#ahhh i had this when i was a teenager in highschool!!
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toma headcanons because im crazy (cw for stuff on his route + some nsfw):
he smoked in highschool:
in his concept art, he's shown with a cigarette in his mouth (in fact thats one of the only things that was changed from his final design lol). i headcanon that while he was in highschool and very emotionally silly over the heroine / his feelings towards her, he'd kind of avoid her and hang around the "wrong crowds", eventually getting into smoking. he used it as stress relief but its also had the opposite effect bc heroine would KILL him if he ever smoked.. so ? he just kind of sat there feeling guilty and depressed (as toma tends to do).
anyways he quit cold turkey at one point because he got caught by shin. shin was PISSED. he made toma swear that he'd quit immediately otherwise he'd tell the heroine what he was doing (tbh the only threat that would actually work; especially when hes still a teenager and less hateful towards shin). i think he lectured him sooo hard and called him an idiot 5 morbillion times
i feel like i need to clarify that toma was probably the lamest rebellious kid out there. like yeah he smoked but he was doing it bc it was a group expectation, not because he really wanted to.
not entirely inexperienced:
going back to toma in highschool; its canon that he dated a bunch of girls who asked him out, though i don't think he ever got really far with them. i think he's kissed like one girl out of obligation / because he felt like he needed to keep up the act or at least Try to get over the heroine; though i think he probably broke up with that girl soon after. i doubt that any girl he ever dated wouldnt notice his goo goo eyes for the heroine LOL so maybe they knew what they were getting into.
soo i dont think heroine is his first kiss (tho i do think she's his first in other aspects)
sexuality in general:
i think toma is honest to god super repressed in terms of his own sexuality and that's where most of his issues come from. this man does not see ANY (LITERALLY ANY. even nonsexual) of his desires as being normal. that's why he really was so okay with just being onii-chan... it was a safe space for him where he could live in his "wholesome ideals" of a relationship. i feel like most of his talk abt "im a man!!! im a man i could take advantage of you!!" was out of legitimate fear that his sexual side was some beast that he had to keep caged (haha) and that he might hurt the very person he cares abt most in the world. so w that in mind i really can't see this guy being super overtly horny LOL. cage ending aside while i think hes a freak in the sheets or whatever he would be so shy and demure about it all... ahhh heroine... u can't just look at me like that... kyaaa... hes the kind of guy to freeze like a deer in headlights when anything romantic or sexual happens (i like it... but i shouldn't... but i should pull away.. but i don't want to....)
i think hes a soft dom w service top tendencies tee be aich... though id love to go down on him (Who said that ?! )
he totally has a maid fetish imo. it's basically canon so like... that being said it's funny as fuck that he's like Tch... I don't want you to be a maid for other people... you'll just be a maid for me 😈 (in his bad end). like cmon man.
- i like to imagine that toma learned how to drive purely because he wanted to be able to help shin and the heroine out ... he is the reliable older brother chauffeur of your dreams. I also like to think that he really sucked ass at first though and he got pulled over for running a stop sign once.
- this is just me but i hc him with Poland syndrome 👍👍
#toma amnesia#headcanons#im crazy#will add more later but these are the ones i was thinking about lol
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hi dream. it’s 😵💫 anon.
for your previous message; your halloween plans sound like so much fun. I didn’t watch any this month 💀. in my head, I always say “I can’t wait for *insert holiday* so I can watch movies” I never do lol. Michael Myers used to scare me so much as a child but it became one of my favorite franchises. do you like Nightmare on Elm Street? that’s the ONE for me. love Freddy.
just to update, I’m going to dance and trick or treating. 🥳 I also went to a party but it was complete shit. but there’s always next year.
I took in what you said about unstable perception of self. at the moment, I guess I’m feeling a bit of sadness over it. I look back when I had some type of confidence and there was definitely a difference in my appearance vs when my rapid insecurity started. don’t get me wrong, I’ve always been insecure but there was a time I viewed myself higher. it’s insane. it was when I was a freshman in highschool. I enjoyed life more then too. it just feels crazy how much life feels like it went down hill from there. I find myself even reminiscing about people. it kind of hurts a little, you know? I don’t exactly want to go back but I wish I could go back and appreciate who I was & where I was. I’ve never been the same since then. I found myself wishing I looked like that again & had a similar life like that again. the heartbreak is that I can’t feel that anymore and I wonder if life will ever be like that again. the pictures I took a year after my freshman year, I look so different & worse. that was when I became massively insecure. it reflected. it’s just so crazy how that worked.
but here I am sad & constantly in love with a past so much so that I don’t know how to navigate my present. regrets of not choosing a certain school, not keeping in touch with people, not saving my memories. my soul & heart are stuck craving my freshman year. not the age (I kind of miss that too but I was literally just a teenager last year lol) but the confidence, the opportunity, the people, my home, culture surrounding me. everything.
I know I will feel better eventually. I guess I just needed to be honest with myself. I’ll let the feelings pass as they need.
hiii im sorry for the late reply omg <33
ahhh i love that hehe the halloween franchise is so underrated (in my circle of friends anyway djsjs) AAAAND AH YOU GET IT. nightmare on elm street is the ultimate when it comes to old school slashers for me. but no i literally have the nightmare on elm street collectors edition for dvds 🙈🥰 they could never make me hate freddy lmfao
i hope your halloween was SO much fun!! :D i actually ended up going trick or treating as well and it was super cute :3
sometimes going down memory lane like that can be a dangerous slippery slope. we romanticize the past a lot bc its so out of reach, things really DID feel better then and from where we stand now, it seems like it’ll never be that way again. well, you still have some power though. because you dont need to have that again. instead, you can look forward to that and SO much better. dont let that one point in your past be the ultimate of your life, when you still have so much more life left to live!! you dont need to go back, believe the best times yet are still ahead 💌 (easier said than done ofc, but little steps amount up to big leaps)
i hope youre doing well 💓 with much love!!
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It's legit been years since I've been on this website, oh my. A friend mentioned tumblr and I thought about this blog, and honestly, how much I have put out about myself here. How much I've changed as I was on here.
I have spent a solid hour or two just scrolling through my old posts. The people I interacted with, and now dearly miss, my old thoughts, beliefs and just over-all being...how I shared things I was never comfortable with, things I was scared to expose to the "real world". How I was so confused and scared of things that I just didn't understand.
And wow.
I had this blog back when I was entering a very...difficult period of my life. And this blog really starts to shows that. And it also shows how crucial this place was during those years. So much has changed since I've left tumblr. And also, so much has remained the same.
Hello again to those who see this and remember me. I became sentimental and thought it'd be fun to just...make a fun update to an abandoned place that once held so much of me.
I've always thought about deleting this account, but truthfully, i do enjoy seeing my development into who I am now.
Anyway - if any old mutuals see this, hello! Its been a while and I would love to chat again. Feel free to respond or DM, or...whatever else you do on this site (so many things have changed, what?)
'Til then, off I go once again.
#personal#i dont remember what my tag was for posts i made uhh#a friend was saying how they went by a certain name on tumblr#and i couldn't remember of i had a fake name on tumblr or my real name#so i opened this place back up to check cuz i was curious#lolol everyone knew my name#or knows fjjd#but then i got hit with nostalgia#ahhh i had this when i was a teenager in highschool!!#and when i was still in my university dorms#jeeez i feel so old right now haha
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as it was
pairing ➳ tasm!peter parker x reader
warnings ➳ mentions of death, angst, strong language.
w.c. ➳ 2.6k
summary ➳ after the death of uncle ben, peter figured he couldn’t bear to lose any more loved ones so he pushed you away. seems you cannot be replaced
this is a highschool!au for @spidervee’s april is for aus event. i hope this isn’t too rushed ahhh
Everything changed after the misfortunate event of uncle Ben’s death. Peter wasn’t as he was since that day. You knew nothing was the same as it was.
His shoulders were always slumped and the world seemed to weigh him down as the days passed. Even Flash had withdrawn from giving him a hard time. Peter used to meet you everyday, either at your apartment or in school– whence he was running late– with a flower or a coffee. It used to be a routine but now as you shut your locker, you missed the smile that played on your boyfriend’s lips when he saw you. The way his eyes would light up without a miss. It all made you feel special but now you felt selfish, wanting to have nothing more than one glance from the brunette who seemed busy on his phone. He wasn’t paying attention to you or the screen, probably too lost in his own thoughts.
You cleared your throat but Peter remained indifferent, “Peter? Let’s get to class.”
“Right behind you.” He muttered.
You sighed and made your way to your first class, checking once in a while if the sullen teenager was indeed following.
It wasn’t like you hadn’t tried to get Peter to talk, or for him to feel better. It’s all you wanted but in honesty, you never knew loss like Peter did. Still you tried your best to make him feel your presence, every day that he agreed to be at your place, or have you at his. He was busier than before and you noticed the various bruises lining his features.
You brought it up one day when he was sitting on the carpeted floor of your room, nose buried into the Physics book. You sat down beside him, placing your hand over his, which was fidgeting with the pen. He looked up at you, and then immediately down, avoiding your eyes.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” He nodded, still keeping his face shielded with his hood.
You gently pulled it back and cupped his cheek with your hand to make him look at you and you gasped as he did. His face was littered with cuts and the black eye really worried you but he pulled back from your touch quickly, “Peter, how did you-”
You started to only be cut off by Peter mid-sentence, “I said I was fine.”
His cold demeanor wasn’t a new concept but you just couldn’t take it anymore. All you wanted was to talk to him. And before you knew it, you were yelling out, “That doesn’t look fine!”
Peter’s expressions softened a little, your eyes were filled with concern even though your tone indicated differently, “Don’t worry about it, (Y/n).”
“I can’t not worry about it, Peter.” You sighed, “You’ve been impossibly far and I-I’m worried about you.”
“(Y/n), I-” Peter found himself speechless at your words but was saved by you continuing your own monologue.
“Where have you been going? May tells me you come home super late and I-I just wish I knew what you were going through but if you need to talk to me, I’m here. I want you to know that I’d always-”
Your ramble was interrupted by the book being closed shut. You looked up from your lap to find Peter packing up his stuff, “I gotta go.”
He got up without another word, slinging his bag over his shoulder. You followed him up to the door, getting hold of his hand to try to make him stay, “Can we just talk? Please.”
He pulled his arm out of your grasp, looking around to you one last time, “You should worry about yourself more than about me.”
After that evening, you didn’t get to see your boyfriend– you weren’t even sure if that’s what you were supposed to call him anymore– for as long as four days. The next time you witnessed Peter in the hallway, you avoided him like the virus.
Then you rarely saw Peter anymore. He would either be out of school, doing whatever he did, or even if you did stumble upon an opportunity, the doe-eyed boy brought something in the way and excused himself. It seemed like there was nothing to say between you and him anymore.
Peter, however, had concluded that his powers were as much of a curse as a blessing after he was snatched of the one person he had fallen for.
He told himself that he’d done good by letting you go. That by letting you slip through his fingers, he was keeping you safe from danger. He was keeping you safe from the consequences that were faced by people who made the grave mistake of loving him.
On the other hand, you were unaware of how long this silence between you and Peter would prevail. One thing you were sure about was that you missed him deeply. Even though you haven’t seen him in over a month. Sure, you saw him in the hallways here and there and even caught him looking at you in a few classes that you shared, but that didn’t mean that the two of you shared words. Peter was still distant but you were starting to feel like you would be okay if he never talked to you, or so you told yourself.
You made your way into the Public Library and went straight to the novels section. Today was not going to be about Peter. You surfed through the ‘Adventure’ section for a mere distraction until your eyes fell on a rather appealing book. You picked it up and examined it before deciding this was it.
The gravity of the situation was holding Peter back from meeting your eyes even though you were sitting so far from him. You probably hadn’t even noticed him sitting three rows across from you in the library. You were busy reading your book and Peter, not wanting to draw attention, sat stiffly on his chair without moving a muscle.
Three hours later, with no progress done on his work, Peter was finally looking for a chance to leave the place when you got up and walked to one of the shelves, giving him a perfect opportunity. He rushed to place the book clutched into his hands in its original place before making his way out.
Peter didn’t have any big plans for the day so he spent his day going around the city, making sure everyone was safe and enjoying the warm pleasant day. A few stars were lining up the sky when Peter saw you again, walking through the streets of Queens, with the same book you were reading in your hands. He found you still occupied with it, as your eyes roamed the pages.
“You know, you shouldn’t read and walk.” Spider-man landed in front of you suddenly, making you jump as you looked up at him.
“I- uh, sorry, I didn’t notice you…” You chuckled nervously, looking at the masked vigilante. You didn’t expect to find a superhero in the middle of the street on a peculiar day.
“Just take care of where you’re going.” Peter said, suddenly losing all sass as he looked at you softly, thankful for the mask covering his face, “I wouldn’t want you getting hurt.”
“Thanks,” you gave him a smile, “that’s really sweet of you.”
“It’s my responsibility.” He shrugged, walking backwards a few steps, and you assumed he was leaving until he waved you over, “Aren’t you coming?”
You rushed after him, placing your pointer finger to mark the page in your book. This was obviously unprecedented. You walked beside Spider-man, matching your steps with his as a silence fell between the two of you.
“It’s okay for me to walk you, right?” You heard Spider-man say just before it could get awkward, “The place is really dangerous at night. Not that you need me to protect you!” He waved his hands around in the air, “I’m sure you’re capable to-”
“It’s okay, Spider-man.” You chuckled softly. Sure, you’d been starstruck because of meeting the friendly neighborhood superhero out of the blue but there was something oddly familiar about the guy. Maybe it was your mind playing tricks on you but for a moment a possibility that Peter was- no! Peter can’t be Spider-man. You shook the thoughts out of your head, concentrating back to whatever Spider-man was saying.
“And it’s always a pleasure to walk with a pretty girl like you.”
You felt your cheeks warm up at his comment as you mustered up a small smile.
The two of you stopped in front of your apartment building, “This is me.” You smiled at him, pointing to the building.
“Well, then.” Spider-man took a few steps away from you, even though Peter didn’t want to leave, “I should get going.”
“Yeah,” You nodded and looked at him simply standing there, “you must be really busy.”
“Sometimes.” He said, reciprocating your nod, then retraced his steps, “Actually, can I talk to you about something?”
“Oh, sure.” You said, lips parted in surprise. What could a superhero possibly want to talk to you about?
“Can we go somewhere… more private?” He looked around and said.
“Um where could we-”
“The roof? I can take you.”
“Well, the lift is broken and the stairs creak a lot so I think-” Before you could complete your sentence, Spider-man was already wrapping his arm around you. The next second, the ground disappeared from beneath your feet and you were in the air, being pulled up as a shriek escaped your mouth.
Spider-man held you securely until the two of you were on the roof of your apartment building. You were clinging to him like your life depended on it, and it kinda did for you, even though Peter obviously knew he wouldn’t have let you fall.
You opened your eyes when you sensed him standing and pulled away completely, detaching yourself from the maskhead, “What do you think you’re doing!?”
“I’m sorry, just please hear me out (Y/n)-”
“No! You freak! Stay away from me.” You warned, taking a few steps back from him as your hand went into your pocket to search for your phone “I will call the police.”
Peter’s hand quickly went to his mask and pulled it off, holding his hands up in surrender. “(Y/n), it’s just me, it’s me. Don’t call the cops.”
“Peter…” All air left your lungs as you trailed off, watching what couldn’t have been, happen right in front of your eyes.
“(Y/n), I-”
“You’re Spider-man? Why are you here? Were you stalking me?” You asked, sounding colder than you intended to.
“I thought I’d-”
“I thought you didn’t want us to see each other anymore, why would you be here?” You muttered.
“I wanted to talk to you, (Y/n), please.” Peter pleaded.
“Well, I don’t. You should go back.” You sighed, turning away from him to leave but his hand grabbed your wrist before you could go.
“Just give me one more chance.” Peter whispered into your ear softly after a moment, making you turn around to face him.
“You left me, Peter. You went away and you left me alone.” You reasoned.
“I tried to push you away. I tried to protect you, I busied myself with work and Spider-man but I can’t do this anymore. I cannot replace you even though I tried.” Peter sobbed, panting heavily and you just stared at him. The wind was cool against your face, which was burning as your eyes welled with tears.
You still couldn’t wrap your head around anything that was happening. Peter really was Spider-man. Why was he telling you this now, “W-why are you telling me this now?”
“(Y/n), I’m the biggest idiot for pushing you away, I thought I was protecting you by pushing you away, and some part of me was protecting myself from the hurt. I-If anything happened to you, I don’t know what I’d do.” Peter’s voice transcended to a mere whisper. He felt as if he’d lost all his powers then and there, stripped off of whatever pride he held and the longer you remained silent, the weaker he felt.
You saw the tears in Peter’s eyes and let out a broken chuckle, “I thought you just stopped loving me.”
The brunette shook his head promptly, “Never. Not for one second.”
There was a moment of silence between the two of you as Peter watched the reflection of the moon in your eyes, “You did what you had to.” You nodded to yourself, “And I can’t stay angry with you for long.”
A little hope ignited within Peter at your words, “I don’t want you to be angry with me.” He took a few steps towards you.
“But it can’t go back to the way it was.” You quickly uttred, feeling your throat tighten when Peter stopped in his tracks.
As much as you wanted his arms around you, you couldn’t forget how much it hurt to not have him around. You feared it would go back to him avoiding you.
“I’m sorry,” Peter said, fiddling with his mask, “for everything.”
You gave him a little smile and held out the palm of your hand, “Truce?”
“Truce.” Peter gave you a little smile as he shook your hand.
And as soon as Peter was out of sight, you rushed back inside, down the stairs until you were in your room. You slammed the door shut, not paying mind to your mom’s call to make sure you were alright. The answer wouldn’t have been pleasing to her anyway.
You tried to steady your breathing, sitting at the edge of your bed, thinking about your encounter with Peter. All his injuries seemed obvious to you now that you knew that he donned a spandex suit and went out to save the world.
Peter was Spider-man. He was the one who saved everyone, the one who fought robbers everyday, the one who got into a dangerous fight with the creepy lizard you’d heard about a few days ago. The boy who didn’t know he needed saving himself was the one who protected the whole neighborhood.
Your thoughts were interrupted by an impatient knock on the window. You looked around to find Spider-man, Peter, perched up on your fire escape and rushed to open it for him, “Did you… did you forget something?”
He crawled inside and took off his mask, discarding it to the floor, “I did.” Was all he said before striding towards you, just to wrap an arm around your waist and pull you in for a kiss.
And you kissed him back. How could you not when it was all that you wanted. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer as if you needed him to breathe.
Peter kissed you hungrily yet tenderly. You could have melted into it but you kept up with the pace, biting his bottom lip gently, drawing a soft whimper from him.
When the two of you parted, resting your foreheads against the other’s, you opened your eyes to meet his, and he was already looking at you. Both of you shared a little smile,
“Can I stay-”
“You should stay-”
The two of you said at the same time, making each other laugh, “Yeah, I would like that.” Peter muttered softly, pulling you in for another kiss.
And everything would eventually be the same as it was. It has to be when it’s just the two of you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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#peter parker#peter parker x reader#tasm!peter parker#tasm!peter angst#tasm!peter x you#peter parker blurb#peter parker imagine#peter parker angst#tasm!peter x y/n#tasm!peter imagine#andrew garfield#andrew!peter angst#andrew!peter x you#april is for aus
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THANK YOU for the scoops troop post starcourt fic bc it’s been driving me CRAZY that the whole tortured by Russian MILITARY as teenagers was never brought up again!? Especially with Steve - like I don’t know how my guy handles physical touch and affection after all he’s been through physically and emotionally and he’s written off as a haha character most of the time but there’s SO much there with trauma, especially since the only other person with an inkling of what happened with the Russians is Robin
Ahhh yeah continuing this fic is definitely on the list. sorry this gets a little rambling and idk if it makes sense. Because obviously Steve and Robin don't outright tell Dustin and Erica what happened but they're smart kids and sort figured there was some light torture happening. And when you're running on adrenaline a lot of stuff doesn't register right away, so they have to have a chat about that and guilt for 'letting' it happen.
And like, they could have mentioned it when everyone regrouped in the food court but by that point Robin and Steve were crashing from Russian drugs and I can only assume they thought it was pretty obvious where they'd been what with Erica telling Murray how to actually get in. But then it's over and Hopper is dead and so is billy so it's not even the biggest deal that they were tortured and Robin definitely thought Steve was dead for a bit. They can deal with it together.
With Steve it's like "haha Steve is slow on the uptake and doesn't understand a lot and isn't very smart and asks a lot of dumb questions" and never "steve has had two severe concussions within a year of each other and he still graduated highschool on time only to be concussed AGAIN" my poor beloved blorbo please someone let him rest. And I desperately want one of the actual adult members of the upside down crew to realize that he's just sort of. Dealt with it by himself or with Robin, that he doesn't have the same support network as the party or Joyce and Hop or Nancy and Jonathan (who both have siblings that understand, Jon with his mom as well). And yeah he has Robin after S3, and Dustin is basically his brother, but it's different, because the only one who he'd remotely be absolutely honest with is Robin, who also only has him, and actually it's a miracle they're functional at all.
And I want Steve to be confused why the Grown Ups are mad (worried?) That he didn't tell them he and Robin were actually literally tortured because they all had better things to do, they had no obligations to Steve. He and Robin had each other, and he and Robin supported Dustin and Erica, and they're all fine now. The first few months were rough, sure, but now it's okay.
Plus the fact that the Byers were moving leaving Steve as the oldest person besides Murray who didn't live in Hawkins who knew about the upsidedown. He was the one that was supposed to be in charge and responsible, because no one else should have to do that when they're all trying to move on, so what good would telling Joyce, who would be far from Hawkins and its horrors, about how he could barely wear his watch sometime because it reminded him of being tied back to back with Robin. She couldn't do anything about it and she didn't get it the way Robin would.
So he and Robin have sleep overs and long talks so they're semi functional and can help Erica and Dustin work through it too. They deal with it together, because none of their parents know and Steve is accustomed to adults being unreliable even without world ending secrets involved. And there aren't any grown ups around anyways so. He's the grown up of the group and it's his job to make sure all the kids are okay.
I think out of anyone outside of Scoops Troop, Lucas probably knows the most because Erica is his sister and now she knows he gets her to talk about it. She's reluctant at first because he wasn't there, but does, because Lucas is her big brother and he is there for her. And while he and Steve were friends after Billy in S2 and Steve's protective streak, Lucas gets really close to Steve with Erica, because they're both clingy to each other and Steve, for all he's basically a bag of nervously shaking chihuahuas with hairspray and ibuprofen keeping him from breaking down at any given moment he isn't holding Robin's hand, seems like a stable force in their lives.
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Content: fluff
Summary: When two teenagers meet at their highschool’s pool, they form a connection with the same love and longing for the sea and at some point they just find themselves falling in love, quite literally.

Pools, indoor swimming pools.
The moment I found out my highschool had indoor swimming pools at the back part of the gym, I was immediately won over. Swimmers trained early in the morning but the pools were left open but no student ever bothered to actually hang in there except for me.
After school, I get tutoring from teachers ‘till seven pm. Right before I go home I walk to the pools and just sit there. I watch the moonlight hitting the water.
Most of the time I stare at myself, maybe dip my fingers into the water.
It was the perfect place to rest. In there, I felt like nothing else mattered. I’d even call it a sanctuary. It was a safe place to run when all else breaks down.
Pausing the music playing through my earphones. I shove my phone into my bag and push the big grey gym door open.
Empty, as usual.
I walk through the dark and quiet basketball court - my eyes lighting up at the sight of the pool shown through its clear glass entrance door. Pushing it open, I sigh in satisfaction as the smell entered my nose.
I loved this place.
I was quietly walking when all of a sudden, “who are you?”
“Ahhh!” I scream, completely startled by the voice of whoever was in there. I start looking around and see a boy sitting by the pools edge. He had dark messy hair and the school uniform on. His pants were rolled up ending just above his knees so it wouldn’t get wet meanwhile his feet up to his shin were underwater.
“I’m gonna leave,” I mutter and I hear him chuckle as a response. “You’re already here, might as well stay.” He speaks softly and something about his voice attracted me. Though it took me a few seconds to finally agree, I sat at the other side of the pool. My legs crossed but my fingers dipped in the water
It was quiet but something about the silence was comforting, it didn’t feel awkward, it felt like being around an old friend. Clearing my throat to cut the silence, I start the converstaion with words that were on the tip of my tongue. “I’ve never seen you here before,” I speak, looking up to observe the way he replies. A half-hearted grin appears on his lips and he says, “I just found out about this yesterday and I needed it.”
My eyebrows furrow, how do you need a pool? I thought to myself - ‘till I remembered why I was here all along. “You needed it?” I asked and he nodded, finally looking up making your eyes meet. I felt my heart gradually start racing but I try to ignore it. “Yes, the beaches have been locked away and I needed water.” His reply made my heart swell because I felt the exact same way.
Beaches have been locked out ‘cause there was too much trash in them. The government finally took action and started a cleaning movement but volunteers weren’t allowed. They wanted the world to ignore it while they hid away the problems. I sighed in empathy, “I’m Y/n,” I say - our eyes connecting once more. “I’m Mark, Mark Lee.”
The very next day, I found myself walking back to the pools but this time with the slight hope of the mysterious boy to be there. Pushing the glass door open, I immediately look around but see no one. My heart drops in disappointment but I push the feeling away. I walked back to my spot, this time dipping my feet in. I didn’t have any problems ‘cause I was wearing the school’s skirt.
Taking out the small black speaker from my bag, I connect it to my phone and start playing my favourite song. I sigh in satisfaction, I felt good. Today wasn’t a stressful day, it was calm and went by smoothly - I was definitely in a great mood.
As I start to hum with the music mindlessly, I kept staring at the moonlight hitting the edges of the pool and little sparkle it made with the water, it was pretty. Everything was quiet and calm when all of a sudden I hear the same familiar voice from yesterday but this time, he was singing along to the song.
I yelped, completely startled by his sudden presence.
I turned around and saw him rolling the hem of his pants so he can dip his feet into the water. “You scared me!” I whisper and he smiled as a response. That was the first time I saw him give a genuine smile - and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me feel some type of way.
He finally dips his feet into the water and starts singing along to the music once more. I just sat there and admired him and his voice. He looked good under that moonlight but I was too shy to say it out loud, even admit to it. So I look away distracting myself, waiting for the song to end.
Then it did.
“You sing good,” I compliment him and he scratches the nape of his neck shyly.
A month has passed and the safe haven was now a habit. Even on nights when I’m told to come home early, I always find a way to come to the pools. Even for a minute, even for a few seconds, most of the time not for the water but for him.
In all honesty if I had to label him as anything, it’d be a human diary. He knows much more than my friends who I’ve been with for a year. I don’t know what it is about it but, telling your secrets to a stranger feels much more comforting.
At this point we know each others favourite colour, movie, song, artist. What we want to be when we grow up - what we don’t want to be when we grow up. What type of person we want to fall in love with - if were even in love with ourselves. Does he think aliens are real? How ‘bout mermaids? I know his dreams, goals, secrets, trauma, his biggest fear and his greatest regret and in equality, he knows mine.
Though I hate to admit to it, he makes my days. His presence, his voice, his thoughts - it came to the point where I don’t want to sleep anymore ‘cause for the first time reality was better.
Smiling to myself as I quietly walked through the gym to get to the pools. I push the door open but freeze, my hands still on the metal handle of the door. I heard sniffling and sobbing. At that very moment my heart dropped. If I were to expect anything it wasn’t this.
“Mark...” I whisper, but the whisper was enough to echo through the room in it’s silence. Finally walking in, I shut the door and quickly walking towards the pool. The image broke my heart. He sat there, his legs crossed together - not dipped in the water like I’m used to. “What’s wrong?” My brows furrow as I walked towards him.
He continued to sob into his hands, biting his lip to silence himself. But when he finally put his hands down, the tears running down his face made me sit next to him and hug him without hesitation. We’ve never been this close, only ever sitting across each other on different sides of the pool. He melts into me, his head going into the crook of my neck but this time, he started crying some more; not loudly but silently.
The tears just continued to roll down onto my shirt making me sigh in empathy.
Like I always do when my friends cry, I rub their heads in comfort. “It’ll get better,” I whisper and he nods into me. I look down to see if he’s calmed down but right when I do, our eyes meet. I give him a little smile, wiping the last tear that ran down his cheek.
We just sat there, our eyes connected somehow healing each other quietly. Taking in deep breaths, I continue to caress his face. When I cried, it was something my mom did to comfort me. “You feel better?” I ask and he looks away. “Yeah,” he whispers as he looks down and observes our other hand interlocked with each others. Something even I didn’t notice.
Mindlessly looking around, him still in your arms, you notice a small black bug atleast three meters away from you. “Oh my god,” you mutter, eyes getting wide and heartbeat racing as it crawled fast and closer towards you. “Ah!” You scream, frantically moving around but not making much progress ‘cause of the boy laying on you. “Mark there’s a bug!” You scream.
He turns around and sees the bug almost a meter away and he panics too. In all that movement you found yourselves with no other option but the pool. Panickly falling in you, you drag the boy with you.
It was a split second underwater until you rose up again to take in air. As you did, you didn’t realise that the boy was so close to you, it was only until you calmed down that you felt his breath hit your lips. Smiling in amusement as you looked at each others state, you laugh in disbelief, observing your now extremely wet uniform.
“Mom’s gonna kill me,” you mutter to yourself but he chuckles to it. Slowly, you feel one of his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you closer leaving no space in between your bodies. His other hands crawls up your arm, to your neck, to your chin making you face him.
Hearts racing.
Hearts synching.
Seconds later his lips were on yours. His teeth bites into your lower lip drawing you closer. Your eyes widen in realisation, making you pull away gently. “What?” You ask, bewildered but not complaining. “No questions, just kiss me.” He replies and your breath hitches as he makes your legs wrap around his waist. “Kiss me,” he says again and without anymore hesitation, you do.
Bodies tangled.
Wet and messy hair.
Eyes shut.
Lips locked.
You fell in love, quite literally.
#mark lee#mark lee x reader#mark x reader#nct#nct dream#nct u#nct 127#nct dream mark x reader#nct mark x reader#nct dream scenarios#nct dream reactions#nct mark lee x reader#mark lee scenarios#nct highschool au#nct falling in love#nct swimming au#mark lee highschool au#mark lee x reader highschool au#mark lee x reader falling in love#mark lee ff#mark lee imagines#mark lee oneshot#mark lee x reader fluff#mark lee x reader smut#haechan#jaemin#chenle#jisung#renjun#angst
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𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊 𝕲𝖎𝖗𝖑 - 𝕰𝖉𝖉𝖎𝖊 𝕸𝖚𝖓𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝖝 𝖋!𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson x f!reader (major)
Billy Hargrove x f!reader (minor)
Word count Chapter two: 2359 Words
|| Content - TW ||
×little bit of everything [drugs, abuse, mention of sex, sexual innuendo, fluff, bullying, cursing(expletives), SMUT, comfort, angst…etc.
(Y/N) Your name
(Y/H) Your Haircolor
(Y/E) Your Eycolor
#strangerthings #strangerthings4 #eddiemunson #eddie #munson #highschool #teenager #metal #metalgirl #hellfire #hellfiregirl #drugs #sexy #sexualcontent #abuse #d&d #fluff #billyhargrove #billy #hargrove #lemon #smut #comfort #friendship #teen #love
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕖 - 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕞𝕡𝕥
This morning was good, I knew that when I opened my eyes two minutes before my alarm clock rang. I sat up and was ready for my morning routine. The school day went very smoothly today. Lunch was the same disgusting meal again, only this time it was pizza and corn. Who thought up such garbage every day instead of putting something healthy in front of us. I went to the table, but Eddie was nowhere to be seen.
"Hey, is Eddie not here today?" I asked the others.
"No, I haven't seen him today." Gareth said and the others nodded to that.
"So he's playing hooky today?"
"Probably, he does that a lot," Jeff said.
The others weren't very talkative when Eddie wasn't around. Luckily, the day wasn't that long today and I was able to go home by 1pm. My parents were not home yet and I left them a note on the table that I would be home late today and that I would be with Eddie. Then they are at least reassured that I am not elsewhere on the road. I quickly went into the bathroom and freshened up a bit, because it was really unspeakably warm today. I then got back into my car and let the music, as always, drone out of my speakers at full volume. The way to Eddie was known not far. I stood in front of his trailer, but his van was not yet there. I knocked on the door and an older gentleman opened for me.
"Hello, is Eddie there? " I asked him.
"No, but if you want to come in, you can wait in his room. I don't think he would mind. I'm his Uncle Wayne."
"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Eddie had already told me about you." I said happily and entered the trailer, which still looked pretty neat.
"I guess I have to thank you first for cleaning up the mess a bit. That's not a matter of course." he said and laughed.
"Oh, it was no big deal. He was hungry and I just cooked something and cleaned up the mess. But he also helped me with it, it's not like that." I said jokingly.
"Can I offer you something?"
"No, thanks but I will wait in his room now." I said and went already in the direction.
"Let me know if you need anything." he called after me.
I opened the door and threw my bag on his desk. Then I sat down on his bed and leaned back a bit. I thought back to the dream where Eddie was sitting on the edge of the bed playing his warlock. I looked around his room some more. His stuff was scattered everywhere, the butts in the ashtray were piling up and his bed wasn't made anyway. I lay down and then saw a T-shirt shining out from under his pillow. I carefully pulled it out. This is exactly the shirt I wore in my dream. Slowly I pulled it closer to me and held it to my nose. It smelled so terribly good. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice that Eddie had just walked in.
"Ahhh!" I screamed and threw the Tshirt in the air, caught it again and quickly stuffed it back under the pillow.
"Did you just smell my tshirt there?" he asked mischievously and had that '"Gotcha!"' Face put on.
"No!.. Yes I did... Well, yeah. I just like smelling you. Ok?" I stammered around.
He came to me on the bed and pulled the tshirt out from under the pillow again.
"How I'd love to see you in my tshirts..." he said coquettishly and crawled up to me a bit more.".... Only in my Tshirts..." he breathed afterwards and pressed a tender kiss on my lips.
However, he then jumped up again and clapped his hands.
"We can't let ourselves be seduced by each other every time, otherwise we'll never reach our goal." he said enthusiastically.
I couldn't help smiling and let myself fall back.
"What do you have planned for today?" I asked him while staring at the ceiling.
"We're going to do a little campaign so you can already dive into it. I've been preparing it all morning." he said, making some space on the floor.
"That's why you skipped today?"
"Yeah I couldn't make it last night. I hope you didn't miss me too much, darling."
"I think I'm doing just fine without you." I said and stood in front of him with my arms crossed. Thereby my leather jacket creaked.
He grinned and gave me a kiss on the forehead while he pressed my head gently, with his hand, to his lips. He asked me to take a seat on the floor he had vacated and pointed.
He took off his jacket and threw it on the bed. I did the same before him, sat down and leaned my back against the bed frame.
"Are you ready to dive into another world?" he asked with a dark voice color.
I nodded excitedly and was full of suspense for what he would tell now.
"War, death and hunger fell upon the world of Avalon. The splendor it once wore was long gone. The powers were broken and the few who remained were ready to fight. You are one of the chosen ones, one of the most steadfast, and now you were made to clean up the world. To protect the last villages and the kingdom that still lay dormant in the heart of Avalon, surrounded by hatred and suffering. Especially at night, the monsters came out of their hiding places and romped around the city walls. Many have given their lives to protect the rest, now it's your turn to prove your strength. The sewers, it is said, have been taken over by the cruel Rat King. He sends his henchmen into the city to wreak havoc and spread disease to the living. Especially when the rats gnaw on the corpses you can hear the screams of the inhabitants. You have now been given the task of hunting down the rat king to cure the diseases of the village. You were brought to a tunnel system a bit away from the city. But unfortunately you were attacked and knocked out by a flock of rats. You staggered to the ground and your vision shrouded in a deep blackness..."
He told the story so well that I couldn't help but listen spellbound. My whole body was tingling with excitement. I put my knee up and leaned against it to rest my head on it as well. His eyes lit up as he talked and you could see how much fun he had immersing someone in his world.
"... A foul smell spreads through your nose and you wrinkle it. When you opened your eyes you saw the sky above you for a short time. But quickly it became dark again. Something carried you. It was nothing big that carried you through the dark caves. It squeaked next to and under you and you wondered what it could be, until a torch lit up in front of you and a door opened. The minions shoved you inside and you landed on the floor. Quickly you looked around and could see what was carrying you. Rats! Two paws settled in front of you and you looked up. The rat king made himself wide in front of you, but he didn't look completely like a rodent. His torso was more human in nature, as was his face, except for his pointed nose and round ears. He grinned at you and said to you "You can't defeat me, first you have to get past all my children and fighters." He laughed at the top of his lungs and called his henchmen to take you away again. It was too dark to see where they were carrying you. They ran with you for half an eternity. In that time you tried to reach to your side to look for your wand, but there was nothing. They had taken it from you. They threw you back on the floor and closed the barred door.... What are you going to do first?"
" I, uh... felt the cold, sandy ground beneath me and carefully got up?" I formulated a sentence that would more accurately be titled a question.
"Find a way out." he gave me a little hint.
"I'll look around first"
"You see that you are in a cell that was at the end of a long corridor. A little further ahead you see a light that also illuminates the cell a little."
"I go to the grate and take a closer look."
"When you look out at the grate, you see that a guard is posted just beside it, holding that light in his hands. Also, just next to the door there is a small hole."
"I would try to dig at the hole."
"Okay, then throw a D20 at luck."
Now I looked at him questioningly. What is a D20 and luck? What am I supposed to throw at it?
"Oh shit, the dice." he said and rushed to stand up again to rummage in his desk. He pulled out a small bag and opened it. Inside were many different colored dice, in all sorts of shapes. He picked out one in particular and pressed it into my hands.
"Please roll the dice once." he ordered me.
No sooner said than done. The dice rolled and landed on a seventeen.
"Is that good? " I asked him.
"Very good, now take your character sheet and see what it says for luck."
"A one."
"Okay that's very good already.... You manage to stay unnoticed by the guard and make the hole bigger, so now you can put your arm through."
"So, I put my arm through and try to get to the door from the outside to open it "
"You try but you don't succeed. "
"Then, ehm would I dig a little more and try to squeeze through?" I looked at him questioningly.
"Whew, you're going to need a lot of luck there, roll the dice again."
I rolled the colored die again and it rolled on a 20. Apparently luck is very much on my side today.
"Awesome! It's your game today." Eddie said and was impressed.
"Well, you manage to enlarge the hole and climb through it. Your eyes turned to the guard at the same time and you noticed that the guard was fast asleep."
"I'll sneak past the guard, but see if he has anything useful for me." I said excitedly, my heart beating faster.
"You look closely at the guard, the only useful thing you recognize is his torch, which could light your dark way. Are you going to steal from him?" he asked me.
"Yes, why not?"
"Roll the dice for skill."
I rolled the dice and this time apparently I wasn't so lucky and it landed on a ten. Eddie screwed up his face. That didn't bode well.
"When you grabbed the torch that was still firmly in his hands and pulled on it, the guard woke up and looked at you grimly. He immediately drew a dagger from his armor and bristled at you."
"I don't know what to do! I, uh, I attack him with my bare hands?"
"Roll for skill with a D20."
The dice rolled across the floor and landed on a sixteen. I still told him I had two in skills.
"Good, now roll for damage with a D4."
I rolled and got a three.
"That's very good. You manage to knock the dagger out of the guard's hand and punch him right in the nose. He staggers back a bit but isn't knocked out yet."
"I would try to pick up the dagger and go for the rat. D20 on skill?"
Eddie nodded and was visibly pleased at how quickly I caught on. The die rolled again and landed on a fourteen.
"You can grab the dagger just before the guard and now you hold it in your hands. The rat is right in front of you, what do you want to do?"
"I attack it with the dagger. Wait D20 on skill? And then another D4 on damage?"
His smile widened and he was so happy that his curls just jumped up and down. I rolled both dice at once. The D20 showed a fifteen and the D4 a two.
"You manage to wound the rat badly and he collapses to the ground. He should now pose no threat to you and you continue on your way."
"I take the torch and walk along the path. What do I see?"
"You continue down the path and you come across a small group of three armed guards. What do you want to do?" he said, biting his fingers.
"Three? How am I supposed to do that?" I asked him, horrified. He just shrugged his shoulders and laughed to himself.
"I'll charge at the one and try to poke her eye out with the dagger".
"Whew... roll the dice"
I rolled the dice and this time the result was very disappointing. The die was pointing one up and I was anxious.
"It had started so well, Sweetheart, I'm sorry. The guard grabbed you while you were still flying and pierced you with their long spear that went through you once. As you lay on the ground the other guards came and stabbed you with their daggers. You are ..Dead-as-a-dornail" he said agitated.
"This is going to be harder than I thought, we might need another player after all. I'll radio Dustin" Eddie said, standing up and walking over to his dessert table.
On it lay a walki-talkie that he picked up.
"Henderson, are you there?" he spoke into it.
It took him a moment to answer.
"Yeah, what is it Eddie?"
"We need another player for the little campaign I created for (Y/N). It's harder than I thought."
"I can't, but I'll send Max over."
"What do you mean Max? She doesn't have a clue and probably doesn't think it's that cool".
"Yes, but we'll manage, I'll come along for a moment."
He put the walkie-talkie away and rubbed his eyes.
"Well, then we can start with her again." he said.
I thought about who Max might be. She had never sat at the table before, was she even in the club.
"Who is Max?" I asked him.
"A friend of Dustin's, who will surely be annoyed by what we have planned for her." he said and threw himself on the bed.
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Hcs or scenario (whatever you like!) *warning extreme angst* oikawa, kuroo and osamu with a crush. They mutually like each other but never made a move to progress anything. One day another girl comes along and the boys move onto them instead. Crush is upset but accepts it and backs off. A bit later the boys realise the new girl they’re with was just something fresh and new and they don’t actually like them. They want to go back to oh crush but they already have no feelings for them anymore 😢😢
i swear i cried real tears while writing this, i love destroying my own mental health (∪ ◡ ∪) and ahhh this took me so long to write bc i’m so freaking insecure about the quality of my writing, i’m sorry this is so bad but there u gooo ♡
♡ we could have been something ;; haikyuu
warnings: angst, rough language
you know this type of friendship where the limits are so difuse that the rest of people beggins noticing you had a thing for each other ? that’s what kuroo and you have had for the longest time
kuroo and you spent most of your time hanging out together, you went to see him training and he always called you his girlfriend in front of his teammates just because he loved to see you all flustered, you worried so much about each other almost like a couple, and you were even starting to get along with kenma, so you knew for a fact that you were into each other, or at least that’s what you thought ??
as you two were pretty childish you used to bicker all the time, nothing serious most of the times because none of you could get away more than a day without talking to each other, and when you had this little arguments it was about silly things that didn’t matter
that continued being like that until this day kuroo started reproaching you that he was so tired of trying without a result — “you seem to fucking ignore the obvious signals i’m sending you y/n, are you playing the dumb role ??? i can’t continue like this anymore, i’m sorry but i met this girl and she showed me clearly that she wants to be with me as more than a friend” — and leaving you completely broken, he suddenly walked away from your life without a previous warning
at first you felt so guilty, it was true, you were a bit shy and insecure, but you thought he liked you just the way you were ? but then you understood well how things were in reality, your silly ass thought you two had something meaningful
sure it hurted to see him walking hand in hand with the stereotypical mean girl from highschool movies, but you know the worst part of this ?? it wasn’t her fault, it was his and only his. and that’s what broke you the most
things continued being the same for a while, and to be honest, it was a bit hard at the beggining, but when you finally realized you were just his toy, his distraction, you felt nothing but repulsion towards him
and that’s on why you rejected him so coldly when he left the girl that he “truly loved” to come back to you; yeah he did. and you knew he was regretting so hard leaving you, but you simply couldn’t trust his feelings for you anymore
“please y/n ... i acted like a horny teenager, i just knew things were gonna be easier with her and i was starting to lose hope in having something more with you, but it’s you, it’s always been you” kuroo kneeled in front of you, holding your hand to prevent you from leaving. but you couldn’t do other than looking at him with eyes full of pity, knowing from the beggining what you would say to him
“i’m sorry. i can’t. i don’t trust you anymore kuroo. it was so hard for me, you know ?? you abandoned me without a fucking sign of considerateness” as you abrutly let go of his hand and turned away, leaving him there, tears started falling from the corner of your eye, but no. you weren’t going to turn back to him, you wouldn’t do such harm to yourself
were you aware of his reputation ?? the answer is yes, but you felt so happy when you were around him that you didn’t care in the least. “people talk when they have nothing important to do, this boy is such a sweetheart” is what you thought when tooru oikawa started paying you more attention than he did with other girls
he is every girl’s dream, a cute boy who treats you like an absolute princess. toruu took you on inifinity of dates, and you always had such a good time with him, time went by so fast when it was spent with oikawa. you saw life in pink when he picked you up with his car and stared at you, just to let out a “you look so fucking stunning today my little cutie”
at that time you didn’t really understand why you didn’t formalize things once and for all; he looked interested in you and you tried your best to let him know that you were into him too, the intimacy between you two was beggining to grow, you started doing more and more things together, everything was so idyllic it was hard to believe it was all real
but soon you saw the true colors of things, it didn’t take you that much time to learn that oikawa didn’t want to confess he really liked you because he didn’t want to lose all his fangirls.
it was such an ego-booster for tooru to know he had plenty of girls willing to do everything just for a night with him, that he had a big catalogue of girls to choose which one he wanted to have fun with
it’s not that he didn’t like you, it’s just that he wasn’t confident enough for you, and it showed when you saw him flirting with another girl in front of the high school entrance, his lips so close to hers they weren’t touching for a milimeter, leaving you in a big shock. that situation made you feel the dumbest shit ever, you knew who you were dealing with but you thought he was going to be different this time
yeah, you were the dumbest shit ever for believing that
although you waited anxiously for him to call, toruu never called you again from that day, and you couldn’t help but feel so ashamed of yourself. you knew you were fucked when you started feeling sorry for yourself, being such a desperate and ridiculous ass for some fuckboy that didn’t gave a shit about you
a good two weeks had to pass for you to start feeling better, because even if you knew you weren’t his girlfriend, you still felt betrayed. it hurt to see how you were nothing special for him, so replaceable it was even impressive
and talking about impressive, that’s how i’d call the fact that tooru had the audacity to text you after some time like nothing hapenned. “are you angry with me ???” — and the truth is that you weren’t angry, you were never angry with him, your feelings were deeply hurt but that’s all
“tooru ?? what does this means ?” after hesitating for a while if you should text him back and trying to resist the temptation, you ended up doing it
“it means please open the door my little cutie, i’m outside your house ” you couldn’t believe your eyes to what you were reading, but you went and opened the door for him to find out what all of this was about
“can i... ??” the tall setter grabbed your chin with his long and fine fingers, bringing your face closer to his. you didn’t even have time to react, oikawa didn’t finish his sentence but instead he pressed his lips against yours. you were absolutely freaking out, that leading you to break the kiss when you realized what was happening
“the fuck you think you are doing tooru oikawa ? you think you can come here after a whole ass month and act as if nothing happened ??”
“please listen to me y/n, it wasn’t my intention to hurt your feelings, i’m sorry if you felt that way. i realized i truly want to be with you” he intensely stared into your eyes with that look of his. it was so alluring you almost gave in, but that wasn’t happening
“i’m not one of that hoes you can fuck one time and never call me back, i’m not that type. you keep saying you’re sorry about me feeling that way, not about what you fucking did. i don’t like you anymore oikawa and i regret so much that i did like you some time ago. and please now i’ll have to ask you to dissapear from my life”
he looked at you for some seconds with watery eyes before leaving without saying a word, and you genuinely weren’t able to tell if he was feeling that way or he was faking it. but that’s it, your story with oikawa tooru, your first and last kiss with him
your relationship with osamu was so difficult to describe, like, really difficult. you met him some years ago when you started going to inarizaki high and you didn’t really click with each other, but you soon became a great friend of atsumu
and that obviously carries seeing osamu frequently as he’s atsumu’s twin brother and they had quite a good relationship. don’t be mistaken, it’s not that you suddenly clicked and everything was amazing between you two, no
everything remained the same, and i could even say that the tension between osamu and you grew bigger because you simply couldn’t be around the other without bickering and disagreeing on the littlest of the things, that leading to atsumu having to stop you from fighting
but who says that tension wasn’t sexual at all ?? — because if you say so you’re completely wrong. it was so luring for you when he was just as sarcastic as you were with him, or when you said you were fucking tired of his shit and he came up with a defiantly “and what are you gonna do about it, huh ???”
it could be said that you were never attracted to easy things, and that included persons. it was easy to see you hated each other in such a lustful way it could turn into love without none of you noticing
and i’m not gonna lie, that’s what happened, but maybe you weren’t confident enough to confess when you noticed the feeling that started invading your heart. it was difficult to believe it could be reciprocate, but the same thing happened to osamu
none of you gave in to the feeling and things just happened to grow more tense as stupid as it may sound, leading you both to a cloud of confusion about what you should do. sadly, things don’t go always the way we want them to go
that’s what you learned when you were hanging out at atsumu’s and jealousy suddenly consumed you on the spot. osamu nonchalantly entered the house with a girl you didn’t knew, and went all the way to his room with her without even saying his usual “hello you dumbfuck” to you, closing the door behind his back
you couldn’t help it, and you stormed out of the house without even giving atsumu an explanation, you needed to be left alone with your thoughts
for the next days you couldn’t bring the face of that random girl out of your mind for a second, she looked like she knew what she was going to do when she entered osamu’s room, and you wished so bad you were her
but that’s what you got for not confessing on time
even though it was difficult, you had to get used to seeing the boy you like with other girl, and with the pass of time, it became easier and easier. maybe it was because you were starting to feel nothing for him but rage, rage because he didn’t notice you were so into him, or maybe he just didn’t care because he didn’t feel the same
sometimes you would think rationally and in a lucid moment, you realized it was your fault for being a coward ass and not confessing, but that didn’t matter at all because now you were over the romantic feeling, it was just regret what was left, maybe something beautiful could have happened
after some time, atsumu asked you what was going on that day, and now that you weren’t sensitive about that topic anymore you decided to be honest with him and tell him the truth. you could see the anguish in his face and you couldn’t tell why, but you understood it all some days after when osamu came to your house with a nervous aura and you felt even more dumb if it could happen
“i think i like you quite a lot... you dumbfuck” (yeah as you can see you had a beautiful nickname) he let those words out with an annoyed expression in his face
“oh no this can’t be happening now” you thought to yourself. “...samu ??... and what about... her ??”
“i left her y/n. i don’t wanna be with her if i can be with you, she was just the band-aid for my wound... you.” osamu directed his grey gaze to the floor, his expression softened as he confessed this to you. you couldn’t help but break down into tears, this couldn’t be happening to you. “hey... why are you crying y/n? are you okay?” concern showing in his voice
“it’s just that i feel like a true dumbfuck samu.” you tried to smile through your tears and downplay the matter but it was impossible at that point. the boy looked at you with a confused guise, tilting his head to one side and furrowing his brows. “i’m sorry love... i don’t feel like that”
“but tsumu said...” — his words were interrupted by you placing your index finger against his lips as you directed your teary gaze to him.
“not anymore samu... it was a while ago. i’m deeply sorry, you can’t even imagine how much and i hope you can forgive me for being such a dumbass” you tried to say it in the softest way you could because you truly were feeling like that
“hey y/n. don’t worry. it’s not your fault. i get it, come here” you felt osamu’s arms taking you in a tight embrace, giving an end to a beautiful story that didn’t even got time to start
#haikyuu#haikyuu imagines#haikyuu scenarios#haikyuu headcanons#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu x you#haikyuu drabbles#haikyuu fanfiction#hq#hq imagines#hq scenarios#hq headcanons#haikyuu angst#hq angst#kuroo x reader#kuroo x you#kuroo tetsuro#oikawa tooru#oikawa x you#oikawa x reader#osamu miya#osamu x you#osamu x reader
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Sasuke Uchiha having a crush on you headcanons (modern au)
sasuke having a crush on you headcanons (modern au)
thanks so much for the request! i focused this more on the school/prom aspect so i hope u don’t mind!!

okay so you were childhood friends with him right?
you guys did everything together and you were constantly at the uchiha residency
his family adored you! itachi was like an older brother to you
around middle school sasuke suddenly turned into the emo boy that we all know and love
around that time he started seeing you in a different light
it all started when naruto said someone along the lines of, “hey that y/n chick you’re friends with is really cute! could you give me her number”
cue sasuke punching naruto in the gut while naruto clutches his poor stomach
he’s very protective of you, if any boy looks in your direction, that boy is met with a sharp glare
you guys have study dates a lot!! they usually quickly end after an hour when you say something like, “is orange named after the fruit or color”
cue the heated discussion that usually just ends with him pinching his nose bridge and saying, “i cannot believe im friends with you, you’re worse than naruto”
but you guys just end up watching a dumb sitcom
you usually lay your head on his shoulder while you guys are watching tv
cue sasuke going into minor cardiac arrest
he helps u study for al upcoming tests
pats u on ur head when u pass a test that was esp hard, “see i knew you could do you dumbass! stop doubting yourself so much..”
AHHH omg whenever you had a bad day he would take you out for some ice cream 🥺
he would drive you to high school and take you home!!
sometimes you guys just stay in the library to study
you fall asleep while waiting for him to finish up a project
he definitely takes pictures of you sleeping because he thinks you’re adorable
okay so when you two are in high school and there’s a school dance coming up sasuke panics a bit
what if someone asks you before him??
he can’t let that happen
if he overheard anyone talking about how they plan to ask you out he glares at them until they get the message
glaring is his main weapon tbh
anyways i think he’d ask you out in a really casual, nonchalant manner
like, “hey, are you going to prom?”
“yeah, are you?”
cue a moment of silence
“you’re going with me, right?” he asks but it’s more like a demand
you smile, used to his behavior, “who else would i be going with?”
you’re legally obligated to wear a red dress
red is the color of the uchihas
he has a red tie and a red boutonniere while swearing a black suit
he looks good as hell
okay so he’s at ur house and waiting for u to come down
when he sees you, his jaw drops a little
you’re wearing a sleek red dress that accentuates every curve of your body and oh dear
sasuke is getting a little red himself
you come down from the stairs and do a little twirl, “do you like it.”
sasuke doesn’t really say anything but he nods
you can tell from his red face that he does
okay so itachi would take group pictures of you two and naruto and hinata!!
you all look so good omg
okay so you guys go out to eat and then it’s limo time!!
when you head to the prom location literally all eyes are on you two when you walk in
sasuke and you are the hottest couple ever
sasuke is a bit awkward so he doesn’t really ask you to dance
he just sits down with his buddy neji and gaara and talks to them while the first few songs play
being in a dance circle with a bunch of hormonal teenagers? yeah he’d have to pass
he looks over to see you dancing with sakura, ino, and hinata
you two make eye contact and you grin at him, gesturing for him to come over and dance with you
he shakes his head with a small smile, but he comes over
a slow dance had started and he smiled at you, “may i have this dance?”
you giggled, “you may”
okay tbh sasuke’s heart would be pounding in his chest as you guys locked eyes while swaying to the music
but he decided that it was now or never, he was going to confess to you
“hey y/n...”
“yeah sasuke?” you said, your bright eyes looking up at him
he was weak in the knees
“you look really beautiful” he said, a slight blush on his face as he looked away
“you do too.” you smirked
“i like-“ he was cut off by the music abruptly changing into some obnoxiously loud rap song
he scowled a bit before coming up with an idea, “come with me...”
he led you outside near the water fountain and omg it’s literally straight out of a coming-of-age highschool movie
you guys just admire the view for a bit before sasuke says, “i like you.”
you gasp a bit and look over at him, to see him gazing at you too
you smile a bit to yourself, “i like you too.”
he smiled and brought your face close to his, “can i?” he asked
you could only nod
you guys then shared a sweet kiss that marked the innocence of young love
pulling away, you both had the biggest grins on your faces
hand in hand, you walked back to the dance floor
naruto and sakura were totally watching you by the way, cheering you two on
#sasuke x reader#sasuke#sasuke uchiha#sasuke uchiha x reader#naruto x reader#naruto#sasuke headcanons#sasuke fluff#naruto headcanons
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~♪ Rhythm of Your Heart ♪~ (Days 3-7)
Summary: A series of compilation stories set in my College Alternate Universe, where the Lolirock cast are just normal teenagers heading off to college trying to figure out life while settling into adulthood. Musically set to the tunes of Marianas Trench.
Ships: Talisto, Levyna, NatIris,ZackPrax, Rorissa and MattAuri a few others sprinkled in there.
*If it’s not your cup of Tea that’s 100% fair, go enjoy all the other awesome content from the fandom ~
**If you are here for Talisto week 2020, welcome! Hope you like the stories!

Day 3: First Kiss
The sound of music and dancing was the universal sign of a good time. She had come out tonight to feel normal again. Enough time had passed and yet here she was.
Talia blended into the crowd and began to sneak out of a party, purposely avoiding her friends, taking the route off the roof by using the fire escape. She frowns as tears stung her eyes as she hugs her arms softly. After a few steps she sighed leaning against the wall taking a seat outside of Lev’s apartment. She wanted to leave, but it was a shitty thing to leave without saying anything to Iris and Auriana. This only made the pressure of anger in her lower abdomen knot and twist as she took a seat on the steps of the fire escape.
What brought on this mixture of melancholy and angry frustration? A stupid song, her ex’s favorite song, it had been a month since she and Kyle had broken up. And some dumb song shouldn't make her feel so many emotions all once, it was like remembering something she had desperately to forget and bury yet couldn't.
Suddenly there was a click from the sliding door opening and a surprise gaze of a young burgundy hair man holding a bowl of chips. He looked surprised to find her there.
She knew him vaguely from campus, he was in the drama department with Lev, and he noticed her crying because his first words to her were.
"Hey… are you okay?" He asked softly, looking at her. "You like you've been crying…"
Talia gave half a sigh mixed with a dry laugh "....Just… heard my Ex's favorite song play...I don't know its stupid" he took a seat across from her and gave a small smile. "Hey, no… it's not dumb...I'm a theater kid… if there's one thing we know is a broken heart… Now unless you want to belt out a ballad of self empowerment, Talking about it usually helps. And who better than someone you probably won't see again" he winks at her which made her smile, the joke helped to ease any tension or embarrassment she felt. There was something in his eyes that gave an air of kindness. She gave a nod "he was my highschool sweetheart…. " she started
The hours passed and she told him, her story, of how she was with this guy for years and all of the sudden he just broke up with her because her college was too far away and long distance relationships don't work. They passed around the snacks till the empty bowl was all that was left. Finally when she finished Talia took a deep sigh of relief, she had no idea how long she had kept that inside her chest. Locked up under the guise of self control and keeping up appearances that she was fine. To share it with someone felt nice, she felt heard and looked at Mephisto who had processed the whole ordeal with her.
At first he frowns "Wow…that's such a jerk move….just everything he did it sounds like he was just looking for a excuse to break up and instead of talking to you and not completely blindsiding you he just one day decided to be jerk and make up an excuse…." He said sighing deeply as he ran his fingers through his hair and looking at her with a soft gaze. "He genuinely doesn't deserve you. When he grows up and realizes that. I hope he has enough backbone to apologize for what he's done…as for you feeling sad…. It happened a month ago. You should let yourself grieve, However you want to. It was a long relationship, a relationship you put a lot of your heart into loving them and that doesn't just go away… It may have been for him, but that took a while and he had his time to figure his feelings. So should you. You didn't wake up one day with the thought that everything was leading up to a break up. You genuinely thought things were okay between you two and suddenly they weren't, you need time to process that. You know?"
"I…. Thank you…." She whispers and nods "that's really solid advice… and I never considered letting myself do that… I'm the tough one you know… nothing gets to me…." She sniffles a bit wiping her face with the back of her hand.
He shook his head "no one can be okay after that…it's okay to feel and recover…"
Talia made a small noise of agreement "Hey, let's get out here and enjoy the party….could I know your name?" She asked as she got up, he gave a nod and smiled getting up too. "Mephisto, it's an honor to make your acquaintance milady " he said in a dramatic manner making her laugh "I'm Talia, thanks for hearing me out." She leans over and kisses his cheek softly, just an innocent kiss on the cheek as they headed upstairs to the party. Mephisto felt a small blush on his cheeks "aw, it's no biggie… I'd do it any time… hey do know the Coffee place on Bartley street?"
"Yeah, the book shop?"
"I hang out there, mostly to read scripts and drink coffee if you ever want to hang out?"
Talia smiles "sounds like fun"
They were unaware of it at the time but a friendship was made that night on the fire escape.
Day 4: Retro Fashion
Talia had never considered performing in a fashion show before but Lyna had put in so much effort into her final project. Lyna had sat in several of Talia’s american history courses to learn about the 1920’s. Her professors were surprised to find out the curious young lady with the lengthy notes wasn’t actually enrolled in the courses and was actually a fashion major.
Throughout the semester Lyna would come over with revised sketches of the gowns she was making. Asking Talia for advice on accessories and accuracy. Which was more than happy to give feedback but she was genuinely caught off guard and flattered when Lyna asked her to model the stunning gown inspired by the ever glamorous Josphine Baker. “Of course” She smiles. It was a strapless black and white ball gown decorated and accessorized with her signature pearls.
The collection was something her friend had worked so hard on. Talia was happy to support her.
Later that afternoon, she sat on the counter top as Mephisto chopped vegetables for dinner.
“So are you free next Saturday afternoon?” She asked. Mephisto glances over as he reaches over his head for a bowl on the shelf. “ Yeah I should be done with finals”
“Do you want to come to a fashion show?”
“Fashion show?” He smiles “ Are you modeling for Lyna’s Final?”
“Yeah.” She blushes a bit “ Do you think it's silly”
“ Now why would I ever think that? I think it's gonna be awesome” He kisses her pouty cheek. “ I’m going to take so many pictures~”
“Oh my god”
“ and Facetime Izira.”
She laughs burying her face into his shoulder blade “You are such a dork”
“ You love it” He grins.
Day 5: Sport AU
Author’s note: I know nothing about sports, Zero. Nada. My knowledge of sports comes from sports animes and I watch them for the cute boys and nothing else.So! Instead have Praxina, Mephisto and Talia trying out Auriana’s pilates’s class.
Praxina’s frown deepens as she glares at her brother “ You have 5 minutes to explain why I’m here.” Talia looked equally exasperated at her boyfriend who, being the only morning person of the trio grins. “ I figured finals stressed us out and Auriana is teaching her first pilates class so let's go be good friends and get some exercise too!.” He said with a grin as the girls gave a groan “ You are making us breakfast after this” Praxina yawns. “ yeah” Talia smiles softly “ you do know Auriana’s classes aren’t beginner friendly right… She’s tough.”
Mephisto pales a bit realizing he might have made a mistake. ”Oh-” They headed up to the studio greeted warmly by the chipper redhead who claps her hand together. “ Alright Class! Lets have an awesome warm up!” While Talia and Praxina both being dancers could easily keep up with the beat and tempo set by Auriana. Mephisto was having trouble just keeping his breathing in check.
This was just a warm up. He was doomed. After the class, the group ended up in the small apartment where Praxina lived with her dog Brutus. Mephisto lays on his sister's couch his body feeling like jelly as Brutus the pomeranian lays on his back. “ You should have just sat down after the warm up” Talia said sips on her water. Watching him from her seat on the love seat across the coffee table from him.
“No that was quitter talk, Can’t stop, won’t stop!” He said muttering into the couch cushions as Praxina laughs walking over picking up Brutus “ He just hates being wrong, I don’t know where he gets this competitive attitude from~” Praxina comments to Talia before she grins and leans over to his ear and says “ I’m the alpha twin, now~” “Ahhh” His muffled groan came from the couch making the girls laugh as they order breakfast off their phones since their cook was down count. Overall the stress of test week is long forgotten.
Day 6+7 Gift Giving at the School Festival
Author’s note: Roark belongs to Kireiscorner~ I asked her before borrowing him~
It was a silly campus tradition, past over from one generation to the next. On the evening of the School Festival, to give a gift to your significant other before the firework’s show. Mephisto had always thought his mother’s story was a little corny, but the romantic in him had also found it a little sweet.
He wanders around the shopping district, his eyes looking in the different stores looking for the right gift. He had his heart set on finding a pair of earrings that match her favorite bracelet. “ Young man!” A sing-song voice called from a small stall. “ You look like a crafty gentleman~ Would like to buy our jewelry crafting set! Only 3 installments of 29.99!”
Mephisto pointed to himself and gave a thought he must look desperate by now because he was actually walking over. “ Hold it” A familiar voice stopped him. “ yikes man… you weren’t actually going to buy kiosk craft kits-” Lev said walking over wrapping an arm around his best friend and shaking his head at sales girl “ Sorry sweetheart, not today” He winks at her as the kiosk sale girl glares at him.
Mephisto sighs “ I’m a little desperate… I’ve been looking for a gift for Talia all morning and I’ve come up empty... Please tell me your Father owns a discount jewelry shop?”
“Nope, my old man owns and sells engagement rings and high end jewelry… but I know a man who might be able to help” Lev grins as they head out of the bustling area to a quiet shop. It was an antique shop designed on restoring metal pieces. “ Hey Roark buddy, you in?” Lev called out as a massive man walked out from the back. He gave a small grunt greeting them with a welcome. “ Roark buddy, this is Mephisto. Mephisto, this is my buddy Roark. He’s in the robotics department with me. His family owns this shop. Bud, we are in a bit of a time crunch. Do you mind if Mephisto here looks around the jewelry section?” Roark gave a shrug and continued working on the counter as Lev showed him over to the section of the counter where the restored jewelry was found. Mephisto’s eyes light up when he spotted them, sapphire earrings restored from old gold. “ How much?!” Roark gave a tired look as he got up and fetched the earrings they were around 95. Mephisto looked at everything he had saved up. That would leave him with 30 in pocket for anything at the festival. He nodded “ Okay… Could I get wrapped in a box? Blue please!”
Lev watched him with a small smile “ You really like this girl, huh…”
Mephisto blushes “ Yeah… I do… I just want to make her smile.”
Lev chuckles “ It’s nice to see you this happy again.” Roark came out the back, the earrings wrapped up in a small box, tucked neatly in a paper shopping bag. “ Thank you for your purchase,” Roark said. “ Thanks Roark you’re the best buddy” Lev winks as Roark rolled his eyes with a small grin.
Mephisto paid and thanked him too.
Hours passed and Mephisto couldn’t help but enjoy every moment he spent with Talia, this whole year by her side had been special to him. He helps her over to a nice spot to watch the fireworks where it wasn’t too crowded. “ Hey… So… It's… kind of a corny tradition but tonight some couples exchange gifts… and I wanted to give you something…” He pulled out the small box from his jacket pocket.
“It's a thank you for being you and sharing yourself with me.” Talia eyes widen and a blush spread all over her face “ Thank you… but I didn’t know-”
“Yeah it's okay you aren’t from here so I figured you wouldn’t exactly know the stories… But It wouldn’t have felt right to celebrate without telling you how I felt.”
She blushes brightly as she kisses him “ You idiot... I love you… Thank you… I can’t wait to celebrate with you next year…” She whispers hugging him close.
“That’s a promise” He smiles holding her close as the fireworks begin.
===========The End============
Author’s Note: And that was Talisto week 2020 everyone!~ As always thanks for your support! It was awesome to see everyone again~ and to celebrate with you all - Lots of love as always, Kikki~
#lolirock#Talisto#talisto week 2020#talia princess of xeris#mephisto#Mephisto x Talia#lolirock fanfic
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Teen Romance Logicality // Part 10
Taglist: @loveyatothemoonandback @datoneidiot @doepuffsss @katie-the-noble-fangirl @awkwardcat @sanders-sides-love-astronomy @lallyphant @procrastinatingnerd @i-need-you-buddy
Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, and Nine.
Ahhh I can't believe this is it!!
(Other than a few planned things. *cough* Prinxiety and maybe future stuff *cough*)
Enjoy my teen boys one last time...maybe. (This is the end of this series but not this universe.)
Thank you for reading this series!!
~ ~ ~
Logan couldn't believe it, today was his last day as a highschooler. This was the last time he'd roam those halls with his best friend, last time he'd prove his History teacher wrong, last time he'd sneak a call to Patton in the bathrooms...
Logan was hardly ready, as he stared at his suit laid completely in the center of his perfectly-made bed, and remembered every single thing that he could.
Maybe it was so he wouldn't have to face it, or maybe it was so he didn't forget it on his journey of life.
So he didn't forget all that had brought him here, Logan's eyes steadied on the pride flag stretched just above his bed and felt apart of him just... sigh.
There was a point in his life that he was afraid of that, afraid of who he was and how it would affect his life. Yet, he sat here; his identity flaunted and more in love than he could ever even imagine.
His heart skipped a beat, as his eyes fogged up without a beat of hesitation.
He used to be so afraid of feelings of so much vulnerability and heartbreak, that he tore his heart away from anything it had latched onto. Except, one.
Except Patton.
Logan's heart swelled, as he smiled a wide broad smile, just thinking about him. About everything Patton had been there for, helped him with, and just how much he had learned from him.
Logan didn't even know how much he didn't know until he met Patton, and began to love him on a level he never even knew he was capable of.
Sure, they were teenagers but Logan felt like he had known him for three decades, and couldn't imagine living without him.
To be fair though, Patton hadn't been the only one to shape him.
His eyes shifted to a Pride picture sat just by his bedside, with Roman in a rainbow crown and himself with a flag draped across the back of his shoulders.
Roman had done so much for him, and although he was incredibly annoying, he was heaven-sent.
Roman had been there for an stubborn, arrogant boy when he was at his worst, and helped him accept himself despite never wanting to.
He, oddly, owed his life to Roman. And hoped whoever he ended up with would be worth such an egotistical but loyal prince, otherwise, Logan would destroy them.
Logan didn't wipe away the tears when they sunk down his cheeks, as he picked up the picture frames just by his bed: one of a familiar boy with a bunny and one of Roman giving him a "makeover" when they were younger.
He could feel the tears well up in his eyes, quietly and considerately, and for one of the first times Logan felt in his life, they deserved to fall.
Everything was about to change, Logan found his eyes falling on the robe and cap hanging up on his closet wall, and he couldn't stop it.
With a sigh, he stood and tried to focus, as well as wiped away his blood-red eyes. Remembering distantly Roman's advice with a small smile, "You're a god, teach; all you've gotta learn is how to care for yourself."
A chuckle and his door was opening, his Mom was grinning with teary eyes that Logan had expected, but hadn't had the guts to imagine.
He now knew why.
Her hair was neat --contrary to her usually messy, tossed look--, and her eyes were gleaming with a sense of sadness and... pride.
Logan swallowed that sob that wished to echo out of his mouth, because she was proud of him and that's truly all he had ever wanted.
"I-" his Mom began with a guilty tone, but her eyes stayed locked on her son.
"Mom-" Logan spoke, words tumbling, "-you don't have t-"
His Mom shook her head, a smile that gleamed under the swift glance of teary eyes, "Oh, but I want too."
"Logan," she shook her head, running a gentle hand down her face, "-I know, I know I don't say it enough. But I love you, and I'm so, so proud of you. For everything, okay? You should know that, I should've told you that mor-"
"Mom-" Logan hummed, wrapping her in a hug that filled a hole in his heart, "-it's okay. You said it now, and that's all that matters. I know."
His Mom wrapped her smaller frame around him, she was gentle but he knew this had meant the world to her. He could tell in the way her grip tightened on him for a split second, like she was holding him as tight as she could, just in case she couldn't again.
"You," she spoke into the air behind him, "You should be whatever you want, Logan. You always should have that choice. I... I never meant to take it from you."
Logan spoke, for what felt like the 10th time that day, "Mom-"
"No," his Mom smiled, pulling back and holding his hands in a quiet moment, "-no, you- You should go with Patton. He makes you happy, I can tell. You deserve to be happy, Logan Alexander."
Logan was quiet, unable to say what exactly he had felt in that moment. It was a complicated slosh of feelings that he didn't exactly know how to... communicate, and found that the silence spoke a lot more than he could say outloud.
"You have to promise me that you'll be happy."
"I-" Logan choked back a sob, tears rolling quietly down his cheeks, "I promise Mom, Patton makes me really happy. He couldn't hurt anything that was relatively harmless."
His Mom smirked, pinching his cheek, "Oh, Logan. I'm so proud of who you've become, Patton is one lucky, lucky boy."
Logan sniffled, "Thank you, I- I don't know what to say."
"Hmm, maybe. This is just a thought-" his Mom rambled with a teasing tone, "-'Mom, I'll invite you to the wedding?'"
Logan rolled his eyes, wiping off his clouded glasses, "You had to ruin it, Mom? Really?"
She smiled, "Anything to get you to stop crying, Logan. Now, looks like you've got a suit to put on, no?"
He grinned, his heart lifted and so full that Logan was honestly surprised he wasn't levitating at how much he felt like it.
This day truly couldn't get any better.
Logan's knee was bouncing, he sat just behind a girl named... Stephanie? He thought so anyway, she was confident and incredibly nice.
He would... never see her again.
He'd never seen a lot of people again, that was apart of this moment. His hands were clammy with a stack of index cards practically being squeezed to death in his right hand; of course, he was valedictorian.
Who else would be?
So, he had a speech prepped and ready to launch when he was called upon. He was scared, but a good kind of scared (he cursed himself for a vocabulary change), and he couldn't not say he wasn't practically dancing on his toes at the fact that he would Patton would physically be in his presence soon.
He didn't need to think about that right now, he had to focus-
"-our valedictorian, Logan Reilly!"
Logan's eyes went wide, just for a second as he swallowed down the fear and stood with as straight as his posture would allow.
He cleared his throat, his cards set just onto the podium in front of him; as he quietly wrung out his hands an effective way to calm his stuttering nerves.
"I'd like- I'd like to say that this will be easy-" Logan spoke, careful and pristine with every ounce of confidence in his tone, "-but I'm sure, we all know it won't be. And you all know, I don't like liars-"
A falsehood echoed somewhere in the crowd, a memory of something that had defined him in this school. It was... nice.
"So," Logan chuckled, "-I think we can all agree that it's hard, it is difficult to say goodbye to this. To these walls and these teachers that we are so ever familiar with."
"Even if it wasn't pleasant," Logan added, "-it's hard to deal with change. To label this chapter of our stories with 'The End', and to comprehend the next steps in our lives. Because afterall, we're just human."
"Today, however-" Logan transitioned, "-I don't propose an end to you, nor do I propose a clichéd entirely new beginning. I say just keep going, this is just a new layer of your life. Things will change, of course, it is inevitable. But it will only truly affect you, if you allow it do so."
Logan paused, beginning steadily, "This is your life, and whether you want to be a doctor, lawyer, or a professional heartbreaker --it is of no importance--, because you control it. You live how you want to. What would I recommend?"
"Well," Logan tapped his chin, "-take those who you love-"
His eyes searched for his Mom within the crowd, finding her bright smile in a sea of faces; she sat just beside a familiar fa-
Logan froze, squinting for a second, as his heart halted in his chest; warm curls, round glasses and the shiniest blue eyes he had ever seen.
For a second, Logan forgot how to breath and where he was because the love of his life was in the crowd-
He cleared his throat, trying to regain himself and cage his ever bursting heart in his ribcage, plus restrain himself from running from the stage at that exact second.
He wasn't even graduated yet, that was too improbab-
"T-Take," Logan began again, "-Take those who you love and choose your journey, choose where you wish to go. It's truly your decision whether or not this is an ending, or just another step up the staircase of life. Thank you for the memories, I'm glad I graduated with you all."
There was a roaring applause that Logan felt a surge of pride for, but all he could think about was the fact that he had actually seen Patton with his actual two eyes.
He was real, he was here.
He was breathing the same air as him; he was so close to him, closer than he's ever been. Logan could touch him, potentially.
With a racing heart, Logan made his way back to his seat with a bouncing leg but this time for a different reason, that Logan believed was immensely better.
Getting his diploma felt unreal, he was lined up meticulously and he had seen this through a metaphorical lens, he could've sworn that it wasn't real.
That he was enraptured in a fantasy world, but he had to remind himself he wasn't Roman. Everything was real, he was... graduating.
"With the highest honors, Logan Reilly."
Accepting his diploma with a brief handshake and bright smile, Logan swore he couldn't feel more unreal.
This was a new page in a book he was... excited to read.
The rest of the graduation ceremony was quick, all Logan could think about was who was up in the stands. Who he had loved but never even seen with his true bare eyes.
But, he controlled himself. He stayed on the bottom floor because that was what his Mom had planned earlier, and Logan wasn't one to break plans. So he sat there, practically bouncing as his eyes flashed to the bleachers and back to the crowd, anything to tip him off would make him start sprinting at this point.
"Hey-" Roman spoke, causing Logan to jump and almost fall over himself, "-Nerd Alert, you look a little, dare I say it, distracted? Everything... alright?"
Logan paused, looking at his best friend, "Yes, yes. Roman, I'm perfectly fine. It seems there is an extra visitor, that I have come unprep-"
Roman burst, "Patton's here! HOLY SH-"
"Woah, Roman-" Logan laughed lightly, "-we are still on school grounds."
"True, true," Roman hummed, he was visibly bouncing, up and down and up and down.
Logan was practically frantic, as he rambled, "I'm actually remarkably nervous, which is quite unusual. I just, I want him to like me, you know?"
"Oh Logan," Roman stood on his tippy toes to see over heads, "-Patton loves you, nothing is ever going to change that."
Logan glanced at Roman, his gaze sweeping slowly back to the crowd, "I know, it's an odd fee-"
Logan's words halted on his lips, his eyes locking with a head of such fluffy curls and the brightest pair of eyes he'd ever seen.
And suddenly he was broken, his eyes locking on him like he couldn't move, like he barely even registered that there he was: Patton was right there.
Logan could scream.
Patton wasn't looking at him though, he was leading his purple-haired friend --who he assumed was Virgil-- through the hectic crowd, with a caring and gentle touch.
Logan truly didn't know how to react, should he start running? Should he call out to him? Make noise? What was the proper way to make him see m-
Virgil's dark brown eyes widened as they landed on him, a grin bashfully making it onto his lips and Logan could see him sputter to Patton. He could see the struggle of trying to explain it, until the surprisingly tall anxious boy just groaned and pointed behind him.
Logan lost it, when Patton slowly turned around and for the first time, Patton's light blue wonders of eyes locked onto his. His heart skipping in his chest, before Logan could even blink Patton had dropped Virgil's wrist with a quick thump, and began running through the crowd to him.
Logan's heart was racing in his ears, as he grinned as bright as a beam of light, and made his way to him through the crowds too.
Step, keep moving, he had to keep reminding himself, ignoring the feeling that was quite vividly tearing his stomach out. He just had to focus on Patton's curls, curls that Logan could feel with his fingertips-
And then, the two found a clear pathway, a section open for just the two of them like a runway for a plane. Before Logan could move an inch though, Patton was already sprinting toward him.
And he was oddly fast, very very fast.
So Logan found himself waiting, until Patton crashed directly into his arms and Logan caught him and spun him around to disperse the force. (Totally not for dramatic effect.)
He was touching Patton, Patton was literally right in front of him and he could feel him breath and his chest move with his laugh.
Logan pulled him close to his chest with a single movement, as Patton dug his head into his neck and wrapped his legs just around Logan's torso.
It felt so right, as he breathed in his distant scent of strawberries, felt his curls against his face.
God, he was real.
He was so real, and warm and lovely. How was this happening? Was it all a dream? It had to be a dream right? It has to b-
Patton pulled back, interrupting his thoughts, and Logan was so close he could see the lightest bit of freckles scattered along his cheeks. He was remarkably beautiful.
Just until Logan noticed that he was crying, tears were slowly making their way down his cheeks and Logan immediately panicked.
He put him down, crouching slightly to match his height, and it was then he realized he could touch him, there was no screen.
Logan's thumbs were quick, wiping away the flood pouring from his eyes, with a concerned tone, "Love, what's wrong? Is everything alright? Are you okay? Did you get hu-"
Patton sniffled, which was possibly the cutest thing Logan had ever seen, "I'm just-"
Logan held onto the edge of his words, ready to fight literally anyone in a moment's notice; which was unusual behavior but his boyfriend had been way cuter in person than over the phone which is so incredibly impossible, but-
"I'm just-" Patton spoke, a gleam in his eye and the warmest smile that sent "butterflies" straight to Logan's stomach, "I'm just really happy."
Logan faltered, a sloppy smile slipping it's way onto his lips without hesitation, "Oh, Patton. I love you so much, I'm not sure I can handle it."
Patton's face brightened so much, Logan wouldn't mind saying those words for the rest of his life; his smile was entirely too infectious and Logan could hardly breathe from the love that bloomed deep in his chest.
Oh god, he loved him. He loved him so much he could scream it off the rooftops --which was highly dangerous and improbable--, he'd yell it across the world if he had too.
Patton grinned, placing a hand on Logan's face with just the lightest hesitation, "I... I love you too. I just... I can't believe you're here, with me. You're real. You're... you're Logan."
Logan leaned into his hand, absorbing the warmth flowing through his skin without a shred of rejection or even thought at this point. He was running on adrenaline, adrenaline and love.
Patton was quiet, just for a second and Logan could feel his whole world freeze with him.
"I..." Patton hummed, inching closer to Logan with every step, "May I kis-"
Logan surged forward, because god he had been waiting to do that for so long. He had imagined it many a times before, what it felt like to kiss Patton and he hadn't imagined anything less than absolute bliss.
And he was so, so right.
It was slow and warm and sweet, filled with years of wanting to do so, but never doing so. Logan couldn't imagine anything more perfect, as he pulled Patton to him by the waist and wished on every star in the sky that this was real, and that Patton would stay here, with him, forever.
When they pulled away, it was for a breath and not much else. Just until, Patton's eyes began to sparkle and Logan didn't think he could ever see anything more beautiful.
"I..." Logan didn't know what to say, he was speechless at this beautiful boy in front of him.
Patton shook his head, placing a finger on his lips with a cheesy smile, "My turn to talk, Lo-Lo."
Logan rolled his eyes, with a shine of admiration in his eyes and love in his heart.
"You are-" Patton spoke inbetween kisses scatter among Logan's face and he was melting, "-amazing," kiss to the cheek, "-smart," kiss to the other cheek, "-handsome," kiss to the forehead, "-my entire world, and-" kiss to the nose.
Patton grabbed his tie and pulled him down, looking straight at his lips, "-I'm never going to let you go again."
Logan squeaked, and Patton met their lips again, confident and happy and Logan couldn't ask for anything better.
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Sparks Chapter 35
Pairing: Bucky POV X Reader POV
Word Count: 1.9K
Warnings: smut
Summary: Best friends who play friends with benefits for a second / getting jealous of Bucky's date.
August 26, 2017
y/n’s POV
“...and we welcome to the stage one of the world's most renowned entrepreneurs, innovators, and not to mention super hero: Tony Stark.” The audience cheers with vigor and I lazily clap my hands as I watch not the man himself ascend the stage, but rather Barnes with Bahni by his side clapping his hands in sync with the crowd. I narrow my eyes at the scene and mentally dissect every aspect of their proximity to each other, stance, and contact in attempts to decipher why he is with her right now. We are all seated around a large round table and Bucky is seated across from me with her by his side. They’re turned towards the stage listening to Tony’s self involved glorified speech. I’m already facing the stage and this seating position gives me the best opportunity to glare without being caught. Although i’m busted when Cho nudges me with her shoulder tearing me from the icy glare I give the couple seated across from us.
“What?” I whisper and roll my eyes at Cho. I return my eyes back to the stage where Tony is still talking. Although despite my best attempts to pay attention I find my eyes drifting back to Bucky… and Bahni and her backless gown. Slut.
I child myself internally for the comment. I’m a new age feminist. I don’t believe in judging women based on the way they dress or pettily putting myself in competition with another woman for a man. I don’t even want Bucky. I just don’t want him to move on. I know it’s an evil thought: hoping he’d stay forever in love with me. But, that’s what I want. Although I refuse to be reduced to jealousy.
But, why is he with her? After that night during our ambiguous conversation about what we are, we’ve spent a lot more time together. Not like before… I guess things will never go back to the way they were before. Things change, you move on. It’s illogical to expect to relive the past. But, he never told me about her. I guess I have no right to know. Why should he tell me? We are friends. He doesn’t need to tell me anything. You know what. This whole train of thought is illogical, I think to myself and immediately dismiss it.
Bucky’s POV
I sit beside Bahni. Listening to Tony’s rant, speech, whatever… Completely and utterly concerned about what y/n is thinking right now. I’m behaving like a teenager. Bringing an ex as a plus one to an event where the love of your life is currently at is a dick move. Straight out of the how to make a girl jealous book: highschool edition. I don’t know why I told myself it would be a good idea. It wasn’t even mine. It was hers, Bahni’s. She was the one who bumped into me and suggested we go together for old times sake. I just went along with it under the excuse that i’m moving on. But, I knew what my true motivations were deep, deep down.
I caught her staring once. But since the night began I hadn’t had any other chances to gauge her reaction. I guess even adults aren’t adult sometimes. Even 100 year old men still sink to new lows when it comes to the emotional. What does that say about the power of emotions? Or the strength of men?
y/n’s POV
I spend the rest of the night trying not to stare icy daggers into Barnes chest and completely avoid looking in the direction of Bahni at all. I excuse myself as much as possible from the table, in the name of personal sanity, to socialize with colleagues. However, as chipper as my facade is I can’t seem to escape the lingering feeling in my chest.
Despite my expert dodging skills I can’t keep the game up when dinner is served and i’m forced to acknowledge their existence. I smile and converse as civilly and excuse myself early under the pretense of a headache.
I walk towards the bathroom and thankfully find it empty. My makeup is to pristine to splash some water on my face but I feel like I need a cold shower to knock some sense into me right now. I can’t expect him to never move on. That’s just… childish and irrational. I… I don’t know what I want. But, I don’t want to see him prancing around with Bahni. Just as i’m about to leave I hear the twist of the door knob and say, “occupied.” Nevertheless the door swings slowly open to reveal the man himself.
“What do you want?” I ask a little more coldly than i’d intended to.
“Nothing…” he trails off. “I just came to see if you were alright.” God even when he pisses me off he’s sweet.
“I’m fine.” My reply is curt and he senses it in my tone.
“What?” He asks.
“Are you mad at me now?”
“Why would I be mad at you?”
“It doesn’t mean anything. We’re just friends.” He says.
“You and Bahni. Or you and me?” I retort.
“Both I guess…” he says a little taken aback.
“Well, I didn’t ask.” I say trying to sound less cold.
“You can’t just expect me to live on an, ‘I don’t know.’ I have a life too y/n.” He says.
“I never asked you to.”
He locks the door and takes a step towards me. He reaches forward and grabs my hand pulling me towards him.
“What are you doing?”
“Ask me then.” He says, “ask me and i’ll do it. I’ll wait for you. I’ll pathetically pine for you. Just ask me because right now I don’t know what you want and I can’t give it to you yn.”
“I don’t want anything. You can date her if you want. You should date her,” I say my tone softening. The anger and annoyance of earlier slipping away. “She’s the right choice you know. I mean I don’t know that. But, she is hell of a lot better than the mess I am.”
“You’re my mess.” He says pulling me closer to him. I am now flush against him and I can feel the buttons of his dress shirt through the silk of my dress. He slips his other hand behind me and to the nape of my neck. His fingers tangle in my hair and tilt my head back.
“Open your mouth…” hey says in a sultry almost demanding tone. When I don’t react he says it again even more seductively than the first time, “open it… Open it” he repeats with more force.
Then I give in and I feel his tongue on mine, his lips against mine, his body pressed into me. And I can’t react and I know it’s cliche to say but he paralyzes me. But this can’t happen again. This is exactly what destroys us. I let myself feel this searing kiss just a second or two longer then shove him back. But he doesn’t move and part of me is wickedly happy that he is so much stronger than me. That he doesn’t break the kiss, that his tongue is still in my mouth. But another part of me knows that this path will only lead us down another slippery slope i’m not ready for. So I bite his lip softly at first because I am selfish and I want to elicit that sinful moan from him. Then harder. I shove him back successfully this time and he touches his lip where I bit him and reacts with an equally sinful, “Ahhh.”
“No... “ I say awfully low not really meaning it. But one of us has to have some semblance of self control here, “no.” I repeat this time more resolutely.
But my words may have fallen on deaf ears because the predatory gaze is still in his eyes and I don’t think I can bring myself to say no again and he knows this fact as well. He takes another step towards me and I take one back until i’m met with the counter behind me. He lifts me up and sets me on it and I pull him back towards me. Before I get a chance to reach for his fly he is out of my grasp. I feel the material of my dress being pulled up and my legs being shoved open. I feel his hand grab at my panties and before I process what’s happening they’re off. He grabs my thighs and pulls me forwards towards the edge of the counter and then I feel his mouth on me.
A couple more minutes of this delicious sensation. HIs tongue on my cunt. Flicking my clit. HIs smooth skin. He’s shaved. Probably for tonight. I miss his stubble, imagine how delectable it might have felt right now, in this moment, against me. The electrifying feeling has me straining to close my legs but his hands keep me in place. The thing to send me over the edge isn’t his tongue, or his soft moans against my cunt. It’s the look he gives me when I open my eyes and look down. It’s his icy light eyes that watch every move I make. It’s the knowledge that he’s watching me that sends me over the edge. It’s his face, the image of his lips on me covered in my slick that tips me over.
Bucky’s POV
I watch her slip her underwear back on. She adjusts her dress and grabs a towel from the counter and holds it under the water. She walks over to me and wipes my mouth.
We return to our table in silence and none there seem to notice our joined absence. The rest of the nights entertainments pass by unbearably tediously. Every moment i’m not with her, truly with her, is slow. Every precious minute I do get with her is like a second fleeting by. I can still hear her moans echo in my ears. And even though it was over a month ago I can still feel her around me, her nails scratching into my chest.
“Bucky? Bucky? James?” Bahni’s voice pulls me from my daydream. “It’s so nice out let’s go get some air.” She says pointing towards the balcony.
y/n’s POV
I watch the “couple” excuse themselves and head out towards the veranda. I shouldn’t be jealous. I know how he feels. He just proved it to me 30 minutes ago in that bathroom. But I am. That’s the wonderful thing about emotions they turn you into a immature mess if you don’t face them head on. But, facing them head on is also one of life’s greatest challenges. A challenge I am not currently equipped for.
When they come back they look cozier. Or maybe it’s just my mind playing tricks on me. Just as i’m about to leave Bucky once again, being the gentleman that his is, offers to walk me out effectively catching me alone.
“y/n,” he begins.
“Did you kiss her with the same mouth that was on my cunt?” I ask unable to hold the comment back. “You know what I don’t care. I may love you Barnes. But, I don’t want you. So do whatever you want.” I leave him with that spiteful comment bred of jealousy. I regret it almost instantly. But I delude myself once again into thinking it was the strong thing to do. I refuse to be hurt again.
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Ahhh... The shit ton of stories i have.
I used to ren faire circuits in my teens so i was pretty jaded to the level of sexual harassment i managed from coworkers and drunk customers.
I learned to never travel alone. I wore bones and antlers around my waist. But more than the external armor my personality rotted to clever witch bitch.
"I want to throat fuck your puppet." Fourteen working at a gift shop 5 feet from my mom working the same store. That was the first and the worst (other than people trying to grope or undress me).
However, i was shocked by the rate it happened in the street at normal jobs. I could stab customers with antlers or steal their wallets working the circuit but when i had to stand there in my uniform and nametag having a old men talk about my juicy red lips while i couldnt move... I wanted to slash his tires tbh.
The most horrid when i worked with 6 or 7 teenagers ranging between 16-19 all having lived fairly (not carnie like me) lives having to be sullied by these disgusting entitled customers all while saying "thank you have a nice day" and pretand to care for minimum wage?!
Guess who became mother goose. They were all my ducklings. Disgusting asses.
Sometimes i would walk in for my shift (opening sundays closing rest if the week), i would always ALWAYS 100% of the time come in and see one of the highschoolers crying because of shit customer saying nasty things to them.
I have been groped, grabbed, pushed, assaulted with ice cream quarts, screamed at, and so many other nasty things that eventually, i have had enough.
There were some days the customers were so bad i would have a girl or two crying by my feet hiding from their nastiness while i worked the cash register.
Fuck that noise. Glad the managers had my back when it came to my precious ducklings.
hey uh..why old people hit on retail workers?
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"Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw." ( I LOVE HEATHERS I COULDN'T RESIST )
(Heathers Starter Meme for @daturida ;3C )
“Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw…..!”
That little phrase certainlyoozed Senran’s mood at the current moment. For the first time in the shitty andtragic Mobius strip of her life, she found someone she could relate to…inalmost every single way…and they rejected her. Not to say she was terriblysurprised about it all, no, truthfully she expected it to be this way. And whata fucking load of chuckles it was that another person who she cared aboutselflessly was at risk of being taken away from her in a very different way. Itwas almost comical, and the sort of humor a man about to fry in the electricchair would give a final giggle and a shit over due to the sheer unfortunateirony of it all. It was all too terribly unfair really…and while she had toadmit, her dear Kichi-sama had done some bad things, who the fuck hadn’t? Her dainty fingers raked through her verylong purple hair that had done as much growing as the rest of her body hadsince her little ‘operation’.
Kanou might have been a depravedsick fuck, but he had given her what she always had wanted ever since shebecame a teenager and had still been forced to ride out the emotional aspectsof puberty in the body of a brat. Now she finally had a ‘normal’ body. Ofcourse vanity’s sake wasn’t the only reason she wanted to change herself. Whileshe admitted she personally liked herself a lot better now that she looked heractual age, being the size of an adult had its advantages. You could protectsomeone important a little better….
And yet if circumstances and abunch of hypocrites would have had it, they’d take away two of her mostcherished people. All for some bullshit idealism that Furuta was achieving in whatshe felt, was a more realistic way. No rational person could have possiblyexpected all ghouls and humans to join hand in hand and fucking sing Kumbayanow did they?! How?! The CCG had made a very successful and bloody venture ofkilling ghouls…and ghouls of course, had no choice but to treat a human beingas livestock at least once every so often to satiate a hunger a hamburger steakcouldn’t. Donato was so damn right, theworld was positively brimming with hypocrites and the scene in Tokyo was socomical it could honestly have put Gaki No Tsukai out of business.
She had no quarrel with anyone whowanted to see ‘peace’, but really, what the fuck was peace? Wasn’t peace forone side likely to mean the other side would suffer? Like sure, the Goats couldget their little hero’s ending but it was as if they didn’t really care as longas they put a halt to Kichi-sama’s plans. She laughed to herself a little asshe tugged some of her hair that her fingers had a grip on as she ignoredanother headache. Making sure Kichimura was safe wasn’t easy but definitelydoable as she was just too plain stubborn and relentless in her efforts to doeverything she personally could do to keep him safe. Ahhhh how many times had peopleshe known asked why she was ‘defending that bastard’….
‘Fuck I cannot even remember now…how many times did Kaneki or Uta alone askme?…fuck it. Who cares?! What’s it tothem? My reasons for protecting him are none of their fucking business! My feelings are mine and nobody can changed them! Who thefuck do those shitheads who have a problem with Furuta think they are?! MotherTeresa?! Haaaaaaaah, gag me with a fucking dick! OH PLEEEEEASE!’
She mused to herself in the privacyof her thoughts as she hung around the roof of a reasonably sized apartment buildingthat was located niiiice and close to the main office where she knew Furutaworked. Hmm…how strange…if she thought back long and hard, teehee, Kichi-samadid say she was his favorite fan. Of course, one of his more vocal detractorstold her she was a moron for believing him. That he was just using her for somekind of amusement and that when he got bored of her being around him, he wouldsurely get rid of her like he did to the Ami girl. Ahhh how many times didKaneki dearest tell her all about that one? Tch. What did it matter to Senran,really? It’s not like she was expecting marriage out of him like that stupidass Ami did. Senran truthfully almost felt insulted people thought she even expectedanything out of Kichimura personally.
Like what, did sex guarantee a fucking weddingnow all of a sudden!?! Who was this naïvestill? Didn’t Ami ever get taught by her mom not to give it up to the firstpretty man who made her feel like she was prettier than Vanna White or someshit? Or at least not till he fucking put a ring on it like Beyonce said? Ugh how fucking stupid some of these humanswere….At least they got the advantage of doing something like that with someonewho they cared about, a far cry from her own experiences mostly.
“Sorry, but I really had to wake you;See, I decided I must ride you till I break you.‘Cause Heather says I gots to go;You’re my last meal on death row.Shut your mouth and lose them tighty-whities!Come on!Tonight I’m yours,I’m a dead girl walking!”
Sen sang a song to herself as shedanced on the rounded metal safety railing, spinning slowly and skipping withthe sort of daredevil’s grace that would have probably had her dearly departedTatara screaming at her in angry panic for her to stop. She giggled and as shehad her fun, kept a watch and didn’t notice any unusual activity for a whileand eventually came down when she finished. She easily found her way down andwithout any harm or foul, stepping her way to a bench where people could sit and wait for the bus but as usual, shewouldn’t be waiting for a bus. Now she was at ground level and able to makesure no one who wanted to take the only person, who said they saw themselves inher, out of the game. Kichimura was too important to her to let some dickweedwith a Cloud Strife complex take him away. She blew some of her hair out of her face,revealing the beauty mark underneath her right eye, only to be taken bysurprise by loud squealing. Oh dear…the fucking Kichi-sama Fangirls again…SHIT.And soon she was surrounded by a group of pain in the ass highschool girls, incosplay or wearing fake moles. Wielding their fans with his perfect facepainted on them, they began interrogating why a ‘bimbo’ like her was doing nearthe CCG, and that she looked kinda slutty to be one of their members.
‘’LOOK! She didn’t even draw hermole in the right spot!’’–Said one of them who wore the most low qualitywig she had ever seen. Senran was annoyed just looking at her and hearing herand the rest of those schoolgirls. Ohhhh but then Wig Girl just had to reach outand try to ‘smear the mole off’.
It happened before she evenrealized what she had done. Senran hadseen red and then as if having a fucking out of body experience, watched as herfist launched forward like a rocket fueled by every repressed emotionaldisturbance she had been feeling lately, and along with her aversion to beingtouched by strangers. She watched it go smashing into the fangirl’s nose withenough force to knock her backwards and cause her to flip backwards, ass overteakettle into a nearby garbage can filled with glass bottles. The other girlsran away screaming about ‘some crazy bitch in ero-lolita clothes and a badattitude that TOTALLY murdered their friend.
To beFAIR, while she had indeed WRECKED THE SHIT out of this girl’s face,she wasstill alive. Teens were so dramatic, honestly. She could hear angry voicesshouting and saw a police officer approaching and sighed. ‘Well here we fuckinggo again!’
‘’Fuck me gently with a chainsaw indeed…” –She huffed as she ran, her heelstapping wildly against the pavement and turning a corner and had been gratefulfor the traffic coming along with the MOST perfect timing to allow her toRECKLESSLY weave in and out and be lost to the police pursuing her as sherounded a corner of the fence surrounding the CCG, pausing a moment to catchher breath. These boots were made for WALKING, not fleeing the law. That wasfor sure. But at least no one had seen that embarrassing debacle back thereright?
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Ahhh, a while back I ran a game called Springdown. It was an attempt to run a game set entirely in a school. I’ve never been a fan of those because it feels to me that one of two things always ends up happening, either 1) the game gets severely bogged down by the day-to-day of going to classes, or 2) the game is so unrelated to its school setting that it might as well not take place in a school except for flavortext and as someone who hated middleschool and highschool (when these games exclusively seem to take place in) the flavor it leaves is just bitterness and teenage horomonal angst.
But it was a challenge I’d always wanted to take on, making a school game interesting.
Given that most of my players immediately asked if there was going to be a sequal, I’d say I did a pretty good job.
Unlike my other pictures I won’t be giving a synopsis here, partly because it would take a really long time, and partly because this game was actually recorded. While the recordings likely wont be posted for quite a long time, i wanted to put these out while I was thinking about them, especially since they’re older pieces at this point.
So because it was recorded, I made icons for each of the characters so there’d be sort of a visual aid.
The basic premise was that everyone was playing children of lesser nobility who were sent away to the house of a higher noble who enjoyed teaching and had basically turned his manor into a school for the education of select privileged youths. The manor doesn’t accept more than 20 students at a time.
So from left to right in the group portrait (which I mostly made to show off size differences) we have Aquilla Loretto, first year, daughter of two prestigious Phorlesian Knights who’s heritage is in question following a series of magical experiements performed upon her by drow, Alasdair Honeyhive, third year, the cursed oracular first son of a Baron of Algandis, Ezekial Whitehall, third year, seventh son of the Baron Whitehall of Calatang (where the story takes place), Aran Breckenridge, third year the illegitimate daughter of an Algandan Baroness and a cursed fey-elf, Dyrdine Guthriekor, second year first son of a Dwarven Champion, and Faustus Elrius, first year the first son of the White Herald of powerful Crystal Dragon.
And this peculiar and eclectic group makes up about a third of the student body for the Springdown Mannor.
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hi im v sorry abt this n pls feel free 2 ignore this if u want ! i wont blame u !!! ive been going thru some stuff for awhile n i might hav bpd? if u dont mind, would u b able 2 share a little abt how u were able 2 determine tht u had it n what it meant for u? bc im always afraid of self diagnosis (since i dont want 2 b th brat who says they hav this n that when in reality they're just a dumb teenager or smthn,,) but i dont hav any other options n u seem so nice n i thought u might b able 2 help
ahh well first off, thank u so much for thinking i’m nice n all tht ahh ur so sweet ily..... but !! i’m not rly sure if i’m th person to ask?? i’m also self-dx (w/ both bpd and hpd), but there is absolutely no doubt in my mind tht i have it... it took a long time for me to come to terms w/ it and i didn’t even think about my mental health until about junior year of highschool?? i spent weeks on my summer break locked in my room reading the “DSM-IV and DSM-5 Criteria for the Personality Disorders” and reading literally every webpage that looked legitimate ... which tbh doesn’t sound like a legit way to tell you have a personality disorder LMAO but i really didn’t have any other choice? i come from a really poor family tht lives paycheck to paycheck basically so we never have money for big expenditures (like... taking me to a psychiatrist for example kdmkfmb...) and i knew if i told my dad he’d probably think i was just, like you said, a dumb teenager dkvmfk... but after thinking abt it for a full year and realizing tht bpd actually runs in my family (my father and grandfather both have it) + i went through a lot of ab*se n abandonment issues in my life (which is also a factor in th development of bpd) i don’t really think there’s any way that i’m being a hypochondriac, even though sometimes i still feel like im faking it lmao... and i guess having bpd just means that... i can’t control my emotions as well as neurotypicals can and i know tht i’m gonna have a harder time going through things in my life i guess?? which was really hard to accept at first like.. i cried n felt so empty lmao... but i mean... i’ve gotten this far i guess? that makes me feel @ least a lil better LOL ... other than that i mean.... there’s not much else to say! i rly hoped tht helped explain stuff??i doubt it AHHH but still, i wish u luck :”0 !!
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