#ah yes the cliche of a closed-off character not liking kids but warming up to them eventually
tragedy-machine · 1 month
Envision - Edwin and Charles are tasked by some sort of a supernatural being to find their missing grandson (a werewolf or a centaur maybe?)
They do and Charles is unsurprisingly brilliant with the child, who's very timid and quiet, but slowly warms up to Charles on their way back to his grandfather
Edwin doesn't know how to handle children, so he keeps his contact with the boy at minimum, that is, until as they almost reach the child's village, the kid stops in his tracks and refuses to come back home
They talk to him and try to convince him to cooperate, but the boy bursts into tears and says that his parents, siblings and classmates don't really like him and that's why he ran away in the first place
It makes Edwin think about his own experience at St. Hilarion, so he softens and squats next to the child to look into his teary eyes and tells him that he relates to the boy's problems
That later on in life he can actually choose his own family, one that will accept him as he is, just as Edwin has, and that he already has a person in his corner right now - his grandfather who even hired detectives to find him
Edwin asks the boy what his hobbies are and upon hearing he likes to read, Edwin responds, "So do I. You see, there are many people out there who will share your hobbies, who will like you and treat you like their family, you just have to find them and never lose hope."
And Charles just looks at Edwin fondly, thinking about how they found each other against all odds and became best friends, became family, and how lucky they are have each other
The child is starstruck and silent for a moment, but his tears dry and he reaches out a small hand to hold Edwin's and agrees to go back
After a few minutes, the boy looks up at Edwin and says "When I grow up, I'm gonna marry you, so you'll also become my family and we will read together"
And Edwin sputters in shocked embarrassment and doesn't know how to answer, and Charles just laughs at the scene they make, ruffles the kid's hair and tells him, while looking at Edwin, "Not if I marry him first"
Edwin is too stunned to speak or even to fully register the world around them, as the three of them finally reach their destination, with Charles and the kid bantering playfully the rest of the way, but he still feels the warmth in his chest
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al3x1ss · 4 years
Bring them to your home for the holidays {HCs}
Includes: Oikawa, Akaashi, Noya, Terushima, Kiyoko
Author’s note: In my family, thanksgiving means the Christmas stuff is put up after breakfast, so I got this idea ab the holidays and I got v happy. Enjoy!
Warnings: None, fluffy holidays for y’all!
okay mans HATES the cold confirmed
like snow comes he’ll probably hiss
(Not me seeing a few feet of snow with my sisters and going “wow look at all that cocaine”)
so y’all met when both of you happened to be in Brazil and he thought you were cute
long story short you had a few dinner dates, even hung out with Hinata!!
you guys hit it off very well :)
so you guys have been together for about 2 years and you’re like ya know what
“Come to my house for the holidays :)”
not only is this man a simp but he loves the warmth so ofc he says yes!!
so while you’ve lived here all your life, only really moving out of Tampa to Miami, you did have to take this tourist him to a basic spot
but you did want to take him to some of your favorite places
after him seeing your family again, you took him to one of your favorite carnivals!
then classic gotta go to the beach I mean
why not go to the ocean!!
issue with December weather in Florida is it changes every second so today was a bit C H I L L E D
(You did have to force him to eat something other than rice tho)
Picky eater kawa confirmed
what better way to spend December 25th than Disney
I mean
Mans whole went “wow 😍” when you told him
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you were an exchange student during her whole high school career, turning into best friends and deciding to go to college together
college came along, and with the help of a few friends, parties, and a little too much twister, you realized
you were actually lesbian.
which you know what, we support!
it’s not like you’ve never liked a boy, it just happened to be that women were more your type
oh yeah another thing
Kiyoko is the prettiest thing in your eyes.
so what you DONT know is that Kiyoko has realized she actually feels the same
during your third year in college, she had broken up with her boyfriend of a year, Tanaka, but never told you why
i wONdEr whY
But, after living in Japan for 7 years, Christmas time is rolling around once again
And you are going home for the holidays!
usually you would go home during summer break, but this time you really wanted to spend Christmas since your older brother had your niece!
and since Kiyo didn’t have any plans you were like
“hey, do you want to come home with me?”
home girl choked on her water 😳
“Yeah! I’m going back to New Orleans for the holidays.”
cue brain calming down and like sLIGHT disappointment
it’s you
and she loves you.
so you guys did presents and stuff
your niece LOVES Kiyoko btw
your dad was like “👀”
been knew you were 💅AND HE SUPPORTS
so around 4 you’re like let’s go do something!!
and she says okay!!
so one movie Kiyoko really loved was “Princess and the Frog”
Funny enough there’s actually a bakery you’ve gone too growing up
so you get New Orleans’ best beignets!
Ahh, fun times
next, you’ll always hear some type of caroling anywhere you are in the city
which means?
you see random groups of people smiling around 7pm, the sun already down
and you’re thinking to yourself
I want to ask her to dance.
and you do :)
Finally at around 10pm you take her to this one street where each place has a bunch of Christmas wonderlands lit up
hile it doesn’t really snow in New Orleans, people used fake snow!!
gotta get that spirit somehow 😗
when I say Kiyoko is a goddess I mean it
the lights bouncing off her face while she’s smiling?
*chefs kiss*
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ah yes the city that everyone thinks is a state
Chicago!! ✨
Terushima HAS visited Illinois before
However, surprisingly has never been to Chicago
So you were like
I’m born here!! 🥰
Come come!!🥺
And he said
Si si!! 🤪
so y’all flew out on the 20th
while your parents don’t live here, some old friends do
and why not have them meet your amazing boyfriend!
literally all of them were shocked I mean
(Y/N) likes a boy with a tongue piercing?
the amount of BONKERS
but yes you love him very much
and he loves you!!
honestly your friends already fell in love with you two being in love it’s canon
afterwards you guys went too ZooLights
you threw one at his face
Not y’all fighting like little kids-
n e wayz
best way to end the 24th?
ice skating-
It’s actually buying late presents because you two actually forgot to get some people presents and Christmas is literally in like 4 hours!!
It was mega fun tho
surprisingly y’all didn’t get kicked out
you almost did when Terushima thought it would be a good idea to ride a skateboard into the electronics section at target 🤡
but we will ignore that for tonight ❤️
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this one will be the longest one with the most detail for certain reasons! also, for akaashi’s you do have a given birthday because Dec 30th is actually my birthday and I wanted to sprinkle in some of that ❤️
best for last :)
So you got to be in an exchange program during college
and that’s when you met akaashi since you guys were in the same classes!
he also showed you around and was very sweet
so you offered to get him coffee
and after a while he confessed by giving you a copy of a book you both really loved
you semester was ending
which means home for the holidays
luckily, you guys would only have one more semester away from eachother before you guys graduated
but you did want to spend the holidays together
so you offered for him to come to New York with you
boy got excited so fast my heart-
But like Christmas in New York with your loving boyfriend of 4 years?
Sign me up
So you know that during winter it’s a hit or miss with snow
is it still freezing cold?
But can we guarantee 3 feet of snow every December?
But we can guarantee it in like March JEJHRTJ
one thing you told him immediately was that you guys will be watching the ball drop from the roof
“Because I don’t want to get mugged, shoved, or vomit on my shoes, Keiji.”
Yes ma’am indeed
so you guys had a pretty (quiet?) Christmas
your family?
Regarding to going places
You guys chilled all day in pajamas
Like the most y’all did was go to dunkin for hot chocolate
but the days leading to New Years?
Classic tree photo yes ma’am
bro side note their kabobs in that one corner
best thing I’ve ever had I stg
I haven’t been to the city since last Christmas wow now I miss it
you wanted to show Keiji so many things
You were used to walking like 10 blocks in any shoes as fast as you can
Akaashi was not 😂
So y’all had to take breaks sometimes
get him warmed and fed ya know
give the man smoochies 🥺
id be giving him smoochies 24/7 if I could
so you better for me 😠
His favorite place was the big Macy’s no lie
the perfumes and cologne section on the 2nd floor looked SO WELL PUT TOGETHER
okay nvm scratch that
FAO Schwartz was his favorite place
he loved the trains
you bought him a train as a late present SHH NO ONE SAY NOTHIN
So the 29th you decided to take him to where you were born
it was super fun showing him where you lived before you went to college
and before your siblings moved to different parts of the city
It was lovely
But the final thing you wanted to do was December 30th
your birthday :)
and one thing you absolutely love to do is ice skating
now usually you go ice skating at the public rink like a few minutes away from Rockefeller rink
not only was it cheaper, but there was a Panera like 2 blocks away so quick food!
you also wanted to give Keiji the experience
so you sucked it up and paid
you guys went at around 8 and had a blast
one of the best birthdays with him honestly
but, you realized people were starting to exit the rink at around 10
“Doesn’t the rink close at midnight?”
“Huh, weird.”
but Keiji kind of starts looking around while you realize you two are the only ones on the ice
So you’re like
I guess we have to get off 😔
But this sly fox
Pulls you to the center of the rink
Now, you were never one for the cliché act
Especially since so many proposals have happened on this rink that you’ve seen
But when you saw Keiji get to one knee
It didn’t even matter that this happened to so many other people
It was happening to you.
I guess you can just suck it up, cuz at least you have a ring on your finger :)
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- Lex 🖤🤍
End note: Let me know if you guys would like a part 2! Also if you have any ideas for a certain character or place, put it in asks!
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m-y-fandoms · 4 years
Rantarou Amami x Ultimate Writer - FLUFF
Request: Hi! Your writing is incredible ^^ I was wondering if you could write Rantaro with an Ultimate Essay Writer s/o, maybe comforting them when they're up late writing? I hope that's okay, and thank you :D
Hey! Sure I can do this! But, I wanna make it just the Ultimate Writer. I’m an english writing major myself IRL, and I have to write essays, non-fiction, emails, resumes, letters, instructional guides, graphic novels, fiction, poetry etc. so they will definitely have essay-writing skills anyway. Ultimate Writer just makes it easier. I hope you don’t mind :) - Admin Kokichi
     "Nnnn!" You gritted your teeth in frustration, "NNNGGHH!" Your arm was stretched to its extent, reaching up with all your might. The shelf above was just out of reach. Your fingertips scraped against the spine of the thick brown book above you, but strain as you might, it wasn’t budging, firm and snug against the others on the shelf. "Gah!" You puffed in anger, clenching your fists. Why did the books you wanted from the basement library always have to be so high up? You needed this particular text as a reference for your next piece. 
     It was going to be a throwaway letter, a confession written to express your feelings then set them free by burning it later. It didn’t matter, really, what you wrote at this point. Anything to get your mind off of all of… this. In this killing game, your writing was the only thing that brought you comfort. You stayed up every night scrawling until your wrist cramped up. Your Monopad had a notes section to type in, but you much rather stick to the traditional ways. The lack of sleep and endless output of creative thought was starting to weigh on you, and now it looked like you weren’t even getting this damn book today, “Man, this blows…” You sighed deeply. "AH!" You jumped, startled when a large, ring-clad hand suddenly appeared in front of your face, bracelets jangling in your ear. Soon, you felt someone's broad chest against your back. The hand grabbed the book you wanted and brought it down. You turned around with your hand on your chest, still a little jumpy. "Oh, phew… Rantarou, it's just you."
      "Yeah,” he chuckled gently, “here ya go Y/N." There stood your crush, the rich playboy with a heart of gold. You felt your cheeks go warm. He was often in the library, and you relished every moment you got to spend glancing over your shoulder at him while we has up to his usual antics of planning traps or researching new ways to interrogate your classmates until someone was spooked into admitting their position as the mastermind. Once in a while, he would read for pleasure, and at first you felt like an asshole for being surprised by that. You judged him too early on, seeing a flawless face and a suave personality and assuming he would be the popular kid archetype you’d seen in many an awful young adult novel. The more you got to know him, the more he revealed himself to be highly intelligent, well-rounded, considerate, empathetic, and extremely attractive.
     "Thanks, Rantarou," you looked down, placing the book under your arm.
     "No problem… it's not everyday I get to do something useful for someone else here," he rubbed the back of his neck, laughing nervously. You laughed too, looking him up and down. 
      “That’s not true!” you countered. “You’re always helping us all out. You give great advice, too!”
      “Well, I try to help, but I’m sure it hasn’t escaped everyone’s notice that none of my plans have really... taken off,” he gestured, moving his hand in a soaring-upward motion. “Also, with me not rememberin’ my talent and all… I kinda have become the expendable background character, yeah?” His eyes crinkled closed with a kind smile.
      He laughed again to fill the silence of the dark, empty library. You giggled. You always thought it was cute how could be so humble, looking the way he did, sounding the way he did. He had been that way ever since you’d met him, and are far as you were concerned, it seemed genuine. You couldn’t really trust anyone in this killing game, but you trusted Rantarou. Even in the library past midnight, where no one would know if you ended up dead, you trusted Rantarou.
      "Sorry, I uh, I didn't mean to scare you," he leaned against the bookcase, arms crossed.
      "Nah, it's fine. You helped me out, so I forgive you..." You joked, playfully punching his shoulder. He smiled a bit sheepishly, an expression you didn’t see often in the confident male.
      "Yeah I… haha," He fiddled with a book nearby," I didn't think anyone would be here. I always come at night. Surprisingly, it's pretty boomin’ here during the day, so I come later on to avoid the hassle of a crowded space." You understood completely. Rantarou was always secretive about his plans.
      “I know, I see you here sometimes,” you mused.
      “Oh, really? I usually sit behind the back shelves, so I guess i didn’t notice you. You’re pretty quiet, huh? Maybe I should be watchin’ my back for you, huh?” He snickered
      "I was having the same thought, isn't that weird?" He looked at you with alarm. “I’m kidding!” To that, he relaxed a bit. "So, watcha reading?"
      "Oh, um," He gestured behind him to the aforementioned back shelf "I’m set up back there reading. It's just some old, boring, textbook information on one of the small countries I’ve visited. I thought it'd be interesting, but..."
      "Yeah, sounds like it," You looked at him with genuine interest, and he smiled in appreciation.
      "Wait, really?!"
      "Yeah, why wouldn't it be? I think it’s super cool that you’re well-traveled. I guess that’s why you and Korekiyo get along so well, huh?" His feet shuffled in silent excitement at your shared enthusiasm. He bit his lip playfully, and your eyes grew shiny in admiration. He was so adorable.
      He noticed your change in expression and coughed, frowning a little in embarrassment. You tried to change the subject, to make him comfortable again.
      "H-hey, Rantarou?"
      "Hmm?" He looked up from the ground eagerly.
      "You're gonna be up reading all night, right? Well.. I will be, too, and... it’s harder for someone to kill us with four eyes on the lookout..."
      "So, you wanna maybe sit with me here at my table? The vents reach this side of the library better so it’s a bit warmer... haha, it's... it's kinda cold in here," You pulled your uniform’s turtleneck tighter around yourself, shaking a little. Rantarou immediately accepted. He wasn’t about to pass up an invitation from his crush.
     “Hell yeah, sounds great! I’ll go grab my stuff, but, hey, I’ve noticed I hardly ever see you in the dorms… you know you gotta sleep, right?” He had a concerned look on his face, and your heart of course fluttered at his attention to detail and knowledge of your habits, but you didn’t want him worrying about you when he had his own safety to look out for.
      “Well, I appreciate the concern, but I’d much rather spend time with you than be in my dorm alone worrying.” He seemed to blush at your words, and you thought you’d maybe gone too far, until he agreed, and rushed over to grab his reading material.
      You sighed deeply, a yawn slipping out once or twice. At least two hours had passed since you and Rantarou set up your little corner and there he still sat, in the wooden chair across from yours, never looking up at you from his book. A peaceful, relaxed look glazed his face. He had been that way almost the whole time, but you could sense him becoming a bit antsy. Maybe he was just tired?
      You were both fast readers, so by now you had already read the best sections of your own books and switched. He now sat reading the yellowed pages of the book you selected: an eclectic compilation of 16th century romance literature, and you were now five chapters into his text on the different ethnic groups of some far-off land.
      “Hmm… heh,” he shook his head amusedly.
      “What?” Your head shot up anxiously, fearing he was judging your choice of genre.
       “It’s just... some of this is extremely cheesy and cliche. You’d think the old masters would have done a little better.” He lifted the book in a referencing gesture.
      “Ah, yes, I noticed that as well. I was hoping for a little inspiration, but… it seems Monokuma isn’t the best curator of quality literature.” He nodded in agreement, seemingly stuck on a thought. You could see him stare into space for a second before continuing.
      “Inspiration for what… may I ask?” He pressed, waiting with bated breath for your reply. You felt your feathers start to ruffle, the borders of your comfort zone being invaded by the enemy. You didn’t know if you should answer honestly. The letter was a throwaway for a reason…
      “I was going to write a letter…” it slipped out, and you quickly regretted it. Apparently, your brain had decided to take the lead for you. You never recalled yourself being so forward or brave.
      “Why do you need sonnets and romance novels to write a letter? Planning to sweet talk Monokuma into freeing us?” He chuckled somewhat teasingly, but his haughty words slowly faded to silence upon noticing the wet shine in your nervous eyes, the way your fingers played with the corner of the book as a distraction for your discomfort.
      “No…” You coughed, clearing your throat. Rantarou looked away, running a hand through his green shaggy locks. He knew what the letter was for, of course, who it was for. He was a bit nervous, too, eager to play off the tension in the room with humor, but it wasn’t working. He was wondering why you were so apprehensive, so sullen at his inquiry. You two flirted almost every day… did you seriously need to worry about his reaction? Did you think he didn’t like you back? “I-It’s… well it was going to be a um… a confession of sorts… just to get my feelings down on paper and off my chest. Then I was gonna burn it afterward to set those feelings free!” You smiled weakly, betraying your lack of confidence.
      “Nah, you should give it to him- them!” He corrected himself, dropping the most obvious hint he could. You still didn’t look convinced, a bit oblivious.
      “Y-you think so?”
      “For sure, no doubt. Whoever that letter is meant for,” he leaned in to you, clasping his calloused hands around yours. You felt your heart skip a beat at the contact, and you were left speechless, fearing any words spoken now would come out as idiotic babbling, “they are gonna love it. Trust me.” His eyebrows rose with emphasis, and he shot you one of his iconic, heart-melting smiles.
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inforapound · 4 years
The Replacement - oneshot
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A/N - thanks for the request anon. Warnings - fluff and smut - wow, writing a real person fic is really, really different. Never done that before. 
It had been the opportunity of a lifetime and for the first time since starting out in the crazy world of acting, I felt good; confident and proud. It was a new season and a new network; one that had been prepared to take Vikings in an even more graphic direction. The audience wanted flesh and I felt like I had delivered.
The season premier was about to air and with it, the love scene of all love scenes. It had been talked about all season, staring me opposite my gorgeous, talented, sweet co-star. Perhaps, I had a tiny crush….or a massive one if that is what a heart palpitating, light your body and soul on fire kind of an ache meant. Alex was different though. Not at all what I was expecting. He made me feel instantly at ease when I started; patient and professional which I was grateful for as I walked onto an established show, with a tight knit crew as a replacement for the actor who previously played Freydis. She was let go or had chosen to leave; I wasn’t exactly sure. I had heard various reports, but it didn’t matter to me, I was there, and she wasn't and everyone seemed pleased.
The producers were not even attempting to cookie cut me into Freydis’ role. It was a bold move but everything about this newly launched show was. I felt utterly spoiled as this was my first big character and they loved my look; so different from the previous actor; olive skinned, long dark hair that nearly touched my waist and they thought my small, 5 foot tall frame looked amazing next to Alex. In the end, there was no blonde wig as part of my costume.
The door opened and Marco flashed a warm smile, passing me the beer right out of his hand. The others were already there and by the looks of the coffee table littered with empty shot glasses and bottles, the drinks had been flowing for a while.
Walking into the living room, I tried my best for Alex not to be the first person I looked at but I could feel his eyes on me, tracking me, so I glanced over and gave him my best version of a breezy smile.
Marco and Alex’s work flat was beautiful, and pretty limited for chairs so I took a seat, perching on the arm rest of the couch next to Marco and his girlfriend.
The show was starting, and all in the room cheered watching the opening credits and listening to the theme song which I was pleased they hadn’t changed. As it began, everyone quieted down, their eyes glued to the screen, mesmerized by the brutal and immediate opening battle. It was gory and ruthless, the fight choreography totally redesigned and everyone was both astonished and impressed at how well the effects had been done.
And then....the scene...queen Freydis, me, welcoming home her king, Alex. Instinctively, my eyes flitted over to him and he gave me a small smile, his eyes so bright that I had to look away. I had no basis for comparison but god, I thought we looked hot; the kissing alone was loaded with heat. Watching me straddle Alex on the screen as he pulled off my robe, exposing my backside and the side of my breasts, his hands running all over me, shit, I had to take a drink of my beer, fight the urge to look back over at him. Gee whistled and I nearly jumped, quickly adjusting my legs, trying to find a more comfortable position. If I was being honest with myself, I was trying to push away the fact that my skin was warming remembering the way our bodies felt together.
Glancing, again, over at Alex, his eyes were locked on the screen, watching Ivar’s, his, lips on my throat, his hands grabbing my ass and pulling me against him, my hips grinding down and all that separated us was some glued on privacy cloth.
Surprisingly, there had been few takes that day but when the final shot was called, I will never forget how my lips lingered just a second too long. Or, how he grabbed my thighs, holding me in place, eyeing me, silently asking, pleading, for me to wait before climbing off. Not obvious to anyone but us, he had a rock hard erection and didn’t feel like sharing it with the others on set.
It had been my first somewhat nude role and I wasn’t sure of protocol but I stayed in place, giving him a look of understanding, until he gently patted my leg.
The applause in the living room snapped me back to the present and when all eyes turned, landing on me, I stood and held out the skirt of my dress, giving a smile and a small curtsy. What else could I do?
Looking over, I caught Marco glancing at Ivar, who’s expression made my smile drop. He was not joining in on the fun, instead he took a swig of his beer and stared down, picking at the label on the bottle.
The show ended but no one moved, instead, everyone sat around, chatting and recounting memorable days, funny scenes and certain challenging shots. Lots of digs were directed at Peter and his fussiness about his French braid always staying just right.
Excusing myself, I headed into the hallway and grabbed my coat, digging my hand into the side pocket.
“Hey,” a voice came form behind and I spun around to find Alex standing close behind.
“Are you leaving already?”
“No,” I replied, holding up my lips gloss. “Just freshening up.”
“Ah,” he smiled one of his dazzling smiles. “I’ll get you another drink then.
The night progressed with some people heading home and others lounging on the couches or stretching out on the area rug around the table; talking, playing drinking games and others out right falling asleep.
Swiping on my phone, I tapped the cab company’s number, my other hand covering my yawn.
“Trying to sneak away again?”
“I wasn’t the first time, remember?” Smiling, I looked up to Alex standing in the door of the kitchen.
Shifting closer, he stopped, seemingly unsure of what to say.
“Tired,” I added, “it’s been a long few weeks.”
Nodding, he stepped closer. “It’s after 3 am, just stay. Here,” he held out his hand, “you can crash with me...in my room.”
“Umm, okay.”
Holy shit, a mixture of shyness and excitement shot through me.
It felt like thirty seconds later and we were lying on his bed, both on our sides with him behind. Neither of us were talking and the room felt... heavy, as if the thoughts spinning in our minds had created some tension.
“Can I cuddle you?“ he whispered as he inched toward my back, his broad chest pressing against me, his hand hovering over my hips, waiting for permission.
Saying nothing, I responded by pressing back against him, my ass pushing into his groin. Rushing out an exhale, he slipped his large hand around my waist squeezing me to his body.
He froze, waiting for me to continue.
“Are you drunk?” I asked.
“No... why?”
“Just curious.”
He lay silent for a moment before quietly clearing his throat, “Is that why you think I asked you in here? Cause I’m liquor’d up and looking to...” his voice dropped off and his hand began to pull away from my waist but I grabbed it, holding it in place.
“Hey,” I whispered, “I was only asking. It’s just...we...”
“We, what?” he whispered back.
“We have another season together and I don’t want things... to be awkward.”
“You mean have regrets?”
“Yes, I know it’s cliche that the new girl has feelings for the star but, I just don’t want anything to get spoiled between us.
“What?” he rushed, “Can you turn around, please? I don’t want to talk to the back of your head.”
Shifting, I rolled toward him, his hand returning to my hip. His round beautiful eyes were staring right into mine and I was pleased the light from the street below was coming through the window, letting me see his face.
“You have feelings for me?” He asked in a low voice.
Biting my lower lip, I nodded and he closed his eyes, exhaling again, looking both pained and relieved.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, gently nudging him.
Opening his eyes, he leaned forward and pressed his perfect, soft lips to mine, holding them in place before pulling back and looking at me again.
“Fuck, nothing’s wrong. I’ve been thinking about you ever since you walked in on your first day.” He squeezed his eyes shut for a second, “then,”  he paused and kissed me a second time, his lips pushing mine apart, his tongue swirling inside, “then, when we shot that scene and I could finally kiss you, have my hands you, fuck,” he swore again. “That’s why I wanted everyone to come over tonight, so you would come. I had to see you, somehow tell you. Otherwise, we wouldn’t talk again for two months until work starts back up.”
Holy shit, was this real? Was I dreaming? Was Alex the Danish heart throb confessing feelings for me? Reaching forward, I slipped my hand under his arm and began rubbing his back.
“Tonight,” he continued, “I didn’t like everyone seeing your body. It sounds so stupid but...it kinda made me jealous.”
Oh my god! I felt like I was floating up to heaven on a cloud. He really was a sweetheart, the total opposite of the character he played; there was no possessiveness there, only uncertainty as if there might be a chance that I wouldn’t like him back. I had to show him.
I kissed him hard, passionately, stirring up something fierce in us both, something less sweet and more carnal. Heat bloomed between my legs, igniting my body, my skin screaming for more of his touch.
Legs entwined, I shifted closer, grinding my core against his thigh, making him groan into my mouth. His hand dropped to my bare legs and began sliding up the back of my thigh and under my loose dress. I whimpered, rocking my hips as he slipped his fingers below my panties, hissing as he felt how turned on I was.
Pulling back, he pressed his forehead to mine. “I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you. But... I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want. Regardless if we stop right now, I want to be with you, like, for real.”
“Everyone at work will know. Will it make things weird?”
“Are you kidding? Everyone already knows,” he chuckled
“Really?” My mouth all but dropped; I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
“Yeah, I guess my game is weak.” He laughed again.
“I had no idea,” I shook my head.
“Great,” he grimaced, “I didn’t want to be a creep so I was just.. I don’t know...”
“Was nice?”
“Yeah,” he sighed.
“And sweet?” I kissed his cheek.
“I guess.”
“And sexy?” I couldn’t stop myself,  my mouth slammed back to his in a flurry of needy lips, hungry tongues and moans. My hips immediately started to grind against his bulge, chasing more friction as his fingers began to work my clit from behind, making me absolutely wild.
Within moments my dress was in a ball on the floor, my panties hanging off one foot and I was gazing down at a shirtless Alex as he lashed his eager tongue between my folds. Back nearly arching off the bed, I whimpered loudly, reaching down to his strong shoulders, his hand stretching up, squeezing and feeling my tits.
Grinding against his face, I startled as he bolted up right onto his knees, his eyes burning into mine. Ripping open a condom with his teeth, he quickly, hastily rolled it on.
“I can’t fucking wait anymore,” he rushed, dropping between my legs, his weight pushing me down. Sucking on my nipples, he slid his hand under my ass, pulling me up closer to him.
Feeling the tip of his hard cock prod my entrance, I let out a shaky breath and stared up into his gorgeous eyes.
“Hey,” he paused, bringing his lips to mine and giving me one more toe curling kiss.
“Are you mine?” he asked, his face sincere.
“Only yours,” I whispered making him close his eyes and melt down onto me, his face burrowing against my neck, his hard cock, at last, pushing inside.
@youbloodymadgenius​ @naaladareia​ @fields-and-fields-of-poppies​ @geekandbooknerd​​@zuxiezendler​ @londongal2810​ @oddsnendsfanfics​ @youbelongeverywhere @hecohansen31​ @waiting4inspiration @squirrelacorngliterfarts​ @kittybites-94​​ @lol-haha-joke​​ @tephi101​​ @ceridwenofwales​​ @funmadnessandbadassvikings​ @readsalot73​ @mdredwine​ @gearhead66​
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izupie · 5 years
Okay! Ask game! I pick 1, 13, 19, 35, and 47!
Thank you for the ask from this fanfiction ask game!
1. What was your first fic and could you stand to reread it today?
My first ever fanfiction that I ever wrote - before I even knew what fanfiction was - was a self-insert YuGiOh story I wrote because I was a little kid with an imagination and a pen and I wanted to interact with my favourite characters.
Which is why I will never be mean about kids writing really cheesy self-insert fics. Let them have their fun!
I still own this notebook and honest to god it’s the funniest read ever. Sometimes I get nostalgic about my writing and I’ll reread it just for a laugh. There’s an iconic line in it that me and my friend lose our minds over - if I just say ‘Cause she shouted...’ at any time to her she will immediately just shoot back with ‘mega loud!’
It’s a great read ahaha h a h a
In terms of my first actual published fanfiction it was a Kingdom Hearts fic I put on FF.net and it reads with all of the excellent tropes and cliches a 12 year old can write. It’s horrific! How weird that I can read the one I wrote as a really young kid, but not the one I wrote as a 12 year old ?
13. What’s the biggest change between your style when you started in fandom and today?
A bit of a neat segue from the previous question is that my style when I first started publishing fanfiction was full of all those typical ‘just starting out’ stuff like describing people based on their hair colour instead of just using their names. THE SILVER HAIRED TEEN did this. THE BRUNETTE did that. oh yes. I went there. Describing people’s eyes as ‘orbs’ 
holding a breath
they didn’t even know 
they were holding
(Oh wait I still do that one)
I kept it very simple, lots of dialogue.
Now I try to get inside my characters heads. And I loooove to describe simple acts, but as something pretty or important - like watching a character getting ready or eating lunch in a Ghibli movie. And I guess I’m more adventurous now, and willing to be flexible with my ‘style’. (Though I can’t really describe what that style is - does writer struggle to capture the essence of their own writing style???)
19. If you had to pick one fic/scene/chapter of your work to describe your entire portfolio to a stranger, which would you pick?
I’d pick Ochako entering the cafe and finding Izuku there in Beep Beep Beep. In my head it’s probably my favourite thing I’ve written - really atmospheric and my heart clenches whenever I think of that whole scene. Probably that whole last chapter makes me want to cry with sentimentality.
I’ll add it under a cut~
“What the…” she breathed. The whole café was covered in strings of fairy lights – even more than usual – winding and twisting over the tables and chairs, dripping over the counter and draped over the plastic planets hanging from the ceiling. Softly glowing spots of silver shone through the darkness and bright lights like stars were being projected onto every surface. Ochako lifted her hands in awe to see the spots of light on her skin. It looked like she’d just fallen into the night sky.
It was beautiful.
She looked around, mouth still open slightly, and noticed the ‘stars’ were being projected from a glowing ball in the centre of the room.
Ochako softly closed the front door behind her and began to walk over to the projector, wondering why Mina had set this up, when she noticed a figure standing nearby, nearly hidden in the dark shadows cast by the lights.
She yelped in surprise and grabbed a chair, brandishing it in front of her. “Who’s there?”
“Ah! N-No- Wait, Ochako, it’s okay- it’s just me! It’s just me!”
She could barely make out the figure that jolted forwards quickly and dropped down to crouch by the projector, but the voice was achingly familiar. She heard a few clicks and the starry lights illuminated the café more brightly, making it so that she could see the figure clearly as he stood up and rubbed the back of his neck.
Ochako replaced the chair slowly.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I was going to say something- but you looked so, um… so pretty standing there and I…”
Ochako wasn’t sure who moved first. But within another beat of her heart, so loud in her ears, they had pulled each other into an embrace. She buried her face in his chest, arms tight around his middle, and gripped onto fistfuls of his soft hoodie. His strong arms squeezed her against him, and he lay his head on her shoulder.
Together at last.
It was like everything she’d been feeling for him came crashing through her in waves all at once; that initial spark, gratitude, friendship, fondness, admiration, affection… She’d missed him so much. Though they’d only been apart a few days but her longing to talk to him and be close to him had only grown with each day that passed.
She inhaled deeply and snuggled into his warm embrace. His clothes had picked up the subtle tang of coffee that permanently lingered in the café.
“I thought you had to work tonight,” she eventually managed, though it still came out as barely more than a whisper into the soft material of the hoodie over his broad chest.
“I was supposed to be.” He turned his head slightly so that his breath tickled the skin on her neck.
She shivered, despite her warmth, and hated that her thick winter coat felt like a barrier between them. She had to resist the urge to just throw it off.
Izuku eventually pulled back gently so that they could look at each other. Silver light kissed the flushed skin of his cheeks, and the projected stars gave him cosmic freckles.
“Someone gave me some good advice. I decided it didn’t matter if the universe just kept on keeping us apart. I just needed to t-try harder.” He brushed a stray flyaway piece of hair behind her ear and stroked her cheek lightly. “Last time I got you a bouquet of flowers, but this time… this time I got you the stars.”
Ochako could feel tears filling her vision and she tried to say something, but her voice stuck in her throat. Something she couldn’t identify passed between their shared gaze, intense and powerful, and she had the sudden incredible urge to kiss him. She might even have done it if he hadn’t blinked and looked away, a vibrant red blooming strongly across his nose.
“Uh, s-sorry, that was kind of corny…”
His hand drifted away from her cheek.
Ochako shook her head violently, scattering the tear drops she had been desperately holding back, and knew they would be catching the artificial starlight as they finally trickled freely down her cheeks.
“No!” she squeaked. “Nobody has ever said anything like that to me. Ever.” She took a steadying breath, hoping it would stop her voice from wobbling so much. “Nobody has ever tried this hard to get to know me and spend time with me. I-I can’t believe you’d do all this just for me. All of this, it’s beautiful.”
Izuku stared long and hard at her, a smile creasing the skin in the corner of his eyes. “I’m so glad.”
He gently wiped her tears and Ochako’s stomach flipped like the moment of weightlessness that she loved at the very top of a roller-coaster, just as plunges down the track. She felt like her whole body was being held together by the vibrations of the pulse through her veins.
“Although you did nearly attack me with a chair,” he added playfully.
Ochako blushed as she hiccupped and clamped her hands to her mouth. “Ah! I did, didn’t I? I’m sorry Izuku, I didn’t know it was you.” She couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled out from behind her hand.
35. Have you ever written a ship into a fic without meaning to?
I accidentally had Ochako kind of almost slightly crushing on Doctor Shouto in BBB - I couldn’t stop her describing his ‘pretty eyes’ and I was like Yeah Me Too. oops
That’s as far as it’s ever gone though - I am pretty focused and single minded when it comes to writing my ships aaa
47. If someone you know in real life who isn’t involved in fandoms asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first?
I have had a few people in real life read Beep Beep Beep! A friend from work read it and passed it onto her son who also read it and he drew me some fanart that he printed out and framed for my birthday. I literally nearly just died on the spot. 
Other than the names it’s one of those AUs where it’s kind of it’s own thing - just a really really cheesy romance - so I think it’s fairly accessible even if you don’t know the show? You just lose some of the neat callbacks
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Fill for @b-l-a-c-k-o-c-e-a-n -- thanks for voting! 
Notes: Tony is trans. Peter is in his early 20s, and both characters are of age and enthusiastically consenting throughout the fic.
Peter Parker is perhaps the strangest, sweetest thing Tony’s ever met in his entire life. Cautious and hungry all at once, Peter crawls into Tony’s lap one day while they’re alone in the lab and he kisses him with soft lips and tells him he’s been dreaming about this since Tony dragged him from the freezing river.
After that, things move… quickly. Tony’s never been good at holding back temptation, and the way he catches Peter staring at him some days, wide eyes dark with desire, it breaks nearly every dam of self-restraint left in Tony’s weak, fallible heart.
That is, nearly all of his self-restraint. By some miracle, Tony’s been able to stave off Peter’s unsubtle advances to avoid fucking him, although it’s certainly not for lack of the boy’s efforts. As soon as he comes up to the lab, Peter’s practically tripping over himself to strip his clothes off and pawing desperately at Tony, eager to lick into his mouth and do what he’s told. It’s endearing and also maddeningly arousing, which is why Tony curses himself and his aching cock as he reluctantly tugs Peter by the hair, pulling that sweet wet mouth off the crotch of his jeans.
“Fuck, kid, slow down,” Tony groans, watching as Peter whines and twists in his grip, desperately trying to get his mouth back on him.
“We’ve been going slow,” Peter says, pouting up at him. “I wanna make you feel good Tony.”
“And you do,” Tony assures him, scratching at Peter’s scalp gently, admiring the way the boy’s eyes flutter shut with pleasure. “C’mon baby, I wanna see your tight little ass.” He tugs Peter to his feet and smacks the backs of his thighs, smirking as Peter jumps.
Peter shimmies out of his jeans and makes to reach for Tony again, but he’s too fast for him. Tony grabs him around the waist and throws Peter down across the lab bench, swallowing his cock down his throat and humming in approval as Peter moans sweetly, arching his back and clenching his thighs around Tony’s head.
And, as he palms himself through his jeans, Tony exhales through his nose in relief, thinking he might be able to distract Peter with his mouth for at least another day.
If there’s one thing Peter Parker is though, it’s persistent.
Tony knows that holding Peter off is a temporary solution at best, and it only takes about two weeks before Peter changes tactics and addresses it head on.
They’re working in silence in the lab one day, Tony engrossed in some upgrades for War Machine when Peter pops his head up from his homework and stares at Tony from across the lab.
“When can I suck your dick?”
Tony drops his screwdriver. He blinks at Peter, then out of sheer force of habit, quickly looks at the lab door to be sure it’s closed. “Pardon?” He asks hoarsely.
“When can I,” Peter repeats himself, getting to his feet, “put my mouth,” he slinks forward, making his way to Tony, “on your dick?” He leans his hip against Tony’s workbench, crossing his arms and staring down at him.
Ah. Tony runs a hand through his hair, determinedly avoiding Peter’s eyes. “I prefer giving to receiving,” he says, which isn’t totally a lie. He loves that Peter can be a bit of a pillow princess, loves stretching him out beneath him and dragging little mewls out of him until he’s a crying, flushed wreck, smeared all over in his own come --
He blinks innocently up at Peter. “Yes, dear?”
“I’m not stupid,” Peter says flatly. “I know you’ve been distracting me whenever I try to make you feel good, and don’t get me wrong, I love when you take care of me,” Tony allows himself to briefly daydream about the superstrength-proof handcuffs he’s just ordered, “but I wanna make you feel good too. And I get that you’ve got every right to be uncomfortable, and guarded, and not ready to do that with me, but Tony.” And Peter falls to his knees, taking Tony’s hands in his and god, isn’t that a pretty sight, “I need a little communication from you. What can I do to help you start to trust me?”
And that -- that wasn’t quite what Tony was expecting. Guilt twists, angry and shameful in his chest and he shakes his head firmly. “I do trust you Pete, I do.” He pulls Peter up into his lap, kisses him slow and gentle, cupping his face as he does. “It’s… Is it too cliche if I say it isn’t you, it’s me?”
Peter gives him a crooked grin, leaning in to kiss him back. “A little bit,” he says truthfully.
“It is though,” Tony says sincerely. “I just-- I haven’t had the best encounters in the past,” Peter’s fists clench angrily and he adds hastily, “and I get it, no bruised ego here. But I don’t-- don’t want you to be disappointed.”
Peter’s eyes are still furious. “Who told you they were disappointed?” He grits out, like he’s planning on hunting down everyone who’s ever slept with Tony.
Tony laughs despite himself and soothes a palm over Peter’s chest. “Sweetheart, it’s fine. People, they expect a certain… experience when they get in bed with Tony Stark. But when I don’t-- when I can’t deliver on that expectation, it-- it ruins things.” He gently takes Peter’s chin and pulls him down into a soft kiss. “And I can’t let it ruin what we have.”
Pulling back, Peter looks Tony carefully in his eyes. “Tony, I want you. Nothing about you is ever gonna ‘ruin’ anything between us.” He takes Tony's hand in his, squeezing it tight. “You said… You say you trust me. Right?”
Tony nods firmly. This, he's more sure of than anything else. “I do, Peter. It's really nothing to do with you--”
“Then,” Peter cuts in gently, “can you trust me to tell you what I want?”
Fondness wells in Tony’s chest and he grabs Peter, kissing him hard and fierce. “What did I do to deserve a sweet boy like you?”
“I dunno,” Peter says with a pleased little smirk as he gets off Tony’s lap, going to his knees, “but you can start by letting me put my mouth on you. If,” he pauses, looking up at Tony, “that’s what you want?”
And Tony would absolutely be lying if he said that wasn’t what he wanted, what he’d gotten himself off to a few times even - Peter’s pink lips wrapped around his cock - so he nods and croaks, “Yeah, I want that Pete.”
With a triumphant little noise, Peter leans in and noses against Tony’s groin, then like he’s in a goddamn porno, he takes the zipper of the trousers in his teeth and drags it down.
Tony has to lean back against the table, swearing under his breath as he watches. “If I’d known this was the show, I would’ve let you do this ages ago,” he jokes, hiding the building anxiety in his gut as Peter drags his boxers down his thighs.
Peter doesn’t bat a fucking eye. He takes Tony’s cock in his mouth and immediately starts moaning like he’s getting off on this and - Jesus, he’s already touching himself - Tony’s hand curls tight in his hair and he groans, holding back from fucking into Peter’s sweet warm mouth.
“Shit Pete, fuck, you look so good like this,” he pants, groaning when he does something wicked with his tongue. Peter makes a smug noise around his cock and laves his tongue over the head, making Tony's knees buckle.
Caught up in the sensation, Tony feels something dripping down his thighs and he thinks for a moment that Peter’s drooling over his cock, but he quickly realizes that he's wet.
Peter seems to realize this too - he blinks up at Tony's frozen expression and cautiously, he laps at the base of Tony’s cock where his cunt begins and asks timidly, “Is this okay?”
“Yeah, sorry,” Tony apologizes instinctively, “I, that happens when--”
Peter rolls his eyes. “Oh my god, I know Tony. I meant, is it okay if I put my mouth on you here too?”
Oh. Tony’s taken aback for a moment. Usually, his bed partners are flummoxed and then half of them feel obligated to eat him out with a confused expression the whole time, while the other half awkwardly ignores that his cunt exists at all. “Yeah, it’s okay Pete.” Tony brushes his hand through Peter’s hair fondly. “I trust you.”
Peter beams up at him and kisses the inside of Tony’s thigh, then laps at his cock like he’s thanking him. With eager little licks of his tongue, Peter moves downwards, flattening his tongue and massaging over him with lazy, firm swipes. Tony nearly comes just watching Peter at it. The boy’s eyes are hooded like he’s enjoying a treat and he glances up at Tony every now and then, seeking his approval.
“Fuck, look at you,” Tony groans, curling his hand in Peter’s hair. He makes a pleased noise and reaches up, tightening his fingers over Tony’s. When he tugs experimentally, Peter nods, humming enthusiastically around him. Peter moves back up and expertly swallows around Tony’s cock and lets his jaw hang open, laving his tongue hard against his cunt and licking into him, all while keeping his cock nice and warm in his sweet mouth.
Tony curses at that, bucking his hips up and yanking Peter’s hair roughly, dragging a blissed out moan from him. With an obscene slurping noise, Peter bobs his head faster and presses the flat of his tongue against him, and Tony shouts as he comes, grinding Peter’s face down into his cock.
As he huffs for air, shaking with the force of his climax, Peter refuses to budge. He determinedly keeps his lips wrapped tight around Tony’s cock and strokes his tongue over the length of him in slow little swipes until it gets to be too much. Shuddering a little, Tony massages Peter’s scalp, coaxing him off of his cock. “Too much Pete,” he groans, tugging his hair a little when he makes a petulant noise.
As Peter reluctantly raises his head, saliva dripping down his chin and between Tony’s thighs, he blinks dazedly with a dopey little smile. “Thank you Tony,” he says sweetly, nuzzling his cheek against his thigh.
Letting out a breathless laugh, Tony shakes his head. “Why the hell are you thanking me?” He tugs Peter up onto his lap to take care of him and chuckles when he realizes Peter’s hand is already sticky with his own come.
Peter leans up for a kiss and he moans sweetly into Tony’s mouth, spreading his legs around his waist and wrapping himself around him. “Love your cock,” he says. “Love blowing you. You’re so hot, so fit, been dreaming about getting in your pants for years,” he confesses.
“Yeah? What d’you dream about, hm?” Tony asks, slipping a hand down the back of Peter’s jeans and squeezing his ass.
“Wanted to see what your face looks like when you come,” Peter says, rubbing his still-hard dick against Tony's stomach. “Thought about you fucking my face, telling me what to do and putting me on my hands and knees.”
Tony growls and digs his fingers into Peter's asscheeks, palming him open so he can rub the pad of his thumb over Peter's little hole. “Fuck, love when you're begging me for it baby.” He catches Peter in a kiss, biting his way harshly into his mouth and leaving his lips bruised red and spit-slick. “I'm gonna fuck you right sweetheart.”
Peter throws his head back, bucking his hips needily against Tony's as he gasps for breath, “Yes, yeah please Tony, c'mon, been waiting so long, please, you goddamn tease--”
Lifting him up under the thighs, Tony throws Peter down across the lab table, scattering tools and spare bolts onto the floor. He strips Peter’s shirt off and takes a moment to admire his pretty flushed skin, then lifts one of his knees, pressing his thigh into his chest and spreading him open. Peter presses a travel size bottle of lube into Tony's hand with a sheepish grin. “I had a plan,” he says defensively when Tony raises his eyebrows.
“Sure you're not just easy?” he teases, uncapping the lube and thrusting a slick finger into him.
“Ahh, fuck, that too.”
As Tony preps him, he uses his other hand to tap a command into the face of his watch and nanites materialize around his waist in the shape of his harness. Peter props himself up on his elbows, watching with interest as they encase Tony's cock in a gleaming red sheath. “I don't get hard enough to penetrate as-is,” he explains, gently circling his fingers inside Peter. “And I have way more nerve endings on my cock than you do on yours.” He rubs a thumb roughly over the head of Peter's, enjoying the startled little moan that gets him. “The strap-on helps dull things, otherwise it's way too sensitive.”
Peter looks up at Tony, his mouth slightly parted in amazement. “So… Since it's nanotech, you can make your cock any shape you want?”
Following his train of thought, Tony grins wickedly. “Just about. You should've seen me back before nanotech, had a whole wall of big cocks for my lovers to pick and choose from.”
Peter's nose wrinkles at the mention of multiple lovers. “We're revisiting what you said about being super sensitive,” he promises with a smug little look of his own, tucking his fingers under the hem of Tony’s shirt and lifting it up his chest. “After this round.”
Tony grins, helping to throw his shirt off and tossing it aside. “Why don't you let me dick you down first before we see if you can handle any more today?” He taunts, slicking his cock up and guiding the metal tip to Peter's wet hole.
Peter’s hips twitch at the cold sensation, but Tony’s hands keep him firm in place. He grins up at Tony and wraps his legs around his waist, leaning up to kiss him sweetly. “C’mon Tony, please?” He begs, flattening his palm over Tony’s chest.
“How could I say no to a pretty face like that?” Tony breathes, and he pushes his cock in slowly, just barely breaching him. Peter’s breath hitches and he clamps down tight around the tip of the metal cock, the blunt head already thicker than anyone else he’s ever had. Tony pets a hand down his side, soothing him through the stretch of it. “How’s it feel, sweetheart?”
Peter nods dazedly up at Tony. “So full,” he whimpers, his own dick twitching when he feels Tony sinking in another inch. “Mm, feels good,” he moans, tightening his legs around Tony’s waist even as tears spring to his eyes at the sudden stretch.
Tony grabs him by the ass and tugs him toward the edge of the table, and Peter cries out as the older man buries himself inside to the hilt. Peter drops his head down on the lab table as he feels Tony rolling his hips slowly, stretching him full, so deep he thinks he can feel his cock in his stomach. “Look at you,” Tony murmurs, kissing his throat and leaving little bites in his wake. “Perfect for me, aren’t you?”
“Mmh, wanna be good,” Peter slurs, his back arching suddenly as Tony’s thick cock rubs up insistently against his prostate. He grabs Tony around the shoulders and keeps him on top of himself, kissing him desperately. “Wanna let you use me,” he pants, whimpering again when Tony pulls his hips back and fucks into him hard.
“Can’t just say shit like that Pete,” Tony growls, squeezing his ass possessively and holding his hips still so he can pound into him with shallow quick thrusts, forcing breathless little moans out of Peter’s throat with every pump.
“‘s true,” Peter says stubbornly, his toes curling as Tony relentlessly drills into his ass, forcing him to take the full length of his cock each time. “Want you so much Tony, wanna suck you off all the time, ahh-- make you feel good p- please!” Tony rewards him by wrapping a slick hand around his cock, which is hard and leaking against his stomach. Peter cries out when he rubs his thumb roughly over the leaking head and he spasms on Tony’s cock.
“What’d I ever do to deserve a thing like you?” Tony asks, taking Peter’s wrists in his other hand and pinning them above his head. He puts a knee up on the table beside Peter, fucking into him ruthlessly with this angle, already so much more intense as he slams into his prostate with every thrust.
Peter can feel his orgasm tightening in his stomach and he locks his ankles behind Tony’s thighs, keeping his cock trapped tight in his ass as he comes. He releases into Tony’s hand, crying out as Tony grinds his hips into him hard, chasing his own orgasm with quick, brutal little snaps of his hips.
Tony curses as he comes, catching Peter’s mouth in another hungry kiss and he rides out his orgasm. He licks into Peter’s mouth, swallowing the little whimpers he makes as he continues lazily fucking his thick cock into Peter, unwilling to pull out even as his own arousal drips down between his thighs.
Finally, Peter squirms underneath him, panting and huffing for breath. “Mmh, Tony,” he whines, shuddering as Tony grinds purposefully into his oversensitized prostate again with a smirk on his lips. Reluctantly, Tony pulls out, letting his metal cock hang obscenely between his legs, gleaming wet with lube.
“Perfect for me,” Tony murmurs, hauling Peter upright so he can thread his fingers through his hair, stroking his back gently.
Peter smiles dopily up at him, leaning forward into Tony’s chest and tracing his fingers up his broad chest. “Love you,” he says softly, tilting his chin up so he can press his lips to Tony’s. A warmth fills Tony’s chest, light and expansive all at once. “Now how ‘bout round three? I wanna see how sensitive your cock is,” Peter says with a smirk, his hands already roaming south.
Tony groans, laughing when he sees Peter’s mischievous expression. “You’ll be the death of me,” he complains, but he only kisses him again, slow and lazy.
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chimswae · 6 years
Chapter 10
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Some stories are better left unsaid.I couldn’t change anything for the world, although the fame part of this industry is tough to handle.Do i have a life? Yes I have my fans.Do i have friends? Yes the members that I cherish. Do i have love? No I have to let go.Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow. But do i have any tomorrow?
Pairing: Jimin x OC (Other characters: BTS, OCs, Lee Taehwan)
Genre: Idolau, Fluff, Romance
Word Count: 3,625
Author Note: I crosspost this story from my Asianfanfic account. Mind you, clicheness OVERLOADS
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Chapter 10:  Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery
Evening came,the sun went down. It’s already half past eight. Both Jimin and Yeoul made their way into the hotel to get Minyeol whom she left with the boys earlier. Little did they knew, they had prolong the conversation that they had. Indeed, five years were way too long; there were tons of things to talk about.
 Like a gentleman he’s, Jimin opened to door to his room giving the space for Yeoul to walk in first. They were greeted by sleeping Minyeol on Jungkook’s lap. The younger boy slept soundly in a fetal position which awed Jimin.
 He’s my son indeed. Jimin smiled inwardly.
“You guys are back” Jin greeted cheerfully.
 “Judging from your expression. I assume the talk went well” the leader gave both of them a thumbs up accompanied with his dimple smile. He’s stupidly adorable, Yeoul squealed on the inside.
 Jimin glanced at Yeoul warily and he noticed her smile was rather contagious, so he turned her facing him “What…” she blinked in daze. The older boys was judging Jimin hard then only they realized, he was jealous. Wow, love really changed people.
 “You…do you smile to anyone like that?” he grazed his teeth together.
 “What is wrong with my smile” she cupped her cheeks with a slight pout.
 Notching his hand on his hips haughtily, he eyed the innocent girl “Apart from Jeon.. who else do you like in Sonyeodan?” Jimin gruff voice got other members to look at his direction even the sleepy Yoongi could sense sudden silence in the room. He opened his eyes lazily seemed annoyed.
 “Hmm…Let me think first” he cocked his ear towards Yeoul with pretend seriousness.
 Jin cringed “What the hell is that for?” the leader beside him hushed Jin to keep his mouth shut. Namjoon found it was amusing to watch another side of Jimin, a side that he only showed around Yeoul.
 “Is this something that you need to think? Oh god Yeoul..” he grunted in dissatisfaction.
 “Dont pressure me I have names in my mind. There is Jeon Jungkook…” as expected the golden maknae turned crimson red as he shifted uncomfortably. Jimin’s stare seemed to throw daggers at his way.
 Yeoul played along in teasing Jimin so she went to Hoseok’s side “And this guy, Jhope? His smile lit up my entire world” she smiled adorably like a shy fangirl. With a victory smug plastered all over his face, Hoseok stood up and gave Yeoul a soft hug before Jimin marched to them, pulling the girl away from him.
 “Park Jimin I am giving my fanservice to my fan!” Hoseok shrieked in disbelief.
 “She is not your fan!” Jimin exclaimed.
 Amused, Yoongi snickered lowly “I am not surprised if Yeoul decided to dump Jimin for one of us in the future” green in envy, the younger boy shot him a warning glare.
 “Well oh well, Jungkook may fit the role since Minyeol really like him” Hoseok teased.
 “I thought she is off limit” said Jungkook.
 “Yes she is Jeon. So don’t be like Hobi hyung” Jimin chortled, hugging her shoulder protectively. She chuckled in amusement, now why was she not surprised. He had always been possessive in a good way when it came to Yeoul. Some people never changed.
 “Tsk tsk look at you Park Jimin. We are not even dating,are you playing boyfriend now” Yeoul removed his hand off her and sunk beside Jungkook, stroking Minyeol’s air.
“There is nothing wrong with that, I just want to make sure my members know you are taken” he whined while pursing his lips upwards, sulking.
 “Unofficially taken” she corrected, Yeoul then shifted her attention to Jungkook “Thank you for looking after Minyeol. Did he make you run?” she chuckled softly.
 Jungkook smiled softly “It is all good, Minyeol is a good kid. I had fun, oh do you want to hold him instead?” she gladly nodded and moving Minyeol to her embrace. Sulky Jimin was watching both of them with a disapproving look.
 The younger boy stretched a little, massaging his aching muscle even though Minyeol did not weigh  much but to stay in one position for an hour could be tiring too. Nonetheless, he had nothing to complaint.
 Taehyung strutted inside with snacks with a big grin on his face “ I bought snacks-Oh Yeoul and Jimin fancy to see both of you here. Let’s celebrate since you both made up!” she shook her head at his silliness.
 What to celebrate seriously?
 In the middle of their mini party Yeoul was bombarded with questions from the floor, and she tried her best to answer every single souls in the room. She liked how welcoming Bangtan members were. Without doubt, Jimin was lucky to have them by his side. They were the sweetest friends that he could wish for.
 Time passed quickly, as in it’s midnight already? Time flew when you’re having fun with your loved one. Yes her loved one, Jimin. It was too early to say this but that was the truth. She treasured every moments with him, reflecting back her bitter past. Filled with regrets and regrets.
 Jimin offered to send her back home though Namjoon insisted her to stay since it was already late. She politely declined the offer considering how inappropriate it would be to hog the room that Jimin shared with Jungkook and Yoongi. She didn’t expect the seven boys to squish in one small room right?
 Therefore, Jin offered to drive both of them home, Minyeol was still fast asleep in Jimin’s arm. It was the perfect view of the century. Jimin and Minyeol just how she used to picture all this time. Her heart feel warmth again, how wonderful was that.
 As they reached Yeoul’s home, Jimin carried sleeping Minyeol inside and tuck him to bed. Planting a  soft kiss on his forehead, Yeoul escorted him out “Thank you Jimin for today” she smiled.
 His cat like eyes met hers and she saw the gleam of happiness in his orbs “I have to thank you instead. Thank you Yeoul for giving me chance. We will figure this soon” she smiled, touched by his sincerity. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled Yeoul closed, gently rubbing her arm.
 The cold temperature outside seemed to rise, as she relaxed into his arms fully “You have to go, you don’t want to make Jin waiting” his embrace was warm and his muscular arms seemed very protective around her. It’s feel like they are one organism, melted together.
 “Lets go out tomorrow, the three of us” he suggested earnestly.
 Yeoul raised her head, her glittering gaze skimming over him “But I heard you are heading back tomorrow?” her lips were pressed into thin line. She did not want him to ditch this whole plan of going back to Seoul because of her, he still needed to practice for his upcoming tour in Thailand. It would be another long week for him.
 Raising his hand Jimin stroked her hair and smiled “I can make it, we will be leaving in the evening. I will fetch you tomorrow morning, how does it sound?” Yeoul nodded frantically. Of course she loved the idea, it had been so long since she last went out for a date. Well, there was one with Taehwan but it was not even a real date.
 “See you tomorrow then” he patted the top of her head “Go inside, it is cold” her eyes smile melted him on the spot.
 “Get back home safely” she waved shyly as soon as he saw the window of the van being rolled down revealing smirking Jin.
 “How lucky I was to witness your lovey dovey moment. See you again Yeoul” Jin threw his infamous flying kiss with a wink. That startled Yeoul, she immediately went inside with a bright blush on her cheeks.
 Jimin retorted “You scared her hyung! Stop throwing that kisses to anyone. She is Na Yeoul not our Armys” he filled the passenger seat. Jin on the other hand just whistled away with a teasing smile earning a smack from Jimin.
 “Hyung….” he protested adorably.
 At this rate who could stop Kim Seokjin?
“APPA” Minyeol ran as fast as lightning, tackling Jimin into a tight hug. The younger boy laughed happily “MY APPA IS HERE” Yeoul smiled at the welcoming sight in front of her.
 “Daddy’s son so hyper this early” he hold the younger boy, rocking him side to side with a genuine smile. She let them stayed like that exchanging hi and devouring their daddy-and-son moment. Come to think about it again, it felt too real to be truth.
 Yesterday after Jin and Jimin left, Taehwan came over to check on her. To come at odd hours like that was so not Taehwan, then he happened to witness Jimin and Yeoul few minutes ago. She feared this time would come where she had to break his heart. As a matter of fact her relationship was not like how he thought it would be but she didn’t want to put false hope on him.
  “So you and Jimin..”
 Yeoul blurted before he could finish his words “It is not like what you think. We are not in that kind of relationship..still figuring it out” he sighed in sheer relief.
 However his expression was rather dark and dull “I hope you guys can work on something, whatever is  best for you and Minyeol” he smiled sadly.
 “Tae-ah…I am sorry” she looked down on her feet too afraid to meet his gaze. He had done everything for her, the only thing she couldn’t give him now was her heart. It’s always been Jimin.
 “Hey… don’t apologize. Feelings cant be force Yeoul-ah, just so you know I will be here beside you no matter what” he took her hand, caressing it with care and love.
‘I hope you find someone that can love you as much you love me Taehwan’ she wrapped her arm around his torso, hugging him.
  Minyeol’s voice brought her attention back abruptly to happy faces in front of her “Mommy, lets go! Daddy said we will be riding fun rides!” he held onto Yeoul’s hand tight, swinging it back and forth.
 “Will you be okay to go out in public?” her eyes glistened with worries. Taking a few step closer to Jimin, she put the mask back on covering his face “Better..Now lets go” she squished his cheeks briefly.
 How to stop myself from falling for you even deeper Na Yeoul, Jimin rubbed his back hair with a foolish smile.
 Hand in hand they strolled along the sidewalk with Minyeol in the middle, both of them eventually listened to this cute chatterbox along the journey. For some reason, Minyeol really inherit Yeoul’s personality, he talked way too much. Exchanging funny stories with the younger one mostly about his classmates, gave them a big laugh. There was no doubt he was chosen to become the class president.
 The family arrived at an amusement park which already excite Minyeol whom started to bob his head up and down, getting ready to try out different rides. His eyes were glimmered in happiness “Appa, look toys! Can I have those?” he pointed at the bunny plushies.
 Jimin immediately grimaced as it reminded him of Jungkook “Out of all toys, why must bunny” annoyed, he hummed under his breath.
 “WHOA!” Minyeol clasped his hand excitedly and his mouth gaped, amused at the sight of roller coaster not far from where they stood.
 “Can we ride that appa appa?” he blinked cutely, playing with Jimin’s fingers.
 “That ride is not for a kid like you Na Minyeol” Yeoul waved her finger in disapproval.
 “Park… Park Minyeol” Jimin corrected with a playful glare.
 “Is this even a right time to debate?” Yeoul rolled her eyes with a frown.
 Minyeol continued to beg “Please please mommy..let me ride that. Appa plishh” he then turned to Jimin who seemed ready to comply. No matter what kind of body signal Yeoul gave him, Jimin would just shun her. In the end, they agreed to ride the roller coaster.
 They walked towards the roller coaster ride, and it just finished loading the passengers with the last bunch of people who were already waiting in line. The line was quite long since it was a popular ride in the park. Luckily, they managed to get a seat in the middle. Yeoul made sure to keep Minyeol securely between them and double checked the safety gear before the ride roll up.
 “You are crazy Park Jimin” she complained.
 He chuckled at her nervousness “What? It will be fun plus our Minyeol is a brave boy. He takes after me” ruffling his son hair, Minyeol smiled widely.
 “I don’t remember you being the bravest person on planet. Tch, show off. So you score nothing on this one” Jimin pinched her nose caused her to twig his ear lightly.
 “Human change, so digest that Na Yeoul” the corner of his lips quirked into a pout.
 How childish.
They watched the ride start to roll up the steep track and people were waving and waiting for their big moments, the drop.Not long after the ride sped down the tracks and they could hear people screaming in excitement and fear.
 As for Yeoul, she most likely petrified since she’s been holding Minyeol’s hand tight but that kid had the audacity to slap her hand away so he could throw it in the air feeling the cold wind hitting his skin. This kid just spent half day with his daddy, and he already acted all bratty. She gritted her teeth, hoping the ride would end soon.
 The hell ride finally came to an end and some already barfed at the corner as soon as they left the ride. Out of people who joined the ride, Minyeol was one of the youngest though the ride was not as challenging compared to the usual coaster for the adults but still it was dizzying.
 “You alright son?” Jimin crouched down at his level, stroke Minyeol’s back with a fatherly look.
 He cracked a grin “It was fun appa, I want to try that again!” Yeoul shook her head.
 “Not today baby. Next time okay when you grow a little older and taller? Maybe taller than your dad..” she smiled meekly teasing Jimin. Vengeance, obviously for agreeing to Minyeol’s request.
 Jimin stood “Wow im surprised since you love this smol guy after all” he cringed, poking his small finger directly against her forehead “You watch out” he smirked.
 Baffled Minyeol watched his parents bickered like a 3rd grader and he could only crack an adorable smile “Appa, you promise me to get the bunny! GO GO!” he tugged Jimin’s hand excitedly towards the booth full with different games and eye candy presents.
  So, they spent few hours there trying out different rides and these time no more crazy one like roller coaster. Yeoul’s warning was crystal clear, they didn’t want to piss the mother off, bad move. After the tiring activities in the park, they went to grab lunch at Minyeol’s favorite restaurant. According to Yeoul they would spend at least thrice a week here to get Minyeol’s favorite udon. For a boy at his age, even the choice of his favorite food was matured and old.
 Jimin will be leaving in an hour as he already promised with others, he would be on time so they could reach Seoul before midnight if Jin chose to drive like Dominic Toretto. He was walking Yeoul and Minyeol back home with Minyeol on his back, a piggyback.
 He fall asleep since it was a long day, hence Jimin suggested them to take a walk instead. Jimin wanted to spend last hour with Yeoul before touring next week. God knows when he could come back and visit them again.
 “Aren’t you hot under that mask? You are sweating” Yeoul dabbed her hand on his forehead wiping off the sweat formed. Indeed, it suffocated him.
 “Dont worry about me, but can you help me to pull it down so I can breath fresh air for few minutes” he requested with his not so cute voice.
 Yeoul bit her lower lips unsure whether to pull it down or just let it stay that way “People might recognize you..” he shook his head assuring her it would be alright. She reached out, pulling the mask slowly finally unmasked his handsome face.
 “This cap will cover half of my face so don’t worry” he inhaled a deep breath liking the emptiness around his face. Since he had been wearing it for hours, he felt like dying without proper oxygen.  The street was rather secluded so he took the cue to unmask for few minutes.
 “I prefer it this way, I can see your handsome face clearly” she giggled.
 “Is that a compliment?” he nudged her shoulder with his with a goofy smile.
 “Whatever you think it is” she played it cool.
 They made a sharp turn as they were getting nearer to Yeoul’s home, “Thank you for today Jims. You don’t know how much it meant for Minyeol. This is his first time to get a fatherly attention” she broke the silence again.
 “He is our son Yeoul. Don’t you feel indebted. I am willing to do anything for him, to pay all those missing year. I will try my best to be a good father for Minyeol” he glanced at Yeoul. Sometimes she worried too much, he could read her like an open book.
 “You will be a good father, I have faith in that” there were a group teenagers walked pass them which fluster Yeoul. She quickly pulled back Jimin’s mask upward covering his face.
 She exhaled a relief sigh “Thank god they didn’t notice you” chuckling away her cuteness, Jimin pulled down his masked again, giving a soft peck on her cheeks.
 “Thank you my yeoul” that was it, she’s weak when it came to Jimin.
 As they reached their destination. Yeoul went to wake Minyeol slowly, so that he could bid farewell to Jimin or else he would be grumpy tomorrow. Sleepy Minyeol didn’t take the farewell easily as he kept on insisting Jimin to stay.
 “Appa promise will come to visit when my work is done. For the time being watch appa on tv, you will see me” he winked, kissing his cheeks softly.
 He pouted “Appa promise Minyeollie?”
 “Yes I promise will come to you as soon as my work finish alright?” Minyeol hugged Jimin, more like clung onto him with a sad pout.
 “Don’t give appa that sad look. I will be coming back soon alright? Be a good boy and oh tell your friends that you ride roller coaster with appa today” squishing Minyeol close, his eyes were pulled into his infamous eye smile.
 Yeoul stroked his hair “Minyeol go inside first and ready to shower”
 “Alrighty…Appa bye…Love you” Minyeol planted a sloppy kiss on both of Jimin cheeks as he took the plushie bunny from Yeoul’s hand making his way inside.
 “So.. don’t you want to give me a hug? You will be missing for quite some time” he spread his arms with wide grin, welcoming Yeoul into his embrace.
 “Silly..” she approached Jimin and Yeoul gladly settled in his embrace. His embrace was her favorite spot to snuggle, it cant be compared with a mere duvet or comforter in her room. To Yeoul, his hug was a cure to any disease.
 Jimin whispered “I will be missing you so badly” he heaved a heavy sigh. He really did not want to leave just yet, since there were a lot of things that he wanted to do with Minyeol and Yeoul. Like he had choice, he signed up for this so he needed to comply.
 “Me too.. Take care don’t stress yourself. Since you will be on plane most of the time, don’t forget to stretch or you will be losing your ability to walk” she chuckled, gazing up at his face.
 “That is a cruel advice. Your mouth is as bad as Yoongi hyung” he chortled.
 She giggled “Who? Ah.. that rapper with milky skin… he is cool though very intimidating. He is a nice guy, everyone in sonyeodan is so kind. I like them, maybe I can reconsider choosing another sonyeodan as my-” his brows knitted into a deep frown.
 “Yah.. don’t have any funny ideas. I still don’t agree how you actually LIKE jungkook, im watching you closely”he warned, resting their forehead together, he stared deeply into her orbs.
 Locking his arms around her waist “I like how you look at me like this” she mumbled as blush crept on her cheeks.
 “I like how you sweet talk me” he nuzzled her face and their nose brushed sending chill down her spine. Their close proximity had driven her crazy all day, she blamed Jimin natural flirty side. His charm was something that she couldn’t resist since forever.
 He was about to lean in for a kiss when a voice stopped him “Jimin oppa?” Yeoul eyes shot open realizing what came to them at that moment.
 “Are you Jimin oppa?” they heard the owner of the voice getting closer to them.
 Then there was another voice “No no it cant be Jimin oppa. Our oppa is not dating anyone” since they could only see Jimin’s side profile, it was still a big deal. Some fans could recognize even a glimpse of their back head or hands.
 Jimin eyed Yeoul intensely not knowing how to react, they felt the air was getting heavy. How on earth they recognized him when this area was practically empty and secluded. This called for trouble.
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This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2018. All Rights Reserved
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laurajameskinney · 6 years
Title: Dancing With The Devil
Rating: T for language
Characters: APH Hungary, APH Romania, APH Ukraine
Pairings: HunUkr, background RomBul
Summary: When college students Elizaveta and Vladimir attempt to summon Satan, they're in for the shock of their lives when a completely different demon shows up instead due to a botched ritual.
Additional Notes: Hi so literally no one asked for this demon hunukr au and yet here is is, i hope yall like it (if you even read it)
Read it on: ao3 , ff.n
“Grandma, how did you and Gramma meet?” a small child asked of an old woman sitting in a rocking chair, looking for all the world as cliche as can be.
“Ah yes, I still remember it clearly now,” she responded. “It all began back in high school,” she started, only to be cut off by a loud groan.
“Ugh, we get it Grandma, you and Gramma met in high school and fell in love. Gross. Not much of a story there,” a different child whined.
“Be quiet, Peter, you don’t know what you’re talking about,” a little girl snapped from beside him.
“Wendy is right, Peter, that isn’t what happened at all. But Wendy, dear, it isn’t necessary to be rude just because you’re right,” an elderly woman reprimanded gently as she stepped onto the porch.
Both Wendy and Peter mumbled “sorry Gramma”s and hung their heads, before the woman they had called “Gramma” kindly  ruffled their hair.
“Now, if you bunch are talking about what I think you’re talking about, then it’s a tale much better told over milk and cookies, don’t you agree Eliza?”
“Hm...I don’t know, Katyusha, what kind of cookies are they?” the woman now dubbed Eliza asked playfully of “Gramma”, craning her neck around nearly backwards to see her face.
“Your favourite, Eliza, just like always” Katyusha answered before kissing her sweetly on the lips, much to the disgust of Peter and Wendy.
“Guys, Grandma and Gramma kissing isn’t gross! Love is art!” the first child declared passionately.
“That’s lovely, Leo dear, but I think your cousins disagree with you. Now come along all of you, inside,” Katyusha said sweetly, causing the three children present to jump up and rush in the door.
“Come on Elizaveta, you too! I’m sure you want to tell the kids how we met, right? After all, there are some parts only you can tell!” Katyusha encouraged, pulling Elizaveta up by her arm.
“I suppose…” Elizaveta said playfully, a youthful spark lighting in her eyes despite her apparent old age.
She stood up, and the two women headed inside to be met with the clatters of glasses. Katyusha laughed softly and asked everyone to settle down, passing out napkins and glasses, and then warm heart-shaped cookies, fresh out of the oven.
“Grandma, Grandma, you were gonna tell us how you met, right?” Leo asked impatiently.
“Yes, I was, wasn’t I?” Elizaveta sighed. “Well, it was a night not unlike any other, years and years ago…” she begane
“Vladimir, this is stupid,” a young Elizaveta criticized  in annoyance. “I’m almost certain that Satan doesn’t exist, and even if he does, there’s no way that you’ll be able to summon him.: “I bet you’re just saying that ‘cause you’re scared,” Vladimir said, not looking up from the satanic symbols he was chalking onto the floor.
Elizaveta huffed, pulling her arms tighter around herself in an attempt to ward off the chill permeating the air of the run-down old church they were in. She wasn’t scared, she refused to be - but she was cold.
“Why did you even bring me here? It’s not like I actually care about your occult shit.”
“Because, Eliza, the summoning ritual needs the blood of a virgin to work, and, well, we both know that discounts me,” Vladimir said with a smirk that was partway smug, partway triumphant, and partway practically begging for Elizaveta to punch his teeth in.
“Shove it, Vlad. Just because you got yourself a hot Bulgarian boyfriend doesn’t give you the right to make fun of my love life - or my sex life! - no matter how abysmal it may seem to be,” Elizaveta snapped.
Vladimir raised an eyebrow and looked at Elizaveta, before continuing to draw out his summoning circle. “And besides, I’m perfectly fine with the way things are right now! I don’t need anyone else to be happy!” she squaked indignantly, sounding more like she was trying to convince herself than anyone else.
A few moments passed in silence.
“Ugh, could you hurry up?” Elizaveta demanded, letting out a breath of mist. “I’m freezing over here!”
“If you’re so cold, you should have brought a jacket or something,” Vladimir responded tartly.
“It was warm when we left, but it took for-fucking-ever to get up to this decrepit old hellhole - excuse me, I meant sad excuse for a former church,” she gripped.
“Well, I’m done now, could you come over here?”
Elizaveta harumphed and made her way over to Vladimir in an almost leisurely fashion, holding her palm out to him when she reached his side. Vladimir, in turn, pulled out a knife and, dragging Eliza’ hand to hover over the center of the summoning circle, drew it roughly across her palm, causing blood to spill out and onto the demonic markings.
Hissing in pain, Elizaveta quickly pulled her hand back, clutching it to her chest and backing away as Vladimir started chanting, ancient words long forgotten flowing from his lips as easily as the blood did from Elizaveta’s new wound.
As Vladimir continued chanting, shadows started moving around the room, seeming to cause a chill wind to blow. The young man ignored this, as he did many things, but Elizaveta drew in on herself, eyes darting nervously around the ramshackle church. Shadows weren’t supposed to move on their own, or cause wind.
She decided right then and there that now was an awful good time to start being afraid.
Slowly, the shadows coalesced in the centre of the circle to form the body of a young woman who couldn’t be much older than Elizaveta herself. She had short-cropped blonde hair, and was fairly thick-set, wearing all black clothes that seemed at once both tight fitting and loose enough to flow around her.
Elizaveta suddenly found it strangely hard to breathe.
The young woman waved her arm in front of Vladimir’s face. Vladimir didn’t react, as his eyes were closed. “Uh, sir, I think you summoned the wrong demon,” she said rather meekly.
“Mister!” she tried again. “I really don’t think you were looking for me!” the blonde tried again, before noticing Elizaveta in the corner and waving desperately at her.
Still quite unable to untie her tongue, Elizaveta nevertheless forced her slightly shell-shocked body to walk over behind Vladimir, before roughly shoving his shoulder.
“Hey!” he barked indignantly, beginning to wheel around to face Eliza before seeing the other person in the room and stopping short.
“You aren’t Satan,” he observed, rather dumbly in Elizaveta’s opinion. Not that anyone had asked for it, of course, but she was always willing to give it.
“No of course I’m not Satan!” the young woman objected.
“But how did I mess up? I’m certain I had everything this time!” Vladimir wailed.
The blonde backed away at his shouts, and he stopped. He may have been an oblivious piece of shit in Elizaveta’s humble opinion, but even he could tell when he was scaring someone.
The blonde looked down at the markings on the floor. “Well, everything here looks about right...you did use the blood of a virgin, right?” “Yeah, duh. Unless Eliza had sex with someone in the five minutes between saying I needed the blood of a virgin and making the sacrifice,” Vladimir replied sarcastically.
“Er, um, well...when rituals ask for the blood of a virgin, they aren’t actually talking about sex..” the woman trailed off. “They’re talking about previous summonings, and - and anything else, really, even failed rituals count,” she added in a whisper.
Vladimir dragged his hand down his face, sighing exasperatedly. Of course attempting to summon Cthulhu in the tenth grade would come back to haunt them, of course it would.
Suddenly, the young woman rushed over to Elizaveta and grasped her hands. “You were the one that made the blood sacrifice, right?”
“Y-yeah,” the brunette stammered out, slightly in shock due to the proximity of such a woman who was, in Elizaveta’s opinion, so amazingly beautiful.
“Well then, I have to do any one thing that you ask of me, so long as it’s within my power,” she paused, blowing out a puff of air. “Unfortunately, I don’t really have much power. I’m really low-level, which means I can only do the most basic illusions and stuff. Do you have anything you’d like me to do? Elizaveta shook her head no. The two of them - she and Vladimir, that is - had been attempting to summon Satan to ensure success at college, but if the blonde was telling the truth, that would be far out of her abilities.
“Well, you’re hurt,” she said, holding up Elizaveta’s palm. “I know! I’ll protect you, then! Make sure you don’t get hurt. It’s a dangerous world out there!”
“W-what? No! I can protect myself, thank you very much!” Elizaveta exclaimed. She may have been tongue-tied, but she would never let someone think that she was in any way incapable of defending herself.
Vladimir winced slightly, no doubt remembering the many times Elizaveta had demonstrated her defensive capabilities before.
“Oh…” the blonde chewed her bottom lip nervously. “Well, see, this is kind of awkward now, because me saying that sort of bound my life to yours.”
“It what?” Elizaveta shouted, yanking her hands out of the other’s.
“Ah-ah-ah you two, no fighting!” Vladimir chimed in, pushin in-between the two women. “And Eliza - no I don’t care that you hate me calling you that, shut up - what our new friend here is saying is that now, her health depends on your safety, basically. The long and short of it is that if she fails to protect you, then she also gets hurt.
The silence hung in the air, thick, smothering, and unbroken, or at least until Vladimir clapped his hands. “Well then, demon-lady, it looks like you’re going to be spending a lot of time with us, so we should probably all introduce ourselves. I’m Vladimir, and this charmer you see in front of you is Elizaveta. And you would be?”
“Yekaterina. I’m pleased to make your acquaintances, Elizaveta, Vladimir. I do hope I won’t be much of a bother,” Yekaterina said with a gracious dip of the head. Elizaveta would never have thought a demon could ever be so polite.
“Oh, I assure you, you’ll be no bother to us at all. In fact, you’re welcome to stay with us,” Vladimir offered.
“That would be lovely, thank you,” Yekaterina said before walking out of the church with a quick “places of worship make me uncomfortable, I’ll be outside.”
For one fleeting second, Elizaveta allowed herself to think that maybe, just maybe, Vladimir had offered shelter to Yekaterina out of the kindness of his heart, but then he turned around with the absolute most shit-eating grin she’d ever seen and said “So. Are you still so content with the empty void that is your love life?”
“Grandma, you can’t just end there!” Peter whined.
“I can and I will, Peter, Leo’s father is here to pick all of you up. Besides, I thought you didn’t want to know how Katyusha and I met,” Elizaveta responded playfully.
Leo frowned pensively, face comically serious for the nine year old that they were. “Storytelling is a form of art, you know. Can you tell us what happened next time?”
Yekaterina laughed, ruffling their hair affectionately. “Of course we will, Leo. Now, all of you get your things, okay?” The old couple stood in their doorway, waving the children off as they left. “Bye! Have fun at the pool!” Elizaveta called out, lowering her arm as the car faded into the distance.
The old woman sighed, resting her head on Katyusha’s shoulder, wrapping an arm around her waist. The blonde, in turn, rubbed soft circles onto the back of her hand and entangled her fingers with those of the other.
“How long has it been?” Elizaveta murmured. “Sixty? Sixty-five years since that night?”
“I’d put it closer to seventy,” Katyuska whispered.
Elizaveta let out another sigh. It was suddenly hitting very hard very fast just how very old the two of them were, and frankly, neither of them liked the reminder.
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call me right now, and i’ll cave, i’ll answer you (part 1)
and blame it on the booze
(a college au friends with benefits that goes the way every single fuckin fwb story goes but this time it’s about Jack and Davey so) (tw: mentions of sex and alcohol)
He barely knew the guy. Jack Kelly. He knew that he was a junior, like Davey, and from New York, like Davey. He was fairly sure he liked The Kinks, because of the poster up on his wall, but then, he also knew he was bi, so he might have just liked looking at The Kinks.
Okay, so he also knew that he was partial to a post-sex cuddle, despite appearances. And that in the few minutes after he came he was a jelloid wreck incapable of any words over a murmur.
And that he was maybe an art major??? Maybe???
He was in his own bed now, post-time number seven. Jack was sleeping next to him. The rising and falling of his chest was captivating. His brow was furrowed. His arm barely brushing Davey’s under the cover. Warmth. He knew he should have said no to Jack last night but sometimes he thought that even if he wanted to, he couldn’t.
Time number one. At a party. Davey had been tipsy, trying his hardest to participate and fit in, so he had been trying to match his roommate Race’s speed. He knew that this was dumb, that it would cloud his inhibitions and was all round a Bad Idea but he needed to make a good first impression. Even if this wasn’t his scene, he couldn’t afford to alienate himself from it.
Jack had approached him, a stranger. A stranger that he’d had repeated accidental (he thought) eye contact with all night. A hot stranger, who seemed more comfortable in this environment, a comfort that rubbed off on Davey. Jack started making conversation over the drinks table, catching Davey’s eye, something about how he hadn’t seen him here before - and the way he said it made it seem like he was happy Davey was there. He slid a can out of his six pack over to him and asked how he knew the host, and he was... so hot. Davey had, in all honesty, noticed him almost as soon as he’d walked in. That hot. But participating was one thing and approaching people quite another. His hotness was all Davey could compute as he accepted the drink and stammered out something about chemistry. Jack must have sensed that he had Davey straight away because he stalked round the table to talk to him, tapping their beers together and leaning close so he could hear over the buzz of the party.
Time passed and passed. They talked and talked. Friends in common, hometowns, the election. Underlying this Davey couldn’t quite figure out why Jack was paying this much attention to him but he wasn’t complaining, especially considering the fact that he hadn’t fucked it up yet. Jack was laughing in all the right places instead of just at him, and at one point he’d made physical contact, touching Davey’s arm to make a point, and it felt like something. So, yeah, maybe the line ��Do you wanna get out of here?’ was a cliche, but it sounded like music to Davey.
His virginity didn’t last more than three hours after Jack uttered those words. They ended up in Jack’s dorm, Davey indulging in the alien sensation of just obeying his urges instead of overthinking everything. He was usually inclined to think that anyone showing interest in him was a joke, so he tended to brush everything off, from prolonged glances across the library to Race telling him to ‘Stop wasting ya college years, Dave, cuz it’s all downhill from here.’
He hadn’t expected, either, that he would wind up actually having sex as a result of going to this party. Obviously he had heard the cliches about college, watched Superbad, but he had never related himself to those characters. His sexuality had always been very hypothetical, even when he realised what his sexuality was. Being faced, then, with Jack, and decoding their body language, the way Jack would lean in, how it felt when his breath landed on Davey’s skin, just their proximity in itself, he knew that he couldn’t deny wanting Jack.
Heat, and Jack’s hands, and sudden cool air as his clothes were pulled away. Warm, hard kisses. Fleeting nerves which came from wondering if Jack could tell it was his first time but mostly a kind of stunned bewilderment at the beautiful guy touching him with this hot reverence.
Davey was propped up against the pillows, staring dazed at Jack as he kissed down Davey’s chest and stomach, smoothed his hands down Davey’s thighs, paused settled between Davey’s legs to look up at him and mutter ‘Fuck me, you’re beautiful.’ That image sustained Davey in the days following. Jack made him believe it, at least for that night.
And when Jack pulled Davey to him afterwards, nuzzling a kiss into his neck, winding an arm round his waist and murmuring ‘Are you okay?’ into his skin, it almost felt... loving? Maybe tender was the right word. Like Jack cared about him, at any rate. For a few minutes Davey fell into a shallow fantasy that what had happened with Jack was real rather than the kind of one night stand he had never envisioned himself having. 
The morning after, the freedom to study and ponder Jack’s face ‘til he woke up was ruined by Jack’s alarm clock. Jack had turned it off straight away and rolled back over to sleep, but he had definitely seen through his squint that Davey was awake. He spoke into the room, trusting Davey would listen.
‘Why don’t you leave your number?’
And Davey had taken this as a sign that Jack wasn’t up for a chit chat, that he should leave, but that he hadn’t seen the last of him. He got dressed and wrote his number on a scrap of paper on Jack’s desk, before heading back to tell Race all about it.
‘Was it good? Was it great? Ah, I’m so proud of you, Davey Jacobs!’
‘It was nice! He was really hot.’ God, he was really hot. Davey hadn’t managed to give himself a mental pat on the back last night, so he did it now. ‘He asked for my number.’
‘So he can hit it again?’
‘I guess.’ Davey lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling as he talked. He would do it again, he thought. It couldn’t hurt to get some practise at this whole... boy thing. ‘We had a really good talk, before, at the party. But I guess it was probably just a preamble.’
‘Guy starts talking to you at a party, Dave, he probably only wants one thing. But if you both want the same thing then what’s the problem?’
‘I didn’t really know that this was a thing I wanted. Now I do.’
‘Sounds like you can have it anytime now, and I would if I were you.’
‘I might. I don’t have his number, but if he calls. I might.’
He didn’t call. And Davey was... Fine with it. Not like he knew Jack. He had tried hard to quell any fantasy that something more might come out of their night. It was a fun learning experience, that’s all. He had college to focus on -
Never mind. He saw Jack again a few weeks later at a tailgate. Race tended to drag Davey to these things, insisting that Davey had the academic part of college down pat but needed a little assistance in the partying department. He had bumped into a couple of kids he knew from classes and so had managed to stumble through the night on a comfortable level of mildly inebriated social interaction. It was just as the sun was setting and the air was growing chilly that he felt a light tap on his shoulder. When he turned around Jack greeted him with an almost coy smile.
‘Jack!’ Too surprised to be cool. Nice. ‘How... What’s up?’
‘Not much. Hey, I’m sorry I didn’t call you, after the other night. I had fun.’
‘Me too.’ This was weird. Standing opposite a near stranger knowing what they looked like when they... And also knowing how good at it they were. ‘I guess. College. Busy. Right?’ Smooth.
‘Right! Listen, you hip to any after parties tonight? Cause I was thinking...’ Jack raised his eyebrows. Davey blushed, obviously. Was this college? Was this how everyone did it in college? He looked at Jack’s face, considering. Jack was standing in front of him, offering him the night. Essentially it was just a logical choice - he could either sleep with Jack, or not sleep with Jack. At that moment, with Jack standing before him in all his smouldering, brooding good looks, and solid track record - Davey decided that yes, he would very much like to sleep with Jack. He bit his lip.
‘What did you have in mind?’
The weird thing about hooking up with Jack was how it always went from 0-100. Obviously they had a simmering tension between them as they talked and it was this that characterised their hook-ups through the weeks, and Davey, once he got used to it, completely loved how abundantly affectionate Jack tended to be. As soon as he gave the nod at the tailgate Jack transformed, taking him by the hand and leading him away for kisses, backing him up against a nearby tree.
Davey was beginning to understand how these things worked, how by throwing themselves in at the deep end instead of building up a relationship they minimised the risk - couldn’t ruin a friendship that didn’t exist. If he had turned Jack down the first time things wouldn’t be awkward between them because they didn’t know each other, unlike if say, Race came on to him.
That’s not to say that there wasn’t a tiny Something between them. They’d slept together, after all. There was enough of a something that Jack could say things like ‘I was thinking about you last week, Dave. I couldn’t concentrate in Chem cause I was thinking about your ass.’ But then enough of nothing that time could stretch and stretch between their encounters and neither really minded.
Heat blossomed under Davey’s skin as Jack spoke into his ear. He combed his fingers through Jack’s hair. ‘Trying to make me blush?’
‘Trying to do more than make you blush.’ Jack slipped a hand under Davey’s shirt, thumb stroking his skin. ‘Who you here with today?’
‘Just my roommate. I haven’t seen him in hours.’
‘Won’t miss ya if you leave?’
Davey shot a cursory glance over Jack’s shoulder but couldn’t see Race and probably wouldn’t care if he did. He took a brazen step forward, pressing their chests together, letting their lips barely brush. ‘Let’s go.’
And Jack did contact him after this one. For time number three. Davey was in his PJs, studying up a storm on a Friday night. The room was silent, Race was out, and it was raining. One more chapter, then bed. Until his phone buzzed on the desk, snapping him out of his reverie.
U up?
He raised his eyebrows. He was up. He could just answer the question honestly and pretend he didn’t know the implications of answering yes. So he did. And Jack was at his door not long after with a wolf-like grin and a night full of exciting ideas.
This was how it happened the next few times and it became an easy, reliable Thing. Every so often a flash of self-consciousness rendered Davey uneasy about their situations, doubts about if he was being taken advantage of, or if he was taking advantage of Jack - and where was this going, because it was either going somewhere or nowhere, and which was worse? But to be honest, Jack seemed okay with all of this, and that meant Davey was inclined to be, too. It was nice to be able to rely on these encounters as a distraction from school. Jack made him feel good.
So he noticed the eleven days between times number six and seven. The last three had been in relatively quick succession so when the days started piling up, each one that passed felt a little longer. What was Jack doing? Why wasn’t he calling him? Was he with someone else?
Did Davey care?
He dared to verbalise this one night as Race was getting ready to head out, knowing full well that he risked Race coming to the conclusion that he was falling for Jack. Which, of course, he wasn’t. He just missed the hook ups.
‘Two things, Jacobs.’ Race sat on the edge of his bed, staring at him, emphasising with several points of his finger. ‘You’re a free agent, and there’s a whole world of guys out there waiting for you. Don’t gotta just be one guy.’ Davey raised his eyebrows in assent. ‘Second? You’ve got a phone. You’ve got hands. You’re telling me you can’t text him?’ 
Of course he had thought of texting Jack but the idea had struck him as so ludicrous that he’d discarded it. Jack always texted him, that’s just how it... worked. But Race looked so matter of fact. Why couldn’t he text him?
‘You’re right. Shit, you’re right.’
‘I’m always right, Davey. I’m out for the night, now. Good luck, and sweet dreams.’
Hey Jack
hi Ja
Hey do you want
my place ten min
Shit. Shit. This was hard. What did Jack usually say? Davey couldn’t bring himself to just text u up? It was ten on a Saturday night. Jack was obviously up. His eyes lingered on the eggplant emoji. God, even worse.
You should come over if you’re not busy
Okay, almost. He tried to think of Jack picking up his phone, reading the text. It needed to have that little bit of assertion, flirtation, and some kind of nonchalance. This was so hard. How did Jack do it all the time?
You should come over
Smiley? No. No smiley.
Was that right?
Too late.
He threw his phone down on the bed and picked his book back up. Read a few pages. Checked his phone. Read a few pages. Checked his phone.
Around midnight he jammed his phone under his pillow, fighting away that special kind of humiliation that comes from putting yourself out there and failing. Lights off, teeth brushed. Another Jack-less night. He could probably use the sleep anyway.
It was two hours later that he was woken up by his ringtone and a loud buzzing under his pillow. He scrunched his eyes shut against the harsh white light of the screen but he had glimpsed Jack’s name.
‘Are you okay?’
‘I’m outside!’
He sat up in bed, taking a second to think. Jack had, in a way, replied to his text, which was great news. But four hours after getting it, which was shitty. But, then, he was outside, which was what Davey wanted. Well, what he had wanted when he texted him earlier. He should tell him to go home. He should tell him that he wasn’t about waiting for Jack to come by at his leisure whenever he wanted sex, or that he couldn’t just wake Davey up in the middle of the night and expect hm to -
‘I’ll come let you in.’
Time number seven.
(Part 2 soon)
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chimswae · 6 years
Chapter 4
Untold: Tale of a Luminary
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Some stories are better left unsaid.I couldn’t change anything for the world, although the fame part of this industry is tough to handle.Do i have a life? Yes I have my fans.Do i have friends? Yes the members that I cherish. Do i have love? No I have to let go.Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow. But do i have any tomorrow?
Pairing: Jimin x OC (Other characters: BTS, OCs, Lee Taehwan)
Genre: Idolau, Fluff, Romance
Word Count: 3,733
Author Note: I crosspost this story from my Asianfanfic account. Mind you, clicheness OVERLOADS
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Chapter 4: So blunt you can smoke my truth
It was barely 24 hours since she last saw Jimin, and Yeoul could not lie to herself how much she missed his warm presence already. To be able to meet Jimin yesterday was already felt too good to be true. On positive side, she could tell how happy Minyeol was and now he had something to boast with his friends. Poor boy, Yeoul had no one to blame but herself for all the misfortune that her kid had to experience at this age. She took a last glance of her look from the mirror and exited her room with a smile.
“Morning Yeoul” she was welcome with Taehwan handsome face who was busy shredding the chicken meat with his bare hand for Minyeol. If anyone witnessed this scene right now, people would say they were a happy family.
“Why I am not surprised you are here” Yeoul shook her head took and went to Minyeol “Good morning mommy’s handsome son, how are you feeling?” she planted a soft kiss at the side of his head.
Minyeol looked up with a cute grin “morning morning my beautiful mommy. Minyeol is in a good mood today and is very happy” he giggled. Taehwan gave them a look while raising his eyebrows, he felt left out.
“Now, what are you both not telling me? This is unfair.” he turned to squish Minyeol cheeks together “Tell uncle why are you so giddy today?”the younger boy squirmed with a slight pout while shaking his head frantically.
“Mommy and I went to meet daddy yesterday” he exclaimed. Upon hearing that Taehwan’s face felt with as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He felt something hard tugging his heart drowning him in.
Yeoul noticed the change in his expression and immediately blurted out “We went to Bangtan fansign yesterday” she took a seat across them avoiding his hard gaze. She knew he would be upset if Taehwan found out she went to Seoul by her own without him. His natural protective instinct sometimes was too much but she understood it was for her own good.
“And..?Did you see him?” Taehwan cleared his throat to ease the awkwardness. He was jealous, hell yeah. Why wouldn’t he? The girl that he loved went to see the daddy of her son, of course all the negative thoughts rushed in one go.
“Yes..” she hummed softly. At this rate she had no idea why she must be afraid of telling Taehwan the truth. She owed him nothing and it was pretty clear there was still boundary between them. He was just a friend for now.
His breath hitched as he never took his eyes off her, examining her expression “How does it feel?” he inquired.
“Weird. But I miss him” she had to be honest in any kind of conversation that she had now with Taehwan. It was the truth, her heart yearned for Jimin god knows for years. Indeed, after years being away from each other, her heart bloomed again. Her love for Jimin never faded.
Minyeol who was so indulged in his breakfast paid no attention on any of the adults at the table. He might be a smart kid and he literally understood the details of their conversation yet Minyeol learned manners at school, to never butt in when adults were having a tense  conversation.
Taehwan let out a soft sigh “That was too risky for you to go there with Minyeol. What if the fans or press found out he is his son. You will be doomed” he stroked Minyeol’s hair softly. He grew attached to the younger boy ever since he befriended Yeoul. Ever since then, his only concerned was to protect both Yeoul and Minyeol. After he discovered Jimin was the father, he grew anxious for no reason mainly due to the fact he was an idol. Things had never been good every time idols caught up in a romance. It ended badly because of the pressure from society especially their fans.
“I know and I cant lie to my own kid all the time Taehwan. Sooner or later I have to bring him to meet his own father right? He is just a kid. I made him suffer enough without the love that he deserved from his own dad” she eyed Taehwan as Yeoul tried not to break down in front of him. That was the last thing she hoped.
“So does he know about Minyeol?” he whispered under his breath careful not to sound too clear as they did not want the younger boy knew the truth just yet. He would be upset.
Yeoul bit her lower lips while shook her head slowly “I cant imagine if he knows the truth, that is crazy” he leaned over and caressed her hands. She liked how much this guy cared for her and Minyeol therefore she was trying hard to return the feelings but it was not easy to erase Jimin.
“I will be here for you, so don’t worry Yeoul-ah” his smile was sweet and it warmth her heart. One day, she wished miracle happened and by that time she would return all the kindness that he gave her.
“Mommy there is a note come out from this album” Minyeol skipped happily to her side with a small pink note in his hand. Both of them were too engrossed in their conversation so they had no idea when the younger boy left the table. And, he was definitively hugging Bangtan’s album closed to his chest. That kid never let go the albums ever since yesterday, it touche her heart. Yeoul took the note from Minyeol with a genuine smile.
‘Jimin?’ she flinched in her seat
Taehwan blinked with baffled look but his attention was back on Minyeol “Tae ahjussi, send me to school now. I don’t want to be late” he was playing with Taehwan’s fingers while puckering his lips cutely.
“Alright class president, go get your bag. I will walk you to school” he ruffled his hair with a chuckle. As much as he hated to admit this but Minyeol really resembled Jimin. From his facial feature to his personality, it was like a reflection of Park Jimin. Taehwan was not a fan of idol groups but he usually ended up watching Bangtan’s reality show with Minyeol. He could not stop examining every little detail that Jimin portrayed on screen with little Minyeol.
Like father like son.
“Im ready” Minyeol was already at the door step.
“Alright calm down class president, give your mommy a kiss before head out” Taehwan ordered. He was natural with kid and it made him almost like a real father to Minyeol. The younger boy ran to Yeoul’s arm with a giddy smile. He really was way too hyper since yesterday, guess meeting Jimin was not bad at all.
“Good bye mom, see you later” Yeoul squished him close and gave a light peck on his lips.
“Be a good boy, don’t annoy Taehwan ahjussi”she warned as the younger boy nodded with a salute. He then returned to the front door putting his shoes on.
“Aw, don’t I deserve a kiss too” he joked while patting his lips with fingers. Taehwan puckered his lips leaning close to Yeoul causing the girl to blush in her spot.
Yeoul palmed his face and shoved him back lightly “In your dream” she rolled her eyes getting used to his attempt to swoon her.
“IM HURT NA YEOUL! So harsh..” he groaned in frustration but Taehwan immediately pulled her into a tight embrace which startled Yeoul. She hated how he always made her feel so weak whenever with him.
“Dinner tonight?I don’t take no as an answer. I will pick you up from work” he whispered. She frowned knowing how persistent Taehwan could be sometimes.
“Great, where is my right to answer you. Fine do as you wish Lee Taehwan like I can stop you” he let out a soft chuckle and released her from his embrace.
“See you tonight” Taehwan left a soft kiss on her cheeks before catching up on Minyeol. She was crimson red every time he did these little things for her, though it was not the first time he practically made a physical contact with her. Yeoul wanted to crawl under her bed so badly, she really sucked in sorting her own feelings.
Lee Taehwan.. and Park Jimin.
She almost forgotten about the notes in her hand. Yeoul recognized the handwriting, it was Jimin’s. Her lips curled up into a smile upon reading his little note, how childish. He left his phone number but she was contemplating whether to give him a call, what if that was a bad idea?
If she decided to keep his contact, that simply means Jimin would be officially back in her life. Not in a romantic way but still the thought of having Jimin back in her life was beyond crazy.
Yeoul clutched onto her phone close with a sigh ‘To call or not to call’  her throat was itching to let out a scream. How she wished it was not hard to come out with a decision. That was confusing.
“What is with you with your phone” Jungkook took off her earphone as his eyes were distracted with Jimin’s hand that was fidgeting non stop, flipping the phone around.
“Nothing” Jimin coyly looked out the window. They were on their way to airport, in few hours they would be away from their hometown for Bangtan’s world tour. He liked the idea of traveling away from home, meeting Armys from other part of the world. However, ever since his encountered with Yeoul his heart felt heavy to leave the country. Firstly, he expected a phone call from that girl since he left a note in the album. Shouldn’t she be contacted him by now? He groaned in his head.
Secondly, the conversation that he had with Yoongi that night was still lingering in his damn mind. He was dying to find out who was the father of the son that she carried, was it really not his? It couldn’t be his right, but what if Minyeol was his son. Jimin didn’t realize he spent most of his time thinking about Minyeol and Yeoul.
Why was he feeling this way?
“Hyung.. im talking to you. There you go daydreaming again. What is on your mind seriously? You have been like this since our last fansign” Jungkook gave him a concern look. Jungkook might be a maknae but he had a lot of good things stored in his brilliant brain. He always knew how to give a good advice apart from Hoseok and Taehyung of course, Jimin loved venting his worries or problems with Jungkook.
“I am just nervous since we are traveling for a long time, i cant wait to meet our fans from different parts of the world” he lied. Jimin ruffled his hair with a smile “Stop worrying. I am fine, we are here. Get ready to be mobbed by press and fans” he chuckled.
Jungkook just shrugged the thought off from his mind since he planned to inquire the older guy again later.Jimin took a last glance of his phone ‘Yeoul..just please… this one..’ he prayed dearly with all his heart as he put on his shades ready to strike a good pose.
Without doubt, after an official fanmeeting airport was a crucial place whereby all the cameras were on them. Therefore, they would try to dress as decent or natural as they could. It was the image that they projected since they first debuted, and they tried to conserve it that way.
As expected there were fans and press everywhere waiting for their arrival and he was thankful to meet the Armys before leaving the country. They felt special and grateful somehow to see the amount of love shown by them. Jimin exited the SUV following Taehyung who was already ahead him entering the departure area.
He heard voices calling for their names but they tried to keep it cool as they were in rush to pass the security to catch their flight. Nowadays, Jimin chose to keep his posture as a cool guy in comparison to his cute and bubbly side back then. He thought it was about time to change. That was the utmost reasons why most of his fantaken photos came out fantastic and he had fun went through his photos tagged by Armys on thier official Twitter.
As his manager stood by his side making sure no one made a blunt move throwing themselves on him, he entered the departure and waited for others to join him there.
“Jiminie your phone is blinking. Don’t you think you need to answer that?” Taehyung looked at him while fixing his beanie.
Jimin widened his eyes and immediately answered the call “Yeoul?” he rambled without even checking his phone screen.
“ Who is Yeoul?” he heard a familiar voice at the end of the line. Jimin knew he was doomed, how could he be in rush not noticing it was actually her mother.
“Mom, im sorry.. is that you? I was in rush” he sheepishly rubbed his back neck with a small smile.
“Mm son are you expecting someone else? Is it a girl? I don’t know you are seeing someone?” her mother bombarded him with questions. That was the last thing he wanted to face right now, mother’s intuition.
“It is..just an old friend..How are you mom? Did you miss me? We just talked yesterday?” he chuckled softly hoping that he could make her forget about Yeoul for a second.
She laughed softly “Changing the topic I see. It is fine, I will ask you again later. Of course I always miss my son. I just want to make sure you get on the plane safely and say goodbye” he softened. Jimin couldn’t remember when was the last time he went back home, he missed his bed so badly.
“Thank you mom, I am ready to check in soon. I will be seeing you once I get back okay? Please take care of yourself and make sure both of you have a proper meal” his warmness really awed Taehyung. Jimin’s relationship with his parents were adorable and being an obedient son he was, Jimin really took a good care of them. He would give them a call without failed every day.
Taehyung gave him a teasing smile mouthing ‘mama boy’ earning a playful glare from Jimin. After bidding his farewell with his mother, he ended the call. Even though it was not Yeoul to hear his mother voice the last thing before he left the country was enough.
“Come one lets go since everyone is here” their manager signaled everyone to stalk walking for their check in and ready to board the plane in two hours.
“Hello is this daddy?” Jimin frowned upon hearing the soft voice at the end of the line. He was so sure he heard it before just where?
“Mmm.. daddy? I am sorry kid, but who are you?” he was careful not to reveal his information. Anything could happen if he ever slipped out his name, even though it was a kid. It could be a trap used by dispatch or sasaeng fans. Jimin remembered how he had to change his contact for the nth time and it amused him how people could find it still.
“But…this is Minyeollie” he pouted with a small mumble “I am sorry I thought you are my daddy” he sounded disappointed.
Jimin eyes shot open as he heard the name “Come again? Are you Minyeol?” he couldn’t believe what he just heard. Did he just day dream or was it really Minyeol? Instead of Yeoul, and it was Minyeol who gave him a call.
On top of that, he was calling him what.. daddy? His stomach churned in fear.
“Yes I am minyeol, I apologize I thought you are my daddy. I copied the number from the pink note. Good-” he was about to hang up but Jimin blurted out a loud stop causing all the eyes in the area felt on him.
Their manager flinched with a concern look “Are you okay Jimin?” Jimin cracked a nervous laugh.
“I am okay hyung, sorry it is my best friend..I will be back in a minute” he arose from his seat The members exchanged a weird look while Jungkook decided to tail Jimin from behind. Something was definitely off and he demanded an answer from him.
“Kkuk ah make sure both of you come back to the gate in 10 minutes. We will board in 30 minutes” Namjoon reminded the younger boy who just casually nodded in response.
Jimin entered the bathroom as his heart pounded furiously “Are you still there Minyeol ah?” it was huge relief to him as he heard Minyeol’s chirpy voice at the end of the line.
“This is Jimin hyung..” he mumbled.
“It is really daddy! I am not wrong” Jimin felt a heavy lump on his throat, his mind went fuzzy. Why was that kid calling him daddy? It was a heavy silence before he decided to reply Minyeol.
“Minyeollie.. why are you calling me daddy?” he was afraid to hear Minyeol’s reply but he couldn’t help but to clear the curiosity in him.
Innocent Minyeol casually answered “Mom said you are my daddy. Aren’t you?” he blinked in confusion. A child never lied. Pretty much all the honest truth telling in the world was done by children. Jimin trusted Minyeol’s words.
His world went blank. Jimin’s body was paralyzed and he had no idea how to react or what to do first.
Should he scream or run away?
Or should he bail on this tour but that was so not him.
He was trained to be professional in any situation.
Jimin heard Yeoul’s sweet voice at the end of the line asking Minyeol who was he talking to, he froze in his spot. It could be the truth. Minyeol could be his son but how that happened. Why she never told him anything?
“oh my what? You are talking to who?” Yeoul started to panic as she took her phone from Minyeol.
“Daddy.. im talking to daddy..” Minyeol pouted and hugged Yeoul’s legs “Mommy I just missed daddy im sorry don’t be mad” Yeoul didn’t know how to react, and by now she expected Jimin bombarded her with questions.
“Go eat your lunch, granny is outside waiting for you” she was mad at Minyeol yet she had no reason to yell or even punish him. Minyeol was a clueless kid, what did she expect. It was her fault to lay the notes openly on her desk. She didn’t expect Minyeol would actually make a bold move to call the number.
As soon as Minyeol left the room, Yeoul took a deep breath and brought the phone close to her ears “Yeoul…” his voice was a mixture of pain, anger and confusion. Yeoul owed him a long explanation, and she didn’t expect it would be today.
“Jimin…” her lips were pressed into a thin line. She didn’t know how to begin the conversation, it was awkward to break an old new to someone that she expected to ignore for the rest of her life.
“What was that?” he exasperated a heavy sigh as he raked fingers in his hair. He just wanted to scream right away and this really frustrated him to hear such absurd at this time.
“It is nothing.. forget about that. Minyeol is being playful” she tried to cover up the truth but Yeoul was unsure whether he bought it.
“You are lying” his voice was stern. Jimin clenched his fist ready to pound any part of cold wall around him. He felt so helpless being left in shadow. Questions after questions gnashed his already messy mind.
“I am not”
“There is nothing to explain”
“I have to go Jimin”
“Don’t you dare, or I swear to god I will come to get you now Yeoul”
“Dont be silly Jimin. It is just a kid word”
“His words against yours. I trust him”
“Stop it Jimin” she grew frustrated. As much as she wanted to explain and threw herself on him, Yeould knew it was a bad idea. He should not know about this.
“Hyung are you alright?” Jungkook who had been watching Jimin diligently broke the silence. Jimin seemed intense, and it scared Jungkook to death. The last time he saw Jimin this angry was when the older guy was frustrated of himself for not be able to sing properly during their pre-debut says.
Jimin might be soft on the outside but when he got angry, he was the scariest.
He snapped his eyes meeting Jungkook curious one, now what? How he wished he was not stuck here. Out of all days why this thing must happened just right before his plane about to take off. This was absurd.
Jungkook was about to ask question when he saw their manager stood behind him with a wary look “Are you boys ready? We are ready to board. Come” he patted Jungkook’s back and signaled Jimin to move.
With a heavy heart Jungkook walked after their manager ‘Who is Yeoul? Minyeol? That sounded familiar..’ he fixed his hoodie and shook his head frantically.
Jimin realized Yeoul was still at the end of the line. He inhaled a sharp breath “We are not done Na Yeoul” he then hung up slipping his phone in pocket before heading out. The members noticed his tense expression as it was rare to see him this serious.
Hoseok swung his arm around Jimin’s neck “You okay?” he blinked.
“I am alright hyung. Let’s go we are late” he tried not to sound soulless as he escaped from Hoseok’s grasp getting in line behind Jin. Yoongi and Hoseok exchanged look with a shrug.
Part of him refused to board the plane, he just wanted to take the fastest route to Busan and find Yeoul. How he wished this was not a world tour? Jimin would definitely took an emergency plane in a heartbeat.
That’s mean he had to endure this until they wrapped up their world tour in America before he got time to stretch to find Yeoul.
Endure it, Park Jimin.
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This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2018. All Rights Reserved.
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chimswae · 6 years
Chapter 19
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Some stories are better left unsaid.I couldn’t change anything for the world, although the fame part of this industry is tough to handle.Do i have a life? Yes I have my fans.Do i have friends? Yes the members that I cherish. Do i have love? No I have to let go.Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow. But do i have any tomorrow?
Pairing: Jimin x OC (Other characters: BTS, OCs, Lee Taehwan)
Genre: Idolau, Fluff, Romance
Word Count: 1,893
Author Note: I crosspost this story from my Asianfanfic account. Mind you, clicheness OVERLOADS
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19
Chapter 19:  The story that we paint together
Jimin could feel his cheeks sting from the sudden attack, not once but twice.
 “JIMIN!” Seokjin screamed in agony.
 “WHAT THE HELL” Yoongi cussed as he quickly pulled Jimin behind him and eyed the girl dangerously close with hint of anger.
 “WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?” he scowled. Other members reached confused Jimin, making sure he was protected and not being harassed even further.
 “Tae ah! Lets head to backstage! What just happened?” Yeoul stood in her seat and picked Minyeol up. The three of them squished between the crowd who seemed as confused as them and making their way to the backstage.
 The girl just smirked away without a glint of guilty as she was ready to throw her albums at Jimin’s direction, but thankfully Yoongi strong grip stopped her from doing so. With Taehyung fast reflex, he managed to block one of the albums from hitting Jimin, as he quickly wrapped one of his arm around Jimin.
Taehyung looked over his shoulder with fiery eyes “ THE HELL? Are you crazy” he growled deeply. Yoongi was having a staring battle with the girl in front of her whom seemed showed no sign of fear, she must be desperate and insane.
 The securities took the girl away and Yoongi boringly glared at her way one last time before got off the stage following others.
 Darting off to Jimin side, Yeoul cupped his cheeks as her eyes glimmer with worries “Are you alright? What happen up there. Oh god, Jimin” she stroked the visible red mark on his cheeks.
 Jimin smiled meekly, pulling her into a tight embrace “Stay like this..” he whispered deeply. Pecking the top of her head, he rested his chin on it with a deep sigh. What a way to end their Wings Tour.
 Yeoul felt like bawling in his warm embrace “Jims.. I am sorry” she wrapped her arm around his waist, inhaling his manly scent. Her racing heart slowly tone down, she was worried sick but seeing him in one piece, that’s all matter.
 “Dont Yeoul.. I told you to stop apologizing” running his fingers in her brown hair, he whispered awfully low but enough for Yeoul to hear.
 A light pat on his back caused him to pull away as he heard Jin told them to move to their waiting room. Following the orders, both of them made their way to the waiting room and as soon as the door opened Minyeol charged to Jimin as fast as lightning with a pout.
 “APPA!!” Jimin knelt down to match Minyeol height, taking the younger boy into his arm. Taehwan wrapped his arm around Yeoul and he shot her a warm smile. She mouthed him ‘thank you’ as they watched both of them closely, exhaling a relief sigh.
 Tonight’s event was supposed to be one of the happiest however due to that one overreacting fangirl, everything burnt down to ashes. On side note, no one got hurt though Taehyung bruised his back while protecting Jimin apart from that everyone was safe and sound.
 Everyone got their makeup removed and changed into something comfortable while waiting for their manager to return with Bang PD. They wondered what happened to that girl though they pitied her but it was still a harassment. This matter should be forwarded to cops.
 “Taetae is your back okay?” Jimin caressed his best friend back with a deep frown.
 Taehyung nodded with a small smile “Don’t worry Jiminie, my back is okay. It bruised a little, Yeoul helped to put ointment there. It will be fine tomorrow” he convinced the over worried Jimin. They have been friends since forever, Taehyung knew making a fuss of this for whole week.
 “I am sorry, that girl was angry at me. They are dragging all of you along” he fidgeted in his seat averting his gaze.
 “Jimin seriously? We promise to stay by your side, we are living the promise. Come on smile, duh!” he nudged his shoulder and wiggled his eyebrows. Taehyung never failed him, he ended up smiling at some point. It really felt like the whole loads were being lifted off his shoulders.
 Bang PD and their managers made their way inside the room with a deep frown plastered on their face. But soon enough, they broke a small smile indicating everything had been taken care off.
 “The cops has taken her away for further investigation. Don’t worry everything will be fine so rest assured” said Bang PD. Finally, they could feel their heart beating normally again. Even though this was nothing as compared the bomb threat received by Apink yesterday, their safety was still at stake.
 The concert organizer had been apologizing to Bangtan especially Jimin non-stop for their negligence since it was their responsibility to ensure the safety of the group being taken care off during the due course of the event.
 “Bang PD, thank you…” Yeoul broke the silence bringing all the attentions on her.
 She inhaled sharp breath and smiled earnestly “Thank you for everything… each one of you.. I have nothing to give to repay your kindness. But I promise to love Jimin.. your Jimin.. for the rest of my life” everyone was touche by Yeoul’s simple gratitude.
 Bang PD knew everyone knew, Yeoul was a match made from heaven for their Jiminie. They trusted her wholeheartedly. Jhope and Jin who sat close to Yeoul, gave her a warm hug followed by Jungkook.
 “I trust my Jimin to you” Hope hortled.
 “It is my Jiminie!” claimed Jin.
 Yeoul giggled at their silliness and looked up at Jungkook “I am rooting for Jikook though” his lips broke into one of his cutest smile which melted everyone in the room, Uh-oh that was not an over exaggeration but Jungkook managed to do that. He swooned woman’s heart with a simple smile.
 “Ow Yeoul, I think you forget about Vmin” Taehyung headlock Jimin, ruffling his soft hair with a teasing smile.
 Dating a luminary could be pretty messy and crazy.
 First, you have to deal with their fans.
 Then you need to reconsider their ability to commit to such relationship.
 Most importantly, was it just their fans who are against your relationship with this particular luminary? Of course not. You had to ensure that one important people who practically own them in many ways, their agency whether they supported this unrequited love.
 Oh, well it was worth the risk if you’re dating Park Jimin.
 And you had a kid with this crazily sexy Park Jimin.
 Na Yeoul was the luckiest girl on planet. Girls around the globe were screaming hard to get Park Jimin’s attention but to no avail.
 Jimin only had his eyes on that one person. Na Yeoul.
 “I promise to cherish Na Yeoul for the rest of my life. And, yes I am proposing to you” he tore his eyes from the audience in front of him to face Yeoul. She gaped at the sudden confession, since she was only being told this press conference was a follow up to Jimin’s written apology.
 Cameras flashed from every corner of the room. It was definitely a big news for the world to witness, considering a wedding bell was about to be heard soon.
 Her eyes brimmed with tears “Jimin…What is this all about” a heavy lump on her throat forbid her to inquire further. With zero knowledge of this proposal, she took a hold of Jimin hand making sure it was not mere dream.
 “Na Yeoul, will you let me be the guardian of your heart, the father of your son and most importantly the man of your life, I promise- no I vow to love and cherish you forever. Let’s grow old together baby and keep our family big. Marry me Na Yeoul” the audience gasped at Jimin short but super sweet proposal.
 No fancy decorations or fireworks but just two beautiful souls sharing their promises and love.
 Yeoul bit her lower lips to surpass her ugly sobs, and she nodded with a big fat smile plastered on her face “ Yes, Jimin. Yes oh god yes” losing her words, she could only nod with tears wetting her cheeks.
 Wasting no time, Jimin cupped her face leaning in for a sweet kiss. They heard people stood on their feet cheering for them.
 “I love you” he whispered between kisses.
 Caressing his hand with a smile, Yeoul rubbed their nose together “I love you too” she murmured. This was one of the best thing that ever happened in her life. Who could imagine this day would come?
 The day where Jimin would propose to her. To be frank, she never expected her relationship with Jimin to be this serious, it was beyond insane.
 Even after their mini reunion back then, she wanted to remain friends at least just so Minyeol could be close to him. Minyeol’s feeling matter the most. Jimin had been thinking about marriage for so long. He thought it was a rash decision but after he talked it out with his parents, Yeoul’s mother, his members and Bang PD, he gained confidence through it.
 He had their support and surprisingly Suga gave him a very good marriage advice. He secretly admired that hyung from now.
 Marriage is a huge step for both of them but they’re willing to face all the obstacles together. Love is another thing but trust is the utmost element in keeping their relationship alive. Without it, the love that they built for years would remain as another memory.
Jimin and Yeoul spent thirty more minutes answering questions from the floor pertaining to their wedding planning. Now the table had turned, everyone was interested of this wedding announcement. Every breathing souls in the city was talking about this.
 Bangtan Sonyeodan was trending again for the nth time however it was different this time. The trend was filled with positive articles and critiques from their fans. They could not stop fans from leaving but they were grateful some decided to stay by them till the end.
 From this incident they actually gained quite a number of fans to cover up the loss. Businesses who first planned to terminate their contract with Bangtan suddenly were willing to sponsor for Jimin’s wedding. It overwhelmed Big Hit’s staff.
 After the wedding press conference, they had to work around the clock due to unending phone calls and visit that they received from different brand sponsors. Some even requested a special interview with the lovebird but Bang Pd had personally assigned two or three platforms to conduct that interview.
 At this rate, he didn’t want to overwhelm Yeoul and Jimin. There were lots of things to be settled before the wedding. Bang Pd is a proud papa!
 Speaking of wedding, Jimin had personally selected all Bangtan members to become his wingman at his wedding. Guess, the members had something to look forward to in few months. The wedding would be very simple and private with the presence of their closed friend, families and medias.
 Jimin understood his world could be a little glamorous for Yeoul so to match her preferences, he preferred a simple wedding. What matters the most was the vow that they about to exchange that day.
 He could not wait to make Yeoul his. Officially his.
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This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2019. All Rights Reserved
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