spacefrog1984 · 24 days
Lily Orchard: Piracy is OK! Fair use is not!
Lily, since you blocked this alt, I guess I have to post my response here.
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Lily, I get it, who has sympathy for big greedy companies? I don't, most people don't. But you dodged the question, so I restated it in this ask (the one you blocked me for):
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I guess I'll give you some credit here. It looks like you realized where I was going with this question (honestly, it doesn't take much intelligence to see through it, so don't pat yourself on the back too much).
Lily, I assume that your answer wouldn't change, that it would still be fine for you to pirate media produced by a smaller outlet. And this would lead you into a paradoxical stance: while on the one hand you feel justified in stealing media from small creators but you object to your own content being used in other peoples' work under fair use. That's what you did, you falsely DMCA struck the videos of Anthony Gramuglia and SaiScribbles for using some of your content (which didn't even need to be pirated since it's freely available on YouTube and was protected by the doctrine of fair use since their videos were transformative).
This says that you believe anything you consider "stealing" from you is unallowable, but simultaneously, you can have a clear conscious when outright stealing media from others for your own enjoyment or for making profit.
Maybe I'm wrong and you actually believe that pirating media from smaller creators is unethical. But if that's the case, then why not say that? You'd diffuse this whole line of questioning and not add to your horrendous number of hypocrisies. So that leads to only one conclusion, you avoided answering my question and blocked me because you indeed believe it's ethical to steal form others but if you so much as suspect someone is stealing from you, you're ready to throw down the hammer and destroy the channels of people you think have wronged you.
But if I am wrong, then respond to this post, tell me what you think. Clear your name. Show us that you're not as big of a hypocrite as we think you are. I'll send a link to this post as an anon-ask, so I know you'll see it. I'm waiting.
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jackrhodesproductions · 2 months
Accepting the Challenge 2.0: I Can (not) Do 22 Minutes
I think I've figured out a way to at least extend the review to where it can at the very least be longer than 1 minute. (I'm having doubts I'll be able to make the 20 minute mark with my normal style of reviewing) So while I was researching the show so I could be even more informed, I ran across the Rebuild of Evangelion series. Basically a retelling of the Evangelion series with an alternate ending and added characters. By the time of posting this I will have finished Episode 10 of the original series, and... I'm kind of stumped on what to say that hasn't been already said. The animation is beautiful, the story is a bit too easy to follow so far (I'm expecting this to change on Episode 12, so I'm keeping my guard up), and I love most of the characters and how relatable they are. My main goal in sight as of writing is to finish the original series, complete with EOE. Then I'll write section 1 of the review. Now here is where we get to the fun part. @agramuglia 's challenge specifically states that it is original series and EOE, however since I plan on making this at least longer than 1 minute, I will watch the Rebuild series to boot. (After a break from the series of course.) The battle plan will remain the same. Taking the plot at face value for one, whilst talking about the cinematography, character's, and the music. (The music being an added point, I figured I'd have something to say on Shiro's work) I'm also going to be quoting articles I've read on the subject to further illustrate my narrative a bit, which is something I normally don't do. But I figured it'd at least pad out the time and give the video a little oomph. I apologize, Ant, if this goes a little astray from the challenge's rules, but I had to figure out how to make the review longer, while also talking about the show in a respectable manner. With Regards, Jack Rhodes
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lo-toh-takes · 21 days
Sooooo I was watching @agramuglia's latest Lily Orchard video focusing on her writting tips and...
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.....ya, I don't really think I need to give much of an introduction to my point. This is literally just another piece of evidince for Lily only hating Hunter cuz he doesn't fit her personal biases and preferences, and it looks like something Lily has always had. But I also want to talk about another thing.
Lily constantly says that Hunter "overshadows" every other character in the show, but he litteraly only gets 5 episodes focusing on his arc which is not only less than a third of the season, but isn't even that much compared to other characters.
And, even then, in four of those five episodes Hunter is paired up with another character that gets equal amounts of screen time and focus as he does (Hunting Palisman, Eclipse Lake, Hollow Mind, and Labrynth Runners), and two of those are, ya know, POC characters. ASIAS is the exception because while yes Willow gets screentime in this episode, the whole thing is centered around Hunter and his arc.
But despite Hunter getting equal amounts of screentime to the characters' he is paired up with in the other episodes, Lily still claims that he "overshadows" them. It seems that to Lily, the mere presence of a white character alongside a POC one instantly means that the white character overshadows that POC one, which isn't really true. The writer's didn't sideline the other characters in favor of Hunter nearly as much as Lily claims they did.
I know these writting tips came out in 2020 (before Hunter was introduced in the show) but seeing this I still felt like I should make a post about this.
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sillylilyposting · 15 days
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Videos still up.
idk I thought that meant a person still stands by it?
Also they just explicitly said they don't wanna talk about ya Lils (I know it hurts ya feelings but still) It's amazing I know people are able to self reflect upon their past selves and change as people it's an amazing concept you should try it sometime!
Also @agramuglia you got another vague post from Lily!
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alpaca-clouds · 27 days
Two weeks ago, @agramuglia uploaded the cut version of the stream he did with Charlie Knight on disability representation in fantasy worlds. And given that around the same time we had a bit of a discussion in my blog about the same issue in regards of BG3, I want to share some thoughts on this. Mind you, I am also picking up some stuff in regards to the amazing videos that Oakwyrm does on disability representation.
Because there are two topics that are so often not brought up in this context. And I am kinda saddened and a bit annoyed by this. So, let me talk about it. Because the topics of what kind of disability we see in fantasy and science fiction and what kind we don't see is actually a big topic.
Generally most fantasy disabilities fall into one of two categories:
Acquired disabilities (often in forms of missing limbs or a missing eye) that were acquired under dramatical, tragic, or heroic circumstances.
Fantasy-setting specific disabilities (for example a character who cannot fly in a setting, where everyone else can fly, or of course the classic "non-magic character in a magic world").
The first kind is the stuff we see probably most of. Again, often we see this in form of missing limbs, that depending on the setting are either replaced with some sort of magic prothesis. Ideally this is handled at least like it is in Fullmetal Alchemist, where the prothesis does not always work perfectly and needs some maintanance. Sadly, though, in a lot of cases the magic prothesis is perfect, and also other stuff that usually comes to play in regards of missing limbs (like phantom pain and related issues) do not really come to play.
Same goes with some sort of magical glass eyes and so on, if characters are missing an eye. I will not even start with the fact that glass eyes in fantasy are always perfect little balls rather than how those actually look in reality.
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And either way: Usually the way those limbs and eyes have gone missing, there is really a big story behind it. In real life very typical ways for people to loose limbs is stuff like simple injuries that lead to infections, or accidents that were really kind of silly. Not in fantasy or scifi. There you do not geenrally lose a limb, unless you lose it to a dragon or devil (or I guess in a desperate attempt to revive your mother). There is always a good story behind it.
And then there are the other kind of disability we see, which the more metaphorical disability. Yes, within a world were everyone can do magic, the person who cannot do magic is disabled. Yes, within the world where everyone can fly, the person who cannot is also disabled. And yes, Karlach in Baldur's Gate 3 with her engine that is killing her has also a disability within the context of the world - as does Gale with his orb, or Shadowheart with her magic pain attacks. Heck, you could make the argument that in a way Astarion as a vampire also has magical disabilities.
But what bugs me so much about this is... The lack of all the stuff that does not get shown.
A lot of people have already spoken about how rarely we see some sort of wheelchair in fantasy settings. (In SciFi we often then see the flying wheelchairs, that are an issue on their own, though that is something I will have to talk about at another time.)
But there is so much more that we usually do not see.
Missing limbs make up around 7-8% of all disabled people. And those are mostly older people, given that - again - limb loss usually occurs because the body struggles to heal a wound and the limb needs to be amputated to prevent infactions from spreading and such. (Almost 90% of people who loose their limps are also older than 45 when they do.)
A lot of disabilities (the vast majorities) are in fact some sort of cognitive disabilities. And sure, we do see quite a few characters that are autism-coded or ADHD-coded in media. Exhibit A would be Dungeon Meshi, of course, but I mean, we all can probably name a few characters that read very autistic or hyperactive. But those are also usually the variations of those where yes, the characters might experience some disability from it, but... We do not have an autistic non-verbal protagonist, do we now?
And then there is of course all those other disabilities. I mean, I cannot imagine a single example of a character with trisomnie in fantasy or scifi media. I also have not seen a character with my disability (severely limited lung function) in fantasy or scifi before - even though, mind you, scifi could probably easily create a device that would allow someone like me to live fairly normally. You will also rarely ever find a character with something like athritis or other forms of rheumatic illness in fantasy and scifi settings. And generally speaking, with a few exceptions there are barely any characters who were born with their disabilities or have acquired their disabilities through sickness of one way or another - even though this is by far in the real world the most common way of acquiring a disability.
Other stuff we do not see: Limb differences, anything that is perceived as disfiguring (and even if those are described in books, they usually get toned down HEAVILY in movies or games, and of course anything that is related to food.
With this I am not saying that the other disabilities - those we see - are bad. But I am saying that we absolutely deserves to see those other disabilities too. And not just in some realworld drama stuff. (I mean, when it comes to depictions of a character with down syndrome in media, I can only think of one good example, which is Ansel in Stumptown, which is very much just crime drama. But that is like the one time I can think of that a character with that disability who is given agency by the plot, and who gets to have his own life, with a job, and a girlfriend and everything.)
And yeah...
Like, the two pieces of fantasy media I wanna point out as being actually pretty darn good with disability representation of a wide variety of disabilities are:
Witch Hat Atelier: This series basically focuses on the question of morality in regards to using magic to cure - and using magic to cure disabilities, too. Because of this, we see a variety of disabilities, including disabilities people were born with, disabilities acquired through sickness or through dramatic plot reasons and so on. This is really, really good in that regard.
The Witcher novel series: I hate it so much that this is something that all the adaptions just ignore. The Witcher books are very, very heavy in dealing with disabilities in a lot more realistic matters. The fact that magicians mostly are disabled people, for whom the society does not have any other use than learning magic (for whcih they get cured of their disability, and the books actually dare to quesiton "Is that a good thing?") is one part. But Geralt himself is fairly disabled, as he is dealing with chronic pain and has a limp. Gods, I would murder for a good adaption of these books
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lillian-v-orchard · 2 months
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All that survives from that Sai stream where she "reuploaded" her content without transforming it. Everyone laughing and recommending an anime to Lily, for 700 dollars. Where's the reupload, Lily?
Nevermind @agramuglia 's streams are next.
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crimsonender · 2 months
Hey Lily. Is the heaps of trans women that @agramuglia harassed in the past in the room with us right now?
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sillygoblinantics · 18 days
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Werewolf/fursona >:3
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lilyvalerieorchard · 2 months
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"Watching people hysterically try to claim I'm weird because I write characters kissing their sister on the cheek..."
People, report this post instantly: https://www.tumblr.com/lily-orchard-stuff/757913886707023872/watching-people-hysterically-try-to-claim-im?
It's time strike and end Solid Lily's blog, once and for all.
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@lillian-v-orchard, @purpledemonlilyposting, @crimsonender, @agramuglia, @britts-galaxy-brain, @uhohlily.
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samasmith23 · 3 months
Sorry I’m stealing this without being tagged, but this looks like a fun game so I’ll start fresh with my own post!
Rules: Without naming them post 10 gifs from your 10 favorite films and tag 10 people.
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@sjbattleangel @agramuglia @themarysuep @nerdobaggins @xiranjayzhao @atopfourthwall @greatcheshire @binary-choice @beckyhop @risingphoenix87
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My decent into the Lily Orchard Rabbit Hole started from this video, well it actually started from the original Dungeon Meshi video, and ever since then, nothing's been the same. It would have been easier to just ignore the video and move on with my life, but I literally have a youtube channel where I review anime. I talk about it. So when Lily was pulling shit out of her ass to make this fantastic show look bad, that's when I had to do a double take and actually start looking at her critically.
After the original Dungeon Meshi video the veil that Lily covered herself with to make herself seem like a very well spoken media critic started to crack (for me). This was around the time @saiscribbles popped up in my feed with her Steven Universe Lily critque and I shit you not, I sat through all 2hrs of Sai's video and I was more entertained and energized watching that long video, of a much longer VOD, then I was watching any of Lily's video. Watching Sai was the first domino that tipped over and because of that video more Lily Orchid critcism popped up in my feed and I was introduced to people like @agramuglia and @crimsonender and the more I watched them, the deeper the rabbit hole became. At first, I was more interested in watching how these people took apart Lily's media takes because I was starting to realize that Lily has shit media takes and is as media literate as 4yr old toddler, but the more they took apart her takes, the more her takes started to seem........sinister.
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I remember Sai making multiple comments about the game: The Coffin of Andy and Leyley and mentioning that Lily likes it because it is a game that has incest in it. At the time I didn't know that Lily had made a video about it and that it was popular, so I just said, "Well this is pretty weird" and tried to move on from it. Then on a random day, a video from a youtuber by the name Courtney Peet popped up
Enter Courtney:
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This video was alot to watch, I honestly couldn't sit through the entire thing without feeling sick and taking breaks, and I've watched and read alot of deplorable things but this was just to much. The day after I watched this video. I shit you not, Lily released her video addressing the allagtions and I went "Allegations!?!?!? THERE'S MORE!!!!!!!", and I remember clicking on that video and in the first few minutes I clicked off immediatly, because I could tell right away that Lily was not taking the accuasations leveied against her seriously. I probably should have seen that she wasn't going to take the allagations seriously when she drew her sister, Courtney, as Leyley from the TCOAAL in the thumbnail addressing the allagations. I don't know the entire plot of the game but i do know that Andy is the one who preyed on Leyley (his sister), that should have signaled to me that this was going to be a dumpster fire of a video, but a part of me had hope in Lily's ability to be a decent human being, but reality is often disappointing.
I am skipping over alot more details here but to summarise it for anyone who read the first part and thinks that I don't like Lily because she didn't like Dungeon Meshi. That is not the reason I dislike her, it's not because she's trans either incase she or her wife stumble across this post.
I wanna make it clear that the reason I don't like Lily is because she's a bad media critic who is an alleged predator who might have assaulted her sister, and she is someone who has used the platform she is on and her populairty to allegedly, prey on her younger audience and has both written a fanfiction that has CP and partakes in stories involving incest (this is not alleged, there are multiple instances of Lily engaging in stories that have some form of incest in them).
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Just wanna give my 2 cents before i go back to playing Assassin's Creed Valhalla lol.
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spacefrog1984 · 2 months
Did she seriously respond with, “no,” and a block? How did she think that was gonna make her look good?!
Also, apparently Lily has turned reblogs off anyways so…
Lily must have a very warped sense of what makes her look good, and this is one of the least damaging things she's done lately. I'm a microscopic nobody on tumblr who just commented on her lack of references for others' work she presents in her videos. Take what she's been up to lately - she's been threatening to send copyright strikes to her critics who dare use her videos in a transformative manner like critiques and commentary - clearly far use. She's already done this to Sai, who only engages with Lily's inept takes on media, steering away from the other drama and alleged crimes Lily's committed (except when Lily inevitably makes her drama part of there "media analysis" videos). If you're not familiar with @saiscribbles, check out her tumblr and her lily-critical-specific tumblr @purpledemonlilyposting and most importantly her YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@SaiScribbles which Lily thought she could destroy with three back-to-back copyright strikes.
Also, check out @agramuglia who Lily's threatened to take down for similar reasons (https://www.youtube.com/@agramuglia).
It's absurdly hypocritical that Lily abuses others' work, either outright plagiarizing others or failing to cite her sources, while she also thinks that fair use doesn't apply to her critics. Check out Sai's video where she uncovers Lily's plagiarism of some admitly insane articles that no one in the right mind would even want to read let along steal:
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jackrhodesproductions · 2 months
Accepting the Challenge
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Dear @agramuglia, It has come to my attention that you issued a challenge towards Lily Orchard to review the series "Shinseki Evangelion". This challenge being a response to her... let's be honest, less than stellar quality reviews being absolutely ghastly and abhorrent. With your written permission, I have decided to accept the challenge on her stead. This is for two reasons: 1. I desperately needed an excuse to get out of my "retirement" as an amateur critic. I am a bit out of practice, you see.
And 2. The idea that I get to be in the fight against Lily Orchard was something I relished the thought of. As per Ant's specifications the video will be double the length of my original episodes of reviews: roughly 22 minutes. I'm used to making 11ish minutes. This might take a while.
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liquidorcard · 2 days
@agramuglia requested a butch version of the female Antjak. Say hello to the new girlie.
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sillylilyposting · 15 days
Lorch's recent post had me need to cut it up to share it with yall
It manages to hit, transmisogyny, Transphobia, We Are Not Alive (YouTube channel), @agramuglia, nazi's, her videos about coffin of the lays potato chips SU n Korra, vague post about Joon The King, Anti-SJW tubers
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Got increasingly frustrated with Lily orchards SIX HOUR Pokémon rant as it went on I don't think I could've made it through 10 minutes without Anthony cutting through her bs and projection so I made fan art! (I’m currently on mobile so sorry if this is formatted weird)
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