#after that jumping to 707 who i never got to rip
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gifti3 · 1 year ago
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Now that im older....i like him even less
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unwiltingblossom · 5 years ago
Queen’s Favor (Mysme Jumin/MC AU 8/?)
Summary: Being a maid would be much easier if the cat would just let her do her job.
AU - Instead of joining the RFA via random text, MC is hired on as one of the maids assigned to Jumin Han’s penthouse. Nothing else about the setting has changed, the messenger and the RFA still exist, only the MC’s position has been altered.
Honestly, she didn't even need to keep a watch on her, because Elizabeth seemed to have that timing down, and wouldn't brook any kind of deviation. She'd never had to interrupt any of her work just to go play with the cat, but she had no doubt that Elizabeth would put her paw down about it if she ever tried not to.
What this penthouse really needed was a sign she could check off days for how long it'd been without an accident or life threatening encounter.
She ought to have a prize, as this was the 30th day without incident.
Unsurprisingly, no such thing awaited her when she arrived at the penthouse. Aside from the one gift (which she kept at home most of the time, as it was much too valuable to wear at work), her enigmatic employer - contractor - left her nothing else but the odd bit of food and endless weird messes that made her wonder just what he got up to when she wasn't there. He did arrive from time to time when she worked, but as always he left her alone and merely gave her pleasant compliments or a stiff drink at the end of her shift.
The cat was troublesome as ever, but hadn't caused her any injury.
She leaned down to rub the cat under her chin, and then tossed some bell-toy further into the room. No longer nearly as starved for attention, the flowy white cat pranced off after the toy. After a bit of fussing, Elizabeth had gotten back into the habit of just expecting her in the mornings, not all day, and so the cat mostly only smothered her when she first arrived and whenever it was her break time.
Honestly, she didn't even need to keep a watch on her, because Elizabeth seemed to have that timing down, and wouldn't brook any kind of deviation. She'd never had to interrupt any of her work just to go play with the cat, but she had no doubt that Elizabeth would put her paw down about it if she ever tried not to.
The phone rang.
That in of itself wasn't particularly unusual. Although it seemed most of his contacts either knew his working hours or used whatever gold-encrusted cellphone he owned, there was always the odd whoever that called anyway. The strange thing about it was that after the first call went to whatever voicemail was attached to the phone, it started ringing again. Immediately. At first, she was a bit worried there was some urgent matter actually meant for her on the phone. But that was absurd, as she had her own phone on her - and she double-checked, it was fully powered and getting signal - and anyone that desperate to speak to her would get through to her phone somehow.
Ten minutes passed with it ringing, and it was getting on her last nerve. Only her immense sense of self control - and need for the sweet, sweet pay the job provided - kept her from ripping the phone right out of the wall and then possibly throwing it out of the window.
"He's not here, you needy stalker!"
She didn't pick up the phone and say that, obviously. But it did make her feel a little better saying it out loud.
Almost eerily, the phone stopped ringing.
Maybe it just took that long for whatever desperate caller that was to figure that out. Maybe she should let the penthouse owner know he had this obsessed caller? Just in case? Not that his security didn't seem tip-top as it was. Aside from the cat-napper, anyway. But apparently they were friends somehow.
She jumped and gave a short shriek when her phone rang in her pocket.
The number on the phone was unknown. Probably, it was just spam or something unrelated.
If nothing else, at least she had an excuse to chew out the caller without getting fired, if indeed it was related at all.
She frowned at the phone a moment, before finally accepting the call with a huff.
"Man, you are way too good at resisting the urge to answer the phone call of destiny!" She couldn't immediately place the voice, but it...sounded way less creepy than she'd expect for a phone stalker.
"Ninja maid! Your dulcet tones are always such a gift!" Oh, it was him. Wait. How was it him?! "I heard you were gravely injured as punishment for allowing my escape from yon castle, so I had to call you to show my appreciation, but then you just ignored all my calls! For so long! Are you just afraid of phones, is that why you ignored the phone call of destiny?"
Wait. Many questions all jumbled together at once.
"That's not what I-that's..how-how do you even know about that? How do you have my number?! Who are you?"
"Oh, wow! My first interview~. I didn't come prepared." Although his voice sounded as if his phone were on speaker on some desk or something, she didn't miss the teasing tone in it. "Fortunately, I can answer all the questions at once! FOR YOU SEE! I am none other than the diabolical genius, world famous hacker 707! ...If you think about it, you'll see that answers all three questions."
Yes, she understood how it applied to all the questions.
No, she didn't believe it at all. The scrawny little screaming nerd she'd twice tackled didn't have the right look to be a hacker, firstly, and secondly she couldn't imagine why a high profile heir to a giant corporation would associate with someone criminal. And another thing: even if he were a hacker, why would he fixate on harassing the maid?
He was definitely some kind of a stalker.
"I'm going to call the police and have them trace this call."
"That's...sort of the spirit!" He laughed on the other end of the line. "Anyway. It's tragic, but...I've been trapped inside my house for a month, unable to go out and see Princess Elly! About now is when I'd normally go out to get a recharge by visiting her, but...alas! I'm going to be trapped even longer in here. That's why I need you-"
"-to be my hands!" He didn't even miss a beat. "You must send my affection to Elly through the phone!"
"Absolutely not. I know the kind of things you do to her."
"Don't put it like that, Ninja Maid! Our love is purer than that. If you could just snap a picture-"
"I'm going to hang up now. If you call back, I'm turning it off this time."
Seriously, though? How in the world did he get her number? Had he stolen it somehow during one of their scuffles? Or did he trick the company into sharing it with him? He didn't seem all that wily or convincing to her, but then...maybe he could be a bit more charismatic to someone whose first interactions didn't involve him screaming bloody murder in their ears or sitting on their boss' bed in a cheap maid outfit.
She rubbed her forehead and flopped down on the couch. Her head still hurt from the crank calling, and that voice shouting in her ear didn't help the situation at all, either.
Elizabeth wandered into the room, tail flicking as if she, too, still had ringing in her ears. The little furball looked up at her for a moment, as if silently scolding her for daring to take her break early, before prancing over and hopping up onto her lap.
"Yeah. Didn't think you'd have a problem with it." She reached down to run her fingers along the cat's soft white fur, and the little monster bumped its head up against her hand, as if demanding more petting.
Honestly. It'd be kind of a bummer when she had to move on to another place to clean some day. The odd life-threatening situation and conniving cat wasn't actually all that bad of a compromise for having such luxurious breaks and so few really alarming messes. The owner wasn't home all that often even when he wasn't out of the country, and it showed. Both in the demanding cat, and in the lack of lived-in messes she encountered.
She scoffed to herself as the cat grabbed her hand in its paws and gnawed lightly at her fingertips. Easy to say it's not that bad a compromise when it's been a month since any peril though, huh?
"Alright, geez. If you're going to keep biting like that, I'll get you something to eat that isn't human."
She stretched, listening to the alarming musical starring her back and spine. She liked to think that all came from the hard work she put into the day, and not the torture rack that her bed had slowly been devolving into since it started running low on fluff and springs.
Well, it was fine. With what she made, she could really start saving for medical exams, a better bed, or even moving somewhere that looked less like an 'Escape from New York' movie. The evening air was cool on her skin as she walked, and she wondered idly if it might even be worth it to just go ahead and start using a car. The walk did take a while, and it meant getting up extra early in the mornings.
The streetlights flickered on above her, as the sun finally got low enough in the sky to upset them.
Actually, tomorrow was payday. She glanced down and grabbed frayed blonde locks in two fingers. Her hair could probably do with a good trim. She could look even more killer in her uniform with a good cut and style.
Someone shoved into her, nearly knocking her face-first into the pavement. She manged not to collide with the ground, but only by engaging in a rousing round of pinwheel hopscotch.
 It's not like I was just taking up all the space in the sidewalk!
She rounded on her assailant, but the figure already moved away from her at a quick pace, hood up, obscuring their face in the evening shadows.
They - probably a he, given their relative height - didn't even hesitate or react to her calling out to them. Despite the two of them being the only ones in the street. Which was almost as rude as nearly knocking her over in the first place.
Naturally, she chased after him. Just to make sure he could get the earful he deserved.
He was surprisingly agile, as he took quick turns through multiple alleyways without any warning. Frankly, she was starting to worry that she might inadvertently be tailing someone to a drug deal. If I see anyone shady popping up, I'll just...
...Okay. So maybe she'd gotten a little too into giving some random jerk on the street an earful just for bumping into her. Now that she thought about it.
She blinked, looking back and forth on the street.
 Wait. Where did he go?
She'd barely even gotten distracted at all, and yet the figure she'd put so much effort into following was just...gone. A few businesses stood nearby, metal gates locked down tight, and one or two houses that looked burned out and boarded up. There were no obvious entrances to any of them.
A short distance down the road stood a building she'd have considered tall before that penthouse spoiled her. Distant city lights reflected on the windows of hundreds of rooms, but not one of them were lit up, even in the increasing darkness of the evening.
"Weird." Businesses usually kept their lights on for security purposes, right? At least dim ones. She frowned and made her way closer to the building. A modest parking lot with various marked carports sat in front of it. Completely empty.
There weren't any obvious signs on the building indicating whether it was one big business, or if it was a mini mall of some sort that just hadn't successfully rented itself out to any local businesses. Well. All the same, the man likely disappeared in there. Somewhere.
She wasn't crazy enough to go investigating it, though.
...Instead, she just...needed to figure out how to find her way back home. And not chase after random people who made her angry on the street.
Well. Crap. She had a pretty decent idea of what direction she came from, and she could probably make her way back to the main road. But it was also late, and a pretty shady part of town.
She frowned, and dug out her phone. Light flooded her vision as she turned it back on. "GPS...please work."
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ellygoesnyooom · 7 years ago
May i Request something? How would the RFA+Minor Trio react to an MC how's really sweet but gets extremly scary when angry. Like she's not agressiv or violent but she gives of a real vibe of killing intent.
Sure, anon! I’m kind of in a time crunch, and could only get through the RFA members for now. I haven’t forgotten about the minor trio, but they, sadly, will have to wait until the end of the weekend to be posted, as I’m going to my dads today and won’t have internet most likely. Plus seven’s is like a million times longer than the other’s and made the whole post longer but honestly when isn’t seven’s longer than everyone else’s for me ugh. His also turned out a bit on the angsty side? I hope you like these, though!
Edit: I added on the minor trio! You can find the link to their headcanons at the bottom of this post!
You didn’t get angry very often, but man were you scary when you did get mad
You always told Yoosung to stay on your good side, but he thought you were teasing
O h boy was he wrong
He ate the last of your favorite treat not remembering it was yours, and when you got home from work/school and found that
Hooo boy
Yoosung watch out
You had already had a bad day and was looking forward to curling up with that treat and just pretending everything was fine
It was obvious who ate it, and you were m a d
You found Yoosung sitting in the living room on his phone, and stood in front of him with your eyes narrowed and hands placed severely on your hips as you looked down at him
“Yoosung? Did you eat the rest of my food?” You asked it in such a calm voice, much calmer than he was used to
“Oh, you mean the food that was in the fridge? Y-yeah…” Your eyes flashed, but you just sighed and retreated to your bedroom
He had a feeling you were mad, and decided to give you a little time to relax
He may or may not have called his mom to see what to do
Later, he came in asked if you were mad. “No, I’m not mad. Just mildly irritated” she’s mad yoosung watch your step
He had never heard you speak so passive-aggressively or with so much sarcasm. The response was oozing with it. When you looked at him, your usually kind eyes were steely.
He made it up to you by going out that night and buying all of that food he could and bringing it to you lol he’s so extra sometimes
He thought you were so sweet and kind, always putting others before yourself
He admired you for that
Poor man didn’t even think that you held a little satan in you when you get mad
He was lucky to not be the target of the anger, but instead it was at one of his female coworkers who was getting a little too touchy-feely with him
Zen had told you about her, and was ranting about how annoyed he was getting with her. You tried to comfort him and keep a level head, but that resolve was quickly fading
A few days after he first brought it up, you asked to go to rehearsal with him. Of course, he said yes
You sat off to the side and watched as they rehearsed. The girl he was talking about was very talented. You almost forgot that she was getting too friendly with your boyfriend
That is, until break came and when Zen tried to go to you, she grabbed his bicep and pulled him back, getting up close to him and whispering something in his ear with a sickly sweet smile on her face. Zen’s eyes were wide and he looked tense, uncomfortable. It made your stomach roil and called the little passive aggressive satan in you out to play
You got up from your spot in the house and stomped up on stage, startling both Zen and his female coworker
“Excuse me, miss. Would you kindly get your hands off of my boyfriend? I noticed you getting a bit, oh, I don’t know, close to him. I’ll be frank with you, dear: I don’t like it. I’m not mad, just giving you fair warning.” she’s mad
Her saccharine smile faded from her face quickly and she dropped her hand from his bicep, stuttering out an apology as she walked away, busying herself with her script
Zen was in a state of shock, and you were glaring daggers at the girl as you slipped your hand in his and dragged him down off the stage and to your spot
You were pouty and angry the rest of the day, and Zen knew from then on he never, ever, wanted to make you mad
A customer was being particularly rude to Jaehee, and it was starting to make you mad
You tried to mind your own business and take care of the other customers, but this man was just being obnoxiously rude to her
“No, no, that’s not right! I asked for two shots of espresso and skim milk in my coffee! You only added one shot of espresso and added 1% milk!” “Sir, I added two shots of espresso, and I told you we ran out of skim.” “No, miss, you obviously don’t know how to make a cup of coffee, or have any listening skills!”
You were fuming after the last comment and quickly excused yourself from the customer you were working with, coming up to the man and laying a firm hand down on his shoulder
He whirled around as you spoke.
“Hi, sir, I would gladly appreciate it if you would stop insulting my girlfriend’s coffee making skills and her listening skills. She has perfectly working ears, and her coffee is the best damn coffee I’ve ever had. I watched her add two shots of espresso to your coffee, and I know for a fact that we don’t have skim milk because I used it in a woman’s coffee this morning. If you aren’t going to be polite or kind to the woman giving up her time to make you coffee, you need to leave this shop. Bye bye.”
He seemed dumbstruck, staring at you with his jaw slacked. Jaehee had a similar expression, her eyes wide
You jerked a thumb towards the door, and with a grumble, the man stomped out, calling out about giving the shop a bad rating
You resumed your previous tasks, and Jaehee resumed hers
When you the last customer left, she immediately asked you what that was
You just shrugged. “I got mad. He was treating you horribly. I won’t stand for that.” She knew two things in that moment: she was so lucky to have you, and that she never wanted to piss you off
He kept on telling you ‘one more hour, MC, then I can spend some time with you’ for the past five hours, and you were starting to get mad
Usually, you were pretty chill about him working. You understood
But, he promised that he wouldn’t work today, that the two of you would spend a nice day together
Then something came up with work, and he told you only an hour he would work. That was six hours ago, and you were finally reaching your wit’s end with it
After the seventh time he does it, you huff angrily and mutter a low, “Thanks for the lovely day together, Jumin, I really enjoyed it” before striding out of his office
You said it so nicely and calmly, as if you were saying that dinner was ready, but there was hidden daggers underneath the words that were aimed at him
When he glanced out the window, his stomach and heart dropped when he realized the sun was setting. His promise to you bubbled back into his mind and he felt horrible
He finally decided to stop and went out in search of you
He found you typing angrily on your phone in the dining room with Elizabeth laying in your lap. She looked up at him as he approached and, sensing the tension, jumped out of your lap and left the room
You didn’t look up but said, “Look who decided to show up after the day is over.”
He sat down in the chair beside you and hesitantly placed a hand on your arm, afraid that you would lash out at him. You were giving off murderous vibes. He never saw you this angry
“MC, I’m terribly sorry that I neglected to follow through with my promise to you. I got so immersed in my work that I forgot to stop. How can I make it up to you?”
“I’m fine, Jumin.” “No, you aren’t. I can see right through you, MC. Could you please look at me?”
Your eyes finally met his, and you saw so much sadness and remorse in his usually emotionless eyes. Your anger slowly melted away. How could you hold a grudge against him?
“I’m sorry, I was just upset.” “I could tell…. You know what? I must contact Assistant Kang urgently, I’ll be right back, my love.”
He left, returning a few minutes later with a grin on his face. “I’m all yours for the next week. What would you like to do?”
He never wanted to get on your bad side again, because he was low key scared of you then lol
He was pushing you away again
You were trying to be patient with him, but it had a limit. Saeran was better now, but his progress was going a bit downhill lately, stressing Saeyoung
Saeyoung was so stressed over Saeran that he started subconsciously pushing you away
You would ask him to come to bed, but he would rather rudely decline
The meals you made him went untouched, and a few times you found the meal scraped into the garbage can
He kept on telling you the same things he did back in the apartment, all old lines. 
One night, you found him slumped over in front of his computer asleep, so you brought a blanket in to cover him up
You were laying the blanket over him when he woke up and ripped the blanket from your hands, standing up
He spit the usual lines at you, but this time, the anger you had tried so hard to contain boiled over, and you laid into him
“Saeyoung Choi, I don’t know who you think you are fooling here. Do you really think I am so stupid as to believe what you are saying? Let me ask you this: what happened to ‘I will never make you sad again’? What happened to the vows we shared at our wedding? ‘I will love you and honor you all the days of my life’? What happened to that? I don’t know who this Saeyoung in front of me is, but I do know one thing: I miss my husband.”
He was standing there, eyes wide and glassy as he processed what you were saying. You didn’t raise your voice too much but the message was clear, and he finally got it
You turned to leave, but paused in the doorway to call out, “If my husband decides to come back, I will be in the bedroom” before disappearing down the hall
When you left, he took a deep breath and sat down in the chair, hands tangled in his hair. While you lectured him, he was low-key terrified for his life. He had never seen you so angry
He stayed there to clear his head, and finally, after a little bit of time to let you cool down, he went to the bedroom to find you
He entered quietly, shutting the door and settling himself at the edge of the bed. You were sitting with your back pressed against the headboard, eyes staring straight ahead.
“MC, I’m sorry. I’ve been a real dick lately, haven’t I?” He let out a humorless chuckle. “I guess I broke my promise to you again. I’m sorry, I really am. I.. I’ve just been so stressed about Saeran. He’s gotten worse lately. Just when I thought life was going good. I guess I was taking my stress out on you, which was not fair. I’m so sorry.”
You crawled over and wrapped your arms around your husband as he bit his lip, trying not to cry. “I love you, you know that, right? I’m not about to leave you because you are having a hard time. I’m bound to you forever, see?” You grabbed his left hand and you put yours beside his, showing the matching wedding bands. “I’m stuck with you, and you with me. That’s not to say I’m not upset about you shoving me away again, but I’m not going to leave you because of this. So please, stop pushing me away?”
He wrapped his arms around you tight, the first hug you had from your husband in over a week. “I won’t again, okay? Just remind me if I turn into a douche again. Slap me if you need to. I dont want to see you mad like that. I thought Saeran was scary when mad, but you…”
“I HEARD THAT!” Saeran, who had been passing by the room, yelled, which broke the tension between the two of you, making you both laugh
Finally, things were starting to look up again, and Saeyoung learned his lesson to never make you mad again
You can find the Minor Trio here!
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hanmemyphone · 8 years ago
Can I request a imagine ? The mm-boys give mc advice and courage on dating someone, even if they love her with all their heart and it would break them apart, seeing her with someone else ? They would be just about to confess, when she told them that she likes someone. (They don't know that it's theirselfes though), but when she confesses to them, they would be angry about not telling them earlier or just happy that it turned out to their good... thats's up to you ! Thanks a lot ! 😘😚
It got longer towards the end (I just went free) so I hope you enjoy it! Under the cut because there’s a lot of it.
He was always there for you, he loved you but to him, the only thing that mattered is that you were happy. When you asked for advice, he gave it to you with all his expertise and tried to make it as smooth as he could. He didn’t want you to know about his feelings until he made up his mind to tell you, so he tried to act as normal as he could when giving you said advice.
He just hated the clench in his chest as he gave you advice that you would use for other men, not him. When he had finally decided to confess to you, he called you out one day to a cafe to make it seem somewhat normal. Before he could even open his mouth to start, you told him your thoughts first.
“I’ve found somebody I like!” you told and those words echoed in Zen’s head as he instantly regretted not telling you everything earlier but now he just forced a stage smile out and tried his best to appear happy for you. No matter what, he would support you because that’s the kind of loyal person Zen was however when you told him that it was him you liked… he was put into a state of shock. You had just jumped two pieces of life-changing information onto him, there was no way he wouldn’t just break down. After he realised your words, his face went red and he wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation of kissing you because he’s allowed to do that all he wants now.
Although he thought that he would be mad, he was just overjoyed and couldn’t help cuddling you at every opportunity, even now his hand that gripped yours tightly seemed to be enough.
“I don’t know what I would have done if I saw you in another man’s arms.”
He was always questioning why you would go to him for advice, he knew absolutely nothing about dating let alone even the confessing. He had never confessed to anybody or dated anybody, he was just a nerd who never really got the chance to go there. To make himself look better to you, because of the feelings he held for you, he tried his best to give you advice.
He didn’t want to appear useless to you and so every time you came to him, he delivered.
After giving you advice after advice, he decided to take his own advice and step up to the plate to confess to you. After college one day, he asked you out for lunch to get the entire ordeal over and done with. When sitting across from you, he tried his absolute best to somehow start telling you what was on his mind however he couldn’t help letting you talk.
At one point, he regretted that. He regretted letting you talk when you told him that you liked somebody. He looked at you with a blank stare as he tried to understand what you were saying and then when it clicked in his head, he tried his best to be happy for you. He tried to summon the sparkles in his eyes and his sunny smile but he pain he felt pounding in his heart halted him from doing anything convincing. He wanted to be happy for you but at the same time he felt unbelievably jealous, he wanted to be the one that was by your side. While he was trying to bring his mind off the topic and fake his smile, he was only listening to half of what you were saying. He didn’t hear your words when you said you liked him.
He asked you to repeat it and so you did. He was just in his state of shock again but soon enough his entire face went red and he refused to meet your gaze. To think that he went from faking a smile to being unable to stop smiling just made him even happier. There’s was no way he could be mad at you for playing with him, he was just too overjoyed to do anything but smile.
Although he still couldn’t meet your gaze, the boy was too embarrassed.
“If you turned me down, I would have probably just played LOLOL until I died!”
No matter what, she promised herself that she would always be there for you. She would give you the advice she wanted, she did all this just so she could ensure that you would stay by her side. She wasn’t desperate  but she knew what she had to do to continue staying by your side. It tore her apart knowing that you would probably use this advice to court somebody else but of course, she kept it inside and hid it beneath her glasses.
Due to the social situation and culture of Korea, she had intended to keep her feelings inside her for the rest of the time she loved you but after seeing you time and time again, there was no way she couldn’t say something. Keeping it bottled within her for so long was hindering her performance, she had no one but herself to blame for that so she decided to tell you everything. She called you out for dinner one night, intending to tell you everything by the end of the night and so when the meal had ended and everything was quiet, she opened her mouth.
However you interjected just before she started to speak. You told her that you had found somebody you liked and at that moment her heart shattered. The strong exterior she had built up had crumbled in only a few seconds as she could barely keep herself smiling. She wanted to probe for more information but her voice was beginning to waver so she only stayed silent to let you talk. She thought that maybe if she listened to your voice enough, she would be able to calm down however this wasn’t the case.
Her heart just began to pound even faster than before. The more she listened to you speak, the more restless she became, she didn’t want to hear any of this but she couldn’t just abandon you here. What would happen to your friendship then? While amongst her deep thought, Jaehee didn’t hear your last few comments properly but when she processed it properly, her head shot up.
Her eyes shone behind her glasses as a large smile finally
stretched across her face, she couldn’t help but stand up and walk over to envelop you in a big hug. Rather than being mad at you for playing with her (only a bit) she was just grateful, incredibly grateful.
She had finally gotten something she had wanted herself and soon she parted from you, only to look in your eyes. The look on her face was gentle. She was satisfied. She was happy.
“Thank you for everything.”
He was never giving you reliable advice. Why should he, somebody who loved you with all his heart, give you advice? Advice that you would probably use for another man? Honestly, he was against the whole concept of giving you advice but he wanted to keep talking to you so he gave you half hearted, abstract advice that you wouldn’t be able to take into consideration. This would become a cycle, one where you asked him and he delivered. He, at first, was content in watching you come and go but after giving you ‘advice’ much too many times, he was determined to let you know that he wouldn’t give you any advice again- unless it was used for himself.
All this time he had tried to be subtle about his discomfort but now he was determined so he asked you out for dinner one night and he made all the preparations, personally. What food would be ordered, the wine being bought, the music, the atmosphere, everything had to be perfect. When he found the time had come, he prepared himself to tell you how he felt. He had practiced at home, strangely enough, he wanted to find the correct words to say in his situation.
When he finally found a way to open his mouth, you started to speak first and Jumin couldn’t help but become frustrated. He had tried so incredibly hard to find a way to properly express himself but was immediately shut down. He now sat there in silent frustration as he listened to you continue to speak and there he found his smile again. When he heard you were confessing to him, he couldn’t control the smile on his face as he reached over the table to hold your hand. As he gently caressed it, all the anger disappeared and he couldn’t help but feel the smile continue to beam. He wasn’t mad at you, he was mad at himself for not sorting his emotions out earlier but he was happy at the outcome. For once somebody had beaten him, and he couldn’t be happier. When you two walked out of the restaurant, hand in hand, he whispered in your ear with the smile still stretched across his face.
“Just you wait for what I have prepared for tonight.”
To be honest, even you didn’t know why you kept going back to Saeyoung for advice, it’s not like he ever gave you anything good to work with.
“If they don’t listen to you talk, just kick them in the shin!”
“Saeyoung I don’t think that’s going to work…”
“Alright, then call down your alien friends and threaten your partner with the extinction of humani-”
Obviously, he never gave you real advice because he didn’t want you being successful with anybody other him but he knew that he had to give you up. He was torn over his own feelings and went from cases where he would give you somewhat reasonable advice to cases where he just cut straight to the supernatural with a sprinkle of bullshit.
The battle inside of him continued and although he thought he could take the pain of letting you go but as he wondered about it more and more, he noticed that it was eating away at him.
He felt overwhelmed each day he thought about the situation and he felt his heart being ripped away every time you asked for relationship advice. Soon came the time where he couldn’t bear it anymore and so he came over to your apartment, rung the bell and asked if he could come in. He tried to hide his frustration but it was apparent to you, he was annoyed about something. He acted cold but it was only because he was trying to think about what he could say as he had acted before his mind had time to catch up.
The awkward silence was only making him more anxious but when he had made up his mind that he was just going to say it all straightforward with no jokes, you began to speak first. He listened to you earnestly with a smile on his face as he listened to the sound of your voice, using it to calm him down but instead he heard that you liked somebody.
For some reason, he felt happy at the possibility it was him but soon shut himself down knowing that hope got you nowhere. He continued to listen to you while he just became overwhelmed with emotions, only when you shook him by the shoulders was when he returned back to reality to listen to what you had said.
“I like you.”
His eyes widened and his glasses fell down his nose to the tip. He was shocked, so shocked that he began to speak in binary and a breakneck pace. He couldn’t believe and couldn’t think properly. Was he happy? Was he angry? Was he frustrated? In the end, he decided he was just grateful and would take everything as it came because he knew that if you let something go for even moment, it would disappear quickly.
“01000100 01101111 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100101.”
No matter what, he wanted to see you happy. He would try his best to give you great advice so you could go do what you wanted but always, inside his heart, he was trembling. He didn’t want to see you go but also wanted the best for you. He would have been fine keeping his feelings for you locked away inside of him for the rest of his life but when he began to see you on the street walking together with a another man, his heart began to pound as if it was being clenched. He then scolded himself silently for being a coward, he shouldn’t just keep it to himself, he should have at least told you.
Only then would he be able to give you up.
He called you out for a drive randomly one day under the pretence that he wanted to show you something but he just wanted to use the dark night as the backdrop to his confession. With an arm outside his window, he kept stealing glances at you, trying to still concentrate on the road but he couldn’t help himself. He saw your eyes sparkle as you looked out in front and V couldn’t help but be captivated by it, soon deciding to speak up.
He asked you what you were thinking about and your answer surprised him.“I’m thinking about someone,” you replied as he saw the smile stretch across your face.When he asked who, he was soon deflated by your answer.“The one who I love.”He chuckled softly to himself, trying to hide his fact he was destroyed. When he realised you were in love with somebody else, he wasn’t thinking of ways to steal you away. Rather, he was happy for you. All he could think of was how he could help you get with the one you loved, he was happy that all the advice he had given you was working. He was devastated but he couldn’t just show that to you, if he thought he was happy about the situation he would be able to hide it all better.
“He’s incredibly lucky,” V told, trying to show a smile on his face but he couldn’t help but feel broken.“V,” you started,“I love you.”He suddenly lost a bit of the control of the wheel however he quickly composed himself and continued to drive in a straight line. Luckily it was late and there were no cars present for a possible accident. It was just you, him and the moon.
He questioned what you were saying and asked if you were being truthful. Of course you replied with yes and he couldn’t hide the smile on his face. He was delighted, he was thrilled, he was in love. He had the urge to hug you and tell you how much he loved you but he had to focus on the road. At this point he regretted taking you out for a drive but he was too happy to worry about it now. The smile wouldn’t disappear from his face for a while now.
“Thank you.”
Given that he has absolutely no experience with anything, he has nothing to bring to the table. He feels a bit hopeless when he listens to you talk about relationships but nevertheless he listens carefully in case it could help him with you. He didn’t know when he realised it, but he noticed his gaze towards you was more than often. He also noticed that when you smiled, he couldn’t help but smile as well. The warmth he felt inside his heart was like nothing he had ever experienced so at this point he just wanted to find out where these feelings could take him. However, with you constantly asking for advice, the thought of you with somebody else made him jealous. He hated seeing you with somebody else and didn’t even want to think about it however when he thought about himself and his inability to tell you what he wanted to tell you, he had no right to complain.
Soon enough he became frustrated with himself and couldn’t keep it in any longer. Keeping something in was never Saeran’s strong point, he had always openly expressed his anger, his sorrows, he had just had enough with himself at this point.
Completely out of the blue, he called you out to a park near your apartment. By the time you arrived, he was already sitting on the swings as he looked at his breath form clouds in the air. His eyes caught sight of you and quickly he looked away. He felt his body heating up as you approached and quickly he went through what he was going to say in his head.
Unlucky for him, he had forgotten everything.
“What is it Saeran?” you asked as he looked down at the ground, focusing hard on thinking about what he could possibly say but he couldn’t help it, his mind was drawing a blank. He couldn’t meet your eyes right now, not with the inner turmoil is was facing.“Saeran,” you told with a happy voice, boosting Saeran’s morale just a bit,“I found somebody I like!”And there his morale went. He tensed at the words like as he was still trying to find his own meaning for them, he realised that he couldn’t be like this anymore and immediately stood up. He looked you straight in the eyes and held your shoulders tightly as he was about to raise his voice to confess however…“I like you Saeran.” You told with your eyes looking directly at him as straight as an arrow.
He felt his heart shatter but not of heartbreak as he was expecting. It was out of shock. He had built up an exterior wall to block out any possible sadness he could have felt but now, with a single line, you had effectively shattered that wall.
He laid his forehead on your shoulder and pulled you close to him, only being able to explain what he was feeling with actions. He was mad at himself for not taking action earlier but realised he had to pick himself up quickly or this chance could fly away from him. Just by feeling your touch and absorbing your heat, he had found his meaning.
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elvendara · 8 years ago
Alright guys, here is the next thing I am working on. A Mystic Messenger/X-Men Crossover! I saw a 707 art with him holding a playing card and my mind immediately shouted GAMBIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thus, this crossover was born. Major kudos to my lovely Tumblr daughter @booyakasha516 who fueled my tangent and helped me flesh it out. Here is the premise, and the ‘in progress’ first chapter.
This is still in the works, so things might change once I post it on AO3, which I plan to do later...... Enjoy! I hope you enjoy it anyway
Saeyoung: Gambit
MC: Rogue
Yoosung: Ice Man
Jaehee: Mystique
Zen: Cyclops
Saeran: Pyro
V: Professor X V
Vanderwood: Wolverine
 Saeyoung, MC, Yoosung, Jumin, and Zen are X-men under Professor V as the head. Professor V is blind instead of paralysed.
Jaehee and Saeran are part of Magneto’s group.
Vanderwood is a free agent, doing as he pleases according to his own preferences.
Rika is the head of the government agency that is tracking and covertly eliminating mutants, good or bad. Humanity First, ???? Might change the name....
 Professor V set his cane on the conference table and sat at the head. He heard the others sit around him. Their minds bobbing waves of energy and thoughts. He stayed clear of entering, as per usual, he did not eavesdrop on people’s inner thoughts unless the need was great. Most times he entered it was because that mind cried out for help. As the others settled he read their moods out of habit.
Saeyoung was bright, his energy vast and tightly contained. He could tell he was playing with a deck of cards, even if he couldn’t see him. He heard the crackle of energy that infused the small rectangles, passing from his fingers to the card and back. He also heard his heavy boots hitting the table as he leaned back on the chair. Professor V sighed and shook his head, it would do no good to remind him the table was no place for feet. Saeyoung was the same as always, hiding his insecurities behind his humor and smiles.
Yoosung sat to his left, he seemed amused, Professor V could vaguely see that he watched Saeyoung, who sat across from him, they were particularly close. Yoosung’s mind was strong, his passion stronger. He was well liked by the students, even though he was barely much older than them. He had also been the butt of many pranks. His youthfulness, innocence, and trusting nature making him an easy target. While the pranks had died down, because it just became too easy and cruel to trick the blonde, Saeyoung still enjoyed playing his own practical jokes on him. Unlike Saeyoung, Yoosung’s cheerfulness was genuine. He enjoyed teaching the children and often had very deep and meaningful conversations with them. They trusted he would keep their confidence and that he would listen with empathy. Professor V was glad that he had asked Yoosung to stay at the academy as a teacher once he himself had graduated. There was a special place in his heart for the young man.
Zen sat next to Yoosung, his mood perturbed. If Professor V had to guess, the mood was probably due to Jumin. Those two had yet to get along, Zen often threatening to use his laser eyes on Jumin’s wings. He was breathing heavily and had certainly sat down crossing his arms immediately. He could imagine Zen glaring at Jumin through his shielded goggles, his lips pursed and huffing. Professor V grinned at the stunning figure he must cut with his long flowing white locks, his high cheekbones, and wide shoulders. He heard his teeth grinding in his jaw.
As Jumin sat next to Saeyoung and across from Zen Professor V heard the rustling of his black wings. He would spread them so that they lay to each side of the chair and he would not crush them beneath him. He leaned back, placing his hands on the table ever so softly. His breathing was even and steady. Whatever had transpired between Jumin and Zen, it had not affected the stoic man as much as it had affected Zen. Professor V did catch a feeling of annoyance from the man, but he was impressed by how perfectly Jumin held his emotions in. There were times he wished that he was not so good at it.
“We’re all here Professor.” Saeyoung yelled, moving his hand in front of the Professor’s eyes. Professor V turned and pushed Saeyoung’s hand down. “I’m not completely blind Saeyoung, I can tell everyone is here, even without eyes as you well know.” He grinned.
Saeyoung chuckled and leaned back in his chair once more, throwing his feet onto the table as well. Professor V took his cane and shoved at his ankle until his feet hit the floor. Saeyoung only chuckled more, leaning over the table and shuffling his cards on the surface.
“Do you have to keep doing that?” Zen asked, his arms still crossed and his mood still bad.
“No.” was the sharp answer, as Saeyoung continued to shuffle.
Yoosung giggled, then covered his mouth. Zen backhanded him lightly on the shoulder and Yoosung just shrugged.
“Alright, listen up, this is important. Humanity First is at it again. They’ve taken someone with tremendous strength, she won’t be alive for long. Her psychic scream was deafening. I was able to gather some information before her mind was closed off completely. Either by her own design, which I doubt, or by outward means. Her name is MC, her alias is Rogue. Currently she has the telepathic power, a strong one.”
“What do you mean ‘currently’?” Jumin asked, leaning forward, elbows on the table, arms crossed.
“It seems as if her mutant power is the ability to steal other mutant’s powers, or, sadly, the life of humans.”
Yoosung gasped, his hands covering his mouth. “That sounds awful.” He said.
“Indeed. I did some research, she has been on her own for a little over four years now. Apparently, her powers manifested during an intimate encounter with her boyfriend. A single kiss was enough to drain him of his life force.”
“She killed him?” Yoosung gasped again. He couldn’t imagine killing anyone. Although he had the power to do just that, it was not something he ever contemplated seriously.
“I’m afraid so, people were afraid of her after that, including her own parents, so she ran away before they could put her in an institution. I’m not sure how she has survived up till now, but having done so for this many years, speaks of a great mind.”
“Do you know where they took her? Which facility?” Jumin asked.
“No, but I’ve narrowed it down to three.”
“How are we supposed to figure it out? We can’t just go in and check all of them.” Zen responded.
“No, we can’t, but I know someone who can.�� Professor V answered. “Saeyoung has worked his magic and has all the details we need. I want you and Yoosung to go to Battalion Square, someone will meet you there with more information. Once you have ascertained which facility the girl is in, I will send the rest of the team to your location so that you can come up with a plan of attack.”
“Who are we meeting with?” Saeyoung asked.
“You’ll see, that will be all for now, I suggest you two get going, or you will be late.”
“Professor!” Saeyoung stood and pressed the Professor.
He sighed and placed a hand on Saeyoung’s shoulder, “Just, go Saeyoung. Trust me.”
Saeyoung’s lips thinned out but he nodded. He grabbed his cards and tucked them into his trenchcoat, he motioned for Yoosung to follow him and grabbed his staff as he headed out the door.
“Who do you think it is?” Yoosung asked.
Saeyoung clenched his teeth, “My brother.” He breathed out.
“Oh!” Yoosung had never met Saeyoung’s brother, but he knew that they had not parted under good terms. “But, but that means…”
“We’ll be working with Magneto again, yes. This new agency is a threat to all mutants, but I still don’t trust Magneto’s team.”
“Neither do I.” Yoosung agreed. They made their way to the underground garage and Saeyoung retracted his staff until it was no longer than twelve inches, he tucked it away next to his cards. He jumped into his convertible and Yoosung got into the passenger side. There were days when Saeyoung wished he had a cool traveling power, but, being behind the wheel of his sports cars was exhilarating in and of itself. He glanced over at Yoosung, at 21 he was still so much like a child. He wore ripped blue jeans and a white t-shirt with blue and yellow horizontal stripes. There were two hair clips that held his bangs away from his large amethyst eyes. The car was not moving and Yoosung looked over at Saeyoung.
“What?” he asked, his voice high pitched and sweet. Saeyoung grinned.
“Nothing, let’s go.” Yoosung put his seatbelt on and glanced at Saeyoung, he ran a hand over his yellow locks and wondered what it was that Saeyoung had been looking at. He was well aware that he did not quite measure up to the rest of the V-Men. He was the youngest, but it was more than that, he lacked any kind of experience. He only hoped that he would not let the team down, or Professor V.
They made it to the square in no time, Saeyoung ignoring all driving laws, Yoosung’s hair windblown and messy. He had also lost a hairclip along the way. He groaned as he looked at himself in the mirror, trying to make one hairclip work. He sighed and gave up, sliding it out of his hair and tossing it into the center console. His hair immediately flopped over his left eye and he blew at it to no avail. Saeyoung laughed and ruffled his hair.
“Stop it!” he pushed Saeyoung’s hand away and got out of the car. Saeyoung locked it and Yoosung arched his eyebrow.
“Gotta keep my baby safe.” He said, twirling his keychain around his finger.
“Saeyoung, the top is down, if someone wants to get into your car, it’s not that hard.”
“Oh really? Ok, smart water, go ahead, try it.” Yoosung rolled his eyes at Saeyoung’s attempted humor.
“Fine.” He reached a hand to the door and was about to jump in the car when the door flew open, knocking him down on his ass.
“Stay away or I’ll beat you senseless.” The car mocked him. Saeyoung bent over, slapping his knee and laughing.
Yoosung held his belly where the door had hit him, cursing at Saeyoung.
“What a mouth! You kiss your mother with that mouth?” Saeyoung’s eyes were wide in mock surprise.
“Shut up and help me up, that really hurt!” Yoosung held out his hand for Saeyoung to take. He yanked him and dusted him off, still snickering.
“Is this you get your kicks? Picking on children?” Came a sarcastic and nasty voice from behind them. They both turned around. The man, not much more than a boy himself, had shocking white hair with red tips, his eyes were an unnatural mint green, freckles across his nose. He had a thin red sweater on so loose at the collar that it fell off his right shoulder, although, the way it exposed a large tattoo of an intricate eye, he might be wearing it that way on purpose. He had a double choker around his neck and a spiked wrist band. His jeans were black and he wore motorcycle boots. Yoosung’s eyes widened.
“You’re, you’re twins!” he exclaimed.
“You’ve got a bright one here Saeyoung.” the man said as he tapped out a cigarette from his pack, tossing it into his mouth. He shoved the pack into his back pocket and with a snap of his fingers, he created a small flame to light it.
“Nice to see you too Saeran.” Saeyoung grated. The hand around Yoosung’s arm tightened and he could feel the crackle of kinetic energy along his skin.
The woman standing next to him had long brown hair and brown eyes. She was dressed in business attire. A white button blouse, black suit jacket and black pencil skirt. She wore little to no makeup and her heels looked too high to be worn in an office setting. She smirked at them both.
Saeran snickered and turned away from his brother, scanning the area, and exhaling smoke.
“I was told you had the location of the three facilities, let me have them. I also need someone to impersonate.”
“And you are?” Saeyoung’s eyebrows rose.
She held out her hand. Saeyoung smiled at her, his most charming smile and leaned in. “I don’t give it up that easily. What do I get?” he crooned. Yoosung rolled his eyes at the same time as Saeran, they stared at each other, Saeran narrowed his eyes and looked Yoosung up and down, as if for the first time. Yoosung blushed and turned away, letting his hair fall and cover his face.
“You get to stay alive, now give me the information.” She glared at Saeyoung dangerously. Saeyoung pouted, his charms usually worked.
Saeran snickered again. “Don’t mess with Jaeheee, she doesn’t have a funny bone. She’s a little boring, but.” He shrugged. She glowered sideways at him and pursed her lips but said nothing. He scoffed at her look, but kept all other comments to himself.
Saeyoung reluctantly pulled out the envelope and handed it to Jaehee. She took it in her long fingers and opened it, flipping through the information rapidly.
“Good, this will do, I will contact you when we learn which facility the girl is in.”
Saeyoung reached out to grab her arm, but the daggers in her eyes held him at bay.
“We go with you.”
“Why? You can’t help me, you would stick out like a sore thumb!”
“He can’t go in with you either, we’ll just keep him company, catch up, what do you say brother?” Saeyoung gestured towards Saeran who rolled his eyes again and puffed harder on his cigarette. Yoosung looked from one to the other, as did Jaehee.
“Whatever! He might be helpful if we need to hack.” Saeran conceded.
“Fine, but they are your responsibility!” Jaehee turned on her heels and walked off, Saeran glared at the other two and followed her. Saeyoung and Yoosung had no choice but to fall in line behind him. Yoosung was sure it was going to be a miserable few hours for him. He could feel the tension and aggression roiling off the two brothers. It was only a matter of time before it escaped, and he would be stuck in the middle.
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commander-yinello · 8 years ago
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The Matchmakers - Part 7
Art made by the amazing @bambz-art! 
@setthestarsxnfire​ and I wrote this one together! Hope you enjoy! This one is long so more under the cut~
MC: It’s a beautiful day! Jaehee Kang: We should do something together V: Agreed, it’s been awhile since we went out as a group. ZEN: Like what? 707: Let’s go to the fair~!! ✧◕ヮ◕✧ ZEN: We’ve already been to the fair
Yoosung★: Oh? Since when :3 Saeran: ‘We’? ZEN: Since ZEN: Ehm ZEN: No no, I misspoke ZEN: I’ve never been there Jumin Han: … MC: Great! MC: Then it’s settled, let’s all go! Jaehee Kang: I don’t know if it’s something for me. MC: Jaehee, it’s not the same without you (;﹏;) 707: MC’s secret weapon has been activated! Jaehee Kang: Ah! I will go, MC! Jaehee Kang: Don’t cry! MC: Yaaayyy!! Jumin Han: I really should finish writing these reports. V: Come on Jumin, it’s Sunday. V: Zen, you will be there, I hope? ZEN: Hah… I suppose I can’t refuse if everyone wants to see me Jumin Han: Alright, I’ll join. MC: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Yoosung★: Saeran, you’re not going to protest as well, right? Saeran: Saeyoung is already dragging me out the door ⌐.⌐ 707: Whoo~!
V looked around the car, slightly uncomfortable as he sat in the co-pilot seat. “Honestly, Saeyoung, you didn’t have to pick me up”.  The redhead in question was driving, but V swore the hacker had rolled his eyes. He took a deep breath before he started to talk. “It’s faster this way! Besides, if you had called a cab you might have end up lost in an alternative universe, or in a time loop”. He laughed, and the photographer heard Saeran scoff and mutter various curse words. V couldn’t help but smile a little at the words of the older twin. “Saeyoung, I think you just missed the fair because you were distracted with V.” Saeran said as he placed his phone back in his pocket, annoyed. “Seriously...” The oldest of the three chuckled, looking around to check. Saeyoung had indeed missed the fair, but his eyes were still in the road. “Your brother is probably looking for a better spot to park his car, Saeran.” Saeyoung immediately nodded, biting his lip. “Yeah! I can’t just let my baby park in the main entrance!” V saw through the rear-view mirror how Saeran raised a brow in a mocking manner. He mouthed something as well, his attitude reminding him of the way his own sister used to act when she was a teenager. It was quite obvious that the younger twin did care about his family, he just had a rough way to express it. Actually, if he thought about it, maybe that was what had happened with Zen and Jumin; although V couldn’t be sure. The car skidded to a halt, and the owner parked it neatly between two other cars. The walk to the fair wasn’t a long one and when they arrived at the entrance, he was surprised to see that everyone was already there. Saeyoung pouted, before laughing out loud. “I was supposed to be the very first one to arrive!” He faked a sob, hiding his face in his hands. “My life is ruined~!” Jumin, who was standing quite close  – but not enough – to Zen, crossed his arms over his chest, looking completely bored. “Hello. What did you have planned, Saeyoung? I would like not to waste too much time.” The redhead in question released another fake sob, before he started to laugh maniacally, like those villains in Disney movies. “Calm down, Mr. Fuzzypants!” He twirled around, pausing a moment. “We’ll be exploring the haunted house!” The hacker now resembled the Cheshire cat, his grin bigger than Zen’s ego. Zen’s eyes widened for a fraction of time, and Jumin tensed. That didn’t go unnoticed by Saeyoung, who immediately smirked and teased them both for being scared. The albino scoffed, avoiding the shorter’s gaze. “Of course I’m not scared, it’s only a haunted house, not anything to be afraid of. It’s probably just some amateur’s work”. He crossed his arms over his chest, and maybe he didn’t notice, but V saw how Zen got closer to Jumin. He wondered if something had happened during those times the RFA wasn’t there to see them, but the photographer doubted it. V took a deep breath, “Let’s go then. I heard it was pretty popular, two girls were advertising it in front of the art gallery yesterday. Maybe they work here”. They all followed the hacker who had apparently memorized the map of the fair, and soon they arrived at the haunted house. It was big, black and it looked very old. MC declared herself the twin of the girl who had handed them the tickets, and both of them, plus Saeyoung who barged in, took a picture together. The friend of the girl selling tickets – a girl with dark hair – had asked for a photo with Jumin, Zen and surprisingly, with the photographer as well. V swore that as he entered the haunted house, one of them whispered ‘Good luck’. He was slowly starting to regret coming in the haunted house. But he hoped it would be more fun and watching as the couple got closer rather than screaming. He hoped.   ★★★★★★   The creaking floorboards, the sounds of howling wind and distant shrill laughter, the dim lights flickering on and off, the furniture that shook the moment they got too close - Zen tried so very hard not let it get to him and failed miserably, goosebumps covering his skin. Thank goodness he was wearing his jacket, he would never have lived it down if Seven saw it. His acting skills came to good use, forcing his arms to remain in a relaxed position, keeping his expression as bored as possible. No way in hell would he admit these props scare him. But just in case, he stayed close, right behind the entire RFA, its younger members happily laughing and screaming at every dummy and animated painting that popped up. V looked way too peaceful, casually strolling through the haunted house like it was a park and he swore Jaehee yawned. Jumin was near him; he swore the executive inched closer with every step they took. Despite his cold façade, it was clear Trust Fund felt just as unsettled and it gave him comfort to know he wasn’t the only one. Had the others not been with them, he would have asked if they could leave and no doubt Jumin would comply. Zen worried his lip. Strange how he felt so comfortable around him now. In the past days, Jumin had shown to be so much more than the robot he took him for. That nagging warm feeling in his chest was still ever present, and for the first time he didn’t want it to go away. Suddenly the lights fell out. A loud thunderclap made his heart stop, making the actor curse loudly at the jumpscare. Someone bumped into him and there was no doubt in his mind who it was, not with that cologne. Warm fingers brushed past his and it was too tempting to grab them, but he resisted. When the lights came back on after a few seconds, he readied himself for another moving animatronic that never came. However the rest of the RFA was gone. Zen quickly whipped his head around but the two of them were completely alone. How could they have possibly run off so fast?! “Jumin, do you think...?” Even frowning, Jumin looked more scared than angry. “I think whoever is in charge of lighting should be fired.” Sigh. Zen was torn between telling him how haunted houses worked, yelling at him for missing the obvious or just running the hell away, but he didn’t want to leave anyone behind. What if the rest had gotten lost? Though thinking about it more, it was likely they had ran off in their excitement. A high-pitched scream made them both jump and Jumin latched onto Zen’s arm, as the shadow of a witch raced past the wooden wall. He could feel the other’s heartbeat going a million miles per hour. His fear temporarily made way for embarrassment. This was way too intimate. What if someone saw them? Wait, why was that the foremost worry on his mind? “H-hey, you’re-“ Something went thump and Zen couldn’t think anymore, instead clinging onto the executive’s jacket, all pretense of courage lost.   ★★★★★★   Jumin didn’t even bother to try and deny it around the albino. He grabbed onto the other’s arm because he was scared, and judging by Zen’s alarmed face, the actor was as well. It made him feel a little bit better that Zen trusted him enough to drop his act. The only thing he could think about when the other hugged him was how warm and perfect it seemed, and the executive placed an arm around Zen’s waist in hopes of bringing some comfort. The atmosphere was already creepy and the red lights continuously flickering only helped in making it more terrifying. The place around them seemed to be a dining room, but it was completely different from the one in his penthouse. The curtains by the “window” were ripped, wind causing them to move and project shadows on the wall. The table and chairs were completely covered in what he thought were dust and spider webs, and was that a skull? A chill ran through his spine and Jumin could swear he saw someone hiding under the table, hoping the creators of the place didn’t contract any actors. There were several different props on his left, including a coffin, a chest, and several other things he didn’t identify. Jumin unconsciously brought Zen closer when he noticed that the coffin was shaking. “J-Jumin?” The slightly shorter man asked, turning so that he could look at the entrepreneur. “Can we please get out of here?” The way the actor was looking at him was quite adorable, in any other situation Jumin might have leaned down and kissed him. Wait what. He meant admire him, there was no way he wanted to kiss Zen.   A loud thud brought him back to reality as the coffin fell and a scream echoed from inside it, making them both jump. Startled, he nodded quickly. “Let’s get out of here, who knows what might happen next.” As if on cue, several props started to fall and screams echoed all over the place. It seemed like someone or several people were getting murdered inside the haunted house. Jumin grabbed Zen’s hand and intertwined their fingers, pulling him as he started to run. His heart was beating hard in his chest from the terrifying experience and because of something else he didn’t identify yet, it didn’t matter, right now he just wanted to get out of the spooky haunted house. They ran until they found an exit that led right back to the place where they entered the haunted house. It was like a maze, or built specifically so they could return to the starting point. He recognized the two girls who had attended them. They were giggling, and in that moment, he couldn’t care less. “That was quite terrifying.” He whispered, looking back at Zen. The albino nodded, a blush starting to present in his face as he squeezed Jumin’s fingers. “Yeah. Let’s get some drinks. We’ll call the RFA later.” Jumin smiled, pulling the actor with him to look for a place where they sold drinks, and hopefully accepted credit cards.   ★★★★★★   This was awesome! Perhaps the best plan ever concocted in the history of the universe. Seven could not stop grinning, almost wanted to cackle but held himself back as he posed behind one of the empty paintings. Zen was so close to Jumin, they would melt together if they tried any harder, the two men practically pissing their pants. Little did they know that the RFA had quickly bolted away when the lights fell out, hiding in props behind the two. Everyone was wearing the same shit-eating grin he was; even Jaehee looked absolutely diabolical from under the dining table. Close to him, the curtains rustled. Shocked, he looked to his side, only to feel relief when it was V, holding his camera ready. The photographer gave him a reassuring smile and Seven sighed, feeling slightly more calm. It was easy to claim the adrenaline came from feeling giddy about his favorite duo, but in truth he also felt frightened by the haunted house. Focus! The time was nigh - if there was anything that would make people realize their true feelings, it would be in the face of danger. It was too bad he couldn’t hear what Jumin and Zen were saying, with all the spooky sound effects around him. Yoosung had chosen the coffin as his hiding place, but it was just a bit too close to the couple and Seven frantically motioned for him to back away, lest he get spotted. The blond got the hint and quickly retreated inside. Unfortunately his speed cost him, his weight made the coffin wobble and to everyone’s dismay, it fell over right next to the two, his panicked yelp warped by the prop. The two men quickly stepped away from it, both of them whiter than the ghosts they’d come across. Just as MC glanced over to him, most likely wondering whether or not they should help Yoosung up, the most terrifying figure ran in, wearing a white mask and holding a club. The group stared at him. Another prop? Wait, was it breathing?! Said prop skidded to a halt right as it entered and turned to face him, eyes so dark, like staring at death. “AAAAAAH!” Seven couldn’t stop himself from screaming, falling backwards, the frame he was leaning on falling to the ground. This caused a chain reaction, hearing the other members shout out in fright. As he scrambled back up, he saw Jaehee running towards the prop to punch it, but MC ran into her and pulled her away. Seven felt a hand on his shoulder, urgently pushing him towards the exit as well. When he glanced back, Zen and Jumin were long gone. There would be more time to feel sad about once they all got away from the killer prop.   ★★★★★★   Those idiots! Saeran facepalmed against his plastic mask, wondering how in the world people like his brother could learn so many languages and yet be scared of an obvious costume. It had been a good choice, blending in with his surroundings more, but had he known everyone would react like this he would have decided otherwise. The coffin on the ground shook and Saeran continued his original plan of going over to him, yanking the jarred door open to find the wide-eyed blond inside. “Saeran? Thanks!” Yoosung exclaimed as the younger twin helped him up. “Wait, where are the others?” He peered at Saeran, who shook his head while trying his best not to roll his eyes. “Thanks to my moron brother and the rest, this plan backfired too.” Yoosung looked a little deflated, then smiled. It surprised him every time how positive the youngest member of the RFA was. “Well, we just gotta try again!” It was nothing short of a miracle that Jumin and Zen hadn’t figured out what they were doing, Saeran thought as he sighed.
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mhhrr19 · 8 years ago
Tumblr media
Authors note!!! I'm only on day two of this game so if 707 seems off or anything else then my bad lol reading other lemons (yesh this is a lemon) i got a feeling for who he is. But for the sake of my story let's pretend people want to hurt Rika and your nervous about joining RFA. (Lol didnt get to this part so I guess there's a part two!!lol) Warnings: sexy 707, smut, sex, other kinky stuff idk You understood the worries of the other members of RFA but you felt like you were being watched yet like this was different. Everywhere you went, you felt evil watching you, the kind of malice only a demon would have. You haven't slept in two days and barely eaten. After 7 said there were confidential files all over the apartment, you barely entered it. You slept on the floor right in front of the door and always went out to eat. You lost your job and only had little money for food. Something about the RFA made you want to stay but the conditions you set for yourself made you sleep deprived and always hungry. To keep your mind off of your fears you opened the app hoping 7 was online. Something about him made you forget your worries. Maybe it was his joking behavior on life, the Golden eyes that drew you in, or perhaps it was the fact that he knew many secrets and you didn't have to worry about slipping something up. You sighed seeing as how no one was online. You should of known it was 3am after all. A small tear slipped from your eyes as you prepared for bed. The draft of door passed through your clothes and the makeshift pillow was hard. You shivered and whispered his name, wishing he was here. The light of your phone broke the darkness indicating a text. You jumped straight up and ran to the light. A text from 7 asking why you were awake this late. You smiled and replied it's not nice to hack a person's phone. A few minutes passed before he replied. You face froze a little at the words. "Hey i know you lost your job because you chose to stay at the apartment instead of going home. I thank you for that. According to your bank records you've been eating out alot and you don't have much money left. Why aren't you useing the kitchen? I know there's plenty of food. I stock it myself. Perhaps are you bad at cooking?? Lollll I couldn't imagine that XP also seeing how active your phone is im taking it you aren't getting enough sleep!! You need to take better care of yourself or else we can't kidnap Elizabeth the 3rd!!!" Even though 7 just hacked every inch of your privacy, you were glad he did. You didn't have to bring it up first, you didn't have to sound so helpless. You smiled as you typed. " 7 it's not good to make a habit of hacking my whole life! But since we are on this subject can I ask a favor of you? All of these files make me nervous and can you come over and take the ones I can't see? I want to be the new Rika, maybe even better if I can but I want RFA to trust me first. Your the only one who's know the contents of these files and the location but I know it's late and you don't have to if your sleepy." Your hands shook as you hit the send button. You waited ten minutes in fear that you asked to much of him. His response finaly came. It was short but it was what you wanted hear. A simple "yes lol". 20 minutes passed and you tried to make yourself look a little better. The black circles under your eyes covered in make up, wrinkled jeans and Hoodie with a coffee spill on it gave away the fact that you never went home for clothes. The doorbell rang and jolted you out of your thoughts. You swiftly opened the door to see a smiling 7. "Ooo kitten you haven't been taking care of yourself!" 7 purred as he walked in. You blushed as you looked down at the floor. He was taller in person and his eyes seemed to glow with something you couldn't tell what it was. "Thank you 7 for coming so late. You could of waited till daytime if this bothered you too much". You sheeply replied as he brushed away the papers on the couch. He spotted the makeshift pillow in the corner of the room as he looked around. He noticed nothing was out of place. Nothing. He sighed as he grabbed your waste and pulled you into his lap. His lips brushed your ear as he whispered "This is your home now. Don't be worried to use it." The blush you had on your face quickly disappeared as a single tear ran down your cheek. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you burried your face in the nook of his neck. His headphones pressed against your temple as you started speak. "I want to do so much with RFA. I want to help people and change the world but when I look at this place it reminds me that I'm replacing a person who was loved by everyone. I'm scared ill mess up. I'm scared that if I make this place my home, then you and the other will hate me. Her papers are everywhere. Her hand writing is on sticky notes. You cared for her so much that you kept this place stocked with food." Your sobbing interrupted you, just as you drew in a deep breath filled with the sweet sent of 7, he chuckled. He pulled your hips closer as his long fingers found your chin. With a light tug he pulled you to face him. "First off kitten we would never hate you for doing what we asked you to do. You gave up your old life for us. You aren't replacing Rika and you shouldnt compare yourself to her. You are what we need right now. I've seen every paper you wrote for school, every work project, you are smart, you are what we need right now. This place isn't a temple for Rika. The only reason I kept this place stocked with food is cause I felt that someone would come along and help us. And I was right. You came so now you have to make this place yours." You smiled through the tears and nodded at his words. "The first thing we need to do is make this place yours" He purred as he pulled your hoodie over your head and tossed it on the stack of papers in the corner of the floor. You blushed as how you were only wearing a see through tank top and black bra peaking through. As you tried to cover yourself, 7 picked you up and sat you ontop of the kitchen table. His lips crashed into yours as he positioned himself between your legs. With every passing second his kisses grew deeper and hungrier for yours. He bit your lips as he pulled back A little for air but unluckily for you, you didn't get such a break as you gasped at his fingers curling under the hem of your shirt.with a quick chuckle he removed your shirt with one shift movement and threw it so it landed in the sink. He kissed you once more slipping his tongue in as he grabbed your ass. Your legs quickly found themselves around his waist. You were so lost in the kiss that you didn't notice he was about to pick you up. With one bite he lifted you up and made his way to the bathroom. He let your legs drop to the ground as he started to bite your neck. You started to whimper as he got closer to your soft spot on your neck. He grinned as he heard your breath stop. He hovered his lips above your spot as he watched your reaction. Craving more he bit down hard earning a gasp and you moaning his his name. You bit you lip as you looked into his hungry eyes. He smiled as he kissed his bite mark causing you to moan once more. His fingers were quick at work as they undid your pants. 7 skipped passed your breast and kissed a trail down your stomach. Bracing the bathroom sink every time he would bite a place on your stomach. He stopped just above the hem of your jeans and looked up at you. You saw his face watching your every move as you asked him what he was doing is hopes to figure out why he had stopped. His grin appeared once more as he stated with a slight smugness he was thinking of where throw your pants to make sure you knew this was your bathroom. A deep blush appeared across your face as his breath sent shivers to your core. He tore your pants down at the sight of your blushing face and picked you up bridal style. "I can't take this tease anymore!" He shouted as he tossed you on the bed. He flipped you over on your stomach and made you get on all fours as he crawled ontop of you. You moaned as you felt his kisses and bites on your back. He unclipped your bra and tossed it in the open closet and his hand found its way to your breast and pinched hard on your nipple Causing you to back your ass into his groin. He let out a deep growl as he rubbed his erected member against your ass. You could feel how large he was through his jeans and you got pleasure from the pressure only to have it torn away as he flipped you on your back. The sudden movement caught you in a daze. You barely saw him remove his own shirt and pants as he came crashing down on you. He engulfed your lips in a passionate kiss as his fingers wasted no time in ripping your panties off. You gasped as the cold air hit your soaking wet womanhood. 7 smiled and he said "don't worry, you won't be cold down there long". Before a blush could form on your face 7 slammed into you with full force. You scream his name as he bottom out in you. 7 let out the most erotic moan you could fathom. He lifted himself up just enough to look you in the eyes. "Kitten your too tight and we need to fix that" with that said he began rocking his hips and forcing you to feel his every inch with your walls. He quickly found your g spot and aimed for it everytime. You were so lost in the feeling that you hadn’t noticed your nails digging into his shoulders causing him to moan and thrust into you much faster and harder. His hair tickled against your neck as you felt a build up in your stomach. You whimpered as he started kiss your neck "7 im gonna cum if you keep this pace up" You barely said between moans. You'd hope he'd slow down some so you wouldn't cum so fast and enjoy him some more but he only smirked and drove deeper and harder into you. You arched your back as your walls pulsed around his member and with a wave of pleasure you had came. He pulled out of you as you caught your breath and before you could complain that you didn't make him cum, he flipped you over on your knees once more and slammed into you again. Not even missing a beat he kept his fast pace from before and leaned down hovering over your shaking body. "Kitten im going to make you cum many more times before I'm over so just relax and enjoy the pleasure." What seemed like forever, 13 different positions and too many orgasims to count, 7 had finaly thrusted one last time releasing his cum in what seemed to be your womb. He collapsed besides you and pulled you closer as he struggled for air. You lost your voice a long time ago due to you screaming his name. 7 pulled the blankets over you and said with that you should be able to get a good night sleep now. You smiled at his remark and kissed his chest once last time before a deep sleep quickly overcame your aching body.
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mrsjihyunkim · 8 years ago
Dear Mom Ch 6
Ok so this  ended up being much longer than I planned. Oh well >.<
word count: 2916!  From Seven’s POV
Ch 1 l Ch 2 l Ch 3 l Ch 4 l Ch 5 l X l Ch 7 l Ch 8 l Ch 9
I sat on the bed waiting for MC. She had been in the bathroom for at least twenty minutes. She wasn’t in the chat room but I could still hear her moving around. I was starting to get anxious. After changing into a black tank top and a pair of sweats I decided to check on her. I looked in the bathroom and saw her sitting on the counter staring at her phone. She had on an over sized T-shirt and black shorts. She was so absorbed in her phone that not only did she not hear me come in but she had her tooth brush hanging out of her mouth. I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. I must have scared her because she dropped everything and jumped off the counter. “Jesus Saeyoung! You gave me a heart attack.” She said rinsing off her tooth brush. I picked up her phone and saw that she had been looking at the Mint Eye blue prints.
“I thought we were going to rest and relax?” I asked showing her the phone. She smiled sheepishly.
“Sorry it’s habit. I honestly don’t know if my brain knows how to relax. I just want to make sure we didn’t miss anything. I need to make sure it’s safe. I don’t know what will happen to me when I face my father, but if I know you’re safe I can accept whatever happens to me.” She smiled at me but her eyes looked immensely sad. I knew what she meant though, she was prepared to die, and it broke my heart to know that she thought it was going to happen. I walked over to her and tilted her head up so that she would look at me.
“Hey. Get those thoughts out of your head right now. You’re not going anywhere and neither am I. If anyone hurts a hair on you I will blow that place sky high.” I said before kissing her lips. Her eyes teared up and she hugged me.
“I love you Saeyoung.” She said into my chest.
“I love you too MC. Now let’s try and sleep.” I said taking her hand and leading her to bed. I laid there and stared at her back. She was right there but for some reason she seemed so far away. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her into my chest. She didn’t say anything but just snuggled into my chest. It felt amazing to have her so close. It was so amazing that instead of sleeping I just counted how many times her even breaths made my arm move. I tried to sleep after a counting a couple hundred times but everything seemed like a dream. I kept thinking that I would wake up and none of it would be true. MC’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts
“Saeyoung, are you awake?” I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 2am. I thought that she had been asleep this whole time.
“Ya I am. Is everything ok?” I asked.
“I’m fine I just can’t sleep.” She replied.
“Is it because of me? I can go sleep somewhere else if that would help.” I said starting to move my arm away.
“No don’t go.” She said quickly grabbing my arm. “If you leave then I might wake up thinking this was all a dream. I have been by myself for so long that laying here with you seems too good to be true. I never thought I’d get the chance to feel this way.” I could hear her voice starting to crack and I understood everything she meant. I shifted her around so that we were face to face and I could tell her eyes were watering. I kissed her forehead and stroked her hair.
“It’s funny because I was thinking the same thing. My whole life I had thought that I didn’t deserve to be happy because I abandoned Saeran. I never dreamed that I’d find someone, let alone my childhood crush, who I would want to have a future with. Then you walked into this apartment, and now I can’t stop thinking about it. Now I never want to leave your side. I want to save Saeran and live happily ever after with both of you. And, with you by my side I actually believe that it’s possible.” I pushed some fallen hair behind her ear and gazed into her eyes. “To be honest I don’t want you coming tomorrow. I’m terrified that something bad will happen to you but I’m also scared that something will happen if you stay here. I am so torn and I don’t know that the right answer is.” I hugged her tightly.
“Well there’s no way in hell you’re going there without me. This is as much my fight as it is yours. I don’t think that either of us can succeed alone. Plus, I’m far from your average girl. I’m not going to just stand there and spit out automatic responses.” I pictured MC talking like a robot and started laughing. It was like all my worry and doubt had just disappeared. She was so amazing.
“Well since we’re both up, you know what we should do?” She asked with a huge smile.
“What?” I asked curiously.
“We should totally mess with Zen! I want to prank him for nagging me.” There was an evil glint in her eyes and I loved it.
“I just fell even more in love with you.” I said kissing her lips. I sat up and grabbed my phone. I looked at the chatroom and saw Zen logged on. “Perfect timing. Lay down on the bed. I’ve got an idea that will drive him nuts.” I said smiling.
“Do it!” She said laying on her side. “Like this?” She asked.
“No on your back, and put my glasses on.” I said handing them to her. She put them on and laid down. I climbed on top of her and she instantly blushed and gasped. I quickly took a picture and smiled. She looked so beautiful. The lamp she had turned on gave her a soft glow, like a fairy. Her hair was splayed out of the bed. She looked sexy but also empowered. I was so enthralled with her beauty that I completely forgot the purpose. “Perfect.” I said coming back to my senses.
“Saeyoung, can you get off me now?” MC asked quietly. I had completely forgotten where I was sitting and blushed.
“Oh yeah. Sorry, I got caught up in messing with Zen.” I said nervously. She smiled as she sat up and gave me back my glasses. She waited for my ok and then turned on her phone.
Zen, 707, MC
Zen: Why the hell do you have of picture of her like that?!
Zen: >:[
707: I couldn’t help it!
707: She just looked so cute while we were intimate
707: >.<
*MC has entered the chat*
Zen: MC!
Zen: Are you ok?
MC: I’m better than ok. I’m in bliss!
MC: Seven we should do that again!
MC: It felt so good! :D
Zen: ......
Zen: Don’t tell me you guys actually... ya know?
707: I don’t think MC would like talking about it
707: But I will say that MC has very soft skin ;)
Zen: I knew you couldn’t be trusted!
Zen: Tell me the address!!!
707: No. MC and I want to be alone
Zen: MC tell me the address. I’ll come save you from his deplorable actions
MC: Awwwwww. Zen are you jealous?
Zen: No!
Zen: Maybe...
Zen: I just hate the idea of you two being alone together. Seven is sneaky
MC: Well he did steal my heart.
MC: Among other things ;)
Zen: Seven you asshole!
707: What did I do?
Zen: You took advantage of MC!
707: Why I would never!
707: My love for MC is only pure
MC: Seven
707: Yes m’lady?
MC: Come back to the bedroom.
MC: I want you to do the thing again ;)
707: Be there in 10 seconds
MC: I’ll be waiting ;)
*MC has left the chat*
Zen: Seven don’t you go in that room.
707: Dude you sound like a mom
707: Gtg duty calls
*707 has left the chat*
I put my phone down and saw MC rolling on the bed, laughing. “OMG! We got him good. She threw her arms around me and kissed me. I was surprised by how bold she was but I put my arms around her and melted into the kiss. We both fell asleep shortly after that and it was the best sleep I’ve ever had.
When I woke up MC was gone. I was beginning to panic but then I saw a bright orange note on the door.
Don’t freak out. I’m in the kitchen. You looked
so peaceful that I couldn’t wake you. I’ll have
breakfast waiting.
I breathed a sigh of relief and headed to the kitchen. When I got there, I saw a bowl of rice and meat. MC saw me and she smiled, kissing my cheek. I sat down and began to eat. I looked up when I heard a camera, and saw MC taking a picture of me. “What was that for?” I asked.
“Well the notorious 707 is eating something other than Honey Budda Chips. This is a historic moment that needs to be documented.”
“You’re so mean teasing me. I thought you loved me!” I said turning away dramatically. I then felt her arms wrap around me as she hugged my back.
“You know I do. Now I’ve got everything packed so while you eat I’m going to shower.” She kissed my cheek and started to walk away. “Oh, quick question. How long do you think it will take us to get there? I traveled by bike the first time so it went quick.” I looked at the coordinates and did the math in my head.
“It will take us about five hours to get there, so we should leave soon.” I said suddenly remembering our daunting task.
“Alright. Do you want to tell everyone what’s going on? Since we’ll probably miss the party.”
“Yeah I can do that.” She smiled and then walked towards the bathroom. After I was done in the chatroom I put my laptop and a few bags of chips into a bag. When MC came back to the kitchen I was breathless. She had her long hair in a sleek pony tail, and she had a tight black outfit that hugged every curve of her body. I had only seen her in baggy clothes but know I understood how she could fight off Saeran and her father’s men. Babe is ripped.
“Is something wrong?” I heard her ask. I was pulled from my thoughts and saw that MC was blushing. Guess I was staring too long.
“Nah. I was just shocked by how good you looked. I thought I had died and gone to heaven.” She blushed even more. “Like seriously babe you look like such a badass, and I had no idea you were so ripped! I mean I could still take you, but daaammmnnn gurl!” She gave me a coy smile and walked over to me. She grabbed my shirt and pulled me close.
“Well we could always leave late and have a little wrestling match. Just know I won’t go easy on you and I will kick your fine ass.” I blushed a million shades of red and she had a confident smirk on her face. I was stammering in my head like an idiot. I had no idea she could be so bold.
“We should get going.” I finally managed to say. I grabbed the bags still blushing. “My car is ten blocks away.”
“Saeyoung we can’t take your car. Vanderwood probably put a tracer in it. If he shows up, then we’ll just have more trouble to deal with. Especially since you’re more than likely hiding from him after leaving your work.” I avoided her gaze. I had honestly forgotten about Vanderwood and work, but she was right.
“We’ll if we don’t take my car how can we get there?” I asked her as she looked at her phone. When she looked up she had a smile on her face.
“I know where we can get a car. Just leave it to me!” She said giving me a thumbs up. I gave her a puzzling look but she ignored it and grabbed her backpack from my hands. She began to walk out the door and I followed her. After a couple of blocks I couldn’t take it anymore.
“MC could you at least answer one of my questions. It makes me nervous not knowing what you’re planning.” She stopped and kissed me.
“I can’t answer your questions because there is no plan. I’m totally winging it. Plans are predictable and traceable. I rarely stick to a plan and besides we’re at our car.” She gestured to a sleek black sports car parked on the curb. I was in awe at how beautiful it was. It was like a queen compared to my cars. I wanted to drive it so bad. Hearing MC’s voice snapped me out of my trance. “Saeyoung keep watch for me. I’m a little rusty at doing this.” She was pulling a weird flimsy stick out and sticking it in the window of the car. I finally realized what she was doing and I began to panic.
“MC, what the hell are you doing?”
“Just keep a look out. This guy owes me so this will forgive his debt. She popped open the door and loud alarm started going off. I saw MC pull out some wires and soon the alarm stopped and the engine purred. She reached over and opened my door. “Hurry and get in! He’ll be leaving for work soon and I’d rather not get shot.” I quickly threw the bags in the back of the car and got in. As soon as I did an overly built bald man in an expensive suit came out of the building. MC stuck her head out the window and yelled, “Maintent nous sommes quittes!” [AN: according to google that’s French for now we’re even] As we drove off I looked back at the guy and he looked more pissed than Zen talking to Jumin. After he was out of view MC’s phone started to ring. “Can you answer that and put it on speaker?” I did as she asked and soon an angry voice was yelling in French. I watched in awe as MC spoke at the same pace. It was almost as if it was her first language. Soon MC had the bald guy laughing and then he hung up. Now I was free to freak out.
“MC who the fuck was that guy? Why did he owe you a favor? Where did you learn to steal cars? Why would you steal from someone who would shoot you? Do you know how dumb that was? Why didn’t you warn me before hand? Winging it my ass.” I said taking a deep breath.
“Saeyoung just breathe and calm down. Now I will answer all your questions. That guy was a French drug lord who I helped flee France, hence the owed favor. I learned to steal cars while I was on the run. I grew up on the streets remember. I wasn’t serious about him shooting me and I knew how it was all going to play out. Except for you freaking out this bad. I thought that since you read my journal you wouldn’t really be surprised. I would have told you but I thought you would object to stealing a car and we don’t really have time to argue.” I wanted so badly to say that she was wrong but she wasn’t. I didn’t like doing illegal things outside of my computer but we really were out of options. “This is what you get for skipping entry’s in the journal. Tisk tisk. I hope you don’t have a heart attack from all my shocking secrets.” She chuckled at my pouting expression.
“I’ll be fine.” I said sticking my tongue out at her. “I just didn’t expect such a big, scary guy to own such a pretty car.” I said petting the dash.
“You better not be falling for the car now. I might get jealous and she might have an accident.” She said giving me a look.
“Don’t worry, your body is way better than the car’s.” I said playing with her pony tail. She was blushing and I couldn’t help but lean over and kiss her cheek. She was surprised and the car swerved a little bit.
“Saeyoung you can’t do that when I’m driving!”
“I’m sorry but I couldn’t help it. You just looked so cute.” It was so fun to make her flustered.
“Well if it happens again then I’m going to have to pull over and take matters into my own hands.” She said gliding her hand on my thigh. She glanced over at me and I tried my best to hide my blush. I loved that about her. No matter how badly I tease her she can turn the tables and leave me speechless. After that we feel into comfortable silence until I took over the wheel.
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ashroseevans · 8 years ago
Enter The Angel
Zen has the physical capabilities of angels, wings, godlike light, strength and beauty. But when facing against The Zit, a super villain who makes everything look at hideous as he does, his two companions end up getting blasted by his power. Has Zen, The Angel, met his match?
Angel couldn’t look at his two partners as he used his power to fly off the ground. They wouldn’t be able to reach him in the air. That was, until he realized who he was fighting alongside. 707 was a technokinetic and could literally use whatever he wanted however he wanted, and Star could create away for him get up to him.
But if they touched him, Angel would have nothing more to live for! He could barely bring himself to look at their horribly disfigured faces. He was nothing if not beautiful. He would have to defeat this foe the… Zit… He cringed just thinking about the name. How could someone have such a terrible name? It fit his appearance, but god was it just disgusting. Why did Seven talk him into taking care of this guy with Star? Why did he even agree to go on patrol with them!? And why was he the only one who had to actually defeat him?
“Join us, Angel~”
Angel looked towards who spoke and saw Star almost at him. He flew up higher and he remembered how he got into this mess.
*     *     *
Angel flew over the streets as Seven and Star patrolled closer to the ground. The team made it a point that at least two or three of them went out on patrol every night to make sure that everything was quiet and safe for the citizens. It was his turn along with Star and Seven since Mind and Mister H went out the past few nights. So to make it up to them the three of the agreed that for the next few days, they would go out. Patrol was never usually anything special as almost nothing ever happened while they were out. Bad guys knew better then to start things when they were roaming the streets because they would always put a stop to it.
That night was different. Normal thugs; muggers, bank robbers, assholes who beat up on women and other men for no reason; were good once they figured out the patrol schedule for The Angel, Star, 707, Mister H and Mind. Some other baddies with superpowers also tended to stay away during that time because they knew that the team would be ready for them if they attacked when they were on patrol. Except for one guy.
Screams were heard farther down the road and Angel swooped down low to try to see what was going on, calling to Seven and Star. He waited for them on the roof of a 4 story factory building.
“What is it?” Seven asked as he walked up behind Angel.
“I heard screaming,” Angel said.
“Screaming? Where?” Star said as he stood on a platform a little ways away from the roof, looking around.
Before Angel could answer, another scream echoed through the streets. “Does that answer your question?”
*     *     *
Angel knew that they had to answer to every cry for help, but he wished that they hadn’t answered this one. Or at least saved it for Mister H and Mind. They would be able to defeat him without getting close, with Mister H’s power of persuasion and Mind’s Astral Imprisonment power. Angel might have the power and physiology of angels, but he needed to get close to an opponent for it to do much good. He didn’t have any long range weapons he could use either.
He groaned. He would have to defeat this joker quickly and then go home and try to forget all of this happened.
“Join us, Angel~” Seven said as he grabbed for Angel’s leg.
Angel yelped and positioned himself higher in the air before he tried to think. Seven and Star both had ranged attacks, Star with his creation magic and Seven with his cat and dog robots in his bag. Wait a second. Seven had robots with him!
Angel flew around passed Seven, but reached out and ripped the backpack off the other man’s shoulders and flew across the room. He opened it up and dug around until he found the dog robot that blew fire. He smirked and hung the backpack on a broken metal pipe. He searched around for the on switch before he dive bombed to the ground and landed mere feet from the Zit.
“So you finally gathered the courage to fight me, Angel?” The Zit said. His voice sounded almost as disgusting as he looked. And that was seriously nauseating.
“I found a weapon. Now I suggest changing my friends back before you really regret it,” Angel said and put the robot dog on the ground.
“How could you make me regret it? You can’t fight me without getting close and I’ll make you look as horribly disfigured as I do,” the Zit said. “And we all know how important looks are to you superhero types.”
Angel coughed a bit. He cared about his looks not only because he was a superhero, but because he was an up and coming musical actor! As much as he hated to admit it, but some of his success was based on his looks!
“Looks aren’t everything, you know,” Angel said. “It’s who you are inside that makes you beautiful.” God, I sound like a children’s cartoon.
The Zit snorted. “Enough talk. Come at me if you think you can beat me and force me to change everyone back.”
Angel smirked. “I don’t need to get close to you to make you do what I want,” he said and put the robot dog on the ground.
Thank god Seven didn’t make the robots voice activated. He would have been in serious trouble if that was the case. He watched as the dog walked forward, opening his mouth and fire erupted from it. The Zit jumped back, yelping and tried to run away, but the robot dog followed him. Angel smirked and was about to call to the Zit to ask if he gave up when he heard Star and Seven’s voices come closer.
“Join us~”
Angel jumped and ran away across the warehouse again before he called to the Zit. “I’ll call off the dog if you change everyone back!” He shouted.
The Zit yelped as a bit of fire singed the edge of his pants. “F-Fine! Just stop this blasted thing!” he cried, screaming.
“Change them back first,” Angel said. “I’m not stupid.”
Angel looked back at his friends and watched as they stopped moving completely, staring blankly. Their faces started to go back to how they normally looked, unblemished and not disfigured. Angel sighed and looked at Seven.
“Care to do the honors of calling off your robot?” he asked.
Seven smirked and looked at the scene, The Zit running away from a fire breathing dog. “I think I’d like to enjoy this for just a little bit longer. What do you think Star?”
“After what he did to us?” Star said. “I agree with you.”
*     *     *
Zen walked into his house and sighed. That was a particularly rough night of patrol. He just wanted to lay down and relax. But he knew that he couldn’t right now. He needed to do his daily exercise and run through lines for the script of a new play before he could relax. He started to walk to get the script but instead he flopped down on the couch and pulled out his phone, signing into the RFA messenger.
-Zen entered the chat room-
707: Zen!
707: About time.
707: There’s something I need to show you!
707: -picture of 707 Defender of Justice looking horrible disfigured-
707: did you hear that Seven, Star and Angel had to fight some guy called the Zit?
707: Totally
707: Disgusting
707: Name
Zen: that’s gross. Why did you need to show me that?
Zen: What was the point of that?
Jumin: Here, I have something that’ll make you feel better
Zen: If it’s a picture of that cat of yours, you can keep it.
Jumin: -picture of Elizabeth the 3rd-
Jumin: oops.
Jumin: my finger slipped.
Zen: …
Zen: I regret coming here
707: Aw Zen!
707: Don’t go!
Zen: I have stuff I need to take care of anyway.
-Yoosung ★ entered the chat room-
Yoosung ★: A guy that makes people ugly?
Yoosung ★: What kind of super villain is that?
Jumin: you saw the news, I take it?
Yoosung ★: Yeah. I heard Angel had to take care of it.
Yoosung ★: I’m kind of impressed considering The Angel is very… narcissistic.
Zen: Well he has every right to be!
Zen: he’s almost as good looking as I am!
Zen: -picture of him from one of his most recent musicals-
707: now that I see a picture of the two of you
707: Don’t you think Zen and The Angel look a lot alike?
Zen: Whaaat?
Zen: We do not.
Zen: besides, he has wings
Zen: I don’t
707: I never said you were the same person
707: Just that you look alike.
Yoosung ★: Yeah, you have a point there, Seven
Yoosung ★: But the same could be said about you and 707
707: You mean Defender of Justice
707: and
707: that’s
707: because
707: he’s
707: my
707: IDOL!
Zen: must you always do that?
707: Y
707: E
707: S
707: I
707: D
707: O
Yoosung ★: Stop
Yoosung ★: what were we talking about?
Jumin: the resemblance Zen shares with The Angel.
Zen: I think you guys are seeing things.
Zen: Anyway, I really have to go now.
Zen: Bye.
-Zen left the chat room-
Zen sighed and rubbed his forehead. Those guys… He stood up from his chair and walked into his room. The one good thing about his powers was he could, in simple terms, turn them on and off. He could be normal when he wasn’t the Angel, which was good because if he had to walk around with those angel wings all the time… he would never get a quiet moment in his life. He was glad that he was able to look like a human when he wasn’t playing the part of a superhero. It also made it easier to sleep without those things, too.
He picked up the script that he had in his room and walked back into the living room, pushing aside the coffee table so he had room before he started to practice his lines. He wanted to be perfect for the next roll he had.
Read more Mystic Messenger Stories (and others) here
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