#against both the sport itself and its fans
littleeyesofpallas · 5 months
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
His biggest fan ✧
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Plot: You’re Michael’s girlfriend, cheering him at one of his games.
A/N: It’s so bad I hate it😓
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The roar of thunderous cheers flooded the stadium as Michael unleashed another stupefying display of lethal precision and brute physicality that defied mortal comprehension.
You watched with breathless awe seated front row as that signature blue mohawk wove a hypnotic cyclone of calculated ferocity carving apart the helpless defense trailing hopelessly in his wake.
Each savage yet eerily choreographed burst from Michael's heavyweight strides reverberated across the pitch warping the boundaries of space and time itself directly proportional to his gravitational soccer supremacy.
Until the entire cosmos distilled into that infinite singularity split-second with just your striker boyfriend, the ball and the yawning maw of the goal awaiting its inevitable oblation.
You bit down hard stifling the visceral shudder trying to escape as Michael's rocket-powered thunderbolt smashed past the defenseless keeper and ignited the back of the net in a blaze of cosmic glory.
Celebrating with that bone-chilling sovereign roar staking his unchallengeable dominion once more before this mortal realm of sporting conquest still so far beneath his transcendent plane of greatness.
Even after the final whistle sounded you remained spellbound observing Michael bask in those rapturous post-coital moments savoring his ineffable feat.
Utterly transfixed upon the hyper-masculine sculpture of your man still slicked with the spoils of carnal supremacy while casting that chiseled nordic profile against the floodlit heavens he reigned sovereign over.
Until his peripheral laser focus abruptly snapped in your direction lancing directly through your aura with a telepathic tractor beam manifesting into actual physics-warping forces.
Almost like each molecule surrounding Michael compressed and bent inward before being shunted aside clearing his path towards you with terrifying inevitability.
You barely had a chance to brace yourself as the unstoppable tsunami slammed into your front row section without mercy or resistance.
The concussive shockwave blasting through your senses while those titanium bulwarks materialized around you scooping your diminutive frame against Michael's furnace-stoked musculature with crushing intensity.
"My sweet empress…I could only hear your voice back there. It motivated me, thank you.”
His rough-hewn bassline resonated against every nerve ending vibrating at some untapped primordial stratum while you strained to surface through the endless whitenoise overloading your synapses.
Only Michael's low gravitic pulses penetrating the oblivion flooding your faculties from that unholy cosmic union now peeling away every layer keeping you distinct individualities during submersion into this event horizon state of indistinguishable polarities collapsed together.
Until finally resurfacing from that singularity after an eternity compressed into nanoseconds - though still deliriously consumed by the aftershocks rippling across your intertwined vessels smoldering in the embers of rapturous conflagration yet still ravenous for more extreme escalations eternally rebirthing from the expended remains!
Only the roaring crescendos from those frenzied supporters still filling the stadium slowly penetrated the vacuous void reverberating between you both savoring that suspended infinitesimal post-orgasmic bliss together.
You felt Michael's stern facade gradually reassemble while withdrawing from your interiors just fractionally enough to restore individuation-yet sense his alpha dominion expanding throughout your reconstituted synaptic matrices cementing his reign over your fused polarities once more.
Then with a subtle shift his smokey granite stare cleaved directly through the veil drawing your reawakened senses under that spellbinding trance spellbinding instantly.
A hushed imperious rasp now caressing your essence from that primal domain where all worldly laws bent to his sovereign decrees:
"Why don’t I reward you tonight, huh, meine liebe ?”
Just experiencing the infinitesimal microcosm of his supreme essence bleeding into your rematerialized corporeal vessel already whiplashed your senses through multiple clinical deaths and resurrections beyond this plane's dimensional limits.
His seismic vibrational frequencies triggered endorphin avalanches detonating every neurotransmitter into frenzied paroxysms anticipating the ineffable escalations still awaiting together...
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nomiqbomi · 2 years
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Updated designs for Fophid and Lepignito commissioned by my friend @plus-sizedscribe! Plus a new middle form, Impodster, and 4 distinct formes that Lepignito can take, based on the environment it evolves in.
More info under the tab!
Fophid are timid creatures with many predators. Their carapace has evolved to blend in perfectly with an arboreal environment. When provoked, it wields the branch-like appendage on its abdomen like a lance. It has no venom, it's quite sharp!
Impodster attaches itself firmly to tree limbs, disguising itself as a small branch. Once it has done this, it is impossible to detach until it evolves. (It would be much easier to take the entire branch with it!) It does not budge, even after being discovered. Individuals who have camouflaged themselves poorly can often be found with leaves full of holes, made by bird Pokemon that attempted to carry them away.
When Impodster evolves into Lepignito, it takes on a perfect likeness of its immediate environment. Four unique patternings, based the biomes it occurs in naturally, have been officially recorded; however, it is believed that new patterns could be created by evolving the pokemon in a unique environment.
Even when their immediate environment does not match the markings on their wings, they somehow still manage to obscure themselves from view. Many theories have been pose as to how they are able to do this, but none have been proven, as this behavior is quite difficult to observe.
It prefers to sit motionlessly and evade detection, but when provoked, it uses its stealth to confound opponents and catch them unawares. Once the opponent has become disoriented, it flies off into the shadows, never to be seen again.
The line is based on the Peppered Moth, which are a famous example of natural selection that has actually been observed and recorded in real-time. The moth originally evolved to camouflage against lightly-colored trees, but a melanic mutation became more genetically favorable during the industrial revolution, when the trees became blackened with soot. After environmental standards were introduced, the white variant became common again. Today both variations can be found, and they are often mistaken for different species!
Plussized-Scribe helped conceptually with the variations/typing, with his own rom-hack in mind. I may add more variations for my own fan project.
I had originally designed Fophid to camouflage with the forest floor, but during my redesign I found out that the peppered caterpillar camouflages itself as a tree branch. I thought that was neat, to I went with that angle instead.
I also added a middle form to make it a better counterpart for the Pareyeva line who use the opposite form of self defense!
Edit: @plus-sizedscribe wrote some really great Pokedex entries for his hack that he allowed me to share here as well:
"Unlike Sewaddle, the leafy bits Fophid sport are not fashion statements, but specialized organs for camouflage. In autumn, their bodies release chemicals to redden the organs and match the foliage.
The base of the headcrest pulls double duty as a third mandible. Thus, Fophid can chew better while also maintaining camouflage, as the shaking of the crest resembles a leaf trembling in the breeze."
"Having secured themselves on a sturdy tree trunk, Impodster steadfastly await evolution. Very little can dislodge these Pokémon, which are nearly helpless if they happen to end up on the ground.
Impodster with poor camouflage are often found with leaves full of holes. These are made by naïve bird Pokémon attempting to carry them away, only to realize they picked almost the worst prey they could."
"Some people claim to have fallen for a person who always wore a long coat, only for their lover to turn out to be a Lepignito. The veracity of these bizarre anecdotes is suspect, to say the least.
Lepignito live in trees whose bark match their wing patterns. They boast different patterns to blend in with the available types of trees in the regions they inhabit. At least 25 different varieties are known."
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opal-owl-flight · 2 months
7. Do they take part in ink battles? What kind and how often?
Absolutely! Inksport leagues are what most of the NSS do outside of agent duties. Theyre a major part of most Inkfish's lives in my writing, a lot of the themes I explore revolve around uh. Sport Movie kinda dealios BAHAHAH (alongside rhe Horrors but shh. When it comes to ocs outside the NSS, Inksports are the main focus)
3s a turf war legend both topside and underground. They were there when the sport was something only the delinquents did, unregulated and dangerous, matches that moved at a fast pace and where they had to leave IMMEDIATELY after or be caught by the authorities. Squid Force eventually found this sport and started sponsoring a safer, more regulated version of it. 3 rose up the ranks all the same (while complaining abt how EASY it is now). Theyve been here since the start. Their splashtag is whispered in awe ans reverence. They are usually followed around by a gaggle of fans or press (please leave them alone qoskw). They still participate in trench turf to satisfy their desire to turf like the good old days. 4 and 8 and Neo3 have no clue about it. They show up with new light scarring and people think its from agent stuff they do on their own -- nope!!
They also play ranked. Tower Control is their favorite mode! Positioning is critical in all modes, but this one has some very specific spots they can exploit and the battles have a flow thats easily readable to them. Its the same route every time! Opposing teams move in pretty specific ways! Its like chess to them. Massages their brain just right.
4s a rising star in the turf leagues. She was great at it back in her hometown in the highlands (the sport has been established here for awhile), but she feels that people are intentionally throwing their matches against her because shes a clan singer. She wanted to have the Real Deal. Moving to Inkopolis, she had a taste of what real turf matches are like...and saw how much more brutal they are. She grit her beak and learned, explosively, in fact, how to play properly. She rose up the ranks quickly the second she found her main weapon class. Shes only ever played topside turf but she is a force to be reckoned with. 3 complains that the new regulations made the game "easier", but someone who grew with the rules can see that its added more complexity. You cant just brute force everything in here. 4 weaves around these added limitations with ease. One can argue shes just as good as 3, if not better...
Her favorite ranked mode is (obviously) Rainmaker. Sneaking around, getting up close and personal with the carrier or their teammates clumped around them is something she greatly enjoys. Holding the nuke itself also gives her quite the rush!! Literally. Shes so beefy that she can carry it faster than the rest of her team (Judd flags her for that, she has to slow herself down to keep the game fair for everyone else). The Rainmaker mode is also reminiscent of some of the ceremonies she does/participates in back in the highlands. Its her job in those ceremonies to call the rain. It involves moving from place to place, carrying a relic that will make her voice heard to the heavens. Despite her not liking how suffocated she was in her homeland, she admits that she misses it, as well.
8 is relatively new to the turf scene. Shes always yearned to be a part of it, back when she was still underground. Now that shes on the surface, she frankly doesnt understand why its such a big deal anymore. Its just a game?? Why are people sweating over this?? And why is all this violence so revered here?? I think her general dislike for combat/conflict may be due to her being raised in a wartime context. She got out of that life, shes not going to go back to it. Still, bc she adores hanging out with 4 (and later 3), she plays the more casual turf war leagues. She occasionally plays ranked modes (splat zones are a favorite), but she tends to stick to the casual side of things. The high octane action and vigilance of the pro leagues makes her uncomfortable...
Neo3 is very new to the turf scene. She compares it to the sacred salmon runs that shes been a lucky witness to (its her only point of reference, bless her hearts). A fight for honor! A fight to the death! And you get to keep living after them? Its the best of both worlds! She enjoys terrorizing the opposing team in any mode. Shes as tenacious and as stubborn as a salmonid that easily slithers over enemy ink. Hitting from blind spots. Easily overwhelms foes with strength and numbers. As annoying as a flyfish. Occasionally, she claws and bites her opponents...which gets her flagged down by Judd. Its fine!! Shes having fun here!
Her favorite ranked mode is definitely Clam Blitz. In salmonid spawning season, the survivors of the runs gather the dropped eggs around the battleground into the nesting grounds to hatch them. Neo3 is reminded of that time as she gathers clams. She defends them as if they were eggs. (And then you see her trying to crack the clams open so she can eat them after the match....)
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froggibus · 2 years
hello! i love your ow content! may i ask for some lucio beach day fluff? im in desperate need for some frog boi 😤
Beach Day Headcanons (ft. Lucio, Baptiste, Cassidy, Genji & Hanzo)
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Genre: fluff!
Summary: how these Overwatch boys would be at the beach
CW: mentions of burning, mentions of cancer (Baps), lots of dorky jokes, alcohol
ahh ty!! that is so sweet! i decided to turn this one into HCS cause i thought it fit better! but i am open to writing a full fic about it too tbh...also kinda wanna do a pt 2 with like Kiriko, Ashe, JQ, Mercy etc so if we want that LMK! enjoy <3
he is so excited to go to the beach
this man LOVES to swim and play beach volleyball and you can’t change my mind
you end up being the driver while he plays his ‘perfect beach’ playlist
you don’t mind because the way he hums and taps his hands on the dash is adorable
definitely packs a speaker and blasts music all day
1000% wears his own merch and probably has cute little green board shorts he wears
sets up an umbrella for you to lay under and put all your drinks
he’s in the ocean more than he is on land 
probably brought some pool floaties or something to play with in the water 
if you don’t get in he will totally throw you into the water 
and starts an all out water war
if you don’t like the water though he respects that
buys ice cream for the two of you 
and spends twenty minutes trialling every flavour first
doesn’t wear sunscreen himself but will apply it to you as often as he can 
“I don’t want you to burn! My healing only does so much”
if you’re tired at the end of the day he’ll drive you home so you can sleep in the car
and if you get burnt he’ll apply some aloe vera extra gently for you
honestly a bit of a miracle in itself that you could drag him away from his work
but once you actually get to the beach he’s super excited 
definitely brings a book or something to read while you’re there
also has a cooler with lots of snacks and drinks, and at least five water bottles
shows up in khakis and a Hawaiian shirt but has cute patterned swim shorts underneath
probably with like little palm trees or something
doesn’t play in the water too much and mostly goes in to cool off
splashes you at every chance he gets though
is an absolute sucker for those fruit drinks that they serve in the fruit 
probably has one in his hand constantly even when its literally not possible
“you’re swimming how did you even get that”
“a pirate never reveals his secrets”
will let you wear his hawaiian shirt as a cover up 
it looks super cute on you anyway 
is super careful to make sure you both reapply sunscreen 
“but we put some on two hours ago.”
“skin cancer doesn’t care.”
overbearing but you love him
real shit though this man would not be a lifeguard 
he would just want to relax and have some drinks and some fun with his S/O and friends
totally unprepared
like he just brings his board shorts and a t-shirt with a towel and maybe his wallet 
relies on everyone else for everything
drinks ALL your water
not really a swimmer and more of a sit on a pool float and have drinks person 
speaking of pool floats he definitely has a super dorky looking horse themed one that he brings everywhere
named it after Reyes too
if you don’t go into the water he will make you go into the water
be prepared to be thrown in against your will
its okay though because all you need to do is pretend you’re drowning/can’t swim
and he’ll come running tail between his legs
forgets to wear sunscreen and BURNS
and then complains that he got burnt for the next week
asks you to rub aloe vera on him 
and who are you to deny?
he used to love the beach
he is no longer a big fan
even though his cybernetics are advanced enough to survive getting wet, the salt water SUCKS
and the sand?? it gets stuck in his joints 
if he does agree to go to the beach he is definitely not playing any beach sports or swimming 
but he DOES bring squirt guns to annoy you with
he pulls them out of literally nowhere to douse you in water
it doesn’t matter if you take it away, he’ll just pull out another one
if you try to retaliate, its all: “babe no the salt water is bad for my armour”
“im literally shooting your actual skin”
he is a BLESSING to have when its really hot though
cause he can control his body temperature, he is like a portable air conditioner 
you just lay on him whenever you get too hot
he accepts it because he just wants to be close to you
makes a bunch of food and drinks for the beach
including lots of tea sandwiches and juice boxes
brings it all in this ginormous cooler that he can barely see over 
also brings himself a book to read
he’s not very interested in going in the water but he’ll play beach games with you
or just lay on the towel and read
but if he’s reading you’re more than welcome to lay on him
make sure he applies sunscreen!!
he has delicate skin and burns easily and WILL be grumpy if he gets burnt
he’ll go in the water if you ask him nicely
but don’t splash him or else
when you’re swimming he would definitely let you wrap your arms around his shoulders while he swims around and just tow you
he is probably a god at beach volleyball tbh
and shuffleboard but we don’t talk about that
makes sure you stay hydrated the whole time and is constantly pushing you to try the food he made
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babyboiboyega · 1 year
We are the Champions (Athlete!Shuri x GF!Reader)
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Athlete!Shuri x GF!Reader
Summary: Dating an athlete meant constantly traveling for games and reassuring her when she needed it. Dating a champion meant having to fight for some alone time with her.
Word Count: 8.6k
Content: nothing but fluff y’all; well, the slightest bit of angst if you squint, but its really not angst at all; softball references; profanity; Shuri and Ri as athletes, that’s a warning in and of itself. 
Babyboiboyega’s Marvel Masterlist
Babyboiboyega’s Masterlist of Masterlists
A/N: HEY! Sorry I’ve been gone, but here’s a little oneshot that I was really excited to write after having a dream about it as an apology! Of course, thanks to Liya for giving me the idea of making her a softball player!
I tried to make sure that the rules of softball were explained pretty easily in this, but if you have ANY questions, don’t hesitate to reply with them or send me a lil message! I got yall :) But I will put a few definitions for a few words, just in case!
Also, the Women’s National World Series is fictional and based on the Women’s College World Series, but I just made it different to fit the ages as yall aren’t in college anymore in this oneshot! The UCLA Bruins is an actual team and they’re a mf beast, I actually love watching them play softball, but they’re a college team. But just forget that and pretend like they’re a little older and out of college lmao
“Ump/ Umpire”: a person who watches the game and enforces the rules; think of a referee
“Pitcher’s Mound”: the place in the middle of the field where a pitcher stands and pitches.
“Back catcher”: the person who squats behind the batter and in front of the ump who catches the ball the pitcher throws.
The last play is also called a “drop play”. To put it simply, if the back catcher drops the ball on the third strike, the batter can run to try and get to first base. In this scenario, there’s a runner on third who takes their chance at getting to home plate while the back catcher is getting the ball. When the back catcher isn’t at home plate, its up to the pitcher to be there and cover it, which is what happens here. I hope that’s easy to understand LMAO
Go and read! Hope y’all enjoy!
Song Inspo (the songs that were on replay while writing):
- Lockdown : Koffee
- Found : Tems feat. Brent Faiyaz
- Essence : Wizkid, Tems
- Gonna love me : Teyana Taylor
Beyond the large opening were stands filled with softball fans, eager to see which team would win the WNWS (The Women’s National World Series): The UCLA Bruins… or The Panthers of Wakanda. Excitement radiated from every part of the stands and the field, from fans and players alike. The Panthers would be going against a team known for winning the WNWS multiple times; a team that was a huge fan favorite and famous for their wins and their skill.
This was only The Panthers' first time making it to the championships, and there had been multiple news outlets, sports companies, and fans in general that had doubted their abilities and how they had gotten here. It didn't matter if each player's stats spoke for them, or if their wins as a team were highly impressive for one as new as theirs; they'd always be doubted just a little more than other teams. It was partly the reason why they worked so hard to get to where they were today, as a way of telling all of those who doubted them that despite their words and their insults, they had gotten here on their own. The other part was simply because it always felt good to win, and winning the championships would accomplish both of those goals.
Shuri's confidence in her team never wavered, nor did it when it came to her own abilities, but there was something about today. Maybe it was because it was the championship and they were on UCLA's home turf, and the home team always had an advantage in some way, whether it came from crooked umps or boosted morale; or maybe it was because she was their top pitcher, and everyone was looking to her to close out the game in their favor. But as she leaned against the wall of the hallway, trying her hardest to block out the buzzing noise in the stands and the announcer's voice booming over the speakers about damn hotdogs, she suspected it was the latter.
You didn't have to be in Shuri's mind or hear her thoughts to know them; you could deduce from the nervous passing back and forth of the bright yellow ball in her hands that she was temporarily trapped between fighting thoughts of self-doubt and embracing the confident ones that would ensure her a straight head while on the field. It was a scene that you had walked in on many times before important games, and this time was no different. Not for you at least.
A soft 'psst' left your mouth as you approached, and it prompted her to immediately raise her head and turn towards you. Her mouth had been pursed in thought when she first looked at you, but they quickly upturned slightly as she copied the noise
"What's goin on, babe?"
Shuri knew better than to lie, and it wasn't just because she knew you would get on her. You had the ability to read her as well as she could read herself, and you weren't afraid to use this skill when you felt she was downplaying her feelings. She had learned early on in the relationship that that shit wouldn't fly with you; it was something you constantly reminded her of in times like this.
You paused in front of where she rested against the wall, resting your homemade sign against the wall beside her. It was a simple black poster with gold trimming and the words 'Wakanda Forever" on it in silver letters that sparkled. On the other side, it said 'I'm with #15' - Shuri's number. When she had first seen it she had thrown her head back and laughed before nodding and pulling you in for a kiss. 'Damn right, you are' she had mumbled against your lips; ever since then, you had kept it in pristine condition.
"I thought I was fine, but that was before I saw the pitcher's mound. Now…I'm feeling the pressure."
Her voice was slightly rough around the edges, a hint of frustration creeping into it; no doubt aimed at herself. The ball hit her glove a little harder after she spoke, and her eyebrows furrowed slightly. It was obvious that she was delving deeper into those thoughts, and doing that would only make the pressure grow for her. You turned and leaned against the wall beside her, giving her space but standing close enough to where her arm brushed against yours whenever she moved it.
"A bit of pressure is good, it means you care about the game. It means you wanna win, which I know you do."
The corner of her mouth lifted a little more as she glanced over at you, her head nodding in agreement. The ball paused where it rested in her glove.
"Of course I do. We've gotten this far despite everything- we have to win."
The determination in her voice didn't go unnoticed, but neither did the slight shakiness of it. Her eyes stayed focused on the bright yellow ball, her eyebrows furrowed and her jaw clenched slightly.
"It'll be amazing for you to win…but even if that doesn't happen, and that's a huge fuckin 'if'," she huffed out a small laugh, shaking her head. "It matters that you got here in the first place. A lot of people didn't want you to get here but look at y'all. Can't tell y'all shit."
You weren't the best at giving motivational speeches, but one thing you excelled in was making sure Shuri was good whenever you knew she wasn't. And if your words couldn't do the trick, you'd simply move on to the acts that you knew would. This situation called for a bit of both; it had to do with Shuri's self-confidence and how she applied it to something she was passionate about and damn good at.
Anyone could see how much she loved playing softball; it was just as easy to see how good she was at the game, but you knew exactly how much it impacted her life. She hadn't started at a young age, but she had always been connected to the sport in some way.
Her brother, T'Challa, had played baseball for their country, and he had been a star player in every sense of the word. Shuri had looked up to her brother- she still did, and that included wanting to be like him in every way she could. So it only made sense that when she was big enough, she had begged him to teach her how to throw correctly and how to swing a bat, and of course, being an older sibling who spoiled and loved on their younger sibling, he had done exactly that. He had been the first one to see her potential in the sport, and while he hadn't pressured her to try out for a team, he had always reminded her of what all she could do and how talented she was- even when she moved to America to pursue an education.
He had gifted Shuri her first bat when she had joined her first team in secondary school, middle school being the equivalent for Americans, and he had been in attendance at every game and tournament she'd had. Even after he had grown sick, he had promised her that he'd try his hardest to make it to every single game, and he had held that promise all the way until the time of his death. But Shuri had once told you that he still attended every game she had, as she still carried around that bat that he had gifted to her. She had outgrown it a while ago, but the metal still bore her brother's handwriting and it still held sentiment, so it'd always be like he was with her.
You had known her at the time of T'Challa's death, having met her in your first year of college and his death happening during both of your second years, and you had never seen her attend a game without the bat. In fact, that same bat peeked out of the side of her softball bag as it leaned against the wall next to you two, her eyes naturally drifting to it as another source of comfort.
It took no effort at all to reach for her hand, taking her glove off and placing it on top of her bag before lacing your fingers through hers, and then you were stepping around to face her. The curve of her back rested against the wall, though as you stepped around, she straightened slightly. Her gaze connected with yours and you could see the smallest bit of turmoil in them.
"What did T'Challa always say?"
The question was the beginning of a pre-game ritual you two always did, and the recognition made her smile grow in the slightest. There were traces of lingering sadness, but it was inevitable when she spoke of her brother. It wasn't exactly a mournful sadness, but rather one that showed how his memory lived on in everything she did.
"He'd say 'stay in the game.'"
"Exactly." You squeezed her hand as you raised it, placing it on your chest over the spot where your heart was while your other hand rested over where hers beat. It was something the two of you had started a while ago, following her first anxiety attack before a game. The game had been the first one she'd had to play after T'Challa's passing, and the only thing that had gotten her out of the locker room and onto the field had been you sitting in the corner of the locker room with her. You had placed her hand on your heart so that she could feel something solid and calm enough for her to try and match, the same way you were doing now.
Her heart wasn't beating as fast as it had been then, but it was still slightly faster than normal, and the little ritual still worked no matter how skilled she was at the sport.
"That means you take all of those thoughts that are frustrating you, and confront them by playing the game the way you know how to. You know you're good at what you do. Your team is good. Go out there knowing that they got your back, babe."
It was obvious that she was taking your words and trying her best to not only commit them to memory but also apply them to the current situation. She always did, eventually, but the importance of today's game made the process a little longer. You knew she had told herself whatever she needed when her eyes closed momentarily, a deep and slow breath flowing through her body. Her thumb absentmindedly rubbed your collarbone, something that was more for her benefit but still felt good to you.
It only took a minute or two for her to open her eyes, a look of decisiveness now accompanying that look of determination on her face. Her gaze once again met yours, a deep appreciation gleaming in them as her smile grew.
"And you say you're bad at pep speeches." You could practically see the clouds of self-doubt receding from over her as she spoke, laughter in her words. It made your own smile grow.
"Because I am. I just know you well enough to say the right things."
She hummed in agreement, her eyebrows raising slightly as she nodded. Her hand shifted, following the length of your arm before resting over yours where it still resided on her chest. You had been with her for 3 years and her touch still threatened to steal the breath from you, and she loved to remind you. As much was evident in the way her smile grew almost teasing as she used your hand to pull you closer until the tips of your shoes scraped against her cleats.
"You always know what to say, don't you? How'd you even know I was back here anyway? Not that I don't appreciate you coming to check on me, it's very sweet of you-" You smacked your teeth, lightly kicking her foot at her joking and causing a laugh to escape her mouth.
"Ri told me 'you should go and check on your girl', so here I am, checkin' on my girl." You reached a hand up, raising her visor to see her face clearly. Not only did her touch continue to affect you, but the look of adoration in her eyes as she looked down at you still managed to send shivers down your spine.
The joy and excitement on her face made your own anticipation for the game grow, knowing that it'd be an evenly matched game and knowing that if there was one thing Shuri would do, she'd make sure to play her ass off. It was always amazing watching her play…and hot.
(It was the uniform that hugged her legs. And the tucked-in shirt. And the short sleeves that bared her muscular arms from years of playing. And most definitely the sounds she made whenever she pitched or hit-)
"I should be out there getting ready to lead the wave for when y'all start-"
A sound left her mouth, partly horrified and partly comical. Leave it to her to be dramatic.
"Absolutely not, you don't do the wave at a softball game, when have you ever seen someone start the wave at a softball game-"
"Uh, today, the fuck? I'll do whatever I damn well please, Udaku."
She threw her head back as she laughed loudly, the sound making your own laugh bubble up from your throat. It completely drowned out all other sounds, effectively creating a bubble of tranquility around the two of you that you both were reluctant to leave.
She continued to gaze at you once her laughter had died down, a soft smile taking over her face. The pre-game ritual always ended with some sort of physical contact, and you knew that it was coming next as she released your hands to wrap hers around your waist, pulling you flush against her.
Your movements worked in tandem with hers as you slid her team visor off, showing off her cornrows that formed a pattern on her scalp. It was only that morning that you found yourself oiling them while she rested between your legs, head leaned back and eyes closed in contentment. You could still smell traces of the manuka oil you had used as you leaned your forehead against hers, letting out a small sigh that she immediately copied.
"You got this, usana." The nickname rolled effortlessly off your tongue, as you had heard it so many times that it was now a part of your regular vocabulary when it came to Shuri. The term of endearment resulted in Shuri's smile growing, her arms tightening around your waist.
Her shoulders had dropped as you two talked, the tension melting away and making way for the adrenaline she usually felt right before each game. Her jaw had unclenched, apparent in the relaxed feeling of it as you raised your hands to hold her face.
"And when y'all win- when, not if- we'll find some way to celebrate. Just the two of us. We can both take a break and just go somewhere, alright?"
There was a short silence between you two before she pulled back slightly, nodding her head.
"…only if you promise not to do the wave."
"See, I'm just tryna be nice and cute, and you playing games, Shuri-"
Not only were your words cut off because of her laugh, but they were quickly stopped as she leaned forward, placing her lips on yours. She placed a hand on your back and used it to press your body closer to hers while her other moved to tilt your chin up.
Not only did her touch have the ability to steal your breath away, but it also made you completely forget that she had a game to play. The reminder came in the form of one of her teammates appearing in the large opening that led to the field. Ri's voice traveled effortlessly and popped that bubble of tranquility surrounding you two.
"Ayo! I told you to check on your girl, not fuck her in the tunnel! We got a game to play, let's go!"
She received an annoyed eye roll and a curse in Xhosa from Shuri but only smiled and turned, bouncing back into the dugout. The interruption served its purpose for as soon as Ri was out of sight, Shuri was letting out a breath and picking up her glove, slipping it onto her hand. You couldn’t ignore the longing in her eyes or in your chest even if you wanted to, but she had a job to do. 
Her smile had the makings of someone who knew exactly what they were about to get themselves into but still carried that small bit of remaining anxiety, but it was easy to see that she was okay. She'd be okay; you knew it and now she did too.
"I'll see you in the stands."
She held out a hand and you immediately grabbed it, the both of you completing the little handshake you did before each game. It was another ritual stemming from when you had absentmindedly created it while playing with her fingers before a game, and she had insisted that your actions had given her that extra bout of good luck for that game. Now, before each game, she had to complete the handshake with you, otherwise, she'd feel a little lost on the field.
"And I'll see you on the field."
And just as every single one of your handshakes ended, she pulled you quickly to her, planting a kiss on your lips before squeezing your hand and letting go. There was a cheeky smile on her face as she grabbed her bag, slinging it over a shoulder before sending a wink your way.
"We've got a game to win."
"Folks, we're at the bottom of the 7th and last inning with The Panthers having 8 runs and The Bruins having 7. It's been a tense battle on the field today, both teams evenly matched in defense and runs."
The game had been tense but in the best way possible. The Panthers would never let The Bruins get too far ahead, and vice versa. While the home team could hit exceptionally well, The Panthers played defense as if their livelihoods depended on it. You had seen Riri go airborne to catch a ball, watching and wincing as she had fallen to the ground in a heap of limbs; she had caught the ball, though, and it had been an out. You’d had a front-row seat to her girlfriend letting out a string of curses, muttering ‘I’m not tryna go to the hospital while in California, she better chill out.’
 You had also seen Shuri run right into the padded wall separating the stands from the field trying to catch a ball. Of course, she had caught it, but you had also let a few curses slip after seeing her fall to the ground.
Being the girlfriend of an intense and serious softball player is kinda stressful.
"That's right, John, its been incredibly entertaining and a treat watching these two teams. The Panthers have come a long way from being the underdogs to now holding their own against the reigning champs of the tournament."
Even in a professional setting like a championship, there were still fans who had no trouble talking out of the side of their neck. If the ump called a play that ruled in favor of The Panthers, there were always groans and yells of anger that echoed across the field. At one point, a woman with horrible extensions had yelled at the ump for calling one of Shuri's pitches a strike. 'Stop giving them handouts' she had yelled, her voice shrill and laced with all kinds of malice.
It had taken a stern look from Nakia in the dugout and all of your willpower not to turn around and offer your own handouts of ass-whoopings to the lady. The last thing anyone had needed was you getting into a fight with a middle-aged white woman who had wanted to show her ass after seeing a successful, all-black softball team.
"You're right, Steve, and it all comes down to this. Shuri Udaku, number 15 of The Panthers is pitching to Layla Cavanaugh, number 22 of the California Bruins. Home team has two outs, and this pitch has 3 balls and two strikes. It's all falling on whether Udaku can get this last strike or whether her team can stop number 7 on third from scoring. If they get this last out, The Panthers are going home with the championship."
Your knee bounced nervously and your jaw had grown a little sore from stress-munching on a bag of pretzels by the bottom of the last inning. Shuri stood on the pitcher's mound surrounded by her teammates after calling an infield meeting. As they spoke, you could see Shuri's eyebrows furrow slightly, her eyes glancing about the field and taking note of which plays they could complete. Her teammates did the same before, their heads bowing together as they discussed the best course of action. You loved watching them converse on the field, as a team who communicated with each other was a team that won. It also helped to see their smiles as they hyped each other up whenever one needed hyping, and before long, they were bumping gloves with her and running back to their positions.
A tense silence had fallen over the stands, but the home team had no problem breaking it by yelling and hitting the fence in an effort to distract Shuri. It was obvious that she had noticed it, judging by her pursed lips and her narrowed eyes; but it was also obvious that she wouldn't let it bother her. They had gotten too far to be distracted by some yelling.
You found yourself nervously clutching the pretzel bag in your hands as she readied herself for the pitch. Her shoulders rose and fell once, a few seconds passed, and then she was stepping forward and wounding her arm for the pitch.
The ball left her glove at a speed that would result in one missing it should they blink.
The batter swung and missed…but the ball kept going past the back catcher's glove, hurtling into the fence. A series of things happened at once, and if you hadn't been to so many games and gradually learned the rules, you would've been lost as hell. But even with your knowledge of the sport, you still found yourself holding your breath as everything transpired.
The batter dropped her bat and began running to first base while the back catcher turned and lunged for the ball that had gotten past her. You heard multiple yells of 'she's running' before your gaze landed on the runner on third, now sprinting towards an unguarded home plate.
Between one blink and the next, Shuri went from being on the pitcher's mound to right at home plate…but so was the runner.
The catcher turned, throwing the ball to Shuri who then threw herself towards home plate, her eyes set on the runner nearing it. The ball landed in her glove and she turned quickly, touching it against the runner right before her foot landed on the home plate.
It was completely silent as the entire field waited for the ump's call, and you didn't know if you were breathing so quickly that you couldn't feel the breaths or if you had stopped breathing altogether. Your eyes quickly moved between Shuri and the ump, willing him to stop playing games and just call the play-
You heard the single word and saw his hand motion, but it didn't fully register how much weight it held until Shuri jumped up, her mouth instantly opening on a triumphant yell. Her teammates ran from the infield and outfield, gathering around her where she stood on the home plate, all of them embracing and cheering. That's when it registered in your mind.
The Panthers had just won the championship. They had just won the National Championship.
The scream that erupted from your mouth made your ears ring as you stood up, your arms pumping in the air in celebration. Riri's girlfriend, a wonderful woman named Imani, wrapped her arms around you, jumping up and down and yelling directly into your ear…but you didn't care. This was huge.
You didn't care about the few fans yelling at the ump to review his call, and you sure as hell didn't care about the ugly faces being thrown your way and toward the team from the opposing fans. The only thing you could see was a team of champions that had worked their asses off and that had reaped the rewards that came with it.
Turns out, the events that happen after a championship are very different from the events that follow just a regular game. And given that this championship was one at a national level, the difference was stark.
They had allowed the team members' friends and loved ones to join them on the field for the medal ceremony after the game, and having been given a lanyard with your pass dangling from it, that included you. The team had stood in a line along the first base line, smiles on every single one of their faces as their names had been called over the speaker along with their number and their position. You had cheered for each player, but as Shuri had stepped forward to receive her medal, you had nearly screamed yourself raw. Your volume had only increased when she had been given the game ball, the same ball she had used to get the last out and win the game.
As soon as the medal ceremony had concluded, she had ran towards you, opening her arms and effortlessly gathering you against her. You had learned a long time ago to ignore the sweat and orange dust sticking to her clothes after each game, so you had eagerly wrapped your arms around her, whispering your congratulations and how proud of her you were into her ear. There were a number of people gathering around her to congratulate her as well, but in that moment, she had only wanted to feel you in her arms. 
"T would be so proud of you, babe." At your words, she had only tightened her arms around you, burying her face into your neck. The possibility of the wetness against your neck being tears had been just as probable as it being sweat, but you hadn't called attention to it. Your words rang true, and she knew it. 
When she had finally pulled back, her smile as wide as ever, she had leaned forward and captured your lips with hers. She had tasted vaguely of salt and the mint gum she loved to chew during the game. You would have been perfectly content standing there in the middle of the field, kissing her silly and congratulating her in your own way, but she had been pulled away by none other than Riri who yelled an apology and said something about pictures. 
You had barely gotten a few minutes with Shuri before the entire team was being pulled away for a 'few photos'. 
That had taken almost an hour and a half.
After the photos, while on their way back to the locker room, a few of them had been pulled for interviews, and Shuri, having done the winning play, was among that group. 
That had taken another 30 minutes.
You had thought that after the interview the two of you would have had a little time to yourselves away from the photographers and the sports channel anchors, but alas, the next thing you knew, she was being asked to follow a representative from the softball's organization to answer questions about potentially joining another team. Even though both of you knew that she wouldn't leave The Panthers, it was still a proud moment to see other teams chasing after your girl. It had also been incredibly entertaining seeing Coah Okoye glare at the representative as they passed her. 
The last time you had seen her, she had been walking out of the locker room with her bag thrown over her shoulder and an apologetic smile on her face. While she had walked towards you, her team had walked the opposite way to where their bus sat. You had perked up, your smile transforming your face into an expression that made Shuri's smile grow. 
"Where y'all headed now? Damn, I can barely kiss my girl before they're pulling you away."
She had laughed, taking your words for what they obviously were, a moment of teasing. While you had wanted to see her for the past few hours, you had understood that they were now champions, and the title came with a lot of people wanting their attention for different reasons. Besides, the two of you had a suite where you could give all of your attention to her later. 
"I know, I'm sorry. That's actually why I was coming over here...to let you know that we've been invited to a luncheon with the president of the organization, and we're heading over there now. And then we have a conference that's closed to the public...and then we have more pictures to take-"
"So many damn pictures-"
"-I know right? And then we have that dinner later tonight for the whole team and their families." 
Out of all the plans she had relayed to you, you had only been aware of the very last one, the dinner. But judging by the look that had been on her face as she had told you, she had been in the same boat. There was no doubt that the entire team had just been told where they were going and what they were doing for the rest of the day, and they had no choice but to go along with it. 
That had meant that the guests who were with the team were to be left to their own devices until the dinner, and the thought had made you sigh. But the excitement for the team had still been evident on your face, even when Coach O had hollered for Shuri to 'move her ass'. 
"Well...then I guess I'll see you at dinner tonight...where more pictures will be taken."
She had rolled her eyes, pretending that the idea annoyed her, but the smile on her face had told you differently. There had been excitement in it with an abundance of pride, and you were sure that your face had echoed the same sentiments. 
That excitement had only grown throughout the day, even without Shuri by your side. In fact, it had only bounced off of you and Imani as the day carried on, the both of you deciding to spend the day together while your girlfriends received the props that they rightly deserved. It was fun, Imani being a person who made you laugh hard and whose personality constantly reminded you why she and Riri were the perfect match for each other. But as the two of you sat at a bar, having finally made it to where dinner would be held, you felt that longing for Shuri growing even while giggling about any and everything that came up. You suspected it was because of the environment around you…and the alcohol, of course. 
Dinner would be held at a restaurant called Blue Streak, and it was placed on the Santa Monica Pier. The restaurant itself was nice; minimalistic decor mixed in with that beachy vibe most restaurants on the beach would have. The walls were mostly made of glass so that you could see the ocean, and the bright neon lights from the pier's small amusement park streamed through the windows, making the inside seem more like a nightclub with food than an actual restaurant. The two of you had taken a peek inside once learning that the team would be there and it had only made the two of you more excited to try the food, but you couldn't do so until the team had arrived for their reservation. All it had taken was Imani pointing to the open bar on the outside of the restaurant for you two to find a way to pass the time, and that's where you two had stayed until Riri called her. 
"Hey, babe. Are you here yet?" 
"Yeah, we just pulled up. Where y'all at- damn, it's a shit ton of people here." The both of you snickered at Riri's words, and when Imani turned the phone to face the both of you, you could see her girlfriend's eyes panning back and forth on the other side of the screen. 
"We found a corner of this bar that's pretty empty. It's at the same restaurant we're having dinner at. Come around the side and you'll see us, Ri."
Instead of answering, Riri only pulled her phone closer, her forehead and eyes taking up the entire screen. Imani's eyebrows furrowed at her actions, a soft laugh leaving her mouth.
"Ri...babe...what are you doing? We know you got a big ass forehead, but you don't gotta show it-" 
A sharp laugh left your mouth, and at the same time, another familiar laugh came from the speakers. Riri's eyes widened, her mouth dropping as she looked from her girlfriend to the other person who had laughed from beside her. You didn't have to see her to know that it was Shuri who stood out of frame, her laugh being as familiar to your ears as your own name.
"And I was just about to tell Shuri how good the two of you looked, but nah... never mind. You get a drink in you and be talking all types of crazy." 
If anything, Riri's words only made the both of you laugh harder. Shuri's laughter also increased but quickly stopped once Riri quickly turned to her out of frame, raising an eyebrow. 
"The hell you laughing at Udaku?"
”Yo, don't start that with me. I'm a champion- you can't roast me tonight."
An exasperated scoff left Ri's mouth as she turned the camera so that Shuri was in the frame. The two of them looked at each other, both of them wearing grins that showed the playfulness that constantly existed between the two of them.
"Nigga, I'm a champion too, you're not special."
Before Shuri could respond, Imani spoke up, interrupting a conversation that surely would have become more comical. It was a normal one between the two women- one that you and Imani had both gotten used to breaking up at certain times. 
"Aht, aht. Don't y'all start. We're hungry and the alcohol can only do so much, so hurry up and get here."
"We're already here." Instead of Ri's voice coming from the speakers, it came from behind the two of you, prompting you to turn around. You sent a smile Ri's way before turning your gaze to your own girlfriend and the sight of her made you pause.
You had seen her in a few professional settings where she had worn formal clothing...but it was something about her appearance tonight that made your heart skip a beat. 
It wasn't just the short-sleeved, black shirt that hugged her torso and her arms, effortlessly showcasing how toned she was from years of sports. It wasn't just the gray slacks that adorned her legs, loose but still fitting her perfectly and secured with a black and gold belt. It wasn't even her gold accessories consisting of a number of rings on her fingers and a single, simple necklace around her neck. Despite how utterly hot her ensemble was, it wasn't what made you pause, your eyes roaming over her entire being. 
It was the confidence and professionalism that she exuded as she stopped in front of you. She had always carried an air of confidence in herself, but tonight it was amplified, for obvious reasons. 
You had no quarrels with it; it looked good on her. The self-satisfied smirk on her face, the way her shoulders were held back, her chest puffing out just enough to tell you that she knew her own worth, and the way she tilted her head as she, too, looked you over. Her eyes trailed slowly over your being, resting shortly on each aspect of your outfit. 
Her eyebrows rose slightly at the black, silk shirt adorning your top half. You left it open, opting to tie the two sides of the shirt into a knot that rested right in the middle of your torso. The look in her eyes had darkened slightly at the sight of your exposed skin, the pier's neon lights smoothly reflecting off of your skin and making it seem more vibrant. The smirk on her face only grew as her eyes trailed down to the straight-legged jeans covering your legs before raising once more to meet yours. 
You were suddenly longing for the two of you to leave and head back to the hotel, but the day wasn't over just yet. You'd just have to wait and pinch yourself whenever your thoughts started wandering...which they continued to do as Shuri stepped forward, wrapping an arm around your waist and bending down to brush a kiss against your forehead. You took a breath in an attempt to get your thoughts back on track, remembering that there were two other people with you and an entire crowd around you, only to get a strong whiff of her cologne; you had to bite your tongue to stop the small noise of content from leaving you.
She smelled mostly of lavender and something huskier, but there were hints of manuka oil in the air that she stirred around you. She had taken her cornrows out, her curls now washed and moisturized for everyone to see. They shined in the neon lights, showing just how healthy her hair was and completing her outfit seamlessly. 
"How was lunch and the conference?"
She shrugged lightly, nudging your legs apart so she could stand between them. Her hands lowered, resting on your thighs that dangled from the barstool. It sent a jolt through your body, your eyes narrowing in warning at the knowing smile on her face that had slowly started to form.
"Lunch was okay. The food was pretty good. The conference? Well..." She grimaced slightly, her eyes flickering over to Riri who had stepped behind Imani, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend's waist and resting her chin on her shoulder. 
At the mention of the conference, her eyes narrowed and her body straightened. The twist of her mouth made it obvious that she was about to say something, and there was a good chance that it would be out of pocket. 
Better here than at the conference, right?
"Some people don't need to be reporters or journalists, because some of the questions they were giving us were borderline disrespectful and just straight dumb."
Irritation laced Riri's words, and it also showed up in the way she rolled her eyes, drawing a laugh from Imani's mouth. Your eyebrows raised in surprise as you looked back to Shuri, your hands resting on top of hers. 
"You would think that they'd know how to act when interviewing the winning team, but they didn't. There was this one woman who actually asked Aneka -"
"Baby, I think the team is ready. But you can tell us all about it at the table." 
Imani's words were soft and reassuring while her gaze was teasing as she looked at you and Shuri. All three of you knew Riri well enough to know that when she got going, it took a while for her to stop. You all had a better chance of getting to the table and having her become distracted than sitting and letting her rant pick up steam at the bar, and you suspected that that knowledge was what prompted Imani to stand and take Riri's hand in hers. She slid off of the stool, alerting the bartender of her continued tab before pulling Riri behind her as she walked towards the main entrance of the restaurant. You heard only a small portion of their conversation as you gathered your things, and it made you laugh, your head shaking at the two of them and how they bickered.  
"Come on, I wanna get a good seat by the window."
"The entire restaurant is one giant window, babe, that won't be hard-"
"But the entire restaurant isn't facing the ocean, now is it?"
"Well...it kind of is-"
Their voices joined the countless others on the pier as they walked further away. There was still an amused smile on your face as you turned to Shuri, watching as she stepped back and made room for you to slide off of the stool. The smile turned to a grimace as you lightly questioned her. 
"Was the conference really that bad?"
Instead of answering, she simply sighed and shook her head, stepping to the side to approach the bar. You watched, slightly worried, as she proceeded to take a bill from her wallet and place it on the bar, turning to you afterward and offering a hand. 
"It was...interesting."
It was both easy and difficult to think about their conference not going well. Easy because experiencing hostility in the sports world was not new for The Panthers, and only someone without common sense would think that it would be magically fixed when they won the championship; if anything, you'd guess that the hostility and criticism would only increase from now. Yet, it was difficult imagining them being questioned unfairly and about the most trivial things when they should've been commended on their work ethic, their skill, and how well they worked together as a team.
You were upset for them, and you didn't know if you looked forward to watching the conference when it was finally released...but you admittedly wanted to know what had gone wrong. But it only took you looking into her eyes to realize that maybe now wasn't the right time. Now was the time for celebration with her teammates for a game that they had worked their asses off to get to. 
"Nevermind, let's just enjoy dinner. Apparently, they have this hot-smoked salmon that's popular as hell, and I can't wait to try it- wait, where we goin'?"
Shuri wordlessly led you in the opposite direction of the restaurant, making your eyebrows furrow in confusion and a questioning noise fall from your lips. Your eyes roamed across the crowd, looking for any indication as to what her plans were, but upon finding nothing, you squeezed her hand.
"Shuri, not only is Coach O going to get on your ass, but she's also going to get my ass if you miss dinner. I don't know why she always thinks I'm the bad influence."
The sound of her laughter reached your ears, even over all of the noises of the pier. It did become clearer once she pulled you into the little photo booth she had originally been heading to, quickly pulling you into her lap before making the two of you comfortable and closing the curtain. It was a relief that the booth didn't smell and that it was clean, but you barely paid attention to the state of it; you couldn't- not when her lips were immediately on yours, drawing the air from your lungs while breathing life and a familiar pleasure into your body as a whole. 
Her hand raised, cupping the back of your neck to pull you closer in the small space of the booth, her other hand landing on your waist to keep you seated. The surprised sound that left your mouth was immediately swallowed by her, quickly being replaced by a sigh of contentment.
The amount of time you two sat there, hiding in a photobooth and kissing was unknown; you just knew that when you two pulled away, you could positively say that you were dizzy.
"Oh- what was that for?"
Shifting her hand slightly allowed her to gently rub her thumb across your cheek, her eyes bright with adoration and the faintest hint of mischief. Her voice was slightly lower than normal as she spoke, and the sound of it speared straight through you. 
"I just missed you. I haven't seen my usana all day, and I just wanted some alone time."
It was endearing, her pulling you into a photo booth and making out with you as if you two were high schoolers. It was also obvious that she needed this. She was good at hiding when she was overwhelmed from her teammates, but not from you. Not to mention that the last time you had seen her, she had sported those strained lines of tiredness around her eyes. 
Now? Now she looked up at you with nothing but love and excitement that set your heart racing. 
"Ah, got it. Here I thought you actually wanted to take a picture with me." You didn't let her answer before leaning forward, placing a kiss against the underside of her jaw and smiling as her hands lightly squeezed your waist in warning. 
"Well, we can still take a picture. But then I was thinking..." You sat back, your eyes meeting hers as her words trailed off. There was the slightest bit of trepidation in her voice as she continued, her hands gently fidgeting with the silk material covering your body.
"Maybe we can get something else and head back to the hotel to just chill for the night? Today was a lot, and, and I'm sorry, but I haven't really had time to just... decompress and breathe without a mic or camera in my face."
As she spoke, the confidence and self-assuredness melted away a bit, revealing the fatigued and slightly overstimulated Shuri beneath. Eyebrows furrowing in worry, you cupped her face gently, running your thumbs across her cheeks. You made sure to meet her eyes when you spoke, wanting her to see and hear just genuine you were with your words. 
"Shuri, there is nothing to say sorry about. Of course, we can get something and take it to the hotel- if that's what you want, then we'll do it. You may be a champion, but you're still human. You gotta take care of yourself, first. I'm sure Coach O will understand."
And if she didn't, then you'd gladly talk to her...from the other side of the pier...preferably on the phone. The lady was kind of scary, you could admit that, but you’d do whatever you had to in order to keep Shuri from being chastised for simply taking care of herself.
If possible, the intense look in her eyes deepened as they gazed at you, the corners of her mouth lifting into a blinding smile. This time, when your heart skipped slightly, it was at the fact that you were the one person who could make her smile as brightly. The fact made you giddy, to be completely honest, and that giddiness was apparent in your actions as you quickly reached into your bag. 
In the span of a few seconds, you had taken out your card and swiped it. The booth's main menu was prompted, and you quickly picked the standard option, turning slightly to face the camera in front of the booth. The screen displayed the exact picture that would be taken, and a quick glance at it showed that Shuri's eyes were still on you. There was a swarm of butterflies that had been released in your stomach as you smiled, leaning back against her chest and looking into the camera.
"You gotta look in the camera, Shuri."
She reluctantly tore her eyes away from you, turning to face the camera and offering a crooked smile while her hands lowered to land against your thighs. The first picture was taken with a bright flash and a countdown that started immediately after. 
You could only think to turn your head with the intention of planting a kiss on her cheek for the next picture; however, as soon as you turned your head, your lips were coming into contact with hers and not her cheek. Your laughter and hers mingled slightly as the camera went off once again, capturing the moment at the perfect time before starting the countdown once more. 
This time, you gently grabbed her chin, turning her face to the front where the camera was and taking the chance to place your lips against her cheek, your lips still curled into a smile. Your eyes were shut, but if they had been open, you would've seen the way her smile had grown at your actions. The flash went off before restarting the countdown again. 
She managed to turn her face towards you, her eyes flickering down to your lips which were only a few inches from hers. You placed an arm around her shoulders, using your hand to lightly pick out the curls she had. Her eyes were half-lidded while her hands ran smoothly up and down your jean-clad legs, and it made your breath hitch slightly. The camera flashed once more before starting the countdown. 
"So what did you want to eat for dinner?" You asked, willing your voice to stay steady and not betray your inner thoughts. You were in public, for heaven's sake; you could wait until you got back to the hotel. It made it harder to do exactly that, though, when she was hellbent on touching every part of you that was socially acceptable in the type of environment you were in. 
That plan flew out the window as she leaned forward, kissing your bottom lip and gradually making her way down to the corner of your jaw. It was hard to mask your gasp as a soft laugh, but you managed to do it. The gasp only came back, slightly louder as her fingertips grazed just under the knot of your shirt, ghosting against the valley of your breasts. You took a breath, leaning more into her. 
"Shuri, we gotta figure out what we're eating-"
"Do you know how good you look tonight? And the fact that you dressed up for me..."
The temptation to tease her and tell her that you hadn't dressed up for her was right there on the tip of your tongue...but who were you kidding? You had absolutely dressed up for her, knowing that it was a special night and wanting to look good for her. Never mind the fact that she had told you multiple times that you could wear a literal garbage bag and she'd still be just in love with you, but tonight was a night for her and her teammates. It was a night for her. 
"You know I had to. Tonight's all about you. At least for the rest of the night it is."
"Good, because I think I finally know what I want for dinner."
"What's that?"
You tilted forward slightly, resting your forehead against hers and humming in question. Her hands continued rubbing against your thighs until they suddenly stopped and squeezed, making your lips part slightly as you jumped. She took the opportunity to fit her lips against yours, instantly sliding her tongue between your lips without any hesitation. 
It finally clicked in your mind what she wanted for dinner right as the last camera flash went off.
A/N: I hope y’all enjoyed this! We should be getting back to our regularly scheduled program with “Next To Me” by next week, as I’ll be done with finals then! But I hope this can hold y’all over until then! <33
Taglist: @luvvspice​ , @motherlandrip , @vivisspam​ , @oceean​ , @sleepystarzz1 , @amaberry20​ , @randomhoex​ , @euph0ricx0​ , @motheroffae​ , @shinsousliya​ 
If your username has a line through it, that means tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you for some reason!
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coimbrabertone · 3 months
Le Mans vs. Daytona, Two Sides of the Endurance Racing Coin.
A bit of a belated blog on the 2024 24 Hours of Le Mans, how it compares to the other major 24-hour race - the Rolex 24 at Daytona - and how IMSA and WEC differ.
First things first, sports car racing in general is at a peak right now.
The largest prototype fields in decades, interclass competition of sorts with LMDh/GTP cars on one end and Hypercars on the other, and equally diverse GT3 fields to go with it. It's not a competition between IMSA and WEC as far as I'm concerned, both series collaborated on these regulations and that has benefitted endurance racing as a whole.
That being said, I've noticed some differences between the two, and I've had some discussions with friends about it lately.
The crux is this: the Rolex 24 at Daytona is the curtain raiser for the racing season, where drivers from every discipline from Formula One to NASCAR to half the Indycar field, plus all the regular cast of characters from endurance racing come to play. It's all within the confines of a 2.5-mile oval with big grandstands and clear sightlines, and the lights are all over the track, meaning you can see all the action pretty well. It's also in Daytona Beach a few weeks ahead of the Daytona 500.
Daytona is a party, a celebration of motorsport to kick off the next season of racing.
Le Mans, meanwhile, is a beacon of history. The start-finish line is where it has always been, the Dunlop Bridge has outlasted Dunlop itself making racing tyres, and it's an old school reminder to when those types of circular bridges were all over racing. Then onto the Mulsanne, the long, dark highway, with bits of civilization interspersed with woods, a theme with continues in the back half of the track. Some corners are named after historic tracks, like Indianapolis, others are named after the marques which defined era of Le Mans history - Corvette, Porsche, and Ford in particular.
Corvette, which has dominated GT racing at Le Mans for decades now.
Porsche, which is the most successful brand at Le Mans, and
Ford, who went back-to-back-to-back-to-back in the late 60s with the GT40, and then returned with the GT1 and GTE models in more recent decades.
That dedication to history shows in the broadcast too, with the broadcast often cutting to Tom Kristensen for interviews or by harkening back to similar events in Le Mans' past. Obviously, that's something that comes up in all racing broadcasts, but it was very apparent at Le Mans this year.
For the record, I'm not saying that's bad, this blog is proof that I'm a massive nerd when it comes to racing history, and I love that, I'm just noting it's a difference.
The crowd burning a couch in celebration after the 12 Hours of Sebring? Fans celebrating the misadventures of the Sean Creech Motorsports American flag Ligier LMP2 with its many cautions at Daytona and now Watkins Glen? You don't really see that at Le Mans.
In fact, there was one very fun thing from the 2023 Le Mans that was missing this year: the Garage 56 NASCAR. Now, i understand that was a one-off thing, and I do get the impression that the hydrogen car they showed off before the race - which was numbered #24, just like the NASCAR had been - was supposed to be a G56 entry for this year but they couldn't quite get it working yet, so I know that it's a bit of an unfair criticism to levy against Le Mans.
Still, 2023 had the big Camaro memes, the V8 sound, all those Freebird on the Mulsanne edits, it made Le Mans more fun.
And of course, Le Mans is fun even without those things - ferris wheels, fireworks, and, you know, the whole twenty-four hours of motor racing thing - all make for appointment television for racing nerds like me, but it is something I've noticed coming out of the 2024 race.
So does Le Mans need to change? No, i don't think so.
I like seeing cars coming down the Mulsanne, I like seeing the Ferrari hypercar racing against Toyota in addition to all the cars that do both IMSA and WEC, I like the announcers getting increasingly delirious as it gets into the night stint, and I like the fact that Valentino Rossi is now a BMW GT3 driver who competed at Le Mans.
The Rolex 24 at Daytona is probably more fun that Le Mans and its position on the calendar probably lets it get a handful of one-off drivers that may not be able to do Le Mans, but Le Mans also attracts plenty of unique talent as well. Ferrari doesn't do IMSA, nor does Toyota, nor does Valentino Rossi.
Would I like them to? Absolutely.
Am I fine with just having two different, successful endurance racing series on either side of the Atlantic? Absolutely. It's like the modern version of CART vs. Formula One as far as I'm concerned, only this time, I'm in a position to enjoy it.
So yeah, there are some things I prefer about IMSA, but there's plenty I love about Le Mans as well.
Hell, the fact that after the sister Ferrari won last year, we got to see the #50 Ferrari of Nicklas Nielsen, Miguel Molina, and Antonio Fuoco win. Both cars have now won Le Mans, and this means that last year's Antonio Giovinazzi, and this year's Antonio Fuoco - two drivers I've followed since the mid-to-late 2010s when they were actively in the open wheel junior series - are both Le Mans winners.
That's cool. I love the fact that drivers can fulfill their dream of winning for Ferrari, not just in Formula One, but now at Le Mans too. It's a great time to see, and between this and Indycar, I'm developing a lot of hope for talented junior drivers without F1 prospects.
Hell, on that very note, Felipe Drugovich raced at Le Mans for Action Express Cadillac this year, which seems to be his first time back in a major racing series since his F2 title campaign. Glad to see him back behind the wheel, just wish it went better for him.
Anyway, this last weekend of racing was a bit of a dud for me and I find myself busy yet again, so I'll leave the blogpost here, but do let you know what you think!
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mecachrome · 8 months
no wait please go on more about oscar’s winning mentality… and most of all whether/when you think there will be tension of a fracture with lando because i’m sure it’s inevitable 🤧
hi anon!!! :') haha okay well this might be an annoying hot take but the reality is that i don't think there's such thing as a "winning mentality" in the first place T__T or idk how you meant it (and of course please feel free to elaborate if you'd like!) so i apologize sincerely if i'm completely misinterpreting your question, but for me personally what i appreciate from oscar is rather certain qualities he possesses / has been said to possess that i believe put him in a favorable position to better attain an optimized performance threshold, if that makes sense, which maybe sounds pedantic and many would argue is essentially a winning mentality but i still try to be careful with how much i correlate driver intangibles with outcome-based hypotheticals because i find that many fans + journos + team personnel alike can be eager to perpetuate an ideal of a "mentality monster" or "a future wdc" as though either construct is delineated by the same universal qualities when imo that simply could not be further from the truth…
…i've started and deleted like 5 paragraphs about car/driver/team development & the service ecosystem of professional sporting industries & human tendency toward recency bias and arbitrary pattern recognition but much of this is most likely not relevant to your question at all so let me try to be a bit more brief LOL.
the short of it is: motorsport and f1 in particular are interesting because all professional sports are entertainment products that rely on human unpredictability, but the level of agency its primary actors are privy to and the degree to which certain intangibles (e.g., mentality, drive, Wanting It, Dawg/60 as i say when talking about hockey, and in some sports even individual marketability) are upheld as competitive instruments vary widely per the nature, construction, contact level, global reach, etc. of each sport. with f1 the "front-stage" end product is of course the race package media companies are contracted to present to a global audience, but its primary actors (drivers) occupy a unique position in that they are both the vehicle facilitating that product but also occupiers of another, both figurative and literal, Vehicle that is in itself its own end product, only designed and manufactured in a back-stage black box. and so most of the time in sports, the entertainment is not only the product itself but also the discussion generated around the product, which is then enhanced by the exchange of external data and anecdote, but the problem with f1 is that this sort of end-product inception and the inherent secrecy of car development makes for third-party analysis of the sport that is equally complex and limiting… as in, f1 fans are constantly being inundated with soooo so much data because it's literally a sport built on relative numbers, but all of that data is pretty much useless without proper contextualization—sure, you can look at public telemetry all you want, but you can't really present an informed conclusion on certain approaches or styles or deficits unless you also identify nuances of both the car's inherent characteristics and its specific set-up during the session. which is also how i feel about evaluating driver mentality!!!
basically i think there's no such thing as a meaningful "winner's mentality" at the top level of any sport because everyone wants to win, inherently, and without this ambition you wouldn't be in f1 to begin with. i also think the adjacent idea of a mentality uniquely crafted to becoming a winner is in itself a vague concept for f1 because there's less of a binary quality to performance than compared to other true team sports (yes you technically lose every race you don't win, but it doesn't explicitly count against your season record). in this case i'll define it as becoming f1 wdc… which of course we all know is contingent much less on driver influence than on team direction and development, and again is why i dislike the practice of saying x or y is "wdc material" because that's a very meaningless metric at the end of the day.
god okay i know i never shut up about andrea (SORRY AGAIN.) but personally i really love the way he talks about oscar because i think he understands this relativity very well, and that a driver should develop specific, identifiable, and objective actions in order to support the optimization of their processes (and thus performance!) rather than to achieve any specific outcome (winning). that is to say… i guess honestly, my idea of a "winning mentality" is simply not having a marked preoccupation with winning in the first place, because what matters most is being able to consolidate the right now of what you can control in order to support the later of what you will achieve, and letting the results speak for themselves instead of getting caught up in the idea of needing to or wanting to win (when that should already be a given). which i do think oscar embodies! some astella quotes:
“I don't look how far we can go. I just look [at] what do we have to do now to go as far as possible?" (qatar press con)
"For me what is important is just a sense of journey. The results take care of themselves, so what you really have to focus on is, every day, try to be better than yesterday." (speedcafe) 
"I'm not one that works by targets or expectations. I really work by process, by identifying what's the right approach, what's the right vision, and then let results come to you. [...] Let's not think about the results. Let's just think about ‘how do we deliver performance projects in this many areas of the car, such that we can be innovative, such that we can be fast in developing, but also developing at a pace that is sustainable over time?'" (btg)
My God… That's Oscar Piastri's Music!!! anyway i guess what i'm trying to say is that i don't really think there is any true characteristic a world champion must have because it is less about the characteristic itself and more about how it interacts with other characteristics and the way a person manages this sum total—take the idea of "consistency" for example, which is often liberally applied to drivers without any temporal/material granularity. do we mean over an entire career or a season or during a single race length? do we mean consistency in terms of race craft or qualifying pace or a specific metric like race starts and reaction time? being consistent is good if it means that you're consistently getting high positions relative to your competitors, but it can also veer into an overly conservative approach. so to me everything requires a very finetuned balance of raw pace, consistency, adaptability, and a healthy capacity for self-reflection, and it's why i really liked the way andrea talked about how oscar had natural speed as a rookie but also took this incremental approach to his weekends by working toward his maximum session over session, because pushing the limits in fp1 is useless if you're still navigating and identifying new areas of opportunity. but of course this then also relates back to the timeline of adaptability and how everything in motorsport is = the faster you can "adapt" (within a weekend but also over the course of a season) the higher your stock is, so this gradualism must also be well-managed. and the thing is that a driver's capacity to adapt as they move onto newer categories and face new technical regulations is something we as outside observers cannot truly predict or project even though we all love to try!!!
there is a whole spiel about defining what adaptability even means in motorsport here but i'll spare everyone. i think it's very fair to say that oscar is a generally adaptable driver (in that he can get up to speed with the technical components of a new car quickly, that every championship he won in his junior career was in a new chassis, that he has an ingrained "awareness of what the opportunities are" when driving and the "capacity to self-recognize where there is more to come from either himself or from the car," and he so far has shown marked improvements over the length of a race weekend that reflect positively relative to rookie expectation), and it can be assumed that his most pronounced weakness from 2023 will be much better mitigated now that he has crucial track experience in hand, since tyre degradation is expressly something simulator work cannot fully prepare you for. but at the same time i really reject any notion that ~now that he's not a rookie + because he's an adaptable driver + his mentality is sooo much better than lando's (when again it is about the Sum Total of characteristics and not how one specific characteristic is reflected in previous wdcs) his pace will immediately match/challenge lando's~ because first of all, no, and second of all the quantitative mystery is still, how much of that race-pace deficit can better management annul for oscar (or conversely how much of it is simply inherent to him)? so there are too many variables… and anyone who tells you they can predict that is lying!
also re: Potential 814 friction…!!!!!! i guess again as i always say there are really too many variables to make assumptions here... and i think it's hard to imagine, actionably, what a fracture would even look like for them, since lando and oscar are both people who manage the on/off-track separation well and i honestly don't really foresee any huge professional fallouts even if they do have to fight for positions on-track more frequently. but like andrea said, if oscar wins before lando then it means (unless it's a truly fugazi win lol) that mclaren has a car capable of winning, and i again reject this idea that lando is so mentally weak that he isn't capable of being motivated by that, and equally it is actually a Good Thing for a team to have "two #1 drivers" so long as that relationship is well-managed... will they even have two #1 drivers next season (i.e. will oscar really be that much closer to lando)? and if so will it be well-managed? that i cannot tell you!!!!!
honestly teammate dynamics are not something i'm ever confident in extrapolating much from because there are so many contingencies to Who wins first / does anyone even win at all (X to doubt) / who outperforms whom (and how do we measure that) / who "leaves more on the table"... all of that stuff......... but it is definitely a very interesting question. and i will be eager to witness how their relationship develops based on the mcl38's performance next season and of course its performance relative to rb/merc/fer!!!
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slamdunkhcs · 2 years
the success of slam dunk
Something I often hear from others is that “Slam Dunk is underrated”. To an extent, this is true. The series isn’t very talked about among younger fans of manga, and newer sports series such as Haikyuu are mentioned more by younger fans. However, Slam Dunk is not underrated in the slightest. Its numbers of copies sold worldwide (170 million copies, making it the seventh best selling manga of all time) speaks for itself, but in this essay I want to break down both the numbers and impact that truly show Slam Dunk’s success.
During the time of the series' publishing in Shonen Jump, Japan had been going through an economic fall. The Japanese economy suffered a prolonged recession that followed the collapse of the economic success of the 80’s. Corporations had stopped hiring new employees in order to maintain their current ones. This meant that many people were out of work, and it led to high unemployment. While this doesn’t directly affect Inoue, it puts lots of pressure on his manga to do well. After all, if he couldn’t make something that sold, he was out of a job. He had also stated that his editors were against him making a basketball manga due to it being unknown in the country, yet he did it regardless — despite knowing that he could easily be out of a job and face the financial difficulties many others were facing throughout the 90’s.
Throughout the 90’s, basketball wasn't very known in Japan. The NBA was at its peak in popularity, but this popularity didn’t translate to Japan. Baseball and soccer were far more known sports in Japan, and so Inoue was faced with the task of introducing basketball to his readers. (He did a good job of this). Slam Dunk starts off more comedic and casual compared to an intense sports series, and this was done to appeal to a wider audience. In fact, some of the most popular chapters and episodes at the time had been the gym fight arc, which didn’t exactly have much to do with basketball. But as the series progressed, Inoue was faced with two choices; to continue with the writing structure that was selling, or to double down on the basketball aspect of the series and risk alienating and losing his audience.
But instead of backing down, Inoue decided to take the risk. The story became more and more basketball focused, but he didn’t alienate his audience. In fact, the story was becoming more and more popular. At the time, it contended with Dragon Ball Z, and at times was even outselling.
The apex of the series’ popularity had been towards the end of its serialization in 1995-1996, throughout the Shohoku vs Sannoh match. And then… it ended. Inoue’s editors wanted him to continue the series as it was one of the magazine’s best selling, but instead, he just left. A complete power move. The series had lots of material that could have been used to continue the series, such as what happened to Shohoku (particularly Sakuragi) after the Sannoh match, him getting the girl, him becoming an even better player. I think that Inoue knew the series could have been even bigger if he had continued, but I also believe that it ended where it needed to. If Slam Dunk had been dragged longer, it may have gotten stale, and it might not have been as beloved as it is right now. Additionally, Inoue’s other big titles such as Vagabond or REAL don’t have endings due to long hiatus, and it’s possible that Slam Dunk may have faced similar treatment.
Aside from its overall sales, another interesting metric that encapsulates Slam Dunk’s success is its sales per volume estimate.
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Slam Dunk being second only to One Piece (the best selling manga of all time) highlights just how successful it is.
Additionally, here is a sales chart of the best selling manga in September 2022. The fact Slam Dunk places here despite being a series that has been completed for over 25 years speaks for itself.
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The series is very impressive sales wise already, but another component on just how successful Slam Dunk is its cultural impact in Japan. I already stated Inoue was forced with the task of introducing basketball to Japan. And to say he introduced it to them would be an understatement; it can be said that Slam Dunk popularized the sport.
Around the 90’s, while basketball was at its peak in popularity due to the NBA, Japan didn’t pick up on this. Baseball and football were still far more popular. As I said before, Inoue was tasked to introduce basketball to his readers.
Introduced is an understatement, and Inoue’s story actually increased enrollment in basketball among Japanese youth. In fact, throughout 1990-1995, around one million Japanese high schoolers were playing basketball as an extracurricular. And when Slam Dunk ended its serialization, this number dropped again.
Additionally, when the NBA came to Japan during the time the series was being published, the stadiums for their games were packed. This adds onto just how much more popular basketball was getting in Japan. And even now, it can be said basketball is a much popular sport in Japan.
But he didn’t just introduce the game itself; he also showed the culture surrounded by basketball.
Basketball culture is another prominent thing shown in Slam Dunk, from the boys hooping in Jordans, the baggy clothes they wear, to the sneakerhead culture. Inoue bridged 90’s American culture to Japan, and he made it a thing among Japanese youth.
Something else I want to note is that Nike allowed for Inoue’s use of their products in the manga. On my initial read, this surprised me, since I figured that Nike would have copyrighted the series. However, the reason they allowed for Inoue’s display of their products was because it essentially advertised their products to the Japanese market. In fact, Jordan’s and Nike’s sneakers had a massive increase in Japanese sales throughout the series’ publication (particularly the shoes worn by Sakuragi and Rukawa). Additionally, Nike also had a collaboration with Inoue to make red Jordan’s with Slam Dunk’s panels.
The series wasn’t known in just Japan, but throughout other Asian countries such as South Korea, China, and The Philippines. And as a result, basketball got popularized in these countries as well. If you were to ask anyone from there from around the 80’s-90’s, it’d be difficult to not find a Slam Dunk reader.
Throughout all this, I firmly believe that Slam Dunk isn’t underrated. It is arguably one of the most influential mangas, and easily one of the most successful.
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mademoiselle-red · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about how my favorite genre of fanfiction are works that seem to say to the original work, “great concept but I want to execute it differently.” I love how it takes the building blocks of the original work and show how the resulting story could have been arranged differently.
A sub-genre of that I absolutely adore are fanfics that are beautifully written, gentle, whimsical, or romantic in tone, but whose concepts, thematic and stylistic decisions are explicitly hostile and antagonistic to those in the original work. There is something so enticing about the gentle violence of a Draco/Harry fic that turns some of values and choices of the original series upside-down.
I love the way this played out in the fandom for the Alexander Trilogy by Mary Renault. The second book in the trilogy, The Persian Boy is itself a “transformative” work that offers an alternate interpretation of the history and cultural myth(s) of Alexander the Great. It imagines a romantic relationship between Alexander and the eunuch Bagoas, his only male lover recorded in official histories. The story centers this relationship while sidelining the much more heavily mythologized and romanticized relationship between Alexander and the general Hephaestion, his friend / right-hand-man / maybe-lover . Historians from antiquity record in extravagant detail Alexander’s deep emotional attachment to Hephaestion, but nothing about sexual love was ever written in the official histories. By making its protagonist Bagoas, The Persian Boy centers the romance around the explicitly queer relationship over the maybe-queer relationship historians liked to call “platonic”. The novel does depict Alexander and Hephaestion in a sexless marriage-like kind of romantic love, but does not make it the focus of the story. The focus of the romance is between Alexander and Bagoas. I think the novel is very successful in selling this romance and challenging the Alexander / Hephaestion mythos. But it is apparent that the fan favorite couple, even in this fandom, is still Alexander/Hephaestion. And most of these fan works write back against The Persian Boy’s narrative decision to de-center Hephaestion by re-centering Alexander/Hephaestion in their stories, drawing from both Renault’s work and the works of Roman historians, medieval poets, renaissance artists, and other contemporary novelists & historians. When reading and writing Alexander/Hephaestion fanfics, it sometimes feels to me like the mythos itself is writing back against Renault’s attempt at subversion with the might of millennia of storytelling and the fury of millennia of marginalization. On a meta fourth-wall-breaking level, Renault’s Bagoas had foreseen this: Hephaestion will always win, in both The Persian Boy and in the cultural consciousness of its fans. He had won long before Renault set pen to paper, on the day the historical Alexander, the Alexander of our world, immortalized their love through his elaborate displays of devotion and grief. The part of me that reads literature like a blood sport delights in the knowledge that in the collective cultural consciousness, Alexander will always love Hephaestion more.
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lookismaddict · 2 years
My 3rd Dream of Gun Park✨
GOOD MORNING!! OK SOOO… I had another weird dream with Gun in it. Three times the charm, right? 😭 (SORRY, I HAD TO DELETE THE PREV POST BC I REALIZED I ACCIDENTALLY PUT “Post” INSTEAD OF “Save”. I’m dumb 😓) AND WHY IS IT ALWAYS HIM IN MY DREAM? I MEAN, I’M NOT MAD ABOUT IT BUT AT LEAST PUT SOMEONE ELSE IN IT FOR ONCE. Like Goo, or Jake, or EVEN SAMUEL. Alright, but this time, he isn’t being a total butt. He was actually nicer. A LOT nicer than the last dream I had with him in it. This was what he was wearing:
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But his hair wasn’t fixed like that. It was the other hairstyle that had his hair parted onto one side. For some reason, he decided to buy me a ticket to go see an American hockey game at night. I’m not even a hockey fan btw and I wasn’t even interested whatsoever. But, I decided to go with him because I’ve never seen one either. He wanted to go because he was curious to see what was the appeal for Americans to watch a sport where they use sticks to score points for a team. (This was because Goo mentioned this to him before during work and he found it ridiculous. He should’ve thought about croquet too. They use mallets or something, I don’t know.) The ticket that he got for me were FRONT SEAT TICKETS TOO!!! LIKE WTH??? Big flex, but ok…? 💀💀💀 Honestly, I was getting interested in the game but on his end, he seemed kind of bored. TOO bored. It wasn’t even half-way into the game, and he already wanted to bail. I felt his hand slid onto mine as he gave it a tight squeeze before standing up from his seat and said, “Let’s go.” Confused, I got up as well and followed right behind him out of the arena with his grip still on my hand. Once we got outside of the arena, he dragged me away from the parking lot where I was expecting him to take me back to his car, but we were heading around the back of the arena. “Gun, where are we going?! Isn’t the car the other way around?!” With one swift pull, my back landed against the wall and he planted his hands strongly on both of my sides. Anxiously, I looked at both of my sides and asked nervously, “W-what the hell do you think you’re doing…?” When Gun’s face leaned in closer, he whispered, “What do you think I’m doing?” My eyes widened in surprise as I gasped and asked him loudly, “ARE YOU SERIOUS?! HERE OF ALL PLACES?!” Gun put his index finger onto his lips briefly, hushing me to be quiet. “If you stay quiet, then this could work.” Blushing furiously, I hissed at him saying, “Are you crazy?! Why do you want to do it here? Couldn’t this wait until later? I thought we have somewhere to go after this!” Gun chuckled mischievously as he replied with, “Dinner can wait. We’re too early anyways, so we still have a lot of time to kill.” Scrunching my eyebrows in disbelief, I answered, “But what if we get caught?” Gun shook his head with that foxy grin still displayed on his face. “We won’t.” I looked at him skeptically until he repeated himself once more. “Trust me, we won’t. If you stay quiet, then we won’t.” You protest again saying, “Ok, but what if-” However, the rest of my words were silenced with an unexpected kiss. From the night sky above, the moon revealed itself from the dark clouds that was previously shrouding it, shining moonlight down onto me and Gun. The nightshade illuminated Gun’s handsome facial features underneath the moon’s wakening. With my arms wrapping around his neck over his shoulders, entangling onto his soft hair from behind his head, I pulled him closer, letting the night naturally take us wherever this might go…
Gun and I managed to arrive at the place where we were supposed to have dinner at. The restaurant was painted in light pink carnation walls and decorated with gold plated trinkets, but the atmosphere was harboring romanticism, with its dimmed French-styled chandeliers suspended up above wherever I went, as if I was walking through the Palace of Versailles. Thank god, we both made it in time after [CENSORED]. We were both seated at a table with a romantic display of a vase holding a flower bouquet of roses placed at the side of the table, with a small candle flickering softly beside it. Once the two of us took our orders, the waiter left us alone for us to exchange words about our earlier escapade.
“How was it?”
“How was… what?”
He smirked at my obliviousness, as if I had forgotten that we [CENSORED]. While I was observing the flowers, I realized what he was talking about, as my head slowly turned towards him with my face gradually shifting to an embarrassed caricature.
“And you’re going to bring that up… NOW?”
With that devilishly attractive grin of his, he took a sip out of his tea. Before setting it down in such a sophisticated manner, he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair with pride plastered on his face.
“What? You didn’t enjoy it? Last time I remembered, you were-”
Already dying in embarrassment, I quickly leaned over the table and clasped my hand over his mouth to prevent him from continuing any further.
“Just shut up, will you?!”
I felt his hand gently grab onto my hand that was covering his mouth then slowly pulled it away from himself, relieving himself from my sudden abruptness. With a “Hmph.” I returned back to my seat and crossed my arms in return.
With his right arm now resting on the arm rest of his fancy chair, he leaned and rested the side of his head onto the back of his hand, while observing my very movements. Admiring my physical facial features, my facial expressions, and my eyes bashfully averting his over the candlelight, he gave me a warm smile.
“Every time, you never fail to amuse me.”
With my eyes now glaring at him, I said through gritted teeth, “Shut up and just wait for the damn food to come…”
The two of you sat there in comfortable silence, until the food arrived. The majority of the time when we ate together, we conversed in various topics about each other’s lives. How was work? How was school? Is work treating you well? (“Of course it isn’t. It’s Goo, we’re talking about.”) By having dinner and talking about the little things with this simple-minded man before me, was already enough to make me feel contentment. His constant complaints made me laugh, which made him admire my happy face over dinner. Leaving him feeling satisfied over a wonderful and successful night out with me…
(Damn, that was a lot. I’m sorry that this became a long STORY TIME. 😅 Also, I’ll leave the censored parts to your imagination. 👀 Thanks for stopping by to read all of this. I wish you guys a good rest of your day!!! 🖤🖤🖤)
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coochiequeens · 7 months
Uproar in football stadiums: There can't be two genders
24th matchday, FC Ingolstadt vs. Dynamo Dresden: Banner in the Dresden fan block "THERE IS ONLY ONE RIDICULOUS DFB... AND TWO GENDER".
A fan poster claims there are only two genders. The DFB sports court punishes this. Now mass protests are breaking out in stadiums. Is a super-woker DFB embarrassing itself? Are football fans queer deniers? Is the over-political DFB president making a mistake once again? Or is the gender debate simply reaching a new dimension?
The scandal began as a real satire. The German Football Association's sports court has imposed a fine on Bundesliga club Bayer Leverkusen because fans there claimed that there were only two genders. The DFB is the world's largest sports association, Bayer Leverkusen is top of the Bundesliga and on the way to the championship - the stage for the gender criminal court could hardly be bigger. The club has to pay a total of 18,000 euros “because of discriminatory, unsportsmanlike behavior on the part of its supporters”. Fans held up a banner at the game against Werder Bremen that read: “There are many styles of music, but only two genders.”
The incriminated banner triggered a rather cheerful discourse between harmless rival fan groups from Werder Bremen and Bayer Leverkusen. Bayer Ultras had described themselves as the supposedly cool "Raverkusen" in a choreography in the game against Freiburg, whereupon the Werder fans countered the Leverkusen team as music philistines in the subsequent game with a "Beer King ≠ Techno Club" banner. They responded with the now scandalized Bayer banner “There are many styles of music.” With the reference to the "but only 2 genders", the Rhinelanders probably wanted to make fun of the left-wing orientation of the Bremen Ultras after they had mocked their own taste in music. Such fan teasing is normally part of the rich, coarse and universally laughed-at part of German football culture.
But the fact that the DFB is now trying to publicly punish the Leverkusen fans as inhumane gender deniers is causing a lot of football fans to shake their heads and feel indignant. To justify its punitive action, the DFB wrote on From federal politics, the Green Party's sports spokeswoman, Tina Winklmann, immediately supported the DFB, saying the poster was "inhumane and discriminatory."
Discussion about DFB leadership breaks out
Many fans see it differently and simply do not want to be banned from the idea that there are two genders. The DFB's punitive action is therefore triggering a wave of similar sanctioning actions in other stadiums. Dynamo Dresden supporters displayed a giant banner that read: "There is only one ridiculous DFB... and two genders!" The DFB now also wants to take action against this with penalties. In Braunschweig, fans made a giant banner with the inscription “Dear Sir or Madam, Period.” In Cottbus you could read meters high: "There are only 2 genders - both despise the DFB". In Chemnitz they read in giant letters: "There are only two genders, even a blind person can see that! DFB fan shop: men, women, babies and children". The fans were referring to the two-gender DFB shop.
Now the DFB should actually punish all possible clubs and fan groups, because new “two-gender” posters are added every weekend. But behind the scenes there is also a discussion about the DFB and its leadership.
Some criticize that the DFB is putting unnecessary additional strain on the already heated relationship between the DFB, DFL and fans because of the planned investor entry into the DFL. Others criticize the DFB, which is becoming increasingly left-wing politicized and demonstratively “woke” under its president Bernd Neuendorf. The long-time SPD professional politician Neuendorf works closely with the SPD Interior Minister Nancy Faeser in his positioning for demonstrative diversity. Joint party membership sometimes leads to over-political actions, as was the case at the World Cup in Qatar, when the two staged the one-love prank.
The appointment of Andreas Rettig (liked to be called "Antifa-Andi" in the scene) as the football association's new sports director is also seen as a demonstrative signal for activist association management. In November 2022 he appeared as spokesman for the SPD and gave a lecture in Bochum on the topic of “The social responsibility of professional football”. One of the oddities of the DFB's politicization is that the Hamburg communications agency BrinkertLück was hired under Neuendorf. She was in charge of the SPD chancellor election campaign for Olaf Scholz, and today BrinkertLück is the “lead agency for the DFB product world”.
Freedom of expression and biologists' resistance
The two-gender scandal is attracting attention beyond the football scene because it is an example of where the boundaries of what can be said lie in the diversity debate. The DFB penalty decision acts like a political correctness edge in the gender culture war currently taking place. The fact that, in addition to biological sex, social gender identity should also be respected and tolerated is widely undisputed, even among football fans. Since 2018, in German civil status law, gender entry has been possible in addition to male and female.
The great resistance to the DFB language police is explained less by the lack of tolerance towards queer footballers and more by the question of what one is allowed to say in public and what is not. If the sentence "There are two genders" is really criminalized and publicly stigmatized, then the deep freedom reflexes of the open society will be violated. Because the gender debate, like all other debates, is subject to the constitutionally protected freedom of expression.
Germany's most prominent biologist, the Nobel Prize winner Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, even vehemently advocates the principle of two genders: "Of course there is a spectrum when it comes to gender, the social sex, while when it comes to biological sex there is only female or male. Over. End." The Federal Government's Queer Commissioner, Sven Lehmann, however, claims: The view that there are two genders is unscientific. There are many genders. The Nobel Prize winner responded to this in an "Emma" interview : "That's unscientific! Mr. Lehmann may have missed the basic course in biology." And further: "It is completely clear that transsexuals should not be discriminated against. If people are treated badly, that is bad. But they cannot impose their ideas on everyone as facts." If the Nobel Prize winner were to say something like that in the football stadium, the DFB would fine her.
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imladybbq · 1 year
Valorant: Prepare for Battle 
Electronic sports, or e-sports, are organized online games in which teams or professional players compete against one another in a variety of online games. E-sports, like traditional sports, feature passionate players who put in a lot of practice, engage in competitions, and compete for glory, popularity, and cash prizes (Taylor 2018 p. 1). Over the years, esports has grown a significant popularity among many people, creating a global community of fans. There are various genres of e-sports games that you can find, such as first-person shooters, multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBAs), real-time strategy games (RTS), sports simulators, combat games, and more. Personally, I am not a big fan of gaming, nor am I a gamer person. However, Valorant is perhaps one of the games that I truly enjoy playing. I got into it during the lockdown period when my friends insisted to try it, and I have been hooked ever since. It is a free first-person shooter (FPS) game released in June 2020, developed by an established gaming company called Riot Games.
What is Valorant All About? 
The game is super hectic with numerous elements, which involve complex strategic elements, and a unique blending of skills and gunplay (IGN 2022). Due to this, it has captured the attention of millions of gamers worldwide. The gameplay is super exhilarating and skill-based, with an emphasis on strategy and teamwork. Each team of 5 players will get a chance to be in both attacking and defending teams, and each round demands strategic planning, communication, and execution (IGN 2022). Hence, it creates a dynamic and captivating gameplay by integrating tactical gunplay of classic shooters with unique character skills. 
What makes Valorant stands out the most is that the players get to pick a character through the agent system. Each agent has special skills or power abilities that players can strategically use to their advantage to accomplish particular goals or assist other agents (IGN 2022). The game provides a large range of agents with a multitude of team formations and abilities, from aggressive explosives and surveillance tools to defensive smokes and healing abilities. Next, there is also a range of game modes that players can choose from, from competitive to casual mode (IGN 2022), which can cater to the player’s mood.  
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A list of some of the agents from Valorant, where each has its own power and abilities.
Reaching Worldwide 
This game has built an incredibly active and enthusiastic community that is still continuously expanding. Being a free-to-play game, Valorant is easily accessible, which contributes to its increasing popularity. Players from various backgrounds can take part, regardless of their financial limitations. Furthermore, the game's multicultural cast of agents includes individuals from different cultures promoting inclusivity and representation in gaming. 
Other than that, the game also gains popularity with the help of live-streaming websites, such as Twitch and YouTube. These platforms offer viewers a simple and quick way to watch live games and tournaments, as well as a tool for players to broadcast their gameplay. Both players and viewers are able to communicate directly through live streaming, which promoted interaction and a sense of community. Plus, many players also use these platforms to educate others on gameplay through tutorials and gaming hacks. This typically emphasizes strategic planning on using the agent’s abilities to the fullest potential.  
Valorant Going Professional 
Thanks to the accessibility of live-streaming platforms, it creates a global audience, which attracts media, marketers and sponsors to organize and invest in professional e-sports tournaments (Taylor 2018). Since its debut, Valorant has quickly made a name for itself as a dominant e-sport. As a result, they have established a competitive ecosystem through The Valorant Champions Tour, a worldwide tournament series that features the greatest teams in the world competing with each other. This drives millions of people to watch live e-gaming events (Taylor 2018), and they have audience numbers that are comparable to those of traditional sporting events.
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I believe Valorant has successfully built its identity in the market due to its creative marketing efforts to pique interest among gamers globally. The developer, Riot Games, started with captivating teaser campaigns through the storytelling of the world of Valorant. Hence, the gaming community became hyped up with speculation and discussion in response to these advertising tactics, which in turn instil eagerness among the viewers.  
On top of that, I believe one of their strongest marketing plans is their effort towards community participation. They actively take into account players’ feedback and incorporate it into their game design. They encourage people to share their ideas and opinions based on their gaming experience, which notably improves their platform. This allows their community to feel heard and appreciated, hence promoting a sense of community and involvement. For this reason, they foster loyalty among players due to the community-centric approach, drawing in both amateur and professional gamers. 
Overall, with its captivating gameplay, complex strategic elements, and vibrant e-sports community, Valorant has completely changed the competitive gaming landscape. The unique game design incorporating tactical gunplay, distinctive agent powers, and community collaboration built an engaging experience that appeals to both competitive and casual players. We can see that Valorant has clearly made a lasting impression on the gaming industry with its continuously expanding community and dedication to creating a global e-sports environment, securing its position as one of the top-tier competitive games of our time. 
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IGN 2022, Beginner’s Guide to Valorant, IGN, viewed 11 June 2023 <https://www.ign.com/wikis/valorant/Beginner's_Guide_to_Valorant>. 
Taylor, TL 2018, ‘Broadcasting ourselves’ (chapter 1), in Watch Me Play: Twitch and the Rise of Game Live Streaming, Princeton University Press, pp.1-23 
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inspirdgtrends · 4 days
Las Vegas Raiders x Hello Kitty 2024 Baseball Jersey
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Product link:https://inspirdg.com/product/las-vegas-raiders-x-hello-kitty-2024-baseball-jersey/
Store link:https://inspirdg.com/
Las Vegas Raiders x Hello Kitty 2024 Baseball Jersey: A Perfect Union of Boldness and Cuteness
In a world where fandoms are constantly blending, the Las Vegas Raiders x Hello Kitty 2024 Baseball Jersey stands as a beacon of creativity, bringing together the intense world of NFL football and the timeless charm of Hello Kitty. This collaboration is one of the most unique we’ve seen in sportswear, combining the fierce spirit of the Las Vegas Raiders with the sweet, playful persona of Hello Kitty. It’s more than just a jersey — it’s a statement, a celebration of diverse fandoms, and a testament to the idea that sports and pop culture can coexist in harmony.
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Bold Design Meets Hello Kitty’s Signature Charm
At first glance, the Las Vegas Raiders x Hello Kitty 2024 Baseball Jersey immediately commands attention with its striking design. The pink base is an unexpected but delightful departure from the traditional black and silver Raiders colors, adding an element of playfulness to the team’s typically tough, rugged aesthetic. This color choice is a nod to Hello Kitty’s iconic charm and helps create a fusion that appeals to a wide range of fans, blending the aggressive energy of football with the sweetness of Hello Kitty.
On the front of the jersey, the bold RAIDERS logo is proudly displayed in the center of the chest. The sleek black font contrasts perfectly against the pink backdrop, ensuring that the Raiders’ identity remains at the forefront of the design. To the side, the Nike swoosh gives the jersey a stamp of authenticity, ensuring fans that this piece isn’t just stylish — it’s high quality and durable, made for both fashion and function.
The true highlight of the jersey, however, is the depiction of Hello Kitty as a football player. On both the front and back, Hello Kitty is dressed in full Las Vegas Raiders football gear, complete with a helmet, jersey, and football in hand. The little details — like her signature bow now colored in Raiders’ black and gold — add a touch of whimsy while remaining true to the football theme. It’s an unexpected, yet perfect blend of cute and competitive.
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A Crossover That Transcends Fandoms
The collaboration between the Las Vegas Raiders and Hello Kitty is a prime example of how sports and pop culture can collide in brilliant ways. For Raiders fans, this jersey is a chance to represent their team in a fun, fresh way that breaks the mold of traditional sports apparel. It’s the perfect way to show team spirit while also expressing a playful side that’s often missing in the more serious realm of football.
At the same time, this jersey appeals to Hello Kitty fans who may not be as familiar with football but love the idea of their favorite character joining forces with a major NFL team. This collaboration bridges the gap between two very different worlds, showing that fandoms don’t have to be exclusive — you can love both the rough-and-tumble world of football and the cheerful, colorful universe of Hello Kitty.
It’s also worth noting that this crossover is more than just about aesthetics. It represents the evolving nature of sports culture, where inclusivity and crossover appeal are becoming more important. It encourages fans to embrace different aspects of pop culture and shows that sports aren’t just about competition — they’re also about community and fun.
Comfort and Durability: Built for Fans
While the design is undoubtedly the most eye-catching aspect of the Las Vegas Raiders x Hello Kitty 2024 Baseball Jersey, the quality and craftsmanship of the jersey itself should not be overlooked. Manufactured by Nike, fans can expect nothing but the best in terms of durability, comfort, and performance.
The lightweight fabric ensures that the jersey is breathable, making it perfect for game days, tailgating, or casual outings. The soft material allows for all-day comfort, whether you’re sitting through four quarters of football or wearing it around town. The button-up front gives it a classic baseball jersey look while ensuring ease of wear and versatility in styling.
The fit is relaxed and suitable for all body types, with plenty of room to layer underneath or wear on its own. Additionally, the high-quality stitching and embroidery mean that this jersey will stand up to repeated wear and washing, with the logos and designs remaining intact and vibrant for seasons to come.
A Must-Have Collector’s Item
For those who love collecting limited-edition merchandise, the Las Vegas Raiders x Hello Kitty 2024 Baseball Jersey is a dream come true. It’s not every day you see such a bold and creative crossover, and fans of both the Raiders and Hello Kitty will appreciate the novelty and uniqueness of this jersey.
Its limited-edition status makes it a true collectible, one that will only become more coveted as time goes on. Whether you’re wearing it to a game, framing it in your collection, or gifting it to a fellow fan, this jersey is sure to become a conversation starter.
A Perfect Gift for All Ages
Looking for a gift that will delight both Raiders fans and Hello Kitty lovers? This jersey is an excellent choice for people of all ages, from children who adore Hello Kitty to adults who’ve been die-hard Raiders supporters for years. The playful design ensures that it appeals to a broad audience, and the high-quality construction guarantees that it will be appreciated as both a fashion item and a sports collectible.
Whether for birthdays, holidays, or game day surprises, this jersey is sure to bring smiles and excitement to whoever receives it.
Conclusion: A Bold Collaboration for 2024
The Las Vegas Raiders x Hello Kitty 2024 Baseball Jersey is a stunning example of how sports and pop culture can come together to create something truly unique. With its bold pink color, playful Hello Kitty details, and the iconic Raiders branding, this jersey is a must-have for fans who love to stand out and celebrate their team in style.
Its high-quality construction ensures that it’s not only fashionable but also comfortable and durable, making it perfect for wearing on game days, casual outings, or as a standout piece in any fan’s collection.
Get ready to represent your team with a little extra flair — whether you’re a Raider Nation loyalist or a Hello Kitty fan, this jersey is for you.
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frontproofmedia · 7 days
Identity Politics: Should Puerto Rico Embrace Edgar Berlanga? Part 1
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By Hector Franco
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Published: September 13, 2024
The views and opinions expressed on this website are solely those of the original authors and other contributors. They do not necessarily represent those of Frontproof Media, the Frontproofmedia.com staff, and/or any/all contributors to this site.
Since the 1930s, when Sixto Escobar first raised his hands as a bantamweight champion, the sweet science and the island of Puerto Rico have gone hand-in-hand. Escobar's victory sparked a chain reaction, leading to more than sixty world champions and 12 fighters inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame. The island has produced more world boxing champions per capita than any other country, with 15 or 16 champions per 1 million people. 
The next potential titleholder carrying the island's flag will receive his opportunity to claim his status as a world champion is Edgar "The Chosen One" Berlanga (22-0, 17 KOs). The 27-year-old will take a massive step up in competition when he meets Saul "Canelo" Alvarez (61-2-2, 39 KOs) in the squared circle on September 14. Despite starting his career with 16 straight first-round knockouts and an undefeated record, Berlanga is a huge underdog against Alvarez. Upon its announcement, the fight itself was met with more eye-rolls and groans than genuine excitement. According to DraftKings, Alvarez is an -1800 favorite, and Berlanga is a +1000 underdog. 
The event has been promoted as another chapter in the rivalry between Mexico and Puerto Rico. Fighters representing both countries have engaged in some of the best fights the sport has seen and some of the biggest from a box office perspective. In September 1999, 25 years ago, the most anticipated and significant money-drawing event involving fighters from Puerto Rico and Mexico occurred between Felix Trinidad and Oscar De La Hoya. The fight drew 1.4 million PPV buys and, at the time, was the most sold on PPV for a non-heavyweight match. Although plenty of battles between Mexico and Puerto Rico resulted in a better fight inside the ring, none captured the sports world quite like De La Hoya and Trinidad.
The fight's success led to promoters using the rivalry to promote future bouts. At times, in ways where it felt manufactured and not genuine. In the case of the power-punching Berlanga, who was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, his representation of Puerto Rico has come off as disingenuous and has received mixed feedback from fans on and off the island. The differing reactions to his representation of Puerto Rico stem from a divide between Puerto Ricans who live on the island and those on the mainland of the United States. 
The Great Migration
In the 1950s and 60s, a massive influx of Puerto Ricans left the island to travel to the United States, known as the Great Migration. The controversial Jones-Shafroth Act, also known as the Jones Act, established in 1917, granted U.S. citizenship to the people of Puerto Rico, thus allowing travel to the United States without a passport. Most of those who migrated to the United States established communities in cities like Philadelphia, Chicago, and, most prominently, New York. Another exodus from the island has taken place since the year 2000, with steadily increasing rates of Puerto Ricans leaving the island for job and family-related reasons. 
There are more Puerto Ricans in the mainland United States than on the island, with over 5.9 million. Florida and New York have the largest concentrations of Puerto Ricans. The island has over two million fewer people, at 3.2 million. 
Hailing from Brooklyn, New York, Berlanga is primarily recognized as being Nuyorican- a term to describe Puerto Ricans living in New York with their own culture and community. For many, Berlanga's New York background disqualifies him from being labeled an authentic Puerto Rican. Ironically, one of Berlanga's most well-known detractors is Oscar De La Hoya, who faced similar criticism in the 1990s from fans in Mexico. It could be a generational divide between the two; however, the six-division champion turned promoter has been critical of Berlanga's claim as a true Puerto Rican. 
"Edgar Berlanga, who is fighting Canelo on September 14, now he claims he has a whole country behind him," De La Hoya stated on his social media. "Edgar, bro, you're from Brooklyn. I think I'm more Puerto Rican than you are. And I only lived there for six years. Puerto Rico doesn't claim you, bro."
A large percentage of Puerto Ricans on the island are Spanish-speaking only, and more are bilingual. Yet, the ability to speak Spanish has always endeared to fans on the island. Perhaps the island's most beloved star, Felix Trinidad, took pride in speaking little English, maintaining a sense of solidarity with those on the island. The language barrier could be part of why fighters like Danny Garcia weren't fully embraced when he fought Mauricio Herrera in 2014 in Puerto Rico. Garcia is based out of Philadelphia and speaks little to no Spanish. He has only fought on the island once.
It could also be that fans on the island can tell the difference between a promoter pushing an agenda to gain fans and a fighter who puts in a genuine effort to achieve a connection with a fanbase. One showing up waving a flag and a winning record isn't enough. 
One of the island's three current world champions, Jonathan "Bomba" Gonzalez, the holder of the WBO championship at junior flyweight, will challenge for the WBO flyweight title in October in Japan. Gonzalez was born in the Bronx, resides and trains in Puerto Rico, and speaks both English and Spanish. Gonzalez has been and is fully supportive of Berlanga but does highlight the difference between those who live on the island and those who don't. 
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"To be Puerto Rican, you have to live here," Gonzalez said in an interview with Frontproof Media. "But I can say he's (Berlanga) Puerto Rican. His parents are Puerto Rican. But, to be a Puerto Rican, you have to live here. You have to know what's happening on the island. How is it? What's happening? Who's your Governor? Who's your Mayor?
"He (Berlanga) could represent Puerto Rico. But say, 'Yo, I don't live in Puerto Rico, but I feel for it.' That's great. That's super beautiful. But I support Berlanga. Doesn't matter where he lives."
Puerto Rico has been part of the United States as a colony, commonwealth, or territory since it won control from Spain in 1898. However, when Hurricane Maria ravaged the island in September 2017, it brought to light how little the island's status and trial and tribulations are to those in the United States. Even Puerto Ricans living in the United States might be unaware of the plethora of problems citizens on the island face every day. 
Electrical and water outages are common on the island. The two companies in charge of the island's power, Luma Energy and Gerena PR, have constantly had issues maintaining consistent electricity and water for citizens, leading to outages becoming a regular occurrence. Recently, Tropical Storm Ernesto left more than 700,000 people without power. 
The healthcare system on the island has been steadily declining. Citizens have had to deal with a lack of specialists and, at worst, have to wait months to gain an appointment. Over 8,600 doctors have left over the last ten years, and more are expected to leave in the future.
 Since Hurricane Maria, the island has been put up for sale. Investors of all types, including cryptocurrency traders, have flocked to the island, acquiring residency and buying massive portions of land to gain tax breaks from a law known as Act 60. Most of these properties have been turned into short-term vacation rentals, turning neighborhoods into Airbnb enclaves. These changes in property ownership have displaced many residents, as the prices of homes have gone up so high they have become unaffordable, pushing many out of their hometowns. According to the New York Times, 43 percent of Puerto Ricans live under the federal poverty level, and the three million plus that have called the island their home all their lives do not qualify for the tax breaks the new investors are benefitting from. 
The major issues on the island are not anything sports or Berlanga has control over, yet they highlight why the Brooklyn native isn't entitled to be embraced by those on the island. Berlanga is headed into a fight that isn't only a step up in competition but against boxing's biggest attraction. The Puerto Rican fanbase has always been among the most boisterous and supportive in boxing. For a niche sport like boxing, which seldom receives coverage from mainstream outlets on a consistent basis, having a built-in fanbase can be the difference in the opportunities offered to a fighter. 
"There are three top sports in Puerto Rico," Jonathan Gonzalez explained to Frontproof Media. "You can't talk about nothing more than boxing, basketball and baseball. When you talk about a fan base, there are more fans of boxing. Everyone loves Puerto Rican fans because they love their fighters. Everyone wants to be a part of it. 
"They want to be loved like Felix 'Tito' Trinidad. That's very hard. There's not going to be another Trinidad. You're not going to get another Trinidad. That will not exist in 20 to 30 years, in my opinion." 
Looking at some of the best and most recognizable fighters from Puerto Rico, many are similar to Berlanga. Fighters like Carlos Ortiz lived in New York, and Wilfred Benitez was born in the Bronx. Many will point to Miguel Cotto being born in Providence, Rhode Island, to diminish the value of being born in Puerto Rico. However, what these fighters have in common is that all of them have had fights on the island. Miguel Cotto represented Puerto Rico throughout the amateurs and in the Olympics. The four-division champions' first world title victory against Kelson Pinto in September 2004 took place in Hato Rey, Puerto Rico. Benitez became the youngest boxing champion in history when he defeated Antonio Cervantes in Puerto Rico in 1976. Two of Ortiz's most significant wins over Ismael Laguna and Sugar Ramos occurred on the island. 
While some view Berlanga's New York roots as an asterisk to his Puerto Rican heritage, others take a more straightforward approach.
"Well, nothing takes away the fact that his blood is Puerto Rican blood, said longtime veteran boxing journalist and founder of Latin Box Sports, Damon Gonzalez to Frontproof Media when asked about Berlanga. "No matter if he's born in Puerto Rico or the Bronx, New York, he is a Puerto Rican. That doesn't, regarding geography and how Puerto Rico may look at him. There are a lot of opinions in what the media and Puerto Rico say about him as an athlete and fighter.
"As a young fighter, as a Brooklyn kid, and a kid growing up in the sport of boxing, every fighter deserves the opportunity. I want to say that point blank, no matter who they are, where they come from, what their background is, race, creed, religion, whatever, no matter who it is, they deserve an opportunity at a shot."
How Berlanga performs against Alvarez will be vital to his future. Nobody expects Berlanga to pull off the victory, and many view the fight as a complete mismatch. Should he be competitive against Alvarez while displaying a level of grit and heart, it may endear him to fans in Puerto Rico on and off the island. Regardless of how people feel about his personality or his background, what happens inside the squared circle will always take precedence. 
A win over Alvarez would be monumental and considered one of the biggest unexpected upsets in recent history. However, don't expect the government of Puerto Rico to give citizens the day off to celebrate with the Brooklyn fighter in the same manner as when Trinidad returned to the island after his fight with De La Hoya. 
There will still be those who will focus on the difference between those who live on the island and those who seemingly wave the flag for clout. Berlanga has played the role of villain throughout the promotion but is noticeably aware of the opportunity before him that can potentially transition him from a boxer to a star. 
"I'm a guy that people want to turn on the TV just to see me," Berlanga said on Prime Video's Gloves Off. "They are going to want to see Berlanga. Regardless of whatever they say. They can talk more shit. They're going to say whatever. They're going to pay to see me either win or lose. I don't care. As long as you're paying to watch me, it is what it is. I got to go out there, do my job, win in fashion, and look good. That's my main goal. I want the whole world to know who Berlanga is. 
"I want to be that megastar. I'm from New York. I'm Puerto Rican. I'm handsome, and I can fight. I got everything on. I want to become a legend in the sport." 
So, is Edgar Berlanga entitled to be embraced by Puerto Rico? The answer is no. But his New York roots shouldn't disqualify him from being given the chance to earn the love of fans from Puerto Rico. Win or lose, how he conducts himself during and after the fight will provide a glimpse into whether his love for Puerto Rico is genuine or an attempt to get fans. 
"I've been boxing for 13 years since I was seven," Berlanga stated in 2017. "I'm from Brooklyn, but my parents are from here (Puerto Rico). I feel 100 percent Puerto Rican. My family, almost all of it, lives here on the island, and I want people in Puerto Rico to know that I'm working hard to become another important figure in boxing."
Boxing, like life, is brutal. Nobody is entitled to anything except respect for stepping inside the ring. Puerto Rico and its diaspora won't be easy for Berlanga to win over. But winning tends to simplify complex situations. It can turn shades of grey into black-and-white lines.
(Featured Photo: Rich Schultz/Getty Images)
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mymaster1231 · 23 days
Explore Popular Fantasy Games in India Play with MyMaster11, the Leading Fantasy Cricket App
In recent years, fantasy sports have emerged as a major trend in India, capturing the attention of millions of sports enthusiasts. These platforms allow fans to engage with their favorite sports in a dynamic and interactive way, transforming passive viewership into an active, strategic experience. Among the multitude of fantasy sports platforms available, MyMaster11 stands out as the leading app for cricket, offering an unparalleled fantasy gaming experience. In this article, we will explore the rise of fantasy sports in India, delve into the features that make MyMaster11 the preferred choice, and understand why fantasy cricket is becoming one of the most popular fantasy games in India.
The Rise of Fantasy Sports in India
Fantasy sports have gained immense popularity in India, largely due to the country's deep-rooted love for cricket. The concept of fantasy sports involves creating a virtual team of real players who earn points based on their performances in actual matches. Participants compete against others in leagues, with the goal of scoring the highest points and winning prizes. The thrill of selecting players, predicting match outcomes, and strategizing to outperform opponents has made fantasy sports a favorite pastime for many.
Cricket, being the most popular sport in India, naturally dominates the fantasy sports landscape. The Indian Premier League (IPL), international cricket tournaments, and domestic matches provide a continuous stream of opportunities for fantasy cricket enthusiasts to participate and win. The accessibility of these platforms through mobile apps has further fueled their growth, making it easy for users to engage in fantasy gaming anytime, anywhere.
Why MyMaster11 is the Best Platform for Popular Fantasy Games in India
As the fantasy sports market in India continues to expand, several platforms have emerged, each offering unique features and experiences. However, MyMaster11 has quickly established itself as the top choice for fantasy cricket enthusiasts. Here’s why MyMaster11 is considered the best platform for popular fantasy games in India:
1. User-Friendly Interface and Seamless Experience
MyMaster11 is designed with a user-centric approach, ensuring that both new and experienced players can navigate the app with ease. The interface is intuitive, making it simple to create teams, join leagues, and track performance in real-time. The app’s seamless experience, from registration to gameplay, ensures that users can focus on strategizing and enjoying the game rather than dealing with technical hassles.
2. Comprehensive Coverage of Cricket Matches
One of the standout features of MyMaster11 is its extensive coverage of cricket matches. Whether it’s the IPL, international test matches, ODIs, or T20s, MyMaster11 covers a wide range of cricket events, providing users with numerous opportunities to participate. The app also includes domestic leagues and lesser-known tournaments, allowing users to explore different levels of competition and discover new talent.
3. Diverse Fantasy Leagues and Contests
MyMaster11 offers a variety of leagues and contests to suit different preferences and skill levels. From beginner-friendly leagues to high-stakes competitions, there’s something for everyone. Users can participate in daily contests, long-term leagues, or even head-to-head challenges. This diversity ensures that players can choose the type of competition that best fits their interests and expertise.
4. Attractive Prizes and Rewards
The potential to win significant prizes is one of the main attractions of fantasy sports, and MyMaster11 excels in this area. The app offers a wide range of prizes, from cash rewards to exclusive merchandise and experiences. The reward structure is designed to incentivize both regular participation and high performance, making every contest an exciting opportunity to win big.
5. Real-Time Data and Player Insights
Success in fantasy cricket hinges on making informed decisions, and MyMaster11 provides users with all the tools they need to succeed. The app offers real-time data, including live match updates, player statistics, and expert insights. This information is crucial for making strategic choices, such as selecting the right players, adjusting lineups, and maximizing points.
6. Secure and Fair Gaming Environment
MyMaster11 places a strong emphasis on security and fair play. The app uses advanced encryption to protect user data and financial transactions, ensuring a safe gaming environment. Additionally, MyMaster11 employs strict policies to prevent cheating and maintain fairness, so users can compete with confidence, knowing that the platform is secure and trustworthy.
How to Get Started with MyMaster11
Getting started with MyMaster11 is simple and straightforward. Whether you’re a seasoned fantasy cricket player or a newcomer, the process is designed to be quick and user-friendly. Here’s how you can start your journey with MyMaster11:
Step 1: Download the App
The first step is to download the MyMaster11 app from the official website or your device’s app store. The app is available for both Android and iOS devices, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of smartphones and tablets.
Step 2: Create an Account
Once the app is installed, you’ll need to create an account. This involves providing basic details such as your name, email address, and phone number. You’ll also set up a username and password, which you’ll use to log in to the app.
Step 3: Explore Leagues and Contests
After creating your account, you can explore the various leagues and contests available on MyMaster11. The app categorizes contests based on entry fees, prize pools, and match types, making it easy to find a contest that suits your preferences.
Step 4: Build Your Fantasy Team
Once you’ve chosen a contest, it’s time to build your fantasy team. You’ll be given a virtual budget to select players from the match’s roster. The challenge is to pick a balanced team that includes a mix of star performers and hidden gems, all within your budget. Your selected players will earn points based on their real-life performances in the match.
Step 5: Track Performance and Win Prizes
During the match, you can track your team’s performance in real-time using the app’s live points tracker. The app updates scores instantly, so you can see how your decisions are impacting your standings in the contest. If your team performs well, you’ll be rewarded with cash prizes and other rewards, which you can withdraw directly from the app.
The Growing Popularity of Fantasy Cricket in India
Fantasy cricket is not just a game; it’s a cultural phenomenon in India. The country’s deep connection with cricket, combined with the strategic depth of fantasy sports, has made fantasy cricket one of the most popular pastimes among sports fans. Here’s why fantasy cricket is growing in popularity:
1. Cricket as a National Obsession
Cricket is more than just a sport in India; it’s a way of life. The game’s widespread appeal, from street cricket to professional leagues, means that almost every Indian has an understanding of the game’s intricacies. This deep-rooted knowledge makes fantasy cricket an attractive proposition for fans who want to put their cricketing acumen to the test.
2. Interactive and Engaging Experience
Fantasy cricket offers an interactive way to engage with the sport. Instead of just watching a match, fantasy cricket players actively participate by selecting teams, making predictions, and competing against others. This engagement enhances the viewing experience, making every match more exciting.
3. Opportunities to Win Rewards
The potential to win real money and other prizes adds a significant layer of excitement to fantasy cricket. With platforms like MyMaster11 offering substantial rewards, players are motivated to hone their skills and compete at higher levels. The combination of skill and luck required to succeed in fantasy cricket appeals to a wide range of players, from casual fans to serious gamers.
4. Community and Social Interaction
Fantasy cricket also fosters a sense of community among players. Whether it’s competing against friends in a private league or joining public contests, fantasy cricket brings people together. The social aspect of fantasy sports adds to the enjoyment, as players can share strategies, discuss matches, and celebrate victories together.
The Future of Fantasy Sports in India
The future of fantasy sports in India looks bright, with the industry expected to continue its rapid growth. As more players enter the market and technology evolves, platforms like MyMaster11 will play a crucial role in shaping the future of fantasy gaming in the country. Innovations such as enhanced user experiences, new game formats, and expanded coverage of sports beyond cricket will likely drive further engagement and growth.
MyMaster11, with its commitment to providing the best fantasy gaming experience, is well-positioned to lead this growth. By continually enhancing its platform, offering attractive rewards, and maintaining a focus on fair play, MyMaster11 will remain the top choice for fantasy sports enthusiasts in India.
Conclusion: Join MyMaster11 Today
If you’re looking to experience the thrill of popular fantasy games in India, MyMaster11 is the perfect platform to start your journey. With its user-friendly interface, comprehensive coverage of cricket matches, diverse leagues, and attractive prizes, MyMaster11 offers everything you need to enjoy fantasy cricket to the fullest.
Download the MyMaster11 app today, create your fantasy team, and join the millions of players who have discovered the excitement of fantasy sports. Whether you’re a cricket fanatic or just looking for a new way to engage with the game, MyMaster11 provides an unmatched fantasy gaming experience. Join now and see why MyMaster11 is the leading choice for fantasy gamers in India.
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