#ahit super nice au
gigilefache · 3 years
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This isn't to high quality but it's another line-less practice. This time with the super nice au. Still trying to pinpoint the designs for these two lol
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kittykatcar · 4 years
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The conductor from @gigilefache ‘s Super Nice AU just has a very friend shaped design and I love him.
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ahatintimepieces · 3 years
The next two chapters are up! Cinderella wants to go to the ball and two unlucky fellows are bibbidi-bobbidi-booed but it’s nothing a lil song can’t soothe...
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whipped-bean · 4 years
I REFUSE to believe i just stayed up all day drawing these two things on the same fucking canvas
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koi-fish-chan · 6 years
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Edit: replaced the image bc i realized my drawing looks incredibly and overly blue on most devices? Hopefully the colors look more true to how i imagined them now ;;;;
I tried my hand at drawing a human snatcher! Or well, kind of human? snatcher?i guess more like a humanoid form but-- shhhh,,,, i’ve just seen some other rather lovely designs people have done of him before, and I wanted to share my own spin on it!
also, i thought of a few ideas for what human snatcher might be like! If you care to know I’ll put that under the ‘keep reading,’ so this post isn’t too long ^^
Stuff such as: He has glowing eyes, teeth, and tongue.(i know glowing teeth is an odd detail, but I actually thought it would be pretty interesting too? idk its a neat kinda to me)
His hair has a purple halo like glow to it constantly too, and i imagine it would feel cold all the time and also kinda like silk. (also it floofs up depending on how much power he’s exerting/how he’s feeling.)
He has as a pretty upright posture when doing ‘official business’ but actually usually has a more slouched and relaxed posture when around comfortable company (which uh, tbh probs isn’t seen often lol)
(oi, this gets into spoiler zone if you haven’t finished beating the time rift in subcon forest that reveals subcons backstory) 
Really thinking about what he endured as his former self, I also feel like Snatcher would have some scars from where he hung from his shackles? This may be a rlly dark and edgy kinda headcannon thing i guess but, don’t you think he’d sustain some injuries from being hung from the wall like he was for so long? I imagine he would have tried to escape and gotten hurt perhaps. Maybe scars on his wrists and neck especially, and some shallower ones on his chest and fingers too? (which i didn't illustrate any of these, but that’s because i wasn’t thinking about possible scars at the time of coloring this) 
I know most images of snatcher shown hanging in his cell he only has a few chains keeping him up, but in the basement of Vanessa's mansion, if using the dweller’s mask, you can see there was a lot more. (I have screenshots of that posted here) and that’s why I feel like perhaps he might have some scars, idk it may not be an important detail at all but it’s something I mulled around in my head about.
Anyways that’s all the details I really thought about! For the moment at least, if I expand on this more I’ll probably post that too later, most likely with more sketches of his design because I actually found it really fun to draw this! Feel free to send me some of yall’s human snatcher headcannons too if you’d like! Its cool connecting with the ahit community and it’d be cool to hear others ideas or see others designs too ;w; 
anyhoooo i think im rambling too much now so, later my dudes ;;
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doodleimprovement · 4 years
AHIT Spiderverse AU :: Tell Me Why
Soooo this took an embarrassingly long time to write for how short it is and I apologize
This is 110% humor and fluff for @crowfry‘s excellent and stupendous AHIT Spiderverse AU 
Okay enough dilly dally-ing! Enjoy! 
She hadn’t said a word since they’d brought them to their “home”.
SpiderMoon had told him that she was probably just tired, or processing, but both the symbiote and the human he inhabited saw that she wanted to say something, but wasn’t.
The kid with the bow was much more receptive to the attention from the older “heroes” per se, ready to tell how they got trapped by Doctor Emprina and her henchmen, and repeatedly thanking them for saving the two who- had gotten really out of their depth for the first time in a while.
But the hatted one said nothing.
The symbiote tried to brush off the feeling of vague concern as belonging to his other half, but he knew he was lying to himself. Their shared heart was in their throat when they saw what trouble the girl superheroes had gotten into. It was … harrowing, in a way.
But she was always the more talkative one. The one that got in your face, that grinned cheekily under her mask and sassed back. He respected that about her.
But she wasn’t saying a peep.
Moon and Bow had gone into the kitchen, leaving the two other “heroes” alone in the living room, with the hatted one pulling her legs up and hugging her knees.
He had to say something - or at least, his other half was trying to coax him into doing so.
“Just be nice” his other half pressed.
The symbiote groaned
“Kid, you need anything?” He asked.
She shook her head.. But didn’t respond.
“You seem bugged” he joked “I usually can’t get you to shut up”
She then deliberately looked away.
He was about to snip at her - Prince be damned - but then she finally spoke
“Why’d you rescue us?”
“... What?”
“Why? I thought you couldn't stand us” She turned her head away.
“What? Geez- kid I wouldn’t go that far” The Snatcher felt almost offended at her assumption
“Then what do you call all the mean things you’ve said!?”
God, she sounded really upset??
“Snatcher, maybe let me talk?” 
“What? No! She doesn’t-” 
“Well maybe she should!!” Prince interrupted.
Snatcher paused, looking at the eyes of the child-heroes mask. The symbiote hated that he kind of agreed.
“... fine” 
And he gave up control.
Spider-Hat stared in absolute bewilderment as the symbiote slunk away, revealing the lithe, but familiar man underneath.
“... Prince?”
The man’s brow furrowed “How do you know my name?”
The child paused at that - seemingly realizing that she gave something away, before nervously taking off her hat, and then pulling off her cowl.
Prince stumbled back in alarm.
“... I’ll be straight with you, I didn’t see that coming” Snatcher commented.
The little girl he’d recently befriended had tired, red eyes, and her face was covered in dark bruises that made his heart twist.
“You.. you were Prince this whole time?” She twisted her cowl in her hands “With the symbiote?”
He nodded “Lemme make it clear that I’m not the one that’s insulting you all the time. That’s all Snatcher”
“Gee, thanks”
“Shut up”
When she cracked a little smile, he felt like he’d hit a milestone. She looked back down at her cowl.
“But still.. Why’d you rescue us?” She asked again, daring to look up at him.
Prince nervously tapped his fingers “Well, Snatcher might be annoyed I say this, but we do care about you, super hero or not”
Her smile grew a bit “... Well… thanks, for saving us, I mean”
Prince gave her a smile back, sitting down next to her. “Our pleasure”
“Speak for yourself”
“Shut up”
Hattie giggled a bit at the banter, and she put the cowl down, kicking her feet for a moment before sitting up on her knees, and reaching over, wrapping her little arms around Prince’s torso “... Thanks” She repeated.
Prince froze, a bit surprised that of the two kids, Hattie was the one to reach out to hug.
“Not that I care but mayyyybe hug her back, you doofus?” 
The polite reminder shocked him out of his stupor, and hugged the spider-girl back, squeezing just a bit.
“... Wait, so Spider-Bow is… Beau?”
“Uhhh yeah. Is Spider-Moon… Moonie?”
“.... This is kinda really funny” Hattie admitted, giggling.
Prince couldn’t help but snort “Yeah… Yeah it kinda is” his chuckles turned to laughter, and Hattie followed right behind. 
By the time Moon and Beau returned to the living room, the two stared in awe at the two (three?) currently resting, Hattie well and truly asleep with Prince seemingly in a half-asleep state, with a small, slightly snake-like Snatcher halfway through pulling a blanket over the Spider-girl ... with his mouth.
Snatcher squinted at them, dropping the blanket
“Say nothing”
The two promptly turned around and left.
They’d talk about it later.
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eclipseofthehat · 3 years
Eclipse is so cute!! She just won a bunch curious and suspicious fans!! Love every update!! (but don't worry I can wait all the time you need) hope you have a nice day!!
Awww thank you!!!
Yeah haha Fir (the one who was stuck in the tree) specifically really likes Eclipse, and Mion is forming ideas.
Which will come back soon B)
Thank you TTvTT I feel bad updates took so long but some issues behind the scenes made me really not want to work on the comic as I felt I lost control of my own project
But it's been dealt with and while idk how often I can update since I'm also updating a super long (I'm almost at 300k words and it's not done it's so slow burn) AHIT fanfic that I have slight more priority (mostly cuz writing wise I'm like 75% done)
But I'm gonna try!! Cuz I love this comic and I have a story to tell.
I hope you have a good day too anon!!
If you ever want more Eclipse content tho with the dumb wolfo; I post her lots on my art blog @bittybattybunny AUs, Doodles, previews of scripts to this specific comic B)
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jupiterlandings · 4 years
Some headcanons for @doodledrawsthings’s AHiT “coffee shop” AU
1. Hattie doesn’t think the “cult of Snatcher” is a bad thing (she thinks it’s more like a fan club & how bad can a bunch of kids who are her dad’s fans be after all?). I imagine the two of them having a convo about it that would go something like:
Hattie: So I heard there’s a buncha kids that really like you hangin out the woods.
Luka, nervously: You did?
Hattie: Yeah! They like you a lot so I bet they’re cool; Oh! Plus they like to blow things up so they’re prolly super cool!
This leads to Luka having to explain that cults are definitely not cool and he spends the rest of the day filled with fatherly grief and distain for teenagers.
2. Since they live in a small town the middle & grade schools defo share a building so Hattie (who I imagine around 10) & Cherry (who has that feral middle schooler energy if ever a character did) somehow end up being buddies. They have an adorable Senpai/Kouhai relationship which involves Cherry showing Hattie everything a kid needs to know (how to start a fire with a magnifying glass, how to befriend stray cats, etc). At her request Cherry helps Hattie get a Snatcher backpack which Luka despises but decided against getting rid of bc 1. It would be fishy if Hattie were the only kid in town without any kinda Snatcher swag, and 2. Hattie was SO EXCITED about one of her first friends in town getting her a gift that he couldn’t bear to take it away from her.
3. Luka has /no idea/ that the nice kid who took Hattie under their wing is his first (and possibly most annoying) disciple and when he finds out he almost chokes on his midday espresso and MJ and Clover laugh so hard they can’t breathe.
4. MJ manages the coffee shop as a day job and is attempting to make it as an artist. One day he finally gets a big break to paint a mural in the center of town...and it’s of The Snatcher.
5. Hattie is super shy around Clover at first (Vanessa left the poor kiddo with some trust issues when it comes to women in her life) but once she knows she’s a good person they get along like a house on fire. The two of them have a monthly Girls Day Out.
6. Luka had a fear of ghosts for years after getting separated from his parents in a haunted house as a kid and not being able to find the exit. Vanessa knew this and absolutely had it in mind when deciding just how she was going to curse him.
7. One time Hattie made Luka pancakes for Father’s Day and she put coffee grounds in the batter since he loves coffee so much. He ate every last bite so as not to hurt her feelings but one day after curiously tasting some grounds from the container in the cupboard Hattie realized her mistake and angrily called her dad out for fibbing.
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ahatintimestorybook · 4 years
AHIT Twin AU- Magic Twins
Okay enough with the angst...for now. Let’s get into some sweet fluff. Yes, I said for now because I’m writing a three part angst story and it may make you cry!!
Enjoy ^^
It was night time and MJ and Luka just finished celebrating their 8th birthday. However, they weren’t done celebrating just yet their dad had one more surprise for them and they were excited. “I wonder what dad has for us?” MJ asked holding on to his white wolf like plushie.
“Maybe we get to have ice cream before bed! Or we can stay up till 7:00 am in the morning!” Luka exclaimed, guessing what their father, Richard had for them.
MJ shook his head. “I don’t think we’ll be allowed to stay up till 7 in the morning.” He disagreed.
Luka leaned in close to his brother. “You may never know.” He sang. MJ grabbed his brother and ruffled his hair as Luka tried to push his brother off, but his older twin brother held him tight continuing to ruffle his little twin brother’s hair.
The brothers shared a laugh as Richard came in smiling at his little boys. “I see my boys are excited for their surprise.” Richard said. The twins let go of each other and got comfortable ready for the gift. Richard gave a chuckle and sat down between his sons. “Now ready to see your last gift of the night?” He asked.
“We’ve been waiting!” Luka wined. “Tell us! Tell us!” Luka bounced on the bed with his hand on his dad’s shoulder.
Richard chuckled and pulled his sons close to him. “I am. I am.” He repeated. Richard took a deep breath and told his story. “Well now that your 8 years old I think it's time we had a talk about something, well something in my family.” He started. MJ and Luka looked at each other confused at what their father was going to tell him.
“W-what is dad?” Luka asked.
Richard sighed. “You two know about magic, right?” He asked.
Luka and MJ looked at each other shocked and nodded. “Yeah! We do!” They both shouted. “Like the magician we saw at the Christmas Party?” Luke asked.
“Well not exactly.” Richard  replied. “You see magic is real, and your now 8 years old, which is the age you guys might be experiencing magic.” He explained.
Luka and MJ looked at their father in shock before smiling. This was just like in their favorite super hero TV shows! “Like on TV?” MJ asked. Richard nodded. “Awesome!” MJ beamed. “We can finally be super heroes Lulu!”
Luka chuckled. “Yeah! Using our magic to fight bad guys and steal their souls!” Luka beamed.
“Eh, let’s not steal souls.” MJ replied.
Luka chuckled. “I was kidding.” The boys shared a laugh over their fantasy of being a pair of super twins saving Subcon from trouble.
“Boys may I-” Richard was cut off as his sons still continued to talk about their magic superhero fantasies.
“We can find other kids with magic as well make a super hero team!” MJ beamed.
“And we can wear cool costumes so no one can know its us!” Luka added.
“Luka! Michael!” Richard spoke up louder. The twins stopped their fantasy and nervously chuckled realizing their dad still hasn’t finished with her story.
“Sorry dad.” The twins apologized.
Richard chuckled. “You're forgiven.” He replied. “Now, before you boys decide to go superhero. I’m sorry to have to say this, but magic doesn’t work that way, it's taboo.”
“What does that mean?” Luka asked.
“It means: it's banned to talk about.” Richard answered. “Well we’re talking about it because I know a few people who had magic and I figured you need to know.”
“Who dad?” MJ asked.
“Well, my grandfather, your great-grandfather had magic and my aunt had it.”
“What were their powers?” Luka asked.
Richard sighed and frowned. “I didn’t know what my grandfather’s power was.” He whispered. “He died due to his magic.”
MJ frowned and held his father’s hand tight. “D-did the magic kill him?” He asked.
“No.” Richard paused for a bit before continuing. “Its because he had magic that he was killed.” MJ gulped and looked at his little brother, who looked scared too. They were just about to ask before Richard told them more. “You see not a lot of people accept magic and well they either get killed or sent away because of it.”
“Sent away?” MJ gasped.
“K-killed.” Luka stuttered.
Richard sighed, he didn’t want to scare his boys, but its the harsh truth when it comes to magic. “Sorry to scare you boys, but its true.”
“But why? Has anyone tried to fight for it?” MJ asked. “There’s no way people can be this blind to magic users!”
Richard sighed again. “I don’t know why either, but people are just blind to those who are...different.” That was the only straight answer he can give his boys. The boys frowned and still wondered if being twin super heroes was a bad thing. Richard needed to think of something positive about magic and fast. “But, my aunt’s power had to do with air and wind and during the hottest of summer days she’d knew how to make things cool.”
MJ and Luka smiled, which is what Richard wanted to see. He ruffled the boys hair making them laugh before hugging them tight. “So magic doesn’t sound so bad.” Luka commented.
Richard chuckled. “Not at all Lu, its just you need to be careful with it and keep it a secret.” He reassured. “But like I said there is a low chance you guys may not have magic at all.”
“Well magic or not! That was a great story dad!” Luka beamed. “Even though it did get sad.” he mumbled.
Richard chuckled and ruffled Luka’s hair before picking him up. “Well its getting late, and you two need your sleep.” MJ yawned and got under the covers holding his white wolf-like plushie tight. Richard tucked Luka into bed ruffling his hair once more. “Night Luka.”
“Night dad!” Luka replied.
Richard walked over to MJ’s bed and ruffled his hair too. “Night Michael.”
“Night dad.” MJ replied.
Richard turned off the lights and left his son’s room to let them get some sleep. A few minutes passed and Luka opened his eyes. “MJ. MJ.” He whispered. MJ groaned and opened his eyes turning to his little brother. “Are you asleep?”
“No.” MJ groaned. MJ moved a bit on his bed, and Luka jumped out of his bed and laid down next to his twin brother.
“What did you think of the magic story?” Luka asked.
MJ sighed. “Its interesting.” He replied. “I can’t believe we have a chance to withhold magic!”
Luka chuckled. “I know!” He smiled and wondered what kinds of powers they’ll gave. “What power do you think we’ll have?” He asked.
MJ turned and faced his little brother. “I’m not sure.” He replied. “There’s so many endless powers we can have, but I want us to have the same magic.”
Luka smiled agreeing with his older twin brother. “I hope so too!” He hoped. Soon Luka yawned and his eyes fluttered before closing and falling asleep.
MJ smiled and tucked him and his brother. “Night, Lulu.” MJ whispered before falling asleep hugging his little brother.
Two years have passed, and now the twins were 10 years old. Summer has finally came and that gave the twins a ton of fun things to do together. They went to the water park twice, gone on hikes, and today they just did some paintings with their dad. Now the twins were in their room relaxing; MJ decided to draw in his sketchbook while Luka picked up a video game to play.
MJ smiled at his drawing and thought it would be nice to color it, and went to look for his colored pencils. He checked his desk and saw his colored pencils was no where to be found. He spotted them in his bag next to Luka. “Lulu, could you get my colored pencils?” He asked.
“After this level, Mikey! I’m in first place!” Luka beamed. MJ sighed, but something surprising happened.
His hands then released red string that tied around his bag as he was able to grab it. MJ’s eyes, now glowing red was surprised Luka got it for him. “Thanks Lulu!” MJ beamed.
“For what?” Luka asked still focusing on his game. MJ froze and looked at his hands seeing strings on them. Luka paused his game and turned to his brother and looked scared seeing MJ’s eyes. “Uh...MJ your...eyes.” He nervously said.
“W-what’s wrong with them?” He asked getting up from his seat. Luka grabbed his twin brother’s hand and took him to the bathroom and made him face the mirror. MJ stepped back scared at his eyes. MJ’s eyes were blood red and glowing. “M-mom! Dad!” MJ screamed.
Footsteps ran upstairs as Angela and Richard rushed into the bathroom to see what the boys were yelling about it and froze seeing red strings from their older son’s fingers as well as glowing red eyes. “Oh boy.” Richard whispered.
“M-mom! D-dad what’s happening to me?!” MJ yelled.
Richard went over to his son and put his hands on his son’s shoulder. “Michael. Take deep breaths.” He said in a reassuring voice. “This is your magic, and you need to be calm.” MJ blinked surprised this was his magic taking over.
MJ listened to what his father told him and tried to calm down. Soon the strings started to disappear and MJ’s eyes went back to normal. Richard smiled and hugged his son seeing he’s alright. “D-dad was that really my magic?” He asked.
Richard nodded, but was confused. “Though I never heard of someone with puppeteer magic?”
Angela chuckled. “Thankfully I have.” She responded.
“You know magic too mom?” Luka asked.
Angela nodded. “ I may be a lawyer, but I’m a lawyer who has clients that have magic, and MJ I helped with two clients who too have puppeteer magic.” She explained.
This peeked MJ and Luka’s interest. “Really?” They both asked. Angela nodded and hugged her two boys. Luka and MJ looked at each other and smiled.
The rest of the night, MJ was having fun with his magic as well as using it to help his mother with setting up dinner. While MJ was setting up the table with his magic, Luka tried to see if he too got his magic as well, but nothing happened. The younger twin frowned and glanced at his older twin brother who was able to grab the glasses with his strings without breaking them.
Later, the boys were asleep well MJ was asleep but Luka wasn’t. Luka looked at his hands and saw he didn’t have his powers yet. He wondered why. If his older twin got it shouldn’t he have gotten his powers too. “MJ?” Luka asked hoping his brother would wake up. Luka sighed and turned around and tried to get some sleep.
Summer came and went and still Luka didn’t have his powers. The younger twin wasn’t jealous of his older brother, just disappointed that they didn’t get it at the same time as they hoped.  It was already September and starting Monday would be the first day of school for the twins.
To make sure the last few days of summer were the best the twins went to the park to play till sunset. MJ brought over a purple ball they bought at the store to play with. They had the whole baseball field to themselves today so no one would bother them as they kicked and threw the ball around.
“Luka! Think fast!” MJ yelled as he kicked the ball high in the air. Luka looked up and held his hand out ready to grab the ball. Luka stepped back and caught it loosing his balance in the process.
“Got it!” Luka shouted. MJ chuckled and went far ready to catch the ball. What the older twin didn’t notice was Luka’s hands turning a dark purple color as blue flames started to appear from his hands. Luka threw the ball, but as MJ saw the ball in flames he got out of the way. MJ looked up and saw Luka’s eyes glowing yellow. With a smile he went over to his brother in joy.
“Luka! You got your powers!” MJ shouted.
Luka blinked and smiled. “I did?” He asked. MJ nodded. Luka looked at his hands and saw they were engulfed in blue flames. Luka and MJ smiled at each other picked up their ball, which surprisingly didn’t turn to ashes and ran home to tell their dad before anyone else caught them.
“Dad! Dad!” The twins shouted running home. Richard was finishing up a painting and saw his twin sons running towards them in joy. “Dad!” MJ started. “Luka got his magic!”
“He did?” Richard asked. MJ nodded. “Well what is it?” He asked. MJ and Luka didn’t say it, but showed it. Luka’s eyes glowed yellow as blue flames appeared from his hands again. Richard’s eyes widen seeing the flames on his youngest son.
“ANGELA!” Richard screamed caring Luka carefully so he would not get burned or at least burn the house down. Angela turned to her husband and saw her youngest son smiling in glee.
Angela chuckled. “Well looks like we are dealing with super magic twins.” She joked.
Author’s Note: The plushie MJ has is based off a beta design of Moonjumper that looked plush like.
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lindendragonart · 4 years
Thank you and sorry it took long to answer.
👉 a WIP i’d like to try and finish next year
Well, all of them. Since I just started writing in general, I have begun to experience what I dubbed the "rapid beginners improvement syndrome", so I find myself constantly editing and rewriting parts of my wips that I had previously deemed finished. All of them are from the six month old but not yet released Ahit Prince au, for those of you not familiar. In terms of how many I have, I got four written but still in the mild or heavy editing stage, and an idea for a fifth one with some scenes already outlined. One of them is obligatory Vanessa being creepy and delusional, one is about the first day of freedom, one is about adjustment but told in the perspective of someone who is not the Prince, and the fourth one is some nice hurt and comfort, also obligatory. The fifth wip is too spoilery to even mention (secret story arc *insert eyes emoji*) but I'll tell you this, we're gonna be exploring an interesting dynamic, but yeah that's it for now.
❗️a particularly ambitious piece
Well, in terms of every drawing I ever made, I'd have to say my poster/banner for my Pokemon self insert au, in part due to the multitude of characters I had to draw for it.
But I do have these two drawings for my above mentioned ahit au that I did months after the poster, meaning my art has improved significantly since then. I went and experimented a lot with shading and lighting on that one. For some reason my inner edgelord went wild there so both of those drawings are from the first chapter, and I have another detailed angsty drawing depicting a flashback mixed in with the conclusion of that chapter. I guess those moments had the most interesting and/or intense settings so I chose them to spill all my art skills on. Hoping to draw a detailed drawing of the conclusion of the main story of the au so I can have some happy detailed stuff too.
🔎 a detail i’m really proud of
In terms of pure skill, I'm really proud of some of the metal shading and detailed lighting I did on the afformentioned ahit drawings. Also this nice moon I drew for one of my ambitious pieces, here it is with spoilers cropped.
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In terms of what the drawing tells us, one of the angsty drawings has a nice detail that's gonna make you go "Wait a minute…" and one of the drawings I have yet to work on will have foreshadowing with a super late payoff.
My Pokemon drawing has Zorua (the fox pokemon) looking behind itself in surprise, at N, and Dora's (my self insert) Serperior is holding her hand. I really liked those two details.
Again, thanks for the questions and I hope my answers were satisfactory.
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gigilefache · 3 years
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Your Residence has been Renewed
Super Nice au Prince because why not
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the-slushie-monster · 4 years
(For the fandom ask thing!) ✿ ☂ ✦ ✈ ▶⌂
Ok so, Fluffy headcanon!: I had this one where the conductor and DJ grooves slowly become friends to lovers and emotionally bond bc of their pasts and their passion! And they work on a movie together!! (I mean that's technically two but like, soo cute!)
Angsty headcanon: I had this one with MoonJumper having trouble being himself and the way he wants to be because of his looks and past behavior that people assumed as truth, but was made up completely. So he wants to be a loyal friend to Bow kid, but everyone is frightened of MJ due to the false rumors and they try to keep bow away from him, and bow eventually started to believe them. MJ was now alone and he still wanted to be a good person, but no one would let him. So now he hides away in a dimension far away from the horizon and earth where he would take out his frustrations by making art, trying to convince himself that he is good, but it the thoughts of everyone being right about him flushed out the positive thoughts of him being anything more than a bad person. (wow this one is long XD)
Alternate universe idea: Well before I fully found out that AHiT was a game, I thought it was a story or something about these three girls playing in a pillow fort with costumes while making a story up as they went on playing! I guess this could be considered an AU idea right? oh, btw it would be called “The Toy Box AU” lol.
character I rather be stuck on an island with: Hmm, it would either be MJ or hat kid. Okay so MJ bc I kinda have this headcanon personality for him to where he's like the loyal, strong, sweet, classy type of friend so it would be nice to have him around for when the times get tough and to just enjoy the simple things on the island together, like admiring the stars and resting on the beach as a cool breeze passes by, also bc he doesn't need to eat lol. Hat kid would be super fun and make being stuck on an island fun! Plus she can do super jumps and a bunch of other things to help us survive.
Character i’d jam with: ooh this is a hard one XD. umm hmmm. Darn my libra nature XDD! Um okay, probably Dj grooves! The reason being that we could get along real good with fashion, even though our fashion senses are completely different from one another it would be so fun just to have some fun at the mall, get some clothes, and go home and party till we drop XD. I love entertainment and movies so I could help him out with his movies and make a great movie with him! 
and finally, choice for a roommate: Ok, so I would either room with DJ grooves, or MJ. With DJ grooves it would be so fun! we could just chill at home and watch a room com or go to a party and come home and pass out on the couch XD. With MJ it would always be lively and calming, we could stargaze together on summer nights, read our fav books to each other, talk the lonesome nights away, and maybe make some music together! We would treasure each other in our toughest times and be there for one another when we need someone. We could just admire the rain from the inside of our home while sitting comfortably by a fire telling stories to each other! sighh that would be soo nice XD
sorry that this reply is so long XDD, I love talking about this stuff but I usually keep quiet about it or say only little about it so I don't get on anyone nerves with my rambling lol. Thank you sm for the ask! i really appreciate it! it really brightened my day!
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A Pill In Time: Chapter 1 - Welcome to St. Dymphna’s Psych Ward
Part 1 - The Cafeteria
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25747456/chapters/62524816
Wattpad link: https://www.wattpad.com/932664360-a-pill-in-time-ahit-psych-ward-au-chapter-1
Summary: An alternate universe where A Hat In Time [by Gears For Breakfast] is set in a psychic ward and anyone non-human in the game are human now.
Notes: The writer has done research on the mental disorders yet has trouble understanding and memorizing them, please don’t harass or insult them as they have tried to be empathetic and avoid spreading misinformation.
The perspective of the main character changes to the next character to show what the main character is really doing.
TW: Mental disorders [Autism/Autism Spectrum, PTSD, OCD, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, etc.], the perspective of a child can be dark too, self-loathing, mentions of physical abuse [not kids fighting each other, we were kids who fought our own siblings before, unless it was physical abuse on your perspective…nevermind…], mild swearing, might be boring depending on how I write this story.
I swear I’m not crying…I’m not crying at all! When I get angry, the sweat goes into my eyeballs! I’m gonna kick Timmy to the ground till he becomes a vegetable and I’ll chop him up and eat him for dinner, and he better taste delicious!!! Okay Hana, calm yourself…You have to get your toys first before anyone else can! I see what looked like a cafeteria up ahead, and then I heard what sounded like a girl making karate noises and punching someone. I was almost close to the source of the sound when I saw this girl, she had blond
hair that was tied into pigtails, but the bands are almost at the end of the hair. She was kicking a big security guy who looks like he was in pain, she stopped and turned towards me, she had yellow eyes that stared at me with surprise and confusion.
Before I can say anything, she ran away and I had to follow her. She went inside the cafeteria and kept ducking under the tables and dodging the other security guys…who all look the same…weird. While chasing her, I noticed something near the tall barred windows and I ran over to it. It was my blue blanket with star patterns, still folded and rolled in a bundle! I grabbed it and shoved it inside the bag. I got up and looked around…great, I lost her. I cautiously tried to get to the exit, but then I heard a loud booming voice, I almost hit my head under the tables from jumping!
My ears ring from that yell, I really don’t know or want to know what “The room” is. I peep up and see a chef with black hair and a scowl on his face, he has a fancy mustache and bushy brows. He had both his arms on his hip and commanding the guards around, I quickly left the room before he can see me.
Mark’s P. O. V.
I looked around the cafeteria, making sure no table is left unturned for Maria, that little she-devil…As I was watching out for her, I could have sworn that I had seen someone ran out the cafeteria… Might be that I’m really tired.
Hana’s P. O. V.
That was close…I looked around and see that I have some options, there was a flight of stairs going up and an elevator. I was busy thinking of my choice to venture to the other floors that I did not notice the clicking sounds from the badges on my bagpack. I jumped and turned to see that girl again, who looked at me like a curious owl.
She walked around me, looking up and down, suspicious and serious. Is…Is that red marker on her cheeks??
Maria’s P. O. V.
This brown haired girl with blue eyes looked at me with surprise; maybe she couldn’t believe the glorious sight of Miss Maria, the Marvelous Hero of the St. Dymphna’s Psych Ward!
That is a working title, by the way!
“Hello there! You must be new here! I am Maria the Marvelous and Welcome to the Psych Ward! What are your superpowers?” I introduced myself to the newbie; she looked at me silently and blinked, like any clueless person. She must be a mute, like those two weirdoes from the third floor who scare the security goons.
“You must have a really cool superpower, kid! I’m the hero of this place and I’m currently on a mission! Wanna join the rebellion?” She was about to open her mouth, but I know the answer! “Great! I had to hire you after watching you escape from the bad guys’ headquarters, that’s some pretty good sneaking if you ask me!” Then I remembered the badges on her bag, I ask about them “Those are some pretty cool badges you got there! Do they mean anything? Do they relate to that super cool superpower of yours?”
Just the thought of having a badge for having a superpower already sounded awesome! “I saw this boy with a red jacket running around and dropping off these weird looking toys on the corners of the building before I got here. Do those belong to you?” She nodded her head immediately, good to know she’s not deaf. “I can help you find them all since we’re comrades now! Or better yet, we’re partners in crime! Whaddya’ say?” I held up a hand for a high-five, and then realized she’s shorter than me.
Hana’s P. O. V.
No offense to Maria but she was and sounds bossy and obnoxious. However, I was really grateful for the help she had given me. I jumped up and immediately high-fived Maria back, I spent my time with Timmy to know to never be slow to a high-five. She seemed impressed by that and she led the way.
As we found my comfort toys one by one around the ground floor, she talked about the ward and the tall tales of the residents who live in the second and third floor above. There’s a grumpy old man who yells at everything and argues with another guy who has big poofy hair, a long haired tall man who screamed at the guards and one of them sort of died, a skinny red eyed man who chants to himself while his fingers are always entangled with threads, and finally this really creepy lady who screams every day and attacks anyone on sight. The last one kind of scared me because after Maria told me that tale, a distant scream rang out and Maria looked equally as scared as I am, even though she later denied it.
Anyways, she takes me back to the cafeteria and I’m making sure to not open my mouth, though it was getting harder everytime Maria talked.
Maria says that she had recalled seeing one of my comfort toys in the kitchen, I show my “upset face” which is me lowering both my eyebrows.
“Don’t worry, I, Miss Maria the Marvelous, know a shortcut!” she exclaimed, peaking my interest. It’s started to feel like an action spy movie! I listened to her directions, making sure to not leave out anything and nod my head to show that I listened. “Okay, new kid! Go in there and get that thing! Knock ‘em dead if you get caught!” I waved and ran off to the back door.
Maria’s P. O. V.
I waved her back as she sneaked into the kitchen back door, to be honest…I feel happy to have a friend after being here for so long…
She is planning to betray you…~
My heart sank and eyes widened. ‘S-She won’t…! I can tell!’
She is silently planning on telling about you to those stupid goons…~ And laugh at your ugly face for believing in her~
‘She wouldn’t do that!! She was so nice!’
She will watch you cry and take away your place as the hero. Her toys are her strength, that is why she was looking for them~ She’ll become a powerful villain and betray you to the very end~
…I am her friend. I trust her. I’ll prove you wrong! She’ll thank me and never leave me! Watch me! When I enter the cafeteria, she’ll open the door after getting in the kitchen.
But I am always right. Without me, you’ll be nothing…We were there when “he” put you in this place, we’ll always will be~
I doubt you now.
So be it.
I entered the cafeteria cautiously, and waited for the newbie to unlock the door, but it was still locked… Maybe she bailed out on us…~ Or she got stuck somewhere…
Suddenly the door unlocked and the kid stood by it while she gave a kind smile at me. “Well, you took your time, didn’t you? Don’t make me wait like that ever again!” I huffed and turn up my nose in annoyance before playfully snicker and hold her hand. She was surprised but smiled back at me before following me to the kitchen.
Hana’s P. O. V.
I was a bit shocked at Maria’s fake snobbish attitude, but I knew it was just pretend. To be fair, it was difficult to pass through the vents of the kitchen, I was lucky to find gloves before going in there. Everything was so sticky and slimy, and even so…small! I shuddered at the thought of it. I don’t mind letting my guard down for Maria, she isn’t so bad after all. I hope it stays that way after I get my comfort toys back.
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gigilefache · 3 years
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Sun and moon birds for the super nice au because I haven't drawn them as much as I should.
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gigilefache · 3 years
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Some Ahit super nice au doodles ft designs made by @chaosofdoodles
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gigilefache · 3 years
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Vanessa super nice au design that I'm gonna settle with. Even playing around with different designs but I think I'm happy with this one.
Click for better quality
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