gabzilla-z · 3 years
Okay, I know you were disappointed with BNHA after one of the recent arcs, but have you read the last couple chapters? Some of the things you were saying you wanted to see ended up happening, and I'm looking forward to where it goes from here again.
the last two chapters pretty almost redeemed the whole arc for me ngl
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prokopetz · 4 years
Once you're done with the Doomguy+ game, are you planning to publish it anywhere in a formal capacity? And have you picked out a new name?
I’m not particularly inclined to commercially publish a game I knocked together in three days during my lunch breaks -- especially not one as jokey and derivative as this one! -- but I have been contemplating establishing a free game library under the Penguin King Games imprint to collect some of my one-off projects. This’d likely end up being one of them.
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wilwheaton · 5 years
Hey, Wil, could you... *not* say that an autistic character is “more like a robot than a person “? Like even in the context of fiction, that’s a really harmful stereotype, and a lot of people already think that autistic people don’t have feelings just because they don’t express them how others want. It’s just really not cool.
You’re right. I’ve posted a couple of apologies on the original post and in some PMs to others who have raised the same issue.
I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to be hurtful, and I was. I’ve learned from the mistake, and I won’t make it again.
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suzukiblu · 5 years
ageisia replied to your post “At that stage of hair growth where I wanna just fucking shave my head.”
What’s stopping you?
The extremely long time it took me to grow it out to this point, mostly. 
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typelikemad · 5 years
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Another player portrait from the Discord game, this time of our Tiefling (warlock?? sorcerer?? I realize I don’t actually know haha) Swizzle, and his pseudo-dragon, Snuff. Reallly gonna try and draw the whole party for once.
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lauralot89 · 6 years
@ageisia said:
Break up with a vampire!
According to the Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Paranormal Edition:
1. Brood dramatically.
Pace the floors of the castle.  Stare up at the cold light of the moon.  Sigh, moan, and curse the day you ever met him.
2. Weigh the pros and cons.
Confirm that you have made the right decision by making a list of plusses and minuses to continuing the relationship.  List as many cons (e.g., committed to evil) as possible.  For any pros (e.g., promise of eternal life), are there downsides (e.g., eternal boredom)?
3. Pick a good time.
Don’t break up with the vampire on Valentine’s Day, his birthday or rebirth day, or when he hasn’t feasted for several days.
4. Look away.
It can be hard to maintain your nerve while staring into the literally mesmerizing eyes of a vampire.  Close your eyes, or look out the window, while telling him how you feel.
5. Be brief and direct.
As with any breakup, your goal is to tell the truth without being overly informative.  Say your piece and then stop speaking.
6. Don’t make it about the vampirism.
Find other reasons to explain the breakup, such as his personal habits or friends, rather than the fact that he is a heartless, shape-shifting destroyer of men.
7. Be firm.
The vampire may protest, saying that he can change.  Remind yourself that he’s been alive for many centuries and genuine change is unlikely.
8. Keep it about the two of you.
If you have fallen for someone else, do not mention it, vampires are notorious seekers of vengeance.
9. Skip the goodbye kiss.
* Give yourself time.
A good rule of thumb is that getting over someone takes half the length of time as the relationship itself.  If you’ve been dating the vampire for countless millennia, count on a similarly epic grieving period.
* Remove evidence of the vampire from your life.
Don’t listen to his favorite songs; throw away his old capes; scrub the bloodstains from around the house.
* Focus on the bad times.
When you think about the vampire, remember the tedious nights spent traipsing through graveyards, the gross spectacle of his feasting on human flesh, or how cold and distant he could be.
* Find someone new.
Avoid dating other vampires, since you will be more likely to run into your ex at social events.   Consider dating in another species or professional circle, such as a werewolf or a warlock.
What else would you like to learn?
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official-ladyblog · 6 years
I really *hope* Max doesn’t get the monkey Miraculous since calling Black people monkeys has some awful racist connotations.
...that was one of the reasons I tried to avoid headcanoning him, yes
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gabzilla-z · 5 years
Belated, but I hope you had an awesome birthday!
Thank you bb
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clairelutra · 6 years
Lance buys Allura something shiny.
She knew he had no idea what he was doing when he laid the cold charm over her clavicle and fastened the chain at her nape, but her insides still thrilled at the brush of his fingers, at the way his hot breath ghosted over the nape of her neck.
“Thank you, Lance,” she sighed as she let her hair fall back into place. “It’s lovely.”
And it was. If he’d been Altean, she would have kissed his wrist in gratitude, or maybe have started to think about the matepairing bracelet she could weave for him in return—goodness knew they’d grown closer over the years.
But Lance wasn’t Altean. He was human, oddly shaped ears and sharp canines and all. He wasn’t even around at the times that the ways Alteans flirted would have been common knowledge.
He had no idea what this trinket meant to her.
“No problem,” he said, helping her resettle her locks back into their voluminous glory while Allura’s heart pattered at the assist. “Sorry it took me so long. Coran said it might cheer you up.”
Allura’s gut lurched, her face heating. “D-did he?”
She’d forgotten that there was one more person who’d know about Altean dating etiquette.
“Something about traditions?” Lance’s voice made it clear that he had only the vaguest idea of what that meant. Tangling his fingers in Allura’s hair and tugging out the tangles, he added, “And about it being a good ‘thanks for training me in the way of the sword’ gift. So, you know. Thanks.”
He wasn’t wrong.
This gift just had a few more connotations than that.
“You are… welcome,” she murmured, her tumultuous emotions settling into a painful blend of guilt and delight.
He stepped back.
Before she could lose her nerve, she half-turned and caught his wrist.
Lance faltered, startled, and looked to her for explanation.
Pulse throbbing in her mouth, she gave him one: “This, also, is tradition.”
With that, she brought his wrist up to her mouth and kissed the faint blue lines that marked his veins.
His skin was warm, soft under her lips, ribbed with lingering creases at the heel of his hand and vibrating with his own erratic pulse.
Drawing back before she could give into the temptation to taste it, a smile crept up her face at the slack-jawed shock on his.
“So!” Lance squeaked, his voice cracking. “Traditions, huh? G-got any more of those?”
Letting go of his hand, she relished in the flush rapidly overtaking his exposed skin. “Ma-aybe. I suppose you’ll just have to wait and see.”
“Wha—? No fair!”
He might not know what it meant, but hey. What was the harm in dropping a few hints, right?
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breeeliss · 6 years
You know, it occurs to me that declaring a word a slur is a great way to demonize the people that use it. (In regards to the "queer" discourse)
it very much is!
people seem to think that queer academia, art, and literature existing is a bad thing and that we’re being irrational for using that as a reason to say that queer is a word with history that should be respected. people also seem to think this is our way of forcing them to identify as something they don’t want to identify as. even though most people aren’t saying that at all (and i have certainly not forced anyone into assuming an identity). 
but yeah that’s classic tone deaf rhetoric policing that happens on tumblr that doesn’t attempt to listen to anyone and instead attempts to just mindlessly tout about this truth that they think is correct so that they can seem victimized and in the right. 
it’s tiring and infantile and just plain ignorant. and it’s funny bc these types of discussions are discussions that only ever happen online. in real life, the optics of a bunch of uppity young kids telling older queer folk that they can’t call themselves something they’ve been calling themselves for years before those kids were born is just laughable to me. 
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suzukiblu · 5 years
ageisia replied to your post: Like I said I still barely know anything about the...
If you want someone to stream it with/for you I have a Netflix account and I know a couple services
Oh I totally have a Netflix account (cough SOMEONE’S Netflix account cough cough), it’s just hooking it up to the TV that’s proving an issue, and also my brother’s currently playing video games sooooo sort of a double-whammy of doom there. But thank you! 
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pitviperofdoom · 7 years
It kinda seems like Spinner is the least awful of the villains in this chapter. Last one he tried to stop Dabi from beating up Izuku, and he seems to be continuing the pattern. Is there any chance Izuku is going to talk Spinner into helping him? That would be a pretty big divergence.
I mean it’s mainly because Spinner is a Stain stan first and a villain second, and Stain thinks Midoriya’s kinda cool.
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rip-aizawa · 7 years
New chapter of Leviathan was awesome! I halfway wonder if Izuku would actually accept ofa in this universe though. He's gonna have his work cut out for him controlling the quirk he's already got. Still! It was fun, and the early inclusion of Mirio should shake things up a bit!
thank you! its gonna be a Wild Ride
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xenosaurus · 6 years
You know what else is nice? Fur.
fluffy monsters are GOOD monsters
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bosstoaster · 7 years
For a prompt: someone (maybe Lance and Ryou) making food for Hunk? Like specifically trying to make his favorite food or something?
Ryou surveyed the spoils of their work, hands on his hips.  They'd completely raided the pantry for supplies, which had resulted in a small mountain of food stuffs.  Most of it, however, Ryou didn't recognize at all.  There was the milk, obviously, and the goo was always easy to pick out.  But the rest of it... Not so much.
There was some powdery stuff that looked like it might be flour... or maybe sugar.  Or salt?  Actually, there were a few powdery things, and Ryou couldn't tell what any of them were supposed to be by scent.  Some of the fruits he recognized, but that was about it.
Apparently, Hunk must have gotten used to the Altean labeling system, because he hadn't bothered to change any of them.  Which made sense, because lots of the ingredients probably didn't have an Earth equal.  Even so, it was frustrating.
"You have any ideas?" Ryou asked.
Lance pressed his lips thin, clearly thinking it over.  "Well, I was thinking... well, I wasn't thinking.  There were a couple of dishes from home I was going to have us try, 'cause I at least have an idea of how to make them.  But not without the stuff."
Looking over their bounty again, Ryou nodded.  "We have some basic things, I think?" He offered.  "There has to be the standard ingredients for baking.  Hunk does it all the time."
Snapping his fingers, Lance pointed to him.  "Right.  Yes.  You're right.  We can do a cake for sure.  It's not what I was thinking, but Hunk loves cake.  Everyone loves cake!"
"And it's not that hard to make, right?  You just..." Ryou mimed mixing.  "Put it all together.  Butter and flour and milk.  Sugar.  Salt?  Baking... soda?"  Nose crinkling, Ryou tilted his head.  "I mostly made it out of a box."
Lance paused and stared at him.  "You've never made a cake from scratch?"
Shrugging, Ryou met his gaze.  "I mean, a couple of times, probably.  Not for a long time.  Heck, I mostly made, like, those powder things that go in the mugs and you add a little water or whatever?  Packaged mug cakes.  They were good, and I didn't have a ton of cake left over."  He paused, then groaned.  "Shiro didn't.  Whatever.  Ugh."
"We get it," Lance reminded him, patting Ryou on the shoulder.  "You or Shiro, that's still pretty sad.  Why'd you even agree to do this?"
Ryou's lips pressed thin.  "It's not sad.  It's smart.  I don't like wasting food by getting a big whole cake for just me when I won't eat it all.  So there.  And I offered because I wanted to help.   It's not like I could help you taste test, right?  But I can stir or whatever.  You just tell me if it tastes good."
Scrubbing over his face, Lance sighed.  "Alright, yeah.  Right, your taste thing."
"Yeah, that."
"Okay.  Okay, yeah.  We can do this.  We just have to figure out what's what."  Lance picked up one of the containers and squinted at it.  Then he turned it on its side.  "How much Altean can you read?"
Ryou shrugged.  "Like, reports stuff.  About a battle.  I wouldn't know the word for 'flour' in Altean if it bit me on the nose."
Sighing, Lance put his container down.  "Me either.  Well, it takes, what, thirty minutes to bake a cake?  Maybe?  I guess it depends.  How long can they distract Hunk for?"
"Um."  Ryou paused, thinking it over.  "Depends on if Shiro gets a signal from us.  When we're done he can stop making up questions about getting a new arm.  I think between him and Pidge they can manage a couple of hours at least."
Lance nodded.  "He should really go ahead and just get the arm changed out.  It'll be good for him."
Snorting, Ryou shook his head.  "No way.  I had to get rid of mine. If I'd had the choice, I wouldn't have."  He worked the fingers of his Altean hand, then splayed them all out.  "It's a risk.  And considering these are our main weapons?  It's hard to put them in danger.  Otherwise we'd be useless in a fight."
"No, you wouldn't," Lance replied.  "Both of you can kick our asses with your arms tied behind your backs.  Besides, your works great, so why worry about it?"
"Still a risk."  Ryou waved him off.  "Anyway. Not the point.  Can we figure this out in two hours?"
Lance surveyed the pile of ingredients, then squared his shoulder.  "Yeah.  Yeah, we totally can.  We're two smart guys with an important mission.  We always pull through when it matters, right?"  He threw his arm over Ryou's shoulder and raised his fist over his head.  "We've got this."
"Right."  Ryou grinned back, wrapping his arm around Lance's shoulders in return.  "This cake is going to be fantastic.  For Hunk."
"For Hunk!"
(Read More Below)
Forty minutes later, they had a pan full of darkened goo with a vaguely browned top.
"Okay," Lance said slowly.  "What did we learn?"
Ryou squinted at the mass and poked it with a metal finger.  The whole thing sloshed dangerously under the crispier layer.  "That we definitely need to figure out what Hunk uses like eggs."
Ryou blinked, then turned to look at Lance.  "Um, lower temperature?  I don't know what else."
Putting down the tray with a sigh, Lance pulled off the oven mitts.  "That first powder definitely isn't flour."
"Oh!"  Ryou frowned.  "It smelled like flour.  I don't know what else would be right."  He watched their mass dubiously.  "Do we try it?"
Lance crinkled his nose.  "We probably should, right?"
Straightening his shoulders, Ryou went and retrieved two spoons.  He handed one to Lance, then paused with his over the top.  "Try on three?"
"Can we not and say we did?"
"We still don't know if we used the right amount for sugar."
Lance groaned.  "Yeah, okay.  On three.  One... two... three!"
They both plunged their spoons in and tried it.
Immediately, Lance started to cough.  He threw his spoon at the sink, then dove forward to take gulping mouthfuls of water.  "Ugh.  Ugh!"  Swishing it through his mouth, he spat it back out and shuddered.  "That is the- I think I might be sick."  Clutching the rim of the sink, Lance glared back at Ryou, who continued to lick the spoon.  "How are you putting that in your mouth?"
Ryou shrugged.  "No taste.  It has a cool texture, though.  Like melted chocolate."
Still distinctly gray looking, Lance scowled, then gagged.  "I hate you right now."
"Sorry."  Ryou offered a bland smile.  Then he took another spoonful.
Lance gagged harder.
The next batch was better, in that it looked like they'd actually managed to create something that looked vaguely like it was supposed to.  Rather than golden brown, the final product had come out a pale blue.  Ryou took a deep breath, then crinkled his nose.  "That doesn't smell like a cake."
Lance poked at the top with a fork.  It sank in like it was supposed to and came out clean.  "Mmm.  Well, at least it's not that goop.  It can't be worse."  He broke off a small piece of a corner and took a sniff.  "Okay, yeah, that is a little weird.  Kinda spiced."
"Try eating it."
Eyeing him, Lance let out a huff.  "I really wish I wasn't the only one suffering, here."
Ryou gave a bland smile.  "When we get it right, you'll be the only one who gets to enjoy it.  So, you know, balances out."
Considering that, Lance tilted his head to the side.  "True.  Fair enough.  It's not a bad smell, right?"
"No, it's not," Ryou agreed.  "Just not very cake-y.  But you said the batter was sweet."
"It was."  Lance took a deep breath, then shoved the attempt in his mouth.  He chewed slowly, then swallowed.  "Huh."
Ryou waited, shifting from foot to foot.  "Well?"
Straightening up, Lance spun his fork in his hand thoughtfully.  "It's not what I expected.  And it definitely has a kick.  Which is weird.  But it's not a bad thing.  Just weird."  He paused, considering, then took another small bit and held it up.  "Try it.  I want to see if it burns your tongue."
"Encouraging," Ryou drawled.  "This is like the impulse to touch a freshly painted wall, isn't it?"
Lance held up his thumb and pointer, the pads nearly touching.  "A little bit.  C'mooon.  Try it.  For science."
For a moment longer, Ryou hesitated.   Then he leaned forward and took the bite.  "Mmm.  Nope, no burn.  Wait."  He swished his mouth.  "Okay, maybe a teensy bit.  Had to have been that cinnamon-y stuff we tried, right?"
"I guess," Lance admitted.  "I don't know what else it'd be.  It's not bad.  If we made a sweet icing, it might be good?  Like spicy hot chocolate."
That wasn't a bad idea.  Ryou considered their blue spicy cake, then nodded.  "Sure.   And better than going back to the drawing board, anyway."  He looked back over at their ingredients.  It was significantly diminished now, with many of the powders sprinkled over the table from their experimentation.  The sink was absolutely filled with cups and bowls as they tried different batters.
"How do we make icing?"
Lance paused, opened his mouth, then shut it.  "Huh.  Well, we have the sweet stuff.  We just make it runny.  How hard can that be?"
"Okay, so five cups of the not-honey is way too... this."  Lance pulled out the spoon. The golden brown mass on the end stayed stubbornly stuck, even when he vigorously shook it to try and get it off.
Nodding, Ryou wrote that down in a notebook.  He scratched idly at his cheek, and his fingers came back stained with white.  Oops.  Wiping that off, he flipped through the pad.  "Last time we tried it with a half cup of milk to 3 cups of the honey, and that was too runny.  So maybe two thirds of a cup now, and add a quarter cup more if that's not enough?"
Lance nodded slowly, thinking it over.  "Yeah, okay.  And this time maybe we should chill it if it’s too runny.  Isn't that supposed to help?"
Looking up, Ryou arched a brow.  Then he shrugged.  "Sure.  Cold makes things thicker, right?  Worth a shot."  He glanced over at the clock, then paused.  "Uh, Lance?"
"Hm?"  Lance glanced up from measuring the milk.  "Something up?"
"It's been three hours."
Lance nearly dropped the milk container, only barely catching it on the tips of his fingers.  "What?  No."  His eye went wide as he looked over as well.  "No way!"
Lips twisting, Ryou glanced over at the cake.  "We did take a long time to experiment.  That first goop took the better part of an hour."
"All for that monstrosity."  Lance shuddered dramatically.  "Okay.  I'll finish with the icing, and get it as close as I can.  You get the cake out of the pans and get it ready to go.  Got it?"
Snapping off a salute, Ryou pulled over a plate and started to carefully flip over the tins, tapping at the bottom.  Despite everything else being chaotic trial and error, the cake popped out easily.  From there, he took a knife and carefully carved off the little edge where they'd tasted from.  It took a few minutes of digging under the supplies and pans to find the rack, but Ryou finally dragged it out then put it in the sink.  The cake could sit on that while they frosted it, and then they could put it on the plate where it'd at least look nice.
"How's the icing looking?" Ryou asked.
Glancing over, Lance held up a spoon.  The icing came off of it in a slow drip like honey.  "A little more milk, maybe?"  He tasted it, lips curling up.  "Tastes good, though.  Nice and sweet.  If the cake is weird, maybe he still won't taste it?"
"Hunk's got a chef's sense of taste, he'll probably like weird," Ryou offered.  "Like on TV where they make dishes with really weird ingredients for judges."
Lance's brows rose.  "You watch- Shiro watched cooking competition shows?"  When Ryou nodded, he let out a frustrated little noise.  "Then why are you both so hopeless?"
"Lack of interest, mostly."
Sighing, Lance scrubbed over his face and added another splash of milk.  "Fine.  Well, now you'll at least have-"  He froze as the door chirped, the sign that someone had put their palm to the scanner outside.
Uh oh.
In a flash, Ryou rushed across the room, planting himself right in front of the door.  It opened to show Hunk, who visibly started at suddenly having someone in his face.  "Woah!  Ryou!  Sorry, were you coming out?"  Then he paused, frowning.  "What are you doing in the kitchen?"
Ryou resisted the powerful desire to glance back at Lance.  It would only draw attention to him, and what a mess they'd made of the kitchen.  Instead, he rested one arm casually on the door frame, blocking Hunk's view inside.  "Looking for you," he replied, evenly as he could.
Blinking rapidly, Hunk gave a short nod.  "Oh.  Sure.  What did you need?"
Couldn't be the arm, because Shiro had just used that excuse, and couldn't be food, because he'd want to go back.  Which left...
"You had the yellow bayard last, right?"
Hunk slowly shook his head.  "No, I was working with the Olkarion during that last distress call.  You had it then."  His eyes narrowed and his lips pressed thin.  "Did you lose my bayard?"
Oh, Lance so owed him for this one.
Ryou gave a sheepish smile and shrugged one shoulder.  "It's never something I've had to keep up with!  I'm used to weapons you can't exactly misplace."  He waggled the fingers of the prosthetic, glowing a cheery Altean blue.  "I might have left it in the Yellow Lion, then."
Expression still darkly clouded, Hunk set his jaw.  "It better be.  Seriously, Ryou, you know how important it is.  You can't just leave it laying around!"
"I know!  I don't usually lose things, it's odd."  He shuffled in place.  "Would you mind checking your room just in case?  So we're absolutely sure it's not there."
Hunk's jaw set. "I know I didn't lose it.  I've never misplaced the bayard and I didn't have it last.  Why would it be in my room?"
"Just to eliminate it!  So I don't wonder and I can keep looking."
Suddenly, Hunk's eyes narrowed.  He tilted his head and looked Ryou up and down.  "Losing something really isn't like you."
Ryou swallowed hard, not sure what the sudden change of attitude was about.  "No, it's really not.  I put everything where it belongs.  I mean, I'm not as serious about it as Shiro is, but call it the family resemblance."
"Are you sure you lost it?" Hunk asked, dawning horror in his voice.  "Or was it stolen?"
Oh, boy.  Ryou racked his brain for a response to that.  "I don't think so?  I don't know when it would have happened.  I had it in the lion and then I don't remember where I put it after, and it's not in my armor."
"We should ask the others if they saw anything strange."  Hunk drew himself up, the gears behind his eyes working at full speed.  "Here, let me use the console to-"
Hunk paused and slowly looked up at Ryou's face.  Ryou stared back, eyes wide and his arms braced against the door frame to keep Hunk out.
There was a long, painful silence.
"You didn't lose the bayard, did you?"
Utterly caught, Ryou shook his head.
Hunk nodded, then crossed his arms.  "Why can't I go into the kitchen?"
"Uh, because-"  Ryou scrambled for a decent explanation, but it all dried up in the face of Hunk's painfully direct glance.  He was a good liar, but damn, Hunk could actually be intimidating when he wanted to be.
There was a snicker from behind.  "Actually, he can come in now.  Don't kill us for the mess, it's with good intentions."
Ryou stepped back and turned, so he could see Lance leaning against the counter, the nicely frosted cake on a plate in his hands.  He gave a jaunty wave of greeting.
"How long were you done with that?" Ryou asked flatly.
Lance only grinned back.  "You were doing such a good job, I didn't want to interrupt."
Stepping inside, Hunk looked around, taking in the huge mess,  But then his eyes fell on the plate in Lance's hand.  "You two are cleaning whatever this is up, right?"
Saluting him, Lance nodded.  "Of course.  Just as soon as we're done."  With that, he held out the plate to Hunk.  "We figured you deserved somebody cooking for you for once.  Just for you.  We weren't really sure what we were doing, but... well, call it early Christmas cheer, alright?"
Hunk reached out and gently took the plate, as if it would shatter from the touch.  He looked down at the personal cake, up to Lance, then back to Ryou.   His lower lip wobbled, just a touch.  "You made this for me?"
If Ryou had known cooking for Hunk would get that kind of response, he would have... well, he would have talked to someone else about making something.  Somehow, he doubted it'd be quite as sweet to hand Hunk a plate full of some charred mass.  Or, worse, the goop that had made Lance's stomach rebel.  Not being able to taste had really not helped the lack of cooking skills.
"Thank you," Hunk finally murmured.  He swallowed hard, then smiled softly. "You got Pidge and Shiro in on it, huh?"
Shrugging one shoulder, Lance nodded.  "Wasn't hard.  They wanted to help surprise you.  It's a lot of work, for you to put in the effort to cook for us on top of everything else.  I know just being a paladin knocks me off my feet most days.  So this is a thank you."
Hunk surged forward, plate held carefully to the side, and he pulled Lance into a hug.  "Thank you."  Then he looked over at Ryou and offered him a smile.  "You getting in on this?"
Stepping forward, Ryou wrapped them both in a hug as best he could, carefully to keep away from the cake.  "Don't thank us too much yet.  You have to eat it first."
"I'm sure it's great," Hunk replied.  Then he glanced around the mess again.  "And if not, I appreciate the thought.  Tasting good is..."  He paused, lips slowly curling up.  "It's the icing on the cake."
Lance groaned and slumped dramatically against the counter.  "I was so nice to you!  And this is how you repay us!  Hunk, how could you betray me like this?"
Laughing, Hunk reached around him to retrieve a fork.  "I'm being spoiled, I'm allowed to make puns."  His eyebrows waggled.  "I thought it was a sweet thing to do."
This time, Ryou snickered, mostly at the way Lance flinched like he'd been physically wounded.  "Don't worry about it.  It was a piece of cake."
"I hate you both!"
The cake was later declared to be at least tasty enough that Hunk asked for their recipe.  Then he showed them the cookbook he had with ingredient translations that would have told them how to make a cake in under an hour.
It wouldn't have been as interesting, though.
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sunset-spring · 7 years
Does Keith somehow end up taking over as DM when the other two are in Bad DM jail?
I don’t think Keith would be comfortable enough to be the DM. I don’t really see him as a storyteller type. 
I think the DM role rotates between a few people in the group when Shiro isn’t available. Allura and Lance I can see doing it most often and having the most fun with it - mainly because it’s similar to the position Allura was in before becoming the Blue Lion’s pilot, and Lance has a flair for the dramatic.
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