#age regressor alex karev
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pocketspencer · 1 year ago
seven sentence sunday
got tagged last week by @cianmarstoo but didn't have anything back then, but now I do! (this is my first time writing agere content so I'm a little nervous hehe)
So, he'd finished with the patient he had been working on and had called it in, and here he was, playing in his daddy's office. Or, he had been playing. He still felt jittery and floaty, and it had faded when his daddy had come to pick him up and get him settled, but now that he was busy with his paperwork it started to build again. He had a harder time dealing with it when he was little and he looked around for something that could distract him from it, but came up empty. His daddy was doing important paperwork that was difficult to do when Alex was in his lap, but he really, really, needed to be held right now. He felt the tears well up in his eyes, and his breath hitched. “Daddyyy,” he whined, and made grabby hands when Derek turned around to look at him. “Hold p’ease, daddy.”
do not know who else to tag so :)
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cianmarstoo · 1 year ago
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Not too much.
In a world where people are catagorised as Caregiver, Neutral, or Little, Alex Karev has been hiding his classification as a little since high school. Sadly for him Meredith steps in when George hits Alex, checking him over with Dereks help, and soon Alex finds that he can't avoid being little forever.
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cotyledon8 · 2 years ago
Can you do some regressor Alex Karev headcannons pls? :]
🩹 regressor alex karev headcanons!
→ he absolutely refuses to admit when he’s regressing, he denies it for as long as he physically can; and will often deny it even when he’s very obviously small
→ he has stuffed dinosaur he is so absolutely attached to, dinosaurs and lizards are so totally his thing when he’s small. it’s almost an obscene collection of dinosaur things he ends up with once people find out about the regression
→ meredith is quite literally his favourite person when he’s regressed. whether she’s acting as his cg, or small alongside him, he just absolutely adores her; and vice versa. they have that best friend dynamic that really carry’s through. meredith was the first person from the hospital that he ever regressed around
→ he’s quite a young regressor, even if he tries to deny it (5-, usually teetering between 1-3) and will get so snappy if anybody dares to say he’s anything other than a super big kid
→ another thing he’ll try and deny is how much he loves taking naps. he’ll stomp his feet, and complain and refuse to take them, but the moment he actually lies down for them? he’s deeply unconscious; it’s more of an effort to get him to wake back up later on
→ whoever is cging him (usually meredith or derek) has really mastered the art of getting him to sleep; it involves a challenge of laying there for a certain time, a dinosaur, and promises that he can stay up if he can stay awake past that certain time
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anewkindofme · 1 year ago
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Little!Alex Karev
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anewkindofme · 1 year ago
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I went to find another Mark/Jackson clip but then watched this one first. We didn't get enough of Derek and Mark. This is such a CG/Little scene, especially at the start of their dynamic. Alex apologizing for being a jerk, Derek forgiving him and giving him a healthy outlet for his anger.
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anewkindofme · 1 year ago
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Caregivers!MerDer & Little!Alex
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anewkindofme · 1 year ago
What do you think a Greys anatomy Christmas/holiday would look like with all the cg and littles
Ooo, I like this ask!
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They all gather at Meredith and Derek's, as it's the biggest. There's a huge tree with a ton of presents. Derek, Owen and Mark cook. The Littles get to play with their new toys and get to chase each other around.
Richard somehow gets roped into dressing up as Santa Claus and making an appearance. He swears it's only because Meredith would be sad if he didn't. Even though, really, he loves to see the Littles so happy.
For Jackson and Alex, who have difficult relationships with their own biological families, they tend to get a little sad at one point. They manage to talk about it, even when regressed.
Usually, the kids are dressed in themed outfits. Meredith and Teddy go all out for Alex and April. Naturally, Mark can't be left out and goes above and beyond for Jackson.
The celebration isn't usually on the 25th, because there's no way they'd all be off. Instead, it's usually held a few days after. Owen says the bonus is all the decorations are heavily discounted!
It's a fun party that runs long into the night. Usually, the Littles all fall asleep in Alex's room and have to be carried to the car.
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anewkindofme · 1 year ago
Is Little Alex a mommy boy or a daddy boy, and do you think that MerDer have competitions to see who’s the favorite? Like they both hold up something and see who Alex goes to first 😭
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I love this question!
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I think Alex is 100% a Daddy’s boy because we see how soft Derek is with kids. Alex gets in trouble and they have this exchange from Wizards of Waverly Place…
Derek: And don't look at me with those puppy-dog eyes and think I'm just gonna melt in your hands.
Alex: 🥺 Is that what you think I do, Daddy?
And Derek melts, telling Meredith whatever he did can’t be that bad. Meredith blinks several times and is like “he hit a kid at daycare with a truck”.
Meredith is more concerned about being a good mom, which she knows she is, even if Alex doesn’t like her. She also doesn’t want to be “the bad guy”, which occasionally Derek unintentionally makes her out to be. Which leads to more arguments with each other.
But Alex also loves snuggling with Meredith and sleeping in her bed. I feel like she’d probably take supplements to nurse him, which would give them a bond he obviously can’t have with Derek.
Above all…he’s a Daddy’s boy.
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anewkindofme · 1 year ago
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Kol & Hayley, Alex & Meredith and Stefan & Damon vibes.
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anewkindofme · 1 year ago
Omg I just looked at your MerDer caregiver board and saw the emotion chart. I feel like that is definitely something they would have Alex do to pinpoint how he feels!!
Alex finds it ridiculous and refuses to use it...until it works haha.
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anewkindofme · 1 year ago
I loveeeee love love love Little Alex and MerDer!! I don’t know why but they do something to my heart 🥹❤️‍🩹
It is such a cute concept! Alex is such an angsty lil bean and he needs people to love, support and guide him. Mer has been his best friend for so long. Derek is perfect to balance them all out.
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anewkindofme · 1 year ago
9-10-11-14 for MerDer?
9) How do they help them handle big emotions?
They are a big fan of breathing exercises, such as "blow out the candle". They also do the 5-4-3-2-1 method (5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste).
10) Favorite endearments to use?
Meredith will call Alex "sweetie", "baby" and "cutie". Derek calls him "little man", "tiger" and "daddy's boy". I also like how in rowdyboy's "Alex Finds A Home" verse that Derek calls him "Alexander". I feel he'd do it as a term of affection just as much as he would when Alex is in trouble. It's just something sweet.
11) How did they figure out that they were a cg?
There's a classification system and both were classified as caregivers when they were 16.
14) Random Headcanon!
Derek has always known that he wanted to adopt a Little. Meredith was less sure, given her insecurities about motherhood and her ability to care for people (thank you, Ellis Grey). She always said it'd take a special Little. And Alex is very, very special.
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anewkindofme · 1 year ago
Can you do 1/3/7 for Alex Karev?
1) What age do they regress to?
Alex drops between 1-3 years old, sometimes a little younger.
3) Is there anything that can make them instantly regress or that can pull them out of headspace?
His regression is pretty random. Anything can cause him to do so. It's very rare he isn't regressed when he's sick, though. Same if he's super tired or cranky. But mostly, mood doesn't play a factor. And the only thing that pulls him out is time. Usually, he'll fall asleep little and wake up big.
7) Random Headcanon!
Alex isn't huge on screentime. Mainly because Meredith and Derek aren't either, unless he's really unwell or sleepy. He prefers to play with his toys.
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anewkindofme · 1 year ago
I could just imagine MerDer giving Alex little incentives if he goes to daycare, like sticker packs or stamps. I can also imagine them having a treasure box for Alex whenever he does something good!!
They definitely have a behavior chart for him and will get him rewards when he completes a line. Like ice cream or a trip to the toy store. :)
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anewkindofme · 1 year ago
Do you think little Alex would have separation anxiety because of his past? Do MerDer give him little chores to do, like pick up his play room (if he has one) or set the table?
Alex definitely has separation anxiety! He doesn't like being far from Meredith and Derek when he's younger. Going to daycare is his least favorite. He'll calm down after a bit, but drop-offs are always rough. Meredith has to do them because Derek has trouble leaving him when he's crying.
He definitely has similar chores when he's regressed (and obviously does more when he's feeling big). It's his responsibility to pick up the playroom and his nursery. He has to put the dishes in the sink. It's all age-appropriate. And they're never things he minds doing. Meredith and Derek try to limit these things because he's just so used to doing all the cleaning from his first childhood.
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anewkindofme · 1 year ago
Do you think that MerDer would have a strict schedule for Alex when they are all off? Also how does Grey Sloan accomadate Little and Caregivers
I wouldn’t say it’s strict outside bedtime and naptime. Outside that, things are pretty loose. They’re not going to stop a fun activity just to rush to lunch unless it’s clear that Alex is starving.
The hospital gives Littles days off as needed. Though, if they end up needing too many, their ability to work may get called into question. But that’d never happen for Alex or Jackson.
Caregivers don’t get as many days off. So, if you’re lucky and can work from home like Derek, you’re good. If not, their Little will have to go to the daycare which is open 24/7 for all age brackets.
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