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liveagood-life · 7 years ago
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Vârsta este irelevantă. Întreabă-mă câte apusuri de soare am contemplat, câte inimi am iubit, câte călătorii am trăit sau câte concerte am ascultat. Apoi îmi vei cunoaște maturitatea. #liveagoodlife #lifeisaboutchoices #goodlife #ageisirrelevant
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projectageless · 6 years ago
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Happy Tuesday everyone! Here's to having a fabulous day! 😍😁💥🌺 . . . #over60andfabulous #greyhairgang #over50andfabulous #over40andfabulous #greyhairtransition #agelessstyle #fabover40 #silverpower #agelessgoddess #agelessliving #growingoldgracefully #ageisirrelevant #grombre #greyhaircolor #grayhairdontcare #grayhairmovement #silversisters #growingold #flyageless #thisis60 #thisis50 #thisis40 #silverhair #grayhair #agelessbeauty #transformationaltuesday #projectageless https://www.instagram.com/p/B0RBXA4Ax91/?igshid=1t6wg4fiud1q9
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tysoncolman · 6 years ago
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I turned 48 today. Not looking too bad for an old man, (even If I do say so myself. Haha. ) #birthday #older #ageisirrelevant #embracingchange #wisdom #experience. https://www.instagram.com/p/Busgw8NFPqE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=105fqclicc4t0
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bohori · 8 years ago
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It's Easy to Stand with the Crowd ~ It takes Courage to Stand Alone. #FreeyourInnerBohemian #BohoRiStyle #BeBrave #WearTheCrown
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bobbiesuzanne-blog-blog · 6 years ago
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I just turned 60 and running 6 miles 3 days a week...strength training 3 days a week! Thank you #zac_barron_fitness #ageisirrelevent #fitnessgoals https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz0d9V0lRjy/?igshid=z2zgkfr0hlz0
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brybeast · 7 years ago
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Just finished with my 72 year old client who I’ve been working with for over 3 years. Our main focus has been teaching her how to properly breathe by utilizing the power of Nitric Oxide that’s produced in our para-nasal sinuses & throughout our 100,000 miles of blood vessels. She’s lost 30lbs. She’s moves more intelligently. She has less brain fog. She gets irritated less. Better able to handle stress. All through the POWER of N.O. N.O. relaxes smooth muscle, creates vaso-dilation of veins & arteries activating vagal tone which is our inherent self-regulating self-healing state. The nose is an important organ. - nose breathing imposes approximately 50% more resistance to the airstream and normal individuals then does mouth breathing, resulting in 10 to 20% more 02 uptake. - Nasal breathing warms and humidifies incoming air - Nasal breathing removes a significant amount of germs and bacteria from the air you breathe in. - Nasal breathing during physical exercise allows for a work intensity great enough to produce in aerobic training affect as based on heart rate and percentage of VO2 max. She recently began studying transcendental meditation with a teacher and the teacher told her to exhale through the mouth. Naturally, she brought up what I’ve been teaching her and he strongly disagreed. Well, you cannot argue with the winners of the 1998 Nobel Prize about The power of nasal breathing. There will be a shift in meditation and yoga so if you are being taught to ever breathe in or out through the mouth that is incorrect and you want to switch immediately. #quantumfitnessorg #brybeast #nasalbreathingisbest #nasalbreathing #ageisirrelevant #nitricoxide #moveintelligently #loseweight #weightloss #oxygenadvantage #oxygenadvantageinstructor #oxygenadvantageprogram (at Upper East Side)
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greymodelagency · 7 years ago
@benmaklondon #ageisdead #runwaySS19 #firstcollection #londoncouture #londonfashionreturns #breakingboundaries #ageisirrelevant #genderisirrelevant #garethpughstudio #selfridges #gaultier #returnofthepunk #aneweraoffashion #exclusivevip @amandadecazalet @alexb244 @orlandosilverfox @jon_campling @adamaboudoir @francesdunscombe @sheilahrenninger.com_ #dianewang (at London, United Kingdom)
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brybeast · 7 years ago
After 37 minutes of #breathholding exercises I completed 20 minutes of #fascialfitness always barefoot. By progressive faster movements dynamically loading the muscles. The muscle will be both activated and extended therefore, utilizing fascia’s ( 6x better then muscle ) proprioceptive response. In order to perform a #loadedmovement exercise with a 20kg #vipr it is vital to perform these rhythmical dynamic movements before hand. #viprsnatchlungevariations #brybeast #20kgvipr #quantumfitnessorg #ageisirrelevant #nasalbreathing #nasalbreathingisbest #barefoottraining (at Downtown Athletic Club)
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greymodelagency · 7 years ago
Orlando for @benmaklondon #ageisdead #runwaySS19 #firstcollection #londoncouture #londonfashionreturns #breakingboundaries #ageisirrelevant #genderisirrelevant #garethpughstudio #selfridges #gaultier #returnofthepunk #aneweraoffashion #exclusivevip @amandadecazalet @alexb244 @orlandosilverfox @jon_campling @adamaboudoir @francesdunscombe @sheilahrenninger.com_ #dianewang (at London, United Kingdom)
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greymodelagency · 7 years ago
Diane for @benmaklondon #ageisdead #runwaySS19 #firstcollection #londoncouture #londonfashionreturns #breakingboundaries #ageisirrelevant #genderisirrelevant #garethpughstudio #selfridges #gaultier #returnofthepunk #aneweraoffashion #exclusivevip @amandadecazalet @alexb244 @orlandosilverfox @jon_campling @adamaboudoir @francesdunscombe @sheilahrenninger.com_ #dianewang (at London, United Kingdom)
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greymodelagency · 7 years ago
Alex for @benmaklondon #ageisdead #runwaySS19 #firstcollection #londoncouture #londonfashionreturns #breakingboundaries #ageisirrelevant #genderisirrelevant #garethpughstudio #selfridges #gaultier #returnofthepunk #aneweraoffashion #exclusivevip @amandadecazalet @alexb244 @orlandosilverfox @jon_campling @adamaboudoir @francesdunscombe @sheilahrenninger.com_ #dianewang (at London, United Kingdom)
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greymodelagency · 7 years ago
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@benmaklondon #ageisdead #runwaySS19 #firstcollection #24June2018 #15:30 #londoncouture #londonfashionreturns #breakingboundaries #ageisirrelevant #genderisirrelevant #garethpughstudio #selfridges #gaultier #returnofthepunk #aneweraoffashion #exclusivevip @amandadecazalet @alexb244 @orlandosilverfox @jon_campling @adamaboudoir @francesdunscombe @sheilahrenninger.com_ #dianewang @for_detta (at Shoreditch)
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bohori · 8 years ago
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I Shall Take that Advice ~ #FreeyourInnerBohemian #BohoRiStyle #AgeIsIrrelevant #WildOne #GoodVibes Pass them On ~ ~ ~
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bohori · 8 years ago
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#FreeyourInnerBohemian #AgeIsIrrelevant #BohoRiStyle
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greymodelagency · 7 years ago
Sheilah for @benmaklondon #ageisdead #runwaySS19 #firstcollection #londoncouture #londonfashionreturns #breakingboundaries #ageisirrelevant #genderisirrelevant #garethpughstudio #selfridges #gaultier #returnofthepunk #aneweraoffashion #exclusivevip @amandadecazalet @alexb244 @orlandosilverfox @jon_campling @adamaboudoir @francesdunscombe @sheilahrenninger.com_ #dianewang (at London, United Kingdom)
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