#ahsoka tano mentioned
a-wisebear · 11 months
yes, i love the disaster lineage, a dyslexic cryptic frog, the most knighty-sith, very high and very high man still claiming children, the embodiment of the light side as infinite sadness, problem child actually is the chosen one, golden child at war, and we close it with unsupervised child with paint it's too good at it
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cerulianvermillion · 1 year
Jedi culture is so fascinating... I'd love a post-war everything is okay AU where we get a taste of Jedi culture. Not the clone wars-era jedi culture that we know of...but actual jedi culture. Like the one obi-wan grew up with, something ahsoka and even anakin never got to experience because of the war. Like the ones we see in the books about obi-wans padawan years, of course, combining canon and legends in a way that makes sense- maybe we can have the younger ones of the disaster lineage learn a bit about Tahl, more Tahl is always a good idea. Maybe we can delve into Mace and Qui-gon's years of padawanship and being initiates- or maybe even old jedi culture, the one Yoda is familiar with.
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lightasthesun · 6 months
Imagine surviving the war only to lose most of the people closest to you.
The Woman that once upon a time held your heart in her hands.
The Girl that you loved like a daughter and whose death would ultimately lead to you losing your only brother.
In this universe, the river of time flows differently. Each step, each choice, and each poignant moment in its stream drift slightly off course.
It starts like this:
When Ahsoka and Bo-Katan ask the Jedi Order for aid in freeing Mandalore from Darth Maul's grasp and finally putting an end to the former Sith's reign, Obi-Wan does not ignore their call for help. Satine's ghost still haunts his nightmares, and it's the look on her sister's face, along with the redheads snarling accusations and Ahsoka's distant demeanor, that cause his typically composed exterior to splinter.
Through the cracks in his shields, a presence slips in – wild and tumultuous, yet practically radiant in its brilliance.
Days, months, weeks and even years later Obi-Wan will wish he'd taken a little longer to cradle her presence close.
It ends like this:
Anakin with Windu on the Invisible Hand. A incapacitated Sith in custody and another, more vile, more cunning, more sinister, choosing the wrong moment to reveal himself. A twist of fate. A long lost friend showing signs of old loyalty. Lightning. Screams. Hurt and Betrayal. The Chosen One as he was meant to be without terrors of the night influencing his most damning decision. Red clashing with purple, with blue. Red, blue, purple, blue, red, purple— A head rolls. The cackling stops.
For a moment, Peace.
A bond, frail at the edges but oh so resilient, crafted amidst blaster fire and silly nicknames and bets made on the battlefield, breaks—
Anakin screams.
On Mandalore the last chess piece falls with a Padawans last sacrifice.
First, Maul taunts. Maul laughs. Maul feeds on rage, on grief and hurt and terror, terror, terror. He's stronger here. Less controlled too, but while his greed costs him his head, his strength costs Obi-Wan the centerpiece of his lineage.
Obi-Wan holds his daughter as she bleeds out in his arms. His shoulders shake but he does not cry. His eyes burn but he does not weep. His lips twitch but he does not sob. He holds Ahsoka much the same way he held Satine only months before.
“No, not you too.”
Something flickers inside his mind, once, twice. It grows ever dimmer and Ahsoka's grip on his shoulder, ever weaker. A feeble voice inside his mind, It's okay. It doesn't hurt. I'll be okay, Master.
But this time no reassurance, no hand to his cheek, no last confession, nothing, will temper the anger slowly rising in tandem with his grief. He needs a medic. He needs a medic, now. Where's —
Obi-Wan doesn't like the expression on the face of his slowly approaching Commander. The furrow of his brow, the emotion in his eyes. He doesn't like that Cody has taken off his helmet and reaches out to hold Obi-Wan by his shoulder as if he knows Obi-Wan needs the physical support, as if Ahsoka is going to —
Obi-Wan turns his eyes back on his Grandpadawan. Hers are barely open, her lips smeared with blood. Obi-Wans eyes catch on the red trailing down her chin and the length of her throat.
Ahsoka catches his eyes and smiles. She tugs on their bond the way she had always done before a battle, up until her last assignment on Caito Neimodia.
She tugs once, twice, three times. His heart squeezes painfully in his chest. He tugs back three times.
He does cry then. For the life she will never have. For the peace she will never experience. For the war she fought and whose final victory she will never reap. For the girl he learned to love as his own.
And even in her last moment, even in pain, even after Hurt and Miscommunication, and Betrayal born out of insecurity and misjudgment, she still worries for others first. For him.
You're safe. You're all sa—
He shushes her. Tired amusement tingles across their bond.
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale.
You are forgiven, Obi-Wan.
Exhale. The light winks out and as their bond shatters his last remaining one pulls tight with white hot agony.
Cody is all that keeps Obi-Wan upright right then and there.
The war is over. They won. So many dead. His lineage torn asunder.
Ahsoka is dead. Anakin won't speak to him. Qui-Gon is dead. Dooku is imprisoned.
Here the river of time finds a stream parallel to the one we know.
Obi-Wan and Yoda at the end of things.
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jewishcissiekj · 3 months
no but actually I love messing with the disaster lineage. like. yeah, what if Dooku was Obi-Wan's master? What if Qui-Gon was Anakin's master? what if Obi-Wan did end up being Ahsoka's master? let's add on to it. Dooku as Asajj's Master. Asajj as Ahsoka's master. Rael as Obi-Wan's master. Anakin as Rael's padawan. Ky Narec as Dooku's padawan. Sabine as Anakin's padawan. Luke as Qui-Gon's padawan. Yoda as Obi-Wan's master. Ahsoka as Yoda's padawan. feel free to keep adding on to it the possibilities are almost endless
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darlin-djarin · 10 months
anakin will probably never tell ahsoka that he loved her. head in hands. 13 dead, 1247 injured.
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kingtuna · 2 months
I was rewatching Tales of the Jedi and just
Practice Makes Perfect
(that ending hurts)
but also Rex was so concerned for Ahsoka
"Don't worry Rex she'll wake up"
"I don't know how much she can take" like yeah
he obviously had Thoughts about Anakin making them shoot at their teenage little sister
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antianakin · 7 months
Honestly, it's just a little weird that SHIN ended up the least anti-Jedi character on the entire Ahsoka show. Ahsoka and Baylan both explicitly condemn the Jedi as weak or failures and both Ahsoka and Sabine keep disrespecting Huyang and his Jedi protocols, whereas it's Shin who actually asks if Baylan MISSES the Jedi themselves, if he misses the Order. She has no real connection to it herself, so she can't miss something she never even knew, but she takes the time to ask Baylan if HE misses it. It's the closest we get to someone MOURNING the Jedi and recognizing that their loss is, in fact, something that should be sad. Shin asking if her master misses his own genocided culture is legitimately the closest we get to acknowledging Order 66 at all and the closest we get to a genuinely pro Jedi moment.
And it came from the stupid little Darth Maul knock-off with a personality like wallpaper.
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voidartisan · 1 year
finished rewatching the corruption arc and i can't believe i forgot so many amazing details. i can just imagine satine texting obi-wan and being like "when this is brought up to the council i need you to make sure i get a jedi who will Cause Problems On Purpose (non-violently)" and obi-wan immediately thinks of his chaos gremlin daughter-figure and texts back "say no more"
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fellthemarvelous · 15 days
I remember seeing dudebros complain about there not being enough men in the Ahsoka series but David Tennant was in every single episode so I don't know what the big deal is!
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spicynectarines · 1 year
If the Ahsoka series doesn’t meet my very high expectations I will simply pretend it doesn’t exist. peace and love
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starwarsshippings · 9 months
there really has been a severe lack of romance in star wars lately? we have han and leia in the ot, anakin and padme in the pt, then there's no official romance in the st (besides will they won't they and 1 dying kiss) an almost romance in rogue one, a sort of romance and betrayal in solo, nothing in mando and andor (?idk for sure i haven't seen them) nothing in obi wan kenobi and nothing (yet) in ahsoka
like i'm glad we get a break from heteronormative romance but at the same time i miss rooting for a canon couple you know? ships are wonderful but there's always that part of me that wants something official and recognized? idk all in all sabine better end up with shin or ezra or both or i'll eat my hat
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sammrz320 · 9 months
Seriously peeps, how can I feel mad with all that perfection that was given to us?
This episode had a lot of little things that made it so enjoyable, even if it felt shorter.
First off, we feel Chopper getting attacked by Xiono's racist assumption towards droids which was both funny, and something I'm sure that ended up with us wanting our droid kick that insensitive mofo's ass.
C-3PO making his appearance in the Mandoverse at Leia's behest, backing up Hera during her trial.
Ahsoka slowly learning her final lesson as she trained.
MORE General Skywalker, even tho it was holographic.
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thecleverqueer · 3 months
Thinking about Anakin wanting to leave the Jedi to be with Padme.
Thinking about how he told Ahsoka that he understood why she wanted to walk away from the order.
Thinking about Ahsoka walking away not so much because she wanted to, but because she felt as though she had to…because she didn’t see herself as a Jedi…because she was not a peace keeper, but a soldier.
They aren’t the same.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
AU where it's Padme that goes all evil and not Anakin?
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
Had some trouble figuring out how to make Anakin not be loyal to Padme here, but hey:
Padme does not think she's evil. This is a Padme who was radicalized by the invasion of Naboo, a Padme who grew up and joined the Senate with poison in her heart, which only got stronger as she saw how little she was able to do. This is a Padme who agrees with Anakin: the galaxy would be much better if one good person was in charge. That good person should be Her.
She doesn't tell him that she agrees with him, because she's still under the radar, but she doesn't... really try to dissuade him. Just talks about how difficult it is to find someone that's really, truly good. Why, even Chancellor Palpatine has made all these questionable policy decisions...
Padme is much faster and more successful about securing Anakin's loyalty as compared to Palpatine. She's also been kind of conditioning Anakin to think about how she'd be a MUCH better dictator than anyone else, and how he should run any kind of political ideas past her first. She conditions him to run everything past her. She's got this perfect in with the Chancellor and the Jedi that isn't just Her, The Senator, but she needs that in to be loyal to only her, and more importantly, dependent on her. She does really, truly love her Ani, but he's much more useful when he asks her to do his thinking for him. What this really means is that when Anakin has dreams about her death, and goes to Palpatine, and gets fed some lines about how only Palpatine can save her if Anakin just swears loyalty to him, Anakin actually asks Padme about what to do before he does it. He goes to Padme before he goes to the Jedi. Padme tells Anakin that Palpatine needs to be removed. If he's a Sith, then who's to say that he isn't the threat to Padme's life? Who's to say he isn't the one feeding Anakin these dreams? Palpatine is evil, Anakin, and he's made it impossible to remove him from power legally.
Padme tells Anakin to kill Palpatine. And he does. And Padme's years and years of manipulating the Senate in shady corners and through applying her wiles and through applying her Jedi and his mind tricks to her coworkers, through collecting blackmail and applying pressure, it all comes together, and Padme becomes the Empress.
Anakin is happy to follow her, until he realizes that she's so focused on her new power that she's neglecting the twins. He tries to dismiss it; after all, he's got much more free time than she does, now, so he can watch them. He's mostly the guy she uses to try to placate the Jedi, which he's not great at, and mostly the Jedi try to convince him that Padme's lost her shit and needs to be quietly removed. Not killed! Just... retire to her fancy lake house and stop ruling the Empire with an iron fist in a fancy silk glove.
Padme doesn't... not love her children. But between the years of selling out her lesser morals in favor of pursuing complete control of the galaxy for the sake of her biggest moral core, which is No Military Actions, and the Sithly Environs of the Chancellery Apartments that she's moved into, which Anakin doesn't know how to purge and the Jedi aren't allowed in to exorcise, she's kind of losing the plot and getting more and more evil. It's mostly her own foibles that are making her go evil, but it's the General Sithly Vibe are pushing her that last little bit to just... ignore her kids. She's got more important things to do, right?
Padme uses the clone army to enact her will on less cooperative planets. She uses the brain chips, when Anakin isn't looking. She's sure that he wouldn't turn his back on her, after all she's done to secure his loyalty, but it's best to not risk it.
Some Jedi try to take her out. She has them killed, by Anakin and the clones alike. She praises Anakin for it, as she tightens restrictions on the Temple. He has a bit more 'what have I done' but not. Quite. Yet. (After all, Padme's not risking death to the Jedi Younglings yet. Not yet. Not yet.)
Ahsoka shows up, with Rex in tow, and tries to convince Anakin to help them peacefully remove Padme from power. He's one of the core reasons that Padme has managed to maintain her power. He can change this. Padme hears about this. He tells Anakin that Ahsoka's a threat. She's going to try to remove Padme, like Anakin removed Palpatine. She tells Anakin that Ahsoka needs to die.
Anakin would rather arrest his wife than kill his sister.
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cirr0stratus · 1 year
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for the love of god please take colored contacts away from lucasfilm
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