#agent carter show
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isqbelevans · 4 months ago
HERE is how marvel could’ve made steggy endgame in avengers: endgame and it MAKE SENSE.
- actually had the story planned out and always intended for steggy to end up together
Never used Agent Carter S2 to quite literally show Peggy moving on from Steve
Never have Steve move on from Peggy nor get used to the 21st century
Actually make it seem like Steve never stops missing Peggy instead of him moving on but then suddenly start thinking of her again as shown in endgame (clearly just a stunt pulled by the writers to make his ending make sense)
Also make it a detail that even though peggy did end up marrying she never moved on from steve. that was evident in ca: tws but then in agent carter she did end up moving on with daniel and moved on with her life as peggy carter and not steve’s love interest
2) Don’t pair them up with other people and then write them as if they are going to get together
(daniel sousa/natasha romanoff)
it’s actually quite embarrassing that the same writers from ca: tws that literally had steve and natasha falling in love before our eyes tried to make us believe steve hadn’t moved on from peggy in endgame (yes, they were the same writers, AND the same directors)
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3) and finally after all of that, the perfect way to end it would have been if steve went back right after the events of Agent Carter S1 which is approximately a year or so after Steve went in the ice.
Thanks for listening to my T.E.D talk.
Anyways, Steve will die next year and be reunited with his “right partner” who he had “shared life experience” with. goodnight 😘
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timelessbian · 2 months ago
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grackleshells · 5 months ago
In the midst of all this amazing and highly anticipated Agatha hype; I feel it’s important to acknowledge another marvel character who also possessed intense homoerotic tension with her rival and neighbor,,, the og girl kisser herself,,, Dottie Underwood 💄
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faramirsonofgondor · 7 months ago
I love Challengers
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glorious-spoon · 2 months ago
the tragedy of the MCU becoming this bloated shambling zombie franchise piloted by disney is that every once in a while i get the urge to write for it again but unfortunately as far as i'm concerned nothing after CA: TWS happened, and i assume that most people currently in the fandom aren't on board with that
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meidui · 2 months ago
jarvis said no one is capable of carrying the entire world on their shoulders and peggy said steve was
howard asked if steve was good before he got ahold of him and peggy said yes, he was
"steve rogers dedicated his mind, his body, his life to the ssr and to this country ... i made the same pledge, but i'm not as good as steve was."
she loves him so much ; ;
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omjitskailay · 2 months ago
Ironic, isn't it, that each of the two sapphic kisses in the MCU so far have ended with one of them losing consciousness
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all-that-jazz-93 · 2 months ago
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Happy 10th Anniversary, Agent Carter!
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mooingwithmidnight · 1 month ago
Re-re-watching Agent Carter so more observations and thoughts from s1 eps 1-5:
1. When villains typically play the sweet innocent in order to get close to the hero, there’s a moment where they show the audience how much they hate doing it. Silently mocking whatever they just said, rolling their eyes before putting on their persona, etc. etc. But Dottie doesn’t do that, not once. She mocks Peggy with the innocent Dottie persona, but the motivation behind that is very clearly to make fun of Peggy’s idealism and loyalty to America. She doesn’t hate being Dottie.
2. Dottie’s mirroring of Peggy starts long before she breaks into her room- she paints her nails and lips victory red for a large part of S1, but only after she actually meets Peggy.
3. Chief Dooley does not get enough appreciation in this fandom. Yes, he’s a sexist pos, they pretty much all are, that’s half the point. But if Jack is forgiven for his continuous and consistent sexism, why do we not give the man who had his same character development more slack? I’m a Chief Dooley defender I fear.
4. Howard trying to defend himself after he tricked Peggy into stealing back the vial of Steve’s blood is really interesting and very telling. He argues back with Peggy literally using the 1940’s version of “women are too emotional”. And I think the way that he, and Jarvis to a lesser extent, try to manipulate the SSR’s continuous disregard for Peggy’s abilities is interesting too, because I think if it wasn’t Steve’s blood, that might have actually worked.
5. Peggy becoming so enraged by Dottie being a black widow, because she has to confront the fact that she underestimated Dottie the way the SSR constantly underestimated her, is absolutely delicious, dear lord.
6. I have to find a screen grab of this more than I have to breathe but the scene with Jack and Peggy bickering after she’s allowed to go to Russia is genuinely top 5 cinematography moments ever. The way the row of lockers separates them, dividing them into two worlds; the way Peggy is alone in the shadows while Jack is changing with two other men in bright lights. The way he’s wearing white and she’s wearing black as they fade into their respective roles, Jesus Christ it’s so good.
7. Jack seems genuinely surprised by Peggy’s interest in listening to how he got his Navy Cross
8. That quote in Agent Carter Declassified about how Dottie is just what Peggy would be if she truly had no one makes me so sick, because it’s so true.
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captaincartertv · 22 days ago
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isqbelevans · 4 months ago
remember when marvel LITERALLY showed us steve and peggy moving on but then said
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timelessbian · 4 months ago
if i had a nickel for every time a sapphic kiss in the mcu ended with the lead of the show incapacitated on the ground i'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened BOTH TIMES
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saphiccarma · 25 days ago
guess who started agent carter and is officially obsessed
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ivysos2001 · 14 days ago
Just finished rewatching agent carter for the millionth time so naturally I’m mad at the cancellation all over again
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malewifegradyruewen · 1 month ago
Look maybe the fandom has talked about this before but I was a literal child when the fandom was born so I'm gonna talk about it now. Childhood is temporary but fandom is forever (no it's not)
Peggy Carter's birthday on the MCU wiki is listed as April 8, 1921. Based on some speculative timelines, we can determine that the events of Captain America: The First Avenger span from approximately June 1943 to March 1945, so Peggy would have been between the ages of 22 years 2 months and 23 years 11 months.
Agent Carter season 1 takes place in April/May 1946, which we know because the season finale happens on the first anniversary of V-E Day on May 8. It's not entirely clear how many days pass over the course of the season (unless it is and I'm just not dedicated enough), but given that episodes 5-8 seem to happen over the course of about 50 hours, it seems safe to say it's about a week to ten days. This means Peggy is 25 years 1 month old at the end of the season.
However, in S01E01 "The Iron Ceiling" Daniel looks at Peggy's file to cross-reference an injury she received with the ones in the photos of the blonde at the club, who is of course Peggy in disguise. The incident report shows her age at the time of the injury as 26 years 11 months old.
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(ignore the fact that I took a picture of my laptop with my phone, the top right corner has her age)
These means one of a few things is possible. The first is that the show got her age wrong on accident, either because they didn't know her birthday or they didn't scrutinize the timeline like a fandom does, which is very likely but boring. Second is that it's possible her birthday was made canon after the show, which is also possible and boring. Another possibility is that the MCU wiki has her birthdate wrong, stating that she is younger than canon says she is, which seems unlikely to me and is also a boring explanation.
The most fun and most headcanon-y explanation is that she really was born in 1921 but she, for whatever reason, lied about her age and said she was born in 1918, making her 28 years 1 month old at the time of the first season.
1918 seems the most logical year because the show implies Daniel doesn't know about the injury, but it is established that the two have known each other for six months. If she was 27 at the time of the show the injury would be two months old and Daniel would likely know about it. Additionally, the wound appears as healed scars, meaning it has been healed for some time, likely longer than two months.
Assuming she only lied about her birth year and not the actual day, a birth year of 1918 places the injury in March 1945, which makes logical sense with the timeline of CA:TFA, placing the event in the approximately two weeks between Cap going in the ice and her birthday.
1918 also makes sense because, assuming she got involved with S.O.E. in 1940 like the show depicts, she would have been about 19 pretending to be 22. If she had lied and said she was much older, it seems likely she would have been caught in the lie. Additionally, Steve was born in 1918, Bucky and Howard in 1917, and Daniel and Jack sometime in 1918 or 1919 (the wiki is vague for both of them), so her supposed age would be consistent with the ages of the people she worked with.
I personally headcanon that she was born in 1921 and lied that she was born in 1918. I also headcanon that Michael was born in 1918 and they used the same year as if they were twins, which has far less basis in canon and is more of a little treat for me.
If anyone has insight/proof of some other alternative/theories/headcanons, let me know because I would love to hear!
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freegrain · 4 months ago
just found out that peggy carter kisses a woman and it's BRIDGET REGAN??
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