benefeco · 6 months
it's the scent that seizes him first. pernicious enough that can almost taste the copper dipped in wine, very telling of the immutability of traditions repeated over eons ... practices that he sooner have prohibited when he was still a resident and that, for lack of power or control over, he chose to avoid entirely. it's been decades, now. centuries since he left italy with no real intentions of ever returning. but the deeply-rooted nostalgia coupled with aro's insistent invitations simply had a way of making it impossible to every truly move on. GOD, HE MISSES HIM. misses the sense of belonging he'd found with him back when he needed it the most. but most of all, he misses aro's piercing gaze, as if carlisle was a source of constant fascination. hard as he looked, he never found this with anyone else after he left.
❛ you are still mine, whether you agree or not. ❜ @agedrot.
and here they are, 'midst the crowd of waltzing vampires yet entirely alone, oblivious to the rest as carlisle peers at his former lover from behind his mask, gold meeting crimson in a restless battle of perspective. GOOD WRESTLING EVIL in a tale as old as time but aro always lacked the fundamental villainy he's noticed in caius. perhaps arrogantly, he'd believed then that he would find a way to rally his lover to his cause. and upon realizing that he never could, he'd left. but that doesn't mean he forgot. a small smile drags across his lips in pensive surrender. there's a ring on his own finger that claims he belongs to someone else, BUT HE CAN'T DENY ARO'S WORDS but knows better than to give him the satisfaction of vocally agreeing, instead shifts closer as they dance to the slowing pace of music. ❝    non posso restare molto a lungo.    ❞ lest aro starts building expectations. carlisle's voice is a soft sound dancing on his lips, knowing full well the second part of the festivities would involve human sacrifice and bloodshed. enough to make his stomach turn. ❝    come sai, non sono interessato a partecipare al gran finale ... that is, unless you've finally renounced your corrupt ways?    ❞
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cqrlisle · 9 months
a continuation .
“ sainthood requires a sort of devotion i lack, i'm afraid.” he can feel the corners of his mouth raise, forming the barest hint of a smile. eyes are kept firmly averted, stolen glances all that the doctor allows himself in far too familiar company. he distracts himself with anything within arms reach, well practiced motions, centuries of muscle memory it is engraved within his bones now. second nature.
love. carlisle thinks idly, that is what keeps him from straying from the path he's chosen. love for humanity. there is beauty in it, those fragile beings, there is so much potential in them, unlike the stagnation of their own kind.
( you are not unaware of the abnormality of your existence. it crosses your mind often, refusing one's nature is complex in the best of times, you have eternity to deal with such matters. )
carlisle does not shy away, does not flinch under touch. stark white to black, the contrast of them would be striking to outsiders, they fit together, the nature of magnetism. attraction linked in opposition. his scent will linger on you.
“ and here i thought you were uninterested in my practice.” an oddity, something to entertain certainly. finally, doctor turns his head, golden gaze is cast over @agedrot in such a close proximity. how dangerous.
“ when have you ever cared for the polite thing, cher ? ”
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tr4umaborn · 9 months
a study in. the mythological creature, darkened heart, bleeding dry, playing with your food, deep love for one, being alive for too long, removed humanity, joy in torture, the beating heart city below, the devil is not born but becomes, living long enough to see yourself become the villain
full name.    patroclus caius also known as.    --- date of birth.    1227 BCE age.    3,250 / looks 23 pronouns.    he / they romantic orientation.    aromantic sexual orientation.    asexual occupation.    leader of the volturi species.    vampire birthplace.    ancient greece current home.    volterra, italy nationality.    greek but basically italian ethnicity.    hellenes language(s).    italian, greek, english, a mix of other languages picked up in many years of living significant other.    achilles as a human, aro for almost 3,000 years and counting ( @agedrot ) faceclaim.    sam reid
born patroclus to menoetius sometime in the year 1227 bce. yes, he is that patroclus. childhood best friend, confidante, and lover to achilles. after killing another child in a rage, patroclus was sent to live as the squire to achilles -- a child, but already destined to become a great warrior. just as homer suggested, patroclus follows his love to battle, eventually wearing achilles' armor to fight.
and this is where the story gets it wrong.
troy and achilles each want the body of patroclus, but little do they realize there was a man ( his name truly matters not at all ) who wanted it more. patroclus laid dying, but the blade of hector didn't kill the man. instead it was the fangs of a much older battle that took his life. and gave him a new one.
awaking away from the battlefield, patroclus believes this must be the god's realm, only to find out that his warrior's death was pulled away from him with force. he craved the taste of blood from the first moment of his rebirth, and it won't take long for him to become quite vicious.
there was one thing standing in the way of his greatness, and his name was achilles. to truly say goodbye to humanity, patroclus was convinced that his responsibility was to taste the sweetness of the death of love. before he's successful, patroclus does go to achilles in his tent, though it isn't his spirit as they don't have a body. what legend will say is the request for his burial to move on was really patroclus giving himself to achilles one last time.
success would come at the end of the trojan war, in the midst of boisterous celebration. achilles thinks he sees his lost lover in the distance, and follows him off to the woods... where the vampire breaks his perfect skin, and drinks him dry. turns out even a blessing from the river styx couldn't save the greatest warrior man ever knew from something gods should fear.
his maker considered this the moment of rebirth for him and gave him a new name: caius. rejoice.
for the next three hundred years, caius travelled with his maker from place to place, not quite realizing that all his maker had wanted was something vicious to protect him. vicious caius was, but that rage and anger was being used against him. he rattled the bars of his cage loud enough that he was heard by a grotesque angel.
aro came into his life at just the right time. caius was ready to be free of his maker, and aro was there to take his chin between his fingers and tell him that there was beauty waiting for him on the other side. beauty came in the form of rage. rage came in the form of tearing his maker limb from limb as aro stood by watching. covered in blood, caius was glowing with the primal heat of his passion. they kissed and caius has seen no reason to stop since.
there are whispers in the lower ranks of the volturi that caius is just aro's lap dog. he must be under some spell; manipulated into doing aro's biding. but the truth? caius stays at aro's side because it is there he feels most independent. he doesn't power or control -- he just wants to sink his teeth into everything. aro doesn't begrudge his rage, no aro calls it beautiful. for that they earned each other's loyalty.
for nearly three thousand years caius has been by aro's side. bringing out the worst in each other is their best quality. how could aro stay on top if he gave that up? caius maintains the coven and keeps watch over the fledlings. he teaches them how to give in to their nature, and more importantly how to never be someone's lap dog. all they have to do is pledge their loyalty to the coven.
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ezsme · 2 years
she is not blind to what you hide, though it would serve her well to pretend she was. carlisle hides nothing from her. no secret randevu. no torrid affair. all of it is laid out before her, true and honest and as sure as the sun. there are no secrets between them. but there are things they do not discuss, names that are kept in the darkest part of the mind. yours is such a name. aro, feared and loved. she will never understand why he loved you, still loves you. all you represent, all you behold, is bloodshed and carnage.
she makes no move as you rise from your throne, as you make your way towards her. esme bends no knee, but she will not willing endanger her life. not when a wayward child is so close to death's door. not when more could follow.
alice's words ring in her ears: he's going to do something rash. if the volturi won't kill him of their own free will, he will make them strike him down.
" forgive me, @agedrot. i do not mean to offend you. i am only worried for my son. " her own hands rest before her, soft fingers clasped in supplication. the voice of a mother fills the air, it's tone soft, laced with the softest note of fear. " edward is unwell. i am sure you are aware for his earlier display. i find it hard to believe you would let one of carlisle's children out of your sight if they posed a risk to exposing us all. " a dangerous game she plays, invoking the name of the one who once held your heart. by time is running out. " please, aro. you must know something. " continued from here.
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tiredg0ds · 9 months
aro's   skin   isn't   unpleasant   to   touch,   edward   notes,   as   he   places   his   palm   in   aro's   waiting   one.      it   would   be   much   more   pleasant   if   he   couldn't   see   his   very   thoughts   playing   out   amidst   aro's   own.      swallowing needlessly,   the   younger   vampire   takes   a   step   back   when   aro   is   finished.         ❝         you   know   the   truth,   now,   aro.         ❞         edward   speaks,   his   voice   raspy   from   disuse   even   still.      it   had   been   some   time   since   he'd   used   it.      isolation   had   been   his   chosen   punishment   for   leaving   bella.         ❝         you   must   see   now   why   my   request   must   be   granted.      spare   me   the   lecture   ,   please   ?         ❞   / @agedrot
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1abyrnth · 9 months
cont'd. feat. @agedrot.
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what a naive hope she had held, thinking her next international flight would be of her own free will. she had dreamt about it; sampling dishes across the european countrysides, trying wine better than any she'd find in america, picking up on local linguistics while she learned tips and tricks to better her skills. tasting french cheeses, learning to make italian pastas, trying her hand at paella in spain...
and yet here she was, once again, about to make the journey at the behest of vampires. it didn't matter how far she ran or how many days or months passed... they would always catch up with her, even when she was clear across the country from forks. not that bella had doubted the volturi's ability to find her, but edward had said it could be decades before they remembered her...
just another thing he was wrong about.
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a quiet, exhausted calm swept over her at the thought. would alice see this moment — had she already? — and alert the others? was edward racing here, thinking he would make some daring heroes' rescue that she didn't ask for? she hadn't spoken to any of them in months... but would they take this as a personal attack all the same? those thoughts spiraled further down, taking her back home to charlie, to jacob and his pack, to her mother in florida...
"fine." she stopped everything in its tracks, uttering the word with that same exhaustion. "should i bother to pack?" she asked, pulling her phone from her pocket and tossing it onto the couch, walking over to the rack by the door to put on her coat. a lethal sort of acceptance had fallen across her at the thought of her parents, and what this would all mean to them. maybe, in some ways, disappearing to europe and never coming back would be better than being found, drained and lifeless, in her apartment here. "i assume i won't need much..." not for very much longer, anyway.
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mvndrvke · 9 months
@agedrot ( continued )
Carlisle's eyes follow Aro as he walks around his office. Nothing like the grandiose halls of the Volturi's home, but the shelves are lined with books and collectables he's gathered throughout the years. It shows the centuries of his life that have passed. Some good, some bad, and some that continue to haunt him all these decades later.
He's a little jealous. He always has been when it comes to Aro, really. Some of it he can innocently justify. But not all. Temptation lingers on Aro's lips like a bloodstain. Is he the snake or the apple, drawing him towards sin?
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"Of course you are," he says with a sigh, leaning against one of the bookcases. He arches an eyebrow at Aro. "I still don't partake in human blood. If that's all this party is going to be."
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butscrewmefirst · 1 year
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❝ i'm not so sure you should be here. ❞
@agedrot gets a starter!
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ethicsbutcher · 1 year
continued from here
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although mr. marino preferred to pace around his office , dr. lecter remained perfectly still . only dark heavily-lidded eyes moved to follow his patient ( not unlike a large cat watching its' prey amidst the dry grass of the savanna ) . the more he watched his visitor , the more hannibal came to comprehend just how truly strange he was ; there was no smell to aro marino ─── at least not like it should . sure , dr. lecter detected cologne , the metallic heat of a well-ironed suit , shoe polish ... but none of the odours so common to their kind . no diseases , no foods not even sweat ; curiouser and curiouser .
" our animal instincts which once kept us safe from predators have transferred into the realm of emotions ; despite its' complexity , this new environment still has the ability to deeply wound us and demands us to return to the infamous fight or flight conundrum . " dr. lecter shifted in his seat to fold one leg over the other . " do you feel compelled to fight those who do not like you ? "
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the good doctor mimicked his patient's smile though in a smaller , humbler scale . aro's sharpened teeth made him look like his own dangerous breed of animal ( he can picture him crouched with his hair dried and filthy with coagulated blood ) . but it was the sudden change of topic which caused hannibal to tilt his head , truly surprised at the mention of dinner . dr. lecter's lips curled a bit further ; an attempt at being merciful ; denial could be a sharp blade to some .
" you are my patient , signore marino . us meeting beyond these walls would be more of a detriment to your therapy than a cure for your hunger . "
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benefeco · 6 months
❛ i want to sink my teeth into every inch of you. ❜ @agedrot.
the other speaks and suddenly ... words and letters blur before his eyes, fingers gripping harder at the book, shoulders tensing faintly as shivers course through his spine. from the philosophical teachings of astronomy abandoned in his lap, thoughts stray to the implications whispered in his ear. and for a moment, he daren't look up or twist his neck to peer up at the unexpected tempter standing behind him. instead, carlisle lets the words echo through the solemn halls of the library, JAW CLENCHING. he wasn't blind to aro's interest and favors though they never were quite so obvious or outspoken. he'd read in the attentions a fascination for his choice of diet and general outlook on existence ... but aro'd made it impossible to ignore him any longer.
from the book, carlisle's head slowly lifts, back still offered to the intruder but his neck cranes, eyes fixing on the watchful figure at the other end of the room. caius. ❝    aro.    ❞ low comes the warning; even. despite the trepidations summoned minutes prior. ❝    your mate is watching.    ❞
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cqrlisle · 9 months
he had not tought to tell @agedrot of his mate, of his wife. of esme and her brightness, the way she smiles, of how she feels like spring. ( aro had made you feel that once, warm like the sun you have long since abandoned, sparks of warm fire under his fingers with every touch. ) he has had his own in caius, after all.
did you plan on ever telling me ? (icb he got married without telling aro……. toxic)
tongue teases the round of bottom lip, touches the points of his teeth as expression shifts, lips pressing together in a thin line before relaxing.
“ yes . . . eventually. ” the pad of his thumb touches golden ring, a beautiful engraving etched in metal, wrapped around his finger. he feels esme there, rotates it carefully, twists it gently, their connection.
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“ what was there to say ? ” golden gaze finds lover, ex-lover ? , he shrugs almost nonchalantly, almost casually.
he had thought of aro at the wedding, but there was no expectation of objections, though he is sure his cher would find some way to claim the day for himself. ( aro is the dark clouds, esme is the gold that cuts through. two sides of the same coin. ) esme deserved better than that, aro siphoning attention.
“ i didn't think you'd enjoy it, attention on anyone else. ” my gaze on someone else.
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vampirium · 1 year
❝ I’m having a really bad fucking day. ❞
that day's newspaper folded down to reveal a pair of judging pale eyes . lestat could hear the torturing thoughts clouding the other man's mind : the same name would resurface again and again . the same golden crown of hair accompanied by an even brighter gaze had been scouring aro's cursed soul for several evenings now ... and lestat , who had come only to enjoy the sights and aro's company , was forced to endure this unsavoury heartbreak ━━ this was not how he had envisioned spending his italian holiday .
❛ aro , please , you know i cannot concentrate while you're talking . ❜
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he said before flipping onto the newspaper's obituary section , clearly frustrated that his reading had been interrupted ( he was having a bad day ? what about lestat's day ? surely that was important as well ! ) . but after attempting to dive back into the words printed upon paper , lestat gave up . it was impossible to ignore the misery filling the space between both of them . it would not go unaddressed .
with a dramatic sigh , lestat folded his newspaper and tossed it onto the nearest table , not caring whether it knocked over any of its' decorative trinkets . ❛ ━━ there are plenty of perfectly agreeable men roaming the streets , i don't see why you must stay here and brood like a teenager . ❜
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monstroum · 1 year
continued from this reply by @agedrot​
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his attempts at politeness always backfired . he was either too gentle or too harsh with everything he touched . aro was no exception ; louis had been cordial when faced with the vampire’s aid in finding him shelter . he had always said his thank yous and pleases ... but , at the same time , he found within aro too many resemblances to a man ( a devil , an angel ) louis was currently trying to distance himself from . he wondered if it was obvious to his host ; the manner with which louis avoided familiarity, how short and painfully polite his answers usually were . even now , with their goodbyes , louis tried to be as quick as he could lest he get caught in aro’s gravitational pull .
when he leaned against the doorframe though, the younger vampire could not help but curl his lips ever so slightly, amused by the nonchalance of it all ... he was sure lestat and aro had enjoyed each other’s company . and for a short second louis wondered why he should deny himself of the same privilege   ── lestat never denied himself anything ; aro was handsome and willing and dangerous ...  the american clenched his jaw as if biting back something that threatened to escape from his lips and tilted his head to examine aro from head to toe . 
louis scoffed.
                “ you’re charming and direct   ──   and overly-familiar . would i like to see you again ? ”   he repeated with an arched eyebrow . and his head did nod approvingly at first . but when green eyes met bright crimson ones , something in louis’ expression changed . he saw memories of a man bathed in gold , eyes as bright as the sun , judging and furrowing his brow from across an empty room , holding hands , leaving , returning . louis felt an overwhelming happiness and a never-ending hurt similar to those that lestat had offered him .
he slowly shook his head while holding the older vampire’s gaze .  “  i don’t think it’d be good for me   ──    or for you . ”   louis finally said with an agency and harshness that made it seem as if he had just dodged making a deal with the devil . but he hadn’t . the devil which had caught him was still somewhere down in louisiana .  “ i was just trying to be polite . ”
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ripstefan · 6 months
knowing your partner can potentially make writing together a lot easier.
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✧ NAME: rissa / riss, if we're close. ✧ PRONOUNS: she + her. ✧  SEXUALITY: bi - sexual! ✧  TAKEN OR SINGLE: single. ( interested in someone though heh <3 )
✧ i have freckles on my face & my shoulders / arms but ... i have an extra rogue freckle above my top lip, kind of like cindy crawford. my mom used to call me her cause of it. ✧ i've been wearing the same ring on my right hand every day since 2017, my mom gave it to me & it says faith on it. ✧ i've never been out of the east coast, i'd love to visit california though.
✧   HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): god ... about 13 years. that's actually pretty crazy, holy shit. ✧   PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: tumblr, aim ( rip aim </3 ) , twitter & discord. ✧   BEST EXPERIENCE: i've met most of my closest friends on this hellsite, even a couple in person ! one of my very best friends i started hang out with in person i met in 2017, shoutout to you lele, come back to indie bitch. i love my group of besties i met here, sobs.
✧   FEMALE OR MALE: i love writing both but for some reason i'm better with males, maybe being in stef's mindset for so long helped that lmao. ✧  FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: i don't write smut often but it is fun to do ( which is usually only on discord these days ) fluff makes me happy & feel all warm & soft. but angst is probably my favorite. i love me some drama & pain, & since stefan is my main muse it's very easy to get angsty stuff lol. ✧   PLOTS OR MEMES: i'm gonna say plots, only because i tend to hoard my memes & get easily overwhelmed with how many are in my inbox heh. but when i do answer memes, i love it ! ✧   LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: i'd say medium replies, a couple paragraphs. short is nice & easy, can boost my motivation to want to write more. long is cool when i have the motivation but sometimes longer ones get me overwhelmed so they take me longer to reply to but i still like them. ✧   BEST TIME TO WRITE: usually evening or night, like when i should be asleep lmao. motivation for me always comes at weird times. ✧ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): i'm kind of like stefan but not too much, he's too melancholy & broody for me but some of his attributes match my own. & for muses on my multi, i do have a few i feel like i relate to ... josie <3 peeta a lil bit, tara maclay, starfire & probably more i just can't think of.
TAGGED BY: stole it from @maimedaffair <3 TAGGING: @forbaes , @persefs , @chth0nia , @malka-lisitsa , @ofblackskies , @lupaeus , @feylived , @hellsurvivr , @agedrot , @fuckedhorror , @saintshe , @snnynatural , @greedaeye , @hollowvictory , @seerfawn , @heartsbreaking , @bu11seye & you, reading this !
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elenaesmoved · 9 months
what tragic horror trope are you?
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the witch. people need to find blame wherever they can; it makes the bad things in their life feel just a touch more bearable. the witches are so often blamed for the curses others are under that no one even questions it anymore. you point to a supposed witch and everyone else prepares the stake, no matter their innocence. to be born and believed a witch is one of the worst curses of them all- you can have friends and family, but there's always a dread that someday, someone will point to you, and everyone you once trusted will throw you into the pyre. if you're here, reading this, you've probably been burned before. and i don't blame you for wanting to hide away, to really become the witch they all say you are, to curse them. but to be a witch is to brush your fingertips over the bark of a tree and watch it grow a touch stronger. keep that in mind.
tagged by: @fuckedcowboy 🤍 tagging: @salvatoraes, @forbaes, @birdrule, @sarcasticsnackpack, @walkeddeath, @agedrot, @saralans, @timerevolt, @myrc3lla and anyone else who'd like to ^^
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str1ga · 6 months
a study in. the mythological creature, darkened heart, bleeding dry, playing with your food, deep love for one, being alive for too long, removed humanity, joy in torture, the beating heart city below, the devil is not born but becomes, living long enough to see yourself become the villain
full name.    patroclus caius also known as.    --- date of birth.    1227 BCE age.    3,250 / looks 23 pronouns.    he / they romantic orientation.    aromantic sexual orientation.    asexual occupation.    leader of the volturi species.    vampire birthplace.    ancient greece current home.    volterra, italy nationality.    greek but basically italian ethnicity.    hellenes language(s).    italian, greek, english, a mix of other languages picked up in many years of living significant other.    achilles as a human, aro for almost 3,000 years and counting ( @agedrot ) faceclaim.    sam reid
born patroclus to menoetius sometime in the year 1227 bce. yes, he is that patroclus. childhood best friend, confidante, and lover to achilles. after killing another child in a rage, patroclus was sent to live as the squire to achilles -- a child, but already destined to become a great warrior. just as homer suggested, patroclus follows his love to battle, eventually wearing achilles' armor to fight.
and this is where the story gets it wrong.
troy and achilles each want the body of patroclus, but little do they realize there was a man ( his name truly matters not at all ) who wanted it more. patroclus laid dying, but the blade of hector didn't kill the man. instead it was the fangs of a much older battle that took his life. and gave him a new one.
awaking away from the battlefield, patroclus believes this must be the god's realm, only to find out that his warrior's death was pulled away from him with force. he craved the taste of blood from the first moment of his rebirth, and it won't take long for him to become quite vicious.
there was one thing standing in the way of his greatness, and his name was achilles. to truly say goodbye to humanity, patroclus was convinced that his responsibility was to taste the sweetness of the death of love. before he's successful, patroclus does go to achilles in his tent, though it isn't his spirit as they don't have a body. what legend will say is the request for his burial to move on was really patroclus giving himself to achilles one last time.
success would come at the end of the trojan war, in the midst of boisterous celebration. achilles thinks he sees his lost lover in the distance, and follows him off to the woods... where the vampire breaks his perfect skin, and drinks him dry. turns out even a blessing from the river styx couldn't save the greatest warrior man ever knew from something gods should fear.
his maker considered this the moment of rebirth for him and gave him a new name: caius. rejoice.
for the next three hundred years, caius travelled with his maker from place to place, not quite realizing that all his maker had wanted was something vicious to protect him. vicious caius was, but that rage and anger was being used against him. he rattled the bars of his cage loud enough that he was heard by a grotesque angel.
aro came into his life at just the right time. caius was ready to be free of his maker, and aro was there to take his chin between his fingers and tell him that there was beauty waiting for him on the other side. beauty came in the form of rage. rage came in the form of tearing his maker limb from limb as aro stood by watching. covered in blood, caius was glowing with the primal heat of his passion. they kissed and caius has seen no reason to stop since.
there are whispers in the lower ranks of the volturi that caius is just aro's lap dog. he must be under some spell; manipulated into doing aro's biding. but the truth? caius stays at aro's side because it is there he feels most independent. he doesn't power or control -- he just wants to sink his teeth into everything. aro doesn't begrudge his rage, no aro calls it beautiful. for that they earned each other's loyalty.
for nearly three thousand years caius has been by aro's side. bringing out the worst in each other is their best quality. how could aro stay on top if he gave that up? caius maintains the coven and keeps watch over the fledlings. he teaches them how to give in to their nature, and more importantly how to never be someone's lap dog. all they have to do is pledge their loyalty to the coven.
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