#agere fics is feeling smol
agere-fics · 8 months
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dead stock store ‼️‼️ hi friends!!
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asmolguy · 3 months
Gonna make a list of characters that are so painfully little coded everything in my brain just goes “baby” whenever I watch them. Plus one caregiver. (And one real dude which feels kinda rude since he’s just like. A guy. Living his life. So you can ignore that one. But I wanted to point it out.)
Lloyd from Lego ninjago. Dude. Canon family trauma + canon forced to end his childhood early. Prime agere material. There are so many good fics of little Lloyd just littling. He’s tiny boi. So baby. So perfect.
Cole from Lego ninjago. He is. So caregiver built. I think it hurts to watch sometimes. So gentle so sweet. Get this man a child or a little or something to care for I swear. He just needs to parent. It’s in his blood and carved into his bones.
Branch from trolls. Ya’ll did you watch movie 3? The family trauma times two. The way he uses a pacifier to lock in. Someone was straight up weaving that into the fabric of his being as a character. He’s not little coded he’s little written. Plus in the show he has a little stuffie named Croco and I love that for him. There’s also some good agere Branch fics, but not enough. I need more. Pwease. He is so smol and so grumpy just everyone write him as the baby boi he deserves to be I beg.
Spider-Man but specifically for ultimate Spider-Man (btw if anyone’s looking for good regression shows and you fall around like 5-10 it’s a very good show because it’s long and has a good mix of humor and that show is my jam dude when I’m big and little). But anyone. Ultimate Spider-Mans Spider-Man is so stressed all of the time. He is just a teen. And he’s handling so many unruly teens. And in the later seasons when he’s handling the entirety of shield while being worried about nova. Give the boy a break and let someone take care of him. He’s both little and caregiver coded btw. I adore the fics where everyone calls him daddy longlegs because that is straight up what the last season is. Just him being a father to all these troubled ass powered teenagers while being so troubled himself. But then he’s also so little. He pouts and needs so much love and he’s scared all of the time and he is traumatized and then that one ep where that got turned into those weird chibi things the show tried to convince us were children I want to believe awakened something in him and he is now little sometimes.
Ian Hecox. Listen. I am aware that he is just a dude. Like a real guy. Who cannot be coded because he just exists. But I see. So much of myself in him. It kind of makes a part of my heart hurt that no one like every really seriously criticizes his more childish behavior (even for the bit on a YouTube video) because it makes me feel better about the small ways I slip in public or with my friends sometimes. There’s literally “everyone babying Ian hecox” comps online. His habit of saying scawed or newvous is unironically a blessing and curse since now all my friends who also watch Smosh do it so it’s not weird if I do it but then sometimes I have to pause and be like “is this for the bit or am I slipping right now. Both? Neither?” That one tntl (#91) where they did the blind pairs (btw one of the funniest ones ever in my opinion absolute hall of famer, the fish one, burning the pool, m’lei, all incredible bits. It’s like. The video I show people to try to get them into Smosh.) and Ian puts on overalls and walks out with an Elmo and is like “I’m five” and then after the bit is over he stays in character and when he’s like “elmo…” and damien is like “yeah bud I made sure to miss him with the spit” and then Ian drags the toy through he spit and everyone in the room is just like “aww man” like everyone is truly just like Ian dude you got your stuffed animal wet. Also Anthony being able to fully pick Ian up and carry him multiple ways. If you watch the behind the scenes for the my best friend is dead video Anthony 1. Is pumped to pick Ian up. 2. Does a baby cradle with Ian more than successfully. 3. Says “I got you bud” when Ian gets nervous and Ian goes “ok” in this tiny little voice and instantly relaxes. 4. When Anthony puts Ian down Ian follows him making grabby hands and says “I want uppies”. More little Ian caregiver Anthony fics when. Except not really because again don’t really want to put any of this on real people just doing comedic bits that I happen to feel in my soul a bit too much.
And finally, Max thunderman. I mean. Just watch the show. The pouts. The frequent fake sobbing and sniffling. The fact that he needs a childhood back after Phoebe was put on a pedestal. Someone give me soft thundertwins fic where max is a little and Phoebe is a cargegiver please I need it. And I am. So bad at writing. I would love you forever and ever if you did.
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agerefandom · 4 years
I love love love your twilight agere fics!!!! Cg!Esme made me feel so fluffy and smol I loved it so much!!!! :D
Thank you so much!! I definitely think I’ll be writing more in that universe in the future. 
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babysizedfics · 4 years
A Letter To Bee
Positivity muffin basket for the Bee!!! I actually have a third party version of tumblr that shows me my browsing history off a button on my feed, and i use it to bookmark my favorite accounts, and both this account and the IC one are on there.
i have made it a habit every morning that i will come and check both accounts, and i have notifications on, for both, and ye, i love the world you have created for us all to immerse ourselves in, and project onto and i love that you let us all put forward HCs and you accept some, and expand on them, and we’ve inspired mini-fics, and that you seem genuinely excited to have us around to read it.
I know it seems a little like its taking credit from you, but it really does feel like this AU was a team effort? I know you did all the heavy lifting and writing, and I respect that it is 75% yours, but woah I love the group, team feeling of the blog. 
It’s a small thing, but I love that you leave the interpretation of each of the characters genders up to the reader too, cuz it certainly helped me to feel even more seen, cuz I never get to indulge both my trans-ness and my agere in the same au, so, to know that I don’t have to see everyone as cis if I don’t want to. It’s relieving.
I love that you have the lists of anons so everyone can see what they can identify with, it makes me feel special to see my little yellow heart there, in pride of place, and I love how you think of all of us as friends, and how you seem to bounce when someone pops up who you haven’t seen for a while.
I love how (on the in-character blog) you make the effort to mention if someone has to go somewhere, and, in some cases, to change the message to reflect that, like Ro dropping off in the middle to bounce, or a clearly smol Vee trying to type from his cgs lap, or Lo transcribing, or even just someone going “I’m gunna go change vee so I’ll leave you with…” idk, it feels real.
And on that note, I like that you had hesitation about the diaper thing, and that adult vee has a different opinion to little vee and I like how we don’t often see it cuz most writers are afraid of going down that route but you aren’t (it males me feel even more seen, and I understand that it’s a projection, which makes me get all fluttery in my tummy that I’m not the only one that feels that way and ye idk, that’s a different thing, but it makes me feel like I have a friend on that front).
I love how sometimes you have events that last the day, like Remy taking over, or the kids when the cgs are at the meeting, or how Ro will comment on little things that are going on. And I love how you tag the tickle related stuff, no matter what, even on the IC blog, and I love how you’re so talented as to make each character distinct and have their own sign off, and their own cadence of speech and their own opinions on things, and I like how everyone has their own 3 dimensional life, that they’re not just flattened down to “this agere au is soft”.
I like that everyone has ups and downs in moods, and that they tease each other, and that they know when not to go too far, and I like how easily we can fit ourselves into the AU without being intrusive, and how even the existence of the account has it’s own lore (that its Virgil’s old one). And that we are technically all in that world with them (i love that detail), and that each character is so distinct and has their own way of reacting to thing and speaking about things, and the little games you play sometimes, and the fact each post is dated so we can search for that date if we’re looking for something, and that it literally seems like a family.
That there’s ups and downs and Christmas lists (and different beliefs on santa) and a committee for Ro to sleep, and breakfast is a religious tradition, not just an after thought and that Logan has work days where we actually cant reach him, and that it has noticeable adverse affects on mood and relationships and that sometimes whole days are affected by how everyone felt whilst Lo was busy, and that, like with Vees reaction to Janus, work isn’t always something that everyone is gunna be comfortable with. And idk I think you’re really good at making it realistic seeming.
I love that you have separate tags for fanart and fanfic and cosplay and that you have inspired so many people with your silly little hobby (I say that kindly, I love it, and I know its important).And I love that you created a way for people to do things that they never thought possible before they found themselves in your fic, and found a community of people who love and accept them for who they are and that we can identify with not often seen things that you put in your fics, and i love that they aren’t all one happy family.
I love that there’s tensions in there to be worked through, and i love that it doesn’t seem to have a foreseeable end and most of all, i love you Bee. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. From Luke (tearful-Babi) xx
Bee: hhhhhhh i.. like dont actually have words.. i’ve kept this in my inbox for a couple days trying to think of a meaningful response but you’ve genuinely just made me speechless.. so just thank you so much i’m so glad that my writing and my blogs can mean so much to ppl <3
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baby-n-boo · 4 years
Hehe The Order (Netflix) agere bullet fic, just cuz i cqn
Hamish, Lilith and Randall force Jack into getting claimed by Silverback like in canon, but turns out that being new to the claim... Is like being a new wolf pup in a pack. Jack smells just like a pup, instead of the powerful, age old wolf he's been claimed by Because Silverback has been in hibernation for years, he sort of takes a while to settle into his new champion too, so Jack does start acting a bit like the new cub too. So, accidentally, pack instinct kicks in slowly, and they all start protecting him a little more AU where Lilith always knew she knew magic but never talked about it, cause the wolves looked down on it, and she couldn't afford to get kicked out again (and where her, vera and Alyssa are all fine, Gabby doesn't become midnight and Kyle is still alive) It gets to the point where Randall is lending out his clothes to Jack, not just so he's not nude, but so he has some element of control Obviously stress means he slips at points that aren't helpful, so he's usually accompanied everywhere by at least one of the pack, who have things in their bag for just an event. Hamish is most common, cause he makes everyone around him look sloppy anyway so people are less likely to notice Jacks behaviour... Also cause he loves his little one. Remember that part where they're feeding jack the potion so he doesn't die cause silverback ks tryna yeet outta there, and they're all like "sippy time" and "yum yum" and that stuff? Yeah. He slipped further than ever before cause of all the drama and he can't get back up again, so they have to look after him. The potion was a bottle of formula, and he was putting up a token resistance though all he wanted was to be held and fussed over. Jack never got a room in the house, cause he had a dorm room. But in this version, he has a nursery, decked out to his every need and/or whim (thanks to that sigil thing that Lilith uses to get the stuff for him though Hamish disapproves) None of the others know what's going on or why, but they presume its something to do with the fact Jacks mind wasn't open to the idea cause he didn't get the choice to be claimed. They make sure to give him a decision in everything now, even when he's little, because it's so important Hamish does have to move his bar to the baby gated kitchen though, and eventually to an empty office/study, cause uncle Randall kept conveniently forgetting that babies can't have alcohol in their sippies Shocker, Randall can cook. Hamish cant, though they assume that's cause he drinks the cooking wine and gets distracted. Even more of a shocker, Lilith can cook. She doesn't let her little bro eat mac n cheese or dino nuggets all the time, though she did once make them from scratch, which prompted a two day tantrum when Jack was told no more. (Alyssa's timeout sure put an end to that) They may be sfw caregivers, but Hamish and Alyssa aren't ashamed or afraid to give their little pup a swift spanking if he's earned it, especially toward the end of the season. They know his limits, he has a safe word, and they've never hurt him yet, but they cant afford to be bleeding hearts. Randall falls for the puppy dog eyes everytime without fail. Jack wears pullups to start with, because nobody can argue, he's getting a bit incontinent with all his passing out. Eventually he graduates fulltime to diapers, and its always a short straw as to who has to clean up. Lilith always vouches that Alyssa, as the only one of them without a heightened sense of smell, should do it, but it's amazing how many times Lilith seems to miraculously draw the short straw after that. One would almost say its magic . Baby jack does not like real magic. A bit cause the sound hurts his head, but mostly cause its icky, and too much thinking. Give him a good old fashioned card trick anyday, he'll be giggling and playing with rogue cards in no time. Wolves are strong, and Alyssa has a sneaky enhanced strength charm, so anyone and everyone in that house can lift Jack, for diaper checks, or surprise hugs, or to stop him trying to crawl down the stairs after climbing out of his crib again. Everytime it makes him blush, even when big There's one surefire way to keep Jack smol (or get him there), and that is to be picked up and cradled. Doesn't matter where it is, or what else is going on. You pick him up, and cradle him to your chest, especially absentmindedly, or whilst rocking from foot to foot, you'll have a tiny baby Jack on your hands in no time Hamish is the best at that kind of regression for Jack. He likes to get involved in Serious Conversations With Important People About Important Things (mostly with Alyssa about real magic, cause he knows Jack won't listen), and then just suddenly smile, picking Jack up from where he's come near, cradling him, and pushing a pacifier into his mouth whilst nodding seriously. Bonus points if he whispers "Hi there little one/baby/my little wolf pup" in that accent of his. Nap time is a strange calm affair. One can just turn to him, usually the more parental types, and say "Awe, does my puppy need some sleepies/nappy time?" And he'll melt into that crib, happy to do as you ask. The sibling types have a harder time but not by much, they'll usually slip and be like "come on, wolf-dad said nap time. Ill tuck you in." And that's that Hamish loves and hates being called wolf-dad. It was Randall's fault first When the temple magus came around, they all tried to hide it, but she quickly found one of jack's deco-pacis and threatened to give everyone one until they owned up as to whos it was. Lilith and Randall challenged her on that and tried to call her bluff. They were quickly silenced and sentenced to sit on their miraculously padded, exposed butts in timeout for that. Hamish, however, saw sense, and asked Jack if it was okay to share the secret, to which, the already stressed boy simply broke down into tears, falling into headspace immediately. For the rest of that afternoon, they had two fussy babies, and a very quiet, reserved toddler to deal with. Hamish asked Vera about the spell, and she waved him off like "It's only a temporary regressive effect. They're still fully awake jn there, just...without their usual bodily control." And laughs, watching happily as Lilith tries to stand to fight the spell and ends up falling onto her padded butt again, in a cloud of pink lace from her socks and dress, paired with squeaks from her maryjanes Randall was luckier cause he didn't cuss her out when calling her bluff, so he got snappy overalls and a puppy print shirt, though still about as much control as Lilith. Jack refuses to come back out of his regressive state for about a week after that, not even crying for attention through the baby monitors, just waiting for someone to come get him, until one day they find him whispering a story line to himself whilst wheeling some cars back and forth on the floor of the front room. The older siblings rue the afternoon they spent in baby jack's shoes, and try their hardest to be there for him, anticipating his every need They also admonish Hamish for being so patronising to them whilst they were like that, since he took particular joy in offering them bottles of formula, and giving them "age appropriate" toys to play with, but he shrugs it off, going to get another drink Randall finds a onesie that'll fit their little pup, that says "Daddy's drinking buddy" and gets it edited to say "Everyone's drinking buddy", and Hamish instantly loves it Sometimes they sit Jack on the bar when they're drinking, and he'll raise his sippy in toast like everyone else, not quite getting it Turns out, after about a year or so, he actually lost the new cub thing a while back, having learned to control silverback and everything, but he just enjoyed being looked after so much that he let it carry on Lilith and Alyssa are betrayed for a while, but eventually come to their senses, realizing all Jack wanted was a family, as ragtag and weird as it is, and they come back with even more resolve to care for their little wolf pup than before Hamish is quite grandfatherly, he even says he's geriatric, but we cant have Pops as his nickname cause of pete, so...lets say hes..... PawPaw (which matches the wolf thing) or "Mishy" (tundra) Lilith, being the only were-woman, should fall into the motherly role but she's...really not the type. Instead, she's a big sister type. So she's "Sissy" or "Lee" (timber) Randall, however. Maddox exists, so jacks gunna have issues with the brother thing, naturally. So, it's sorta good he's good with being the cool, almost too young uncle. We cant gloss over the gay with Hamish, though ik it's season two..... Its great. We're having it. Nicknames like "Unca 'ndie" or just "Randy" (which is dirty in a way lil jack doesn't get)- (greybeard) Alyssa, on the other hand, is absolutely Mommy. She finds she much prefers Jack when he's playing with his toys on the floor, and babbling behind a pacifier, to when he's trying to be smooth, and its a natural progression from there to her being Mommy (mostly due to some nightmares at nap time and some stern timeouts). Other nicknames include "Liss" or "Ally" if he's trying to hide it in public. It helps him process the loss of Chloe a lot more, and, when they beat Edward, it's a lot easier to turn to Alyssa and regress that way, made even better when his PawPaw can hold him close and make him feel small again. Clay...exists. And knows. He is actually quite cool with it, though he does seem to think Jack's more than a little high. He actually volunteers to babysit when Alyssa's on order business and the rest of them are on Patrol, but Hamish politely turns him down. Clay calls Jack "lil dude" a lot, and also "squirt", which Randall loves cause woo finding Nemo. Vera is a grandmotherly type, the type to just drink all day but loves her baby grandson. She also thinks she has a thing going on with Hamish but Randall is much more important to him, so its never any further than a beard/heteronormativity...plus she has money so can get all of Jack's stuff legit. Lots of incredibles references with JackJack Baby Jack calls the wolves the Paw Patrol, and nobody wants to stop him cause he's so cute about it. Canon divergent at the end. Alyssa takes him to his grandfather's grave, after he dies peacefully in his sleep, and they have a good wholesome conversation, where he ends up slipping at the end, leaving her to hold his hand and help him out of the public area.
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agere-fics · 7 months
my childhood cat passed almost two years ago. the anniversary is coming up and it always leaves me in breakdowns that make me regress. i end up being my child self again yearning to have my cat back. she was like my mom and i loved her so much. someone tell me i'm not alone, do you feel this way too? :(
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agere-fics · 11 months
my birthday it's my birthday my birthday my birthday 😁
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@mamabear32 it's my birthday 🥳🎂
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agere-fics · 1 year
baby imma bab bab baby
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agere-fics · 5 months
fish is middle regressed‼️🍄
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agere-fics · 5 months
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little me 🌺
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agere-fics · 6 months
aleksander morozva as a cg 🥺 that is all 😁
i can see him being a regressor too though 👀 it's just that i'm baby ajfhsh hehe
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agere-fics · 7 months
loki from hero city building blocks 😁
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agere-fics · 8 months
i'm just a baby >:(
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agere-fics · 2 years
i hate growing up
but i love turtles
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