rotburger · 1 year
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misc doodles again
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chrliekclly · 3 months
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it’s been 6 years exactly nd i apologize for everything about this
[tw: implied csa]
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frayedcircus · 4 months
i finally finished that drawing challenge :D
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in order from left to right(top row then bottom row), these ocs belong to @0m3n-0f-d3ath, @artsandstoriesandstuff, @hiimerick, @yellowfrog456, @puffpastrycrimewatch, and @clownpalette
this was so fun to do thank you all so much!!
(individual versions of each character under the cut)
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they look like trading cards lol
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starheirxero · 2 months
Everytime someone they/them's me an angel loses its wings
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kaikaykoa · 2 years
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anyway thank you again @incorrect-ninokuni for the banger secret santa management this year !!!! and to my monita holmes221B on discord !!!! I HAVENT PLAYED DND IN YEARS i hope i did something you liked !!! SORRY SORRY IT'S LATE AGAIN I hope everyone had a nice holiday and to this new year !!!
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kulapti · 2 years
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Lighter version of Dream with bird nest hair. (Dec 2022, pencil & krita). Details under the cut.
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dilfsuzanneyk · 11 months
billie joe armstrong giggles and whispers i love you guys into the mic at the show 280173920183 dead 290183902819489307150 injured
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Hate it when i cant listen to a song anymore becuz it reminds me of. things.
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mihai-florescu · 8 months
Hello very random question but i chose to come to you since you don't play games with the lore. What do you think is the reason for the story of Meteor Impact to be named 'Meteor Impact'? I'm trying to piece things together but it's pretty difficult. I'm curious what your take on this is. Thanks!
Ahh im glad you thought of me:,) im ashamed to say i have a pretty straightforward take on meteor impact's title though: reference to the meteor that hit earth and let the "curse from underground" out, making people ill, aka the legend behind the Shinkai cult's formation. I look at it as a domino effect (meteor impact on earth -> kanata and madara and souma's lives are set in stone. Chiaki and the rest of the cast too since all 3 of the shinkai cult kids are pretty important for the story of enstars as a whole).
I was not here in 2019 (was going through my own war) and when i read meteor impact in 2021 it was one of my first 5 or so stories so i cant say how it changed people's perception of the characters. I can guess it was like obbligato for tatsumi and himeru, cuz i was here before and after its release, but i imagine MI was more intense and tied together the events of the war & more.
I wonder what the theories about kanata were before meteor impact...if i have any older fans seeing this i'd love to hear! And MI came out so late too, the last ! era remini iirc in march 2019...thats after Requiem that ties together and finalizes Knights' story. And after Wonder Game... im pretty sure all these stories came out almost back to back tying up plotlines set at the end of the year, i can only imagine the name of meteor impact was deeply felt in its enormity by the fans. But im just speculating here and i dont think this is related to why the story is named this, just that it's a fitting name for its...impact:)
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meerphanim · 2 years
Love this guy, The Lick
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I was feeling nostalgic over Adventure Time, I watched a compilation video of scenes of The Lich and thought, "It would kick ass if I draw this motherfucker."
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xo8ball · 11 months
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anothermonikan · 1 year
'I like this character as a character but not as a person!' well jeez, good thing the character is a character and not a person then
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salsflore · 1 year
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going to sleep soon ~ let me get some things off my chest here.... my eyes are super itchy again (fell into the trap of snuggling my cat even when i swore i wouldn't do it again)
#cw vent#this is bc i have a math exam tmrw I’M SORRYYY i feel some kind of way about that#this is the first exam where i am near confident i will fail. and its just kinda sucky#my mental maths is really poor and due to the fact i skipped grades (unable to afford Education) i don’t know a lot of things my peers know#my results as they are right now? theyre genuinely ok. not bad. but theres still gaps made by the years of missing out on school#this is one of them#its so embarrassing having my classmate look at me weirdly when i ask her about something that should totally be obvious or#something silly like that. i don’t know. its especially hard for me to be interested in maths because my old maths teacher has#literally fucked me up i’m so intimidated by every math teacher ever and i just hate the feeling of being stupid or whatever#i don’t enjoy being comforted by A+ students bc theyre like cmonn its totally fine!! i relate i got a 39/40 :(#or my friends who make jokes about how stupid i am and its just aghhh#its already been almost a year since ive enrolled in school again but i still feel so out of place#so miserable i could just die#so miserable i think i SHOULD die#and i'm just nervous about getting an absolute 0. failing my first test made me want to literally kill myself#sorry for being dramatic but when you have a sister whos awards and certificates fill your house shelf its kind of like........#aghhhh!!!! maybe i should just accept that i'm good for nothing at all!!!!!!#not that great with numbers or formulas. probably not that great at writing either. nor am i as eloquent as i'd like to be ~#not artistically inclined. science is a bore. not ~ naturally ~ adept with neither languages nor history! psychology! economics! sports!#forgive me for not being able to do anything good at all ... zzz
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hi! could you possibly tag the barry posts you rb with spoilers? i'm not able to watch the new season yet so i'd rather not know what happens
ah shit i completely forgot, sorry bout that
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gibbyslounge · 1 year
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maerchen · 1 year
pride ended with me crying in the gender neutral bathroom *sigh*
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