#agumon supporting koushiro
ashxketchum · 7 months
Now it feels like we’re celebrating the 25th Anniversary 😍
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This new art for an upcoming collaboration with Karatez is just simply stunning. The theme is (very obviously) “idol” and I personally love the futuristic pop concept they’ve added to the outfits. Although exact date and merch details haven’t been shared yet, they shared a few layouts of the key art.
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The outfits are also great this time around because of their little references to the partner Digimon’s Perfect evolutions. Listing them down one by one as always.
Taichi: The blue markings on his jacket plus robotic arm markings on his right sleeve are a nice shoutout to MetalGreymon.
Yamato: We see WereGarurumon’s pattern on his jacket and a few belts wrapped around his hands that captures the punk-grunge vibe of WereGarurumon well. It may be Yamato’s affinity to music, but he looks extremely in his element in this art, it’s not often we see him so raring to go in official merch art (he’s more of a soft smiles guy usually).
Sora: Her gloves and the red bandana on her arm coupled with the feather in her hair are clear shoutouts to Garudamon. It’s kinda funny to me that being the girl who’s crest is a heart symbol, she’s making a victory sign while Mimi and Hikari are both making different types of finger hearts 😆
Koushiro: Honestly they were really subtle with the reference for him and even twitter couldn’t exactly answer my doubts so I’m gonna have to see Koushiro stans step up and answer whether the reference in his outfit limited to the markings on his jacket resembling AtlurKabuterimon’s chest?
Mimi: I think she’s the one with the most easy to catch references, her skirt resembles Lilymon’s and her hair tie looks like Lilymon’s flower canon. I love that she’s making the big finger heart because it’s just so very Mimi. If Yamato suits the passionate side of being an idol, Mimi is definitely meant for the cutesy visual vibe that can make fans go crazy over just a wink and a smile.
Jou: He’s wearing three belt like bracelets around one wrist like Zudomon which makes his a minimal reference though not as subtle as Koushiro’s. I do feel that they could’ve done a bit more with his look, maybe add a horn to the side of his headset? I also can’t wait to see the full art for each kid individually cuz I do think him and Yamato are wearing similar bellbottom pants!
Takeru: The feather on his headset and the yellow suspended straps are a decent reference to HolyAngemon. Considering that they wanted to keep the outfits limited to one colour per kid, I think this is the best way they could slip in the reference, though I wouldn’t have minded a few rings.
Hikari: The feather on the headset, the corset-ish belt around her waist and her gloves are very nice references to Angewomon. Keeping Hikari’s innocence as a kid intact while referencing a Digimon that is undoubtedly considered one of the most sexiest mons in the franchise would have been really tough and I salute the illustrators for coming up with this design! I also like the OG Korean finger heart she’s making, such a cute look on her.
The cherry on top are each of the Digimon partners holding supportive cheering goods for their kids. Piyomon’s love for Sora goes hard with her big name banner. Meanwhile, Agumon and Palmon kept it simple with haoris, Tailmon and Patamon too decided to go the simple route with light sticks. Gabumon, Gomamon and Tentomon seem normal from afar with their hand fans but when you get a closer look on all the hearts around Koushiro’s name on Tentomon’s fan, you know the three spent time making those themselves.
All in all, a pretty amazing illustration to be able to get merch of!
But wait that’s not all, andGallery has also teased a future cafe collaboration with Digimon Adventure on their twitter, more info will be announced on 19th Feb but they did share a preview of what to expect.
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tobiasdrake · 1 month
I'd say that Tri, Last Kizuna and 02 The Beggining are a tad of a weird approach to try and bank into nostalgia, but not letting go the concept of "no you have to say goodbye to the 'mons"... which doesn't work after 02's epilogue. And then Adventure 2020 happened, and forgot that it was supposed to be an assemble show.
I don't have a problem with nostalgia banking, but Last Evolution Kizuna wanted really badly to be Toy Story 3 and failed. That, I take a lot of issue with.
There's a lot of heated debate surrounding LEK. The idea that the kids' partnerships with their Digimon break because it's time to put away childish things and grow up is extremely contentious within the fandom, but it's also not universally agreed that the film is even saying that thanks to translation issues with the subs and also some very ambiguous imagery with the ending.
There are basically two different interpretations of what happens in LEK.
1 - Sora, Taichi, Yamato, Jou, Mimi, and Koushiro all lose their Digimon Partners because they enter adulthood - but not Takeru and Hikari because they still have a few years to go.
This is a natural occurrence and the result of growing up. They have no choice and no agency in the matter; The Universe takes their Partners away because they're too old to be playing with toys anymore, and they just need to fucking suck it up and deal.
2 - Sora, Taichi, and Yamato lose their Digimon Partners because they're too irresponsible with their adulthood. Mimi, Jou, and Koushiro do not because they're responsible adults and are balancing their adult lives and their love for their Partners well.
What happens to Sora, Taichi, and Yamato is a rare and unusual occurrence, but there is hope that they will one day find their Partners again once they've gotten their heads on straight and made their way as adults.
For obvious reasons, the film is very unpopular with fans who take the first interpretation and pretty well-liked with fans who take the second. Which one is actually the valid and intended reading? Well. It's complicated. The movie went through a tumultuous creative process, to the point that Adventure series director Kakado Hiroyuki walked out on production midway through over disagreements and inconsistencies to the original series.
Which is, y'know, always a promising sign for a new entry in a series.
Watching the film, for me, it honestly feels like both readings are intended. Which is to say, you can find evidence to support either/or. I don't think that's deliberate, I just think the film was sloppily made and shows signs of conflicting creative visions.
Proponents of the Good Movie interpretation can point to the villain of the film, whose central motivation is literally that having your Partner taken away because you grew up is some fucking bullshit. In its final act, the film reveals that her Partner did come back - Just in an unrecognizably different form, not as the Partner she knew.
So the natural conclusion then is that Agumon and Gabumon will reincarnate and may find their way back to Taichi and Yamato; They just won't be Agumon and Gabumon. Which still contradicts the 02 epilogue despite proponents of the Good Movie interpretation insisting that 02's epilogue is still canon to LEK.
Which itself has evidence to support it (Taichi and Yamato are on their way to becoming the people they are in the epilogue) and evidence to refute it (Agumon and Gabumon fucking died).
As the translation breakdown in the above link shows, there's also some phrasing issues that created confusion. Gennai in the official English version describes losing your Partnership as a typical occurrence while, in the original Japanese, he seems to describe this more like a rare thing that he doesn't fully understand.
It's explained that what's happening is the narrowing of potential. Children have infinite potential, which something something Digimon Partnerships. As you make choices with your life, you narrow your potential, and eventually it can no longer sustain a partnership - Unless you're able to become an adult with limitless potential anyway!
That seems like it's setting Taichi and Yamato up to figure out their shit and save their Partnerships at the last second. But they figure out their shit and still lose their Partners, which gets described in the end as a rite of passage.
The blog with the big translation breakdown I linked above makes a note of the difference between the official translation, "This is how we finally grew up," and a more accurate translation, "This is how we arrived at the entrance to adulthood." As they say, it shouldn't be translated with finality.
But that's splitting hairs, because either version is still saying that losing Agumon and Gabumon was Taichi and Yamato's rite of passage from childhood into adulthood. Whether they've become adults or taken their first steps into adulthood doesn't actually matter; it's still describing this loss as the gateway that brought them there, which is the point of contention.
They did what they were supposed to do, they were still punished for it, and then they close by describing it as if it were an inevitable consequence of growing up despite what Gennai said. Which may or may not be corroborated by what happened to Jou, Mimi, and Koushiro.
Proponents of the Good Movie interpretation will point to Jou, Mimi, and Koushiro as proof that not everyone loses their Partners. Proponents of the Bad Movie interpretation will point to those same characters as proof that everyone does. This is due to a fundamental disagreement in how you interpret the final scenes.
At no point does the film ever say, with words, that Jou, Mimi, and Koushiro lose their Partners. But it does conclude with these images:
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The final shots of Taichi, Yamato, and Sora show them to be moving forward with their adult lives, with no Digimon. The younger kids Takeru and Hikari's slides contain Patamon and Tailmon. There are also slides for the 02 characters, which show their Digimon Partners still taking an active role in their lives too.
But Jou, Koushiro, and Mimi? No Partners in their slides.
Good Movie fans will say that the film never says explicitly that they lost their Partners, so this means nothing. Their partners are probably just offscreen somewhere.
Bad Movie fans will say that these slides are meant to show the older kids moving on with their lives post-Digimon and the younger kids still having their Digimon Partnerships. There's a clear contrast between Hikari and Takeru's slides versus Taichi, Yamato, and Sora's - and Jou, Koushiro, and Mimi are presented like Taichi, Yamato, and Sora here, not like Hikari and Takeru.
Good Movie fans have the counterpoint to be made that their Partners still exist in 02's epilogue. So, y'know, canon faithfulness says that everyone's Digimon will come back or was never lost. Checkmate, naysayers.
But also Last Evolution Kizuna basically ignores Tri and makes no attempt to address the questions it left hanging, and also the Adventure story director walked out of production over inconsistencies to the original so I don't think you can really use canon faithfulness as a talking point here.
Taichi and Yamato are still on their way to becoming an ambassador and an astronaut respectively, so the epilogue hasn't been thrown out entirely. But it clearly has been thrown out. Jou was supposed to become a doctor in the Digital World, Sora was supposed to become a fashion designer instead of inheriting her mom's ikebana mastery, and Mimi was supposed to become a chef instead of selling cosmetics.
Yeah, Taichi and Yamato are still on-track to a similar life path than what the epilogue gave them, but nobody else is. So I don't think the movie is actually as faithful to 02 as the Good Movie side thinks it is. And apparently neither does Kakado Hiroyuki.
For me, I do think they were trying to say it's time for the kids to put away childish things and grow up. I don't think they meant that to be insulting. But I do think it's kind of insulting.
I think they were trying to do what Toy Story 3 did; To tell a story about the rite of passage from childhood to adulthood and what that means for the things we loved and enjoyed as kids. But I don't think that story works when the putting away of childish things is something cosmically forced on the children rather than a choice they make with their own agency.
Toy Story 3 wouldn't have landed the way it did if the movie was about Andy's mom pinning him down by the arms while garbagemen come in and throw Buzz and Woody into a woodchipper. But that's kind of what Last Evolution Kizuna does to the Adventure kids.
Taichi and Yamato get to give a powerful emotional farewell to Agumon and Gabumon. But they don't want to, they are not making this choice for themselves, and no reason is ever provided for why they should have to. And even the best defenses of the film just make it out to be a weird, random cosmic blip that maybe they'll fix some day, who knows.
Even in the best-case scenario, the universe just decided to grievously hurt Yamato and Taichi for no reason even though they were already making strides to undo the thing they were allegedly being punished for. It's still mean-spirited and cruel even in the best possible interpretation.
So. Yeah. All things considered, I find myself falling on the side of "It's a bad movie and I don't accept it as part of my personal Digimon canon." I don't accept that the children need to all have their Digimon deleted once they enter into adulthood, and I equally don't accept that they don't need to have that happen but that Taichi and Yamato deserved to have their Digimon ripped away from them at the end. There is no version of this movie that I actually like.
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izzyizumi · 10 months
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Digimon Adventure tri. ~ "Kokuhaku" ["Confession"]; tri. Movie #3 featuring Characters: Koushiro[u] Izumi + (Friendship) with Tentomon / Tentomon acting as Support + Adventure!Digimon (watching over) ~ Koushiro Breaking Down / Having a Meltdown
"Is it wrong to WANT TO KNOW Everything?" - Adventure!Koushiro;
Images all by @izzyizumi​ / @koushirouizumi​ {Do Not re-post} {Please Ask To Use} {Do Not remove caption}
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"Is it wrong to WANT TO {KNOW} Everything?" - Adventure!Koushiro; Child of {KNOWLEDGE} Episode 24 (J.P.N Version), asking directly to Vademon (who's manipulating Koushiro) in genuine Confusion;
"IT'S NO GOOD... I DON'T {K N O W}" - Tri!Koushiro; "Kokuhaku" (J.P.N Version)
"...What's wrong, Koushiro?" - Agumon, Confused tone
"{Koushiro}'s a BIT scary. ..." - Palmon, Worried tone
"Koushiro-han HASN'T BEEN SLEEPING." - Tentomon, (hushed) Informing tone
"And it seems the news [this morning] {before scene} strained his nerves even MORE." - Tentomon, Adding
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{DigiAdv 2020 Ep. 59} ~ 2020!Koushiro & INFO DUMPING {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} (Please ASK to Use)
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taichi-x-koushiro · 2 years
Digimon Adventure{s} A.M.V. [Pre-view] ~ “Boku” / “Watashi” / “Someone Just for Me” [As this is technically still a pre-view, it is Un-finished {For now}] featuring DUO/O.T.P.: ~ Koushiro Izumi + Yagami Taichi / KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} / KouTai / Taishiro [Also seen: Yagamis, 1999 Agumon; briefly]
Audio/Dialogue (C) Chobits & C.L.A.M.P DigiAdvs ( C ) T0EI.@nimation {This is a Fan-work, and no money is being made off this work. Be sure to support both of the original series too!}
Time Spent: About 1 and 1/2 hours on 08/07/22, finished around midday My Commentary:
I have a lot of Thoughts on how Koushiro feels towards Taichi, Actually {And also in reverse, though this is mainly Koushiro’s Point-of-View.} (This first part will have a bit of Taichi perspective too, though.)
I also have a lot of Thoughts on Adventure{s} wider LORE on a grander scale.
I’ll probably go back and smooth this out later, but for now it’s doing what I want it to do, and hopefully you can follow along by reading the dialogue below: (Note: Contains starting spoilers for the originating series, Chobits, though the context in this first part is quite vague, and happens quite early in series.)
Scenes used come from: - Digimon Adventure: 1999 - Digimon Adventure [Eps 18, 21, 24, 48] - Digimon Adventure 2020 [Ep 36] (Though 2020 is used, this is mainly meant as overall Semi[?] Canon-compliant, but 2020s can be in their own Time too...)
- Dialogue (Preview)
In that city, there wasn’t anyone. There were houses, and you could see LIGHT shining through the windows. But on the roads, there wasn’t anyone. {I} looked through a window. There was a person.
-- In THIS CITY, there isn’t {ANYONE}.
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[Note: replies/Tags that are Positive/respectful are OK!]
... But {he} was with “THAT.” {I} looked into another house. As expected, {he} was with “THAT.” But that’s because being with “THAT” is {Fun} More [FUN] than being with other {people}. {No one} is [GOING OUTSIDE] anymore.
In THIS CITY, there isn’t {ANYONE}. {I’M} GOING OUT on a journey. A journey to another CITY. {I} hope [Someone just for Me] will find {ME} there.
But if [that] person becomes attached to {ME} and {ME} ONLY...
... then it will be time for the two of us to (part) [?]
But {I} still WANT TO MEET [Someone just for Me].
Thinking that, I travel on to another EMPTY CITY.
(Pictured: Mugendramon’s taken-over city, from Adventure Episode #48.)
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I've found the analysis fascinating so far because my theory was that Toei hadn't fully decided who should be the lancer role between Yamato, Sora, and Koushiro, with Mimi, Jou, and Takeru being more supportive characters than them, and those first 3 would have relatively equal amounts of screentime for at least the first two arcs, trailed by the other two (and then by Takeru), and then Yamato shoots up for Myotismon and DM arcs, but it looks like so far, all the other kids, sans Takeru, have had relatively equal amounts of screentime so far across the first arc. I wonder if this stays true throughout the entire show or if, at some point, Yamato's will increase relative to the others
That's an interesting theory! I haven't read anything about the creative process, but considering the opening credits, it looks like there was some intent to have Sora be the "second" in line, since she appears always after Taichi in them. But then from the third episode they have Gabumon instead be the second one to achieve Adult evolution after Agumon. And yet I've been a little surprised by Yamato's overall screentime, I thought it would be much higher already.
I wonder if they had even settled on the "order" of the kids while writing the first arcs, aside from Taichi who was obviously set to be the leader from the start. Even as a kid that I was, watching the show for the first time, it struck me as noticeable that aside from Taichi, the kids didn't get their Crests in their usual order, so maybe that was a leftover from any indecision they may have had for who would be "second" in line.
That makes me also wonder how well I can predict Yamato's screentime in future episodes, since I was very off about it for the first arc. In a way it's giving me even more motivation to keep on to the end, cause I'm genuinely curious to find that out. And considering he doesn't appear for 4-5 episodes in the Dark Masters arc, I wonder if his overall screentime will cover for that "void" (and how much of that will be covered by his screentime in the Dark Cave scene, that one alone is about six minutes long, and he still has significant screentime for the rest of that episode).
In any case, it's been an amazingly interesting project to get into! I'm glad I at least have the time to do it on a nearly everyday basis XD
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variouscolors-old · 2 years
Kamen Chef AU details (updated):
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The prompt:
This is totally an AU verse now thanks to Kizuna and its drama CD’s info re: Daisuke.
The story starts when one day Daisuke and V-mon come to talk with Chef Digitamamon from Chinatown area and Daisuke asks Digitamamon to teach him some tips and such. Digitamamon then says he wants what Daisuke can do already and runs a little test. Surprised with Daisuke’s skill being not bad but also having room to be improved, the egg-like digimon accepts him as intern. V-mon also gets “employed” to help with Daisuke’s training.
Since it’s too dangerous for both, also the fact villains the Chosen Children still have to fight come to Digitamamon’s restaurant... Daisuke gets an ALIAS to keep himself safe from trouble (?!) -- So now while he’s working there he’s an Lighdramon-like armored digimon called Lightnimon and gets more than a double life as HS student and Chosen Child: Now he’s a masked chef.
As you can think, Daisuke himself still got no time to explain to his friends and his seniors (Taichi-Yamato-Koushiro-Sora-Mimi-Jou) or even his family about this part-time job. But hey, one day he will get there.
Now does this disguise work?
Since digimon can spot who’s a digimon and who’s not pretty well, the food scent messes with said senses and it also hides Daisuke’s scent.
Daisuke also tries his best to not talk much and only when needed. Anyone who knows him pretty well is able to identify him. There’s no in between.
To prevent being caught, Daisuke and V-mon have their own “safety route” to go back to human world and to come to the Digital World.
They also avoid using public spaces for that. So, basically he does it from his own room once everyone at home is asleep.
Thanks to 02 ep 33 we learn the 02 group’s digivices can give them the appearance and outfit they deeply want, so this is how Daisuke got this “Lighdramon-esque armor” and how he can switch quickly back to his original appearance. This is referred by “change” when mentioned.
Now, details about the muses involved there:
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Digitamamon (he/him): The owner of this restaurant, pretty strict but has a soft heart. Will fight whoever tries to hurt his employees and customers, but will also smack you in the head if you break his building. It’s like a father figure for his employees, and can speak ancient digimon language.
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Daisuke AKA Lightnimon (17yo, he/him): Just an ordinary Chosen from Odaiba... Who once saved the world from BelialVamdemon. So yeah, Daisuke’s pretty famous and of course there’s bad and mean digimon seeking to beat him and become famous for it. He works disguised as a digimon named “Lightnimon” (or Lightni, called by almost everyone there) as Digitamamon’s student. Somehow, his ideas and suggestions starts improving the restaurant to the point it gets pretty busy later.
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V-mon (he/him): Daisuke’s partner, best digi-bud and partner-in-crime when it comes to Daisuke’s food experiments. He supports Daisuke so much, but sometimes gets worried about Daisuke and Daisuke’s clumsiness... Though V-mon can also be a walking mess and stupid. Can evolve to multiple forms by using Digimentals, but his main adult evolution is XV-mon. He works as waiter and as kitchen assistant.
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Bakumon (they/them): One of the oldest employees from this restaurant. They can talk, but it’s more easier pretend to not, and just repeat the menu when someone asks them about something. They do everything though, but mostly to greet the customers and serve them.
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Gekomon(s) (they/them): A tiny amount of the employees lately are Gekomon from the local area. Some probably had met Mimi, Palmon, Taichi, Agumon, Jou and Gomamon before. They have small jobs such as helping serving the customers or keeping the place clean.
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shinkoxyagami · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure 2020 episode 29
Escape the burning jungle🔥
This episode was fire.. I loved everything about it.. Here's my biggest edit tribute yet of an episode on this series..
The fights moments were incredible.. The way Taichi acted and even that deep down he is sad about what Hikari did and how she left him and Skullnightmon kidnapped her, I loved the way he expressedhis emotionsduring the episode especially at the near end.. Agumon encouraging Taichi to not give up.. And others support him.. How woodmon and those cute budmon and of course our others holy digimon Lopmon apeard... Taichi caring and holding him like that was so precious.. The sadness we got from seeing those poor digimons die.. Seeing the rule of this digital world and how life goes in it.. The crazy situation that like Koushiro said it's the calm before storm.. Mimi, Joe, Takeru, Yamato's actions during the episode.. And how lovely a s surprisingly Sora apeard.. it was so precious that those little digimons fought alongside Taichi to help him.. Even tho they were week it was a nice touch.. And the hype at the end that it's not over...
I'm surprised how some people say this episode was a waste of time.. It has a lot of great moments and feelings it.. It was incredible.
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whookami · 4 years
I feel like Digimon Adventure (2020) has wasted it’s potential. Sure, the story is new, creating new dynamics, but the characters... they are so meh. Okay, so Tai is pretty much the same, yay for him, but most of the other kids have been robbed of the traits that made them interesting, that made them feel like more than just 2D characters in a fictional world.
Sora doesn’t have her struggles with how she feels about love, her complex relationship with her mother’s overprotectiveness, coupled with her own sense of responsibility. Koushiro isn’t struggling with his sense of belonging (as much, there are tiny hints), his unresolved issues about being adopted and feeling like he doesn’t have a real home with the people he cares about. Mimi isn’t being dragged down and forced to see the horrors of war, she’s shown to be immediately bouncing back after terrible losses and conflicts, rather than having to find the inner strength to choose her own path and forge ahead on her own. Jou’s struggles with school do still exist, and his practical nature, but they don’t feel as solid as in the original, as much of an obstacle for him to overcome in accepting his place as a Digidestined. Takeru isn’t suffering from the need to prove himself, constantly feeling helpless and like he is constantly being babied, as from almost the moment he appears in the Digital World everyone knows he’s got the most powerful digimon, who also manages to unlock an armour evolution when he can’t immediately evolve back into Angemon. Hikari is...weirder in this. Does she have a personality at all besides blank curiosity and belief in Taichi? Maybe. I guess we’ll have to see. And Yamato, poor poor Yamato who has basically had the core of his character excised and then just... not replaced with anything else compelling. Yamato’s issues with his own worth and his responsibility for his brother, who he hardly gets to see due to his parents’ divorce, how he babies Takeru and treats him like he’s helpless, then coupled with Tai’s seeming competence as a leader and how he’s bonding with Takeru and treating him as more of an equal, sparking Yamato into a spiral of doubt and jealousy???? Now he’s just kinda stoic and strategic, and also blatantly supports Takeru being involved in their fight and taking risks, which okay, from the original would be great character development, but this version just jumps right into being okay with his tiny tiny brother being on the front lines in a war??
Also, not sure yet how this will pan out as the character has only just been (re)introduced, but Tailmon (or Gatomon, for the sake of nostalgia). She was the most interesting Digimon originally due to her being hatched and brought up separately, surrounded by the darkness and knowing that something inside herself was missing, but going along with what she’d been taught until Wizardmon finally helped set her on the right path.
Oh, also, Tai going crazy and this version’s take on the SkullGreymon idea was so weak. Tai wasn’t being reckless or careless or trying to use his power like a cudgel, forcing Agumon to evolve. It was in the heat of a very serious battle and their actions made sense, but were painted as being the ‘wrong’ actions because the plot needed them to seem that way?? Of course Agumon’s gonna go dinosaur crazy upon seeing Tai get eaten. It was weak.
All this good character stuff is gone, and what replaces it so far had been drab, boring, and always easily overcome. In the original series Yamato didn’t get over his issues until like, episode 53!! The characters really struggled with their issues, went through ups and downs, made mistakes, learned over time to fix them. I feel like these new takes are static, not growing or changing due to their situations, just bouncing from one problem to the next without anything really sticking to them. Nothing feels like it has any consequences and I don’t relate to what the kids are going through because it’s just a bunch of huge monster battles without any emotional context besides surviving.
Final thought: Also, how the actual fuck are the kids staying on their Digimon during all these attacks?? Pegasmon literally turns into a whirling vertical disc of death and Takeru is on his back the whole time and isn’t barfing afterwards like a kid who ate before riding the Gravitron???
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ashxketchum · 3 months
Besties we got new Digimon Adventure merch art!!!
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After sort of a dry spell in since April due to all the collabs actually getting their proper run in cafes/stores etc, there is finally some excitement for the 25th Anniversary celebrations again (tbh they should've announced this on the livestream smh smh) . The theme this time is "marine" and it's a nice follow up to the Digimon Tamers merch that was announced about a month ago.
The vibe of being part of a crew is coming off really well through the outfit design, but the key point is the pins of their crest and the type of hat that the kid is wearing. If you look closely, Koushiro, Takeru among the boys are not wearing the officer style hat but berets and their pins are missing as well, similarly for Hikari her beret hat is differently style than the other girls with the missing pin. Koushiro and Takeru are also not wearing ties like the other boys but the sailor knot, which leads me to believe that this is a reference to the their roles on the ship, implying that Koushiro, Hikari and Takeru still lack a designation.
When we look at the other kids, the difference in roles becomes much clearer.
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While Taichi greets us with a perfect salute, Yamato takes the helm. A very interesting take where Taichi (as the Captain?) sets direction and Yamato ensures that they follow his desired path. Tbvh I could write a whole essay about why this specific depiction of their roles is so groundbreaking, but for now I'll just end on how whenever they're depicted as a team, the sense of equilibrium between the two of them is never lost.
PS: I also love Agumon's little lop sided hat, he is trying his best to support Taichi and that's just adorable.
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Next we have Sora and Mimi and again the detailing in their positions to their actual roles in the show is very visible. Sora is on lookout duty, keeping watch against any unchartered occurrences, making sure that the crew can be alerted before disaster falls. Mimi on the other hand, is most likely the stewardess, and is keeping the morale up with her cheers and support! Love the little crests flags she is waving, and the groupings of the crest is definitely interesting 🫣 Jou with the map of their course is very apt as well, in the show we see him attempting to find his footing as the voice of reason between Taichi and Yamato arguing many times, so now he's here making sure that the two stick the job they have been given, ready to correct the course if any tensions rise.
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Koushiro, Hikari and Takeru are for me the most interesting of the lot for the reasons pointed out earlier. While the other kids are portrayed as taking some sort of role on the ship, these three seem to be enjoying their times as cadets (in training?). Especially Takeru and Hikari, who are the youngest, are having fun playing around with their partners. Koushiro on the other hand, definitely wants to contribute in some way, and maybe the best way Taichi and Yamato could get him to stop tailing them was to put him on fishing duty lol.
All in all, this is a great piece of illustration, I'm glad we got some more new outfits! If someone has a more in depth understanding of how things work on a cruise ship or similar, please share your thoughts and let me know how you interpret the roles here!
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
Digimon Adventure 01x02 - Explosive Evolution! Greymon! / The Birth of Greymon
Well, I want to be sleeping right now but Insomnia Night says no. So I guess it's time for the next episode.
Last time on Digimon Adventure, everybody was sent hurtling to their deaths by local wildlife. Hooray!
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The newly Child-stage Digimon make an attempt to save their partners from falling to their doom, but they can't support an 11-year-old's body weight so this goes south immediately.
Notably, in the earlier fight with Kuwagamon, every Digimon got to show off their new Child-stage signature attack except Gomamon. This is because his move isn't usable when he's that far from a water source. He's kind of the Superfriends Aquaman of Digimon.
As the children plunge into the river, Gomamon gets to strut his signature attack: Marching Fishes.
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Fun fact, Digimon call all of their attacks in English rather than Japanese because it's a cool, exotic language to scream attack names in, but one that everyone in Japan is familiar with.
Just as the kids think they're safe, Kuwagamon... uh... attacks?
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For real, it honestly looks like they fell asleep standing up and then flopped over into the river. This looks much more like Kuwagamon falling than attacking, but it's played up like they're attacking. Both they and the rocks hit the water, sending up a massive tidal wave that gently carries the children to shore.
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Haha. Hahaha. Hahahahaha. Sure, Yamato. Whatever helps you cope.
Gomamon takes a moment to explain that he controls fish at will. Dub Gomamon goes for a bit less mind-controlly explanation, saying he and those fish are pals and he asked them for a ride.
From there it's reintroductions to the new Child-stage Digimon, as well as explaining how evolution works. The dub splices in stock footage from the evolutions in the previous episode, just to make sure you got it.
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This is where a really interesting shift in translation occurs. Where Koushiro focuses in on evolution as a concept and Tentomon confirms they're talking about similar things, Izzy instead describes it like this: "So Digivolving is what happens when they advance to the next level and become more powerful than before." The dub's emphasis is on increasing their battle strength.
We see something similar in how the stages are even referred to. In Japanese, we know these as Baby, Child, and Adult stages; in English, they're In-Training, Rookie, and Champion. The Japanese names reference life cycles, while the American ones are more evocative of developing warriors.
Agumon further explains that he hadn't been able to evolve by himself before. He speculates that evolving earlier had something to do with meeting Taichi, and the other Digimon corroborate that speculation with their own feelings towards their Partners. They don't really understand how it works; However, they all agree that the kids have something to do with it.
The dub tonally shifts this to Agumon explaining in totally certain terms that they were able to Digivolve by "sharing [the kids'] energy". It's not explained super clearly what that means and Izzy's left with questions for how the energy's harvested, which go unanswered.
Dub Joe is also inexplicably hostile about the whole thing. Jou expresses that this whole thing doesn't make sense to him, with Gomamon agreeing that he's confused too. Dub Joe instead snipes, "My folks warned me about strangers!" out of absolutely nowhere.
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Once all that's settled, it's time to move on to next steps. There's a lot of changes happening in this scene.
Jou wants to go back up to where Kuwagamon was hunting them because they're supposed to stay put and wait for adults to come and get them. However, the group quickly agrees that climbing back up that cliff is an unreasonable plan.
The dub seems to really not like Jou's deference to general adult supervision because once again they scrub it out. Joe instead wants to find a pay phone to call the police, fire department, and his mom. Still adults and authority figures, to be fair, but not exactly the same vibe as "Let's stay where we are and wait for the adults to come get us." Rather, this is foreshadowing for later in the episode.
Jou is the group's senpai; He's responsible for their wellbeing but he has no idea how to be responsible for them. This is part of his character journey.
Yamato points out that this place doesn't look anything like the camp site they were at; Koushiro agrees, speculating based on local vegetation that they're somewhere in the subtropics. Matt wants to find a road leading to safety, but Izzy points out that navigation without a compass is hard.
Jou suggests they can find a road that might take them back up to where they arrived, still on that "Wait for adults to come get us" thing. Joe whines that his pants aren't good for hiking.
Sora then suggests that if they do go back up the cliff, they might find clues to how they got here; However, Mimi fears further attacks from creatures like Kuwagamon. The dub translates this part faithfully.
Taichi asks if there are any other humans around, but Agumon confirms that they're alone here. It's only DIgimon. This also gets translated faithfully.
From there, the group discusses File Island for a moment. Nobody has any idea where this place is, with Jou suggesting they might not even be in Japan anymore. The dub already blew the big reveal by saying "Digi-World" instead of "File Island" so their kids instead briefly question whether or not nighttime exists in this place. Izzy finds the topic ridiculous since it would be "unnatural" for nighttime not to exist, prompting Joe to ask what part of this is natural. Valid counterpoint.
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Once all that's settled, Taichi takes charge and gets us moving. He saw the ocean when he was scouting before Kuwagamon's attack so we're heading that way. Though Jou takes one last chance to insist on his preferred course of action: We need to stay put and wait for adults to find us.
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So the rest of the group just starts walking and tries to leave his ass here, with Gomamon calling out to get him moving too. XD
This joke does get somewhat faithfully translated. Joe wants to find a cave and hide, but "We keep our eyes open and when a camp counselor comes--" which is when Gomamon calls out to him.
It still works, but doesn't hit quite the same tone as when this is like his fifth time interjecting with this.
Once the group gets walking, they take another assessment of their surroundings. Koushiro revises his assessment of the flora being subtropical. Jou repeats that they're probably not in Japan. Then Yamato points out that the Digimon seem like a pretty big tipoff that something's weird about this place.
The dub gets as far as Izzy saying he thought the plants were subtropical, but they don't want to talk about being in Japan for localization reasons. So Joe instead derails the conversation to complain about his hay fever being aggravated, before Matt groans, "Is there anything you don't complain about!?"
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As they make their way to the ocean, the kids take some time to get to know their partners. Patamon and Piyomon demonstrate that they can both fly, but not well. Then this hilarious bit happens.
Mimi: Palmon, you look kind of like a plant. Palmon: I am! I can even conduct photosynthesis. Mimi: That's so cool! Do it! Do it! Palmon: ...Mimi, do you know what photosynthesis is? Mimi: No, not really. What is it? Palmon: ...well, I don't really know either....
The dub wipes out this entire exchange and instead has Mimi inexplicably gush about Palmon's "hair". She wants to try and do Palmon's hair herself, to which Palmon accuses her of caring too much about appearances before rejecting her offer. For a second time, the dub is weirdly mean to Mimi for no apparent reason. She has done nothing but be nearby dressed in pink!
Once they arrive at the beach, they come upon a most unexpected sight.
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Hey look, it's those pay phones that Dub Joe wanted! Joe is naturally ecstatic about this discovery.
The Japanese group takes a moment to agree among themselves that these are definitely pay phones, just like the ones you see around town. Jou takes this as confirmation that they're still in Japan, only to have his hopes utterly destroyed when Gomamon asks what this Japan thing he keeps talking about is.
In English, Izzy wildly speculates that aliens put these phones here as a trap. Matt wants to order a pizza; Mimi demands no anchovies. Again trying to avoid Japan as a topic, Joe instead suggests these phones are for calling your parents for a ride, at which point Gomamon asks what parents are.
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Taichi gets impatient with standing around contemplating the mystery phones and decides to use them instead. As soon as he bites that bullet, the rest of the group flood into the phone booths to do the same.
As Koushiro hands his phone card over to Taichi, dub Izzy says, "Use my phone card; The aliens can bill me." Goddammit, XD.
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It does not go well. On the other end of the phone, all they can get are seemingly prerecorded messages replying with absolute gibberish.
"The time is now 38:82:90 AM." "Tomorrow's weather will be sunny with occasional ice cream." "This phone is currently outside all service areas."
The dub fully understood the assignment on this one and even spices up a couple of them. Instead of 39 o'clock, the time is now 45 MPH... and 90 seconds. My favorite bad phone message is the dub's "To leave a message, press 1 now. To leave a fingerprint, press 2 now!"
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As it becomes apparent that these phones aren't their salvation, Taichi and Yamato break into an argument over next steps. Taichi wants to give up on the phones and leave, but Yamato steamrolls him with logic.
1 - The phones were ringing earlier. Even if we can't call out, if we hang out here, someone might call us. 2 - Not to mention, the whole group is too tired to start marching again.
With Koushiro backing him up and pointing out that everyone's getting hungry, Taichi relents. We'll stay here and take a break.
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Discussing food options, the group inspect their belongings and rediscover their Digivices. They'd completely forgotten about those things. Cool, but not edible so. Y'know. Questions for later.
Setting those aside for now, the group goes over what they have on them to see who's got something to eat.
Sora: First aid kit. Koushiro: Laptop, digital camera, and cell phone. All non-functional since arriving on File Island. Taichi: Mini telescope.
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I mean, it's all sweets so it's not very nutritional. But you know what it's not? It's not starving to death on the beach of a deserted island.
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Mimi, meanwhile, is decked out for wilderness survival. She was nervous about the camping trip so she plundered her dad's stuff without his knowledge - A decision that, the group agrees, may be what keeps them alive in this place.
The dub once again takes this opportunity to be mean to Mimi. She describes the Swiss Army Knife as "one of those knives with all the things", which I actually like. She's like 10, that's a fair description for a 10-year-old who doesn't go camping.
But then they cut out her explanation of why she has all this stuff. Instead, Matt brings up earlier in the dub when Izzy mentioned they don't have a compass and snaps at MImi for not telling them she had one; Mimi defends herself by saying she thought it'd be fun to see how far they can get without it.
Y'all, they seriously changed a line earlier so they'd have something to yell at Mimi for later. The dub is so mean to Mimi.
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Fortunately Jou, who's been busy trying to get the phones to work and hasn't followed the conversation, has the solution to our food problem: A bag of emergency rations he's been trying to pass off to Mimi.
As the group begins divvying upon the food, Jou crunches the numbers. It's supposed to be enough food for three days, but Takeru wasn't supposed to be on this camping trip; He snuck in to spend time with Yamato. So that's an extra mouth. Furthermore, the Digimon are going to double their food consumption.
The Digimon chime in to say they can forage just fine. They've been fending for themselves in the wilderness all their lives; They don't need to eat the emergency rations. That will help extend their time.
The dub simplifies the math a bit by counting T.K. as having officially been part of the trip, so there's an even share of food for him already accounted for.
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However, while this conversation is happening, Taichi and Agumon are already digging into the rations. Whoops.
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Before anyone else has a chance to eat, the kids are under attack once more. A subterranean assailant destroys the phone booths and their reason for lingering on this beach.
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This is the Adult-stage Shellmon. His name is in English so it's pretty easy to tell what it's supposed to reference. The Digimon try their best to defend the kids from Shellmon, but only one of them has any energy to fight.
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Agumon's signature move is called Baby Flame 'cause he's just a little guy. The dub changes it to Pepper Breath, which admittedly sounds cool as heck.
It quickly becomes apparent that he's the only one with stamina to fight. That's. Uh. That's a problem because Shellmon is Adult-stage like Kuwagamon. It took the entire group to fight Kuwagamon. And they lost.
So. Y'know. Agumon doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell of holding this line. But he's gonna have to.
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Demonstrating the courage that will become such a defining aspect of his character, Taichi throws himself into the fray. He leaps into action to distract Shellmon and open him up to flanking shots from Agumon. He also tries to fight more directly.
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It does not go well. Taichi has zero chance of winning a fistfight with a kaiju shellfish. However, his courage and boldness sparks the next stage of Agumon's evolution.
With the theme song roaring up again, Agumon SHINKAAAAAA!
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Agumon's Adult stage is Greymon. A bit of an odd name for such a colorful creature. I'm of the understanding that it's based on a form of grey that means "ancient", because he's clearly a dinosaur. That, however, is not a usage of the word that I'm familiar with.
Greymon's evolution is slightly different between versions. Just before Agumon evolves, in Japanese, he screams Taichi's name out of desperation. "TAICHI!!!" he cries out, before suddenly evolving into Greymon and gaining the power to fight back.
In English, he instead shouts "Digivolve!" like a battle cry, making it seem a little more like he's in control and doing this on purpose.
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Taking control of this situation, Greymon hurls Shellmon into the air and unveils his new attack: Mega Flame, the vastly more powerful counterpart to Baby Flame. The dub calls it Digi-Nova Blast.
Mega Flame launches Shellmon into the distance and sends him crashing into the ocean offshore from File Island. A much more decisive victory than their previous encounter with Kuwagamon, though Shellmon likely is still alive out there.
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Given what just happened, the group decides to keep their Digimon well-fed rather than trying to preserve the rations. Also, to get the hell out of here as quickly as possible. There's no reason to stay since the phones have been destroyed, and Shellmon could return at any moment.
Jou takes this opportunity to once more pitch returning to the woods they originally landed in, but he gets thoroughly outvoted. It's up a cliff, it's far away, no more Kuwagamon. Legit, in the dub, Mimi just frets about running into Kuwagamon again, but Japanese Mimi shrieks at Jou, "NO MORE KUWAGAMON!!!" XD I love that delivery.
Koushiro has a better plan: Phones imply the existence of people who installed them, so let's be proactive and go look for those people. Jou is once more outvoted.
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With that settled, we have a little bit of food, we have a plan, and the group sets off to pursue this thin thread of hope that they've found.
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure: (2020) {Reboot} ~ J.P.N Version ~ Ep. 59 featuring DUO{s}: 2020!Taichi & 2020!Koushiro {KOUTAI} / {Taishiro} / {TaiKou} 2020!Koushiro & Tentomon (as Friendship) ~ MOMENTS & Interactions {as Friendly/Supportive}
"YOU HAVEN'T 'LOST'!" {Koushiro gasps in response}
"Taichi-han, Agumon, Whamon... Everyone's WAITING! They're counting on YOU, Koushiro-han!!" - 2020!Tentomon
{Picking tablet back up with renewed CONFIDENCE} "LET ME play the game once more, (using formal J.P.N speech) Please!" - 2020!Koushiro {"Kudasai!"}
"THAT'S more like 'YOU', Izumi Koushiro!!" - 2020!Datamon, (In an Impressed, enthusiastic tone)
"KOUSHIRO ... Tentomon!..." - 2020!Taichi, with a clearly concerned, soft TONE, watching from behind the glass tank Taichi's held captive in, touching the glass in Taichi's concern
Gifs by @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi {Do Not Repost or Reproduce without my Permission} {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use)
Image usage rules + original commentary under the ‘read more’!
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS [SPECIFIC] DUO/SHIP (KouTai/Taishiro). please remember + respect this when interacting} (*However, it is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along WITH the ship name!!)}
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!]
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Pairing: Post-Kizuna Taishiro (aromantic Taichi)
Summary: Taichi calls Koushiro to his apartment. He has something important to say.
This is not a typical taishiro story, but I hope you like it.
Koushiro got to Taichi's apartment by 9 o'clock, like Taichi had asked. Agumon was the one who opened the door. He had been living with Taichi full-time ever since his rematerialization, just like Pyiomon was living with Sora and Gabumon with Yamato. Koushiro suspected that was due to the trauma of their separation, but never commented on it. He didn't want to remind his friends of their anguish, especially because he didn't think he could really understand what they had gone through. After all, Koushiro had never lost Tentomon.
“Taichi is waiting for you in his bedroom,” Agumon said, smiling largely. “I'm going to watch some TV while you two talk.”
“Do you know what he wants to talk to me about?” Koushiro asked. “Taichi-san was really mysterious on the phone... did something bad happen?”
“No, no! Nothing bad happened! He wants to tell you something good! Something very important!” Agumon told him. “But I'm not telling you anything more than that!”
“Alright, then...” Koushiro said, entering the apartment. After taking his shoes off, he headed to Taichi's bedroom, which was a lot tidier than usual. The sheets covering the bed were clean, his books were organized over the desk and the only things on the floor were two pillows and a short-legged table, on which there was a large plate of rice balls. Taichi was standing up close to the open window, looking at the starry sky as the cool night breeze messed with his hair.
“Hello, Taichi-san,” Koushiro greeted. Taichi turned to him and smiled, which made Koushiro's heart skip a bit.
Taichi was wearing black pants and a white long sleeved orange shirt with buttons; his hair was still a bit wet, indicating that he had taken a shower not long before. Koushiro also noticed that Taichi had put on cologne, which made him self-conscious for going to his friend's apartment straight from the office, still wearing the same dark blue pants, white shirt and tie he had put on that morning. I should've taken a shower and changed clothes... Koushiro thought. But Taichi had such a serious voice when he asked him to come to his place, how could Koushiro not head straight to his apartment? There could be an emergency!
Taichi silently sat on a pillow and waited for Koushiro to sit on the other one, across from him. After Koushiro sat, the other looked into his eyes for almost an entire minute without saying anything, bearing a nervous expression.
“Did something happen, Taichi-san?” Koushiro asked, worried.
Taichi took a deep breath before replying:
“Do you know how in the movies people who are in love act in an odd way?” Taichi questioned. “They get nervous around the person they like, they think about them all the time, they blush and get butterflies in the stomach among other things, you know?”
“Yes,” Koushiro said. That was how people who were romantically attracted to others usually were. Koushiro didn't need to take examples from movies to know what Taichi was talking about, though. For years, he had felt that way towards him. However, Taichi had no way of knowing about Koushiro's feelings, because the redhead had decided a long time ago not to burden his friend with his unrequited love. Taichi had already so many things going on in his life, he shouldn't have to worry about turning down unsolicited affection.
“I never felt that,” Taichi confessed in a pained voice. “I've never fallen in love... I've tried to go out with people since I entered college but never got past the first date with anyone... I don't think I've ever felt the thing everybody else feels... that euphoria... and I'm starting to think I'll never feel that... there's something wrong with me and I can't fix it...”
To see Taichi in such sorrow was breaking Koushiro's heart. There was no need for him to feel bad, ever!
“There's nothing wrong with not feeling romantic attraction, Taichi-san!” Koushiro stated. “There are many people like that in the world, they call themselves aromantic!”
“Aromantic?” Taichi asked, as if he found that word strange.
“A few years ago, when I was trying to figure out if I was bisexual or asexual, I visited several blogs about sexual and romantic attraction and made some aromantic friends,” Koushiro told him. “They're wonderful and loving people. There's nothing to be ashamed about being aromantic, Taichi-san! Even if you don't feel romantic love, I know you're full of love for your family and your friends! You've always cared so much about everybody, you've always tried so hard to do what was best for everybody... I don't know anyone with a bigger heart than yours! You don't need to be fixed! You're not wrong in any conceivable way!”
Koushiro stopped talking when he noticed that Taichi had begun to cry. What had he done wrong? Was he insensitive by accident? What could he do to make the other feel better?
“Thank you,” Taichi told him, wiping his tears with the back of his hands. “You've always been so kind and supportive... I don't know how you still put up with me...”
“I don't 'put up' with you, Taichi-san. I like you and I care a lot about you!” Koushiro affirmed. Right after saying that, he worried that he had let his true feelings for Taichi come to the surface, but Taichi's warm smile put Koushiro at ease.
“This is kind of embarrassing... I had called you over and prepared everything because I wanted to tell you something else... but then I felt so much guilt and ended up saying all that...” Taichi muttered.
“Guilt? Why would you feel guilty?” Koushiro asked.
He gazed at him, studying every aspect of Koushiro's face. Taichi seemed more relaxed than before, but still a little nervous.
“Koushiro, I...” he hesitated, “I never got nervous around you. It's actually the opposite... your presence calms me down... you center me... I don't have the faintest idea what butterflies in the stomach are supposed to feel like, but I'm pretty sure I never felt that... I don't think about you all the time, but when I think about you... when I talk to you... it makes me happy...” Taichi smiled. “Not euphoric, just... it's a calm happiness... I'm at peace when I'm with you... I don't get flustered when I'm with you nor do I fantasize about kissing you or holding your hand... I think you're good-looking, but I don't think you're the most handsome person in the world because... objectively speaking that would be Pedro Pascal...”
Koushiro couldn't avoid but giggle at that last part. But then, he thought about the reason why Taichi was telling him those things. There was only one logical explanation.
“Listen, Taichi-san...” Koushiro said. “I think I know what you're trying to tell me... you must've figured out my feelings for you, right? You don't have to worry about explaining yourself to me. I would never hold against you the fact that you don't like me that way. It's alright, really! We can still be friends!”
Taichi stared at him, perplexed.
“What are you talking about, Koushiro?” Taichi asked. “What do you mean I figured out your feelings... OH MY GOODNESS, DO YOU LIKE ME?” he shouted once he finally understood. “DO YOU LIKE ME ROMANTICALLY? ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH ME?”
Koushiro felt his heart sink.
“You didn't know...?” he asked in a weak voice. “But, Taichi-san, you... you were turning me down gently, weren't you? You had to... why would you say that if you didn't know?”
“Turning you down? Do you think I called you over, dressed nicely and got those rice balls because I wanted to turn you down?” Taichi asked.
“B-But then... what were you... what are you trying to say to me?” Koushiro inquired, confused.
“I'm trying to say that I love you!” Taichi stated. “I love you in a way I don't love anyone else! It's more special than what I feel for my other friends, but it's not like what's portrayed in movies! I love everything about you! Your kindness, your caring personality, how hard-working you are, how I can always be honest with you and how you understand me so easily! I love how excited you get whenever you learn new things and how patient you are when other people don't immediately understand what you're talking about! You are wonderful! Koushiro, you make me so happy! I'm so glad I got to meet you and be your friend! I love you with all my heart... I love you as much as I'm capable! During the time Agumon was gone, you were by my side all the time and I understood that I wanted you to be with me forever... but that's very selfish of me, isn't it?” Taichi frowned. “You deserve more than the love I can give you... you deserve someone who will be nervous around you and blush and be euphoric... someone whose heart beats faster when you're around...”
“Taichi-san, stop saying that!” Koushiro told him, startling Taichi. “Do you realize how nonsensical you're sounding right now? You keep talking about how I deserve better than what you can give me, but have you ever asked yourself what I wanted?”
Taichi kept his eyes on Koushiro, not daring to say anything. The other continued:
“I love you and you love me! Who cares if we don't feel the exact same kind of love for each other? I certainly don't mind that! I don't care if you don't want to kiss me or hold my hand, nor do I care if you don't get nervous around me or if you don't desire me in the same way other people might! I honestly don't care about those hypothetical people! I care about you! And I want to be with you!”
Taichi's eyes widened after hearing that. Nevertheless, there was still a glimpse of fear in them.
“What if my love isn't enough for you?”
Koushiro smiled and told him in an assured voice:
“Your love is everything for me!”
Taichi smiled back at him, which made Koushiro deeply happy.
Suddenly, Agumon showed up at the bedroom's door.
“Taichi, if you're not going to eat the rice balls, can I have them?” the digimon asked.
“Agumon, were you spying on us?” Taichi asked, sheepishly.
“Of course I was!” Agumon admitted. “You were really worried about confessing your feelings to Koushiro and I wanted to make sure everything went smoothly.”
“You say that, but it's not as if you tried to stop me from blurting all my insecurities to Koushiro earlier,” Taichi accused.
“I didn't stop you because it was a good thing that you opened your heart to him,” Agumon explained. “That way, you won't have to worry about Koushiro not fully accepting you.”
Taichi and Koushiro exchanged looks and smiled at each other. Agumon was right. Thanks to Taichi's honesty, the two young men could be sure of how profoundly they loved and were loved by each other and of how happy their relationship would be.
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ahiddenpath · 4 years
19, 20, 21, 30, 32
Hey there, thanks so much for the ask!  And happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends!  I threw this below the cut because it’s long.
19.)  OTPs
My fave digimon ship is Daiken!  Next is Sorato.  Third tier is Jyoumi, then Takari.
I sort of ship Taishiro?  Like, I love love love Taishiro fanart and the concept, but I’ve never quuuuuite seen it written in a way that made sense to me.  I’m stupid picky about how Koushiro is written, though, unless the story is clearly comedic/silly.
I am open to canon x OC ships for any series, mostly because I think it’s unrealistic that a group of 12 people (or how ever many main characters there are) would all pair off together.  Like, it’s a big world, and most of these kids end up doing big things, which would expose them to lots of potential partners.  I realize this isn’t a very popular stance, though?  Obviously the OC has to be a fully-fleshed character who can bring something new to the table, though.
20.)  Favorite friendships/bonds between humans
Ahhh geez, here’s where I get a little unusual and say that I really don’t see much difference between romantic and platonic?  Like, I think platonic and romantic are equally important in a person’s life.  And “we kiss/are physically intimate” isn’t... a big deal to me.
So, all of the above from the OTPs, except add Yamato and Takeru.  I also in general love to see the female characters interact together and support one another, but you could put that under either category, too.
21.)  Favorite friendship/bond between digimon
You know, we don’t see this as much as the humans?  The digimon tend to interact most with their human.  I’d say Agumon and Gabumon are shown to be close- they have some really nice conversations in the Kizuna novel.  Also, Gomamon and Tentomon had some really nice heart-to-hearts/supporting each other in Tri?!?!?!  Like, that was unexpected, and deeply appreciated.
Also, I love the concept that Wormmon really wants to play with the other partner digimon right around after Ken rejected the Kaiser, but was having trouble coming to join the group.
Slightly off topic, but I’m also absolutely freaking living for Piyomon scolding Yamato?!  ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE A MOVE ON SORA?!  HOW DARE YOU!  YOU AREN’T HIGH LEVEL ENOUGH!!!  GO TRAIN AND COME BACK!
30.)  An unpopular opinion about the series
I dunno, I guess I seem to like the epilogue a lot more than most people do? 
32.)  A character/friendship that should’ve had more development?
All of the girls interacting together.  GIVE THEM A GIRL’S DAY.
I also would love to see more of Yamato with characters who aren’t Taichi, Takeru, or Sora.  He is truly, impressively introverted.
Oh!  Jyou!  Jyou and everyone, honestly!  He tends to bow out of social situations.  I have all these ideas about how he would relate to everyone when they get older, and I WANT MORE JYOU.
Also just, please just give Hikari more material, especially with people who are not Taichi or Takeru.  But first, just show me more of Hikari herself.  She deserves so much more content.
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xpearlshippingx · 5 years
Day 1&2: Daughter / Son
Hello! My original intention was to post some drabbles or Oneshot for Epilogue Celebration but I still have school and exam and can't finish it on time ( Yes it still not canceled despite the numerous cases in my country, stay safe everyone !) so I decided to post some headcanons instead. 
Joe Son: 
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-He picks up Gomamon's sense of humor since he was pretty attached to the Seal Digimon much to Joe's dismay. -He the first in the family that does not follow the family tradition of being a doctor from the beginning and Joe fully support his decision -He is similar to Joe, faint at the sight of blood... bad singing ... but one difference is that he doesn't put Salt & Pepper in his egg -He had a strong interest in computers and learn from Koushiro, a fact Koushiro is glad for since his daughter didn't have that much of an interest in technology. -He often the target of Takeru Son prank. It escalated into a prank war when he retaliated
Sora and Yamato Son:
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-He good friend with Taichi son but like Yamato and Taichi, they argue often and Sora can’t believe that she had another pair of boys to handle. One is more than enough -Yamato often dresses him up in wolves design clothing when he was young and he likes to pretend to be Gabumon. Gabumon Costume for Halloween is a must too -He likes to cloud watch with Piyomon -He good at drawing and often doodle with Sora when she designing -He gets flustered by girl easily but is still pretty much surrounded by them, Yamato insist is cause he inherited his dad good look 
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-Her first word is “Dada”, also happens to be a daddy girl. She knows how to manipulate Yamato and Sora had to keep telling him not to fall for her sweet girl act -Mimi like to dress her up( since she had no daughter of her own) and she can’t escape from it -She has a crush on Taichi Son and Yamato hate it when Taichi keeps referring her as his future Daughter-In-law. Taichi and the rest actually had a bet if they would get together -She loves sport and music and often plays her newly thought out tune for Gabumon -She loves riding on Birdramon and often pestered Sora about it when her own partner can’t evolves yet. 
Taichi Son:
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-He a natural at soccer! But Takeru introduces him to basketball and he enjoyed it too! Every day, Taichi waited with bated breath to see which sport he will join -He taught Agumon to play basketball but gave up when the sharp claw tear through at least a dozen of it -He popular with girls too but no one approaches him as many assume he and Sorato daughter are together. He often wonders why he still single, what did he do wrong? -Sora often told him that he lucky he didn’t inherit Taichi IQ and is smarter than his father -He the only one who loves Mimi strange creation and actually ask for more
Hikari Son:
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-He probably the most polite and well manner of the bunch due to Hikari being a teacher -He soft-spoken and naïve, often took advantage of, lucky he had others to look out for him. The baby of the group -He and Tailmon like to take naps together -Joe and Koushiro gift him a camera for his birthday one year and he never goes anywhere without it. All the others Instagram post are taken by him                        - He one of the youngest but when it comes to academic, he really smart and like to geek out with Koushiro daughter 
Mimi Son:
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-He never inherits Mimi taste bud and could never figure out the beauty of fried rice with whip cream & strawberry -He not close to the other children at first as he grows up in America but moved to Japan when he older -He can be very open, blunt and cool. Because of this, He had a hard time fitting into Japan more reserve and tradition culture (eg: he hug the rest when he first meets them ) -He knows what plant is safe to eat and what is not safe because of Palmon and had a small cactus in his bedroom -He has a habit of pretending not to know Japanese when he feels it better for the situation. Another habit is going into full English when frustrated or when he insults others. 
Koushiro Daughter:
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-She learns how to pick up the important point from Koushiro rumbling from a young age -She a young genius like Koushiro and good in technology but never had an interest in computers. Her main interest is science -She clashes the most with Mimi son at first and find him rude but later become his closest friend -She learns Kansai Dialect from Tentomon -She takes pride in beating the other boys in video game 
Takeru Son:
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-He learns about his dad crush on Hikari when they were still kids and always tease Takeru about it                                                                       -He received a hat from Hikari as a joke and he always wore it out since then -He learns guitar from Yamato. His first owned guitar is gifted by Yamato -He and Patamon are the Prank Duo -He was forced to learn soccer by Taichi who insist it only fair and actually enjoy it, he and Taichi son are debating which team to join together
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o-w-quinlan · 4 years
Digimon Adventure 2020, episode 8 reaction (and over-analysis)
This week, a full-episode action scene, some introductions and character dynamics. If this is how an average episode will be, I’m fine with it.
Was Yamato this cool last time around? Back in OG Adventure, he always seemed more “perceived as cool” than actually cool. He was too much of an anxious mess to qualify. Maybe it’s because Takeru isn’t around this time, or because he already has a solid relationship with Gabumon, but 2020 Yamato is a lot more confident. Besides, he’s capable of holding onto a gigantic wolf doing several cartwheels without feeling the slightest bit dizzy. Cool. Taichi and Sora agree, and so should you.
This wasn’t Yamato’s introduction but it certainly felt like it played the same role for his character as the previous two did for Mimi and Jou: establish it and immediately get some minor character development rolling. His arc was a fair bit more standard than the other two but they got it out of the way fast enough that I enjoyed it instead of finding it annoying like I normally would. It helps that literally everyone saw through it and was willing to work with it. One of the things I like about Koushiro’s arc in the original series was how it, for the most part, completely refused to go for the most melodramatic option, and that seems to be the case for Yamato at least in this new series. Even that brief “friendship” sequence is a lot more restrained that it could have been.
Anyway, we got Yamato. He’s cool, very cool. He cares a lot, but refuses to show it. He tries to distance himself as much as possible from the others but fails, and he’s glad to have failed by the end. He’s dumbfounded to have received help. Good start for his character arc.
Gabumon didn’t have much to him (unlike Gomamon or Tentomon, even Palmon considering she has the butler routine), but we did get more confirmation that he and Agumon know each other from somewhere. He’s also the one who explains the situation to Taichi’s group, so perhaps he’s Yamato’s voice whenever the boy doesn’t feel comfortable speaking. We’ll see.
I guess I should also talk about the fight, since that was the main focus of the episode. It achieved the best thing it could have: it made sure everyone had a role and a time to shine. Yamato was the obvious star, up to and including throwing his cloak at the Solarmon to stop their attacks, but Taichi and Sora weren’t much behind, gaining points with how comfortable they were in a supporting position. Gomamon and to a lesser degree Palmon had some good non-battle contributions, which makes them feel like more complete characters than Piyomon and Agumon. The final “friendship boost” against Gorimon was well done.
Anyway, other observations:
We’ve settled on roles for the main cast (minus Yamato): Taichi leads at every point, Sora seconds him and is pretty observant herself, Mimi does “girly” stuff in the background that is played as completely charming rather than annoying, and Jou has the normal reactions people would have, but over-the-top. As far as the digimon go, Agumon and Piyomon do whatever their partners do, but Palmon is always trying to help Mimi or Jou and Gomamon flipflops between being worried about Jou and playfully teasing him.
Taichi was, as ever in this series, pretty much the perfect leader for the group, taking lead whenever needed, knowing when to defer to Yamato’s experience, making sure Jou didn’t feel ashamed of his surrender attempt, perfectly okay with playing a supporting role. He thrives in combat situation, even his fear when faced with Gorimon being forgotted quickly. He’s, as admitted by Tomioka, clearly inspired by V-Tamer Taichi (not in particular skills but in how competent and confident he is), which does make me worry that, much like in V-Tamer, he won’t have much of a character arc here. In the meantime, he‘s pretty good, but let’s see where it’ll lead.
It might just be me overthinking it, but Sora seemed noticeably more worried than the others when the situation in Tokyo was mentioned. I have a feeling she’s not going to deal with the eventual pressure well.
Not much Koushiro, other than him making more exposition and trying to not make Jou feel inadequate (and failing).
The humor with Jou wasn’t to my liking, but it does help that it all comes from reactions and decisions that, while certainly over-the-top, are rooted in understandable insecurities and fears. So, bad humor, good characterization.
Mimi's precious as ever, and she and Jou are established as the “normal” ones of the group. Well, not everyone can be an ultimate badass, or Koushiro.
Gabumon’s attack wasn’t capable of overpowering the Tankmon’s missiles, but it was capable of overheating them and causing them to explode. This repeats itself with the Gorimon, making him the first digimon to have been killed since the first 3 episodes.
That howl was awful. Sorry, no if or buts about it.
Before I forget: Mimi and Yamato talked. Not indirectly, they actually directly addressed each other. And just like that, Mimato is infinitely more plausible here than in OG Adventure.
Not that I think it’ll happen. If anything, Sora’s introduction to him was a bit too significant-seeming to me. Boy looked shook from it.
Next episode, Koushiro finally joins, Ogremon is back, and we get our first Perfect-level. What are the odds that MetalTyranomon is the same one who just got shoved out of a cliff?
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