#again i dont know if anything will come of this
salemlunaa · 2 days
let's break down why this mindset, although very common, isn't super healthy...
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I saw a post earlier where op talks about how they are un phased about all the bad things happening to them because they "won't be here for much longer”, which is so real and it honestly made me laugh so hard but, i must admit, this way of thinking can also have an unhealthy side.
I, personally, have also been victim to this mindset, and honestly i can tell you nothing good comes from thinking like this. You experience something bad, hurtful, embarrassing, slightly traumatic (which, bear in mind, you wouldn't have experienced if you hadn't procrastinated and tapped in to the void) and you tell yourself "it's okay, i'm not here for long anyway", you abandon responsibilities (that, again, wouldn't be your responsibility if you would ve stayed disciplined and tapped in) and you tell yourself "it's fine, i'm gonna shift anyway" "i'm probably gonna get into the void tonight so it doesn't matter"
NO NO and NO
of course it's good to have the mindset of knowing, knowing that it's your last day here and knowing that the void is the only outcome for you, because that type of thinking is what allows you to shift consciousness and tap in to the void, but a lot of you say that shit without even properly applying your knowledge, a lot of you are gonna remain sounding like broken records, repeating this shit for years, i swear it will be 2028 and yall will still be saying "it's okay i won't be here for long", "im gonna shift anyway"
don't wait for shit to hit the fan for you to get serious about your desires, don't wait for your circumstances to get horrible for you to finally fix up and actually do something. If you really knew you were a god, you wouldn't be here reading this, you would be as pretty as you wanna be, and as rich and happy as you wanna be enjoying your dream life. Don't fall into a comfortable routine with your current reality, (which is really just your old story) because it's not worth it. I even see you guys making and scripting for a "better current reality" (another excuse to remain comfortable with procrastination), when you could have your DREAM life, you guys get swept up in your old story, just because it can be "alright" sometimes. And then when something bad happens, you repeat the same phrase "oh well, i'm gonna shift anyway", and then when things go back to being "alright", you get comfortable again, further procrastinating, when you could have ANYTHING. Who cares about your "alright", "mediocre" reality when you could have the best and more!!
like girl, don't stay comfortable until you're forced to get uncomfortable with a negative change in circumstances. You should be determined to shift consciousness ALL THE TIME, not just when things get tough or responsibilities pile up. Because again, if you had that consistent mindset you wouldn't be here.
get uncomfortable with what you have to achieve what you want, so that all you want becomes all you have
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iiotic · 24 hours
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summary: your relationship with wanderer is complicated, friends? friends with benefits? partners? enemies? definitely not the last one, yet you don't know the answer to that question.
tw: modern au, female reader, swearing, suggestive, ooc wanderer?? sexual topics, wanderer is taller than you, not proff read, lowercase intended, poorly written, cringe, if you'll find more please tell me!! MDNI | wc: 1.4k
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"what are we?" the question hovers your mind hundreds and thousands times already, yet none of you two are brave enough to ask about it. pheraps in wanderers case its his pride?
instead, you just keep everything.. flowing. one time, he'll be as sweet as sugar and the next day he's as cold as ice. it's not the first time you bumped into him him with another woman and its not the first time he caught you flirting with another man.
one day, you're sitting in a cafe across the street from the university. you took a deep breath, scrolling through the social media mindlessly with your head in the clouds as you were lost in your thoughts. until a tall male took a seat infront of you.
a very known tall male with his signature dark blue hair and violet eyes, wearing a black shirt with some sweatpants for today.
"hello there" he greeted you, teasingly.
you looked up at him from your phone, an unpleasant expression formed on your face as you remembered the events that accured last night. as you were coming back from the local library you found him and some random chick making out in an alley way.
you obviously didn't care, why would you? its not any of your business who he fucks. you grumbled a greeting before looking back at your phone again, hoping that he can leave as soon as possible.
he gave you a subtle smile, while scanning your face. you were so lost in your thoughts, staring at your phone, that he was able to take a good look at you without disturbance.
"what's up with that face?" he asked, leaning his back on the chair.
"what's up with you."
his stupid signature smirk formed on his lips. you know him as well as he did with you. he knows your mood. he knows the possibility of whats bugging you inside, and him seeing you frown and pout like this, clearly means something is irritating you. however he decided not to push it.
"nothing much. just thought i'd stop by here." he responded casually. "and see you."
"why don't you stop by somewhere else where your woman is."
"i dont have a woman." he almost chuckled at your sassy remarks. "though, i do have a date in 30 minutes." he answered bluntly, giving you a glance before focusing his attention on the waitress.
he didn't look like he was going on a date, more like going to dig trash to find something to eat, but then not finding anything and starving to death.
"even better, how many woman have you seen this month.." you said, it was clearly a rhetorical question. you opened your mouth to say something but a waitress cut you off.
"may i take your order?" you looked at wanderer who seemed deep in thoughts before starting ordering a bunch of things. he stopped and then the waitress turned to you, you quickly dismissed her saying that you don't want anything. she looked confused at first as she thought you guys were on a date but walked away not questioning anything anyway.
"i thought you were going on a date in 30 minutes, why are you ordering so much, hell, why are you ordering anything at all?" you questioned him, clearly irritated by his doing and his presence here.
"i am." he answered bluntly, once again. not adding anything not even looking at you anymore.
the awkward silence accured, nor you nor wanderer saying anything to break it. 15 minutes passed and the food was put on your table, that you booked for yourself tonight, that you were supposed to enjoy alone.
"say, are you jealous that im going on a date?" he said finally breaking the silence, yet at the same time offending you.
"excuse me? i feel bad for all of the hearts that you've broken, these poor woman.." you said defending yourself and feeling pity for all of the females he hooked up with then just leave them feeling worthless, you glared at him as he started laughing, clearly not taking you seriously.
"please, they all know better that im not exactly into commitment. they know im not worth breaking their hearts. they just want to enjoy the ride, one night and nothing more."
"well, have fun with your new date." you said standing up and heading to the door. you heard enough from him, you had enough of him. you didn't care about him nor his sex life, then why did your eyes watered as you waddled to the exit?
"dont be so cold like that, im hurt!" he yelled, chuckling. that were the last words you heard from him before leaving the building.
why did the truth hurt? why did you care? why were you crying right now? your making messed up as you waited for your taxi to your apartment. yet deep down you knew that you're just as bad as he is, just as terrible as his actions; you thought as you rode the taxi driver, desperately needing a stress reliever.
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the morning after yesterdays incident of bumping into eachother, you found yourself in bed with another man. was it the taxi driver? you thought, before leading him to the front door in only his boxers. the answer was positive. you kicked him iut of the house, before seeing that there's a package in front of your front door that he almost stepped on.
quickly picking it up and closing the door behind you, ignoring the taxis driver screams. you walked into your kitchen, looking for the scissors to open it. the package was medium size, not too small yet big enough to fit a cat.
you slowly, precisely opened the package not knowing whats inside. it didn't have a label on it, it could've been a bomb but you were met with a small box with a muffin from the cafe you were at yesterday, it was your favourite in fact and an small piece of paper that had something written on it.
"read your messages"
thats it? nothing more? just read your messages? you pulled out your phone to find 8 unread messages from kuni, 7 of the first ones were deleted, the latest one saying "sorry ig"
it was so stupid. then why did you caught yourself smiling at the sight? maybe you'll forgive him or maybe you've already forgave him.
if you were so mad at him then why did you talk with him the entire evening?
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© 2024 iiotic. — do not steal, translate or repost any of my content onto any other platform
this is so cringe, might delete it later
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jisatsuwaifu · 2 days
Life is incredibly frustrating, stressful, and exhausting. Everyday I think “it’s okay, it’ll get better, try again tomorrow” but it just keeps proving me wrong. When I think things are getting better and I can finally relax, something else comes along and puts me right back into panic mode. It’s always something, there’s never a break. I never feel safe. All I do is complain about how sad or frustrated I am and I’m sure everyone around me is sick of hearing it. Which is fine, I wouldn’t want to be surrounded by misery when my life is good either or listen to a broken record when there’s much better music to be heard. I am my own responsibility, I shouldn’t rely on others.
My thoughts consume me. Not in a cutesy I’m just a girl cringe kind of way but in a “I need to go to sleep as soon as possible to prevent an accident” because I cannot trust my own head to comfort me but to only make scenarios worse or feed into my paranoia. I am not built to be left alone. I constantly feel like I’m too much and not enough. I’ve never felt more loved but also so alone in all my life. Everything is black and white there is no grey areas with my mind.
I just don’t think anyone knows or understands how thin I’m being stretched and how badly I’d just love for everything to stop and to be able to catch my breath. Just for a day. I’ve cried for help but I don’t think the one person I need help from genuinely hears me. I dont trust many people to begin with. There’s only so much a single person can take before it starts to cripple them. And I know I can be over dramatic and too emotional at times but this genuinely feels like the end, I can’t see past this point in my life. And the sad part is I do not know how I got here. Or this far to begin with. But I am so tired. It’s times like these I wish I had my mom back or even just a family to lean on and seek advice from, but I can’t even entertain my own sister long enough to talk on the phone with me. I don’t understand why I exist or what my purpose is if all I’ve ever been exposed to is pain and abandonment. There’s some aspects of my life that I know I serve a purpose for and want to make proud, I’m trying my hardest for that one thing. I just don’t want to cause anymore damage than I already have. I can’t be like my mother.
I just needed somewhere to vent, some outlet. It won’t change anything. I feel hopeless and empty again. I might just delete everything. I don’t know.
The best I can do right now is try again tomorrow.
( if you read all of this thanks for listening to my rant and I’m sorry I wasted your time when you could have been scrolling onto something cooler like tiddies or anime idk but ty anyways <3 )
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bridgyrose · 3 days
Rosebird week day 2: private moments
Summer smiled a bit once she realized she finally had the house to herself. Tai and Qrow were out on a mission, Ruby and Yang were being looked after by a family friend… all worth it to finally have a break from Ozpin’s missions and to relax. At least, until she heard the door open. 
She slowly took her axe off its mount off the wall, gripping it tightly as she made her way to the front room. As she peeked around the doorway, she nearly dropped her axe when she saw Raven sitting. “What are you doing here?” 
“I saw Tai and Qrow leave, so I figured you could use a little company,” Raven said with a small smile. “So I decided to stop by-” 
“And you cant stop by when the kids are here too?” 
“You… you know I cant.” 
“You could.” Summer sat her axe down and walked over to Raven, gently taking her hand. “I’d love for you to come here more. And for Yang and Ruby to meet you too. I know you left to protect everyone, but there’s still room for you to live here.” 
Raven looked away. “You know exactly why I cant.” 
“I-I know, but…” Summer let out a soft sigh. “I’d… I’d rather we not have to meet privately like this every time. I want to enjoy more time with you.” 
“Qrow and Tai would never let me.” 
“What they want wont matter.” Summer pulled Raven to the couch to sit. “Well, if you’re here, you should join me to relax.” 
“I cant relax-” 
“I’m not asking you, I’m tell you to.” Summer pulled Raven down to sit and smiled at her. “If you’re only going to meet me for our ‘private time’ then you need to at least spend time with me.” 
Raven shook her head and tried to hide the blush on her cheeks. “Can you not call it that?” 
Summer leaned against her. “Its your fault. If you didnt insist on only coming when I’m alone, then I’d call it something else. But instead, it's always a private meeting with you. So, private time.” 
“It sounds like something a teenager would say when they're getting ready to get laid.” 
“Its never anything like that.” 
“Still sounds like that.” 
“If you didnt insist on acting like a shy teenager, then I wouldnt have it call it that.” 
“I dont act like a shy teenager!” 
“You’re scared of letting people close to you and what they’ll think about you caring about others.” Summer pulled Raven close and leaned against her shoulder. “Just like a teenager coming out of a bad home would be. We’re not teenagers anymore, so you dont have to worry what anyone will think about it. We can be together.” 
“We can, but its not… I’m not worried about what others will think.” 
“Then what is it?” 
“I cant tell you. But… I guess there wouldnt be any harm in showing.” 
“What do you mean by show-” Summer paused as she watched small flames start to dance around Raven’s fingertips as she raised her hand. The flames then froze, the ice falling onto the floor and melting as quickly as they came. When she finally looked at Raven again, she could see flames around her eyes just as they went out. 
“This is why I keep wanting to meet with you privately. Why I ran away. And I’m afraid that if I’m here for too long, you and Ruby will be hurt by people who want this power.” 
Summer quietly nodded and took Raven’s hand, squeezing it gently. “Nothing will ever happen to Ruby and I.” 
Raven looked away. “But what if something does? What if someone comes after you just to get to me?” 
“Then I’ll make sure you dont have to worry. So, will you come home to me?” 
Raven started to nod, and then froze as she heard voices from outside. She pulled away and stood up. “I should go.” 
“Wait Raven!” Summer let out a small groan as she watched Raven shift into her bird form and fly out the open window. Just like she always did. Only ever giving her time in private. 
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notveevee · 1 day
megumi x reader smau | prev | masterlist | next
cp 10: prolly not
when toge woke up late, again. “he should probably stop streaming so much” is the advice yuta gave to toge although he did NOT take it. but now he has 20 minutes until he has to be at class. ☹️
he arrives 2 minutes late, internally thanking yuta for reminding him to do his homework last night. i mean, he did it.. but most of the answers were copied offline.
yuji sits next to him again. and almost immediately starts a conversation with him, maybe maki was right.. he is loud. toge sinks deeper into turtle neck and closes his eyes hoping he would get the hint to talk to him later.
he doesnt, whatever…… i guess i actually have to talk to him. toge listens to whatever he was saying and it sounds like he is trying to find out if he is a streamer or not. “so.. i was on… Twitch.. the other day.. ever heard of it..?” yuji says. “yeah. arent you a streamer” toge replies, hopefully he didnt sound too mean.
yujis eyes widen slightly as his voice goes down to a whisper “WHAT HOW DID YOU KNOW” yuji whispers. “my friend watches your streams” yuji makes a quiet “oh” … “are they also a streamer” yuji asks. “mhm” toge replies
“we should stream together sometime!” yuji excitedly says. “oh, i dont know if one of my friends would be… thrilled… to meet you”
“whatttt…. why nott”
“i dunno, shes been weird lately” toge laughs slightly
they both go back to their notes
at the last 5 minutes of class they resume their conversation on streaming, “we really should, it would be good for our accounts” yuji says with a smile
“i could probably get 2/3 of my friends to come. one might be a little harder” toge says
“do you want my number so we can plan it ?”
“sure. its xxx-xxx-xxxx” toge says
“thanks!” yuji walks off when the class ends
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spongebob pfp!!!
i do have a test on monday 😭😭
i got a 98 on my science test guys!! (clap)
so smarttt!!
maki keeps auto correcting to maki
toge did NOT listen to maki.
btw i do nkt proofread anythin i write, you can probaly tell tho.
no i didnt spell prolly wrong 🌀🌀
your telling me a shrimp fried this rice
when yuji said theyre he was talking about maki, he doesnt know anything about her yet
taglist (10/20) ask to be added
@frogtits1 @megumisdivinedogs @asparkofapricity @satoryaa @starmaiya11 @1ndee @tuna-toes @loriisheart @kurtcobaingirlie @city-of-lovers
if you werent tagged then idk… sorry…..
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tocinoandkamatis · 2 days
can you really blame me?
your sat in your office chair, hunched over the same paperwork again and again until someone had offered you a box of chocolates.
it was your boss- your oh so incredibly hot boss. you dont know why but youve always had a thing for him.
so you thank him- taking the chocolate in your hands and popping it in your mouth.
only for a few minutes later, your left feeling uneasy, hot and bothered.. uncomfortably shifting in your seat and biting your lip. sighing, you pick up your mirror and- well your flushed. pink cheeks and lips with neediness written all over your face. your mind wanders- why? what did i do? i was only ever focused on the paperwork- and then it snapped the chocolate.
you stare at the trashcan and dig out the cover plastic of the small treat, you read it and- 'aphrodisiac'...there imprinted with heart dots for the i right on the back of the wrapper.
and to make sure.. you ask your boss.
and thats when it happens. your lying on his desk with your top buttons undone and your trousers slung over your heels. his big fat cock bullying into your cervix in an excruciating pace. you dont really know whats gotten to this- really, you dont. you just knocked on his office to ask about something and the next second you sat on his desk, his greedy hands trying to tug off your clothes as fast as he can.
your crying and moaning clenching down on him, milking him completely dry. his hand cover your face as an attempt to shush you up- not that he doesnt want you to scream his name. its just that his grandfather is outside right now, talking business with other important men.
but my god he cant stop. hes completely drunk in pleasure- maybe due to the aphrodisiac? but you may find he never ate that chocolate and this event is only because of his need for you.
so your clawing at his back, arching yours as he thrust into you as deep as he could. youve came- what, two times? your sure this would be your fourth. your shaking and moaning but he doesnt stop.
"you like that sweetheart? hm? you like the way im fucking ya hard?"
he grunts as he burries his nose into your neck. you cant do anything but let out a string of whines and whimpers. nodding frantically as his movements get sloppy and uncoordinated, a shrill sign of his impending release. a few things had fallen off the desk but at this point, none of you cared.
"fuck- so tight and warm, just 'f me"
he groans, his small noises laced with a small whine and high pitched whimper as he comes. his hot sead spilling inside of you while your eyes roll to the back of your head.
and finally, he manages to catch his breath and pull out.
"such a pretty little pussy..."
he sighs and presses a soft kiss on your forehead.
but your left wondering 'what the fuck just happened and what the fuck is happening?' because hes now in a meeting- pointing out the proposal of his company and back to his serious and cold character.
seriously? did he not just wreck me? you wonder how strong this guy is because- well your still sensitive and shaking slightly and he just looked like he just had cake and coffee at his favourite restaurant.
my thoughts are occupied on the past events though... but then again can you really blame me?
kuroo, geto, osamu, aizawa, kyoya ootori, kenma, nanami
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sturnioz · 3 days
broo, honestly im so sorry to heat about people being bitches, ur honestly so so sweet and i visit ur page everyday cause even just reading your reply to asks makes me chuckle and giggle, bro i even have notifs from you cause i dont wanna miss something honestly you should be so proud of ur platfrom on here and you should ignore the haters, honestly aswell people to copy your shit w no credit have no self respect. ANYWAYS i love your stuff so much and your so so so good at writing honestly whenever i try to read sm else fics they dont bang the same for me. Love u 🪱
i love you <3 ngl this whole situation has freaked me tf out cos the influx of hate abt me with fratboy!chris has been insane and i am panicking LMAO.
i just wanna quickly say that no, i do not own the frat au universe at all. you are absolutely allowed to do whatever you please with it. please create as many frat aus as your heart desires.
my issue, personally, was seeing writers that were doing frat aus and using my version of fratboy!chris — or writing something eerily similar that made me be like oh.. ok :( without credits.
i purposefully made fratboy!chris absolutely fucking mean and refusing to give shy!reader hardly any affection cos i thought that would be something different and new cos usually, in frat aus i've seen for different fandoms, they make fratboy!(character/person) mean to everyone but the reader and i just kinda wanted to switch that up and make something different. so when i come online and see something similar written by someone else, im just very :( aw man :|
i've said this multiple times before and i'll happily say it again. i LOVE knowing that i've inspired people to write. like thats fucking crazy ?? and so fucking cool ?? love that shit. and i'd be totally fucking ok if someone wrote something of mine and put "inspired by @/sturnioz" at the end without telling me beforehand cos its like a lil gift lmao. like i'd love that.
sorry that this reply is so long and jumbled, ive been very overstimulated with everything that has happened. please... with anything that i've written that anyone has felt inspired by, please credit me. thats all i ask.
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pancakeke · 13 hours
hey just wnated to give a tip dont use tap water for the marimos, leave it out for 24 hrs, if possible use pond water or something with natural bacteria 🫡
I understand that you had good intentions by trying to give advice, but please understand that if I wanted advice I would have requested it.
and I'm really really not trying to be mean to you here, but this is a good example of how not knowing the context of someone's situation and then giving unsolicited advice can spread misinformation.
using pond/creek/river water for anything other than a pond jar is a bad idea. the contaminants this may introduce to an aquatic system far outweighs the benefits good bacteria may provide. potential water quality issues should be assessed by testing first. changes should be made based on test results, and only by means of safe chemical or bacterial additives.
good bacteria is most useful for eating up detritus and fish waste before its decay can create chemical imbalances in a tank. but I don't have any critters that poop and my marimo have never appeared to shed dead parts. if anything they generate more living tufts of algae that then start looking for a place to anchor themselves, which is a whole different problem.
again, sorry if this comes off rude but I see sooo much misinfo spread around the houseplant subreddits I follow as well as on instagram. a lot of it comes in the form of unsolicited advice that doesn't directly address anything at hand.
the (serious) fish/aquarium hobbyists are way more likely to be straight shooters, though I guess that comes with the territory when the hobby has a higher barrier for entry and it's easy to do tests that can back up your claims lol
my marimo have been cute and doing fine for the 6 years I've owned them. the only reason I killed one recently was because I neglected them all completely for months. I'm going a little more extreme with their setup now (like adding pumps and stuff) because this would either extend the time they can be left alone OR I'll want play with their habitat more, which means I'll check them more. also once I started looking at the types of aquariums equipment out there it all seemed fun and I wanted to get silly with things.
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Part 1 HERE!
PT 2
We both laughed as we raced to the back porch, our mother was waiting on the porch swing, while our dad was cleaning the freshly used grill. We took a deep breath in through our noses and could smell the char of what he'd cooked. They both smiled softly as they watched us emerge from the trail and the trees. Mom called out
"Dinner's ready! you're home just in time I made burgers and fries!!"
_____________________ slight recap ^^^^ (Continuation vvvv)
I jumped into the air and practically skipped my way to the porch
"Awesome! I love burgers! If you have grilled chicken I'd be happy to take that off your hands too!"
She nodded and ruffled my hair.
"You know I do short stuff. Let me correct myself since your closer. your dad made the burgers, I made the chicken and fries."
She giggled and kissed Dad on the cheek, wrapping happily around his waist. She leaned against his back, she was so in love with him, and I found myself imagining me and Cameron in the same position. My cheeks flushed once again and my mom walked over to me, pressing her cold hands to my cheeks.
"Are you alright dear? Feels like you have a slight fevor."
I laughed nervously and stepped back.
"No I'm fine, was probobly all of that running huh?"
I could feel Cameron's eyes on me and saw him smirking out of the corner of my eye. I had heard about testosterone-increasing libido but was only now starting to understand it to the full extent.
We ate dinner and I meandered up to my room, closed and locked my door, and stripped. I couldn't stop thinking about the way his nose felt pressed up against my clit. I laid down on my bed, tucked one of the extra pillows between my legs, and began to grind against it desperately.
I could've grabbed my vibrator, but since my clit had grown in size due to the testosterone, it was just easier to rub and grind against anything. This made me feel like I was in heat, but that didn't happen for another week or two.
I could feel my clit throbbing as I reached back with my fingers, using the wetness from my aching hole to lubricate myself. I imagined my fingers were his wet nose pushing against my clit in just the right way to tease me. My finger's slipped back and my imagination danced into the feeling of his tongue now, padding over my whole pussy. It must be so big, I needed it inside of me.
I squeaked softly as I felt his big paws grip around my thighs, he must've been watching me, but I didn't hear him come in. his nose was pressed right up against my whole, covering his maw in my wetness. I moaned out a little loudly and he gripped my face harshly.
"Shh- be quiet sweet boy. dont want Mom and Dad hearing now do we?"
He cooed deeply into my ear and my form shifted into the smaller, desperate bunny I wanted to be for him. I could feel him already shifted, his throbbing cock resting against my thigh as he investigated my dripping cunt. I wiggled back desperately against his face, panting needily. He gently played with my clit using one of his claws.
"You're on T huh? Your clit got really big- Now its like you have a cute little dick for me to playwith-"
He flipped me onto my back and slipped his shirt off, tucking it under me quickly before leaning down between my legs. Cameron guided my paws down to either side of my T-dick and began to help me rub myself. I was already salivating at the sensation, but with his paws guiding me, it felt even closer to heaven.
"That's right baby, just Keep on rubbing- such a good boy. I'm going to show you what a real man feels like, yeah?"
Cameron aligned himself with my hole, his tip barely fitting in as he pushed. I whimpered, but he kept his paw tightly over my mouth to muffle the noise, holding his weight up on his other arm that rested just above my shoulder. He pushed into me roughly, his tip felt big enough to rip me open. I practically screamed into his paw and started eagerly grinding against his tip.
"Good boy, see how good that feels to Jerk off your cute little dick for me?"
This was even more amazing than anything I could've imagined, he was so big and I wasn't sure I could take him. He began to gently and slowly thrust his hips, his arm keeping me in place as he moved.
Cameron gradually kept pushing more and more into me until I was stretched all the way around his cock, taking him almost to the knot. I felt his pointed tip tickling my cervix, drooling against his paw as my eyes rolled back into my head. He grunted and panted, his thrusts becoming more sloppy as he picked up speed. His gruff voice sounded strained as he looked down at me.
"Think you could keep quiet if i moved my paw, bunny?"
I nodded and bit my lip softly, he removed his paw and placed it above my other shoulder. Now that he had proper leverage, he sank his claws into my mattress and slammed his hips aggressively into my pussy, his knot threatening entry.
I carefully moved my legs to his shoulders, the best I could reach, letting my brother fold me in half almost. I needed his knot badly, I wanted to be full of his cum. Cameron smirked down at me, bearing his teeth, and laughed mockingly.
"Yeah? Do you want my knot that bad, sweet boy?"
I whined though I tried to keep quiet. He grunted and rammed his hips into me a few times, hitting a few of my sweet spots and my body spasmed as I squirted over his cock and thighs, this allowed him enough lubrication for him to force his knot inside of me, locking me in place as he pumped me full of his thick, hot, sticky cum.
Before I could even process how full I was, he pulled his Knot out of me, covering my mouth with his paw again. This was good because I screamed into it.
He slinked down my body, his head between my legs once again, and pushed his nose against my clit. I moaned softly into the wetness, then gasped as I felt his warm tongue wrapping around my sensitive T-dick. My hips bucked and I tried to squirm out of his grasp, I felt far too sensitive to properly get off, but Cameron didn't seem to care much.
I moaned into his hand. as I tried to push him off of me. He used his free arm to hold me down by my chest.
"Ah- ah- Ah- Stay still for me, pretty boy, I've been wanting to taste you since you got here- and you're going to let me-"
I nodded and tried to keep my squirming to a minimum. He teased me for what felt like hours, and it drove me insane, I must've squirted 5 times.
Once he was done with me, he sat up on his knees, smiling and whining off his face. He looked so handsome in the moonlight as it shined off his beautiful skin. I was so in love with how handsome he was. Cameron leaned down and licked my cheek.
" Alright, bun. Get cleaned up - I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow, yeah?"
He chuckled and snuck out of my bedroom. For the next couple of weeks, he left me deprived. No secret late-night visits, no sneaky touches, just brotherly love.
I wanted him to touch me so desperately. I'd go into my room, leaving the door cracked while I touched myself in my panties, and when he passed by, he didn't even stop to look, not even so much as a sideways glance. What did I do? Was my squirting gross? Was I gross? Mas my clit to big and embarrassing? I hated myself so much. I could barely live without his attention.
One night, Mom and Dad had left to go out to dinner and had texted the family group chat that they were staying at a hotel.
I thought to myself. I was so frustrated, emotionally and otherwise. I laid down on the couch and watched a movie, sulking in my own loneliness.
I heard noises and shouting coming from outside and sat up to investigate, seeing my brother and his friends, Liam, Chance, and Calin walk through the door. I was pretty sure Liam, a scruffy looking blonde, was a tiger hybrid, and Calin was a dear or goat hybrid. I couldn't remember the other friend was, though. They wrestled their way in and laughed with eachother.
"Hey (y/n) !"
Cameron laughed and waved at me. He smiled, not even a Sparky smirk or his fangs showing in the way they used to. My gut sank.
I mumbled and lay down, returning to my movie. He ushered his friends up the stairs and turned to look at me. Nothing special in his eyes.
"Hey, me and my friends are going to smoke in my room, if Mom or Dad come home text me SOS."
"No problem."
I replied, forcing a soft smile. When he disappeared, I sighed and wept softly into the throw pillow beneath my head. I covered up with a blanket and fell asleep eventually. I woke up later to soft whispers but kept my eyes closed as I tried to process if it was a dream or not.
"Shh. Be quiet or you'll wake him up, stupid."
Cameron? What's he doing downstairs?
"Him? But she's got tits-"
A loud thud sounded as Chance was cut off.
"OUCH! Shit- what the fuck-"
"He's more of a man than you are. His dick is bigger."
Cameron laughed and stroked my head softly, I couldn't help but lean into his hand. I hoped he was smiling at me. Calin sounded confused.
"A dick? How-"
"When you take testosterone, it could make a person's clit bigger. So they end up having a little trans dick and it's super cute to play with. It's just as sensitive as any other dick. I've seen it in porn."
He's never sounded more stupid.
"So when do we get to touch 'him' ?"
"Woah. Calm down there, R Kelly. Exited rapist much? Give it a minute."
Touch me? What?
Cameron gently shook me 'awake'. I sat up and mumbled softly,
" What- is it- are Mom and Dad home?"
"Haha. No. Just wanted to see if you wanted to learn how to smoke with us, I'd rather you do it in a safe space. Plus, with us around, you'll have - Loads of fun -"
"Oh sure, I guess."
I gently folded up the blanket to the side, having fallen asleep in my soft, red panties and a black band tee shirt. To hide my underwear at least a little, I sat with my legs folded to the side.
"Here, you sit in the middle, and you can take the first hit. I'll show you how it's done."
Cameron lit the joint and put the filter to my lips. His hands were so big and his fingers were right against my lips.
"Suck in softly only for a second. Like a straw. Inhale, exhale. You can breathe it in when you get better at smoking, but he'll. That's how I smoke anyway. It's easier to manage."
I did as he said and pondered the taste and smell. It was better than a cigarette smell, so there was that. I was attacked a little by a soft bunch of coughs. He put on a movie while I was taking the hit and the "Pineapple Express' began to play. The other boys guys laughed at me softly, but I didn't take it personally. It seemed silly to be taking my first hit of something around people who must practically breathe the stuff.
"Right, so we pass it back and forth, up and down the line. I'll sit next to you and I'll have my arm behind you in case you don't feel good, alright?"
I nodded and passed the joint to him, watching as he inhaled, leaned his head back, and blew the smoke out. His neck stretched and his collar bones flexed softly in his v-neck tee shirt. It was the most delicious thing I'd ever seen of him, and I was starved of his affections.
He spotted me staring and smiled down at me with a soft smirk that made my heart pound. I looked down shyly, and my face covered itself in red. Most of them softly melded into their animal forms as we passed the joint back and forth. I hadn't paid attention to how many they'd lit if more than one.
I felt my ears extend and my tail wiggle softly as I slipped into a colorful daze, barely being able to pick up on any conversation that was had, leaning against Cameron and resting my legs across Liam. He didn't seem to be paying me any attention but rubbed my thigh gently as my brother held me, one arm around me. I mumbled softly.
"I'm very thirsty..."
I hid my face behind my ears, embarrassed of my needs. Cameron laughed, and I peeked through my ears, seeing his hooded eyes, the dark circles backed by a soft red that clouded the whites of his glassy eyes.
"Calin, grab him a ice water please?"
The blonde smiled and gave a playful two finger solute, disappearing into the kitchen.
"I cant..really move or hold- myself up-"
I tried to sit up, preparing for my water, but found quickly that this was very true and I was immobile. Cameron picked me up and sat me in his lap. I was happy with this initially, pleased with the idea of him helping me, and his crotch being right up against my dripping hole. When I felt Liam's strong hands on my thighs and my brother's even stronger arms around my body, I was in a soft trance of imagining disgusting things.
Cameron gently lifted my legs, putting them on the outsides of his, and held my legs open, exposing my panties and the small wet patch that had accumulated. I tried to squirm but was granted no such freedom as his hands began to roam all over my sensitive body. I leaned my head back against his shoulder and gasped softly, unable to contain myself.
I shrank fully into my bunny form and I could see them around me taking their full forms as well. Calin walked into the room and my brother took the glass into his hand and held my face with the other. He opened my mouth and poured the water in carefully before setting it to the side.
"You just let me know if you need any more water, alright? But take it slow. Liam. You've been polite, you get first dibs."
The dear man walked over quietly. He seemed reserved but just as big and strong as my brother's other friends. I watched him as he slipped out of his basketball shorts and revealed his throbbing cock.
"Open your mouth sweet boy-"
Cameron cooed in my ear but I clenched my mouth shut, hesitating. He gripped my face, forcing my jaw open.
"That wasn't a request, Doll. Now stick your tongue out and be good."
I did just that and looked up at Liam, watching him step closer and tease himself by gently rubbing his tip all over my tongue.
His moans were so soft and addicting, I almost came without even being touched. I loved how much I was getting him off, I could already taste his cum.
I was able to regain a little of my movement, gently grinding back against my brother's cock that I could feel hardening beneath me in his jeans.
I pushed my head forward lightly, Cameron helping hold my throat so I could please his friend's property. chance and Calin stood next to me on either side, jerking themselves off, occasionally pressing their tips to my cheeks, commenting on how soft they were.
Once I gained slight control of my limbs I reached out for them and the two boys helped guide my hands to stroke them. I could feel the throbbing veins against my paws, smiling dumbly and I let my eyes glaze over.
My mouth closed softly around Liam's cock as he began to gently thrust against my tongue, the dear boy panted softly as he rested his hands on my head, gripping my hair softly.
My brother grabbed my hip with one hand and breathed into my ear, grinding against me like he needed me. And god had I missed that. He fought to get his pants off and ripped my panties open, careful not to disturb my progress with his friends while he shoved his warm, thick dick into my dripping cunt.
I moaned out around Liam's length and moved my tongue against him, he whimpered softly and gasped. His cock pulled a couple of times, was he close already? I wanted to feel his cum fill my throat so badly.
Cameron no longer needed to hold me up as I had sobered up slightly, and held both of my hips in his giant hands. He thrusted into me roughly, the tip pushing against my cervix most perfectly. As he moved he moaned out.
"God I've missed you! Fuck I've been trying to hold off but you be been teasing me- and now we get to have our way with you.. Like the slut we know you are- isn't that right, baby brother?"
I drooled around Liam as he spoke, taking more and more of his length into my throat and smiling as best I could with my mouth full.
I moaned out and Liam groaned loudly, gripping my hair and plunging himself into my throat. His hot cum poured into my stomach as I swallowed happily. He pulled out of my mouth and fell back onto the floor, panting softly. I coughed softly and smiled dumbly.
Calin stepped in front of me, his dick was even bigger than Liam's, and I was eager to taste, immediately looking up at him with doe eyes and opening my mouth.
He groaned and dug his claws into my head, thrusting roughly all the way into my throat, causing me to gag and sputter around him, it was one of the best feelings ever, being used like this. I used both of my hands to rub Chance off, and he moaned lewdly, fucking into my paw pads. Soon, he came on my cheeks and sat down on the corner of the couch, waiting for his turn with my mouth.
Cameron continued to fuck himself silly into me, he came in me multiple times, using the last load to lubricate the both of us for the rest. He bit into my neck and licked all over me, anything he could do to bury my scent into his sinus and feel as close to me as possible.
I continued to moan over Calin as he used my throat, fast and rough. I could feel his claws against the base of my skull as he used me like a flashlight. I tried to move my tongue around him, having a rough time keeping my jaw from locking. Soon he pushed his cock into the back of my throat and pulled out to his tip, softly fucking my lips as he came harshly into my mouth.
"Like a straw pretty boy- suck"
He growled down at me. And I was happy to oblige, moving both of my hands to treat him, one on his knot and the other on his shaft, helping milk him into my mouth. I swallowed happily and blushed as he pulled out and laughed.
"Damnit, he's good."
My brother laughed deeply and wrapped both of his arms around my waist, rapidly moving his hips against me, my legs gently kicking with pleasure as I squirted over him.
"Fuckk! Fuck fuck!!!"
I screamed out loudly as I happily rode out my orgasm on his knot. He sighed happily, and I climbed off of him gingerly, making my way to change on the floor.
I took his cock into my hands, smiling as I took his tip into my mouth. He was the only one who hadn't let himself transform yet, melting into his Lion form, his ruff growing large and fluffy, his knot filling with arousal as he watched me. He pet my head gently as I pleased him, bobbing my head up and down as I massaged his knot and length.
I felt something warm and wet against my clit and a warm set of arms wrap around my thighs, looked down and saw Liam, looking up at me with his soft eyes as he sucked on my Tdick, pushing his head against me and bobbing his head just like I was.
I pushed my hips into his affections and worked extra hard to please Chance, looking up at him with big eyes, hoping he would take advantage of my mouth the way his friend had.
He obliged and gripped my hair, moving his hips against my mouth as he thrusted into my throat, it almost felt like he was fucking my brain, and my eyes rolled back into my head.
During my brain-dead, fuzzy blur, I felt myself squirt a few times into Liam's mouth, but he kept going pleasantly.
He moaned quietly against my pussy, his tongue traveling down to my cum filled entrance occasionally.
I could feel Chances dick pulsing against the walls of my throat and quickly following a burst of cum flooded my esophagus. This time, I wasn't as prepared and struggled to get off of him as he milked his cock into my face.
"Mm!! Mn!!!"
I struggled, and he finally let me up, I choked and sputtered for a moment and tried to swallow what I could. Liam checked on me and Chance laughed softly.
"Sorry, sweetheart. You alright? I got carried away- you just felt so fuckin' good-"
I smiled dazedly and leaned against Liam. He handed me to my brother, and Cameron cradled me softly in his arms and carried me up, putting me in a hot bath. The water was so warm that I almost fell asleep, but I tried to clean myself as best I could.
I was just happy other animals couldn't properly mate without measures being taken to try and force it. I relaxed back against the walls and heard moving downstairs. I assumed they were cleaning up but didn't pay it much mind.
I daydreamed of all of their different affections and how sweet they all tasted and were in their own ways, fawning over them all, but especially my brother. The way he was laying, cum covered, and the way his body was shaped drove me crazy, and it always would.
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luke-hughes43 · 2 days
protective luke | luke and stella
this is Luke being protective over stella. *this is before she gets hurt*
3rd pov
so one night, at some random party that hockey guys are having, stella is on the verge of being blackout drunk. luke doesn't really care bc neither of them have anything to do the next day and he never cares when stella drinks. 
he only cares when guys try to hit on his girlfriend and make her uncomfortable.
she's off hanging out with bella and playing pong with mark and ethan. obvi her and bella are kicking their butts. after they win, she runs off to the bathroom and then to find a drink. 
since she's the girlfriend of a guy on the team, she can go upstairs to use the bathroom. she goes up and uses the bathroom and on her way out she bumps into some random guy, "oh I'm so sorry."
"all good beautiful." 
that statement definitely creeps stella out but she brushes it off and goes downstairs back to her friends and boyfriend. as she goes to go downstairs, this guy like grabs her arm and tries hitting on her. "what's a pretty girl like you doing up here all alone?"
"I'm friends with guys on the team and they let me use the bathroom. and I'm not alone, I'm here with my boyfriend and friends. can you let go of me?"
"I dont see no boyfriend. must not exist."
"just let go of me please." 
the guy doesn't say anything nor does he move so she rips her arm out of her hand and hurries down the stairs. she grabs a drink and goes off to find luke suddenly feeling unsafe. 
as she's looking for luke, the same guy finds her again and tries flirting again, "there you are. I've been looking for you beautiful. I didn't introduce myself properly, I'm john."
"and I have a boyfriend."
stella tries moving by him but he steps in her way. he keeps blocking her path to finding luke and since she's only 5' 1 she can't see around this guy to find any of her friends. 
"how come your boyfriend left you all alone sweetheart? must not be a very good one if he lets you wander around a party looking so sexy."
"please just leave me alone." stella pleads over and over again for this guy to leave her alone and he refuses. he even tries grabbing at her ass. 
"don't touch me. get away from me."
this guys just laughs and tries again. stella pushes him off and runs away. she finally finds luke and just straight into his arms. she bursts into tears when she finally finds luke. luke is obviously concerned at his crying girlfriend. "stella, hey, what's wrong?"
"I was going to the bathroom and grabbing a drink when some guy kept hitting on me and wouldn't leave me alone. he wouldn't believe me when I told him that I have a boyfriend. he tried grabbing my ass twice. I tried to get him to leave me alone, I really did but he wouldn't do it. and I was so scared luke because I couldn't see you."
"ok. it's ok stella. you're ok. I'm right here. what'd this guy look like?"
"I- his name is john. he's in a black shirt I think. I don't know. I was just focusing on getting away from him."
"ok, your ok. I got you stella girl. I got you."
luke is holding a shaking and crying stella as tight as he can to help calm her down. the guys he was with have since left to give him space with stella. unfortunately for john, he finds stella while she's with luke, and opens his mouth. "this must be the boyfriend."
"are you the guy that was harassing my girlfriend?"
"I wasn't harassing anyone. I was flirting with her but I didn't know she was your girl."
"that's not what she told me. I suggest you get out of here before the whole hockey team comes over here and kicks your ass."
"like you know the hockey team?"
"I'm on the team dumbass."
"oh. I'm sorry. I'll just go."
"yea I don't think so. mark!"
"what's up hughesy?"
"find dylan. I need him to hang with Stella for a few minutes while you and I show my new friend john here the backyard."
mark nods and returns 30 seconds later with dylan. luke tries to get stella to stay with dylan but she refuses to let go of him. "stel, it's just 5 minutes I'll be right back. dylan will be with you the whole time, I promise."
"no. I just wanna go home. "
"ok. I'll take you home. mark, can you show our friend john the backyard while I get stella home?"
"it'd be my pleasure."
luke takes stella back to the dorms. on his way out of the house, he can hear the protests from john and can hear the impact of mark hitting him in the face. he turns around quickly and sees a few of the guys like ethan and nolan and a few other seniors join mark. he has a soft smile on his face that even his teammates will help protect stella. he finally gets stella back to his dorm and in bed. she refuses to be more like 2 feet away from him for the rest of the night. 
he spends the rest of the night reassuring her that he'd never let anything happen to her and that he loves her and will protect her. "I love you so much stella. I got you baby, you're safe with me. I promise stella. your my best girl, always."
luke rubs her back and kisses her head until he can get her to fall asleep for the night. he's also hoping that her hangover isn't too bad in the morning considering how drunk she was but that's a later problem. for now, he's just focusing on making sure his girl is safe.
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sil3ntfr34k · 2 days
i’m begging you..please can we have yandere p1 hcs? <33
(mmmmm P1.... Guuhhhh,,, Anyway I dont think he'd be a full yandere so im gonna try my best)
Postal 1 Yandere Headcanons
Tumblr media
Honestly if you got this guy top even care about you, that's already a miracle. He's almost never outside in the pubic eye so he probably thought you were stalking him at first, which is now switched bc be stalks you now!!
At first he thought you were some kind of humanoid parasite since he couldn't stop thinking of you. Of course you're not in there all the time, but you started to stay longer than anyone else has. His mind is always so jumbled with thoughts of self harm and others harm that just the thought of you was sort of like a beacon
It started out with him asking you to come to his house more often since it was 'safer' as he says. Champ was there to guard the perimeter and he had all kinds of weapons. If anyone even tries breaking in, it would either be Champ or Dude's fault, but they wouldn't walk out alive. Just the thought of you being harmed or even killed was enough to send Dude into a short episode.
At some point he started to think of you as some sort of demigod. Not entirely angelic, but you weren't as evil as everyone else. You brought out his kindness again, and he wanted to keep you around for that. He knows he can't keep you trapped with him (even though he tries sometimes,,,), but he starts to break down slowly once you leave him alone again.
Desperately tries to not seem annoying or clingy, but he just can't help it. It's been so long since someone has made him feel anything other than scared or nervous. Around you Dude feels normal, even sharing some of his morbid facts with you about the human body and mind. You're probably a little fucked in the head too so you guys match each others freak almost perfectly.
More on the stalking, Dude hates not knowing where you are or what you're doing. He worries so much, as soon as a small bad thought enters his head, it immediately turns to you somehow and now he's hyperventilating and spam calling you. If you can, he lets you take Champ with you sometimes, just so he knows you're safe.
Takes candid pictures of you without your permission and knowledge. He doesn't do anything weird with it, it's just so he can look at you whenever he wants. Follows you around from a far distance so he can catch you in your truest casual form.
During particular bad episodes, Dude spam calls you so he can hear your voice. You've become such a bright, warm, comforting light in his life, he thinks he needs you to be happy. As long as you're around him, Dude fully believes you can cure him. You can imagine his frustration when it doesn't work and he's not immediately okay again.
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minaloywhore · 2 days
hey, it's been a minute, but let's talk about dark academia that isn't as euro-centric cause i'm like, really sick of it lmfao
(also, i'm white and live in the US! people who aren't white and who don't live in the us, lemme know if there's anything I'm missing!)
yeah yeah, dark academia, learn a dead language. latin is good because of science, but have you ever considered learning arabic? lots of our math stuff comes from arabic and the scholars in the baghdad house of wisdom (hell, al-gebra)
or maybe learn sanskrit! like latin is an "academic language" in the west, sanskrit has similar connotations in the indian subcontinent, with many historical records having been written in sanskrit
hell, if we're talking liturgical languages like latin, why not try church slavonic or coptic?
please stop romanticizing only european architecture. its beautiful and stunning, and so is architecture from all over the world! just as a couple examples:
st michaels golden-domed monestary
 the bibi-khanym mosque in Uzbekistan
the tomb of askia in gao, mali
machu picchu
the iron pagoda in Kaifeng, china
etc etc etc!!
read academia from all over the world!! there are scholars in india and china and kazakhstan and south africa with wonderful writing about their own histories and cultures, you just have to do a little google scholar search to find it!
look at oral histories and folklore from all over the world! like blue from osp said, if people consider the witcher (which is just medieval poland) as exotic, what will they do when they read gilgamesh or the monkey king? look at the wonderful parallels between our bodies of folklore and mythology and oral history, like the floods in the bible and in gilgamesh!
that being said, look for sources written BY the people who are telling these stories. outsiders have their own biases and agendas, so read anything about different cultures than the author (especially ones that no longer exist) critically and biographically. looking at you, snorri
be more chill about people with bodies that you dont think are normal. be more chill about people with bodies that you don't think should be wearing DA clothing, or that you think are doing it wrong. they have every right to wear DA clothing, and they're doing it better than you are.
understand that if you're in a position to be enjoying DA, you're probably privileged. use that privilege for good, fight for what is right, and listen to marginalized voices. if you fuck up, acknowledge that you fucked up and work to right the wrong and not do it again, but don't take someone telling you you fucked up as a personal attack. it's not.
i acknowledge that the land i live on was originally stewarded and lived upon by a native american tribe that no longer exists because of european colonization. i acknowledge their (and the tribe that survivors of the colonization in my area went to)'s right to the land.
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majorproblems77 · 2 months
Taken by nightmares
TW - nightmares, Cia being creepy, warriors gets bullied by his own brain 101, warriors get his soul stolen (in the dream F), Sky gets a little present, but its not pleasant, blood
Running running running
He was running out of time
Time ticked forward. The flames rose higher. The pain in his soul turned sickly.
Turning around he found a monstrous beast.
The glow of the stolen fragments of the triforce shone from his head as the beast stomped forward. But he felt frozen in place.
Impa lay still on the ground nearby. He was too late to save her.
He raised the master sword in front of him, her glow reflecting in the beast's eyes. A final light in the darkness that was consuming the world around them as it fell away in pieces. The screams of his fellow soldiers echoed through the abyss as the wind picked up into a torrent of pain and destruction.
"You have failed."
A sickening voice echoed from behind him. Female....
Unable to move he found hands tracing up his arms as nails dug into his flesh. slow steady footsteps filled his ears as she came into view. Her eyes glowed crimson as she tilted her head and smiled.
"You caused this pain." she smiled. Plaicing a hand to his chin as she drew herself into his face. He could feel the blood rushing to his ears. "You should have given yourself to me. It would have made this so much easier..."
He couldn't speak. He couldn't get away.
"My chosen one, my perfect soul. Give yourself to me."
He struggled, he cried, but no noise came out.
Let me go! Let me go!
"Your gods can't hear you now..." She giggled, as she took a step back from him, "By my guiding hand, you are mine to the end!" Turning to him she raised her staff, a dark red mist emanating from its gemstone. Stretching across from her and ensnaring him in its grip.
Gold light begain to stretch across his body, "I will manipulate you into my image. And together my hero we shall rule this world."
Let him go!
He could feel his very essence being drawn from him as the darkness began to seep into his bones.
Just another sacrifice for her war.
Just another one converted to her perfected image...
Bolting upright the first thing he did was grab the thing in front of him. Turning it around as a scream of pain left it. Green and red filled his vision as gold joined it.
"Link it's okay!"
"NO! NO I WONT BE A PUPPET! I WON'T BE PART OF YOUR PERFECT IMAGE!" He gripped tighter. forcing the object into the green fabric. Another sound reached his ears. Another yell. More pain more suffering.
"Sky can you get free?"
Sky? Sky... Sky...
The next thing he registered was a knife in his hands. A blade pressed against skin. Panicked voices.
"Step back. You're scaring him." A calm voice, unwavering and unafraid.
Who were they ? They wanted to kill him. They were going to kill him or take him to Cia or or or...
"Link. It's okay. The threat has passed." He pushed the steel against the man's neck. "Put the knife down. No one is going to hurt you."
Dusty blond hair filled his vision. As he registered the wrist in his hand roll slightly.
"Who do you work for?" His voice was low, and the knife pressed tightly against his neck. "You have five seconds."
"I work for Hylia. My name is Link. Like yours. I'm a hero from an age before yours." The man spoke plainly and slowly.
Other Links? Other Links...
the chain...
He moved the knife away slowly but The man did not relax. "Put the knife down, captain. It's okay..."
"Its okay... ITs okay.... Its okay..." Slowly repeating it to himself he moved the blade ever so slowly away from his neck. Watching for sudden movements.
The shift of grass from a boot...
On instinct, he turned the blade and stabbed quickly. Finding his blade stopped short of the man's neck by his own arm. Which was now dripping crimson red blood.
Pushing the man to the ground he jumped on top of him, removing the blade from his arm and trying to space it into the neck where it would be safest.
If they can't talk they can't tell. If they can't tell they can't find you.
The man below him pushed away at his arms, pain ghosted his features as he found leverage and twisted his body sending him to the ground. The man above him pinned him down, his arms placed above his head as he felt something heavy collapse across his legs.
"Warriors! It's me! Sky!" The piercing blue eyes looked down at him.
Sky... Sky....
He let out a gasp before looking towards the skyloftian again. "Sky?"
"Yep. Thats me. You back?"
Everything came rushing back to him. He'd attacked Sky. He'd almost killed him.
Dear hylia....
"You had a bad dream, that knocked your senses for a bit." The skyloftian smiled. and offered him a hand.
He offered him a hand?!
His eyes fixed to the skyloftians bracer where blood pooled around some damage. He didn't say anymore. Turning away. "I'm sorry..."
He felt a pat on his shoulder. "I'm okay." You could hear the grimace in his voice. Trying to hide the pain. "Get some rest, we can talk in the morning."
Why would he want to talk to him in the morning?
"I almost killed you!" He spoke to the air. His voice filled with shock as a hand raised to his lips.
"You were taken by a nightmare. That is not your doing." Sky's voice was unwavering and calm.
How could he be so calm at a time like this?
"I...." He tried again.
"No. Get some rest. We will talk in the morning."
Curling up on his side he spoke no more, but he would not sleep either. The threat of nightmares returning too close for comfort.
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bridgyrose · 2 days
Rosebird Week day 3: Vampire and Hunter
Raven wiped away sweat from her brow, eyes locked on the vampire in front of her. Silver eyes reflected the light of the moon almost inhumanly, unwaveringly even with a huntress standing before her. No hint of fear or worry, just a soft smile as she looked down on her. She reached for the cross she held in her pocket, only to stop when she felt the cold hand of the vampire on her wrist. 
“No need for that,” the vampire said quietly. “This was supposed to be just between us, wasnt it? You and your wit against me and my speed. Or was all of that just talk like all the others who have come after me?” 
Raven felt her heart pound in her chest as she stared directly into the vampire’s silver eyes, not quite sure when she appeared so suddenly in front of her. The only sign that she had moved were a few rose petals that seemed to flow in the wind. And yet, not a hair seemed to have moved out of place from the vampire. “I-I know… I know when I’m beat.” 
The vampire let go of Raven and pouted. “That’s no fun. I was just starting to warm up too. Guess that means my night is ruined. Maybe another night.” 
“You’re… not going to kill me?” 
“If I killed every vampire hunter that came after me, my life would be boring. Killing one or two gets me a reputation, killing all of them and no one would ever know me. Though, I do have to admit, you’re the first one to make it this far. So its only fair that I leave you with your life.” 
Raven watched the vampire, not quite sure how she felt about being allowed to leave alive. It almost felt cheap, just being allowed to go without anything more than the guilt of letting down what was supposed to be her prey. 
“I-I dont understand,” Raven finally said quietly. “I tracked you down, I lured you out and tried to kill you-” 
“And you did a very good job at it. We should make a date of it. How does tomorrow sound?” 
“I’m not making a date with a vampire.” 
“My name is Summer,” Summer said as she rolled her eyes. “And we dont have to call it a date, it can be an appointment instead.” 
“An appointment.”
“You’re the one who’s opposed to the word date.” 
A date… to fight? Raven pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a heavy sigh as she thought it all over. This wasnt something that could just be scheduled out. Tracking down Summer had taken weeks to pin her down, and now she just wanted to schedule out another fight? 
“This is a bit… unorthodox.” Raven took another breath to calm herself. “We’re here now, why cant we just fight like we’re supposed to?” 
“Because you gave up and now I’m bored of it. So, we can try it again tomorrow.” 
“And how do I know you’ll keep your word?” 
“A vampire always keeps their word,” Summer said with a smile. “Though, I do have to admit, you did go through a lot to find me. One would almost say you were… obsessed with me, dont you think?” 
A blush crossed Raven’s cheek as she felt Summer drag her finger across her cheek, her heart nearly stopping for a moment from the sudden thought. Summer practically had her wrapped around her finger and she knew it. 
Summer smirked and pulled away. “Let me make a deal with you. Come back tomorrow, put in the same effort into our fight like you did today, and I’ll make it worth your while.” 
“A-and what…” Raven cleared her throat as her voice broke. “...what did you… have in mind?” 
“That is a secret. One that I’m sure you’ll enjoy. Come back here tomorrow and I promise you wont be disappointed.” 
Rose petals scattered in the wind as Raven watched Summer disappear just before the sun started to rise. She had been played by Summer and she didnt quite regret it like she thought she would’ve. Instead, she picked up her sword from the ground and started to make her way back to the village. 
“Lets just hope you keep your word.” 
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vivitalks · 5 months
we don't talk about it enough but duck and billy's relationship in amnesty is truly a tragic one.
imagine: you rescue a mindless drone. you save his life, you give him autonomy, you give him language. you teach him trust. you protect him at your own expense. you name him billy. he knows three words in your language, and one is your name. you promise to keep him safe, and he betrays his programming to help you in return. he defies everything he was designed to do in order to aid you.
you save him from being a drone, but in doing so, you kill him. he was never supposed to be here this long. you gave him freedom at the cost of rapid decay, and now he's dying. and if he could just go back to his home planet, he would live, but he doesn't want to. because you're here. duck newton, his first friend, his savior, his guardian. you showed him that there is a better way to live - with free will, with pizza and playstations.
he's damned if he stays and damned if he goes. but you can't watch him suffer. that's not who you are. you're duck newton, local beefcake, defender of the disadvantaged. so you wait until he's engrossed in his video game - in humanity, in freedom of choice - and you strike him down out of mercy.
billy reverts to his original form: a four-armed being of light, once a drone, now a friend. he's beginning to disintegrate, but he has unfinished business here. he never finished his video game. and you give him one last gift of mercy: you lie to him. don't worry, you tell him - that character you're worried about? she's fine in the end. no, i know it seems bleak now, but she turns out okay.
you can't give him anything else, so you give him hope. it's the same thing he gave to you, all those months ago when you saved him.
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heartorbit · 5 months
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the star you've longed for
#PLEASE WATCH REVUE STARLIGHT!!!!!!💥💥💥💥💥#project sekai#revue starlight#pjsk#emu otori#nene kusanagi#emunene#prsk#proseka#yuri win. i make my fav pairing fight tothe death#HAPPY EMUNENE WEEK LOOOOOL#Can i be hinestni think this sucks it took way too long cause i forgot how to draw for a week#im seeing demons and stuff. i feel more normal now. Also you may recall emu has a big hammer for revstar#thats the bottom of it the gem thing all the weapons have hers is sharp#i remember seeing meta post abt how mahiru has a blunt weapon because she never actually aimed for the lead role#rather she only wanted to be by karen's side. so her weapon wasnt capable of cutting anything in the first place#Fastforward to the movie and well LOLLLLL#though i think its funny in the movie her mace is still mostly used for i timidation againstbhikari.. bc again shes not winning for a lead#revue starlight youre neat. maybe i like revstar.#<- has been insane for 4+ years#Needed their pose to be smth where nenes weapon isnt visible because I DONT KNOW WHAT WEAPON TO GIVE HER. OOMFS HELP. I NEED A NENE WEAPON.#i thought some sort of polearm/spear/halberd etc something with range but that can be ambitious#but i feel like smth with that much footwork needed doesnt suit her.. And she cant hsve a sniper i dont think thatwould fucking work#aruru gets pistols in the revue but aruru also is Ummm well shes uhhh. [screaming] [car crash]#throwing knives would be funny wouldnt it. Put that gamer aim to use#idk if the emunene week tag is on here but i'll donit anyways#emuneneweek2024#EDIT: i have decided nene gets a rapier. its awesome. thanks for coming#tsukasa has his giant flag and i dont want to budge on that. im thinking about giving rui the throwing knives since he juggles.#it would be funny. saki + rui knife juggling
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