ears-off · 2 years
@aglow-frolic​ :
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 “The artist sees what others only catch a glimpse of.” 
 He mused freely as he heard shuffling behind him. A hand cupping his chin as his hues never left his freshly painted canvas. Captivated by his creation. Sander was known to speak out loud regardless of being in someone’s company. Soon turning to face his unexpected guest.
“Might I ask your opinion on this piece?”
 Openly he addressed, as if he was accepting criticism, but that was not truly the case. His ears yearned to be appreciated. The endless compliments were almost as addicting as his love for eve and plasmids. 
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mightier · 1 year
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aglow Hydaelyn said it's my turn to frolic gayly on my own uninhabited island. (Everyone else already has.)
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vilevampz · 4 months
Divine Imperfections
In a meadow, she bathes in celestial light, Sipping tea like nectar, a divine sight. Her skin, kissed by the sun's gentle art, A canvas aglow, painted by Helios's heart.
Oh, her radiance flusters me, I confess, Her beauty, a spell, a divine caress. I long to kiss those lips, taste the sweet, Forbidden fruit, an intoxicating feat.
Why would a deity favor one so plain? I, a mere mortal, unworthy, I remain. Yet, she frolics freely, laughter in the air, Her voice a melody, beyond compare.
"Why do you linger, my love?" she calls, My heart races, within its walls. Approaching, trembling, I finally near, Confessing my unworthiness, my fear.
She intertwines her fingers with mine, Her words, like honey, divine. "Beauty resides in imperfection," she sighs, "In your uniqueness, love lies."
Tears trickle down, a syrupy stream, She wipes them gently, a comforting dream. "To the moon and back, you're divine," she says, In her gaze, I find solace, my soul ablaze.
Copyright Notice: © 2024 Peyton Coonfield. All rights reserved. Creative Commons License Notice: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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rajarshic · 1 year
In a realm of wagging tails and boundless joy,
Zorro and Loki, two of my furry friends.
Zorro, endearing, high spirited, with eyes full of mystery,
Loki, mischievous and playful, a true visionary.
Zorro, like a phantom, prowls through the night,
Guarding our dreams with all his might.
His silent steps, swift and stealthy,
Bring a sense of protection, a touch of healthy.
The guardian with a heart of gold,
His eyes gleaming with stories yet untold.
His bark, a call to defend and protect,
A noble spirit you can never neglect.
Loki, a trickster with a heart so pure,
Leaps and bounds, forever to endure.
Through fields of laughter, he frolics and romps, a jester with a twinkle in his eye,
Always ready for fun, no time to be shy.
His paws dancing on the floor with glee,
A playful soul, wild and carefree.
His spirit contagious, in our hearts he stomps.
In tandem they roam, a dynamic duo,
Bound by love, their spirits aglow.
Through sunlit days and moonlit nights,
They fill our lives with delight.
Zorro, the protector, with loyalty untamed,
Loki, the jester, with a soul unrestrained.
Together they dance, a canine ballet,
Weaving memories, come what may.
Oh, Zorro and Loki, my doggo friends,
You bring happiness that never ends.
With paws so gentle, and spirits so pure,
Forever in our hearts, your love will endure.
Their presence a treasure, a love untamed,
In our hearts, their legacy forever engraved
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lacymoonchild · 2 years
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In the moonlit forest, amidst the trees, The raccoons roam with playful ease. Their masks aglow with mischievous light, As they scavenge and forage all through the night.
But in a clearing, by a trickling stream, A garden of purple roses may be seen. Their petals soft as a raccoon's touch, Their scent as sweet as a berry bush.
The raccoons gather 'round this flowery scene, In awe of the beauty that nature does bring. They frolic and play, with the roses as their crown, As the moon and stars shine their light down.
In this moment, nature is at its best, A symphony of life, in peaceful rest. The raccoons and roses, a harmonious pair, In this world of wonder, so wild and rare.
So let us learn from this forest tale, To embrace the beauty that nature unveils, For in the purple roses and playful raccoons, Lies a magic that brings joy to our souls' tunes.
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drippingmoon · 3 years
Word Find Tag Game XIX
Thank you for tagging me, @vellichor-virgo! I'm searching for ghost, nod, long and teeth in Aquiver, Aglow:
   Stunned, the Mother’s gaze lingered on her smile, and she was still watching her as Anne lifted her wings from around Tyrone, and ushered him into the house. She remained outside, knee-deep in snow, and was still staring as the door closed.
   She closed her eyes, and tilted her head backwards. She exhaled a long sigh, which became a white breath of stillness that was darker than snow, but drifted ever higher, a ghost beautiful to behold. It was still a ghost.
Today she lay by the fire, wings tucked in front of the fireplace. Tyrone naturally observed, and piped up, worry on his face, “Are you cold? Can angels get cold?”
   “No. But I can still feel the heat.”
   He nodded in deep understanding and dropped it off. Seeing him so, she shook her head almost fondly – but her heart was not in it, not even to scold herself.
   They were, in one word, lost. Not in a place far away from home, or straying beneath their fears. It just was, they were lying, lying, lying…
   It’d been a long dormant feeling for her. She didn’t know why, but right then and there, facing them as she had a thousand times before, she knew that if things remained as they were…
   Anne however, was calm. She watched Imera as he watched her.
   “I will not risk Heaven on a whim. I don’t know what you’ll bring about–” He took a breath in. “But if it’s you, it’s nothing I shall ever want to deal with. You can’t kill humans, and you can’t protect Heaven.” How it stung. “But these are not the times from then, Anne. You can’t frolic, and you won’t gambol.”
   She gritted her teeth.
I've been doing quite a few of these in the past few days, and I'm never quite sure who wants to participate, new or old, so this is an open tag.
Search for curtain, red, grass and flower, if any of you see this and want to join!
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mantrabay · 4 years
Amusement Park Caper
Prose Poem
Urchin on a cedar swing, summer mist inhaler,
noonday shriek and frolic,
mother blowing fragrant blossoms at her golden offspring.
Lavenders amid the shrouded reverie
pave a mystic wonderland aglow.
mantrabay Copyright Protected
All My Own Work
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nekodracones · 4 years
Here be Dragons
The stars may fall, The moon may sway, But wilder yet is my call. We the dragons- let us blaze this night away.
We begin, here, while birdsong trills, Here animals frolic, clear waters flow But let us soar over those faraway hills Into the wilderness where no men dare go.
Before velvet darkness turns to day Let us run wild and free tonight. Ships in the night, we find our way aglow in the firefly’s flickering light.
This wilderness be free, these treasures agleam, Here open sky beckons, there blue seas shine The heart aflame, a dragon’s scream- All I need is a hand in mine. Here be dragons, hear them roar. Before daybreak, before sunlight, Will you take my hand and soar?
Collaborative work with a friend, ostensibly written for this blog and a certain fire-themed bronze team.  Thanks, friend! <3
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beatnicksellar · 3 years
6 of 6
Mother + daughter frolic in a lilac field of flax Cartwheels + flower crowns leaving no tracks Long sacred manes cascade down their backs Mother ascends towards the sky full of cracks Aline is roused from slumber by dashing water Root + Doris are clasped in the claws of Cancer Phantom Energy avatars part for their master The crackling cowboy embraces Aline’s mother
The Pleiade Alcyone pulls Aline from the grass Hair drops as she’s led to a spur heeled jackass ‘Boy howdy’ the redneck yips pulling a spyglass ‘ta rip this ere dung heap a part eye kned a pass’ The Dark Energy strains to maintain his machismo Threatening Aline suppressing Poia he grows slow But not torpid enough to regale them with his M.O. ‘Imma gonna start a Big ol Bang to reevive ma beau’ All stars are humans or enlisted in the Dark Calvary There is no natural light left except in Sky-Country Moon Mother + Father Sun are linchpins of society If snuffed out the realm will be torn by Dark Energy Aline Nation ‘I’ll do it’ the Métis teen pats her brow with her sash ‘I’ll take you to Sky-Country’ she peeps looking abash ‘If you let Poia go’; the cowboy contemplates its cache Aline draws wren quill as Poia is cast aside like trash Before hugging Dark Energy Aline gives Root a cue ‘Introduce our flying friends’ she shrinks from view Father Sun fades as Mother Moon rises a hazy blue The starless sky endows the Phantom Energy crew
Dark Energy envelops Aline like an electric shroud The mass molded around her vanishes like a cloud When it reemerges the dude begins to boast aloud Screaming with fury when he looks up at the crowd Above the grass line Root, Doris + Poia are trapped Stuck between the college doors + an astral artifact As Draco billows residents come outside to interact Aglow + afloat the townsfolk use new skills to refract
Beneath the swarmed dragon Dark Matter is mad ‘Ya varmint’ his yelps only serve to make Aline glad ‘Mom taught me this’ she stirs a mother-child dyad A supernova explodes inside of the spur heeled cad
The massive explosion only appears as a minute blip A mini collapse that’s no match for a lit mortal airship With Dark Energy dispersed Earth dodged the Big Rip Regrown Aline cups a Big Bang the size of a fingertip ‘It’ll take’em billions of years to mature’ Poia affirms ‘They will be together’ Aline pokes holes then turns ‘And that’s the most important thing’ a teardrop forms Poia hugs Aline who holds the cup between her arms
Root + Doris inquire about all of the missing stars Poia advises she will need the say-so from upstairs If approved the radiant residents will become heirs At dusk they’ll be stars + Sky-Country will be theirs
Affected citizens agree to each become a constellation Poia asks her kid to help position the next generation ‘Summer ain’t over yet’ is Aline’s fervent declaration The 2 Morning Stars set out to chart a celestial nation The Endless ∞
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Merry day to @aya-is-the-queen! I’m your secret santa for the PoCon Secret Santa event c: I hope you like the edits and the piece of writing;; I don’t think I managed to make em in-character enough tho aaaa
Night fell over Illusio as it always had. Inky indigo gently faded into the golden transience of twilight, silvery stars peeking out to frolic with the purple crystals that set the kingdom aglow with a wash of gentle light.
Within the castle, Aya sat alone in a quiet room, letting the chill wind blow in through the window and kiss her cheeks until they pinked sweetly under their relentless affections. She gazed out into the kingdom, watching the dark shapes of their people as they returned to their homes for the evening. Many of them held lanterns to light their way, the elegant paper constructs flickering lavender in the fading light. Her icy, warm gaze turned to the energy that had gathered closer to the castle, and she couldn’t help the fond smile that passed over her lips.
People were swarming all over the path that led to the castle, setting up shop and carting miscellaneous what-nots to and from the various stalls that were in different degrees of completion. With the winter solstice festival only a week away, everyone was trying their best to complete their preparations in time, if only to share the holiday cheer with everyone when the day finally arrived.
Aya barely moved from her spot when she heard the door slide open behind her, the soft patter of socked feet making its way into the room. She heard a quiet chuckle, and lifted her fingers to hide her smile.
“I had a feeling you’d be here.”
Kanetsugu made his way over to her, stopping just behind her. “May I?” he asked, waiting quietly for her permission.
“As you wish, my dearest.” Aya shifted aside a little, opening a spot by the window for Kanetsugu to make himself comfortable. He thanked her for the invitation, settling into the spot in his quiet, elegant manner.
“Looking over the preparations for the festival?” he inquired politely, following her line of sight. The two watched as one of the stall owners hoisted a wooden beam over her shoulder, only to yell in surprise when her accompanying Gardevoir decided to help with the job and lift her onto the roof.
“Of course,” she replied. “It sets the mood for the winter, and the end of the year.” Out of the corner of her eye, she could catch him glancing over at her, clenching and unclenching his jaw as if he wanted to ask for something. Aya nearly laughed at this familiar attempt at demurity, moving her hands aside to pat her lap. “You know, you only have to ask and I’ll let you.”
Kanetsugu huffed, his cheeks pinking ever so slightly as he lay his head on her lap. “I couldn’t possibly do that, my lady,” he protested. “It wouldn’t sound proper, coming from me.” He tucked his legs in and curled up comfortably, looking out over Illusio alongside her.
“Mmhm,” was Aya’s only response, a smirk curving at her lips as her deft fingers quickly undid Kanetsugu’s neat ponytail. Silky raven locks quickly tumbled into her lap, and she heard him let out a small, satisfied sigh.
“Do you have-” she began, but Kanetsugu cut her off by handing her a simple black comb. “This was your intention from the start, wasn’t it?” she teased, picking it up and starting to comb his hair.
“It was,” he admitted, a slightly sheepish expression on his face. “I hope it’s alright, my love.” Kanetsugu let his eyes slide shut as Aya let out a little hum of assent, slowly and lovingly beginning to work out the few tangles in his hair. He sucked in a breath and let out a long exhale, feeling the tension from the day melt from his body and relaxation settle in.
“Aya?” he mumbled, barely able to keep his eyes open.
“Yes, dear one?” she responded patiently, petting his head and threading her fingers through his hair.
“I love you."
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ladykailolu · 7 years
Quick OT6 Dangan Dragons Imagine:
Humans, dragons, and other mystical creatures have been trying to live in harmony for ages. But due to the imbalance of power, humans have felt the need to defend themselves from powerful dragons and have thus persecuted them. Rantaro, Kaito, Kokichi, Shuichi, and K1-B0 have all been born into a world that is tumultuous for their dragon kind. As juvenile adolescent dragons, they aren’t quite as powerful as the adults, so they spent most of their teenage dragon years running and hiding and fighting and more running, trying to get away from hunters, sorcerors, and predators alike. For years, they couldn’t call a single place home for long, and all they ever had was each other. Sometimes, the stress became too much that they had quick squabbles among themselves, each preferring to split up and go their separate ways, leaving their fates up to chance. But after each fight, they eventually came back together again, usually to aid one another in another vicious attack against some predator. After all, they only had each other left in the world.
Until they stumbled upon magic that could grant them access into a new side of life. Indeed, during their travels, each had a part in discovering this magic--Rantaro had first heard of it spoken by seafolk during his many marine travels around the globe. This magic had originated, it seems, from starlight that manifested as a glowing star fragment that crashes onto Earth. Kaito had first spotted the star fragment as it descended from the heavens like a reddened tear drop. When he alerted the others, K1-B0 set his sensors to detect traces of concentrated starlight and stardust that had sprinkled off of the falling energy. Shuichi also helped in finding it, often offering insights onto where the star fragment might be buried based upon clues in the geography whenever K1-B0′s sensors fail to detect the stardust. And when they did find the star fragment, it was guarded by a heavy amount of human soldiers, also curious of the originals of the concentration glowing mass. It took an awful lot of deceptions, tricks, and distractions from Kokichi to slip by the humans’ defenses and swipe the star fragment from underneath them.
They took the star fragment away to a hidden, currently safe place, and each young dragon made a wish--to become human and to live among humans so that their lives may be spared. Thus, the magic worked! Each of the dragons became aglow in separate colors--magenta, cyan, aquamarine, navy blue, and violet--which shrouded their dragon forms and became shaped and molded into their respective human forms. Of course, they first appeared butt naked as they hadn’t had a human form before to put on clothes. So naturally, they were a bit freaked out seeing each other so...exposed because they each knew that something was wrong about it in this context. With the appearance of their human bodies, the star fragment faded into nothing and once again the lights receded to the darkness of night.
Underneath the cover of darkness, the boys understood that they could use the remnants of the star fragment’s power to shift back and forth between their human and dragon forms and thus used this power to first secure themselves some clothing as human bodies aren’t as shielded from the elements as dragon ones. With their new looks and each other, they took their first bold and kinda shaky steps into the human world. For years, they learned about human customs, diverse languages (which Rantaro REALLY took to!) and about this thing called human school. With a few crafty ideas from Kokichi and the legal forgery actions by Shuichi (not without a great deal of shame too), all five of these boys enrolled into highschool and started eking out a semi-normal existence of human teenagers. But sometimes they feel cramped in their human forms! They need to, well, let their true selves out to fly, swim, whatever! Occasionally, these boys take trips to faraway areas where they can frolic and play while in their dragon forms, flying wherever they pleased in the sky or taking a nice dip in large lakes or the ocean itself. They were always wary of other humans and creatures in these forms, but for the most part, they were never found out.
And during highschool, they all eventually fall in love with their fellow classmate--Kaede Akamatsu--who is a true human and a very gifted pianist. They each wanted so badly to welcome her into their little family of sorts, but the fear of being found out still remained. They agreed to keep their dragon parts hidden whenever Kaede’s around so that they don’t chase her off, and one by one, confessed their feelings to her. Taken completely by surprise, Kaede was beyond flattered. And relieved. She also loved them--all five of them--and expressed the same sentiments in kind. Once they graduated highschool and were well into their college years, they all moved in together, sharing love, happiness, and good memories.
Eventually, of course, their big secret slipped out of their grasp and presented itself right into Kaede’s lap. At first, she was overwhelmed and fainted on the spot! It was hard for her to accept, but overtime, she became fond of the idea of living and loving five dragons all at once. She believed them when they promised that they wouldn’t hurt her and that they were all sorry for hiding this from her for so long. Eventually, they explained their entire story of running and hiding, wondering if the next day was going to be their last. She understood and welcomed them even more readily into her heart.
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octipuff · 7 years
Bioshock; The Jolly Plasmid
I may have entered this too late but I thought it was fun to do so I want to save it here! There was a contest yesterday for coming up with a holiday plasmid for a contest being run on the Bioshock facebook page. Here is what I wrote:
The Southern Mall in Fort Frolic was absolutely buzzing with traffic. All the gents and ladies dressed in their holiday finest, breezing from store to store to find gifts for their children. But I was after the plasmid, oh yes. The latest plasmid. Dubbed aptly “The Holiday Plasmid of your Dreams!” on every sign from here to Olympus Heights. The posters featured a handsome man changing into the big red guy, our good ol' Santa Claus. You could get any gift you want from Fort Frolic, but nothing will compare to bringing home Santa Claus. I walked through thick clouds of tobacco smoke to see the illuminated neon signs I was looking for, FONTAINE PLASMIDS MINI SHOPPE, aglow in a red hue that made the customers shopping beneath it already look like they were transforming into the bearded chap. In the center of the tiny pop up shop was a single round table holding a single plasmid on top of it. The bottle featured a white glowing liquid like a pearl, swirling feverishly inside the metal cage. I put my fingers against the glass, it was warm, and a faint smell of chocolate chip cookies rose around my head. 
I needed it. 
"HO HO HO!" Boomed a voice just behind the curtain of the little shop. A leather gloved hand shot into view and swept the curtain aside. It was the Jolly Man before my very eyes. I let my fingers slide away from the jar, and I could feel my jaw hang. For a moment, I felt like a kid again. He was round, red and white, with rosy cheeks and a button nose and big belly. He was Santa Claus.
"I'll take TWO!" I heard a frantic voice bellow from behind me. Soon more voices joined as if we were back on the surface betting on car races. I squeezed my fingers around the plasmid again and pulled it to my chest.
"I'll take this one," I said to Santa. He nodded and waved me to an woman dressed in green. I paid her and got out of there shortly before the shop got overran. I wiped sweat from my brow, tucking the plasmid beneath my jacket as if it were contraband, and darted back to Olympus Heights.
Later that night, just before the kids were to be put to bed, I faced my bathroom mirror, plasmid in hand. I was wearing an over-sized red suit, black gloves, and red hat. I studied my features, knowing they were about to transform. Opening the bottle I murmured to myself, "Now Dasher, now Dancer..." and chugged the bottle to its last drop.
The change started in the belly, making it warm and bloat. I looked down and saw my stomach swell to the seams, looked at my hands and saw my arms fill the sleeves like air was being pumped through my suit. In the mirror, I saw my clean shaven face sprout tufts of white hair, and eventually a cascading white bear. My nose turned upwards and grew round. And the strangest thing, I felt a little mad.
My wife might be upset I purchased this plasmid. It's a good one, I can win her over quick I think. But she'll tell me what she always does, "Are you mad? Do you remember what happened to our neighbors? I'm sure you remember hearing the sounds. Too many plasmids, you know! They'll drive you mad, I tell ya!"
I shook the voice away. But something bubbled up from deep inside and I felt the overwhelming urge to laugh. A deep-bellied laugh that made my fingers curl. I looked in the mirror to my watering eyes, red with tension and madness. Now Prancer and Vixen...
I grabbed a bottle of Incinerate! I had hidden beneath the sink and chugged it. "ON COMET! ON CUPID" I screamed, bursting through the bathroom door. "ON TOP OF THE PORCH! ON TOP OF THE WALL!" I lit the Christmas tree alight. "NOW DASH AWAY! DASH AWAY!" Screams rose from the bedrooms. "DASH AWAY ALL!"
Merry Christmas!
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weebleroy-blog · 5 years
Autumn-Day Feast
Tiny little peasant lad
Frolics in the field
His big old hairy farmer dad
Harvests all the yield
The yearly feast of Autumn-day
In the village Frass
Approached upon a morn so gray
With frost among the grass
The elders knew the omens well
And should’ve stopped the feast
But they hungered for the pheasant gel
And broasted forest-beast
The town convened upon the green
With harvest-crop in tow
They made a happy feastly scene
Until the moon-frog’s glow
But as the sun slept in its grave
A horrid scream arose
Old Mother Fletcher-Grimpleknave
Watched as Tomas froze
The Frost Which Eats the Flesh had come
Untimely, it would seem.
The screaming stopped; the town turned numb
Aglow with a sickening gleam
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wisdomfountain-blog · 8 years
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The Stone By Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev Have you seen an old grey stone on the seashore, when at high tide, on a sunny day of spring, the living waves break upon it on all sides - break and frolic and caress it - and sprinkle over its sea-mossed head the scattered pearls of sparkling foam? The stone is still the same stone; but its sullen surface blossoms out into bright colours. They tell of those far-off days when the molten granite had but begun to harden, and was all aglow with the hues of fire. Even so of late was my old heart surrounded, broken in upon by a rush of fresh girls' souls ... and under their caressing touch it flushed with long-faded colours, the traces of burnt-out fires! The waves have ebbed back ... but the colours are not yet dull, though a cutting wind is drying them. May 1879.
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