#ahaha look at me writing a dialogue heavy piece
ashxketchum · 3 years
Writer’s Month - 3
Not much to share today, I was in office all day so had my first experience of typing something fic-related on my Notes app lol. 
Fandom/Pairing: Digimon/Taiora 
Prompt: outside, wedding (In this case they’re outside of their house {to be extremely technical} and are married {not a wedding but they got back from their honeymoon so pretty close to one lol}) 
Setting: Post Kizuna. Somethings are just not canon in this verse ✨(special shout out to @earlgreymon for her rainy Taiora edits that inspired some of the events mentioned here) 
Taichi tapped his foot impatiently as he waited outside the powder room for Sora. He was still taken aback by the interview that they had just gotten out of, but before he could begin his interrogation of Sora, she had promptly skipped off to the powder room, leaving Taichi to wait patiently in silent agony. He wasn’t angry at her, just a bit confused since he believed that if they were going to do more such interviews, the least they could do was keep their stories straight. It wasn’t everyday when the youngest member of parliament got married to an aspiring iemoto, the collision of politics with tradition had taken the Japanese media by storm and Taichi and Sora had spent most of their days hopping from one interview to another after returning from their honeymoon.
Taichi straightened up as soon as the door he was leaning against moved and he came face to face with Sora, fixing her with a confused gaze as their eyes met.
“That was our first date?”
Sora blinked twice, as she took in her husband’s words an amused smile settled on her face. She adjusted her drawstring pouch on her left hand and raised her right one to softly stroke Taichi’s cheek.
“You’re such an idiot, Taichi.” She laughed, as he immediately pouted at her words.
“It can’t count as our first date, if I didn’t even know it was a date.” Taichi retorted, grateful for her touch, he leaned into it comfortably, feeling her warmth spread throughout his body.
“How could you not know it was a date?” Sora raised an eyebrow in mild surprise, she removed her hand from his cheek and linked it with his, guiding him away from the door to the powder room and towards the exit.
“Well we weren’t together together then.” Taichi allowed himself to be led out, still arguing his case diligently.
“Do people need to be together to go on dates?” Sora challenged him in return, it seemed that she was quiet adamant on her own stance.
“Not really…” Taichi answered, silently dreading that his defeat in this argument was closer than he expected and the only valid point he had made didn’t reflect well on his self awareness.
“Did you or did you not take me out that day?”
“I did…”
“Did you or did you not pay for our meal?”
“I did…”
“Did you or did you not drop me home?”
“I did…”
“So how was it not a date?” Sora concluded happily, her tone indicating that she knew Taichi would have no retort for her after this.
“Wow Sora, are you sure it isn’t too late for you to sit down for the bar exam?” Taichi replied sarcastically as he shook his head in total defeat, they’d reached the parking lot during their discussion and the two stayed silent as they settled themselves in their car, Sora taking a bit longer to do so than Taichi, adjusting her kimono to perfection before putting on the seatbelt.
“I’m curios though, what do you think our first date was?” Sora turned in her seat to look at her husband, once they were on the road, an amused smile playing on her lips.
“Obviously, last year of college when I asked you to accompany me to my graduation party.”
Sora burst out laughing and Taichi passed an annoyed glare in her direction, being careful to not let his eyes slip away from the road for too long, “What’s so funny?”
“Taichi, honey, we’ve had several dates before that happened.”
“No, no way. That was definitely our first date.”
“So you’re telling me, you don’t consider you taking me out for a movie after the Eosmon battle a date? Or even you coming up to Kyoto to visit me during my residency doesn’t count as a date?” 
“Okay I think we both have some very different definitions of what a date is.” Taichi muttered through gritted teeth, “I took you to that movie because I was worried about how much time you were spending holed up in your room after Piyomon left you. And I came up to Kyoto to make sure you weren’t feeling homesick.”
“So they were both gestures of your love for me, ergo they count as a date.”
“But I didn’t ask you to be with me then, I just showed up unannounced!”
“Still counts, Taichi.”
“But do you really want it to count? I mean I was a sobbing mess myself when I took you to that movie, and the Kyoto trip was so terrible, it rained the entire time I was there and all we could do was stay in your dorm and eat instant ramen for dinner.” Taichi stated, frowning as he remembered all the bad luck that had followed him around at the time, “Don’t you want to remember something more romantic as your first date?”
“Every moment I spend with you is romantic for me.” Sora whispered gently, and Taichi couldn’t help but turn his eyes away from the road for a moment to look at his wife, “Even if you could barely hold back your own tears that day, I was glad that you cared enough about me to pull me out of my sadness. In Kyoto, I had been so lonely, not knowing anyone or anything, just having you sit across from me and hear you talk about your classes was enough to soothe my heart. I love every single thing you do for me Taichi, always have and always will.”
Taichi was stunned speechless, he hadn’t experienced this level of overwhelming happiness since their wedding vows, he found it amazing just how easily Sora could manage to make him feel so worthy through her simple words. They drove in silence after that, a happy but smug smile visible on Sora’s face over her sweeping victory in this argument. While Taichi did not mind giving this one win to his wife, he was still in the mood to poke the bear a little bit, so just as he turned the car into their driveway, a smirk appeared on his face as he glanced at Sora.
“By your definitions, I’d say our first date was when I saved you from Datamon back when we were kids.”
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notlikelionking · 8 years
Oh goodie! ^^ I have more, haha.. how about 3,4,7 for Bricks and 3,8,13 for Syrup?
Bricks (the McPriceley slave!AU)
3.What’s your favorite line of narration?
I’m not sure I can pick a specific piece ofnarrative, but what I enjoy the most is Kevin’s internal struggles/anxiety. Iknow I’ve written several paragraphs when he is going to sleep/trying tosleep/awake in the middle of the night, and I always like to write that type ofprivate internal scenes.
4.What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
I’m going to say what I know I’ve saidbefore about dialogue–I’m never pleased with it. -_-
7.Where did the title come from?
Ahaha. I really hate picking titles, okay?And I didn’t have any inspiration for this one at all, so I googled lyrics,quotes, a whole bunch of stuff and I came across a quote that I liked and wasabout bricks being the building stones of people and the risk of it all comingdown or whatever and it felt suitable somehow. But the thing is, I’ve lost thequote. For whatever reason I was surfing on incognito mode and when I closedthe browser window it was lost to me forever. I don’t even remember exactlywhat I was searching for anymore. It’s just–gone. But at least there’s atitle, you know? Even if it’s vague. :P
Syrup (McPriceley post-canon summer!fic)
(I didn’t think people remembered this fic,tbh. x_x)
3.What’s your favorite line of narration?
I always feel embarrassed answering thesequestions because I feel silly and embarrassed when looking at my own writing,you know? But I suppose my favorite line is “Today the heat had felt likea heavy blanket that made the air too thick to breathe,” because even if it doesn’t make sense, that’sexactly what it feels like when it’s hot outside. At least for me. I don’t likeheat. But I like the mental image of heat, relaxed afternoons, and popsiclesand sticky cold lips. :P  
8.Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
I guess I’ve done the hip bump thingsometimes, and I like the comfortable feeling of living with someone you like,but other than that, no.
13.What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing thisstory? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers shouldlisten to to accompany us while reading?
Honestly? I can’t remember where I was whenI wrote this. Was I still sleeping on my friends’ couch, or did I have my ownapartment? But anyway, I’m thinking about the band Belle and Sebastian andperhaps especially their album The Boy With The Arab Strap. The feeling thatalbum gives me matches the feeling I had when I wrote the fic. 
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