#after they start letting chosen hold them more without crying he starts appearing as a stick just to get them used to it
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Idea for that thing with Sec struggling with object permanence as a baby
Like I know you said selkies can recognize each other, but consider
Tiny Sec might be able to recognize Alan as a fellow selkie, but not as "dad"
true true! generally selkies i think get a particular 'vibe' from specific people but i could see that tbh....
#tommy's foolery#tommy's stickmen tag#tommy's aus#selkie sticks au#as i've mentioned before it'd be very stressful for alan though#at least cursor selkie!alan#normal selkie!alan is a little more fine with it since he's usually a stick and prefers being that way#after they start letting chosen hold them more without crying he starts appearing as a stick just to get them used to it#they do eventually associate them both as Vaguely Dad before finally connecting the dots#though chosen referring to them both as Alan does help them figure it out a little faster#once they figure out that stick selkie!alan is essentially a softer version of dad they are crawling all over him all the time though#if it weren't for the fact that he's so terribly fond of them he would have preferred them before they recognized him#but he puts up with a lot since they're just an excitable little toddler#they're well-meaning they just have a lot of energy sometimes.#...sometimes.
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LuLu Goes to Daycare - Melissa Schemmenti/Female Reader
Melissa Schemmenti/Female Reader
Summary: Melissa doesn't want to do it, Y/N denies being worried and both moms don't know how to deal with their baby's first day at daycare.
Classification: Domestic fluff
Warnings: None
Word count: +3000
Note: I know that the post with Ava won the poll, but I've been in hospital twice this week, had injections in hips and spent days unconscious due to medication, after all that I just wanted to write a bit of family comfort. The next post will be about Ava, as soon as I get better ^^
With a hand to her face to protect against the sun, Melissa lets out a long sigh and looks at the colorful entrance. Parents carrying their little ones pass her by, most of them with big smiles and excited about the start of another school year. She herself is excited, misses her children and work routine, but feeling the opposite at the mere thought of leaving Luca at daycare. The baby's babbling brings her out of trance, his little feet tapping against the seat cushion in agitation, caught up in everything that's happening around him.
"Ready for this, darling?" Y/N asks her wife, working hard at getting the little boy out of the car seat.
She nods, not a sincere answer, there's an unpleasant feeling in the pit of the stomach, the same as when doing something difficult, a challenge or the one that haunts everyone when doing something for the first time. Despite all the insecurities and even a little fear, she wants to pass on some kind of confidence to her little family in this big step.
"LuLu looks so handsome." the younger whispers, straightening his clothes once she has managed to get him out of the equipment, a yellow dungaree and cotton T-shirt have been chosen, shoes have long since been thrown in the air "I think he's a bit hot."
"Fever?" they look at each other in alarm and soon they're both standing over their son checking his temperature with the back of their hand, then with the thermometer just in case "I don't know whether to laugh or cry, we've been working with children for years and now we look like two complete laymen."
"Aren't we looking for excuses?" the reluctance hits Y/N, she's never been separated from him for more than a few hours and now she'll have to spend the whole day without being by her chubby side. The couple stare for a few seconds, reflecting, in the end deciding to cover up how emotionally drained they really are by this "Nah." they say in unison.
"The gate will close soon, let's take our tesoro." the redhead leaves the car, turns around to open the door, stretches out the arms to take Luca on her lap, can't resist showering his rosy cheeks with kisses and getting the cutest giggles out of him, little teeth showing "Time passes so quickly, just yesterday he looked like a plucked chicken and today he's a little prince."
"Did you just compare our son to a plucked chicken?" incredulous, the girl closes the car door and holds back a laugh, stuck in the back of her throat, making her cough dryly.
"And I lied?"
Y/N rolls her eyes, kissing the boy on the forehead, admiring every tiny detail of him, from rust-colored hair to the freckles he seems to have inherited from the Schemmenti, simple but still present on his snub nose and chubby little arms. When he arrived, he was very small, large for a premature baby, gradually taking on his mother's features, personality and appearance. A little human about to begin a new stage.
The path from the entrance to the classroom door is tortuous, not even the photos of children having fun reassure them, the corridor is full of them, playing in the playground, using paints, dressed up, dancing, among other clearly fun activities.
"Excited, bambino?" the eldest asks, lifting him up so that they're face to face, hopefully expecting LuLu to deny it and give a reason to turn around, but he nods in the affirmative with a cheeky smile "Sure?" he nods again, jumping up and down with excitement "Amore mio, I don't think he understands and leaving him here could probably make our baby feel abandoned, cause trauma..."
"But almost all children go to daycare and are fine, LuLu is smart, loves socializing and learns quickly." Y/N says calmly, more to herself than anything else, fingers stroking the thick curls of the boy who is now oblivious to the conversation, concentrating on the movement around "And he's your copy, which means he'll do well. Don't you agree, darling?"
Melissa sighs and fights the impulse to snort at her wife, who knows how to pull all her strings and hit her in the right places. Knowing that she can't resist her charms, she decides to give in, only agreeing in a grumpy whisper. Stubbornness is a family heirloom. Pride too.
"Time to go, big boy." she announces to the baby, who giggles at the two of them, arms waving as if he understands everything that's being said "Okay, keep it up and maybe you'll give Mama Mel some courage." the redhead whispers last, taking the first steps into the nightmare.
Disgusted, she finds the designated room more than quickly, the pair of teachers at the door waiting for their fellow little angels to appear. Melissa shamelessly tries to see more of what's going on behind the doors, where many of the crawling babies are playing on the carpet. She can't hold back a smile realizing that although she isn't a paragon of stature herself, their son is by far one of the biggest babies in the daycare, not least because he already stands out with cute big cheeks and rust-colored hair that's starting to curl at the ends.
Y/N hands the baby bag over to one of the teachers and joins her family, now visibly fearful, all the insecurities she tried to keep to herself and ended up brushing under the carpet come to the surface in a matter of seconds. What if he doesn't adapt? Because he's an only child and relatively spoiled, he ends up fighting with one of his classmates over a toy? Or if they hurt him? If there are other children with their first teeth looking for something soft to bite and why not little Schemmenti's chubby arms?
"...please don't forget to put the yellow blanket over his face when he goes to lie down, Luca can only fall asleep with this one." the younger gives the last instructions from the short list of quirks that come in their son's handbook.
"Right..." the teacher murmurs in disbelief, having learned that she would have two parents who are professionals in the same field, she thought it would make the process much easier, only to discover that it was quite the opposite "Now, if you'll excuse me..." she nods and tries to escape, pretending that someone is calling her, only to be intercepted on the way by the other mother lion and her dozens of extremely specific questions.
After a few minutes and many kisses, the two moms leave the building with empty arms and hearts sunk with the terrible feeling of not being close to their little boy. For eight months carrying him and for another ten they kept him only to themselves, attached by the hips, having never spent more than a prolonged nap equivalent to a romantic dinner away. They stop for a few seconds in front of the car, ideas running through their heads and none of them believing that everything is going to be all right, anxiety hitting hard.
"You know..." they say in unison, thinking of excuses to get rid of each other.
"I need a new laptop charger and we passed a store a block away." Y/N starts, slurring a few words, and points in the opposite direction "You go ahead, I'll take a uber later."
"All right, Barb just texted me to give her a ride." Melissa smiles, as if destiny were helping her "See you in Abbott, take care, cara mia." and approaches, placing a chaste kiss on the lips of her wife, no idea that she has plans of her own.
Half a block away and the car parked on the other street, they both sneak into the daycare, taking advantage of the movement of some late families to sneak in. Melissa gained access to the garden next to the classroom by convincing a member of staff that she had lost her earring in the grass, while Y/N managed to get past everyone to the door without attracting attention.
When the corridor empties, she approaches the glass, eyes instinctively searching for her son and soon finds the boy crawling across the carpet with the others, a dozen toys scattered around them. It doesn't take long for LuLu to find something colorful and eye-catching to put in his mouth, something he's been doing frequently since the first teeth appeared, swallowing all the unknown microscopic germs that cause chills in Y/N, as in Melissa, jaws open in disbelief as no teacher stops the scene.
"No, no, no!" the youngest whispers, wishing that mental begging could intervene.
On the other side, the redhead is in the same state, her face pressed against the window to get a better view and equally shocked. They knew this moment would come and, no matter much planning and preparation, it's still hard to face your firstborn's first day. He's so curious, cheerful, full of life and can inspire anyone nearby, so spirited and brave that he doesn't even seem to mind being away from home and his moms' presence. This brings a genuine smile to Melissa's face, for her everything seems like a dream and she has the impression that she might wake up without everything she has achieved. After a collection of failed relationships, she has found the woman of her life, motherhood, which had been put aside for many years, has come naturally and a son she never imagined she would have before is now cradled in her arms every night, also giving her wet kisses and the most sincere affection in the world. After all the new world her little family has presented her with, the fruit of their love is growing incredibly fast and giving her new challenges. This is another one of them, to leave him for a few hours longer, to trust the precious life of their bambino in the hands of complete strangers.
"What?" her eyes widen as she turns towards the door and finds her wife's unmistakable face stuck in the glass, staring at the whole scene "Amore mio!" she whispers, waiting for the girl to turn around and finally realize that she is there.
Torturously long seconds pass before their gazes meet, the two of them not knowing exactly how to react, as if they had been caught in the act of committing a crime.
"What the hell are you doing there?" she mimes with lips, pointing in her direction.
"Looking after our son!" Y/N tries to defend herself, reading lips and miming too.
"Did they let you in?" she is outraged, because she had to make up a huge excuse just to get into the garden.
"Of course! I pretended to be a teacher..." she begins to explain and gestures pointing to herself, then to the corridor "And they let me stay here. It's dangerous..."
"I know! Anyone can get in."
They start a short conversation through the windows, even though they can't hear each other, they understand well after years of living together, it's easy to know what they're talking. So entertained, they barely notice that the teachers stare at them in surprise and just wait for them to finish their conversation before intervening, which takes a while. The couple begin to explain detail by detail how they got to where they are and then how LuLu can get sick in the very first week.
"Excuse me!" one of them says loudly, close to a shout, and draws both of their attention to herself, faces flushed with embarrassment "Headmistress's office, now!" the teacher points to the door and snorts, disbelieving what she has just witnessed.
Melissa can't help but roll her eyes and laugh at her wife's frightened expression as she heads towards the office, walking at a quick pace to avoid the woman who is walking behind her at a brisk and irritated pace. Back in her school days, when she used to get into so much trouble that at one point her parents didn't even care, she finds herself in front of a headmistress/principal with arms folded and not knowing what to do. It's a more than unusual situation in her years in the profession, there have been worried parents before, the kind who call repeatedly or send special porridge for fear that their babies won't eat properly, but they've never had one, in this case two at once, keeping an eye on what happens in the daycare and so blatantly.
"Mrs. and Mrs. Schemmenti, would you like to explain to us what you were doing?"
"Well..." the redhead mumbles, unsure exactly how to follow and for the first time stutters when explaining something "I... We, my wife and I... We're first-time moms and we really struggled to have our bambino, although we know you have incredible professionals... Well, I guess that's it, first-time mom panic..."
"And a bit overprotective." Y/N adds, swallowing the lump in her throat "Okay, very overprotective."
"Admitting it is always the first step." the headmistress says wryly and clasps hands together on the desk "But you know the rules here, you signed a contract..."
"We swear it's an isolated situation and will never happen again." the eldest intervenes, feeling guilty, she was the one who was the most negative and full of worries about Luca joining the daycare, if it was entirely her choice she would have kept her family at home and safe "We were just very nervous and worried about him adapting, tesoro can be a bit of a difficult baby to deal with..."
"And he doesn't know when to stop eating."
"That's true! Remember the time he ate half the parmigiana on my plate? I felt so proud..."
"Your face said everything, it was so beautiful to watch. He's inherited your good appetite, that's for sure."
The headmistress coughs falsely, bringing them back to the subject, letting a smile slip.
"It's hard when it's our turn, isn't it?" she asks rhetorically "We hope that we can have your vote of confidence to look after little Luca. I know it's a new phase of adaptation that can be really hard, both for him and for you, but we really need your cooperation."
"If it'll put your minds at ease, we can send a photo... or photos, we usually register all the activities and share them." the teacher suggests, softening a little "And you know that you can pick him up early, right?"
They nod, feeling even more embarrassed, at the same time good about the understanding they are receiving and the alternatives given.
"Thank you for your patience, we swear this won't happen again." the younger promises, smiling shyly "We'll follow the rules perfectly."
"I'll take your word for it. You're free to go, Mrs. Schemmenti!"
With tails between legs, the couple leave, without the courage to look each other in the eye after the scolding. Guilt gnaws at them too, not for sneaking off to watch LuLu, but for lying, something they never do and hate having to do. Melissa sighs as she approaches the car, bringing a hand up to her wife's, interlacing their fingers and carefully pushing her against the door, face to face.
"I'm feeling like a rebellious teenager." she jokes, tone low, playful smirk not reaching her eyes "How are you?"
"You know I was a good student." Y/N retorts, the fun of their relationship is the differences that only improve the dynamic "Darling, are you really okay?"
"Would it be wrong or annoying for me to say that I'm still worried?" the woman bites her lip and looks away, feeling incredibly vulnerable "Now our little boy is being looked after by someone other than us and I don't have a manual for that..."
"Hey, hey, it's okay, none of this is wrong or annoying, you're very attached and being away like this is a big step to take."
The woman smiles weakly and moves closer, letting herself be enveloped in warm comfortable arms, feeling the sweet perfume, soft hands caressing her back and the voice that calms her in the midst of a hurricane of chaos, so she feels confident and safe for the first time all day, maybe all week.
"Thank you for always understanding and loving me."
"It's nothing more than my duty as your wife, darling." Y/N jokes and kisses her forehead, moving down to place a quick kiss on the lips "You know, I was trying to think of positive sides and what do you think of this one? Three extra hours we have after work, just to..."
"But I want to pick him up the second we leave Abbott." the redhead says back and unlocks the door of the vehicle, opening it for the younger to get in.
"I don't think you understand..."
"Yes, I do, amore mio." and practically pushes her into the passenger seat, kissing the flushed cheeks and barely noticing the confused expression on her face "I wonder if there's a store nearby that sells micro cameras? We could put them in his bag."
Mel gets into the driver's seat and begins to ramble off crazy ideas, which seem more like surveillance strategies than mere maternal concerns. While she pours out these plans, Y/N just shakes her head negatively, holding back a laugh. It's not usual to see Melissa Ann Caterina Schemmenti, the tough and fearless one, shed her posture like this, but when it involves her family and, especially, her son, she turns into a ferocious, somewhat irrational and very emotional lioness. It's a side that rarely emerges and, when it does, is compared to a natural event - beautiful to watch and potentially dangerous.
"Am I thinking too much and overreacting again?" she stops rambling and asks, already knowing the answer.
"Just a little. Come on, once we get to work, I'll make you some tea to calm you down."
"Thank you, Principessa."
"And no running off during class to see LuLu."
taglist: @opheliauniverse @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @wastdstime @scarr0713 @geekyandgay98 @dvrkhcld @heidss @esposadejoyhuerta @xvyzxx @quailbagutte @imaginesmultifandoms @ctrlamira @milffilm @taurus-baby-34 @prentiss-theorem @josephinevr @cordyandbilliehavemyheart @grandtacoranchnickel @multifandomlesbianic @serendipitouswanderer @louderfortheback @h-doodles @Hotdoggitydammit @peggy082023 @le0vo1dz @lilfartbox1 @imgayforwoman69 @janeyseymour @hwppnes @storiesofsvu @zacs-obsessed @evilaam @evattude @tmlwattpad19
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Schemmenti Family Masterlist
#melissa schemmenti x reader#melissa schemmenti#female reader#abbott elementary x reader#schemmenti family#fluff
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My Own Miracle
(AU: One of my favorite artists “Citizen Soldier” came out with this song recently and I am obsessed! Feels like such a villain origin theme that I couldn’t ignore the creative juices flowing as I listened to it! Highly recommend you all check them out!)
Every person who had attempted to stop your advances were now lying face down on the ground, surrounded by rubble of buildings and various broken possessions. Fire sourcing from exposed electrical components had practically burnt everything recognizable to a crisp until nearly nothing but ash was left. For the first time you’d had allowed your quirk to run rampage without care. No longer did you hold back the raging emotions that had been pounding through your veins like drugs. “That’s where you belong,” you smirked while purposefully stepping upon the picture of three smiling faces, “at my feet.”
It’s what they deserved.
Years of living under the same roof as those monsters in human skin had finally come back to bite them.
And now you were moments away from freedom.
One of the fallen managed to move their hand until it weakly took hold of your ankle. Anger, and a brief appearance of old fear, flitted through your gaze before they fell victim to your quirk again. Their cries for mercy filled the air but they fell on your deafened ears as they writhed in agony. Deep within your chest rose a new feeling of accomplishment, almost glee, when they finally stilled after nearly a minute.
The corners of your mouth tilted upwards at a familiar voice that called your name as if from the end of a long tunnel. How long has it been since you’d heard his voice? At least a decade. Or was it more? Thrills slipped down your spine when catching sight of a figure in what used to be the porch doorway. Of course he would be here before the authorities. He was a hero. Even when amongst the underground you’d kept up on his climb up the ladder of society. Way back during UA days it was all he could ever talk about.
Hero training.
Hero studies.
Hero this…
Hero that…
A scoff rose up your throat, rolling your eyes. “What a cliché question. It’s as if you’ve stepped out of an old comic book.” Of course they didn’t recognize the current you. After all, you’ve also been hard at work training yourself physically and mentally for today. Nothing was going to stand in the way of you achieving your goal. Not even them. “Can’t you turn the other cheek just for today? It is my birthday, so it’s the least you can do for me.”
He moved away from the window once seeing that you weren’t going to attack outright, checking over the pair who looked more at home with pieces of charcoal at an art supply store than actual living beings. “Good, they’re still alive.”
Your bottom lip extended in a pout. “Of course they are. I was only getting started.” The tip of your tongue darted out to moisten your smirking lips when walking over to a soon-to-be-corpse and earned a pain filled hoarse cry when the heel of your shoe came down on their back. “Can’t let the fun end so soon.”
Of course your words would earn his anger, it was to be expected since this was the path you’d chosen, so his sudden attack failed to impress you. The twist of your body caused him to collide with the wall instead. Back and forth you effortlessly dodged his attacks; though he’d physically grown it didn’t seem like his patterns had changed.
This will be almost too easy.
Katsuki Bakugo
“What the hell?! Why aren’t any of my blows landing?!”
Bored, you sighed while dodging yet another one of his seemingly endless explosion shots. “Isn’t it obvious? You can’t touch me.”
Garnet red eyes narrowed from the mask’s shadow. “Like hell I can’t! You’re nothing but a stupid villain who is throwing a fit—gah!”
You’d moved too fast for him to react, completely and utterly bypassing his defenses, to send him flying backwards with a solid kick to his throat. “A fit? That’s ironic since you’re the one who used to throw tantrums worthy of a two-year-old at the drop of a hat.” The shadow that had fallen over your eyes darkened when he reappeared after a few seconds from the neighboring room’s rubble. Humorless laughter rose up your throat when hearing him swear for several seconds; classic for him. “Have you ever been told that you talk too much?” Venom seeped into every word that passed through your lips while locking near ice cold eyes with his own. “Guess you never learned when to shut up.”
They filled with confusion. “Eh? And what would you know about any of that? You don’t know shit.”
Once again, you moved too fast for him to track, but instead of your foot the length of his throat was met with your fingers that took tight hold of his jugular. Anyone with your body build wouldn’t hope to be capable of overpowering someone else…let alone a hero of his caliber. They weren’t you. You’ve devoted nearly every waking moment of perfecting speed, precision, and power. That’s how you were capable of defeating the heroes before him; those idiots who had been bottom feeders to have unluckily crossed your path.
It was only after defeating the one known as Ingenium that you knew your peak speed had been found.
Explosion after explosion caused your skin to blister, costume to burn away to ash, his kicks landing heavy blows upon your body, but they were hardly felt as you remained steadfast. Saliva was beginning to dribble down his strong jawline as his blazing gaze searched for any sort of opening. He was taller than you, built differently than you, facts you no longer could ignore when one particular sparking kick caused pain to flare within your side. Eventually he could free himself. Unless you did something to prevent it.
The sound of a bone breaking pierced the air, closely followed by his muffled scream that was cutoff courtesy of your hand tightening its hold around his throat.
“Shut up already. You’re hurting my ears, Bakugo.”
It had been unintentional, calling him by his last name as others had, but it was the tone of voice you used when saying it that earned his silence.
Izuku Midoriya
Recognition filled his emerald gaze when you felt his body grow slack after it recovered from your blow. Disgust filled you when moisture gathered within the corners of his eyes. “Still a crybaby, aren’t you, Mirodirya? And you’re supposed to be the next ‘All Might’?” Skepticism filled your voice as you held him up despite the now useless leg trailed across the ground when you shoved him face first against the opposite wall where a small crater formed. “Pathetic.”
He fell like a broken marionette once you released him, earning choked gasps and hoarse sounds as he attempted to shift into a position so that your gazes could meet.
Part of you was amused he could move at all really. That kick had taken away more voices than your elbow-knee combo had broken bones. Combine the pain from both blows, no matter who the receiver was, it would render them immobile or unconscious by now. Then again it would be best not to underestimate the current him. Especially after all the rumors you’ve heard about him.
A pain filled exclamation fell from his lips as you settled yourself upon his core, swinging one leg over the other in a fashion that meant you weren’t going anywhere for the time being and you were in no hurry to depart. Your hand lashed out, burying itself within his curly forest hair and used it to lift his head so that he was staring up at you instead of the ceiling while the other tore open his costume until the underlying muscled torso was exposed. “Poor little baby Deku,” you cooed while trailing sharpened razor blades down his skin to draw crimson blood and earn suppressed noises, “all the pain you’re feeling and oxygen deprivation would have made anyone fall into unconsciousness by now. But not you. Of course you wouldn’t.” Mock sympathy filled your features when his eyes grew wide in response to your razor tipped fingers embedding themselves into his flesh. “It’d be best if you took a nap right now. You don’t need to see what happens next. They need to pay for what they’ve done to me.”
Those green eyes of his swam out of focus but cleared at your words.
“Oh, that’s right, you and the rest of the Heroes Course were too preoccupied with playing your games to even realize what was going on with those around you.” The curl of your lip rose as with a flick droplets of red splattered across the concrete when the pair of burnt figures made noises, the razors at your fingertips that had been buried within his flesh shining brightly as you sheathed them. “Those are dipped in a special powder concoction. Won’t kill you but it will knock you out long enough for me to get things settled here and disappear.” Your hand that had been buried within his hair patted his cheek as the drug took hold and caused his eyes to roll upwards. “I’d say sweet dreams but that’ll be impossible.”
With a snap of your neck, you focused upon the pair who were attempting to crawl towards a section of wall that would lead down to the busy street who had no idea of what was occurring just feet above their heads. Only when sure that the drug had taken full effect did you stand. The time had come.
Fumikage Tokoyami
“Tell me…”
You froze in mid step. A sigh slipped up your throat, when a glance back revealed him to be fighting unconsciousness. Maybe a little nudge needed to be given for him to finally give up.
His hand outstretched towards you. “…what happened…”
“Easy, Fumikage, you’re bleeding internally from those cuts,” Dark Shadow warned, “if you move or talk too much you’ll—”
“Why would you care?”
Their eyes widened at your icy tone.
Disgust filled you when he attempted to talk. “The way you all fake how much you try to sympathize with people like me is sickening. We know you don’t really care, it’s not like you even knew of our existence to begin with.” A swift kick to your intended victims caused them to fly across the nearby destroyed room to fall into heaps. “You want to know so bad? Fine, I’ll indulge you, but don’t expect me to change what has already been put into motion.” Smoke began to fill the air as your anger manifested within tongues of flame that licked your skin, causing flickering shadows to appear through the space as you walked to bend over the largest of the figures. Your razors reappeared with a flick of your wrist, each blade still sticky with the hero’s blood. “This one was never satisfied with whatever I did; grades, money brought in through small jobs, my athletic performances, nothing was up to their standard. I was an obedient child, wanting to gain their pride and approval, so why did I constantly come home to beatings?” The figure groaned lowly in pain as you lifted them up by what was left of their clothing, slamming them against the wall with enough force that more blood decorated the wall like decorative paper. “Belts or palm of of their hands would be acceptable but when you break a child’s bones on a daily basis from beatings with other objects someone should have raised questions.”
The expression of horror on his face was almost too much when you spared a glance in his direction. It was beautiful. A work of art.
“Yet no one did. Students and teachers were aware of me coming to UA with casts and splints on nearly every week but not a single one spoke up on my behalf.” A sickening grin lifted your lips. “Even when I became covered in cigarette burns and reeked of rotting food they still didn’t do anything. Did you know that this person even went so far as to stop me from eating anything off the table?”
Dark Shadow, who rarely if ever showed emotion, radiated with something akin to beast-like rage as you went on to explain how you’d been forced to dumpster dive since a young age. The way he wavered between protecting Tsukiyomi and listening to your words… Another breathtaking visage that should be displayed like art.
Your attention shifted to the other figure who was whimpering. “That one over there? Well, let’s just say their drug addiction was more important than the health of their own child. Colds or small sicknesses lasted near twice the average length because our household couldn’t afford the medicine I needed; not that either of them really cared. The times I took myself to the hospital were too many to count and I’d always had to escape before those doctors had a chance to get my real name.”
Shoto Todoroki
Crystalline ice appeared along the flames threatening to spread, causing their progress to halt altogether. The electrical fires had been unplanned so it was no loss to your cause. It was a bit annoying though. Especially when you noticed the protective barrier between you and those people who had been your targets. “Even after everything I’ve said, you’re still trying to save them.” Now your anger was beginning to grow beyond what should be possible when spotting his duo eyes watching carefully as you attempted to move past the ice only for it to farther enclose around the burnt pair. Rage burst forth from your being in a sweltering wave of flame composed blades whistling shrilly through the air before they buried themselves within anything they came into contact with; walls, furniture, ceiling. “Stop interfering!”
“What they did was wrong, (Y/n), but I cannot ignore that your ambition to hurt others.” He growled while rising to balance on one leg. The once proud costume donning his figure was now rendered to rags as he wobbled while fixing you with a look you couldn’t identify. Never have you seen such emotion within one’s gaze or expression as he attempted to limp closer to you.
It frightened you.
“Stay back!” You roared as the blades appeared from across your body that took flight, leaving blazing crimson trails in the air, until they made contact with his hastily procured shield of ice. “No one was there when I needed them! Every single one of them turned a blind eye or deaf ear when I was begging for help!” The blades grew bigger in size until they sliced right through to bury themselves within his flesh, earning shouts of pain and more splatters of blood. “All of you ignorant self absorbed people are alike! You ignore the pain of others so long as you can go about your day!” More crimson painted the scene with each sweep of your arms. “Always wearing those blinders of yours so as not to get distracted or sidetracked!” Near transparent ice became tinted pink as blood took the place of rain, threatening to paint everything in red until you were left exhausted and teetering on shaky legs.
“I never knew…”
A tendon in your jaw grew tight. “Of course you wouldn’t.” The shadow of your hair fell to obscure the upper half of your face. “I was just waiting for someone to rescue me when I should’ve been relying on my own strength. When I realized that no one was going to help me, I decided to take things into my own hands.”
“I’m sorry…”
Your head snapped upwards, eyes wide as they locked on his lidded ones when something brushed your cheek. He had somehow managed to cross the room, leaving a trail of red, his being radiating with pain and determination, the brush of his fingers against your skin so gentle that for a moment you didn’t believe it had happened as he teetered. “What?”
Regret and guilt filled his gaze before they slid closed. “…I suspected…saw…but couldn’t…sorry…should’ve done…something…”
By reflex your arms caught him as he fell into unconsciousness.
His words fell over you like a weighted blanket. He’d seen you back at UA? How? You were in different courses and he was apart of the Heroes Course. The only times you’d ever cross paths was in the cafeteria or hallways? The blades of fire evaporated into smoke as sirens pierced your eardrums.
Now was your opportune time to take revenge.
No one was here to intervene.
It would be so easy.
So why were you hesitating?
Eijiro Kirishima
How you found yourself dressing his wounds back at your sanctuary was beyond believable. Somehow, for some reason, leaving him to bleed out or for the authorities to discover left a bitter taste on your tongue. Gauze soaked in counteractive drugs to the concoction you’d made and antibiotic cream to prevent infection covered his being almost completely. The span of his chest and sheer power built within each chiseled muscle spoke of dedication that you could sympathize with; memory reminded you of how hard he would work to keep up with the rest of his classmates. Admirable. Finished, you made to begin clearing away the leftover mess when one of his large hands took hold of your wrist.
His eyes were straining to stay open, their ruby irises glazed and unfocused, but locked on your general direction. “W-wait,” he croaked, “don’t go…”
“I’m just cleaning up,” you soothed by adjusting so that your fingers could give his a squeeze, “go back to sleep.” What had come over you? Why were you suddenly so gentle with him? He was a hero who had tried to stop you from exacting revenge! You should be livid!
A sigh slipped between his lips as your other hand rose to brush some stray red hair from his face with near feather-like touches. “I’m sorry…(Y/n)…I should’ve…” His breath caught as droplets of clear liquid splattered across the bandages covering his chest as your head hung lowly. “…don’t…don’t cry…I’m gonna be okay…thanks to you…” With difficulty, he rose upwards upon a bent arm while the other drew you close to his being in a half embrace so that his breath wafted past the shell of your ear. “I used to see you all the time hiding in the library,” he whispered, “something told me to go talk to you but I was too much of a coward. I should’ve manned up and said something to someone or gotten over myself to at least say ‘hi’. You didn’t deserve any of what they did to you,” a tremor wracked his being as your hand fell to rest against the place where his heart was beating, “and it’s my fault that you became this—”
The brief sealing of your lips against his cutoff his words, earning a surprised grunt that turned into a weak protest as your other hand administered a small dose of morphine along with sedative, causing his eyes to roll and fall back to the cot you’d placed him in. “It wasn’t your fault. You were the one person who said what I needed and wanted to hear…” A quiver appeared in your lip when seeing him fight against the drugs but with a coax of your fingers over his eyelids they heavily fell closed and every muscle within his body fell slack. “What I’ve become is solely result of my choices. There’s no going back for me now.” One last tear slipped down your cheek while standing, swiping a small bag of personal belongings that lay nearby and pulling the hood of your coat up high enough to conceal your face. One last glance was spared to the now sleeping hero who seemed to be reaching for you. You’d called the authorities to leave a tip of where he was, meaning that this place could no longer be considered your home. It was time to find a new place. Was this going to be the last time you saw him? It would be fitting after the crimes you’ve committed, what you deserved. And still the heart in your chest ached while committing the visage of him to memory as the soft pitter-patter of rain sounded as the door opened with a twist of your hand. “Sayonara.”
And you disappeared into the growing fog of night as flickering lights appeared in the distance.
#bnha#mha#bnha fanfiction#mha fanfiction#izuku midoriya#katsuki bakugo#fumikage tokoyami#shoto torodoki#eijiro kirishima#villain!reader#song inspired#listen to the song while you read it#Youtube
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can i request buddha, Hercules, jack and Brunhilde with douma or kokushibou reader please ❤
So this is a Yandere request but here's a TWIST: The Kokushibo! Reader just being incredibly loyal to Brunhilde as they were with Muzan and seeing her as their new master.
Many human champions were summoned back from when they were in their prime...no one ever said that a demon couldn't be the prime for a human who was turned into one. Göll cowers next to her sister in fear as Brunhilde watches the man- no...the demon manifest. She would have chosen their brother, but the malice and anger they carried with them until their death would perhaps make them just a bit more hungrier to see a gods blood stain their blade and make it more likely for them to win. Once it fully manifests, it walks in front of Brunhilde, they look at Brunhilde before kneeling before her.
"I am at your command, My Lady."
Yandere! Brunhilde:
- You quickly become her right hand man...demon?? and her favorite out of all the other champions, while she loves Göll, it can be tiring to constantly hear her crying and cowering. With you, she felt calm. With you, she felt her head become clearer. She felt drawn to you, incredibly so.
- Brunhilde herself is a manipulative Yandere but considering you pledged your undying allegiance to her, it makes her obsession with you grow as well. The fact you also will do whatever she asks without question makes her heart flutter and reassure her that nothing will steal you away from her.
- You're also a warrior like her, you've seen battle and you've seen blood. You are aware of the sacrifices that must be maid and that each battle results in Brunhilde losing her sisters painfully, maybe when you were resurrected you started to feel a bit more than you did as a demon and you'd put a hand on her and comfort her.
- You do also keep her a bit more composed when she gets short tempered or sighted and assuring her that she still has you and she looks at you and her eyes soften.
- Right...she has you. You. You. You.
- When your fight happens, she preforms the Völundr with you, to ensure you don't get hurt and you're motivated to keep your Lady Brunhilde safe.
- You don't know the way you make her giggle when you say that stuff. When you call her YOUR Lady, she isn't used to getting such respect from God's so she never expected to get it from a demon. You're polite as you are strong.
- She hates it when other women or men come up to you, they think they can steal you away! So she stands there, looking very upset, and you tend to her immediately.
- You are not dumb, you may be aware of her Yandere tendencies and regardless of how you feel; you promised her your loyalty and that is what she will receive. She brought you back to life after all...a second chance to prove to humanity you're worth more than your brother.
- Also if you have multiple eyes, that is so chill with her tbh. Like, if you let her she will kiss you on each eyelid to show you just how much she loves you if you start to feel insecure but also, like, you sense there is a certain possessiveness in those kisses.
Yandere! Jack the Ripper:
- What a curious creature you are indeed. He saw Brunhilde introduce you and while most people were hesitant to work with a demon, he was more than pleased. Then he saw your color...
- What a noble color it is, truly, it dazzled him. Such strength and such nobility even if you were a creature forsaken by God and driven by bitter jealousy.
- Jack tries his best to speak with you, when you train or when you enjoy some tea to yourself. He's simply fascinated by you: by your appearance, to the anger and loathing you hold in your heart, to your composure.
- He simply admired you, was fascinated with you, obsessed with you. However, it appears that only Lady Brunhilde was your main concern. You weren't mindlessly loyal to her and he understands being grateful but you would die for her and it honestly irked Jack off a bit.
- She was willing to have her own friend killed for the sake of humanity and while Jack was fighting to save it as well, it bothered him how you could be the next peice on her chessboard she could sacrifice.
- He doesn't understand it, how could you be so loyal and trusting of someone like her...unless there was another reason...you didn't love her, did you? The answer was "no", you were simply obeying her, but he just can't help it but feel sick when he sees you standing next to her. Her whispering into your ear, most likely battle strategies and looking at her like she was the important thing in the world.
- Jack knows he can't exactly hurt you nor Brunhilde, plus with the current events fighting between themselves wouldn't exactly be a strategic advantage and only cost them everything.
- You're so stoic all the time, he's heard your backstory and he understands why, but if you soften up or become more expressive to Brunhilde then it just confirms his fears. If you're more tender and soft with him then he feels like crying tears of joy. Does this mean you see him as precious to your heart as he sees you?
- He feels like he understands you, better than anyone here. Both of you driven by your families to become the monsters you are. Both of you died tragically, alone, and as either traitor or heartless but both sharing the title of ruthless killers.
Yandere! Hercules:
- Okay so let's say he and Jack's battle ended in a draw, he confronts Brunhilde for using a serial killer to represent humanity and you just see some big man coming towards your Lady looking very hostile.
- You draw your sword and put it to his chest, narrowing your eyes and daring him to come any closer. It takes him a while to realize what you are and when he does, he glares at Brunhilde.
- "First a killer and now a demon?" He glares, his gaze hardening. You simply warn him to mind his tounge but Brunhilde assures you that Hercules will not harm her and you listen to her and bow your head in apology.
- Which he didn't expect. After all, demons are supposed to be heartless killers who preyed on humans, yet you seemed to be genuine with your apology and remained silent. Of course, that wasn't enough to change his mind about you and how he didn't think you'd deserve to represent humanity, but it was enough where he grew curious about you.
- His obsession with you grew over the next few interactions that you two have with each other. Yes you're appearance may be off putting to most but there was also something about you that Hercules could never seem to get off his mind. The way you didn't seem to look down on your fellow humans and followed them silently, the amount of respect you had towards the Gods and their abilities, not really hating them like how your fellow humans did.
- There have been times where you seem to show human emotions. Such as concern with Okita gets coerced into fighting that instigator of a God, Loki, and you help heal him with such care and precision. Hercules honestly is surprised to see an ounce of humanity within you.
- He loves Brunhilde like a sister, he truly does, but even he can't deny that she has her wicked schemes and while she seems to hold you in high regard, he worries about your safety. Perhaps he challenges you to a friendly fight, since he's seen your strength and Blood Demon Art at work, and he tries to convince you.
- Convince you to not be so loyal to Brunhilde, that you'd simply be just another sacrifice in her game of chess, and that she wouldn't really care about you. He gets increasingly frustrated in the fight because you're quite adamant on ignoring him and saying you're aware. This causes him to be a bit more brutal in his battle with you.
- He stops when he sees that he's injured you, regret and guilt for what he's done as he helps you up and promises it was an accident. Hercules will help you but seeing your hurt is horrible and he made his own fears come true, that the other God's would do something 10x as worse to you.
- I think he'd kidnap you after this, since you both are on completely different sides so he can't keep an eye on you unlike the other two. So he genuinely just wants to keep you safe and he will apologize but he won't let you leave. You don't understand how dangerous this battle is and Brunhilde could always put someone else in your place...just, anyone but you.
#SORRY I DIDN'T INCLUDE BUDDHA BUT I GOT OVERWHELMED WITH THE CHARACTERS.#record of ragnarok#record of ragnarok x reader#ror x reader#shuumatsu no valkyrie x reader#snv x reader#tw yandere#yandere brunhilde x reader#yandere jack the ripper x reader#yandere hercules x reader#ror brunhilde x reader#ror jack the ripper x reader#ror hercules x reader
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Stickronpa Chapter 2 - Daily Life(Day 1)
-...My head... hurts...-
-I felt heavy...
-My head feels heavy...-
-I almost didn't feel my body moving..-
-I started to open my eyes...-
-I could see the bright light from my bedroom lamp...-
-I tried to get up only to feel more pain coming from my body, but in the end I managed to sit on the surface of the bed...-
Second:"... What... What happened...? How did I get to my room...?"
-I looked to my side, and there was Blue with a tired look sitting on the chair next to the bed.-
Blue:"Oh Alan, I was so worried about you!"
-He put his hands on my shoulders, I felt a little pain...-
Second:"What are you doing in my Room, Blue.?"
Blue:"You... you don't remember...?"
-He looked at me with a melancholy expression...-
Secondo:"I don't... Oh....."
-Green... He's dead.....-
-He killed Eraser.... And was executed.....-

-He was smiling.... That smile.... He... He wanted to die??-
-I felt like my heart was going to break into a million pieces.... Why.... WHY!!??-
-Blue looked at me with a look of sadness and concern...-
-I looked at him... I couldn't take it... I threw myself into his arms and started to cry....-
-and so....-
-....Sec fell asleep...-
—Proteg Switch; Blue—
-I spent a few minutes comforting them before putting them back to bed.-
-I left the room after giving them one last check..-
-I left the room sighing and dripping to the floor sitting in front of the door.-
-I placed my hands on my face trying to hold back the tears that wanted to escape...-
-I looked up, seeing Red looking at me with her hands close to his chest.-
Red:"Are you okay..? How is Second..?"
-I rubbed my eyes which stung a lot.-
Blue:"They... They're fine but... They're not handling it very well... I mean, Green... Died... And... They were so close.."
Red:"We were all close to him..."
-I could feel the pain in his voice... I held out my arms to him and without excitement he bent down to my height and hugged me tight...-
-I could hear him sniffling trying not to cry... I patted his back.-
Blue:"There, there..."
-We both stand up, Red wipes his tears holding my hand.-
Red:"Let's go to the cafeteria... You must be very hungry..."
-Red and I went to the cafeteria, this whole time I looked down and felt Red's grip on my hand....-
-It broke my heart to see Red so sad... Same for Second...-
-Green was our friend.... And now he's gone... He tried to protect us.... I....-
-It should have been me...-
-We both arrived at the cafeteria, I looked around, only we were there, Chosen and Sombra too.-
-I wonder what they're doing here...-
-She came to me visibly worried.-
Yellow:"Blue, are you alright...?"
Blue:"Y-yeh... I'm fine Yelly..."
Yellow:"Come on, you must be hungry..."
-She took my hand and led me over to the table and sat me down. I kept looking at her hand not wanting to let go...-
-Now that came to mind.... You... What if she also dies in this hell of a place?? I.... I can't bear to lose her too!!-
Yellow:"Blue... I know it's hard... Neither one of us is okay with everything that happened last night..."
-I gulped... I looked around, they were all depressed, Purple wasn't even making eye contact...-
Yellow:"But... Remember what Green said...?"
-..Remember what Green said..?-
Green:"Promise me one thing, find out how to get out of this hell! Make sure everyone survives!"
-In seconds I felt the tears start to flow down my face.... Yellow made sure to comfort me with a hug...-
-The comfort of her embrace was so warm... I... I just wanted to hold her forever and forget about everything that was happening!!-
Monostick:"Get a room, you two!! This is a coffee maker, not a place to make out!!"
-Soon everyone looks at them when they appear. I call noticed that everyone was in the cafeteria now, when did they arrive??-
Monostick:"Excellent! Now that everyone is here, I'm happy to announce that a new floor is open!!"
Dusk:"A new floor..?"
Monostick:"Yes yes! Now, if you want to see the new floor, better hurry up and...... Wait, where's the weeping orange???"
-He asked in a furious tone...-
Blue:"Hey! They are sleeping! Don't you think they suffered enough yesterday, you.... Psycho!!"
-I moved forward raising my hand to strike them...-
Orange:"Do not be stupid!"
-I felt MT's grip on my wrist, holding me back from doing anything drastic...-
Monostick:"Didn't you read the rules, Romeo?? Any aggression towards me is worthy of punishment!! You're lucky bluebird! Because if you touched an inch of me, you would be punished...~"
-I paused.... I wanted to punch that brat....-
Yellow:"Blue.... Don't do what I think you want to do...."
-She holds my hand.... I sighed and remained obedient...-
Monostick:"Excellent! Please tell Second Coming about your findings!~Bayyyy!!~"
-And so they left....-
-Soon after, everyone faced each other and then sat at tables separated from the others...-
-I went back to my desk trying to calm down from this stressful situation...-
Chosen:"I think the best we can do is split up into groups to investigate the next floor..."
Night:"Okay, I'll go with Red and Smoke."
Purple:"I'll go with....."
Indigo:"The best thing you can do is go with me—"
-Purple passed quickly, and heads down, by their father... I think they still don't want to make eye contact...-
-Indigo looked confused but soon snorted looking to the side in frustration.-
King:"Why me?"
Purple:"I... I feel more comfortable with you..."
-MT landed and sighed crossing his arms and not saying anything else...-
Freedom:"Me, chosen and Dusk can go together."
Dark:"What!? There's no way me and Chosen who—"
Sombra:"Dark! Why are we working together here??"
-Sombra put an arm around Dark who looked very uncomfortable.-
Sombra:"Waaan, don't be a dull one! We'll become good friends in no time!"
-Sombra immediately took Dark from the cafeteria pot with him trying to get away from him.-
-I decided to join Yellow.-
-After everyone ate, we split up and went to the second floor to investigate.-
-Just like Monostick said, one of the stairs was open, the other one was completely closed and went to a lower floor... What's down there??-
-Yellow and I went up the stairs until we reached the second floor. We started exploring the place and entered one of the rooms.-
-It was a double door that when opened reveals a stage with curtains and benches, next to the stage there was a door.-
-Is this some kind of theater?-
Sombra:"Ha, This place, full of familiarity to me..."
Yellow:"What you mean?"
Sombra:"I believe this place was made for me! The stage is reminiscent of the ones I used to tell shadow stories! Look!"
-He points to a type of prop on the stage, it looked like a white screen.-
Sombra:"This canvas is where I project the shadows to tell the stories!"
-I didn't feel like celebrating for his room...-
Dark:"That door leads to a prop closet. That's it."
Sombra:"Maybe when I feel like telling stories, I'll tell them in this room!"
Yellow:"But what is this room doing here?"
Monostick:"Simple answer! It's an Ultimate Lab! Each lab is made for each of you!"
Yellow:"Like... To match our talents?"
Monostick:"DING DING DING! Correct yellowy!!"
-Their voice makes me angry...-
Monostick:"Well, I better go now! See you later, bastards!!"
-And so they left. leaving us alone...-
Blue:"Let's see the other labs..."
-I take Yellow's hand and we go to investigate the other rooms.-
-we enter another room. it was an invention workshop that.....wait...-
Yellow:"M-my...my workshop!? They recreated my workshop??"
-She didn't look nervous or scared... She looked... Excited...?-
Yellow:"it means... I can build my inventions again!!"
-She jumped up and started opening the cupboards and started looking around the workshop.-
-I must admit that even though it's disturbing to know that they know what her workshop looks like, I'm at least glad that she has something that makes her happy...-
-The workshop was spotless, it had every device she ever made and several of her tools.-
-After a good while of her admiring the workshop we left to go to the next room, right in front of hers....-
-It was... A potions room!? Like... My room...?-
Yellow:"I think this room is yours, Blue..."
Blue:".... Yeh.... I'm seeing it..."
-I felt uncomfortable with all this....-
-We started investigating the rest of the "Lab" and...-
-....No... No no no!! W-what the....-
Blue:"Oh!!? Oh, s-sorry..."
Yellow:"Are you OK..?
Blue:"Y-yes!! Let's just get out of here... I don't feel comfortable..."
Yellow:"Oh, ok... Let's get out of here ok?"
-I... I need to get away from this room... I don't... I can't go back to this...-
-Yellow and I left the room and went to another one. As we entered, we realized it was a library.-
Dusk:"I see you tow are investigating..."
Yellow:"Yes, and apparently this is a library!"
Dusk:"Yup. By the way, I shall present this to you as well."
Blue:"Which is?"
-They presented us with a drawing.-
Dusk:"This is a map I made of that floor. I've already investigated everything with chosen and Freedom, but I believe they are still investigating a little..."
Yellow:"An infirmary! This will come in handy in case we get hurt!"
Blue:"Yes.... Speaking of which, where is purple?"
Dusk:"In the next room with chosen."
Yellow:"Oh ok! Come on Blue!"
-We were leaving the room...-
Dusk:"Remember to take care of your friend Second..."
-I stopped and looked at them... I... I decided to follow Yellow still a little confused...-
-We entered the room and... I can already tell that it is Sec's lab.-
Purple:"Second would love this place!"
Chosen:"It's pretty tight in here..."
Blue:"Hey Chosen... What did you, Dusk and Freedom found?"
Chosen:"Nothing much beyond these labs and a font."
Purple:"And this infirmary too! It's full of useful medicine!"
Chosen:"Yes... But it also contains... Poisons..."
-We face Chosen who opens a cupboard full of small vials and shows them to us. Several had the name "poison" written on them...-
Purple:"W-why would they have poison??"
Chosen:"I have no idea... Maybe it's a way to kill someone...?"
Blue:"Do not say that!! Nobody will die!! NOBODY!!"
-I left the room with Purple and Yellow following.-
Purple:"Blue! What's it..?"
Blue:"Gaahrrr... Nothing!! I just....."
Blue:"I just... I want to keep the promise I made to Green....i...I need to protect all of you...-
Yellow:"Blue... You know we're going to be fine... And I don't like seeing you like this..."
-She holds my hand... I felt my cheeks turn red and I smile at her.-
Blue:"th-thanks Yelly..."
-Her smile is so welcoming....-
Purple:"We can continue to investigate! There's more lab on this floor! If I'm not mistaken the king is there..."
Blue:"Okay, let's check this place out...."
-We continue to this last room and pass by a fountain in the middle of the floor.-
Yellow:"I don't think they had much of an idea what to put in this place and said, "Fuck it, I'm going to put a font!"
-I didn't hold back I had to laugh!-
-The three of us laughed and went to the room.-
-As soon as we entered the eyes we found a place... Elegant... and confusing...-
Orange:"Arrg!! I hate this place!!!"
Blue:"By the amount of orange, the pillars and the throne... This is your Lab isn't it?"
Orange:"What made you understand this?? The fact that I'm the "Ultimate Monarch"???"
-He looked pissed...-
Purple:"I think it's classy!"
Orange:"I find it insulting!! I'm not a monarch!! Much less a king!!"
-Yeah, the place is fit for royalty for sure...-
-After watching Orange get pissed at the architecture of the room, we all leave the room and head to the first floor.
-hum... I have plenty of free time for now... I think I'll talk to someone while I wait for Second to wake up...-
—Free time—
-Hmm... I think I'll talk to Purple for a bit!-
-They must have gone back to the infirmary.-
-I went to the office and there they were. It looked like they were arranging the curtains next to the beds.-
Blue:"Hey Purp, need some help?"
Purple:"Blue! Yes, some help would be great!"
-I smile and started helping them. They wanted to organize the remedies in alphabetical order and also hide the poisons in a place that no one would see.-
-We spent almost half an hour arranging everything and decided to take a break.-
Blue:"phew! It didn't take that long!"
Purple:"What? You are tired? I don't even feel tired!"
Blue:"How not?"
Purple:"Simple, organizing medicine and medical devices doesn't make me tired! They fill me with excitement! Maybe that's Because my mom always asked me to help with that when I was little..."
Blue:"Um... Maybe that's your talent?"
Purple:"Organizer? No no... I'm not that organized..."
Blue:"Haha no! Medicine! I myself cannot memorize even one of the remedies in this place, but you can! You would make a great doctor, or even a nurse!"
-Purple blushed a little before showing an expression of insertion.-
Purple:"My father always wanted me to be a fighter with him but... I'm not that good at it... I was afraid to fight him when he tried to train me.... To the point that over time I learned to take care of my wounds when I ended up hurt..."
Blue:"Yeh... Your father sucks! Ahh... Sorry..."
Purple:"....He's an amazing person it's just that... He gets angry easily... And I had high expectations when I was born... My mother who helped me better understand how to take care of myself... And I think.... I guess I want to take care of others that I love—I mean care!!"
-Did they mean "I love"...?-
Purple:"Ahh... T-thanks for helping me here Blue!! Bye!!"
-Red-faced, they started to leave the room, almost bumping into everything. I let out an awkward little laugh.-
-After that I also left the infirmar.-
-Who should I talk to now...?-
—Free Time—
-I decided to see Sombra... even if he's weird...-
-He was in his Lab props closet.-
Blue:"Ah... Hey Sombra... How about—"
Sombra:"we get to know each other better? Great idea!"
Blue:"Oh!? How did you—"
-Before I could say anything he grabbed my arm and pulled me over to help with the messy props.-
-After half an hour tidying the closet, I decided to strike up a conversation.-
Blue:"So... How do you tell shadow stories?"
Sombra:"Haha ha! Sure! I've always enjoyed telling people stories, legends, folklore, tales, anything with a dash of tension and drama!"
Blue:"Oh what kinds of stories do you like the most?"
-There was a long pause between us...-
Sombra:".... Fallen Heroes..."
Sombra:"There's something... familiar and... and depressing about stories of heroes who fail to do what's right... But the ones I relate to the most are the ones that follow a popular saying..."
Blue:"What saying..?"
-He then opened a wide smile... I felt a shiver down my spine...-
Sombra:"Either you die a hero... or you live long enough to become a villain..."
-I stare at him... If he can relate to that kind of saying... Something must have happened to him...-
-But... I don't feel like he's a "villain"... Just a weird guy. ..-
Sombra:"Anyway! And how is your "romance" with your friend?"
Sombra:"hahahahah!!! Your face is the best!! Haha ha!!! Did you really think no one would notice her crush on her???"
Blue:"T-to be honest... She already knows how I feel about her... And I know how she feels..."
Sombra:"Oh, so why aren't you a couple yet...?"
Blue:".... I just want to make her comfortable... Also, I don't think the time is right now... I'd rather get out of here before making it official..."
Sombra:".... Hum... I see... Well, good luck to you then!"
-He smiled. I... I don't feel as uncomfortable with him as I used to...-
-After finishing tidying up the closet, I say goodbye and leave.-
-I went back to the dorms and was going to knock on Second's room door....-
-Had they already woken up...? Should I enter?? What if... What if I just make them uncomfortable???-
-I was about to open the door when...-
-....Their Eyes...-
-Their eyes looked so... Tired and... Sad...-
Blue:"A-ah... H-hi Sec..."
Second:"Oh, hey Blue..."
-They sound so...sad...-
Blue:"Are you..... Are you feeling better..?"
Second:"I... I think so..."
Second:"Blue.... please.... stop worrying about me too much...."
-I..... I just... I want to worry.....-
Second:".... Blue, I miss Green.... And I don't want you to worry anymore.... I don't want—"
-I covered my mouth real quick. Feeling my tears running down my face...-
-I-I... I'm an idiot....-
-I felt their arms wrap around me...-
-I hugged them back... I don't want to lose them... Not like I lost Green...-
Second:"We'll all be fine Blue..."
-They held my hands and wiped away my tears...-
-Their touch is so delicate... I didn't want to cry... I felt weak...-
Monostick:"Good night participants! It is now 10 pm! Time to sleep before someone stabs you in the back!"
Second:"I just woke up... But I still feel tired..."
Blue:"It's best if you stay in bed, Second..."
Second:"You too..."
Blue:"i-if you want, I can keep you company..."
-They smiles... It's the first time I've seen them smile in the last days...-
Second:"Don't worry Blue... I'll be fine..."
-They let go of my hand and close the door.-
-I go to my room But on the way I see see Yellow...-
Yellow:"Did they wake up...?"
Blue:"Yeah... They're fine but... I guess I'm not..."
-Excellent! Now she is worried!! Idiot!! Blue you idiot!!-
Yellow:"Do you want me to spend the night with you...?"
-I felt my face turn red.-
Blue:"N-no need, Yelly..."
Yellow:"Well, too bad! Because I'm not going to sleep until I'm sure you're going to be okay!"
-She took my hand and led me to my room. She sat me down on the bed and sat next to me.-
Yellow:"Now lie down... I'll stay here by your side... Just like you always stay by mine..."
-I felt my face get redder from her warm smile....-
-I.... I'm really tired...-
-I understand lying on my bed, and slowly feel her lay next to me, but I had my back to her.-
Yellow:"Just sleep ok..? I promise I'll be here when you wake up..."
-Her voice was soothing, her delicate hand was smoothing my back... I felt more comfortable with her...-
-I felt sleepy....-
Yellow:"Goodnight Blue..."
[To be continued...]
[Decided to split the chapter by days now! So it doesn't get too long!;w;]
#animation vs minecraft#alan becker#animator vs animation#avm second coming#avm blue#avm yellow#avm red#avm purple#avm orange#ava chosen one#ava dark lord#ava freedom guy#ava oc night#ava oc smoke#ava oc sombra#ava oc dusk#avm indigo blue#danganronpa fanmade#avm danganronpa au#danganronpa fanfiction#danganronpa#stickronpa#stickronpa chapter 2#danganronpa daily life
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3 hearts broken
I did an angst thing again oops also not proof read double oops
summary: an argument between you and tom, except it takes him hurting someone else for you to loose it
warnings: alot of swearing (im British sorry not sorry) idk anything else except commitment issues?
It was an argument you and your boyfriend regularly had. In fact, it was the only argument the two of you ever had. And especially recently, one that Tom seemed to want to have every day. It didn’t matter where you were on set; in the rental home; out for dinner. Or like now… in the airport lounge.
You were sitting across from each other in a semi-private booth. Tom in his joggers and a burgundy hoodie, you in your black leggings and an oversized tee that actually belonged to your boyfriend. The rest of the place was almost deserted, given the late-night time of the flight. It was probably why Tom felt so comfortable bringing up this touchy subject in a public place.
You were both way past overtired too, owing to the end of a gruelling shoot. All you wanted was to get back to London and get into your own bed. Without an unnecessary fight with Tom.
Unfortunately for you, when you had naively said those exact words, Tom’s overtired brain skipped straight to it being a personal attack.
“I don’t see why you can’t commit to moving in Y/n! We practically live together for filming anyway so-“
“I love you Tom, more than I could ever express. I just… I can’t do this yet. I need… more-“
“More time, I know.” He grumbled, already standing and slinging his duffel bag over his shoulder - as the flight’s gate was announced by the intercom. Had he not already turned his back and started heading along the hallway, you would’ve tried to protest and calm him down. But thanks to his urgency to get away from you… all you could do was sigh. Slumping back against the seat before hauling yourself up and grabbing the bags - that he had helped you with on the way in.
No doubt this would be a long flight.
That it was. Tom had been maturely giving you the silent treatment at the gate, as you were boarding, and finding you seats. You were both in first class, so you had adjacent little pods with a little partition in the middle. It’s standard position was to be lowered however, before you’d even been able to settle into your window seat, Tom had already switched to button to have it slowly slide up.
Real fucking mature.
Thinking he just needed some time to cool off, you rolled your eyes but let him be. Even though you were such a frequent flier, you were terrible at getting any sleep on them. Tom knew this, knew how much you disliked the idea of being hurtling through the air in a tin can. Usually, he’d be holding your hand, entertaining you by watching a movie and providing a shit commentary over the top. Sometimes, when you were both as exhausted as right now, he’d even slide into your chair, having you perch on top of him so you could fall asleep listening to his heartbeat in his chest. Now though? He refused to acknowledge your existence.
Tom never had such issues flying, he was like a switch that could just choose to fall asleep at any and every point. Which is perhaps why it shocked you to see him still wide awake, staring angrily at the corner of his pod when you went to the loo, hours later. Thinking it was time for a peace offering, on the return to your seat you made eye contact and began to smile softly at him. However, that plan lasted for all of two seconds, since as soon as he realised you had seen him staring, Tom instantly shut his eyes - playing asleep.
He really was being particularly stubborn tonight.
By the time the plane landed, he’d still refused to say anything - and it was starting to really piss you off too. You’d tried to be mature, tried to offer the metaphorical olive branch and he had quite literally thrown it back in your face. So by the time you were being escorted off the plane (first because you were first class), you hung back from your boyfriend, wanting to have your own space.
Which was exactly why you didn’t want to give up your own apartment yet!
The two of you walked across the bridge into the terminal with a good 8 metres between each other. Tom didn’t bother to turn round and check on you, taking purposeful steps as though he wanted to get away.
Thankfully the terminal was quiet, probably due to the ungodly hour in the morning you’d landed at. The halls echoed only with your and Toms footsteps, the echo exaggerating just how far away you felt from him at this point. Still, Tom hadn’t acknowledged your existence, or anyone elses for that matter - the pair of you almost got to baggage reclaim before seeing any other humans.
And that is where it all went wrong.
It was typical, an otherwise empty airport except for you, Tom and a family with 2 girls. 2 teenage girls. 2 teen girls whose eyes widened to almost comical levels at the sight of your boyfriend. You’d seen them from a mile away, but from Tom’s reaction to them - he clearly hadn’t.
In fact, you were such a distance away you couldn’t exactly hear the exchange. But what you saw, had your heart in your mouth.
The girls ran over from the seats their whole family were sitting in, squealing at Tom with that overcited little jump you’d seen so often. Instead of Tom turning to them and entertaining them with small talk and a photo or two - he did the opposite. If anything, he quickened his cadence, looked as though he waved the girls off without muttering two words.
And maybe there was a reason. Maybe they had shouted something really rude at him - but fuck, the chances were slim. One looked ten, and one looked a couple of years older - as you approached, you saw the dejected and shocked faces melt into ones of intense disappointment. The eldest turned and hugged the younger, whose chest appeared to be shaking in a way that meant only one thing. Tom had made her cry.
Just as both the mother and father stood up to rush to the girls, you matched their hurried steps - getting their first.
“Hi, excuse me… “
You felt really awkward but knew you had to do something for these poor girls. And quite possibly for Toms career too. “Are you guys okay?” It took a second or two, but the girls clearly both recognised you too (thank god), throwing nervous looks at each other.
“Are yo-you Y/n?” The younger one asked, bright eyes glazed in tears which broke your heart to see.
“Yeh-yeh I am, what are your names?” You knelt, smiling warmly at the girls, who seemed to chirp up a bit.
“I’m Tima” The eldest spoke first before nudging the other to speak. You waited patiently till the little girl had wiped her eyes before replying.
“I’m Azara.”
“Wow, you’ve both got very beautiful names. Where are you both headin-“
“Can I ask you a question!?” Litte Azara burst out, interrupting you, but in the cutest and sweetest way. You just laughed and said of course, as she twiddled with her thumbs nervously.
“How big is the biggest T-rex?” Her little eyes were so curious and you had to suppress a giggle, seeing how serious it was.
Of course, the T-Rexs in Jurassic world (one of your movies) were all CGI. But Azara didn’t have to know that.
“Oh, they are bigger thanthan the tallest trees you’ve ever seen!”
You carried on your little chat with the girls for five or so minutes, laughing with them and exchanging soft nods with their parents too - who seemed appreciative of your time. Eventually, though, it was the dad who pulled time on the exchange, signalling that the girls had taken up enough of your time. As you stood up, Tima spoke up - after being relatively withdrawn from the conversation.
“You’re friends with Tom Holland right?” You nodded, subconsciously biting your lip to see what she would say. “Can you tell him sorry for bothering him, it’s just Azara was excited, we only wanted to say hi.”
Yeh, there was absolutely no way these incredibly sweet girls did anything to Tom. He was just being a knob.
“Hey, it’s not your fault at all. We’ve just had a really, really long flight, and he’s in a bit of a mood at me - I’m so sorry that he let it out on you.”
That explanation seemed to satisfy Tima with a nod, and with some final hugs you bid the girls both farewell. By this point, the rest of your plane had caught up along the corridors, so it was busier, and you had to fight against the small crowd to get through the airport as quickly as possible. Because you were seething with rage for Tom and could not wait to tell him exactly what those poor girls thought of him.
Unsurprisingly Tom had chosen not to wait for you in the airport at all, instead already hiding inside the blacked-out windows of the 4x4 waiting at the collection point. You marched up to that car angry to the point you thought the whole airport would notice. Yanking the door so hard you were surprised you did no damage to it, you threw your bags in - momentarily ignoring the sight of Tom huddled into a corner, staring at his phone with AirPods in.
But once you slammed the door shut and the driver started the car, you let yourself go.
“Who the fuck do you think you are!”
“Y/n can we just leave it for- “
“You made 2 girls cry!!! You were so self-absorbed in your temper tantrum that you made 2 teenage girls cry. You proud of yourself?”
This time he did look at you, eyes wide and confused - clearly not understanding. So you continued - laying it out for him.
“Those two girls you waved off because you were so busy running away from me? Well the youngest one cried and then the eldest didn’t speak and when she did it was only to ask me to apologise to you. You’re a fucking dickhead!”
“I didn’t mean-“
“Oh god, that makes it all better. You didn’t mean to make them cry on purpose, so it’s fine! God if you’d only said I’d-“
“Fuck off Y/n you’re not being fair, cut the sarcasm.”
“I’m not being fair?!? Because I’m the bad person in this situation, right? I just saved you from a very, very bad headline tomorrow morning because you were too busy giving me the silent treatment.”
“Yeah, well, your the one who doesn’t seem to give a damn about me!”
You scoffed hard at his words, air trapped in your throat that now felt completely stuck. How could he say that? How could he even think that?
As much as you hated showing it, you felt your eyes well up with tears. Because who the fuck did he think he was.
“Now that, that is so unfair. You know exactly my history and why I don’t want to move in yet AND you know just how much I fucking love you. So don’t you dare.”
“You're not convincing anyone.” He spoke quieter, but the venom behind his tone was still there. As the first tear escaped over your bottom lashes, you knocked on the partition to the driver and asked him, in no uncertain terms, to pull over.
“Congrats Tom. That’s three women you’ve broken the hearts of in 20 minutes. Must be some sort of a record.”
And with that you slammed the door shut, abandoned on the side of the road somewhere within Heathrow.
?a part 2? idk where id go from here aha
tagging: @lovehollandy12 @hollandlover19 @thefernandasantana @hunnybunimdun @hallecarey1@cedricdiggorysimpp @msmimimerton @hollandfanficlove @pandaxnienke @crossyourpeter @thegirlwiththeimpala
#tom x reader#tom holland fic#tomholland#tom holland#tom holland x reader#tom holland fluff#tom holland angst#famous!reader#tom holland x famous!reader#tom holland x actress!reader
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Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: When hiding an injury from Dean doesn’t go to plan, he’s there to give you the comfort you need.
Requested by @latenight-daythoughts: “Hey! I have a request for a Dean one shot please, could you do one where she gets hurt on a hunt and tired to play it off until they get back to the bunker and when dean patches her up it hurts more then she thought, so she starts crying and Dean comforts her and is all cute and sweet? I love your writing btw!!”
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: angst, injury, blood, fluff, comfort, kissing
Hurt. You got hurt on that hunt and you weren’t quite sure how you talked yourself out of it with Dean. Maybe you actually did, but a part of you told you that was more than likely impossible. Not with the look he gave you or the glance he spared down at your leg. But he seemingly took your word for it at that very moment.
Your eyes squeezed shut for a moment as you took a breath, trying your hardest to make it to the Impala sitting just a few feet away. Every ounce of pressure on your leg made it ache all the more as you walked, walked like you insisted you could do to a persistent Dean the moment he saw the look on your face. But you told him you were fine, staving his worries with a smile and a witty counter that had a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
It was fine, so long as you kept your weight off of it as much as possible until you could clean yourself up, it’d be fine. At least that’s what you’d told yourself.
You were relieved once you’d slipped in the front seat after Dean suggested you sit up there with him, Sam in the back, a quiet sigh leaving your lips as you slumped back against the leather seat. The fabric of your jeans over the wound on your thigh had been frayed on the brink of being ripped, but not enough to draw your eye should you be anyone but yourself or Dean Winchester. Stains of crimson hadn’t been visible on the dark denim material, but you were sure it’d be obvious the moment they came off.
As you sat, you felt that ache on your leg begin to lighten some, that pain shooting down it dissipating now that you hadn’t been standing on it.
It shouldn’t be that bad, not really, you’d snagged it along the edge of something sharp when that demon had thrown you with so much as a flick of her hand. You were sore overall, something a hot bath might help with when you make it back to the bunker. But you’d yet to see your leg, to see just what damage lay beneath your jeans.
“You sure you’re okay, sweetheart?” Dean asked, pulling your attention from your thoughts.
You looked to your left, Dean’s gaze shifting from the road to look at you for a moment or two before looking ahead.
“‘M fine, De,” you murmur, that aching burn on your thigh threatening to spill over your emotions and give you away in an instant.
He looks at you again in a lingering glance, his lips pursed in disbelief, brows furrowing at the way you looked down at your leg with a frown, or the way you brushed your thumb over that very spot you said was nothing. He saw how your lips twitched downward in a deeper frown for only a mere second, quickly brushing it off with a sigh and a bite to the inside of your cheek before he looked forward once more.
You knew, by the light tension in his jaw and the crease between his brows, you knew he could see there was more to it than that.
After a moment or two you scooted a little closer to him, your hand grabbing his own. He felt the way you brushed your thumb along his knuckles in an absentminded habit, your gaze fixed out the window in an attempt to set your attention on anything other than the burning feeling that simmered on your skin.
It was okay. You were fine.
Your hand hadn’t left Dean’s nearly the entirety of the trip, something he noticed and something he didn’t mind, something that had him smiling softly at the mere thought of it. But something that was just as quick to steal that smile was the very look on your face each and every time he glanced over at you, a slight frown on your lips that you weren’t even aware you had, and that crease between your brows very much there.
You sighed when he parked in the bunker’s garage that night, getting out before he could come and help you do it. The look on his face was evident that he wasn’t happy with that, those dimples appearing by the corners of his mouth as he looked at you over the roof of the car.
“I’m fine, Dean,” you say, meeting him and Sam at the trunk where you’d grabbed your bags.
“You say that every time, sweetheart,” he counters.
“Maybe this time you’ll take my word for it,” you say, brows raised as you put your bag over your shoulder.
He chuckles then, head shaking as he closes the trunk. You tried your best to be convincing, and so far he hadn’t pried, but that very same feeling was back now that you were up and walking around, pressure back on your leg seemingly worse than before.
You found yourself grateful that Dean had chosen to walk ahead, Sam beside you, making it just a little easier to hide the change in the way you walked. Just enough to get you to your shared room without being terribly obvious. But it hurt, it hurt more and it was becoming increasingly more apparent to you.
You were home, and that’s what made things a bit better for you. You weren’t in some motel anymore, weren’t in the Impala anymore, you were home in the comfort of your familiar place with your room, your bed, and Dean. Despite the nagging pain wearing away at you with every movement of your leg, you tried not to think about it that much, and tried not to think about how it’d feel upon taking your jeans off. How it’d look given that you haven’t even seen it yet.
Dean dimmed the lights in the hall and bid Sam a goodnight like he always did, twisting the knob to your shared room and pushing the door open. Everything was as you’d left it just three days prior, the bed still made and ready to climb in and Dean’s slippers still tucked halfway under the bed, his pajama pants still slung over the back to the small desk chair.
“There’s no place like home,” Dean chuckles, sighing as he drops his duffel bag on the floor at the foot of the bed right next to yours.
You watched as he untied his boots and stepped out of them, unease settling over you as you took your own boots off, fighting the urge to scrunch up your face at the way your jeans pressed into your leg as you bent down.
You couldn’t hide this from him forever, you don’t think that’s possible when you really think about it. But you still weren’t willing to give it up, you could see the look on his face already if he knew. So, you bit the inside of your cheek and shrugged off your jacket, eyeing him with a soft sigh.
“I’m gonna go shower before bed,” you say, smiling when he turns to face you.
He simply hums, dipping down to kiss you.
“Don’t be too long,” he murmurs against your lips, pulling back with a grin.
“Is it ‘cause you’ll miss me too much, Winchester?” You ask, brow raising in amusement.
You watch as the corner of his mouth quirks upwards, a laugh leaving his lips as he nods to himself, tugging back the blankets on the bed. It very much was the reason and he knew it, no matter how much Sam picks on him for it all in good fun, he just can’t help it.
“That’s exactly why,” he says, tossing a clean flannel of his your way along with a pair of boxers because he knows just how much you love to wear them to bed. Doesn’t even need you to tell him that very fact because he sees you snag a pair from his drawer every night without a care that he’ll see you stealing them either.
You stand there for a moment more as you look at him, your smile soft and fond as you hold the clothes in your hands. After that moment, you find it in yourself to turn on your heel and step into the hall, heading towards the bathroom. Your heart was bursting with the very thought of him sharing his clothes with you, of the very idea that he’d been so thoughtful, but the wound on your leg was making it awfully difficult to think about anything other than that.
You switched the light on and closed the door behind you, setting the clothes down on the counter. You turned the faucet on and stuck your hands under the tap, the water cold as it splashed across your face. It was a little more refreshing than you felt before it, soothing the fatigue that’d been settling over you only temporarily.
Dread simmered in the pit of your stomach at the thought of having to take off your jeans, but it wasn’t doing you any good to keep them on.
You exhaled a sigh, eyes squeezing shut as you hooked your fingers in your belt loops. It was fine until you got about halfway, and you found yourself fighting the urge to let out the cry that’s been sitting in the back of your throat, the feel of the rough material scraping over your thigh making it all the more difficult to stifle it.
It was then that you saw it, the blood smudged over your leg and the scrape that ran across your skin, angry and red as it tapered just above your knee. You ran your hands down your face at the sight of it, having been less than ideal but you knew it couldn’t have been good.
You kicked the dirtied jeans to the side in frustration, sighing as you opened the cabinet below the sink. You snagged the first aid kit and the bottle of peroxide just next to it, grabbing a clean wash rag.
This could have been avoided, maybe, but at that moment you were struggling to figure out just how it could have been. Demons were unpredictable, able to sense a trick with ease, able to tell when someone’s lurking with the intent to leave one less demon in the world. They give ample opportunities to be outsmarted, though, but this didn’t seem to be one of those times. There was no match for a human against the powers they hold save for the weapons that served you no use that day. You were thrown clear across the room without a beat of hesitation, something done with ease.
So maybe, just maybe it wasn’t avoidable this time.
You knew Dean saw it, he had to. It was more than obvious that there’d be repercussions to being thrown a good seven feet into a less than unforgiving cabinet. He knew you better than to believe that you were as fine as you say you were. He knows you like the back of his hand, can see your stubbornness from a mile away because he’s the very same.
You wet the wash rag at the sink, taking a seat on the bench by the showers. You began to blot away the blood, nose scrunching and eyes squinting as the burn of the jagged scrape worsened from it.
It was then that there was a knock on the door, a more than familiar voice on the other side.
“Sweetheart? ‘M coming in, I forgot to—”
Your eyes widen as the door opens, gaze meeting green eyes before his stare shifts downwards to the rag in your hand, splotches of a pale crimson staining it. They bounce to the source, to the irritated and red scrape dragging along the outside of your thigh, nearly classifying as a cut but not quite.
“Dean, it’s not—”
“What, ‘it’s not a big deal’?” He says, anger seeping into his tone. Not at you, never. It was when he thought back to that hunt that has him angry.
“Dean,” you sigh.
He’s quick to cross the tiled floor, kneeling in front of you. He nudges your knee with his hand gently, the tips of his fingers brushing along your skin. You saw the crease between his brows deepen, lips parted as his eyes bounced over the entirety of the wound on your leg. You can see the way his jaw tenses, tight and unwavering and if it were possible, steam would be coming out of his ears at that moment.
“Damn it, Y/n,” he says quietly, a frustrated huff leaving his lips. “You didn’t tell me?”
“I didn’t want you to freak out,” you reason, brows furrowing as you tilt your head to the side slightly.
His gaze narrows up at you in disapproval, your reasoning something that was near laughable to him, you even knew it was ridiculous too the moment the words fell from your lips.
“You can bet I’ll freak out,” he says, his chuckle humorless as he runs his hand down his face. “This is exactly why I didn’t want us to split up.”
“Well, we did.”
He bit the inside of his cheek as he looked at you, breathing out a huff through his nose. He was upset more than anything, with himself you could tell, could see the frown on his lips as he grabbed the wash cloth from your hand and picked up where you left off.
He was gentle as he wiped away the dirt and blood smeared around it, more so than you despite the white-knuckled grip he’s got on the tattered cloth. You tried to keep your attention on anything else, anything other than the way your leg had been so sensitive even the most mild of touches as hurt. You tried to keep your gaze on him, distract yourself with the abundance of freckles speckled across the bridge of his nose and over his cheeks.
They were easy to distract yourself with on any given occasion, on times where you didn’t need to be distracted, when you shouldn’t be. But for the life of you, you couldn’t bring yourself to get lost in counting them this time, not with the numbing pain serving as a painful way of keeping you fixated on just that.
“You should have told me,” he says quietly, residual anger still wrapped around his tone with the softness of his words. But he was more concerned than angry.
You puffed out a humorless laugh through your nose, your grip on the bench you sat on tightening some. “I’m not exactly jumping at the idea of running to my boyfriend every time I get hurt on a hunt.”
Your tone is frustrated, embarrassment simmering in the pit of your stomach over the current situation you were in, not to mention the way it happened. You’d never get taken seriously if you ran and cried to Dean each and every time you got hurt. You barely felt like an adequate hunter as it is, you didn’t want to add to it. You would have been fine if he hadn’t seen it.
“Y/n, this isn’t some puny little paper cut, okay? This is way different than just slapping a bandaid on it and kissin’ it better.”
“I said I’m fine, Dean,” you say, jaw tensing as you look away.
You hated the way your voice was beginning to falter, swallowing thickly in hopes to push down the persistent lump in your throat. Now was not the time to cry, not in front of him. That would only make matters worse and you don’t think you could handle that.
“It doesn’t make you weak to ask for help, not even a little bit. You don’t have to play the tough guy act all the time.”
You stay quiet as you continue to look away from him, the pressure building behind your eyes. When you glance down you see he’s got that dreaded bottle in his hand, popping the cap open with his thumb. He’s hesitant as he tips the bottle, the clear peroxide having poured steadily over every inch of the wound on your leg, bubbling and stinging the moment it touches the damaged skin.
You felt your lip begin to quiver, near uncontrollable as it throbbed and burned, the pain worse than you thought as you bit down on your lip. It was almost unbearable, a numbing kind of pain that brought heat to your cheeks and quickened your heart. That pressure behind your eyes increased then until you just couldn’t handle it, lip free from your teeth as you hid your cry in your shoulder.
But it turns out, you’re not that good at hiding, not from Dean Winchester. Not that it was very hard to notice either.
He stopped immediately, gaze flickering to you, cheeks wet with hot tears and lip quivering in a way that tugged at his heart. His hand settled on your cheek, a gentle nudge to get you to look at him.
“Sweetheart,” he starts, the fond nickname something that makes you cry all the more in that moment.
You wrap your arms around him and he settles back a bit as he holds you closer, brows furrowed and jaw tense because seeing you so upset is one thing he can’t handle. Seeing you cry is something that tears him to shreds every time.
His grip on you is tight, his stubble pressing into the side of your neck. He’s cautious of bumping your leg, his throat clearing to try and stave off that pressure constricting around his throat from that very same lump forming as it did you. You could feel the kiss he pressed to your cheek, one to your temple, lingering and sweet. Dean Winchester could be the gruffest man anyone’s ever seen, but he’s got the softest heart, and if there’s one thing he can do without fail it’s comfort.
He finds himself pulling back when you loosen your grip, lip still wobbly as ever as you look at him with glossy eyes. You wipe your cheeks with the back of your hand, cheeks that burn with embarrassment for crying even though he didn’t mind it in the slightest. He didn’t mind the tears on his shirt, didn’t mind the snot to go with it. That’s the least of his concerns, they all pale in comparison to you.
“It hurts,” you whisper, your gaze shifting to his at the feel of his hand on your cheek, calloused and warm.
“I know it does, baby. Hell, I couldn’t even imagine what that feels like,” he says, smiling softly. “But ‘m almost finished and the ugly part is over, I can promise you that. You just gotta let me take care of you, okay?”
You nod, the patience in his words having set you at ease as you sniff, wiping your tears once more when his hand falls from your face in favor of sorting through bandages. He comes up with a few cotton pads, laying them over the length of the freshly cleaned wound as you sit there, still sniffling from having cried.
He’s more than careful as he takes the roll of gauze and wraps it around your thigh, securing the bandages completely with care to not make it too tight before he tucks in the loose end.
“You’re good as new, sweetheart,” he says, looking up at you.
You flash him a look, biting the inside of your cheek as you laugh softly, not quite humorous. “I’d hardly call it that.”
You’re grumbling, but he takes that hint of a smile as a good thing, standing halfway to press a kiss on your cheek and one to your lips, another to your forehead as his hand brushes over your cheek before he stands fully and swipes the clean clothes from the counter.
You stand with a look of unease, trying your best to keep the pressure on your good leg before that dreadful pain can jolt up your other. You shrug off your shirt in favor of his flannel, the soft material hanging loosely from your shoulders in a heap of warm and fabric softener and a hint of his cologne. It’s a simple thing that amounts to more comfort than you can express, the mere feeling of it putting you at ease.
He helps you with your pajama bottoms, trying not to fuss over you as you did it yourself, instead offering his arm for your balance that you found yourself needing more than you thought.
Your bed was more comfortable than you’d imagined coming home to, leaps and bounds better than that motel mattress. The sheets were soft and they too smelled like Dean, the blankets warm and hefty as they rested over top of you.
Dean brought you close enough to nearly share a pillow, the events transpiring earlier that day on the hunt having sunken deep in the pit of his stomach and simmered there, bringing with it that anger that hadn’t quite left. It made his stomach twist and churn each and every time you got hurt, the blame he put on himself having picked at him every single time without fail. Especially when it brings you to tears, especially when it’s got you so bothered it’s got you crying into his shoulder.
He hates it, he hates that part of hunting.
But regardless, those kind green eyes meet your gaze as he looks at you with a soft smile, his fingertips brushing along your cheek. He’s got that look on his face, one that’s telling of something humorous sitting on the tip of his tongue just waiting to be spoken.
“What, De?” You sigh, feeling the residual tension of your tears beginning to dissolve just a little more.
He chuckles, looking down for a moment as he shakes his head. “If I were you, ‘think I might’ve cried way sooner than you did.”
You roll your eyes then, a smile tugging at the corner of your mouth. “Dean, that’s a lie and you know it.”
“Is not,” he insists, lips pursed to stifle his smile.
You look at him, tired and amused as you make no effort to hide your smile. He’s got that smile, that one that makes your cheeks burn and your heart flutter every time he looks at you like that.
“Whatever you say, Winchester,” you sigh, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his lips.
You find yourself lying atop his chest as he turns the tv up a little bit more, his chuckle rumbling against you. He tossed the remote down, the very tip of your finger tracing over his chest. Your legs tangle with his own, your injured one on top as you turn a bit more on your side. He’s got reruns of your favorite show on because he knows you’re too tired to watch the new ones, knows you like to have it on when you fall asleep.
“Goodnight, De,” you whisper, pressing a kiss to his chin before sinking back down on his chest.
He smiles in that moment, soft and sweet as his thumb brushes back and forth over your shoulder lightly.
“Night, sweetheart.”
You’re fine. You’ve got him and you’re okay.
Tags: @flamencodiva @stixnstripesworld @elegantbutedgy @humanmistakes @agalliasi @deandaydreaming @campingmonkey @lanea-1 @akshi8278 @kidd3ath @taikawho
#dean winchester#dean winchester oneshot#dean winchester fluff#dean winchester x reader#dean winchester angst#dean winchester imagine#dean winchester x you#dean winchester fic#dean winchester fanfiction
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Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones
Angst! My Beloved!
Not a lot of whump here, but I put Wild through the wringer!!! Lots of BotW2 ideas and concepts here, but nothing really cannon.
Also, disclaimer: I think Flora is a wonderful person, a bit harsh and sometimes unkind, but I feel for her a lot. The prompt submitted to me however asked for her as an ass, so that's what's here, for angst reasons. THIS IS NOT HOW I PLAN ON WRITING HER NORMALLY!!!
When Wild left the Chain behind in the woods, it was with a soft smile and a hesitant wave of his right hand. It was with a gentle ‘See y’all later’ that made Warriors shake his head with a sigh while Twilight offered a wobbly grin.
He would join them again, he knew that. After all, Hylia wouldn’t have chosen him to go with them in the first place if he was only supposed to leave before they’d even really started to know what it was that they were meant to be doing.
He’d see them again, and he’d fall back into a routine with all of them, sparring with Warriors and teaching Hyrule to cook and shield surfing with Wind and learning to carve from Sky. He’d go back to sewing with Legend, to exploring with Hyrule, to learning the Ocarina with Time and teasing Twilight about his terrible singing. He could work with Four on the Sheikah Slate and experimenting with different plants he’d gathered. He would see them again, and he’d go back to being busy and smiling nearly every day.
For the time being however, he had to square his shoulders and harden his jaw as he stepped through the swirl of black that had repulsed all the others every time they tried to enter. He had to tame his mind and wild spirit and come to stand before the Princess of Hyrule in all of her stern glory and receive the scolding he was due for wandering off without permission.
He never had time to question what she meant by being gone for ‘two whole weeks’ before she was marching off towards the labs and explaining that there was a new task for them to complete.
Such a task was one that left in his mind no time for thoughts of his brothers save on the lonely nights in the sky when the islands above the clouds were silent save for the birds about him that reminded him of Sky, or when he ran across the forests and was reminded of the wolf that once ran at his side. And, alright, the tiny people in the grass and the fountains reminded him of Four and Hyrule. When the wind sang strong in his ears as he dove towards the earth from the highest places in the sky, he couldn’t help but envision a small hero whose laughter danced like the sea and who’s fingers mastered the currents of wind and sea both.
It was a lonely quest, just like his last before it, but somehow it was more painfully so, now that he knew what it was to have brothers at his side to catch a monster’s blade when he was too slow or to help him patch himself up afterwards. It was quiet when the Princess and he sat around the fires as night, she studying him as he sat still and stonelike as she worked.
The hand that had waved goodbye to his brothers now flickered green and ethereal in the night shades, iron bands clinging to the wisping appendage and acting as a bond to hold its form together. It was nothing like what he’d known or studied in the Sheikah technology, or even what he’d seen from the many worlds he’d traveled with the other, and it earned many a stare and twist of the lips from those he met and traded with during his journey.
The arm was only the first of many changes, it’s power seeping through his body and altering him before he even knew what was happening. He’d hated it at first, disliking how it changed him, made his eyes glow and his hair touch with the same ethereal shades, red bleeding through at the roots and earning him even more wary looks.
Ganon, in all his terrifying power, had been a surprising comfort during the quest, an aid to discovering his new abilities and training them to bend to his own will. The Princess had been wary of their relationship, but had accepted it when she saw what he learned to do, and every evening she would require a report of his newfound skills, as well as the occasional demonstration or examination.
It all came to an end both too soon and not soon enough.
Ganon was gone, as if he’d never been there at all, and the Princess was as cold as ever even after their second adventure at each other's sides. And now there was no use for the abilities that had fused to his soul like the arm had to his flesh. He’d asked Purah if there was something that could be done to restore his body to its normal Hylian state, without the glowing limb that earned his only stares and insults from the village people, but the Princess had overheard it and declared that such a thing should not even be attempted.
“You don’t understand, Link. Don’t be foolish! We have here a scientific marvel ready for our investigation and exploration and you want to get rid of it just because it looks odd?”
He’s shuffled his feet slowly, resisting the impulse to rub at his chest where the Hylian part of him ended and the eldritch horror began. “I can’t live like Hylian anymore.”
“Because you aren’t one!” Her Highness rolled her eyes. “Honestly, Sir Knight, after everything I certainly doubt that Hylian even applies to you anymore! Hylians do not possess the qualities that you now do, and they most certainly do not travel through stone or time or any other such thing at will. Think would you! You’re something else entirely, and I intend to find out what that is!”
Purah had frowned at that, eyes full of sorrow as they met his own with an apologetic sigh. But there was nothing the de-aged scientist could really say against the royal Sovreign of Hyrule, not as a Sheikah sworn to the service of the royal family. The woman/girl had offered him a sympathetic pat on the head later after climbing up to reach high enough to do so, as well as a few dumplings that Paya had sent on her grandmother’s behalf the day before. It was a welcome gesture, but amounted to so little on the grand scale of life. Not when so many others he had once called his friends had so blatantly rejected the mere sight of him.
Bolson and the other carpenters shied away from him with harsh whispers as they spat insults across the distance.
‘Gerudo Bastard’.
There were favorite insults spread from stable to stable and up and coming village to up and coming town and slowly all of Hyrule knew of the monster that had once been the hero. Gossip abounded, and he couldn’t even turn to shield his face with his hood without drawing attention to his arm.
It was only the koroks that welcomed him, themselves all too accustomed to the strange and ethereal. Them and the blupees.
Maybe it was the knowledge of how it felt to be shot at for his oddness that allowed him to ease into the graces of the flighty animals. And maybe it was his lonely heart crying for comfort, but when nestled in their midst, it almost reminded him of how it felt to be hugged by the salty veteran, on the rare occasional that the pink-haired hero had let down his guard.
The fairy’s tangled themselves in his hair and the blupees gathered at his feet, koroks dancing around him and flying to his side as if he was some sort of forest god, but the strange rise of his spirits in their presence shattered the instant a traveler caught sight of him.
Arrows and fire, once his favorite of weapons, were turned against him as words in every language of the New Hyrule had burst from the mouths of its people, and like his namesake, he ran before them, darting through the forest and fading in amidst the trees, hiding, incorporeal and translucent within the halls of the forest as those he’d once seen as allies pushed him away.
He’d begged the new Queen for aid, for relief or even just a word to the people that he wasn’t the evil they had come to think he was, but she only waved him aside with a purse of her lips. “You are not meant to be here without first asking.” The Child of Hylia declared, eyes as cold as the Shrine’s waters themself. “And why should I make a declaration on behalf of a man who refuses to even speak to me properly? You come groveling like a worm, yet for years it was I who you ignored. See how it feels, Sir Hero, to be the one left helpless at the hands of the country. Know what it is to be scorned by those who you thought would love you.”
He’d barely made it out of the window before the trainee guards of the newly repaired Hyrule Castle had caught him and Queen Zelda Diana Hyrule had stared after him with eyes colder than Hebra’s tallest peaks.
It was the Father Tree -the Deku Tree as the Queen had called it, but the koroks laughed at him for using the name, so he’d adjusted in kind- who suggested that he hide the changes, and he’d begun to wander Hyrule as much as possible to find the materials he would have needed.
The Queen still required his presence regularly so she could inspect him; her love of science no ways tainted as to stop her from ordering him to appear regularly, as there was now no need or safety in his acting as her guard. The Queen sought her people’s respect, and to employ such a being as himself, not Hylian and not quite mortal, would be to spark fear in the people. Indeed, when he skirted villages, he would wince at word of ‘the queen’s monster’ as gossip was traded. Those who didn’t see him themselves knew him as a beast of feral nature who lived amid the lost woods and destroyed any who came close.
“A specter that glows with the light of the shrines.” They would tell each other over campfires. “It has eyes like a ghost, empty and lost, with no care for humanity or Hylia’s chosen. They say it was once the Hero of this world, but he died ages ago.”
“I heard it’s the body, possessed by a being beyond this realm, a monster escaped from the edges of reality that tried to hide in our midst but corrupted it’s host so that it only scares away others, leaving it roam the earth in a shattered body. If you get too close to it though, it’ll take your instead.”
He’d stayed away from towns after that.
The blupees and koroks had been happy to help him to find what he needed to hide among the Hylians should he wish though, and two in particular guided him; the korok swinging little twigs like they were batons and humming swinging little shanties as it hopped along the path, the blupee snorting softly and nipping at his heels when he wandered too far, unnatural purple eyes staring up at him with something that was fondness and a reprimand all at once, and in their care he’d made his way across the land of Hyrule to find what would be needed to return to his once life.
The fairies and their Great cousins had been welcome help, and in time, he’d been able to walk amid the populace of Hyrule like any other, as long as he kept a long cloak about him and his hair pulled back to hide where the roots would begin showing again in gold and ethereal blue.
Once Hyrule had talked about needing to hide in his world, about the curse that followed him and made the Hylian people afraid. He’d thought it bizarre and ridiculous of the people at the time, but now he understood what it was to live it.
When the portal opened beneath his feet the day that the Queen had reprimanded him for concealing and potentially damaging the strange limb, startling the Skeikah scientists and Queen both, he’d nearly cried tears of relief.
He was going away, somewhere where he wasn’t a science project and where, unless they traveled to his world’s future, no one would know how much he had changed. His copy of the slate had enough hair dye to last him a few months, and he was certain he could make more over time, and as long as he continued wearing the tunics and gloves the fairies had helped him to adjust to hide the glow the others would probably never catch on. Or well, he could extend it anyway.
His brothers greeted him with open arms and teary eyes, and in a strange parallel to his adventure, he found himself thinking of blupees when Legend had curled against him, stiff and cold on the outside, but with fingers that clutched his tunic just a bit too tight to really be reluctant. And Four, Hyrule and Wind’s exuberant hugs and chatter brought to mind tiny forest people and koroks with twigs for batons.
It was good to be home.
It was good to cook for other people again, and they were glad to have him cook for them, even if his fondness for both Gerudo spiced dishes and fae like sweet things had increased exponentially during his newest adventure. It was good to fight at their sides, even if it was strange to once again have to take others into account before he could select a weapon. It was good to sit around a fire and talk with the others too, but that was perhaps the hardest one; it had been ages since he’d had a proper two-way conversation with anything other than a tree or a korok, and neither of those was good at either staying awake or staying focused for very long.
There were some harder things to adjust to though. Fire, for one. Unlike before when he’d have been happy to burn an enemy camp to the ground, now he was wary of using faming weapons or spreading heat further than necessary. The same went for hunting; he couldn’t bring himself to shoot an animal unless it attacked first or they needed the meat it would provide, and even then, he felt a bit bad for doing so. Is this what Twilight had felt like? Is this why the rancher never liked hunting? Because he too knew what it was like to be on the other end of the bow?
But the hardest thing by far to readjust to was his name.
‘Wild’ they had called him again, and after months of ‘the wild one’, ‘wild beast’, ‘monster’ and every other insult, slur or title that had been used on him, it made him flinch ever so slightly at the words. And unlike the other things where his brothers dismissed it as a change caused by his adventure or an increase of maturity, it was something that the others seemed to either not notice or to excuse as situational.
He had adapted though, learned to keep a smile on his face where blankness had once been required in his knightly duties, and the more he wore the mask the easier it was to put on again.
He’d reveled in traveling across time again, in dancing through battles and exploring the world without the Queen reprimanding him in her cold tones to stop wandering off. He’d pushed himself to learn more music in the last adventure, and even if his experience was more with what few instruments Ganon had had time to help him learn, he’d enjoyed sitting down with the others and borrowing one or another instrument to play a tune and sometimes he even got to sing.
He fell to comfortably into his role though, even with the changes, and he hadn’t even noticed when they’d come back to his world. To be fair, it was different in the daytime, and Hyrule had changed so much in the absence of her hero as he hid himself away from the eyes of civilization. Towns and roads had sprung up where there had only been fields before, and the Guardians that had littered the land had all been dug up and hauled to the castle to be either restored or destroyed by the Sheikah, depending on what Queen Zelda decided after she looked at them herself. The world was so different to him, so unlike that which he knew, that he’d failed to keep as alert as he ought to have been when he wandered about an open market with the others, laughing and chattering away with the other younger ones as Time and Legend herded them towards the needed stalls.
It was a traveler that was his downfall, a man who’d seen the Monster Hero and had been among the first to discover the disguise he wore.
No questions were asked when the word spread, and Wild hadn’t caught on to the whispers until a stone had struck his cheek and he was stumbling forwards on the path.
“Wild!” Twilight was at his side in a minute, Time right after him as Legend launched a barrage of insults at the guilty party who’d thrown the thing.
“’m fine.” He was careful to wipe the blood away with his cloak, holding the fabric to the wound to prevent bluish blood seeping down his face and exposing him to his brothers. He wanted to keep them as long as possible and proving himself to be a monster, not even Hylian, would surely have them turning their backs on him.
“Get away from him!” A woman scolded, grabbing ahold of two of the younger heroes while several other shoppers had like ways grabbed Legend and Sky. “Are you dears alright? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
“Freaking what?” Legend shrieked. “Who’s the injured party here?”
“I’d avoid that thing, son.” A man huffed through a frankly walrus like mustache, eyes hard as they trailed to where Wild stood, cloak still pressed to his cheek as he attempted to wave off a fussing Twilight and Time. “It’s not natural. Sure, it looks like a normal Hylian, but that’s just an effective ruse.”
Another villager nodded. “It’s one of the Calamity’s puppets, a Gerudo-Bastard set on destroying the kingdom!”
“He’s the freaking hero!” Legend shrieked, barely being held back by a steely eyed Sky. “He saved all your freaking asses and all you can do is insult his flipping guts? Who’s the-”
“Enough.” There were few times that Sky’s voice reached levels worse than Twilight’s growls, but the stern command, regal and firm, froze all present as the man stiffened with a cold nod towards the villagers. “I see we are unwelcome here, and with that being the case it would be wise to spend our rupees elsewhere. Legend,” A tug to the boy’s shoulders. “Let’s join the others and be out of their hair. If they cannot be welcoming and kind to our brother than they will not receive our patronage.” And like a swan gathering it’s cygnets, Sky swept down the street, cape fluttering as he ushered the rest of them out of the town and back to the safety of the wilds. The village stared after them with wide eyes, as if they’d just been judged by a breathing god.
The stiffness in Sky’s shoulders faded as they neared the edge of the forest, and instantly the Chosen Hero been tutting over Wild, gently but firmly prying his hand away from his face with a kind smile that almost set Wild at ease. Almost.
“It’s fine, it’s just a scrape.”
“Still.” Sky crooned softly. “I’d rather we clean it up now and make sure it’s nothing worse than let it sit and get infected later.”
And though he’d tried to fight, his single Hylian hand was no match for the firm grip of the Skyloftian, and within minutes his face was exposed to the shocked faces and flickering eyes of his brothers.
“It’s blue...” Wind breathed as Hyrule darted forwards, hands already glowing softly only for them to stutter to a stop over Wild’s skin.
“It’s... Wild, why is your blood- why is-” The healer’s eyes had flickered golden for a moment, wide as they stared up at him. “What happened to you-”
“What the freak!” Legend had startled, blinking in surprise as he stared. “Your eyes are glowing!”
Shit! The healing properties of the arm had already taken affect and it was making everything act up all weird! He shot a glance down at his arm, one hand raising to tangle in the long hair he couldn’t even see at the moment, praying silently beneath his breath that nothing was showing through. It wasn’t, but that didn’t change how Hyrule had come to fixate on his right arm, or how the healer's fingers hovered over it sparking and eyes twinkling as he whispered softly under his breath.
“Wild.” Time had sighed. “I think this one is going to need an explanation.”
All the breath left his lung in instants.
He’d panicked to say the least and Time had eventually shooed the others away to make camp as the eldest hero had sat at his side, waiting silently for him to regulate his breathing. Touch was too much right now, and any attempts from the others to ease him down or help him level out his breathes had only made him panic more. But when at last his blue eyes blinked back to clarity it was to see Time sitting at his side, a gentle tune wafting from the Ocarina at his lips.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, trying his hardest not to startle Time or otherwise make the situation worse. “I should have said something, I know. I just- missed being Wild and I wanted to come back and be normal and I didn’t want to-”
“It’s alright.” Time’s voice rumbled softly, a single blue eye turning to him with a pained look, even as the man offered him a hint of a smile. “None of us talk about our adventures either.”
“Yes, but you’re people.” He sighed, rubbing the fingers of his glove together. “You’re allowed to choose things.”
There was pain in Time’s voice when their leader answered. “And you’re not?”
“I’m not Hylia anymore.” He whispered. “I don’t count.”
“You count to us.”
“That’s because you don’t know.”
Time shifted, turning to face him fully as the ocarina was set firmly in the grass. “That’s because you’re family and we care. Wild, I don’t care if Demise himself named you the king of the dead, you’re still my kid and Nayru knows I’m not going to let you go without a fight. If that means fighting you, alright, but you’d best better believe that no amount of physical or mental changes will break the bonds we all have with you.”
Something, something damaged and crushed and stitched up and torn open again clenched inside of him, tears pricking at his eyes as he stared up at Time’s royal blue gaze. “W-what?”
“You could be granted godhood, made a monster, I don’t care. You’re ours and you’ll have to deal with that.” Time smiled, warm even with the pain in his eyes as he looked down at him. “So how about you start again, maybe with the facts rather than the insults. Or,” Time softened, brows furrowing lightly. “If you want, we can just sit here and you can choose to talk about this later. We do need to know, so we can help you and keep you safe, but you don’t have to tell us right now. You can take some time to figure out what you want to say if you need.”
And, well, shoot him, but Time’s arms had always been a safe place and there was one thing he’d wanted more than anything since he had come back. Wild threw himself into his grand-mentor's arms with a soft sob, clutching tightly to the other, ignoring the armor and its sharp points and awkward shapes as he tried to hold back all the emotions swirling in his chest.
Time’s arms folding around him broke the floodgates though, and when the man’s hand had stroked through his shortened hair, he’d had to bury his face in Tim’s neck to muffle his sobs.
“There, there,” Time hummed softly, rocking slowly as he held the broken wild hero. “Let it out, little one. I have you, I’ve got you and I’m not letting anyone hurt you.”
#whumptober 2021#linkeduniverse#linked universe#idiot writes angst#idiot writes whump#lu wild#lu time#lu sky#lu legend#sky is scary when he's mad#wild whump#botw2#botw2 theories#mean flora#flora bashing#zelda botw bashing#I ACUALLY LOVE FLORE PLS DON'T HATE ME!!!!#father time
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Everything I Wanted (Todoroki x Reader) Soulmate Au

inspired by Everything I Wanted by Billie Eilish.
TW! Mentions of contemplated suicide and insecure thought that could be triggering.
soulmate Au! Where your soulmate tattoo appears on your wrist after you touch your soulmate for the first time.
F!reader x Todoroki
F!reader x Bakugou (brotp)
Plot: the reader is Todoroki’s soulmate, but he doesn’t want to let some mystical ink on his wrist dictate who he should love, so he rejects reader as his soulmate. This story is about how reader first reacted to the rejection and how slowly reader lets herself heal, but what the universe wants it will get.
Part two out now!
This is my very first post on here! I hope you guys enjoy!
I had a dream I got everything I wanted Not what you’d think And if I’m bein’ honest It might’ve been a nightmare To anyone who might care
Every night you’d wake up drenched in sweat, panting as you tried to calm your breathing, tears staining your rosy cheeks. Every night you had the same nightmare, you wished it was just your mind overthinking, but sadly it wasn’t. Even in your dreams you’d replay that memory in your head over and over again.
“ I’m sorry (y/l/n), but even if your name is tattooed on my wrist and even if fate says we are meant to be together, I can’t return your feelings. My heart belongs to another. I’m truly sorry if I’m not what you expected as a soulmate.” He told you with nothing but sincerity in his voice. The sad and hurtful truth.
“I-It’s okay. I understand Todoroki-san. Don’t worry about me I’ll be fine” You said holding in the need to cry, and the need to let the crawling feeling in your throat free, to scream and yell how once again this world was nothing but cruel.
He gave a slight nod of his head before walking away from you. His other half as written by the universe and written on your left wrist.
You looked down at the floor clenching your fists and look up once again to see him standing with the rest of the A-1 class who was chatting as they waited for class to resume. A lone tear raced down your face.
“I’ll be fine” You whispered to yourself.
‘I have to be’ you thought.
As a young girl all you ever did was fantasize about your soulmate. You thought it would be a dream come true for you when you would finally get to meet them. You would get your happily ever after like in those princess tales you’d love to read before going to bed. You thought you’d have the perfect white picket fence life to look forward to.
As a young foolish girl you thought life would be easy.
you didn’t know your parents were going to sacrifice their lives to save others.
you didn't know that you weren’t quirkless and that your parents had been using ‘vitamins’ to suppress your quirk because of how dangerous it was when your emotions went haywire.
you didn't know that it wouldn’t get better contrary to what your therapist would tell you.
you didn’t know that you weren’t going to make as many friends as you had hoped you would.
and what hurt the most was that you didn’t know your soulmate wasn’t going to be your knight in shining armor like you had hoped.
Thought I could fly (fly) So I stepped off the Golden, mm Nobody cried (cried, cried, cried, cried) Nobody even noticed I saw them standing right there Kinda thought they might care (might care, might care)
It had been a month since Todoroki rejected you as his soulmate. You thought you could've gotten over it but as always it seemed like the universe wanted to punish you for just existing. You didn’t participate in class anymore, You made sure to cover your soulmate tattoo so that no one would accidentally look at it, you didn’t tare your gaze from the floor, you thought that it wouldn't hurt as much if you didn't have to look at him, but then the rumors started spreading and then the rumors weren't so much of a rumor.
“ Todoroki and Momo made it official!”
“ I knew they were soulmates, I mean just look at how perfect they look together.”
“ Did you see the picture Momo posted of their soulmate tattoos? I'm so jealous!”
It was all too much for you, so you ran and you ran until you found yourself on the rooftop of U.A. and you let the tears you were holding in fall.
You let the monster crawling at your throat free, letting yourself scream, letting yourself voice the hurt you had been bottling up.
why weren't you good enough for anyone?
not good enough for your parents to live for, they would rather die for others than to live for you.
not good enough for your classmates, they barley talked to you or invited you to places like they did with each other.
not good enough for your soulmate to want you. hell he’d rather cover you up than let people know fate had chosen you for him, were you so disgusting that you weren't even worth mentioning as the soulmate he rejected?
“stop” you whispered to your thoughts.
“ please just stop” your voice sounded hoarse.
“I just wanted everything to stop. To end” you said louder to no one, because no one was there, because no one cared.
you slowly walked towards the edge of the roof and looked down at the ground.
your eyes were void of anything, they looked empty.
shakily you put one foot out into the nothingness, into the only thing that could stop you from letting the pain overwhelm you. you closed your eyes ready to fly.
‘This world is so cruel and yet so beautiful’ you thought before letting your eyes snap open and gasping.
your eyes regained a light and tears began to swell once again, you let yourself fall backwards away from the edge of the building.
Yes the world was cruel and life wasn't fair, but it was also beautiful. there was still so much you wanted to experience, still so much that would be worthwhile.
after sitting on the floor for what felt like hours, you heard the distance sound of the bell signaling the end of lunch. you slowly picked yourself of the ground and cleaned your tears with the sleeve of your uniform jacket.
you made your way back to class 1-A. you were the last one to walk in, and some of your classmates glanced up at you, but they didn’t say anything about your puffy red eyes, they didn’t ask why you weren’t at lunch, they didn’t ask how your day was going so far, they didn’t ask if you were okay.
because you were not okay.
you once again felt a heaviness in your chest.
you thought they would care at least a bit, they were heroes in training after all, yet it seemed like they hadn’t even noticed.
they hadn’t even noticed your absence and maybe they didn’t mind it in the slightest.
I had a dream I got everything I wanted But when I wake up, I see You with me
Maybe you were too wrapped up in your own mind or maybe you finally lost it, but for the life of you, you couldn’t figure out how you ended up like this. Eating spicy noodles quietly with your class’ very own lord explosion murder sitting across from you.
If you were to ask Bakugou why he demanded you have lunch with him, he’d say it was because your dumbass face was the only one he could stand enough to willingly share his homemade noodles with, and if you were to ask him why he was sharing noodles in the first place, he would tell you to shut the hell up and just eat without questioning him.
What Bakugou would never admit is that when he was roaming the school grounds during lunch two weeks ago he saw you standing at the very edge. He stood frozen in place, not sure of what he could do, but before he could will himself to move he saw how you feel backwards and out of his sight. He knew why he froze because he remembered a comment he made to deku before they entered U.A. He obviously didn’t mean it, but seeing you so willingly to just dive of a building made something in him feel guilt for making such an insensitive comment even if it was to deku.
He really didn’t know you well. He knew that he had never actually seen your quirk in action though probably more than half of the class could relate to that since you never really used it. He knew pretty much that he didn’t know you at all and that unsettled him. Sure he wasn’t the most sociable guy or easiest to approach, but he at least knew a couple of things about each of his classmates friends.
So he decided to pay more attention to you, he noticed how you really didn’t talk to any of your classmates and how they wouldn’t try to include you in their conversations. He noticed you always walked with your head down not really looking at where you were going. He noticed the bags under your eyes making themselves more prominent. He noticed how sometimes when you would space out in class you’d be staring at the back of the class where the half and half bastard would sit. He became aware of your being but he still didn’t know how to approach you.
The opportunity came after an awkward encounter.
Everyone (or so you thought) had gone out to who knows where and like always you hadn’t been invited. You decided to train for a little while. You had been slowly progressing with being able to control your quirk, but after your conversation with Todoroki you were back at square one. Your emotions were a train wreck making it hard to control your quirk. Becoming frustrated with yourself you decided to call it a day but since you were sweaty you went to take a shower first. You forgot to take your clothes with you, and since you were by yourself in the dorms you didn’t think it would be that big of a deal if you ran to your room. Midway there you bumped into a wall that wasn’t there this morning. You looked up and there was Bakugou looking down at you.
‘Oh shit I’m going to die’ you thought but then you saw Bakugou frown as he looked directly at your uncovered wrist.
‘Shouto Todoroki’ Bakugou narrowed his eyes. He finally understood why you had been acting more closed off than usual, and maybe if you had looked a little harder you wouldve seen the understanding in them.
“Sor-” you began to say but he cut you off
“get dressed and meet me in the kitchen” he said before walking away.
After that day things changed for you. Who knew eating noodles in silence with an angry blonde could set you on your path to healing?
Every time you saw them holding hands you didn't have enough time to let yourself question what you could have done for that to be you.
“hey dumbass hurry up or I’ll kill you” the red eye blonde would yell at you once he noticed you lagging behind. Making you forget about the black ink on your wrist and making you worry about how bakugou was going to react to you getting a C- on the test he spent a whole afternoon helping you study for.
And you say, “As long as I’m here, no one can hurt you Don’t wanna lie here, but you can learn to If I could change the way that you see yourself You wouldn’t wonder why you’re here, they don’t deserve you”
It was close to the end of the school year and if you were to say that much hadn’t changed you’d be lying.
thanks to practing your quirk with bakugou and him suggesting meditation to help you stay calm you were finally able to control your quirk enough to use it without fear around others.
Through him you also became friends with the rest of the bakusquad and they helped you warm up to the others.
all the second guessing and the comparing yourself to others didn’t cross your mind often anymore.
unbeknownst to you every time you peeled off the layers of insecuirty that held you back from expressing yourself bakugou would smile glad that you,just like him, could get passed the pain left by an unrequited soulmate bond.
also unbeknownst to you, as you began getting along with the rest of the class and opening up, he couldn’t help but be captivated by some of your quirks. How you would help the likes of denki study even when you weren’t better off yourself, how you were the only one who entertained Midoriya’s rambling and even added comentary.
He began to get to know you and he could see how the universe could’ve blessed him with a soulmate such as yourself. you were the complete opposite of what he was used to, the todoroki home wasn’t exactly the most affectionate.
He was seeing you bloom right before his eyes and all he could feel was guilt as he diverted his eyes to look at his left wrist.
‘Momo Yaoyorozu’
He softly caressed his thumb over the name and even with his soft touch the fake dark ink smuged.
He thought he had what he wanted.
He thought the universe had been wrong.
He thought it was for the best.
but as he saw you bickering with bakugou he found himself wondering what he could’ve done for that to be him, for you to be open with him like that.
he knew he was wrong but he was too far in to fix it.
If I knew it all then would I do it again? Would I do it again?
lastly Todoroki knew that even if you found it in yourself to forgive him, he still wouldn’t deserve you.
Thank you so much for reading this far if you did! I don’t know why I couldn’t get this out of my head and so here it is. Also I threw in an AOT reference to cope with the pain.
#mha x reader#todoroki shōto#todoroki x reader#todoroki angst#mha angst#anime angst#bakugou x reader#brotp#fanfic#oneshot#angst oneshot#billie eilish#songfic#soulmate#themes: unrequited#unreciprocated love#healing#fanart#strwbrrybratff
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Love Fuel
Summary: You were Jason’s first love before you broke his heart and rejected him. It’s all your fault that he can’t move on.
Tw: female reader, obsessive behavior, incel behavior, nice guy behavior, self - hatred, threats of non-con, implied non - con, implied masturbation, bullying based on appearance (not reader), deregatory language, kidnapping, misogyny, generalizations, stalking
this is a hot mess but its 1 am and i am tired, ik that incels are bad irl (obviously), but this is fiction and I kinda wanted to explore the dynamic and shit.
Everyone used to call him JJ or The-Big-Jay back in high school. Well, most of the time his classmates weren’t really calling out to him or even talking to him, the names were whispered behind his back, after he had just passed the hallway, or on bad days - right to his face. The jocks, these dumb motherfuckers, would beat him up, mock him for whatever stupid reasons they had chosen to use as an excuse to torment the smaller and weaker. The popular girls would giggle like brainless bimbos as Kyle or Brad or any other football player stole his glasses or continuously punched him in the guts until he threw up all over the floor. Even the nerds, the kids at the bottom of the school hierarchy, messed with Jason from time to time when they wanted to feel the oh - so desired rush of power they so rarely managed to experience.
Looking back, Jason could see why his classmates hated him so much - he was everything that society deemed as wrong and unattractive. He was thin, pale, “scrawny” as the others called him, on the shorter side, and on top of that the teen was terribly shy and introverted, never having the guts to stand up to his bullies or even tell someone about the abuse. The male spent most of his free time at home, playing hours upon hours of video games, watching anime and reading books he was simply too young to understand or look critically at. As he grew older, the man began to view the world as it trully was - a dark, miserable place that ate up sore losers like him. Men were primitive and foolish, which somehow managed to soften their faults. Women, on the other hand, were calculative and manipulative, greedy and sinful. His whole life they had done nothing but reject him when he needed love and support the most. Of course, there were many other reason why the brunette detested the weaker sex. In his eyes women were evil two - faced sluts, showing off their bodies yet acting innocent and hurt once someone finally decided to use them for the only thing they were actually good for.
But you Jason hated the most. You reminded him that no matter how much he hated the outside world, he would always hate himself the most. He had to admit you were pretty, painfully so, with a perfect little body to match your looks and a sweet sugary smile that almost deceived him years ago. As much as the man regretted his weakness, he had fallen right into your trap at the time.
You weren’t the most popular girl, but you had your fair share of friends, all nice and loyal like puppies. You weren’t the smartest either, but unlike the other stupid giggling sluts you always tried to do your best. You were beautiful just like them but you were actually kind to the pathetic bullied kid no one else bothered to acknowledge even existed outside of being a punching bag. You always asked him whether he was alright and often took him to the infirmary when he looked paler and sicker than usual. You talked to him as if he was a normal human being and despite the initial doubt, Jason appreciated it.
It was the last day of your senior year when the teen finally gained the courage to confess. He was shaking the whole time and by the end of his little speech there were small tears in the corner of his eye. You were the first girl the male cared about, the first one to show him kindness, to offer him friendship without asking for something in return. You were the only one who could make him feel deserving of love, worthy of affection. And then you took it all away in a matter of seconds.
“I am sorry, bud.” You had said that day after giving him a half - hearted hug and an apologetic smile, that started to seem more and more like a mocking grin the longer the teen started at you. “I already have a boyfriend, but I am really flattered. I am sure that you will find a lovely girl once you start college.” You had added quickly, cheerfully, rubbing the salt all over his wounds, honey dripping from your plump red lips. He had wanted to kiss them, bruise them, bite them until your stupid lying mouth was filled with blood. Obviously you didn’t have a boyfriend or he would have known by now, he stalked your social media religiously after all. Even if you had one, he probably treated you like shit. And how could you even suggest him finding another woman? As if he wanted any of the stupid money - grabbing sluts out there. As if some of them could replace you.
The boy was too furious to form a proper response besides “Fuck you, bitch”. His cheeks turned red and he didn’t realise that the bitter words had escaped his lips before he could stop them, then his legs took him far away from that shithole of a school. He didn’t manage to see your reaction before running away but it didn’t matter anymore. You were just like the others.
That day Jason swore to show you just how small and insignificant you had made him feel. He wanted to see you crumble, cry and beg for forgiveness, desperate for his love but never good enough to get it. The man formed a plan to change himself and come back for you once he had erased each and every trace of his past. The brunette came to terms with his terrible social anxiety and decided that he needed to gain social abilities more than anything. That’s why, as much as he dreamt of working from home as a boring programmer with an even more boring, but flexible working schelude, the male chose to study something that involved a lot more human interactions. The next step was to hit the gym for the first time and get a monthly subscription. It wasn’t hard to see that females nowadays liked brain - dead athletes with defined jawline and cheekbones, toned chests and strong muscled bodies, so if he wanted to impress you, he had to look his best. It wasn’t easy at first - it felt like everyone in the fitness salon had their eyes on his weak frame, laughing and pointing their fingers at his imperfections, but things gradually got better as time went on. The trainings became easier to get through and from time to time they even helped the man forget about his loneliness and nihilism.
Jason soon returned to his old habbit of spending hours looking through your accounts - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, he knew all of your usernames, each post, every picture and text. He couldn’t believe how much of a desperate attention whore you had become over the years. The male remembered you in your long brown skirts, cozy sweatshirts and pure-white shirts, all the gray buttons closed to the very top, blushing, laughing, smiling like the adorable Goody-two-shoes you were. Now you were smirking seductively in every photo, overconfident and vibrant, flaunting your tits for every man to see and wearing tight little dresses that barelly covered your ass combined with heels so high and sharp they could be used as a weapon. You were such a stupid slut it was disgusting, and he couldn’t stop himself from jerking off every single time he saw your pretty little face on the screen. He wanted to cum down your throat so badly it was ridiculous, and even after knowing that you had probably already had hundreds of cocks shoved deep inside your pussy, the brunette still wished to see you split open on his, taking his lenght like a good little cocksleeve.
The moment when he could see you again finally came. How many years had passed since graduation - five, ten, fifthteen? It hardly mattered. Jason was successful, at last. The male had his own business that was doing surprisingly well, there were some guys from the gym he could call friends and the best thing, he looked absolutely unrecognizable. There was nothing left of the tiny scrawny kid with quiet voice that everyone stepped over, he was now replaced by a strong capable man, determined to get what was rightfully his and his alone.
It wasn’t hard to find you since the brunette knew everything about you - where your job was, what time you finished, how long it took you to go home and what path you took. You lived alone and worked as a barista in a small local cafe even now that you had finished your studies in your dream faculty. Turns out the princess wasn’t so great and smart after all, having to resort to working a minimal - wage job day and night just to be able to pay her rent. Jason was absolutely delighted though, he loved your stupid dead - end job and your endless struggles to survive in the materialistic world honestly and fairly without selling yourself like a common whore. On one hand the male was happy that you had clung onto your last bit of innocence and on the other your pitiful lifestyle gave him the chance to snatch you away much easier. And that’s exactly what he did.
You woke up confused just like he had expected, bombarding him with questions, asking him who he was was, begging him to let you go, to at least explain what’s happening. You were so dumb, but God, you were still so pretty, if not prettier than before. You cried so beautifully when Jason told you you belonged to him now and you cried even more when he slammed his cold rough lips over yours in a deep wet kiss. You whimpered and whined while the male sucked on your lower lip and bit down, good, he wanted it to hurt. The stalker couldn’t wait to be inside you, he couldn’t hold back anymore.
He climbed on top of you and pinned your wrists to the floor before tying them up with delicate red rope and tightening it. It wasn’t like the man was scared of you slipping away and hurting him, you were too weak and tiny to stand a chance against his years of power - lifting and muscle - training anyways, he just wanted you to be as uncomfortable and squirmish as possible. Your tormentor wished for you to be in worse pain than he had been during his youthful years, and he knew exactly what to do. Next thing you knew Jason had ripped your dress apart, leaving you vulnerable and exposed in just your plain old panties and bra. Cold shivers ran down your spine when the chilly air hit your naked flesh and you finally realized there wasn’t getting away from this. You had to stay there, limbs bound together, unable to move or fight back, the stranger’s hands caressing your neck before moving dangerously close to your clothed breasts. You felt so sick you were going to throw up for sure if your abductor didn’t step back so you decided to use your last resort.
“Jason, please stop!” You screamed out of the blue, forcing the brunette to freeze instantly at the use of his birth name. You had already called him a pervert and a psycho which didn’t seem to faze him, but the name clearly caught him off guard. This only seemed to prove your theory further - the man really was your former classmate, despite the only similarity between them being the dark distant look in his eyes. “I beg you, don’t hurt me!” You continued, hoping to at least buy yourself more time before the assault took place.
He gulped loudly and stared at your quivering form. The impossible had happened, you had recognized him and now together with fear, there was also pity in your gaze, the one emotion your captor absolutely despised. You used to be the only one who pitied him, and even now that he was bigger, better and stronger than before, you still had the guts to pity him. It drove him insane but any attempt to hurt or touch you was fruitless now - your soft skin was suddenly burning his fingers like hellfire.
“You must be thinking that I am a monster.” Jason started out dryly, chuckling bitterly, humorlessly even. He clenched his fists unconsciously and brought them to the floor in a fit of rage, missing your head by mere inches. Your heart was beating like crazy and you only hoped the mandman couldn’t hear it. “A freak.” The man spat out the word like it was a curse and for a split second his eyes softened before turning into two spinning torches. “Right?” You were sure that if looks could kill, his would have you dead by the end of the night so you quickly nodded your head no.
“You are lying to me again, pretty girl.” The brunette replied feisty, "pretty” rolling off his tongue like an insult. Then he broke into hoarse maniac laugher and lowered his head so his face leveled up with yours, so close you could feel his warm breath on your tear - stained cheek. “When I am done with you, you wouldn’t be so pretty anymore, darling.” Your captor growled and attacked your neck, sinking his teeth deep into the flesh. “You will see exaclty how ugly my love is.”
#yandere#yandere oneshot#male yandere x reader#male yandere#yandere oc#yancore#yandere male x reader#yandere oc x reader#yandere smut#yandere x you
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Remember me [F.O]
Finnick Odair x female! reader
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Summary: Something’s different at the Capitol. All victors must return to their respective districts within the week. Snow’s orders. Nobody can oppose and Finnick has a bad feeling about that
Word count: 1.5K
Warnings: none
English not my mother language so pls tell me if something’s wrong
Chapter 2: Homecoming
The morning feels different, as if something has changed right off the bat; the air feels less heavy and I feel less exhausted.
The sun's rays stream through the window and I shiver as I feel Finnick's strong arms pulling me tight against him; he’s bothered by the sun too. I smile and place my hands over his.
“Finnick, close the curtains”
“What? Why me?”
“You're closer to the window than me”
“And your point is...?”
I try to get up and Finnick stops me. He laughs over my shoulder without letting me make another move.
“Leave them like that. Don't get up”
“I want to go back to sleep," I tell him, "We didn't get enough rest last night”
Finnick's face scrunches up, but then returns to normal, wearing a bright smile. He pulls me to him and hugs me
“But it was a good night, wasn't it? At least it was for me. I got the best news in the world”
“Sure, it was”
I try to smile, but worry don't let me. I feel a weight off since last night, but the situation makes my hair stand on end. what would happen when Snow found out i’m pregnant? He hates me to death and he would do everything to make me suffer
It all starts years ago, in my games. It was an important year, the games were organized as a special event for President Snow's birthday, everything had to go perfectly. I was chosen in the reaping along with Derek, my District partner.
Arriving at the Capitol people always have a favorite and Derek was theirs. With hundreds of sponsors raining down on his shoulders and hundreds more female fans who would surely help him. Finnick was one of the few people -along with Maggs, Annie, Johanna and Haymitch- who helped me survive in that place.
Sometimes Gamemakers can be too stupid. On the last nights of the games, Derek had died, unleashing the anger and discontent of most of the country, leaving me with all the pressure of at least being the last to die.
I reached a cliff, a boy from District twelve was following my steps to the top. I was cornered. In an instant of carelessness, the sword I was carrying fell into the cliff and seconds later, it came back to me.
It was a force field, and I used it to my advantage.
That annoyed them very much cause, according to them, with my indiscipline I ruined President Snow’s birthday
Up to this point Snow hasn't deigned to make me pay for that, but I don't deny the fact that he wants to do it later, like now he wants to get revenge on that girl from district twelve who did her little berry trick with her partner. And when Finnick and I started a relationship, he was the first to congratulate us on such a good decision.
Snow is still pissed at me, I can tell by the scandalous looks he sends me every year in the mentor room where we watch our boys fight for their lives. I sense it when he tries to approach me when Finnick walks away, but comes back immediately after when he sees the intentions Snow has for me. And it's not like he can take it out on anyone in my family. I have no one left but Finnick
Finnick's fingers rest on my shoulder and he gently caresses it, trying to make my sudden cloud of unease dissipate.
“We're going to be fine”
“I haven't said otherwise. I just know it won't be what you'd call easy. Snow hates me”
“I know a lot of things about him that he won't want the whole country to know," he says, sitting down on the bed with me following his movements.
“That business of secrets again," I say rolling my eyes, "I hate to think of the way you got them.
“That was before I met with you” He swears with a little smile. I tap him on the shoulder
“You better”
Later in the day Johanna arrives at our house laden with some packages wrapped in newspaper. I help her place them on the table and Finnick goes to the kitchen to get something to drink. We sit together in the living room and Johanna starts questioning me.
“I guess you've told him the news already, haven't you?” I nod and she takes my hands “So, how did he take it?”
“He took it well. Surprisingly well. I told him yesterday in a... not so good situation” Johanna raises an eyebrow waiting for me to continue “He got upset when I went to the bathroom during the night”
My friend from district seven laughs out loud, infecting me with her effusiveness. She denies as she laughs and looks at me unable to contain herself.
“I think Finnick has become more stupid than he already was”
He comes up to us and puts the tray of drinks on the coffee table. Johanna takes the drink and takes a sip.
“Nothing, nothing," says Johanna, "We were talking about how shity is to live in here, right?”
“Johanna..." Finnick mumbles back, knowing they could hear us. She shrugs her shoulders
“What? your depressed faces tells me so. I don't blame you, though. I'd rather go back to those damn games than live here”
“Be careful what you ask for," Finnick says, sitting down next to me.
“As if that's even damn possible”
Johanna slams her drink and leaves the empty glass on the table, she licks her red lips and turns back to us.
“I just stopped by to see how you were doing and to give you some news”
“What news?”
“Oh, I guess you're going to love this”
“What is it” Asks Finnick desperately. Johanna smiles
“Well, I think that Snow's cold is already getting old. He's even more stupid than usual” Finnick tenses at her words and I take his hand to calm him down “Anyway, the thing is that this morning he has given the order for all the mentors that are in this hell to return to their District”
Finnick and I jump up excited and stunned by the news. He looks at me and I return the gesture by squeezing his hands.
“What are you talking about, Johanna?”
“About that thing you heard, love bird” She stands up and stands in front of us “The old man has given us permission to return to our home. Can you believe it?”
The small sense of relief I feel dissipates as soon as his words make sense. I am overwhelmed by such a sudden surprise and by the fact that after some time we’ll return home.
“I guess you guys have a lot to talk about. I'm leaving, Blight is waiting for me” She rolls his eyes and walks towards the door. Before leaving he turns to us with a raised eyebrow “Your train leaves tomorrow at eight o'clock. Good luck”
The echoing of the door floods the room, but we are both too immersed in uncertainty to let it pass. Finnick turns me toward him and grabs me by the arms.
“We can go back. We'll go back," he says, excitement overflowing from his pores. I nod and without knowing why, I'm worried about going back to the district.
Maggs smiles at me as he sees me enter the train with Finnick. I take a seat next to him and he immediately takes my hands.
“Hi Maggs” I stroke her face and she smiles even more. She puts a hand on my belly and then looks at Finnick out of the corner of her eye ”Yes, Maggs, I told him already”
My former mentor pats my stomach and that's when Annie Cresta appears. Her eyes are downcast and her long hair looks disheveled and brittle. Maggs looks at her with sorrow and I invite her to sit with us.
“How are you, Annie?” She doesn't answer and her gaze is lost in the train. For a minute she looks at me and then she starts crying.
“I want to go home. I don't want to go back. I don't want to”
“You won't. Calm down”
Annie leans against my shoulder and I hug her so she can calm down. After a few minutes she falls asleep on me and I hold her until we reach the shore.
Finnick helps me wake her up and get her off the train with Maggs in front of us. As the hatches open the saltiness of the water floods my nostrils. The fishermen are doing their work and the women are making nets for their husbands to lure the fish to the shore.
I take another breath and the smell of our district food fills my heart and drives away the worry that has settled in me since yesterday.
I’m back
I’m at home
#Finnick Odair#Finnick Odair x reader#Finnick Odair imagines#the hunger games#katniss everdeen#peeta mellark#peeta mellark x reader#josh hutcherson#the hunger games imagine#sam claflin
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Please enjoy this short fic of Woozie struggling with internalized ableism and also some gay thoughts.
The Triad calls him lucky. Woozie more or less agrees with that assessment.
He's lucky that the Mountain Cloud Boys remained loyal when he took over after his father's death. Lucky that they follow his orders and respect him despite his handicap.
Most of all, he's lucky that he met Carl Johnson.
He doesn't think he's ever had a friend like him before. Carl doesn't see just his blindness like others do. In fact, it often appears to slip his mind completely, for which Woozie is oddly grateful. Even when he is aware of it, it isn't a curse to be mocked or pitied.
"Hey Woozie, I gotta question for you."
Oh, hell. Here it comes. He's been waiting for this moment, bracing himself for the inevitable deluge of invasive personal questions.
"Of course, Carl."
If people are polite, they try to work their way up to it gradually. They ask: When did you go blind? What happened? (He will never understand why people think this is a good place to start a conversation.)
They ask: What can you see? Is it just total darkness? (This interrogation is more subjective and tedious than they ever realize. The short answer? In his case, yes.)
They ask: Why don't you have a dog or one of those white sticks? (Because then everyone would KNOW!)
They ask: How many fingers am I holding up? (In his more hot-headed days, they might walk away with a few broken fingers after that one.)
They ask: How can you shoot? Drive? Cook? Read? Write? Shop? Fuck? Play cards? Play sports? Make friends? Dress yourself? Wipe your ass? Survive?
How can someone like him lead a Triad? That is the real question at the core of them all, the one his enemies, and even some of his own people, never let him forget.
But... No, Carl wouldn't ask that.
Would he?
"Just wonderin' if you're all right," CJ continues. "A few of your homies didn't make it back from our last job. That kinda thing can really fuck with you--with anybody, I mean. So. How you doin' with it?"
When he was a child, another boy would regularly antagonize and hit him. Often, maybe assuming the dark glasses he wore concealed nothing but grotesque scars where his eyes should be, he would cruelly ask if Woozie could cry. (He can, but he learned not to long before he learned to fight back.)
Now, his eyes start to burn and he struggles to contain the emotion threatening to overwhelm him.
It isn't even about the casualties, not entirely. True, his guys are invaluable; he relies on them for more than a Dai Dai Lo generally would. But losses are unfortunately common in this life. He knows how to bear the weight of them without falling apart.
It's...it's that Carl thought to ask. Of all the questions he could've chosen, he just wanted to know if Woozie is okay.
"I'm fine, CJ," he says. "But thank you... Thank you for asking."
"Cool, man, don't mention it."
Woozie has a complicated relationship with touch. It's a necessity for him to safely navigate the world. Rarely is it anything more than that.
Woozie remembers holding onto CJ's arm and letting himself be guided toward the car as bullets flew past his ears. He could feel the raised skin of a recent tattoo on Carl's bicep, and tense muscles beneath.
What he felt in that moment... well, it was probably just the adrenaline.
Now, Carl's hand on his shoulder is solid and warm. The casual familiarity of his touch is reassuring.
He is very lucky indeed to have Carl in his life.
#wu zi mu#cj x woozie#woozie#gta san andreas#grand theft auto#carl johnson#one-sided feelings for now like you never know#carl x woozie
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How Not to Form a Thruple
Sayaka Igarashi x She/Her Reader x Kirari Momobami
A/N: Oh my god this took forever to do. There are just so many factors to consider when trying to make this work and I did not want this to turn into a novel and yet it's still sooo much. Anyway, much love to Sayaka and Kirari but they don’t know how their own relationship works without trying to date another person at the same time. Ririka is suffering, but at least she has Mary. Sorry if there are more errors than usual I had to deal with a cat menace. Also beware of Midari in this fic, you know how she is. And the OC I made isn’t very helpful either. Word Count: 18,395 (Why did I do this to myself?)
(Y/n) sighed and slouched in her seat at the back of the classroom, her eyes followed the form of Igarashi Sayaka taking her seat in the front of the room with her arms full of papers and folders. Her bag, looking just as heavy as the load in her arms, had the shoulder strap strained over the desk hook.
“Ugh, you really are hopeless, you know that?”
“Huh?” (Y/n) turned her head, meeting her friend’s eyes just in time to see them roll to the side.
“You’re looking at Igarashi with those dumb puppy eyes again. We’re well into our second year of high school now, shouldn’t you be over her by now? Or, here’s an idea, ask her out.” Tsubasa advised, pretending to be scandalized by their own suggestion.
“Don’t talk so loud!” (Y/n) hissed, quickly looking to see if anyone, especially Sayaka, had heard.
“The whole classroom is practically screaming about gambling and homework (Y/n), no one’s listening to us. Especially not Miss Workaholic over there. So, what’s the deal? When are you gonna finally make a move?”
“Are you crazy? There will be no move making from now until the end of time!” (Y/n) gestured wildly, emphasizing the word ‘now’ and the phrase, ‘the end of time’. “She obviously likes the president... and like is putting it mildly, there is no way I’m going to embarrass myself like that. I mean, when it comes to the president I can’t possibly compete. She’s too beautiful and suave, no wonder Igarashi wants to spend so much time with her.” (Y/n) sighed wistfully and slid further down her chair, openly sulking.
“Sounds to me like you’re simping double time these days, (Y/n).” Tsubasa snickered and kicked at (Y/n)’s foot with their own, producing a muffled groan from the girl who had since buried her head in her arms over her desk.
“You look at the girls in this school and tell me you can’t find easily like, ten of them that you’d immediately give your kidney to if they asked.” (Y/n) grumbled.
“Nah I’m good thanks, I’d like to keep my kidneys as a matched set if I can help it.” They leaned back in their chair and stretched. “Class is starting soon, better get your act together before you get called on and embarrass yourself in front of Igarashi.”
“God that would happen to me wouldn’t it?” (Y/n) sat up and opened her notebook for her first class, scanning the most recent notes with a critical eye.
“Hey, before you get too lost in that boring stuff I wanted to ask you if you heard about the gamble that’s taking over Yumemite’s stage during lunch.”
“I haven’t heard anything. What does Yumemite-san have to say about this? Didn’t she have a concert scheduled at that time?”
“You would know that wouldn’t you, simp.” Tsubasa laughed, poking (Y/n). “She’s sick or something so someone snatched up the stage for the day and they even got permission to broadcast to the whole school. Anyone can come by to gamble and the last person standing gets ten million yen!”
“What’s the catch? There always is one with these no admittance fee gambles.”
“Loser has to do one thing the winner asks each round. Something that can be done right then and there on camera to be broadcasted to the school. What do you think? Will you do it with me?” They grinned.
“Be humiliated in front of the whole school? No thanks, think I’ll pass.”
“Come on, don’t be like that. We could split the money fifty-fifty if one of us wins. What’s the worst request someone could demand of you if you lose?”
“Uh, have you been paying attention in this school?” (Y/n) looked up from her notebook, “A person having the power over you to make you do something for them is almost always worse then owing money. They could tell you to strip or rip your nails off— all sorts of crazy things!”
“I guess I could have been more clear. The winner just asks a question to the loser and they have to answer it honestly.”
“Wait, you’re telling me this is just going to be truth or dare without the dare?” (Y/n) looked at them incredulously. “I know I was complaining before but how is something so boring being broadcasted to the whole school?”
“Beats me, but really, the deal is a lot sweeter now, don’t you think, partner?” Tsubasa batted their eyelashes and (Y/n) lightly punched their shoulder.
“Alright, I’m in.”
“Never mind I’m not in!” (Y/n) trembled at the sight before her. The stage was filled with all sorts of creepy crawlies and dangerous looking animals in various enclosures. She made to leave but her friend grasped her arm and pulled her back.
“Too late to pull out (Y/n), I already signed us up!” They smiled brightly as if completely unaffected by the scene before them.
“Did you know about this?” (Y/n) asked, her throat tightening with equal parts anger and anxiety. “This isn’t truth or dare without the dare, it’s like, dare with a light suggestion of truth!”
“I know right? This is gonna be awesome!” Tsubasa grinned.
“Did Ikishima take over your body or something? What the hell is wrong with you!?” (Y/n) chastised through clenched teeth.
“Shhhh, I think the organizer is about to get things started. Don’t think about the risk, think about how awesome it’s gonna be when we win ten million yen! Five mil each!”
“If the more affluent students heard you getting excited over five million yen they would laugh you out of the school.” (Y/n) mumbled, rubbing at her temples to try to fight the oncoming headache she was starting to feel.
“Wow, a lot more of you showed up than I thought you would!” A voice called from the stage, crazy familiar laughter rolled over the auditorium.
“Ikishima actually organized this? Why am I not surprised?” (Y/n) sighed.
“Okay so a handful of you...” Ikishima scratched her head with her gun as she looked around the room. To (Y/n) surprise, the crazy girl suddenly fell to her knees with a cry of anguish. “Yumeko didn’t come? But I invited her directly! How could she stay away from such a gamble when I worked so hard to procure all this shit!” She moaned mournfully and motioned towards all the animal enclosures.
“Uh, so are we doing this thing or...?” Another student called out after watching Midari spread out on the stage floor and sulk for a hot minute.
“Yeah, yeah, just give me a second...” Midari sighed despondently. “Yumeko,” she began, looking to the ceiling, “I made this all for you, enjoy the show... I know you’re watching!”
(Yumeko was in fact, not watching.)
“Alright, listen up everybody!” Midari jumped back onto her feet, her gun tracing over every face in the front couple rows of the auditorium. “Ya ever hear of Fear Factor? Well that’s what we’re doing except not really. Basically, I’ll have you face off one v one. You each get to pick an animal you’d like your opponent to get all close and personal with, the first person to bail loses and if neither bails after five minutes, then the person with the highest heart rate loses. We’ll be monitoring your heart rates with these little wrist monitors to keep you honest. If your heart rate continually spikes higher than the other person, we’ll know and you’ll be out of the competition, not before you let out a truth of the victor’s choosing of course.” Midari smiled wickedly and gestured to the giant screen behind her. “Here is our bracket, let the games begin!”
(Y/n) scanned over the names and was jostled by Tsubasa slinging an arm over her shoulders.
“Look at that, (Y/n). We’re on opposite side of the bracket, I’m liking our odds!”
“Yeah, great.” (Y/n) whined and slowly made her way to the stage. Her name was right at the top of the bracket signaling she would be in the first match.
“Go (Y/n)!” Tsubasa cheered.
(Y/n) grimaced as Midari fixed the cold heart monitoring device to her wrist and another beautification officer hooked up her opponent who smirked once (Y/n) met his gaze.
“Coin flip decides who picks first. (L/n), heads or tails?” Ikishima asked, her breath sticking to (Y/n)’s cheek because of how close she was.
“Heads.” (Y/n) chose. Midari flipped the coin and revealed heads.
“Lucky you!” Midari cackled, “Choose carefully because once an animal is chosen, it will be retired for the remainder of the gamble!”
“I’ll pick the tarantula.” (Y/n) declared, suppressing a shudder. At least now she knew it wouldn’t be able to be used against her later.
“Ahh tarantula-san eyy?” Midari giggled. “I love it, nice choice! And you?” Midari turned to address the other student.
He appeared to be sweating ever so slightly but his smirk didn’t leave his face. “I’ll pick that huge ass snake.”
“Boa-san? Hell yeah!” Midari cackled, looking all too pleased with how this was going. “Handlers, bring out the chosen animals!”
“Hold your arms out, kind of like a cradle please.” The handler asked (Y/n). She had just nearly put her arms in position before the handler looped the middle of the large constrictor around her neck. The upper half of the large snake began coiling around her arm as (Y/n) struggled to hold the heavy reptile.
(Y/n) chanced a glance at her competition who appeared to be holding his breath as the tarantula crawled across his pant leg. He was sitting on the stage, something about lessening the risk to the spider should the boy freak out. (Y/n) gulped as her attention was brought back to the snake. It had raised its head to be level with her own and scented the air between their faces before slithering up and over her head and it began its descent down her back.
“Hey!” (Y/n)’s eyes darted back to the boy who looked noticeably more panicked. “It’s crawling toward my junk!” He screamed as the spider slowly made its way over his thigh.
“So?” Midari shrugged, “What, you gonna bail already? It hasn’t even been two minutes.”
“Get it off me now!” His voice pitched higher, the spider had momentarily lost its grip and slid closer to the boy’s crotch. “Take it, take it!”
“Alright, you big baby.” Midari waved him off signaling the handler to take the spider. “Round one goes to you, (L/n). Sazanka class, represent!”
(Y/n) released a relieved sigh as the weight of the boa was lifted from her shoulders. She massaged her shoulder and almost left the stage before Midari called her back.
“Hey, don’t forget your question!”
“Ah, right, sorry. Umm, what’s your favorite color?” (Y/n) could heard the faint echo of Tsubasa smacking their forehead with their hand in the darkened auditorium and Midari groaned.
“That’s what you’re asking? That’s so god damn boring!” Midari sprawled out on the floor again. “Well shit, answer (L/n)’s boring ass question I guess.”
“It’s green.” The guy breathed, thankful for the low stakes question after his embarrassing screeching over the tarantula.
“Alright, who’s next?”
The final round was finally here. (Y/n) had survived a hand full of banana slugs and holding up a adolescent fox bat by its feet before finally making it to the last round with Tsubasa bouncing excitedly as her final opponent. They had made it, no matter what happens now the ten million was as good as theirs.
“Alright! Here we are with the last match! Only a handful of creatures left, what will be used I wonder...” Midari pondered. “Heads or tails, (L/n)?”
“I’ll go heads again.”
The coin flipped in her favor once more and she smiled at her friend. “I know you’ve been eyeing that iguana over there, go make a new friend.”
“I really appreciate that, (Y/n).” Tsubasa simpered. “However,” the sweet smile turned sinister, “Just because we made it to the end, doesn’t mean I’m going to go easy on you.”
(Y/n)’s eyes darkened at the betrayal, her mouth twitched into a frown aimed at her unbothered so called friend. Sweat gathered at her brow. Were they going to pick the literal grizzly bear over there? Or maybe even worse, the—
“I pick the octopus.”
“No way!” (Y/n) gasped.
“Uehehehe, I see you recognize the coloration of octopus-san, don’t you (L/n)?” Midari leered over the other girl.
“Yeah, that’s a blue ringed octopus isn’t it? Those things can kill you and you expect me to hold it?” (Y/n) threw her arms out wide in disbelief.
“I had it brought here for Yumeko, but I’m glad someone is going to play with octopus-san.” Ikishima practically moaned. “Well, (L/n) are you gonna hold it or bail?”
“Of course I-“
“(Y/n), before you answer that question,” Tsubasa whispered, “You should know I’m planning on asking a really good question should I win. You know, related to who we were talking about this morning.”
“You wouldn’t-“ (Y/n) gasped.
“Try me.”
“I give you the iguana and this is how you repay me! I could literally die!” (Y/n)’s heart was absolutely pounding. Hurt and betrayal plain on her features.
“Listen, I don’t know what the hell you guys are going on about, but we are broadcasting live to the school and you have a decision to make. (L/n), whatcha gonna do?” Midari pushed.
“I...” (Y/n) took a deep, shuddering breath, her gaze drifted to the deadly cephalopod. Her eyes closed tightly as she tried to quiet the wild thrumming of her heart in her ears. This was dangerous and stupid, but she’d sooner die than lose and answer that query truthfully. “I’ll do it.”
“For real (Y/n)? Are you crazy-“
“I love what you’re doing here (L/n)!” Ikishima interrupted (Y/n)’s gambling partner with a wheezy laugh. “If I didn’t already have the hots for Yumeko, I’d jump your bones right now!”
(Y/n) grimaced at the vulgar girl and made her way to the octopus’ enclosure, the vivid blue rings hypnotic in the shallow waters of the tank.
The octopus itself was small, no bigger than the palm of her hand, yet she knew that size would hardly matter, it could still easily kill a grown man twice her size.
(y/n) breathed in deeply and pulled up her sleeve, her hand just barely skimmed the water when her supposed friend spoke up.
“(Y/n) you don’t have to do this. You seriously would rather die than talk about your feelings?”
(Y/n)’s steely gaze met her partner who was nervously stroking the iguana in their arms and her frown deepened.
“Use my half of the ten million to pay for my medical bills and or my funeral.” She spoke coldly, carefully sliding her hand all the way into the tank. She would have just plunged her hand right in, but she really didn’t feel like dying today if she could help it. Please god, give me the luck of that one idiot I saw holding one of these things on social media.
Slowly, she nudged the creature into her hand and raised it up a bit so Ikishima could clearly see her dangerous skinship with the octopus. The one-eyed girl let out a delighted squeal but (Y/n) could not hear it over the pounding of her own heart. The tentacles of the venomous creature curled over her hand as if searching, maybe for the best place to bite (Y/n) thought wryly. It began crawling up her wrist and settled on her forearm. (Y/n) felt faint and she could feel the sweat roll off her in buckets, having the octopus sit still was almost worse than it moving.
“How’s it feel, (Y/n)? I can call you (Y/n) now, right? We’re kindred spirits you and I after all. How does it feel knowing you’re one little bite away from almost certain death? It’s great isn’t it?” Ikishima moaned grossly in (Y/n)’s ear and (Y/n) grit her teeth, her jaw tightened painfully. She did not dare pay attention to Ikishima, her eyes belonged only to the small mass now writhing in the crook of her elbow.
A loud buzz shot (Y/n) out of her concentrated state, causing her to move suddenly and offset the balance of the octopus. (Y/n) yelped in response to the octopus’ renewed hold over her that was much tighter than before. Did it just bite me?
“Five minutes is up! Guess we have to refer to heart monitors for the winner. Though judging by (Y/n)’s face, her heart rate will probably be nonexistent soon!” Midari laughed and motioned to the big screen. The computer scanned over the last two competitors heart rates over the last five minutes and compared the data. It was quickly determined that (Y/n)‘s heart rate was much higher than her opponent’s, making her the loser of this gamble.
(Y/n) closed her eyes and hung her head in shame, if the octopus did bite her, she didn’t have it in her to care. Her life would be over soon anyway once she answered the victor’s question.
“Wait a minute... what the hell is wrong with octopus-san?” Midari screeched, bringing (Y/n) back into the moment.
(Y/n)’s eyes shot open to look at the octopus and she was surprised to see it had changed color to match that of her skin tone.
“But, blue ringed octopuses don’t change color so dramatically as this? What... this isn’t...” (Y/n) could hardly believe it. The small octopus on her arm wasn’t the deadly Australian native, but a mimic, and a talented one at that.
“Hey you! What the fuck is this!” Ikishima berated the nearest handler, gesturing to the tank with her gun.
“A mimic octopus, ma’am. This little baby has a tank adjacent to a real blue ringed octopus and the clever boy just loves to copy the colors. Intelligent little guy, isn’t he?”
“Well, yeah,” Midari huffed, “but I asked for blue ringed octopus-san!”
“We didn’t want anyone to be hurt. We figured you wouldn’t mind as long as you got an octopus.” The handler smiled tightly. God these rich kids are crazy.
(Y/n) managed to free herself from the mimic and withdraw from the tank. She rubbed her arm and watched the small octopus change color again to match the the sand in its tank. She felt so foolish, all her fear had been misplaced and now- she turned to Tsubasa, now iguanaless, and stepped forward.
“Well that was hella disappointing. What’s-your-face gets to ask their question now.” Midari sighed, clearly disinterested. “If I wasn’t so impulsive and hadn’t put this thing together last minute, I would’ve made much better punishments for the losers.”
“(Y/n), please don’t let this ruin our friendship. I only want what is best for you.” Tsubasa rubbed the back of their neck awkwardly.
“If you didn’t want to do that, you’d pick another damn question. Just ask already.” (Y/n) snapped.
“Who have you had a crush on since middle school who you still like to this day?” They asked almost sympathetically. (Y/n) wanted to slap that awkward smile right off their face.
“Igarashi Sayaka.” (Y/n) answered clearly so as to not have to repeat herself before bolting off the stage, Midari cackling behind her.
“You like that stick in the mud? That’s hilarious!” Midari wheezed from the stage as (Y/n) pushed through auditorium doors with a boom and kept running.
(Y/n) should have just skipped school. She was basically doing it anyway since she couldn’t go to class. Not when she was actively avoiding three people in said class. Tsubasa she didn’t want to see for obvious backstabbing reasons, Ikishima because she was being... extra herself towards (Y/n) since the gamble and she didn’t appreciate it, and then of course Sayaka... who knew if she was aware of the gamble or what she’d do if she saw (Y/n). She’d probably tase me, (Y/n) thought glumly.
The last few days (Y/n) had exiled herself to the deepest, darkest depths of the library and didn’t leave until most of the students had gone home for the day. She didn’t need to worry about gambling. Despite not talking to Tsubasa, she saw that her five million that was agreed upon was transferred to her account with an, ‘I’m sorry :( <3‘ attached to it so she was set for awhile in the class rankings.
This day should have been no different as she made her way to the back of the library, but she gasped audibly once she took in the figure perched atop her table seemingly awaiting her arrival. She would have backed away if not for the fact that those icy blue eyes commanded her to stay.
“President!” (Y/n) squeaked. This was it, she was so dead. How foolish of her to think she would be able to get away with admitting her feelings for the secretary of the most powerful person in the school without any repercussions.
The president did not yet speak, but motioned (Y/n) to come closer, the way her glacial eyes bore into (Y/n)’s left no room for argument. (Y/n)’s legs moved slowly, they shook noticeably and she feared she might collapse right in front of the president. Finally she stopped and stood a foot away from the president’s regal pose over the table. (Y/n)’s hands wrung together and she scanned the titles of the nearby bookshelves so she would not have to look her intruder in the eye.
“You’re a surprisingly difficult person to find, (L/n) (Y/n).” Kirari finally spoke, examining her pristine, blue fingernails.
“I,” (Y/n) cleared her throat, “I’m sorry?” Her voice trembled, sounding oh so weak in the presence of the apex predator.
“That was quite the show you put on a couple days ago at Ikishima’s event.” Kirari continued, seemingly oblivious of (Y/n) speaking at all. “You turned that drab, mind numbing dullness into something I could tolerate watching with my afternoon tea. Sayaka seemed quite invested as well.” She said, her eyes casually looking up to catch (Y/n)’s again, gauging for a reaction.
(Y/n) didn’t speak for fear of her heart escaping out of the orifice due to how violently it was beating in her chest, in her throat. It was beating so fast it put the whole octopus incident to shame.
“Of course, the novelty of the octopus was shattered as soon as its true nature was revealed, but it was interesting to watch in the moment, sort of like a magic trick, wouldn’t you agree?”
(Y/n) stayed silent, only managing to tear her eyes away from the analyzing blue ones to study her own shoes.
“Sayaka couldn’t believe you would do something so, how did she put it? Irrational? Insane maybe? It escapes me now, but she was muttering to herself in that endearing way she always does when she’s thinking too hard and she just can’t contain her internal monologue.” Kirari’s smile grew a small fraction wider at the memory. “I didn’t see what the problem was. If anything I’d dare say she was being quite hypocritical, given the fact that she had jumped out of a five story building with me not too long ago.”
(Y/n) allowed a look of astonishment to take over her face and Kirari chuckled quietly.
The student council president slid off of the table and approached (Y/n) with confident, purposeful steps, causing (Y/n) to back away until her back hit the bookshelf behind her. Kirari rested an arm on the shelf beside (Y/n)’s head and leaned so far into her personal space that (Y/n) dared not breathe.
“Maybe you would like to give it a try?”
(Y/n)’s lips trembled, still unable to so much as make a sound. Her eyes were trapped by the icy, oceanic gaze mere inches away from her.
“No need to be so tense, it was just a suggestion. I know you are capable of speaking. What must I do to make this a two way conversation?”
“I-“ (Y/n) attempted to clear her throat, taking in a shaky breath, “I- what do you want me to say, president? Why are you here?”
“You’ve caught my interest.” She stated plainly, “To risk your life all to avoid answering a simple question of little consequence. Tell me, are you embarrassed to like my secretary so much? Do you find such feelings disgraceful, or is it because it’s Sayaka?”
“No! No. That’s not it at all, I just- I’m not embarrassed about how I feel. Igarashi-san is amazing. So incredibly dedicated and hardworking, intelligent, pr- pretty,” (Y/n) blushed, “I could never find anything disgraceful about liking someone like her.”
“Why hide it to such a degree, then? Why risk your life to keep it hidden?” Kirari came closer still, drinking in every micro-expression that (Y/n)’s face would betray for clues about the peculiar behavior she was so fascinated by.
“There was just no point in revealing my feelings. They obviously aren’t reciprocated, I didn’t want to make class awkward or ruin the good terms we were on as classmates. If I was to be embarrassed about anything, it would be the idea of receiving a rejection that I was well aware would occur and was trying to avoid.”
“I’d like to propose a gamble.” Kirari said suddenly, (Y/n) could feel the declaration disturb the air around her face, causing a slight tingling sensation that made her lips purse subtly.
“What do you propose, president?” (Y/n) whispered weakly, her back digging almost painfully I to the bookcase, trying fruitlessly to create a semblance of personal space between them. She surprisingly took in the sudden declaration without question, probably due to how small she felt in Kirari’s presence. She dared not question the president’s seemingly sudden whim.
“A simple game, really. I don’t have time to plan some grand operation unfortunately. Such things are better planned out over the course of several weeks, months or even years. Something Ikishima will likely never learn even after her hastily put together show,” Kirari spoke, digging at the disorganization of the beautification officer while still looming over (Y/n) like it was perfectly acceptable to be so close, “but that’s neither here nor there, the game will be lightning round old maid.”
“What are the stakes?” (Y/n) asked, a hot cold rush ran down her spine as Kirari absently inspected a lock of (Y/n)‘s hair, twining a finger though it before letting the hair slip from her touch. She backed away, finally giving (Y/n) room to breathe.
“If I win, you’ll immediately start going back to your classes and you’ll become a page of sorts to the student council. You’ll be at Sayaka’s beck and call.”
“I don’t think Igarashi-san would care for that. I’m sure she has a very specific way in which she likes things done. I don’t want to be on her bad side more than I probably already am!”
“Sayaka would never say it, but with the added work the election has brought, I’m sure she could find a use for an extra pair of hands.” Kirari smirked, “Now, what would you like if you win?”
“...I guess it would be nice to have some assistance transferring schools?” (Y/n) mumbled after a moment’s thought.
“How practical. You’re about as imaginative as Sayaka I’ll give you that,” Kirari commented, striding to the other side of the table to sit with practiced poise, “well,” she gestured to the chair opposite her, “please take a seat. This won’t take long.”
(Y/n) bit the inside of her lip and sat stiffly in the presented chair. She couldn’t believe she was about to gamble with the president. Such an ‘honor’ was usually reserved for people like Jabami or Ikishima... What did this say about herself, (Y/n) wondered.
Kirari slipped three cards out of her blazer. The queen of diamonds, the queen of hearts, and a joker card. She presented the cards to (Y/n), allowing her to check for any possible tampering. When (Y/n) was satisfied, she gave the cards back with a sight tremor. Kirari reached past the cards, encompassing (Y/n)’s wrist with her hand and drawing out a surprised gasp from the girl. Kirari skimmed her fingers over the exposed skin up to (Y/n)’s own finger tips before finally taking the cards back and shuffling them under the table. All the while (Y/n)’s hand tingled, still suspended mid air until she remembered herself and quickly pulled her hand back to join her other tightly fisted in her lap.
Kirari eyed the cards, newly shuffled, and slid the queen of hearts to (Y/n)’s side of the table. With a reserved smile, she held out the remaining two cards. “Now, which one will you choose I wonder?”
(Y/n) scrutinized the backs of the cards in Kirari’s hand, silently cursing herself for not thinking of marking the cards in some way as she inspected them. Her eyebrows knit and her eyes narrowed in concentration as if that would help give her some sudden clarity, to open up the right choice.
“As much as I’m enjoying this intense look of concentration you are wearing, I do have other obligations that require my attention this afternoon.” Kirari spoke, jolting (Y/n) from her thoughts.
“Sorry!” (Y/n) swallowed and eyed the cards, darting her attention from one to the other at least a dozen times. Finally she sucked in a huge breath and reached for the the one on the right. Then, changing her trajectory at the very last second, she took the card on the left, missing the excited gleam in Kirari’s eyes.
With trembling fingers she flipped the card in her fingers and felt dread as the laughing face of the joker stared back at her.
“Wrong choice I’m afraid, looks like I’ll get a turn after all.” Kirari said.
(Y/n) took her queen and the joker, mixing them under the table until she was satisfied then held them out to Kirari, trying to will her face into impenetrable stone.
Kirari chuckled quietly as she reached out. She teasingly danced her fingers over the cards, gauging for a reaction. (Y/n) looked away from the scene, trying to invoke some kind of ‘I can’t see you, you can’t see me’ strategy. However, (Y/n) felt that she could have no face at all and Kirari would still be able to read her.
Her eyes shot open when she felt the card in her right hand being tugged free, she turned back to the remaining card with an audible gasp. The queen was still in her hand.
“Oh well,” Kirari smiled, “Another chance for you then, (Y/n).”
(Y/n) nodded resolutely, looking between the two cards once more. She took less time to deliberate this go around and took the left card. Incorrect again.
The joker traded hands at least three dozen more times and traded hands quickly. Staying in one hand only long enough to be shuffled and presented to be taken half a second later. (Y/n) found it exhilarating. There was no strategy, no second guessing, just the gamble itself. Taking whatever card they touched first without a care.
The joker had found (Y/n)’s hand again and (Y/n) couldn’t help the laugh of disbelief that escaped her lips. Her nervous frown had left rounds ago, replaced by a content smile. If Tsubasa could she her now, smiling and playing a children’s game with arguably the most frightening person in the school, they would lose their mind.
“I’m glad you’ve come out of your shell and are enjoying yourself,” Kirari spoke up, her eyes looking unusually warm. “However the time is quickly approaching for one of my aforementioned engagements so,” (Y/n) blinked owlishly, her mouth falling open ever so slightly. Kirari took the queen out of (Y/n)’s hand as if she knew she could have done so at will at any time and smirked. “I’ll be seeing you bright and early Monday morning to discuss your new duties.”
As Kirari stood and moved around the table to exit (Y/n) kept blinking at the joker in her hands. “Oh, and (Y/n),” Kirari stopped at the bookshelf momentarily and looked back at (Y/n), seeing the surprised girl turning slowly in her seat to look at her. “Do not be late.”
With that, the president took her leave. (Y/n) looked back at the joker and smiled brightly despite herself. She knew once the novelty wore off she was going to be an anxious mess before Monday arrived, but for now, she was ride out the high gambling with the president gave her. She gathered her belongings and left the library and the school, humming pleasantly with a skip in her step all the way home.
(Y/n) hadn’t slept more than a combined total of eight hours all weekend. She had worried her weekend away to the point of feeling physically ill. What had she been thinking to entertain such a gamble? Not only did she need to start going back to class, but now she had to report in to the student council as if she were a member herself.
(Y/n) glanced at her phone again, squinting her eyes at the harsh light, a panicked groan leaving her as she read the time. It was five-thirty in the morning. She had more than enough time to get ready and be at school before the student council meeting began at seven, but the anticipation was killing her.
She was not ready to see Sayaka. She wasn’t ready to sit next to Tsubasa in class again or get hounded by Ikishima. Today was going to be an all out assault on her emotional state.
(Y/n) stood outside the imposing doors of the student council room, the time on her phone displaying that she was fifteen minutes early. (Y/n) worked to control her breathing, willing herself to take deep, even breaths. Before she worked up the courage to enter, the door swung open with air displacing force strong enough to whip some of (Y/n)’s hair askew.
“I’ll retrieve the file president! You needn’t concern yourself with such menial tasks!” Sayaka strode a purposeful half step out of the room and rammed straight into (Y/n)’s chest, causing (Y/n) to stumble back, but not fall.
“What are you- oh,” Sayaka’s angry retort died on her lips as she registered who stood before her. “(L/n)-san, what are you doing here?”
“Oh, good- good morning, Igarashi-san. I’m, um, I’m here to-“ (Y/n) stumbled over her words looking over Sayaka’s head, unable to even look her in the eye as she felt her cheeks grow increasingly warm.
“Ah, (Y/n), right on time. Early even.” Kirari appeared in the doorway behind Sayaka who looked back at her with a bewildered expression. “Ready for your first day on the job?”
“President! What are you saying? What is the meaning of this?” Sayaka asked, looking between Kirari and (Y/n) as if to try to draw her own conclusion.
“Sayaka, (Y/n) is going to be your errand girl from now on. Sort of a secretary of a secretary situation.” Kirari explained with an amused grin. “I feel like your work efficiency would be maximized if you didn’t have to run all over the school.”
“But president, I can’t just-“
“(Y/n) has graciously gambled away her services, so use her as you see fit.”
The wording Kirari used, left the two second years gaping and thoroughly embarrassed. The awkward silence that followed seemed to be lost on the president and she continued to speak.
“I’ll provide the first task as an example. (Y/n), Ikishima has neglected to return a rather important file that is needed for the composition of a life plan, retrieve it.”
“Yeah, okay.” (Y/n) quickly turned tail and jogged away from the president and her secretary, thankful for every step that parted her from the awkward confrontation and headed to the bowels of the school.
Sayaka and Kirari watched her leave. The latter looking very pleased with herself.
“President, what did you do?” Sayaka asked, studying Kirari’s mirthful face.
“I was merely following up on my promise. I said I’d find out if she was okay, didn’t I? Now you can see for yourself anytime you wish.”
“I didn’t intend for you to gamble her into servitude!” Sayaka’s voice cracked with exasperation. “What was going to happen if you lost?”
“She was going to transfer schools.” Kirari revealed, drinking in Sayaka’s shocked expression with amused satisfaction, “I don’t know what you did to her Sayaka, but she is positively terrified of you.”
“I- I didn’t do anything! At least, I think...” Sayaka poised a contemplative fist over her lips, thinking back from middle school to present, sifting through memories to find anything to the contrary.
“No matter, you’ll have plenty of time to figure out how to proceed,” Kirari waved dismissively, “I never discussed a date of release before the gamble, but I’m sure keeping her in this position after your graduation would be a tad excessive. Now,” Kirari ran her fingers through Sayaka’s ponytail, eliciting a shudder from the underclassman, “I’d love another cup of tea before the meeting.”
(Y/n) descended the stairs to the basement floor of the school. She could hear the distinctive hum of old fluorescent lights and boiler room generators, by looking at the rest of Hyakkaou, you’d never think that such a rich school would have such an ancient, decrepit, looking basement.
As she continued clicking down the darkened hall she could hear a muffled, albeit echoing, cackle that would have sent her sprinting in the opposite direction if not for the fact that it was a familiar laugh she had heard disrupt class on countless occasions.
(Y/n) turned down the next hallway, jumping and covering her ears as a shot rang out, painfully reverberating off of the walls.
“It’s like a goddamn haunted murder house down here.” (Y/n) mumbled to herself.
She turned down one more hallway and met a couple beautification committee members loitering around.
“Hey,” (Y/n) addressed them awkwardly, wincing when the small group quieted and eyed her suspiciously, “I’m, uh, looking for Ikishima?”
“Get lost, she’s... busy” one of the grunts replied, a faint look of discomfort, hidden as she pretended to examine her nails.
“It’s student council business,” (Y/n) persisted. As much as she would have loved to peace out right then, there was no way she was going to return from her first errand empty handed. “It can’t wait.”
“No one gives a damn. Trust me when I say you don’t want to go in there.”
“I’ll take the chance.”
(Y/n) walked passed the disgruntled committee members and banged on the door, the thudding carried down the hall.
“Ikishima! I’m here to collect a file for a life plan!” (Y/n) called through the heavy metal door.
“Damn it! What the hell?” Midari yanked the door open and (Y/n) had to take several steps back at witnessing the severe sweaty, disheveled state the girl on the other side was in. “I was so fucking close and you just cut me off like that? What the hell, that just turns me on more!”
“The file? Now, please?” (Y/n) stuttered out, desperately wishing for a line of brain and eye bleaching products that would make her forget ever seeing her classmate like this. For now she would simply have to settle with getting the hell out of there as soon as possible.
“Wait a minute, why did you get sent here, (Y/n)? The way you pounded on the door, I thought you were Sayaka again.” The girl laughed and (Y/n) mentally gave Sayaka her condolences. “Whatever, there’s a meeting in ten minutes. Why can’t I just bring it then?”
“They probably thought you would forget.” (Y/n) shrugged uncomfortably.
“Hey, you know what, that’s fair.” Midari nodded, “Hang on a second,” she slipped back into the room and came out a few seconds later with a stained and soggy looking piece of trash. “Here, now get lost. Unless you plan on joining me in here.”
“Wh... why is it wet? And what’s this stain?” (Y/n) made a disgusted face as she held the paper away from her, pinching one corner with her thumb and forefinger.
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to, (L/n).” Midari cackled, the sound continuing on even well after the door had been shut in (Y/n)’s face once more.
On the way back to the student council room, (Y/n) made a pit stop for a ziplock baggie and went to the restroom to wash her hands in the most scalding water she could handle.
“That was surprisingly quick,” Kirari smirked from her chair at the head of the table as (Y/n) knocked politely before letting herself in. Sayaka’s head swiveled in (Y/n)’s direction as well, looking more concerned than her amused counterpart. “Were you able to retrieve the file?”
(Y/n) nodded stiffly and presented the file, confined in the plastic of the ziplock baggie like evidence in a murder case, to the president.
“Oh my, it’s hardly legible,” Kirari spoke, her tone suggesting that she may have been mildly impressed by the paper. Or perhaps it was a morbid fascination. “And what’s this stain here?” She asked.
“I don’t know, I don’t think I’ll ever want to know.” (Y/n) replied, placing the plastic wrapped atrocity on the table. Sayaka pursed her lips and nodded as if (Y/n) had spoken some old, wise philosophical scripture.
“Oh well, I’m sure Sayaka can write up a fresh copy later. Congratulations on completing your first assignment, (Y/n). The meeting will be starting soon so please take your position to Sayaka’s right,” Kirari motioned to the girl standing behind her.
“That’s wholly unnecessary, president,” Sayaka shook her head, “We will look silly.”
“Not at all. Surely you can see the logic of wanting my right hand by my side. The right hand of my right hand is by extension, mine as well and needs to be close as such. (Y/n), take Sayaka’s right.”
“Uh, yes, president. Whatever you say,” (Y/n) moved around the table and stood a respectable distance away from Sayaka, directing her attention to the exotic fish swimming in the large aquarium nearby.
“Closer.” Kirari commanded, gently.
Without moving her eyes from the aquarium (Y/n) took a half step in Sayaka’s direction.
“Closer, (Y/n),” Kirari said again, “we must look like a cohesive unit.”
“It’s okay, (L/n)-san, I won’t bite.” Sayaka said, ushering the girl closer with a worried half smile.
“Unless you’re into that kind of thing.” Kirari amended with an amused grin, watching the second years sputter and gasp at her like fish out of water.
When the rest of the council members finally began filtering in, (Y/n) and Sayaka were stood almost shoulder to shoulder while Kirari sat sipping her tea with a satisfied expression.
Although the council had technically been disbanded because of the election, there was still work to be done that could not be held off without threatening the school structure.
“Wow, (Y/n), you really working here now?” Midari asked, doing a double take as she plopped in her seat. “I thought you were just looking for an excuse to see yours truly again.” Midari laughed, pointing at herself with her gun.
“Not really, no.” (Y/n) spoke dryly, arms crossed loosely over her chest.
“Oh that’s right, because you like-“
As the door was violently pushed open to reveal the teen idol Yumemi,(Y/n) exhaled harshly, feeling heat crawling all the way up to the tips of her ears as she continued to watch the fish, not daring to even spare a hint of a glance through her periphery in the direction of Sayaka and Kirari.
“Ikishima, my whole stage still smells like a barn!” The idol gritted through a menacing smile.
“What do you expect me to do about it?” Midari said, swinging her legs onto the table.
“I’m ordering a deep cleanse and you’re paying for it!” Yumemi huffed, taking her seat as well.
“Bahhh, whatever.” Midari waved her off, earning a laugh from Runa as she flopped onto a nearby couch.
The vice president silently made her way to stand at the president’s left, taking a moment to stare between the three people at the head of the table. Or at least, (Y/n) guessed she was. It was hard to tell with the mask.
Yuriko came in last, looking a bit frazzled as she took her own seat. Once it was clear that everyone was situated, Sayaka began to recite the major talking points and the meeting began.
(Y/n) swears she almost fell asleep standing up. Only jolting out of her meditative state as chairs scraped against the floor signaling that the meeting must have ended. Her eyes darting to the clock on the wall, revealing that classes would start soon. Taking the time into account, she moved to the wall where she had left her school bag and hooked it over her shoulder before turning back to the president and her secretary.
“I can go to class now, right?”
“Of course,” Kirari gave a slight nod, “just give Sayaka a moment to gather her things and you can go together. Won’t that be nice?”
(Y/n) chanced a glance at Sayaka as she packed her bag full of folders, quickly averting her eyes when Sayaka looked up expectantly from her bag. (Y/n) discreetly cleared her throat, “Sure.”
“Ready to go?” Sayaka asked, shouldering the heavy bag with little effort as she stepped forward. Wow, she’s a lot stronger than she looks.
“Yes,” (Y/n) responded, walking over to the door to hold it open for the secretary.
“Do be back for lunch.” Kirari called.
“Of course, president.” Sayaka nodded, provoking a hint of warmth in Kirari’s charming smile before she turned her back to the door to face the vice president who seemed to eye her intently as (Y/n) closed the door behind her.
They didn’t make it very far down the hall before Sayaka produced a fancy, black, hardcover notebook and held it out to (Y/n).
“I took the liberty of taking notes for you in your absence,” she explained, a small, sweet smile upon her lips.
“Oh, you shouldn’t have, thank you very much!” (Y/n) stared at the notebook with a pleasant warmth building in her chest. She accepted the notebook, accidentally brushing fingers with Sayaka in the process. Her breath caught in her throat as Sayaka’s hand caught her own instead of falling away once the notebook had left it. Her other hand reached up to cup the notebook from underneath when it became clear that (Y/n) was about to drop it.
“It was no trouble but, I’m glad you’re back.”
“Haha, well, one of the president’s conditions of the gamble was for me to go back to class. I guess I couldn’t really hide in the library forever though.” (Y/n) shrugged, trying to be nonchalant while fighting off the emotions bubbling just below the surface.
“You were in the library?” Sayaka looked perplexed as students walked around them, a few giving inquisitive looks as they passed but otherwise hurried to class. “I must have checked there at least three times.”
“You were looking for me?”
“Yes,” Sayaka lightly squeezed (Y/n)’s hand and the notebook between her own, “I even spoke to that degenerate you sit next to, to see if they knew where you were. A useless conversation.”
“Why?” (Y/n) asked with a tremor in her voice, partially afraid of what Sayaka would say.
“I’ll be more than happy to explain at lunch, but we’re going to be late if we don’t start moving.” Sayaka pulled her hands away and motioned (Y/n) forward. (Y/n) fell into step beside Sayaka, heading to their classroom while her heart beat violently against her rib cage.
Upon entering the room mere moments before their teacher, Sayaka smiled kindly at (Y/n) before taking her seat. (Y/n) had her own dreamy look on her face that melted into a steady frown as she made her way to the back of the room and made eye contact with her sheepishly smiling friend.
(Y/n) plopped down in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest with a huff.
(Y/n) ignored them, focusing her gaze on the front of the room.
“Come on, (Y/n). I told you I was sorry!” Tsubasa whispered, scooting closer, “You can have my notes if you want, you kinda missed a lot.”
“I don’t need them. Besides, you take shit notes.” (Y/n) grumbled.
“How about I let you punch me in the face? Trip me into the fountain outside? What if I buy my favorite ice cream and right before I get to taste it, you knock the cone out of my hand?”
(Y/n) couldn’t help but snort at the suggestion, covering her mouth with her hand and shying away from the look the teacher sent her way before resuming his lecture.
“I really am sorry you know. I’ve missed by best friend.”
“I’m still mad at you, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t miss you too.” (Y/n) simpered.
“Wanna join the crew at lunch? I’ll buy.”
“I can’t actually,” (Y/n)’s smile became a little regretful, “I kind of belong to the student council now so-“
“You what!?” Tsubasa yelled, their voice commanding the attention of the whole classroom, even Sayaka looked back with a raised brow.
“Care to share with the rest of the class?” The teacher spoke coldly.
“No, sorry!” They squeaked, sliding further down their chair.
“Great, try to pay attention, please,” the teacher turned back to his presentation, “Now where were we...”
“Shit.” They sighed under their breath.
“Nice one.” (Y/n) whispered back with a grin.
“Well what do you expect when you drop a bomb like that? What happened?”
“Shouldn’t you be quiet? You’re already on thin ice.”
“What’s the worst he can do, this school is fucked academically anyway. Tell me what you’re doing with the stuco.”
“Okay, just don’t scream... I gambled with the president,” (Y/n) paused, watching Tsubasa cover their mouth and bend over their desk with shock. It was clear they were trying very hard to keep it all together as the lecture continued. “I lost and as per our agreement I have to go to class and assist Igarashi-san with student council duties.”
“Oh my god!” They gasped,
looking between (Y/n) and the back of Sayaka’s head. “Don’t you see what this means?”
“I’m sure you’re going to tell me what you think it means,” (Y/n) rolled her eyes, taking notes on the new slide of the presentation.
“What it means is you’ve earned yourself not one, but two potential girlfriends!” They grinned, flashing a discrete peace sign.
“That’s not what it means at all.” (Y/n) deadpanned.
“Come on, (Y/n)! Since when does the president find interest in plebeians like us? And don’t you think Igarashi would have been absolutely livid to have the president’s attention on you and not herself? I mean, remember how snippy she was when Jabami first rose in prevalence?”
(Y/n) shook her head, “You’re being ridiculous. I’m probably only in Igarashi-san’s good graces because she knows about my feelings for her and it would stand to reason that she doesn’t have to worry about me taking her place or making moves on the president. And then the president! As if anyone knows why the president does any of the things she does. She was probably bored and thought it be funny to watch me make a fool of myself in front of Igarashi everyday.”
“Just you wait. You’ll be a part of their weird little role play before the month is out, I guarantee it.”
“Don’t say it like that! Also, it’s not gonna happen so drop it.” (Y/n) kicked at the exposed ankle across the lane.
“Do I smell a wager to be made?” Tsubasa smirked through the pain, rubbing their ankle.
“I only thing I smell is someone who needs to mind their own business and start taking notes, you degenerate.”
“Igarashi is rubbing off on you already I see.”
After four more hours of hushed interrogation, lunch period began. Sayaka waited for (Y/n) in the hallway and (Y/n) gave her troublesome friend a warning glance, daring them to say anything stupid.
“Hey, Igarashi. Take good care of (Y/n) now, okay?” Tsubasa dodged (Y/n)’s fist and waggled their eyebrows before dashing off to the cafeteria.
“Ignore them.” (Y/n) said, almost pleadingly.
“Right, shall we?” Sayaka motioned in the direction of the student council.
“Oh, is it alright if I grab something from the cafeteria first? I didn’t pack a lunch.” (Y/n) asked.
“No need, I’ve arranged for lunch to be catered to the student council room.” Sayaka explained, leading (Y/n) to the grand, wooden double doors.
Sayaka knocked before entering, holding the door open for (Y/n) to slip in before closing it once more.
“Excellent timing, a house pet arrived with lunch just a few minutes ago.” Kirari informed, moving to the parlor area of the large room.
“Shall I fix your tea, president?” Sayaka asked, already walking across the room to start the kettle.
“Yes, please do.” Kirari nodded before then focused in on (Y/n), standing awkwardly near the fish tank. “Come take a seat, (Y/n). Sayaka will join us soon.” Kirari smiled, gesturing to the lush armchair seated to the left of the loveseat where Kirari regally sat.
“Of course, thank you, president.” (Y/n) sat back in the cushioned chair and although it was the epitome of luxury, she kept her back rigid and both feet firmly planted on the ground, staring at her hands as she nervously picked at the edge of her skirt.
“Still so tense,” Kirari sighed, “What happened to my old maid partner over the weekend? I thought we had hit it off rather splendidly.”
“Oh! That reminds me...” (Y/n) dug her hand into her blazer pocket and fished out the joker card from last Friday, presenting it to Kirari, “I figured you would want this back.”
Kirari pulled one eyebrow up in amusement and reached forward. Much like she had done in the library, her fingers grasped passed the card and took hold of (Y/n)’s wrist. Her icy lips curled into an almost sinful smile as she tugged (Y/n) forward. Not enough to pull her from her seat, but enough to bend her closer with (Y/n)’s arm fully extended, held near Kirari’s knees. (Y/n)’s ears burned as Kirari leaned closer and blew directly into her ear, raising the heat tenfold. (Y/n) had no escape from the close proximity as Kirari kept her wrist hostage.
“Thank you,” Kirari hummed, “Is this perhaps your way of suggesting we play again? I would happily indulge you for the right wager.”
“I, uh, um-“
“The tea is ready president.” Sayaka informed, placing the tea set in the middle of the table with a barely audible click.
(Y/n) noted the loosening of Kirari’s grip and used it as an opportunity to straighten back up and put as much space between her and the president as possible, but she feared it was already too late.
Sayaka’s shadow loomed over (Y/n) and she clenched her eyes shut. Sucking in a breath, she tried to prepare herself for the volts of electricity that were sure to come.
“(L/n)? Tea?”
(Y/n) slowly looked up at Sayaka, meeting her mildly concerned features before glancing down to Sayaka’s hands, noting the tea cup and dish that were held out to her.
(Y/n) blinked, thanking Sayaka and accepting the tea with shaky hands. She wasn’t going to get tazed? Sure, Kirari had been the instigator of the close contact, but (Y/n) had expected a murderous look at the very least regardless of who started it. Yet, here Sayaka stood before her, offering her tea looking as calm as can be.
“Sayaka, come sit with me.” Kirari implored, patting the spot beside her on the loveseat.
Sayaka moved with barely contained excitement and with her cheeks blushing faintly, she took her place right of the president.
(Y/n) smiled from behind her tea cup though her heart ached. They looked cute together, happy. Everyone in the academy had some inkling that the president and her secretary had some kind of relationship beyond their work on the council, but many assumed that Sayaka was being used. Simply a means to an end that would be discarded once the president grew tired of her. Based on how tenderly Kirari wiped a stray crumb from Sayaka’s beet red cheek, (Y/n) would have to disagree with her peers.
With the attentions of Kirari and Sayaka focused away from her, (Y/n) took the opportunity to eat her own lunch. Wherever Sayaka had catered from was really great. (Y/n) happily ate the food on her plate and enjoyed the fish swimming around the large aquarium, lost in her own world.
“Are we too dull to keep your interest, (Y/n)?” Kirari asked, piercing through the girl’s all too temporary peace. Sayaka peered over at her as well, whatever the intelligent eyes were searching for (Y/n) couldn’t guess.
“Not at all! I was just in my own little world, sorry! Did you need something?” (Y/n) sat stiffly in her chair once more, waiting anxiously for the president’s reply.
“Now that you mention it, there is something I need.” Kirari smirked lazily, a hand resting just below her lips. “Unfortunately now is not the time however. Not until I further discuss the details with Sayaka.”
Sayaka looked just as in the dark as (Y/n) was as to knowing what that meant, but she didn’t ask for any clarification on the matter. Trusting that her president would tell her what she saw fit when the time came.
“Just be more present with us. I want us to all be well acquainted and we can’t have that if you keep floating off.” Kirari added. (Y/n) nearly spat out her latest sip of tea when Kirari’s foot slowly dragged up her leg from her ankle to her calf before sliding back down and returning to its original position.
“Okay!” (Y/n) coughed. Some of her tea seemed to have gone down the wrong pipe.
(Y/n) was tense throughout the rest of the lunch period. Especially when the president seemed intent on making (Y/n) watch her feel up Sayaka. Okay, so it wasn’t like, explicit or anything but, still! By the end of the lunch period Kirari had pulled Sayaka close enough that she was practically sitting in her lap. Sayaka at least had the decency to look embarrassed but Kirari just kept talking to (Y/n) as if this was all normal behavior. And who knows, maybe for the president it was.
(Y/n) had never been more relieved to hear the warning bell in her life. She stood quickly, hitting her knees on the table as she did so. Luckily nothing had broken or spilled.
“I’ll just help clean this up quick then head off to class, is that okay?” (Y/n) winced, trying to discreetly rub her knees.
“Mm, that’s alright. A house pet will get it. You may head off to class. Sayaka and I have something to discuss,” Kirari ran her fingers through Sayaka’s ponytail, “be sure to come straight back here after classes let out.”
“Yes, president.” (Y/n) turned towards the door, counting down the seconds until she could breathe again.
“I’ll see you in a few minutes, (Y/n)...-san.” Sayaka called after her, still looking red. Perhaps even more so from addressing (Y/n) by her first name out of the blue.
“See you!” (Y/n) squeaked, feeling heat rise in her own cheeks. The president calling her by her first name hadn’t even affected her as strongly as it had when Sayaka just said it. Perhaps because Kirari didn’t seem the type to hold much stake in traditional formalities, but Sayaka certainly seemed the type. To call (Y/n) by her first name without asking her first, even with a formal honorific, it almost made (Y/n) swoon, as foolish as that may sound.
(Y/n) fumbled with the door handle and nearly knocked into the vice president by accident. With an apology quirk on her tongue she continued to walk briskly to her classroom.
“She sure left in a hurry.” Kirari hummed, resting her chin on Sayaka’s shoulder. Ignoring her sister flopping down on the couch. She may have been wearing a mask, but Ririka radiated exhaustion.
“I can’t say I blame her, president- Kirari, you were too... physical with your advances.” Sayaka replied, her hands reached up to cup her own cheeks in an attempt to cool them.
“I was just trying to be friendly, perhaps a little enticing, but how else would we let her know where we stand?”
“You’re moving too fast!” Sayaka exclaimed, “It hasn’t even been a full day since she has started interacting with both of us. You need to gradually work up to it, like with the Tower of Doors, like you did with me.”
“I seem to recall touching you just as much before the completion of the Tower, but perhaps you have a point. Should I be making (Y/n) a tower as well? I suppose it only seems fair.” Kirari looked as if she was already planning the schematics before Sayaka interjected, slightly panicked.
“No! No more towers. (Y/n) is smart, but as you have seen, she is not logical to the same degree as I, and you would most certainly kill her. I would not be able to bare it!”
“Oh, but how interesting it would be to test her mind to the limits.” Kirari spoke wistfully. “To have such an unconventional thought process for dealing with her problems. An irrational rationalism, rather oxymoronic, a paradox. Wouldn’t you say, Say-a-ka?”
“I don’t know why (Y/n) felt the need to touch a seemingly deadly cephalopod in an attempt to get out of answering a sensitive question, but you shouldn’t base a rule off of one experience. Stress has a way of making people do things they wouldn’t normally do. That being said, please don’t make her do anything dangerous.” Sayaka pleaded.
“My, so protective. I thought you said you only had a small crush on her before you met me.” Kirari teased, causing Sayaka to flounder about trying to find her words. “It’s alright, I can see the appeal.”
“The next class period is starting soon. What had you wanted to discuss with me?” Sayaka asked, hoping to derail the current topic of conversation.
“A gamble.” Kirari smiled.
“Ah, a gamble?” Sayaka sighed.
“Yes. I need something a little more stimulating than the election to keep me occupied,” Kirari turned to Ririka for the first time since she entered the room, “Perhaps my dear sister could play dealer for this little wager?”
“No.” Ririka deadpanned, the voice modulator giving the single word a bit more bite. “I love you Kirari, and you’re great Sayaka, but I’ve suffered enough watching you two dance around each other the better part of three years. I don’t want a front row seat to find out how you plan to add a third person into your dynamic.”
“No need to be so pretentious. All you needed to say was that you’re too busy trying to woo Saotome to help your poor, little sister.” Kirari shot back with light theatrics.
“I’m too busy trying to woo Mary to help you, yet again, with your own love life.” Ririka said, fishing her phone out of her skirt pocket to check a text before standing up. “Speaking of, Mary needs me.”
“That girl has changed you. Sometimes I worry it’s for the worse.” Kirari’s words poked at her sister’s retreating figure, hoping to get a rise out of her. She found that she quite liked trying to get under Ririka’s skin now that she had grown a bit of a backbone. Ririka did not give her the satisfaction though, opting to just flat out ignore her sister as she exited the student council room.
“So cold.” Kirari giggled.
“President, Kirari, the gamble?” Sayaka asked trying to get her back on track. She had less than two minutes to get to class now.
“Yes, here is what I have in mind...”
“What, you can’t go home now either? (Y/n), that is just tragic.” Tsubasa sympathized, patting (Y/n) on the back until (Y/n) slapped their hand away.
“Knock it off. All I need to do is follow the president and Igarashi-san around for an hour or two while the president gambles. Maybe fetch some things along the way. How hard can it be?”
“(Y/n)-san, are you ready?”
(Y/n) jumped when Sayaka came up behind her and turned swiftly in her direction, “Sure thing, Igarashi-san!”
“Bye (Y/n),” Tsubasa crooned with a mischievous grin, “don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
“What are you even talking about? You know what, I don’t want to know.” (Y/n) waved them off and moved to fall in step beside Sayaka, following her to the student council room.
The halls had vacated rather quickly after school hours. Students usual were in a rush to get to the gambling dens or go home. Of course there was a small population that participated in extracurriculars as well, but in this school such things were of little importance.
After Sayaka and (Y/n) turned the first corner, the lingering voices from their classroom faded further into the background until all they could hear was their shoes clipping in near synchronization against the floor.
“Just Sayaka is fine.”
“Huh?” (Y/n) turned her head to face Sayaka, noting the flush of her cheeks as they continued walking.
“I have referred to you by your first name so you may call me Sayaka, I don’t mind.” She elaborated, still looking straight ahead.
“Oh! Sure, thank you, um, Sayaka-san.” (Y/n) stuttered out. Before long, her expression looked just as bashful as Sayaka’s. Never would she have dreamed that she and Sayaka would be on a first name basis! (Y/n) was already on a high from that objectively small step towards familiarity when Sayaka did something that nearly sent (Y/n) into cardiac arrest. She held her hand.
(Y/n)’s neck jerked from Sayaka’s pink face to their conjoined hands several times within the first few seconds of the unsuspected contact, her voice was strangled by her vocal chords allowing only the most pitiful confused squeaks to surface until she quickly clamped her own mouth shut with her free hand.
“I’m sorry, I have poor circulation. Y-you don’t mind warming my hand for a minute, do you?” Sayaka’s delivery was almost smooth, but even if she hadn’t fumbled with the line, the look on her face was anything but calm and confident.
“You’re fine!” (Y/n) winced internally. She sounded much too enthusiastic and spoke much too quick. Sayaka was going to think she was a creep for sure now. But no, Sayaka did not seem overly bothered by the quick reply. She actually seemed, relieved?
“We never did get to talk about why I was looking for you over lunch.” Sayaka stated, seemingly content to carry on a conversation while their hands swayed between them with each step.
“No, I suppose we didn’t.” (Y/n) replied. Her heart twinged, thinking back on how close Sayaka and the president had been. She needed to remind herself not to get her hopes up about Sayaka, even if she was currently threading her fingers between (Y/n)’s own.
“You must know by now that I saw the broadcast, Midari’s gamble.”
(Y/n) swallowed audibly, hoping desperately that her hand wouldn’t start sweating. “I figured as much. But the president did tell me that.”
“I see. Well, I wanted to talk to you about what you said. About your truth. I needed to talk with the president about it first of course. Then by the time we had it sorted out, it had been a few days and I had already noticed you hadn’t been in class at all so I had started looking for you. I wanted to tell you—“
“Don’t worry about it!” (Y/n) cut in with a forced smile, “I already know what you’re going to say.”
“You do?” Sayaka asked, (Y/n) almost believed that the secretary had gripped her hand harder just then, but quickly pushed the thought away. Chalking it up to more wishful thinking.
“Yeah, I knew I never had a chance. I was actually kind of hoping you just wouldn’t bring it up, but knowing you, I should've guessed you would want to follow the rules of etiquette and reject me formally.” (Y/n) had said, struggling to keep the melancholy out of her tone.
“(Y/n),” Sayaka actually looked rather pained, but the expression was lost on (Y/n) as the other girl tried to distract herself by looking out the windows they passed. “That’s not what I-“
“There you two are. Having fun without me I see.” Sayaka and (Y/n) whipped their heads forward, watching Kirari walking towards them as the student council room doors closed behind her with a dull thud. “Need I remind you that there are gambles that require my attention?” Kirari smirked lightly.
Sayaka looked momentarily torn before finally addressing her president. “I apologize president. I hadn’t realized we were running late.”
“Oh, you weren’t. I’m just feeling antsy today I suppose.” Kirari shrugged her shoulders lackadaisically before making a show of noticing Sayaka and (Y/n)’s connected hands. “My, I hope I wasn’t intruding on anything just now. Look how close you two are already. I think I might even be jealous.” Kirari said, her soft smirk never once faltered as her glacial eyes pinned the underclassmen in place.
“She said her hand was cold is all!” (Y/n) quickly explained, and although her hold on Sayaka’s hand slackened, the secretary did not take the invitation to remove her hand. “You’re more than welcome to take my place. I’m sure she’d prefer your company anyway.”
“I see,” Kirari’s eyes drifted over Sayaka for a moment, “Unfortunately, I suffer from the same ailment. In fact, I’d argue I’m worse off than Sayaka in that regard. I hadn’t realized you would be so valuable, (Y/n),” Kirari closed the distance between them, surprising (Y/n) by slipping her hand into (Y/n)’s free one. “Mm, yes, I could get used to this.”
If (Y/n) thought Sayaka’s hand was cool to the touch, Kirari’s was literal ice. Were the rumors of her being a vampire true? My god, her hand was down right freezing maybe the blue coloring of her nails wasn’t even polish.
“Well then, the gambling hall awaits. Not that I care to appease the masses, but Sayaka insists I entertain the delusions of the smaller fish.” Kirari sighed.
“I want to see you come out on top of this election, president. Every vote counts.” Sayaka stated matter-of-factly.
(Y/n) just stared blankly ahead as they strolled down the hall, occasionally looking down at her hands, each encompassed by the hands of the president and her secretary who continued to talk around her. She would have pinched herself if she had a free hand to do so.
Before they entered the den, Sayaka and Kirari disengaged, breaking (Y/n) from her trance just in time for (Y/n) to tune into the president’s words now directed at her.
“I do hope you have a vivid imagination, (Y/n). I can’t fathom that any of these matches will be particularly entertaining to watch.”
Sayaka looked the slightest bit irked by the president’s behavior, but it was very subtle. Especially when devotion and loyalty always seemed to shine most prominently when she looked at her. Sayaka motioned (Y/n) to open the left side of the double doors while Sayaka herself opened the right, allowing Kirari to saunter right in. Any ambient noise that they had heard before died instantly upon the president’s entry.
The trio made their way to the back, center table and Sayaka pulled out the vacant chair that would serve as Kirari’s throne for the evening. Kirari sat gracefully, hooking one knee over the other she smiled down at the students who had already gathered around the free seats before connecting eyes with the election committee member who would serve as their dealer.
“Let us not waste anymore time. What are we playing tonight?” Kirari asked. (Y/n) could only see her side profile from where she stood beside Sayaka, but she swore those endlessly blue eyes were glowing.
Despite Kirari’s warning, (Y/n) found she was not bored at all. Kirari was a gambling beast. Claiming vote after vote until none remained and the room was quiet for a whole other reason, everyone had left, dejected and voteless.
“Another clean sweep Momobami-san. I’ll be sure to process the votes before the updated rankings come out tomorrow.” Inaho informed.
“I see. Thank you for your diligence.” Kirari replied offhandedly as she rose from her seat. “Sayaka, is my car waiting out front?”
“Of course, president.” Sayaka nodded.
“Let’s be on our way then.”
(Y/n) walked with them until they reached the school gate. Expecting to go their separate ways from there, but when she made to continue past the expensive black car, Kirari stopped her.
“I hope you weren’t planning on waking home. It’s already quite late you know.”
“I always walk home, actually. It’s really not that far. I’ll be fine.” (Y/n) assured.
“If you live so close then come with us. I’ll have the driver drop you off.” Kirari left no room for argument, cementing her position by waving (Y/n) into the doorway Sayaka had pulled open.
“If you insist...” (Y/n) crawled in and sat at the far end of the car. She was amazed at how spacious it was in there and how soft the seats were. The vehicle also still had that new car smell, (Y/n) vaguely wondered if the Momobamis just bought a new car every week.
Kirari crawled in soon after her, followed by Sayaka closing the door tightly behind her. The secretary signaled the driver before pushing a button that closed the privacy window, blocking the driver’s view of them in the back seat.
(Y/n) tilted her head to look out the window however, her jaw was quickly snapped up between icy fingers, pulling her vision back to the interior of the car.
“Not this again.” Kirari tutted, keeping her hold on (Y/n)’s jaw, “Sayaka and I are right here. Surely you could spare us a few minutes of your attention.”
“Sorry.” (Y/n) gulped, feeling the icy fingers slide down her cheeks to her neck before pulling away. Staring at the two of them, their eyes, it was like being caught between the deepest depths of the sea and the furthest reaches of outer space. It was intense, who could blame (Y/n) for trying to look away.
“Ah,” Kirari startled (Y/n) by leaning fully against her side, resting her cheek fully against (Y/n)’s shoulder, “what a dull evening this has turned out to be. It’s only Monday as well.”
(Y/n) felt more weight press her a tad further against the car door and saw Sayaka lean against Kirari in turn like the three of them were toppled dominos.
“Keep pushing on president. The weekend will come faster than you think.” Sayaka assured, reaching one arm over Kirari to cover (Y/n)’s hand that was picking at the hem of her skirt, stilling the movement and further confusing the poor girl.
“Mm, but do I have anything to look forward to this weekend dear Say-a-ka?” Kirari playfully tapped Sayaka’s nose for each syllable of her name, causing the secretary’s nose to scrunch cutely.
“Well, that’s the gamble, isn’t it?” Sayaka answered back, her eyes shifted to meet (Y/n)’s as of trying to convey something to her.
“Mm, I suppose you’re right.” Kirari agreed, joining Sayaka’s hand over (Y/n)’s.
“What gamble? Is it for the election?” (Y/n) asked, dipping a metaphorical toe into the conversation. Even if Kirari seemed to want her attention, that didn’t necessarily mean she wanted her commentary. She still didn’t know where she was supposed to fit in this new role. Kirari, however, seemed pleased with her query.
“No, it’s a separate affair. I’m looking forward to seeing how it plays out. Sayaka rarely indulges me when it comes to such things. Tell me, (Y/n),” Kirari’s eyes glinted, “which of us do you think will come out on top?”
“Kirari!” Sayaka scolded halfheartedly.
(Y/n) felt her cheeks prickle with heat. Was that supposed to be an innuendo or did Sayaka simply want to keep the gamble to themselves? She wasn’t sure. Still, it would be unwise to drop the subject when the president was so clearly waiting for an answer.
“I’m afraid I’m not sure, president.” (Y/n) answered diplomatically. “What are you gambling for, if I may ask?”
“That, dear (Y/n),” Kirari drew in close, “is a secret for another time.”
(Y/n) gulped at the proximity then sighed when Kirari pulled back to play with Sayaka’s ponytail. She was somehow both relieved and disappointed to have her own space back.
“It appears we’ve reached your destination.” Kirari spoke as the car came to a smooth stop at the curb. “Be sure to get a good night’s sleep. Don’t think Sayaka and I hadn’t noticed the dark circles under your eyes.”
“Yes, please sleep well (Y/n).” Sayaka echoed, earning a chuckle from Kirari.
“You also sleep too little for my liking. Don’t think I forgot about that ‘accidental’ phone call at four in the morning last week.” Kirari taunted lightly.
“Kirari!” Sayaka covered her eyes, embarrassed.
“I’ll try to get some sleep.” (Y/n) smiled, stepping out of the car. She bent over to look back in, “Thank you for the ride. Good night, sleep well. I’ll see you both tomorrow.”
(Y/n) stood straight up and closed the car door. She walked to the curb outside her house and waved at the car as it picked up speed and disappeared down the road.
No one else was home. They were either out working or out on business retreats or cocktail parties so the first thing (Y/n) did upon entering her home was yell about the fucking weird turn her life was taking.
It was Friday and (Y/n) felt like she had aged thirty years in the last four days. For some reason beyond her comprehension, Sayaka and Kirari had become even more... touchy, since Monday. Every touch, especially from Kirari, seemed methodical. Like they were trying to provoke a certain reaction from (Y/n). What kind, she wasn’t sure. But they would often say some sweet words and get way too close to (Y/n)’s face. Close enough that if (Y/n) didn’t keep her wits about her, she was worried she’d close the short distance and kiss one of them.
“I don’t know what they’re making you do over there in that council room, but I think you need to ask for a vacation or something because you look like shit.” Tsubasa had lovingly told (Y/n) during class.
“I don’t know what they’re trying to do to me.” (Y/n) groaned, rubbing her palms harshly against her eyes.
“What are they doing to you?”
“I don’t even know how to explain. ‘Don’t think I want to.” (Y/n) leaned further into her desk.
“They’re trying to seduce you already, huh?” Tsubasa grinned.
“No!” (Y/n) hissed back. “Stop saying stuff like that!”
“Well, whatever’s going on, you clearly need a break.”
“I would love a break, but in case you forgot, I pretty much sold my soul to the president for the rest of high school. It doesn’t seem like an option.”
“I have an idea. What if you just, broke your legs?” Tsubasa suggested, looking pleased with themself. (Y/n) frowned at them, unimpressed.
“How the hell would that help?”
“Bed rest. Can’t really follow them around all day with broken legs now can you?”
“They’d probably get me a wheelchair. It’s make more sense to fake having tuberculosis or something. Rather than actually break my own legs.”
“Oh now you’re all about self preservation. Where did octopus girl go?” Tsubasa mocked jokingly. (Y/n) rolled her eyes.
“That’s it!”
(Y/n) and Tsubasa jumped in their seats and all their classmates swiveled in their seats to look back at them. Their algebra teacher seemed to have finally had enough of their little conversation.
“(L/n)-san, can you tell me what I just said?”
“No sir, I apologize.” (Y/n) quickly replied, heat crawling up her neck and settling in her cheeks.
“That’s what I thought,” the teacher shook his head despondently before switching his gaze to Tsubasa who looked largely unaffected, “I’m not even going to ask you. I need both of you to stay after class.”
“But, but lunch!” Tsubasa cried, their expression turned on a dime.
“It won’t take long. Everyone else may leave a few minutes early so we can have the classroom to ourselves.”
(Y/n) watched everyone else get up to leave. Her eyes caught Sayaka’s and she felt even more embarrassed at the sympathetic wave she gave her before following the rest of the class out of the door.
“Man, that teacher had no chill today, huh?” Tsubasa grinned when they finally came out of the classroom.
“Yeah, now I’m late. Thanks for making me suffer through that talk.” (Y/n)’s frown deepened.
“It’s about time honestly. I was starting to think he had a bias against me.”
“My work shows I’m learning something. You never get above a ‘D’, so of course he’d be more pissed at you.” (Y/n) looked up at the clock on the wall and noted the time, “I’ve got to get to the student council room. I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah, maybe we should get in trouble more often. I hardly get to see you these days.”
“I’d really rather not make a habit of getting chewed out by teachers. I got to go.” (Y/n) called over her shoulder, already making her way to the student council room. When she arrived, the door was already partly ajar and she heard Sayaka and Kirari talking to each other.
“Time is running out for our little gamble Sayaka. At our current standings it appears that we both may lose.”
(Y/n) paused just out of sight. She had forgotten about Sayaka and Kirari’s secret gamble. With a wave of curiosity flowing through her she stood quietly, waiting to see if she could hear anything else about the wager.
“You do like a challenge, Kirari. I can’t imagine she could hold out much longer though. I’m sure (Y/n) would have kissed me yesterday if you had not sent Midari to interfere.”
(Y/n) knew what Sayaka was referring to instantly. Yesterday, she and Sayaka had paused to sit at the fountain in the courtyard. Sayaka had told (Y/n) she had something in her hair and combed her fingers through it, smiling tenderly all the while. They had been so close, then Midari ran up and belly flopped into the shallow waters, dousing her fellow Sazanka classmates with it. (Y/n) never would have thought Sayaka had actually wanted to kiss her before that moment.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Kirari giggled, “Besides, (Y/n) and I have had a few close encounters ourselves. It’s anyone’s game.”
(Y/n) was in shock. We’re they really trying to make her kiss on of them for a gamble? Her blood began to boil. Was this all just some funny game to them? They knew about her feelings for Sayaka, they had to be making fun of her.
(Y/n) roughly gripped the door handle and swung the door open, startling Sayaka, but Kirari simply looked back with a raised brow and an amused smile.
“I don’t care that I have to be a secretary to a secretary for the rest of my days at this academy, but I refuse to be played with like this!” (Y/n) shot angrily. “Oh, (Y/n)’s so pathetic and desperate! Let’s see if we can get her to kiss one of us so we can laugh about it later!” (Y/n) mocked. “Well, I refuse to be walked over like this.”
“Oh, (Y/n)! It’s not like that I swear!” Sayaka pleaded, stepping towards (Y/n) only for the other girl to step away from her.
“(Y/n),” Kirari singsonged, “you are talking about things you do not fully understand. Come sit so we can discuss this and shed some clarity on the situation.”
“No!” (Y/n) clenched her firsts tightly against her sides. “I need some time to myself.”
“(Y/n), wait!” Sayaka called after her, but (Y/n) was already darting out the door and jogging down the hall.
She kept going, slipping out a side exit and headed to one of the back trails of the school forest. As she continued on, she happened upon a small pond, filled with algae. There was a large flat bolder at the shore that looked about just as good a place as any to host a mental breakdown so she sat there, pulling her knees to her chest. (Y/n) sat there looking at a frog that rested half submerged in the duckweed and algae. She felt her phone buzz in her pocket but she ignored it.
“Fuck school.” She muttered to herself. She was sure it was a text from Kirari. Lunch period had ended ten minutes ago and she was supposed to be in class right now. “I’m taking a vacation day.”
Something startled the frog and it dipped under the water, leaving the duckweed to swirl above the disturbed surface. Then a body came into (Y/n)’s peripheral and sat beside her on the boulder and she jerked her head to fully take in the invader.
“Vice president.” (Y/n) stared at the upperclassman, startled by her ghostly presence “What are you doing here?”
“Kirari tasked me with retrieving you and returning you to your studies.” Ririka’s voice crackled beneath the mask.
“I see. I can’t say I’m surprised, it was part of the deal after all.” (Y/n) frowned pensively.
“It was too easy to find you. Now we will just have to stay here for awhile. I could use a nap.”
(Y/n) stared at the vice president, her mouth slightly agape while she watched the masked girl lay back against the rock. Ririka laced her fingers over her stomach and released a relaxed breath. Though through the modulator it sounded more like a ghostly moan.
“You aren’t going to make me go back?” (Y/n) asked.
“Not yet, making Kirari wait should be a more than fitting punishment for being such an idiot.”
“Hh... huh?” (Y/n) didn’t know what to think about any of this. Was she seriously hanging out with the vice president now? Listening to her call the most terrifying person in the school an idiot?
“She has a uniquely awful way of dealing with her feelings that is simply exhausting. I thought once she and Sayaka got together she’d smarten up a bit, but Sayaka continues to indulge in her nonsense.” Ririka looked up at (Y/n) through the black mesh that covered her eyes, “They really do like you, you know.”
“You must be mistaken, vice president.” (Y/n) shook her head, a humorless laugh bubbled past her lips. “It’s all just for some stupid gamble.”
“I never said they were good at conveying it in a way that makes sense.” Ririka shrugged. “Kirari’s idea of a love letter to Sayaka was a five story tower that came with a four out of five chance of death. You should feel relieved that they dialed it back for you.”
“I don’t understand. I heard them talking. It was all for a gamble to see who could make me kiss them.”
“Did you hear what the wager was?” Ririka asked.
“No, but does it really matter?” (Y/n) sighed, looking back out at the pond.
“The winner would get to go out on a date with you first and the loser would have to pay for it.”
(Y/n) stared down at Ririka incredulously.
“Believe me, I know it makes no sense. They both intend to date you, but they don’t seem to know how to go about asking.”
“But, aren’t they already dating each other? I don’t...” (Y/n) went quiet, trying to piece it all together. Her head was starting to hurt.
“It all started during the tournament. We noticed Sayaka was agitated watching the event, but we really didn’t understand why until the octopus round. Kirari wouldn’t let it go, of course. So she finally got Sayaka to admit that she had a crush on you before meeting her.” Ririka recalled.
“Then they spent the following couple days talking about that, and about the possibility of inviting you to join them on a date and then, yeah, you see where that all spiraled off to.”
“That’s... they really like me like that?” (Y/n) whispered.
“Yes, you have my condolences.” Ririka’s phone rumbled in her pocket and she took it out to check it. (Y/n)’s phone rumbled not too long after.
While Ririka read her sister’s text, (Y/n) read her own.
Five new messages
President Momobami: (Y/n), I hope you aren’t planning on backing out on our agreement. I will give you one class period of reprieve, then you must get back to class. We will talk after school.
Igarashi Sayaka: (Y/n), where are you? I’m so sorry, but I swear it’s not what you think.
Igarashi Sayaka: I’m worried about you. Please come back.
Igarashi Sayaka: Please talk to me. At least let me know that you’re okay.
TsuBAKA: where r u? Igarashi looks feral lmao but srsly what u up to?
(Y/n) sighed and turned off her phone without answering any of the messages.
“It’s time to head back, (L/n)-san.” Ririka stood and stretched, “Please don’t make me drag you back as the president suggests.”
“Okay,” (Y/n) scooted off the boulder and smoothed her skirt into place, “thank you for explaining everything to me, Veep. I’m still kind of worked up, but this really helped.”
“When you work as closely with the president as I do, damage control becomes second nature.” Ririka deadpanned.
When they made their way back into the building it was within the five minute break between class periods. (Y/n) waved goodbye to Ririka before walking into her classroom where students were quietly talking amongst themselves. Immediately she heard a desk chair screech harshly against the floor and she looked up just in time to see Sayaka push her right back out the door. She took her by the hand and pulled her down the hall and turned the corner to a more secluded hallway.
“Ah!” (Y/n) gasped when Sayaka pulled her into a tight embrace.
“Where have you been? Why didn’t you answer my texts?” Sayaka scolded. “We really need to talk.”
“And we will,” (Y/n) pulled back from the hug a bit, “but first we better finish the school day. I’m already on thin ice for violating my contract with the president for one class period.”
“Don’t worry. She understands, we both do,” Sayaka took (Y/n)’s hands in hers, “But before we have to sit through another three class periods, I want to tell you how sorry I am. I promise it’s not what you thought, we just went about it in an entirely inappropriate way and I promise you I’ll do everything I can to make it right!” Sayaka proclaimed, growing steadily louder with each word, making (Y/n) wince, but also smile a small, appreciative smile nonetheless.
“Thank you, Sayaka. You’re well on your way to fulfilling that promise already.” (Y/n) lightly squeezed Sayaka’s hands before letting them go, making the secretary blush. “The teacher will be in soon, better get back to class.”
“Right.” Sayaka followed (Y/n) back into the classroom. Taking her seat, she had finally taken notice of the drumming of her heart. At least (Y/n) didn’t seem as devastated as she had when she stormed out of the student council room, but now she was worried for a whole other reason. Would (Y/n) still be interested in her after all of this, or was it all too much for her?
“What was that all about? Trouble in your office role play?”
“Shut up, Tsubasa.”
The classes dragged on and on. When they were finally done, all (Y/n) really wanted to do was go home and sleep the weekend away, but life had other plans.
Sayaka watched (Y/n) gather her belongings intently. As if she was afraid (Y/n) would disappear if she withdrew her gaze. With one last annoying look from Tsubasa, (Y/n) approached Sayaka and they made their way to the student council room together. Sayaka’s mind was whirring with the proper sentiments to convey to her classmate, yet she held her tongue. Deciding it would be best to do so with the president by her side.
Upon entering the room, they saw Kirari gazing into her aquarium. She was seemingly too lost to hear them enter, but of course someone like Kirari Momobami was never one to be caught off guard. Kirari turned to face her underclassmen, offering a slight smile.
“(Y/n), what a pleasant surprise. Are you done with your tantrum?” Kirari teased, much to Sayaka’s chagrin.
“President!” Sayaka warned, cheeks red.
“That depends,” (Y/n) crossed her arms, “are you going to explain yourselves?” (Y/n) doubted that the vice president would lie to her, but to hear it directly from the horse’s mouth would make her feel much more secure.
“Explanations,” Kirari sighed, moving to stand in front of (Y/n), “I don’t do explanations. Not in anyway that makes sense, at least, according to Sayaka,” smile never changing she turned her head to Sayaka, “perhaps you could explain the logistics of it, Sayaka?”
“I should have expected as much,” Sayaka grumbled lightly, earning a chuckle from Kirari. She took (Y/n) by the hand and sat her down on the large, plush couch nearby before taking a seat next to her, “(Y/n) in order to keep this as simple as possible, I’m going to be very brief. I’ll be happy to answer any questions once I present our case.” Sayaka spoke as if she was getting ready to do a presentation.
“Mm, so methodical.” Kirari hummed, taking the empty seat on (Y/n)’s other side, making their thighs touch despite the ample space left on the furniture. Sayaka ignored her and began her explanation.
“The president... Kirari and I, want to date you. Kirari came up with the idea that whichever one of us you kissed first would get to take you out somewhere first while the other had to pay and stay home. It wasn’t our intention to hurt you. We really should have just asked you like the vice president suggested. I’m really sorry.”
“I’m confused,” (Y/n) started, trying to ignore how Kirari kept dancing the fingers of one of her hands up and down (Y/n)’s thigh, presumably out of boredom, “If you both want to date me, why wouldn’t you just... why was the gamble a one or the other thing? Why wouldn’t you both get to go?”
Kirari’s fingers stopped tapping and Sayaka’s face drew a blank. (Y/n) took the silence as a sign to keep going.
“Like, okay, say this somehow worked and one of you took me out on a date. Then what? Did you think you could just... switch off? Were you actually planning to approach me about polygamy or was it supposed to be some kind of surprise? And doesn’t it sound backwards to kiss before we actually start dating anyway?”
“We hadn’t thought about that.” They answered in comical unison after a few moments of dead air silence.
“Wow, now I understand why the vice president is so tired.” (Y/n) released a laugh of disbelief, “You two are kind of hopeless, no offense.”
“I would advise you watch your tongue, (Y/n),” Kirari shifted her weight to loom over (Y/n) with their faces inches apart, “I had previously chosen to ignore your insubordination earlier, but if you’re going to tempt me, a punishment may be in order after all.”
“Here is the new gamble,” Kirari continued, eyes gleaming, “kiss Sayaka, and she wins, kiss me, and I win. Whoever loses still has to pay for the excursion, but gets to tag along. Of course, you could choose to walk out the door if you so desire. Just keep in mind that I technically own you.”
“Kirari! You can’t just coerce her like that! We already failed with the first gamble attempt. I’m all gambled out, can we not push (Y/n) further away please?” Sayaka pleaded.
“I’ll do it.” (Y/n) shrugged, standing up from her seat and turning to face the other two girls still on the couch.
“You... you will?” Sayaka asked. She really couldn’t believe it.
“Yeah, can you two stand up, please.”
“My, (Y/n). I must say I didn’t expect you to take the bait after our misunderstanding earlier,” Kirari stood up, poised as ever, “I’m excited to witness your choice.”
(Y/n) stared between her two choices, eyeing their expressions, their body language, for any last second tells that this was all just a dream or a cruel prank and found nothing. She took in a deep breath and nodded to herself.
“Yes?” Kirari smirked. She hardly moved forward before (Y/n) stopped her.
“Could you lean down a little? A little more... great.” (Y/n) cupped Kirari’s left cheek and startled Sayaka by cupping the secretary’s right cheek. She pushed the duo’s heads together until they were cheek to burning cheek and angled their surprisingly pliant faces until they were more or less kissing each other awkwardly with the corner of their lips. With one quick look at her handy work, (Y/n) hummed and leaned in. It was hard to do so with so many noses in the way, but she tilted her head back and managed to land a chaste kiss on both the icy blue and glossy pink lips before her.
“Ha, bet you weren’t expecting that now, were you?” (Y/n) pulled back with a grin. It hadn’t been a sexy first kiss, but it was going to be a memorable one, that was for sure.
After a beat of silence, Kirari began to laugh. Sayaka smiled beneath the hand she had brought up to her lips.
“So now what happens?” (Y/n) asked, feeling a bit smug for finding some kind of loophole in the gamble, until- “MMPH!”
Kirari’s lips met (Y/n)’s fervently and just as quickly as she descended, she pulled back just a hair to speak, her lips brushed against (Y/n)’s now quivering ones with each word. “That’s the best part, (Y/n),” Kirari paused for a kitten lick at the corner of (Y/n)’s lips, “You see, we had discussed what we would do if you had decided to play us both in our original gamble. Since Sayaka and I have both won, we choose what we will do together, the three of us, and you will pay.”
“What!?” (Y/n) felt sweat slide down her cheek, swearing she could hear it sizzle out once it came into contact with the heated flesh. Her tongue darted out of her mouth of its own volition to taste the tacky flavor of the blue lipstick residue Kirari had left on her lips. Kirari was going to kiss her like that and then try to pull a fast one on her like that? “You can’t do that! That was the previous gamble! The rules changed when you presented this new version of it to me!”
“Perhaps you should have asked me what would happen in the event of a tie then. I had decided your punishment would be for me to withhold the trivial information about ties.” Kirari smirked, running her fingers through (Y/n)’s hair. “If it makes you feel any better, your solution was still a bit of a surprise. We had only accounted for you kissing each of us behind the other’s back, not kissing us at the same time. Had you tried to be secretive in your advances, Sayaka and I would have had a lovely night to ourselves at your expense.”
“Oh that’s such—!” (Y/n)’s jaw was pulled to the side and her lips were captured by someone else. This kiss was much softer, and lasted a tad longer. When Sayaka pulled back
(Y/n) had forgotten how she was going to cuss out Kirari, which was probably a blessing.
“I know it was an absolute mess to get to this point, and I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I’m so glad Midari came up with that idiotic gambling event.” Sayaka smiled, resting her forehead against (Y/n)’s arm.
“Yes, this has been quite the interesting development. I’m looking forward to seeing how this turns out,” Kirari added, speaking more as if this was a science experiment rather than a major change in a relationship dynamic with not just (Y/n), but Sayaka as well.
“You two are so fucking weird.” (Y/n) laughed breathlessly, swinging an arm around both of them to hug them close, “You’re both lucky I like you guys so much.”
“You’re lucky you piqued my interest or you would find yourself as a house pet before you could say mittens.” Kirari easily replied.
“Get along you two. Can we not just enjoy the moment?” Sayaka sighed.
“Are we not getting along? I thought we were doing just fine.” Kirari asked, tilting her head slightly to the side.
“Sorry Sayaka.” (Y/n) apologized sheepishly, hesitantly resting her cheek on the top of Sayaka’s head.
The door to the council room clicked open and Sayaka and (Y/n) startled and moved away from their little group huddle.
“Oh, it’s just you.” Kirari smirked as she watched her sister come in and close the door behind her. “Look Ririka,” Kirari spoke, a hint of excitement audible in her tone as she pulled Sayaka and (Y/n) back to her body, “I’ve got two girlfriends. That’s 200% more girlfriends than you possess.”
Ririka rolled her eyes beneath her mask. “Godspeed, (L/n)-san.”
“You always tell me how unconventional-“
“The word I used was convoluted.” Ririka interjected, (Y/n) snorted.
“But it obviously works,” Kirari continued on, not at all discouraged, “if you need me to set you and Saotome up with something I’ll gladly offer you my expertise.”
“Entirely unnecessary. Besides, if Mary so much as smelled you anywhere near the vicinity of where we were, she wouldn’t be happy about it to say the least.”
“Have it your way, dear sister,” Kirari shrugged, looping her arms with Sayaka and (Y/n)’s, “we three have much to discuss for our outing tomorrow so we’ll be on our way. I’ll see you when you decide to come home.” Ririka waved dismissively while Kirari guided Sayaka and (Y/n) out the large double doors.
“But, election gambles!” Sayaka’s reminder went ignored.
“Wait, sisters?” Ririka heard (Y/n) ask as the trio left the room and she shook her head. Ririka’s phone buzzed and she checked the text and smiled.
Mary: Hey dumb dumb, done talking to evil incarnate yet? I’d like to get to that movie before the previews start.
Ririka: omw <3️🏻
Saturday came and (Y/n) prayed for her bank account. She was far better off financially than a scholarship student, but she wasn’t Momobami level rich. She still couldn’t believe she had to pay after all of that nonsense. She waited outside of her house, casually dressed as per Sayaka’s instructions. When a familiar sleek, black car pulled up to her she got in and was warmly greeted by her dates.
“Alright,” (Y/n) smiled nervously, “what have you two decided on for today?”
“We’re going to drive to the ocean, have lunch at a lovely local bistro, and then walk along the beach. Isn’t that right Kirari?” Sayaka leveled a look at Kirari that screamed no funny business.
“Yes,” Kirari sighed, “I wanted to go to the moon again, but Sayaka wouldn’t agree to it.”
“T... to the moon, again.” (Y/n) slowly parroted. She turned to Sayaka and shared her gratitude to the secretary with a light kiss on the cheek and a whispered thanks for rescuing her trust fund.
Lunch was great, a lovely view of the ocean from the outdoor deck they were dining on. They shared bites of their meals together, talked and laughed. They had a wonderful time and (Y/n) was surprised by the normalcy she felt sitting there with Kirari and Sayaka.
Then they walked on the beach, feeling the sand squish and grind between their toes. (Y/n) carried both hers and Sayaka’s shoes with one hand while the other was entangled with Sayaka’s fingers. Sayaka’s other hand was held by Kirari as the lightly swung their hands with each step. Eventually they slowed down and found a nice place to sit for awhile and watch the waves with some ice cream from a nearby vendor. After their rest, they continued walking along the shore, looking for neat shells and rocks.
As the sky turned pink, they watched how the sun seemed to get swallowed by the sea and they took that as their sign to start heading back home. They made their way back up to the nearest sidewalk where their driver was already waiting for them and piled into the car, giggling and recapping their favorite moments of the day.
They were about halfway home when Sayaka fell asleep. The car being as spacious as it was, allowed for the secretary to be maneuvered so that her head rested in (Y/n)’s lap and Kirari could move to sit on (Y/n)’s other side to leave room for Sayaka’s legs. Kirari and (Y/n) continued to talk quietly together. (Y/n) yawned, prompting Kirari to pull (Y/n)’s head into her chest.
“Sleep,” Kirari soothed, cool fingers rested against (Y/n)’s hairline, “I’ll wake you upon our arrival.”
(Y/n) nodded against Kirari’s chest and dozed off. Allowing the smooth motions and gentle whirring sounds of the car, as well as the even beats of Kirari’s heart, to lull her to sleep.
Kirari watched the blurred city lights come into view from the far window of the car. Her left hand lightly massaged (Y/n)’s scalp while her right held Sayaka’s. The younger girl had a cute habit of sleeping with her hands near her face, sometimes going as far to completely cover her nose and mouth. Kirari often wondered how she could even breathe like that. Kirari chuckled quietly and raised Sayaka’s hand to her lips, giving a kiss before lowering it again gently, the movement stirred Sayaka, but ultimately she remained asleep, snuggling further into (Y/n)’s lap.
Next, she rested her face in (Y/n)’s hair, inhaling the newer scent that seemed to compliment her own and Sayaka’s so well. She could really get used to this. Kirari pressed a kiss in (Y/n)’s hair. Kirari didn’t receive a reaction, but she simply chalked that up to be due in part by the stress of the week wrecking (Y/n)’s sleep schedule.
Kirari would have felt regret for having to wake them both, if not for the fact that she was excited to see their sleepy, grumpy faces staring bleary eyed at her. It was far too cute.
“This isn’t my house?” (Y/n) mumbled tiredly, rubbing her eyes.
“You disclosed earlier that your household is empty most weekends. Sayaka’s and my own are much the same. It will be nice not to have to spend the rest of the night alone, will it not?”
“I guess, but I’ll probably pass out as soon as I touch a pillow.” (Y/n) shivered as the cool night air hit her body. Sayaka, who was also too tired to function, latched on to (Y/n) in an attempt to keep warm.
“That’s the plan, now please, come in.”
If (Y/n) wasn’t so exhausted she would freak out at the vastness of Kirari’s estate. They got into a freaking elevator at one point and then kept walking down the grand corridor passing door after door, until they finally stopped at one and Kirari ushered them inside. Large fish tanks framed the walls, painting the dark room in a soft blue, ambient light.
Kirari guided (Y/n) and Sayaka to the bathroom to brush their teeth and to just get ready to sleep comfortably in general. Sayaka already had her own toothbrush there and scrubbed at her teeth with her eyes drooping shut.
“Don’t forget to take out your contacts.” Kirari reminded her softly before opening a nearby cabinet to supply (Y/n) with a toothbrush of her own. (Y/n) never would have dreamed the girl who came up with the house pet system could be so gentle.
The three girls brushed their teeth and washed their faces. Then they changed into some pajamas that Kirari had provided and made their way to the opposite side of the room where the bed lay. A bed that probably could sleep a family of five comfortably.
Kirari pulled back the covers and crawled in. Sayaka was quick to follow and was unusually demanding, curling into Kirari while also tugging (Y/n) in behind her. They snuggled into the silky sheets, holding each other close. (Y/n) had almost fallen back asleep before Sayaka sat up in bed with a cute, little frown on her face.
“Wait, goodnight kisses.”
(Y/n) almost laughed, simply believing Sayaka was too tired to filter her thoughts and desires, but the Kirari sat up as well
“I almost thought you had forgotten, Say-a-ka. Here,” Kirari pulled Sayaka in and gave her a short and sweet kiss that made the secretary hum happily.
“(Y/n),” Sayaka turned with an uncharacteristic pout, sleepy Sayaka was too cute, “come up, you too.”
“Okay, I’m coming.” (Y/n) sat up, allowing Sayaka to clumsily bump into her lips before the secretary fell back against the pillows, content.
“May I have one?” Kirari smirked, leaning over Sayaka’s body between them.
“You may.” (Y/n) had hardly gotten the words out before Kirari swooped in.
“Good night.” Kirari whispered, noting that Sayaka had already fallen back asleep.
“Good Night, Kirari.” (Y/n) smiled back as she wormed back under the covers to snuggle against Sayaka’s back. Kirari slipped back under the covers as well, draping an arm over Sayaka side and one of (Y/n)’s arms to rub them soothingly with her cool, soft skin.
Before long, Kirari and (Y/n) fell asleep along side Sayaka to the sound of bubbling water and the hum of the fish tanks surrounding them.
#kakegurui x reader#kakegurui oneshots#kirari momobami#sayaka igarashi#Kirari momobami x reader#sayaka igarashi x reader#kirasaya#polyamory
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Like, ok, hear me out. Here’s how I think the Kids event should have gone down, based on the cards and the background:
- Solomon’s working on a new spell. He’s managed to create it using a special type of mutated apple that has very unique properties. He’s aware that it works in a very straightforward way - for each bite taken, the person multiplies - but that it’s only been tested when a physical bite is taken from the apple. He’s curious to see what’d happen if he distilled the apple’s juices, and used it like that.
- He claims to have finished the first batch, and asks if MC could take some with them, maybe experiment on something - just something small, like a frog, maybe - so he can get a read on what it’ll do before he uses it. (Apparently, he’s been banned from doing any new spells unless he tests every ingredient individually, first.)
- MC returns to the House of Lamentation, and forgets about the bottle of distilled magic apple in their pocket. The next day, the brothers and MC sit down for a meal, made by Satan. When the brothers take their first bites, they claim that it tastes different, but in a good way. Satan happily confirms that it is different; as he was doing laundry the day before, he found a small vial in MC’s pocket. He’d done a small test to see what it was - just in case it was anything dangerous - but had been pleasantly surprised to find it was just apple juice. He guiltily admits that he took it without permission to use in the dinner since the recipe called for a more human-toxic ingredient, and he figured that if MC had it on hand, it was probably safe for human consumption.
- The brothers happily continue eating, but Satan quickly notices MC’s "strange expression”. Before they can explain anything, however, the brothers suddenly claim to feel odd. Satan’s initially offended, until he admits that he’s feeling a little odd, too. Deciding that the food was probably not a success, they all part ways to turn in for the night, with some of them grumbling about food poisoning. Satan apologises to MC, but says that whatever seems to have bothered them will have to wait till tomorrow, after they’ve all had a rest.
- MC informs Solomon of the outcome. He seems confused, but admits that this sort of thing does happen in magic, sometimes; what you expect to happen simply doesn’t. Maybe the magic doesn’t work in juice-form, or maybe putting it with other food negated it, or affected it somehow - he can’t say for sure. He thanks MC anyway, and bids them goodnight.
- The next morning, MC is woken by an ear-piercing scream. They stumble out of bed and rush into the hallway, fully expecting someone to be out there (maybe prepared to explain, or to defend them from whatever made the sound) - only, it’s dead silent. They do a quick look around each of the common areas - the kitchen, the dining room, the living room, even some of the bathrooms - but the brothers aren’t there. The scream sounds again, only, now that they’re awake, they realise it sounds sort of... familiar? [Choices would appear for which brother MC thinks made the scream, and they’d shout out that name]. Unsure what else to do, MC runs towards the direction the scream came from.
- They end up outside Lucifer’s office, the door part-open. Voices come from inside, but they all sound a little odd. Eventually, one of them says MC’s name; another quickly hushes the voice, and a third berates it; then the scream sounds again, this time wailed, and MC suddenly realises it’s a very warbled version of their name.
- They burst in past the door, and freeze in shock. Seven children are huddled in the room, one of which is still in tears on the floor. All seven of them look up as soon as the door slams open, and the crying child gleefully squeals MC’s name, rushing up to throw himself at their waist. Another of the children looks somewhere between furious and embarrassed, while a third sleepily says they’ve been caught.
- [The sprites would appear on screen, now; each of the children in turn, with MC slowly recognising each of them.] Lucifer is the furious/embarrassed child, standing up on his desk chair to give himself enough height to tower over the others; Belphie is the sleepy child, curled up on one of the sofas; Mammon’s the one currently clinging to their waist; Asmo’s staring into a mirror, his eyes wide, almost entranced; Beel’s sitting on the sofa, next to Belphie, munching on a bag of chips; Satan’s sitting down by the bookshelf, glaring down at a huge tome he’d somehow lugged on his lap; and Levi - is flinging himself at MC’s other side, demanding Mammon let go.
- Bewildered, MC does the only thing they can think to do; call Solomon and Diavolo. [So begins the next scene with them having already arrived]. Diavolo is initially ecstatic to see the brothers so small, and delights in how easily riled up a young Lucifer is (especially when he’s called cute), while Solomon flits between amusement and confusion. He’s not entirely sure what’s happened to them, or why. Diavolo questions if they’ve come into contact with anything strange, to which Solomon responds in the negative - until, suddenly, he remembers the distilled juice. He asks MC to confirm if the brothers had ingested it, to which MC says they did, but hadn’t suffered any immediate effects.
- Diavolo asks what the juice was, to which Solomon explains. He hums in thought and reveals that the apple’s magic has a side effect; the more clones made from a single person, the younger their mental age becomes. He and Solomon theorise that distilling the juice, or perhaps adding it in with the other magical properties of their food, or even just the act of cooking it, might have changed the magic. Instead of mentally altering their age through copies, it physically de-aged them.
- MC asks if that’s even possible, and Solomon admits it sounds ridiculous, but stranger has happened. Unfortunately, since the magic seems to have altered, they have no idea how to reverse it. Diavolo notes that the original method was to satisfy the copies until they all disappeared and re-joined, but that it might not work that way anymore. At a loss, Diavolo asks if MC could look after the brothers while he and Solomon - with the help of the angels - work on a cure. [MC is allowed to accept - which leads to cheers from Mammon and Levi - or have a “What?! Why me?!” response - which leads to Diavolo laughing and saying he’s not sure he could remove the second and third eldest from their hip if he tried.]
- The event then follows MC trying to keep all the brothers happy and entertained.
Which I could imagine going down a little something like this:
- It starts with Mammon and Levi, who refuse to leave MC at all. They cling to their hip and argue at each other from either side, with lots of angry demands that the other leave, refusals to leave, and claims that MC likes one over the other more. It ends up with them both almost in tears, and MC has to find a way to calm them down.
- It doesn’t succeed. No matter who MC tries to soothe, something will kick them off again (Levi getting jealous, if Mammon’s chosen, or Levi gloating, if he’s chosen). A little helplessly, they watch as the boys eventually land on a “MC loves me more” argument, which continues until Levi declares a competition: they each have to find something to give to MC, and whoever’s gift MC likes more is the winner. They’re gone before MC can even try to stop them.
- Next, MC tries to seek out the other boys. They stumble across Asmo, still in the livingroom, looking into the mirror. No matter what they do, he keeps staring, unresponsive. It takes them a bit to realise that he’s accidentally hypnotised himself. As soon as they take the mirror away, however, he gets very upset, and starts to throw a tantrum. MC gets given a few options of things that’ll make Asmo happier than the mirror; letting him paint their nails, letting him do their makeup, or letting him do their hair.
- Whichever option MC chooses, Asmo immediately perks up. He scurries off to grab everything he needs, and comes back a few minutes later, struggling with a very, very full bag. MC gets a sudden feeling of dread, but settles down as Asmo directs them, and lets him get to work. Once he’s done, he happily exclaims that they’re “maybe even a little more beautiful than [him]!”.
- Since he seems to have forgotten about the mirror, MC is happy to let him go off and play. Just as they’re about to let him rush off, however, the door opens, and in comes Simeon - who takes one look at them and struggles to hold his laughter. Asmo asks him if he thinks he did a good job, to which Simeon (still trying not to giggle) says that MC looks lovely. Asmo happily wanders off, and Simeon teasts them for their new style.
- Simeon explains that he’s there to give a helping hand. He was helping with the cure, but Barbatos suddenly took him to one side and informed him that they might need a little help - so he’s brought about a dozen things to try and keep the brothers entertained and out of trouble. [MC can either act as if Simeon is their saviour or pout that they wanted to look after the brothers on their own, but either way, he’ll respond teasingly.] He informs them that he’ll keep an eye on Asmo, and try to set up a few things the others might enjoy.
- MC wanders off again to try and find one of the brothers, eventually being drawn to the library. Inside, they hear someone trying to read, stumbling over each word, until eventually they hear a book being slammed shut. Just as they enter the room, the book is thrown at them, and they just barely duck in time.
- Satan’s too frustrated to notice them. He stomps in place, tears in his eyes and red-faced, surrounded by books, yelling angrily that they’re stupid, and awful, and he hates them. He startles when MC says his name, and then immediately hiccups before bursting into tears. MC rushes to his side, asking what’s wrong, and he - between wails - explains that he can’t read his books anymore. The words are too big, and he’s forgotten what they mean. Plus, he can’t reach a lot of them - he’s too small, and the ladder’s too difficult for him to push around - so he’s stuck with whatever’s on the floor.
- MC consoles him, and asks if he’d like to: listen to MC read to him - have MC find him an easier book. Whichever option MC chooses, he slowly stops crying and agrees. They scurry off to find a book that looks easier for children to understand, and have him sit down on the sofa with then. [Either MC finishes reading the book for him, or Satan finishes the book]. Either way, he seems a lot happier, and thanks MC for their help. MC asks if he’d like to go downstairs, but he says he’d just like to read a little more, and admits he’s really invested in the children’s series MC found. He more than happily picks up the next book, and begins reading to himself, completely ignoring MC’s presence.
- Content that he’s safe to leave reading, MC exits out into the hallway, starting to turn off towards more of the bedrooms. However a sudden crash, and a yelp from Simeon, draws their attention away. They rush downstairs to the kitchen - where they find Beel, throwing a tantrum, the fridge’s door thrown off its hinges, and a wide-eyed Simeon holding a sleeping Belphie.
- Simeon stammers out that he’s not too sure what’s wrong. Beel was already upset - and the fridge’s door gone - when he found them, and wouldn’t answer him when he asked. He only seemed to get more and more upset, until finally, he just started storming around, trying to destroy the table and chairs. Except that, somehow, seemed to make him even worse.
- MC crouches down, and tries to ask Beel what’s wrong. Like Simeon said, he’s completely silent; face scrunched up in anger and flushed red, barely even making a sound when he finally looks at them. MC can either ask if he’s hungry, to which he’ll nod, or ask him what’s wrong, to which his belly will growl and he’ll clutch at it pitifully. Either way, he’ll point at the fridge. Inside, MC will see a few things have been munched on, but a lot of them have been spat almost immediately back out. There’s only a few things that were successfully eaten, but it’s barely anything.
- Simeon notes how strange it is for Beel to not eat, especially when he’s hungry enough to rage. He comments, however, that children can be picky eaters, and suddenly realises that Beel’s probably struggling to find something he actually wants to eat. When he asks Beel if he’s got it right, Beel nods, and Simeon says he’ll try to whip him up something quickly.
- They get him set at the table, and Simeon plates up some food. Beel takes a single bite... and immediately spits it out. Simeon again expresses surprise; what he made was one of Beel’s favourites. He tries again, and again, but each time Beel spits it out, until he’s starting to look even angrier (and just a little miserable). At a loss, Simeon asks MC if they have any ideas. [MC can suggest either Human World food, or suggest that they look at what Beel ate in the fridge - revealling it to be some of the human-safe foods stored for MC’s consumption]. Either way, Simeon quickly whips up a Human World dish, and places it in front of Beel - who happily eats the whole lot.
- Relieved that the whole fiasco is over, Simeon takes Beel and Belphie into the livingroom, where Asmo is drawing - just in time for Levi and Mammon to charge into the kitchen, both red-faced and panting, claiming out of breath that they’ve each found the “best present ever” for MC.
- The two demand that MC pick one present to see first [though MC can also choose for them to be revealed at the same time; this option avoids dialogue where one of the brothers gloats over the other], though regardless will both show off what they got. Levi picked a super-rare figurine, one he absolutely 100% adores, and goes off on a ramble about how good the show is (though mostly focuses on how cool it looks, rather than all the actual facts about the show). Mammon picked a very sparkly gem, one that he thinks is worth a lot and also just looks super pretty. They each say how they just know MC will pick their present, and how much worse the other’s present is, and eventually end up squabbling.
- MC can decide to either pick up both presents or to reject both presents. In either case, it confuses the boys (and makes them upset, if they were both rejected), and they ask why MC didn’t just pick one. MC claims that they care about both boys just as much as the other, and that they’re both special to them, so they can’t pick. In fact, picking would actually make them very sad. [The boys ask if MC would really be sad if they had to choose; they can either simply nod, or pretend to start crying. The second option has the boys panic, and quickly try to backpeddle and comfort MC]
- In either case, the boys get quiet after a moment and very reluctantly agree to a truce. They guess MC can like them both as much as the other. MC thinks that’s the end of it... until they start arguing over which of the two of them loves MC more. Thankfully, Simeon comes to the rescue; he informs them that he’s finally managed to put a DVD on, which immediately gets Levi’s attention, and he rushes into the livingroom with Mammon hot on his heels.
- Simeon laughs once they’ve gone, and says MC looks a little haggard; they can either say they feel exhausted, or say they’re having a lot of fun. Either way, Simeon will say he’s enjoying it a lot; he loves babysitting, and he has plenty of videos and pics to remember it all by. After a moment, however, he’ll admit that he came to ask MC something, not just to chat; have they seen Lucifer? He’s not seen hide nor hair of the first-born since arriving. MC says they haven’t seen him since Diavolo left.
- Between them, they agree that Simeon will stay looking after the younger brothers while MC goes off after Lucifer; Simeon’s pretty sure he’d respond better to seeing MC than him. So begins another search around the House, through each room, slowly getting more frantic as each one comes up empty. Even Satan’s finally moved himself downstairs to the livingroom, but still no Lucifer.
- MC can choose whether they should report back to Simeon or keep looking, but neither one truly matters; as soon as the decision is made, they hear a little voice floating down from the attic. They make their way up the stairs, the voice getting clearer and clearer until they can finally make out the words.
- It’s Lucifer, of course. He’s up in the attic, quietly berating - himself? When MC walks inside, they find him sitting stock-still, back straight, on the bed, his fingers curled into fists on his knees. He looks like a deer caught in the headlights when he notices them, but he quickly recovers, and greets them normally. MC asks if he’s okay, and he says he’s fine. It’s nice to have some peace and quiet, for once. He thanks MC for looking after his brothers, and says they can leave him to enjoy the break. MC notices, however, that he seems strained, and that he’s trembling just a little.
- MC can either wait him out or ask him what’s wrong, but either way, Lucifer eventually crumples. He hates it. He hates being small, and feeling weak; he hates that it’s harder to control his emotions, and that his voice sounds so high; he hates that he had to awkwardly scramble on the bed, and that he can’t hold a pen properly, let alone write neatly anymore. He starts to tear up, and scrubs angrily at his face when he realises he’s doing it, demanding himself to stop crying. As his frustration mounts, however, he just tears up more, which makes it worse.
- MC can either hug him right away, or crouch down to comfort him with words; either way, he ends up hugging them and crying against their shoulder, letting them soothe him until he finally stops. They have the choice to reassure him (reminding him that it’s only for a while, and that it’s okay to not be able to do the things he normally can), or to call him cute (which makes him indignant and fluster up), but either way, he thanks them for making him feel better. He asks them not to tell his brothers about his little breakdown, and admits it’s... maybe not the worst thing in the world, even if it hurts his pride. (And maybe sometimes it’s a little nice to be cuddled when he’s upset).
- They return downstairs together, where Simeon greets them. The movie’s almost over, but they already have another one lined up. Lucifer just nods quietly and goes to join his brothers on the sofa.
- Simeon informs MC that he got a text from Solomon. He thinks the magic should be out of their systems by the morning, so they shouldn’t need to worry once the brothers are put to bed. MC can either cheer with relief or express a little sadness that it’s ending, but either way, Simeon will laugh, and say he’ll start on dinner. It looks like they need a lie-down, anyway. MC sits down in one of the chairs, and almost immediately drifts off.
- When they wake up, it’s to Simeon shaking them gently. Mammon and Levi are asleep on their lap, curled up against them - apparently having climbed up there while they were asleep - and the other brothers are likewise conked out across the sofa. He apologises for waking them; they missed dinner since he thought they needed the sleep more than the food, and the brothers are already fed. He made sure to pack up some leftovers for them to warm up later. Right now, however, the brothers need to be put to bed, but there’s a few too many of them for him to take on his own - and the chair probably isn’t a good place to sleep for the night, either.
- Between them, Simeon and MC manage to get each of the brothers back in their normal beds, luckily without waking any of them up. MC can comment that they’re much better when they’re asleep, or can comment on how cute they look (especially swaddled up in beds that are way too big for them). Simeon issues a short comment, but is cut off by a yawn; he flushes in embarrassment, and admits that it maybe took more out of him than he thought it would, even though it was fun.
- He bids them goodnight, and - still yawning - makes his way back to Purgatory Hall. MC retreats to their room, slips into their bed, and falls asleep almost as soon as their head hits the pillow.
- The next morning, MC wakes up to a very quiet House. They get dressed and head downstairs, but none of the brothers seem to be awake yet. They make themself breakfast, eat in the dining room, and even go back to wash their plate when they’re done, but still, there’s no sign of the brothers. A little worried, they send off a message in the group chat - but even after waiting a few minutes, there’s no response.
- MC gets a choice of which brother to check up on first, but the option doesn’t matter. Before they can actually leave the room, each of the brothers files in one at a time, looking sheepish and embarrassed - except for Belphie, who slept through the whole thing.
- It’s silent for a while, until Lucifer eventually clears his throat and says that, on behalf of the brothers, he’s thankful to MC for looking after them while they were incapable (moreso than usual, anyway) of doing so themselves. Mammon immediately cuts in that Lucifer was a kid, too, so why’s he acting like he wasn’t affected? Which starts a much more normal back-and-forth that relieves MC.
- As shenanigans begin - including each brother thanking (and apologising to) MC for what they did (and teasing each other for it) - Satan takes MC off to the side and apologises for taking their things without permission. If he hadn’t, they wouldn’t have been turned into children, and MC wouldn’t have had to look after them. MC can either agree with him (in annoyance), tell him that he’s right but that the ordeal was a punishment enough, or say that it was alright since they had fun, anyway. Either way, he’ll thank them again, and admit it’s nice to be back to normal so he can read his books.
- Eventually, Lucifer takes control, stating that none of them will ever speak of the incident again. The brothers all agree (though some reluctantly). Just as he’s about to dismiss them, Lucifer’s D.D.D. chimes. Then, each of the brothers’ D.D.D.s chime in turn. They take them out to look at. Of course, each has been sent a picture (or two) from Diavolo of them from the day before, including an ever-ellusive image of Lucifer actually asleep (on the sofa, curled up against Simeon’s side) and Asmo’s new makeup look (which is as bad as you’d expect, despite the proud, beaming smile in the photo).
- Chaos ensues, until the brothers start demanding where Diavolo had gotten the pictures from. They all turn on MC, who can either gulp (and run) or blame Simeon. In either case, the event ends with Lucifer on the phone angrily demanding Simeon delete the pictures, only for them to be sent even more - much to their joint embarrassment.
#obey me#obey me scenarios#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me satan#obey me asmodeus#Obey me beelzebub#obey me belphegor#obey me mc#obey me simeon
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fluffy a-z SUNGHOON (enhypen)

requested: yes, by anon
🔅the comeback!!???!!!?! amazing. i just had to write this today i just HAD TO. this is really long but nevertheless i hope you enjoy🔅
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
he loves holding your hand even at the most random times. if you seem anxious or upset, his hand slowly creeps closer to yours, just to remind you that he’s there. he’s not a fan of pda, but holding your hand is just fine :D. (taken from my enha as boyfriends post)
he messes up your hair (but only when he knows it’s okay to do so, he knows his place lol) when you do something silly or cute. he also does it when he’s first introducing you to people too. he’ll be all like “this is y/n, my gf/bf/partner” and then ruffle your hair, just to once again show them that you’re his.
similarly, he loves when you play with his hair. he’ll purposely rest in head in your lap so that your hands naturally fall to his hair. sometimes, he accidentally drifts off to sleep like that and then wakes up a few minutes later all smiley hehe.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
you don’t have the chance to meet up a lot, most of your contact is via text since he doesn’t have the time to call you all day, every day. he’s super supportive of you, he’s your wingman, your hype man and your parent all in one. he looks out for you as much as possible and (even if you’re not younger than him) he treats you like his younger sibling.
there’s always a lot of laughter when you two are together that stems from the assortment of inside jokes that you share. you can talk for hours despite neither of you being the talkative type (mainly about other people lmao.)
as a pair, you’re often misunderstood. people never associate you with each other but you just know that you don’t always need to be with each other to still be the closest of friends. when you are together, you’re an intimidating duo that people often avoid through fear, but you’re actually really nice 🥺😔
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
he uses cuddles as a way to distract you and/or annoy you. can and will be the big spoon every time you cuddle. he loves cuddling with you, holding you or just touching you, he’s just shy okay. he loves having you in his arms and holding you, especially when he knows you’ve chosen to cuddle with him over doing something important. cuddling with him just makes him want to cuddle all day :((. so if you start cuddling at 10am, except to still be in his arms at 7pm. more so than cuddling, he likes draping his legs over you “to irritate you” (he just wants to be close to you hehe). it makes him feel like he’s protecting you without it being too hot and stuffy and oppressive.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
there’s no time frame for him when it comes to settling down. he wants to settle down but there’s no deadline for him. he’s not actively looking for the love of his life at any point, he’s never going to force himself to be in love just for the sake of creating family. he thinks about settling down a lot, he wants a pet with the person he loves for sure, he’s excited for that day to come, but it doesn’t have to happen soon.
cleaning, he’s fabulous at. the house or apartment is minimalistic anyway, so things that are out of place are easy for him to spot and move. he almost enjoys doing chores with you even, just because he’s spending time with you. when it comes to cooking,,, like sure he’s confident which is so sweet but that doesn’t always mean a good meal. but please don’t tell him that else he’ll get really sad and disappointed in himself.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
if he was to break up with you, it would probably be a “right person wrong time” kinda thing. he wouldn’t get into a relationship if he didn’t see a future with that person, he’s very picky to find the perfect person for him. you’re definitely the right person, but he’s just too busy right now being an idol. he feels guilty for not spending time with you and so he wants to let you live you life, without being tied down so early on. he’d hope that you’d wait for him, but he’d understand it if you didn’t.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
commitment is a big part of the relationship for him. he would want commitment from day one, even if he's not officially your boyfriend yet.
he doesn’t care when you get married, but he definitely wants to get married someday. he likes the idea of dedicating one whole day to celebrating your love for each other, and sharing that with friends and family too. it would quite literally be the best day of his life. he’d propose to you pretty quickly into the relationship, but at a time that felt right. you both knew it was something that you wanted, that you dreamed your relationship would last forever, so why not propose?! he doesn’t mind eating years for the wedding though, it’s a big deal and everything has to be perfect.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
emotionally, he acts quite tough. he doesn’t want to be seen as weak, but at the same time he wants to show his emotions to let you know that’s he’s mature, and that emotions aren’t a sign of weakness. he often keeps really troubling things to himself until he can tell you and you only. you’re the only person who knows him truly, you know everything about him because he’s only willing to share this stuff with you. when it comes to things in your relationship, he also isn’t afraid to speak his mind. he’s not trying to be gentle or tough with his emotions when it comes to you, everything seems like a natural reaction, he’ll cry when he wants to and he’ll be stubborn when he wants to.
physically, of course, he’s very gentle. every touch feels like feathers, every kiss, every hug, every smile, it’s all just very soft and gentle. you notice that he talks to you differently too. his tone with others appears harsher and more blunt than with you. with you, it’s like he’s talking to a baby (in a non- condescending way ofc he’s very mature and you’re not allowed to forget that)
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
when he’s congratulating you on something, when he’s proud of you for something, he hugs you. it’s better for him to communicate using hugs rather than telling you because he’s a little shy saying it, even though he means it.
he likes when you rest your head by his neck, while his arms are holding you close. he kisses where your ear is through your hair or your head while you’re hugging and (when he manages to finally say it) whispers a little “i love you”. it’s a tight hug, but it doesn’t last long. when you pull away, he reaches out to hold your hand, he doesn’t want to separate just yet.
if you initiate the hug, he laughs and grunts and lot just to tease you, but don’t be fooled he’s really happy that you are hugging him!!!
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
oh you pair beat around the bush a whole lot. it’s pretty much unspoken for the first year or so. although you never said it to each other, you both knew.
it wasn’t until sunghoon had left you for a little bit while he went on tour (not left as in broke up, just went out of the country lmao idk how to write that in a coherent sentence big sorry) that you realised that you should probably say it. he returned home and it was on that day that you told him you loved him while nestled against his chest in a satisfying hug after such a long time apart. he said it back straight away, looking down at you and waiting expectedly for your lips to meet with his.
he was always waiting for you to say it first, there were moments when he thought he should just say it, but he wanted to wait, he wanted to hear you say it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
he gets jealous quite quickly and he always makes you aware of his jealousy no matter how petty the situation may be. he wouldn’t try to hide it, or compromise with you, he wants you all to himself so if there’s even a chance that another boy could possibly be flirting with you, he’ll be mad.
that being said, he’d definitely voice his opinions in a mature and well thought through manner. he would think of how to say things to make you understand where he’s coming from without trying to guilt trip you into unfriending that person, he doesn't want to be THAT guy. he’ll just explain his side and wait to hear your response, and often times it turns into a sarcastic, inside joke which reassures him a lot. he’s just like “fine, go to the cafe with him, but he wouldn’t know which smoothie you like best, would he?!���
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
him initiating kisses? few and far between. but when he does, you know he means it. he loves all types of kisses, he just wants to cover you in kisses sometimes, but he’s gotta keep up his image of course. pecks on the lips and longer, more passionate kisses are his favourites though, he just can’t get enough of your lips. (taken from my enha as boyfriends post)
as i mentioned in the hugging part, he likes to kiss your head or place a kiss where he thinks your ear is while hugging. it sends a rush though the both of you, it just really makes you both think about how lucky you are to have each other.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
a little awkward at first. he’s not sure how to talk to them, and every time he speaks the kids are just like ”??” because he says things that are a little too mature for them.
it will take him some time to be comfortable and confident around the kids, but he wants to be liked by them and he wants them to be happy so he will not give up until that happens.
although, it does have to be said, he’d much rather have a pet than a kid 😳
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
usually, sunghoon wakes up before you. he gets up before you wake up too, and sits and stares at the wall with a blank mind, just to wake himself up a bit. once you get up, he’s gonna ask if you wanna go back to bed again and cuddle and/or watch some tv together when he has a day off. if you agree, he’d bring some toast with him for you both to eat. but if not, you’d just grab some cereal together and eat while sat around your dining table in silence because he does not want to talk first thing in the morning (valid,,, extremely valid)
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
sunghoon is a big fan of evening dates as opposed to going somewhere during the day. everywhere is quieter and this is usually his free time so you have him all to yourself, you can do whatever you want together. as much as he enjoys going to fancy restaurants, bars and what not (which usually take you into the late hours of the night), he’d still rather spend some time at home with you.
on those nights that he can spend at home with you, he likes to just rest with you. chilling on the sofa just watching some episodes of your favourite show, ordering a takeaway. you share your thoughts about the show and that’s all you really talk about while it’s on, but afterwards you talk about your day and head to bed, where you cuddle until you both fall asleep (which is pretty quickly since you stayed up late to watch more tv)
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
like anyone, he overshares when you first start dating due to nerves. you learn a lot about him through this and he’s actually pretty grateful that you do the same thing. you pretty much know everything about him before actually getting into a relationship. throughout the relationship, he’d never try to hide his feelings about certain things and would be pretty hurt if you used things that he’d told you against him.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
with you, he doesn’t get that angry. you’d have to do something really vile for him to show actual aggression and disappointment. with other people, it’s not so simple. he finds a lot of things that other people do irritating but he wouldn’t show his anger there and then. he’s more likely to go home and get angry there. he’d appreciate someone to talk to about it, a shoulder to cry on perhaps. definitely an angry crier (cries when he’s angry) and likes to slam doors to make a point.
he’s not afraid of confrontation when something that someone did is actually wrong. he will stand up for what he believes in and it’s worth putting a friendship on the line given their opposing opinions.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
this bitch acts SO dumb when you ask him stuff but he knows… he knows everything. everything you’ve ever said is stored in his brain, probably written in his notes app as a back up. he’s ready to spring this knowledge on you at any point. he knows exactly what you like and what you dislike, important dates, about your childhood, he even remembers how certain things he did made you feel, so he could do them more or avoid them in the future. but of course, if you ask him, he knows nothing.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
you weren’t even together officially at this point, but when he turned up at your place on prom night. he’ll never forget how stunned he was when he saw you looking all glamorous that evening. you had some photos taken as a pair, egged on by your friends of course because you’d never normally do that, and he looks at them a lot. he can’t help but think how great you look as a couple (and how you two are going to look on wedding photos 🥺). he had a rose prepared for you, a white one because he knew it would go with your outfit, whatever colour it was and also because of its symbolism. he really wanted to confess when he handed it to you, but he over thought it a lot and the moment ended up passing too quickly. that’s his favourite memory. something that he’ll never forget.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
i know i said he got jealous a lot, but he’d distance himself when it actually came to it. he’d be jealous in his own space until you two were alone rather than being protective while the act that made him feel that way was ongoing. as i mentioned above, he does indeed want you all to himself, but he’d hate to cause unnecessary drama and have you lose friends over a silly misunderstanding.
if you were clearly very uncomfortable around someone, he’d be there with an arm wrapped around you. you’d both like to think that his presence alone is intimidating enough, but sometimes he has to resort to harsh one liners to get them to back off.
i don’t think he’d ever get into a physical fight. it’s not that you’re not worth it, but he just feels it would make the situation worse.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
he really wants to put a lot of effort into your dates, but he finds it difficult because one, he has no time and two, he doesn’t want to disappoint you/organise something you end up hating. most dates are spontaneous and on a whim, but also like… planned in both of your minds. like you know you want to go and you know he wants to go, but it’s not confirmed that it will actually happen until the time of the date if that makes sense. when it comes to it, he gets really shy asking you out on dates, so you’ve kind of just started to read each other’s minds lmao.
he never forgets your birthday or your anniversary. he makes a big deal out of your anniversary because it’s a celebration of you both, he wants to make you feel special and will do everything he can to do so. you pair make your own traditions when it comes to days like that, and he looks forward to them a lot. your birthday is pretty much left down to you (other than his gift for you of course). he doesn’t want to do a poor job of planning anything for your special day so he just leaves it and hopes that you do something instead, if you wanted a party you should have organised it. he would help you plan it thought, anything you want he’d do for you.
his gifts are always things that you like. things that you can treasure and things that you can display and show off are his go to. jewellery is a common gift that you receive from him and every single piece that he’s picked out is so delicate and beautiful.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
when you pair are out with mutual friends, he likes to tease you. sometimes he takes it too far without realising it, the atmosphere becomes tense and he becomes even more awkward and wants to leave the situation just to apologise to you but realises it will probably make everything 10 times more awkward.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
he’s a handsome teenager surrounded by other pretty people of course he’s gonna have some concerns about how he looks. actually i don’t think concerns would be the right word. he’s very confident in his appearance, why wouldn’t he be, but he also thinks that everyone else should be too, everyone is attractive in their own way. in reality, he’s very humble about how handsome he is despite constantly flexing his visuals lmao.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
you do a lot for him, not just as in help him out with cooking or whatever, but his mental state. you’ve allowed him to mature a lot and he’s become more emotionally intelligent with you.
he’d hate to think of how his life would be if he wasn’t with you, he wouldn’t be the same person at all.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
one of the first dates you went on was to build a bear, it was his idea surprisingly (he wanted to see which animal/character you picked out, okay?!) you stuffed each other’s teddies and returned them to each other in time to name them. you named yours sunghoon first, he followed by naming his y/n. you both sleep with them on the bed and hug them tightly when you’re not together :( (but your never tell each other that’s what you do lol)
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
people who are all up in his face. just back off, yeah? chill out for a second. he gets that you’re excited, and he wouldn’t want to bring you down, but you don’t need to get up in his grill. personal space is a big one for him. if you don’t respect that, then he’s not gonna have any time for you.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
the prettiest sleeper on the planet. his lips are slightly separated and his eyelashes often flutter as if he’s about to wake up, but it’s actually just a sign of him having a really pleasant dream.
#enhypen#sunghoon#enhypen fluff#sunghoon fluff#enhypen imagines#sunghoon imagines#park sunghoon#park sunghoon fluff#park sunghoon imagines
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here is part two of this.
[7:13 pm] for all the phases you have been through in the past few months, all of them were disastrous. a couple of months after jeno has told you about his proposal karina and he appears with new rings, explaining to everyone how both just choose to make things more swiftly and not wait until graduation.
you already knew it but that didn't stop you from spending at least twenty minutes crying pathetically in the ladies' room.
certainly when you thought things couldn't get any worse, believe me, they did. you were convinced for the moment karina asked you to help her choose the dress. again, you couldn't blame anyone against yourself.
renjun and donghyuck stood next to you, holding their laughs as she was asking for help in the most loving way. just for when she was gone the duo were shouting loud and attempting to comfort your poor heart. following that, you saw yourself sat there watching karina trying on more than a thousand wedding dresses, for getting married to the love of your life.
it would be easier to hate her if she was a bitch and 20% less attractive. you thought.
and talking about him, you couldn't even hold his gaze without looking weepy and bitter. your friendship existed only by devices, which you believed would be turned off the moment he said yes to her.
after a year of planning and torture, the big day has arrived and even though you have created every possible excuse, none seemed good enough to not going to your best friend's wedding. including a sweet smile, your mom comforted you as you got ready for the wedding, holding up tears and making yourself at least looking attractive on the worst day of your life. you asked more than once for your mother to be merciful and to fake an accident but she keeps telling you how could you get over it if you didn't see "the dead body".
instructed to stay at least a few minutes late, you made everything possible to be delayed. not wanting to arrive and have to deal with the reception and face the bride and groom. not craving to deal with the fact that if you held more than five seconds alone with jeno, you would presumably tell him the truth that was stuck in your throat. then when you arrive everyone was already at the ceremony, your entry causing a small noise that drew attention. jeno's eyes catching yours immediately.
the couple looking supremely beautiful, like always. the dress that karina and you have picked just not fits her but makes everyone around her look poorly ugly. oh my god, i hate myself so much. that was the only thing going through your mind.
sitting down next to renjun, he sends you a glance. "it's almost ended, i thought you were not coming."
"as if i were that lucky"
he chuckles but gently takes your hands. even though you said more than a thousand times that you didn't want anyone feeling sorry for you, he tried his best to make things a little better.
while the minutes started to grow, your mind stopped a few more every time that ceremony got close for the "yes". holding up every tear you possess in your body, you almost failed as the old lady next to you smile in your direction and whispered;
"what are you from the groom??"
"i... i am his best friend, since freshman year at college."
"oh, that's why he is looking right here all the time."
quietly you agreed with her, not even daring yourself to look up and catch all of his stares. the moments pass with you staring to anywhere, you couldn't even look at them without feeling your chest squeeze in sharp pain.
"so lee jeno, do you take this woman as your wife to lover her, respect her, and looking for her?"
wishing to not stand there or even existed, you were close to starting to crying but renjun squeezed your hands and all that people heard at next was; "yes, i do."
lee jeno, the love of your life just got married... but it's was not whit you.
later on, — this including the time you spent crying and sobbing in the car — you were supposed to go to the celebration and that's is what you did as a supportive friend.
the first hour was going like a blink, you have to pretend so much happiness that the idea of the newlyweds just got blanked out of your mind. it was the last straw when jeno's sister approached you with a gentle smile, you could feel her pity just by the look on her face and you felt even more miserable when she said it in a low tone: ''i always thought that on a day like today, you would be my new sister.''
that hurt so much.
the rest of the night passed like a blur, a slow and painful blur. you had taken so many pictures and you were sure that you looked ridiculous in the picture with the bride and groom, donghyuck and renjun were there to support you but your false happiness was quickly destroyed by jeno's stares.
almost at the end of the celebration, everyone full of the food and tired from the dancing, people decided it was time for the speeches and in the crowd of invited people you hid behind your friends. if by any chance the universe hated you that much you would be chosen to give some words and you were ready to make a whole speech based on rose's in "love, rosie". it would be tragic.
karina's mother said beautiful words to the couple and praised jeno so much that you at that moment felt happy for him. many relatives passed by, all of them talking about how perfect they were for each other and at end wishing them happiness. you felt like a jealousy bitch at every second.
almost at the end of all your torture, you already agreed that renjun or one of his friends would take you home because you didn't even want to talk, it was the newlyweds' turn to speak. karina sounded so perfectly in love with every word she spoke out. you were thankful to be far away from the couple because your stomach flipped as you watched jeno stand up, straightening his suit and black hair.
you were about to get up and walk away, not wanting to hear about how much he loved her and was grateful to be married to her but after a second thought, you knew you would draw pitying and pitiful glances in your direction.
"i can give you more than a thousand and one reasons about how i ended up here, married to karina." his soft voice echoing throughout the room. "one of them is because sometimes... we don't notice that what we need is right under our noses. sometimes we even notice... but only a few people dare themselves to confess their love to that person.'' at that point nobody else understood where he was getting at with that speech. just like all evening, you didn't attempt to look at him and be unlucky enough to find him also watching you.
''one more reason why we are here, on this particular night, is that maybe i took too long to realize, waited for too long. i wish i could confess this earlier because... deep down i always knew it was you. the love of my life and my best friend.''
something inside of you clicked. back when you started to date, jeno looked you up one day and you fought, he was just being jealous that your then-boyfriend also claimed to be your best friend and you didn't say anything, the point is that he would never call karina his best friend. on that day, both promise never forgets about their besties and never, never calling anyone ''best friend''.
nobody knew about that.
"if... if i could only go back in time... maybe i would tell myself how i should confess to you.'' you looked up, getting his gaze. you stood surprised when you noticed that his eyes were tearing up. ''if only i had known that we would be here today. i never would have let your lips leave mine years ago, on new years'. i never should have walked away. i never should have panicked. i never should have lost all those years without you... because i've realized that no matter where you are or what you're doing, or who you're with, i will always honestly, truly, completely love you.''
you couldn't believe in your damn bad luck.
you couldn't discover what was more pathetically tragic. the fact that karina would watch the video of her wedding in the future and see her husband confessing his love to someone who wasn't her. or the fact that jeno had chosen his wedding day to acknowledge that he loved you.
karina never kissed him on new year's, their first one was in a cinema. only you did, once in your second year as friends. you two never spoke about it.
karina didn't like romantic comedies, she was a literature major and only liked movies that was focussed on classics. you did. you had made jeno watch "love, rosie" so many times that you both knew the script.
with tears rolling down their cheeks, the two of you stared at each other for what seemed like hours. he loved you too. you both now knew about the other's love. inaudibly while you wiped your tears you both agreed that; maybe in another time, another life, we were meant for a happy ending. but not here, not at this moment.
but it didn't matter, only you two knew how much you loved each other and always would.
ok guys, sorry for making this so long and for any mistakes. let me know if you wanted to me doing scenarios, reactions or timestamps or even let my asks open for requests.
#nct dream#nct#nct x reader#nct scenarios#nct aus#nct agnst#nct drabbles#nct timestamps#nct fanfic#nct fluff#jeno x reader#jeno fanfic#jeno#jeno drabbles#jeno fluff#jeno au#jeno angst#nct jeno#nct renjun#nct haechan#nct angst#nct blurbs#nct au#nct imagines
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