mass murderer all at once. If this was spread over several seasons and a long stretch of time i could get it, but it's only been two weeks in comic!
(1) As people from the fandom are saying, some readers are really projecting themselves to those characters so they will justify anything. Technically, the humans who picked flowers in the sacred place were on the wrong. BUT they didn’t know that picking flowers in this place killed nymphs. Persephone could punish them like a just goddess, but slaughtering them is just... evil. And you are right, those teens don’t treat the Greek gods as deities or even cultural figures.
(2) You should know by now that “plain” protagonist with big boobs = good. This is how pop culture works! 😅
(3) I fully agree with you in every point! Smythe needs help with the comic when it comes to pacing and art. Yes, MORE HELP
(4) Yes, from my understanding she wasn’t the one who killed them. Humans happen to gather flowers at this moment and this killed the nymphs. (which is not a thing in Greek mythology BUT OK). I know that it’s very cruel to “compare” crimes but, unfortunatelly, we have to do it in this case. (Because the narrative will push us to think that Persephone is the more just of those two.) LO Persephone deserves more punishment than LO Apollo for what she has done (if the allegations are true).
(5) I think I should see these posts and have some of that hot tea! It’s interesting to see that some people justify Persephone. “She got very mad!!“ they say, as this this an excuse for killing a whole town of people who did nothing. I also watched them say “marrying Hades will be her punishment for what she did“. In what world marrying one of the mightiest and richest gods WHO ALSO LIKES YOU AND WHOM YOU LIKE a punishment for massacre? Also, Hades is a corporation now so it’s not like she will be locked there if she goes.
(6) In the recent video I posted, which had an analysis on LO, it’s specualted that Smythe has a kink for big age gaps and different sizes of people. Hades would probably look like a man in his forties? (The man whom Smythe would fancy). But I agree the character design is terrible and I cannot tell exactly what age he is supposed to look like.
(7) So THIS is how she chose to include Greek culture into the story 😂 Also, the picture is probably a reference to Blade Runner or another sci fi movie, where the protagonist has lost his AI gf and then he realizes she was just a product, after he watched a AI woman just like her on a big screen talking to him. (Link)
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(8) This is very true. I had these questions inside me but they were under the surface and never bothered me much. But I think the comic has no clear line, atmosphere, audience etc. Young teens and people over 25 are fans of it. But I don’t think it’s deep enough to have social commentary xD We all suspect that the actions of Persephone will be excused in the end.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
The Slutty Webs one Weaves
Title : The Slutty Webs one Weaves
Chapter NO. 5 of 10?
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki’s Asgardian wife learns women write fanfiction about him on a trip to Midgard. She’s edgy for the duration and lets him have it when they get back.
Author: lokilover9
Rating: M
Thor agreed Brianna going to Asgard a good idea as Loki presumed and shielded her from Heimdall's sight as a precautionary measure. Before leaving, the brother's sat observing Little Warrior lead Tony and Pepper to the couch and hand him a usb stick.
"What's this?" He asked.
"A computer virus. My revenge plan was to disembowel Jarvis if you hadn't kept your promise."
Stark eyed Loki who shrugged a shoulder. "Don't look at me. I only learned of it this morning."
"It's my creation, pretty nasty and should be destroyed." Said Brianna.
"How nasty?"
"It bears the potential to wipe out most of New York's power grids."
Tony was momentarily speechless. "I'll do that and am overjoyed you two became friends."
"Me too and sorry for being so rude when you touched my stuff."
"It's alright." Said Pepper.
"No it wasn't. You deserve to know why. Loki mentioned the homeless people right?"
"Dory was the first one I met. Taught me handy street smarts and helped shop for my boy clothes. Ran away from home because her moms boyfriend was a jerk. I encouraged her to call one day and when she learned they split up, convinced her to go home. Really smart person. Dreams of becoming an Astronaut. Anyway, she had a big crush on Captain America and gave me her favorite hat as a gift. Then I met Muriel. A mean looking older lady who was actually super sweet and protected me something fierce. Beat this guy up one night for trying to steal my blanket while cursing him sideways. She loved Chinese food and taught me self defence techniques, like how to poke a hole in someone's brain by shoving a chopstick up their nose."
Everyone's ears and attention piqued as Tony wondered if Muriel was a distant cousin of Sasquatch's. "Hopefully not on live subjects."
"No, silly. On a plastic skull she molded a face onto with clay. I paid for the supplies. Helping police identify people used to be her job in Arizona. Great way to kill zombies though. Best to behead them like with vampires and guarantee they've bit the bullet." Brianna then pulled a gold bracelet with a four leaf clover charm from her pocket. "Muriel was Irish and gave me this for good luck. It's too big so I carry it in my pocket. Before meeting you guys, they were the first people who were super nice to me. I fretted their gifts ruined in the wash."
"I'm sorry." Said Pepper.
"It's okay. I was just a little freaked."
'And nearly built a cave for the abominable snowman.' Thought Stark. "We were more worried about you after the fact."
"I could tell by your happy dance when I woke."
"Hey, badass did one too. In the hall. You didn't see."
Brianna giggled. "Thanks to you both for everything and I'm sorry for lying."
"Meh, we understand."
"I meant about not having a favorite Avenger. It's you uncle Cootyoodles. That's why I sought your help first. The Black Widow was my next stop."
Tony pictured Nat teaching her how to yank teeth out with pliers and felt twice as relieved for keeping that promise. "Nat's eccentric and hates zombies. I'm way more fun." Brianna suddenly hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. "Awe, Little Warrior. Friends forever?"
"Damn straight!" Then she did the same to Pepper. "I forgot to explain why you're a badass role model. Working so hard to become CEO of a massive company like Stark Industries and executing all that embodies? You rock! I hope to grow up as astute, diligent and athoritative. Maybe I'll run a company one day."
"You already possess those traits and will exceed my achievements."
No one knew that better than Loki who cleared his throat. "Grandmother and Grandfather go to bed early, Min Lille."
"One more minute, please?"
She studied Stark, pondering the best way to implement her request. "You don't have to do this, but… Not all homeless people are bad or crazy like others seem to believe. Many hit hard times and the world is so expensive, they couldn't keep up. No one I met lived on the streets because they wanted to. There just aren't enough shelters or resources available. You're rich Tony and could help them. Will you try?"
As Loki had succeeded with Frigga, those beautiful pleading eyes won her case. "You really know how to pull a guys heart strings, kid. I promise."
Loki wasn't aware she'd intended to ask this, yet was so proud of her. "Min Lille?"
"I know." She politely replied.
"You have to go." Tony suddenly stood and darted for the hall. "Be back in a jiffy."
"Meet him by the elevator, or you'll never leave." Suggested Pepper.
He returned and handed Loki a loaded Iron Man backpack. "More things? Shall I conjure a crate for the bifrost?"
They'd already given her an overstuffed suitcase of clothes and toys and Stark held a gift bag in hand. "Be quiet, you. It's a peanut butter stash. Does Asgard have bananas?"
"Yes." 'Thank the Norn's.'
Tony knelt before Brianna. "I would've packed some tater tots, but you ate them all again."
She smirked. "My goof."
"Rascal. Try to ignore a wee, bitty smidgen, you aren't into girly stuff? We couldn't help ourselves with you off to Asgard."
Brianna pulled from the bag a pink baseball cap that said Warrior Princess in tiny diamond gems and proudly adorned it. "You sure know how to pull a girls heart strings."
"I put some Motown CD's in there too. Teach Dad to moonwalk." Loki sighed, pushed the elevator button and Tony playfully whispered. "From a distance. In case he trips over his own big feet." He hugged her again and summoned Jarvis.
"Yes, sir?"
"Our friend is leaving."
"Goodbye, Little Warrior." Said the AI.
"Bye. Sending you a virtual hug."
She joined Thor inside while Loki shook hands with Tony, his expression saying everything. "Any time. Now get the 'bleep' out of my Tower before I thieve your Daughter."
Brianna shouted as it closed. "There's presents on your bed! I'll miss you!"
Peppers was a black t shirt with gold letters that read Badass Role Model and Tony's was a monsterous box filled with tater tots.
"Don't do it, Butch. If you cry, I'm gonna cry." ***** Loki had purposely slowed the elevator allowing her time to give Thor a drawing.
"Mjolnir in a field of flowers? Thank you fair maiden."
"It's a scratch n' sniff."
"A what?"
Loki picked up Brianna. "You scratch the flowers, then sniff them. The effect is most appealing the stronger you inhale."
Thor took a whiff and wriggled his nose. "Quite the nostril tickler. What should they smell like?"
"Try harder." 'Doofus.'
He took another, looked cross eyed at Loki and began swaying. "...Brother..you…" Then down he went striking the floor with a thud the tip of his nose covered in sparkly dust.
"Sorry, uncle Thor."
Loki chuckled at her wince. "The spell is mild and shall soon wear off."
"Is he hurt?"
Loki let her down to hurle the hefty Thor over his shoulder. "Us God's are resilient. Your uncle once endured a skirmish with the Hulk." After escorting them through a portal and delivering Brother oaf to his bed, he lead Brianna through a second into some woods.
"That was awesome! Will you teach me how to do it?"
"Not in the near future. It's very complicated, darling and I'd hate to think you lost in another dimension." 'Or vanishing one day as an angry teen with a troublesome suitor I dream of throttling.'
"Okay." Brianna nervously scanned the area. "Now what? Carnivores hunt these woods."
"Northern Alberta is home to many. Never go outside without me and none will harm you."
"But wolves hunt in packs and grizzlies are bigger than you."
He booped her little nose. "I'll smell them before they smell us and neither possess deadly weapons in interdimensional pockets."
"Where our luggage is? I tried hiding bigger items in them and the darn things wouldn't come back. Hannah was furious, but I didn't care."
"What did you hide?"
"The back wheels of her Lamborghini, Gallardo. I overheard my Mother tell Claudia she got it from her rich boyfriend."
Loki recalled from spending time with Stark this wasn't a billionaire's vehicle, yet financially unattainable to the average Midgardian. "I see. Did she mention his occupation?"
"Plastic surgeon."
Brianna deserved that minor victory and although he wouldn't encourage it, one cannot preach vengeance a negative path when mapping their own. 'Perhaps he'll be useful to the sluts after I'm done.' "Ah. Care to see what I did while you slept last night?"
"You left me?" She confusedly asked.
He picked her up again. "It was necessary and I returned, yes? I won't abandon you, Og Min Lille."
"Never, darling. "Loki headed for a shack nearby nestled amidst some bushes. With its crooked roof, faded wood and door minus a hinge the structure looked ready to collapse.
"We're staying there?"
"Why not? I'll conjure an outdoor toilet." He teased. "Sheltered of course."
"Come now. At night we'll have heated beds and during the day, roast squirrels on an open fire."
She scrunched her face in disgust. "Blech! I'd rather eat tree bark."
"You'll get an awful tummy ache."
They entered the dingy space and Brianna instantly focused on the filthy floor covered in forest debris. So intently, she didn't notice the sturdier frames of the structure only visible from within. "How will we keep the door closed and is that poop?"
Loki rolled his eyes at some turds in a corner. "The cabin is made of Brazilian Ebony."
"One of the strongest woods on earth." She commented.
He arched an intrugued brow. "Stained to appear aged, it's also bulletproof in light of human hunters. Consider the other materials deceiving movie props. The 'raccoon' poop is genuine." It vanished with a wave of his hand. "Now, did you mean that door?" It closed and he conjured a deadbolt onto the surface with a panel directly above. "Place your hand in the center?" Brianna did and it glowed green, spreading magic from the center throughout every surface like glowing, emerald fireflies. As they dimmed, Loki turned around. "Or this one?" The floor, suddenly cleared of debris had a sliding glass door in the center.
Brianna gasped in wonder, glancing between him and the mystery beneath. "Where does it go?"
"Did you think a sorcerer Prince would allow his Princess daughter to dwell in a shabby old shack?"
"Ancestry aside, I sincerely hoped not. Even an RV would've been better."
He chuckled at her frankness. "And you worried of uncle Thor bumping his head? The shacks purpose was added safety should a need arise and to keep our secret entrance hidden. "Once the outer door locks, only the interior alters. To outsiders, nothing changes." It opened and he carried her down a mutedly lit spiral staircase, each step progressively illuminating the space below.
At the bottom, she slid from his arm in awe. "Shut the front door! You 'definitely' have to teach me how to do this."
Min Lille was referencing conjuring. Another ability Loki thanked the Norns she didn't yet possess, having confessed so before requesting Tony and Pepper's gifts. "In time. Beyond that archway, another surprise awaits." Loki followed and suddenly pondered Brianna conjuring a future dwelling for herself and that troublesome suitor. 'Lessons commence when your forty.' ***** Thor woke to find two notes in his shirt pocket. One for himself the other, Astrid; 'Sleep well, Brother? We won't be returning to Asgard just yet. Please give this to my wife? I recommend waiting several days, discreet delivery and a hasty exit. A visit will follow and when interrogated, lie. Tell her Brianna came to you and don't mention her ice concoction. Unless you enjoy Father's company when several fries short of a happy meal. As I planned our escape without Tony's knowledge, do avoid his unnecessary panic and Pepper seeking our demise, by not telling our dear friend? Min Lille is safe.'
"That shyster." He grumbled. Jane returned in six days as would Astrid to a missing Loki. Waiting risked a molotov cocktail interrogation. His beloved and coronary inducing sister-in-law, banging down their locked bathroom door while the mighty Thor coward behind a shower curtain. Plus Maxi Waxis training schedule ended in two days. Bribery assured those lips zippered, but Heimdall would think his hastiness suspicious. He called to the trainee in the middle of the night, snuck into the palace and raced back to the observatory like the looney tunes road runner. "Spend it well nincompoo..eh he, Max. Asgard is lucky to have you."
Guilt ridden over her outburst and already missing Loki, Astrid returned in the morning to find the note.
Frigga was preparing to join her belly dancing instructor when she barged into the foyer and flung herself at the Allmother.
"Bwaaahahaa! I want a divorce!"
"Hells bells and bilgesnipe testicles. What has my shameless son done this time?"
"Frigga, your language." Scolded Odin.
She patted Astrid's back. "Oh shush. As if your cursing hasn't scarred the servants ears."
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Renegade Dawn, Chapter 2 [klance fic]
the klance pacific rim au 
Here’s Chapter 1, if you haven’t read it yet! And here’s the AO3 link if you’d rather read it there. 
Stay safe, stay healthy, and take care of yourselves xoxo
Chapter 2
September 2029—Year 22 of the Kaiju War
The Kaiju roars in agony as the plasmacaster blows through its chest and destroys the heart cavity. Its empty screams echo off of the buildings and the partially destroyed Wall of Life in Los Angeles as it collapses.
“Great job, beautiful!” Lance exclaims, moving into a complete standing position on the gyro-stabilizers, the elliptical pedals that hold him in place in the cockpit.
“Are you okay?” Allura asks, looking over at him through her helmet. She looks tired, but her eyes are bright, just like they are after every Kaiju kill. Clawtooth, codename for the Kaiju that attacked Southern California early this morning, had gone down after a long fight. Some of the coast was destroyed in the battle, with a large piece of the completed and supposedly indestructible wall torn to shreds.
Lance nods, surveying the Kaiju’s body where it’s scattered in pieces around them. He says, “Yep. I’m glad we were here. This son of a bitch would have ruined L.A.”
“Riptide, get back to the coast and prepare for pickup,” the voice interrupts from the comm system, speaking over the heavy noise in the cockpit of their Jaeger. Lance and Allura don’t recognize the voice, but that’s probably because there are only a few officers left at the Shatterdome. Even Lance, Allura, and their Jaeger, Sunshine Riptide, had been only half an hour from being relocated to Hong Kong when the Kaiju was tracked heading toward L.A.
Through the drift, Lance can feel how angry Allura is about them being relocated. He hums along with her, equally as pissed, and they start walking back toward the coast, crushing the skull of Clawtooth for good measure. Fuck Kaiju.
“It’s bullshit that we’re doing this,” Allura grumbles aloud, even though she knows Lance can feel and hear everything in her head. She must be really angry to vocalize it too. “The only reason L.A. isn’t in ruins is because of us.”
“I know,” Lance agrees, tapping at the control panel hanging from the roof of the cockpit. “I thought the Wall of Life was supposed to be indestructible and keep everyone safe, but this bastard tore through the wall in less than twenty minutes. Cutting the Jaeger Program is a bad idea.”
Allura hums in agreement, and they trudge toward the coast.
The first time that Lance met Allura was one of the most embarrassing and best things to ever happen to him. After the Garrison, Lance received his placement at the Shatterdome in Los Angeles. It was a miracle really; L.A. had been his top choice because it was close to his family and it was still one of the more active bases on the Pacific Rim.
Lance had been brought into the Jaeger Program, the Pan-Pacific Defense Corps, with a dozen other new candidates from across the world, including Allura. Lance had spotted her first, standing in line with the other cadets, all beauty and grace. She hadn’t even glanced his way, which obviously meant that she was just his type. After the briefing from their superior officer (that Lance had barely listened to; he had been fantasizing about his future with Allura, whose name he hadn’t even known at the time), Lance had walked up to her, smirked, and said, “Are you religious? Because you’re the answer to all my prayers.”
Allura had stared at him for half a second before slamming her knee into his crotch. She’d left him curled up on the ground, moaning and biting back tears as the other cadets laughed.
Later that day, when they were being paired up for physical training, one of the officers paired him with Allura, and she had frowned at him before throwing the first punch.
Lance dodged, sweating nervously. His voice shook more than he wanted to admit when he said, “Listen, about earlier—”
She threw him on the ground and smirked, “Do you believe in doctors? Because you’re going to need some serious medical attention when I’m done with you.”
Honestly, the heart eyes that Lance had for Allura just got worse after that.
His training from the Garrison finally kicked in, and after a few minutes of her thoroughly kicking his ass, he was able to get back into the fight. Once he was paying attention, he discovered that they were somewhat evenly matched. She was good, but Lance could keep up and hold his own too.
They drew a decent sized crowd. Eventually, Lance thought that their superior officer came over to watch as well, but he was so focused on the fight and the energy between him and Allura that he wasn’t paying attention to anything else.
Allura had him pined to the ground, and Lance was fighting his way out of it when a sharp whistle broke his concentration. Then, a voice barked, “Enough!”
Both him and Allura turned to look. A few officers were standing there, along with the Marshall. Lance immediately rolled to his feet, face burning, wondering what they had done wrong.
“Interesting,” the Marshall had said, raising an eyebrow. “It seems as though the two of you are drift compatible.”
And the rest had been history.
Lance and Allura started their training together then, since they were ahead of the other pilots in their program who hadn’t found a co-pilot yet. The Marshall and their commanding officers all kept a close eye on their training, and after two years, they started building Lance and Allura’s Jaeger, a Mark IV angel, if Lance was honest. He and Allura had fought with the engineers over her name and design for weeks.
They became best friends somewhere along the way. The first time that they had done a drift test, it had been so different from the last time, the time he had tried with Keith. With Allura, he had all the training that he and Keith hadn’t had. He understood exactly what the drift was and how it worked; he knew what he needed to give to make this work with Allura.
He wasn’t even worried about drifting with Allura. It had been as easy as breathing.
Now, as he thinks about it, he can feel Allura going through his memories with him, smiling at several of the times they’ve had together so far.
Lance wonders what they’ll do if the Jaeger Program is completely decommissioned.
The tone in the drift shifts enough for Allura to speak again. She says, “That won’t happen. The Wall isn’t a good enough defensive tactic. Jaegers are the only thing strong enough to fight the Kaiju.”
“What if we’re moved over to Hong Kong and they ground us?” Lance asks.
Allura is worried about it, he can tell through the drift, but she says, “I don’t think that will happen. Sunshine Riptide is the most successful Jaeger that’s still operational. The only Jaeger that had stronger pilots and more drop-kills than us at the time was Black Paladin.”
“Yeah, and that worked out well for them,” Lance mutters, voice bitter and sad at the same time.
Allura prods at the feeling gently, but Lance guides her away from it. Even though it’s been three years, he’s still not ready to share that aloud with her. She’s seen everything, of course, but drifting with someone is different. There are things that Lance has seen in Allura’s memories that he would never dare ask her about. This just happens to be one of his.
“That was a freak accident,” Allura challenges him, secure in it now, after years of thinking about it, worrying over it, regretting it. “It was before the new system for categorizing the Kaiju was developed. If they had known that Kaiju was a Category 3, they never would have sent Black Paladin in without backup.”
“I know,” he sighs. He doesn’t argue with her, mostly because she’s right, but also because he’s tired. They’d been deployed at 2:45 this morning, and it was well past 08:00 now. Lance needed a nap.
They walk the rest of the way in silence. As they leave the city, it starts to wake up behind them. There are several helicopters zipping through the skies, getting close enough to film them as they walk. Absently, Lance hopes that someone has gotten their kill on camera so it will play repeatedly for the next couple of days. It would be a good thing for the world to see. Despite the destruction of the city and the potential lives that had been lost, the United Nations needs to know that defunding the Jaeger Program is a terrible idea. If Sunshine Riptide hadn’t been here, all of L.A. could have been destroyed.
The helicopters and the loading ship are waiting for them at the coast, and as they make their way over to it, Lance grins at Allura and says, “You wanna wave to the crowds?”
She laughs, bright and easy, and they both turn and lift their arm to wave in the direction of the city.
“Please proceed onto the loading dock, Riptide,” the voice from base replies, probably completely aware (and unhappy, if Lance has to guess) at their publicity stunt.
He smirks over at Allura, and they follow orders.
“Prepare for drop,” the AI hums through the cockpit, and Lance and Allura jerk as the helicopters release them. They drop to the ocean, hitting the water and seafloor with a sharp thud. They’ve been dropped far enough out that they can barely see the coastline because the impact from the drop can often cause a small earthquake if they are too close to any fault lines. In a fight with the Kaiju, it doesn’t seem as important, and the Wall does help avoid damage to the city, but the Jaegers have to be careful when being transported.
Which means that Lance and Allura have to walk all the way over to the Shatterdome now.
Once they’re standing upright, Allura picks up her right foot, and Lance echoes her immediately. They walk through the water, and the coastline gets closer and bigger with every step.
Through the drift, Lance can see that Allura is thinking about the last time they were here in Hong Kong, when they fought against the Kaiju with two other Jaegers: Metal Lipstick and Black Paladin.
It had been a legendary battle. It was the first time that there had ever been a double event—two Kaiju coming through the breach at once. They had lurked down the Pacific and descended upon Hong Kong hour after their arrival. Sunshine Riptide had been deployed from L.A., journeying across the ocean to join the fight with Metal Lipstick and Black Paladin.
Both were mythical Jaegers. In fact, with Sunshine Riptide there, they were the three most powerful Jaeger teams in existence, all fighting together at once. Metal Lipstick, piloted by a set of twins from Australia, had some of the best defensive tactics in the world, and Black Paladin—well, Black Paladin was the most successful Jaeger to have ever been built. Its life was young, having been built specifically for its pilots, but its power couldn’t be defined by age.
Lance can still hear the echoes of the other pilot’s voices in his memories, but he blinks hard. The last thing they need is to get caught chasing the rabbit in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
They don’t talk as they make their way over to the coast. It doesn’t take long to get there; the Hong Kong Shatterdome is built on an island off the coast of the city, where the Jaegers have easy access to the water so they can stop the Kaiju before it reaches the coast. The massive building sticks out against the rest of the coastline. Shatterdomes are easily the biggest structures on the planet, and to house Jaegers, they have to be.
Up ahead, the base has a loading tank prepared for them. It’s designed to roll the Jaegers into the Shatterdome to avoid hurting the pilots in such close quarters. Even though the Shatterdome is big, it’s not big enough for a Jaeger to just walk inside with its pilots.
“Sunshine Riptide,” a distinct voice, heavy with an Australian accent, filters through their communication system. “Welcome to the Hong Kong Shatterdome!”
Allura grins immediately and reaches up to hit her speaker. “Hello, Marshall. It’s nice to be here.”
“Under unfortunate circumstances, I’m afraid, but we’ll have to take what we can get in these times I suppose, eh?” he asks, voice still bright. “Please be careful on the loading tank and removing yourself from the Jaeger. A team will be out to assist you and bring you into the facility.”
“Copy that, boss,” Lance says, smiling at Allura. Even though they might be getting the plug pulled on them, he guesses that it’s worth it to see Allura this happy. She doesn’t get to see her uncle, Coran, very often anymore, not since he took the Marshall’s position. At least she will get to spend some time with him while they’re here.
They trudge forward, continuing up onto the loading tank easily and carefully climbing up out of Riptide. When they open the top hatch, Lance is blinded by the sun. It glints off Riptide’s sharp metal, flickering different colors in the light.
Coran’s team helps them climb down to the ground, and Lance shakes himself, blinking to get the haze of the drift to fade. Staying in the drift for a long time takes a toll on the mind, and it still makes Lance a little dizzy and overwhelmed after they’ve been in for a long time.
Allura grips his arm and jostles him softly, “Wake up.”
“I’m awake,” he says, batting her hand away.
Groups of officers and military personal are standing around them and their Jaeger, looking up at Sunshine Riptide in all her glory. She stands tall, so tall that she’s blocking the sun. She’s a Mark IV, rebuilt for Lance and Allura when they finished their training. She was decommissioned after being torn to shreds in one of the very first Kaiju battles, but they rebuilt her, loaded her up with a new neural interface, and slapped on a bright orange coat of paint. She has two plasmacasters, one in each fist, built to destroy the Kaiju in close combat, which she’s designed for. To Lance, Sunshine Riptide is one of the most beautiful Jaegers in existence.
Some of the people around them are also looking over at Lance and Allura, and their expressions are too close to awe and amazement. Any other day, he would be preening under the attention, smirking and flirting his way through the crowds, but today, he’s too worried about their future.
Allura glances over at him when one of the officers gives them the go ahead. The Shatterdome’s bay doors are opening a few hundred yards ahead of them, and there are people everywhere. Every Shatterdome has been pulled and moved to Hong Kong, so everyone in the Pan Pacific Defense Corps is grounded here now, well, what’s left of them.
Lance removes his helmet, tucks it under his arm, and steps up to Allura’s side. She nods, and they step out in front of the tank where their Jaeger has been loaded. It’s a brisk walk, but it’s something that Lance always takes pride in. People in front of them clear a path, parting for them, and they enter the Shatterdome bay to a round of applause because of their most recent victory.
The base is full. There are soldiers, mechanics, and scientists crowding the floor, and there are even more people on the higher levels as well. In this bay, there are a handful of Jaegers—probably the last ones in the world. Only three have made it this long and this far; Crystal Venom, Omega Shield, and Razor Edge sit in the Shatterdome already, and now that Sunshine Riptide joins them, that means they have four Jaegers left in this fight.
Within the last few months, Kaiju activity has increased exponentially, more than it has over the entire length of the war. More and more Jaegers have been defeated because of the growing number of attacks and strength from the Kaiju. Now, there are only a few remaining.
It’s why the United Nations pulled the funding for the Jaeger Program. Jaegers were dying so fast, and the Wall seemed like the only other option. Jaegers are expensive to make and run and investing money in something that seemingly doesn’t work does seem like a waste.
But Lance knows that it’s not. Jaegers are the only things that stand in the way of the Kaiju destroying their world. If there’s anything he can do about it, he’s not going to let that happen ever.
“Ah! And here’s a friend you may remember. Sunshine Riptide, welcome to Hong Kong!”
Lance hears Coran’s voice before he sees him, but when a crowd of soldiers clears out of the way, there he is, standing in the middle of the base, gesturing up to their Jaeger. He’s standing with two other people. The person on Coran’s right is short and looks young. She’s dressed in a navy-blue military uniform with a pair of round, large glasses on her nose. On Coran’s left, there’s a tall man, dressed in a leather jacket with a duffel slung over his shoulder. His black hair hangs down to almost his shoulders—
“Pilots!” Coran calls excitedly, “Join us!”
Lance feels Allura hesitate at the same time as him. Normally, she’s very excited, not at all hesitant, to catch up with Coran. But this time—this time is different.
Because Keith Kogane is standing on Coran’s left, and he’s looking over at Lance like he’s just come back from the dead.
After the Garrison, Lance hadn’t heard anything from Keith in almost two years. He never really forgot about him, never forgot the feeling of drifting with someone and almost being destroyed by it. He thought about it a lot actually, especially as he trained with Allura. He thought about what could have been different, what they could have done to make it better, to maybe have not tried to kill each other and destroy any semblance of a chance at being co-pilots.
In the end, Lance always reminded himself that it never mattered because they weren’t drift compatible and they never would be.
The first thing that he ever heard about Keith after the Garrison was in an online interview. He had been checking his tablet, scanning through the news, when he saw it.
Jaeger Black Paladin takes down largest ever Cat 2 Kaiju in Hong Kong last night. Pilots Takashi Shirogane and Keith Kogane famed for victory.
Allura had found him later, obsessively looking through the internet for more information about Keith.
As it turned out, Keith had found drift compatibility with someone else too—Takashi Shirogane, an older and more experienced pilot from Hong Kong. Staring at his face on the tablet, Lance had a vague feeling that he knew this man, and he finally he realized that it was because of the memories he got from Keith when they drifted together.
Keith and Shiro were placed in a Mark IV Jaeger, Black Paladin, in Hong Kong. Keith had even finished his training almost six months early so they could put them in a Jaeger. The fight with the Cat 2 Kaiju in Hong Kong had been their first battle together, and they quickly ran through the ranks of all other Jaeger pilots in the world. Their drop-kill numbers were so high, accuracy so amazing, that they were deployed for every Kaiju attack they were physically close enough to.
Lance and Allura were finally deployed for the first time eight months after Keith and Shiro’s first victory, and Sunshine Riptide ripped through the Kaiju just as quickly as Black Paladin did. It made Lance smug, and he often wondered if Keith kept up with him as much as Lance watched the headlines for Keith’s name.
Almost a year later, the first ever double event happened in Hong Kong. Lance and Allura were deployed from L.A., and Metal Lipstick was sent over from Australia to join Shiro and Keith in the fight. It wasn’t the first time that Jaegers had teamed up to fight the Kaiju, but it was the first time that all three of the most powerful Jaegers were fighting together.
Lance remembered it like it was yesterday. He and Allura had physically jerked when he had heard Keith’s voice for the first time since they were eighteen.
“Prepare for drop,” the AI hummed just as the helicopters dropped them in the ocean, right on the other side of the Kaiju.
“Nice to meet you, Sunshine Riptide!” the voice from Lance’s memories—Shiro’s voice—said, echoing in the cockpit of their Jaeger.
Lance smirked and hit the button on his comm system, “Same, we’ve been waiting on a chance to save Keith’s ass.”
Shiro laughed a little, but Keith was back, growling, “Fuck you, Lance.”
Allura and Lance joined the fight then, putting aside everything else. It was harder than any other fight so far, even with all three Jaegers. Allura and Lance led the first one, codename Diablo, while Black Paladin and the Australian Jaeger, Metal Lipstick, finished off the other.
Diablo had Lance and Allura around the waist, crushing them slowly as the plasmacaster powered up. Then, they shoved their left fist into its chest and fired.
“Empty the clip!” Lance shouted through clenched teeth, his ribs aching, as they kept firing into the Kaiju. “Empty the clip!”
Finally, Diablo fell into the ocean, just as Black Paladin and Metal Lipstick were turning to aid them.
Allura grinned, reached up to the comm, and said, “Thanks for the help, but we’ve got it.”
Lance was laughing, grinning at her too because holy fuck, she was the best thing to ever happen to him.
After the battle, they were all stationed at the Hong Kong Shatterdome for a few days to get repairs done on their Jaegers. Sunshine Riptide was so damaged that she wouldn’t make it home without the important repairs completed first.
Lance met Shiro officially for the first time, but when they shook hands with each other, he felt how weird it was. He already felt like he knew Shiro from seeing him in Keith’s memories, even just the little that he had, and Shiro was looking at him the same way, like he knew him too.
Keith had stood off to the side with his arms crossed, glaring in their direction.
“This is Allura,” Lance said to Shiro, reaching out for her arm to pull her forward. “She’s my co-pilot.”
Shiro smiled at her softly, and Lance grinned while they shook hands. She was being uncharacteristically nervous now, meeting Shiro. Lance would tease her about it later.
“You guys were impressive,” Shiro said, looking between both of them. “We’ve been keeping up with your deployments, so we were excited that you were coming for this one.”
Allura started to thank him, but Lance interrupted. His grin widened, and he shot a look over at Keith, “Oh yeah? Keith’s just been waiting for a rematch.”
Keith rolled his eyes, not at all friendly, “Whatever. I’d still kick your ass.”
He laughed and winked at him, relishing in Keith’s glare and how he couldn’t take his eyes off Lance’s frame. Sure, they hated each other and were rivals in every essence of the word now, but who said Lance couldn’t have a little fun with it?
It wasn’t the only time that they had seen each other since the Garrison. They spent a couple of more days at the Hong Kong Shatterdome, and when Allura took to hanging out with Shiro, Lance and Keith had no other option than to be around each other too.
It worked out, mainly because of how much Allura berated and begged Lance into being nice to him so she could talk to Shiro. He listened to her, only because she was his best friend and loving co-pilot, so when they all went out to a dive bar where no one would recognize them to celebrate, Lance called for a truce.
“I’m just saying,” Lance’s voice was a little too loud because of the last couple beers he’d had. “This is stupid. You’re stupid.”
“Wow,” Keith had crossed his arms over his broad chest. “What a great way to talk to someone you want to be friends with. Really, has anyone ever told you how good you are with people?”
Lance scowled at him, “I’m not giving up.”
The other man had shrugged, “Whatever, Lance.”
After that night, things between them became a little better in terms of the limited amount of times they had to deal with each other. There were only a handful of times and places where they were deployed to fight together, and even fewer times where they got to see each other outside of the Jaegers and the Shatterdomes.
Which is right about the time that Lance developed a huge fucking crush on Keith. In all actuality, it hadn’t developed—Lance had finally become aware of it.
He had been working on a plan to get Keith to start talking to him again. In fact, Allura was even talking to Shiro, which was good for him too. If Allura could get Shiro on their side, then they would all four have to spend time together and—
Then the accident happened.
Black Paladin was deployed to defend Hong Kong from a supposed Cat 2 Kaiju, codename Knifehead. They were already sent out to meet Knifehead in battle when the Marshall and techs realized that the Kaiju wasn’t a Cat 2—it had been the first ever Cat 3.
And Black Paladin was unprepared for it.
Lance can still remember watching the video feed of it the next day. Seeing Knifehead tear off their Jaeger’s arm, then, completely rip out the right side of the Jaeger—Lance thought he was going to be sick while watching it.
Sunshine Riptide hadn’t been close enough to help. Even if they had been deployed at the same time, there wasn’t anything that they could have done.
That morning, Lance and Allura had received the report at the L.A. Shatterdome. Shiro was dead, and Keith—Keith was in a coma. He had killed the Kaiju on his own, controlling the Jaeger by himself, and effectively killing his brain with the amount of strain on the neural bridge. He had even gotten the Jaeger back to the coast on his own, lasting almost a full hour in battle by himself.
It made sense that they thought he wouldn’t make it.
So Lance and Allura—they didn’t know what to do. It was like their world had been ripped away from them. Black Paladin—Shiro and Keith—they had been the strongest and most successful Jaeger pilots ever.
And the Kaiju had taken them away. Just like that.
In the time that Keith was in a coma, there was another Kaiju attack, another Cat 3 along the coast of California. Allura and Lance had begged the Marshall to deploy them, and when they went, they were both so angry that they ripped the Kaiju to shreds, hoping every last helicopter got it on camera so it would play it, as if it would justify all the wrongs the Kaiju had already done to them.
It hadn’t.
Lance and Allura did their best to deal with it. Allura was so sad, and Lance was practically distraught. When they drank too much one night and stumbled into bed together, Lance didn’t regret it because at least he had felt something for a little while.
A few weeks later, Keith surprisingly woke up from his coma, but before Lance and Allura could get over to Hong Kong to visit, he left the hospital, left the Shatterdome, and disappeared without a trace.
And it’s been three years since.
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