#ah well. there will be many more baseball games in my future
moregraceful · 22 days
having trouble staying silly so made a medium impulse purchase of a slightly higher quality reloadable point and shoot than the one i got a target which had some strange warping i didn't like (like worse than a regular disposable camera, somehow...the shein-ification of target i think) for the roadtrip. i'm so harrowed by losing that entire roll of musty and will smith (shark) that i cannot bring myself to commit to the om-1 so i'm hoping that getting to blow through a roll or two on the roadtrip has promise of enough joy to get me through the next two weeks🥲
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tyanis · 11 months
Out of Context Quotes FanFic Game!
Post funny/weird out of context quotes and/or thoughts from your fic(s) with the only context given is what character the quote is from.
Post as many or as few as you want. But maybe keep it under 50.
Tag other fic writers. You don't need to be tagged to join, however.
Optional: Add a link at the bottom to the fic(s) the qoutes and thoughts came from.
Sound good? Ok, I'll start.
Quotes under the cut. And all these are from a currently incomplete Resident Evil 2 Remake fic.
"Don't know. But I walked through there earlier and now I feel a little offended that a mythical beast was mooning me." - Leon
"Thanks, I dressed myself." - Claire
...what do I say? I was sure you were dead? I hated being here without you? Did it hurt when you fell from the fence? - Leon
"Yes, yes... if my tiny woman muscles give out over something that's less than ten pounds, I'll let ya know." - Claire
Good job, brain. Proud of you. - Claire
"Yeah but... with beer?!" - Leon
I mean, the only way I can top all that awkwardness is by blowing up. - Claire
"Ah, prom night... I can already tell this is gonna be bad." - Leon
"Look, how about this. You believe in me enough for both of us and maybe I'll succeed and not horribly maim you. Deal?" - Claire
"Now take that owl over there. Unlike you, he actually had a brain. Removed it myself..." - Irons
"Yes sweety. He blew up the car." - Claire
"Well, I'm starting to suspect I'm not gonna have a future here in Raccoon City considering everything is on fire and the populace is eating itself..." - Leon
"I was scooting around screaming like a chimp with his dick stuck in a mousetrap." - Claire
"Hey! You like my heels?! 'Cause I sure as fuck do!" - Ada
"Hey, here's a little secret, Leon. I'm kinda stupid." - Claire
A vending machine... A fucking vending machine! - Leon
"I have eyes and a memory that spans more than ten minutes." - Claire
"It made acid." - Sherry
"Ahh... just enough room, I'll probably only bump my head a few times. But that's ok, I got a pretty thick skull. Had to sacrifice a lot of brain space for that, but nobody's noticed so far." - Claire
Hey legs? I know we almost died again but maybe start working?! - Claire
"You want me to throw some toothbrushes at it?" - Leon
"Oh no, not dust! The horror! How will we ever survive?" - Claire
"You fell out the same window twice." - Leon
Whoa, hey there buddy! Where's that hand goin'?! I know you're excited to get that shotgun, but goddamn. - Claire
"I don't take orders from you. I will land on that pavement like a man!" - Leon
No, don't stop yet! I spent most of "nice comfort time" all pissed off. - Claire
"This thing is jiggling and I don't know what that means!" - Claire
"I'm not supposed to hit people with flashlights!" - Sherry
"Speaking of balls to the face... I got beaned in the head with a baseball once." - Leon
"My ass hurts." - Claire
And done! Sure were a lot from Claire lol. But yeah, all of these quotes came from this incomplete Cleon fic. Now, to tag people...
Let's go with @brokenangelwings22 @leonisdumbasallhell @nspired1fanfiction but anyone can join!
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°˖✧ "A happily ever after… I’ll make sure that's our future!"✧˖°
Yume's (He/They) Groovy for Ghost marriage! I've been working on this for awhile, I really like how the background came out.
Yume voicelines under the cut:
Summon: Me, a blushing bride?! How embarrassing…
Groovy: A happily ever after… I’ll make sure that's our future!
Set Home: Tch, I won’t let her just do as she pleases…
Home Idle: “Ghost are incorporeal and undead so even if one manages to defeat their physical form they will eventually reapparate.” …That doesn’t tell how to punch one in the face…HM! Oh sorry, just looking something up on my phone!
Idle 2: *groan* I don’t know if I can do this…I feel sick to my stomach…where’s Yuuta? *grumbling* I need that “love” potion of his and make it a double…
Idle 3: Sam lent me this dress. He said it was made by a mage whose fiance died before they could wed. It supposedly protects you from negative auras, which ghosts get their power from.
Idle Groovy: I don’t have much experience, but I don’t think love should be this complicated…
Home Login: Forcing someone into marriage…what part of that is romantic?
Tap: This dress shows off more than I’m comfortable with…ah well…I’ll try not to focus on it…they need my help-!
Tap 2: Love…is a complex topic to talk about…there are so many types and it's different for everyone how they express it…
Tap 3: My brothers told me about the different types of love languages, they said to "work on my physical touch towards certain people”, while making weird faces. What is that about?
Tap 4: Ha! I swung my bouquet like a baseball bat and Ace looked at me like I was crazy! Ahaha!
Tap 5: Huh…you keep staring at me, do I look strange? I know…this isn’t usually the type of outfit I wear.
Tap Groovy: Love and fate…some people think they're intertwined huh? It’s a sweet idea but…shouldn’t you try and put in some effort yourself…?
Duo Magic:
Yume: “Time for my favorite part of the game-!”
Idia: “Sudden death!”
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vixenpen · 4 years
Dabi smut with a teacher. Like in some quirkless au or something (He’s scarless but hella pierced and tatted), he had to pick up kid!Shoto one day and he sees his hot black teacher (Sis got thickness and curves for days, even in simple clothes) So he consistently picks up Shoto (even when he doesn’t have to) just to hit on her and when he finally scores a date with her, he’s at his limit after seeing her in casual wear and how amazing her personality is.
I LOVED this request. I had so much fun writing it and the details were amazing! I hope you enjoy
Hot For Teacher (Dabi x Black Reader) Quirkless AU
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“Ah, come on kid,” Dabi sighed, expelling a stream of smoke as he waited at the curb for his baby brother to get out of school.
He rolled down the window to air out the car and watched the stream of middle schoolers burst through the double doors and head to their respective busses or cars.
“Shooo,” Dabi groaned, “where are you? I got shit to do, kid.”
He enjoyed hanging out with his youngest sibling, and he had no problem picking the kid up, but he also had a business to help run. If he didn’t get back to the shop in an hour and a half like he’d promised Hawks, he’d get an earful about responsibility and time management and blah, blah, blah.
He leaned back in the driver seat, deciding to give Shoto another fifteen minutes before he texted the kid.
Just then another wave of kids exited the building, Dabi’s bright blue eyes scanned them before landing on the finest woman he’d ever seen in his life.
Her cream colored silk blouse popped beautifully against her rich brown skin and a pair of slacks hugged her wide hips. Her makeup made her dark eyes sparkle and red lipstick painted her pouty mouth.
Dabi sat up, turquoise eyes running up and down that beautiful body of hers as the sexy teacher strutted past to talk to parents and wave good bye to students. When she turned around, his eyes slid down to the fattest ass he’d ever seen and he licked his lips.
Damn it must be hard as hell for her students to concentrate in class.
She turned again and began walking back towards the school. Fuck! If he didn’t stop gawking he would miss his chance. He couldn’t let that happen.
Holding his cigarette between his lips, Dabi quickly stepped out of the car and took leggy strides to catch up with the teacher.
“Excuse me.”
She turned around, her big dark eyes landing on him. Immediately Dabi knew she was sizing him up and wasn’t impressed. She gave that same disapproving teacher look Fuyumi gave whenever she was put off by someone.
Regardless, he flashed her his most charming smile. He may not be a goody two shoes like these other khaki wearing dads out here, but he knew he looked damn better than any of them.
“Sorry to bother you ma’am. I was just hoping you could help me out.”
“Sure,” she smiled back, showing off a pair of pretty white teeth. “Let’s start with that cigarette. It’s against our school policy to be smoking on the premises so if you could.” She cocked a brow expectantly.
Dabi cocked his own pierced brow back in response, but quickly stubbed out his cigarette on a nearby janitor’s cart and threw it away in the accompanying trash can.
Her smile widened. “Great. Now, how can I help you?”
Dabi chuckled. “Well, ya see, I just got this new phone and cleared out all my old contacts. Ya know, new year, new me and all that,” he shrugged, “anyway, my contacts are pretty empty now. So, I was wondering if I could get yours.”
She let out a little snort of amusement.
“That’s your pick up line? How many Girls have had the misfortune of hearing that one?”
“You’d be the first,” Dabi smirked back. “Figured the usual ‘hey beautiful, what’s your name’ line wouldn’t exactly help me stand out.”
“Trust me, you don’t need help standing out.” She replied, eying him again.
“Then that means I’m ahead of the game, right?” He held out a hand, “I’m Dabi.”
Tentatively, the teacher shook it. “Ms. Y/n.”
“Ms. Y/n, huh...” Dabi repeated slowly, his eyes ran over you with a barely masked longing. “Not ‘Mrs’?”
“Not yet.” You replied.
“How soon are you looking to change that?” Dabi asked, his smirk growing a bit smaller and more intimate.
“Who said I was looking to change it at all?”
“Certainly not me,” he replied, “that’s why I asked. I would love to talk more about how much you don’t want to change it over dinner sometime though.”
You fended off a smile. You were not about to give this over confident asshole any encouragement.
“Sorry, but I make it a point not to date my student’s parents.”
“Well, it’s a good thing I’m not a parent then.”
“Oh? So you just like to stroll on the campuses of random middle schools and hit on the teachers for fun?”
Dabi chuckled again.
“I’m here to pick up my little brother. Ah, hell, speaking of which, I actually could use your help with that. Kid hasn’t come out yet and I’ve already been here over half an hour.”
Your pretty face immediately crumpled with worry.
“What’s your brother’s name?”
“Todoroki Shoto.”
“Oh!” You looked surprised. “Shoto. I think I saw him headed towards the baseball field. I think the team has practice today.”
“Dammit! Really? Well, I better go say hi to the kid anyway. You mind, uh, leading the way?”
“Sure.” You shrugged.
Turning, you took the lead and guided Dabi towards the baseball diamond behind the school. You could feel the man’s eyes on your ass the whole way, and couldn’t help but put an extra switch in your hips as you did. Much to his appreciation.
You had to admit the man was fine as hell. The black undercut with lines cut in the side, his multiple piercings and even the colorful tattoos you saw peeking from under his fitted black tshirt were hot as hell. However, you had long since given up on bad boy types. You preferred nerds. Still a little light flirting wouldn’t hurt anything, right?
“There he is.” Dabi stated once the two of you verged on the field. He held up his hands to his mouth and called out: “Yo, Sho!”
The boy looked up, heterochromatic eyes widening in surprise.
“Why didn’t you tell me you had practice today you little half and half?”
“Why don’t you ever check mom’s texts?” Shoto shouted back. “She told you to come later.”
You snickered as Dabi pulled out his phone and checked his text messages.
“Huh. Well I’ll be damned.” He muttered to himself. “Alright, kiddo, I’ll be back in an hour!”
“Can you stop shouting and leave now?! I have to concentrate.”
Dabi laughed before turning back to you.
“Anyway, thanks a lot for your help Ms. Y/n.”
“Just doing my job.”
“Still, I would love to thank you properly. Maybe over coffee.” He said, sounding hopeful.
“Before it was dinner.” You quipped, playfully.
“I know. I‘m just planning for future dates.”
You giggled, shaking your head. “It was nice meeting you, Dabi.” With that you turned and strutted off.
“I hope you know I’m gonna keep trying until I get a yes or no.” He called after you.
As you entered the school’s back entrance you could hear Shoto shouting: “Can you please stop hitting on my teachers? I have to see them everyday!”
Unfortunately for Shoto, his plea seemed to go in one overly pierced ear and out the other because almost everyday since then, Dabi made it a point to stop and talk to you when he came to pick up Shoto.
“Hey there, Ms. Y/n. My contacts are filling up fast. You sure you don’t wanna reserve a spot?”
“Sorry Dabi, but my no dating policy extends to immediate family members as well.”
“I hated to cancel our reservations, but you’re left me no choice, Ms. Y/n.”
“Nobody told you to make reservations, Dabi.”
“Dinner was lonely the other day. If only I had a beautiful black queen to keep me company.”
“I’m sure There are plenty of black queens out there that would have loved to accompanying you to dinner.”
“Yeah, but they wouldn’t have been you.”
Dabi was unrelenting. Always complimenting how amazing your outfits looked on your skin tone, how flattering your make up was, or if you wore a new hairstyle or new jewelry.
You couldn’t lie. The attention was both flattering and refreshing. Since becoming a teacher, you usually only got hit on by studious academic types. Attractive yes, but straight laced and all the same with their game
Unfortunately a disturbing amount of married dads also tried their luck with you.
But Dabi was different.
He may have been a far cry from your usual type, but he was always perfectly respectful and even funny. Not to mention he was much closer to your own age than other men that came on to you.
He must have started bribing Shoto for help or asking him about your interests too. Because sometimes when he would see you, he’d have a new book to give you or your favorite iced tea from a cafe you always frequented. Which, admittedly, was pretty damn cute.
The tatted up alt boy was actually growing on you. So one day, when both of you least expected it, you finally agreed to give him your number and go on a date.
That was the first time you ever saw him straight up smile. Not smirk or grin. He actually beamed. Just like a little boy who’d been told he could have a puppy.
Ok, ok. You admit it—he was cute.
Hopefully, that charm would extend over to dinner.
When the big date came, Dabi cleaned himself up. Opting out of his usual dark attire for a deep blue fitted Ralph Lauren polo and skinny khakis. He even took out some of his piercings in an attempt to look more presentable. He thought he cleaned up pretty nice if he did say so himself, but it was nothing compared to what you strutted in wearing.
Dabi had gotten used to your stylish but conservative work attire. He was so used to your hot teacher look, that he forgot you probably had some regular clothes in that amazing wardrobe of yours.
And damn did you pick out the most show stopping dress you had. You wore a wine colored dress that cut low in the front showing off those juicy tits of yours and stopped above the knee. The heels you wore made your thighs look even yummier and your ass was jiggling out of control with every step.
Down boy. Down boy. Down boy.
He scolded himself.
“Well, don’t you clean up nicely, Dabi?” You teased.
“I’m Touya tonight, beautiful.” He struck a pose like a GQ model. You laughed. “Dabi was that guy that kept hitting on you, Touya’s the guy that’s gonna try not to screw it up.
“Oh,” you ran a manicured finger along his solid chest, “well, I agreed to a date with Dabi, but I guess Touya could be fun too.”
Dabi licked his lip, and your eyes fell on his tongue piercing, hungrily.
“Depending on how well the night goes, you might see Dabi come out later tonight.” He replied, suggestively.
You rolled your eyes, but could feel your cheeks (and your pussy) warming.
“Boy! Come on.”
Dabi as Touya opened the door to the restaurant and ushered you inside.
The restaurant he took you to was definitely a high end place; complete with soft candle light, a jazz quartet, and a maître d’.
The chemistry the two of you had definitely translated over dinner.
Dabi was just as funny as he always was and he was genuinely interested in getting to know everything about you. He hung on to your every word about the funny things your students did in class. He enjoyed hearing your college stories. He even knew some of the books you enjoyed reading and could talk literature easily.
You discovered that he was the co-owner of a tattoo and piercing shop. He was the oldest of his siblings. And he enjoyed traveling and learning new things.
Dabi enjoyed vibing with you. He loved that your personality and sense of humor was just as amazing and substantial as that body he wanted a piece of so bad.
Dinner rolled into drinks and lasted well into the night. By the time the two of you were done it was damn near four A.M.
From that night on, you and Dabi became practically inseparable. He picked you up from school right along with Shoto for dinner after work, swung by with coffee, bought you any and everything you wanted (he does come from money after all) and after a year of dating, you became more than just a ‘Ms.’
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mythrilhusk · 3 years
Therapy Songs for the Syndicate (aka songs I think the characters might relate with) (Yes, I put c!Dream here, bite me)
c!Technoblade: Role-Playing Game (by Mafumafu & friends)
 Lyrics: too many different people singing different parts, just trust me, it’s a vibe.
     “Role-Playing Game” is a song about having fun with friends and being silly and goofy. ( If you saw the first song I put for Techno, no you didn’t <3 )
c!Dream: I’ll Be Good (by Jaymes Young)
My past has tasted bitter for years now So I wield an iron fist Grace is just weakness Or so I've been told I've been cold, I've been merciless
But the blood on my hands scares me to death Maybe I'm waking up today I'll be good, I'll be good And I'll love the world, like I should I'll be good, I'll be good
For all of the light that I've shut out For all of the innocent things that I doubt For all of the bruises that I've caused, an’ the tears For all of the things that I've done all these years,
For all the sparks that I've stomped out For all of the perfect things that I've doubt
      “I’ll Be Good” is a song expressing the desire to heal and become a better person in the future, but also acknowledges the trauma and self-hatred of the past. 
c!Ranboo: It’s Alright (by Mother Mother)
I had a night, I had a day I did one million stupid things I said one billion foolish things I'm not okay
I got a baseball bat beside my bed To fight off what’s inside my head To fight off what’s behind my meds I'm lonely, lost in pain
It's alright, it's okay, it's alright, it's okay You're not a monster, just a human And you made a few mistakes It's alright, it's okay, it's alright, it's okay You're not gruesome, just human And you made a few mistakes
I don't wanna know who I am 'Cause heaven only knows what I’ll find I don't wanna know I'm not capable of coming out alive I don't wanna see what's inside I think that I would rather be blind I don't wanna know I'm not capable, I'm capable
It's alright, it's okay, it's alright, it's okay You're not a demon, there's a reason You're behaving that way It's alright, it's okay, it's alright, it's okay And I believe, yes I believe That you will see a better day
      “It’s Alright” is a song about struggling with your own mind, and reminding you that everyone is human and makes mistakes. Also I figured the themes fit with c!Ranboo’s (former) fear of enderwalk, when it’s just him with all his memories, him with the context and spine to act. 
c!Niki: Henceforth (cover by Kyaami, original by Orangestar)
Ah, you're not here anymore So here I am walking alone Ah, it beats wasting away So I'm walking along with nowhere to go
Ah, and so henceforth I'll live on without wishing for anything Ah, it's better than going for money, right? This way I've got nothing to lose
Ah! No need to cry for me, sky, don't worry! It's not like night will last forever Ah, the dark is pure and simple, And I'm the weak one for fearing it
Ah! Now hit me with the summer one more time Even without you, I'll face it with a smile So right now, don't you stop in your tracks either Ah! This insufficient heart wishes endlessly for the blue light I've got no other choice, so I'll push through one more unchanging today as many times as it takes
There's nothing to see, but the journey's fine "Give those dreams of yours one more try" Break free from the deep, deep dark Break free
      “Henceforth” is a song about healing and learning to enjoy life again after someone precious has left you. 
c!Philza: Ikanaide (Don’t Leave Me) (cover by Raon Lee, original by Souta)
You’ll fade away, to somewhere that’s grey, You’re leaving me far behind, You’ve disappeared, I’m shaking with fear, The night slowly spinning inside my mind, I shouldn’t cry, I shouldn’t cry, And the truth I just can’t believe, “Oh please don’t leave me.”
As  time passes by, you drift from my eyes, It’s making me say goodbye, The way home is dark, not even a spark, I hope I’ll end up without a mark, Lights shine on me, the shadows set free, I look right ahead to see, I’ll always be lonely
       “Ikanaide” is a song about the fear of your loved ones fading away. 
Steve: The Light (by Disturbed) 
When you think all is forsaken Listen to me now  You need never feel broken again Sometimes darkness can show you the light
An unforgivable tragedy The answer isn't where you think you'd find it Prepare yourself for the reckoning For when your world seems to crumble again
Don't be afraid, don't turn away You're the one who can redefine it Don't let hope become a memory Let the shadow permeate your mind and Reveal the thoughts that were tucked away So that the door can be opened again
Within your darkest memories Lies the answer if you dare to find it Don't let hope become a memory
        “The Light”, I think, matches up with the entire Syndicate. They’ve all done bad things, they’ve all made mistakes and hurt people, and all of them need to move forward and heal. They’re each at varying points in the healing process, but now as friends, they can encourage each other and move forward together. (And also Steve’s the Main Character, so he gets the epic badass song)
:D this was just my musical take on the Syndicate. I hope you enjoy all the songs ;p 
Edit: Admittedly, I probably shoulda tried harder to find a song for Technoblade that more fits his growth into having friends, but oh well.
EDIT: I DID IT!! Also the former song was “We Don’t Have To Dance” by Andy Black if anybody wants to check it out. 
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nonobadcat · 3 years
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In this chapter: All For One gets a manicure. The reader gets a headache.
Entire story rating: Explicit
 Entire Story TW: Rape/Noncon, gore (non-reader directed), All For one too many kinks to count them all. Highly mentally and sexually abusive relationship. This story is absolutely not for minors and readers should consult the warnings/tags at the top before reading.
Read the entire story at: Archive of Our Own
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Chapter 28 Excerpt:
Shigaraki loosed your arm as you entered the compact storefront, leading you by the hand instead. He strolled to the back and pointed to a few rows dedicated to nail polishes. Most of the colors were beiges or pinks. Among them, you could pick out a few juicy reds and glitters. The little glass bottles sparkled under the fluorescent lights.
“Go on,” he prompted, waving his hand like a father shooing their child off to the playground. He put his hands in his pockets.
You squatted down, eyes scanning over the different brands. The two with the most colors were Canmake and Nailholic. Seeing all the colors laid out brought back memories of high school days long gone. Canmake had been your friend Kana’s favorite. She preferred the subtle pinks. If she were there “Peach Latte N18” would have been perfect for when she did her french tips. Meanwhile, your friend Hanako, secretly lusting to be a Kogal, always loved the vibrant colors that would get her in trouble at school. Nail Holic’s bold aqua sparkle BL971 would have been her favorite (especially because it contained the letters “BL”). Finally, your friend Chiharu always wanted her nails white. No brand loyalty. No sparkles. No color. Just plain, bland, white. Half the time you wondered if she just painted them with paper correction fluid.
Seeing the bottles staring right at you was like falling through a portal in time. In an instant, you were back on the floor of your bedroom, smelling the acetone remover. Utada Hikaru’s “Automatic” was playing in the background as the three of you gossiped about boys and the future. Kana always had a hot boyfriend, but they were always dumb as a box of rocks. Hanako couldn’t stop shipping the baseball team long enough to look for herself. Chiharu would be sitting on the bed, flipping through her book, pretending she didn’t care. The way her ears twitched told you she did.
And you? Well, you’d just been quietly hoping for the very traditional dream of a loving, handsome husband who appreciated your cooking and wanted kids.
Too bad your friends were probably all dead at the hands of your cruel, handsome husband who utterly adored your cooking and really wanted kids.
As your eyes glazed over, a firm hand shook your shoulder.
“My dear?”
You looked up, tears starting the well in your eyes.
Shigaraki’s face fell from a proud smile into a concerned curiosity. His hand reached out and stroked your head. “Is something the matter?”
You wiped your eyes with your sleeve. “I just…” You paused as his fingers grazed you scalp. A spike of phantom pain tugged at your skull as aching memories of him, in the car, yanking the strands from your skin played across your mind. Cringing at the thought of a repeat performance, you tried to think of something that wouldn’t make him angry again. Your eyes fell to the tile. Softly, you murmured: “Just feeling a bit sentimental I guess”
“Ah… ” He ran his hand through your hair, letting his nails scrape along your head. It sent a pleasant tickling down your spine. “Well, you are rather hormonal right now. I suppose you becoming overly emotional is to be expected.”
Just like your husband being a dismissive, self-obsessed bag of dicks is to be expected, right, Dar-ling?
You sat silent as simmering anger bubbled quietly in the back of your mind. You crossed your arms along your knees and pretended to give a flying about his stupid nail polish. It wasn’t going well.
All at once, you heard the buzzing of Shigaraki’s phone. He stood and reached into his pocket and pulled it out. You lifted your head and stared at it in horror. Your husband tapped open the message, his eyes scanning the screen. With a frown, they flicked to you. “Ah,” he muttered in a hard voice.
Thanks, Katsumi. Thanks a lot.
“Well.” He tucked the phone back into your pocket. “I can’t say I’m pleased to hear you are thinking of others when I’m the one trying to give you a special treat.”
You threw yourself to your feet, mouth opened wide to protest but he already had your arm in his hand. Before you could speak, you were out the door and being dragged along the street. Your shoulder hurt as his long legs set an uncomfortable pace.
“I had hoped that the cheaper brands would make you feel less concerned about “the budget”.” He sent you an irritated glare that silenced your would-be protests before they could even leave your lips. “I should have anticipated this I suppose,” he grumbled to himself. “Rather short-sighted of me to not just have Katsumi handle it.” The corner of his lip twitched. “This is what I get for being too soft with you.”
“Tsu-Tsukasa?” you called in hesitation. Your husband didn’t look back. You winced as you nearly tripped on your own toe. Your ankle snagged on a crack in the sidewalk and a tinge of pain shot up your leg. “You’re hurting me…”
Your husband came to a halt, flinging you in a circle by your wrist until you were forced to face him. He snatched the other wrist in his hand and squeezed. Your arms ached from the pressure.
“I’m hurting you? I’m hurting you ?” He demanded with a callous laugh. His eyes flashed like the glint of cold steel. “You really can be quite a selfish little thing, can’t you, my dear?”
For that moment, you were frozen to the ground just as you had been at the beach the night the heroes told you to run. Your head pounded in your chest as whispers of your darkest memories warned you to stay still. You closed your eyes, your body beginning to tremble under the oppressive aura. Your head ducked into your shoulders, like a turtle into its shell.
All at once, you felt a warm touch on your cheek. Your eyes creaked open only to meet ice blue orbs. The soft strokes on your skin didn’t match the cold irritation in his eyes.
“Why do you insist on putting everyone else before me?” he murmured. “Every little thing I do and it’s never enough, is it?” All For One leaned down and pressed his forehead against yours. “You’re the one that said you wanted to free yourself from your past and yet you refuse to move on.” He frowned. “Do you enjoy trying my patience? Is it some sort of game to you?”
Your jaw trembled.
All For One’s mouth was set in a grim line as he gripped your chin. “Answer me!" he insisted, giving you a shake.
The bubbling fire in your blood seemed to grow by the second. Fueled by fear, the flame of rage filled your veins until there was no more give. There was a nearly audible “snap” as your composure tore open to expose the raw tension underneath. With a sharp inhale you glared at him.
“You’re the one that won’t be happy no matter what I say!” you pointed out, stamping your foot.
Read the rest at: Archive of Our Own
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link4eva · 4 years
Kiro’s Rhythm Date Translation [CN]
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Hey, y’all! A quick note before you begin reading, I do not know any Chinese at all so Google Translate is the real MVP here. I’ve just taken the time to write down what comes out and changed some words here and there to try and make it make more sense. So apologies for the amateur translation in advance lol. This is just mainly to get the gist of the date before it eventually releases on the ENG server. Hope you enjoy it!
*Spoilers ahead for future content!*
[First Part]
After typing the last word of the report, I hit the enter key hard with my hand and then let out a cry of joy from my heart.
MC: It’s finally done!!!!!
Kiro: You’re finally done!!!!
Almost at the same time, Kiro, who was sitting on the sofa, took off his headset and threw it aside, raising his hands and cheering along with me. The next moment, his twinkling eyes looked at me.
Kiro: MC, let’s go out on a date! I thought for sure that this weekend would be spent working, but it seems that God still cares for us!
He didn’t wait for me to answer, he had already taken a few steps and sat across from me, holding the back of the chair and looking at me expectantly.
Kiro: Let’s go to the cake place that just opened up recently, I want to try it.
He held up his fingers and began to count the deliciousness of his thoughts. I cleared my throat and interrupted his daydream mercilessly.
MC: That’s it! The sunny weather is so nice, shouldn’t we go out and exercise? Savin asked me to supervise you. Recently, you’ve been slacking on your exercise regime to write songs. So... 
Kiro: ...I knew it.
He lowered his head and sighed heavily but the happy smile returned in the next second.
Kiro: Let’s just exercise. Life lies in exercise and to enjoy life is to exercise with Miss Chips!
He told me to wait in a tone of voice I had never heard before and got up to change his clothes. I also went to change into sportswear that I had left at his house when we exercised last time.
Putting on my shoes and standing in the hall, I picked up the baseball cap and put it on Kiro’s head. I helped him straighten his messed up bangs.
He led the way down the hallway, but his toes tapped the ground like a beat as if he couldn’t wait. 
MC: Make sure you don’t get recognized when we’re out later.
Kiro: Don’t worry, I promise to complete the mission!
Kiro obediently agreed. Before leaving the house, he turned his head and waved at Apple Box lying on the sofa.
Kiro: The task of housekeeping is left to you. We are going out!
I don’t know if Apple Box understood initially. To my surprise, he seemed to understand and replied with a “Woof!”.
[Second Part]
The weather outside was just right. The breeze that is blowing is warm on my face, almost as if it’s driving away the fatigue caused by the long days of work.
I followed Kiro and jogged forward aimlessly. From time to time, he slowed down and stood shoulder-to-shoulder with me, humming as if he had just written a song.
Kiro: MC, are you tired?
As soon as I met his gaze, he couldn’t wait to inquire again and the thoughts in his eyes couldn’t hide.
MC: Although I am a bit tired, I can hold on for a while!
Kiro: Ah, that’s it, but-
He suddenly stopped halfway through his words and a trace of worry flashed across his face. I looked and stopped teasing him for the time being. 
MC: Actually, it’s not impossible to rest for an hour or two.
Hearing these words, his eyes lit up.
Kiro: Then let’s rest for “one or two hours”!
He grabbed my hand and walked happily in one direction. The warmth of his palm matched the warmth of his eyes.
MC: Where are we going?
As soon as I asked, after turning a corner, a familiar street appeared in front of us. Tall and lush trees stood, exquisite old-fashioned buildings scattered. There were bustling young men and women and the smell of honey and coffee permeated the air.
--Isn’t this the street that has been very popular recently?!
I immediately caught on to what he was doing. I was amused but also a little annoyed.
MC: Have you planned the route in advance?
Kiro nodded, showing a natural smile.
Kiro: SInce I’m coming with you, of course. I have to plan every step in advance! There is a shop here where you can pick the toppings to put on a chiffon cake. The most popular one is raspberry.
I don’t know whether it was affected by Kiro’s vivid appearance or by the sweet fragrance in the air, Savin’s image slowly came to mind.
MC: It sounds really delicious!
Kiro: Alright then, let’s go! I have already made a reservation!
In a few seconds, I put aside my worries and joined him among the crowds on the street, enjoying the break.
It was a perfect moment, but all of a sudden, an unexpected guest stopped in front of us.
[Third Part]
Reporter: Excuse me, both of you! We are randomly interviewing attractive couples! Can you answer a few questions? *The translation came out as “high-value” so I’m going to assume it means “attractive”.*
The moment I saw the camera, I was already in front of Kiro, looking at this fashionable, young man with vigilance.
MC: Sorry, we’re busy at the moment. You can interview other people.
Reporter: But other people don’t fit the original intention of our “Feast for the Eyes” program! Only a few minutes of your time! 
Reporter: Huh? Why does this man look a bit like…?
I had a bad feeling and I stretched out my hand to hold Kiro’s cuff. The next moment, the reporter slapped his thighs one by one--
Reporter: Yep! It’s Kiro!
His voice isn’t loud but it still draws all the eyes around us.
MC: You’ve got the wrong person! Let me trouble you!
I resolutely denied his claim before everyone could react. I immediately pulled Kiro into the crowd and quickly slipped away.
Kiro: (pouting) Why do we always encounter such things when we go out on dates? 
In addition to the loud voices behind me asking, “Where’s Kiro?”, there is also Kiro silently complaining.
[Cut to Kiro’s house]
After hurriedly “escaping” back home, my highly elevated heartbeat finally began to calm down. 
MC: Safe at last…
Kiro: I didn’t eat anything this time but I burned a lot of calories.
MC: Probably because God is standing on Savin’s side, we can do nothing but accept it!
Kiro: But I don’t want to accept it…
Kiro plopped on the sofa and hugged Apple Box and looked up at me with a sad pair of eyes.
Kiro: Alas, why can’t he make this world just for the two of us! *I had to change some of the wording here. What came out originally was kinda wonky.*
I looked at my phone and found out that what happened just now did not arouse any attention. I felt secretly relieved. Kiro saw this and looked out the window and saw the sun. He sighed.
Kiro: It’s so rare when the weather is this nice. We finally had some time together… It’s a pity not to do anything.
MC: Then let’s do something we can do at home. Perhaps watching a movie?
Kiro: Movies… Are there any good movies recently?
Although he appeared to be uninterested, he still put his head down and browsed the newly released movies with me.
Before I had a chance to look, a furry head squeezed between the two of us and pushed Kiro aside.
Kiro: Apple Box, don’t make trouble… Wait, what are you biting?! Ahh! Let go of my game controller!
Kiro swooped forward and Apple Box dodged swiftly. In the hot pursuit of Kiro chasing Apple Box, he accidentally bumped into some things. 
The screen that had just stopped at the movie interface suddenly switched and several dynamic virtual characters appeared. As if drawn to this, Apple Box blinked his beady eyes and looked straight at the TV screen.
Kiro quickly grabbed the other half of the game controller from Apple Box’s mouth and clicked it angrily. Little brains.*I don’t know what “little brains” is haha.*
Kiro: I finally caught you, bad guy!
Apple Box, whose “toy” was suddenly taken away, looked at Kiro innocently. He wiggled his ears aggrievedly. I was softened by his eyes and I reached out to rub his head.
MC: Apple Box, you must be a good boy and not be so rowdy.
Apple Box: Woof!
As if he understood, Apple Box shook his head obediently and his fluffy fur rubbed against the palm of my hand. He then turned around excitedly and wagged his tail at the TV screen.
Kiro and I looked at the dazzling picture on the screen at the same time. The characters on it also writhed in time.
Kiro: Miss Chips, let’s play a motion sensory game!
MC: Why don’t we play this? Sports and leisure combined are great!
Talking in unison, we both laughed out loud. After deciding what to do, Kiro and I sat down on the carpet in front of the TV, choosing a game that we could play for a while. He put his head on my shoulder, expressing his opinions from time to time.
Kiro: I think this game is good! It’s fun!
Kiro’s breathing on my neck was ticklish and I shrank my neck. I watched the screen being manipulated to jump up and down to escape. The character retreated into himself.
MC: This feels too difficult. Let’s look at the next one.
Kiro: It’s not that bad! I set a world record in only one attempt!
He raised the corners of his mouth as he spoke, his expression extremely proud. Although he knew that as KEY, he was skilled at all aspects in the game.
MC: Well, then this game is not challenging for you…!
As if I had seen myself in the game, I decisively switched to the next interface.
Kiro: Eh? I don’t seem to have played this game before…
I was overjoyed when I heard this and made a decision almost immediately.
MC: Then let’s play “Just Dance”! 
This is a very popular music and dance game recently. Players can choose different dancer characters to play as. Players have to imitate the people on screen and dance in order to win.
Because this game is simple and easy to use and, and has many popular songs, it has been popular all over the world after it’s release.
MC: Now both of us are novices. This is equal ground!
I gave a controller to him, nodded and said in a serious tone. Kiro raised his chin slightly with a smirk.
Kiro: So, MC, do you want to challenge my status as KEY?
MC: I won’t give up easily!
After that, the game begins.
[Fourth Part] 
If I could go back in time by just 10 minutes, I definitely would’ve said something different about the game being “equal grounds”.
MC: What! Jumping wrong again!
The movements the two of us were doing were obviously strange at first. But after a while, we became one with the dance.
MC: Why am I always slow!
Kiro: Don’t worry! Treat this as a novice level and then adapt slowly from there.
MC: Then this newbie level is too difficult for me…
I was bitter. I felt as though my hands and feet were rebelling against me.
Kiro: It’s not difficult as long as you master the basics. For example, this movement here. As long as your hand is raised to this position, you will be guaranteed to pass.
He gestured for me to do the movement that stumped me just now, and I followed suit.
MC: Like this?
Kiro: Almost.
He walked up to me, grabbed my wrist and raised my head, then tilted my head to the other side.
MC: Is this it?
I followed his instructions and turned into ten twisted poses. I found the smile on his face grew wider and wider and he couldn’t help but laugh.
Kiro: Puff hahaha, MC, you are so obedient!
I became annoyed at once. I reached out to try and mess up his hair but he leaned back and dodged me smoothly.
Kiro: I was wrong! I was wrong! I was wrong!
MC: I won’t let you get away!
I kept tickling the sensitive skin on his waist. Kiro dodged from left to right and wrapped me in his arms. He is like a koala. He has me locked firmly in his arms, making it hard for me to move.
Kiro: Haha, so you won’t be able to tickle me!
There was a bit of pride in his laughter and his hot breath after exercising clung to my back, even in my chest. The rhythm of our heartbeats can’t be concealed. My heartbeat somehow increased.
MC: I, I won’t do what I did before again. Let go of me first, or how else can we continue playing the game?
Kiro: Well, alright.
He released his arms, looking reluctant, but turned his attention back to the game again.
Kiro: So this time we will warm up with the easier songs and then challenge each other with the more difficult ones!
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I didn’t know what Kiro’s “simple difficulty” meant until the melody of a familiar foreign nursery rhyme played from the speakers. But soon I put the matter of nursery rhymes aside and danced awkwardly with the little dino on screen. 
With the cute and cheerful melody, everything becomes more fun. Compared with the previous song, Kiro danced such an overly cute dance. It was a bit strange.
He stared at the screen earnestly, making movements while humming his own jumbled lyrics to the tune of the music.
Kiro: (singing) I’m a little dinosaur~ little dinosaur~
His blonde hair puffed up by the hairband also jumped along with his movements. A sweat bead from his forehead “ticked” off and fell onto his collarbone hidden by his collar.
MC: Obviously I am the little dinosaur!
The “perfect” floating above the screen made my previously annoyed mood become more excited. The magic of the game is to make people forget all their troubles. When I’m with Kiro, these simple dances turn into the simplest happiness.
After the song ended, I watched the rating jump up to four stars. I couldn’t help but hug Kiro and cheer.
MC: Ahh, it’s four stars! Only a little bit short away from getting full stars!!
Kiro: See, that wasn’t so hard for you, was it?
MC: Sure enough, it’s not difficult to master the trick you taught me!
I confidently picked the next song to “conquer” but suddenly saw a familiar name.
MC: Huh, there is this song?
It was a song from Kiro’s latest album. I quickly turned to look at him. However, Kiro frowned slightly while staring at his song, his expression a bit solemn.
Kiro: This song was licensed to them. But I feel that it’s a bit awkward to dance to my own songs in the game.
Seeing him acting unlike his usual self, I felt a sense of curiosity. Even though the “highly difficult” sign made me a little worried, I still pressed the confirm button decisively. 
MC: Let’s dance to this song. I want to see if the original dancer can beat the game!
Meeting his gaze, Kiro hesitated for a second and quickly gave in. 
Kiro: If you want to dance, MC, you can, but this dance is very difficult. Don’t force yourself to.
MC: Hmm!
Accompanied by the “START” character flashing, the intermingled sound of the electric guitar and keyboard sounded. Kiro held the controller and imitated the people on the screen, raising his hand to make a pose.
The powerful drum beats go straight to the heart. Kiro’s face is very serious and every movement that he executes is in rhythm with the music and is full of power.
He stepped barefoot on the carpet, clearly wearing ordinary sportswear, but he seemed to be standing in the centre of the stage.
And in this small living room, me being the only audience, got to “exclusively” enjoy this performance. I don’t know if I should watch him wholeheartedly or if I should continue to clumsily dance with the animation.
While I was lost in thought, I accidentally tripped over my left foot with my right. Seeing that the hand that was swung out was about to hit Kiro, I withdrew it quickly. 
I was hit with an elbow
MC: Ouch!
I squatted down, clutching the area I was hit, and buried my head between my knees.
Kiro: MC? What happened?!
He squatted down worriedly in front of me with his arms open. It looked like he wanted to hug me to comfort me but was worried that it would be bad so he stopped midway.
Kiro: What’s wrong? Is your leg cramping?
MC: Just now, I…
I shook my head, thinking of the silly thing I did just now. My ears and face were beet red. Before I had time to explain, Kiro put one hand behind my back and one hand under my knees and lifted me up.
MC: Wait! I can walk by myself!
He denied my protests and placed me gently on the sofa in a few large strides. He slowly lifted up one of my feet and carefully pressed the tight muscles of my calf with the pad of his finger.
Kiro: Does it hurt? Tell me if it hurts.
I forgot to respond. Seeing that I wasn’t saying anything, he slowed his movements down again and became more gentle. The sunset shining from the outside hit the top of his head forming a very gentle glow. It gave me the urge to rub it.
MC: Kiro, I’m fine. I didn’t hurt myself by forcing myself... I was just watching you…
The more I talked, the quieter I became. The temperature of my cheeks rose. After all, it would be too embarrassing to explain that I hit myself while dancing!
It was silent for a few seconds and Kiro finally laughed out loud.
Kiro: I didn’t expect my Miss Chips to be so honest. Now, just look at me.
Kiro raised his hand in a squatting position, and I found myself looking into his gentle blue eyes. When the music hit it’s climax, the drum beat gradually grew faster and got closely intertwined into an airtight net as if the soul is enveloped in it. *Wording was a little weird here. I think it’s supposed to be a heartbeat but the kanji for heart (心) isn’t in the original text.* 
Ba-dum. Ba-dum.
Like my heartbeat right now, it's so strong that it’s about to beat out of my chest. Kiro seemed to see right through me and stood up. He supported the back of the sofa with one hand and held my wrist with the other to prevent me from escaping. When his nose came up to meet mine, he rubbed it.
Kiro: MC, I’m curious…
Looking at my bewildered and embarrassed face, he suddenly gave a sly smile.
Kiro: Is the rhythm of your heartbeat the same as mine right now?
His eyes were full of warmth and gentleness. His words were like a poet writing lyrics, a sorcerer chanting a bewitching spell. 
Kiro: It is the same as mine. Everytime it beats. It only beats for you.
The breath that belonged to him slowly approached, the music continued playing in the background, and the game on screen kept showing “miss”.
The rhythm of our heartbeats has already been in sync with the beat and sweat. *This last part here was a little wonky with the wording*.
(Here is the link to his "Strawberry Invitation" call after the date!)
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pinkhairedlily · 3 years
Chapter 5 - Student Council President Sakura
When Naruto let go of that pitch, Sakura knew their school had won. She hugged Hinata who was also overjoyed, and she turned to her side to give Sasuke a high five then she realized he was still not back.
As she moved along the bleachers, she rallied her schoolmates to give a resounding yell routine. Disappearing within the noise, she moved along the halls below the benches, and there she found the group.
When the fist made contact with her face, she almost blacked out. The pain came rushing in after a few seconds of numbness, her sight a complete blur, a slight disorientation, and her hearing muffled. The scuffle played out before her as her eyes refocused, Sasuke kicking and punching the goons on the stomach, but it seemed she got it wrong when Kakashi’s eyes drifted to her as a pair of glaring daggers.
His one foot was on the wrist of the guy who punched her. When the blood finally dripped from her broken nostrils, Kakashi broke the guy’s hand, thankfully echoed by the screams from the bleachers. “You’ll get expulsion and multiple restraining orders just for the hell of it.”
While Kakashi called the security, Sasuke went to Sakura’s side with a mix of an irritated but worried look on his face. Ah, he was wondering why.
“I’m okay,” she tried to say despite receiving no question, but the words came out wrong. Oh my gods, are my teeth broken? How embarrassing?
As if summoned by her thoughts, he stood before them right after the guards took away the passed-out bullies. “Let’s get you two to the clinic.”
“I can’t call Naruto. I left my bag with Hinata,” she tried to say again but the words were coming out jumbled like I con kor Nar-u-o…I re ma ba wi Hina-a…
Kakashi was trying not to laugh as she communicated with Sasuke who was on the other bed, being checked by a doctor with curtains drawn. The school clinic recommended them to go directly to the hospital.
“He would have to wait for our congratulations,” Sasuke replied.
“I see you wincing in pain, young man. That’s a broken rib right there,” the doctor noted from the other side. When the curtains were swept to the side, Sakura saw her raven-haired classmate clutching at his side. When his eyes opened to find hers, he glanced away and let go of his pained expression.
“Ms. Haruno, I will be referring you to our plastics. Would be a waste if your student council president loses her pretty face.” The doctor tapped Kakashi’s shoulder as she walked out of their ward.
“Thanks, Nohara,” he called out after her.
Sakura deduced he was friends with the doctor, but she could ask him that some other time. She looked a bit older than the Math teacher so they might not be together. Regardless, shouldn’t she be more engrossed of having a crooked nose in front of Kakashi than his personal love life? When he turned her attention to her finally, she instinctively covered her face with her hands.
“Sakura, you should tilt your head upwards, just a little bit. You had a nosebleed earlier, didn’t you?” She did what he said, but gods, this was so embarrassing. She tried to look at him through her fingers, and his beauty mark moved as he chuckled. Ugh, why is he so perfect?
His phone suddenly pinged, and he took a moment to read the message. “Hmm. I need to leave and go explain things to the board. Nohara might advise bed rest and school leave for at most three weeks so get well soon, all right?” Then, he turned to Sasuke. “You don’t have to worry about it.”
Sakura wondered if she should ask a favor from Kakashi. Asking him to stay was a tad too much, and asking him to contact the council would be too irresponsible. Maybe she could sneak out after his exit and find a way to contact the council. She should also call Naruto – second on the task list. He would be devastated without their congratulations.
A hand on her head stopped her thoughts. “Stop thinking at hundred miles per second, and rest. I will take care of the council and inform Uzumaki of your situation. I assume you three are friends?”
“No.” “Yes.” Sasuke and Sakura answered respectively.
Kakashi smiled, finding amusement in their dynamics. “See you soon.”
“Shi yo,” she muttered through her broken nose, unaware of her fingers already fidgeting the rubber band on her wrist.
She was back in the hospital the following week. While Sasuke was advised to be confined, she was sent for home care. The mandated rest did not even last a day because she needed to show up to her shifts in the café and showed up she did in some elaborate mask to cover her bandaged nose and a sketchpad for conversations. To appease the constant nag and flood of messages from her councilmates, she stopped showing up in school for three days and turned the tables on them by doing all the nagging and demanding daily updates.
On the fourth day, she was up and running through the school halls to reach the board inquisition in time. She gladly accepted an annoyed litany of precautions and reminders from Kakashi.
“I never thought you could be this stubborn, Sakura.” He was visibly exasperated. “I can’t tail you every time and remind you that you’re injured.”
But you could. “I’m sorry, Sensei. I promise to not push myself so hard for the next days.” Sakura gave him a peace sign which he jokingly waved away.
“Pull your energy back, like 60 percent of it.” He patted her head softly, like an adult would to an unreasonable kid, and never have she felt more insulted. “If only I could take care of you.”
Like a babysitter would? She immediately put distance between them, feeling angry for no reason, and she stormed off, leaving him clueless in the middle of the hallway about her sudden rigid behavior.
Now she was back in the hospital after a week of mild recuperation. When she went to check on Sasuke, she found him asleep, probably from the sedatives. It amused her that even in slumbers, his brows would furrow, yet a part of her worried that there must be something looping him in nightmares. She left her presence with a basket of fruits and a medium-sized carton of tomato juice which Naruto mentioned was his favorite. Several juice boxes of the same flavor were stacked on the other side of his bed and a plastic bag filled with instant ramen bowls. She would ask the maintenance staff later to take out the trash.
When she finally reached the door of Dr. Aki Nohara, her assistant gestured for her to wait for a while outside. She figured she can loiter in Sasuke’s room and have one of the nurses get her until she heard Kakashi’s voice inside the room.
“I know you literally accelerated throughout school, but you need to act more like your age.” Her doctor scolded her teacher like an old friend. She was aware of her eavesdropping, but she hoped to learn more of his life. “I’m saying you should visit Rin.”
“Does she miss me?” It was and wasn’t his voice. She didn’t hear his usual nonchalance when he blurted out those words. Ah, a weird ache was forming in her chest.
“Do you even need to ask that from me when the answer is already so obvious?”
“Hmm. I’m just not ready….yet.”
“Well get on with it and put a ring on her finger or others will!”
Ah, her sensei was apparently planning to get married? So he had someone after all, someone named Rin. Sakura felt the room crowd her in, almost suffocating her, and she accidentally bumped into a passing staff and a tray cart of medical supplies.
Her small disturbance brought the occupants outside the room. “Ah, Ms. Haruno, you may come in now. You look pale, dear.”
Kakashi waved at her, his teacher persona already up in arms, then he turned to Dr. Aki. “Your medical advice for my heart is noted, but not now, maybe in the far, far, far future.”
Dr. Aki tsked at him. “Off you go Hatake. I have a patient waiting. Oh thank heavens, the color is returning to your face.”
He’s not marrying her……yet. Would it be silly to think I have a chance?
A whole two weeks have gone in secluded rooms – a week alone in a hospital room because of Itachi’s connections and another week alone cooped up in his apartment. He got radio silence from his brother, and he almost wished he gave him an earful of insults instead – many of which should have called out his cowardice, especially when the clash had an avoidable casualty. He looked so stupid next to cool Kakashi, Kakashi who was only five years older than them, Kakashi who smoked and read with baseball playing on the background, Kakashi who took on all four people at once with no scratch on his body, Kakashi with his silver hair being friends with doctors and bigshots, Kakashi with his beauty mark laughing at Sakura.
If there was any further downside to this, that was also the angry flood of texts he got from Naruto the night of the game, and then nothing. He was too drugged with sedatives he didn’t have the right mind to reply and process them. He was too drugged to wake up with a clear mind even. He didn’t bother to text or call back. Whatever, whatever, whatever. He took a look again at his phone, checked the time, found no new messages, and put it back on his side table.
His past self would have enjoyed this momentary social isolation, but he couldn’t help the nagging feeling of missing company however, he can’t bring himself to admit this aloud.
The next time he opened his eyes, he scrambled out of bed in panic and cold sweat. Someone was incessantly ringing his doorbell. When his eyes tried to find the clock, he found that it was already eight in the evening. He was sure he wasn’t expecting any guests tonight.
He trudged on to his door and mustered some strength to look through the peephole. Blue irises looked back at him, moved away a few steps, and struck a pose with a pink-haired girl with bandages still on her nose. The door never opened so quickly during the length of his stay.
“Are you stalkers or something?” were the first words he spat.
“Dr. Aki Nohara said it’s okay to visit you now!” Naruto whined. “And Sakura brought food!”
Sakura presented several paper bags. “It was Naruto’s idea actually. He nagged me for a week.”
“Yeah and I couldn’t understand her in the first few days,” the blonde said, rather straightforwardly.
Sasuke held back the urge to slap his hand on his forehead, but he moved to the side as he allowed them to venture inside his apartment. On second thought, did he put his underwear on the laundry basket?
“We figured you didn’t have dinner yet,” Sakura told him as she laid out the food containers on the dining table. “Mind if we use your utensils?”
“I forgot to say please make yourself at home,” Sasuke snapped sarcastically.
“Eeew, you’re still in your pajamas.” Naruto made a face at him while he opened his fridge and scoured for water and fruit juices. “That makes the two of us who didn’t shower!”
“You idiot. I showered this morning.” Nevertheless, Sasuke sat on the seat beside Sakura, allowing her to give him a bowl of ramen and some serving of okonomiyaki. A large platter of takoyaki was placed in the center of the table, first to be consumed by impatient hands and hungry mouths. Sakura had one hell of an appetite and fast metabolism to boot.
“Anyway, congratulations idiot,” he said while munching on the last piece of takoyaki. “Aren’t you supposed to travel to Fukuoka for the semis?”
“Yeah, next week! It doesn’t start until next month, but Captain Haru said we need to train,” Naruto replied as he proceeded to open a bowl of instant ramen. “The board also granted us exemption from exams. My brains are saved.”
“Your training camp really coincided with the school field trip,” Sakura noted. “Maybe we could visit you in between?”
“That would be the best!” Naruto grinned sheepishly, but Sasuke swore there was a tinge of red in his cheeks.
Finally rid of all food and dishes, the three lounged around in his living room, browsing titles in Netflix – Sakura wanted gore, crime, and horror while Naruto wanted adventure and fantasy films.
“What genre do you want, Sasuke?” Sakura asked. She was in possession of the remote and was seated on the other end of the couch. Naruto was on the floor with an open packet of chips and soda.
“And if I said romance?” he chided, weirdly enough to catch them offguard, but Sakura landed on the Twilight series and pressed play without second thoughts. “I was joking.”
“And it’s now starting,” she said back.
“How long are you gonna stay here?” He lost track of time – not the first instance this happened but the first occurrence without the burden of something heavy. “It’s past midnight.”
“I thought I was slow but you’re actually slower,” Naruto teased. “We’re staying over, grumpy.”
“I would love for a vampire to bite me,” Sakura quipped out of context.
Sasuke figured he didn’t have the energy to refute their uninvited sleepover at his unit. By the time New Moon played on screen, Naruto was sleeping on the floor with his mouth hanging wide open, and Sakura was lying fully on the couch, her feet stretched out on his lap. He slid out of this awkward entanglement and strode quietly to his drawers where he took out spare blankets to cover them with. On his bedside table, his phone lit up with a message notification.
Happy birthday, Sasuke. – Itachi
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rj-s · 4 years
As If It’s Your Last
Reader x Yeji
Requested by anon
Genre: fluff, high school au, friends to lovers
Words: 1.8k
A/N: Hi I’m so sowwy this took so long. It’s currently four in the morning and this is quite long compared to my previous ones. But I really liked this one uwu. Me did got into kpop because of AIIYL soooo yeahhh. Again, I didn’t really got into the high school part? I hope you still like it tho. Thank you for requesting!
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22 Jun 2017
It was just an ordinary school day, doing English in maths, chit-chatting in VA, and sneaking phone out in Science. Yes, very typical.
Your friend, Chaeryeong decided to bring you to her dance studio after school. You were never really into Kpop. You were more like a "Twinkie" who seems intimidating to others. However, you and Chaeryeong knew each other since forever, she knew the real you.
Sometimes, she felt like you just hanging out with her and her sisters is not enough. She wanted you to have more friends and join more activities but you just said it's fine. She was hoping bringing you to the studio will help.
Entering the studio, you sat down at the back.
"You're not going to join?"
You looked up at her. "Nah... I can't..."
"Well, okay. I hope you will change your mind though..."
"괜찮아..." (It's okay...)
She nodded and went to warm up.
You started scrolling your phone until you heard footsteps, and you looked up. A cat-eyed girl ran in, hands on her knees, breathing heavily.
"Hi... I... I'm sorry I'm... late-"
She looked at you and froze, with her eyes wide open. You started to worry, 'Is there something on my face? Do I know her? Oh my God-' Your thoughts were cut out by your best friend, "Oh right, Y/N, this is Yeji unni, she is from school. And Yeji unni, you know Y/N." She said with a smirk, the cat-eyed girl started to blush and looked away.
'Oh, she is from school.' You thought.
You caught her staring at you a few times through the mirror's reflection, she looked away quickly.
'Cute' You thought.
They started the practice when Chaeryeong's sister, Chaeyeon finally arrived. It was not the first time you see the Lee sisters dance, but Yeji, she is something else. The way she looked at you through the mirror when she was dancing gave you chills. It's like her glances can kill.
'Oh wow.'
When the practice ended, the four of you stayed because the Lee sisters suggested a get-to-know-each-other-more gathering. Well, they ordered chicken, you can't say no to chicken.
As you guys were waiting for the food, Chaeyeon suddenly pulled her phone out, "Have you guys listened to the latest Blackpink song yet?" 'Blackpink? As in black and pink???' The three of you said no. She signed and played the mv. It was like just Kpop at first, but when you listen to it the second time, you started to get addicted. The Lee sisters knew you way too much, "Y/N si, do you wanna learn the dance?"
"What- No-"
"We saw you nodding your head to the music, also the rap part!"
It's not a secret that you like raps but the girl with bangs just did so well and you're obsessed already.
"Come onnnnnnnnnnnn, you love to danceeeee."
Chaeyeon said and Chaeryeong pulled you up. Even though you acted like you didn't want it, you were glad your friends knew you that well. All of you picked your parts and started to learn the dance.
Chaeyeon saw you were struggling and got behind you to help you with the moves. Little did you know, someone was watching the both of you.
"Ohhhhh, okay. I got it now, Chaeyeon unni. Thank you."
"It's okay, haha." She said as she petted your head before hugging you.
Yeji watched with a pout, "Are you jealous, unni?" Chaeryoung teased. "Wha- No-" The cat-eyed girl got flustered again. Was it love at first sight? No. You were the "Twinkie" of the school which amazed her, you and the Lee sisters are best friends, it's hard not to notice you.
"They look good together..." She mumbled.
"THE FOOD IS HERE!!!" Chaeyeon screamed.
"Yah, unni! We're just right here." You said as you rub your ears.
"Awe, I'm sorry, my poor baby." She said as she hugged you and kissed you on your forehead.
Yeji pouted again, not knowing how to react. She wanted to get out of here and cry, but she can't. It'd be weird, and she wanted to get to know you. Maybe not as a love interest, but at least being friends would be nice. She held herself together and sat down on the floor with you all and ate.
7 Aug 2017
Three had turned to four, now that Yeji knew that you and Chaeyeon are just good friends made her relieved. You four hanged out even during summer, and Yeji finally dared to ask you to hang out with her, just the two of you.
"Where are we going?"
"Oh right, sorry haha. We're going to the carnival!"
"Wait, really?" You've been talking nonstop about the carnival but the Lee sisters were just too busy to get there with you while Yeji wanted to impress you by showing you that she did listen.
She nodded.
"OH MY GOD, I LOVE YOU!" You screamed as you threw yourself onto her to gave her the best hug she's ever received. She hugged back softly, cherishing every second of it.
24 Dec 2017
You and Yeji had grown extremely close in the past few months. The Lee sisters had been teasing the two of you being wives as you two weren't separated from each other.
"I think I'm losing my best friend to Yeji unni..." Chaeryeong said dramatically while having a hand on her chest, faking a pain. "I'm losing my baby too! Oh, this is so sad!" Chaeyeon said as they pretended to cry together.
"You guys... We're literally just here..." You said as you held Yeji closer.
"And you two are cuddling in our living room!"
"It's cold, and she is soft," Yeji said as she snuggled into you more.
"Get a room already!"
'These two... Aish...' Well, you love your best friends. Even when they tease you.
With all the teasing, this had made you wonder what would it be like if you two are actually something. It would be... Nice? It's quite hard to picture as you've never imagined anything like that. A few months ago, she was just the shy girl you didn't know, and now, she's one of your best friends that you're cuddling with on Christmas Eve.
"What are you thinking?" She asked and you snapped out of your thoughts.
"Nothing just got distracted."
"Awe, okay."
You wondered why she was so shy the first time you met her. And was she... Blushing? But that also brought you back to how she dances. How her body moved so smoothly, and those glances. They're just wow.
Was it love at first sight? Probably not, but you definitely had a little crush on her when you saw her dance.
These thoughts kept you up all night, wondering what would it be to date your best friend, holding hands, cuddling, and going out, as a couple.
5 May 2018
It was the game season, Yeji invited you three to the game. You've never watched her play before so you were very excited. On the other hand, she was as nervous as hell. She wanted to impress you but she also didn't want it to be too obvious.
"You're gonna do great, I just know." You said to her with a smile before hugging her.
She really needed that kind of support at that moment, from her "future" lover.
"Can I get something if I am the MVP of the season?"
"Sure, is there something in particular that you want?"
"Yeah, but I will tell you once I am the MVP."
She's always so determined, and you love that about her. It's one of her charms.
"Mhm, okay. Well, good luck!" You gave her a peck on the cheeks, not thinking about her awkwardness.
The cool air hit the baseball player's face yet her cheeks were still burning. 'But no, Yeji. You have to get your head in the game.' She thought to herself.
17 Oct 2018
The day before the last game. She was practising hard. Seeing her so serious always amazed you in all the ways. You decided to bring her lunch as she probably forgot to eat due to being so focused on practising.
"Hey there, champ."
She stopped and looked at you with a smile. That smile you adore. So pure and just pure happiness to see you.
"Hey!" She said as she wiped her sweats away.
"I brought lunch!"
"Ah, this is why I love you more than the Lees."
It's not like they don't bring her lunches during practice. It's just someone who has a favourite.
18 Oct 2018
It's the final game. Yeji tried her best to get as much point as possible. And her posture looked so good. Seeing her efforts really impressed you. You also started to wonder what was that something she wanted.
"Hwang Yeji! Hwang Yeji!"
"SHE WONNNNN Y/N!!!" Chaeyeon screamed.
You waved happily to her and she waved back.
You guys met at the changing room after everyone was gone.
"So, unni. What was that something you want? Is it a shirt? Or you want me to treat you-"
"You." She stopped you.
"It's always been you. I just want to hold you and kiss you as my girlfriend. I'm in love with you, Y/N."
Oh... That's why she acted so awkward sometimes...
"I mean I get it if you don't feel the same, but like I can't hold this any longer. Before actually knowing you, you were this cool kid that everyone secretly admired. But after knowing you, you actually have a soft side. A loving side. You're so much more than just your looks. I am so in love with you..."
"Yeji... I think I'm in love with you too... I love how you put so many efforts into everything. I love your smile and your eyes. I adore them."
She looked down after hearing that.
"Please never hide your eyes, I know how you feel insecure about them, but they're so pretty, so unique, so... You. You're you and I love you for that..." The two of you stared into each others' eyes, slowly lent in. When your lips touched, there were like fireworks inside your stomach. Your heart was skipping like crazy.
The kiss was soft. You pulled away and rest your foreheads against each others'. You both closed your eyes with a smile, just enjoying each others' company. Until one of you finally decided to break the silence.
"So... Y/N..."
"Yes... Unni?"
"Do you... Wanna maybe go out with me?"
"Of course I do!"
You hugged her tightly and she hugged you back. You still didn't let go for a while. "Y/N? Are you okay?" "Mhm" "We've been in this position for a while now." "I know." You held her as if it's your last.
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ziaxkawaii · 4 years
I need a Hero (Kaminari X Reader)
Paring: Denki Kaminari x Reader
Warnings: Depressive thoughts, Attempted suicide, Bad language?
Other: Characters are aged up and most working as pro heroes.
Summary: One step in any direction might seem like such a small distance, but for you, it's just enough to find out what's on the other side. In honesty, you were looking forward to it, but then a certain hero makes you think differently.
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~When it came to Denki Kaminaris love life, it was basically none existent.
~As much as he was a carefree, goofy, and fun person to be around, Kaminari didn't really attract anyone's interest romantically.
~When he isn't working, he's most of the time hanging out with friends or meeting new people, be it in a baseball game or at the local park or mall.
~Even when he was at work, he would still meet a bunch of new people on the streets if they stop him and ask him to take a picture with them. He might not have as many fans as his previous classmates, but he still gets recognized here and there and he couldn't be prouder.
~He was happy that he had friends and people that cared about his well being. But there was a voice in the back of his mind, telling him he longed for something more. Someone special to care for, fight for, and love unconditionally.
~Yes, he needed to find a partner. Someone to share his life with.
~Seeing his friends with their girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands, and wives made him feel a bit jealous. Of course, he was happy for his buddies and friends, but he too wanted to jump on the train of relationships and he was afraid that he never would. He dreaded the thought.
~Lately Kaminari had been busy with his hero duties. From morning till evening, he spends his time at the hero agency he worked at. Mostly doing paperwork.
~It made Kaminari curious and kind of saddened, how rarely he went on missions lately. For the last three weeks, the only "missions" he did, were patrols. Mainly night patrols because if he did end up fighting a villain on the street, there was a less of a chance of harming any civilians with his quirk.
~He was glad he at least had patrols, otherwise, he would die from boredom.
~At 0.24 AM, Kaminari along with his coworker and buddy, Hanta Sero, are on a night patrol together. The weather was nice and the city seemed pretty calm for a Saturday night. Maybe it was because the night was still young, and the ruckus is yet to start but it didn't bother either of the males to have a little breather. Currently, they were having a quick break on a rooftop.
~Sero inhaled deeply as he closed his eyes. "Man, you really start to appreciate the fresh air when you stay cooped up in an office every day." He commented. Kaminari nodded in agreement as he looked at the bright and beautiful city lights while the chilly cold air tickled his face.
~"Can't say it any better. It feels awesomely great to do something. It has been way too quiet in the office for my liking." He said as he stretched, feeling relief once he heard a satisfying 'pop' from his back.
~"That's right, you haven't been out of the office much, have you."
~"Yeah... it sucks. I kinda wish there was more action going on, it's kind of weird that nothing has been happening lately, it's somehow making me feel nervous." Kaminari admitted as he scratched the back of his head.
~"I feel ya, it is kind of unsettling. For all we know, some villain is planning something dangerous right under our noses and we wouldn't know a thing." Sero jokingly said and then both men heard a short 'ding' from their pockets. Both of them confusingly pulled out their phones to see who had texted them. One look at the text, both males groaned.
~"No way! He seriously can't dump this on us tonight!"
~The one texting them was one of their coworkers, explaining that they had "an emergency" at home and "needed" to leave work early, meaning someone would have to cover their patrol area. Guess who?
~"This is the third time he has done this!" Kaminari complained as he was ready to give the dude a piece of his mind but instead pocketed his phone before he could say something he would regret.
~"We gotta find a way to expose him." Sero nodded. This guy was known for skipping work for the most ridiculous reasons and the other coworkers suffered from it. Not many liked him for this very reason. "Not very manly." As Kirishima once put it when he heard about him.
~"Hopefully in the near future, but for now, we have to go patrol his area too. We heroes can't give the villains an idea that there are parts of the city that they don't patrol." Sero reasoned.
~"I agree, but that's gonna take way more time than what we were scheduled for." Kaminari reminded. "I don't know about you, but I want to sleep tonight." Sero thought for a moment.
~"What if we split up? That way we can get the work done and don't have to spend more time than we have to." He proposed.
~"That's a good idea, but we're supposed to patrol in pairs..." Kaminari muttered.
~"I'm sure it's fine, the city has been quiet the whole evening." It wasn't uncommon for heroes to do solo patrols, but it was always advised to have two-person teams during a night patrol. It was safer that way.
~Kaminari nodded. It was decided that Kaminari would finish their own route while Sero covered the extra. They also agreed that if either of them suddenly needed back up, they would send their location from their watch to the other person, and they would come help.
~It made Kaminari feel more secure. Nothing bad was probably not gonna happen. But if something were to happen, help was only one button press away.
~Kaminari roamed around the area checking alleyways that seemed shady enough to make sure it was empty, walking past closed shops and businesses and checking the occasional rooftop.
~By now, it has been an hour since Kaminari and Sero split up. It might sound like such a short time to be alone, but for Kaminari, it quickly grew boring. It was almost unreal that nothing was happening on a Saturday night. Or should he say Sunday morning?
~Kaminari walked into another alleyway. Nothing more than dumpsters, trash bags, and mice that ran over his shoes.
~"Ah, damn it!" He exclaimed in a whispering tone as he began shooing the pests away. As he did so, he heard soft humming. He stopped what he was doing and looked around. There was no one there.
~The faint humming kept on going and Kaminari found himself listening to the beautiful tune. He didn't recognize what song it was, but it was beautiful none the less. He spotted a ladder to the building rooftop next to him and he started silently climbing, hearing the humming louder and louder each storey he climbed.
~As he made it to the top, he was expecting to find someone mindlessly humming while they sat on a stool while maybe drinking a warm beverage in the cold outdoor wind. But what he saw made his blood turn to ice and his eyes widen.
~There, on the very edge of the rooftop, stood a young woman, barefoot and wearing a pale yellow cardigan. Their hair fluttered wildly in the wind while they looked all the way down to the street, but they didn't seem to mind as they kept on humming the song Kaminari didn't know, sounding now loud and clear in his ears.
~He didn't know what to do.
~Is that woman about to jump? If so, then how in the world is he supposed to prevent it from even happening? A case like this was a first for him, he has never been in a situation like this and somewhat hoped that he never would.
~But here he was, about to witness death from the front row seat if he didn't do anything.
~The (h/c) haired woman lifted their feet, as though they were going to step over the edge. Out of reflex, Kaminari abandoned his spot on the ladder and dashed onto the rooftop shouting the first sentence that came to mind.
~"DON'T!!!" He stood good five meters away from the girl, but he shouted so loud he might as well been standing next to her.
~The person stopped and lowered their foot back next to the other one. They didn't even flinch when Kaminari shouted. They absentmindedly turned around halfway and looked Kaminari in the eyes.
~Kaminari gulped when the person didn't show any emotion. None at all. They just stood there on the edge like a beautiful porcelain doll.
~"Why are you here?" The woman asked, not blinking once. Kaminari was at a loss for words. What should he say? Should he even say anything? Would that even do anything? The girl waited for his answer patiently.
~"I... I w-was p..passing by and... heard your humming..." Was he making the right move?
~"I see... I hope I didn't bother you." She said nonchalantly. Kaminari immediately shook his head.
~"N-no! I-I thought it was very beautiful. That's why I climbed up the ladder to see who it was..." No... he was making the right move. As long as he's talking to them, they hopefully won't do anything rash. He just needs to keep going.
~"I've heard that plenty of times." She looked back at the city. Shit... What should he say now?
~"H-has someone hurt you? What happened to you? If you want to talk about it, I-I'm here to listen." He dared to take one step forward but not anymore. The woman remained unmoving, this could be a positive sign.
~"How is my personal life any of your concern?... Hero.." Sweat started to drip from Kaminari's forehead. Now he was more than nervous. Was she one of those people who didn't like heroes? Can he handle this by himself?
~Kaminari remembered his watch. He could get Sero here at best in 10 minutes. He would just need to keep her busy. Kaminari was about to push the button on his watch when the woman suddenly spoke again.
~"Actually... Tell me something, Mr. Hero..." Kaminari paused his movements. "Is life worth living, when you are successful in your field of work you love but feel miserable and depressed every single day?" Kaminari lowered his hands, forgetting about the watch completely.
~What did she mean? If you love your work then how can you feel miserable? The stress of success?
~"I guess I can't really answer... I'm happy to work as a hero even when I have a bad day... But, if I would feel I'm unhappy in my agency, I would try another agency to see if I would be happier there." He truthfully explained. The woman nodded softly.
~"That is one way to say it. "Keep trying until you're truly happy." is one of the sentences I've heard a lot. But unfortunately, I can't just do what you would do Mr, hero, that just isn't how it works." She explained in return and then began lightly hopping on the edge as if she was playing a childhood game, which made Kaminari sweat bullets and take more steps closer to you.
~""Three steps forward, smile, come back, lift your hands to your face, and pose." That's how it usually goes. No freedom to choose what you want to do or say in your own damn craft. You just get ordered around and you don't get to decide anything, but they'll still use your name as though you did." 
~She looked at Kaminari in the eyes again. Now that he was closer he could kind of distinguish what color her eyes were. A nice (e/c) that now seemed to burn into his own eyes, the same yellow as the woman's cardigan.
~"Are you now going to say that I'm overreacting? That I just had a particularly bad day today? That I just need to go to sleep, and it will be a better day tomorrow?" It felt like she was taunting him. Daring him to say what the others have said.
~His mind was going in all the directions, trying to figure out how to save someone that doesn't want to be saved. He could easily say that you were just having a bad day because of the short story you told him. But he possibly couldn't. He hasn't seen the whole picture yet. In the heat of the moment he blurted out:
~"No..." For the first time, the woman's eyes widened slightly. She wasn't expecting that.
~"I... I'm in no position to say any of that. I can't possibly judge how much pain you're in if I haven't heard the whole story." He looked down at his feet.
~"I might not know who you are or what you are going through... But all I ask is for you to give yourself more time to maybe talk to someone, one last time. If it doesn't work, then decide what to do." He spoke. He wondered, from where exactly he heard the things he was talking about. He didn't care at the moment, all he wanted right now was for the woman to step down, and away from the roof's edge.
~The woman's demeanor changed. Instead of the blank look on her face, her expression looked... shocked?
~"You... You don't know who I am?..." She questioned, already 80% sure she knew the answer but still wanted a clear confirmation. Kaminari lifted his head from to face the surprised woman and looked at her dumbfounded. 
~"I'm sorry, but I don't. Were you expecting me to?" He asked, trying to figure out if he has seen the woman somewhere before but came up with nothing. 
~"Kind of..." She admitted while she still stared at him, looking like she didn't believe what she was hearing.
~'Is she a girl I met in High school and forgot? Or even in middle school? Why can't I remember?!!'
~'Or is she a...'
~"I'm not a villain if that's what you're thinking, I assure you. Nor have we ever met talked face to face." Like magic, she read his mind, but he was still on the edge a bit which she seemed to sense.
~"If you think I'm a villain, Mr hero, then you can just arrest me now." She lifted her hands in front of her, half-expecting him to actually put her in handcuffs. 
~"No no, there's no need for that! I believe you." Kaminari waved his arms in front of him and stopped once the woman lowered their own hands. "Also, you don't need to call me, Mr hero." He scratched the back of his head embarrassed.
~"What should I call you then? What's your hero name?" He thought deeply for a moment.
~"No... You can call me Kaminari even Denki is fine." He replied confidently and the woman cracked a small smile. It made Kaminari, in turn, to smile lightly, it felt relieving that he managed to make her smile while she was still in a dark place.
~"Alright." She said and hopped off the roof's edge, walking towards a door that held stairs behind it. "It was nice meeting you, Kaminari-kun." Kaminari turned his body to face the departing woman as he slightly panicked.
~"Wha-? W-W-Wait! What's your name?" He asked in a hurried tone. She turned to him.
~"I kind of don't want to tell you." She admitted. 
~"I want to have someone who sees me as for who I am, and not as someone who I was presented as." She finished and left the rooftop, leaving behind a confused Kaminari.
~'What was she talking about?'
1 Week later...
~Even after a week, the (h/c) haired woman was still in his mind, repeating the last sentence she said to him before leaving the rooftop like a broken record.
~Kaminari didn't tell anyone about the incident. Somehow Kaminari felt like he wanted to give the poor girl a chance to figure things out before involving more people. Then again, even if he did tell someone, what good would it have done?
~He didn't know the victim's name nor her exact address. Plus, no one could force the woman to therapy unless she was breaking the law or causing a disturbance, which she wasn't so his hands were tied either way. 
~Speaking of names, Kaminari was driving himself mad over who she was. In the beginning, she assumed that he knew her but he didn't. She also confessed that they have not met each other in real life, and the way she asked for his name indicated that she really didn't know him. So she wasn't someone who he might've known at one point.
~He also believed that she wasn't a villain, so his options were very limited. How come he can't think of anything?
~"Hellooo...., earth to Denki." Someone spoke from beside him and the said male jumped in his seat. He turned to the owner of the voice and sighed.
~"Wow, for a minute there I thought I won't be able to get you to your senses." Sero joked while chuckling. Kaminari shook his head and turned to his friend again.
~"So what brings you here Hanta?" He asked, trying to get his mind off his previous thoughts.
~"Uhhh... We have patrol remember?" Sero reminded him, already wearing his hero costume and ready to go.
~Oh damn it, he was an idiot.
~"Oh yeah, I remember now! Just give me a sec." Kaminari said as he headed towards the changing rooms. Sero following him.
~"Did you already hear? He got fired this morning...." Kaminaris brain turned on autopilot for the rest of the conversation.
~Before he even realized it, he was already walking down the familiar streets. Alone. What he could remember from Seros explanation was: Since the guy was fired so suddenly, there was no one to do his patrol. So Kaminari and Sero split up again and Sero went to the other route while Kaminari took care of the same one he handled last Saturday night a week ago.
~Last Saturday night...
~Would she be on that rooftop again?
~Kaminari's curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to stop by the apartment building when he got to that part of the area. Just to make himself feel more relaxed when he goes to bed for the night.
~Part of him hoped that the rooftop would be empty and that the person was doing something more mentally healthy, but there was also a 5% part of him that wanted to see the person again. Definitely, not the 'standing on the edge of the roof' way he saw them a week ago, but more like 'they just wanted a breath of fresh air and nothing more' way.
~Kaminari found himself moving faster through the area, while still making sure there was no suspicious activity going on in the middle of the night. Soon enough, he came to the familiar alley and started to climb up the ladder. He peeked from the edge and sure enough, the woman was standing there with the same yellow cardigan. This time, however, she wasn't standing barefoot at the very edge at least.
~She was wearing shoes which was a good sign.
~He made his presence know to the other person by stepping his foot on the roof with stone pebbles crunching under his boots. The person slowly turned around to face him once he walked a bit closer.
~"I wondered if you would show up." She spoke in a half teasing manner, not sounding as hollow as a week ago. Did something happen during this week?
~"Something told me to come and check on you." He told truthfully, not knowing what to else to say.
~"I figured. It must be hard for a hero to accept someone dying so they at least do an effort to see how the person's life is going if they're alive." She mused.
~"Saving and protecting civilians is what we heroes do, we like to see if our actions have made a difference in people."
~"Well, some heroes could surely do a better job if that's what it's about." She commented. Before Kaminari could ask what makes her say such a fact, she changes the subject.
~"But enough about that, instead tell me about your week, Kaminari." She addressed him by his name as she casually sat on the roof's edge, making Kaminari a tad nervous again.
~'Why must she sit so close to the edge?' He grimaced in his mind.
~"You want to know about my day?" He questioned a bit confused.
~"My everyday-life isn't something I much enjoy nowadays, so I'd like to hear someone else's day instead." She looked at him. "Perhaps that would make me feel better." Kaminari hesitantly nodded his head in agreement and started to talk about his day and the past week.
~It wasn't really anything that interesting to talk about to someone, but the look on the woman's face told him differently. They were actually listening to his non-sense rambling and asking questions here and there.
~Maybe working as a hero who likes to joke around and help people with common problems, was by itself more interesting for some, than some other career. But it even surprised him how intrigued the woman was from all the things he had done that week.
~'Maybe she hasn't done things what I have in a long time...'
~After minutes and minutes of talking, Kaminari checked the time from his watch and almost screamed out loud when he read the numbers on the smartwatch.
~"Oh dude! I've been rambling on and on for half an hour! I still haven't patrolled the area!" He exclaimed, already thinking how Sero or his other friends were going to question hat took him so long.
~"Then you should get going, I'm not going to hold you any longer." The female said and stood up. Already walking towards the door.
~"Thank you for chatting with me Kaminari, now I feel less lonely." Kaminari looked at the (h/c) haired girl, now seeing a bit more happiness in her eyes. Seeing it made Kaminari feel better and glad that he decided to stop by.
~"It was nothing, it was fun talking with you." He assured her.
~"Well ain't that nice to hear, have a good night." She lightly bowed her head.
~"Same to you." He responded.
~Week after another, it became a routine for Kaminari to visit the person who he still didn't know the name of. Both grew quite close during those visits and by now they were very good friends. 
~ After meeting two more times after the second meet up, the (h/c) haired female had proposed that they could see each other perhaps at different times, rather than during Kaminari's patrols at 1 AM. Kaminari agreed and she gave him her phone number so they could text or call each other when they would meet again.
~Since Kaminari didn't know her name, he gave her the nickname Sunflower, due to the yellow cardigan she wears every time they see each other.
~And each time they met, Kaminari started noticing that every day she was happier than the previous day. In the beginning, she only nodded to his jokes, but as time passed, she began to smile more. Fixing her smile from stoic to a small smile and then to a genuine grin was a huge achievement for Kaminari.
~He was proud that he was able to change someone's life for the better. Surely his job's not over, and he doesn't like to refer it as a 'job' since he was doing it because he wanted to, not because he was a hero.
~He mentally made a promise to himself that he'd fix her even if it was the last thing he would do because it would be worth it in the end.
4 months later...
~"Hey, have you guys heard?" Mina's voice grabbed the attention of all her companions at the table. 
~Her, Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima, and even Bakugou (Convinced to come by Kirishima) were enjoying a cup of coffee at a cafe. It was pretty rare for the old 'Bakusquad' to have a hung out together with all five of them there, but by some miracle, they all either had a day off from work or they had a night shift.
~"Heard about what?" Kirishima asked with his usual happy tone.
~"About the latest celebrity rumor, silly!" Mina exclaimed as she fished out her phone to open the news app, showing it to everyone. There on the screen were countless of articles of the same matter but with different theories.
~'(y/n) (l/n), a well-known song artist is sending love messages to someone with her music videos and interviews!!?'  Read more...
~'Hidden love messages!!? To whom!?'   Read more here...
~'The newest music video by (y/n) (l/n)!!'  
~"Oh, you're talking about that one singer. Yea, I watch and listen to her music videos, but I haven't really seen anything that would stand out." Sero commented while taking a sip of his coffee. Kaminari raised an eyebrow, as he was confused by what was going on.
~"What are you guys on about?" He asked.
~"Are you joking? It's so obvious that even I realized it after a while. Here let me show you." Mina opened up one of the news articles and started to explain.
~"Before, her music videos were normal and there wasn't anything out of the ordinary for her, but then two months ago the same things kept appearing in her videos, magazine covers, and interviews." She tapped the screen and started playing the most recent music videos published by the artist titled: I need a hero.
~She tapped play and the video started, showing a young woman with (h/c) hair wearing a sparkly black dress and a black blindfold. Though what caught most of Kaminari's attention was the sunflower shaped jewelry/pin on the right side of her chest.
~As the woman sang and moved around, Kaminari saw the same pin also on the woman's hair.
~"She has been either wearing sunflower themed clothing slash jewelry, or she holds an actual sunflower! There isn't a single picture of her without it from the last two months!" She giggled as if she was still in high school. Kaminari continued to stare at the phone as the video continued on playing.
~It was as if his brain had stopped working. 'This has to be a coincidence.' 'There's no way.' Kaminari kept on saying to himself, but it was hard to deny the evidence that lay in front of his eyes.
~The singer looked a lot like the woman he has been seeing for the past four months and even a middle schooler could link the nickname he gave her and the sunflowers together, not to mention her voice. But he still could not believe it.
~Then came the final confirmation. The video shifted from the singing woman to a scene where a man wearing a cape ran and jumped on rooftops, presenting a hero running to the rescue. Then it cuts to the woman standing on another rooftop, singing, and dancing awfully close to the edge.
~"I need a hero!!!         I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light.       He's gotta be sure, and he's gotta be soon, and he's gotta be larger than life."
~Then the singer jumps on the very edge, reminding Kaminari how the woman wearing a yellow cardigan jumped on the edge the same way. And no matter how high of a building she seemed to be standing on, she showed no fear while dancing.
~"I need a hero!!!     I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night.     And he's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast, and he's gotta be fresh from a fight!"
~"I need a hero!..."
~At the final line, the woman leaned back on the edge as though to fall to her demise, but a hand grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her against them to safety. The woman and the hero looked at each other for a moment before they embraced each other in a loving hug. Then the video faded into blackness with a caption:
~"Only one hero can save this sunflower."
~That was all that Kaminari needed to confirm once and for all that, his sunflower, is (y/n) (l/n).
~"Why are you looking so much into shit that might not be even true?" Bakugou commented gruffly and Mina gasped.
~"Because it's romantic and the last video just basically proves all the rumors! There's no doubt in my mind that she has someone she cares about but just doesn't know how to express it! It's basically a love story!" She argued with the ash blond. The blond 'tch'ed and went back to drinking his latte.
~"I admit that your theory isn't completely ridiculous, but aren't things like confessions supposed to be done with only the person they're confessing to?" Kirishima pointed out, kind of surprised that he himself was actually this interested about it. 
~"Who cares!? It's cute!" Mina squealed but her momentum stopped when Kaminari abruptly stood up from his seat and started to gather his things.
~"Whoa, What's the rush Denki?" Sero inquired as he watched as the blond grabbed his phone from the table and started to exit the cafe.
~"I suddenly realized that I have something to take care of!" He called behind him and bolted out of the store to the street. While running, he sent a quick text to his sunflower that he wanted to meet her at their usual spot. He pocketed the device and ran faster.
~He needed to see you. He needed to ask why you didn't tell him the truth. Why you would think that he would see you differently if he found out.
~Honestly at this point he didn't even care if you were actually a villain or a mafia boss, he just wanted answers to his questions.
~Did you like him back?
~Kaminari ran into the alleyway and jumped on the ladder to begin climbing at record speed. Just as he made it to the top, the handle on the rooftop door turned and from behind the door, out stepped you, wearing the same color cardigan as his eyes. You looked semi-happy as you stepped outside, but as you got a glimpse of his own slightly out of breath expression, yours turned into a one of concern.
~"What happened Denki? Is everything alright?" You asked him as you stepped closer to him, ready to hear him out. The said male panted and looked at her.
~"Why... Why didn't you... tell me?" He said between short pants.
~"What are you talking about?" You inquired. Kaminari breathed in deeply and looked into her eyes again.
~"(y/n) (l/n). Your name is (y/n) (l/n)."
~In a half a second, your caring demeanor changed and you looked at the ground with the stoic face you used to wear before meeting Denki. But despite your blank expression, you were shaking as if you were standing on top of a windy mountain while gripping your fists tightly.
~This was it... Now, he is either going to begin geeking out on how much big of a fan he was of your music, or he's going to leave you because he doesn't want the pressure of hanging out with someone who's known by almost every other person in Japan.
~You were surprised how long it took for Denki to finally realize who you really were. In all your videos you wore a blindfold because that's what your manager and producer want you to do. In their mind it makes you look mysterious and "Limited", referring to a limited object that not anyone can get.
~Because of that blindfold, he might've not realized it before. Now that he did, everything's going to go back to your depressing reality that he light up with his goofiness...
~"When did you notice?" You asked him.
~"Just 15 minutes ago, I was at a cafe with my friends and they started talking about this popular song artist." As Kaminari said the last words, he could visibly see you tense up. "I didn't know what they were talking about even after they said her name. Only when I saw her in a music video did I know who the person was." He stepped closer to you.
~"At first I didn't believe my eyes and ears when I saw their (h/c) and heard their voice. I was fully convinced when I saw the ending of the video, where you almost fell from the rooftop you stood on. But a hero came to your rescue and in the very ending, you quoted yourself as a sunflower." He explained and you looked at him in slight confusion. Before you could say anything he speaks again.
~"Why didn't you tell me? Did you think I would leave or treat you differently now that I know your name?" He asked stepping even more closer.
~"I-I... I Don't-" You stuttered while tearing up. "What was I supposed to expect? That's how it always has been..." You shifted your gaze downcast once again.
~"Every person I know or knew, they didn't care about me, they only cared about my fame and how it was going to benefit them if we were a couple or my small crush would leave me once they realized my identity because they could not handle being in the spotlight."
~"The last relationship I was in went just like the first scenario, he trash-talked me and made me feel unimportant. He even said that he didn't care if I took the final step from the rooftop. I was only an art-piece whats sole purpose was to make money, anything I did wasn't about the art anymore, just income." Kaminari slowly began to piece the puzzle pieces together.
~"I somehow managed to make him leave, but things mostly stayed the same about me still being a puppet. That's all I ever am to them, an object. A doll that they can make sing and dance to make a profit, disguising it as "a modern business" or "That's how things go these days." I'm amazed how much bullshit they can spit out from their mouths every day."
~"You are not a doll! You are a human! A person, a living being! Why did you stay in that toxic environment!?" Denki gathered up all his confidence and gently gripped your forearms and exclaimed. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. You were suffering and almost ended your life because of it, but yet, you stayed...
~"Every time I thought of leaving and quitting, I knew my manager and everybody I work with would make my life even more of living hell if I did quit. And after every day, I thought things would get better one day. That's why I kept going, doing my best at being positive that one-day things would change."
~"And comically enough, it somewhat did after meeting you." You confessed. Denki was taken aback by it.
~"W-What do you mean?"
~"Everybody in my life didn't care about my feelings or what I wanted! You were the first person in years who treated me like a friend, a human with problems that CAN be fixed. After meeting you, I felt more confident to speak up and say no to things I didn't want. Two months ago, I even managed to change what I can do or wear in my interviews or videos."
~"You mean the sunflowers?"
~"Y-Yes... You gave me so much confidence that I wanted to have a reminder of you with me everywhere, like a form of comfort." You admitted now leaning on his shoulder while Denki shifted a bit to hug you. 
~"You did that because of me?" He felt like he was now only asking questions and not saying things he probably should be saying, but this was new to him and he didn't know how to deal with it.
~"Yeah..." You nodded. "I felt happy again whenever I thought about you, and I wanted to be truly happy again while I sang. So I fought back against my producers and demanded change. Over time, I actually started to have more power over what I wanted to wear or how I wanted to do my music again. Of course, I had to still do many things the way they wanted, but it was one step forward." Then Kaminari remembered.
"So this was what you meant by what you said back then... You love singing and acting but you felt miserable because you were basically forced to do it how other people liked it rather than how you wanted to do it." You nodded.
"I felt so powerless so I didn't fight back. But then you opened my eyes and told me I can try again!" You looked into his eyes and he could have cried out of happiness when he saw the beautiful and bright smile on your face.
~"I'm so proud of you." Kaminari hugged you tightly and you two laughed together as he lightly spun you around.
~"I'm so happy I managed to save you..." Kaminari mumbled to your shoulder a single tear staining your cardigan.
~"So am I..." You mumbled in return to his shoulder, instead if one tear, you had many flowing down your face as you felt overly emotional and couldn't stop them from coming.
~"Are the news articles true?" Kaminari suddenly asked and you pulled apart.
~"New's articles? I don't really read them." You admitted as you dried your tears with your cardigan sleeve.
~"My friends were talking about the rumor of you hiding love messages in each of your videos." He explained. "And apparently your quote: "Only one hero can save this sunflower." has caused quite the ruckus." He chuckled nervously but found his confidence once again when you smiled at him gently.
~"So, are they?" He asked hopefully.
~"Heh... Looks like I wasn't sneaky enough." You chuckled. "I made that quote to see if you would notice, and in some way you did. Now I am curious, did you like it?" You questioned.
~"Of course I did."
~"Then... Will you love this sunflower?" You questioned again.
~"I'd love nothing more."
~He abandoned all his doubts and went in for the kiss. You happily kissed him back as you hugged his neck tightly while he did the same on your waist and back. 
~The moment felt like time had stopped ticking and in the moment was just the two of you. You, a Sunflower and him, a hero. Both of you wished it would've lasted longer, but the need for air was no longer unnoticeable as you pulled apart.
~"I don't care if you're a popular singer or an ordinary office worker. I want to help you to be happy, and help you forget your dark thoughts." Kaminari confessed. "Let me be there for you when you need me." He practically pleaded, not wanting to let go of the person who he had grown to care deeply about.
~"Only if I can do the same for you." You answered.
~"I love you, my sunflower."
~"I love you too, my hero."
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howtohero · 3 years
#300.1: Saving the World Part 1
The Haberdashery
“Hi, my name is Murk. I am a mud monster and a product of mad science, but I am also an accountant and a lover of classical music. For most of my existence I have tried to simply live a regular life in an increasingly strange world.”
The conference room in Hatman’s Haberdashery was filled with all manner of colorfully clad, or just plain colorful, superheroes, super-trainees, monsters, vampires, werewolves, sewer-mutants, Da Vincis and even a smattering of regular civilians who looked tired, angry, but overall fearless. According to Leonardo Da Vinci II, an android duplicate of the original from the far future, there had never been such an eclectic gathering of people in all of history. They had gathered — or been gathered — because the world, and life as they all knew it, hung in the balance. The world’s supervillains, led by a formerly low rate smuggler named Smuggles, had managed to do the unthinkable, they’d taken over the world, and in doing so they’d imprisoned most of the world’s heroes, world leaders, and superhero bloggers, in a secret prison. The oddball assembly was the Resistance, and at the moment each of them had their eyes on Murk. Some looked at him with confusion, he was by far the most eloquent mud monster they’d ever heard. Some looked at him in awe, over the past several weeks, Murk had rescued many of them from danger and had inspired them to join him in his fight. A few looked at him with pride, they knew him from before you see, and as far as they were concerned, that made his heroics their heroics.
(“I know that guy from before,”) Parenthetical Guy whispered to the warthog-mask wearing man sitting to his left. (“And as far as I’m concerned, that makes his heroics my heroics.)
{“I work with that guy, he does my taxes,”} Curly whispered, nudging Hatman who was looking forlornly toward the room’s exit. There were far too many people between him and it, and it was causing him no shortage of distress.
“When the heroes fell,” Murk continued. “It immediately became apparent that I, and many others like me, could no longer afford the luxury of standing to the side. For a long time I, and many of my ‘monstrous’ ilk have been more than happy to allow superheroes to handle the world’s problems for us. Whenever our homes, our lives, our world came under threat we all said to one another, ‘well, that looks like a job for superheroes,’ and we declined to act. When the heroes fell I saw how selfish I had been. And so I would like to be the first to extend my heartfelt thanks, and my sincerest apologies to the brave heroes who have gathered here today. I, along with my partner and friend, Lawyer Guy have gathered as many civilians as we could. Regular monsters and people who have cowered from or turned a blind eye to the acts of the villains who have dared to subjugate us, and we have come here to offer our assistance. If you’ll have us, we would like to help in any way we can.”
His speech concluded, Murk quickly sat down next to Lawyer Guy who smiled warmly at him. A few people sitting near him muttered polite words of affirmation toward the hulking mud man but everyone quickly became silent once more as somebody else strode to the head of the table.
Everybody in the room, everybody in the world, recognized the gold and white costume, the chiseled, stony features, and the piercing blue eyes of Ultiman. He was the superhero par excellence and when he clapped Murk on the shoulder and smiled widely, Murk’s ragtag civilian crew let out a collective sigh of relief.
“Thank you Murk,” Ultiman said. “Thank you everyone. As I’m sure you can see, our numbers are small but our members are dedicated and we are thrilled to be able to count each of you among us. I’m confident that, working together, we can depose Smuggles and his entire Consortium of Crime.”
Smuggles’s Secret Prison
My name is Zachary Schechter and I’d been locked up for a while by the time anybody had made any noise about breaking out. You may know me as the creator, author, and only functioning brain behind How To Hero. Actually you definitely know me as that. It’s a very popular blog. Just take my word on this ok? I was in a secret prison because I allowed my subordinates to talk me into hiring a known supervillain to, let’s see, live in our basement and interject unwanted comments into my blog. As it would happen, this supervillain, Smuggles, took the job as part of some kind of protracted and complicated plan to take over the world. I should have seen that coming of course. That’s basically the only reason any supervillain does anything. For a few weeks I was alone there. Just sitting in a cell twiddling my thumbs. Trying to make conversation with the drones they had guarding the place. The only thing they’d given me to eat is fish. I imagine Chuck the Fish Whisperer had something to do with that. Frikkin supervillains and their sycophantic dedication to their own themes. But then a ton of superheroes ended up there with me, and I knew things on the outside had taken a decisive turn for the worse. The heroes were all stripped of their costumes and gear, and were given supervillain costumes instead. It’s all spikes, horns, and red contact lenses now. It’s a bit silly, but I think the idea is that if the heroes are dressed like villains and forced to do things like play evil charades and watch movies about heroes turning bad, then some of them might actually turn evil. Actually, I know that’s the idea, but I’ll get to that later. Eventually Cowboy Rockstar, the coolest hero of all time, decided to stage some kind of jailbreak. Which was great. And he wanted me to help him plan it, probably because of my proven expertise in all manner of superhero related topics. I bet it was my treatise on the many superheroic uses of drills that got his attention. There was just one teeny tiny problem though...
“So what do you think?” Cowboy Rockstar whispered.
“I think… I think that I designed this prison,” I whispered dejectedly.
“I beg your pardon?”
It was recreation time once again, and Giorgio the Evil Mime had selected an assortment of clips of superheroes becoming evil from various films and TV shows. It’s really shocking how many times Hollywood has returned to the well of “a superhero clad in red, white, and blue murders a person.” We must’ve watched like thirty different clips already. 
“Look, Mr. Rockstar, I appreciate you coming to me and all. It’s an honor to meet you and plot in hushed voices with you and everything. But I’m like 90% certain that I designed this prison. And I don’t know about you but Iitalics certainly wouldn’t have designed a prison that people could break outitalics of.”
Cowboy Rockstar furrowed his brow, “Ah, you’re saying this prison is… from your blog?”
I held up my hands defensively. “Hey, I know how it sounds but look around you. The costumes, the robots, the charades. It’s literally ripped straight from my post about running your own unsanctioned prison.”
“You wrote a guide to running an off the books blacksite for housing criminals?” Cowboy Rockstar arched an immaculate eyebrow. “That’s not really a very superheroic activity.”
“Huh. When you put it like that it’s really no wonder that the only person who seems to have implemented any of it is a supervillain who seems to have taken over the world.”
“He had help,” I heard somebody grumble from Cowboy Rockstar’s other side.
Helm Lady was one of the only Hatman proteges to both survive to adulthood and continue her career as a superhero, so it was hardly surprising that she’d been able to sneak up on us. 
“Helm Lady, good of you to join us!” Cowboy Rockstar said. “Zach over here was just telling me about how he designed this prison to be unescapable! Isn’t that exciting.”
“Hardly,” Helm Lady said glumly.
“I gotta agree with her on this one,” I said. 
“Are you kidding me? You’ve been given a rare opportunity to outdo yourself in a grandiose and practical way! You’ve been here longer than anybody. It seems like Smuggles has some kind of vendetta against you specifically, and so he’s used your own tactics against you! Now, with our help of course, you can show everybody that you’re smarter than you!” Cowboy Rockstar was gesticulating wildly at this point drawing a sharp and reproachful glare from warden Giorgio. 
“Hm,” I said, I had already written a guide to escapology. Maybe I’d already unwittingly outwitted myself. Besides, Smuggles’s prison wasn’t actually an exact copy of the one I’d designed on the blog. He’d had to make some changes to prevent it from having any real rehabilitative value. Dressing the prisoners like villains instead of heroes for instance. And villain costumes are very different from hero costumes. They’re like eighty percent sharp edges. I looked Cowboy Rockstar up and down. The costume they had him in had spikes up and down his arms. Maybe we could use them to pick the locks on our cell? We’d still have to deal with the robot guards and who knows what else. But maybe that was a place to start.
“Ok,” I said after a moment. “I’m sure we can come up with something, after all, as I say
on my blog, when you’re in a locked room, anything can be a key.” 
Cowboy Rockstar grinned and gestured around the room at the assorted superheroes that were locked in with us, “And we’ve certainly got an eclectic bunch of keys here haven’t we.”
I smiled and looked around the room, maybe this could actually work.
“If I had an iPod and a busted time machine we could do this in a snappy montage and be out in no time,” I grumbled to Cowboy Rockstar.
It was the next day, and our recreation activity was something called “evil baseball.” There’s no batters, no outfield, and the only umpire was a deranged mime. The only real resemblance it had to regular “non-evil” baseball, was the fact that there were four bases, and players could steal bases. In fact, the game was pretty much just stealing bases. Because stealing is a crime get it? Ugh, the sooner we got out of there and stopped Smuggles the better. Cowboy Rockstar was manning first base for his team, and I’d just stolen first. I suspected it was because Helm Lady, the “pitcher” for Cowboy Rockstar’s team, had allowed me to get to first so we could chat. It might have been because I’m really athletic though. It’s hard to say. 
“I don’t think that’s how anything works,” Cowboy Rockstar said.
“Oh what do you know?”
“A lot, I’ve unknotted several time paradoxes you know. Some experts even say that I ‘invented’ the current iteration of this timeline.”
“Ah, so this is all your fault.”
“Nice try, I didn’t give Smuggles access to an interdimensional warp gate so he could free his fish whispering friend from his prison.”
“What have you got?”
“I was thinking, we know that Smuggles has everybody’s powers neutralized inside this prison right?”
“Well not every hero has powers to begin with,” I started. “And there are few people here with relevant talents that Smuggles can’t turn off.”
“Talents such as?”
Giorgio blew his whistle. Apparently I’d spent too long dawdling at first base without even trying to steal second.
“I guess whistling doesn’t go against the mime code of silence,” I grumbled as I started to edge off of first base. 
“Talents such as?” Cowboy Rockstar repeated before I took off.
I nodded towards his team’s second baseman.
“Being a giant rock monster with seven hands,” I said before racing off toward Rockblock.
The next night I laid awake, staring up at the ceiling of my cell, going over what was slowly starting to look like a plan again and again. If Cowboy Rockstar could use the many razor sharp spikes on his villain costume to pick the locks on his cell, — and he’d assured me that he could, upside down, in his sleep — and then get to the others, Rockblock could probably serve as our muscle until we got out and the other heroes got their powers back. He’d need to fight off dozens of battle drones though. No, that wasn’t much of a plan. Muscle was great, but we’d need some other way to guarantee the drones would stay off of us until we got outside. I consulted the scrap of paper I had hidden in the palm of my hand, directed away from any prying eyes or cameras. The scrap had been discretely slipped into the pocket of my hoodie by Helm Lady. She’d managed to steal a pencil during Evil Mad Libs, and had taken the liberty of jotting down everybody who we knew was imprisoned here. “Our list of keys,” as Cowboy Rockstar had called it. We needed to keep the circle of people who knew that we were planning a breakout small for now. That way there’d be less of a chance of any villains or drones getting wind of it. So Cowboy Rockstar wanted me to identify anybody who might be especially useful in the actual breakout, whereupon we’d obviously free the rest of the prisoners. I consulted the list again, mentally sorting the manifest into those who had powers, and thus were less likely to be especially useful without the use of them, and those who didn’t have powers, and therefore were pretty much operating at 100% effectiveness. There’s another thing I didn’t account for in my own designs, sucks to be you Smuggles. That’s what happens when you build your top secret superhero prison based on the musings of a comedy blog instead of doing your own work you frikkin goon. I circled a couple of names on my illicit scrap of paper and was just about ready to smugly smile myself to sleep when I noticed a faint buzzing. My first thought was wall bees. You wouldn’t believe how often strange buzzing sounds in the How To Hero office ended up being bees in the wall. But this buzzing was more mechanical and well, I guess it must have been there since I was first thrown into this dump. I had managed to sublimate it into the background noise of my time here but now in the dead of the night I was able to really listen to it finally. I tentatively got off of my threadbare cot and walked the length of my small cell. The buzzing was, as I’d feared, strongest by the door. Which could only mean one thing. Door bees! No, I’m kidding, it meant that the old fashioned deadbolt lock was either just for show, or just one part of the cell doors’ security systems. There was some kind of electronic component as well. One that probably wouldn’t be able to be thwarted with some evil-looking spikes. I looked at my scrap once more, I’d have to have a conversation with one of the other prisoners tomorrow. 
“Professor Flay,” I whispered as I took a seat next to a glasses-wearing black man decked out in a purple jumpsuit with a skull belt buckle. 
“Yes?” the man said, clearly startled, “I’m sorry I don’t believe we’ve met.”
“My name’s Zach, and I’m a fan of your Big Book of Fake Science.”
“Um, are you referring to my Complete Compendium of Improbable Science,” Professor Lucius Flay replied.
“Shoot, is that what it’s called? I knew it was something like that, only my buddy lost the cover and title page in a bet with a supervillain we knew who needed them to power his cover and title page powered doomsday device,” I explained quickly.
Professor Flay flared his nostrils, “And you have the nerve to insinuate that my science is fake. Is there a point to this, I don’t want to miss this performance.”
Our villainous rehabilitation activity for the day was “evil karaoke” only songs with the word “bad” in the title were allowed to be performed. Cowboy Rockstar was currently belting out an honestly breathtaking rendition of Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance”. It was an especially loud and especially drawn out version of the song, so that Professor Flay and I could converse in relative peace.
“What kind of scientist would you say you are Professor?”
“If you must know, I consider myself to be more or less omnidisciplinary,” Professor Flay said.
“That means you dabble in a little bit of everything right?”
“Everything scientific.”
“And that’s not a superpower thing right? You came by all that knowledge on your own?”
Professor Flay waved a dismissive hand at me, “Of course I did. I studied for years to get to where I am today. Sure I may have had to break a few time travel regulations to do it, but otherwise, I come by my intellect fair and square.”
“Excellent!” I shouted a little too loudly. “This is the best version of ‘Bad Romance’ I’ve ever heard!” I quickly added, to cover myself.
“Yeah it’s so good that they should call it ‘Good Romance!’” Rockblock shouted, no doubt trying to help me out.
Unfortunately though, that was the wrong thing to say. Giorgio the Mime certainly couldn’t allow anything gooditalics to happen in this evil facility, so he quickly put the kibosh on Cowboy Rockstar’s performance, much to the chagrin of everyone else in the room. I thought I even saw a drone flash a frowny face. The drones then started ferrying us out of the room and back to our individual cells.
“How much do you know about electronic locks?” I quickly asked as I pressed my scrap of paper in between Professor Flay’s belt and jumpsuit. 
Realization flashed across Professor Flay’s face. 
“Ah,” he said. “Enough.”
I hoped he was right.
The next day our recreational activity was evil baking. There were several different stations set up in the auditorium, each with ingredients set up to make different evil foods. I ambled past “exploding pies”, “sentient food that will actively beg for its life as you eat it”, and “kale cookies” before taking a seat next to Cowboy Rockstar at the “general poisons” table. Helm Lady and Rockblock were already there, and I noticed Helm Lady was taking special care not to touch any of the ingredients on the table. Rockblock, being made entirely out of stone and cando spirit, began handling the various herbs and toxins and following the recipe. I guess they’d decided that somebody at our table had to be doing something to avoid attracting any unwanted attention. 
“Where’s Professor Flay?” I asked.
“He just walked in,” Cowboy Rockstar said, nodding toward the door, where a contingent of drones were herding in another batch of prisoners. 
“Over here!” Rockblock bellowed, waving three of his giant hands while the other four mixed and mashed various ingredients.
“Quiet,” Helm Lady snarled. I was beginning to regret bringing Rockblock in on our plans so early. 
Still, Professor Flay managed to get the message and made his way over to our table.
“Hello everybody,” he said as he sat down next to Helm Lady. He wrinkled his nose as he caught a whiff of what Rockblock was mixing in his bowl. “What are we making?”
“Sulfide sausages,” Rockblock replied.
“So?” I asked, raising my eyebrow inquisitively at the professor.
Professor Flay glanced around and, confident that there were no drones within listening distance, leaned in conspiratorially.
“I can build the device you described but-”
“Hey guys, sorry I didn’t come right away. I wanted to do a lap to see if there were any other cooler tables,” a pale skinned man clad in black chainmail and sporting thick rimmed glasses said as he sat down at our table.
“Er… what?” I asked.
“I know Rockblock called me over, but I’m not just going to sit down at the first table that offers me a spot, am I?” the other man replied as if that were a perfectly normal thing to say.
“Uh, I was actually talking to Professor Flay,” Rockblock said.
The bespectacled man laughed, “Oh Rockblock, I’d heard your sense of humor was legendary.”
Rockblock looked confused but Helm Lady put a hand on one of his arms.
“What do you want Glassesman?” 
“Helm Lady! Great to see you. How’s the old man?”
“We don’t talk.”
“Oh, is that right? Poor Hats never could keep a protege.” 
“Glassesman.” I said, interjecting before things escalated. “You weren’t on the list. When did you get here?”
“Oh, just recently. I wasn’t captured with the rest of you in the first wave.”
Cowboy Rockstar ignored the jab and leaned forward. “Are you saying that Smuggles has found whatever resistance there is? Where’s Ultiman?”
“Keep your ten-gallon hat on buckaroo, the resistance is fine such as it is. I was deep undercover in Smuggles’ operation, but I got found out.”
“No surprise there. You probably started handing out promotional sunglasses to all the villains as soon as you got in there,” Helm Lady muttered.
“Hey, supervillains are a market I have yet to break into. This was a rare networking opportunity for me!”
What a tool.
“Enough,” Cowboy Rockstar said, making sure to keep his voice even.
“What’s with all the hushed tones,” Glassesman said, looking us all up and down.
“Ah,” he said when he’d completed his appraisal. “You’re planning a break out.”
“No we’re n-” Helm Lady started but Glassesman held up his hand.
“Oh please, you’ve got a scientist, a jack-of-all-trades, a bruiser, a non-powered combatant and a…” he faltered when he got to me.
“Blogger,” I said curtly.
Glassesman raised an eyebrow but kept going, “So don’t try to keep me out of this, I’m non-powered too, and I can fight better than a Hatb- sorry exitalics-Hatboy any day of the week.”
Cowboy Rockstar looked as though he was going to say something to get rid of Glassesman but he just sighed and gestured to Professor Flay.
“Fine, sure. Professor you were saying?”
“Um, well, yes. I can build the… device, you asked for but I can’t do it from thin air. I need something to work from.”
We all sat in silence for a moment. I guess it was too much to ask for an omni-disciplinaryitalics super-scientist to be able to whip up an EMP device out of whatever he could find in his prison cell. I’d be sure to inform whatever board certifies omni-disciplinary scientists to amend an asterisk to Professor Flay’s credentials when we got out of here.
“Could you build it out of whatever those things are made of?” Glassesman said, jerking a thumb towards one of the drones.
Professor Flay appraised it, “It appears to run on a lithioplasmic core with a carbon-electrum chassis. Assuming there’s a terrakon multispacial chip rattling around in or near its processor… Yes, I wouldn’t even need too much of it. Just a chunk from the chest if I had to guess.”
“Excellent,” Glassesman said before he stood up and flipped over our table. “And you can tell that cap clad crank that I’m twice the hero he ever was!”
Helm Lady smirked and wordlessly lunged at him, wrapping her long fingers around his neck. Professor Flay and I quickly took cover behind the table. Flay because he was a nerd and wasn’t about to get involved in a fist fight between two highly trained combatants. And me to protect Flay naturally. We needed him fit enough to build us the EMP, I couldn’t exactly leave him. Cowboy Rockstar jumped on Glassesman’s back and tried to pull him away while Rockblock scrambled to gather up the ingredients from his poison. A stray pellet of congealed arsenic bounced over to me and I scooped it up into my hoodie. You never know, right? 
In a minute several drones were trundling over to our little group trying to break up the fight. They’d just about managed to pry Cowboy Rockstar, Glassesman and Helm Lady apart when Rockblock let out a deafening roar and joined the fray, sending a handful of drones flying as he growled something incoherent about how hard he’d been working on perfecting his recipe. By this time the other assembled heroes were all looking toward us, but before anybody else could get any ideas about joining the riot, more drones than I’d even realized were in the prison poured into the auditorium and surrounded my friends. Finally managing to pull them apart.
The rest of the heroes, myself and Professor Flay included, were now being rounded up by some of the drones while most of them were being engaged by six of Rockblock’s giant fists. As we walked by though, I noticed his seventh appendage experly flick a chunk of metal in our direction. I stumbled slightly, bending over quickly to grab the robot chunk. And then discretely passed it to Professor Flay before we were split off to return to our own cells.
“I’ll have it done before tonight,” he said to me as he palmed the misshapen blob of metal and wiring. 
I nodded and smiled, by that time tomorrow we’d be out of that forsaken prison and saving the world.
Night fell, and I paced anxiously around the length of my cell. Assuming Professor Flay was able to work as quickly as he claimed he was able to. And assuming Rockblock had gotten him exactly what he needed. And assuming Cowboy Rockstar and Glassesman and Helm Lady were able to pick the locks on their cells when the time came. And assuming Rockblock could keep any guards off of us. And assuming- Well, there were a lot of assumptions before I’d be tasting fresh air. Our plan was hardly fool proof, and we had at least two or three fools on our team, depending on who you asked. We were making a few too many assumptions for my liking. But it was the best we had, so I guess that was that. There was nothing I could do except wait for something to happen. 
And when something happened, everything happened.
First there was a deafening boom, followed by a shockwave that traveled quickly throughout the cell block. If I hadn’t been deafened by the explosion, I would have noticed that the electronic buzzing I’d heard had gone silent. Professor Flay’s homebrewed EMP had worked. I ran to the door and saw several guard drones collapsed on the ground. Their cybernetic features were blank. 
Seconds later three cell doors swung open and Cowboy Rockstar, Helm Lady, and Glassesman strode out. Glassesman looked especially smug, even though he was the last one out. The other two were such pros, they decided to let it slide. They quickly started working on picking the locks on the other cells. Helm Lady sprung Rockblock first, just in case there were any drones outside the EMP’s radius that might’ve been trundling our way. Professor Flay’s EMP was a one-shot kind of deal so we’d have to fight or evade any other drones we encountered. 
“So far so good eh?” Cowboy Rockstar grinned as he unlocked the door to my cell.
“So far, yeah,” I said anxiously. “We’re pretty much flying blind from here on out th- Woah!”
I took a step back into my cell as Cowboy Rockstar became enveloped in a brilliant white light. I stood agape as he began hovering a few inches off the ground and the light faded into his body. 
“What was that?” I asked.
Cowboy Rockstar landed adroitly on the ground and checked his pulse with two of his fingers.
“It’s… I think the EMP must have shorted out whatever device was neutralizing our powers in here,” Cowboy Rockstar said. His fists began crackling with energy.
I looked up and down the hall of cells. Powerful glows or crumpled cell doors told me that many of the other heroes were starting to regain access to their powers. 
“Well that certainly changes the game,” I said as I began taking stock of all of the new keys we’d just acquired.
We quickly divided into a few teams: 
Team One: Nightron, Foresight P. Jones, and Intangi-Bill. None of us had been outside since we’d arrived in the prison and so none of us actually knew where the exit was. Team one would use their respective speed, supervision and intangibility in concert to find a way out.
Team Two: Cowboy Rockstar, Rockblock, and Cannonballer: Baller of Cannons. Our heavy hitters. If anybody could break straight through the walls that surrounded us to the outside it was them.
Team Three: Professor Flay, Electrobug, Digitalized, Psionica. They set about trying to cobble together weapons and gear from the broken husks of the drones that we had at our disposal.
Team Four: Captain Patriot, Brad the Radioactive Man, Amphin, Glassesman, Helm Lady and the Human Wall. The best offense is a strong defense, and if any of our other teams were going to have any hope of doing what they needed to do, they’d need somebody keeping Giorgio and whatever drones he could scrounge together off of their backs. 
Team Five: Dr. Hemer, Knife Knurse, and Super Surgeon. A lot of heroes were suffering painful side-effects either from the sudden reemergence of their superpowers or the power-deprivation they’d been suffering since they’d gotten here. Anybody who had any sort of medical knowledge would tend to them until we get help on the outside.
Team Six: Just me. My job was to come up with the team names and I’m not ashamed to admit that I totally phoned it in.
I was sitting back and taking stock of the other teams’ progress when a gust of wind informed me of Nightron’s return. 
“We’re not the only prisoners here,” he said panting, parts of his supervillain costume were singed, he must have encountered other guards elsewhere in the facility.
“You’re sure?” I asked frantically. I’m not sure why it had never occurred to me that there might be other prisoners somewhere in this facility. But I had only ever seen the heroes that were in that corridor at communal recreational events.
“Positive, there are maybe five or six other cell blocks just like this one. They’ve got dozens of other superheroes here. But that’s not all. World leaders, para-folk, some civilians. I think I even saw some sort of zoo,” Nightron said.
“Probably for animal sidekicks and the like,” I mused aloud. “Were you followed back here?”
“No, but they saw who I was. I’m sure they know where I’m supposed to be. It won’t be long before we have company here.”
“You’re right. Professor, how are those weapons coming!” I shouted towards where Team Three was working.
“My EMP seems to have worked a little too well, there’s no resteoring powers to these machines, but Psionica has managed to use her telekinetic abilities to reform some chunks of metal into clubs.”
“That’ll have to do,” I said. “Nightron, grab a few of those clubs, if anybody comes you’ll join Team Four. Hit them hard and hit them fast.”
“But what about the other prisoners?” Nightron protested.
“We need to break ourselves out before we can worry about anybody else,” Glassesman said.
“I hate to admit it but he’s right,” Helm Lady agreed.
“Yeah but-” and then, in a whoosh he was gone, because it was at that moment that a platoon of drones filed into our hallway. Two of them hit the ground, their CPUs bashed in by Nightron, before the rest of us even registered what was happening but once we did, the rest of Team Four, sprung into action. 
“Zach, over here,” Professor Flay called.
I ran over to him, he passed me a makeshift club and we formed a defensive ring around our medics and the wounded along with the rest of Team Three.
“We are through!” Cannonballer: Baller of Cannons cried.
We helped Team Five get to the large gap in the wall that Team Two had formed as Rockblock and Cowboy Rockstar went to join the fray in the corridor. 
“We may have problem,” Cannonballer: Baller of Cannons muttered to us as we joined her outside.
Problem was an understatement. For one thing, the sky was a murky blend of purples, oranges, and reds, and I know I haven’t been doing a ton of “world-building” in this dramatic account of my escape from a supervillain run supermax, but the sky we were all used to seeing was definitely blue. The ground we were standing on was somehow both dusty and crumbly. Every step we took sent a cloud of dust and ground flakes into the air. And we couldn’t see any other signs of life or civilization anywhere at all. I had always assumed that we would be somewhere inconspicuous but local, so that Smuggles could keep an eye on us, but it appeared as though we were in the middle of nowhere with no way of getting to the middle of anywhere. 
“What… What is this place?” Professor Flay said.
“Beats me,” I said with a shrug. When I designed this prison for How To Hero I recommended finding a large unused building with reinforced walls that was situated in a place that no cops would ever be caught dead anywhere near. There are literally four or five places like that within a twenty block radius of How To Hero headquarters so where the hell were we. Unless… crap.
“Atomspace,” I said. “We’ve been shrunken down and sent to a prison in Atomspace.”
“Well,” Professor Flay said, taking in our otherworldly surroundings. “That creates a wrinkle in our plans doesn’t it.”
“It certainly does,” I agreed.
And that’s when everything went black.
I awoke, chained to a chair, in what may very well have been the most garishly decorated room I had ever seen. And Parenthetical Guy once painted our office neon green and creamsicle orange so that was saying something. The walls were all a deep blood red and there were various supervillainous accoutrements mounted all over the walls. Scary looking masks, futuristic blasters, esoteric looking staffs. A giant serpent’s head wearing oversized sunglasses was mounted on the wall directly opposite me. Below the serpent head sat an ornate, obsidian desk with a high backed leather chair behind it. The carpet was the color of rotting bones, which made a lot of sense when I realized that it wasn’t really a carpet at all, but rather a mat made entirely of very thin bone fragments. Bone fragments that were incredibly sharp at the ends. 
“Ouch!” I yelped as I lifted my feet slightly off of the ground.
“Well look who’s finally awake,” a snide voice to my left said.
I turned my head and my heart dropped. Joining me in this chilling chamber were the rest of my friends: Cowboy Rockstar, Helm Lady, Professor Flay and Glassesman were chained to chairs like mine while Rockblock’s hulking form was chained to the wall on the far side of the room. The humans in the chairs also had their feet up in various positions. Rockblock was stuck standing on the bone floor, but at least he didn’t seem to mind.
“What happened?” I asked groggily.
“We were all knocked unconscious after we broke through the prison walls,” Professor Flay explained. “Cerebral implants I’d guess.”
“You’re saying we were all chipped?” I said, bewildered. “That’s crazy. Why weren’t we all knocked out as soon as we broke out of our cells?”
“Because I wanted to see the look on your face when you realized you were in Atomspace.”
All of our heads snapped towards the door where a man wearing a dark gray catsuit, a bright orange domino mask, and heavy metal boots strode into the room. “Do you like how I’ve decorated? Greg the Skeleton King referred me to his interior design guy.”
“That explains the bones,” Helm Lady muttered.
“And the hellfire!” Cowboy Rockstar proclaimed. “From right before we were captured, I’d been wondering about that.”
“Smuggles,” I said through gritted teeth.
“Zachary,” he said curtly. “Mr. How To Hero himself, how does it feel to be so utterly defeated by someone you’ve spent years ridiculing on your infantile blog?”
“I’ll let you know when it happens,” I said.
“Always with the clever little jokes,” Smuggles said as he took a seat in the leather chair and steepled his fingers. “You have been utterly defeated though. I’ve been following your little escape attempt from the very beginning. My people are not idiots you know. We’ve been listening to every conversation, watching your every move. The riot in the cafeteria was especially amusing.” He nodded at Rockblock who just grunted in response. “Quite frankly, you got further than I expected you to. But I’m glad you did, because now you have to admit that I’ve completely bested you. You’ve been thoroughly trounced Zachary. Who’s the laughingstock now?”
I narrowed my eyes, trying to think of a way out of this for myself and my friends, when Glassesman burst out laughing. Smuggles’s eye flashed with rage and he slammed a hand down on his desk.
“I’m sorry, is something amusing here?”
“No no… Well yeah, sorry, it’s just… You got every supervillain to band together, captured most of the superheroes, and basically took over the entire world just to get back at some low rate blogger?”
“Hey, uncalled for!” I shouted.
“I’m sorry it’s just a bit ridiculous don’t you think?” 
“Honestly, I kind of agree with him,” Helm Lady said sheepishly.
“I legitimately thought this whole thing was about me,” Cowboy Rockstar admitted. “I’m kind of a big deal you know, being a semigod and all that.”
“Don’t you mean demigod?” Professor Flay asked, doing a little wiggle shake to get his chair facing Cowboy Rockstar.
“Oh, I’m that too. But I’m talking about the cult I inadvertently inspired that has deified me,” Cowboy Rockstar explained.
Smuggles banged his fist down on his desk again.
“Enough!” he shouted, before cradling his fist in his other hand. “Now that your merry band has been epically thwarted and humiliated, I must decide on your punishment. I’m not about to risk you lot plotting another breakout.”
My mind started racing for a way out. This was the first time I had come face to face with Smuggles since he’d unleashed Chuck the Fish Whisperer in the How To Hero basement. Until now I hadn’t realized just how much of what was happening revolved around me. I didn’t even realize Smuggles had been familiar with my blog before we hired him. Maybe I could work with that. 
“Do your worst Smuggles. I guarantee you it won’t be anything worse than what actual villains have done to me,” I said, affixing my most smug expression on my features.
“What are you talking about?” Smuggles said, clearly thrown.
“I mean come on. I lived with a real supervillain before. Remember Dr. Brainwave?” 
“Wait, what?” Helm Lady said. “You lived with Dr. Brainwave? We’ve been looking for him for years!” 
“Yeah well I don’t know what to tell you,” I said.
“Brainwave was a sentimental hack. Killing him was child’s play.” Smuggles said through mounting anger.
I faltered for a moment. So Smuggles had been the one who had mailed that bomb to our office? He was the reason Dr. Brainwave was dead? Sure the guy was a supervillain, but at the end of the day he had been my… my friend. And he’d sacrificed his life to save mine and my friends’. The fact that I was sitting less than three feet away from his murderer was almost too much to bear. Still, there’d be plenty of time to deal with him later. Assuming my plan worked.
“Still before you killed him he made my life miserable. You’ve read my blog, I’m sure you know all about it. So I honestly doubt that anything you plan to do can compare.”
Smuggles literally shook with rage, “I can… I can killitalics you! You ever think about that?” 
Cowboy Rockstar grinned, “Good luck with that.”
Ok, honestly I’m not sure what thatitalics was about. Is Cowboy Rockstar immortal? Has anybody ever checked that? Regardless, I decided to just roll with it.
“Do your worst.” I said.
“Guys!” Glassesman shouted exasperated. “I love taunting a bad guy as much as the next guy, but maybe we should all ease up a bit!”
“Oh relax,” I said. “Smuggles is a Z-lister trying to kick it with the big kids. He can’t just shoot us or something. If he wants to be a world-dominating evil monster he’s going to have to come up with a suitably ostentatious way to kill us and honestly, he doesn’t have the imagination. Just look at his face, this is clearly eating at him.”
It was as though a lightbulb went off over Smuggles’s head. His face warped from grimace to grin and he strode around to the other side of his desk.
“I’ve already succeeded in taking over the world and routing your beloved superheroes. I hardly need to prove myself to the likes of you. You can expect to be executed in a ‘suitable ostentatious manner’ shortly.”
I was all read to shoot back a witty retort when everything went black again.
I awoke to the sound of cheering, which made me feel pretty good. I don’t often get cheered for waking up. I’m sure Cowboy Rockstar was feeling pretty regular though, people cheer for everything that guy does. I was in the center of a gladiatorial arena, the stands were packed with guard drones and more than a few supervillains. The presence of so many of them here sent a shiver down my spine. Had Smuggles really been able to recruit and control so many supervillains? Next to me, my friends laid in a rumpled heap, all of them still unconscious with the exception of…
“Now look what you’ve done,” Professor Flay said sternly. 
I turned to look at him and saw the abject fear sketched across his features.
“Relax Prof, everything’s going to be ok.”
“How can you say that! Look at us! We’re in an arena surrounded by bloodthirsty supervillains for god’s sake!”
“It’s not the supervillains you should be worrying about, it’s whatever’s going to come out of that gate,” I said, pointing to a massive (well, massive relative to our shrunken selves) gate directly opposite us.
Professor Flay shuddered, “I imagine the others are still unconscious to prevent them from being able to do anything against whatever that might be.”
I nodded, “It makes sense, Smuggles doesn’t want to risk anything going wrong.”
“But I still want the satisfaction of watching at least some of you soil yourselves in fear,” Smuggles said as his smug visage appeared on a floating jumbotron that was hovering over the arena.
“You’ll never get away with this you knave!” Professor Flay shouted.
“Oh Professor, I already have. I think I’ll make today an international holiday going forward,” Smuggles said as he leaned back from the camera so we could see his entire upper body on the screen. He was sitting on a golden throne and his fingers were hovering above a big red button. I assumed whatever was waiting behind the gate would be released at the press of that button. And why prolong the inevitable.
“Why don’t you come down here so I can wipe that smug expression off of your face, you absolute goober!” I called up to Smuggles.
Smuggles frowned, “Goodbye Zach, you will not be missed.” 
His finger pressed the button. The gate started to ascend. Professor Flay sighed and rolled up his sleeves. I had to admire him, he wasn’t planning on going down without some sort of fight. As the gate rose the cheers of the crowd grew even more fevered. I think I even saw a sign that said “Cowboy Suckstar.” Rude. After what seemed like an eternity the gate was finally fully open and a ferocious roar shook the stadium as a massive beast lumbered into the arena. The ginormous monster truly had it all. Dozens of eyes, face tentacles, spikes, a flaming tail. I had to admit this would certainly be a suitably ostentatious way to die. Of course, I wasn’t about to let Smuggles get his way was I?
“Good god what is that thing?” Professor Flay said as he backed away from the giant monster. 
“It’s our way out,” I said calmly as I climbed on top of Rockblock’s comatose body, put two fingers in my mouth and whistled sharply.
“What are you doing?” Professor Flay shouted at me as the monster began galloping towards us on all fours.
I looked down at Professor Flay and smiled, “See you on the other side Prof.”
And then the monster ate me.
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danganronpa-ea · 3 years
Chapter 5 Survivors Free Time Events part 2
So counting this is spoiler and if you haven’t read chapter 5, then please do ready them before you continue on this, this is a warning!
A world where those that didn’t make it or just couldn’t survive the cruel world get a chance here, A world where things are right… A world where death never happen.
 I found myself in the garden once again, which now I got 4 buttons left which I decided that maybe I should start with the one I never got to talk to properly… Doi-san.
 As pressing the button, he appears which he was looking around, however he took notice of me pretty quickly. “Fu-Fuji-chan, your alive?” He asked surprise which I shook my head. “Sadly not, I’ve passed on but I have sometime to talk with you all.” I told him which he looks down.
 “Oh… I really hope that you weren’t but, even then I will try and be useful so I don’t make the same mistake again, will find Haku and have Future Foundation deal with him.” He promised which I nodded.
 It was a good thing to hear that honestly…
 Katou Doi’s Free Time Events!
 As then me and the mascot boy began to talk about various things and even telling me some characters he has dress up before which he seems quite festive in the activity, which is nice.
 I feel myself and Doi-san grew closer so that’s pretty nice…
 As then Doi-san gave me a huge wave to me. “Oh, Fufu-chan! I guess you wanted to speak with me? I’m glad to have those be curious of me.” He spoke with excitement which I smile a bit.
 “Well, your talent is a really interesting one – the fact that you mostly wear a costume and then your consider an Ultimate is pretty interesting.” I brought which then Doi-san huffed as he pointed his paw at me. “You should not be dismissing our hard work! As you may know, we mascot take our roles pretty seriously.” He spoke like as if I’m speaking with a professional.
 As such I gave a sheepish smile. “Well okay, I mean they are pretty adorable and I’ve seen them around during my public speeches, but that’s… unique.” I’ve seen them before but never really pay much attention to them sadly.
 As then Doi-san pointed up his paws. “The thing is, we mascots have to follow certain guidelines and rules when we are mascots! Such as a love for the local area or hometown, act out and make awkward movements! Which means we have to be flexiable! In fact, this costume of mine that I’m wearing is called ‘Kuma-kun’ which I live in the Kumamoto Prefecture.” He explained which I try to recall ‘Kuma-kun’, I mostly saw a bear and…
 I snapped my finger, remembering the creature. “Ah right, Kuma-kun is that one character I’ve seen in video games, shirts and is advertise pretty heavily.” I spoke, seeing as I remember which Doi-san look worry. “It surprises me you didn’t recognize me when at all, Fufu-chan – counting that my character is pretty well known.” He spoke as if proud of this.
 “So anyway, if you’re that famous – is it how you got your talent?” I asked which he shook his head. “Nope, I remember winning a contest back around 2012 at this costume contest which got me my letter to Hope’s Peak and even a lot of money and advertisement – I’ve even appear on TV with pretty girls!” He spoke as if proudly of this achievement.
 Well, I guess girls would find his costume really cute if anything and he doesn’t seem to have dark intentions.
 Katou Doi, Ultimate Mascot FTE: 1/5
 It was then we decided to continue talking since time did not matter in dreams, correct?
 As then me and the mascot boy began to talk about various things and even telling me some characters he has dress up before which he seems quite festive in the activity, which is nice.
 I feel myself and Doi-san grew closer so that’s pretty nice…
 I then took out a sewing kit which I gave to Doi-san. “Wowie wowie, I got a gift from a pretty girl! Thank you~!” He thank me as then he puts it away.
 As then I had another question to wonder. “Say Katou-san, I had been curious-.” “Eh? Why call me by surname – just call me ‘Kuma-kun’ or ‘Doi-kun’ I don’t mind!” He spoke which I blinked then nodded.
 “Okay then, Doi-san… But seeing as this is a profession for you – I get a feeling you visited quite a few places that relate to mascots, right?” I asked which he nodded. “Oh yeah! I visited Festivals, Contest for Yuru Chara, Hospitals quite a lot actually, other schools and even overseas before.” He say as recalling the places which I was surprise by this.
 He really seems pretty busy to get his character’s name out there. “So then, did you make Kuma-kun yourself?” I asked which he nodded. “Yeppi yeppi! I even came up with the idea with my best friend who was at the hospital and bringing him homework – he even help me with some design choices.” He told me which I smiled a bit as then I had heard America has mascots.
 “So then, what about Mascots from the US? I do recall seeing a few in the West – how were they?” I asked which then he gesture a thinking. “I mean, some were okay like the time our team went against the US at baseball, but I went to other sports too – even met the team manager a few times who I heard is going to Hope’s Peak! But as for how they are in the US… I can’t say I hold a high opinion of them.” He told me which I blinked.
 I guess it would make sense the Ultimate Mascot would have certain standards which he gestures a worried look. “I mean the ones at the park are okay since they have to be in character but there are ones that I can’t help but feel annoyed with them…” He spoke, which I try to recall what they were.
- posers
-cheaply made costumes
 “I’m not really knowledgeable with this stuff but, Mascots on the street?” I asked which he gave a nod. “Yep, I can’t feel anything from them, heck I even had to do research about the character I’m performing as to get a better grasp of there character.” He spoke which I was surprise to learn that part about him.
 “Oh, you like cartoons…?” I asked which he gave a nod. “Well yes, especially if they have a cute animal that has a mascot so I would know how to act exactly. I mean that’s also part of the job if I have to act like any other character outside of Kuma-kun.” He explained.
 So seems that Doi-san takes his career as a mascot pretty seriously, I sure learn quite a bit about him from this conversation…
 Katou Doi, Ultimate Mascot FTE: 2/5
 It was then we decided to continue talking since time did not matter in dreams, correct?
 As then me and the mascot boy began to talk about various things and even telling me some characters he has dress up before which he seems quite festive in the activity, which is nice.
 I feel myself and Doi-san grew closer so that’s pretty nice…
 I took out this game station that I’m sure gamers would love as handing it to him. “Oh hey, is it for me? Thank you so much!” He thanked which then suddenly Doi-san didn’t seem as happy which well… I guess makes sense what happen with Tomohiro-san.
 “…So, you and Tomohiro-san, both of you were childhood friends?” I asked which he nodded. “Yes, he is… Tomo-kun was honestly someone I would consider to being my best friend for a very long time, actually… he was the one that did accept me.” He spoke, seeming to speak more normally which surprise me.
 As then he still felt guilty for the whole thing. “I… still feel sorry for acting out like I did, I mean I didn’t know he was going to kill or even knew of Chikao-kun’s allergies.” He stated which I shook my head. “No, it’s fine – I don’t any of you knew of it. Actually, we should have told all of you and I think Tomohiro-san did not mean to if you ask me.” I explained but then I thought over one of us statement.
 “So… when he mentions that he didn’t have many friends because he was in the hospital so often, you mention he was the only one to accept you.” I asked which he blinked then he looks down.
 “Ah right, well… I tend to mask how I really feel quite a bit and not many people would know what I’m like so I find it easier to fake a personality, y’know.” He explained which then he pulled his mask over his head. “Plus I don’t hate my current personality, just that… I sometimes have to use it to protect myself from people, actually people tend to like me when I fake it…” He stated which I was surprise.
 So Doi-san tends to fake a personality and not be his real self around others. “So… is this your personality right now?” I asked which I nodded. “Yes, I guess people would be surprise to hear I speak normally and talk normally, but still… I will try and figure a way to be useful from here on out.” He promises as then he thought it over.
 “I mean… making meals should be easy~.” He stated which I was surprise. “Wait, you can cook?” I asked which he nodded. “Yep, I’ve done it for as long as I remember since my parents aren’t around very often at home, I end up letting myself in usually but I think my parents have work and say as long as I have good grades then they don’t care what I do – usually.” He spoke which surprise.
 It seems that the actual Doi-san seems more calmer and not like the persona he was displaying and seems that his parents have a very ‘hands-off’ approach to things.
 Katou Doi, Ultimate Mascot FTE: 3/5
 It was then we decided to continue talking since time did not matter in dreams, correct?
 As then me and the mascot boy began to talk about various things and even telling me some characters he has dress up before which he seems quite festive in the activity, which is nice.
 I feel myself and Doi-san grew closer so that’s pretty nice…
 After that I took out a bottle of water which he smiled. “Thank you, I’ll be sure to use this actually so thanks.” He spoke as he put it away.
 As then I started to think over what to ask regarding Doi-san himself. “So, since you mention that you weren’t pretty close with your parents, then how was school?” I asked which he tilted his head to the side.
 “Huh? Oh well school was fine; I never really was bullied or popular – actually I blended into the crowd pretty easily that people are usually surprise when I told them that I was in the bear costume – it reminds me of that on super hero that just has to put on glasses and no one recognizes him.” He spoked as laughing a bit sheepishly.
 It was… oddly surprising that Doi-san seems to be speak normally. “You don’t seem bother by blending in and people only knowing you for your fake personality.” I asked which he look to the ground. “Well like say, I don’t think many people would like my usual personality and really, faking it is better then being honest.” He told me, like as if it was certainty.
 “Well, why is that?” I asked which he went silent. “Why?” “I mean, there has to be a reason why you fake a personality so often and even pretend to be something you’re not – is there a reason.” I told him which he went silent.
 As then he pulled his mask off which I got to see his action he had this frown as he spoke. “The thing is, I tend to suffer with chronic depression and really bad autism where I had repeated things quite a bit, which… I did get help when I was little – actually I tend to start fights with other kids which is for how I look or some other petty reason which got me nearly kick out of school once and worse it’s usually due to the other kid starting it.” He spoke which did surprise me.
 “Wait, you have depression? I never really notice that at all…” I asked which he shrugged. “Well, I just don’t like bringing it up, I do have medications for it along with knowing how to take care of it and… maybe even sometimes where I’m too shy to speak of my love life at times.” He mumbled which I had grown curious.
 “Love life? You… feel in love?” I asked which he looked nervous. “Well, remember that my best friends were Tomo-kun, he uh… was also my first crush as well, actually – honestly I did start to realize that I found myself more attracted to guys or at least a preference and I did confess to him but… he rejected me which I got really upset and was about to leave but he told me that while he doesn’t feel that way, I was still his friend which I was happy but understand that he didn’t feel that way… I did speak with doctors about that and…” He explained which I was curious.
 As he went quiet, he put the mask on. “Some told me it’s connected to my chronic depression or maybe something I have no control over – I’m… still not sure honestly, which is why I faked my personality.” He told me which I became quiet.
 As then I spoke. “Doi-san, I… don’t think it’s wrong for you to feel that way. From the sounds of it – you can’t exactly control how you feel and I think Tomohiro-san seem to not hate you either. While maybe he may not feel the same way – I think he does care for you and that should matter.” I told him which he went silent.
 Suddenly he pull his mask over his head. “Heh, you… really are smart and pretty, so thank you.” He shyly spoke.
 I could tell he seem happy to hear that which I’m glad…
 Katou Doi, Ultimate Mascot FTE: 4/5
 It was then we decided to continue talking since time did not matter in dreams, correct?
 As then me and the mascot boy began to talk about various things and even telling me some characters he has dress up before which he seems quite festive in the activity, which is nice.
 I feel myself and Doi-san grew closer so that’s pretty nice…
 After that I took out a box of sweets and sugar canes which he seem excited. “Oh nice, I can have this? Thank you!” He thanked me which he took them. As then Doi-san smiled at me.
 “Heya Fuji-chan, I uh… just want to say thanks for telling me.” He spoke as he took off his mask and smiled.
 “Huh, thank me? For what?” I asked which he giggled a bit. “Well, maybe not lying to myself about who I am and be more honest with everyone here from here on out! I mean… I still want to be useful and help the others.” He spoke which I smiled which he tilted his head to the side.
 “Beside I know I’m not a leader nor can take command at all, but I just want to help everyone out and prove I can be useful. So maybe I can work with them and fight onward with everyone so thank you.”
 He spoke as if he decided what to do and figure what he can, despite his talent being odd – he realize that he wants to be useful to the others.
 I could feel a strong bond between Doi-san and myself, which I can’t help but smile a bit.
 Katou Doi, Ultimate Mascot FTE: 5/5
 Congrats you have finish up all Free time events with Katou Doi; give yourself a pat on the back!
 After that we started talking quite a bit, I learn quite a few things about the actual Doi-san and even hobbies that aren’t related to his talent such as his love for crafting puzzles and reading which I did not expect at all.
 However when he disappears, I look down at the three remaining buttons and press Haiiro-kun’s.
 As then he appears which he closes his eyes. “So, seems they figure out your plan and while I’m glad you protect young lady Sunako-chan, I’ll try and protect her with my life.” He spoke which I gave a nod.
 Seems that Haiiro-kun understand what he must do, prepare himself for what comes along… as such, we began to talk.
 Nakahara Rai/Haiiro’s Free Time Events!
 As such me and Haiiro began to talk quite a bit about various electronics and even things he’s very interested in the things I had to say or maybe he just like the sound of my voice? I wasn’t sure…
 Seems we grew closer together…
 As then I took out what look to be a wire tapper of some kind which I then gave to him. “Oooh, something for me to use! Thank ya!” He thanked me as he put it away as then Haiiro-kun stroke his chin.
 “You came to visit the man born from thunders once again?” He asked which I laughed a bit. “Hehe, well maybe – I just find your talent really interesting and overall, I can’t help but grow curious of you.” I told him which he blinked which he still had a smile on his face.
 I guess that Haiiro-kun was surprise by this as then he spoke. “So since your curious about me, what type of electronics do you use?” He asked which I thought it over. “Well it’s pretty common and not too exciting such as my phone for calls and laptop to type up papers, why?” I asked which he pointed to me.
 “Don’t put yourself down, I’m sure you have devices you use! We use electricity and electronics everyday for everyday needs; lights, TVs, electric toothbrushes and even things that are taken for granted we have use.” He began to lecture which I guess it is true to his words – we do tend to take electronics and electricity for granted.
 He then made a thumb gesture as pointing to one direction. “I’ll say this much; a lot of us rely on electricity and electronics and without it. We wouldn’t even know how to live – it proves people take them for granted.” He spoke as he frowns.
 From the sounds of it, it seems Haiiro-kun takes his job pretty serious and seems to value mundane things which I guess could be respectful. “From the sounds of it, you seem to value those things – any reason for that?” I asked which as then the electrical engineer try to remember.
 Then he looks at me with a straight face. “I… guess for me, I use to live a life where I had no electricity and electronics I do need; like maybe if I had a cell phone, my parents wouldn’t have died in a car crash or if I had an oven or microwave, I could feed myself proper food… So I don’t take kindly to people that don’t value the things they already have.” He stated which I was surprise to hear this from Haiiro-kun.
 I… never knew he live a poor life and even then, maybe he values things and doesn’t take it for granted.
 Nakahara Rai, Ultimate Electrical Engineer FTE – 2/5
 It was then we decided to continue talking since time did not matter in dreams, correct?
 As such me and Haiiro began to talk quite a bit about various electronics and even things he’s very interested in the things I had to say or maybe he just like the sound of my voice? I wasn’t sure…
 Seems we grew closer together…
 I took out a busted-up radio that seem to be still workable but just needs some tuning. “Oooh, something for me to tinker with! Thank you!” He thanked me as he took the item.
 I couldn’t help but be silent after that rather heavy conversation – I… never knew that side of Haiiro-kun, maybe I did misjudge him quite a bit for that which then he seem to smile and spoke. “You seem worry, is it about what we spoke last time…?” I asked which I look to the ground.
 “I guess… what you say about your life, I’m surprise you live that life but, how are you okay?” I asked which he thought it over as he gave a shrug. “Personally, I did grieve and all that but personally I don’t think my parents would want me to be sad all the time, y’know?” He says which I blinked. “Really, they don’t?” I asked, not sure how to feel what he says which then he gave a small nod.
 “Yep – I mean while my family was poor and live in the slums for as long as I remember, I still got to spend a lot of time with my folks; they… felt guilty for not having things I need or blame themselves for things that were out of there control.” He told me which I was surprise by this.
 I couldn’t help but be impressed by this as then he continues. “My mom didn���t have a job and often was the one taking care of me, while my dad was a failure of an inventor – his gadgets were pretty useless and he even say I should live a better life which… I guess it be why they crash the car and died on purpose.” He spoke which I went pale.
 His… parents died on purpose? I mean that seems reckless if I had to say anything as then he shrugged. “As say, I don’t hate my parents as one would think; in fact, … I don’t think I would of met you so I think this was oddly a blessing!” He stated as then his face went red as looking away.
 “I-I mean, I do like the others too – just so were clear!” He spoke as trying to cover it up.
 I couldn’t help but snicker a bit… he still the same goofball, despite what happen.
 Nakahara Rai, Ultimate Electrical Engineer FTE – 3/5
 It was then we decided to continue talking since time did not matter in dreams, correct?
 As such me and Haiiro began to talk quite a bit about various electronics and even things he’s very interested in the things I had to say or maybe he just like the sound of my voice? I wasn’t sure…
 Seems we grew closer together…
 As then I try to think over what else to say to Haiiro-kun, seeing as then I thought of something. “So I guess seeing as dad was a fail inventor, did you learn to make those gadgets that I’ve seen you working on?” I asked him which he chuckled to himself as he put his hands to his hips.
 “Well it be obvious where I get my love for electronics, but I think between me and my old man – I was the better of the 2, seeing as I can catch onto parts missing or even showing where they go… I think even one time I made a gadget which he was very proud of me.” He stated which I grown curious. “Really, what was the gadget of yours?” I asked which he started to think.
 As then he seems very proud as he spoke. “Well, it isn’t that hard to make, I mean any kid can do it; all you need is some wires and a potato… I think you’ll know what that is.” He suggests as he wanted me to guess…
 It was easy to make and not to hard-to-get material for, it was…
 -drawing robot
>potato clock
- Bristlebot
 I try to think over this gadget and then I sighed as rolling my eyes. “You made a potato clock? I mean I made that before and it’s easy…” I told him which he laughs. “Well counting I was only 5 years old – I had fun making that thing even if it doesn’t mean much but it got me highly interested in electronics.” He spoke which then I had to wonder something for a bit.
 “Then aside from electronics, did you… have any other interest?” I asked which he thought it over. “Well – seeing as my family wasn’t too rich I tend to find myself… running around on the street quite a bit,…” He spoke sheepishly which I blinked. “Oh, like playing with other kids? Well I guess counting you live in the slums – bet there are other kids to play with you, right?” I asked.
 However, Haiiro-kun seem shock by this then look away nervously. “I… guess you could say that, yeah that’s it…” He stated which I was left confused.
 I didn’t understand that part, did… Haiiro-kun do something bad?
 Nakahara Rai, Ultimate Electrical Engineer FTE – 4/5
 It was then we decided to continue talking since time did not matter in dreams, correct?
 As such me and Haiiro began to talk quite a bit about various electronics and even things he’s very interested in the things I had to say or maybe he just like the sound of my voice? I wasn’t sure…
 Seems we grew closer together…
 As what he say last time I couldn’t but be bother by that last statement which then I asked about it. “So… you mention you ran around, right? I can’t help but feel that you aren’t telling me the whole story.” I stated which he looked nervous.
 “Re-Really, I mean… running is good and all that, so if anything, I think it should be fine.” “Haiiro …” I say in a very stern tone which cause him to stiffen up as sweat started to form as then he look away.
 Clearly his face goes red. “I uh… actually stole things.” He spoke which I was surprise. “Stole? Wait, did you steal things from people?! Why would you-?” “Look, I had no money and I was going to die if I didn’t.” He snapped which I was surprise by this.
 As then he looks away from me, clearly not happy to say this. “I get that it’s wrong and all that, I don’t need that morale high ground but counting that I didn’t want to die – I had to resort to stealing, while yes it’s wrong and I understand that but… I wish to stop that.” He stated which I couldn’t help but be surprise.
 “Really? You mean you wanted to stop stealing?” I asked which he nodded. “Yes, like I say – I know right from wrong. I had to do it so I don’t die and I think being here has given me a second chance and as say I got to spend time with you all.” He spoke as then he put his heart to his chest as his face went red.
 “As say, I… I do want to be with all of you, I want to tell you everything and… I feel when the time has come, I’ll tell everyone about my past and who I am but I rather not, not yet since… I need to be sure they are ready and… if it means to protect you then so be it.”
 He spoke as if it were a confession which I was a bit flustered and nodded. “I see, then… I can’t wait to hear it then, Haiiro-kun.” I spoke as I took his hand and smile which his face went red.
 I… surely felt a bond form between us and, one that I do cherish and would never forget… ever.
 Nakahara Rai, Ultimate Electrical Engineer FTE – 5/5
 Congrats you have finish up all Free time events with Nakahara Rai/Haiiro; give yourself a pat on the back!
 After that me and Haiiro-kun started to speak about other things and even had some fun conversations that I couldn’t help but feel invested in him personality – he was pretty charming and funny to me!
 But even then…
 I hope he does reveal everything of who he is to the others so they can trust and work together…
 I then notice I had 2 buttons left which I decided to press… Eito-san.
 As then he appears which he saw me. “So, visit me in my dreams – you… got a weird sense of humor, Fuji-san.” He spoke with some hint of annoyance which I just sighed.
 “Yes and I’m sorry, but I was worried Masa-san would do something but seems she prove me wrong… I still find it odd you strongly believe in her, y’know?” I asked which he crossed his arms.
 He shrugged as he smiled. “Well I mean, we can get why you are but don’t worry – we won’t let Haku do anything to Sunako-chan, Plus I’m sure we can take care of those Monokumas if he has more by the time Future Foundation shows up.” He inform me which I smiled.
 That’s… all I needed to hear.
 Kobayashi Eito’s Free Time Events!
 As then myself and Eito-san started to speak about quite a few things that interest us, various activities we like to do along with speaking about things of our past and just fond memories in a way.
 I feel that Eito-san and myself grew closer together, …
 Which then I reach into my pocket and took out a crossword puzzle which is easy to solve as I gave it to him. “Eh? For me, thanks! I’ll do something with it.” He thanked me as he put it away.
 “So, Fuji-san – a bit curious of you but… how is relations with your old man?” He asked which I shrugged. “I got along with him pretty well before he passed away, I do enjoy talking with him – why do you ask?” I asked which he cross his arms. “I see… your pretty lucky.” He spoke.
 I blinked; I mean I get along well with my dad so it wasn’t that big of a deal as then. “Wait, did your father do something bad?” I asked which he shook his head. “Nah, he wasn’t abusive just… had issues mentally.” He spoke which I tilted my head to the side. “mentally? What do you mean?” I asked which he shrugged.
 “Well, my dad was a former soldier during the time of the Vietnam War, he’s a veteran so he does suffer from some PTSD and other trauma that he has had pretty bad episodes and those episodes go worse after mom die,” He explains as I was surprise.
 To learn that Eito-san had a father like that which then he continues. “So your dad has those issues?” I asked which he put his hand in his pocket. “Well yeah, I don’t hate my old man or anything, it’s how life is, personally I had people pity me just because my mom died and my father can’t handle certain work without having an episode so work had to go to me and my bro, which well… his job is a bit more dangerous.” He told me which I started to think.
 His brother’s job is dangerous, I wonder what that job was. “See my older brother, Hisao worked in the army as a pilot – he was able to do these amazing feats. Even do these cool shows and even gave me the jacket I’m wearing right now!” He snickered then suddenly frown which he sighed.
 “However, it… seem to get Hope’s Peak’s attention and counting what my mom did to her, I… wasn’t very happy when he accepted.” He slouched, clearly Hope’s Peak being an issue still.
 I… do get his reason why he hates Hope’s Peak but maybe he isn’t getting the full picture…
 Kobayashi Eito, Ultimate ??? FTE – 3/5
 It was then we decided to continue talking since time did not matter in dreams, correct?
 As then myself and Eito-san started to speak about quite a few things that interest us, various activities we like to do along with speaking about things of our past and just fond memories in a way.
 I feel that Eito-san and myself grew closer together, …
 I took out a ticket that has been known for having the best bet when it comes to horse races which I gave to him. “Whoa, for me – well I guess I’ll be taking these so thanks.” He thanked me as he put it away.
 As then he crosses his arms, I guess he’s still bother by Hope’s Peak which he sighed.
 “Say, Eito-san… did you ever wonder why your brother became a Hope’s Peak student?” I asked which he groan. “You think I didn’t ask that question;” He spoke as if he already did.
 As then he pulled out something which he shows an image of him when he was younger and what seems to be his brother with green eyes. “You see, my bro was the type that always saw the good in people and was pretty naïve on some stuff, but he had good intentions. I think it’s why he became a pilot during his time in the army – he thought he was doing the right thing, he was well… my hero I guess.” He say with a small smile but then he look away.
 “Sadly when he got that letter, he accepted I told him that he’s pretty much going to that school that ended with our mother’s life but then he told me that reason was for dad, he knew our jobs could only get so far and tend to pay for stuff but… I just thought we live a good life, y’know.” He spoke as then getting annoyed.
 “Then even worse luck, I got accepted… seriously I question why I did but after some convincing I decided to give it a chance…” He stated, he didn’t like that school at all.
 Which then lead me to tilting to the side. “Then,… why did you accept?” I asked which he look surprise by that question. “Huh, why?” “Well, why did you accept – you must have had a reason to accept that invitation so why…?” Eito-san then cross his arms then sighed. “Well, I guess it’s to figure out what happen with mom and why she died at thirty, and… I heard that we had this Ultimate Journalist in our class so I figure I can go and ask her…” He explained.
 So pretty much he didn’t go to Hope’s Peak for no reason but just to find out what happen with his mother. “I see, that be understandable… you wish to find the truth about what happen and I can’t blame you.” I told him which he smiled a bit. “Yeah, I mean I still hate that this school calls itself ‘mankind’s hope’ or whatever, I just don’t see it for that especially if my mother’s death due to brain damage and knowing she was from the Reserve Course and graduated as a Hope’s Peak Student… so to me it’s odd.” He spoke as then he look to the ground.
 “But even then, I don’t think I would ever view that place highly even after I graduate – I just can’t, but I think if there’s one thing…” He paused which I was curious. “And what would that be?” I asked which he chuckled to himself.
 As then the boy gave a shrug. “I guess meeting you all? I mean, while I don’t view Hope’s Peak as the greatest place on earth or hell, even hate it – I think being around you lot gave me some form of hope… wow, look at me talking about the power of friendship or whatever…” He say as laughing to himself.
 I guess despite his dislike for Hope’s Peak… he still clearly cares for everyone in the class.
 Kobayashi Eito, Ultimate ??? FTE – 4/5
 It was then we decided to continue talking since time did not matter in dreams, correct?
 As then myself and Eito-san started to speak about quite a few things that interest us, various activities we like to do along with speaking about things of our past and just fond memories in a way.
 I feel that Eito-san and myself grew closer together, …
 I then took out what look to be some trial mix which I gave to him. “Huh, oh that’s cool – thanks a lot.” He thanked me as putting it away as Eito-san pulled his hat down, I guess he like it.
 “Y’know… I think I realize something when talking with you…” He say as I was surprise by this. “Huh, what would that be?” I asked as he look me straight in the end and say.
 Clearly, he came to a conclusion as he spoke. “While Hope’s Peak is something I’ll never view as good, I do think we can form hope ourselves without relying on Hope’s Peak, I think… our class is hope, y’know?” He spoke which I was surprise by this then he continues.
 “I think counting the fact we all try to get along and work together, that’s hope for me and I can’t help but admire… I mean, I’m no symbol of hope but-.” “What are you talking about? You’re a symbol of hope as well…” I told him which he stares at me then sighed.
 Clearly, he did not want to be called that. “I guess? But if you look at the talents we have, there are symbols of hope in their own way – they bring good to humanity but me… I’m not that at all, and besides my talent isn’t really that useful. It’s only for my self benefit then something that helps others…” He spoke as I pointed to him.
 “Eito-san, you need to realize that despite how you view yourself – you could be a symbol of hope even without talent. There are many people out there that don’t have talents and can-do amazing things and even then, from when I spoke with you. You have skills and qualities that make you a good person so if anything, … Talented or not, you are some form of hope. That’s what I think.” I told him straight up which he looks surprise by this which he became silent as then he laughed.
 “You seriously keep speaking like that – I could see why many of us do look up to you as some form of hope and I think if anything were to happen to you then… I wouldn’t be sure what to do but… I think I’ll try be seen as that example so, keep doing your best… okay?”
 He spoke as if making a promise that… if anything were to happen to me, he would take the charge and lead them, even if I fail. I know he won’t.
 With that in mind, I could be sure to trust Eito-san and I even felt we bonded pretty well…
 Kobayashi Eito, Ultimate ??? FTE – 5/5
 Congrats you have finish up all Free time events with Kobayashi Eito; give yourself a pat on the back!
 After that, me and Eito-san began to talk about hobbies and any other thing we came to enjoy, he surely enjoy talking quite a bit and I couldn’t help but listen… despite his attitude, he can be fun.
 But I know for sure…
 He surely would be a good leader, I think he could lead the group to safety and capture Haku.
 I then look down and had one more button… yeah, just one more.
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alittleoptimistic · 4 years
Psychic For Hire
A Buzzfeed Unsolved Fan fic
Summary: Shane is a psychic for hire working in LA, and sure, he’s a fake, but at least he's telling people what they need to hear! That is, he thought he was fake. But after a strange accident, he begins to have the oddest dreams... Meanwhile his old friend Ryan is researching his next greatest supernatural horror novel in the underbelly of the LA psychic scene and wondering how on earth you convince someone they actually might be psychic for real?
Trigger warning: violence, car accidents, dead people
Chapter One
The woman’s hand flew to her mouth. Her hair hung in thick, dry tufts on her white blouse, unnaturally red. She was a forty-five-year-old divorcee who wore several rings. Her ear piercings were stretched out like taffy, weighed down by gaudy diamond-shaped earrings. Her voice trembled. “ Jayson ? That’s my- that’s my son! How could you-”
He screwed his eyes shut. “-he wants to tell you he’s... alright. He’s not in any pain. And-and to not worry about…” He opened his eyes and peered at her quizzically. “The game?”
Ms. Snyder wiped her eyes, and he handed her a tissue that was conveniently on hand. She dabbed away, careful to keep from smearing her eyeliner. “I-I missed his last baseball game. And then when he didn’t come home, gosh... what kind of mother doesn’t go to their kids' baseball game...”
“Hey.” He caught her shaking hands and laid them in her lap as gently as he could. Her skin was soft and manicured, the lines in her palms deep. “He forgives you. Do you hear me? He loves you and he knows how much you love him.”
Her lip trembled. A watery sort of smile attempted to find room amid the trembling, and she gave a little embarrassed laugh. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think I’d get so emotional.”
“It’s alright. Of course, you would. He’s your son.”
She nodded once, and again. A deep breath. “Thank you, Mr. Madej. I needed to hear that.”
Shane patted her hand and closed up the notebook he’d had out. It was covered in nonsense scribbles from a small pencil he held in his hand. “Ah,” He waved his hand, “Call me Shane.”
Ms. Snyder sniffed and smiled. “Well, thank you, Shane. That was… astonishing. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure- I just needed something. Some-”
“Closure?” he offered.
She nodded. “How much do I owe you?”
Shane smiled and took out his cellphone, credit card slider already embedded in the charging port. He named his price and she swiped her card.
As she stood up, straightening her clothes, she took another steadying breath. And then quietly, almost to herself. “Goodness…”
Shane stood and led her to the office door.
He conducted sessions in a small portion of his house closed off by glass doors and windows. He called it his office. It was painted in calming shades of white and brown. Very ‘live, laugh, love’. It might have been used as a parlor or a piano room if anyone else had lived there. There was an abstract painting against the back wall that resembled a beach, and fake reeds sprouted from a tall skinny vase in the corner. There was a coffee table between two armchairs and a couch. It could either have been a nice waiting room or a therapist’s office if not for the red neon sign through the blinds in the street facing window. PSYCHIC
Shane opened the glass door and walked her to the front door of his home. “It was wonderful to meet you, Ms. Snyder. If you ever need anything else, you call me?” He pointed at his business card in her hand.
Ms. Snyder nodded. “I’ll do that.”
“And,” He lowered his voice, although of course there was no one else to hear. “Be careful. I know you live a bit of a distance. If you do ever decide to visit another, ah, advisor, I would highly recommend keeping to the list of recommendations I have on my website. They are good people. But there are a lot of not-so-nice people in LA.”
Ms. Snyer blinked at him, almost surprised, and she relaxed even further. There. If there had been any reservation left, she had abandoned it. She trusted him. He had her. “Oh, I’m aware. Thank you. I appreciate the honesty. Your… your gift is incredible.”
Shane smiled, lips tucked in. “It is what it is. And you are very welcome. Now have a-”
There was a knock on the door, just as Shane reached to open it for Ms. Snyder.
He paused, confused. He didn’t have any more appointments today.
Ms. Snyder made a small noise. “Oh dear, I don’t mean to keep you.”
“I don’t think it’s another client,” Shane said, brow furrowed. “Could be an old friend of mine, but he’s not due to get here until tonight.” Shrugging, he opened the door.
Shane was correct. It was Ryan.
Standing on the bottom step, tapping on his phone, stood a young man Shane remembered well, although he had not seen him since, what, graduation? He was older, of course, than Shane remembered. More of substantial weight to him (not that Shane was saying he was fat, cause he wasn’t. Ryan just looked… grown-up. Solid. A man now, not the gangly kid he used to be). But Ryan stood in the same, slightly nervous way, bouncing on his heels.
Ryan looked up. “Shane! God, are you taller ?”
Wonderful. “Nice to see you too. Ryan, this is Ms. Snyder. Ms. Snyder, Ryan. We were roommates in college. Ms. Snyder is a client of mine.”
Ms. Snyder cocked her head, clearly interested, and shook Ryan’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you! What brings you to town?”
Ryan opened his mouth. “Actually, I’m writing a-”
That was far enough. “Here, Ryan, why don’t you come inside? Ms. Snyder, until next time?”
“Oh, yes!” She shouldered her purse. “Most definitely. I’ll leave you two to catch up!” With that, she clickety-clacked in her heels to an inordinately fancy car and drove away down the street of the average, nice, modern neighborhood Shane lived in.
Ryan, joining him on the porch, watched her go. They squinted out into the bright California sun.
There was a beat of silence which Shane didn’t try to break, hands in his pockets.
“Dang.” Ryan finally spoke. “Got her wrapped around your finger. What’d you do, tell her she’s gonna win the lottery?”
Shane hummed. “I told her her son forgives her for staying home with a hangover instead of going to his baseball game the day that he died in a car accident.” He picked at the stitching in the neckline of his sweater.
Ryan blinked. “Holy frick, dude.”
“In nicer words, obviously.” He looked down at him. “I thought you weren’t supposed to get here until tonight.”
“Sorry. I’m a fast driver and then I didn’t see the point in hanging out in an empty hotel for hours.”
Another non-committal hum. And then Shane shrugged. “Okay. Cool. Do you want lunch? I haven't eaten yet and there’s a Cuca’s nearby that is frankly divine.”
Ryan nodded. “Yeah! Sure.”
It was odd, how very natural it felt to talk to him. It was like it was just last week they’d been sitting on the floor grumbling through papers they should have written days earlier. And yet here was this distance, years of time spent only occasionally interacting through Facebook likes and Instagram comments.
“Let me grab my wallet.” Shane ducked back in the house, and Ryan trailed in after him. He busied himself searching for his wallet in the kitchen drawers, and pretended he didn’t notice Ryan blatantly snooping, eyes wide.
He popped his head into the kitchen, Shane’s ‘office’, the bathroom, the living room. It was only when he started to knock over one of the fake plants that Shane gave him a look, wallet, and keys in hand.
Ryan stood the plant back up. “Sorry. Just, this is… a really nice house.”
Shane gave him a closed smile. “Thank you.”
“No, but like, really nice. Like, how the heck do you afford this?” Most people might be embarrassed to ask a question like that. Ryan wasn’t and Shane wasn’t offended.
He got this question a lot actually. There was an idea people had in their minds of what a psychic was supposed to be. Creepy little offices in a run-down track mall next to a nail salon that doubled in sex trafficking, or a creepy booth at a carnival with crystals and incense and blah, blah, blah. Shane’s business wasn’t like that. He was clean and shaved and dressed in a brown sweater and he let his clients drink from his Starbucks espresso machine while he told them what they needed to hear. The less he was associated with thieves and liars, the better.
He shrugged. They walked outside, down the steps, and simultaneously got into Shane’s car. “You get in with the right people, the right customers, being a psychic brings in the big bucks. Besides, LA is superstitious as hell.” Shockingly so, Shane thought sometimes. It blew his mind how many hundreds and hundreds of dollars people were willing to give up to hear him spout off some nonsense.
And that’s what it was, of course.
They sat in a red leather booth at the restaurant and the plastic fabric protested loudly as they slid inside. It was past the lunch rush and the place was relatively empty, decorated with colorful paintings of wild animals, sculls, Christmas lights, the distant sound of Spanish radio, banging pots, and the rapid-fire speech of an employee in the kitchen. The food would be delicious, as it always was.
Usually, Shane could hardly wait.
But there was a pit in his stomach, a deep sort of twist that kept him stiff and ready to stand. Was he nervous? Was that what it was? But Ryan didn’t make him nervous. In fact, Ryan only increased exponentially Shane’s ability to be the calm one in comparison to Ryan.
Ryan dipped a chip in salsa and raised an eyebrow.
“So it is then? Just-, just you know, fake.”
Shane looked at him for a long moment, contemplating whether or not he was actually posing a serious question. “I mean, yeah. What else- you seriously think I can talk to dead people? I see the future? I look into the oogly-googly beyond and-”
“Well, fine, not you specifically!”
Shane chuckled. “It's fake, Ryan. I've seen it all. It's all fake.”
Ryan thought about this. He didn’t seem particularly enthused, which Shane would have expected. But Shane wasn’t going to lie to him. There wasn’t any reason to sugar coat it.
Ryan’s voice was quiet. “Last time I talked to you, you wanted to be a magician.”
“Last time we talked I was a dumbass. You can’t make money in LA as a magician. Well, you can. I just didn’t.”
Ryan stirred a chip, ate it, and chewed thoughtfully on the inside of his lip. “So that’s it then? You’re a con-man.”
Shane sat back. He didn’t invite Ryan to stay with him just to be judged. “Says the ‘true paranormal sightings’ author!”
“First of all, I write fiction based on fact, which is not conning."Ryan wrinkled his nose. "It’s just entertainment and research. You are actively lying to people.”
That hurt. A lot. He didn’t need this and on top of that, Shane honestly disagreed. Yes, he was lying to them constantly, but Shane didn’t hurt them! He was telling people what they needed to hear! He gave them closure when there was no other place to turn. And yeah, so the psychic part was rubbish, but it worked! It worked for his clients, and it gave him enough money to own a nice home and a car and gave him the option to eat out twice a week if he felt like it. “It’s better they come to me than to some tiny hovel where some witch will tell them they have to live on butter if they want to survive through the next year. Or worse, make them come back for a reading over and over until they're bankrupt just because they’re grieving and hardly in their right mind.”
Ryan paused at this. “People really do that?”
“Yeah! Happens all the time. And stuff like the stupid butter thing! Made local news. ‘Lady Eats Nothing But Butter to Avoid Death’. She didn’t die but she got super sick.”
Their food came and they took it mutely, neither looking at each other in the eye. Maybe things weren’t quite like how they used to be. Or maybe they were always this way when it came to this subject; a little tense, ever since Ryan told him he honest to god believed in ghosts, all the way back in sophomore year of university. Shane had reacted… less than ideally, he’d admit. It wasn’t his place to judge people, and he was far better at that now than he was at eighteen, but he just couldn't compute how otherwise perfectly sane people could believe in such ridiculous things. Unless they’d been tricked, of course. And he’d rather it be a nice trick, if it came to that, than an evil one.
Shane sighed. “Look, I don’t want to argue about this. You emailed me , remember? I’ll let you see what it's like to be a ‘real life psychic’ or whatever. But I’m not going to play pretend with you. You’re not a client and you can do whatever you want to make yourself happy, but this is just how the world works.”
The knot in Shane’s stomach wound tighter, and he couldn’t imagine eating. He wasn’t hungry anymore. There was something in the air that pulled at his skin, tugging him, making his entire body feel tight and fragile and horrible. His stomach felt sick all of the sudden, and he set his fork down with a rattle of metal on porcelain.
He must have eaten something weird.
“You alright, big guy?”
He hummed. His head buzzed. He took a sip of water. “Yes. Sorry. I started feeling sick for a second there. It’s a little better now.”
Ryan’s face relaxed from indignance into concern. “Shit, dude. Did you ea s.”
Ryan was not put out by the shortcut meal. Shane paid for them both quickly, before Ryan could object, and they took their to-go boxes into the car, setting them on the sun-warmed dashboard. The feeling didn’t go away, even as they eased onto the main road and took a left toward Shane’s house.
“I’ll drive,” Ryan offered. He kept side eyeing Shane. “You look really pale. Are you sure you’re alright?”
Shane didn’t answer, too busy trying to not throw up. This was the worst timing. “I’m fine! It’s fine. Just drive!”
“If we need to pull over-”
“Look at the road, Ryan!” Shane’s stomach lurched again. He rolled down the window frantically as the buzzing in his head became so loud he could hear nothing else.
Then it happened.
He remembered it later in bits and pieces, everything in slow motion. Ryan, mouth open, a hand stretched toward him, looking at Shane, and more importantly, not looking at the truck that barreled toward them. The tacos flew in the air, cheese, and lettuce like dust in a light beam. Shane saw it all in his side mirror, his head out the window. He wasn’t fast enough to pull back inside.
With shocking strength, the truck plowed into the front of the car. Something burned down Shane's legs and then he was flying. There was the sky, the ground, the sky.
The ground.
He woke up to the sound of an ambulance and the smell of vomit. Above him, sunlight trickled through layers of green leaves.
His brain felt like it was stuffed with sand. He struggled to move and found he could, but a hand pushed his shoulder into the ground. Ryan, above him. He was bleeding from a nick on the shoulder, but otherwise looked alright. He was shaking, eyes wide and red. This was gonna traumatize him forever, poor thing. Ryan was so sensitive when it came to danger. He didn’t mesh well with it...
“Can you hear me? Shane? Jeez, Shane, you’re bleeding-”
“S’okay.” Shane managed. He didn’t feel like anything was broken. He tried to wiggle his fingers and toes. They wiggled just fine. He blinked a few times. His whole body hurt. How did he get out of the car? Something in his brain wasn’t lining up, and he couldn’t quite figure out the missing piece that brought him onto the sidewalk in this idyllic, old neighborhood. The light was too bright, the colors too loud. The siren wailed. Shane tried to sit up again. It wasn’t that bad. He was okay. “Why’d you call an ambulance?”
Ryan made some reply in a high pitched shriek that Shane couldn’t understand. There was the siren again. People stood around him now, telling him to stay still, to not move. Why were they being so uptight? He didn’t even feel that awful. They didn’t need to make a whole dumb fuss. Shane remembered glimpses of the ambulance and the people poking and prodding him.
He was tired. He should sleep. Shane closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the sound was gone.
The world was tangibly silent, unlike anything Shane had ever experienced. It felt like noise had never existed in the first place, like he was in space, free-floating in the nothingness of eternity. He could feel his heartbeat pounding in his throat. He sat up. Moving through the air felt like moving through thick, thick water. His arms trembled to keep him upright. The ambulance either moved so quietly and smoothly he didn’t notice it, or they’d stopped. Everything was slippery to the eye. He couldn’t see enough at once.
The light was a dull, fluorescent sort of blue, even though he remembered the sunlight from outside ought to shine inside. He should be frightened also, but Shane wasn’t. A dead calm lay over him like a thick blanket. Even if he wanted to, Shane didn’t think he could summon any kind of reaction. Moving was hard enough, and it was like whatever was pressing in on him, pressed inside him as well.
It took longer than it ought to have to notice the people lining the walls of the ambulance. A pregnant woman. A young boy. A very old man. There were several more unfamiliar people around the room, seemingly random paraphernalia, all staring at him stanchly. Something was very wrong about them, and Shane didn’t know what it was. He tried to open his mouth and break the god-awful silence, but when he spoke, there were no words. This didn’t surprise him, to be honest. The pressure only increased, begging him to lie flat once more.
After a long moment, Shane gave in and his arms buckled. He slammed into the pallet he’d been placed in. The pressure surged, pressing him deeper and deeper into the plastic. He could feel it stretching under him, his ribs creaking. It was going to push him right through the pallet, Shane realized. He screamed silently, terror rushing back to him as the pressure finally forced him into the pallet. He watched the plastic melt around his arms, his body, his neck, his face. He couldn’t see.
Their heads were on backward.
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jumukus · 4 years
A3! Event: Starring Party ‘Stories of ‘24′ 2′ Translation
Let’s watch the video messages from everyone! p.s. the words in italic mean they’re taken from the video.
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Citron: Hello, I'm Citron~! I played Tennis Saionji in Spring Troupe's sixth play "Harugaoka Quartet".
Izumi: It's Enis Saionji!
Citron: Oops, I said it wrong.
Banri: We're going hard right from the start, huh.
Citron: So I'm the first one!
Kazunari: I compiled the videos in reverse order.
Citron: I had a lot of fun when my turn to be the lead actor finally came. After all, I was merely an extra in our first play. I thought I was being bullied!
Tsuzuru: That's because you couldn't even say your lines, duh!
Citron: I was really happy to be able to perform my favorite violin-themed play with my beloved troupe members.
It's all thanks to Tsuzuru. I appreciate it.
Tsuzuru: I didn't do anything special…
Citron: I'll have him rewrite "RomiJuli" script and make Friar Laurence the lead at this rate!
Tsuzuru: Hey, hold it right there!
Citron: In my "spring," I'm not alone. I'm with everyone. Let's keep traveling the world through various plays!
Chikage: I'm not sure whether to feel moved or to laugh.
Itaru: That's Citron for you.
Masumi: He's the same as ever.
Sakuya: Let's keep performing together, Citron-san!
Muku: Eh, um, ah, uhhh…!
Yuki: You're too nervous.
Misumi: Hang in there~!
Izumi: Muku-kun, calm down.
Muku: Y-Yes!
Uhh… I'm Muku Sakisaka. I played Florence in Summer Troupe's sixth play "Floral Prince".
This play is really, really precious to me, since I've got to play my dream role, a prince.
I didn't have any confidence at first. But thanks to everyone in the Summer Troupe who supported and encouraged me, my dream came true on the stage.
I could take on the lead role because I've been rehearsing together with them ever since I joined this troupe, not only in this play.
Kyu-chan has known about my dream since we were kids, and standing onstage with him as the semi-lead was reassuring. Thank you.
Kumon: Me too, thank you!
Muku: I'll continue to work hard to become an ideal prince. Please take care of me!
Misumi: I'm sure Muku can become all types of princes~!
Yuki: Anyway, your standard of an ideal prince seems to be high.
Kazunari: I think Mukkun is already princely enough~.
Tenma: Good luck.
Muku: Yup!
Juza: I'm Juza Hyodo, portraying Blood in Autumn Troupe's sixth play "Fallen Blood".
Since this play marked the first time I took on the lead role, it made me think about a lot of things, like my potential as an actor and my goal.
I still don't know how far I can go, and how I'm supposed to be as an actor now. I still can't decide on that.
But one thing for sure, I'll continue to live my life on the stage. I'll break my butt to tell the life of the characters entrusted to me.
In order to do that, I'll move forward to polish my acting. It doesn't matter whether I'm clumsy or slow. I'm going to do it.
The video Omi-san took at the time has become my precious treasure. Thanks.
Omi: Glad the video was helpful.
Juza: I'll re-watch the video over and over again whenever I hit a wallーー.
Except Settsu's part.
Banri: You bastard!
Taichi: Ahaha!
Sakyo: God, don't be sloppy.
Azami: But that's just so like Juza-san.
Hisoka: Hisoka Mikage, playing Liam in Winter Troupe's sixth play "Risky Game".
...What should I say?
Izumi: Anything is fine, like how you felt when you got chosen as the lead role or any memorable moments.
Hisoka: Lead role, huh… I've got so many lines.
Tasuku: Hey. After all that, and that's what you've got to say?
Tsumugi: That's just like Hisoka-kun.
Hisoka: But I've got to remember something precious because of this play. Thanks to everyone… I was able to meet someone important to me once again.
Homare: Good for you, Hisoka-kun.
Hisoka: I'll continue to live as actor Hisoka Mikage, together with them…
Azuma: Yeap. Let's keep working together.
Guy: I look forward to seeing Hisoka Mikage's acting in the future.
Itaru: I'm Itaru Chigasaki. I played Lancelot in Spring Troupe's fifth play "Knight of Round IV THE STAGE".
I think it'll take around an hour for me to talk about Kniroun. Is that okay?
Izumi: Please make it short!
Itaru: Got it.
Back then, I have never ever imagined becoming Lancelot from my favorite Kniroun game.
Even though I had issues with the gap between my ideal Lancelot and the reality during our rehearsals, I had fun.
After all, I've got to play the game with everyone… I had so much fun I wanted to tell my younger self about it.
A new installment is gonna be released soon, so I'll continue to devote myself to conquering the games.
Tsuzuru: Please devote yourself to our plays!
Masumi: He doesn't grow at all.
Citron: Itaru is Itaru!
Sakuya: Let's play together again!
Itaru: Speaking of which, senpai, how many hours is your total playtime?
Chikage: ...It's a secret.
Itaru: Come on, isn't it fine to spill it now?
Chikage: I have too many save files to count.
Itaru: Seriously?
Citron: What an admirable addict!
Kazunari: Heya, Kazunari Miyoshi here! I played Kiichi in Summer Troupe's fifth play "SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring".
Leading a play was not an easy task, but I had a lot of fun~. All six of us drew togetherーwe made so many memories.
I had a blast doing action scenes with Sumi!
Misumi: Me too~!
Kazunari: I've gotta admit there was pressure in becoming the starring actor, so I'm glad I learned how hard it is to be one.
Because of that, I've come to understand further how everyone feels when they're chosen to be the starring actors!
I'll continue to be your perfect support!
By the way, I've come to cherish my passion for both acting and art even more through this play.
I don't wanna give up either. I don't wanna settle on one. I'll succeed in both. With that said, please continue to take care of me!
Muku: Likewise!
Kumon: I'll be in your care too!
Yuki: I won't lose to you.
Tenma: I'll be stricter during our rehearsals.
Kazunari: Go easy on me on that one!
Misumi: Let's do action scenes together again!
Taichi: I'm Taichi Nanao, playing Chan in Autumn Troupe's fifth play "Fire Up, Mantou Fist!"
I felt complicated back when I was chosen to be the lead actor for this play. It sure made me happy, but I wasn't sure whether I was good enoughーー.
No, this isn't good. Lemme do it one more time! Please cut this part out!
Taichi: They didn't cut this out…!
Banri: They keep this one, huh.
Taichi: Umm, I was so happy and pumped up to be the starring actor. I might make mistakes in certain parts, but I had fun!
I'm so lucky I could lead a play as Autumn Troupe's Taichi Nanao.
I'll keep working hard so that I won't embarrass everyone in Autumn Troupe. I'll be an actor that can make everyone proud!
I'm aiming to be the star performer of Autumn Troupe!
Sakyo: What a thing to say.
Banri: Bring it on.
Juza: I won't lose.
Taichi: Ugh… I should've just settled with the fourth best actor, after all.
Azami: It's too early to give up.
Omi: Haha, let's do our best together.
Tasuku: I'm Tasuku Takato, playing Musashi Miyamoto in Winter Troupe's fifth play "Die by the Sword".
This wasn't my first time leading a play, but I've got to admit it felt kind of different when I did it as a member of MANKAI Company's Winter Troupe.
Through this play, I've got the chance to think about the reason why I'm in this troupe, and what kind of an actor I'm supposed to be.
I'll keep going as an actor of Winter Troupe, Takato Tasuku.
After all, performing with my fellow Winter Troupe members has become an important thing to me.
I don't know what will happen in the future, but I'm going to carefully determine what kind of an actor I'll be.
Azuma: Fufu, you're so stiff.
Guy: It was a very Takato-like message.
Homare: I've got to hand it to Tasuku-kun. He's strict with himself when it comes to acting.
Hisoka: Totally different from Arisu.
Homare: I don't want to hear that from you.
Tsumugi: Guess I need to think about how I should be as an actor too.
Chikage: I'm Chikage Utsuki. I portrayed Oz in Spring Troupe's fourth play "The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz".
My recollection of the play, huh… the only thing I remember is that I've caused troubles.
I've also given you so much trouble that time, director-san.
Izumi: No, it's okay.
Chikage: But well, I'm going to make up for it.
Izumi: It's alright. You don't have to.
Citron: Let's go eat Yakiniku! Chikage will treat us.
Tsuzuru: Sounds great.
Masumi: Let’s invite all troupe members.
Chikage: I got attacked right away, huh.
Chikage: Back when I just entered the troupe, I’ve never thought I’d stay this long.
Nor have I thought I’d spend my days with these feelings…
Since this troupe has become a place where I’ve got a precious family, I need to treasure it. I’ll be in your care.
Sakuya: The same goes for me!
Itaru: I look forward to the yakiniku.
Izumi: I’m fine with curry too!
Chikage: Alright, alright.
Kumon: I’m Kumon Hyodo, playing Souta Akiyama in Summer Troupe’s fourth play “First Crush Baseball”!
First Crush Baseball is the first play I ever performed and the first play I ever led. I was so clueless at first.
But because everyone taught and supported me, I was able to go on until our final performance.
The fact that I could stand on the stage without collapsing until the end made me so happy…
Thanks to this play, I've gained confidence from the fact I could accomplish something.
This is all thanks to everyone in Summer Troupe who accepted me. I’m glad I joined Summer Troupe. I love you all!
Misumi: I love Kumon too!
Kazunari: Me too, me too!
Yuki: But well, your current acting is better than that time.
Tenma: That’s right. You’ve greatly improved.
Kumon: Seriously!? Yeeaaay! I’ll work harder!
Muku: Let’s do our best together!
Azami: I’m Azami Izumida, portraying Abel in Autumn Troupe’s fourth play “DEAD/UNDEAD”.
Back when I ran away from home, I never would have thought I’d perform onstage. But well, I had a blast beating up shitty Sakyo on the stage.
Sakyo: ...Hey.
Azami: I got to do makeup to my heart’s content, and now I feel like I really could go on living with makeup for the rest of my life.
I’m glad I joined this theater troupe. There’s a lot of interesting people here, and I never run out of people to use as guinea pigs when I want to test my new makeup.
I’ll study makeup more and improve my acting.
Banri: Yo, good luck with that.
Juza: I expect a lot from you.
Omi: Ever since this play, our stage photos look nicer than before. It’s all thanks to you, Azami.
Taichi: I’ve become cooler thanks to your makeup too, A-chan!
Sakyo: Putting makeup aside, you still have a lot to learn in acting.
Azami: Shaddup.
Guy: My name is Guy. I played Phantom in Winter Troupe’s fourth play “Le Fantôme de l' Opéra”.
Back when I stood on the stage, I thought I was just going with the flow. But now that I think about it again, everything went as Citronia intended.
Citron: Of course it did.
Guy: I’ve got to know the things Citronia deemed precious after coming to this country and joining this theater troupe.
I myself was able to regain my precious memories and take off the armor that has restrained me for so long.
And as I spend my days here, I continue to discover new sides of myself.
Strangely enough, I don’t hate this. Rather, I want to keep enjoying these changes.
Tsumugi: You were an android at first, right.
Guy: Yes. That was what I believed.
Tasuku: Those days felt like an eternity ago.
Hisoka: ...You’ve changed.
Homare: Yes, and in a good way.
Azuma: You’ve become more human now. That’s great.
Citron: He’s still as hopeless as ever, though.
Guy: I’ll do my best.
Tsuzuru: I’m Tsuzuru Minagi, playing Luke in Spring Troupe’s third play “A Clockwork Heart”.
This play, which I led, was the most unforgettable play for me. Everything is etched deep in my heart, including my self-reflection.
Itaru: Dude, you spoke freaking smoothly in this one.
Masumi: Unbelievable.
Chikage: Were you reading notes?
Tsuzuru: Ughーー.
Izumi: They got you.
Tsuzuru: At the time, I looked back at the reason why I wanted to write scripts and do theater in the first place.
I’d like to keep doing my best in both script writing and acting without throwing away my beginner’s spirit.
And even though I got swayed a lot by my co-lead Citron, he saved me in an unexpected time and place. I appreciate it.
I can’t thank you enough. I look forward to continuing working with you all.
Citron: Same here!
Sakuya: You two are the best pair from Spring Troupe!
Misumi: Hello, I’m Misumi Ikaruga. I played Sky in Summer Troupe’s third play “Captain Sky Pirates”.
You see~ I found 54 triangles during this play~!
Tenma: You sure remember that kind of thing well, huh!
Yuki: What a waste of memorizing skill.
Misumi: Among the triangles I found that time, the one I like the most was the big triangle we saw in the night sky.
Ever since I joined this theater troupe, I found lots of precious triangles. I want to let grandpa know about it one day.
Kazunari: You still have more and more triangles to add to your collection.
Muku: Let’s collect so many triangles you can’t even count them!
Kumon: I’ll help you find them!
Misumi: Yup~! Let’s go find lots of triangles~!
Sakyo: I’m Sakyo Furuichi, portraying Ginji Kazama in Autumn Troupe’s third play “Tales of Chivalry: Ginji the Wanderer”.
I couldn’t stop thinking it was too late for me to be the lead actor, but I’ve gotta admit, I learned a lot at the time. Furthermore, I once again realized I’m still lacking experience.
I’m gonna keep on learning very seriously, shamelessly and move forward.
Banri: Oh shit, so scary, what a scary man.
Azami: So childish.
Sakyo: Age and experience don’t matter on the stage. This is a serious fight. Prepare yourself.
Juza: Bring it on.
Taichi: Somehow, that part just now sounded like a criminal declaration!
Omi: His statement sure is powerful.
Azuma: I’m Azuma Yukishiro, playing Reo Kuto in Winter Troupe’s third play “Nocturnality”.
I can't say I got especially attached to the play just because I played the lead role, but I felt the bond between Winter Troupe members got stronger at that time.
I could take a step forward thanks to Tasuku. I'm glad we performed this play.
Tasuku: I didn't do anything special… I just thought it was necessary for the play.
Homare: So it has something to do with the play in the end.
Hisoka: What a theater fool.
Azuma: But that's just how Tasuku really is.
Tsumugi: Yes, even his dishonest side.
Azuma: Compared to that time, with Guy joining us, the Winter Troupe is changing little by little.
I think this is a nice change, though. I feel at ease with you guys. Look forward to continuing working with you.
Tsumugi: Same here.
Guy: I'll be in your care.
Masumi: I'm Masumi Usui, playing Alice in Spring Troupe's second play "Boy Alice in Wonderland".
Izumi: Masumi-kun, the camera is over here! Look here!
Masumi: But I want to look at you…
Izumi: ...I'll move, then.
Masumi: Can I express my feelings for you?
Izumi: I rather have you express your feelings towards the play!
Masumi: ...Itaru was annoying.
Itaru: Heeey.
Masumi: We took a long time to finish rehearsing.
Tsuzuru: That was because you kept trying to impress the director and criticized us too much!
Masumi: Itaru was annoying.
Chikage: You must have been really annoying at that time.
Itaru: …
Masumi: But I think the play turned out great.
Izumi: Yes, I feel the same.
Sakuya: I think so too!
Masumi: My acting has gotten better since that time. I'll continue to improve so much you can't even take your eyes off me. Keep looking at me and me only.
Citron: He kept staring at the director the whole time!
Tsuzuru: That's Masumi for ya.
Yuki: I'm Yuki Rurikawa, portraying Shiro in Summer Troupe's second play "The Adventure for Sardines".
The thing I remember the most during this play was that I caused everyone's troubles, since I struggled to juggle between my position as the lead actor and the costume designer.
Kazunari helped me a lot.
Kazunari: It's no biggie~!
Yuki: But compared to that time, I've grown now.
I mean, it's thanks to the events at the time that I'm now able to balance acting and costume making well.
I only started acting because I wanted to get feedback for the costumes I made, but now I genuinely find acting fun.
I find it fun to stand onstage and produce a play together with everyone. It's a different kind of fun from making costumes.
I've learned a lot of things by doing both, so I won't settle on just one and continue doing them all.
Kumon: Let's continue working together~!
Muku: Let's do our best together!
Misumi: I love Yuki's costumes!
Tenma: Well, your acting has certainly gotten better since that time.
Yuki: You're still as arrogant as ever though.
Tenma: What!?
Omi: I'm Omi Fushimi. I played Wolf in Autumn Troupe's second play "Stranger".
It feels rather embarrassing to have someone shoot me when I've always been the one filming.
For me, this play means much more than just being the play that I led.
It's hard to put it into words, but…
This play made me, who's always been looking at the past, face forward and walk towards the future.
Now, I plan to chase the dream that my friend gave me for my own sake.
Taichi: Good for you, Omi-kun!
Omi: Thanks for your help that time.
Taichi: Your welcome!
Sakyo: Fushimi broke out of his shell during this play.
Banri: His acting changed a lot. I still remember it.
Juza: It was stimulating.
Omi: Haha. I hope I can grow further than that time.
Homare: I'm Homare Arisugawa. I played Tooru Sagishima in Winter Troupe's second play "The Master Likes a Mystery".
For me, the most unforgettable thing during this play was definitely my grandmother's watch.
I feel like this watch gave me the opportunity to be able to touch everyone's hearts little by little.
Especially Hisoka-kun. I never thought he'd do something for the sake of other people, and not just marshmallows.
Hisoka: It's because Arisu was hopeless.
Homare: You're right, I won't deny it. You helped me out back then.
Homare: This play turned out great because of Hisoka-kun and everyone.
Unlike poems, a play is something that you create with other people. It's too difficult for me alone, but that's what makes it very interesting.
No matter how many times I experienced it, I've never gotten tired of it. I think it's a wonderful thing.
Oh! I've found some poem inspiration. Ahemーー.
(video shuts down abruptly)
Guy: Oh, the video got cut.
Homare: Why did you cut off that part!?
Izumi: Huh? That's weird. There must be some technical issues…
Tasuku: He was going off topic, anyway. Perfect timing.
Homare: But that was part of my video message!
Tsumugi: Please let me hear it after this.
Azuma: I’d like to hear it too.
Homare: All right! I shall organize a recitation later, then.
< ‘Stories of 24′ 1 | Masterlist | ‘Stories of 24′ 3 >
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tracingdreams · 5 years
Daiya no Ace: The Dramas #15 Senior Citizens
An explanation…
To keep my brain from rusting I started a project to translate the drama tracks that came with the character song CDs and other stuff relating to Daiya no Ace (because I love them and they’re all hilarious). My disclaimer - I am not a native speaker of Japanese, but I will do my best!
Character Song CD 13 – Toujou Hideaki Drama 01 featuring Toujou, Kanemaru, Sawamura
Scene: The guys have just finished practice, and Eijun is curious about what kind of baseball Toujou and Kanemaru played before High School. Of course, then the question gets asked in reverse…
Eijun: Yosh! That’s practice done for the afternoon!
Kanemaru: Sawamura? Aren’t you meant to be doing ground maintenance?
Eijun: Don’t say things like that!
Toujou: The pitchers are meant to take care of tidying the bullpen
Eijun: That’s right!
Kanemaru: Ah. I see, I see.
Eijun: Hrm! If you understand then it’s all fine. And in future you should not question someone so easily!
Kanemaru: Somehow that’s just annoying.
Toujou: Hey, I’ve been thinking for a while now…
Eijun: Mm?
Kanemaru: What’s up, Toujou?
Toujou: Abbreviating ground maintenance (Japanese term: Guraundo seibi) to Gura-sen is a bit weird, isn’t it?
Eijun: Ah! I thought so too.
Kanemaru: Yeah, for sure.
Eijun: Even if ‘Gura’ is obviously from ‘Guraundo’, abbreviating seibi to sen is really odd.
Toujou: No kidding.
Kanemaru: Right, but in that case, how would you abbreviate it?
Eijun: Well, if you think about it, the term is guraundo seibi, right? So ‘Gura-sei’.
Kanemaru: Don’t you think ‘gura-sei’ is harder to say?
Toujou: Yeah, it is.
Eijun: So what about ‘Guran-sei’?
Kanemaru: But that sounds pretty weird too? Like that thing that has chestnuts and stuff and is covered with sugar?
Toujou: Shinji, that’s marron-glace
Eijun: Then what about ‘Guranseibi? Or…er…Gurau-sei?
Kanemaru: Let’s just stick with Gura-sen, huh?
Toujou: I…guess so.
Eijun: What gives, Toujou? You raised it – don’t be satisfied so easily!
Toujou: But it is true that there isn’t really a better way to say it.
Eijun: (Not satisfied, gnashing his teeth).
Kanemaru: Still, practice today was hard going, huh. My legs and my butt muscles are all worn out.
Toujou: That final fielding practice…especially when it was your turn, Shinji – the coach got seriously into it.
Kanemaru: Yeah, dammit. That last swing of his…if I’d managed to get it cleanly, I would have been able to finish up without being switched out like that. The coach is a demon.
Eijun: Yeah, he’s a demon. Demon Tesshin! (Oni Tesshin)! Abbreviated to Oni-Tetsu (Demon Steel)!, right?
Kanemaru: Don’t you think it’s kind of bad to abbreviate it to that?
Toujou: But it was good really, that fielding practice. I bet that the coach was only hard on you because he has high expectations of you, Shinji.
Kanemaru: Huh…you think so?
Toujou: Yeah, definitely. I’d kind of like to have a practice like that myself – it’s been a while.
Kanemaru: Oi, stop it! You’re pretty much a regular at centre field already, and you haven’t given up yet on being a pitcher, right? Don’t try and poke your nose into the infield fielding stuff as well now!
Toujou: (Laughing) I’m not planning to do that.
Eijun: Hrmmm.
Kanemaru: What’s up, Sawamura? Is there something stuck on my face?
Eijun: No…no. I was just thinking that you guys get along real good.
Kanemaru: Well, get along…it’s more like…
Toujou: We’ve known each other since middle school.
Eijun: Ah! Something or other Senior, right?
Toujou: It’s Matsukata Senior.
Eijun: That’s an odd name for a middle school, though. Are all the teachers old men or something?
Kanemaru/Toujou: Huh?!
Eijun: Eh? (now he’s confused himself!)
Kanemaru: It’s the Senior League! And what do you mean, all old people teachers?
Eijun: Well, but ‘Senior’ means ‘old person’, right?
Kanemaru: It’s not that!
Eijun: Or did you play baseball with old people included in the team?
Kanemaru: What are you talking about now?
Eijun: Well, you can’t take old people for fools, right? I’ve learned a bunch from my grandpa out in the sticks. There are lots of things you can learn from their long life experience. And even if they’re older people, amazing people are still just amazing. The thought that there’s a former pro baseball pitcher out there who, even though he’s now over sixty, can still pitch a faster straight ball than I can is…
Toujou: Ah. The Masakari pitching style guy.
 (Translator note: I think this refers to former Chiba player Murata Choji, who apparently pitched at his old ground aged 64 for some reason in 2013. I know nothing about baseball but apparently Masakari is his pitching style.)
Kanemaru: But, like I said, it’s not that! Seriously. Senior means ‘older players’ in this context…
Eijun: Huh?
Kanemaru: Like I said…
Toujou: Erm…well…you know like elementary school has the Little League? [Senior League] is not a middle school as such, but a special type of [middle school] league of clubs that play official games.
Eijun: Official? I see. But why didn’t you just join your middle school baseball team?
Kanemaru: For those kids who have been playing in the Little League from an early age, it’s a way to continue playing in official league games [by joining a Senior League club].
Eijun: Eeeh.
Toujou: When I first began with it, I was really surprised. The leagues were made up of star players from so many different teams.
Kanemaru: Yeah, but in a powerhouse school like this one now, there are even more cases of former team aces or fourth hitters gathered together. Although…when I look at Sawamura, I kind of lose faith in my own words…
Eijun: What do you mean by that?! (He’s indignant).
Toujou: We thought that all the best players played in Senior League teams [in Middle School]/. But there are other good players who aren’t like that, as well.
Eijun: Meaning me?! (he’s no longer annoyed and is all sparkly again). Are you talking about me?!
Kanemaru: Sadly, yes. But don’t get all carried away now!
Eijun: Why are you so reluctant?
Kanemaru: I don’t know what it is, but sometimes your idiot airhead moments really drive me nuts.
Toujou: Now, now, Shinji.
Eijun: So what is the Senior League like? Are there people who can pitch 150km/hr fastballs there?
Kanemaru: Hey, now. Even if such a person was there, they’d probably already be playing pro baseball or something!
Eijun: That’s true.
Toujou: Ah, but there was a guy who pitched some amazing breaking balls.
Kanemaru: Those ones you could never hit…and then the coach would be all flapping, like, ‘why can’t you hit them’? But yeah, like we could hit those things. Seriously.
Toujou: Sometimes by mistake we’d end up hitting a foul ball in the coach’s direction. And then, always, he’d say…
Kanemaru: Ahh…
Kanemaru/Toujou: “You aimed that at me, didn’t you!”
Eijun: Ah! Sano-cchi said that to me, too!
Toujou: Sano-cchi?
Eijun: Yeah. My middle school team’s teacher-advisor.
Kanemaru: What kind of baseball did you do in middle school?
Eijun: Hrmm? You want to hear the tales of the powerhouse Akagi Middle School’s baseball club, do you?
Kanemaru: Um…yeah?
Toujou: Was it a powerhouse school?
Eijun: Of course! Originally, our school didn’t have a baseball club, so I got some friends together and we formed one.
Kanemaru: Huh?!
Toujou: I see…
Eijun: If we won a game, we’d be treated to yakiniku by the teacher.
Kanemaru: For real? How rich was this Sano-cchi person, anyway?
Eijun: That was only for practice games, though.
Toujou: Practice games?
Eijun: And there weren’t all that many of those. Maybe two.
Kanemaru: Eh?
Eijun: Our practices were tough, though! When we were in a tournament, we’d practice in the mornings and the evenings. But, sometimes there was a ‘disruptive incident’, and we’d unavoidably have to take a break and suspend the practice for a bit. 
(Translator note: What Eijun actually says here could be translated a couple of ways, and I was thrown for a loop a bit as to how to render it until I heard what came next.)
Toujou: Disruptive…incidents?
Eijun: We usually played in the school’s grounds, you see? And sometimes animals would get in, too…
Kanemaru: Animals?
Toujou: Like dogs?
Eijun: Well, more like weasels and tanuki, really. (Translator’s note: Is it wrong for me to immediately think of Kuramochi and Miyuki in that explanation?) We all had fun chasing around after them, though. But that meant we didn’t to practice properly.
Kanemaru: That’s…kind of…awesome?
Toujou: Mm. But really hard to visualise.
Eijun: And, of course – and this included me – the team was made up of a lot of kids from farming families. So it was hard to get players together at short notice during the harvests. But you know, helping out on the family farm was also a really good form of training!
Toujou: So then…with that team…how many games did you win?
Kanemaru: Hrm??
Eijun: Well! If you just look at results! We…didn’t get more than maybe a couple of wins. But baseball is more than just results!
Kanemaru: That’s not a powerhouse school!
Eijun: But, after all, baseball is all about the heart! And because of that, I am the person I am today! (he laughs loudly).
Toujou: Well, if you think about it, the fact that Sawamura’s able to be on the Seidou bench now kind of makes him genuinely awesome.
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lookbluesoup · 5 years
Fallout OC Interview
@robobrainmurdermysterytheatre and @quinndecker214 tagged me to do this LITERAL AGES ago! Thanks for this and IM SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG it got lost in my drafts I hope it was worth the wait //shot I TAG @nuclearvessel @ronqueesha @tarberrymentats @wild-w4steland-snip3r @daddyfuckinlonglegs @saltsealed @thewookieruns No pressure!!
Choose an OC.
Answer them as that OC.
Tag 5 people to do the same.
1. What is your name? Nathaniel Christian Wright. Maiden name Ronan, if, aha, you like fun-facts.
2. How old are you? You know I lost count somewhere after 240?
3. What do you look like?
Tumblr media
4. Where are you from? Where do you live now? I was born a good ways South of here, spent most of my childhood there. Moved to Boston... before the War. Now I stay with Piper in Diamond City between work, got an infield view and everything! Never would have bet on that the day I woke up in the Vault. I guess life’s funny, hunh? I - ...I’m glad to be there.
5. What was your childhood like? Oh, nothing special, really. My Pa was ex-military, a chaplain. Ma stayed home to tend the house, and raise rambunctious sons. She was - good. I wonder sometimes whether she’d be proud of me, out here.
6. What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions? Well, I am K i n g of the Castle - a-hem, I mean, General. Yeah, just General. (//Ronnie distantly yells something about the joke not being funny the 80th time)
[[There are rumors of Nate being a leading Railroad Agent, but he absolutely would not admit to that in a casual interview xD]]
7. Tell me about your best friend. Deacon? Hah! What can’t I tell you about him! He’s got a two-dozen kids. Twelve wives. One’s a ghoul. He’s also a synth, but you didn’t hear that from me. Has an extra toe on his left foot. Those sunglasses aren’t a fashion statement, they’re glued to his face. Horrible accident, really. Inoperable. He can speak five languages, including Zetan. I swear, it’s all true! But, ah. He’s a good friend. Better than he knows.
8. Do you have a family? Tell me about them! My son, Shaun, lives here at the Castle. I wish I could bring him to Diamond City, let him make friends with the other kids, try to give him something of the life he might’ve had before the War. But I’ve got enemies. The Minutemen have enemies. Comes with the job. It’s safer for Shaun to be here, out of the limelight. And also, you know, with a barracks full of guns ready at a minute’s notice if there’s trouble. My men are family, too. Hell, I feel closer to the people here than I did most of my own blood in the old world. There’s also my butler, Codsworth. And Natalie, Piper’s little sister - well, she may as well be my little sister, too. But hey, keep that one off the record. Nat’d never forgive me.
9. What about a partner or partners? I’m a happily tethered man, bound for life to one kickass reporter, Mrs. Wright. You may have heard of her. 
10. Have you ever heard of The Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them? [Nate seems more guarded] Yeah, I know them. That graveyard across the channel used to be their airship. I wish it had ended differently, but... well, war never changes.
11. Who are your enemies, and why? I suppose that’s a natural follow-up question. Well, most of the Raider gangs will attack on sight. Gunners, too. But we’ve managed to clear a pretty safe stretch between major towns over the past year. Since the Minutemen have established a pro-synth stance, more than a few settlements shut their doors on us. Lost a fair number of volunteers. But no violence so far. Other than that... the remnants of Brotherhood here aren’t fond of me, personally. Why? We parted on bad terms. Lets just - leave it at that. Anyone else out here can tell you the story. There are Institute survivors, too. We tried to get as many noncombatants out as we could the day it fell, but it was a battle. It was messy. A lot haven’t forgiven me for turning on them. [sighs] ...Can you blame them? The Minutemen have kept a running list of Courser sightings since then. So many still aren’t accounted for. Keeps me up at night, sometimes.  
12. What about The Enclave? I’ve heard rumors. None of them good. 13. How do you feel about Super Mutants? Tough bastards. I wish we could help them. I know they don’t all go crazy, and Virgil was making progress on a cure. But I haven’t seen him in years. We’re not - really on speaking terms.
14. Have you ever fought a Deathclaw? More than once, and never unscathed. Not bragging! It’s the truth. Take a look at this, [he rolls back his sleeve to show a massive scar running over his upper arm] Piper and I got pinned down, lizard gutted me and nearly lost me an arm. Also? Ruined my best flannel shirt.
15. What’s the craziest fight you’ve ever been in? Bunker Hill. What a hellscape. Between the Railroad and the Institute, things were hot enough. But somehow the Brotherhood found out, too. It’s a wonder Bunker Hill wasn’t razed to the ground. My Courser escort was killed in a Railroad ambush and the synths we were after escaped. I barely got out alive.
[[Nate actually killed X4-18 and helped the synths escape, but that’s another Railroad secret :’D]] 16. Do you like fighting? No. But I’ll do what I have to to stay alive and protect the people I care about. 17. What’s your weapon of choice? A modified radium rifle. I was a sniper back in my army days, it’s what I’m trained in. But if the fight does get close, this gun’s versatile enough to still be useful. Wish my loadout back in Anchorage did that. I’m fond of the laser musket, too - but you only get one shot, and then everyone will know exactly where you are. Strategically it’s too limited.
18. How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?) My winning charm, of course! [winks] And trekking all over the Commonwealth keeps me fit for when folks aren’t so interested in talking. Piper keeps the luck for both of us. I’m - pretty sure I’m cursed, actually.
S(6) P(7) E(8) C(11) I(7) A(5) L(2)
19. Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think about them? I suppose I should be grateful, really. If not for the Vaults, I’d have died two centuries ago. I’d never have met Piper, or taught Shaun to play baseball. None of this... none of this at all would have happened. [grimaces] Don’t get me wrong. Vault-tec was fucking insane. The things they did to people in some of those Vaults-? I was uncharacteristically lucky. There’s a reason they call me the Sole Survivor, and it’s not from winning some tv game show about living on an island.
20. How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you? My Pip-Boy has a Geiger counter built in so I can avoid the worst of it. But sometimes it can’t be helped. I always keep Rad-Away and Rad-X on hand. Other than that, I bring the old vault suit to wear under my clothes if I know exposure’s inevitable. It helps a little. Piper likes to tease me about that, but somehow I think she prefers me with hair and less than six limbs. Plus, my ass looks great in blue. Her words. Not mine. Yes, you can quote that.
21. What’s your favorite wasteland critter? The radstags, no doubt! [motions to Legs Washington] Look at those little extra arms wiggling around. Adorable.
22. What’s your least favorite wasteland critter? Yao guais. They are way too stealthy for something that big. I dunno what they’re eating up in Maine, but Far Harbor was full of them. Big, grumpy ones. And look, have you ever tried to outrun a bear? Don’t.
23. How do you feel about robots? I like the ones that aren’t shooting at me! Codsworth and Ada are friends. Isabel’s eyebot, Sparks? Adorable. I even got this hat from an old Sentry named Ironsides. Those Rust Devils and their junk bots though? I try not to fight them without a lot of backup. Got ambushed by a Succubus once. Not a good time. At all.
24. How many caps do you have on you right now? Why, you planning to rob me? Kidding. About 200, which is a lot for me generally speaking.
25. Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla? [Suddenly excited] Wait, does Sunset Sarsaparilla still exist?
26. Do you do chems? Aside from Med-X when I’ve been shot? Not if I can help it.
27. Do you ever think about the Pre-War world? Not as often as in the beginning, but it does happen sometimes. I’ll have dreams where I’m back in my old life, and it’s always... disorienting.
28. What’s your deepest regret? What would you do differently? There are - a lot. I’ll admit it. Sometimes I wonder, if I’d only just - hm... Well. To be honest, I’ve been trying not to linger so much on what I’ve done wrong, and focus on what I can do right for the future instead. Piper taught me that.
29. What’s your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve?  I’ll always be proud to call myself Mr. Wright. If I can be half the man Piper tells me I am, I’ll consider it a life well lived.
30. What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world? Geeze, you could give my wife a run for her money with a loaded question like that! I want... a future where folks don’t have to be afraid of monsters coming after them in the night. I want synths to have a fair chance at living their own lives, as who they are, without pretending. I want Shaun to - be able to grow up. For myself? Everything I need is right here already.
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