#again we really didn’t neee the second chapter to know that
yourqueenb · 7 months
I’m liking Guarded overall so far, but I have mixed feelings about the writing for Ash. On one hand, I actually like how stoic and serious about his job he is. He’s basically everything they tried to make Agent Gray from TPA out to be, but (unintentionally) funnier and sexier. Like I didn’t even need a chapter from his POV to know that he’s lowkey into MC.
On the other hand though, they’re pushing the “I need to protect MC at all costs” thing way too hard. He’s not even her personal bodyguard yet, so some of the things he was saying/doing/thinking just ended up making him almost sound like the stalker to me. And then him constantly thinking about how he can’t pursue her was just annoying. Like we get it, it would be unprofessional and you have some mysterious bad experience from the past. Let’s move on 🙄
I feel like the dual perspectives thing could be really good in this book, but PB has got to learn how to write internal conflict and show instead of tell. They also need to give these characters things to focus on outside of each other
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nephyscorner · 4 years
My little big dream
Chapter 3: A new begin
It was 5am. Soft moonlight still streamed through your window and you snuggled into your warm blankets. On the other side of the room was Hikaru sleeping. Both had fallen into a very deep sleep after last night's fun. You had had a good time. Barely got home, you put on your pajamas and fell asleep in your beds, almost instantly. You dreamed of everything that happened, and what was going to happen. You were very anxious for this new stage. But there was something - or, someone - that change your dream's plot.
You couldn't stop dreaming about that angelic face, his soft touch, his sweet hug, the pleasant sensation of resting on his chest ... no, it wasn't the same sleeping in your room anymore, your bed didn't feel as good as before. You missed the warm feeling of sleeping in his arms, while he stroked your hair, that feeling of security, that soft smell of cologne that you liked so much. Both have been very good friends for a few years, but little by little, things started to feel different. His smile started to tickle your stomach, his touch made your skin crawl, his bear hugs made you melt, hearing your name with his captivating voice makes you shiver inside. No, things definitely didn't feel the same anymore.
Tik... tik tik...
A soft sound brings you back to reality and you wake up. There he was, smiling sweetly on the other side of your window, in the moonlight, gently tapping a key on the glass. Shit. He looked so cute, almost seemed out of your dream. You rubbed your eyes for a moment but he was still there, he was real and he was on the other side of your window.
You get up wrapped in a blanket and approach him to open the glass and greet him
Good morning sleeping beauty. I hope you rested well, today is a great day -Suga leans over the window a bit to give you a soft kiss on the cheek
Yes I did, what about you? -You yawn while you fight internally not to blush from his kiss.
Of course, I'm excited ... Um ... Are you awake or do I have to kiss you to wake up?  -Your eyes widened, Suga's soft and innocent laugh made you understand that it was a joke ... or not. You couldn't help but blush just thinking about it and he noticed.
I'm awake -You murmured
Go, wake up Hikaru and get ready, we will be waiting at the door, we prepared breakfast to take to the gym since we are usually the first to arrive ... Oh and bundle up it's cold and I don't want you to get sick -He says goodbye shaking his hand and goes to the entrance of the house. You just close the glass and stand still for a moment. That was so beautiful, almost out of a romance tale.
You take a few seconds to regain your composure and grab your pillow to throw it at Hikaru's head
Neee, wake up, the boys already arrived and they are waiting for us- You tried to wake up your friend but she only responds with babbling. You head to the bathroom, wash your face, and brush your teeth, as always. But something had changed, this time you stayed a few moments in front of the mirror, wondering what hairstyle you should wear ... or, what hairstyle Suga might like, but at the same time, be comfortable to train. After thinking for a moment, you decided the classic option. You made a braid a bit loosely and let it fall over your shoulder, and you released a bit of hair on the sides of your face. That would suffice.
You went back to your room, grabbed your pillow, and threw it at Hikaru's head again. This time she wake up. You open the closet and pull out your gray tracksuit training uniform.
A few minutes have passed and you meet your friend in the living room, ready to go out. You take your jacket, your bag and leave the house.
They were out there, sitting on a little brick wall, talking about what to train today, what exercises they would do, etc.
We're ready -You say with a smile as you go down the few steps that separate the entrance of your house from the sidewalk.
On the way. We have to arrive, have breakfast and start preparing the gym while the boys arrive- Daichi seemed charged with energy. He was all the way talking about today's training, preparations, even imagining some friendly matches with other teams to train. Hikaru was still trying to wake up, she was never good at communicating before breakfast. Suga was talking with Daichi and you were trying to come up with an idea or suggestion. But there was something that was distracting you ... Accidentally -or not- your hand gently hit with Suga's when walking, you could feel a soft caress of his fingers playing a bit with yours from time to time. Your heart was racing and you tried to hide the little blush that had come out on your cheeks. Little by little your fingers began to intertwine until your hands gripped. His grip was firm but gentle and he gently caressed your hand with his thumb.
After a while reached the gym. Suga takes the keys and opens the door letting you both go first. There it was again, the boys' volleyball court, you began to daydream about what it would be like to practice there with them, how many shots you could recive, how it would feel to play with a net higher than you were used to. The simple fact of being there already made you happy. Suddenly Hikaru slaps you on the shoulder and gestures to approach the boys. They were sitting on the floor taking breakfast out of their backpacks.
A smell of hot coffee invades the court as Suga takes out a thermos from his backpack, while Daichi takes out some fruits and some sweet sandwiches that he had prepared.
It's not a breakfast of gods, but it will give us the necessary energy for training until midday.Daichi looked a bit embarrassed by his breakfast attempt, until Hikaru was finally able to say a few words while still staring at one of the Sandwiches.
It's perfect -She says as she accepts a cup of coffee that Suga serves his and takes one of the Sandwiches.
Don't go to burn, froggy -Suga hands you a cup of hot coffee and you thank him with a tender smile
Hikaru could finally be useful in the conversation and while you had breakfast, you were talking about what you could do to help the team
Once breakfast was finished, you all picked up the things, cleaned up the crumbs a bit and was time to prepare the court.
(y/n) and I can bring the net, you could go for the traini...- Suga stops talking when he notices that Hikaru and Daichi were muttering something and Hikaru lets out a small laugh.
Sorry, yes, we will go for the shirts and the balls, you bring the net- Hikaru affirms, resuming her composure.
The four of you went to the warehouse, where they had the sticks, net, brooms and everything they needed for the court. It had no light, but leaving the door open you could see everything perfectly.
Suddenly you feel a draft of air and hear the door slam behind you. Hikaru and Daichi were gone. Instead there was a small laugh from the other side.
You were about to go open the door when suddenly you feel a heat near you. He was there again, so close that you could smell his cologne that you liked so much. You could see almost nothing, except for the few figures that the dim light below the door revealed.
You feel a hand on your shoulder that gently travels your body until it reaches your waist and hug you, eliminating any distance that could be between you. You feel his other hand stroking your hair and then your cheek. You were getting closer and closer, you could feel his breath on your lips and you thought he could hear your heartbeat. Your lips barely touch, but suddenly Suga sighs and pulls away a bit.
This is not the time ... would you bring the sticks, please? He mutters as he grabs the net. You couldn't say a word, still trying to get over what had happened, you just make a sound with your throat, grab the sticks and then leave the warehouse.
You were setting the net, when suddenly you hear someone run followed by:
Idiot! I won this time
Not!! I won, I was faster, Noya who won?
Kageyama came one step before you, sorry
I told you, you idiot !!
You'll see next time
After that, Kageyama, Hinata and Noya enter the gym.
Ohh you came, you are great, girls!! -Hinata jumps with excitement when he sees the presence of you two
But we still didn't do anything -Hikaru looks at him half surprised by his euphoric reaction
But it means we can count on you and that's great! You are great!! -He is interrupted by a blow from Kageyama to make him close his mouth. Noya approaches you still a little nervous about talking to one of the new girls.
Libero, uh? I couldn't introduce myself, I'm Nishinoya, I will be happy to teach you the things that I know and you can learn from the best, you can call me Senpai or my love, as you wish - His tone although confident was not annoying, it motivated your desire to compete . You look at him with a lopsided smile.
Nice to meet you Nishinoya, I'm (t/n) and in a while we will be able to see who teaches whom ... kohai -Wasn't usual to speak defiantly with someone you had just met, but the fact of being able to train with the one who is considered one of the best liberos in Japan, it mades the blood run through your veins and it was really exciting.
The boys arrived and began to do stretching exercises and jog a few laps around the court until Ukai and Kiyoko appeared, which finally started practice officially.
Serving, spiking, setting practice was quite normal, only now you could tell them what to correct or what to change from a new point of view.
You were so excited about the practice, the hours seemed like minutes, and the sound of Ukai's whistle brought you back to reality.
It was already midday and it was time for lunch.
While Kiyoko handed out the lunch, Ukai took the opportunity to give them some tips and suggestions.
I also brought for you both, are you feeling comfortable? -Kiyoko's soft voice is heard approaching Hikaru and you, while she extends two bentos to you.
They are nice guys, even though some of them fight among themselves- Hikaru laughs a little at the thought of the times that Kageyama insulted Hinata or Tsukishima by making sarcastic comments
The three of you talked for a long time between a few laughs, until you realized that you were being watched. Almost all the boys had turned to see you. Three beautiful girls, talking and laughing, it was something too beautiful for them.
After lunch is over, you decide to do a game practice with the two of you included.
On one side of the court: Daichi, Hikaru, Nishinoya, Tsukishima, Kageyama and Asumane.
On the other side: Yamaguchi, Tanaka, Hinata, Sugawara, Ennoshita and you
They all agreed that Hikaru should start and it was. Until now, only you, Daichi, and Suga knew about her fast service.
The whistle blows. Hikaru sighs and does her jump-fast serve. The ball was hit like a whip, so before anyone could know it, the ball was already on the other side of the net. Obviously, since you already knew her trick, you were the only one prepared to receive it and you did it flawless. You reacted quickly, and sent the ball right into Suga's hands so he could set the game. When you wanted to find out, Asumane was already doing a cross spike that caught you a little off guard, but you were able to defend him like a champion.
As the game progressed, the boys were impressed by how well you both could adapt to a slightly more aggressive style of play than were used to and how the height of the net wasn't an impediment, as Hisaki was tall and could jump high. On the other hand, it was incredible to see how you could receive strong shots from the boys without hesitating or complaining of any pain.
Once the game was over, everyone was tired, so decided to finish the practice. Except for Hinata and Nishinoya, we don't know where they get their energy from.
Ukai calls everyone to meet him and Kiyoko passes by handing out some papers
While you were practicing, I was talking to Nekoma and Fukurodani to organize trainings, they told us that we could arrange a mini practice camp with the three teams. By the way, I already have the email with the final dates for the official matches, everything is written down on those papers-The whole team seemed excited except for two members.
I ... I ... coach ... I ... can't attend. They are the dates of the final exams of the university and if I don't appear I will fail the year ... I ... I ... sorry, I can go to the camp, but not to the games -Stutters a little Asahi.
Coach, I have a trip scheduled at the end of the year, I'll see if I can cancel it to go to the official matches, but I can't promise anything- Nishinoya says a little worried.
Ukai sighs - We're tired, let's rest the rest of the day and come back tomorrow with an idea, okay?
A unanimous Yes was heard and the practice of the date was terminated. Everyone set up and cleaned the court and when everything was ready, Daichi takes the keys and closes the gym.
(yn), Do you want to go for a walk in the park while there is still a bit of sun? -Suga gives you a tender smile that he knows you can't refuse.
Then said goodbye to Hikaru and Daichi and started walking.
Partly how unfortunate today ... do you have any idea what to do if they can't show up, Suga? Is there a way to contact the boys who have left to replace them?
Mmmm -Suga looks at the sky thinking for a moment and taking the opportunity to slowly take your hand- Not honestly, I'll have to think. Possibly something occurs to me when I talk about it with the pillow.
You wanted to pay attention to him but it was too late, Suga took your hand and your brain completely disconnected from the conversation. Yes, it was his firm but soft grip, only this time, was you who took the opportunity to gently caress his hand.
By the way, you have been my best friend for a long time, stop calling me Suga, you can call me Koushi
You felt a tickling go up your stomach to which you could only respond by nodding your head. You arrived at the park and found the tree in front of the lake in which you like to rest sometimes, so youdecided to sit there and talk and watch the people go by.
Hum ... regarding today's, (yn), ... The scene in the warehouse quickly came to your mind and you couldn't help but get nervous, you felt a hand gently pass behind your back, surrounding your waist- I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable.
N..no, not at all, everything is fine -You murmur as you rest your head on his shoulder trying to get a little out of his vision.
I'm glad to hear it, little thief -You turn to see him somewhat confused by what he said. Sorry? -He moves so he can see you from the front while still hugging you. You have stolen my heart for a long time - You feel again the soft caress of his hand on your cheek and without realizing it, you were already a few centimeters from each other - I love you- He whispers softly moments before connecting your lips in the sweetest kiss that anybody have ever given you. At last, what the latter had daydreamed of, that you wondered what it would be like, had happened. His lips were warm and soft. You could feel him slowly running his tongue across your lip asking for your permission to enter, which you agreed. (...)
You wrapped your arms around him and hid your head in his neck. Neither of you said anything, but it wasn't necessary either, both had understood everything. He hugs you and gently caresses your back. You snuggle into his hug wishing that moment would never end.
You stink - he murmured softly
You too, but I don't care
I don't care too
Hi! Hope you like this chapter  This is my first writing in English, so, constructive criticism is always welcome.
Tag list open! Just DM me ♥
@mer92 thanks for support me, honey ♥
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