aurorjspotter · 8 years
Why aren't you and Francine together?
Because I'm a git.
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graciesgotwood · 8 years
so if James is an Old Man, what does that make Franny? His Sweet Young Thang? Or an Old Woman?
Fran’s an angel, and angels are immortal. Plus are they even together right now? Why should her status rely on Gramps’s?
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becclawtheraven · 9 years
4. For a text asking for a favor
4. For a text asking for a favor
[TEXT TO FRANNY:] This is such a strange question and I know you’re probably way too busy, what with how close it is to your NEWT exams and all... but could you maybe teach me a few healing spells?[TEXT TO FRANNY]: My sister’s been trying to teach me how to fight just in case a war breaks out, but I don’t... really feel like I’m going to be useful in that regard, and everyone says what a wonderful healer you are [TEXT TO FRANNY]: If you’re too busy I completely understand, though!
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OF COURSE! You can be the first official person to meet them when I decide to become a mother once more.
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I’m so torn now! Like, do I count down the days to your graduation because PUPPIES? Or do I feel bummed that you’re leaving? We should totally just solve this by starting a petition for dogs to come to Hogwarts after Christmas.
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aurorjspotter · 8 years
I will never forget Nurse Prince’s face and the fact that she actually asked me if I was making a smart decision in choosing to date you after you explained what had happened.
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Merlin, don’t remind me! Every time she saw me after that, she’d give me this once-over and smirk like she knew one of my deepest dark secrets. Easily one of my most embarrassing moments. But at least I got the hang of it.... eventually. Right?
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aurorjspotter · 8 years
private ➳ frames
Francine: Are we still going to Disneyland??
Francine: ‘Cause that’ll either give me lots of life and happiness or kill me with sadness.
Francine: [angel emoji]
James: ..........LONGBOTTOM. You were worrying me!
James: Merlin.
James: Oh no, don't go and use the angel emoji or any other ones on me now! [side eye emoji]
James: But yes, I was planning on that still happening. I was planning on requesting a few days off soon, actually.
James: I was kinda hoping to surprise you with it. Hmph.
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aurorjspotter · 8 years
[PM] I have a question and it's a matter of life or death so you need to answer this /very/ carefully. 'K??
[PM]: A matter of life or death??! Franny, what is it???
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aurorjspotter · 8 years
agony; james & francine
TAGGING → James Potter and Francine Longbottom (@franpuffle)
TIMELINE → Monday, June 20th, 2024
SETTING → Professor Xavier’s office
SUMMARY →  James and Francine offer each other support as they face the Unforgiveable Curses Professor Xavier casts upon them. 
NOTES →  Written for aghprompt30.
As soon as he was dismissed from the work day, James Apparated to Hogsmeade village, arriving with a loud CRACK!. Ignoring onlookers, he made his way to the castle, where Francine was expecting him. Despite agreeing to partner up with the young witch in this optional assignment, James had been dragging his feet a bit, wanting to put off the assignment for as long as possible. Not just because he didn’t feel prepared enough to take on an Unforgiveable Curse for the first time, but because he didn’t want to see his ex-girlfriend tortured, and vice versa. 
He immediately made his way up to the Headmaster’s office, where he’d told Francine he’d meet her, not stopping to greet anyone along the way-- too nervous to be his usually jovial self. He was worried about Franny and what being tortured and watching him being tortured could do to her, after what happened to her own mother, as well as her grandparents. He had half the mind to convince her to not do it, to let him take her to the kitchens so they could talk, or something else besides what he’d come here to do, but as he approached the office, he spotted the small frame of the brunette, and knew there was really no turning back. Not if they wanted to prepare themselves for survival. 
Ignoring the butterflies in his stomach-- from nerves, or from seeing Francine, he wasn’t sure-- and forced a smile as he made the last step towards her. “Hey. Been waiting long?” he asked, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans and looking everywhere but her. 
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aurorjspotter · 8 years
I’m extremely confused with what’s going on right now and I feel like I may have said something wrong? Sooo??
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No, Franny-- you didn’t say anything wrong. Nothing that made this any more uncomfortable or annoying. 
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aurorjspotter · 9 years
somewhere only we know ➳ frames
TAGGING → James Potter and Francine Longbottom (@franpuffle)
TIMELINE → Hogsmeade weekend, March 5th, 2024
SETTING → Hogsmeade village
SUMMARY →  After inviting her out for her birthday, James and Fran spend time together in Hogsmeade and despite being ‘just friends’, definitely do not act like just friends. 
NOTES  → This is super long. Done via Chatzy.
James: There was always a sense of discomfort and nerves that came with hanging out with Francine after their breakup months before-- there were boundaries to be careful of, since the line between friendship and a relationship between them could easily be blurred. It was difficult, especially at first, but over time, it got a little easier. A little. But James didn't want to focus on whether or not he was being too comfortable with her today-- he wanted to enjoy their time together, since he wouldn't get to see her on her actual birthday the next day. Her present was burning a hole in his pocket as he lingered in the village, waiting for his friend to turn up. It wasn't much, but he still couldn't help the nervousness he felt in the pit of his stomach.
He walked into Madam Pudifoot's, finding an empty table off to the corner of the little pub. Pulling out the package in his jacket, he set it on the table and peered over his shoulder impatiently, wondering when Fran would show up. If she did show up. It suddenly dawned on him that she might not even want to see him, and was standing him up to hang out with someone else, since spending a day with her ex-boyfriend probably wasn't high on the list of things she wanted for her birthday. Embarrassed, he let out a breath of air, trying to keep his face down as it glowed red. He wouldn't blame her, but the possibility still stung. He inhaled deeply, shaking off the sadness he suddenly felt, ready to get up and order himself a butterbeer before going back to his flat, rather than sit around and look like someone who actually got stood up-- but then he heard the jingle of the bells over the entrance ringing, and a familiar voice behind him. Relieved, he quickly settled back in his seat and pretended to be preoccupied with his cell phone, waiting for Fran to catch sight of him.
Francine: As she walked down the small path that led to the village, Francine found herself aimlessly messing with the sleeves of her cardigan as a distraction from the fact that she had deep rooted nerves rising in her chest. She wasn’t exactly the kind of person to get nervous to begin with but it was a bit daunting to do anything with her ex-boyfriend since she was never really sure when things could possibly get a little too much. However, she had no intentions of letting that get to her since her birthday was the following day which meant she had plenty to look forward to already.
Stopping in front of a random store window to make sure she looked alright - which was actually rare for her but she felt like she had to do this - before just moving through the crowd of students until she reached the small tea shop. Waiting for a small group of people to move out of the way, she finally just opened the door as she said a soft ‘sorry’ to a girl she accidentally bumped into. Heaving a small sigh, Fran clasped her hands together in front of herself as she looked around before she found who she was looking for moments later. A smile blossomed on her lips as she just skipped over and greeted the familiar boy with a cheerful, “Hey!” Sitting down opposite of him, she shortly added, “Am I late or are you just really early?”
James: Glancing up as if surprised to see her, James blinked before his lips pulled up into a wide grin-- from ear to ear. "Hello stranger," he greeted softly in return, watching as she moved to sit across from him. That feeling he always got in his stomach whenever he looked at her began to bubble forth, making his his belly knot up-- clearing his throat, he quickly looked away, trying to remember to breath before shaking his head in response. "You're right on time. Haven't been waiting for entirely too long." It'd felt like forever, but he was sure less than ten minutes had passed since he'd arrived, which wasn't very long at all. It was just the anticipation of seeing her that seemed to drag time on. Taking a deep breath, he set his eyes upon her again, bracing himself. "How're you? --I was waiting to order our drinks, shall I go grab them?"
Francine: Adjusting herself slightly where she sat for a moment, she finally let her eyes settle on him as the smile she had gotten at the sight of him remained in perfect tact. It had always been proven hard to get rid of the smile when she was around him and this was definitely one of those times which was why she chose to preoccupy herself briefly with a random napkin. She nodded at his words for a moment, folding the napkin into a tiny square. “Oh, good! I would have felt so bad if you had been here for a while because I tried my best to not take a year and forever.” Francine had always been the kind to not be too particular with her clothing choices but it always proved hard when he was in the picture. Looking up at him as she felt his eyes on her, she said, “I’m alright. Kind of wishing it was warmer but those days will come. Hopefully. --Could you, please? I’m awfully thirsty.”
James: laughed, shaking his head. "It's really alright, Franny." He didn't dare mention thinking she might not show up at all-- it would only preoccupy her, and make her feel bad about not getting there more quickly, which was the last thing he wanted her to worry about. Instead, he decided it was best to laugh it off and change the subject as soon as possible. "You only took about a year. --Kidding. I promise you didn't keep me waiting," he urged, forcing himself to keep from reaching across the tiny table to squeeze her hand as he might've done before. He felt himself a bit saddened by the loss of losing the right to act on what was second nature to him-- it was going against his very being, to not be more than friendly with Francine, like holding his breath and feeling his lungs about to burst. But it was better this way. That's what he kept telling himself. "Oh, I know. Can't wait to put away the jumpers and scarves. I'm hoping for a trip to the beach soon." Immediately nodding, the alum got to his feet, standing over his ex-girlfriend. "Butterbeer, or did you want a coffee? Or a tea? Shall I get us a pastry?"
Francine scrunched her nose slightly as he laughed but didn’t say anything too specific. Placing her hand on her chest dramatically as she let out a slightly over the top gasp at his initial words, her face soon grew back to normal as she playfully rolled her eyes. “Good!” She chimed as she eventually pushed the napkin she was playing with to the side. Francine allowed her emerald eyes to trail over his face for a moment in silence as she felt a small tugging sensation from her heart which she normally got a long time ago. Or what felt like a long time ago. But as much as she enjoyed his platonic presence now, Francine knew deep down that it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough. “Really? If you go, you better bring me back a seashell or something pretty! And I won’t accept sand.” Her eyes followed him as he stood up, propping her elbow on the table as she placed her chin on the palm of her hand. A soft giggle left her at the questions he asked her, simply shaking her head. “Just surprise me. I’m not exactly picky so anything you get me will be perfect.”
James: smirked as he watched Fran roll her eyes, his warm brown eyes alight with amusement and affection for this girl. This was going to be harder than he thought, he realized, but he'd just have to endure it. He'd always feel ​ something ​ for her, he supposed, because they knew each other so well-- since they were in diapers. She was his first love, possibly the greatest love of his life, and maybe if they weren't on the brink of war, and his family wasn't being threatened, and he wasn't becoming an Auror and risking his life to protect others, he ​ could ​ allow himself the feelings he had for her, but it's the way things were now, and he'd die himself before risking her life for being with him. Smiling wistfully, he nodded. "Why not sand? Not even sand from somewhere in the Caribbean? White sand? Given to you from ​ me ​, you're greatest friend?!" He winked, grinning boyishly. As he stood over her, he thought for a moment before nodded. "Fine, but you can't get mad at me if I don't end up getting something you like!"
Francine turned her hand slightly so that her pinky nail was gently placed against her bottom lip as she bit said nail for a moment in thought at what he was suggesting. “I swear to merlin, James Potter, if you ever bring me ​sand​, I will shove it down your trousers and make sure that it stays there. Forever.” she teased though her eyebrow was quirked at an angle to imply she was being serious - which she never was. The brunette soon found herself groaning as extending her free hand to give him a small push so that he could be on his way. “Shut up and just ​go​!” she insisted as she turned her head soon to just look down at the table, tracing small swirls along the top of it with the pointer finger of her free hand. As simple as this was, Fran knew she would cherish this small moment for quite some time if she didn’t get to talk to him during the weeks to come. (In person, that was.) Just as she cherished every moment with him for nearly two decades. But simple ideas in her mind made a slight frown tug on her lips which only reminded her to keep herself in check. Something extremely hard to do when she was still utterly gaga - in a very obvious way - over someone she considered her best friend.
James: snorted in response to Francine's threat, followed by a loud cackle that caused a few people a couple of tables from them to turn to look at them, but James couldn't help himself, nor did he particularly care about anyone watching him. He was rather used to it, given who his parents were. "Are you actually threatening me, Longbottom? You'll have to catch me to even attempt to do that, you know. And I'm way up here, and you're down there, so how exactly is that going to work for you?" he teased back, grinning devilishly at his companion, daring her to retaliate. Hoping she would. Their banter was always something he enjoyed, so it was nice to have settled into a comfortable place at the moment. As she gently shoved at him, he grumbled, though his eyes still flashed with amusement as he turned to go over to the counter and order their drinks and pastries. He peered over his shoulder as he waited for their drinks, watching the girl from afar, letting out a loud breath of air. "Merlin," he murmured under his breath, shaking his head at himself. Once their drinks and sweets were ready, he took them over to their table, setting one mug in front of Franny, and the other in front of his seat, then the platter of food for them to share. "So am I allowed to give you your present yet?"
Francine allowed her eyes to widen slightly as she heard him cackle, suppressing the need to break into laughter herself since the last thing she wanted was more attention. Not that she minded attention, just not the kind that could potentially send them out of the small shop for disturbing those around them. “You didn’t hear me stutter, did you?” She found herself retorting as she tilted her head up to get a better view of him. “If I was to tell you that, it would defeat the whole point of the element of surprise! So, if it was to happen, just know that my height would be far from a disadvantage.” Francine couldn’t help the smirk that formed on her lips at her own words, even if it was still plagued with a innocent like nature she seemed to carry without trying. As she waited for him to come back, the small girl just pulled her phone from her pocket and started to play a game. She had just lost, too, when she found herself in his company again. At the mention of a present, Fran’s eyes gained a certain twinkle of excitement as she sat up straight and her hands moved to hold the mug in front of her. “You’re more than allowed even if you didn’t have to get me anything. I would have considered this present enough.”
James: "Well, I certainly know better than to underestimate you," James finally replied after a long moment of holding back laughter. It was true, though-- Francine was tiny, but she was a force to be reckoned with, and James knew she could handle herself, and wouldn't be stupid enough to think otherwise. Once back in his seat, he reached for a pastry, tearing off a piece and popping it in his mouth and chewing, trying to relieve himself from the anxiety wreaking through him. His present wasn't much-- he actually wasn't sure if he was done with the gift, feeling like he had more to give Fran, but hadn't quite found what exactly he wanted her to have, so he was a bit nervous she'd be disappointed by the necklace with a 'F' initial hanging from it. But still, he pushed the package over, giving her a sheepish smile. "It wouldn't be enough for me," he admitted, shrugging his shoulders a bit. Even if they were only just friends now, he still wanted to give her the world. "It's not much, but.... I hope you like it all the same." He took a huge gulp of butterbeer, almost choking on the whole mouthful, but somehow swallowing without making too much a fool of himself.
Francine: A very proud expression soon crossed the girls face as she shrugged her shoulders with a bit of a sassy flip of her hair. However, underestimation was something that seemed to make the people in her family excel in whatever they chose to focus on so if he had done as much as that, she was more than prepared to prove the opposite. Francine’s eyes immediately flickered down to the small package even though she currently had brought the mug in her hands to her face to take a small sip. The smile that had been on her face this entire time just grew wider behind the mug as she said, “Nothing is ever really enough for you though.” Finally placing the mug down, the girl simply grabbed the small box and opened it carefully before she gazed at the contents. It was simple but pretty which was why she honestly adored it from the bottom of her heart. Sometimes simple was better than anything too ostentatious, which Francine always shied away from. “It’s wonderful, James, thank you,” she finally said as she placed the box down. Do friends give friends platonic kisses on the cheek? She had seen it on a muggle show once so it was possible, right? Her thoughts running rampant in her mind didn’t stop Francine from still moving out of her seat to press a kiss to his cheek before taking her seat once more, admiring the necklace once more with a bright smile.
James: chuckled. "Too right." As he took another gulp, he watched as Francine opened the box, his heart nearly beating out of his chest. He glanced away, worried he'd see disappointment on her face. When she finally spoke, relief washed over him, making him snap his head to look at her. "Really? You like it?" he asked, studying her face to see if she was just saying that. What he wasn't expecting was for her to stand and pressing her lips against his cheek, leaving his skin burning when she pulled away. He realized his mouth was hanging open, and hurriedly shut it, swallowing hard. He was left completely speechless, with his stomach left in a mess of knots, making him feel a bit sick, but also the happiest he'd felt it in a while. "I... I'm glad you like it. --Here, let me put it on you--" He stood, reaching for the box to pull the necklace gently from it's box, to drape it around Fran's neck.
Francine bit on her bottom lip happily as she brushed a small strand of loose hair from blocking her eyes, only nodding at his initial question since she really didn’t understand why he was in so much shock over this. She was a humble girl who enjoyed anything so this really wasn’t anything too new. The nerves she had felt earlier had faded almost to nothing though for a moment they spiked when she kissed his cheek since she didn’t want to end up being told something that would wreck her current happiness. Thankfully, nothing of the sort happened. Francine was just about to grab a pastry for herself before she noticed him stand up. “I don’t have to stand too, do I? I’d rather sit because... I’m just lazy, I guess,” she mused humorously as she turned slightly in her chair and moved her hair to one side, making sure it didn’t get in the way for when he put the necklace on.
James: rolled his eyes, shaking his head at Franny. "No, the little queen shall sit on her throne while I attend to her every need," he joked, pausing as she pulled her hair to the side, revealing the smooth, ivory skin of her neck. His heart skipped a beat, but before she could catch on to his hesitation, he quickly pulled the necklace around and pushed at the clasp. It took him a couple of tries, but he finally managed to get it open, and quickly looped it through one of the tiny hoops. He straightened it, letting it fall against her skin as he moved away from her, smiling tenderly. "Looks beautiful." He cleared his throat, and quickly took a sip of butterbeer.
Francine: Furrowing her brow at his words, Francine found herself faking a small pout. “If I’m a queen, that means I would have a crown - a tiara at best - and I have neither so this is just a very sad realization.” she told him as she let out a dramatic huff of air. The girl patiently waited for him to finish placing the necklace around her before looking down at it whilst she swiveled in her chair so she was back to her previous position. “Thank you again, Jamie. Truly.” Moving her hair so it draped over her shoulders slightly, Franny finally grabbed a pastry as she asked, “So! Birthday stuff aside, what’s new in your life? Aside from rude neighbors and auror training kicking your arse.” Ripping off a small piece, she just placed it in her mouth and ate it as she waited for his response about his oh so exciting life. More exciting than hers anyways.
James: "Hm.... you might be right. Raincheck on the crown? We can find one for you later, or next time we're in Hogsmeade," he promised with a smile. "Until then, promise not to behead me or throw me in a dungeon, Your Majesty?" He teased, wagging his brow at her from across the table. He watched as she grabbed the pastry, taking one for himself as he took a bite rather unmannerly, taking big bites. "What's new.....?? Hmm....." He sat back to think, going over everything in his head, to see if there wasn't anything he hadn't told her that he'd meant to tell her. Shaking his head, he couldn't remember much. "There's not really anything new. Whenever I'm not at home at the flat, or at training, I'm helping out the Dueling club, or at the Burrow. --Oh! Mum says hello. Sends her love. My dad too. Everyone does, really. Told me to tell you happy birthday. You should expect some sort of chocolate cake or something from Grandmum Molly." James took another gulp of butterbeer, the foam making a mustache along the top of his lip. Tapping his chin, he cleared his throat. "Francine Longbottom...... I must-ache you a very serious question................​........."
Francine: “Sounds like a plan then! Plus, you don’t really belong in a dungeon anyways and I’d miss you too much if I sent you to be beheaded so you don’t have much to worry about since you should be all good,” she informed him with a small nod, giggling slightly at the fact that he called her ‘your majesty’. Crossing one of her legs over her knee under the table, Francine looked down at the pastry in her hand as she kept ripping pieces off and eating them as she smiled at what he was telling her. As boring as it seemed, she really did take a lot of interest in knowing about his life. “Make sure to tell them I said hello, thank you, and the obvious love when you next see them because merlin knows I would never get around to sending them all an owl. Except maybe your grandmum since she feeds me and gives me amazing advice when I ask for it.” Propping her elbow up again, Francine couldn’t help but cover her mouth slightly with a few of her fingers as she covered her laugh for a moment at the sight of the foam mustache he now had before managing to ask, “Is that so, Potter? And what would that be?” just as she grabbed her mug and took a few sips from it.
James: The sound of her laughter was like a kick in the ribs, making him feel a little breathless for the umpteenth time that night-- because he did that. He'd made her laugh. He'd always taken great pride in making her laugh and smile; it was something that had started when they were kids, and had only grown as they grew older, and life got harder. "You'd miss ​ me ​??? Well, I'll let you in on a not-so-secret, secret: I'd bloody miss you too, so I absolutely appreciate you deciding to not behead me," he murmured with a chuckle. Nodding in response, he gave a solemn smile. "Of course. --My grandmother gives you advice? And to think, I thought she was just giving me the best advice. I feel betrayed," he pouted playfully, crossing his arms. As he wagged his foamy beard, James winked. "Well, look-- it's this.... do you..... see anything on my face?"
Francine: A smile grew on the girls face as she just shook her head at him, making her hair bounce around slightly. “In what world would you believe that I ​wouldn’t​ miss you? Oh, see, that’s nice to know but you’d be dead so I don’t think you’d be able to miss me anyways,” she joked as she leaned over sideways and covered her face slightly before straightening up once more. As much as she joked about it though, if anything ever really ​did​ happen to James she would honestly feel like she would have lost quite an important part of her. “Who else am I supposed to get advice from? --Pfft! She’s obviously giving ​me​ the best advice so stop kidding yourself,” she quipped with a simple, yet innocent, shrug. Covering her face again with her hand to muffle her laughter, Fran merely nodded her head a few times as she grabbed a napkin and slid it over to him. “Well, I see a lot of things on your face. Like that pimple you have beside your left eyebrow. The napkin should help but let me know if you need any assistance.”
James: James pretended to think for a moment. "Yeah, you're right-- what the bloody hell am I thinking? ​Obviously​ you'd miss me, I'm James Sirius Potter for Merlin's sake," he joked, his slightly more arrogant side making an appearance for a moment. "Oi! I could come back as a ghost. You think I wouldn't?! I'd haunt you, Longbottom. Wouldn't get a moment's rest for as long as you live. Terrorize everyone around you-- except the parents, of course. I'd gladly join your dad for tea every once in a while." He stuck his tongue out at Francine, giving a little ​hmph​ for good measure. He was entirely amused, no matter how disgruntled he pretended to be. He'd missed this. "She's my grandmother! Quit stealing the hearts of everyone and making them love you more than they love me! It's not fair!" Taking the napkin she offered him, he set it aside, glaring at Francine. "Merlin. Just getting a kick out of embarrassing me, aren't you?" He sniffed, falling back in his seat dramatically. "As nice as you helping me sounds, I think I can handle it." He pouted, wiping at the foam that remained.
Francine couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at his sudden arrogance. “Is that so? Wooooow, I really need to find a replacement for you a.s.a.p because that was just too much. To me, you’ll always be Poopyhead Potter though so don’t even try me,” she informed him as she called him something she hadn’t said in... what? Twelve years? Give or take a year. “But that’s not fair! I’d get all ugly and gross with dark bags under my eyes! That is so rude. You would treat my dad better than you would treat me. Some ghost you would be,” she scoffed playfully as she leaned back in her chair, making a clicking noise with her tongue in mock disapproval. “It’s not my fault I’m so cute and lovable! You just need to get with the program because clearly, you’ll never be on my level of lovableness!” Francine retorted as she moved her hair to one side and just shrugged at him, leaving her shoulders up near her ears for a moment before relaxing. “Yeah? Is that why you missed a spot?”
James: "FRAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!" James bellowed, causing another stir in the coffee shop as his head fell into his hands, his body shaking as he laughed silently. He couldn't believe she'd brought up his old nickname she'd named him. He didn't know whether to cry or laugh-- or both. He was definitely going to do both, any second. It brought back hundreds of memories they shared, making him ache with nostalgia. "P-Poopy.... Poopyhead P-P-Potter!" He led out a round of laughter as he lifted his head, his face streaming with tears from laughing so hard. "Merlin, you're awful. The absolute worst." He wiped at his eyes, letting out soft chuckles, trying to keep control of himself as he apologized to anyone around them, knowing he was disturbing the place. "Oh, come on. As if you could ever be ugly, or gross. Even with dark bags under your eyes. -- And of course. Your dad could probably kill me if he wanted to! Of course I'm nice to him. I'd be James the Sometimes Friendly Ghost." He rolled his eyes in mock annoyance, tearing at a pastry as he chomped down. "Blah blah blah blah. I can't hear you...." he sang with a full mouth before chugging the last of his butterbeer and sighing in contentment. "Did I?" he raised his eyebrows, trying to see where he'd missed.
Francine had just picked up her mug and started drinking what was left when James had his sudden outburst, causing her to jump from shock and spit out the contents beside her. Nearly instantly, Fran found her face being hidden against the table as her hair draped around her face to conceal the fact that she was actually laughing underneath. She definitely hadn't expected that kind of reaction but it made her very happy to know that he hadn't forgotten something that used to be oh so common in their lives. Finally lifting her head, Fran brushed her hair back with her hand as her laughter soon came to a stop. "By which awful means wonderful, riiiiight?" She asked as her voice went up a slight octave on the last word. Placing her face in her hands, the girl couldn't even bring herself to look at the people around them as she just stuck her tongue out at him. "I'm pretty sure I could be, I just never try because id rather look pretty. ​Duh​. --You seriously think my dad would do that? My dad adores you so you are the least of his worries. James the Sometimes Friendly Ghost would live a sad ghostly life then - which he definitely wouldn't deserve." Grabbing a napkin to clean up the small mess she had made, she quickly did so and placed the dirty napkin inside her now empty mug. "No," she responded as she laughed once more, "I just wanted to see your reaction."
James: "Absolutely wonderful. The most wonderful," James affectionately responded, his voice soft and full of joy. He shook his head, unable to stop smiling as kept his eyes on Franny, getting that ache in his chest again-- but it was entirely worth it. " I really doubt that. But whatever you say." Resting his elbows on the table, he handed over napkins of his own as she cleaned up her mess that he'd caused, ignoring the eyes that were on them. It was rather annoying, to have people watching-- but they were also being quite loud, he reckoned. "Longbottom, I've quite had enough of you!" he exclaimed, reaching across to poke her, pursing his lips in mock annoyance. "--I stand by what I said. The worst." He smiled and shook his head again before looking around and nodding towards the door. "Fancy a walk?"
Francine: A soft blush crept across Frans cheeks at his words but it was mostly from the tone he was using; she supposed. As a reaction, she just tilted her head down as she bit her bottom lip, her eyes trailing to anywhere but to look at him for a few minutes. "Shhh!" She hissed as she placed a finger over her mouth, simply taking the napkins he was offering her to make sure everything was actually clean since she would have felt bad just leaving a mess. Gasping, Francine just pouted at him as she felt him poke her as she poked at her cheeks for a moment. "How rude! I had enough of you years ago but you don't see me complaining about it," she spoke childishly and her demeanor made her look like one since she shook her head around ten times. As much as she liked the tea shop though, she couldn't help but let out a soft 'mhm' at his question since she honestly didn't think she could sit here anymore after what had just happened. "Please. I'm starting to get a little creeped out by the fact that those people over have been watching us this entire time. Plus, I feel like if we stay any longer we're going to get kicked out anyways which would be kind of embrassing."
James: "Oi! Now ​that​ is even more rude. I'm hurt. My heart literally just broke just now, did you hear it?" If there was one thing James was, it was a drama queen. And no one brought out that side of him like Fran did-- she knew just how to push his buttons, and he gladly went along with any playful insults she threw at him. It was comforting, that they could still interact like this-- it gave him hope; hope that not all was lost between them. That maybe they ​could​ endure through the discomfort and awkwardness, and force nothing but platonic feelings, and maybe even move on. The thought of moving on made him feel sick, made his smile falter for just a second before he was grinning just as widely as before. "You're mean, is what you are, Francine Longbottom." Chuckling at her reasoning, he nodded, forcing himself to not look around them, knowing he'd catch at least a few stares. "Well, can you really blame them. Being in the presence of the most beautiful person alive? And his best friend, as well?" he joked, knowing he'd get a swat or a pout out of her. "But yes, let's go. Save us the embarrassment." He stood, quickly pulling on his coat, and setting out a few Sickles on the table before offering his arm to Francine.
Francine: Placing one of her hands behind one of her ears as she acted as if she was listening for something, Francine merely shook her head at the boy. “I don’t hear anything because I’m more than certain it didn’t happen. Or you don’t have a heart. I’m yet to figure out which one.” While normally Francine was a very nice person, James just had a tendency to make her seem a bit more harsh than she really was. Not that she cared but anyone that heard would have definitely been in for some surprise. “I’m not mean! I’m an angel. Can’t you see my halo? Look closer!” She mused as she motioned above her head in a circle and poked at her cheeks so she looked as innocent as she could manage. The small girl felt her mouth open for a while at his words before it soon shut and morphed into a small pout. “And here I thought you were going to call me beautiful. You’re such an arse.” Fixing the sleeves of her cardigan and dusted off any crumbs from the pastry she had eaten, Fran just stood up as she took a small glance at his arm, ready and available for her to take. Looping her arm through his without any hesitation, she just let out a laugh as she cooed, “You’re already embarrassing enough anyways.”
James: through his hands over his heart, gasping dramatically. "Me?!Not have a heart? Now you're just talking crazy, Longbottom. I've got the biggest heart, and you know this," he pointedly argued, laughing quietly as she gestured to her head. He pretended to study her for a moment before sighing and giving a little nod. "​Alright​, maybe I do see a halo, but you're still a meanie." He grinned, shaking his head at her as they prepared to leave. Before he could stop himself, he was blurting out his next words without much thought. "You know I think you're beautiful already, Franny. But fine, you want to hear me say it again? --You're bloody beautiful, Francine Longbottom. And yes, I'm absolutely an arse. A very cute arse." When she took his arm, pulled her close, leading her out of the shop. "That I am. And you bloody love it."
Francine: “Ugh!” Francine groaned dramatically as she leaned her head back to look at the ceiling. “​Fine​, I can’t really argue with that but that doesn’t mean you’re allowed to act like a little ​baby​,” she informed him as she moved her head to look at him once again, arching one of her eyebrows. Sticking her tongue out at him childishly, she said, “Only because it’s you.” Running her fingers through her hair for a moment before fixing one of the loose curls, Francine turned her head to look up at him at the compliment which only made an accidentally affectionate smile grow on her lips. Shortly turning her head to look ahead of them as she walked beside him, she let out a small sigh as she agreed with him. “Unfortunately, I do. I really do. There’s obviously something very wrong with me.”
James: grinned mischievously, proud to have gotten his way with Fran, as well as amused with her exasperation towards him. "I knew you wouldn't be able to argue you." He wagged his eyebrows at her, teasing her with just a look, as he tried to keep control of the laughter he was holding back. As she stuck her tongue out at him, James only grinned more vehemently, quite pleased with himself. "I should be hurt that you've decided to be mean to just mean, but I'm more honoured than anything, to be perfectly honest." As he caught her eye, he felt that gentle swoop in his heart as she smiled up at him, making him want to smile with her-- but he forced himself to look away, pretending to look around and be preoccupied with something else entirely, rather than the fact that she'd made him weak in the knees with little more than a look on her face. "Quite like it. I enjoy that you enjoy my immaturity." His boots crunched along the ground they walked, not really headed anywhere.
Francine: Narrowing her eyes slightly, Francine just threw a small piece of one of the pastries at him as she mumbled, "Shut up," in annoyance. Not that it was genuine but she wasn't a fan of giving into most of the things he said at times so it irked her substantially. As her eyebrows raised at his comment, Fran shrugged her shoulders as she tapped at her chin aimlessly. "As you should be! Even though you should know already that I treat you differently from others anyways." The girls green eyes trailed along the side of his face for a moment as he looked elsewhere, chewing on her bottom lip for a short while before turning her head down as she grabbed her phone from her pocket so she could find some distraction that wasn't the small, yet crowded, street. Some distraction that wouldn't make her feel like her heart was skipping beats by mere proximity like he currently was. "Do you now? I suppose someone has to if I consider it to be a bit of a torturous thing," she teased as she lifted her phone to take a picture of the sky - for no particular reason, too.
James merely laughed in response to her throwing a bit of bread at him and telling him to shut up, holding his belly with both hands as he tried to keep his composure-- not wanting to earn a good hex in revenge. "Oh, you do, huh? This is brand-new information, actually, Longbottom," he drawled, raising his eyebrow and smirking. "How exactly do you treat me differently? I'm curious." He knew he was toeing along a dangerous line, a line that once crossed, could be extremely difficult to jump back over again, but he was feeling especially daring, despite any repercussions that might arise from being rather inappropriate with someone he was supposed to be just friends with. He studied her as she lifted her phone, sighing softly. "You're the worst."
Francine fell silent at his questions since she really wasn’t prepared to answer that kind of thing right now. Actually, she didn’t know if she was ever ready to answer that kind of thing ​ever​ but with her lips pressed together as she hummed slightly, she tried her best to skirt around anything too out there. “Well... Even though I care about many people I guess you can say that you’re a bit more... special? Like, in the sense that I’ve known you my entire life and because you kind of have a certain spot in my heart... since... I’ve know you my entire life. So, I’m just more comfortable around you which is why I’m kind of a bit more ‘insulting’ towards you, because I know you can take it. And, well, I love you because you’re kind of just that person that gets me the most. Among other reasons. --Am I making sense? Probably not. I’m going to stop talking now...” she trailed off as she bit her lip since all she had done was speak incoherently. Looking at him briefly, she soon turned to look at the picture she had taken. “How am I the worst? Are you just mad I didn’t ask you to take a selfie with me? I’m sorry but the sky is prettier than you right now.”
James: sucked in a breath of air as he listened to Francine explain what she'd meant by treating him more differently. He'd brought it onto himself, going on and teasing her like that when they were broken up, already knowing that she treated him different-- because he certainly didn't treat her as his sister, or one of his cousins, or anything along those lines. His heart soared at her answer, trying to find some way to answer her, but somewhat at a loss for words. "--No, no... Makes perfect sense. --You know it's the same for me. You're... Fran," he mumbled, glancing around as he tried his best not to turn pink. "You and me, until we're old and wrinkly. --Well, until you're old and wrinkly. I plan on discovering an elixir to keep up my good looks. Stay on my good side, and I ​might​ be willing to share. Maybe." The edges of his lips pulled up slightly, revealing a soft smile as he warmly watched her. "I was referring to you being the worst for thinking my immaturity is tortuous... but yeah, you're also the worst for not taking a selfie with me. That's just plain rude, Franny."
Francine: Awkwardly allowing her head to tilt and turn to look elsewhere, Fran felt herself grow a bit puzzled by what he had mumbled. “What do you mean by ‘you’re Fran’?” She asked him since her curiosity mixed with her confusion which was probably not the wisest of moves she could make. Regret soon sunk in after asking but she swiftly moved on to say, “I don’t think I’ll need that elixir since you’re probably going to be needing it more than I do. But, if it makes you feel better, I’m sure you’d be just attractive then as you are now but with grey hair so it would be a bit pointless. But that's just my opinion.” Skimming through her pictures for a moment, her mouth formed a circle as a soft giggle left her lips, “oopsie,” she started before holding her phone in front of her after switching back to her front camera. “That being said, will you please take one with me then?” she inquired as she looked up at him, a hopeful gleam in her eyes.
James furrowed his brow, his lips pulling into a thin line. "Uh... well. You know. You're... Fran. Francine Longbottom. My best friend. My best girl. The person I could talk to about anything and everything. Who I could tease mercilessly, and not have to worry if I've offended-- because you jump right in and do the same with me. You're... amazing. Y'know?" He spoke, staring out at the village, not paying much attention to anyone else lingering in the village-- he didn't dare look at Francine until he'd finished, and even then, he could only glance, afraid he'd overstepped his boundaries. Clearing his throat, he stuffed his hands into his pocket, releasing a loud breath. "--Oi. That's mean. I'm the most handsome. Just admit it." Shaking his head at her, he chuckled softly. At her request, he finally dared to focus his gaze on her without looking away in a hurry. "--Of course. It is your birthday, after all."
Francine: Suddenly taking a deep interest in her nails, the girl started to focus on the chipping nail polish and make mental plans of doing them soon as she let her hair hide the fact that she was smiling sweetly at his words, a light coloring crossing her cheeks. For the second time that day. Even though she was putting in a lot of her attention to control herself. ​Merlin​, she thought to herself as she brushed her hair back and pulled it to one side. “You already know I think you’re handsome. But if you insist,” she stopped as she moved her finger around his general person, “You, James Sirius Potter, are a very handsome lad with an above standard face. --Satisfied?” Letting out an excited, yet soft squeal, Franny just moved slightly closer to him as she tried to get the best angle but considering he wasn’t in the shot yet, she asked, “Could you squat down? I’m kind of short, if you hadn’t noticed, and you’re kind of... not.”
James "Oh, I do. I do bloody insist, Longbottom," he murmured, grinning like mad at the petite girl standing mere feet from him. "Go on and stroke my ego, it needs a good boost." He crossed his arms and tapped his foot as he waited, chuckling as she pointed her finger towards him. "--Merlin. You really know how to make a guy swoon, Franny. Hearts pounding like mad. That's just what every lad wants to hear. --So yes. Extremely satisfied." He grinned, winking over at her. Despite them both saying things-- things that they shouldn't be saying, because it could only go against everything they weren't supposed to be, James felt surprisingly at ease. Well-- as at ease as he could be. Being in Fran's presence always brought out a nervous side of him. As she moved in so they could take their selfie, he did the same, stepping towards her as she faced the camera towards them. "--Oi, it's not my fault you're so short. But-- here." He pulled Francine against his chest, snaking his arms around her before placing his chin on her shoulder, coming into view in the show. "Better?"
Francine rolled her eyes at the brown haired boy as she shook her head, regretting actually complimenting him as she had since his reaction was a bit obnoxious. A bit. The little wink he gave her made her turn her head slowly to look at something else as she felt her stomach flip ever so slightly. “It’s not my fault either though! Blame my parents for being so tall they made a small child,” she whined but she soon changed her demeanor completely the moment he pulled her towards him and she felt his arms around her. Her heart reacted to it faster than she ever could, banging against her chest quickly as a bit of nerves rose in her. Being this close to him was something that was driving her a bit crazy given how strongly she felt but she forced it all aside by repeating ‘​platonically, Fran, platonically​’ in her mind. Still staring at the phone in her hands, Francine cleared her throat as she said, “I- Oh, definitely.” It didn’t really sound like she was talking about the selfie she was trying to take of them but she couldn’t really process much at the moment. Fixing her hair slightly, she just smiled at her phone as she chimed, “Smile!” waiting a few moments before taking the picture.
James laughed out loud. "How did that even work out, though? Shouldn't you be tall too? Not that I'm complaining. I like being taller than you. Can you imagine, you being taller than me? That'd be weird. Who would be the big spoon? Would I stand on ​your​ feet while dancing? --Strange, right?" James breathed in as evenly as he could, careful to not turn his head and give in to pressing his lips against her neck. He could've sworn it was the hardest thing he ever had to do-- even more hard than him going through with their breakup. He closed his eyes, trying to calm his heart as it palpitated furiously against his chest-- so hard, he was so sure she'd be able to feel against her back. He opened his eyes and formed an easy smile as she told him to smile, squeezing her a bit tighter as the camera snapped the photo. "Another one?"
Francine: “Why are you asking me? You act as if I know about that kind of thing when I can barely use a muggle car without braking every five seconds. But I think two tall people make a short baby? Like how, apparently, two ugly people make a pretty baby? Or something. Ew, gross! I think I’d look so weird if I was taller than you, to be honest. I’d feel so strange. --Oi! I don’t ​always​ stand on your feet so that shouldn’t even be a factor.” The small squeeze he gave her made Francine’s heart rattle around even more, swearing to merlin that it was easily about to burst out of her chest. Her breathe was slightly hitched as she looked at the picture for a moment, nodding a soft ‘mhm!’ as he asked for another. Extending her arms out once more, the pint sized female realized that she really didn’t want to move from this. She missed this kind of moment dearly even though she knew it wasn’t right at this instant. To feel that way, that is. Sticking her tongue out slightly with a soft smile attached, Francine again waited a few moments in case he needed them before snapping a picture.
James "Oh Merlin, don't remind me. Never getting into a car with you ever again. Unless I'm the one teaching you, because I don't really trust anyone else, and would probably cast a shield charm or something to protect me-- a-and you, of course." He grinned. "Is that how it goes? I don't think I've met any ugly babies, so maybe you're right. --RIGHT?! It'd be really, really, really weird. I wouldn't like it. It's kind of a factor, Fran. It's happened enough for it to be a factor." As she studied the photo they'd taken, seemingly satisfied with it, he smiled softly before preparing to take another. Wanting to change things up, he thought about pulling away, but didn't want to just yet. Afraid to lose that warm feeling of having her in his arms. So he kept her near, before leaning in and mashing his lips messily against her cheek just in time.
Francine: “I WAS DOING MY BEST! I could barely reach the foot... things at the bottom so you can’t really say it was completely my fault. Wow. ​Wow​. You have such little faith in my driving skills that you would resort to casting a charm on yourself? My heart is in pieces, I can’t believe this,” she scoffed playfully as she shrugged, “I haven’t either but I guess it’s still possible. I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t like it because I’d probably get more attention than you though. --Nuh uh! I refuse to believe this counts as a factor. Nope.” Even though she had taken the photo just as his lips met her cheek, Francine couldn’t help the laugh that left her from how surprised she was by his choice of action, leaning sideways slightly before holding her phone to her face to look at the picture. “It’s cute, don’t you think?” she asked as she turned her head to look at him better.
James: practically keeling over as he laughed, James shook his head, trying to catch his breath. "It's not, but it's still bloody funny! --FRAN! It's not that I don't trust you, I just don't trust-- other people driving around you, since you're still learning!" James exclaimed, trying to worm his way back into her good graces, though he knew she wasn't truly angry with him. "It's a matter of protecting us! If anything, I'm doing us a favor!" He nudged her, smiling broadly at her. "--Wow. WOW. You think I can't share the attention? That's mean!" He sniffed, before slyly adding, "Nope. Absolutely a factor. Tiny dancer." He couldn't believe he'd done that-- kissed her. Sure, it was her cheek, but it was definitely breaking the rules, and if he'd been so quick to kiss her face, how easy would it be for him to go on and kiss her lips next time? He was cursing himself while simultaneously reeling from the rush the kiss had given him, somewhat distracted, not realizing she was looking at him until he felt her eyes on him. "Hm? Oh-- yes, actually. Look at your face! It caught the perfect moment," he murmured affectionately, his head still resting on her shoulder. "Could you send that to me? --The other one too?"
Francine: A frown formed on her lips as Francine folded her arms over her chest. “That’s mean! --Oh... well... Muggles ​are​ ridiculous drivers so I guess you have a good point,” she paused to think as her frown only deepened, “But I thought the bag things were supposed to protect us? That’s what I read online anyways. You know what? Please don’t let me ever thing driving is a good idea again, okay? It sounds worse than flying more and more with time.” Quirking an eyebrow, Fran laughed softly, placing her hand over her mouth as she teetered back and forth on the balls of her feet. “But it’s true! Sometimes you get extremely... uh... what’s the word... clingy? over attention.” Her face shortly went back to a serious expression. “Shush it, Sasquatch.” Turning her head to look at her phone once more, Francine just looked down at the photos with an endearing smile on her face. It’d been quite some time since the last selfie she had taken with him so it made her heart flutter with happiness. “Sure! Let me do that right now before I forget to and delete them,” she relayed to him as she subconsciously leaned her head back against his shoulder - failing to realize the action had been done due the fact that she was sending the pictures. However, she did notice shortly afterwards but still didn't move from her position.
James: "I'm not trying to be mean! It's just.... --See! Even you can't help but agree. So hmph." James nodded-- he'd grown up around cars-- regular muggle cars and cars that had been manipulated by magic, but none were as scary as those driven by the people of London who didn't seem to have a care in the world over whether they got into accidents, or hit people or not. "Well-- to an extent, but they could be just as dangerous." Raising his eyebrows, James laughed. "You're never going to try again? Damn. I was kind of looking forward to seeing you behind the wheel again. Almost as much as I'm looking forward to getting you on a broom. --At least there's not a bunch of air traffic, it's all pretty clear while flying," he reasoned, gently pulling on a soft brown curl that had loosened from behind her ear. "Oi! I almost prefer Poopy-pants to Sasquatch. You're so mean to me." They both studied the photo they'd taken; James felt a sense of nostalgia sweep over him, a longing burning deep within him. "Oh please-- I'll never forgive you if you delete them, Longbottom," he playfully warned, not even thinking about pulling back as Fran leaned deeper against him, her head resting on his shoulder comfortably. He watched her send the photos, feeling his own phone vibrate in his pocket, but still, he held onto Fran, unsure of when they'd get another moment like this. Unsure if he'd ever hold her again. For all he knew-- next time, she would've moved on, found someone better for her. And he wouldn't resent her for it-- sure, he'd be jealous, maybe a bit bitter, but all he wanted was for her to be happy. To be safe. Even if it meant her finding solace in someone new. Someone who wasn't him. Closing his eyes, he held on a bit tighter, swallowing the lump that was suddenly in his throat. He didn't say anything for a long moment; he just wanted to appreciate the way she rested comfortably against him, and smell that familiar scent of her shampoo. He wasn't sure how much time had passed, but when he finally forced himself to open his eyes, he cleared his throat. "Shall I walk you back up?" he quietly asked, murmuring near her ear.
Francine: Waving her hand in dismissal of the subject, Francine didn’t give any further comment about the whole muggle car thing. She understood so many things about the muggle world but transport was never going to be one. Like buses? Merlin, did she hate muggle buses. Shaking her head, Fran said, “Well, you’re going to have to wait a very long time for that because I’m not doing it. I’m never getting on a broom around you! The one and only time I allowed that, I ended up with a broken arm!” She exclaimed but fell silent for a bit as she watched him move her hair, taking a small moment to allow an affectionate smile to cross her lips before continuing. “Oh, I know, but our friendship wouldn’t be the same without it and you know it,” her tone was a bit smug but she couldn’t help it. Gasping, Franny just brought her phone to her chest as she made a pained expression with her face. “How would I ever live without your forgiveness though?! The horror!” She tried to keep a straight face at her own dramatics but that didn’t last long since she shortly broke into a fit of giggles. As they stood there, Francine simply looked up at the sky as a way to avoid a dire need she had to turn her head to gently nuzzle his neck with her nose. Hannah had always told Franny that there would be a time where she wouldn’t know what to do in reference to boys and this was exactly that moment. As much as she enjoyed platonic things, this only reminded her that she couldn’t handle just being friends with him if she constantly thought about what it would be like to kiss him again. Remain like this for more than a few minutes. Longer. It reminded her that her feelings were too overpowering for her to handle. But would it even matter if he didn’t want that? If he just said that it wasn’t going to be possible? And was she really the only one of the pair that thought breaking up had been a horrible mistake? Snapping out of her daze, Francine finally spoke but it came out in a small whisper, “I’d quite like that.”
James: All James could do was snicker, trying to shield his face from Francine, so she wouldn't see him laughing, but he wasn't particularly good at hiding it, nor at holding back laughter-- especially when it came to this subject. He didn't meant to laugh-- it certainly wasn't malicious, but the memories were good, despite Fran's less than perfect experience with a broom-stick. "Franny, it was one time. You could get on the broom with me, so I'd have complete control. Don't you trust me?!" he asked, poking her side gently, giving her a puppy-dog look, complete with the sad eyes and pouty lips. "I'd never push you to do something I wasn't absolutely certain of." James let out a snort and rolled his eyes, before nodding in agreement. She was right. As she usually was, really. "Oh, do I." Her wit really kept him on his toes-- pretty much all the time, and even though he was often ahead of most people with his own humour and sarcasm, Fran somehow always got the upperhand-- which he enjoyed. It was nice to have someone put him in his place sometimes. "Oh, shut it," he laughed, squeezing her in his arms affectionately. As he held her close, James sighed, pressing his chin against her shoulder lightly before straightening up and beginning to pull away. "Good. --It'd give me piece of mind. Seeing them around really puts me on edge," he couldn't help admit, nodding towards the Aurors positioned all throughout the village. "--Anyway. C'mon." He gave a sad smile, not wanting to let her go just yet, but their time together had to come to an end whether he liked it or not. He offered his hand, waiting for her to take it before leading her back to school.
Francine: His laughter only made Francine join her eyebrows together as a small pout came onto her face. Whilst he normally meant not harm, the girl still - at times - was easily bothered by it even if she got over it seconds later. "You can't honestly ask me that when you're my best friend. Of course I trust you. I just... don't trust gravity," she explained before wiggling slightly upon being poked since Fran was quite ticklish. "I know. But if I get on it with you - which I probably will because I'd rather not end up crashing into a tree - you have to promise me that you'll take it easy and not do anything weird without at least asking me first." As she gave him a sassy little tick of the head, a smile grew on her face from ear to ear as he squeezed her once again, sending her stomach into a frenzy. A good mind obviously. "But I don't want tooooo!" She complained in regards to her shutting up but her little happiness was cut short as she felt him moving away. A sad sigh left her as he did so, turning her head to just look at the Aurors off in the distance. She never minded them, really, but they definitely did make everything seem a bit less fun. "Trust me, I'm not their biggest fan either but what can you do?" She asked rhetorically with a small shrug. Nearly instantly, Fran noticed the smile on his face wasn't the kind she was used to seeing. As she took ahold of his hand and slipped her phone into her cardigan pocket again, she bit her lip as she asked him, "Why are you sad? What's wrong?" as she walked beside him, a small look of concern on her face that happened naturally.
James: "Just making sure." He grinned mischievously, knowing she was ticklish, but he decided to leave it for today. He'd only cause a stir in the village if he suddenly had a screaming-laughing girl in his arms. "--Okay. I can promise that. I'll be good. No spinning, no crazy dives, nothing. Just some soaring. Promise." It was funny, how the men and women standing guard in Hogsmeade were Aurors, but James felt rather disconnected from them. He wasn't one of them just yet. "You're right. I guess I just hate that they... remind me. But one day, it just might be me standing here, so...." He gave a shrug, before staring at the ground as they walked, the snowy gravel crunching beneath his feet as he stepped. At her question, James immediately regretted not being more careful, of not having better control of his emotions and his poker face. Inhaling softly, he glanced at her quickly, for just a second. "I'm fine, Franny. Just hate to say goodbye. I've missed spending time with you." Not a lie, though not entirely true. But it was enough. He hoped.
Francine fiddled for a moment with her oversized cardigan as she thought about the idea of being in the sky. On a broom. With him. It wasn't entirely horrifying but it was still something that would make her extremely nauseous, like it currently was. "Good. 'Cause if you don't keep that promise I swear to merlin you'll regret the day." Her eyes roamed to the Aurors once more before looking at James, gently just tugging at him with a comforting smile. "Maybe. And much like them, you'll be doing something that many people with admire you for. Don't let it get to you," she reassured him as she gave his hand a small squeeze since she didn't know what else to offer. His final words made Francine frown as she looked away from him and down at the ground as a few strands of her hair just moved to hide her face. "Ohh," she paused briefly before adding, "It's... not really goodbye though. You'll see me again so don't act like its the last time. Please. Or else I'll really think you hate being around me." Her throat closed slightly as she spoke, making her fall quiet but it doesn't stop her from mumbling, "I've missed you in general." That could be taken in so many ways but Fran wasn't exactly thinking of that. It just kind of came out on its own.
James: nudged her with his elbow, giving an encouraging little smile. "I believe you. I don't think I'd really like to regret that day very much." He cleared his throat. "So you'll let me, for sure?" As she pulled at his hand, he willingly followed after her, as he had since they were just children, and probably would even when they needed walkers to get around. "Well, when you put it that way...." he chuckled, hiding the fact that the squeeze she gave his hand made his stomach flip almost painfully. It was almost exasperating, how the tiniest gesture could set his heart off and pounding, and him smiling like an idiot. He was whipped-- even broken up, she had a control on him no one ever had. He didn't realize he'd said anything that might hurt Fran until he peered at her from the corner of his eye, noting the softness of her voice. His brow furrowed, wondering if she'd caught on to his lie-- but then he realized his mistake and felt like the stupidest bloke to ever exist. Drawing a quick breath, James came to a stop and tugged on Fran's arm so she'd stop and look at him. "--That's the furthest thing from the truth, Fran. And you know that. ....I'll admit, it's definitely hard, being around you. But not because I hate being with you. Quite the opposite, really." He chewed on his bottom lip as he searched her face, wondering if he'd said too much, wondering if he should say more. He hated knowing that she thought he might hate being around her. Stepping towards her, he tilted her chin up with his thumb. "You still have me. Not going anywhere."
Francine: "And I'd very much not like to make you regret," she informed him with a faint laugh. Sighing, Francine nodded her head at his question. "I suppose so. You'll have to wait until Easter holiday but you have my word." Looking at him for a moment, Fran just gave him a small smile to further her assurance on the matter. She truly did think he was admirable in all aspects of the word and would only get more so when he reached his goal of being what he wanted to be, where she would continue to support him wholeheartedly. As he tugged on her arm, Francine just bit her lip as she took in a small breathe, turning around to face him slowly. "I may know that but that still doesn't help me stop thinking it's a possibility. I find it hard also but th–" she cut herself off as she tilted her head slightly with a slightly confused look at what he could have been implying. However, as he stepped towards her and she felt his thumb touch her chin, Francine felt a sudden ache in her chest. It was almost similar to the ache she had gotten when they had broken up but now it felt different. It was more of an ache of longing and despair she couldn't quite handle as it tightened in her chest. Tilting her head up as she looked at him, her eyes drooped sadly as she said, "But not in the way I want. As selfish as that sounds." Her heart raced at her own words, scared of what she had just partially admitted to and even more scared of what his reaction would be.
James grinned, his eyes lighting up at the possibility. Easter holiday was only a few weeks away. They'd have to go out to the Burrow, since his flat was smack in the middle of urban London, not that he was complaining. They'd have fields and fields of open space to use for flying, without any interruption-- save for his family, but that wasn't anything new. "I can wait. Impatiently, but I can. --It'll be fun," he promised, reassuring her with a small hand squeeze of his own. They'd walked into very dangerous territory-- and maybe he'd brought it upon himself, maybe he shouldn't have been as affectionate, or maybe should've been more careful with his words, but now it was too late. He hated himself for confusing her-- he was confusing himself too. Part of him was pulling in one direction-- the only direction that truly made sense to him, towards Fran. The other part was fumbling around, urging him to keep his distance, because only bad things could come of this. People who loved had more to lose. He'd watched his own family members be killed in front of him-- as well as the loved ones of his friends. If he ever lost Fran, he wouldn't be able to live with himself. Just the mere thought of losing her was bad enough. Staring sadly back at her, he pushed down at the lump in his throat, not daring to cry, because if he did, that's when he'd lose and give in to himself, and to her. And he needed to keep her safe. "I'm sorry, Franny," he managed to get out before throwing his arms around her, embracing her almost desperately. If only she knew just how much he understood what she meant. He wanted to be selfish too, to admit that they were the same, and he wasn't happy with the place they were in, but all he could was close his eyes and pray she wouldn't hate him. Which was possibly too much to hope for after the nice day they'd had together. He'd brought this upon them.
Francine easily noticed the look he got in his eyes which made her laugh to herself. It was cute to think he thought the idea of getting her on a broom was something worth while since she had always been horrified of those things. "Then maybe now is the time you should learn that patience is a virtue," she pointed out as she pointed at him. The brunette didn't even know what to do as she stood there. A part of her was just upset that this had turned into a very crappy ending to the nice time they had just had whilst another part of her was even more upset that this was just making her feel like her heart was shattering into a million little pieces. The look on his face was only matched by hers as she stood there pulling on her bottom lip as he said three very simple words. However, Francine wasn't like him and she couldn't keep her composure as she wrapped her arms around him, hiding her face in his chest as she shut her eyes as she felt tears roll down her face slowly. She honestly wished she wasn't crying but she couldn't help the fact that it hurt for her to love him as hard as she always had and be left with nothing because of the stuff going on around them. Why? Plenty of people had gone through wars aside people they loved - knowing very well her and his grandparents were key examples - so why couldn't they? What made them so different and what made now any different from those times? Everything hurt as she let her hands cling onto his jacket, desperately not wanting to move away from him.
James: "I could try, but I doubt I'll succeed," he sang. He was an impatient baby, always wanting his way with his parents, had grown into an impatient toddler, then child, and now he was still an impatient adult, and probably would be until the day he died. He couldn't help himself. He also couldn't stand himself-- James held Francine close, pushing his face against her neck as she burrowed against his chest, wanting to ease her pain, but he was lost. What was he supposed to do? Everything about their separation was going against nature, but he couldn't find the words to admit it. And it broke his heart, to break Fran over and over again. "I wish... I wish," he whispered softly, almost inaudibly, mostly to himself. He hugged her tighter, practically lifting her in his arms as he held her, inhaling deeply as his composure slipped, threatening to crack completely. "I'm sorry."
Francine: "You won't know unless you try!" She told him but she honestly couldn't agree more with him. She knew him better like the back of her hand but that didn't mean she still wouldn't try to get him to try things involving behavior. The pain she had felt for months now just overwhelmed the small girl so much that she barely how hard she was sobbing into him. It was a very silent sobbing but it was obvious given how flushed her cheeks were, something that only happened when she was really torn. His words rang loud and clear to her but Fran couldn't bring herself to even say anything. Her throat was burning and even if she tried to open her mouth, all that came out was a faint whining like noise. The tips of her toes danced against the ground as she pulled at his jacket now in deep frustration. This just wasn't fair. For either of them. And for the first time, Francine actually thought 'fuck this war' in her mind. "I just... I... stop." was all she managed to say, not being able to handle full sentences yet.
James clenched his eyes more tightly shut as Fran's cries escaped her, making James' entire body wreak with anguish. He was doing this to them. He was hurting her, and it killed him. He was desperate to comfort her, to find something to say to make up for this, but her words stopped him, making him swallow any more apologies. He simply held her up in his arms before slowly placing her back down, giving her the chance to pull away from him. To walk away from him. It's what he deserved.
Francine held onto him even after he had put her down since she didn't know what to do with herself. To pull back would have been the wisest choice but was it wrong of her to choose not to just yet? Eventually, Francine moved her head away from his chest as she used the sleeve of her cardigan to wipe at her face, leaving her face looking nothing but red and what she considered gross. Looking up at him, Francine just stared at him silently. She didn't know what he was expecting her to do but not even she was expecting what she did next. Rising onto her toes again, Fran swiftly brought her hand to his gently as she found herself pressing her lips against his, her eyes fluttering shut as she did so. She didn't care if he chose not kiss her back. All she wanted was one last moment, if they really were just going to be this way for who knows how long.
James: Of all the things he was expecting Fran to do, what she did next wasn't one of them. He was prepared for her to stalk off, maybe slap him, or yell at him for leading her on and ruining things between them, for ruining her birthday weekend. That's what he thought was next as she looked up at him. But then she brought her hand up to his face, and stood up on her toes, bringing her face up to his, and James couldn't move away. His eyes shut on their own accord, without a single thought as she pressed her lips against his own. As she kissed him, his first thought was to pull away, then his second was to let her have what she needed. But neither felt right. Without another thought, he moved his lips against hers-- one hand held her hip, keeping her against him, while the other cupped her cheek, almost mirroring her own stance.
Francine: A sense of relief flooded Francine as she felt his response, something she didn't know that she was so desperately hoping he would have done deep down. The mere instant he did so, her heard beat picked up and she would have been surprised if he didn't feel it since she was so close to him but that didn't deter her from keeping her lips right where they were. She was reminded back to the very first time they had kissed and it filled Fran with a sense of nostalgia since it still made her feel the exact same way. Dizzy, elated and like nothing else mattered aside from this right now.
James: He'd missed this. He'd missed the feeling of her warmth in his arms, the feeling of lips sweetly pressed against his. The dull ache in his heart waned-- temporarily, but it was still a relief. Pulling her closer, so they were meshed together, almost one being, James reached up with his other hand, cupping her other cheek, deepening the kiss their lips were locked in. It took his breath away, made his lungs feel like they were on fire as he desperately held her, but it was the most he'd felt in months. He didn't want to break apart just yet, he didn't want to say goodbye, but he slowly began to pull back. He gasped for breath, breathing heavily-- his eyes still closed as he leaned his forehead against hers. He stayed silent, not wanting the spell to be broken just yet. Savoring the moment they were having so he could replay it in his head later on when he'd gone home.
Francine did nothing but oblige as he pulled her in closer, maintaining her balance the best she could with the limited contact she had with the ground. Her face flushed with warmth as time ticked by, only being fueled the longer the kiss lasted and as he moved his other hand to her face as well. She was honestly lost in him in that moment that she knew that in the future, she would be cutting out the sad part of this day and only focusing on the good parts. That would be the only way she wouldn't complain about her birthday even though the sad part was going to be something that kept her up at night, crying or overthinking everything so that she wouldn't be able to sleep. As he moved away, Francine felt a frown tug on her lips but she did nothing as she remained closed to him with her eyes shut. Her finger gently grazed his cheek as she tried to keep her breathing at a normal pace, proving quite hard. Frans head tilted up only briefly as she let her nose gently graze past his, biting her lip in the process since she knew she would have to go sooner as opposed to later.
James 's lips twitched up into a tiny smile as Francine's nose brushed against his, their lips just millimeters apart. It was the most at peace he'd felt in a while. Even if they'd regret it later on, right then, in that moment, James couldn't remember why he'd been trying so hard to keep boundaries. He hated boundaries, he was beginning to realize. Absolutely loathed them. Even if he'd put them up himself. It was quiet between them, the only sound coming from either of them being the sighs as they caught their breaths. He didn't know what this meant-- if it was just a moment of weakness for the both of them, or if it meant something needed to change. They couldn't continue on the way they had been for months. "Missed that," he finally murmured, breaking the silence between them.
Francine: To be frank, Francine was enjoying the silence a lot more than she thought she would. After the fact that she had just cried not even five minutes ago, she really needed it to analyze what was going on. Was anything really going on? Her head was spinning so she couldn't even focus on her own internal questions. A small smile appeared on her lips at his as he finally spoke, her eyes opening slowly. "You're not the only one," she uttered faintly, her voice cracking a bit on accident.
James: "No?" He asked, his lips turning up into a half-smile, showing up his teeth. "That's comforting, at least," the male murmured as he pushed back loose curls behind Fran's ears. He was having a hard time looking into her eyes-- because he was shy? Or scared? He wasn't able to pinpoint the exact reason, but he was still hesitant. "We should get you back up to the castle. Before it gets too late and you get detention. Don't want to be a bad influence on you.... Since you ​are​ a prefect now," he gently teased. Despite his words, though, he hadn't made any move to step away from her, to let go of her.
Francine: "Comforting? Is that ​really​ the word you're going to go with?" She responded with a small laugh as she watched him move her hair. Her eyes moved from that to look at his face, letting them trail over the smallest of his facial features and imperfections. Not that she really considered them imperfections but that was besides the point. Letting out a soft whine of protest at his more than sound reason for starting to walk again, Francine just remained where she was as she final dropped down so her feet were planted on the ground. The curfew could easily happen and she didn't want to get detention but then again, it wouldn't have been the first time she got in trouble because of him. "You know, the fact that ​you​ remember I'm a prefect and I'm constantly forgetting should be worrisome. --But you've always been a bad influence so you can't really change that now, can you?" She paused for a moment before adding, "I don't want to go," as she tried her hardest to avoid frowning but it wasn't working.
James: nodded, chuckling softly in reply. "It's the best I could come up with." Studying her face himself, he sighed. He knew every line like it was his own-- he'd been looking at her for just about eighteen years now, after all. "I used to forget I was prefect all the time too, so I don't think it's too worrisome. Just as long as you're not... hexing anyone, putting anyone's lives in danger, you're fine. --Oi, I haven't always been. I try to be good," he murmured with a laugh, pouting as she looked up at him. Exhaling deeply, he nodded, giving her a sad smile. "I don't either." Brushing her cheek tenderly, he leaned in, pressing his lips softly against her forehead. "It'll be Easter holiday soon. And... y'know. I'll be here at the school for Dueling every Thursday." He cleared his throat, glancing away. "Doesn't exactly help though, does it?"
Francine let a sweet smile grow from the corners of her lips as she just said, "I thought as much." The brunette moved her hand down from his cheek as she just let it rest on his chest, her pointer finger just tapping at him but with no real reason except she needed something to do. "I don't think I've ever hexed anyone before for anything so I highly doubt I would ever do something like that. Being a prefect is so boring though! I don't see why people fight over that kind of thing. The keyword you're looking for there would be 'try', Potter," she quipped with a quirk of the eyebrow but only found herself matching his smile within seconds. Her eyes shut for a brief moment as she felt his lips on her forehead before opening as she shook her head. "It really doesn't... can't you like convince Howlett to make Dueling more than one day a week... or something? It has many perks so it's not just me being selfish."
James: "Really? Sometimes it feels good to hit someone with something. Nothing too serious, of course. But I guess each to his or her own." James let out a chortle of laughter, raising his eyebrows in amusement. "I'm going to have to agree with you on that one, Longbottom. It's nice to sort of mentor and watch out for others, but it could get boring. -Hmph. You should ​try​ not being such a pain in my arse," he teased back, giving her a little squeeze in her side as he grinned. It was a nice thought, thinking of being able to come back to Hogwarts more often, and James wished he could. "I can ​try​ to talk to him about it. It could benefit, maybe more students would join. But no promises. -You'll be out of here, soon, though. An alum in just a few short months. --But really, we should get you back. Who knows what nasty punishments Macnair will give if you're late. What if he takes away Hogsmeade privileges?" James frowned. He really hated the guy, and couldn't bring himself to think of him as a professor, even though he had the power of one.
Francine: "I've never really cared though. I normally just let stuff go after a few hours because I'll have better things to do with my time," she told him as she nodded a few times, "I mean, you do have a good point but rounds are probably the most annoying things I've ever dealt with. It's way too quiet and eerie. I also walked through one of the ghosts during rounds the other day so I am ​not​ a fan." Francine couldn't help but cringe as she remembered her encounter with the Slytherin ghost before laughing lightly. "Sorry but I've been doing that my whole life so you're going to have to ​try​ to deal with it." Chewing on the inside of her cheek, Fran just moved her hand to poke at the side of his neck with her pinky. "Exactly but I guess you'll just have to see and get back to me. I know that but that still feels like forever away, you can't blame me for trying. --Macnair already hates me though. He found out I said he had a bowtruckle fetish so he's had it out for me since. But I'd rather that not happen so I suppose there's no choice." Macnair was someone that Francine tried to remain clear of so that was the only reason why she moved herself away from him slowly, grabbing at his hand and tugging gently so they could start walking.
James: almost replied 'And that's why I love you' to Francine's reasoning, but caught himself just in time, before the words could slip out from his lips. ​Close one​, he thought to himself. "You're a bigger person than most of us, Franny," he finally said, flashing a bright smile at his companion. "I didn't mind rounds, mostly. When it got quiet was when I got particularly antsy during them. --Oh Merlin! Did you? I did that once and felt off for days after. It's really creepy." He chuckled as she visibly cringed, knowing her pain all to well. "I will. It's a good idea. Maybe Howlett will be for it. Who knows. --It's forever away, I know, but time flies. These last few months before summer ends, especially. Already hates you!? Oh Merlin, Fran...." He couldn't help but laugh at the thought of the man finding out about what she said about him, but also worried. There was just no trusting the guy. "Be careful, alright? .... But that was a good one," James couldn't help admit. He followed after Fran, grasping her hand tightly in his, dreading the moment they'd have to separate.
Francine: Choosing to shrug at the boy since she had heard that very phrase all too many times, she eventually just smiled back it him in silence. "The thing is, it's always quiet! Especially on days when I don't have it with Lucy or Oscar because at least they make it bearable. --I did! It was horrible! I swear, I'll never look at the ghost the same ever again. I feel like I violated it," she further explained herself as her face morphed into one of disgust. "I hope so but if not, I'll think of another master plan. You have a point but why do I feel like it's currently dragging by? I just want to finish already though so I hope that changes some time soon. That man just can't take a joke - which is what it was!" Francine pouted as she placed a hand on her hip, "I'm always careful but thank you!" She chimed cheerfully since she was very proud of herself, that wasn't even a lie. As she just pulled him for a little longer, she just waited for him to come beside her so she could lean slightly against him, brushing her hair back from her eyes with a small huff.
James: "That's good, at least. --How's it going with Oscar as Head Boy now?" James asked. "Another master plan? You'll have to tell me what you come up with. It's dragging by because you're thinking about it too much! But really-- I promise it's going to go really fast. So fast you'll wonder where the time all went. --Oh, obviously he can't. Flobberworm fetish?? I almost can't believe you came up with that one." He shook his head as she pouted and put her hand on her hip. "You're welcome, silly." Coming up beside her, James pulled his hand out from her grasp, to place his arm around her, bringing her closer. Because it was getting bloody cold, because he wanted to be near her.
Francine: "I want to say great since he basically wanted that for forever but he always seems stressed from it. But you can't really blame him, can you?" She asked rhetorically. "Of course! It's not like I'd come up with the entire plan and just not tell anyone, what would the point be? Ugh! It's not my fault! Especially when you get asked all the time by people. --Rude! You clearly doubt my creative genius. And you say ​I'm​ the mean one." As he placed his arm around her, Francine just replicated that by placing hers behind his back, leaning into his shoulder - well general area - as she took her phone out of her pocket to check the time.
James: couldn't even imagine the pressure that came with a Head prefect. He was glad that he'd never had to know-- while his cousin Rose seemed to fit the part perfectly, he was much too laid back to handle all that pressure. "I think it's part of the job-- which I'm sure he knew about beforehand, so I wouldn't worry about him too much. But no, I wouldn't blame him. Especially with everything going on lately. "Just making sure! I want to be in the know! --I do not! It just seemed like something Dani, or Roxy might come up with! I'm quite impressed you came up with it, take the bloody compliment!" he nudged her, laughing softly. As Francine leaned against him, he drew a deep breath, smiling softly down at the girl on his arm. "Everything good?"
Francine: Even though the girl didn't really understand why so much pressure was put in the heads, she often found herself feeling bad for them. "Probably so but I'm still allowed to worry. Especially since he went in to replace Blaine which isn't exactly the most normal thing either considering that Blaine wasn't all bad at it." Francine laughed softly, "I'm pretty sure I tell you everything first before telling other people so you shouldn't worry about that. --I'm offended! I'm not taking anything, poopy head," she mused with fake frustration, a small smile on her lips she tried to repress. Placing her phone away, Fran just looked up at him and nodded as she said, "Yup! Just great," with a content look on her face.
James: "Good point. But I mean... there hasn't been any serious incidents, right? He seems to be handling it well." Sticking his tongue out, James grinned and nudged her. "Good. I mean, I tell you everything I have to share. So I'd be bloody heartbroken if you didn't do the same. --Oi! That's just bad manners now! Take the compliment, or I.... I'll.... I'll do something in retaliation!" he joked. "Also, Poopy-head is so last decade, FYI." He made a loud ​hmph​, feigning anger, though it was always hard to pretend to be pissed with her. As she put her phone away, James gave a nod and her shoulders a squeeze. "Good." The closer they got to the castle, the more James' stomach knotted up. He didn't want to leave, but this was the way it was for the time being. He couldn't wait until she was graduated, so they could see each other whenever they wanted, for as much time as they wanted.
Francine: "Not that I can remember? But I've taken to not paying much attention to a lot of things lately so I sure hope not." Scrunching her nose, she just stuck her tongue out at him as well. "Everything? You sure about that? But trust me, I would definitely be heartbroken if you did the same thing so I guess I get it. --I'm a very well mannered young lady, you take that back, James Sirius Potter! I'd like to see you try," Francine quipped with a rather smug expression towards the last of her words though she was just kidding. "Coming up with new stuff is hard, okay? Take that or settle for git face. Or arse face. Or... melon head, which is far from flattering." Turning her head away from him, Francine just let her eyes dance over the castle which seemed not to far off. The small frown that crossed her face was unintentional but she just looked down at the ground so he wouldn't notice. Staring at her nails though, now Francine was ​definitely​ more ansy to graduate. While she had plenty of patience, she suddenly found herself feeling quite the opposite which was really irking her to the core.
James: snorted, shaking his head at her reply. "Why've you not been paying attention? What's got you so distracted?" he asked, genuinely curious. And a tiny bit worried. Or maybe not just a tiny bit, but she didn't need to know that. "I'm positive. --Is it wrong to say I'm very glad about that?" he laughed, rolling his eyes at her. "Nope. Not taking it back. I refuse." He leaned in, brushing his nose against her forehead affectionately. "--Git face? Arse face-- ​Melon-head​??? These are my options? Something better, or you're banned from giving nicknames. Or I'm coming up with the ​worst​ one for you." As they drew near, the silence between them thickened-- far from awkward, as things had been between them in the last few months. It was a silence where both were too preoccupied in their own thoughts to really have much to say. Slowing his pace as they came upon the bridge that went across to Hogwarts, James took a breath. "--C'mere," he mumbled, tugging her towards the bridge, though he stopped just a couple of feet in, so the light of the setting sun couldn't reach him.
Francine 's mouth opened for a moment to speak but soon found herself closing it since she didn't really have an answer. She was just in a weird funk where she focused too much on her work that the world around her was just irrelevant. "I just... I don't know, honestly. My mind just tends to wander to things I hate thinking about and to get rid of those thoughts, I just try to focus on my course work or baking or anything else to avoid making myself sad," she explained though it wasn't exactly the best way to put it. It would do though. "Good. --I don't think that's wrong at all actually," she couldn't help but pout at what followed, "But why not!?" The girls protests came short as she smiled sweetly at the feeling of his nose against her forehead. "But I'm really bad at nicknames! You can't just take that away from me when I'm trying really hard. I... well... I guess that would be fair but can I at least have time to think of better options? I feel highly pressured right now." Bringing her nail to her mouth to bite on it - a bad habit Francine couldn't get rid of which only happened when she was bothered - her brow furrowed in confusion as he tugged on her but simply obliged and followed. Staring up at him, the brunette just remained quiet and hoped he would catch on to the fact that she was utterly lost in reference to why he had chosen to stop all of a sudden.
James: nodded as he listened to Francine. He understood her perfectly, which wasn't very strange-- they'd always been on similar wavelengths, even as children, and not being together hadn't changed that one bit. He wished he could offer up some advice to help her, since he hated that she was feeling that way, but he hadn't yet discovered how to fix himself when he got like that. "I understand that perfectly. Don't know how to really make that go away, but... y'know. If you ever need another distraction, you're always welcome to message me, no matter the time. Take your mind off things. Does the homework and baking help any at all?" He smirked as she pouted, shaking his head vehemently. "Because you're very ill-mannered. The worst. And I love pissing you off a bit. It makes me happy," he admitted with a grin. "--Fine, you have.. one week to come up with something better. Better make the best of your time, Longbottom, because after that, no more nick-naming for you!" As he stopped, he turned and pulled her close, leaning in to press his lips softly against hers once, twice, and a third time before lifting his head. He didn't know where they stood now-- things hadn't changed for him, he still was determined to protect her no matter the cost-- but he ​missed her​. Constantly. Craved her, her warmth, the sound of her laughter, and the smell of her hair. "I know we're going to leave things in a very confusing place right now, and I wish we had more time today-- but we're going to figure this out, alright? I... I hope you have a good birthday tomorrow." He swallowed hard and made the muscles in his cheeks turn up into a smile, meeting the softness in his eyes.
Francine: "I know but... you're just always so busy so I really wouldn't want to distract you from anything too important. But I'll keep that in mind the next time it happens but if it happens to be at two in the morning, it's not my fault. I suppose so? The baking more so than the homework since at least with baking I get to eat something yummy. I can't exactly eat my homework." Gasping in offense, Francine just shook her head in disapproval. "And here I thought ​I​ made you happy but nooo, you insist on hurting my feeling. I swear, keep that up and you'll no longer be my number one Wotter," she threatened though it wasn't actually a threat. A whining noise left her as she folded her arms over her chest. "A week?! Thats not fair!" Francine nearly crashed into him with how sudden he chose to pull her into him but that didn't stop her from reciprocating the small kisses effortlessly, each time sending her mind into a frenzy. How could one person make you feel so much? She should have known the answer since it had always been that way but the girl had honestly locked that away the last few months to spare herself pain so she felt overwhelmed. This was just one of those times Francine wished her mother was well. For advice, for comfort, for guidance that only a mother could offer. Yet, she was left to her own devices - technically - and she was scared of making a mistake but choosing him would never be a mistake since she had never felt more right than when she was at his side. She had never felt more at home than she did in his arms or close to him either. He was it for her. "Okay," she paused as she bit her lip in thought, "I don't think it will matter if I have a bad birthday though. Today would easily make up for anything that could possibly go wrong. I... thank you though." An affectionate twinkle glistened in her eyes as she felt a tender smile blossom on her lips, only hoping for the best.
James: "Fran. I've told you already. Yeah-- I get busy. But my job isn't the driving force of my life. --It's important to me, and of course I want to excel in it, because it's necessary, but you, my brother and sister, my family-- are the most important people in my life." He gave her a reassuring smile. "Two in the morning? You're forgetting my difficulty sleeping these days thanks to the furry friends next door. So bring on the late night texts." Letting out an exasperated breath, James stomped his fight, similar to a child having a tantrum might. "Fraaaaaaan. C'mon. You do. You know that." He grazed his thumb across her cheek, shaking his head. Of course she made him happy. She was one of the people that could make James smile no matter how hurt or angry or depressed he might feel. "How's that not fair?! I think that's pretty fair, to be honest." Holding her close, he leaned in again, this time meeting her forehead with the lightest touch of his lips, his heart clenching painful. "Nothing's going to go wrong. It's going to be a great day... But same here. Definitely in my top ten. But not in my top five."
Francine: Heaving a small sigh, Francine just nodded since she felt like that was the only thing she could do. Whatever he said wouldn't convince her that she was bothering him for quite some time but the reassurance did made her quite warm inside. "I know... I guess I'll just have to remember that more than I do or this could be a problem." Tilting her head, the girl frowned slightly at his mention of not sleeping. "Have my texts to put up a silencing charm not been working or do I send them and you just choose to not pay attention to them?" She asked as her face contorted to show deep concern for his sleep patterns since she knew that sleep was very important for a healthy life. "I was only making sure, shh!" She hissed as her hands settled themselves on his aides. It wasn't that she would have been upset if he had said otherwise but it definitely would have stunt for a while if she couldn't even make her best friend feel happy when he needed it. Like she failed at something. One of her hands moved to the front of his chest as he kissed her forehead, gently allowing itself to just brush a finger against his cheek slowly. "Why isn't it in your top five? Actually... what are your top five to begin with?" Fran asked him since she definitely thought otherwise. This had easily been the best day she had had in months and would definitely be somewhere special for quite some time. It would probably be the most recent thing that would probably bring her joy when she needed it as well so she wasn't complaining.
James: gave a sharp nod, pointedly looking at her. "Yes, you absolutely must." Rubbing his hand against the stubble scattered across his jawline, he couldn't help feeling his cheeks grow red as he grinned sheepishly. "I told you-- I forget!" He laughed, shaking his head as she looked up at him. Her hand brushing against his skin made him pause, his heart skipping a beat; he closed his eyes, for just a moment, cherishing the simplest action from her. There was no other person who could make him stop from a single look, or the sweetest touch. When he finally peered down at her again, he cleared his throat. "--Story for a different day. But I'll give you one right now. Our first kiss makes the list," he finally murmured hoarsely.
Francine placed her hand gently over his mouth as she found herself clicking her tongue at him with a look that implied annoyance. "You can shush your face, Potter," she mused before moving her hand away a few seconds later. Rolling her eyes, Francine stared up at him with an expression of disbelief and disappointment since she truly thought it had been working. "How can you forget when I send like two or three in a row?! You're killing me here." Her eyes didn't move from him one second as she smiled happily when he closed his eyes. Watching him during more intimate moments had always been something the girl loved to do considering his reactions made her feel a warm rush along her entire body. Her finger remained on his face for a few seconds later before she moved it away as she nodded her head. "Does it?" She questioned as her smiled turned a bit more shy, "Its definitely one of mine as well since it's probably the most vivid memory in my mind more times than not." Turning her head slightly as she noticed the sun was nearly completely sunken over the horizon, Francine just added on; "I should probably get going though. I'm not going to drag you all the way to the door with me because I'd feel bad for making you walk all the way back. But.. thank you. For today. For being you. For just being in my life. I don't normally say it often because I'd rather annoy you but you're my best friend and I really couldn't have asked for a better one so just thank you for tolerating me eighteen years. Thank you for just being you... and... well... for making me feel as I do when I'm around you. Happy. Very happy. I really don't know what I would ever do without you. So, please be careful out there, okay?" Leaning up, Francine stopped herself from adding on 'I can't lose the best part of me, I can't not have you. I love you' by wrapping her arms around him a tight hug. She really didn't want to leave his presence so it was almost as if she was clinging onto him for dear life, her eyes shut as her head rested on his shoulder, feeling awfully too sentimental all of a sudden.
James: "Or what, Longbottom?" he taunted, a smirk pulling at the ends of his lips as she pulled her hand away from his mouth. Shaking his head hastily as he saw the look on her face, he tried to come up for some excuse, but there really wasn't any. He could be forgetful, aloof, off in his own little world if something was bothering him enough, so while he'd seen her texts and did remember some of the time, he also completely forgot the rest of it. "It's on accident. Sometimes I'm not quite ready for bed yet, as I'm doing other things, so... y'know. I forget." It was a lame reason, and he knew it, but he did appreciate the texts he'd been receiving. He appreciated her help. Jutting his chin out to stay within her touch, the way a hyper pup might, he nodded with her. "It does. One of the happiest memories I have." He chuckled. "Vivid is a good word for it too." It looked like their time together was finally drawing to an end-- no more stalling on either of their parts could beat the clock and the stricter curfews the castle was under. Smiling sadly, he nodded along to what she said-- holding onto every word. If there was anyone who he took seriously, it was her. Well-- most of the women in his life, really, but Francine was as carefree and silly as he was, so when she was serious, he didn't take it for granted. "Oi. It was my absolute pleasure. I'm glad I could spend it with you, since I won't be around tomorrow. These eighteen years knowing you have been the greatest of my life, no matter what." He cupped her cheek tenderly. "I'm always careful. But I will be extra careful for you." As they embraced, he squeezed his eyes shut, holding her waist as she rested against him. His hands rubbed up and down her back, his lips pressing against her forehead. "You be safe too, okay?" He gave her a final peck before pulling away, his hands grabbing onto her hers as he backed away, so there was a large space between them. "I'm looking forward to Easter. I'll probably see you before then, but still looking forward to it. To seeing you terrorize my neighbors." He grinned and squeezed her hands once before forcing himself to let go and back away.
Francine: Quirking a brow, Francine could feel a small smirk tugging at the corners of her lips but quickly went back to a serious expression. "Or I'll have to make you, obviously," she quipped casually. As she listened to his reasoning, the girl gained an expression on her face that basically implied she was saying 'seriously?' in her mind. "Well, then I guess I'll just have to send them more spread out because you need to sleep. No ifs, ands or buts. Understand?" Her voice was stern but she really only meant well. She giggled slightly at what he did so suddenly as she only said, "You're going to have to tell me why that is another day." Taking a long breathe, Fran listened to him speak as an endearing smile sparked across her features even though it had a very small hint of sadness. "That's nice to hear because I think you're very well stuck with me since I don't plan on going anywhere. --Please be." His safety was always something she worried about so she would never stop telling him to be careful as long as she lived. Nodding slowly, she squeezed him a little as she said a soft, "Of course." As he moved away, so did Fran though now her smile was shifting into a frown. Staring at their hands for a moment, she glanced up at him as she laughed sweetly, "Oh, I'll definitely be looking forward to it too. ​Especially​ terrorizing your neighbors since they deserve a bit of payback." When he let go of her hands, Francine moved hers into the inside of her sleeves as she flopped them around for a second. She did a small 180 as she looked at the castle before looking back at him, skipping forward as she quickly pressed her lips to his cheek saying, "Okay, bye!" before turning officially, walking off rather quickly so she could actually be safe from repercussions and so she wasn't tempted to just stay there. The happy smile on her face, though, didn't fade at all as she soon disappeared.
James: had known she was going to say that; had set it up for her to have her perfect moment to say it really. His face broke out into a bright smile as she tried to look intimidating, but she couldn't scare a skittish squirrel. He loved that about her, how she was this tiny little thing who didn't seem very intimidating, but tried so very hard to be. And of course, she did have her moments. James could count on one hand the number of times she'd actually been so pissed off she'd scared him, because they were events that were so few and far between, but still left an impression on him. All he could do was laugh and smile, nodding in agreement with her. "Alright, Fran. I'll shush my face," was what he managed to say before she was lecturing him about his sleeping habits. "Merlin, you're bossy!" he exclaimed, grumbling under his breath as he pretended to stomp his foot. "As it so happens, I don't plan on going anywhere either, Franny." Goodbyes were hard, especially between the two of them, given the send off they'd given to their relationship, and James hated to go now, but this time, while he felt sad to go, he also saw a bright light of hope. Like maybe, things wouldn't be so bad anymore. That maybe, things could be mended. As they pulled away, he began to turn before he saw a flash of movement from the corner of his eye, followed by the feeling of Francine running into him as she kissed his cheek. "I'll be seeing you," he called out in reply to her goodbye, watching as she disappeared up to the castle.
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aurorjspotter · 9 years
Are you still in love with Fran?
...Am I still in love with Fran? Is the lake wet? Do dogs bark? Is Professor Xavier bald? Is this question dumb? 
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becclawtheraven · 9 years
dear diary,
June 2021
Dear Diary,
Franny Longbottom is so pretty! I’ve always been too shy to actually talk to her and get to know her better, because everyone seems to love her, but today I was with Amelia when she came up and talked to her, and oh my gosh, she’s just as adorable and nice in person as she seems form far away!
I wish she was better friends with Lucy, though. Lucy deserves to have nice friends her age, and I always feel like Lydia and Tina leave her out of things. Lucy’s one of the best people I know and she deserves to have other really nice people in her life. Maybe I could match them up and do like a friend Parent Trap thing! I mean, they’re obviously going to be cousins-in-law someday, this is a brilliant beyond brilliant idea, isn’t it?
I’m going to have to start planning. Do you think Kelsey will help me? She loves the Parent Trap, even if she doesn’t love Lucy. I’ll have to pitch it in a way that makes it too appealing to say no to.
Oh, and I’ll also have to make Fran watch Pride and Prejudice before I do it! She can’t be worthy of being Lucy’s brand new best friend if she’s never seen Lucy’s BETTER sister’s favorite movie.
I hope this works! i’ve got my fingers crossed, diary.
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graciesgotwood · 9 years
dear diary,
So I’m kind of a baby when I hurt myself. But I’m scared if I go to the nurse I’d get banned from playing Quidditch even for like a day, so here I am. In Hufflepuff. Introducing myself to James’s lady friend for the first time, because she’s apparently good at this kind of thing and at patching people up, and maybe she can help me without me having to get real help. 
She’s really nice, actually. I can’t believe I didn’t talk to her sooner just because she doesn’t play Quidditch and because I thought she was distracting James from captain duties too much. But come on, he’s a fifth year and he’s in charge of the team and he’s totally just mooning over his girlfriend instead!
But she’s awesome, so I guess I get why he’s so moony. If Hugo ever wanted to be my boyfriend, I’d probably be like that too. Oh! And she patched my ankle up really well, so I approve. If James Potter ever wants to marry Francine Longbottom, the old man now has my blessing.
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becclawtheraven · 9 years
Life isn’t complete without seeing Darcy.
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graciesgotwood · 9 years
So sweet but so strong somehow.
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