notlikelionking · 5 years
Wow, it's been ages since I last posted here or was otherwise involved in the BoM fandom. It was a great place even if it had it's dramatic and wanky moments, but I guess that's life and I guess most people I knew have moved on? I drifted away because I got a new job in a new city and I met new people and, you know, a significant other.
And you know, it took me 30 years to meet someone to fall in love with (because I was never one to have crushes as a teenager), but I just wanted to go on here to say it because you know all those tumblr posts about everyone deserving to be loved? I read those and thought "yeah, but it's too late for me" and "I'm too ugly and awkward for that". And then I met this guy and we do hug each other while we go to sleep, we both snore and feel sort of embarrassed about it, we both objectify each other like crazy, and we cook together and play video games and do silly shit like re-enact kung-fu battles with each other. It's insane, guys, and sometimes it does take 30 years before you meet that one person.
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notlikelionking · 6 years
Things have calmed down at work (or maybe I've calmed down about responsibilities) & suddenly I feel like writing again. ❤ Bricks, It Is Now, and something Spider-Man, I think. 
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notlikelionking · 7 years
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Can you all guess why I’m a traditional artist yet?
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notlikelionking · 7 years
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Unpopular Headcanon: both Connor and Kevin have a horrible sense of fashion.
(It was about time that I draw them again.)
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notlikelionking · 7 years
BoM Stockholm celebrating the Swedish Eurovision contestant (Elder Price's nephew). 
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notlikelionking · 7 years
nicklasberglund: Whoops. Mama Price has been naughty and taken a real camera into the airport scene again #live #bookofmormonsverige #chinateatern @linuswahlgren @clarissa_krabbe @tomastottenstromberg @fanjagblinkade @simenglopp @jacobandreas @jesperblomberg
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notlikelionking · 7 years
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From Jeff Heimbrock’s insta story.
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notlikelionking · 7 years
Nic and Brian’s final curtain call.
Happy Trails, Nic and Brian! You guys really made Book of Mormon something special and I wish you guys luck on your future endeavors!
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notlikelionking · 7 years
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notlikelionking · 7 years
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Welcome, welcome to Cheesy Arnold Hell Dream
So, I have this thing that happens when I love a character, which goes like “I LOVE [THAT CHARACTER] AND I WANT TO SEE [THAT CHARACTER] SUFFER” (thank god this doesn’t happen with real people ahahah…I’m a good person. Kinda.). However, my “””art style””” isn’t suitable for big angst and so I came up with this cheesy animated comics instead. Also, it’s up to you if you want to see it as pricingham, mcpricely or just as guy love between two (or three) guyyyys ~ Have a nice day <3 it’s almost midnight and I can’t feel my back
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notlikelionking · 7 years
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notlikelionking · 7 years
Fanfiction is awesome because you can watch your otp fall in love a thousands times , in a thousand different ways
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notlikelionking · 7 years
The outbreak of measles in Sweden recently angers me so much because people are putting my godson at risk because they choose not to vaccinate their kids. I don't even know what to say. 
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notlikelionking · 7 years
toddjacobsson Best. Birthday. Ever.
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notlikelionking · 7 years
Feedback culture is dead, long live feedback culture!
AO3, fanfiction, and comments: the system isn’t working. 
Fic authors have a problem with feedback – or rather, with the lack of it. Fanfiction has a notoriously low ratio of comments to hits, and many of us have expressed our frustration that we can get a hundred, two hundred, five hundred, even a thousand views on our stories, but only a handful of readers will leave kudos, let alone comments.   
Unfortunately, this only gets worse for long, multi-chapter stories (aka, the longfics we know, love, and would sell our souls in a second if it meant an update), which also happen to be the stories that authors need the most support to continue and complete. Law of diminishing returns, y’all, and it sucks. 
We’re not here to guilt you into leaving comments. We want to address the problem by changing the format, and we need your help to do it. 
The goal is to increase the amount of feedback authors get from readers, especially on stories with multiple chapters, and to make it easier for everyone to show how much we love fics. We’re opening a discussion with ao3 to figure out how/if any of these options can be implemented, but first we need options to present! 
Some of our current ideas: 
Ability to leave a form of kudos on every chapter, instead of only once on the entire story: this lets authors know that you’re here and you’re reading their updates, so their hard work isn’t getting tossed into the internet void. 
Comment templates: suggested comments that can be customized or posted as-is. Many of us draw a blank or get nervous when we try to think of a comment, so having pre-made options will both increase the total level of feedback and serve as practice, making it easier to leave more in-depth comments in the future. 
Upvoting/leaving kudos on comments themselves: positive reinforcement makes giving feedback more fun and rewarding, and it lets the author know that readers are present and agreeing with other comments, even if they don’t leave one themselves. 
We’ll contact AO3 to discuss the possibility of adding any of these as native features, and if that won’t work, we’re looking into creating and sharing a user script. 
 What you can do to help: 
 As a reader, what would you like to have? What would you be most likely to use? New ideas, opinions on ideas that are listed here, they’re all good. 
As a creator, how would you feel about each of these options? Can you think of other ways of receiving or encouraging feedback? 
Pros and cons of these (note: our thoughts on this are discussed in this google doc) 
GET THE WORD OUT! Reblog this post, send it to your friends, link to it from your stories. We need as much input and support as possible to get this off the ground. 
Feedback makes for happy authors. Happy authors make for more stories. Let’s keep this part of fandom alive! 
More details about our thoughts, discussions, and ideas can be found in this google doc.
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notlikelionking · 7 years
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notlikelionking · 7 years
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Here we go again
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