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“How pitiful, that a man of your intelligence would find delight in something as trivial as a slip of the tongue. Is this the fate of men who gain the most precious of treasures; dull humor? Perhaps it would have been best if I had the empress subject you to the machine. A dimwitted, yet humorous Jindosh would be far more pleasurable.”
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36 and 37 (ageofadvancement)
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
  Nikita’s gifted when it comes to building traps and uses what little there is to scrounge from the forest. Her crafts range from makeshift bear traps, tripwires ,snares, to about anything infused with explosives. It’s become quite the hobby actually. 
 Apart from practical talents, she has a knack for dancing. Usually around the bonfire with other trappers. 
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
  She can read, though rather slowly. Nikita hasn’t been exposed to many books and her literacy skills may fall in disuse for months at a time. If she had the chance to pick something out, she might choose  pulp horror or folklore. 
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fatiguefatigue-blog · 8 years
Snowball Fight
In the lower quarter of the mansion there was room that needed to stay cold, or parts of the house would begin to falter. Kirin figured the area should stay cold to the point of freezing. It worked better this way and the results were to his expectations, what he didn’t account for was snow and ice. A miscalculation on his part, but he saw no reason to correct it, until snow met the back of his head and he turned away to spot the culprit.
It was his partner and as he got closer he asked, “Must you?”
He reached for a clump of snow, while doing so.
Olivia laughed out loud, having caught the other off guard it seemed. She hadn’t known him for long, but it was now more than ever a good time to see how much fun he could have. They were both so focused on work all of the time after all. The snow and ice was a fun surprise, alongside going to the room with him. It was definitely useful. “Must I? Of course. It;s not often you see snow of all things in Karnaca.” she gave a brilliant smile, her black hands already having made a snowball before he proceeded to make his own. An arm folded behind her back and she gave a mock as if she carried a rapier- the snowball the weapon. “En garde!” She yelled out, chucking it at him.
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