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Explaining Vash Outside the Fandom!
So, today on another forum I mentioned Vash the Stampede. I mentioned him by way of "I don't ask myself WWJD? so much anymore as WWVtSD?" and explained "Vash the Stampede." I said "If anyone is unfamiliar with this name, go ahead and ask and I can fangirl all over you, but be warned, you will be reading all day." I got a taker. And then another taker who is a person on the forum who is straight up not having a good time right now and needs some distraction I feel - to read someone's dumb fangirling over a fandom they aren't in yet. So... I wrote up an essay explaining Vash the Stampede in Word and pasted it in shifts on the blog: (uck, looks like I'm gonna have to post this in shifts, too. Dumb tumblr!
*Flashes my fangirl license* You asked about Vash the Stampede? *Raises eyebrows.* Big mistake. You shall be here all day! Vash is the protagonist of Trigun, an anime / manga by Yashiro Nightow. Well, the manga is by him and there are two different animes to date, one originally airing in 1998 before the completion of the manga (and it gained the idea enough popularity that Nightow was able to continue the manga and purposefully took a different track to keep the story fresh. Because he had to switch publishers the continuing story was titled Trigun Maximum). As of 2023 there has been a reboot of the anime, Trigun Stampede, done in a cell-shaded CGI style that takes more cues from the manga. It has done its own story elements, too, most notably having the City of July as a part of the story, making it almost a prequel, since the City of July is past tense in the other media. A second set / continuation / completion of it is set for a future release date and as of yesterday, the “final phase” of the new anime will be titled Trigun Stargaze. Additionally, there was a feature-movie made in 2011 based solely upon the first anime titled Badlands Rumble, which is kind of the black sheep of the fandom (personally I enjoy it, find it very funny). So, anyway, Vash is a tall blonde man with a Bart Simpson hairdo and a long red coat who lives on a desert planet with 10X the guns of ‘Murica. There are two suns and five moons. It’s a scavenger world where people barely eek out a living using a form of lost technology known as “Plants” – which are these energy and materials production entities housed in giant lightbulbs (or something more like tanks in Stampede). No one knows how to create Plants anymore and few know how to maintain them, so everything is slowly dying (except, of course, the native sandworms. Yep, there’s something Dune-like going on). People live a half sci-fi half Old West existence and things are, again, very violent. It’s a world where you have higher chances of making it out better as a bandit than a farmer. Vash is a pacifist. He is also an outlaw with Sixty-Billion-Double Dollars ($$) on his head because he has been shown to be capable of incredible destructive power. Now, most of this comes accidentally from trying to weasel out of tough situations and people after him getting themselves hurt, but somehow towns fall apart. Except for the City of July (or Jul-Ai in Stampede), which he did wipe out. Under circumstances not of his own making or will, but the normal citizens of the planet don’t know that. That was around 24 years ago in the first anime and in the manga. July exists as of the beginning of Stampede. Early on in the manga’s story, an insurance company that gets a lot of damage claims regarding damage he supposedly caused declares him a “Human Act of God” so as to avoid payouts. He is assigned a pair of insurance agents, Milly Thompson and Meryl Stryfe, to follow him around to attempt to mitigate the damage he might cause. In the anime, it is the same, except that his bounty is not removed for some reason. (In the manga, the government removes his bounty per his “Act of God” status). He is also known as the Humanoid Typhon, putting him in the same category as a destructive storm. Vash-damage is thereafter treated in the same like as hurricane damage! Honestly, this is one of the most creative things I have seen of any media – having the local superhero / super-cryptid followed by INSURANCE AGENTS. (I am fond of characterizing Trigun as “If Mayhem from the Allstate commercials was followed around by Flo from the Progressive commercials”). (To Be Continued in Reblog-posts)
#trigun#trigun maximum#trigun stampede#vash the stampede#the why of vash#slacktivist#what I subjected the good people of fred clark's slacktivist blog to today
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Reminder that Peggy Carter sucks in both the movies/extended universe and comics, but for two different reasons. It is pointed out many times that movie/show version is based on comic book Nazi double agent Cynthia Glass, so much that they casted Haylee Atwell to look like her, and she's a British government agent. Nuff said.
Comic book Peggy is if you had Scarlett O'Hara but blond working in the French resistence with all the values dissonance that creates. Comic Peggy is a descendent of Virginian plantation slave owners (her being British in movie is an invention to bypass this uncomfortable fact while ignoring the complacency of British Imperialism and it's human rights violations) and in comics her and Sharon live that "genteel, romantic antebellum" inspired upbringing of exploited wealth and it's never explored in any way than as set dressing to these white writers because they think this archetye is 'murica girlboss and thematically contrasts Steve's northerner immigrant background, see. Comic Peggy married Howling Commando Gabe Jones who is black and nothing of her past is addressed about this legacy and then she gets alzheimers and thinks she's still with Steve causing a rift in her marriage and with Steve and Sharon's already weird relationship because before this development by later writers, it was never Stan Lee's intention that Steve dated both Peggy and Sharon who were originally sisters not aunt and niece and then great-aunt and great-niece as time passed from whenever Steve was thawed. Then Peggy dies of old age as the waste of space she was (liberating those poor French notwithstanding) and we still stuck with Sharon the S H.I.E.L.D. cop who shot Steve, but oh it's ok, see she was brainwashed, see. I hate the Carter's and knowing Marvel has no balls to make Bucky, Sam or Jack Moneoe his bf, if I wanted Steve with a woman, I'd rather it be with Bernie Rosenthal who he met sometime after being thawed and almost married before Sharon undied herself or Betty Ross who Peggy replaced in Canon as his war love interest because oops Stan Lee named Hulk's girlfriend that and we can't have both around…
Also another petty note: I didn't hate Haylee Atwell's Peggy initially, but after watching her play a slave owner who loses a fraction of her power marrying a man who inherits her property and has an affair with her once 'favorite slave' she abuses throughout, in the British series called The Long Song, I cannot unsee these two characters played by the same actress as the two sides of the white supremacist girlboss coin.
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ame boss battle details
I never really elaborated for this on my insta. I just posted it w/o context. but okay so. it might start out with Ame acting crazy like.. He would start talking about brand sponserships and cryptocurrency and generally sound insane. The player's like "USA you're crazy, snap out of it" and then he gets incredibly defensive saying he's the nation of freedom and all the good things he's done for the world. A little typical of the avg American, but geez does he need to snap outta it. Battle engages. But there are a ton of different waves with security guards and agents and it's just annoying af at the beginning since Ame don't take any damage. Very corrupt, eh.
The player might go solo or have a team of 4 countries/organizations of their choice, ex. Canada, Australia, China, EU.
NATO, FBI and other American organizations are possible to add to the party, but when the boss battle is actually against Ame himself with all the glorified symbols of murica, they will back down. There are three buffs, as shown over the health bar.
MONEY BUFF - it lets Ame regen a ton, deal some pretty heavy hits, and increase his stats (ex. DEF, ATK, SPEED, LUCK, etc.) However, throughout the fight it gradually gets exhausted, as the more all of that jazz is used, the more money is spent obviously. At some point, the money buff will expire/need heavy cooldown. If Ame chooses to keep using money he can't supply, it leads to a stupid lil DEBT... aura, which quickly chips away at his health/stamina. There's a whomp, whomp, whooooomp... sound effect too. If you choose to MOCK him, he has a way higher chance of doing this + other more stupid indecisive financial decisions that hurt him more rather than help him (EU and UK have that skill, sassy mfs)
NATO BUFF - A little self-explanatory, but Ame can phone up another nation and ask for items or battle help. Cannot call up NATO countries in the player's team. To get over it, you have to render all their attempts ineffective, either through brute force or some more secret, underground methods. If the player has NATO in their team, then whoops, he backs down and the buff stats are multiplied by 2x. So yeah, while NATO would probably be generally a kind of a weird multi role dps dealer/tank in the supposed imaginary videogame, in some fights he's just completely useless. He's eating french fries in the corner and muttering "sorry guys, that's my boss, can't fight him." If the player gets over this buff somehow, Ame yells and complains about how useless NATO is and the buff expires.
COCA COLA BUFF - Aight so Ame's stamina is drained throughout the fight, but using coca cola or any other soda/drink (like sprite, pepsi, etc.) he can regain it. Pretty simple, honestly. and there's a pretty simple solution. STEAL that coke stash, but make sure whoever doing it is sneaky. I would say steal that money too, but he has that e-currency.
If you defeat him, you get uhhhh... 10 million usd (less depending on the buff's use). 100,000 EXP for your team. Several super rare item drops. AME'S SUNGLASSES; +95 LUCK and +35 SPEED and +45 ATK. A pat on the back. An achievement. Boom bam.
#countryhumans#countryhumans usa#countryhumans america#gaming !!!!#countryhumans nato#to an extent#i am in shambles
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Elf: now that we're going to kill Dracula, will anyone explain to me why did we give him our weapons?
Ranger: it's because that's a nice thing to do
Dwarf: i only gave him my third axe, he seemed to be qualified enough
Real Estate Agent: I gave him my wife because she can ruin everything
Mr. Binks: I don't want your bow, your sword and this axe because that fella gave me his Magnum and it seems to be enough for the Dracula
Elf: I could have taken that wife
Mr. Binks: yeah I haven't tried her yet, but when I do, I'll decide what's gonna happen next
Agent: or she will decide what colour of curtains is going to haunt your sorry ass forever
American: what that Dracula do
Elf: he's a vampire
American: so what, you're an elf
Agent: fair point
American: and he's an armed midget
Dwarf: what
Ranger: *chuckles*
Elf: it's called a dwarf
Dwarf: a midget?
Wife: my legs hurt
Agent: it's because your new boobs and lips weigh more than that guy
Dwarf: a midget?
Agent: yeah, you
Dwarf: why would she put on herself so much useless weight?
Elf: it's a weird question
American: she's hot
Elf: it's because she's sweating
Dwarf: and she is because she has stupid shoes and stupid balls sewn under her chest skin
American: don't listen to them, you look nice
Ranger: we can give her to Dracula as an offering
Wife: what's an offering?
Elf: it's a gift
Dwarf: sort of
Agent: do whatever you want but keep her away from me
Mr Binks: why are you coming with us, then?
Agent: I like midgets
Elf: I believe that was a joke
Ranger: you think?
Wife: I didn't get it
Agent: also she wasn't listening
American: hey, girl, wanna have a gun?
Mr Binks: back off, he gave her to me
American: *fires a gun* ooooops
Ranger: you killed our vampire slasher
Elf: was he really a vampire slasher?
Ranger: well he answered for that newspaper ad, didn't he?
Dwarf: yeah but I have a feeling that we didn't understand each other very well
Agent: so my wife goes to that Murica guy, congrats!
American: does she have a tongue piercing?
Agent: why?
Elf: why?
Dwarf: I believe it's for easier chain attachment
American: it's for sucking dick
Elf: if you wanted her to suck ger dick better, knock out her teeth
Dwarf: and how do you know that
Elf: my first husband knocked out mine, now I have them removable if I need to
Dwarf: wait, you're gay?
Ranger: he's an elf
American: *smacks the Wife*
Wife: OUCH
Agent: not a very good idea
American: but they said
Agent: you can knock out her teeth but she needs to want to do it first, right?
Wife: do what
Agent: suck his dick
Wife: eeeewww
American: wtf I don't want a wife like that
Agent: she has nice boobs though
American: or maybe I do want a wife like that
Elf: elves don't reach their designated gender until they're 60 and they can marry at 15 so guess what
Dwarf: you sucked a lot of dick
Ranger: so that makes two of you
Dwarf: WHAT
Ranger: isn't your helmet saying that you suck?
Ranger: I thought it said dick
Dwarf: it didn't! It doesn't!
Elf: are you a vampire?
Dwarf: no, it's just an expression
American: *shoots the dwarf* just in case
Agent: so much for the midget
Wife: why did that guy shoot those two other guys and knock my tooth out?
Ranger: I sense you dodged a bullet
Agent: literally
Elf: what are you bringing into this relationship?
American: guns
Elf: so she can shoot your guns if she sucks your dick?
American: is she sucks good she can shoot my guns good
Elf: could she firstly shoot and then suck it? It's only fair
American: yeah I guess
Elf: can I see one of your guns if I promise I will suck your dick?
American: I'm not gay
Elf: can I see one of your guns if I promise she will suck your dick?
American: yeah
Elf: *shoots American* oops
Wife: you did that on purpose!
Elf: he would beat you and make you wash dishes
Agent: that fucker
Wife: that's unfair
Ranger: what's unfair
Wife: why would he beat me
Elf: *shoots wife*
Agent: finally, someone did it
Ranger: now suck his dick
Elf: yeah suck my dick
Agent: what
Ranger: what
Elf: you thought I would suck his dick?
Ranger: yeah
Elf: do you have a video camera?
Ranger: as a matter of fact, I do
Elf: cool
Ranger: yeah
Agent: can I see it?
Ranger: okay
Agent: *sees no elf on the recording*
Ranger: it's old but okay
Elf: see anything you like?
Agent: I guess I will suck his dick anyway
Ranger: why?
Agent: because he'd suck my blood if I didn't
Ranger: elves suck dick, not blood
Elf: true, true
Ranger: is he Dracula?
Agent: yeah
Ranger: cool
Agent: I don't need privacy I can suck your dick anywhere but please don't kill me
Elf: I didn't want to anyway
Ranger: so what did you want to do anyway
Elf: I was lonely and needed a distraction
Agent: *sucking dick* mmm!
Elf: yeah alright
Ranger: distraction from what
Elf: I need to sell an apartment
Agent: I can help you with that!
Elf: later, later
Ranger: how many rooms?
Elf: two bedrooms, balcony, midtown, by the carpenters alley
Ranger: floor?
Elf: third
Ranger: why do you sell?
Elf: I want to buy a bigger one
Ranger: cool, cool
Agent: I can sell it! I can buy it! I can help!
Elf: first things first
Agent: okay *continues sucking*
Elf: *cums* oh
Ranger: that wasn't very good now, was it
Elf: I placed my egg inside him now
Agent: you did what
Elf: your ass is mine now
Agent: but why
Elf: I need a real estate agent
Agent: you have me!
Elf: I do now, don't I
Ranger: you sneaky mothefucker you
Elf: you didn't even notice that I changed you into the wife, did you, mr Ranger?
Ranger: I felt my boobs were bigger
Agent: why would you do that?
Elf: you need a wife
Ranger/Wife: and I need new curtains
Agent: *shoots himself* nooo
Elf: nice try
Agent: I will shoot her!
Elf: no you won't
Wife: no he can't, he's a pussy
Elf: shut up and suck his dick
Agent: what
Wife: I don't need to listen to you
Elf: actually you do
Wife: or what
Elf: or...
Agent: tough, huh?
Wife: I won't suck his dick
Elf: yes you will
Agent: no she won't
Wife: you don't want it?
Agent: no
Agent: wait, what
Wife: *starts sucking Agent's dick*
Agent: What's going on
Elf: it's human biology
Elf: you wouldn't understand
“You have my sword” said the Ranger. “And my Bow” said the elf. “And my axe” said the dwarf. “And all of my guns” said the American.
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track 002: we took out all her teeth
A/N: hello form croatia! please ignore all the dates ect, i'm way too lazy to change them (this one was basically almost finished before the first part, oops?) also, i feel the need to emphasise this cause i saw some reblogs with charles as the "main guy" - it's an oscar x f!oc smau ;)
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liked by landonorris, carlossainzoficial and others
carlossainz55 Family is everything. Thank you for your support since day one ❤️🙏
tagged: carlossainzoficial
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carlando333 this is so precious 😍😭 i love him so muchhh
sainzssss when he's a family man 😍😍😍
landonorris legends 🧡💪
↳ lewibear no lando, that's not-
↳ redclerc mate 💀
cuddlyxricc don't let the haters get to you!! you're the one who deserves the seat
elmatadorf1 the lecrash fans are so insane 💀 carlos is so much better
predestined55 forza carlos sempre!!
si3nn4 i can't believe that fucking snake lied so much in some stupid podcast and now carlos has to pay the price of her mistakes 🐍🐍🤮
shithappens this is messy with capital M 🙄
↳ redmilton ikr???
charlosp1 hamilton is washed 🙄 you should have the ferrari seat
lightning_enjyr jesus i feel bad for his pr team
↳ F4ST_C4R yeahh, why did he think this was a good idea??
charlosskiss he's so much better than me because if my sister did what p*ola is doing now I'd be throwing hands
↳ ilpredestinatox he's throwing temper tantrums so you're not that different
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri and others
paola_sainz newest addition to the family ;) her name is Lady Fuzzypaws 😽 finally Agent Fluffkins has a sister
(boyfriend is not happy about this development, clearly he can't handle being a parent of two in his early 20s, couldn't be me)
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arthur_leclerc again no pictures of me... I see how it is 🙄
↳ paola_sainz what can i say, the flowers took your place
↳ shithappens justice for arthur, he just wants to be included lol
ilpredestinatox tell me y'all watched the new screaming meals podcast
quickstappen unbothered queen 👑 we love to see it
madi_races Logan Hunter Sargeant, i was not aware of your... character?
↳ barbiegirl we finally see more of his personality than raAAHH🦅🦅🇺🇲💥'MURICA!🦅🇺🇲🦅🦅💥
albonohypetrain first agent fluffkins and now lady fuzzypaws... who the hell is naming those cats, because they're a genius
↳ paola_sainz it's me!
albon_pets playdate?
↳ paola_sainz name the time and place 🤝
screwderriaf1 hard launching a new cat and throwing slight shade at camp carlos, amazing
↳ darth_nando is it really camp carlos though? sure as hell feels like it's camp sainz vs paola only
oscarpiastri okay I'll admit it, she's cute
↳ logansargeant the cat or....?
↳ forzalec16 logan 💀
↳ albono_23 no no, i see the vision. let him cook
jensonbutton Brianna wants to meet the new grandbaby asap 😉
↳ paola_sainz i'm coming over this weekend then 🫡
↳ jensonbutton But... I'm not there this weekend
↳ paola_sainz i thought Brianna wanted to meet her?
↳ jensonbutton 😑
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paola's messages:

liked by paola_sainz, maxfewtrell and others
screamingmeals Not exactly what we planned on posting, but unfortunately our last episode had to be taken down. Due to some legal concerns we decided to temporarily remove our talks with paola_sainz from all of our socials. Don't worry, the edited version of the podcast will be back out on Monday!
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paola_sainz it was great talking to you guys! let's do this again sometime, preferably without any issues this time 😉
↳ screamingmeals We're down, just name the time and place 🫡
lewibear edited version?? what does that mean
briannaf1 oh no, what the fuck i haven't had the time to watch the original yet
↳ lightning_enjyr girl dw, there's a bunch of it on twitter, i think it's all the parts that are gonna get cut anyway, some people predicted sth like this would happen
predestined55 good, at least you won't be spreading lies about carlos
maxfewtrell well, it was good while it lasted, loved the original version boys
↳ 4ND1 sorry, max???
↳ oui_lyanne ariana, what are you doing here????!
↳ prplsector even max f knows that the sainz family is shady 💀
↳ fastkiwi wasn't he pretty good friends with Paola too?
↳ 4ry4xx yeah, i thought the same thing, from renault cup 2018 right?
isawthesainz finally carlos is putting his foot down ❤️
redleclerc aww that pic is so cutee, like a family portrait
↳ hammertime_1 marcus the dad, paola the mom, clem the oldest kid and james the baby
elmatadorf1 someone needs to put a muzzle on this bitch 🐍
↳ charlosskiss sure looks like someone finally did
hamilteaa we so need more appearances form paola on the pod
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paola's messages:





liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant and others
paola_sainz and on Spanish Grand Prix weekend we wear green 💚 thanks for having me guys, feels good to be back on home soil
tagged: fernandoalo_oficial, lance_stroll, astonmartinf1
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astonmartinf1 you need to visit more, it's always a pleasure to have you! 💚
↳ paola_sainz invite me next time then 😉
↳ astonmartinf1 maybe we will 🤭
↳ prplsector no way admin's shooting their shot in the comments
thea_dorax oh my god you looked so good in the green outfit 😳
4ND1 hope the green brought you luck this week 🍀
redmilton_ it was so weird not seeing you with ferrari this weekend, but green is definitely your colour
fernandoalo_oficial Always good to have your family with you on race weekends 💚
↳ paola_sainz don't get sentimental on me nando or I'll cry 💚
↳ F4ST_C4R i'm already crying, he called her his family 😭
lance_stroll It was good to see you again!
↳ paola_sainz you too Lancey
elmatadorf1 at least I didn't have to look at you in Ferrari's garage 🐍
jensonbutton you should come to Sky Sports next, we could always use additional wheel knowledge 😉
↳ paola_sainz I don't know about that, seems like a lot of work while I could just watch the beautiful cars fly by
↳ shithappens oh please do it, then we can finally get rid of Danica and her bullshit
oscarpiastri Does the guy know he's in Spain? I heard it's pretty hot there
↳ paola_sainz the boyfriend is very much accustomed to the heat, thank you for asking ☺️
↳ logansargeant 👀
↳ hamilteaa logan hunter sargeant what do you know
screwderriaf1 let's go back to red now 😭 you're our lucky charm
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paola's messages:


madi's radio: I'm genuinely sorry to all the carlos fans, someone's gotta be the bad guy ;)
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click here to be added to the hiding in the seams taglist!
DISCLAIMER: i do not know anything about this people, this is not real life, this is just something for fun, i do not know anythings about their life or personalities!
#f1#f1 smau#f1 instagram au#for fun#formula 1#oscar piastri#oscar piastri smau#oscar piastri social media au#mclaren f1#carlos sainz smau#carlos sainz
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my thoughts on the knuckles series! spoilers below
ok so it was really well done, cinematography wise. the cgi was gorgeous and knux was portrayed amazingly. the plot.... was severely lacking. the main plot of "wade needs to win bowling against his asshole dad" should've been the subplot instead of "knuckles is getting kidnapped by GUN agents to sell to exGUN criminal who worked under robotnik", which should have been the main plot. also maddie and tom tracking down knux for escaping being grounded is never brought up. the lore tidbits from the GUN agents and the cute knux moments were honestly not worth signing into my dads Prime Video account to watch Wade trying to joust on a childs bicycle with a katana. the MURICA propaganda was strong, depicting the Asshole Dad covered in british flags, and wade's family is jewish (which i have no problem with, i love diversity and the chance to show off others' cultures) but in light of the palestinian war (and how america is basically funding israel) it feels like a political statement. i was not here for politics, i was here for funny red guy eats grapes. also nearly all the characters smelled of autism (which is nice, i love the inclusion) but i wonder if the writers/directors were projecting a bit. overall, this show was a bit of a disappointment, and focused more on wade than the title character.
anygays heres my unfiltered thoughts below
confirmed, knuckles only eats grapes and cool ranch doritos, he has the tism rizz
radio death counter: 2
this is just 2 delusional idiots going on a quest
everyone is autistic i love this
oh the racism. not cool in light of palistan. and paramount supporting israel. ew. why do wade's friends all have to be part jewish? why the mom's side?
theyre all so autistic i love it
that was a very unrealistic fork stabbing
wade needs a hug gawdamn
wall death counter: 2
rip sink
o w the roadrash
lmao fursuit wade
p u p p e t
iblis? black arms? WHO ARE YOU DEMON?
dont duel, idiot, run away
why did the mailman just happen to have a gun flare that says go
ow the roadburn
unironically hate this show wtf
lmao he has a bob
ew a child
i can overlook the plotholes. i can overlook the racism. i can overlook the idiocy. bUT I CANNOT OVERLOOK BRITISH MAN. DISGUSTING (i ‘hate’ brits for the bit, no hard feelings)
everyone is autistic i can smell it
HUGE LORE DROP, ROBOTNIK MADE GUN? not even grampa gerald, its def eggman. the implications for sonic 3 and the creation of shadow...
the squares were… an interesting editing choice
really hope that knux is just causing chaos and eating grapes offscreen. he deserves some grapes.
yup, betrayal scene. never trust a brit
they sacrificed dragon fruit man :0
where did they go
how did they commission custom bowling polos so quickly
youre a loser baby
bro didnt get his balls crushed, he got crushed by a ball
final thoughts: 4/10, needed more knuckles, the repeating songs were eh, only eps 1, 5, and 6 were worth it, and i genuinely hate the majority of the main plot. the subplot of knux getting kidnapped and the whole gun thing was cool, but it should've been the main plot. fuck the brits
ALSO WTF WAS UP WITH PACHACAMAC. either he's a figment of knuckles' imagination that got imprinted into wade's head, or he's FUCKING REAL AND THATS TERRIFYING IN REGARDS TO THE LORE. WTF.
and the rock opera scene was ass. like ik it was supposed to be bad for comedic value but it was just bad bad.
#knuckles show spoilers#knuckles show#knuckles series#knuckles the echidna#wtf is sega smoking#fuck the brits (satire)
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Holidays 6.8
Best Friend's Day
Betty Picnic Day
Bill of Rights Day
Biomedical Science Day (UK)
Bounty Day (Norfolk Island)
Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Colorism Awareness Day
Empathy Day
Engineer's Day (Peru)
Ghostbusters Day
Mela Khir Bhawani (Jammu and Kashmir, India)
Ice Cream Day
International Day of Action for Elephants in Zoos
Journée nationale d'hommage aux morts pour la France en Indochine (National Hommage Day for those who died for France in Indochina; France)
National Architect Day (Peru)
National Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
National Engineers’ Day (Peru)
National Insect Appreciation Day
National Karen Day
National Leave a Review Day
National Soulmate Day
Pitchfork Day (French Republic)
Pranav Sivalumar Day (Illinois)
Primož Trubar Day (Slovenia)
Social Workers’ Day (Russia)
Temotu Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Thomas Paine Day
TPS Day (Office Space)
Upsy Daisy Day
USS Liberty Remembrance Day
Vacuum Cleaner Day
VM Day (a.k.a. Victory Mustachian Day; Republic of Molossia)
Watch Day
World Brain Tumor Day
World Oceans Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chicken Tetrazzini Day
Jelly-Filled Doughnut Day
Maple on Creme Fraiche Day
Name Your Poison Day
2nd Thursday in June
National Career Nursing Assistants Day [2nd Thursday]
National Farm Workers Day [2nd Thursday]
Superman Celebration begins (Metropolis, Illinois) [2nd Thursday thru Sunday]
World Judicial Officer Day [2nd Thursday]
Independence Days
Götterzene (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Temotu Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Feast Days
Be Annoyingly Cheerful Day (Pastafarian)
Chlodulf of Metz (a.k.a. Clou, Chlodulph or Clodulphus; Christian; Blessed)
Corpus Christi [Thursday after Trinity Sunday; 60 days after Easter] a.k.a. ...
Corpo de Deus (Portugal)
Corpus Christi Day (Most Christian Countries)
Corpus Domini (San Marino)
Dancing Devils of Corpus Christi (Venezuela)
Day of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ the Lord
El Colacho (Baby Jumping; Castrillo de Murica, Spain)
Feast of Corpus Christi
Feast of the Body of God (East Timor)
Fête Dieu (Monaco, Seychelles)
Fronleichnam (Switzerland)
Leonard P. Howell Day (Rastafari)
Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev (Sikhism)
Mystery Plays (Ancient Europe)
Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Thanksgiving for Holy Communion (Anglican Church)
Tijelovo (Croatia)
The Dough (Muppetism)
Elphege (Christian; Martyr)
Feast of Bona Mens (Roman Goddess of Correct Thinking) Gilard (a.k.a. Godard), Bishop of Rouen (Christian; Saint)
Heloise (Positivist; Saint)
Iggy Pop Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Jacques Berthieu, S.J. (Christian; Saint)
Jadwiga (Hedwig) of Poland (Christian; Saint)
Jan Frans De Boever (Artology)
John Everett Millais (Artology)
Lindisfarne Day (Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan (Christian; Blessed)
Mary of the Divine Heart (Droste zu Vischering; Christian; Blessed)
Maximinus, Archbishop of Aix (Christian; Saint)
Medard of Noyon (Christian; Saint) [brewers]
Media Ver VI (Pagan)
Melania the Elder (Christian; Saint)
Roland Allen (Episcopal Church (USA))
Syra, Virgin of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Thomas Ken (Church of England)
William of York (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [30 of 60]
Agents of Fortune, by Blue Öyster Cult (Album; 1976)
The Anniversary Party (Film; 2001)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (Animated Film; 2001)
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (Film; 1999)
Beat Street (Film; 1984)
Bosko’s Knight-Mare (WB LT Cartoon; 1933)
Californication, by the Red Hot Chili Peppers (Album; 1999)
Carmina Burana, by Carl Orff (Cantata; 1937)
Ghostbusters (Film; 1984)
The Gifts of the Jews, by Thomas Cahill (History Book; 1998)
The Good Times, by Russell Baker (Novel; 1989)
Gremlins (Film; 1984)
Hare-Breadth Hurry (WB LT Cartoon; 1963)
Hereditary (Film; 2018)
Into Your Dance (WB MM Cartoon; 1935)
Lassie (Radio Series; 1947)
Love Potion #9, recorded by The Clovers (Song; 1959)
Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted (Animated Film; 2012)
Manilla Galleon, by F. Van Wyck Mason (Maritime Book; 1961)
Misery, by Stephen King (Novel; 1987)
Ms. Marvel (TV Series; 2022)
Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell (Novel; 1949)
Nurse Jackie (TV Series; 2009)
Ocean’s Eight (Film; 2018)
Ocean’s Thirteen (Film; 2007)
Pretty Little Liars (TV Series; 2010)
Prometheus (Film; 2012)
Sam & Cat (TV Series; 2013)
Steal Wool (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
Surf’s Up (Animated Film; 2007)
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, by My Chemical Romance (Album; 2004)
Wealth and Poverty, by George Gilder (Economics Book; 1981)
Wild in the Country (Film; 1961)
Won’t You Be My Neighbor? (Documentary Film; 2018)
Today’s Name Days
Elga, Ilga, Maria, Medardus (Austria
Fortuna, Medard, Vilim (Croatia)
Medard (Czech Republic)
Medardus (Denmark)
Enda, Endla, Enna, Enne (Estonia)
Salomo, Salomon (Finland)
Médard (France)
Chlodwig, Elga, Medardus (Germany)
Kalliope, Kalliopi, Nafkratis (Greece)
Medárd (Hungary)
Medardo (Italy)
Frida, Fridis, Fridolins, Mundra (Latvia)
Eigintė, Medardas, Merūnas (Lithuania)
Ren, Renate (Norway)
Karp, Maksym, Medard, Seweryn, Wilhelm, Wyszesław (Poland)
Teodor (România)
Medard (Slovakia)
Kilian, Maximino, Salustiano (Spain)
Eivor, Majvor (Sweden)
Cain, Caine, Calliope, Genesis, Jewel, Kane, Kanye, Kayne, Opal (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 159 of 2024; 206 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 23 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 25 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 21 (Ding-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 19 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 19 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 9 Sol; Twosday [9 of 30]
Julian: 26 May 2023
Moon: 74%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 19 St. Paul (6th Month) [Heloise]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 80 of 92)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 18 of 32)
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Holidays 6.8
Best Friend's Day
Betty Picnic Day
Bill of Rights Day
Biomedical Science Day (UK)
Bounty Day (Norfolk Island)
Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Colorism Awareness Day
Empathy Day
Engineer's Day (Peru)
Ghostbusters Day
Mela Khir Bhawani (Jammu and Kashmir, India)
Ice Cream Day
International Day of Action for Elephants in Zoos
Journée nationale d'hommage aux morts pour la France en Indochine (National Hommage Day for those who died for France in Indochina; France)
National Architect Day (Peru)
National Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
National Engineers’ Day (Peru)
National Insect Appreciation Day
National Karen Day
National Leave a Review Day
National Soulmate Day
Pitchfork Day (French Republic)
Pranav Sivalumar Day (Illinois)
Primož Trubar Day (Slovenia)
Social Workers’ Day (Russia)
Temotu Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Thomas Paine Day
TPS Day (Office Space)
Upsy Daisy Day
USS Liberty Remembrance Day
Vacuum Cleaner Day
VM Day (a.k.a. Victory Mustachian Day; Republic of Molossia)
Watch Day
World Brain Tumor Day
World Oceans Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chicken Tetrazzini Day
Jelly-Filled Doughnut Day
Maple on Creme Fraiche Day
Name Your Poison Day
2nd Thursday in June
National Career Nursing Assistants Day [2nd Thursday]
National Farm Workers Day [2nd Thursday]
Superman Celebration begins (Metropolis, Illinois) [2nd Thursday thru Sunday]
World Judicial Officer Day [2nd Thursday]
Independence Days
Götterzene (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Temotu Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Feast Days
Be Annoyingly Cheerful Day (Pastafarian)
Chlodulf of Metz (a.k.a. Clou, Chlodulph or Clodulphus; Christian; Blessed)
Corpus Christi [Thursday after Trinity Sunday; 60 days after Easter] a.k.a. ...
Corpo de Deus (Portugal)
Corpus Christi Day (Most Christian Countries)
Corpus Domini (San Marino)
Dancing Devils of Corpus Christi (Venezuela)
Day of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ the Lord
El Colacho (Baby Jumping; Castrillo de Murica, Spain)
Feast of Corpus Christi
Feast of the Body of God (East Timor)
Fête Dieu (Monaco, Seychelles)
Fronleichnam (Switzerland)
Leonard P. Howell Day (Rastafari)
Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev (Sikhism)
Mystery Plays (Ancient Europe)
Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Thanksgiving for Holy Communion (Anglican Church)
Tijelovo (Croatia)
The Dough (Muppetism)
Elphege (Christian; Martyr)
Feast of Bona Mens (Roman Goddess of Correct Thinking) Gilard (a.k.a. Godard), Bishop of Rouen (Christian; Saint)
Heloise (Positivist; Saint)
Iggy Pop Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Jacques Berthieu, S.J. (Christian; Saint)
Jadwiga (Hedwig) of Poland (Christian; Saint)
Jan Frans De Boever (Artology)
John Everett Millais (Artology)
Lindisfarne Day (Asatru/Slavic Pagan)
Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan (Christian; Blessed)
Mary of the Divine Heart (Droste zu Vischering; Christian; Blessed)
Maximinus, Archbishop of Aix (Christian; Saint)
Medard of Noyon (Christian; Saint) [brewers]
Media Ver VI (Pagan)
Melania the Elder (Christian; Saint)
Roland Allen (Episcopal Church (USA))
Syra, Virgin of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Thomas Ken (Church of England)
William of York (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [30 of 60]
Agents of Fortune, by Blue Öyster Cult (Album; 1976)
The Anniversary Party (Film; 2001)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (Animated Film; 2001)
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (Film; 1999)
Beat Street (Film; 1984)
Bosko’s Knight-Mare (WB LT Cartoon; 1933)
Californication, by the Red Hot Chili Peppers (Album; 1999)
Carmina Burana, by Carl Orff (Cantata; 1937)
Ghostbusters (Film; 1984)
The Gifts of the Jews, by Thomas Cahill (History Book; 1998)
The Good Times, by Russell Baker (Novel; 1989)
Gremlins (Film; 1984)
Hare-Breadth Hurry (WB LT Cartoon; 1963)
Hereditary (Film; 2018)
Into Your Dance (WB MM Cartoon; 1935)
Lassie (Radio Series; 1947)
Love Potion #9, recorded by The Clovers (Song; 1959)
Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted (Animated Film; 2012)
Manilla Galleon, by F. Van Wyck Mason (Maritime Book; 1961)
Misery, by Stephen King (Novel; 1987)
Ms. Marvel (TV Series; 2022)
Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell (Novel; 1949)
Nurse Jackie (TV Series; 2009)
Ocean’s Eight (Film; 2018)
Ocean’s Thirteen (Film; 2007)
Pretty Little Liars (TV Series; 2010)
Prometheus (Film; 2012)
Sam & Cat (TV Series; 2013)
Steal Wool (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
Surf’s Up (Animated Film; 2007)
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, by My Chemical Romance (Album; 2004)
Wealth and Poverty, by George Gilder (Economics Book; 1981)
Wild in the Country (Film; 1961)
Won’t You Be My Neighbor? (Documentary Film; 2018)
Today’s Name Days
Elga, Ilga, Maria, Medardus (Austria
Fortuna, Medard, Vilim (Croatia)
Medard (Czech Republic)
Medardus (Denmark)
Enda, Endla, Enna, Enne (Estonia)
Salomo, Salomon (Finland)
Médard (France)
Chlodwig, Elga, Medardus (Germany)
Kalliope, Kalliopi, Nafkratis (Greece)
Medárd (Hungary)
Medardo (Italy)
Frida, Fridis, Fridolins, Mundra (Latvia)
Eigintė, Medardas, Merūnas (Lithuania)
Ren, Renate (Norway)
Karp, Maksym, Medard, Seweryn, Wilhelm, Wyszesław (Poland)
Teodor (România)
Medard (Slovakia)
Kilian, Maximino, Salustiano (Spain)
Eivor, Majvor (Sweden)
Cain, Caine, Calliope, Genesis, Jewel, Kane, Kanye, Kayne, Opal (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 159 of 2024; 206 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 23 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 25 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 21 (Ding-You)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 19 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 19 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 9 Sol; Twosday [9 of 30]
Julian: 26 May 2023
Moon: 74%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 19 St. Paul (6th Month) [Heloise]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 80 of 92)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 18 of 32)
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Yukyukyukyuk …. “Murica right Moscow agents discovering America?
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Please accept my role swap AU where the only people who change are Grif and Simmons and Huggins and Muggins respectively.
For the purpose of this AU, I made Muggins Huggins’ uncle and she went into his care after her parents passed away and when she got drafted he enlisted right after her which is how they both got into the SIM Trooper program.
Grif and Simmons are the only two of their species that wanted to work with the Cosmic Powers because literally no one else wanted to. They’re terrible at their job of being spies.
The last picture is the original sketches I did which is why the designs are a little bit different.
#red vs blue#rvb#Dexter Grif#Richard Simmons#Huggins rvb#Muggins rvb#agent-murica#role swap au#agent-murica art#my au
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Happy birthday, Steve Rogers! Here's my original Peggy Carter / Captain America song "Waiting For That Dance" - stick around after the credits just like the MCU taught you. :)
#steve rogers#peggy carter#agent carter#original song#funny music#captain america#murica#music video#mcu
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@agent-murica Merry christmas from your secret santa!!! I hope you have a wonderful day :) @redvsbluesecretsanta
#rvbsecretsanta17#the reds#agent carolina#dexter grif#rvb locus#samuel ortez#Franklin Delano Donut#colonel sarge#richard simmons#lopez the heavy#art#I was soo busy i didnt even get a chance to start this untill a week ago#but its done!#and im really happy with it so i hope murica likes it too :)#anyway i love their aweful base
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NICK FAST, Agent of MURICA 2 Now with 50% more Political Satire
WARNING: Really minor nudity? Made one panel a day for the usual random drawing-challenge-of-October 2022.
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Secret Santa for @agent-murica !!! 🥺💚💚 you requested red team fluff so here’s grif getting the love and appreciation he deserves 🥰🥰here’s to both you red team locus AND Carolina truthers 😘
Thank you @redvsbluesecretsanta for organizing this!!
#rvb#red vs blue#roosterteeth#rvb secret Santa#dexter grif#sarge rvb#franklin delano donut#lopez the heavy#simmons rvb#dick simmons#agent Carolina#locus rvb#hug#fluff#red team#halo armor#oh god the halo armor#art#secret Santa#sarge#donut
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(super super super late happy birthday @agent-murica ! Hope you had an awesome day!! Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Red vs. Blue Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dexter Grif/Dick Simmons Characters: Dick Simmons, Dexter Grif Additional Tags: Idiots in Love, soft, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Lowkey homophobia from Simmons' father Summary:
“I have it worse, you know.”
“Wha- No, you don’t. We both had surgeries.”
“Yeah, but stitches are connecting two sides, right? And one of your sides is metal. And metal can’t itch.”
“Well,” Simmons says because it gives him time to think, just a few more seconds to prove Grif’s point wrong. He can hear his insides hum in the silence. “My new organs are made out of metal, so I’m dealing with some heavy shit.”
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