#ahhh man so glad to have been invited to join this
hunieday · 4 months
Momo i-HAKE! Rabbit TV - Part 3: Gentle Closeness
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Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3
Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Drum beats, don,don, don! KA-!
Momo: Sei!
Town People: Haa!
Nanase Riku & Yaotome Gaku: Sei!!
Town People: Haaaa...!!!
Momo: Ahaha! You’re all perfect! Thanks for joining in with the shout!
Nanase Riku: Next, let's raise our fists together!
Yaotome Gaku: Come on, keep it up...! You guys can shout louder...!
Town People: Waaaah...!!
Elderly Board Member: Haha, it's the first time we’re shouting along with the drums. It's so much fun.
High School Boy: It's like shouting at a live concert!
Female Office Worker: ...No way!? A backflip…!?
Little Boy: Wow...! Amazing...!!
Middle-Aged Man: What incredible power... I've seen a lot of performances, but this is completely new! 
Don, don, don, kakakaka...!!!
Town People: Waaaaah...!!!
Momo: Huff, huff…Thank you everyone…!!!
Momo: Our Japanese drum performance was a bit different from usual... How was it?
Town People: Waaaah...!
Middle-Aged Man: It was great!!
Momo: Ahaha! I'm glad...!
Yaotome Gaku: We consulted with the drums teacher and the youth group to add our own flair!
Nanase Riku: We wanted to bring a unique performance since we were invited to perform on this special day, it’s something only we as idols could offer. So we hope you enjoyed it!
Momo: The town's drum performance is so cool! We made sure to respect the tradition while adding our own touch!
Momo: This performance is for all the people who have cherished the Autumn Leaves Festival throughout generations...!
Town People: Waaaah...!
Momo: Thank you so much for letting us participate in the Autumn Leaves Festival...!  We'll be performing with the youth group next! Let's keep the excitement going until the very end!!
Yuki: Momo of Re:vale, you're the best.
Yuki: I felt not just the quality of your performance, but the respect you showed for the Autumn Leaves Festival.
Yuki: The townspeople must have been delighted to have their beloved festival cherished by you.
Momo: Ehehe! Thanks! I feel like I could grow wings anytime you praise me, Yuki...!
Momo: Maybe I should open a bottle in my secret wine stash to celebrate? The delivery should arrive later.
Yuki: Sounds good. Let's do it.
Momo: Yippee!
Yuki: By the way, I haven’t been to your place in a while, it’s properly tidy.
Momo: I cleaned like my life depended on it! You said you were coming over out of nowhere!
Yuki: I felt like it. It’s been a while since we both had the day off.
Momo: I stuffed all the laundry and luggage into the closet... It was hell.
Yuki: ...Is that considered cleaning? Maybe I should visit more often if it gives you a reason to tidy up.
Momo: Ugh... I'm torn between being happy you’re here and annoyed at having to clean...
Yuki: Half and half?
Momo: ...70/30.
Yuki: And the happiness is 70, right?
Momo: ...I'll just keep visiting your place from now on!
Yuki: I knew it.
Momo: W-Wait! Having Yuki over is extremely special to me...!
Yuki: Hmm. So I'm like your personal Autumn Leaves Festival?
Yuki: Once a year is enough?
Momo: Ahhh, even sulky Yuki is handsome...! ...I mean!
Momo: Any time I spend with you is always special to me!
Yuki: Then that’s fine by me ...Hehe. Momo, you're really good at making me happy.
Momo: That's my number one best skill!
Yuki: You're good at making other people happy as well. You understand what people value and show subtle consideration for them.
Yuki: I thought it was amazing to witness in the Aihake VTR too.
Momo: ...Huh? What’s this about?
Yuki: During the drums practice. You noticed our juniors were overworking themselves and took them outside for a break because you were concerned, right?
Momo: ...No, no! I just wanted to take a little break for myself.
Yuki: But it must’ve also been refreshing for Riku and Gaku themselves. I’m pretty sure they noticed how much you cared for them.
Momo: Ahaha... Yuki sees right through me. I doubt those two noticed, though—
Momo: ...Speak of the devil. I got a message!
Yuki: From Riku and Gaku?
Momo: Yeah. We made a group chat for the three of us during Aihake.
Momo: ...Just as you said… They said "Thank you for your consideration!”...
Yuki: Hehe. See?
Momo: Ugh! That’s embarrassing...! I thought I was subtle and cool, but our juniors noticed…!
Yuki: It's not embarrassing, it's cool.
Momo: You think so...?
Yuki: You’re cool even when you’re rough.
Momo: Yuki...! 
Momo: Ah! Delivery's here! I'll go get it.
Momo: I ordered a ton of organic vegetable dishes! Eat as much as you like!
Yuki: You think I can eat this much?
Momo: It's fine, it’s fine! Let's have an especially fun time tonight!
End of Episode 3.
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happy new year
Summary: You agree to go to a new years eve party with your friend, flying out all the way to mallorca only for her to ditch you to spend time with her boyfriend. Looking for a quiet place on the estate you find a man also escaping the party.
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x fem. Reader
Wordcount: 1.8k
Rating: G
Warnings: fluff, some kissing, more fluff
A/N: Happy new year everyone! Thank you for being so nice and supportive all throughout the year. I can't wait to see what next year brings 💞
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When your friend had asked you earlier this month if you’d like to join her on a New Years eve party you downright ignored her. 
Maybe you were wrong but New Years Eve parties always seemed weird to you. People getting drunk and celebrating just because everyone did?
No. You had a hot date with your book in the bathtub, celebrating the beginning of a new year by yourself. 
So… why the hell were you putting make-up on two hours before you agreed to go with her to this party on December 31st?
You were in your own hotel room, in another country, frankly starving because you haven’t had anything more to eat than a sandwich this morning. 
This, agreeing to coming with her, was spontaneous and so so outside of your comfort zone. 
Yesterday morning you agreed to go to Mallorca, now you were in a hotel with a dress you had bought a year ago because you had to have it, even though you did not know when you could wear it. Guess you finally had the right occasion. 
You guess it could be worse, celebrating the new year in a luxurious finca owned by a millionaire in Mallorca you did not know. How did your friend get those invitations again?
Ah yes. Her lover, as she calls the man you hadn’t met yet. 
But who were you to complain?
Instead you reached for the mini bottle of champagne on the table. Might as well get started with the party. 
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“So I finally get to meet your mysterious man?” you asked as you sat next to your friend in a dark SUV that had picked you both up from the hotel. The beautiful landscape of the island flew by as the sun slowly set over the ocean. 
It was truly beautiful. 
“Yes! I’m so excited for you to finally meet him.”
“How did you two meet anyway?” you asked. 
“He was one of the producers of the movie I worked on earlier this year.”
“The romantic one?”
“No, the one with Nic Cage.”
“Ahhh, that one,” you nodded, winking at her. She had told you about meeting someone there who had given her the night of her life. Guess it wasn’t just one night.
The last year had been hard for you. You started a new job (hoping you wouldn’t hate it as much as your last one but surprise you did) and had to move, leaving you to neglect your friendships. But you had vowed to yourself to change that the coming year, starting with this trip. 
“Yeah. He’s…. I really like him.”
“And it’s his party?” you asked. She shook her head. 
“No. It’s the party of the screenwriter of the movie. I met him once. Javi is… He’s like the big brother you always dreamed of? Goofy and adorable and… A human puppy?” she smiles. You chuckled. 
“I’m really glad you came with me,” she then said, taking your hand. 
“I’m glad too.”
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You had met Philipp, your friend's lover slash boyfriend. He was a nice guy from Australia who looked at her like she was his whole world. 
He showed you around the finca before the both of them excused themselves because he “wanted to show her something else”. 
That was two hours ago.
Since then you’ve been wandering through a crowd of people you did not know and most likely would never see again, getting more and more annoyed by the minute. 
You were the last one to complain about them spending time together after not having seen each other in weeks. But she was your friend, bringing you to a party of strangers, knowing you were not the best at getting to know new people. 
The place was beautiful though. A dream really, high on a cliff, overlooking the ocean. You wondered if it was as cosy inside as it was outside. 
You made some polite conversation for a while before you loaded a plate full of food at the buffet and went to search for a quiet place on the estate, away from the people. 
And you found one. The music from the party was only a quiet background noise in the far distance as you walked onto a terrace with only a table, a couple of chairs and some torches lit. The terrace was overlooking the ocean.
But there was someone sitting there, of course there was. It was a man, who turned his head towards you, probably alerted by your footsteps. 
“Oh I’m sorry. I was looking for some quiet to…. I’ll go,” you mumbled. 
“You do not have to. Stay. This might be the only quiet place tonight around here,” he said, his voice warm. He got up from where he was sitting, turning fully towards you. 
He was very attractive. 
There was a small smile on his plush lips. His eyes were dark from what you could see, the torches and the moon the only light source. 
“Yeah. The party is really something, huh?” you asked with a sigh, a smile on your lips as you tried to decide if you should sit down. 
On one hand he was a complete stranger who seemed to also have fled from the crowd. The suit he was wearing looked expensive, yet he was wearing…. Flip flops?
“I did not think we would invite so many people. But my assistant thought it was a great way to connect with people…” he hummed. 
“Are you….” you tried to remember the name your friend had given you. 
“Javi. I am Javi Gutierrez,” he said and you nodded with realisation. 
“Yes. My friend told me about you, before she ditched me to hang out with her boyfriend,” you huffed, with a seemingly annoyed eye roll, yet keeping the smile on your lips. 
“That is not nice,” he shook his head.
“No, it’s not. And I don’t know anyone but her here…”
“You know me now,” he smiled and you couldn’t help but chuckle. 
“That’s true. I think I’ll stay for a moment.”
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“Favourite…. Comedy series?” you asked and Javi sighed, pouting at you. You were sitting next to each other so you could look at the ocean. Theoretically. Yet you both only had eyes for each other. 
“Do I have to pick just one?” he asked and you nodded. 
“You made the rules,” you shrugged. 
“I do not like the rules anymore,” he groaned and you giggled. 
Spending time with Javi was easy. It was like you had known him for years, making it easy to talk to him for hours about whatever came to your minds. 
He was a big movie geek and had told you that he was currently working on another script of a romance movie. 
“I miss romance in my life. So I wanted to write about it,” he’d said and you could not believe that this incredible man was missing romance in his life. 
He seemed like a lottery win. 
Funny, charming, intelligent, very very handsome, and those eyes…
And a total gentlemen, offering you his suit jacket when he had noticed that you were cold.
More than once since you had sat down next to him did you ask yourself, how in the hell he was still single.
“So I think I am going to go with… the good place,” he finally said and you grinned. 
“I loved that one too. Haven’t seen the latest season yet though.”
“You have not? I have it here, we could watch it,” he said and you grinned teasingly. 
“Your house is full of people, Javi. And… I… ,” you wanted to make a joke about Netflix and chill being something for date three earliest, but decided against it. 
“Would you like to go to… dinner with me first?” he asked and you bit your lip as you looked at him. 
“I would like that a lot, Javi,” you nodded. He gave you a wide smile. 
“How long are you here?” he reached for your hand.
“I leave tomorrow. I have to work the day after,” you said with a sad smile and his smile fell before he pursed his lips. 
“Then I’ll take you out to dinner where you live tomorrow,” he said and you blinked at him. 
“What?” you asked. 
“I do not have anything planned. I can come with you,” he shrugged and you laughed, even if a little nervous. 
“Javi, you can’t just…. Follow someone across the ocean you have only known for some hours,” you shook your head confused. 
He frowned.
“How else am I getting to know you better then?”
You could have swooned, sighing with a dreamy smile at him. 
“You really want to get to know me better?” you asked surprised.
“Of course I want to.”
“You’re…” you shook your head with a smile. 
“And then when we know each other better, I will invite you back here so we can watch The good place in my cinema.”
“Of course you have a cinema,” you chuckled and he smiled. 
You could hear people beginning to count down from 10. 
“Oh… it’s already so late?” you asked yourself. 
“It seems so,” Javi said, still holding your hand. 
When the count ended at one, and cheers for the new year were yelled you smiled at him. 
“Happy new year,” you whispered and Javi brought your hand up, kissing the back of it. 
“Happy new year,” he hummed with a bright smile and you sucked your bottom lip in so you would not smile dumbly at him. How was this man even real?
“You know where I come from, people kiss on the lips at midnight,” you said quietly. 
“Where are you from then?” he asked with a grin. 
“Uh… Earth?” you joked and he laughed, before he leaned closer, letting go of your hand, to brush his fingers over your cheek and jaw. 
You were pretty sure he could feel your heartbeat beneath his fingers from how hard it was pounding. 
“Happy new year then,” he hummed before he closed the distance between the two of you to press his lips softly against yours. 
You closed your eyes and leaned into the kiss, one of your hands coming to rest against his chest. Quicker than you preferred he parted from your lips, kissing your nose. 
He put his arm around your shoulder as the fireworks started and you leaned your head against him as you both watched them. 
And for the first time in years you could understand why people celebrated the change of the new year. 
Because for the first time you had a reason to be excited for what was to come as you looked at the man next to you. 
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aajjks · 2 months
you wipe your eyes. “of course, angel” you hand jungkook the bouquet you got him and wave ‘goodbye’ to his family before walking with him to your vehicle. after three long lonely years, your boyfriend is finally home. no more sleeping alone, crying alone, and coming back to a cold, empty apartment. your soulmate, best friend—your everything is back home and it feels surreal but not in a bad way.
your hand squeezes his every now and then; you know that ‘pinch me if this is real?’ statement? you squeeze jungkook’s hand to make sure he’s right beside you, talking and walking with you. “i’ve missed you so much. i’m so happy your back. i can’t believe it” you say as you hold onto his arm.
you unlock your car and go to get in on the driver’s side. the moment you open the door, jungkook smacks your hand, shuts the door, and opens it himself. three years had you forget just how much of a gentleman jungkook is. “thanks jungkook” you laugh before getting inside and starting the car. once jungkook is inside, you drive off and head in the opposite direction of yours and his shared apartment. “sorry angel. just gotta make one stop” you say as you continue driving in the direction of ian’s home. “gotta pick something up from crystal. it’ll be quick i promise”
when you arrive, you tell a rather sleepy jungkook to come inside with you and when you both walk inside: “WELCOME BACK JUNGKOOOOOOOK!!!!!!!!”
Confetti everywhere, there’s also champagne everywhere he can tell.
He’s surprised.. This is a party. Every single one of his friends that he can recognize are here right now. “Umm yn??” he calls out for you, but you just look at him with a sly smile
You guys have arranged a surprise party for him. “LOOK WHOS HERE! These three years without you were so fucking dull man!” Eunwoo, his best friend since childhood claps his hands in excitement.
He’s gone blonde.
“AHHH OUR JUNGKOOKIE IS FINALLY HERE!” Ian announces and mingyu + Jaehyun pop the party popper. Yoongi and Namjoon are Ian’s colleagues and he’s known them for a long time. They’re all here.
“Wow… yn… hyung? Crystal noona? You guys arranged this?!”
Taehyung and jimin laugh, hoseok is busy drinking the alcohol along with Jin. “We missed you soooo much!” he cannot recognize some of the girls..
Maybe his friends are in a relationship now, which is great by the way, he just knows about eunwoo and his girlfriend because they were with him in college 
“Ahhh jungkook welcome back, man!” the whole crowd cheers, Jungkook is a smiling mess as he settles his hand on your waist
 he cannot believe that he’s actually getting to experience this along with you.
“Yknow.. I’m so glad that you’re back because I’ve been holding my wedding on hold because I couldn’t do it without my best man.” Eunwoo approaches him him and he pulls his best friend in a hug.
“I actually have waited for you to come back home so I could invite you to my wedding and you’re gonna be my best man you know that right?”
It’s surreal to believe that his friends have been so loyal to him and he’s pretty sure that they know where he’s been.
“Oh yeah, he’s getting married in next week and I can’t fucking wait for the wedding food!” Yugyeom exclaims and all of you laugh.
“Yes, Yn and you are invited to my wedding and here’s the card I wanted to give it to you.” Eunwoo breaks the hug and gives him the card.
“Well yn.. if you don’t mind, we’re gonna steal your man for a few hours.. you can join the girls if you want.. because now you can finally smile that he’s home.”
That comment makes him sad. You haven’t smiled, at least not a genuine one ever since he’s left.
“Yn.. I’m so sorry..” jungkook looks at you.
“Oh no sappy crying right now. we have to plan my bachelorette too.”
Eunwoo interrupts and winks, trying to lighten the mood.
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hweiro · 6 years
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烏野 飛ぶ !
Sawamura Daichi: Sakeru Liew Sugawara Koshi: Emily Siew Azamune Asahi: Lim Zhi En Nishinoya Yuu: Tsubasa Kun Tanaka Ryuunosuke: Hew Lum Chan Kageyama Tobio: Mai Mai Hinato Shoyo: Xion Ching Tsukishima Kei: me Yamaguchi Tadashi: Yen Li Saikangs: Ricko See, Riko Kun Photo by Phi's Artwφrk 啊澤的小攝影
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xplrsquad7137 · 2 years
Dominant ~
Pairing Colby Brock × The Reader
Short Summary: during a celebration party your boyfriend Colby throws for hitting 7 million subscribers, you get too handsy with one of his friends for his liking. Once you get too close, Colby reminds you who you belong too.
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Warnings: cussing, angst, fluff moments, dominant smut (ur welcome)
*let me know if i should do a part 2 to this involving Seth and Nate*
The moment your boyfriend Colby and his bestfriend Sam officially hit seven million subscribers, you knew that a party was going to be thrown. And like always, you were right. After making the announcement on their social media platforms, they contacted everyone they knew and invited everyone over to celebrate. You are beyond proud of them. If anyone deserves it, it would be them.
Colby "holy shit.."
"I'm so proud of you baby!"
Sam "how is this even happening right now?!"
Colby "I don't fucking know bro!"
"You guys deserve it!"
Colby "thank you baby. Aren't you going to celebrate with us?" He notices you rubbing your head slithering in discomfort.
"Yeah of course! I'm just gonna jump in the shower-try to get rid of my headache." He leans down and kisses your forehead, instantly taking the edge off. You hum in relief.
Colby "Okay baby. I love you." You say it back and you make your way upstairs. A few minutes go by, and you hear footsteps coming from behind the bathroom door. Within seconds, Colby comes through the door with his shirt off already.
You chuckle, "can i help you?" You ask him sarcastically.
Colby "Yes, i think you can." Needless to say, you two had a little party yourselves in the shower to celebrate this huge accomplishment. Leaving you sore, but at least your headache was gone from your head.. "i think i hear the doorbell."
"Shit, go ahead. I'll meet ya down there." He nods, takes a deep breath to collect himself after the steamy shower that you two had, then kisses you one more time before leaving the bathroom to get properly dressed. You try to collect yourself as well, but you still wanted more. But you knew that it would have to wait for after the party.
As the guests arrive, you see your two favorites; Nate and Seth. You met them awhile back on an exploration trip with Sam and Colby. You three clicked instantly and you've been inseparable ever since. You leap off of the couch when you hear their voices, and squeal your way over to them. You push your way through the growing crowd, and jump into Seth's arms.
Seth "Hey gorgeous!" You say it back, "ahhh I've missed you!" He says as he puts you down.
"I've missed you too, its been too long!'
Nate "what about my hug?" He breaks you guys' eye contact with a pout. You laugh as you sink into his warm embrace. He smells of the outdoors with a hint of colon. "How ya been bubs?"
"Good, and you?!"
Nate "Never better!" You guys start catching up, sharing all the drama and video ideas that you all have in store for the next few weeks, etc. Then Colby realizes that you've been gone from his side for a few minutes too long for his liking, and finds you with his friends.
Nate "There's my man!" Colby laughs and thanks the boys for their congratulations.
Colby "I'm so glad that you guys came!"
Seth "We wouldn't miss it man." You all share some small talk as Sam joins in. It feels so good to have the people you care the most about all in one space. Especially Seth, he is your other half besides Colby. "Oh Y/n, i wanna show you something!" He takes your hand and he leads you outside, showing you his new car.
"Holy shit-you didn't tell me that you got a new car!"
Seth "I wanted to show you in person, pretty sick right?!" Its s sports car, of course, and yes, it's fucking sexy.
"Yeah! I was kinda hoping that you'd get rid of your old one-"
Seth "Easy..." you burst out laughing and so does he.
"Nah I'm kidding! There's a lot of memories in that old piece of junk!" Before you were with Colby, you and Seth became really close and had a little thing. But once you started dating Colby, nothing has happened since.
Seth "Yeah..that's why i still have it. I just can't drive it around anymore." You nod, "so how have you been? Like really?"
"I've been good! Just tired." He agrees and says the same. Just like your boyfriend, you can talk to Seth about anything. You were about to say more, but Colby breaks the conversation a little short.
Colby "Woah bro! New car?!"
Seth "Oh yeah! Ya like it?" He asks with the biggest smile on his face.
Colby "Hell yeah!" You leave the two of them to talk for a bit while you leave to get another drink in the kitchen. All the girls are talking about how gorgeous Colby is looking tonight and it's kind of pissing you off. And Nate notices.
Nate "Woah..something's making your skin crawl baby, what's wrong?"
"It's nothing." He looks at you sternly, makng you crack, "i just don't like the girls that he invites over."
Nate snickers, "oh i gotcha. And hey, i don't blame ya momma. I mean, can they be any more obvious?" He must have heard what they were talking about too. "I would be annoyed too." You nod and take a big drink. "But you seriously don't have nothing to worry about Y/n, Colby loves you."
"I know he does-i love him too. It's just irritating."
Nate "Well Colby was getting fidgety while you were outside with Seth." He blurted out, taking you aback.
"Wait what?"
Nate "Yeah," he started laughing, "he was watching you guys the whole time-kinda creepy." He winks at you.
"Hmm. I didn't take Cole to be the jealous type."
Nate "aw babe, you are too cute." He takes a drink of his drink, "lets go find our friends huh?" You nod, "i mean, do you even know these people?" No, not many of them. Stas, Kat for the girls and some other guys that were mutuals but that's it. And the house was full. You shake your head. "Yeah, me neither." He nudges you forward so you start to walk towards the living room again, where Sam and Kat were at. Feeling confused after that conversation with Nate, you take a seat and finish your drink. Letting your mind race.
The hours pass by and Colby gets drunker. The more drunk he gets, the bigger flirt that he becomes. He is over everyone but you. The only time he has touched you, was in the beginning when the guests started to arrive. Your skin was boiling and everyone but Colby were noticing. As you sat outside, you feel the cushion next to you sink in.
Seth "Hey"
Seth "I know something is wrong. What is it?"
"Colby's drunk." You say quietly, but he could he the aggravation in your tone.
Seth "Yeah, I've noticed. But it's a big accomplishment..i think Sam is drunk too."
"Yes but Sam is all over Kat, not every other girl in the house." He blinks slowly, as if everything he noticed from affair tonight was all making sense.
Seth "Baby..is that what is wrong?"
"I'm not jealous its just rude Seth."
Seth "I'm not calling you jealous Y/n..I just feel bad."
"Don't, it's fine. He isn't even gonna remember tonight anyway."
Seth "Well hey, we can make him jealous of us."
"That's not a good idea."
Seth "No it's not. That's why we should do it."
"It's only going to hurt more people. Including you. I can't hurt you Seth."
Seth "You can't hurt me Y/n." He says as he smiles. Shit, Colby deserves a taste of his own medicine.
"What do you suggest?"
Seth "Nothing too obvious.." he says as he grabs your hand, rubbing small circles on your knuckles. The coldness from his rings made you shiver.
You giggle, "how is this not going to hurt us?"
Seth "Because we aren't petty like everyone else. We just love each other." You nod and sink into the patio seat. You two start talking about small nothings just to get your mind off of your boyfriend flirting with everyone. But once he see's you, he knocks it off.
Colby "Hey baby, can i talk to you for a minute?" He can barely stand up straight and he's slurring his words.
"No, I'm good."
Colby "Now." You couldn't help but laugh to yourself at his sternly tone of voice. You get out of Seth's arm's and you stomp your way into the house. Once he had you in the clear, Colby grabbed your wrist and drug you to the bedroom.
Colby "What the fuck were you doin back there?"
"I can ask you the same thing." He looks confused, "don't play dumb Cole, you've been flirting all fucking night!"
Colby "That wasn't flirting-"
"Oh okay. So grabbing another girls waist, hand-whatever isn't flirting?" He doesn't say a word, he just looks defeated. "I hate drunk you-"
Colby "You didn't answer me. What were you doing back there?"
"We were catching up. Seth was trying to make me feel better-he knew why i was upset."
Colby snickers, "yeah, i bet he did want to make you feel better."
"Enough! At least he was with me tonight! You didn't even talk to me-"
Colby "I'm with you all day long Y/n."
"Okay." You try to leave the room but he grabs you, slamming you into the dresser.
Colby "You are fucking mine. Not his."
"You aren't acting like i am yours. You haven't been all night."
Colby "baby, we literally had sex in the shower not too long ago."
"Yes but those girls have seem to forgotten who you belong to-" he cuts the sentence short by slamming his lips onto your own. His hands cup your cheeks and yours find his wrists. When you pull away, he apologizes.
Colby "I fucked up Y/n, I'm sorry."
"I believe you. And i forgive you."
Colby "Do you still love him?"
"I do. But not as much as i love you." He smiles and he kisses you again, but this time, more gentle and tender. He swiftly picks you up in his arms and placing you onto the bed the two of you share. He hovers over you, slowly grinding the seam of his rough jeans above your core. Making you instinctively wrap your legs around his waist.
Colby "Who do you belong too?"
Colby "you're goddamn right you do." He rushes then, practically rippings yours and his clothes off. Without wasting any time, he fills you up in one hard thrust. You yelp and he pushes you down with his body weight. He holds your hands above your head with his own, and makes you puddy in his hands. The moans coming from the two of you filled the room and probably the hallway.
Colby "Fuck baby, you're so wet for me!" You couldn't respond, his thrusts were becoming too strong and you could feel yourself start to clench. "Oh fuck-that's right-cum for me." He sends you overboard when he places his fingers right on your clit and began to rub slightly. Within a few seconds, you did just that and he does shortly after. He rests his body on top of yours, sloppily kissing you with the taste of his favorite white claw flavor on his tongue. You two hold each other as you ride out your high's.
Colby "I love you baby."
"I love you too Colbs." His eyes are back to his vibrant blue and he kisses you over and over again.
Colby "Wanna go back downstairs?"
"In a sec." That second turned into another full round and the party continued without you guys for a half hour-give or take.
Nate "Hey, where is Colby and Y/n?"
Seth chuckles, "Seeing which one is more dominant." Nate looks confused for a minute or two, until Seth started to laugh.
Nate "I for sure thought that she was gonna end it by the way he was acting. Now they're upstairs fuckin'?!"
Seth "I mean i could be wrong. But knowing Colby, he's probably teaching her a lesson."
Nate "Gross..but also I'm kinda jealous."
Seth "You should be brother, i was with her before he even had her."
Nate "So I'm basically the only one who hasn't..?"
Seth "No, look around..everyone here hasn't been with her. You aren't the only one bro."
Nate "Let's go see if we can hear them!" The book it up the steps and go straight to yours and his door. It was locked, Nate tried that. "I don't hear-" then he hears you moan. He instantly puts his hand over his mouth and gasps. Seth just laughs because he knew that he was right all along. "How the fuck..?"
Seth "I mean i would do the same if she was still my girl, wouldn't you?" He agrees, "but Colby is being the one dominanted right now."
Nate "Should i even ask how you know that?"
Seth "Not if you don't want details."
Nate "Spill it."
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
(Ahhh I'm so glad you liked the Tachihara one!^^)
1800s Vampire Poe? 0.0
You are at a masquerade ball, hosted in a friend of a friend's opulent mansion. The ceiling is glass, so the stars shine through and reflect off of the crystal chandelier, bathing the ballroom in starlight. The room is filled with all sorts of beautiful people, dancing to the music, the upper part of their faces masked to preserve their anonymity.
Out of the corner of your eye, you catch a glimpse of a black mask, set with sparkling indigo stones. It's less ornate than the other ones, but...something draws you towards it.
You make your way across the ballroom, slipping in between the crowd. Once you reach the other side, you look around for the mask. But somehow, in the crush of people, it has vanished.
Your shoulders slump in disappointment. But...why were you so interested in the first place?
Musing over this, you don't notice the person in your path until you bump right into them, nearly knocking them over. They let out a quite high-pitched squeak as you hurry to steady them.
"Oh my, I am so, so sor-"
Your harried apology trails off as you notice them. The person in the black mask. It appears to be a man, with hair so dark it appears indigo in the light.
"N-no...I assure you, I'm all right. The...the fault was all mine."
His voice, low and husky, rendered you speechless as you stared at the beautiful man in front of you. You were certain that no other voice would ever be as alluring as the one you had just heard. So entranced were you by his voice, that you almost failed to notice the fangs that appeared when he spoke.
The man hesitated for a second, as if trying to decide something before thrusting out a gloved hand towards you. He looked away, hints of red appearing at the tips of his ears.
"May....may I make it up to you? With a dance?"
May he?
The Tachihara one was amazing, and I don’t see as much stuff for Poe so reading this was amazing x1000 omg 🤧 and I’m in a vampire mood 😈 reader is gender gender neutral!
CW: minor mention of blood
You gazed down at his outstretched hand- were you really going to accept the invitation of a vampire? A monster that could kill you without a moment’s notice?
A chill went down your spine as your fingers brushed his clothed ones, one that caused your heart beat to quicken. Not out of fear- quite the opposite. His hand trembles a bit but grows firm as he gives your hand a light squeeze, and gently pulls you to join the others on the floor. The music rings out as one hand continues to grasps at your hand, while his other encloses around your waist softly.
There are others waltzing around you, but it feels that it’s just the two of you in this ballroom. The mask still leaves a bit of mystery to him, but the chandelier hovering above shines a sort of angelic light on him. A creature meant to be damned appears before you like an angel- how ironic.
You want to get a clear look of his eyes, but he keeps averting his gaze.
“Ah, forgive me- It’s been a while since I’ve had someone to dance with.” You think he’s trying to be humble in front of you, but the tips of his ears are still burning red.
“You have nothing to apologize for. If anything, I should be the one apologizing.” You giggled. “I’m nowhere near as graceful as you.”
The man before you stutters and stumbles over his words, bringing a flush of pink to his cheeks. A bit of pride swelled in your chest at the sight, but you were telling the truth- you believe he’s more experienced than he’s letting on with how easy he’s leading the dance. “S-surely you had better dance partners than myself…”
The stranger spins you around, careful not to let go of your hand. “Nonsense. I enjoyed my time with you more than them.” You smiled, and you swore that the sparkle in his eyes weren’t from his mask. Now you’re wondering how you can get more endearing reactions out of him. It doesn’t feel as if Death touched him yet with how warm your fingers are laced around his neck, and how warm he feels with his hands resting on your waist- but then you’re reminded of how sharp his fangs are. Yet, you still don’t fear him.
Now that you’re closer, the shimmering stones on his mask brings out the deep violet in his eyes, the color only drawing you in more. It’s like you couldn’t focus on anything else but him. Never in your life would you have thought you would be face to face with a vampire and still be alive. Nor would you have thought that you would come to enjoy it so much. Being in his hold all feels so…natural.
Unfortunately, you could hear the music winding down and applause filling the air. Your stomach was turning at the thought of him being lost in the crowd once more. You didn’t want him to disappear again.
You could still feel his ghost of a touch around your waist. How could it be over so soon? Your mind felt like it was in a haze, one that you didn’t want to leave.
“Thank-thank you for this, I truly do appreciate the opportunity.” He bowed, and turned to be part back into the growing group of people. Why did he seem to be in such a rush?
He jolted as if you burned him, and you ignored the oncoming looks from the others around you. “Please- will I see you again?” The masks may be for anonymity, but you were desperate to see him again. You don’t want to forget this night- you don’t want to forget him.
His lips parted, but he looked unsure and hesitated. Your heart dropped, and you hoped that this really wasn’t the last time you seem this stranger. You didn’t want him to be a stranger anymore-
Cold lips pressed onto the top of your hand delicately, and you swore that you saw hints of crimson swirling in the dark violet of his eyes when you looked down.
“I assure you…this won’t be the last we meet.”
Poe hurried his way outside, breathing a sigh of relief at the instant breeze the greeted him. He couldn’t believe that he just did that! His mind was racing and his hands shaking as he gripped the banister to calm himself. He couldn’t get your touch out of his head, or your scent.
He would say that he has a stronger self-control than some of his kind, but even he could feel it waning the longer he was close to you. When he shakily pressed his lips against your hand, he knew he had to leave before he done something he would regret. His fangs were still itching in his gums at the thought of sinking them into your fragile neck, getting a taste of that delicious blood he can’t stop smelling-
Poe didn’t want this night to be the last with you either, which is why he had to get himself back under control. The night is still young, and he’s wasting valuable time the longer he’s out here and away from you. You’re one of the only humans that treated him normal again, and he doesn’t want to lose you now.
But first, he has to get his mouth to stop salivating.
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The Boy Next Door
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Eddie Diaz x Reader 
Warnings: mentions of divorce, step-parents, a little bit of arguing, alcohol and consumption of, like one swear word, mentions of sickness
Category: fluff 
Word Count: 2.3K
Author’s Note: ahhh okay hi! this is my first 911 fic, idk it’s mostly self indulgent because I can’t get this idea out of my head, so here we are :) also for the purpose of this, Eddie never got married nor did he have Christopher 
Italics are flashbacks 
To say you were average was the understatement of your life, you weren't special nor were you awkward or shy, you were just average. You had always been the average person, in an average neighbourhood with an average life. 
But the boy next door, there was nothing average about him. 
The first time you met the boy next door was when you were 14, you had just moved into the neighbourhood with your father and his new wife. There was still lots to be done, the air conditioning was broken and your father seemed to misplace his toolkit during the move. He left you in the smouldering heat and ventured off to find a toolkit. Not only did he return with a toolkit but visitors as well.
“y/n!” your father shouted from the bottom on the staircase, “what?!” you shouted back. “Come down here!” you groaned as he called for you again, what could he possibly want now? 
Your father stood there with a man and a boy who you could only assume was his son. “Y/n, this is Ramon and his son, Eddie. They live next door and Ramon was kind enough to loan his tools and help me out.” you smiled at them from the top of the stairs. 
“Come down and get Eddie something to drink” your father said, you resisted the urge to roll your eyes and made your way down the stairs. 
“Would you like some lemonade ?” you asked, walking past him to the kitchen, he followed you. “Please” he leaned against the wall watching you move around the kitchen. 
“So, I hear you have a step mom?” he asks, you could feel his eyes burning into your back as you got the lemonade from the fridge. “Unfortunately” you mumble and pour some of the liquid into a glass, Eddie made his way over to the counter, he leaned up against it. 
“Do you know how to stand straight ?” you glance at him up and down, he laughs and shakes his head. 
“Why is it unfortunate that you have a stepmother ?” taking a sip of the lemonade, his eyes fixed on you. “Have you ever seen Cinderella ?” you asked, hopping up on the counter and picking up the other glass, Eddie nods. 
“Imagine living with Cinderella’s stepmother but times 100″ you groan, Eddie had a smile on his face. 
“You’re joking”
“Wish I was” 
“Well that sucks” he gave you an apologetic look
“Big time” your eyes are on your legs which were swinging back and forth. Eddie grabs your leg suddenly, “what the hell!” you jump, he laughs again. 
God he has such a cute laugh, wait what ? Stop he’s your neighbour, you barely know him.
“How’d you get that?” his thumb rubs over a scar on your leg by your ankle. “Bike accident when I was younger. It just didn’t heal right and left a scar, also because there was a giant gash there for a few weeks” you shrug. The two of you were in the kitchen for a few minutes, Eddie’s hand was still wrapped around your leg, neither of you saying a word to each other. 
“Eddie! Time to go!” Ramon shouted for Eddie, he let go of your leg. “See you around ?” he asked, you nodded, “yeah, see ya” Eddie smiled at you and you smiled back. 
You rarely saw Eddie after that day, he had been helping his father at his shop all summer so you never got a chance to hang out. When school started, you had a few classes with him, he occasionally asked for the answers to the homework after his practices ran long, which you gave to him. 
Somewhere deep down, you had a soft spot for the boy next door. 
Your friendship, if you could even call it that, was built solely on the fact that he lives next door and went to the same classes, if it weren't for that, you’d never speak to him. He wasn't a popular kid per se but he had a solid friend group and played sports, so in his own way, he was a popular kid. You were the kid that had your head down, did what you were told to do and left. 
High school flew by and you were glad. The whole “your high school years are the best years of your life” was bullshit, if anything, you ended up coming out more confused than you went in. 
The second time you spent time with Eddie was at your graduation party. The graduating class had arranged a grad party for yourselves in the neighbourhood. It consisted of loud drunk teenagers and their tipsy parents. By midnight, the street began clearing out, you hung back simply because you didn’t want to go home and deal with your stepmother and your father. 
Sitting on the curb at the end of the street, you could see the entire street. There  were still a few kids, a group of boys playing football terribly, a couple making out in the corner and some girls posing for pictures by some car. 
Eddie’s shouting broke your thoughts, “Papi I'm going!” It sounded like something had shattered, perhaps a bottle. You got up and slowly made your way over. “You want to throw away your life? Stay here, get a job Eddie, I won’t allow you to do this!” his father shouted back at him. Eddie began walking away from his father, Ramon grabbed his hand. “Do not walk away from me!” he shouted again. 
“You made up your mind and so did I. I'm going.” Eddie said sternly and walked away. He walked past you on his way to wherever he was going. He didn’t stop, he didn't talk, he just pushed past you and left. 
Eddie left home a few weeks later. You kept up with his parents, stopping by for dinner every once in a while. His father didn’t talk much about him, just that he was good and that’s all. Once his father left, his mother told you about what actually was going on, how Eddie felt as if he had found a purpose there. She shows you letters that he had sent and a picture he had sent her in his uniform.
“Doesn't he look handsome ?” she smiled, showing you the picture of Eddie. “Yeah, very handsome, Mrs. Diaz” you smiled back. 
“Do you know when he’s coming back?” 
The smile dropped from her face. “He- uh, reenlisted” she mumbled. “Ramon doesn't know” 
You nodded, “I won’t tell” 
“Who’s not telling what?” his father came back in for a moment, you smiled at him while Mrs. Diaz turned her attention to the sink. “Oh just that Mrs. Diaz is helping me with dinner for my grandparents tomorrow” you pick up the bowls on the counter, “Thank you for dinner, I'll see you guys around ?” 
“of course, thank you for coming over. it’s nice to have you around” his mother gave you a hug. 
You spent a lot of afternoons with his mom, just helping her out around the house. It wasn't until 4 years after that night that you saw him again. A few bruises and bumps, a couple scars and broken bones you were sure of, but he was back in one piece. In true Diaz fashion, his parents insisted on throwing a party for him. It was supposed to be a small party, just a few neighbours and family. By the time Mrs. Diaz was done inviting people, there was triple the amount of people coming. 
You headed over with your father, he had gotten sick recently and required a bit more help now. Truthfully by 25, you had planned to be living on your own but with your father getting sick and your step mother bailing, you stuck around. Once you got him situated, you found Mrs. Diaz in the kitchen. 
“Hey” you smiled at her, taking the bowl from her hands. “Hi mi amor, how are you ?” She smiled at you, you rested the bowl on the table across from the two of you, “I’m okay for now.” 
Eddie’s laughter filled your ears, that was a sound you didn't hear often but one you loved nonetheless “It’s good to have him home” his mother smiled, watching her son from the window. Mrs. Diaz gets pulled off by someone leaving you alone in the kitchen, turning to the fridge, you look through for a beer. “hey, pass me one too” his voice called as he watched through the backdoor. You pulled two out and handed on to him. 
“Thanks” Eddie leaned against the counter, you couldn't help but chuckle. “What?” taking a sip of the beer, his eyes meet yours. “Nothing, just noticing your habit of leaning on things” you stood across from him. 
“Sorry, but do I know you from somewhere ? You seem so familiar” his brows furrowed, tongue running across his lip. “I’m y/n, we’re neighbours” you told him, his eyes flickered up and down you, your name leaving his lips. 
God, your name never sounded so good. 
“Y/n...” his eyes ran over your body once more, his eyes locking on your foot. “Ankle Scar” he smiled, you nodded as your lips curled into a smile. “God, I'm so sorry I didn’t rememb-” “don’t worry ‘bout it, I'm not really anyone worth remembering” 
Eddie’s smile dropped, a pout visibly on his face. “Don’t say that, I'm sure you are.” 
“Is that why you didn't remember me ?” you teased
“We went to high school together” he took another sip, you nodded in agreement. “We’ve also lived next door to each other since we were 14”  you smiled at him. Again, the smile vanished from his face, “okay, now I really feel like shit. God, I'm sorry” “It’s cool really” you gave a smile once more. 
“Don’t you have a party to get back too ?” 
“Eh, not to fussy about parties to tell you the truth. I might take a walk around the block, care to join me ?” 
“Actually, yeah, I’d like that” 
Eddie opened the front door for you, letting you step out first. The two of you headed through the front to avoid everyone in the back, you walked down the street together, the dull streetlights lit the sidewalks, beer in your hand. 
“What have you been up to?” Eddie asked you, “Well, I'm a nurse but only part time. My dad needs me around.. now that he’s sick” 
“Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, your dad’s a cool guy” 
Scoffing, you take a sip of your beer, “yeah, you’re the only one that’s ever thought that” your statement making Eddie chuckled. “If you don't mind me asking, what happened to the wicked step mother of the west?”  he looked over at you as he walked along the curb of the sidewalk, his arms out to balance himself. 
“She bailed when he found out he was sick.” 
Eddie stopped walking, “seriously ? that’s a bitch move” “yeah, tell me about it” 
Taking a seat on the curb, Eddie sat down too. The street was quiet for the most part, the only noise coming from down the street at Diaz’s place. Your fingers tapped against the beer bottle in your hand, aimlessly trying to keep up with the beat of the music. Eddie’s hand on your ankle startled you, causing you to drop the bottle. “Seriously ?! Again?” you shout, Eddie put his finger over your lips. “Shh! you’ll wake up the neighbours” he muttered, you rolled your eyes at his statement. “Tell me nurse y/n, how does one not ‘heal right’” he laughed, his thumb rubbing against the scar and causing you to roll your eyes again. “surely you can tell me that, Sergeant Diaz” 
Eddie looked shocked, “how did-” “your mom, she never stopped talking about her son, the army sergeant medic” you teased, he shook his head, laughing. “I know you’ve only been back for a few weeks, but what’s next ? Are you going to stay ?” 
“If I have a reason too, I will but I- I don't know what’s next” Eddie sighed. 
“Perhaps a change in scenery ?” you asked, he looked over at you with a questionable expression on his face. “I'm moving, to California in a few months” you told him. 
“Oh? What for?” 
“A change in scenery” you laughed and he smiled at you. 
“I haven't thought about moving, maybe it would be nice. A break away from here, not that I don't love it here, I love my parents too but-” he stopped talking, he realized the more he went on, the deeper a hole he dug. 
“You know, I hear the LAFD is always looking for recruits. I’m sure they wouldn't mind having an army medic on the team” you glance over at him, there’s a pause in the conversation. 
Eddie looks over at you, “that’s not a bad idea” his arm wraps around your shoulder, pulling you into his side, your arm his rested on top of his knee, 
“What do you say to a road trip and a roommate ?” he looks down at you. 
You look up at him, “I think I'd like that”  
tagging: @ssa-volturi​ @geeky-son-dr-reid
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quartermera · 4 years
Ace, Thatch and Marco with a Vice Admiral Rival Imagines
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Waaa ma bois! No problem anon! Thank you for your ask! It’s not exactly what you requested but I hope you’ll like it nonetheless ^^
Ships: Ace x Reader, Thatch x Reader, Marco x Reader (all gender & race neutral) Genre: fluff, maybe angst if you squint really hard idk Warnings: like... 1 curse word xD Word count: Intro: 300; Ace: 700; Thatch: 450; Marco: 350; Total: 1700
You didn’t know how long you had been chasing him anymore. It had been ages since you first met. You, a young marine recruit, and him, a pirate with little to no reputation at the time.
Both of you grew in your respective universes. He was becoming more and more famous, seeing his bounty grow as he became a prominent figure in piracy. Meanwhile, you were doing the same, working hard to get to a higher rank. Your goal was to change the world for the better and you knew you couldn’t do that by remaining a seaman your entire life.
You were now vice admiral. Yet you still hadn’t caught your life long rival.
A certain tenderness had grown in your heart for the pirate. He might be on the other side of the law, but his charms had worked on you... to some extend. Or at least that is what you told yourself. Some might call it a crush. But you wouldn’t go so far. You were a marine after all!
Despite that, you couldn’t resolve yourself to hate the man. Whenever you would meet, you would end up chatting in one way or another. It might end up with you chasing them and never catching them, nevertheless, you sometimes admitted to yourself you liked the pirate’s company.
However, you didn’t know how much longer your pride could take it. Seeing him run away and teasing you about it every time was becoming frustrating. It had been all fun and games until now. But now, now you were a vice admiral. Having a pirate escape you so many times was greatly affecting your reputation. You feared for your rank. What would happen to you if you couldn’t catch him next time?
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“Ahhh, Y/N! How long has it been?” resonated a voice behind you. You could tell who it was in a heartbeat.
“Not long enough, clearly,” you responded, the ghost of a smile tingling at your lips.
“Come on, don’t be so moody!” he cheered. 
Ace walked over and sat on the stool next to yours. He asked for a drink to the barmaid and when he wondered if he could offer you one, you politely declined.
“I’m not miserable enough to accept a drink from a pirate,” you bit.
“Ouch, Y/N!” he said in mock offense. “Beside,” the young man continued, “you didn’t say that last time.”
You huffed at his teasing. It wasn’t any different from usually, but this time you weren’t in the mood to play along.
“Can you stop reminding me that this is the umpteenth time I won’t catch you, freckles?”
Ace frowned and looked at you curiously. With caution, he asked: “Is something wrong, Y/N?”
A deep sigh escaped you as you closed your eyes. You nodded your head in negation.
“I don’t know, Ace.” You opened your eyes again and looked at him. “I’m vice admiral now, you know?”
“Yes, I’ve heard of that! Congratulations!” he intervened.
A small smile graced your lips. “Thank you. But to be honest with you, I fear I’ll lose my rank any time.”
Ace frowned once more. “Why so?”
“Because I keep on letting you run away,” you declared, bittersweet. “People in the marines are starting to think I do it on purpose and it might not be entirely wrong but I can’t keep doing that because it’s getting really suspicious and I might lose my job even though I worked so hard for it so I would have no idea of what to do if it were to happen. Meanwhile you keep running around as if none of this was happening and you don’t stop teasing me and it’s always such a pleasure to see you, freckles, but I don’t know how much longer I can handle this.”
Ace was frozen. It was a lot to process in so little time and it took him a few seconds to catch up with all the information you had just wildly thrown at him. His mouth opened and closed a few times. A frown appeared and left his features just as quickly. 
After taking a deep breath, he finally found something to say: “Listen, if it’s really that dangerous for your rank and it’s so important for you... we can simply stop running into each other. I would miss seeing you, but... I don’t want to be the cause to you losing a job you worked so hard for.”
A bittersweet laugh escaped you. “Like we could actually plan that!”
Ace gulped and avoided your gaze. His hand traveled to the back of his neck. 
“Well... maybe we haven’t been bumping into each other all this time so haphazardly...” he confessed.
The words were missing you. You blinked quickly a few times.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
The man was still looking anywhere else but you.
“Ace?” you called calmly.
He took a deep breath before meeting your gaze. “Maybe I’ve been going to places a few times because I knew you were there?”
You had the slightest incredulous look but it quickly vanished as Ace let out a nervous laugh. A soft smile graced your features.
After the initial shock passed for both of you, you chatted as you usually do. Making sure to not attract too much attention, you quietly agreed to keep bumping into each other but... more discreetly.
Ace gave you his Den Den Mushi contact and you did the same. You assured that you would get your hands on a white variant in order to encrypt your calls and be more secure.
The young man was happy you didn’t decide to cut off all contacts with him but rather hide them. It would always be better to him than to never see you. Plus, now you could talk almost any time.
You didn’t tell him but you were also glad with how the situation turned out. The prospect of never seeing your favourite pirate anymore had felt incredibly wrong.
You wouldn’t admit it just yet, not even to yourself, but the one you nicknamed ‘freckles’ had a special little place in your heart.
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“Well, well, well, what a surprise to see you here!” cheered a voice behind you.
A small smile graced your lips as you recognized who it was in an instant. You turned towards the man.
“Always a pleasure to see you, Thatch,” you greeted.
“And even more to see you,” he responded with a grin. “I’m going to get some rum for my fleet, wanna join?” he invited.
You nodded and the two of you started walking.
“So, how have you been since the last time we bumped into each other?” he asked.
A grimace flashed over your features.
“Could be better to be honest.”
Thatch frowned at your answer.
“Why’s that?” he pushed kindly.
You clicked your tongue.
“Everyone’s just been getting really suspicious. They’re starting to think I’m one of your allies because of how often you’ve managed to run away,” you answered honestly.
Thatch offered you a cheeky smile: “It’s not your fault I’m faster than you.”
His comment made you laugh. Despite that, you admitted: “I don’t think we should be so familiar with each other though. If anyone under my command sees us chatting so casually, I could get into serious trouble.”
A sad look appeared on Thatch’s face.
“Do you... not want to talk with me anymore?” he asked cautiously.
A sigh escaped you.
“It’s not that I don’t want to. Despite being on the opposite side of the law, I enjoy your company.”
“You enjoy my company?” he teased.
“Oh shut up!” you responded while laughing. After a quiet moment you continued calmly: “I just don’t want to lose my job. I worked so hard to get where I am and I can’t change the world if I go back to barely being a seaman first class.”
Thatch remained quiet for a bit. As you approached the most famous rum seller on the island, he carefully offered: “If you want to stop, I’d understand. But I think I’d miss you.”
You laughed: “What’s there to miss about me anyway?”
“More than you might think,” he responded with a wink.
“Shut up,” you mumbled under your breath.
As you both came to a halt in front of the shop, you took in a deep breath before meeting Thatch’s gaze.
“I’m going to go back to my men,” you declared, “and I’ll try to think of a solution by the next time we meet each other.” Your tone was confident. As much as you feared for your job you also knew you didn’t want to stop seeing your favourite pirate.
Thatch offered you a trusting smile, declaring he was sure you would and that he would be looking forward to it.
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“Fancy seeing you here,” greeted a calm voice behind you.
You lowered your book and turned to the origin of the noise. There was your eternal rival. The man you had been chasing for so many years and that you had yet to catch. Maybe you let him run away on purpose on more than one occasion but then again, the idea of sending him to Impel Down didn’t appeal to you. You’d rather keep your game going even if you didn’t admit it.
“Long time no see, Marco,” you greeted back.
You scooted more to the side of the bench on which you were sitting, leaving some space for the man to join you. Marco promptly sat down next to you and asked how you had been.
“Better,” you admitted. “The rumors have lessened since the last time we met.”
The man smiled lightly.
“I’m glad to hear that.”
You took in a deep breath.
“Funny how we’ve been bumping less into each other since I told you I was scared to lose my job though,” you remarked.
Marco remained silent, looking straight in front of him.
You, however, turned towards him.
“I told you we didn’t need to stop seeing each other despite the rumors.”
A sigh escaped the blond.
“I’ve been causing you trouble your entire career already, I thought I could let you breath for a bit this time,” he admitted calmly.
You huffed: “Do you really think I’m unable to catch you if I want to?”
Marco offered you a puzzled look.
“Sure at first I was actually trying, but after a while it became too much fun. Who would I chase if you aren’t around anymore?” you said in a joking manner while actually being serious.
A small smile graced the man’s features.
“You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?” he declared. You had perceived some fondness in his voice but you convinced yourself otherwise.
“Shall we be seeing each other again, then?” you wondered.
All Marco had to do was flash you a grin and you knew his answer.
2 things: I didn’t mean to make them shorter and shorter, that just happened xD and I really hope I didn’t make them OOC because that is always my worst fear ;-;
Anyway, let me know what you thought of it, thank you a lot for reading! <3
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sassyduckqueen · 4 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 43
Ok. That's Puppeteer done. I hope you guys like this :D It came out pretty good but man I hate that episode. I re-watched it to work out how to adapt it to my AU but it such a cringe fest. Anyway, I'm glad it's over now. As you probably guessed, Alya is gonna be on the receiving end of an Anatis lecture soon. Honestly, that's going to be so fun to write. Anyway, Duck out :D
Chapter Forty-Three: The Puppeteer Strikes Again
"Thanks for coming by so quickly, Lu," Marinette sighed as they headed up to her room. She looked pretty tired and she had asked him to help babysit Manon. She had a piece to finish but Manon was a full time job so she called him. "I really have to get this piece done,"
 "No worries, Melody," He smiled as they walked into her room. Manon was sat playing with the handmade dolls of Anatis and Lady Noir as well as a number of their villains. Luka couldn't help the soft smile that came onto his face as he glanced at them. Marinette walked over to her and gently knelt down.
 "Manon, this is Luka. He's gonna sit in and help look after you today as I have to do some sewing," She explained, making Manon look up at Luka with big eyes. "You've met him before at the zoo. He helped us find Elle and Ella but once I'm done with the sewing, we can play together and get some ice cream. Sound good?"
 "Yay! Ice cream!" Manon grinned before grabbing Luka's hand, making him sit down as Marinette smiled. She got her sewing machine set up and began work as Luka and Manon played with the dolls and began to work on the commission she had. It was a time sensitive one and she only had two days to complete it so she was planning to power through it today. Of course, she had forgotten that she had to babysit Manon that day but that's why she called in Luka. She knew he would help keep Manon happy while she worked. She laughed a little as she heard Luka do an over dramatic impression of Hawkmoth, complete with a typical evil laugh. She glanced over and noticed they were reenacting Heroes day. Luka had held of the Hawkmoth doll she had made.
 "Give me your miraculous," He stated, moving the doll's arms as Manon played with the Anatis doll. "or feel my rage!!"
 "Never!" Manon stated, making the Anatis doll stand up to the Hawkmoth doll. "You will give me your miraculous instead! Take that!"
 "Ahhh noooo!!" Luka gasped as she hit the Hawkmoth doll with the Anatis doll. "Curse you, Anatis! You have stole my cane!!!"
 "Ha ha! I win!!" Manon laughed as Luka made the Hawkmoth doll shake his little fist. She giggled at his action before jumping up. "I wanna be a superhero!! I would totally fly!! Hey, Marinette!!! I want to be a superhero!"
 "Really?" Marinette asked before accidentally pricking her finger. "Ouch,"
 "Hey, Manon, why don't we play superheroes?" Luka suggested, getting her attention. He shot Marinette an apologetic look but she gave him a sweet smile. She told him that she had some spare fabric in the cupboard before focusing on the task at hand. He took it out and made a makeshift cape from Manon, who proceed to climb onto her chaise lounge. 
 "Lulu! I wanna fly!!" She shouted, making him chuckle at the nickname. He moved over and let her climb on his back before carefully moving around the room as she giggled and held out her arms. "Look! Mari!! I'm flying!!"
 Marinette looked up and smiled as Luka spun around a little, making Manon giggle. He continued to play games with Manon as she worked on her project, teaching her songs and pretending to be a pirate, calling himself One eyed Lu. Manon got the nickname Mad Manny and was his second mate, which she loved. The 'treasure' they were looking for turned out to be a number of cookies, which he gave some to Marinette before putting on a movie. Sometime after their treasure hunt, she was nearly done but before she could join them, her phone vibrated. She picked it up and saw Alya was ringing. She pressed answer.
 "Hey girl," She smiled. Though happy to hear from Alya, she was sure she was spending the day with Nino so she was wondering why she was calling. "Everything ok?"
 "You're coming with me and Nino to the Grévin Wax Museum!" She gasped, making Marinette frown a little. She didn't want to be a third wheel. "Adrien invited us!"
 "Uh?! What?!" She gasped, surprised before glancing at Luka and Manon. "But I hav-"
 "There's no saying no," Alya declared, waggling her finger. "We're coming to get you now! You don't have a choice, girl,"
 "But I'm finishing my commission and I have Manon here," She gasped, glancing over at her. She was giving Luka a new hairstyle, not that he minded the pigtails. "And Luka's here too. He's helping me with babysitting duties so I can finish this piece,"
 "Hang on," Alya stated before asking Nino something. She waited a few minutes before facing the phone again. "Adrien says it's ok for Manon and Luka to come by as well,"
 "I don't know..." Marinette muttered, knowing why they were doing this. They were still trying to set her up with Adrien and she really didn't want to be set up with him. Not after her revelation. She had been trying to move on with her crush and sure, she wanted to get to know him as a person but on her terms, not them. "I shouldn't,"
 "It will be fine," Alya grinned, making her frown a little. "Manon will love the museum and Luka can keep an eye on her. Anyway, we're here!!"
 "What?!" She gasped, calling both Luka and Manon to look up at her as Alya hung up. Literally, a few seconds later, they came up into her room, grinning. "No, no... seriously?! I can't-"
"Can't what?" Manon asked, confused as Alya turned off the machine and dragged Marinette up. 
"We're going to the Grévin Wax Museum and Adrien invited us," Alya explained, making Luka look confused. He was on friendly terms with Adrien but not enough to get an invite to hang out with them. However, Manon cheered and jumped up, abandoning the hair styling. Luka took out the bands and stood up as Alya literally dragged Marinette out of the house. He followed and waved to Sabine, who waved back before getting in the car with the rest. It was a bit of a squeeze but they managed to fit in. Though it meant he was pressed against Marinette, who was trying her best not to freak out. The car started and soon they were off to the museum. Adrien was staring up ahead and Alya was whispering to Nino. 
 "Then I'll leave Marinette alone-" She whispered but Manon heard her.
 "Hey! Why are you gonna leave Marinette all alone!?" She gasped, upset at the idea. "Don't you like her?!"
 "What you guys talking about?" Marinette asked, jumping a little. She accidentally elbowed Luka. "Sorry, Lu,"
 "It's fine," He smiled softly as Manon leaned over and tugged his jacket.
 "Don't let them leave Mari alone, Lulu!"
 "I won't," He smiled reassuringly. "But what are you guys talking about?"
 "Oh nothing!!" Nino gasped, holding up his hands. "It's got nothing to do with Marinette and Adrien together... uh... to look at the statues as just friends! Yeah, totally just friends! Nothing more!"
 Marinette gasped, clearly looking embarrassed. Sure, it was one thing for Luka to know about her kind of crush on Adrien but she could knew Luka wouldn't judge her for it or try to make her look like an idiot in front of him. There's also the fact that Adrien isn't available but he still hasn't told anyone about it. She got why but that meant Alya would be pulling stunts like this.
 "Don't worry, Manon," Adrien stated, making her look at him. "It's Nino and Alya are boyfriend and girlfriend. They probably just want to spend sometime together without us. Though Luka, you should hang out with me, Marinette and Manon too. There's a whole music section that you would love,"
 "Thanks, Adrien," He smiled before gently leaning closer to Marinette. "You ok?"
 "She told Nino," She muttered, looking at Alya before she looked back at Luka. "I told her not to tell him but she did anyway,"
 He frowned as he looked over at Alya and Nino who had gone back to whispering. It was pretty obvious what they were planning and why. They were intending to force Adrien and Marinette alone together. Probably so Marinette can confess her feelings for him but he could sense that the idea was trouble. One Adrien had a relationship with Kagami and two it would be embarrassing for both parties involved. He sighed and glanced over at Adrien, who seemed completely unaware of the whole thing. He frowned a little. It must be nice not been aware like the way he was. It wasn't that he thought Adrien was ignorant but Luka wished he had a similar mind set. He knew his own faults and one of them was that he was over thinker and saw far too much. His mother always told him that the way he saw the world was different to other people. It was one of the things that made him a good match with Tikki. Even Master Fu had said so but sometimes he wished he could just be normal like Adrien. 
 "You ok?" Marinette asked, making him look at her and nod before the car pulled up and they got out. Adrien greeted a woman waiting for them. She mentioned something about how a piece of his statue as they walked inside. Manon was holding Marinette's hand as they walked.
 "Look, Marinette! We get to go in when it's closed!" She grinned, clearly excited. "It's like we're princesses! Hey, Lulu, are you a prince?!"
 "I'm the prince of pirates," He grinned, making her gasp in surprise and excitement before she ran off. Marinette smiled as she glanced over at him.
 "Prince of pirates?" She asked, making him grin. "You're really good with kids, you know?"
 "Kind of had to be," He muttered as they walked an entrance. "Ma was always busy with work and well... you know what my stepfather was like..."
 "So you had to look after Juleka," Marinette mumbled with Luka nodding as they came over to Manon, who was stood near a Jagged Stone Statue. The woman, Veronique, was explaining to Manon that it wasn't the real Jagged Stone. Manon proceed to pull funny faces at him, making Luka laugh before she ran over to him and gently pulled his hoodie. He looked at her as she grinned up at him.
 "Can I ride on your shoulders, Lulu?" She asked.
 "Sure," He replied, kneeling down and helping her onto his shoulders before standing up. The group walked through the museum as Veronique told them it's history. However, Nino was talking to Adrien and Alya was talking to Marinette. Adrien looked really puzzled by Nino but Marinette looked annoyed at Alya as she crossed her arms.
 "Why did you tell Nino everything?" She asked, looking betrayed. "You promised you wouldn't,"
 "I didn't I swear," Alya replied as they walked through the museum. "Besides even if I had to him everything, he would still be clueless. Urg! Who cares anyway!"
 "I care," Marinette gasped but Alya choose to ignore that.
 "I've set everything up with Nino, who doesn't know a thing, so you can finally pour your heart out to Adrien, girl!" She grinned, clearly excited.
 "Wait... what?!" She gasped, looking at her.
 "We'll take off and leave you alone with him!" Alya grinned, placing her hand on Marinette' shoulder. "Then you can still your beans to him! It will be perfect!"
 "No! I can't!" She gasped, turning red but she couldn't exactly say why to Alya. No one had any idea that he was with Kagami and revealing she knew could in fact reveal her identity as Lady Noir. However, Alya was giving her a questioning look. "Uh... what about Luka?"
 "What about him?" Alya asked, confused. 
 "Well... I like him too..." She gasped, hoping he didn't hear her but he seemed more busy playing with Manon. She couldn't help the soft expression she shot towards him. "I can't tell Adrien I like him when I like Luka too. It's not fair on either of them,"
 "Girl, this is your one chance!" She gasped before sighing. "Look, I can't make you do it but I'm telling you today is the day!"
 She gasped and rushed over to Luka and Manon when Adrien looked over at her, causing him to frown. Manon was showing Luka a statue of her mother before rushing over to Marinette.
 "Look, my mummy is famous!" She grinned, making her smile before the three of them returned to the lift and got in with the others. The silence in the lift was awkward but they soon forgot about it when they went inside the art studio. 
 "Welcome to the workshop," Veronique stated, gesturing to it. There were spare parts and tools around. They looked around in amazement. "This is where all of our artists create and repair our statues,"
 "Cool," Nino gasped as they walked through the work shop. Veronique pushed open some double doors and walked through them, revealing the wax vat. There were pipes everywhere and stairs that lead to a walk way in the room. It was also hotter and darker then the work shop as the wax had to be kept in liquid form.
 "And this is where we store our wax," She explained, gesturing towards the large vat. "It comes straight from our very own beehives, up on the roofs of the museum,"
 "Wow," Marinette muttered as she glanced around. Luka grinned as he stood next to her before they followed Adrien back into the workshop. Veronique's assistant, whom Marinette and Luka recognized as Theo Barbot aka Actis, was setting up the wax which they would be using to make a cast of Adrien's arm. He gestured to the seat, which Adrien sat on as the others examined the different parts. Nino was looking at a head and complimented the detail of the beard. Theo explained that they used real yak hair as he prepped Adrien's arm. He secured it in the box and poured in warmed wax, that was warm enough to take form but not to burn Adrien. He secured it and set a timer before leaving with Veronique, explaining they needed to check on something and that they would be back as soon as they could. Manon wondered over to the heads of some of the unmade statues and examined them. Nino decided to pretend to be one and jumped out of her, making her laugh.
 "My turn! My turn!" She called out, grinning. "I want to play statues!" 
 She ran over to Marinette and grabbed her hand. 
 "Marinette! Come on!" She gasped, pointing towards the door. "Let's go play hide and seek and statues!"
 "Marinette can't, Manon," Alya stated, cutting off Marinette and winking at Nino, who grinned back. Manon frowned a little. "But we'll play with you. Marinette, you take good care of Adrien! He must not get bored for a single second,"
 "What?!" She gasped as Nino pushed Luka out of the door as well, causing him to give her a confused look before he was ushered outside of the door. She gasped and rushed over. "Wait!"
 However, the door closed, making her groan in annoyance.
 "Um... are you ok?" Adrien asked, making her look at him in surprise.
 "Oh yeah! I'm fine and dandy!" She grinned, moving her arm to the side. "Are you ok?"
 "I guess but I'm confused about something," He admitted, causing her to frown. "Do you hate me?"
 "What? No!" She gasped, holding up her hands. "Why would you think that?"
 "Because Nino said you didn't want to be here," He replied, making her sigh and pull a seat next to him. He glanced at her with an insure look before looking aside. "And you've seemed quite distance recently... it's like you're trying to avoid me..."
 "Adrien, it's not that I don't want to be here and I'm trying to avoid you..." She stated, making him frown. She would admit to herself that she had kind of been avoiding him since the anniversary of his mother's disappearance but it wasn't exactly intentional. She had been busy with her new project and her hero work as dealing with Lila and her crap... plus she was still dealing with her realization of her behavior towards him. It wasn't easy though. Her crush on Adrien was deeply intertwined with who she is that she was finding it hard removing it from her but it was something that had to be done. The talk with Luka had really helped though so she wanted to start anew and actually get to know the real Adrien, even if it doesn't go into a romantic thing. For one, he's in a relationship with Kagami and she wants to get to know him. "It's just... I'm meant to be babysitting today but I also have a project to finish. I asked Luka to help keep Manon entertained so I could finish it. I was close to been done when Alya called. I tried to explain to her that I didn't have time but she just wouldn't listen and wouldn't take no for an answer. She also knows I can't say no to helping a friend so here I am,"
 "I see," He muttered, frowning. "But I'm glad you don't hate me,"
 "Of course, I don't," She muttered in return. "But now Luka will probably hate me,"
 "Why would he hate you?" He asked, confused.
 "Because Alya and Nino just dragged him off and I've basically been ignoring him and Manon since they turned up," She gasped, covering her face. "I don't want him to hate me,"
 "Hey, I don't think he will," He gasped, making her look up at him. "Luka's super cool like that and he's your friend,"
 She nodded, making him smile.
 "You like him, don't you?" He asked, making her look at him in surprise before panicking.
 "What?! No!!" She gasped, jumping. "I mean we're friends but just friends! Great friends, ha ha.... besides..."
 She looks down at her hands.
 "He probably only likes me as a friend," She sighed, holding her face in her hands before she realized what she said. "I mean... uh... Toilet! I need to use the rest room... excuse me,"
 She jumped up and rushed out of there before Adrien could say anything. He shook his head and waited for the timer to go off before going after her. He should make sure she's ok.
 Manon giggled as she ran off into the heroes area of the hotel. The four of them had split into two teams to play hide and seek. Luka and Manon were the first team to hide while Alya and Nino were trying to find them. Luka had hidden nearby in the music area while Manon headed to the heroes area to hide. She giggled again as she heard Alya and Nino coming to look at her. She climbed up on the stage next to the Anatis and Lady Noir statues. She giggled again and pulled a pose, just as Nino and Alya entered, looking around as they did. Alya walked over to the statue of Lady Wifi and stopped, frowning as she looked up at her. Nino noticed and walked over as she sighed and looked sad. He cleared his throat and lifted his hat.
 "Excuse me, Lady, but what exactly is your super power?" He asked, glancing at her. "Make me fall super in love?"
 "I don't need a super power for that," Alya smiled, placing her hand on her heart as she looked at him before she looked back at that statue with a sad expression. She still felt guilty about all of the times she had become her, especially the most recent time. That was part of the reason why she demanded to bring Marinette to the museum. Not only could she get the Adrienette ship sailing but in her own way, she wanted to make up for been Lady Wifi and trying to target Adrien. Since her bestie is in love with him and he needs a better love interest then Kagami, it was perfect. However, she frowned as she looked up at her akuma self again and she felt bad again. "I know it's not really ourselves when we're akumatized but it's weird to ourselves like that, as super villains,"
 "It's because you don't look at them properly," Nino expected, placing his arm around her shoulder before gesturing towards the statues. "These aren't super villains. These are all the people who Anatis and Lady Noir have saved,"
 "You're right," Alya smiled, leaning against him before he began to tickle her, making her laugh and push him back a little. "Hey, what are you doing?"
 "Ooh, I've been akumatized and now I'm Tickleman!" He declared, wiggling his fingers and making her laugh.
 "Noo! Not the tickles!" She gasped, pushing him away a little as she got into the game before she ran off with him chasing her. "Help! Anatis! Lady Noir!"
 They ran out of the room, completely ignoring Manon. She frowned to herself and climbed down from her hiding place as her lip trembled. Since coming to the museum, hardly anyone was paying her attention. Back at Marinette's home, she had explained that she had to finish a project and she understood that she needed to finish it that but Marinette had promised to play with her when she was done. Plus she had brought around Luka to play with her until she was done but since coming to the museum, only Luka had paid her attention. Everyone else had ignored her. Tears began to roll down her face as she didn't understand why they had been ignoring her. What did she do wrong?
 "Why doesn't anyone want to play with me?" She frowned, walking away from the statues as she tried to wipe her eyes but it didn't help. She was still crying. She stopped in front of some of the villains before looking up and coming face to face with the Puppeteer. She didn't remember been her but her mum had explained to her what happened and how she was freed from Hawkmoth's grips. Anatis had ended up playing a game with her and putting on a puppet show. She grabbed the wand from the statue and grinned as she imagined what it would be like to be the Puppeteer again. She could make everyone play with her forever that way and she would be able to play with Anatis and Lady Noir again. No one would ignore her then and she would get to play with superheroes. She looked down as she thought about been ignored, causing more tears to spill. It just wasn't fair. Why did they get to run off and play while she was treated like she was invisible? She failed to notice a little black butterfly fluttering towards her.
 "Puppeteer," Hawkmoth's voice echoed in her mind as the akuma entered the wand. "Glad to see you again... so no one wants to play with you, huh? I'm given you the power to play with them,"
 "We'll have lots of fun," Manon replied, holding up the wand before moving her hand to the side, allowing herself to be engulfed in purple smog as she turned into the Puppeteer. She flew up and laughed happily before frowning as she heard Alya's laughter. She pouted before eyeing up Bubbler and Lady Wifi. She flew over to them and tapped them, bringing them both to life. "Capture Alya and Nino,"
 "Ready or not!" Nino called out, getting closer. The two statues stood still while Puppeteer hid. "Here I come!"
 He rushed in and looked around for Alya, grinning to himself but he threw a glance at the Bubbler and moved over, looking at it. Only it blinked, causing him to almost scream but the Lady Wifi statue threw a pause on him, trapping him there. A few minutes later, Alya came through to look for him. She thought she could catch him off guard and tried to tickle him but realized with horror, that he was paused. She saw Lady Wifi and tried to run off, causing Bubbler to jump in front of her and take out his sword. Lady Wifi paused her and he trapped her in a bubble as Puppeteer flew out laughing. 
 "This is so much fun!" She declared as Hawkmoth opened a connection with her.
 "Puppeteer, don't forget to bring me back my little toys," He ordered, making her nod. "Anatis' and Lady Noir's miraculous,"
 He dropped the connection and she flew over to the other villains, bringing them to life with a tap.
 "I'm gonna play with you and you," She stated, bringing Gamer and Evillustrator to life before flying over to the statues of Anatis and Lady Noir. She tapped them and brought them to life as well. "And you and you!"
 She laughed as she flew up and continued to bring them to life. Meanwhile, Luka had decided to come out of his hiding spot as Alya and Nino hadn't come to find him. He figured that they didn't really care about finding him since the game was for Manon but he was also concerned that they decided to run off to have time with each other. He got it because they were a couple but they had also agreed to play with Manon so if they had decided to run off, he was concerned that she might get upset. He walked past the wax statues and headed into the heroes section before gasping as he saw Nino and Alya paused and trapped in bubbles. A bubble and pause icon were thrown towards him but he managed to jump out of the way and dodge them, looking up at Lady Wifi and Bubbler but Alya and Nino weren't akumatized.
 "What the?" He asked as they got prepared to attack him again. However before they could, Puppeteer flew into the room, making his eyes widen in surprise. She must have been akumatized.
 "Manon?" He asked, making her look at him. "What happened?"
 "No! I'm Puppeteer now!" She corrected before he was suddenly grabbed by a mummy and the mime as she flew in front of him. "And no one wanted to play with me so now I'm making them play with me!"
 "I was playing with you..." He pointed out, making her look at him. "We were playing Pirates... I'm One eyed Lu and you're Mad Manny.. and we played Hide and Seek... we were playing Superheroes while Marinette finished up her project then the three of us were gonna get ice cream after remember?"
 She made a thoughtful face as he mentally cursed Alya for interrupting their day. Marinette was more then happy to go and play with Manon while Adrien before turning to her wax minions.
 "Take him to the workshop!" She ordered, causing them to march him out before she made Hawkmoth come to life. Luka struggled as best as he could but the wax models had a strong grip on him and dragged him off. "Find Marinette and Adrien! I want to play with them too!"
 "Uh! Plagg!! How did he work out I like Luka?!" Marinette gasped, holding face in shame as Plagg floated near by.
 "Because it's obvious," Plagg cackled, making Marinette groan. "Cheer up, Dollface, Blondie doesn't seem to care and it's not like you confessed to the blueberry. Besides, it's so obvious that Blueberry likes you back. He probably dropped whatever he was doing to help you with Manon,"
 That didn't seem to help as it caused Marinette to groan.
 "Besides, who cares about friendship?" Plagg asked, making Marinette look at him. "What? I'm just saying,"
 "I care about friendships, Plagg," She declared, standing up. "Luka and Adrien are very important to me and I want to get to know both of them better but I wanted to do it on my terms. That's part of the reason I asked Luka to help me today. I know I can always rely on him and I wanted to ask him to go out for ice cream with me... but I was scared he would say no... so I used the fact that I had to look after Manon today... I mean I did need help and I didn't lie but I figured that it would be nice to see him as well... uh! I'm a terrible human being and baby sitter!"
 "Dollface, you're not terrible," 
 "But I let Alya and Nino steal Luka and Manon away..." She groaned, holding her face in her hand before looking up. "Why didn't Alya notice that I was uncomfortable around Adrien? It's hard to remove the crush I have on him when I'm pushed into a situation to 'confess' to him. I don't want to confess to him anymore. My crush on him is unhealthy ad so is Alya's actions with it. I need to talk to her about it..."
 She got up and made her way out of the bathroom as Plagg flew into her purse. She walked outside and gasped as she saw Adrien sat down, looking at his phone. She frowned a little before walking over to him, causing him to glance up.
 "Hey," She muttered, playing with her hands. "Mind if I join you?"
 "Be my guest," He smiled, gesturing to the seat next to him. "Are you ok?"
 "Yeah... I'm fine..." She muttered, nodding. "Sorry for running off like that..."
 "It's fine," He smiled before glancing at his phone again and sighing.
 "Are you ok?" She asked, making him look at her before he sighed and looked down. He looked almost guilty. "Adrien?"
 "I guess I'm not really ok," He muttered, sighing. "It's sound stupid and selfish but I just wanted it to be me and Nino today. It's been so long since we've actually hung out on our own since he got with Alya. I mean don't get me wrong I'm happy that the two of them are together but I really just wanted to hang out with my best friend and Alya ended up inviting herself and you guys along. Not that I don't want to hang out with you either..."
 "Alya told me you had invited us and she didn't give me much of a choice," Marinette stated, feeling bad. Adrien looked at her in surprise. "I'm so sorry, Adrien if I had know I would have made it clearer that I was busy."
 "It's not your fault, Marinette," He sighed, frowning. "I'm the one been selfish,"
 "What? No!" She gasped, making him look at her. "Adrien, wanting to spend time with your friend isn't selfish. Inviting yourself along is and I'm so sorry because it's my fault she decided to do that,"
 "How is it your fault?" He asked, confused. "You didn't make her..."
 "No... but she did it on my behalf..." She sighed, making him frown. "I didn't ask her but she was trying to set it up so I could confess to you,"
 "Confess?" He asked, making her nod. "I don't understand,"
 "I..." She took a deep breathe. "I had a crush on you for a while and Alya has taken it upon herself to help me confess. This is just the latest of her schemes and it's ended up getting you hurt,"
 "You have a crush on me?"
 "Kind of... but the thing is it wasn't healthy at all," She admitted, looking down. "So I've been trying to let it go. I guess that's why I've kind of been avoiding you but I want to be your friend so I'm sorry,"
 "No... it's fine," He smiled, nodding. "I'm glad you told me but I-"
 The sound of someone running towards them interrupted him as they looked over and saw Hawkmoth standing.
 "Hawkmoth?!" The two of them gasped, causing Hawkmoth to spin his cane and rush over to them. He dived at them but Adrien grabbed the umbrella off the Aurora statue and used it to block the attack.
 "Marinette!" He gasped, pushing him back. "Go and get some help!"
 "Oh no!" Manon's voice echoed, making them both gasp. "You're gonna stay and play with me this time!"
 "Manon?!" Marinette gasped, shocked.
 "Nope! I am the Puppeteer!" She declared as Hawkmoth pulled away and began to fight Adrien. Marinette moved out of the way. "I want to play with you and my statues!"
 "Be careful!" She yelled out as he held off Hawkmoth and ran off. She escaped into the lift, causing Plagg to fly out. "Looks the Puppeteer is back, Plagg,"
 "Aren't your friends somewhere in the museum too?" Plagg asked, a little worried. Hopefully, Luka and Tikki got somewhere to transform. Marinette gasped as she realized.
 "Alya, Nino and Luka are all somewhere in the museum and if Puppeteer wants to play, she might go after them!" She gasped before holding out her hand. "We have no time to waste... Plagg! Claws out!"
 She transformed and exited the lift, running back to Adrien. Hawkmoth had just knocked him down and was able to stab him but she jumped and kicked him, sending him flying. Adrien blinked as she held him up. Hawkmoth got back up as well and charged at her. She blocked Hawkmoth's cane with her baton before knocking him back and slicing him up with her claws. He fell to pieces, causing Adrien to look back at them in surprise.
 "Ooh! A wax statue!" Adrien gasped before turning to Lady Noir. "Is Marinette safe?"
 "Yeah, she is," She nodded, placing her baton on her belt. "But I need to find your other friends. You need-"
 "I'm coming with you," He declared, making her frown. "Look, I won't get in your way but I know how to fight and I think sticking with you in the safest thing for me to do,"
 "Fine," She sighed, shaking her head. "We should check the Heroes room first. That's where she found Hawkmoth's statues,"
 "To the heroes room then," He grinned, causing the two of them to run off. They ran down into the room but Lady Noir grabbed him around the waist and jumped, causing Lady Wifi and Bubbler to trap each other. "How did-"
 "Cat senses," She grinned before noticing the statue of Puppeteer. She threw her baton at her but she didn't react. Lady Noir walked over and picked up her baton as Adrien moved over to her. She stopped in front of the statue and frowned as she looked at it. "The real Puppeteer had a wand but this one doesn't..."
 "Maybe because the real one has it?" Adrien asked, glancing around. "By the way, where is Anatis?"
 "I'm not sure," She frowned, glancing around. "But I'm sure he'll get here soon. Anyway, let's go check the work shop? It seems like no one is in this area,"
 "Right," He nodded, backing away from the wax dolls. He couldn't help but find them creepy. He turned and saw Lady Noir had disappeared upstairs. He rushed out and followed her as they ran upstairs. They opened the door to the workshop and rushed inside, finding their three friends. Nino and Alya were trapped in pauses but Luka wasn't. He was sat on a chair but wax hands were keeping him pinned to it while one covered his mouth. His eyes widen in relief when he saw Lady Noir and Adrien. She moved over to him and torn off the hands, destroying them in the process.
 "Is Marinette safe?" He asked, as soon as she freed him. His voice and expression was laced with worry. 
 "She's safe," Lady Noir nodded. "She's hi-"
 "Don't tell me where she's hiding," He gasped, getting up. "Manon is looking for her and Adrien. We should get out of here before she realizes he's here,"
 "Uh ok," Lady Noir nodded, moving out of the room with the two boys as quickly as they could. Lady Noir's ears twitched and she pulled both boys behind a wall. Seconds later, Puppeteer flew by with a number of Wax models following her. It appeared she was heading back to the hero area. They waited a few minutes before Lady Noir let out a sigh. "We need to get you two hidden,"
 The two boys nodded and followed her as they ran away from the area they were in.
 "Why did she have you, Alya and Nino in the workshop?" Lady Noir asked as they came into an area without wax statues.
 "She wants to play with us," Luka muttered, frowning. "We were playing Hide and Seek before she was akumatized but something must have gone wrong,"
 "What do you play with you? Like a game?" She asked but he shook his head, making her frown a bit. "Then what was her plan?"
 "To turn us all into wax statues," He admitted, frowning. "That's why she wants to capture Adrien and Marinette. She intended to drop us all in the wax vat and make us into statues so she could 'play' with us forever. She intends to do the same to Anatis and you as well,"
 "That's mildly disturbing," Lady Noir admitted, looking a little pale. "I'm glad we got you out of there but isn't she going to do the same to Nino and Alya,"
 "She's a child. While she is smart, she lacks the same attention span or logic that an adult has," Luka muttered, making Lady Noir raise an eyebrow. "Instead of 'turning' us one by one, she wants to find all her 'toys' and change them at the same time. That's why she was holding me, Nino and Alya there. She didn't need to worry about those two escape but that's why I was held down by those wax hands,"
 "Hmm... makes sense," She muttered, frowning but Adrien seemed really quiet. "Adrien, are you ok?"
 "I just.... do you think it's because me and Marinette weren't paying her enough attention?" Adrien gasped, making Luka and Lady Noir frown a little. "I feel like it's my fault... I should have just come here alone..."
 "Adrien, we don't know that," Lady Noir argued, glancing around the corner. "We don't even know how she was akumatized. Luka, you said you were playing Hide and Seek with her?"
 "Alya and Nino were with us too but I don't know how she got akumatized... but this place has CCTV right?" He suggested, making both of them look at him. "Maybe we can see what happened from there?"
 "That's a good suggestion, Luka," She nodded. However, she couldn't afford to disappear, especially when Anatis wasn't here yet. "You two should go and look at it. Maybe even lock yourselves in the office while I keep Manon and her statues busy,"
 "Alright, Lady Noir," Luka replied, getting a nod of Adrien. "Hopefully, Anatis will be here soon. If I see him before you do, I'll pass on the information we get,"
 "Ok," She nodded before giving them a salute and running off. Luka turned to Adrien.
 "Do you know where the security office is?" He asked, getting a nod of him. The two boys ran off and made their way to the security office but there was no one in the office. Luka tried the door and frowned when he discovered it was locked. Adrien, however, was looking away from him with a worried expression. With Adrien distracted, he got Tikki to open the door. "Adrien, come on,"
 "Huh?" He mumbled as Luka pulled him inside. "Sorry,"
 "It's fine," Luka replied, grabbing a seat and going over the footage as Adrien watched. 
 "How do you know what to do?" Adrien asked as Luka re-winded the footage and typed, getting it to play.
 "My ma taught me," He replied, making Adrien raise an eyebrow. "Trust me when I say you don't want to know how she knows. Ah... here we go..."
 Adrien moved over and frowned as he watched the footage. It showed Manon running into the heroes room and pretend to be a statue next to the Anatis and Lady Noir statues. A few seconds later, Nino and Alya came in but instead of looking for the little girl like they expected, Alya walked over to the statue of Lady Noir with a look of sadness. Luka could understand. It must be hard to see yourself like that but then she and Nino talked before the two of them began their own game, running out of there and completely ignoring Manon. The little girl then moved and walked away as she cried. She wiped away her tears as she came face to face with herself but her tears kept coming as she took the wand. A few minutes later, an akuma flew into her wand. Luka paused the video and looked at Adrien. 
 "Alya and Nino... just abandoned her?" He asked, frowning before looking at Luka. "How do we get this information to Lady Noir?"
 "One of us should go..." Luka muttered before clicking his fingers. "You go. If Puppeteer comes across you, you can just-"
 "Pretend to be a statue," He grinned, making Luka nod. "Alright, I'll go but close the door behind me,"
 "Right," Luka nodded, shutting the door as Adrien rushed out. Once Adrien was gone, Luka transformed into Anatis and rushed out. He ran as fast as he could to the Heroes room, clearing a pathway as he did. He ran in as Lady Noir and Adrien were trying to fight off a bunch of wax akumas. Adrien had taken the sword off Captain Hardrock and was slicing through them as Lady Noir was kicking some of them but one of them was about to grab her from behind. Anatis threw his yoyo and destroyed it before kicking one of that was about to take out Adrien. The three of them proceed to take them out as best as they could before the two of them turned to Anatis. "Adrien, thank you for your help but go find somewhere safe to hide. Me and Lady Noir will take it from here,"
 "But the statues..."
 "I've cleared a path for now but I suggest you get going before more come back," He ordered, getting a nod of Adrien who ran off. Once he was gone, Anatis turned to Lady Noir. "Sorry, I'm late. I had a bit of trouble getting in. Most points of entry were barricaded by wax models,"
 "No worries, you're here now," She grinned, spinning her baton. "Adrien informed me of where the akuma is and what caused her to become an akuma. She was abandoned by Nino and Alya when they were playing a game,"
 "I see," Anatis frowned even though he already knew this. "And the akuma?"
 "It's in her wand so we just need to get that," Lady Noir explained, causing him to nod. "But she flew off while we were fighting her minions. I think she's returned to the work shop,"
 "Alright, let's head there and save her," He nodded as a head and several eyeballs bounced down the stairs. Lady Noir nodded and ran with him. The head charged at him but he jumped and stepped on it before running upstairs. However, Mime came to life and threw an invisible lasso around Lady Noir, capturing her before she could follow him. The dismembered head attempted to take her ring off with it's mouth as she was pinned down by other statues but she extended her baton and freed herself before destroying the statues. Once that was done, she turned to run upstairs but found herself face to face with Anatis. She frowned as she was sure he went upstairs.
 "Uh... Annie... should't we go save Manon?" She asked as he walked over. She frowned deeply when Anatis didn't react but instead stepped forward again. She instinctively took a step back until she was leaning against the wall as Anatis stood in front of her and took her hands in his. A blush covered her face as she looked up at him However, his eyes were as alive as normal and his skin was a little bit too shiny. Realizing he wasn't the real one, she gasped as he leaned in as if to kiss her. She could feel him trying to slide the ring off her finger. "Anatis... I have one word for you..."
 She narrowed her eyes.
 "Cataclysm," She declared, causing him to turn to dust before she rushed off to find the real one. She burst into the workshop and stopped the hand that was about to steal his earrings before knocking the statues that were pinning him down off him. "Get off Annie, you pale imitation!"
 She knocked the head of her wax self before helping him up.
 "Thanks for the rescue, kitty," He grinned before looking over at the door to the wax area. "She went in there and it looks like she might have Nino and Alya there,"
 "She must be enacting her plan then," She frowned before noticing his lucky charm. "Any idea what to do with the lucky charm?"
 "Uh... not yet," He replied as the wax models got back up. Lady Noir gave him a wink before she tackled them so he could look around. He frowned as he glanced around before several craft items lit up, along with a star. Smiling to himself, he got to work and transformed his lucky charm into a replica of Puppeteer's wand as Lady Noir defeated the last wax model. "Lady Noir, I've got a plan,"
 He held up the wand to her, making her grin before explaining the plan. The two of them pushed their way into the wax room as Anatis pretended to struggle against Lady Noir. She was holding his arms as if she had captured him. He even called her a fake to add to the act. Puppeteer laughed as they came to a stop, allowing Anatis to glance around. Nino and Alya were still paused and placed in the corner next to a table. Adrien wasn't in the room, meaning he had found a safe place but there was a sheet with string hanging above the wax vat, making him frown. She had hostages but the plan would still work. Maybe even better then he originally intended.
 "I've almost beaten you, Anatis!" She declared, laughing before she pointed her wand at them. "Lady Noir, give me his earrings then we can make him and the others into our toys forever!"
 He struggled and tried to move away from her as she reached for them but she paused, making him look at her with surprise. Puppeteer and Hawkmoth fell for it as she talked to him, confused as to why her wand wasn't working. Anatis smirked and took out the replica, making her gasp.
 "It's not working because I swapped them earlier," He stated, grinning. "You lost, Puppeteer,"
 "I don't care!" She declared, pulling down the sheet. Theo and Veronique were tied above the wax vat, making him gasp. "If you snap my wand, I'll just turn them into real statues!"
 "No!" He gasped before frowning. "Don't do that... I'll give your wand back, Puppeteer... you win..."
 He held out the wand, causing her to fly over to him and take it but Lady Noir's ring beeped, confusing her. Anatis took the chance to jump at her and grab the real wand, snapping it in half and releasing the akuma. He took out his yoyo and captured it before taking the other wand and throwing it up into the air, declaring the magic words. The swarm appeared and fixed everything before Puppeteer turned back into Manon. She gasped as she saw Anatis and ran over to him.
 "Annie!!" She gasped, hugging his leg as he knelt down.
 "Hey, kiddo, you alright?" He asked, making her nod as he ruffed her hair, causing her to giggle. "Why don't we go find your babysitter?"
 "Annie, I better scramble before I transform back," Lady Noir declared before rushing out. Anatis smiled and stood up, offering Manon his hand. She grinned and took it as they walked out of the wax room, just as the group ran in. Marinette rushed over to Manon and hugged her. "I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to-"
 "I don't think you should be the one to apology, Marinette," Adrien stated, glaring at Nino and Alya as Anatis frowned. Alya glared back as Nino rubbed the back of his neck. "Not only did you invite yourself along but you also lied to Marinette and then completely abandoned Manon which directly lead to her akumatization,"
 "I didn-" Alya tried to argue but Adrien held up his hand.
 "I saw the footage on the CCTV, Alya, along with Luka," He stated, causing Marinette to look around for him. Adrien turned to Anatis and smiled. "Thank you for saving us, Anatis,"
 "No problem, Adrien," He replied, shaking his hand as his earrings beeped. Alya was crossing her arms while Nino was looking down. "I have to go but Alya, I think you should listen to Adrien. It's not cool to invite yourself to anything or leave a little kid. I suspect that Manon felt like she was been ignored and was hurt by that,"
 "You should also not force people into uncomfortable situations," Marinette added, crossing her arms. Anatis was about to leave but decided to stay. He had a few minutes before he transformed back. "I told you I was babysitting. I tried to tell you we couldn't go but you didn't even listen to me or give me a chance to explain. You just turned up at mine, despite that I had already told you I was busy,"
 "Why is everyone ganging up on me?!" Alya gasped, storming out. "Come on, Nino!"
 "Actually... I'm gonna stay with my bro," Nino stated, causing Alya to stare at him like he's grown two heads. "Look, I love you and all but Adrien wanted to hang out with me and it's been ages since we've gotten to. I'm with you all the time and you know how his dad is,"
 "I... um.... urg!" She gasped before storming out. Nino turned to Adrien and apologized to him before doing the same to Manon. Marinette turned to Anatis and smiled a little.
 "Shouldn't you get going?" She asked, making him look at her. "Not that I... I mean... you don't have time to hang about right?"
 "I thought I better stay in case of another akuma," He muttered, making her nod as his earrings beeped. "But I really should go. It was good seeing you again, Marinette. I'm glad everyone is safe,"
 "Thanks to you and Lady Noir," She smiled, shyly as he walked over to the table. He climbed on it and opened a window. "Not going to use the door?"
 "Doors are for people with no imagination," He joked, making her laugh before he disappeared out of the window. He slipped back into the museum and dropped his transformation, heading back to the gang. However, he ran into Alya before he did. She completely blanked him, causing him to shrug before he ran to the workshop. However, he stopped at the heroes room and smiled at the statues of him and Lady Noir. Shaking his head, he ran upstairs and into the work museum. "Sorry guys. I got locked in the security-"
 "Lulu!" Manon declared, running and diving at him. He caught and smiled as Marinette walked over as Nino and Adrien chatted, causing Adrien to take out his phone.
 "So... I just saw Alya storm off?" He asked, making Marinette sigh.
 "She didn't like that we called her out on her behavior..." Marinette admitted before looking to the side. "I'm sorry for ignoring you all day... I just was trying to get Alya to understand something..."
 "It's ok, Melody," He smiled, making her give him a look of relief. "Now why do we all go look at the statues since we came here to do that?"
 "That's a great idea, Luka," Adrien grinned as he looked up from his phone. "Nathalie and Father are ok with you coming over for a couple of hours after we're done here, Nino... though it will just me and Nino if you guys are ok with that,"
 "Oh that's fine by me," Luka grinned before noticing the looks between Marinette and Adrien. "But I think me and Nino owe Manon here a real game of hide and seek before we go,"
 "Yeah, we do," Nino agreed. "Catch up with us... now... shall we go hide and get Luka to find us?"
 "Yeah!!!" Manon declared, running off and causing the two boys to follow her as Marinette let out a sigh.
 "He's really good at reading emotions, isn't he?" Adrien smiled, causing Marinette to nod before he faced her. "Um... about our talk earlier... I'm glad you were able to open up to me but you should know I'm dating Kagami... um... we've been keeping it secret because of the whole been famous thing but I think it's time we told our friends. Hopefully, this will help Alya not doing something like this again so I'm gonna talk to Kagami tonight,"
 "Thank you," Marinette nodded, smiling a little. "I'll talk to Alya to when she calms down. She needs to know that I'm letting go of my crush on you but I want to be your friend... if that's ok? I know I hurt-"
 "Marinette, you are my friend but I would love to get to know you better and be a better friend to you," He gasped, making her look at him. "And it wasn't you who hurt me. It was Alya. She hurt both of us by been pushy and she hurt Manon too but we can move on and learn from this..."
 "Thank you, Adrien," She smiled, generally touched by his words but her heart didn't flutter in the same way it use to. He grinned before grabbing her hand.
 "Let's go find the others,"
 ~Later that Afternoon~
 "Thank you so much for looking after her on such short notice, Marinette," Nadja smiled as she reached into her purse. She took out a number of bills and gave them to both Marinette and Luka. "And you too, young man. Though I don't think I caught your name?"
 "Luka, ma'am," He smiled before glancing at Marinette before looking back at her. "And it was no trouble,"
 "Did she behave?" She asked, getting a nod of Marinette but she also informed her that she got reakumatized. Nadja frowned but listened as she explained. "I see. I'm glad you told me Marinette. I appreciate your honest but a word of advice. Your friend sounds very pushy so you need to be firmer with her,"
 "I will," She nodded before waving to Manon, who had run to her mom's side. "Bye, Manon!"
 "Bye, Marinette!" She grinned before turning to Luka with an impish expression. "Bye, Marinette's boyfriend!"
 Marinette gasped and blushed madly before trying to say that he wasn't her boyfriend as Manon giggled and ran inside, causing her mother to apologize and run after her. Marinette turned to Luka with her nervous grin.
 "K-Kids eh?" She asked before noticing his cheeks were just as red as hers. "Wait... are you blushing?"
 "U-Um... No?" He replied, going even more red before grinning nervously as she gasped. 
“Oh my god, you are!”
"Please don't tell Juleka or Rose. I'll never heard the end of it,"
Next Chapter: https://sassyduckqueen.tumblr.com/post/640089186164162560/miraculous-rise-of-anatis-44
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bloomyn · 4 years
hhShshusushWiu ur writing is gorgeous and beautiful I wish I could write like u 👿 could you write me a scenario of the pillars in a modern day au college or high school (it don’t matter g) with a foreign exchange student who is super nice and cute and innocent friendly etc and maybe them developing a crush on them 👉👈 then one day they invite them to do a tik tok dance with them and theN THEY JUST THROW IT BACK or body roll and the pillar is just LIKe o\\\o AhahHHAHA it’s a weird req but ty!
a/n: ahhh you’re too sweet omg !!! this request was so much fun to write LOL,,all i could think about was the pillars tryna catch it while you threw it back N E WAY,,hope you enjoy :)
when you had arrived in japan through your study abroad program you hadn’t expected to make too many friends. you were there to study, to get you’re degree and go back home. but, um, spoiler alert: nothing ever goes the way you planned.
walking through campus halls you went through your mental checklist
showered? check
finished your modern lit assignment? check
actually packed your lunch? che- oh 
you mentally rolled your eyes. you hadn’t exactly planned to spend money today but it was fine, as long as you didn’t get something to drink tomorrow morning. besides, you were meeting up with your friends later and they insisted on keeping you pretty well fed. you smiled at the thought of your friend group, loud? yes. loving? double yes. whatever that meant.
“[l/n] - chan!” someone shouted from behind you. turning your head you were met with three familiar faces. grinning you started walking towards the group.
“good morning kocho-san, rengoku-san, shinazu-’
the silver haired student flicked your forehead, “oi [l/n] - chan how many times have we told you to drop the honorifics you brat.”
you laughed, shooting him a smile, “ah sorry sanemi!”
the other two rolled their eyes at sanemis antics. “you’re too cute for your own good you know [l/n]?” shinobu said, hooking her arm through yours.
you sighed, “i never know what you mean by that you know.”
meanwhile behind you, rengoku was trying to laugh at his friends pathetic attempts at flirting.
“shut.up. before i rip your hair off.”
the other man only snickered, “i’m pretty sure abusing your crush’s forehead isn’t a top ten flirting tactic - OW!”
you and shinobu turned around to see sanemi trying to beat rengoku into the linoleum floors. hurriedly you ran to sanemis side, pulling at his arm. while shinobu laughed into her arm. realizing that it was you gripping his bicep (he’d have to process that later) sanemi released the other man (who by the way was perfectly fine).
“sanemi you really have to stop picking fights with everyone you know.” you chided, brushing his shoulders off. he turned away from your innocently pouting face, “yeah.yeah. i will.”
“funny how you say that everytime but never follow through.” a new voice popped up, breaking you two apart. 
obanai and mitsuri walked up, joining the group and you could feel the annoyance practically vibrating off of sanemis body. 
you rolled your eyes, “can i just go to class please?”
you groaned, taking your seat at the lunch table your friends had claimed.
“is everything alright [l/n].”
you peered up at gyomei’s figure, “modern lit was just a bit annoying.but i feel better now!.”
ah how cute the older student thought. 
soon enough the rest of your friends had made their way to the table and wrapped you in conversations and dumb jokes.
“oh [l/n] i forgot to show you!.” mitsuri hopped out of her seat and came up behind you, shoving her phone in your face. pressing play on the tiktok. you flushed red as the video continued, the two dancers on the screen comfortably rolling their bodies to the music.
“ah - i...”
the group broke out in laughter, even giyuu managed to crack a smile. 
“please will you try it [l/n]?” mitsuri chirped
“oh i don’t know--”
“if you’re worried about the partner thing i already roped sanemi into it since he beat me up earlier.” rengoku smirked, and it wasn’t like sanemi was going to say no to having you dance in front of him
you froze.
ah this was quite the predicament wasnt it? well, it wasn’t like you didnt have a few private drafts saved of the exact same dance anyway.
“sure, we can try.”
after a few minutes of learning the dance, sanemi reluctantly stood up. i mean, it wasn’t like you were actually going to, you know
the others gathered behind the phone. you pressed the self timer and ran to a blushing sanemi. and then the music started.
the first few moves were simple, nothing to extravagant, but the next move...
okay it wasn’t like you hadn’t practiced throwing it back in the privacy of your own dorm. and you definitely weren’t bad at it. 
so when you flawlessly rolled your body down and arched your back up, everyone froze. you only realized the effects of you actions when sanemi didn’t continue the dance and instead had opted to crouch down and bury his face in his hands.
obanai was the first to recover, laughing as you waved a hand in front of sanemis face. 
“ i think you broke him [l/n] “
“ i didnt mean too--”
“ WHERE? WHAT?” mitsuri shrieked, “AH L/N! WHERE DID YOU LEARN TO DO THAT!”
you laughed nervously. the rest of your friends had erupted into chatter asking you questions, when had you learned to do that? what else were you hiding behind that sweet exterior?
but sanemi still hadn’t gotten up.
you took his hands in yours, “sanemi are you okay.”
shyly, he nodded, gripping your hands even harder. 
“i still can’t believe he managed to ask you out after that.”
you bit the inside of your lip and smiled, bringing yourself closer to sanemis body. he took your hand in his and kissed you knuckles.
“i thought it was cute.” you murmured against his chest. 
“stop being gross!” uzui said, flicking a fry toward the both of you. “its very cute that you found love but also gross!”
somehow you too had managed to work the whole long distance thing out and for the next couple weeks you were able to stay in japan, it was “for work” you had told your boss. 
you embraced the warmth of your friends and your lover, maybe you hadn’t expected this in the beginning but your glad your ‘study only party never’ plans had been foiled
...and that tiktok had managed to get you date with your future husband.
requests : open
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disneychannie · 5 years
approval | h.hyunjin
parirings: hyunjin x reader
word count: 2.4k words
genre: fluff, angst (if you put it that way), non-idol!au
warnings: swearing (I think that’s it), I'm also not in any way trying to make hyunjin’s parents look bad but this is just for the sake of the imagine!
(lowercase unintended)
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“what?!” your voice boomed where the both of you were seated at the cafe. totally abandoning the work sprawled all over the table that’s separating you and your boyfriend.
hyunjin scrunched his face at your sudden burst.
“y/n calm down,” hyunjin said trying to calm you down, key word ‘trying’, as he looked at around the cafe to see some of the people there stared at your direction to the sudden booming voice.
“what do you mean calm down hyunjin? your mom clearly hates me and you’re telling me to join you to meet her for dinner?” you said, your voice more calmer than before but the shocked expression on your face was still there.
you and hyunjin’s mother didn’t exactly have the best relationship. though you only met her face to face once, you could tell by that meeting that she was not exactly fond of you. from the way she sent you glares and how she didn't even bother to you look at you when you talked. 
maybe it was because hyunjin was the only child and his mother was scared to let him go off with another woman who isn’t her which is quite understandable to you but you couldn’t understand why she couldn’t even at least act like she liked you for hyunjin’s sake.
though you and hyunjin has been dating for around 3 years now, you could tell every time hyunjin video called his mother with you around, she would act like you weren’t there to begin with.
“c’mon y/n,” hyunjin started, “my dad invited you too and you can’t turn him right?” he said with a tinge of hope in his eyes.
he was right tho. his father was one of the most sweetest person you’ve ever met. like hyunjin’s mother, you’ve only met him face to face once but he already treated you as if you were one of his which you were glad of.
“this isn’t about your dad hyunjin, your mother hates me and even you know it. I don’t think I can stand her criticism anymore,” you said leaning back on your seat with a huff.
“she doesn’t not like you y/n. you know that I'm her only child, of course she would be protective over me,” he said.
you didn’t bother looking in his eyes because of how upset you became. yes it was a petty thing to be upset about but you weren’t the type to like hang around with people who aren’t fond of you.
“please baby, give my mom a chance? for me?” he said with a pleading voice. 
you looked up to see him giving you one of his puppy eyes and pouty lips and you know you couldn’t resist it when it comes to hyunjin.
a sigh left your mouth as you unfold your hands and sat straight. “fine whatever,” you mumbled.
even though you sounded unconvincing it was enough for hyunjin to take that as a yes. 
“thank you so much y/n,” he beamed with happiness as he leaned over the table to give you a wet kiss on the cheeks which then made it heat up in embarrassment.
though in times where you’re in doubt he always reassures you in the right way.
the ride to hyunjin’s childhood home was quiet which was a new thing since car rides with hyunjin usually consists of the two of you jamming to the radio and just talking about everything and anything but this time it was different. it wasn’t like the silence was on purpose but you had a lot in your mind about the worst case scenarios that could happen. 
hyunjin could sense your discomfort from the driver seat by the way you fidgeted with the many rings on your finger and how you kept moving on your seat to find a comfortable position.
he knew about the whole ‘drama’ between you and his mother and he obviously has talked about with her before but his mother was in-denial with the way she acted which then makes it more visible that she was doing it on purpose.
hyunjin was a huge momma person and his mother is his number one supporter and he loved you and her very much. he never wanted to be in a situation where he had to choose between you and his mother or he would be in such a huge dilemma.
after an hour which felt like minutes, you finally arrived at his childhood home. you could start to feel your hands become clammy and a sudden tight feeling on your chest due to small case of anxiety you were having now.
one of your biggest insecurities were people not liking you and it made you feel like absolute crap that your own boyfriend’s mother hating you. but you wanted to do this for hyunjin and not for her.
hyunjin took your hands in his and gave it a small squeeze
“don’t worry y/n, I won’t let her say anything bad to you okay?” he said with a comforting smile. you mustered a small smile and nodded your head.
the two of you got out of the car and walked to the front door which then hyunjin rang the doorbell.
after a few seconds the door opened to reveal hyunjin’s father with a huge smile plastered on his face at the sight of the both of you.
thank god
“ahhh there’s my son,” mr. hwang said bringing hyunjin into a hug. 
he then made eye contact with you and his smile became wider.
“y/n! it’s nice to meet you again,” he said. 
“it’s nice to meet you too mr. hwang,” you said shyly suddenly cowering. you were about to reach for his hand to shake but he pulled you into a hug instead. not gonna lie you were about to cry, hyunjin’s father was the nicest man you’ve ever met. no wonder hyunjin was such a gentleman.
“come in,” he said then gesturing you to come inside the warm home.
this was the second time you’ve entered hyunjin’s home and it was somewhat familiar since then last time you went with just a few different arrangements here and there.
“hyunjin? is that you?” said a voice you’ve been dreading to hear.
turning around, you saw hyunjin’s mother coming downstairs with a huge smile at the sight of his son. she then embraced hyunjin into a huge hug before releasing to look at you.
you could swear her gaze changed INSTANTLY the second she saw you. not even a good one, her eyes looked like as if she was about to jump you any second but tried to keep her cool infront of hyunjin.
she cleared her throat before speaking up;
“oh you’re here,” she said lowly before continuing, totally not expecting your presence at her home. “nice to meet you,” she said bluntly before extending her hand for you to shake.
“nice to meet you,” you said, your voice low due to your small panic attack before shaking your hands with her.
“I didn’t know you were invited, I thought we ONLY invited hyunjin,” she said clearly emphasising the only.
damn does this woman hates my guts
“I actually invited her,” mr. hwang said before changing the subject. “how bout we gather at the dining table now huh? dinner is ready,” he said before giving you a warm smile and leading his wife to the dining table with you and hyunjin following behind.
dinner was awkward with most of the talking being between the hwangs. mr. hwang tried to conclude you into the conversation but it was always cut short off with mrs. hwang talking about a complete different topic which made you sank back to your chair. hyunjin noticed your change of mood and gave you a light squeeze on your thighs.
“what course are you taking again y/n?,” mrs. hwang asked you for the first time since you started dinner which caught you off guard before you gained your posture again.
“I’m taking law, I'm learning to become a prosecutor,” you said with the sudden confident. 
“yeah, and she’s really good at the courses she’s taking,” hyunjin said proudly.
she only nodded before placing her cutleries.
“you do know hyunjin is taking dentistry?,” she said, her gaze looking directly into your eyes.
“yeah I am aware ma'am,” you replied. you had no idea where this conversation is going.
“being a prosecutor means long work hours and hyunjin becoming a dentist too means the both of you aren’t going to see each other. how are you going to communicate or spend time with each other if you aren’t going to be even with one another most of the time?” she said with the sudden raise of her voice.
you didn’t know how to respond and you could tell hyunjin was getting irritated too at how tight he’s clutching his spoon.
“hyunjin sweetie you remember hyunee who lives across the street right? do you know she’s studying dentistry too? ahh it’s been a long time since you’ve talked to her perhaps it would be better if you were with her instead,” she continued to add the fuel in the fire.
that was the last straw for you.
you aggressively placed your cutleries on the table before standing up. startled by the noise of the spoon and plate clanking, his mother looked up to you with a shocked expression.
“honestly what is wrong with you? what did I do to you for you to hate this much when I barely even talk to you. the second I saw you for the first time you gave me a look telling me to fuck off from your son and by the way you’re talking to me right now clearly shows how much you want me away from your son and let me tell you that fuck no, I'm in love with hyunjin and I don’t care if you have a problem with it. I'm sorry for lashing out like this but you’ve been really disrespectful to me ever since I entered this house when I barely opened my mouth and there’s no damn way I'm respecting you back. thank you for the meal, but I'll take my leave now,” you said as frustrated tears ran down your face.
with that you walked out the house not forgetting to slam it and into hyunjin’s car.
hyunjin and his parents were shocked at your sudden behaviour but in no time hyunjin shot up from his seat before giving his mom a look.
“thanks a lot mom,” he said, the sarcasm evident in his voice as he ran out of the house .
in the car you started crying at how much her words have hurt you and how you probably thrown all the chances you had to build a relationship with hyunjin’s mother down the drain.
“why am I such a fuck up,” you whispered to yourself.
seconds later you heard the driver’s door open and you looked up to see hyunjin with a worried expression on his face. your cries had died down but you didn’t really had the mood to talk with hyunjin at the moment. 
hyunjin noticed how you were avoiding him and entered the car before closing the door.
“y/n I-” before he could say anything you cut him off.
“please hyunjin, just drive,” you whispered.
without saying anything else, hyunjin drove away from his parents to your shared apartment. 
the drive was silent like It was when you were on your way to his parent’s house. but this time the only noise you could hear were your soft sniffles from your short breakdown.
when you entered the apartment you instantly went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. hyunjin sighed as he saw you locked the door behind you. he went to your shared bedroom to change to his pyjamas when he got a text from his mother.
mom: I'm sorry hyunjin. never meant for anything to end this way.
hyunjin just tossed his phone to his bed. he can just reply to her in the morning. 
in the bathroom you took off your makeup and striped from the clothes you were wearing and hopped into the shower, just standing there as the hot steaming water seeped through your body.
you felt bad for ignoring hyunjin though any of this weren’t his fault in the slightest but you just didn’t feel like talking to anyone. you needed a moment alone.
after what felt like 30 minutes you finally got off the shower and while you were drying your body off you found a fresh set of pyjamas on the counter. hyunjin probably placed it there while you were showering and you didn’t realise. you smiled at the thought of him still taking care of you though you just shouted at his mother for god’s sake. he has all the rights to be mad at you now. which then makes you feel like shit even more.
stepping out the bathroom you were met with hyunjin already in his pyjamas and was on his phone. at the sight of you, he placed his phone on his bedside table and patted the space on the bed next to him.
you obliged and laid down on the spot next to him. he then wrapped his arms around your body and out of instinct you snuggled towards him. it was silence for a moment till you spoke up.
“I'm sorry hyunjin. I shouldn’ve raised at your mother like that I was being disrespectful,” you whispered, voice cracking as you felt your eyes started to brim into tears again.
“baby don’t apologise okay? she took it too far and I should be the one to say sorry since I forced you,” he said now feeling apologetic.
you shook your head and snuggled more into him. “it’s okay hyunjinnie, can we sleep now? we’ll talk about this in the morning,” you said.
you could feel him nodding and he pressed a kiss on your head.
“know that I will love you forever and I won’t even leave you,” he said one last time before drifting off to sleep.
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Can I request something for mean daddy Roman? He went with you while you were helping Peter pick clothes for a date and He's mad because you called Peter cute even though it was a platonic gesture.
(A/N): Hello there, lovely!
I just… had a small heartattack once I read this ask, because… BITCH MEAN JEALOUS DADDY! ROMAN IS MY THING (I hate jealous boys, like if I ever ended up with a possessive boy… boy bye, but I can make an exception for Roman, he is my.. exception, excuse me while i cry because… he isn’t real).
(Santa Claus can I get him in my stocking? You can save on the clothes).
But seriously, thank you sweetie and sorry for taking so long (I also changed it a bit, because I had an idea for it, I hope you won’t mind, but if you do mind it, let me know and I’ll rewrite the ask!).
WARNINGS: Daddy! Roman (Slight Mention of DDLG relationship/Dom-Sub Dynamic), Choking and Slapping, Oral Sex (Male Receiving), Unprotected (Mirror) Sex (please stay safe… get those condoms and don’t pop children and STDs!), Rougher Than Usual.
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Your relationship with Peter, unlike the one you had held with Roman, went back on older grounds.
When he had first come in town, you had been one of his first friends, mostly because you came from the same social class, hence you had many more things in common with him than with Roman, who you low key hated not only for the arrogance he constantly showed, but also because your father had been unemployed from the White House.
You had also slowly matured a crush towards Peter, although you were well-aware (or at least you were now) that you would never have a chance, as long as Letha was around.
Still you had managed, back in the time, to go on a date with Peter…
… for which you had been stood up for Letha.
You still remembered trying to call Peter, the phone finally him picking up just to release tiny and breathy moans and you had just ended the call rather quickly, waiting, in an extremely ‘emo’ way (you had to admit it) outside your house, meanwhile it poured rain outside.
And in that atmosphere, you had spotted Roman, looking around dazed and confused.
By that time, your relationship with the Godfrey brat had grown closer, although you would keep on using a façade of sarcasm and irritation, whenever you had to talk with him.
But you hadn’t been simply able to actually let him just drench himself.
You had rushed into the rain, well aware that you were also getting pretty drenched, pushing the boy for his shirt inside your house.
‘What the fuck were you doing here, idiot?’ you had asked, meanwhile you had disrobed quickly the catatonic Roman, who just looked like he had gone through some pretty rather heavy shit and made you question whether the coke had (finally) gone to his head.
“… I… Letha… Peter…” he mumbled, although his eyes wouldn’t still focus and didn’t follow the movements of your fingers, making you actually wonder if the hospital should be involved, but chose to avoid it because there was a light shade of sadness in Roman’s eyes, that couldn’t be cured with any medicine.
‘They kind of fucked us over’ you mumbled, pushing a rather fluffy towel through Roman’s hair, meanwhile he just pushed his head onto your chest, kind of trying to get comforted “What if we screw them over’
That phrase got something to act into Roman’s face, and before you knew it, he had gotten himself out of his catatonic state, looking up at you, a new emotion in his beautiful changing eyes: attraction.
Chills went down your spine, but they weren’t unpleasant, and you hadn’t felt anything like that since ever…
… and maybe it was the burning rejection you had received by Peter and the slight brewing attraction you had started feeling towards Roman, definitely something to do with the duality of hate and love.
You ended up in bed together that night and that had started a long story of hook-ups which benefitted you and Roman.
But you were pretty sure that simple ‘hook-ups’ didn’t stay in each other’s bed even the morning and that they got breakfast in there (you usually did it, since Roman would just collect something that could be eaten on the go or get some maid or butler to get something for you both).
After Letha’s death and Peter’s disappearing (with whom you had stayed as a friend, even through he teased you about your ‘relationship’ with Roman, saying ‘it wouldn’t last the summer’) you had been the only one who had stood there for Roman and even though he had pushed and pulled onto the link you had together… you had eventually grown into a semi-healthy relationship.
It wasn’t sex anymore, but Roman still hadn’t said those three words.
Not that you were expecting it to happen, mostly when he would look at you like the entire world for him ended and began with you and Nadia.
Your friendship with Peter had, also, resisted the distance and, although Roman hadn’t been happy of his return in city (you knew all too well that he didn’t know how to feel about Peter possibly meeting Nadia), you had immediately welcomed him back with open arms.
What you didn’t understand and couldn’t know was Roman��s jealousy towards your friendship.
He had had a crush on you since the moment you had joined their group, although he hadn’t acted up onto it: you were the only girl who treated him like he was less than the shit under her sneakers and he couldn’t help but find you beautiful with your sweet determinations and concealed gentleness.
You had never seemed to want him.
He knew all too well of your past crush onto Peter and he couldn’t help but be jealous of the way your relationship had started and processed: it was lighthearted and gentle, soft and pretty full of laughs, meanwhile yours with Roman was heavy and many times it was more an off-relationship, than an actual one.
(It was his fault most of the time but…).
So, he didn’t like you hanging out with Peter, since his return.
‘He abandoned us when we fucking needed him, how can you forgive him so easily?’ he had snarked out at you at dinner the previous night, when you had suggested helping out Peter with his mother’s bail.
‘He had his own things to deal with…’ you had tried to reply, meanwhile you had raised your glass of red wine to your lips, barely able to wet them with it, before Roman stormed out of the dining room, screaming:
‘We fucking had our own things to deal with, too!’.
Still Roman’s bad mood hadn’t stopped you form trying to hang out with Peter, like that day, when you had taken him into one of the stores that sold Roman’s expensive suits, to get him one to wear in court for his mother’s case.
The clerks had been pretty amicable, although they had looked at you with a shred of suspect, and you had had to explain that the shaggy man beside you was a friend of your family, needing a suit for an important business event.
And when you had gotten out your own credit card they hadn’t spoken anymore, preferring to take Peter’s measurements than to actually discuss you, the futurde Mrs. Godfrey according to anyone.
You just sipped champagne, meanwhile you and Peter judge badly the uncomfortableness of each jacket, passing a rather entertaining evening, before you both went to different roads, you deciding to shop a bit more, meanwhile Peter went back to Destiny’s apartment, thanking you for the little break from the heavy life he was going through.
“Ahhh, Petie you are my best friend, you can always come to me when you need it” you said, meanwhile hugging him tightly, and he smirked in your shoulder.
“Won’t Roman be pissed?” he asked, jokingly, getting a rather unamused smirk from you.
“Since when do I let Roman boss me around?”.
That night you had come home rather early, sending home the entire staff, thinking that cooking might help you a bit, alongside wanting to cherish ‘the asshole of your life’, before you checked onto Nadia, who was sleeping peacefully and softly stirred in her sleep, just to cuddled into your hand.
When you were descending the stairs, you felt the door open and went to welcome your lover, just to be welcomed by a disgruntled expression and tight lips that didn’t speak for the entire dinner, something which made the entire experienced rather awkward, but you knew better than to confront Roman on his childish behavior.
Your day had been rather peaceful, and you didn’t want to ruin it because Roman had a ‘lover spat’ with Doctor Pryce.
You waited for him to talk to you, meanwhile you were getting ready with all your lotions and treatments, meanwhile Roman turned around, trying to focus his attention on a dossier he was examining, but his eyes kept shifting on you.
“My day was good, thank you for asking” you mumbled as you started brushing your hair, not trying to turn to face him “… I am glad to hear yours was nice, too, goodnight to also you, Roman”.
“My day wasn’t actually nice, and you know why?” Roman’s eyes were staring into you from the mirror “… because my pretty girlfriend, the only one for me, decided to ditch off with my ex-best friend, who I told her to avoid”.
“Since when are you the one who decides who I can hang out with?” you retorted, pushing your hair in a loose braid, perfect for sleeping, meanwhile you simply brushed a bit of your lavender oil onto your neck, since it always seemed to relax you “It isn’t like I do that with you”.
“Oh, then you will be ecstatic to know that I’ll invite Bella at lunch tomorrow”.
He knew exactly where to hit you, that vicious piece of shit.
It wasn’t a secret that you disliked his secretary Bella: she was a pretty thing, who didn’t mind flirting with Roman like he hadn’t a girlfriend and she was definitely different from Peter, who knew you were with Roman and wouldn’t try a move on you.
You just shut up, not wanting to fight with an obviously annoyed Roman till he knocked some sense in himself, but when you turned around to get to bed, you found him next to your mirror, looking at you so intensively that you knew this wouldn’t be over soon.
“… would you like if Bella came to lunch, with your daddy, little girl?” he pointed each words with such a tight tone that you knew exactly what he was doing, only heightened by the way he pushed his grip onto your chin to make you look up at him.
“You are a fucking moron” you spitted out, exiting the grip, and moving to turn around, but this time Roman reached out for your neck, gripping it softly, but firmly and you knew that your words had hit the mark.
“… such a bad word for such a little girl” he mumbled his tone having softened relatively but this didn’t mean it wasn’t threatening anymore “… maybe this is the reason why I like Bella more than you”.
You reached out a hand in the front of his pants, and although you knew you would be punished because he hadn’t given you the permission, you cupped his bulge through the loose sweatpants he went to sleep in.
“… could Bella make you feel so good, daddy?” you shot back, before your hands gripped him tighter, following the outline of the bulge with your palm, before you pushed yourself to lick a little strip over his pants “… could she, daddy?”.
Roman honestly looked like he was already losing your mind and you smirked at him.
But then Roman’s hold tightened, effectively stealing your breath and you already knew that there would be a light sign of his hand on your neck, tomorrow.
“Since when are you the one who asks questions, little whore?” he asked you, your eyes meeting perfectly “… are you this talkative with Peter?”.
“Why don’t you ask him?” you almost expected the slap hat followed your brattish comment.
It wasn’t mean to hurt you, it was more meant to sting your face to bring you to focus definitely onto Roman, who sent you a rather harsh look, although you realized that he was simply toying with you.
“Stop fucking talking back to me” he pointed out each word and made you back down into the mirror “… I wanted to be nice with you, but you don’t leave me no choice”.
And he pushed up your chin with his index and thumb, tilting it lightly up so that you could look at his face, and more importantly his disappointed eyes.
You didn’t talk, knowing that your little stunt had pushed you too far and had you tried to talk back more, it wouldn’t have gone to your favor.
Roman seemed to appreciate your control onto your biting lips, gently slipping a hand to caress your stinging face, before his finger gently traced the outline of your lips.
“This is better, but I think that you now need to earn your forgiveness, little one” he gently suggested, caressing your hair, meanwhile he used them to move you closer to his bulge till your face was smashed, almost uncomfortably against it “… what do you say, when this happens, sweetheart?”.
“I am sorry, daddy” you mumbled, meanwhile your hands went obediently behind your back, Roman smirking at that sight, meanwhile he eased his sweatpants, showing that he hadn’t worn his boxers and you soon were face to face with manhood “… let me make it up to you”.
Roman smirked and allowed himself into your mouth, letting you play your game with languid strokes of your tongue and your lips gently teasing him with kisses, but he had soon enough and he pushed you by the hair to choke onto his cock.
You had just the time to relax your throat before Roman set up a maddening pace and you were just able to cover your teeth with your lips, trying to gain some balance with your upper body, meanwhile Roman did his bidding, using in your mouth in a shameless way.
He pushed your head up so that your glossy eyes could meet his, smirking at you, pleasure coursing through him thanks to your expert gestures, and soon his eyes closed giving in to pleasure and much more violent thrusts, although the rhythm slowed, but it didn’t mean that you were allowed to breath more.
Roman didn’t warn you when he came, although you felt it as your mouth fell onto his balls, teasing them to get a breather from the ruthless rhythms of his hips, finding them tight and hard, and just the right amount of pressure onto his slit was enough for him to let go.
Your mouth was soon full of salty taste and some even dribbled out of your mouth as Roman relieved yourself of the heavy weight of his cock, still hard, although he had cum already.
He didn’t even bother to clean his seed from your lips, and just turned you around, making sure you were watching the mirror, as he slipped into you pushing the nightgown to your waist and pulling your panties to the side, some kind of animal urgency to have you, shining in his eyes.
It was a bit painful at first, although you were sinfully wet for having worshipped your lover on your knees, because of the sudden thrust Roman delved into you, hitting further than he usually did, wanting to leave a mark with the way he stretched you.
“Fucking tight like a little virgin…” he mumbled onto your ear, onto which he lowered, making you feel the unnatural coldness of his chest , his short hair lightly tickling your shoulder, meanwhile an hand came to your chest kneading roughly your breasts “… I am so fucking lucky to have a cunt like that… am I not, princess?”.
You just nodded, pleasure finally overcoming you, as Roman’s thrust became more settled and organized, hitting that point inside you, meanwhile his rough hands over the silky material of your expensive nightgown made thrills appear onto your back.
“… and aren’t you lucky to have a cock that fills you up so good” he shot back, pointing each word with a sharp thrust, making you almost bump into the mirror, hadn’t his hold onto your waist been that strong to stop you “… aren’t you, little one?”.
He obviously wanted an answer and hadn’t you been well aware that you had already broken every rules, you would have sassed him out, but some part of you honestly thought that you just couldn’t resist him anymore, mostly when he was doing it almost reassured his position in your life.
“Fucking lucky, daddy” you mumbled in high pitched moan, opening your eyes to the beautiful image of your bodies entwined together, your mouth opened in a moan of ecstasy, meanwhile Roman was looking darkly at your body and before you knew it…
… you were lost, in your own little climax, closing momentarily your eyes, till you felt suddenly Roman’s cold skin, completely against your back, making you both lose your balance, tumbling down off your mirror drawer, both of you laughing as soon as you realized the absurdity of the situation.
“We are too old for this” you mumbled, meanwhile he pushed himself out of you, making you moan softly, his semen exiting you and slightly coating both your stomach and legs.
“… absolutely” he retorted, helping you up, settling your body in a more comfortable position “…shit we certainly don’t have the energy anymore”.
You just sent him a look as if to say ‘you just had me suck you off and then fucked me onto my mirror drawer, so shut the fuck up, you old man, you fucking still got it’ and he simply smirked, gently wiping away some your mixed juices from your thighs, tasting it from his fingers.
You simply moaned due to your sensitivity and this unlocked something in him, finally realizing that he might have overreacted a bit, gently pushing you into his arms, meanwhile he laid you softly onto the bed, letting you out of your clothes, before he moved to collect something to clean you up.
And once he was done comforting and cleaning your body, peppering it jokingly and much more softly with kisses, he finally slipped you in your most comfortable pajamas.
When you were settled, he gently cuddled next to you, smirking softly and blowing a gentle kiss onto your forehead
“I am sorry for being jealous of Peter, it’s just…” you gently turned to him, bringing him in a soft kiss, the first of the night, before you grabbed with enough force his face to make him grimace.
“… just settle your problems with him” you mumbled, before your lips lingered over his, in a teasing matter that got him almost a kiss, before you turned around, smirking sassily “… goodnight, daddy!”
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Prompt - You wouldn't mind if we get a continuation about Amy ( but born as a boy) would you? Cause I want more of Amil's interactions with the other characters ( if it's different from Amy's relationship with them )
(x)  <-- prompt referencing this.
I don't mind being asked about continuations at all! :D They're fun!
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All are fun, but not all are welcome so if you, dear reader, wish to submit a prompt please look over general rules for the blog and limit how many prompts you send in to 3 per person and let others have a go! If this is one of your 3, please wait till your other 2 are done! Thank you! :Db
 Commissions are closed! If you're not on the list, you'll have to wait for next time :)b
Prompt: (AU)
It wasn't long until Amil started acting strange again. He rushed around, doing chores, cleaning, and cooking for the gang. He found nothing wrong with a man doing some work for his homies, especially when his friends all had different styles when it came to house upkeep.
"Amil... I told you! I'll get to the dishes tomorrow..." Tails, with his hands up in hopes to convince Amil to take it easy by his sink, slowly lowered them in thanks as Amil shook his head vigorously.
"No can do, buddy!" Amil sparked with life, doing nothing half-heartedly. "You've been working hard on that new X-Tornado upgrade, right? Still thinking of the classic blue, steel grey, and yellow?"
"A-actually, I was thinking about using some red a bit too." Tails stepped back and leaned on his toes a bit, "Geez, Amil, you really know how to do these things awful well." Putting his hands behind his back, he sweetly watched Amil clean and then curiously looked up at him. "Why do you care so much about it?"
Amil shrugged, "I don't know... I... I like to keep things nice. Not that you do a bad job or anything!" he immediately quieted any fears of judgement Tails may make on that comment, gesturing his hand back to stop the misunderstanding in case it took place. "I just mean that a happy looking home makes for a happy pair of shoes!" he mused, "Isn't that the saying?"
Tails laughed, "Not any that I’ve heard! But if it means that much to you, then I'll gladly let you help me out!" he swayed his tails. "Oh, that reminds me. You used to talk about girls and stuff a lot, have you finally found one?" he put his finger a bit close to his mouth.
Amil fumbled slightly with a dish, but gently caught it's slippery surface and sighed in relief. "W-what makes you say that, Tails..?" He looked away, a bit flustered.
"Well..." Tails turned away a moment, "You've just been really quiet lately about it... we all know you get lonely for companionship kinda fast... so I thought maybe you had found someone. Does this mean you'll get married and leave us behind to deal with Eggman and we'll have to save the world without you?" He turned back and tilted his head towards Amil, but Amil squirted the sink's expandable hose at his face, so he wouldn't see his jumbled expression.
It extended at just the right length, and Tails bubbled through the water before pulling back, moving his hands out to try and blindly look for a towel to dry his face off.
"That's none of anyone's concern, Tails." He handed him the towel he was searching for, as Tails gave an open-smile at feeling it and rubbed off his face. "Besides... I may not get married..." Amil's heart slightly twinged at admitting it. "I just don't think I'll find anyone... and besides, what would you, Knuckles, and Sonic do without me!" He smiled warmly at the thought of spending his life with a team who all cared about each other, but Tails just peeked his head out from the small hand-towel he was using.
"Ohh..? That's kinda good, cause that means you can do my dishes forever now, right?" He grinned but Amil reached behind him and grabbed his head into a noogie, using the sponge to grind into his head.
"Now, let's get those naughty thoughts cleaned out of your head, eh?" He joked, as Tails struggled and tapped his tails against his back. "Uncle, uncle!!" Tails cried out and so Amil let him go.
Tails rose up into the air, smirking at an idea as Amil went to scold him, his guard completely down...
"Now Tails, it's rude to try and peer into someone else's love life-AHHH!!!" Amil's head was shoved into the soapy water as Tails laughed, sitting on his shoulders and kicking his legs out before jumping off and dashing away.
"Says the guy who's still dreaming about a harem and kids!" Tails stretched the sides of his cheeks out, wiggling his tongue mockingly towards Amil for him to chase him.
"Grr..! IT'S NOT A HAREM! They're too hard to handle and you can't please everyone and I hate being a bad guy!" he quickly spoke this out as his fists shook and he quickly wiped his face off with the same hand-towel Tails had tossed. He summoned his hammer and charged after Tails, grinning at the friendly spar with his figurative brother figure.
After roughhousing and laughing so much, Tails and Amil rolled into a batch of flowers, laughing and laughing until Tails finally looked up into the sky.
His eyes twinkled a moment, and then he placed his hands on his stomach, "You know... I don't mind talking about girls so much anymore..."
Amil slowly stopped laughing, turning in confusion to look at Tails, before his heart softened at what the fox boy was saying.
Tails's expression turned gentle and sincere, looking from the sky back down to his home. "...I know Sonic isn't the best to talk about it with but... I don't mind." He leaned his head up to look at Amil, inviting him to share his feelings.
Amil was more than thankful for the offer, and turned to swoop his arm up over his eyes and bask a moment in the sunny day. He sighed, "I still want a family..."
"...But?" Tails raised his eyebrows, smiling sweetly to encourage Amil on.
"...But." He flopped the arm down.
"Oh... You took that 'don't leave us', kinda seriously... huh?" Tails felt a bit bad, but Amil looked down and rose his torso up, scruffing up Tails's head and ruffling his hair there, making the 10-year old laugh.
"It's okay, buddy! Besides,... there probably isn't a perfect girl out there for me anyway..." Amil felt a sorrow pass through him, but it slowly trinkled off and he was fine again.
But Tails saw it... he got up too, hitting his chest, "You will. If any of us have love in our future, it's gotta be you, for sure." He nodded and turned back to the sky, "Have you wished on stars yet?" He joked, and Amil knew he didn't actually believe in that.
"Don't tease me." Amil hit his shoulder and Tails laughed. But he had tried Tarot Reading... At least, by what he deemed an expert, but all they said was that the future is littered with possibilities.
But the wait seemed never-ending...
"Hey, if I meet a girl... will you let me talk to you about it?"
It was something that meant more to Amil than Tails knew.
"Of course." His eyes shone and glistened with sea hitting the cliff-side of where Tails's home was stationed, and off in the distance--was Angel Island.
The wind beat fast as Tails flew Amil over to the Master Emerald, letting him fall from his arms as he landed in a very agile and loose-manner. Amil was pretty good acrobatically, he could have been a real contender for the olympic gymnastic games, but would only join if Sonic was going.
"Thanks, Tails!" Amil waved his friend off, and then headed towards Knuckles, "Guard duty! Shift's up!" Amil clapped to wake up Knuckles, who had a few butterflies resting on him as his stomach moved slightly up and down, but so gentle that the local wildlife had curled up next to him or landed to rest on him.
They all looked up from their nap and took off with Amil's clapping, and Knuckles blinked his eyes a few times before looking down at Amil. "Eh, you're early." Knuckles yawned. "I thought training wasn't until the weekend?"
"Week days, but I can see your confusion." Amil placed his hands on his hips, but a little chao reached up and pulled on his boot's socks. "Huh? Aww..." He took a knee and petted the sweet chao as it wanted, its little pudgy arms pushing together and turning to the side as a heart morphed from the yellow ball on its head. "And besides, we don't have to train today. We can just talk too. Haha." he was instantly charmed as the chao flew up and clasped his face, rubbing its head against his.
Little animated hearts flew around Amil as he had a soft spot for cute and adorable things, and put his hands up to cradle the chao in his arms and rubbed his head lightly back against his own.
While Amil was enamored by the cuddly creature, Knuckles groaned, "Oh no. None of that 'romance' stuff!" He strained a bit to get up but finally did so, stretching out some of the kinks that had formed from sleeping with his neck and half his back up against the Master Emerald.
"That's all you ever talk about!"
Amil looked up from the cuddles with the cute chao, wiggling his fingers to tickle his belly as he held it giggling in his hand, before turning back to Knuckles, "Huh?"
"You're not even paying attention..." Knuckles sweatdropped, seeing him playing with the many chao that began to form around him, desperate for the attention that none of the other members so freely gave in such large quantities. "But they sure do love ya." Knuckles breathed out from his nose, as though glad to see that his tough, strong friend was as gentle and sweet in his heart towards all things as he should be.
Amil gave love to each and everyone of the chao, "I just love... loving! Is all." He also seemed a bit ashamed to say that, but Knuckles shook his head.
"Nah, a man should love. That's how he knows who to protect, and what's worth fighting for." Knuckles put his gloved fists to his hips, before leaning forward and then back to wink a sign of approval to Amil.
"...Thank you." Amil stared gratefully at Knuckles.
"Eh, don't sweat it. Let's toughen up those muscles so your heart can beat just as fierce as those emotions of yours!" Knuckles slammed a fist into his open hand, which shook Amil.
"R-really? I thought I could play with the chao a little more while you woke up a bit? Y-y-you know, get ready and stuff?" Amil didn't feel like getting sucker punched in the gut or thrown half-way across the island by a fist to the face anymore...
Knuckles's face turned into a wicked sense of pleasure, "Nope, I'm all fired up..." he looked like a beating was coming to Amil...
Amil gulped, getting up and fanning the chao back and away so they wouldn't get hurt. "B-b-but don't you want some food first?! Can't fight on an empty stomach?" he flinched when Knuckles moved forward, smirking widely and making a sound like he was gonna come at him. "I-I'll even cook!" Amil summoned his hammer and prepared to flinch and dodge.
"...You will, huh?" Knuckles pulled back, "Alright! Who wants to punch a sap like you so early in the morning, anyway!?" Knuckles turned away, "Besides," he rubbed his white boxer-glove under his nose. "You're more of a lover than a fighter... Who's the next lucky lady on the list then?" he walked back over to the Master Emerald, rubbing it to get some dust off that the wind had blown on it.
"H-huh?" Amil blinked a bit, "Lucky... Lady..?"
"You haven't so much as piped up about a dame in a long time." Knuckles hoisted the Master Emerald up, showing some supreme strength as he shook the rest of the dust off, then gently lowered it back down, and admired it with his hand up by his chin. After a few nods of approval, he looked back to Amil with his arms folded, "Sonic and Tails mentioned it. You haven't been yourself lately, and I haven't heard so much as a utter about the future from you in quite some time. So? Who is she? Any bit cute, this one? Heh heh..." Knuckles sneered, "I bet she has six toes to be interested in a lovesick loser like you, hahaha!" he joked, but Amil just frowned in annoyance.
"That's it!" he charged at him, and the two tuffed it out for a while.
Knuckles threw him down the hill, jumping to slide down it himself as Amil tumbled harshly down it's surface. Flying down the rocky terrain, Knuckles raised an eyebrow to Amil, "Huh, she's that cute that you won't even tell your friends about HHEERRR!!" he shoved a fist into the ground to disrupt the falling, but as Amil rose into the air, he quickly smiled back to Knuckles.
"No girl! No love interest!" he curled up and shot into Knuckles.
Ricocheting off, Knuckles seemed a bit confused and worried, surprised he would even say that. "Really? Ha, ho, ha. No one?" he kept hitting back up against the cliff as he slid down before he reached back and braced himself against a tree. "Hrrr... Then why the sudden shift?" Knuckles seemed to be asking the same questions Tails had.
Amil uncurled and went in for a swing of his hammer, "And how about Rouge, huuuhh!??!!"
Knuckles flinched in a blush, grabbing his hammer with both hands and having a ripple effect through the air between them at the amount of power they both possessed.
"Grr... I hate that stinkin' Bat Girl!" he was losing the straining battle... and Amil pushed down even harder, gaining his center back.
"If that was the case, then why do you let her try and steal the Master Emerald from under your nose?" he cooed, tauntingly.
"RAAHHH, THAT'S NEVER ON PURPOSE!" Knuckles found his hidden strength reserve and shoved Amil off and to the ground.
Amil back-flipped and got up for more, "Now who's talkin'?" Amil looked finally back into the right attitude.
Knuckles jumped high into the air to come down on him too, and now, Amil was the one struggling with his full force slamming against his hammer.
"Get your stance up to date!" Knuckles instructed.
"I'm trying to work up the nerve to ask girls first!" Amil teased, and threw him off.
Knuckles skidded against the ground, squinting one eye shut with a proud smile. "Not bad... looks like you haven't given up on love quite yet." He got back up, dusting himself off. "Well, if you've got what it takes, be a man and show me how'd you fight and protect a girl!" he got ready for more, urging Amil on.
Amil got into a fighting stance, "I'm just warming up... but as long as I have all of you with me... I'll never be lonely... and I won't feel the need for one." He ducked his head into the pose and swung his hammer as far back as possible.
Knuckles continued his proud smile, but looked up more in respect to his friend.
'That's right... Sonic can be my hero.' He closed his eyes a moment, 'Tails can be my brother... and Knuckles, my dear friend and teacher. We're all loved. I just need to see it more in the people around me.' he opened his eyes again, "I'll never give up..!" He took one amazingly fast and powerful step forward to Knuckles, then another as he scaled the distance between them in seconds. "I've found my family!!!" He pulled his hammer from being so tightly and fully swung back around him that when it was released, jammed into Knuckles's defending arm, making him wince in the pain before flinging him back.
"Gah!" he was continually hammered into trees that snapped in half, as Amil finally stopped and pulled out some bandages, suddenly turning sweet and cute again.
"Would you like the mint-flavored or the lollipop-flavored?" He teased, blinking innocently like a male nurse before attending Knuckles as swirls filled his eyes, and then ripped out the bandages and began working without mercy on him.
"Ye-ow! Ahh! Heeeyyy!!! Oph!" Knuckles snapped out of it and protested, but Amil shoved the minty gummy into his mouth and he piped down and chewed... subdued.
(I hope you like how I pictured a male Amy! and how I gave Amil a sequel! ;)b I hope to do a fanfiction about the Sonic team finding a genderbent world! So we'll see~ Amil is precious though XD I love him!)
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caroline18mars · 5 years
A Man On Fire - Chapter 62
By the time she got to the huge brownstone, the snow had covered the city with a fluffy white blanket, she paid the cabdriver and pushed open the door, oh good those beautiful high heels will be ruined by the time I'm inside, but then she noticed a guy with an umbrella walking up to her and the red carpet that was rolled out over the piece of pavement leading up to the door, life was amazing when you were rich, right?. “Hello Miss, my name is Derek” he held out his hand to her so she could get out of the cab elegantly, making sure no snowflake were to bother her or her couture, “thank you Derek” she gave him a big smile as she gratefully accepted his hand. He walked her to the entrance where the warmth and the noise greeted her, “can I take your coat? I just need to check your name on the list” another man walked up to her, “of course yes” she shrugged off her coat and walked with him to his little desk “Harper De Robiano d'Arcy” she softly said her name while his pen looked for her name. “Ah, Miss De Robiano d'Arcy” he ticked the box next to her name “dinner is served in an hour, so you can go get yourself a glass of champagne right here in the hall, enjoy” he invited her to join the others. When she turned to go she caught a glimpse of herself in one of the many mirrors, her red dress hugging her upperbody where it wavered out from the waist down into a huge, million layered skirt, her long hair dancing on her back, she looked so much better than she felt, ok Harper, come on, go in and mingle, you can always go home if you don't like it but give it a try. Clutching her purse, she straightened her back and took the plunge, stop staring at me, oh my god, how awkward is this when animated conversations stop as you walk into a crowded room. “Ahhh, Miss De Robiano” there he was, the art pope of New York himself walking up to her with open arms and eyes that lit up like the many christmas trees around the room, he took her hand and kissed it “Mr. McVey, how lovely to meet you, it's an honour to be invited to your christmas party, thank you for the invitation” this was one of the times a certain diplomates upbringing paid off, “I'm so glad you are here, the honour and the pleasure is all mine, I'm a huge fan of your work, Miss De Robiano” he shook hers with both hands. “Please call me Harper” the noise around her died down a bit when she spoke, “Harper” her name dripped like honey from his lips “care to join me, I want to introduce you to some people” as he handed her a glass of champagne.
”Mr. Leto, welcome” the guy at the entrance welcomed Jared “always a pleasure to have you with us”, Jared handed him his coat and gave him a friendly nod back, “have a lovely time and I'm right here if you need anything” he walked a few steps to the hall with him. “Thank you David, merry Christmas” he quickly pushed a few dollar bills in his hand before he turned and stepped inside the huge and beautifully decorated hallway “Jared you're here” he was instantly greeted by a few people but Charles was nowhere to be seen. “The demand is really high at the moment, so if you would allow us to expose your work, I'm sure we can sell 85-90% of it, you have the monopoly to decide on the price, exceptionally I'm willing to drop our percentage to as low as 10%, I'm gonna be honest with you and I know it's really bad negotiating from my side but I just want to be the first gallery to ever expose your work”, Harper couldn't believe what she was hearing, this was not talking business, this was the biggest art gallery offering it to her on a silver platter. “Charles..it's..I don't know what to say” Harper stammered, her heart racing, this was her big break, “just say yes and make my Christmas the best I've had in years” he smiled that huge, warm smile of his. Harper swallowed hard and nodded “yes, I'll do it”, Charles made a small victory pump with his arm before he pulled her in for a hug, “fantastic, let's talk numbers over dinner in a few days, do you think you can have about 20 items ready by January?”. Still overthrown by the offer she nodded “of course” while she did a little count in her head, yeah she had 20 but were they all up to scratch?, “we need to celebrate” Charles danced away from her and told the waiter to open his biggest and most expensive bottle of champagne, five minutes later he raised his glass to her “here's to you Harper, thank you for making one of my dreams come true”.
Nag nag, blah blah, I'm actually done with all this small talk, maybe I should go back to the hotel, these kind of parties is not who I am anymore..Jared excused himself from the group he had been standing with for a while and made his way to the bathroom. I can't do this anymore, when will this pain stop? Will it ever? Where was she and what was she doing? It was the only question that had been dancing around his mind for over a month now. He let the warm water cascade over his hands while the phone in his pocket bleeped, everyone constantly wanted something from him, yes it was his birthday the day after tomorrow and no he didn't want to do anything special, why couldn't they just get that through their thick skulls?. He dried his hands, straightened his jacket and walked out again but on his way to the bar he stopped in his tracks as he watched Charles walk down the stairs with a woman in a stunning red dress on his arm. Charles gestured at him to come over before he was swallowed by the crowd again, ok well at least it's someone who actually has something to say so he made his way to the stairs “there you are!” Charles walked up to him and gave him a man hug “I've got a surprise for you” he stepped back to take the woman's hand and gently pulled her forward. Too shocked to say anything, Harper pulled back and started walking away, no this was not happening, Jared gasped..it was..OMG..and went in immediate pursuit after her, don't walk away from me, have you any idea how long I've been hoping to see you again?. Rushing into the empty entrance hall the calling of her name made her stop in her tracks, “HARPER!” and he caught up with her, it felt like she was struck by lightning “no Jared” she heaved “NO”. Before she could walk out the door, the guy from the cloackroom came rushing up to her “Miss De Robiano d'Arcy, it's snowing really hard outside, at least take your coat to protect your beautiful dress” he handed her coat to her. “Harper, don't leave, please” Jared was as dumbstruck as she was but he realized this was his window but then she narrowed it again by walking out, putting on her coat she nearly lost her footing in the snow and his hand instinctively folded around her elbow. “I said LET GO” she hissed as she yanked herself free, her hand instantly fishing around her purse for a cigarette, she couldn't go anywhere with this snow and she needed to calm down, so she lit up and inhaled the smoke deeply with her eyes closed. Jared didn't say anything, he just stared at her, completely shocked but over the moon that she was standing here next to him, just to be in her presence again was all that mattered, “It's..so good to see you..” he stammered while Derek handed him an umbrella.
She just smoked her cigarette, ignoring him completely but he could see the storm brewing in her head, “when I saw it was you, I..” he whispered, “just shut it, ok Jared? Once a liar always a liar, you planned this whole thing didn't you? You just can't respect my wishes can you?” she spat at him. “Harper..I..I know you don't believe me but I didn't know you were here, honestly..” he was interrupted by Derek stepping out again “I'm sorry to interrupt but dinner is about to be served..” he gestured at them to come back in again, shit what was she to do? There was nothing else she could do then follow him back inside, they were snowed in anyway. The minute she stepped inside, Charles came walking up to them “there you are, I wondered where you went, is everything ok?” she could see Jared stare at his shoes while she was helped out of her coat, “Ohhh..but I thought you two are a couple..was I mistaken?” Fuck, so Jared actually told the truth. “It looks like you two need to talk..you'll both be sitting at my table so you can talk things, whatever they are, through in all privacy, you two belong together, even a blind man can see that” he gave them both an awkard smile and gestured at them to follow him to his table. Jared went into 'gentleman' mode by pulling her chair back but she could care less right now and didn't even look at him as she sat down, this was gonna be a long night. He sat down next to her, Charles was right, the round table gave them privacy enough, the other guests only had eyes for their host anyway, god her scent was intoxicating, girl if you only knew how much I missed you and how you're making me feel right now even if you won't talk to me or give me the light of day. “How you been?” oh for fuck's sakes Jared, can you really think of nothing else to say? Then again was there anything anyone could say to defuse the tense situation between them right now?. “Ladies and gentlemen, friends..” Charles stood up and adressed the room for his speech while Harper just stared blankly ahead lost in her thoughts.
The first course was served and in the process of picking up their knife and fork, the back of their hands touched and it felt like a bolt of pure electricity coursed through their bodies, Harper acted like nothing happened and nervously started cutting her salad. “I missed you Harper” he tried his luck against all odds, he had to, “How you been? I missed you? Is that all you can say? How I've been is none of your business, it stopped being your business when you decided to fuck that girl..she not with you, what happened, you cheated on her too? Or has she been replaced already as well?” the first blow was dealt. “No..I'm not with anyone and I don't know where she is and I don't care, it was a mistake I told you, and that's no excuse..” he put his fork down and looked at her but she refused to look at him and kept staring at her food. “I was a bloody mess when you left..I still am, there's no day that goes by that you're not on my mind, morning, noon and night..I know you won't forgive me and there's nothing I say that will change your mind..but my heart, every little piece of my body screams your name, Harper..I will do whatever it takes to make you see that I really mean this..I can deal with your anger, it's your silence that is tearing me apart” he knew he wasn't making any sense but it was right there on the tip of his tongue, everything from the past month or more just came rolling out. The tear that plopped down on her napkin destroyed him “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry..” he wanted to put his hand on her back but he decided not to when she whispered “what's done is done, Jared..” she quickly wiped her eyes, her tears were nobody's business but her's. “Ok, so you want me to put my cards on the table? Fine! I've been feeling like you punched my lights out, I cried for weeks on end, so when I stopped crying I found my solace in my painting, I'm functioning, nothing more nothing less..” she still refused to look at him, if she did then she would break down completely. Just the fact that she was actually talking to him had him gasping for air “I'm glad..I'm glad you're functioning, it's more than I can say..I probably shouldn't be saying this but you look..breathtaking..and it makes me realize all the more what I've lost..you look absolutely and breathtakingly beautiful” he breathed. Harper took a deep breath, she couldn't deny that his words touched her, whether they were meant ironically or not “Thank you” she gave a small nod and pushed a fork loaded with salad in her mouth so she wouldn't have to talk, or cry for that matter.
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Hey! I was wondering if you’ve got any good Johnlock recs that focus a bit on soldier!John? I read a lot of your recs where they’re together before John goes to Afghanistan, but I just love BAMF!John!
Hi Lovely!!
Ahhh, I’m glad you enjoy my recs! I’ve not very many Soldier John fics, but let’s see what I got!
See also:
Sherlock’s Military Kink
Alternate First Meetings (Canon-Feeling)
Alternate Professions
Past Sholto / John
BAMF! But Insecure John
Sherlock’s soldier!John Kink is Getting Out of Hand by wendymarlowe (E, 1,247 w. || Secret Crush, Military Kink, Masturbation) – Sherlock’s got a secret kink. And a secret box where he hides his pictures of John in uniform. And a very, very secret crush on his flatmate.
Corn Dog Daddy by inevitably_johnlocked (M, 2,719 || Sherlock POV, Fluff and Crack, Corn Dogs, Fairgrounds, Coming In Pants, Euphemisms, Military Kink, Flirting, Sexy John, BAMF John, Smol Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Humour) – Sherlock and John wind down after a case in a small town at a county fair. Sherlock’s imagination goes awry as John’s sexiness drives him crazy. Also: John knows how to handle a meat stick. Part 2 of I-J’s Tumblr Ficlet Collection
It’s After That Hurts by jonnyluvssherlock (T, 2,791 w. || City of Angels AU || Fantasy, Fallen Angel Sherlock, Soldier John, Pining Sherlock, Friends to Lovers, Permanently Incomplete Fic) – Sherlock’s an angel stuck as a guardian to danger addict John Watson. Everything is fine until he gets too involved. Now he has to make the choice, eternity alone or one life time with a man who may or may not love him.
Straight Shooter by nefariosity (E, 3,249 w. || Est. Rel., Light Dom/Sub, Military Kink, PWP) – Sherlock has a military kink. John indulges him.
The Bee Charmer by dreadpiratewatson (M, 3,314 w. || Est. Rel., Captain / Soldier John, Idiots in Love, Domestics, John in the Army) – Greg goes to 221B to check up on Sherlock after a strange phone call pulls him away from an important case, and is stunned to find himself in front of a gun brandishing soldier with a sleeping Sherlock on his chest. John Watson is a doctor, a war hero, a husband, and the only one in the world who can soften Sherlock’s heart.
Spoils of War by sweetcupncakes (E, 3,563 w. || Bottomlock, Military Kink, Comeplay, Anal) – John brushes his thumb over the gun’s slide, over the rear sight. Sherlock’s mouth feels too wet. He could lick John’s fingers, suck on them, bite down softly on that callus that is a direct result of John’s frequent need to handle the gun at all. Sherlock could do that, John might like it, really. Sherlock has been told his mouth is absolutely lovely.
Uniform by kirakira_nanoda (E, 4,050 w. || Military Kink, Horny Sherlock, PWP) –  John indulges in Sherlock’s military kink. Part 2 of Sherlock’s military kinks
Private Rituals by justacookieofacumberbatch (buffyholic) (E, 4,377 w. || Masturbation, Anal, Light BDSM, Military Kink) – Sherlock has a very specific masturbation ritual, but what would John think of it?
The Prize We Sought Is Won by deathfrisbees (E, 4,610 w. || First Time, Mild D/S, Oral, Military Kink, Bottomlock) – Sherlock’s in love, or in lust, or both–unfortunately, the object of his affections is not only his completely oblivious flatmate, but said flatmate would probably run screaming into the hills should he find out. John’s been invited to a wedding–unfortunately, the groom used to serve under him back in Afghanistan, and requests that John wear a uniform he’s honestly not sure he fits into. Unfortunately for both flatmates, Sherlock’s got a military kink the size of Kandahar and John wants to know if he actually can fit into this uniform or if his eyes are deceiving him. It goes from there.
Winter of Life by You_Light_The_Sky (T, 5,178 w. || Christmas, Fluff & Angst, Magic Realism) – It was an experiment, really. On Christmas, Sherlock wrote to Santa asking for a friend. He got a broken toy soldier instead. This is the story of how he finds him again and again.
5687 (Approximately) by prettysailorsoldier (T, 6,771 w. || Est. Rel., Alternate Canon, Christmas, Pining, Fluff, Soldier John) – When John’s leave request for Christmas is denied, Sherlock is nothing short of devastated, not that he’s letting it show. The holiday season now something he’s just waiting to end, Sherlock doesn’t think anything can possibly make it worse. That is, until he realizes no one in his life believes his army “boyfriend” is even real, but, luckily, everyone is in for a surprise. Part 13 of 25 Days of Johnlock
I Need You To See Me by Mssmithlove (E, 12,625 w. || Angst, Amnesia, Soldier!John) – After going back to war, John is yet again invalided home, this time with a broken ankle and a chunk of his memory missing, unable to recall the last five years he’s spent being Sherlock Holmes’ partner and husband. Part 9 of Happiness Awaits
All the Girls Love a Soldier by Book7BrokeMyBrain (E, 12,951 w. || Military Kink, Frottage, Domesticity, Post S3, Pining Sherlock, Kilt John, Wedding, Dancing, Oral, Romance, ) – John is invited to a stag party and a wedding. The related accoutrement suit Sherlock to a T.
The Nutcracker by Odamaki (T, 13,758 w. || Nutcracker AU ||  Christmas, Dark Magic, Dolls) – Sherlock is unimpressed with Uncle Rudy’s present. A doll? What does he want with a doll?
whiskies neat by Ellipsical (E, 20,660 w. || Alternate First Meeting, POV Second Person Sherlock, Slow Burn, One Night Stand, Rimming, Blow Jobs, Anal, Soldier John, Crying, Emotional Lovemaking, Switchlock) – Home and hearth and whiskies neat, or, alternatively, Sherlock Holmes falls in love.
And A Doctor by StillWaters1 (T, 27,393 w. || Friendship, Doctor John, Whump, Soldier / Doctor Dichotomy, Five and One) – It was only when people actually saw John working as a physician that they began to understand: that it wasn’t just about bullets and IEDs and trauma care under fire. That “doctor” actually covered a pretty wide field. And that John was bloody good at covering ground. 5 times Dr. Watson treated others and 1 time he treated himself.
Guidelines by WithLoweredVoices (M, 43,018 w. || Winglock || Angels, Fantasy, Angst, BAMF! John, War) – The Good Soldier, one of the oldest and strongest of the fallen, is offered a bargain: to live as John Watson and to Guide a fledgling archangel so that he will stay on the path of good. Of course, Sherlock Holmes has different ideas about his destiny. Fantasy AU. Warnings for violence, occasional gore, and a whole load of hurt and angst.
A Week is Just Seven Days Isn’t It? by scifigrl47 (T, 39,906 w. || Humour, Friendship/Bromance, Stroppy/Bored Sherlock, Undercover/Army John, Texting, Pining-ish Sherlock, John Whump) – When John heads overseas for a week, Sherlock’s forced to fend for himself. It goes about as well as anyone could have anticipated. Which is to say, very, very poorly. Don’t worry, things’ll be fine in just seven days.
Bedroom Tales by Junejuly15 (M, 49,950 w. || Friends to Lovers, Through the Years, H/C, Military Kink, First Kiss / Time, Romance, Insecure Sherlock, Voyeurism, Post-TRF, Ficlets, Fluff and Angst, Fix-It Fics) – Bedroom Tales is a collection of John and Sherlock ficlets. They are set at various stages of their relationship and are in no particular order. Some are fluffy, some sexy, some angsty, there is hurt and comfort, romance and love. What unites them is that they all play in a bedroom, but not necessarily the one in 221B.
Two Two One Bravo Baker by abundantlyqueer (E, 114,574 w. || Military AU || Afghanistan, War Story, Thriller, Love Confessions, Mutual Pining) – Captain John Watson of 40 Commando, the Royal Marines, is assigned to protect and assist Sherlock Holmes as he investigates what appears to be a simple war atrocity in Afghanistan. An intense attraction ignites between the two men as they uncover a conspiracy that threatens everything they’ve ever known, but Sherlock is as much hunted as hunter, and everyone close to him is in deadly danger. Can he solve the case in time to save himself and John? Part 1 of Two Two One Bravo Baker Universe
A Box Where I Keep My Love by Aelfay (T, 2,274 w. || DomJohn / SubSherlock, Soldier John) – In the pursuit of a criminal, John agrees to use his dominance to keep things from getting violent. Sherlock suddenly feels his world change gears. Part 1 of the Levels!verse series
Soldier’s Pins by justacookieofacumberbatch (buffyholic) (E, 3,615 w. || Dog Tags, PWP, Porn With Feelings) – Sherlock has developed a habit of wearing John’s dog tags, but what happens if John catches him?
To Be Consoled by 221b_hound (T, 4,770 w. || BAMF John, Doctor John, Graphic Descriptions, Mild PTSD) – An ordinary day is torn to shreds by a bomb blast, and John’s friends are reminded that he’s not just Sherlock’s blogger and assistant: he’s a soldier and a doctor and a leader in his own right. But he’s human, too, like anyone else. Part 28 of the Guitar Man series
we have never seen a greater day than this by Lediona (T, 16,090 +w. || WiP || Royalty Night Out AU || WWII / VE Day, Meet Cute, Prince Sherlock / Soldier John, Alternating POV) – Peace. At long last. It’s VE Day and Prince William desires to join the celebrations. It is a night of excitement, danger and the first flutters of romance.
Dead Letter Office by a_different_equation (M, 20,364 w. || ‘Bartleby’ Fusion / Office Setting AU || Different First Meeting, Epistolary, John’s Blog, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pre-Canon, John Watson is Sherlock’s Boss, PTSD John, Military Backstory, Writer John, Drug Use, Texting) – John Watson comes home from the war, gets a new job and meets Sherlock Holmes through Mike Stamford. Same tale since 1891, except this time it’s 2008, John is Sherlock’s boss, and they work together at the Dead Letter Office in London. It’s not a love story, until it finally is.
A Twist of Fate by cloud_wolfbane (M, 21,103 w. || Omegaverse, Mpreg, Drug Use, Parentlock) – In a cocaine bender Sherlock forgets to take his heat suppressants and spends his heat with a soldier readying for deployment. While he remembers the man’s kindness he does not remember his name. In a move even Sherlock isn’t sure he can deduce, he decides to keep the child. What will he do 10 years later when he meets Dr. John Watson at Barts? Part 1 of the Twist of Fate series
Mad Doc Watson Series by ThetaSigma (G to E, 21,516 w. across 9 works || BAMF!John, Captain Watson, Est. Rel., John’s Past, Sherlock’s Military Kink, Scars, Kidnapping / Hostage Situation) – John Watson is utterly BAMF and basically a goddamn madman. Following are stories of him in Afghanistan and him in London, being the craziest bastard ever (Sherlock is besotted).
The Bravery of the Soldier by bakerstreetgirl (G, 101,703 +w., WIP || BAMF John, John in Afghanistan, PTSD, Post-TRF, Case Fic, Sherlock Cares, Epic Bromance, Platonic Soulmates, Platonics, Flashbacks) – When a news story about a hostage situation in Afghanistan breaks, details about John Watson’s military service come to light that the doctor had kept secret for a long time. Sherlock is intrigued and John manages to surprise the British government. What John needs in light of this story and the PTSD responses it flares up, is a friend. Can Sherlock Holmes step up to the job? Deals mainly with John’s career and military background, plus epic friendship, BAMFness and a little bit of case fic. Part 1 of the Before Baker Street series
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aichu-ojo · 6 years
FANFIC: Running Out of Patience (KBTBB)
“May I get a request about Eisuke and the MC being frisky in bed but the MC takes the lead this time. Thanks.”
- I love Eisuke, honestly, one of my favorite characters of all time in Voltage next to Minato (OTBS), Toma (IR), and Takahisa (RITE). I, personally, do not like the MC’a personality overall but she has a buildable character. Hopefully, this FANFIC feels your desire well and meets standards.
- This story takes place before the wedding and after the Engagement.
Eisuke and I are getting ready to leave for one of his glamour party tonight. I just finished putting on the dress today and honestly, it is has a lot more coverage than most dresses he tells me to wear for these events. It’s a little white dress with white laced sleeves and it makes me think of a wedding dress.
“Eisuke...” He turned his head around and I said with a questionable remark, “This dress isn’t particularly your style...”
“Tonight’s event is a birthday party for the Wife of the Jeweler who we met a while back. She’s lady-like and a women of etiquette.”
He doesn’t seem to happy about the situation but I’m actually really glad that I am wearing something that even I would pick out for myself. Makes me happy that it sort of matches my style a bit.
We soon arrived at the party and as soon as we walked in, the jeweler man walked over and greeted us both.
“Ichinomiya!! Glad you and your fiancé could join us today!”
I looked over at Eisuke and he has his business face on responding with a fake smile, “Thank you for inviting us. I hope your wife is enjoying her birthday party.”
I smiled in response while looking around to see that all the ladies here are dressed sexy a bit. Wondering where the jeweler’s wife was since she was suppose to be lady-like, I start to feel out of place but then all the lights go out and we look over to see a 4 tier cake come out with candles lit on it. We are all singing happy birthday but Eisuke (obviously) who is just standing next to me being quite. A single light shines on the wife and she is wearing a sleeved dress with flowers on it and she was a lady of etiquette. She blew out her candles and everyone cheered.
The party continued and before I knew it, she tapped my shoulder and asked me who I was.
“I am _____. Fiancé of Ichinomiya Eisuke ma’am.”
“THEE Ichinomiya,” she exclaimed.
I didn’t know she felt that ‘way’ about him although I’m not really sure what way at this point. I felt lost so I turned to find that Eisuke was nowhere near me. My eyes started wandering, looking for him.
“Honey, I see you have met _____,” her husband says.
“Are you sure that she is Ichinomiya’s fiancé,” and honestly, I can see why she would ask that. He is pretty much a control freak when it comes to his “belongings” and doesn’t like to negotiate.
I smile with all my heart answering her, “Yes I am.”
Her face lit up like stars and she was so happy, she started giggling to herself.
“I’m glad he has someone like you in his life. Keep loving him with all your heart. He needs it.”
All I could do is smile from her words alone. Of course I love him, we have been through so much together now.
Realizing that Eisuke has been gone for too long from my side for a while, I decided to search for him only to spot him at the bar drinking alone near a group of guys.
I rushed over to him and he just smiles at me. Is he actually, tipsy..?
“Who might you be,” one of the guys stopped me to ask.
“She’s mine.”
Eisuke yanks me in with one arm around my waist up to his side and my face hits his chest. He finishes his drink by slamming his cup on the bar and starts to drag me as we leave the party.
“Ei-EISUKE,” I shouted but he doesn’t stop and keeps dragging me.
We arrive at the elevator and instead of going down, we end up going up.
“Where are we going?”
He doesn’t respond so I keep asking that question over and over. The elevator dinged and we walked out to rush over to one of the hotel rooms that Eisuke carded us to go in.
Before the room door closed, Eisuke’s hands slowly slid down my sides to my waist and pulled me in his embrace. He was rough but gentle with his movement. I felt his bulge and the blood started to rush to my head.
His mouth covered mines before I could even say his name or anything else.
Our kisses got rougher as we continued to search deep inside each other’s mouth with our tongue and I slowly started running out of breath. My knees buckled and before I fell, Eisuke caught me in his arms.
Carrying me like a princess in his arm, he lays me face forward on the bed and starts to unzip the dress slowly with his teeth on my zipper. I can feel his hot breath on my back from the slow unzipping and I cannot help but moan into the bed. I can hear him chuckling from my embarrassment.
“_____. What about me?”
I freeze from that comment and feel his weight lift off the bed. I whipped my head around just to see him start stripping off his shirt, taking off his belt, and loosening his pant’s button. I cannot help but lower my eyes to his bulge as he started to undress.
He sat down near the head board of the bed and pointed at his crotch suggestively.
“Here,” smirking at me.
This was the first time he has wanted me to please him and I couldn’t help but be eager at the idea to make him feel good. I crawled over, adjusted my face near his crotch, to find his zipper so I could unzip him. As I finished unzipping, I started to pull down his brief and pants just to watch his erect cock whip out almost hitting my face. I couldn’t help but stare at it. I wasn’t shy nor embarrassed. I slowly started to feel excited and before I knew it, my mouth was on his member while my hand was on his shaft stroking it gently.
“_____....” he groaned as he started to pull my hair out of my face holding it.
I pulled my mouth away to overlap the tip with my tongue and he started to grunt.
I’ve never felt anything like this before and before I knew it, my patience was running out. I wanted to please him like he does to me.
I took his cock all the way into my mouth while my hands started to focus on massaging his balls. His grip on my hair got tighter and he started to thrust himself inside my mouth slowly. The heat between my legs grew hotter by the second as I pleased Eisuke.
“Fuck _____..”
Tears start to form in the corner of my eyes and he pulls out his cock from my mouth. I try to catch my breath and Eisuke pulls down my dress and starts sucking my breast. While my moans filled the room, with technique, Eisuke pulled of the rest of my clothes, chucked them to the floor, and started to spread my legs.
He stared at me while my eyes were tearing up. While adjusting himself, I could feel the tip near my clit and entrance. The heat inside me started to make me crazy. Teasing his cock near my entrance, I begged him, “Eisuke, please~!! I want it..!”
He smirked at me telling me, “That’s my girl,” while spreading my insides with his impressive size and with just that one lunge, I felt so satisfied.
“_____. It’s my turn to please you.” He thrusted himself in me and my moans started to become louder and louder with each thrust as the pleasure started to get intense and satisfying inside me.
Before my moans got too loud, Eisuke covered my mouth with his and our tongues began dancing. With his hands making its way to my breast, every inch of me was drowning in pleasure. With all this pleasure, I clenched down on Eisuke’s cock and he began to fuck me harder.
“Ahhh... Ei-Eisuke.. I can’t..!”
“I’m gonna cum.”
A few my thrust later, Eisuke shot his load inside me. I could feel it filling me up. My mind went blank as he fell on top of me while we were still connected. I could see his sweat dripping off the side of his face.
I whispered with little strength in my voice.
He got up, still on top of me, pulling out, and I yelp a bit from the feeling.
“Don’t worry,” smirking at me.
He reached down below with a tissue in his hand wiping me.
He seductively looked straight into my eyes. I felt so embarrassed but captivated by his face. I reached up with both hands, touching his face, just to beg sweetly for more.
“Deeper... I want it deeper inside please.”
Lifting me up, he hugged me tightly.
“I couldn’t even stop even if you told me to.”
I prayed for the sun to never come up as my body ached for his love tonight more than ever.
Thank you for reading.
Slowly getting the hang of this FANFIC but if you have any suggestions or tips about these stories, comment please.
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