graciesgotwood · 6 years
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Zoey Deutch in Set It Up (2018)
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graciesgotwood · 8 years
My headstone will read. “Lucy Weasley. Friend. Sister. Daughter. Death by Gracie Wood.”
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Oi! In the end I might have killed you, but I can also say I made sure you remembered to live.
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graciesgotwood · 8 years
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graciesgotwood · 8 years
Text > GraceFace
Hugo: Gracieeeee!!
Hugo: Where are youuuu?
Hugo: This is an emergency!
Gracie: My mum thought that I needed a 'vacation'. Apparently she's very suspicious of what I do in my free time at Hogwarts - she says I'm "more than my normal Quidditch stressed". Still, no phone that whole time was cruel and unusual punishment!
Gracie: Did you survive your emergency, or do you still need me to save the day? :-p
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graciesgotwood · 8 years
Text > Everyone
Lily: Merry Christmas! Hope you have a great day.
Gracie: Who knew being away from my phone would be so stressful? Merry Christmas to you, too, Lil :-p Did everyone survive okay without me for a couple of weeks?
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graciesgotwood · 8 years
But Gracie! I’m dying.
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Then you’ll go out in a blaze of glory, that’s what winners do!
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graciesgotwood · 8 years
I find it so ironic that I’m a Healer trainee, as is my roommate, and yet I find myself so sick. I think I’ve grown immune to pain potions. Some send help. And maybe a lot of food because getting up to cook sounds exhausting. 
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OI! Time to shake it off, I only get like three weeks of holiday vacation and I’m gonna need you to be playing in the Weasley family Christmas Quidditch game on my team.
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graciesgotwood · 8 years
Is that your disappointed fanboy face, Gramps?
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Top 3 taylor swift songs
They’re all too mushy. Besides Shake It Off, that one’s good. And I guess Better than Revenge is hilarious. Other than that, the rest are too lovey-dovey for me.
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graciesgotwood · 8 years
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graciesgotwood · 8 years
text ➳ longwood;
Francine: Oh merlin, never. Well, I think your helpful a lot more than you give credit for but that's still not for me. 1) That sounds like a wonderful plan and totally approve of this movement. But (2), lots of things! Talk about life, post Hogwarts plans, strategic things for the impeding future, your relationship - platonic or romantic (wink wink), convince him to eat slugs, the skies basically the limit.
Gracie: Shhh, that's supposed to be a secret! I don't want people to start asking me for stuff all the time :p My future post-Hogwarts is kind of up in the air until I find out which team wants to sign me, but I always just assumed Hugo would go off and study dragons in Romania with his uncle Charlie and I'd never see him again. Wow, now there's a depressing thought... Maybe I should bully him into remembering we're staying friends no matter what after all. All while making him eat slugs, of course, that's brilliant :D
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graciesgotwood · 8 years
I actually kinda like Pucey; he’s a funny kid.
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You’re aware that I’m friends with several Slytherins, right? Your gross generalizations may apply to a random few, like Ben Pucey, but they’re really not true about people like Lauren, or Isabel, or Lysander, or… Need I continue?
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graciesgotwood · 8 years
I’m counting on Hugo if that’s the case; I’ve got the brawns, he’s got the brains for us to survive.
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I’m sorry I haven’t been around much
Between this show and Zombieland, I’ve learned how to survive and what the rules are.
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graciesgotwood · 8 years
Head Girl doesn’t guarantee that she’s good at Quidditch! Although she is pretty good at it so I guess I’ll give you that one. Uh huh... and yet it still kinda screams snake, if you ask me.
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I’m not sure that Rose needs supervision; she was a Hogwarts head girl, Gracie, she’s highly qualified. Cunning doesn’t have to be limited to Slytherins. People from all houses can possess it, even if it’s not their predominant personality trait.
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graciesgotwood · 8 years
text ➳ longwood;
Francine: Don't place me under this sort of pressure, Gracie Wood! I don't think I would even be able to say that with a straight face but I'll consider it if I have to. I mean, I understand that but you never know, it might surprise you. Or just find out what Hugo's going as and annoy him all night. Or do other things. With Hugo.
Gracie: I guess you never wanted to be an actress, if you're not up to this challenge :-p I'm practically spoon-feeding you a script here, I'm trying to be helpful for once. What kind of other things would I do? Step on his feet on purpose to get justice for all the girls he's danced with at Halloween Balls over the year?
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graciesgotwood · 8 years
Top 3 taylor swift songs
They’re all too mushy. Besides Shake It Off, that one’s good. And I guess Better than Revenge is hilarious. Other than that, the rest are too lovey-dovey for me.
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graciesgotwood · 8 years
Is there anyone you'd use Avada Kedavra on?
You, if you keep asking me more annoying questions?
I don’t know... I can’t really see myself actually using it, but only time will tell. I have to set a good example for the rest of Umbra, though.
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graciesgotwood · 8 years
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Moodboard|| Character Moodboard || Faces of Mei
Mei Feelings About Cinnamon Rolls and Killing People
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