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jain2580 · 27 days ago
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🚀 Your Loan, Our Responsibility! Get easy and hassle-free financing with InvestKraft. Secure your future with quick approvals, low interest rates, and minimal paperwork. 💰✅ Apply today & grow with confidence! 🌱📈
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pactcapital · 4 years ago
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If you are looking for a commercial property financing option, get in touch with PACT Capital today. We specialize in commercial and agriculture real estate credit. Get in touch with us today for commercial loan solutions.
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hydnews24 · 3 years ago
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The All India Mahila Empowerment Party (MEP) is the only party that can provide peace and stability to Karnataka.
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india24h · 3 years ago
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The MEP supports the farmers of Karnataka and will fight for the demands of the farmers to be fulfilled.
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hybiz12 · 5 years ago
ICICI Bank has announced the usage of satellite data—imagery from Earth observation satellites—to assess the worthiness of its customers belonging to the farm sector. The Bank is the first in India and among a w globally to use satellite data to measure an array of parameters related to the land, irrigation, and crop patterns and use it in combination with demographic and financial parameters to make expeditious lending decisions for farmers. This use of innovative technology helps farmers with existing credit to enhance their eligibility, while new-to-credit farmers can now get better access to credit. Additionally, since the land verification is done in a contactless manner with the help of satellite data, credit assessments are being done within a few days as against the industry practice of up to 15 days. The Bank has been using satellite data for the past few months in over 500 villages in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat and plans to scale up the initiative to over 63,000 villages shortly across the country.
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agroalliednigeria-blog · 6 years ago
Cassava Farmers Seek Prompt Loan Disbursement To Improve Production
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A cassava farmer said the delay of the loans and inputs to farmers was also a threat to food security and export.
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Some farmers have appealed to the Federal Government to facilitate prompt disbursement of agriculture loans to them to improve cassava production in the country. They made the appeal when they spoke with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja on Tuesday. Pastor Timothy Soladoye, a cassava farmer, said the late disbursement of agriculture funds had contributed to low harvest, production and high prices of cassava derivates in the markets. Soladoye is also the Chief Executive Officer of the Bolfem Corporate Services Limited. He said the delay of the loans and inputs to farmers was also a threat to food security and export, especially cassava and its derivatives in the county. “The issue of BOA and BoI, I do not know how government will address it better, but when the government releases agric money, they do not disburse timely." “Last year, they did not disburse this fund timely and when they eventually did, we planted but cattle ate up half of them." “This is the major reason why prices of cassava derivatives are high and in short supply today because we have to add money to recover what we lost." “As of now, the funds should have been in the bank in preparation for the wet season farming." “Farmers suppose to have submitted applications for the loan. At the inset of rains, funds should be released but when funds for clearing of land is released in July, where do we go." “The funds should be in batches, clearing should be now, tractor should be now, then money for seedlings and fertilizer will come when the rains start." “We are supposed to start farming by May round the country when the rains start and if they start disbursing fertilizer by October, what then do we use it for?" “Fertilizer is supposed to be ready now if they want to disburse fertilizer. The disbursement of fund must not be delayed this time if food security must be achieved,’’ he said. According to him, Bank of Agriculture and Industry should work with farmers associations to reduce cases of disbursement of agriculture loans to portfolio farmers at the detriment of real farmers. The farmer expressed concern over the non-funding of the Agricultural Development Project (ADPs) in the states. “The in states is no longer working because they are no longer funded." “In time past, farmers call them to assist them grade the roads to their farms, those equipment are no longer there." “Now, when you ask them, they say they do not have tractors. We need to involve the grassroots to make agriculture viable in the country’’. He decried the dearth of agriculture extension officers in the ADPs, adding that they were meant to help educate farmers on current trends in farming. Mr Justus Kachikwu, the Chairman, Cassava Farmers Association in Delta, said that farmer had no access to mechanized equipment to make farming interesting and improve production in the country. Kachikwu appealed to governments at all levels to procure and distribute farm inputs and equipment to farmers to ensure economy diversification through agriculture. He appealed to the Federal Government to urgently address the issue of farmers-herdsmen clashes across the country. Mr Kola Adeniji, also a cassava farmer and the Managing Director of Niji Group, referred to cassava as `another oil’ which could be used to revive the economy of the country. According to him, cassava can grow in every part of the country and in any soil and almost every part of cassava it is useful. “The leaves are useful, the stem and you can get to 10 different products from the root and the peels too,’’ he said. Adeniji called for aggressive steps from the government and private sector to assist farmers to improve production for local production and export. Read the full article
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sunshinemonetary-blog · 6 years ago
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agricultureloan · 2 years ago
In such cases, mostly the federal government or private US banks offer different agriculture loans to the farmers. Here, you can know of the latest agriculture loan rates and manage your finances as per that.
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hugochamberblog · 5 years ago
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पिक विमा मंजूर | pikvima manjur 2019 2020 | pik vima manjur | agriculture pikvima | kisan pik vima पिक विमा मंजूर | pikvima manjur 2019 2... #hugochamber #agricultureloan #agriculturepikvima #farmerinsurance #healthinsurance #healthinsuranceplans #kharippikvima2017 #kisanpikvima #personalloansthefarmer #pikvima #pikvima2019maharashtra #pikvima2020 #pikvimainmaharashtra #pikvimakadhimilnar #pikvimakasabharava #pikvimamanjur #pikvimanewstoday #pikvimashasannirnay #pikvimayadi #pikvimamanjur20192020 #terminsurance #पिकविमामंजूर #पीकविमायोजना #पीकविमा2019 Source: https://hugochamber.org/%e0%a4%aa%e0%a4%bf%e0%a4%95-%e0%a4%b5%e0%a4%bf%e0%a4%ae%e0%a4%be-%e0%a4%ae%e0%a4%82%e0%a4%9c%e0%a5%82%e0%a4%b0-pikvima-manjur-2019-2020-pik-vima-manjur-agriculture-pikvima-kisan-pik-vima/?feed_id=43333&_unique_id=5f6f17c1a2273
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firststatebank · 6 years ago
Find Best Rates for Mortgage Loans in Iowa
Are you planning to purchase or refinance your home? Then FirstState Bank is your best choice which has 5-star rating offering great loan options. Purchasing or refinancing your home is the most vital decisions you could take. We are one of the leading trusted banks as we provide  financial support for all your real estate lending needs.
Not only providing mortgage loans but we also provide agricultureloans in Iowa. We are here to customize services to meet the specific needs of your farm business.
To get the best rates for your mortgage and agriculture loans, visit us at https://www.fsbwc.com/ag-lending/meet-our-ag-lending-team
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newswave-kota · 6 years ago
किसानों की कर्जमाफी से 18 हजार करोड़ रु. का भार
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राजस्थान में किसानों का 2 लाख रु. तक कर्जा माफ न्यूजवेेेव @ जयपुर राजस्थान में मुख्यमंत्री अशोक गहलोत ने किसानों को 2 लाख तक कर्जमाफी की घोषणा कर दी, जिससे राज्य के खजाने पर 18000 करोड़ रुपये का अतिरिक्त भार पड़ेगा। इससे पहले वसुंधरा सरकार ने भी 50 हजार रु की दर से कुल 8000 करोड़ रु. की कर्जमाफी की घोषणा की थी, लेकिन सरकार बजट से मात्र 2 हजार करोड़ ही दे पायी थी। कांग्रेस सरकार ने 30 नवम्बर,2018 तक कर्ज लेने वाले किसानों को यह मोटी राहत दी है,लेकिन इस वित्तीय भार को कहां से पूरा किया जाएगा, इसका कोई खुलासा नही किया गया।राजस्थान में किसानों को कर्जमाफी की सौगात से कॉपरेटिव बैंक, राष्ट्रीयकृत, कॉमर्शियल और ग्रामीण बैंकों में 30 नवंबर तक के सभी डिफॉल्टर किसान कर्जमुक्त हो जाएंगे। 6000 करोड़ एनपीए की भरपाई कैसे होगी राज्य में किसानों ने 1लाख करोड़ रुपये के कृषि लोन ले रखे हैं। बैंक रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, इसमे से 6 प्रतिशत लोन राशि अर्थात 6 करोड़ रुपये एनपीए यानी डिफाल्टर्स की है। सहकारी बैकों में 11 हजार 543 करोड़ कर्ज के बाद नेशनल बैंकों के लोन की भरपाई कैसे होगी, इस पर राज्य सरकार ने कोई स्पष्ट जानकारी नही दी है।सूत्रों के मुताबिक, 18 हजार करोड़ रुपये की कर्जमाफी का असर नववर्ष के बजट में भी दिखाई दे सकता है। आम करदाताओं से अप्रत्यक्ष कर वसूली के जरिये इस राजकोषीय घाटे की भरपाई की जा सकती है। Read the full article
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pactcapital · 3 years ago
Buying commercial property is often a wise investment and having own property is a major business asset. A commercial mortgage for premises can be used to purchase your business property and the repayments can be done with a fixed interest rate. Read our blog for more information.
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troyfernandez-blog · 8 years ago
Get a wide range of products from savings and current bank account to loans all under one roof at IDBI Bank.
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sunshinemonetary-blog · 6 years ago
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agricultureloan · 2 years ago
Here, the farm loan calculator helps understand how much interest rate a farmer has to pay and how much capital they can get. Depending on the lender you approach in the US, you have to repay with the interest rates.
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pactcapital · 3 years ago
Pact Capital is a commercial real estate banking firm which provides capital marketing services for Commercial, Agriculture, and Multifamily. Tyler has great experience in real estate law and transactions. Read our blog here  to know more.
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