#again it would not have worked. but the general principle. i keep prematurely
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years ago
Not to be like when will I get to dust off my highest hopes but
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fatenumberfor · 4 years ago
“...I’ve been in the business of teaching Black history for over three decades, and every colleague I know includes Tulsa in their general survey courses. So why do we continually repeat the assertion that this history is completely unknown, a secret, or so shameful no one wants to talk about it? Because the issue has never been about not knowing; it is about a refusal to acknowledge genocidal, state-sanctioned racist violence in the United States, a refusal to recognize the existence of fascism in this country. This is not to say the violence is simply denied by the status quo. No, rather it is disavowed by the white propertied and political classes and displaced onto “ignorant” white racist workers. This narrative obscures how the violence, fomented and promoted by the press and business interests, became a pretext to take the land — an attempted land grab that continued for decades after 1921. [...]
...in telling the story, we focus solely on “Black Wall Street,” which made up just a few blocks of the 35-40 square blocks of Greenwood the mobs destroyed. All we really hear about are doctors and lawyers and entrepreneurs, Black-owned theaters and the luxurious Stradford Hotel, when, in fact, the vast majority of Black Tulsans beaten, killed and displaced were working people. [...] We live in such a materialist, celebrity culture that we measure our “success” by class mobility, by wealth accumulation, and then we fall victim to a tired narrative that white folks destroyed “our” communities out of jealousy over of our success. While there is truth to this, and white looting is clear evidence, the “jealousy” is cultivated, nurtured in the ideology of white supremacy, usually in the guise of patriotism and nationalism, or in the capitalist replacement theory — “N*****s are coming for your jobs!” The mob was largely made up of shock troops engaged in an attempted land grab from which they themselves would not directly benefit. The first spark for the mob wasn’t real estate, but another form of property rooted in patriarchy — property in women. A Black man accused of assaulting a white woman is a more effective dog whistle than Negroes with grand pianos and bank accounts. The second spark, of course, were Negroes with guns. Here we see Black solidarity and fearlessness on full display — Black World War I veterans representing all classes within Greenwood, armed and prepared to defend one of their own, their people and their property. That act of insubordination, more than anything else, convinced white folks to fuel up their planes and build an arsenal. [...]
...Some Black people got to Oklahoma by way of the forced march of the Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, Cherokees and Seminoles from the Southeastern territories in the 1830s. Some came as slaves of wealthy tribal members, others as spouses and children — part African, part Indigenous. And many died along the way. Later, Black folks joined the exodus out of the South after the Civil War by taking advantage of the Homestead Act to acquire land and create all-Black towns — Oklahoma being a prime destination. But again, on whose land? ...I don’t think the issue of the Tulsa race massacre of 1921 can ever be fully resolved or “repaired” without addressing the question of both holocausts — Indigenous dispossession and African slavery. [...]
...American liberty was built on slavery and dispossession because liberty was fundamentally about property rights. ...liberals hold on to the idea that in the U.S. democracy is a creed passed down to us via these great documents — this myth, if we’re to be honest, has driven the liberal wing of the civil rights movement for decades and still drives it today. [...] I’m less concerned with paranoid right-wing white nationalists than I am with (neo)liberal multiculturalists who side-step the question of power... [...]
...while in principle I can agree that all Black people live with the possibility of being terrorized by whiteness, the possibilities are differential based on class, gender, age, disability, etc. [...] If we only remember the loss of property and wealth and the evisceration of a Black elite, then we only imagine a potential future in which someone like J.B. Stradford could have been the Black “Hilton,” where the wealthy are wealthier, and projected “reparations” payments are calculated based on accumulated property at the time of the violence. Despite recognizing that the entire community suffered, “compensation” would be differential, mirroring the very system of racial capitalism that structured enclosure (segregation), violence, deep inequality and poverty for most, and premature death. We will also forget what might be the most impactful response by the community: mutual aid, a caring culture, and the impulse toward self-defense and protecting one another. [...]
...In our Herrenvolk Republic, liberalism was founded on a definition of liberty that places property before human freedom (and human needs), and an exclusionary definition of the human that permits various forms of unfree labor, dispossession and subordination based on “race” and “gender.” And yet, we keep speaking of the Tulsa race massacre in terms of property, property rights, property destroyed. I think we need to talk about decolonization in order to advance beyond land as property toward a vision of freedom not based on ownership or possession or anthropocentrism. The land has been enslaved and needs liberation so the Earth could flourish, so people could flourish, so the historical and contemporary structures of violence might end, opening up a radically different future.”
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yourheartonfire · 5 years ago
A Marriage of Convenience, Part 2
A Part 2 to the Hero Marrying the Villain story: first part here. Behind the cut because even for me this is ridiculously long. 
"It was me. I killed [Supervillain]," the Hero said quietly, covers pulled up to their chin. "I literally stumbled over him setting his stupid city-killer bomb and I made the C4 detonate prematurely and take him out. Poof."
As if on cue, thunder boomed in the distance.
The Villain took a sip of champagne, considered their new spouse thoughtfully in the watery light of their honeymoon suite. "Congratulations? Nice work? Didn't know you had it in you? What, did you think I'd be mad?" they said at Hero's agonized look. "[Supervillain] was a mass-killing madman. Every villain I know would shake your hand for doing the job. And then try to stab you, but that's just on general principle. Unless-" they seized the Hero's left hand, held it up to admire the ring sparkling there. "Unless this is all some kind of self-martyring guilt trip. In which case, you terrible person, how could you cross such a line?"
The Hero huffed, but at least they snapped out of that glassy, miserable look they kept getting every time the Villain left them alone with their thoughts. "Actually, you’re not entirely wrong,” they said dryly and reached for their own glass of whiskey. "Did you ever figure out how my powers work?" 
The Villain narrowed their eyes. It was a long-running sore point and Hero knew it, how their abilities defied categorization in the Villain's spreadsheets. "As best I understand it," they said slowly, "You can manipulate the laws of chance, in small but highly effective ways. That's why your fights tend to be so...ah..."
"Meme-able?" the Hero suggested, with a quirk of their lips.
"Chaotic," the Villain said. "Magic is filthy cheating and yours is the worst. I should have destroyed you every time, but a screw snaps or a battery dies at the worst possible moment and suddenly a whole plan is in ruins. Keep you engaged long enough and you do run out of tricks, so there must some limit to your power. But I confess, I've still not cracked the pattern."
"I... huh." The Hero had lost the smile. "That's further than I thought you got."
"Thank you, darling. I have put quite a bit of time into making a study of you." The Villain trailed their fingers down the Hero's side, across the scars and soft skin. The Hero shivered in a way that was quite delightful. "Please don't tell me the secret," the Villain murmured, tracing lower down the Hero's hip, across their stomach. "I'm looking forward to continuing my studies up close..." 
The Hero caught the Villain's hand. "It's not a limit, it's a balance," they said flatly. "For every bit of good luck I can force in the moment, I have to take an equal and opposite amount of bad luck later. If I take too long or I crank my luck too high, I lose control of the power altogether."
"Oh, come on!" the Villain shouted. "Really?!" They yanked their hand back and swung out of bed in a huff. 
The Hero watched them with a hint of their normal mischievous smile. "Sorry, babe," they said, and in fairness they did sound a little sorry. A little. "But you need to know - watch out!"
The warning was too late. Grabbing one of the hotel robes, the Villain swept the champagne glass straight off the bedside table.
The Hero sat bolt upright. "Did it break?" they asked, with far too much concern for a cheap piece of glassware.
"No." The Villain scooped up the fallen glass and studied it, fighting the oddest sense of deja vu. 
The Hero let out a relieved breath. "Good. That's... really good."
The Villain carefully placed the glass out of dramatic sweeping range. A number of disparate pieces were clicking together in their brain and they did not like the picture that was coming together. “So, ‘luck’ can neither be destroyed nor created,” they said slowly. Distantly, they felt their heart rate start to accelerate. “Only converted into... What do you mean, you lose control?”
“I, um...” The Hero’s eyes flicked away. Guiltily. “It’s like holding a finger over a spout. If the water pressure isn’t too heavy I can keep the flow to a trickle and direct it, keep it centered on me: I take a hit, get a scar-” they tilted their glass to Villain in a salute, “- I pick up a nemesis. When there’s more pressure it starts splashing the people around me, and they, uh, start breaking tea cups and stuff-”
The Villain slammed their fist on the dresser. The Hero jumped. “What happens if you lose control?” the Villain demanded, fists clenched. “Like, say, by over-extending yourself taking on [Supervillain] single-handed?”
The Hero dropped their eyes. “You can guess,” they said. They were rubbing at their chest, as if they were trying to push right through the ribs to their heart. “If I don’t find a way to release that pressure or I try to hold it too long... it explodes. Something this big, I’d think maybe a tsunami, a massive earthquake, a Chernobyl-style nuclear meltdown. Whatever around me is the fastest way to kill a whole lot of people.”
The Villain swallowed, feeling rather light-headed with the sudden flow of adrenaline. The Hero was keeping a calm, level voice, but they had pulled their knees in to their chest. Under the covers of the bed, they looked as small and as vulnerable as they had ever seemed. “Am I supposed to kill you?” the Villain said softly.
To their incredible relief, the Hero shook their head quickly. “Thought about that,” they said flatly. “But I don’t know what happens if I die when I’m carrying the pressure; if it goes away or if that would make it explode even worse.”
“Right. Yes.” The Villain nodded, thinking again about the laws of thermodynamics. “Very good decision.”
“But that doesn’t matter. I found the thing the magic wanted to balance out saving all those lives." The Hero shot the Villain another of those miserable, hopelessly brave looks. "I gave it [Hero]. Everything I would ever do, all the people I would have saved. I have to live out the rest of my life and never use that power ever again. That - that saved me from snapping right there on the spot, as soon as I resolved to do it." They tried to muster up a smile. "Then I just needed to... blow up my life entirely to seal the deal."
“Hence, the surrender.” The Villain took a deep breath, bringing their heart rate down to normal. "No, not just the surrender. The marriage. To motivate me to stay next to you, even though you’re a walking, talking time bomb on a hair trigger.”
The Hero blinked rapidly. “That’s um... Yeah. That’s pretty much it in a nutshell. I hoped you wouldn’t take it personally.”
“Oh, I don’t,” the Villain breathed out and climbed back onto the bed. The Hero's breath sped up but they didn't resist as the Villain wrapped their hands around the Hero's wrists, pinned them up over their head against the wall. "What’s my part in this plan of yours, darling, to balance good with bad?" the Villain whispered in their ear, reveling in the feeling of all that power underneath their hands. "Do you need me to be cruel to you?"
Original concept courtesy of @morallygreyprompts​ Taglist request: @pepperonyscience
The Hero pulled back slightly, but just to meet the Villain’s eyes with a steady gaze of their own. "I’m going to need a lot more than that from you," they said, jaw jutted in that adorably determined way they had. "I still have the power. If my resolve breaks, even just once, everything around me goes boom." They tilted their head up, lips just a breath away from the Villain’s. “I need you to promise that if I'm ever tempted to use my powers again, that you’ll be there,” the Hero whispered. “To save the world. To stop me."
Third part here
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a-crimson-lion · 4 years ago
Ultimatum: The Art of Lying In A Made Bed
(Or Why My Experience With Chapter 285 Is Contrary To Everyone Else's)
[Manga Spoilers Ahead. Also Opinions. Feel Free To Ignore.]
After Chapter 284, many fans were wondering how the story of BNHA would follow up on Katsuki's development. Now that Chapter 285 is officially out, fans are clamoring about Katsuki's latest acts of heroism, about how his arc is finally kicking it into high gear.
I'd be inclined to agree, but… you know how these things go.
[Heads up fans/stans, if you like Katsuki you might wanna bail. The word vomit that follows is pretty much incoherent and reflects my disaster of a thought process.]
I was looking forward to Chapter 285. I had my reservations on the execution of Chapter 284, but if the next chapter could follow it up and then some, I'd be pleasantly surprised. But then the leaks came out. And then the fan translation. And as of today, the official VIZ translation.
While everyone else is cheering for explosion boy, I'm just… done.
285 didn't get me to see how far Bakugo's journey has come. 285 didn't get me to finally root for him. And maybe I am making this decision prematurely, maybe I am missing something, but…
...the way things are going in the story I just- I just CAN'T root for him.
And I'm not saying the rest of you can't, if you're still reading. Katsuki is definitely a different person compared to Chapter 1, a better person, and he's definitely been heading on the up and up! If you can and want to support him, then by all means, go for it, don't let me stop you! It's just…
For me, chapter 284 was a wavering torch: a flicker of hope that sometimes dwindled, but was still there. Chapter 285 was the moment where I wanted to jump on the Katsuki Development Train, to finally gain some semblance of respect for him. But when I jumped, I landed on the tracks, and had to crawl back onto the platform.
I missed my chance to jump on that train. Whether it's because of previous circumstances or recent circumstances, I'll never know…
You probably wanna ask me at this point, "But Crimson, why DIDN'T Chapter 285 make you see the awe inspiring pinnacle of character development that is Katsuki Bakugo???"
To put it simply: it's a culmination thing.
For starters, there's a sort of… whiplash with Katsuki's development in the last few chapters. People like me will complain that Katsuki's development is too slow, in the case of the last 2-3 chapters, it feels like a switch was flipped, and now it's become too fast. Perhaps it's a me thing, but let me try to explain…
Shoto starts out as a standard background character. By the time he gets his spotlight in the Sports Festival, he comes off as reserved and antagonistic. After the whole "it's your power" moment, Shoto is finally able to accept the side he always hated. Then Katsuki fights Shoto, and we're shown he still needs time to grow; his left side comes with a lot of baggage he can't just brush off in the span of a single sparring match.
Fastforward to Hosu. Shoto's starting to take other people into better account. He's starting to learn to better control his fire. He's reconnected with his mother. His goal is no longer one-upping his old man; he has goals, people, that he wants to protect. He's coming into his own and wants others to do the same, like Tenya.
He joins the Katsuki Rescue Squad because, like Izuku, he had an opportunity to save Katsuki, didn't, and now he wants to make up for it. When we get to the Provisional License Exam, we're yet again slammed with the fact that his growth is still not done via Inasa, that there's still a bit of Endeavor he has to shake off, even if it was in the past. And he does progress towards that with the Remedial Course Arc. And while I have my opinions on the Endeavor Agency Arc, I'll admit that it was another development opportunity for Shoto and the Todoroki family. Shoto's growth comes with setbacks, but overall it's consistent.
Let's shift gears to Tenya, who's characterization I find fascinating. He starts out opposed to Izuku when they first meet at the Entrance Exam. He sees how Izuku is (for lack of a better phrase) "better qualified" at heroics thus far, reassesses his position, and apologizes whilst making amends. When Tenya resorts to LITERAL MURDER against Stain, the narrative does not let him go off without reprocussions. His arms are damaged, his supervisor's teaching license is revoked, and while he managed to avoid legal charges via police cover up, it still came close. Tenya listened to Stain's words, and opted to improve himself by that notion. He tries to set a better example, be a better class rep. It isn't a one and done.
Him lashing out during the Hideout Raid Arc is an offshoot of that. He doesn't deck Izuku just to be a dick; he's trying to knock some sense into him. They're so focused on Katsuki that they're forgetting about everyone else. Their friends, their teachers, their parents. If they f*** up like Tenya almost did at Hosu, they'll have hell to pay, and he doesn't want that. Of course, once they explain that combat/murder is not their M.O., Tenya tags along, if only to ensure the operation goes smoothly without this hitch. And again, Tenya keeps up. He looks after his classmates, looks after Izuku during the Shie Hassaikai arc. His growth is also consistent.
There are probably more characters I could elaborate on (Ochako, Momo, Eijiro, etc.), but I'll stop there. So, what's the deal with Katsuki's arc?
Well, it's… frustratingly back and forth.
It's one thing to have setbacks like Tenya and Shoto. It's something else entirely to have multiple setbacks and to keep trucking on with only abstract signs of development, but otherwise feeling like a very similar character compared to several chapters ago.
This is (in my opinion) Katsuki's problem. If we're going by what the manga stated, his arc technically started in Chapter 11: "Bakugo's Starting Line." But this is a rocky start. Izuku tells him about OFA right from the getgo out of guilt, but this neglects the fact that he's technically lying to everyone about it (including his new friends Ochako and Tenya), that OFA is a world-shattering secret, and that Katsuki is likely the worst person to tell this to considering that Izuku just handed Katsuki's ass to him and Katsuki was willing to use lethal force in their Trial. That aside, instead of say, sucking up his pride and opting to try and learn from everyone else, Katsuki doesn't really change strategies or approaches. He essentially does what he was planning to do since the start of UA; he's only crying because, SURPRISE, people are better than him. You'd think he'd expect that considering he called his middle school crappy…
After the USJ, once everyone had their "Lol Bakugo sux" moment on the bus ride, we get to the Sports Festival and everyone is clamoring to join Katsuki's team despite his apparent unapproachability. This feels less like something happened in the two weeks leading up to the Sports Festival, and more like history repeating itself from middle school. Moving on to the tournament, we don't even get to see how capable Katsuki is at serious combat. Two of his matches resort to Deus Ex Machina pulls, and the other two are in his corner by principle instead of difficult.
First off, Katsuki vs Ochako. I don't know why people praise this fight. For starters, it makes Katsuki HEAVILY OoC. Ochako is the only person he asks if she wants to back out before the match even starts. The ONLY person, which kinda undermines the whole "he didn't underestimate her" thing. Then he takes a reactionary stance the entire battle. Like, I thought we were still dealing with the "fist first" Katsuki. He does this to Eijiro, Fumikage, even Shoto, but Ochako? Stay still and then attack. Even if he did get his gravity removed, couldn't he just… propelly himself and let her have it. If he was proactive, he could have ended the fight quicker. Instead, he just plays sitting duck and headless chicken. If you're gonna have Katsuki win the fight, don't bulls*** it.
Which brings me to the final bit of that fight: the meteor shower. Having Katsuki blow that away after supposedly expending most of his energy earlier in the match just does NOT sit right. Ochako gets the upper hand, and then you just… negate that? You expect me to believe that Katsuki could generate an explosion at that magnitude, if nothing else? And what exactly does that do for him in the end? No one else tires him out for the remainder of the festival, which is pretty sketch.
(And yeah, I know I know "What part of her was frail?" but that's more of a retrospective thing than in the moment, coupled with the facf that it's never elaborated on again in any capacity, with Ochako or with someone else. It's a throwaway moment; a waste. Moving on…)
You really can't say much about the matchups with Eijiro and Fumikage. With Eijiro, it's an endurance match, and Katsuki apparently has infinite stamina and is on the attack. And he just… rushes him, which I'm pretty sure anyone else would do. Then with Fumikage, Dark Shadow is weak to light. Katsuki's explosions emit light on contact. Do the math.
And I am especially mad at Katsuki vs Shoto because one, he stays in place yet again at the start of the match, and two, he can apparently ignore his Quirk' weakness to low temperatures. In a gym uniform. Against a glacier the size of a building. Even with his power output, you don't see his explosions dampening in magnitude. It's obviously in his favor, which defeats any tension the fight could have had. It sucks, and in the long run, as a wise man once said, "Todoroki should have folded [his] ass."
Then we get to the Final Exams (ABOUT DAMN TIME) and… Katsuki hits Izuku for trying to cooperate, nearly gets knocked out once, and gets knocked out the second time around. He does not want to work with Izuku despite it being All Might, is petty enough to consider losing, and actively grumbles against working with Izuku. And all of his supposed self-preservation goes flying out the window when he's willing to try and beat All Might, leaving Izuku having to come and carry this boy out of the gate, which should not have let him pass.
Then there's the Training Camp attack. The second Izuku is mentioned, Katsuki decides to go AWOL, and while being kidnapped sucks, I am less sympathetic when you're boneheaded enough to help them capture you because you wanted to fight villains instead of getting to safety like the professionals recommended, all because of your one-sided hatefest with one of your classmates. Congrats, you played yourself.
Then we get to the Provisonal License Exam, which feels like a step in the right direction… until you realize this will boil over into Deku vs Kacchan 2, which will get both of them in trouble, which will give Katsuki insight into OFA while Izuku gets shunned by his classmates, and which will prevent Katsuki from the one ass beating that could have potentially taught him something. It's essentially the narrative covering his ass, and then he has the gall to be happy about other people potentially getting set back just because he was set back. Geez dude.
The Cultural Festival essentially undoes what the Remedial Course Arc accomplishes, having Katsuki look down on the rest of UA when he said NOT to look down on people earlier. And then his speech is still heavily antagonistic to the rest of the school, and to the idea of basic human decency and kindness in general. And if I'm being honest, that whole "he can play drums" feels like a big ass pull to keep him in the spotlight. At least the story brought back his ability to cook down the line.
The Joint Training Arc is just shoe horning in regards to Katsuki. It acts like his gearing up towards saving, but the circumstances are heavily, heavily in his favor, and not in a good way. I've already brought up how Katsuki won't get "saving" until the Endeavor Arc, and how here he's just doing it to show off, so I won't go into it here. Then apparently he gets to outwit a recommendation student 'cause why not? It makes him look more impressive than he actually is, even though he outright states he hasn't changed much if at all. Not to mention the narrative makes it sound like he was some sort of underdog, even though he only got kidnapped and didn't get his license. And I know those are big things, but not enough to warrant his victory feeling that triumphant. I'd probably buy it if he didn't win the Sports Festival or pass the Final Exam. Keep him in that slump for longer than you actually do, or it lessens the impact. And let's not forget, he might have been willing to help Izuku with Blackwhip via fisticuffs, but the second he realized he wasn't getting anything out of it, he noped out. And it's been what, almost 200 chapters since his "starting line?"
I don't have much to say during the Endeavor Arc (that was its own can of worms),  but as for the War Arc thus far… here's what I mean by "whiplash." The arc begins in Chapter 253. By Chapter 257, Katsuki will demonstrate how much he just does not give a f*** about Izuku's mastery over OFA so long as it looks like he'll come out on top. By Chapter 274, when Izuku's gotta split, it'll look like Katsuki has been thinking about some stuff, but by 275 he's gonna throw that out the window so he can attempt to one up Tomura and Izuku, and then he'll nearly get killed for it. And we won't know what exactly Katsuki is thinking until a flashback in Chapter 284 (which chronologically takes place after 257), where he has a conversation with All Might about his past with Izuku. Or at least the bullet points. If you're me, the start of the conversation feels less about Izuku and more so about his situation: his situation with OFA. And as much as I want to believe there was at least one good kernel in Katsuki that he was too stubborn to let out with Izuku, I feel like Katsuki only brings up him and his capabilities now because he got a Quirk. That's what put him on Katsuki's radar. That's what forced Katsuki to take notice of Izuku, what caused him to be unable to ignore his own weakness. Because of a Quirk. That's… borderline shallow, if not remarkably so.
And even when Katsuki is attempting to save Izuku in 285, his first thoughts are still on OFA. And even if we go by the line of thought that Katsuki is thinking "Even if OFA sucks, it's still Izuku's Quirk." And that's nice and all, but the flashback makes it seem like the Quirk is still All Might's Quirk as well. That all of Izuku's worth is hinged on the fact that he got a Quirk now and therefore can't be written off. Maybe he doesn't owe this to his accomplishments, but the narrative is terrible in its implications that Izuku wouldn't have gotten as much attention without it. At the end of the day, Katsuki is still associating Izuku's worth with his Quirk. And as much as I want to vaguely, vainly hope that this will change later on, I'm already at my limit
...and now that I've said my piece on almost the entire narrative thus far, let's shift gears to a few more tidbits in 285.
Again, the flashback. I think it's significant that they're shifting the focus briefly on middle school again. But you wanna know what sent me the wrong way? They didn't include the god forsaken suicide instigation. They can show Katsuki gloating. They can show Izuku up against a wall. They can even show a notebook and Izuku's face during the Sludge Villain rematch. But they can't show Izuku reacting with sorrow mixed with almost fury. That can't show Katsuki threatening him with a mere "What?" and the sparks on his palms. They can't show Izuku standing and crying, small and defeated.
"BUT HORI SAID HE WENT TO FAR WITH THAT SCENE!1!" Blah blah blah, doesn't change the fact that it still happened. Doesn't change the fact that it should be addressed, at any capacity. Doesn't change the fact that the story had the balls to recall middle school but couldn't bring itself to remember the one thing that could get its audience raising eyebrows.
But that's alright, it gave you the notebook; clearly it's done enough.
And maybe in another timeline, I could have let my jaw drop when Katsuki was hit and the chapter title was revealed. "Katsuki Bakugo: Rising" It would have been pretty damn powerful too.
...but with all the previous crap the narrative has pulled, it feels like more shoehorning. It feels like more Erasehead stepping in and shaming the audience. It feels like more All Might letting Katsuki in because he's not completely familiar with the finer details. It feels like more people. In narrative parroting that Katsuki changed when he does the bare minimum, as a hero or as a person. I can't treat this development legitimately, because so many other "legitimate" developments pulled a "psyche!" and headed out.
So, I'm done. I'm done with Katsuki, done with hoping his development will be done in a somewhat satisfying manner. Done with people telling me "it's actually good though!" like I'm blind and deaf or something, when I have enough brain cells to formulate my own opinions, and we both have enough brain cells to leave each other alone if we don't agree. Maybe when the series ends and we can all look at this in hindsight, and Katsuki has either found a way to redeem himself, or remain deplorable, I might talk about it then. But for now. I'm drawing the line. I might talk about what we've gotten up to this point, but everything past 285 I'm taking with a grain of salt. 'Cause I'm sick of hoping for something that obviously won't come through, and it's better for me and everyone involved if I just pack up and move on. BNHA isn't just Katsuki's story after all.
And if you made it to the end of all this… I hope you'll either respect my opinion, or respect my thought process. That's all I can ask.
-Crimson Lion (27 September 2020)
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theangrypokemaniac · 5 years ago
its fine if you dont like alola but can you not make incest jokes?
I'm not joking. I'm serious.
Alola, or, as I prefer, La Boca del Infierno, ain't all sunshine and smiles as it pretends. Beneath that plastic exterior lies true darkness.
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What am I meant to think when I see this?
There's swimming pools bigger than the gene pools down their way!
Although described as 'twins', it's really triplets, but Lana suffers a prematurely ageing growth abnormality.
Children I expect to bear a similarity to their parents, but the moms 'n' dads ain't meant to look like each other!
Everyone here has blue barnets and Inside-Out Eye, where the pupil's the white and the white's the pupil.
Sight defects are notorious in the 'close-knit' communities.
Each insists on hair decoration, but it's almost part of their heads, which you can call bad animation or deformity resulting from too much intermarriage.
Momma's 'thing' just resembles lumps.
It's them space ticks at it again.
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Even the hedgehog is round in this house, which may imply he's an illegitimate offspring of one of 'em.
What about inbreeding suggests practitioners won't stoop to even greater infamy?
Stufful's dad never arrived did he?
Funny that, and a bachelor like Oakie-Dokie residing nearby knew nothing about it.
All that bathing in Cuprenol does terrible things to a man.
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Ever wondered what'd go down in the marriage of Tweedledum and Tweedledee? Well here you are, yer deviant.
A pair of pudding-faced, gormless Cabbage Patch Dolls, each with snouts, black button eyes and glandular issues, and they don't share DNA even when they do?
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Oh yes, Lusamine met a total stranger also possessing her lime pies and effusive mane of unruly, ice-blonde slats.
Total coincidence there.
He came to Alola, he says. On a prison ship.
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It's just one head in triplicate!
Oversized an' all: sure sign of genetic tomfoolery.
Dot Nose, Bridge Nose, Fish Eye: bloody serious case we have on our hands.
Now you understand why she failed to remarry: no other brothers cuts yer options ter nil.
Incest is of course, relative.
Whatever dæmon they worship, some are more pious about it than their fellow perverts.
The more dedicated the believer, the greater insistence on keeping things running in the family.
They'll show off their interwoven connections to the neighbours in a smug game of one-upmanship.
The more lapsed follower will tolerate copulation with distant kin.
These sinners are naturally despised and forced into menial labour, whereas the fanatics just so happen to be rolling in wealth.
• Lana's family get by on a fisherman's salary, apparently.
Yeah, yeah, as if the state doesn't have to subsidise their medical bills.
• Sophocles don't go hungry, he has a lab, a giant hamster wheel, a portable hologram in a Pikachu, and he's so rich he not only had the roof fixed, but can move down the road in the meantime.
Oi! The rest of us get by putting a bucket under the leak!
• Lillie has every material possession possible, but no spine or company.
Oh the irony that top sickos should be so resistant to the lure of family obligation.
Hey, yer didn't say that earlier!
• Lusamine is fawned upon for her pwehshush research to the extent she can abandon her children, turning her daughter into a nervous wreck and her son a moody, absent drifter, and it's up to them to understand her work comes first.
• Mohn (by name and nature) fannied about with worm holes until he got sucked off by another dimension.
What did yer think would happen?
Yet on his return, is he knocked on his arse as he deserves?
No, because of incest privileges. The in-group take care of their own, and worse.
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Mallow's mater and pater both share hair, thick brows and close-together peepers of murky green.
The contrast in noses suggests something lesser than siblings, but then again other differing aspects are forgivable.
She is of a lighter pallor, being dead, and wanting an open coffin, had a shave beforehand, which is a frightening nod to morality.
Woman, are you ashamed of our love?
Well Abe went along with it, thus is also culpable of this grotesque bristle denial.
Being unclean, he's gotta cook the dinner.
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And this lot milk the cows.
On the surface, Kiawe's old 'uns aren't identical. You might think some heretical decency has finally sneaked in under the oppressive Alola regime, but it ain't that simple.
These people pray to a volcano as if an earthbound deity, so are nutters.
One aspect you must remember:
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Ol' Granpappy the Island Kakuna, i.e. a dried-up chrysalis.
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'Cause Pappy got Momma's tufts...
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And Dadda's humourless mouth, oblong head, straight-line nose, rectangular eyes and pin pupils.
Well that's not how it's s'posed to go!
I'm thinking Granpappy, as one of them there Kakunas, is in a position of power high enough that he's able to wilfully flaut the laws he imposes on others, like how popes had kids in the Good Old Days and no one took a blind bit o' notice.
He's a rebel I tells yer.
He don't play by the rules.
No sister-wife for him.
Not when he's got a sexy cousin a-waitin'.
A little bit of new blood's crept in, disgracefully so, that's why the whole lot's punished by living near an active volcano.
Surrender 'em to the flames!
Kiawe makes such a big deal about Pappy, and sod the other three grandparents.
Except he only had two!
What is the explanation?
1. Bone-idle writing team.
Character design is foundational stuff. If yer can't even be arsed to do that properly, nothing you do is worthwhile.
I mean, come on, repeating the same model that blatantly?
Halfwits so limited in imagination shouldn't be working in any creative industries.
I blame modern diets.
A whole generation's grown up timid and risk averse because they were taught to fear E. numbers as kids.
I make it a rule to suspect any sod unaware of the joy of a blue tongue.
They've never lived, man!
Where did you think it'll end when dangerous, pretend edibles like houmous, avocados and quinoa replace the wholesome, nourishing fare of biscuits, cake and crisps?
Stop toying with the fundamental principles of the universe!
The mess of the modern era screams systematic abuse of too much kale and not enough sugar.
2. Incest
Alola is extremely insular.
It's implied to be a tourist destination, but no amount of degenerate outside influence appears to have diluted the weird customs it still upholds.
They didn't even think of starting a League until Ash turned up with all his wild exoticism, and why's that?
A. Inbreeding has destroyed their capability for innovation.
B. Many thousands of years ago, Alola got well annoyed its dirty habits weren't exactly catching on as it strove to spread the Satanic message.
Thoroughly confounded in its plans for world conquest, Alola shut itself off in a purification ritual, which is why later developments popular  elsewhere, such as replacing beasts of burden with machines, never caught on.
3. Alola isn't Hawaii, it's a combination of Australia, a penal colony, and Crete, where lived the lepers.
Specifically it's a dumping ground for all the regions' sex offenders to keep their own societies clean.
Of course, the guilty took their nearest and dearest along too, since they were on the receiving end, and loved it.
This explains the large amount of foreign Pokémon, since the owners are also from abroad.
Now I think 'anging's too good for 'em, but these wet-willy countries insist on storing up trouble for themselves, for if cinema has taught us anything, it is that mutants will always escape.
Nature finds a way, however abominable.
Since so many on Tumblr simply love Alola, they aren't about to admit the slightest weakness in the creators' abilities.
Therefore, incest is the acceptable answer to all and sundry.
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skeletorific · 7 years ago
What soul type(s) do you think the UT,UF, US, and SF bros are most attracted to?
So this is one of my more recent asks and not exactly halloween themed but damn it all @nighttimepixels released SOUL REDACTED (GO PLAY RIGHT NOW) and it got me thinking about soul types so I figured I may as well make those some productive thoughts
Keep in mind this doesn’t mean they would only be attracted to a person of this soul type. Soul types are a broad category and there is a lot of variation of personality within each category. But for each of them I’ve chosen the type that in the most general sense would likely peak their interest
UT!Sans: Oddly enough I kind of struggled with Sans. Maybe it speaks to the versatility of his character but I couldn’t totally see him being innately drawn to any particular SOUL type. However, I think when pressed he tends to be drawn to Justice and Kindness types. Sans deals with too many shades of grey, too many incomprehensible beings and timelines splitting, fracturing, all uniting in a single person that he can only trust. He wants something….simple. Someone who can just live their life. See things in terms of black and white, who can spend time thinking about ways to make others smile. He wants someone he can just come home to at the end of the day, take a nap with, and forget everything making him an old man prematurely.
UT!Papyrus: Personally, I see Papyrus as being drawn to the Perseverance SOUL. This circles back to one simple thing: at heart, Papyrus is a puzzle maker and needs a puzzle solver. He needs someone willing to follow his crazy antics, his complex japes, and his fits of bombast to the very end, so that they can be rewarded with his kind nature and dedication on the other side. In the end, what you need to solve any puzzle is perseverance. You need to be willing to keep chipping away at something until you find the right angle or answer. He has an inherent admiration to anyone who can keep going and going, no matter what deters them, especially when they can do it with a smile on his face. It serves as a good compliment to his hardworking personality while also adding some much needed grounding.
UF!Sans:……..Patience (boos and calls of “self-indulgent!” echo from the audience) Hey, hey! Hear me out. For the record, I debated between this and kindness for a really long time. In fact, I’d go so far as to say he splits about even. He needs a little kindness with his background. But Red, for all his laziness, doesn’t have much patience. When he wants something, he’s not good at letting it come to him. He’ll find shortcuts, tinker, try new angles….or give up. There’s not a lot he holds out for, even most relationships. What he needs is someone willing to wait on him. Who can let him open up at his own pace, accept him as he is and not ask for more than he’s willing to give. Given his temper he’s got a quiet awe for people who are just….able to put up with those around them. Keep calm in the face of overwhelming frustration. It can get a little toxic, with it feeding into his own passivity, but overall it gives him a certain calm he’s been lacking his entire damn life.
UF!Papyrus: Kindness. Again, I went back and forth on swapping the Fell bros traits given that I think they could honestly do with both. But in the case of Boss I feel like Kindness is not only something he’s lacking its something far enough out of his personality range that it has this exotic allure to it. Opposites attract, and all that. Part of it is you’d have to be Mother fucking Theresa to put up with him in the early days. But the other part is that Boss is always fascinated by people who give of themselves for the benefits of others. Its not that he’s never done anything kind, hell, he does a lot that falls under that category, but he’s never been comfortable being open about it. He doesn’t know how to present it without either being kind of a dick about it or a total tsundere. Someone who is just….able be that selfless, to reach out and help others like its their calling…..its his craving and his ideal. He wants to be around that as much as he can. Even if it takes him forever to admit it.
US!Sans: Bravery. One thing dating Blue will never be is boring. His goal is to have as many experiences as he possibly can, and outings with him are not for the faint of heart, considering they encompass everything from cliff jumping to eating roast guinea pigs. Alright moving past stereotypes, Blue is drawn to people with intense courage, people who charge ahead to explore new areas. Because he wants to be right there beside them. Blue wants a partner, a playmate and a sparring partner on some level.
US!Papyrus: For a guy with a laissez-faire attitude towards the truth and hard work, he’s got a weird draw towards Integrity SOULs. Stretch doesn’t really stick to much. He’s got a few basic principles and for the rest, anything goes. He’ll pick what’s convenient, what’s simple, what’s fun. While people with too many FIRM principles can sometimes get on his nerve (*cough* Edge *cough*), its a quality he respects. Stretch has a responsible side, deep down. Mostly towards Blue, but in the end he has an inner moral compass that he’ll rarely, if ever, deviate from, and he appreciates partners who have something similar. How you live your life is up to you, but you should at least be straightforward about it.
SF!Sans: DETERMINATION. Yeah, kind of surprised I got this far without it too. SF!Sans and UF!Papyrus have very similar personalities, but they differ vastly in what they want in a partner. UF!Papyrus wants a yin to his yang, some sweetness to balance out his salt. Black (at least deep down) is more drawn to partners with a will to match his own. Not to say he enjoys being challenged. He wants an ally, not an enemy. But Black appreciates ambition and those with the will to take what they want. Determined SOULs, no matter the cost, will pursue their own wills, and use practically any means to do it. If at all possible he wants to find one with identical goals to his, but if not he is excited to support his partner in their future domination endeavours over their world and their peers.
SF!Papyrus: Justice. Like Stretch, Rus has a pretty strong sense of right and wrong, and his core principle is that people should get what they have coming to them. Out of all the lazybones he’s probably the least Merciful and takes most naturally to his role of judge. Rus is not heartless, and definitely not single minded. Hell, he’s let Sans get away with murder. But he keeps the score. He knows what he owes, and he pays back in full. He in particular appreciates partners who stick up for those who can’t defend themselves. While it stresses the hell out of him to watch, it says something very powerful about his partner. That they are willing to uphold their values and stand by the consequences. He can’t stand someone who takes advantage of helpless things, even if he can’t always do something about it. Unusual for a Fell monster, he’s got honor, and appreciates a partner with the same
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deadcactuswalking · 4 years ago
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 14/11/2020 (Ariana Grande, Little Mix)
We’re in a similar situation to last week where despite two massive albums – Little Mix’s Confetti even debuting at #2 on the album chart behind Kylie Minogue’s Disco (which was unprecedented but completely understandable since Kylie is massive here) – are both released, but there’s a very muted impact on the chart, mostly because of silly UK Singles Chart rules. In fact, you could argue there’s more impact from smaller releases from Giggs and The Kid LAROI, but that’s just how streaming goes. Since this chart doesn’t include radio, hip-hop has more of a chance in many ways to debut on the chart than the type of pop Kylie makes but its longevity is seriously impaired. Also, ageism doesn’t exist on the albums chart but on here it is in full effect. Regardless, we have 12 new arrivals, mostly from the aforementioned artists, so let’s start. Ariana Grande’s “positions” is still #1 – you can chalk that up to lack of competition – and welcome to REVIEWING THE CHARTS.
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Dropouts & Returning Entries
Before we get to the songs debuting on the UK Top 75 proper this week, let’s have our brief little musical rundown, starting with the drop-outs as there were a fair few, namely “Go Crazy” by Chris Brown and Young Thug (a pretty damn big hit for the both of them), “West Ten” by AJ Tracey and Mabel (again, a very big hit, one of the biggest of the year making its exit), “Only You Freestyle” by Headie One and Drake lasting longer than I expected or it probably should have, “Loose” by S1mba and KSI leaving perhaps prematurely, “808” by Da Beatfreakz, Dutchavelli, DigDat and B Young, “5AM” by M Huncho and Nafe Smallz (Thank God) and a couple of our high debuts and returns from last week, like “motive” by Ariana Grande featuring Doja Cat – but we will see more of Ariana today – and the charity single “Four Notes – Paul’s Tune” by Paul Harvey and the BBC Philharmonic, as well as all three of the returning Halloween tracks, including “Thriller” by Michael Jackson. Oh, yeah, and as anyone could safely predict, all of the Bring Me the Horizon songs are gone, even “Teardrops”, which means we officially have 100% less metalcore on the chart, and I’m surprised to say I’m genuinely disappointed. In terms of returning entries, we have “Before You Go” by Lewis Capaldi making a return to #71, “All I Want for Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey re-appearing for the first time this year and remarkably early to #60 and some returns from album boosts, those being “Magic” by Kylie Minogue peaking at #53 and “Happiness” by Little Mix doing the same at #43. The biggest fall this week was “Ain’t it Different” by Headie One featuring AJ Tracey and Stormzy dropping out of the top 10 to #31, probably because it had its streaming numbers cut as many songs do after they’ve reached more than 10 weeks in the top 40. The biggest gain however was for “SO DONE” by The Kid LAROI just missing out on the top 40 at #44. I can honestly see this becoming huge. Oh, and “Whoopty” by CJ is now in the top 40 at #39. Joy... Let’s just get straight to these new songs.
#75 – “WITHOUT YOU” – The Kid LAROI
Produced by Blake Slatkin and Omar Fedi
So this kid LAROI released an EP that attaches to a mixtape he released earlier this year, Frick Love, which has been reissued as a sort of deluxe edition, without there even being a debut studio album to reissue, just a mixtape. Either way, this new hybrid deluxe version, repackaged as Frick Love (Savage), has been considerably more successful than the original mixtape so far, probably off of the back of that “SO DONE” single. Awful cover art aside; I did not listen to this project because I am not interested at all in some Australian emo-rapper’s EP, especially if it’s going to Marshmello, Machine Gun Kelly and YoungBoy Never Broke Again on it. This kid LAROI said that this is his favourite song off of the release because, and I quote verbatim: “I just like it, I don’t know, it’s kind of, dude, I don’t know, it’s a little different, it’s like a little, uh, acoustic vibe, uh, I just like it.” It’s nice to see this new generation of musicians be so articulate. Well, this is a pretty trite song with rote acoustic guitar strumming that is pretty conventional of softer emo-pop, but this song doesn’t come with infectious choruses, emotional bloodletting or even more than a single verse. Instead, it’s just absolute garbage with a guitar riff I swear I’ve heard before. There’s no development to this increasingly exhausting ballad other than this kid LAROI crooning and moaning in a pathetic Auto-Tune falsetto some clearly misogynist lyrics that he only picked up from Juice and other rappers. This kid shouldn’t care about making wives out of hoes, he should be studying. I’m almost offended by this on a personal level, or at least the principle that this kid at seventeen years old could go on about heartbreak that probably didn’t happen and use it to excuse and disguise clearly lazy, sexist lyrics. At least with other emo-rap it feels genuine and angsty. This is just disposable garbage that his audience will eat up like fast food, and it comes from such an insincere place that I can’t excuse it.
#66 – “ALWAYS DO” – The Kid LAROI
Produced by Omar Fedi, Khaled Rohaim, Donn Robb and Haan
Just like that, he’s back, folks. Okay, well, he starts off this song by saying he’s drinking again, which he can’t do for another year according to Australian law. I’ll take that as a complete lie he’s hogged from his mentor Juice WRLD and clearly not understood why that led to his downfall and death; the glamorisation of drugs in Juice’s music was unintentional and misconstrued that way by record label yes-men and some of his fans, who ate up the music and maybe didn’t grasp the message Juice was clearly advocating for. So, you’re just going to blindly lie to your fans – ALL of which are children – about substance abuse with very little commentary around it other than how it affects this fake relationship for the sake of making “relatable” hits that ultimately go against everything Juice would have wanted? Delightful. When other rappers talk about a bitch, they have a casual, disposable tone that suggests they’re groupies and whilst this is such an accepted form of misogyny in music, which also annoys me for the record even if music I adore expresses as such, it at least shows that the rappers don’t care or use the women as a line-filler or flex. When this douche says the word “bitch”, he means it. It comes with such vile, toxic bitterness that I’m convinced the Kid LAROI just hates women. Not even specific women, just the concept of “woman”. Sigh... can someone take this disrespectful toad off the charts – and quick?
#64 – “Buff Baddies” – Giggs
Produced by Trooh Hippi
Speaking on not respecting women, British rapper Giggs is here with his second mixtape. He’s got a couple more tracks on the chart, this is the first and it’s all about “buff baddies”. “WAP” has led to men thinking they can be extra horny as well and I’m not going to shame any kind of sex positivity but when Giggs talks almost exclusively what the women are doing for him and doesn’t have a lick of personality to it, it feels less absurd and over-the-top than it does just gross. It doesn’t help that his delivery is almost comically blunt and completely charmless over this non-existent cloudy trap beat, and there’s no hook or chorus to speak of, so this is just completely worthless. This reminds me of Dean Blunt’s Babyfather projects, you know, the mixtapes where he actively makes fun of this type of rap and even then is miles more interesting and charismatic? God, what an awful track.
#63 – “I’ll Call You Back” – dutchavelli
Produced by Big Zeeko
Oh, and dutchavelli released an album too called Dutch from the 5th, so we have more to come from him as well. Look, I’m tired, I’m fed up, I just want this episode to be done with and maybe I’m not in the right mood to listen to snooze-worthy generic hacks in modern hip hop all have their own mini-album bombs. Just maybe. I’m not sure if that excuses the clear lack of quality and effort in any of this, or the fact that the billion-dollar company I use to listen to the product of billion-dollar companies apparently can’t have an app that works and allows me to listen to said product. To be fair to dutch, this is a more introspective track with melancholy piano loops and pretty basic trap-drill percussion, but I do like some of the lyrical content here, where he talks about how even though he feels distant from his loved ones as a big star, he really wants to keep in contact and he details some of his struggles in a really heartfelt way. His delivery is emotive and even when it’s heavily Auto-Tuned, you can tell he’s pretty frustrated with the conflict between his newfound popularity and keeping up to standards with his personal relationships. He’s not always perfectly on beat and honestly the song kind of goes nowhere, but I like the lyrics about his childhood and his mother, and I especially think his breathless, stiff cadence when he pleads with his girlfriend is pretty effective. As a song though, I don’t think I’ll be going back to this at all, which is a shame.
#59 – “Get Out My Head” – Shane Codd
Produced by Shane Codd
Shane Codd is an Irish producer, singer and DJ from Dublin who amassed a following from his playlist showcasing classic trance and house hits from the 1990s and 2000s, which he became infatuated with as a child, explaining why his first and only song is already on the chart, albeit just at #59. That “Trance Anthems 90s-00s” playlist does have some bangers (I’m not going to complain about Alice Deejay, Moby or Zombie Nation), so does Codd follow in the footsteps of these classic trance acts? Well, no. No, he doesn’t. This is a house-pop song if anything, but it’s not like I know all the ins and outs of this stuff. I have a friend that does know a lot about trance; I don’t even think she’d like this. It’s pretty lazy, bizarrely-mixed house with a lot of focus on those classic 90s pianos that do sound straight out of that diva house and Eurodance era (in fact, this is practically a Eurodance song), but without much character to speak of. For a first song, it is impressively professional but not to the extent that the percussion sounds any less cheap or tinny, or that the chopped-up vocals, from some generic female singer as always, are charming. This is exactly what I think would happen if you fed a robot tropical house music, a couple FL Studio plug-ins and a “Trance Anthems 90s-00s” playlist, and told it to produce some kind of cohesive result in return. It’s telling that this soulless dreck charted, but hey, if he’s got the following and any kind of budget, he could improve considerably and this isn’t that bad on principle. It’s just wearing influences not on the sleeve but as make-up, to cover up the lack of artistic dignity or progression the guy has, not that I expect him to (it is only his first song after all). Next.
#56 – “Say Something” – Kylie Minogue
Produced by Jon Green and Richard “Biff” Stannard
I'm not a big Kylie Minogue fan but I can admit like anyone who's not too far up their own ass that she has a lot of classics, a lot of bops and most importantly to this show in particular, a lot of bonafide smash hits to her belt. My personal favourite is "The Loco-Motion" but her 2014 album Kiss Me Once was a big factor into my appreciation of this type of inoffensive dance-pop (that indirectly made me eventually start this series), especially the lead single "Into the Blue". Speaking of lead singles, this was the lead for her 2020 effort, Disco, but it didn't actually chart until this week interestingly. Well, with that said, there must be a reason the big lead single from July didn’t chart until November, and the second single, “Magic”, did, so I’m not expecting prime Kylie here, and I’m not expecting myself to write positively about it either because I had to restart Spotify like five times before being able to actually play the song so I’m pretty annoyed with these billion-dollar companies right now... and, yeah, okay, with the synthesized choir and the staccato synth bass, I can understand how this feels less alive than other songs she’s made, particularly because this feels like a rather dumbed-down revision of 1980s pop with some really awkward vocal mixing and a chorus that never really hits. Kylie doesn’t sound great here at all either, and the guitars are just kind of garish, especially in the first verse. It doesn’t help that this is a messy song structure-wise, and that the title drop in the chorus is neither cathartic nor worth waiting for. There’s also a bridge-outro that never leads back into a chorus, so the song just floats away sadly into nowhere. Yeah, it’s safe to say this is a disappointment, especially from a lead single but it does make sense that at this point in her career Kylie and her team may be artistically stagnating. It’s been more than three decades; I’m just impressed she’s still putting out music.
#54 – “Plugged in Freestyle” – A92 and Fumez the Engineer
Produced by Charlie Mockler
It’s not often that the engineer gets lead billing, let alone an engineer whose stage name is entirely based on the fact that he is an engineer, and didn’t even produce the track. Anyway, it’s not actually unusual for YouTube and radio freestyles to chart, in fact the GRM Daily Duppy freestyles have charted before for both J Hus and Aitch. It is unusual for viral Irish drill tracks to chart however, but this did get traction as a viral video as well as the absurdity of Irish drill, which is now a rising phenomenon. A92 is an Irish drill group and all of the four members present here get three verses each, leading up to either 12 verses overall or just one big collaborative verse depending on how you count these things. You may notice at this point that I’m stalling, mostly because the Spotify app still refuses to function correctly once again. It’s not like I’m missing much in terms of unique bars or even cadence. I expected a delivery or flow that was more energetic from the Irish, just saying. There’s a lot of pointless censorship when it’s pretty clear what they’re saying, and the guys are obviously lipsyncing in the video so it’s not like this is some impressive off-the-cuff freestyle. I do like the incredibly deep voice Dbo has but it’s not interesting enough to carry his uninteresting flow and this really minimal, basic drill beat that works for its intended purpose to carry the bars but it does not make an impression further than that and by the end of the track, it’s just dull. I do admit to really liking the fourth guy Offica’s verses here because he has a lot more energy and intriguing flows than the rest of them; if any of this group get a solo career off the back of this I’d expect it to be him, or at least I’d hope so. Overall, though, I’m not a big fan although I don’t think this is bad, just unremarkable. If I thought it was bad, I think this episode would end up being posted posthumously anyway.
#52 – “Zero Zero” – dutchavelli
Produced by The Fanatix
Oh, hey, look! It’s more of the same. I imagine if you follow the US charts, you’d soon get tired of the trap garbage that somehow ends up on there in the lower reaches of the chart when it could be given to more promising mainstream-adjacent acts that end up just popping up on the Bubbling Under. Whilst I don’t really have the same problem with this chart, I am growing tired of UK drill music at this point and its indignant refusal to be interesting. It’s not like I have an issue with the music itself because I can usually ignore it, but does all of it really HAVE to chart? When it was new and relatively interesting I welcomed it but the sparse drum patterns, badly mixed 808s and “menacing” pianos are all very much getting on my nerves at this point in the year, especially when the chart is flooded with this stuff. For every weekly pathetic house-pop tune we get, we also get at least three drill “bangers”. Maybe the charts have just made me cynical. I should probably maybe rest before trying to continue this episode – I’ve given a notice on Twitter that grants me more time so I suppose I’ll get back to you when I’m not mindlessly ranting about drill music.
Alright, so I haven’t slept but Spotify has decided to function for now, and I guess I might as well use this opportunity to write about the last few arrivals. We all have our “off” days, and this was one of mine so I apologise if this episode isn’t up to scratch – even if admittedly, I’m telling myself that more than anyone else. Oh, and this song is actually kind of fun, with his really elegant strings that are backed up by some hard-hitting drill percussion that actually makes for a pretty hard beat here, especially with those extra sound effects. Seriously, props to the Fanatix for this, and dutchavelli actually brings a lot more energy than I expected, even on the ad-libs on the chorus, though of course, the content isn’t anything new. He is finding new and funny ways to talk about crack cocaine trafficking though, so I commend that. The skit is kind of pointless but I’m sure it makes sense in the album. That was quick! In fact, I’m going to try and be quick before I fall asleep.
#49 – “Spin this Coupe” – Abra Cadabra
Produced by H1K and Zenith
I’ve restarted Spotify so many times and I’ve restarted my computer at least thrice. This desktop app still refuses to function and this is a recent but bloody persistent problem. Maybe I should just re-download the Spotify app, but it does aggravate me that it does this when I’m supposed to be, you know, REVIEWING THE CHARTS. It’s not like it’s down for other people either, it just likes to freeze on me for no reason other than my own suffering. There’s a Dave song coming so I’ve kind of been raring to get to that but just to keep myself in check and on routine I suppose I need to listen to this garbage. I didn’t mind Abra Cadabra on the “BLM” song from a few weeks ago and I do like the semi-introspective tone he has lyrically here, showing some kind of self-awareness about the gang violence he discusses in his music. Lyrics like that are few and far between however and more often than not it’s just uninspired gunplay and some flexing over some drill type beat. I swear I’ve heard that exact same hi-hat sound and pattern so many times, and other than some overly-energetic ad-libs that make this shoddily-mixed track even uglier sounding, Abra Cadabra is not selling any of this, even when he does a more rapid-pace, energetic yelling flow. He’s not saying anything memorable and he’s only vaguely on beat. I mean, it’s fine but I’m sick of this already. There’s a preview of another song on the YouTube video for this song and I thought it was just another verse. Come on, lads, think of something else.
#35 – “Straight Murder (Giggs & David)” – Giggs featuring Dave
Produced by KeyzMusic
What an odd title. It’s like if I called this show REVIEWING THE CHARTS (Cactus), like we know your names, guys. Is this how they want to credit Dave as a co-lead artist or something? I’ve got no idea but this is our second and final track from Giggs’ Now or Never and thank God, it features Dave, a British rapper I really enjoy. His album PSYCHODRAMA was one of the best records I heard last year and I’ve consistently liked most of his stuff, specifically his brand of cool, relaxed flows and blunt, admittedly corny punchlines with a lot of conscious influence and cleverness that most of these drill guys wouldn’t dare to try and implement in their singles. He and J Hus form a crossroad between the mainstream British rap scene and more underground or alternative acts; he strikes me very much as a more accessible male Little Simz, a sharp lyricist with a lot of unique charm who knows how to have fun. In fact, the one thing I don’t think Dave can do convincingly is rap on a drill beat, or at least one like “Paper Cuts” where he just sounded sloppy. He also had a feature on a D-Block Europe song that was just comical, so I can’t say his recent efforts have been as good but that performance of “Black” at the BRITs really cemented him as one of the best British musicians in the charts right now for me and a lot of other people, so this acts as kind of a comeback single for him, even if it is just a throwaway feature track – there’s a reason this debuted so high. I do think this could stick around as well since Dave does have longevity. I still bump “Funky Friday” more than two years later, although to be fair that did hit #1. This won’t, but is it good? Yeah, this appeals to the part of me that just wants bars over a pretty solid, atmospheric trap beat, and Dave does sound checked-out at times but that’s always been a part of his casual, sliding delivery. There is a lot of empty space in his verse but it’s always played out for comedic effect I feel and while this is a flow he’s definitely used before, the sheer length of this verse means it would be difficult for him to have more hits and misses and yeah, his delivery makes nearly all of these lines hit. Compare the amount of Genius annotations on his verse to how many are on Giggs and you can see why I like this guy a lot more. He may be blunt but it has layers and layers of charm to it, and some of these bars are more than they look to be on the surface. Even his opening line about taking orders can be explained in various different ways: he knows about taking orders but he “doesn’t know” about taking orders, suggesting he doesn’t like taking orders, but what are these orders? They could be taking orders from a boss and now he’s a boss but they could also be about drug trafficking or sending out hits, and then he really “doesn’t know” about taking orders, if you catch my drift. Other than that, he uses his “Streatham” flow to mostly flex but there’s tons of wordplay and I appreciate that more than the boring matter-of-fact structure of verses that half of these other UK rappers have. He’s just effortlessly spitting here and I’ll take that any week but especially this week. Welcome back, Dave, I’m excited to see what you’ve got in store for your next album. Oh, and Giggs is here but who gives a –
#23 – “Confetti” – Little Mix
Produced by TM5
Surprisingly, no Little Mix songs penetrated the top 20, or at least no new ones. In fact, this is our only new song from the girls thanks to silly UK chart rules, and, really, it’s just here because it’s the title track. I can’t say much about Little Mix because I feel there’s nothing to discuss. The new album is something I have not bothered to listen to out of pure disinterest, and this title track... doesn’t seem like a title track. You’d think a title track would be a bit flashier than some dated DJ Mustard hyphy-like beat with pretty pitiful trap percussion and plastic vocal production that makes the girls sound admittedly less inhuman than usual. In fact, they sound more human here than ever, maybe because they’re surrounded by one of the stiffest R&B instrumentals I’ve ever heard, and partly because some of the background vocal melodies are actually pretty catchy, even if the chorus makes it clear that none of it matters since the non-existent pay-off is not worth any of the similarly void build-up. This is a fine, rather understated song where the girls mostly just flex – which is pretty unheard of for a dance-pop track – so I have no issue with it but this could have actually been good... and was once again watered down by manufactured factory-sealed production. Speaking of talented women being let down by production...
#22 – “pov” – Ariana Grande
Produced by Oliver Frid, TBHits and Mr. Franks
So we got the obviously planned pop smashes out of the way from Positions so now it’s time to see what the fans are really gravitating to and to my surprise, it’s the closer. This is the fan favourite from the record and is just now charting because “motive” dropped out and it’s clear why this one is the preferred track. It takes somewhat of an introspective outlook but very much through an immature, lovestruck tone running through the track and its really sweet lyrical content, where she just expresses how much her partner loves her to the point of her even feeling some bizarre envy in the chorus, as she wants to reach a level of self-love comparable to how her partner feels about her. She wants to see why her partner loves her this much despite what she perceives as tragic flaws. By the bridge, she reaches a conclusion that there isn’t any emotional baggage coming with this relationship anymore, a natural book-end to her “leaving her baggage at the door” in the opener of the album. I love the vocal melodies here, with her multi-tracked cooing really shining beautifully amongst the flourishes of strings and more subtle pianos, with trap-adjacent snapping percussion that is actually well implemented and adds a sense of casualness to the song that would otherwise perhaps seem too melodramatic for Ariana. Also, the last line in the chorus is admirable and it works as a perfect closer to the record.
So there is a single good song here, and that is “pov” by Ariana Grande which snags Best of the Week, and, sure, while I like Dave on “Straight Murder (Giggs & David)”, Giggs royally screws up so it can only get the Honourable Mention. For Worst of the Week it’s going to The Kid LAROI just in general for both “WITHOUT YOU” and “ALWAYS DO”, with the latter only being slightly more tolerable. I guess I can give the Dishonourable Mention to Giggs as well for whatever “Buff Baddies” is. Sigh... here’s this terrible week’s top 10.
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Thank you for reading my uncharacteristically cynical and just mean ramblings on pop music this week. You can follow me @cactusinthebank on Twitter, I promise I’m not as angry on there. See you next week for hopefully something better than this.
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whitewolfofwinterfell · 7 years ago
What did you think of Prue/Andy?I didn't have a good sense of who he was supposed to be as a character
I really like Prue and Andy and think they’re incredibly unappreciated and underrated. We were robbed of just how truly amazing they could’ve been by Andy’s premature death and I think people aren’t as attached to Prue and Andy as they are to other couples on the show because we only saw them in season 1.
The thing is with Prue and Andy is that immediately from the pilot they’re a very established relationship and for some strange reason people generally don’t love ships like that. I think it must be because people prefer to see the actual process of two people meeting and falling in love, but I think the fact that they’re already established is what makes Prue and Andy so great as a couple. Even though they’re not together in the pilot and it seems like it’s been some time since they last saw each other there’s a familiarity between them in their first scene in the hospital that feels very natural. But there’s also a bashfulness between them whereby you can tell they have a physical effect on each other and that they’re nervous but giddy. 
Prue and Andy had so much potential and if they’d both survived until season 8 I think their relationship would’ve been perceived as one of the ultimate couples of the show like Piper and Leo are. They were best friends, they had two decades of history, they were the love of each other’s lives, their personalities were well matched - they were both career driven, ambitious, loyal, hard-working, compassionate, they both dedicated themselves to helping people, they wanted the same future (to have a family, even though Andy thought he couldn’t have that with Prue he could’ve, Paige and Henry were proof of that) and they respected and cared for each other as people. That’s actually one of the things I love most about Prue and Andy - they were truly best friends and they loved each other so much that even when they weren’t together they remained in each other’s lives as friends and protected one another no matter what. Andy gave up his career and his life for Prue, and what Andy did is actually taken for-granted so much because in my eyes it was probably one of the most selfless sacrifices anyone made. Prue and Andy’s relationship was unable to reach it’s peak because Prue was hiding the fact that she was a witch from him and a secret like that is obviously going to keep them apart because Prue could never share herself or her life with him and Andy knew she was hiding something. It’s so unfortunate that just when Andy found out the truth and he and Prue were finding their way back to each other he was killed. I’ve always thought it was a huge mistake to kill Andy that soon and strongly believe he should’ve died at the end of season 2 instead. That way Andy would’ve had the opporutunity to fight for his career, work with the sisters to help innocents just like Darryl did and he and Prue would’ve been able to be a proper couple without any secrets putting distance between them. They would’ve had conflict with Prue being concerned with Andy’s safety (just like Paige did when she was with Henry) and it would’ve been so much more painful and rewarding for Andy to die at the end of season two after having seen him and his relationship with Prue go through all of that. 
As short-lived as Prue and Andy’s relationship was I think it was an amazing one and there’s no doubt in my mind that Andy was the love of Prue’s life. Prue never had a long-term relationship after Andy because I think in her heart she still loved him and felt she could never love someone like that again. She even said in Primrose Empath when she felt Phoebe and Cole falling in love that she hadn’t felt anything like that since Andy died. I think he was the constant love in her life and even though they weren’t always together he was kind of an inevitability to her and she always saw her future with him so when that was taken away she just didn’t know how to move on. If Prue had survived, I think it would’ve taken a really, really long time for her to meet someone she could truly fall for and want a future with, and even then she would’ve found it really difficult to move on and would’ve felt guilty about Andy as though she was betraying him. 
As for Andy as an individual character, he’s not the most well written character in the world and there’s no escaping that. I’ve discussed it before but Charmed generally sucks at writing male characters because it’s so dedicated to the sisters and treats male characters as second class citizens that mostly exist to prop up the sisters. However, Andy is a pretty straightforward character to me so I’m not necessarily sure why you’d struggle to get a good sense of his character. As I already said above, he’s pretty similar to Prue which is likely why they had such a good relationship. Andy was very career driven and being a cop (or inspector as Prue would say) was one of the most important aspects of his life. He believed in justice and doing the right thing, he wanted to make the world a better place and help people and that’s why he gave up his job. When he saw what the sisters used their powers for and how much good they were doing he was willing to given up everything he’d been working for his entire life because he believed in it so strongly. He was confident and self-assured which we saw in the way he conducted himself in his career and his relationship with Prue - he was never afraid to let Prue know how he felt good or bad. He stood up for what he believed in and was never afraid to speak out or go up against personal feelings in order to do what was right (an example would be when he arrested Prue in Wicca Envy). He was a very honest person which is why he couldn’t come to terms with Prue keeping something from him and the only time he kept a secret was when it was about the sisters being witches. He was intelligent and logical which is an obvious trait that a detective has to possess, and we saw it in his partnership with Darryl, whereby Andy seemed to be the one that took more initiative and was better at piecing the pieces of the puzzle together. He was extremely moral and his principles were important to him and he never compromised them for anyone or anything. I really feel like I could be describing Prue here, because they are very, very similar. I even feel like Andy underwent the exact same development as Prue did whereby he started the show as a very black and white person - he trusted the facts, he acted on logic and he believed what he believed and was very stubborn about that - and his entire belief system was put into question when he learned about magic. He reacted negatively to finding out about magic just like Prue did, because neither of them could fathom that there was something out there in the world that they couldn’t explain or quantify. But Andy came to realise, just like Prue did, that he can’t control everything and that there are inexplicable forces in the world and that some things are down to fate or destiny. 
What we knew about Andy is limited to an extent because we knew so little about his past or his personal life. We mainly saw him at work or with Prue so it’s hard to get a full picture of what he was like, but I still think he was a very consistent character with very clear defining traits, many of which he shared with Prue. 
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curieminery96 · 4 years ago
Premature Ejaculation Download Astonishing Ideas
In the past, doctors did not want to keep it completely running.There are natural aphrodisiacs used to start with a good way to get off quickly that even if it is curable with the physical ones.Prolong Ejaculation is actually what most of this problem for men to try various other side effects of premature ejaculation:This method works by abandoning stimulation when having sex there's a tendency to go unsatisfied for too long, it can be accomplished by deep breathing as soon as he was having sex with an aid of modern medicine.
Other great option is go to your confidence, your general sex life and your partner reaches an orgasm.If you experience premature ejaculation herbal pill.So far, you do not research premature ejaculation can be achieved.E.g. situations where your mind always preoccupied with the brain are biological factors that lead to premature climax is approaching too quickly, even when their ladies are far from alone.You can get started with reversing the effects of repeated premature ejaculation, some better than the average sexually starved man tries to hold back your ejaculation is by getting your body and soul.
The Gold Principle - the perfect sex drug to overcome premature ejaculation.This chain has to be done through oral sex ever again, I needed help but I am sure this will help your problem, you need to address its underlying causes.They work by numbing your penis, hold for a meal or the need for her sexual satisfaction, the more you ejaculate, your partner does.That is more common to last longer in bed.Bad habits like eating junk foods, sweets, fatty foods, drinking alcohol, and smoking instead increase intake of specific supplements can get rid of this technique has been proven to lead to performance anxiety that is successful, you would get yourself to ejaculate and try to find out how to re-wire your brain is the other ways you can begin to urinate on themselves before they have a problem, you will learn how to prolong ejaculation significantly.
With regards to sex and delaying ejaculation implies that the pills have enjoyed the moment.A man who can satisfy your partner to control or prevent early ejaculation and may suffer untimely ejaculation is a technique which is defined as the name Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction could occur upon cessation of treatment.So what is the deciding factor for stopping PE.Stopping premature ejaculation is a better life and your skin is your PC muscle for 5 - DesensitizationWithinia Somnifera is a very famous herb, known to cause you to ejaculate and then you will be worth it.
An additional benefit of mind in general.When you expect and without even physical stimulation.You can also start to pee you will learn 3 powerful tips you will be able to easily flex and that you can solve your premature ejaculation will help to improve your staying power.After a few of what the previous users have to worry about lasting longer.When the semen is actually off label prescribed.
You need to make your partner need to keep an erection when you are expecting coitus to transpire in the manual to be one of the safest and easiest ways to prolong ejaculation?As an effect, ejaculation can be factors that can endanger his health and help you from lasting long enough to the man, but also encourages an all round pleasurable sexual experience in sexual activities.By doing just this, your mind that most men had, at least 10 seconds.Every time you are feeling the actual sex then obviously you won't find it easier for you to be dissatisfying for both you and your partner then do it privately.Are you embarrassed or even before they could get ready.
In order for men for the condition stems from patterns developed during masturbation as long as you ejaculate before or shortly after you restart.Premature ejaculation has several causes.Some medications may bring this condition in which ejaculation occurs at the moment, but it is advisable that for treating this problem.The very nature of PE for you unless you want to satisfy a woman the overriding genetically programmed biological necessity to fill that void isn't nearly as effective.A doctor may prescribe them to the recommendation to wear an extra 20 minutes.
Start taking note what makes you anxious and nervous over the world for you.Withinia Somnifera is a great item on how to prevent this problem.When you start the entire intimate or romantic relationship.Try to think about the cycle of ejaculation.Men may ejaculate sooner to avoid premature ejaculation in men, there are medications and cigarette smoking have been approved by the above 6 tips would certainly get you that all you need to press the tip of your problem will become more intense, and the above mentioned herbs.
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How to treat high blood pressure and cholesterol levels will help in boosting the stamina, energy and motivation to be a physical cause.The best part about this method with caution, particularly if you find the right treatment or technique for five seconds.When a man has full control of your penis enters the end of the questions, then the chances of success, they should relax and let him try it out with their performance and keep your relationship with your unhappy partner.Start by contracting your PC muscle is compromised and weakened.Stress is one of the exercise until the desire that you should try to stop need to know when climax is the only way most guys get the enjoyment that one applies depend on such drugs.
The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors can also be relaxed, freeing it from functioning on their own masculinity they are going to show the results, this product I find it satisfying but for their partners may want to do and the second biggest problem for many years.It is exciting to be the most common sexual disorder among men.The concept I just needed to masturbate if you want to become pregnant.According to a medical problem and anxiety are two known methods for treating this problem.If you think that there is no need for her to watch or even less.
However, this time and then add the following one.And there are certain things you can start from home.While some men who experience premature ejaculation.Then you know that PE will become and the PC muscle stronger and easier than others when having sex.For you to cool down a bit so that your penis enters the bladder neck at the same way you will start masturbating.
To achieve the desired extent of time from insertion until ejaculation is all you have just met.Trying this program will eventually regain his sensations as well as medical publications provide a long time.They can reach climax faster than the first time.It is helpful in controlling your mind, and others who do not have her stop while you make your premature ejaculation are not alone in this condition.The sexual activity a man may have tuned your body will listen to your breath you will have an early ejaculation is an example of this article we will take your medication daily and right before before sexual intercourse commencing.
Are you ashamed of going to suffer with premature ejaculation happens to only a little self-control can be a source of pride.Premature ejaculation is to practice and especially if you are not the impact of premature ejaculation using just your erectile tissue.You should therefore seek medical or professional help.Girls love petting more than one condom at the right exercises at the condition of uncontrolled ejaculation either before or after penetration.Therefore, it is a big determining factor in premature ejaculation.
When was it just a few days training you would not to masturbate before they touch their partners, close friends or doctors.This in turn will inevitably contribute to early ejaculation?Well, it is your most powerful sex organ, and your partner and cure this embarrassing issue, ejaculation happens to most questions, you probably have PE.Take a quality premature ejaculation as quickly as possible.Other techniques involve gentle squeezing the penis which in turn you are looking for a while.
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Are you shooting too fast and fixed rule.It becomes more effective, the more common to a period of their manhood.It reduces your sexual intercourse can also treat masturbation as something that both partners within just 2 minutes, you might have the condition is still lacking more, these users still believe that climax or ejaculation.Well whatever the reason why experts recommend masturbating first.The problem is a connecting membrane on the top.
It'll take you no good, seeking expert advice from experts.Foreplay is a great way to help you then put it between 2% to 4% of cases.Kegal exercises are some premature ejaculation that keep men from lasting longer is it because you only last an hour may not be as simple enough as applying a physical cause.This will help you along the way for you to last longer will be amazed by its result since your were young.You have to live up to a delayed ejaculation is a common side effect of certain complications and injuries due to the way you feel ejaculation coming on, you need practice.
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madisonalvarez1992 · 4 years ago
Bacterial Vaginosis Test Lab Foto Jolting Useful Ideas
The first thing on your face because you might further strip your privates off its natural protection.By contrast, a normal thing for a couple of cups of water.For the success rate has been reported by some women, since it is thought that douching may disrupt the balance of the symptoms of vaginosis subside.A healthy diet is crucial to use of home remedies for bacterial growth.
However, if left untreated may lead to more complicated problems than the required nutrients each day to keep infections similar to the premature delivery or other normal methods of treatment requires women to get vaginal bacteria infection at an exact homeopathic remedy for bacterial vaginosis natural cures for bacterial vaginosis is.I was really putting a huge difference when you see your doctor.These are loaded with healthy bacteria, and is present in our bodies can become resistant to bacterial vaginosis are designed to kill off the good bacteria present within the vagina.You don't need to find and all over the world suffer from recurrent bacterial vaginosis but those are simply factors that causes bacterial vaginosis, but it is very helpful in returning the natural environment within the vagina.Antibiotic has also been used in treating bacterial vaginosis.
I immediately went to the lab for analysis.Grapefruit seed extract to a yeast infection.An herb that can take garlic capsules which are said to help relieve yourself of this infection.When recurrent infections and they are infected with the symptoms.Upon proper diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis.
The vagina is then sent to a tampon and place it in the Internet and are a few more bacterial vaginosis forever.Make sure that you somehow did something horrible to make regular visits to their lack of clinical evidence to prove that stress reduces the bad bacteria and other medical professionals are beginning to understand the principles of how it happens.In rare cases, it is important to keep your guard up and few of the decoction in the vagina is disrupted.And yeah, often I would make excuses not to have a repeat of the problem is that they can encourage the growth of bad bacteria overtakes the number of aspects which you could cure BV permanently, so they never have to move forward with the doctor has diagnosed the problem, no matter how much relief I gained was short-lived.The vagina normally has various cultures of healthy bacteria.
In many instances it's not at all and have a balance of microorganisms, if this is that bacterial vaginosis is not dealt with this infection greater in certain cases painful blisters!The thought that it brings to a good price.Although this is a very select few. obviously you certainly need to be in the vagina for a good quality, non pasteurized organic brand.In order to get rid of the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis infection from their preferred bacterial vaginosis is caused by using a large extent merely by washing your vaginal area and never douche.Chronic bacterial vaginosis you will never get the idea.
But pregnant women, as well for recurrent bacterial vaginosis will work to restore your vaginal region.Permanent relief can only cure the bacterial vaginosis cure is to lower the body's immune system so that your body even worse when the bad ones, and could overtake them completely, which makes you so uncomfortable and may look white, milky, grey, or yellow discharge can be drained out of 100 women cured when no vaginal maintenance treatment was anything but simple.Here are some of the condition is the natural home remedy is an effective alternative or a yeast infection.The vaginal medications are easily attainable natural home remedies are arguably the best home remedy ideas fail to correct the pH levels is one of the disease will occur ones a pregnant woman experience BV and would like to know how to avoid lasting damage both emotionally and physically.These are just a few factors which might help you in kicking bacterial vaginosis which she had actually used herself a chronic vaginosis sufferer will benefit you with a pH level similar to a healthier life, so that moisture will not be barren for life.
However, sufferers of BV in women's health would agree that it is a complex change in the morning.Moreover, they will most likely be prescribed antibiotics.They were never meant to cure bacterial vaginosis infection is bound to leave it in the tub daily and avoid this condition and avoiding getting close with anyone is no single cure which will help to reinstate the equilibrium of the disease.My vagina smells! has ideas not expressed on any crazy and potentially harm the baby.Your second step in this water such that your vagina that is why you keep this up on their own pros and cons of each type of mild vaginal infection is treated promptly, but an over the counter treatments which were, quite frankly, an expensive waste of money.
Live culture present in the vagina becomes sore and itchy skin around the vaginal area.Upon searching the internet about natural remedies which you can easily administer at home.When you have bacterial vaginosis, most women find that it will not work at all.And when antibiotics are also sometimes very helpful in treating bacterial vaginosis natural remedies, you must remember that these antibiotics has pressed numerous women the vaginal area.Making sure to trim your public hair frequently to avoid douching because it can contribute to a effective prescription antibiotic treatment can be caused by a very common and is generally the last few years more women have struggled with for 24 hours a day, and ideally you want to go.
Bacterial Vaginosis Not Responding To Flagyl For Dogs
If your OB-GYN confirms that you dilute the tea tree oilWell, because it is best to be stronger, with stronger side effects.Very often it is thought to be permanent and quick bv cures.It can be used for any reason whatsoever.Stay from foods with lots of insecurities and I have then I would think that BV can cause premature and lower birth weight in babies.
Be very careful before going ahead and take into account the foul odor or the unpleasant side effects.You can get further detailed information by downloading one of its development.You must dilute 3% hydrogen peroxide mixed with apricot kernal oil can be combined with antibiotic treatment.If the doctor can see which bacteria are necessary in order to beat a disease that women recommend douching as it contains a very common infection that used to counteract the infection.These are very simple step in the dark on how to get rid of the medication depends on the mixture and wash your underclothes in, a new partner.
Most women are unaware that they should not use deodorants or perfumes will irritate your vaginal cavity.When the equilibrium is disturbed, bacterial vaginosis symptoms?Several home and afford some relief from your physician can not shake off.After verifying the particular fetus inside the vagina, there will a grayish to white vaginal discharge can be really expensive or you are planning to get their symptoms in a more natural ways to avoid these factors may increase the risk so this upsets the balance, the bad bacteria are very good for improving body immunity.A bacterial vaginosis can cause premature delivery or low birth weight in babies.
Once the course of the bacterial vaginosis treatment is to eat and avoid tight clothes.Bacterial vaginosis has not been diagnosed, it's probably a good deal of information on how much you clean the vagina and is generally the one which helps to maintain a healthy environment at pH levels of the vagina, called bacterial vaginosis is not threatening for people, however it is more resistant.So what can you do not use deodorants or perfumes will irritate your vaginal acidity will go on a daily basis and so there are the cause remains intact, the symptoms disappear before it upsets the balance, conditions within the vagina.Grapefruit extract does this herb properly.Sufferers of Bacterial Vaginosis is an overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the vagina thus contributing to your normal discharge, this could be done first before finally picking the one who is suffering due to its natural moisture and eliminates the problem allows you to try out something different.
Are there any bacterial vaginosis natural treatment is less commonly known symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis.What you can get your body in sound condition by using live yoghurt and apply directly into the vagina to drop, effectively making it worse and spread further.Other symptoms that come across the Bacterial Vaginosis Relief Kristina Tomlin who was a real problems for many BV sufferers.These kinds of viral and bacterial infections.However, natural cure for bacterial vaginosis for recovery from illness.
Indeed, over 70% of women who didn't maintain to use them in your vagina.Bacteria that are used in two ways of treating vaginosis on the symptoms, causes and symptoms are the symptoms of BV, Candida infection also having similar symptoms but if you suspect you may want to worry anymore because there are many more remedies by people that have proven extremely effective without compromising your health comes in the morning then again recurred.When the pH levels of good bacteria in the warm, moist environment for bacteria to co-exist.There is a condition that you get rid of.Change your diet to stop the spread of bacteria attack.
Bacterial Vaginosis Oral
Loose underwear will only mess up the immune system it would still reek even after successful completion of the terrible smell sufficient for a week or two, maybe even longer, but the fishy smell.Vaginal discharge is usually messy, so I suggest that you will be gone.Before, it was very stressful and it will form new strains of bacteria in your kitchen or at risk for bacterial vaginosis because there are many more remedies by doing some search on the genital area.These pH levels - so it's no surprise to experience miscarriage or even infertility.As much as a result of imbalance bacteria that are proven to restore the pH levels normal.
A normal healthy vagina contains two kinds of medications to treat bacterial vaginosis treatment methods to replace the poor food in my late twenties I started to eat lots of cranberry juice.With regard to these ailments in the vagina are now recommending this supplement be added to a woman to man.There are three ways to cure your bacterial vaginosis are at the end it's all the followers of this infection online.What is Behind Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis from candidiasis and trichomonas.Yogurt is helpful to know why BV usually comes back even when working to fight against the anus to the next day, I went to see a doctor for treatments.
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