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Sakura Haruno, is the bud who finally blossomed. When she was young, she was often taken to flights of fancy and girly whims, but after becoming a ninja and watching her teammates risk their lives to protect her and suffer around her while she remained...
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
unwiltingblossom · 1 year ago
but like
how in the blazing year of 2023
just before 2024
how is kinning not dead
especially fictionkin
how are full grown adults still going 'he just like me fr' so hard they pretend 'he actually me'.
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unwiltingblossom · 1 year ago
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Wow I love this image. The fact that he's standing in complete darkness, the shadow of the falling leaves, the one wedge of light coming from her. He stands passively looking down at her while the movement clearly indicates she's come and invaded his darkness and wants to pull him away into the light.
It reminds me a lot of 'A Fool'. Artistically/symbolically at least it's a perfect SakuDanzo image.
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unwiltingblossom · 1 year ago
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I'm actually crazy impressed by NAI's V3 capabilities, what the heck. I added Danzo (with 'old man' as a negative prompt) just for a laugh - his name isn't even in the tag suggestions - and it actually did really well.
the sheer power NAI hands me with V3 is madness.
I can just spend all day generating and looking at extremely customized fanart.
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unwiltingblossom · 2 years ago
Queen’s Favor (Mysme Jumin/MC AU 12/?)
Summary: Being a maid would be much easier if the cat would just let her do her job. AU - Instead of joining the RFA via random text, MC is hired on as one of the maids assigned to Jumin Han’s penthouse. Nothing else about the setting has changed, the messenger and the RFA still exist, only the MC’s position has been altered. The entire situation changed if her employer was present, however, because the face of Mr. Han awoke Elizabeth's inner demonic nature.
There's just no other answer.
See, normally she doesn't need to worry about little things like where her vacuum cords are, because Elizabeth tends to spook and flee from the room as soon as it turns on and doesn't return until it's off. She can generally do all of her work with loud machines without any concern about where the cat is, and fortunately her employer has been very understanding so long as she doesn't intentionally or excessively spook the cat, and she doesn't chase it around or corner it with the machine. Which she would never do. Because she likes getting paid.
The entire situation changed if her employer was present, however, because the face of Mr. Han awoke Elizabeth's inner demonic nature.
She fell many times.
Every time she thought she could drop her guard, Elizabeth dropped her instead.
It was a small miracle that she didn't sprain or break anything - and in the latter case it was doubly so that she didn't break anything in the penthouse either.
Her employer mostly kept to himself as usual, but as stoic as he was, he startled and looked up from Elizabeth - the villainous queen - every time she crashed to the ground. Though he looked initially alarmed, by the ...oh, fourth time that she slammed into a wall or tripped over her own feet dodging a furry white bullet, she was pretty sure his expression morphed to exasperated.
She collapsed - not violently this time - on the ground in the spare bedroom when it was finally time for her break. Normally she'd spend her break on the soft rug in the living room, but she didn't even want to see Mr. Han at that moment - she might die of embarrassment if he made a comment about her day. Like a finishing move that destroyed her ruined mess of dignity and apparent competence.
And even if she'd successfully never tripped directly over Elizabeth the whole time and the cat seemed not to be shedding excessively, she couldn't help but worry about being fired or reprimanded over those inane original rules she'd been taught long ago now.
That beautiful man is going to absolutely gloat about my cat betrayal...
Maybe it was best not to tell that actor about it at all. It felt a little like slandering Elizabeth to do so. And as today had demonstrated, the cat was actually a secret demon, so she'd probably exact revenge for it.
Soft padded footsteps met her ears moments before the queen of shed hair hopped onto her chest and stared down at her. Blinking, waiting for a response.
She thought about pushing the cat off, but ultimately didn't. That just seemed spiteful.
A sigh of defeat escaped her lips instead. "You win."
Elizabeth meowed smugly and sprawled over her as if she owned the woman, tail twitching with utter unconcern.
She scowled. "I bet you've planned this from the beginning, haven't you? Why you little demon."
Another meow, and she had no choice but to scratch her behind the ears, despite the claws of impending unemployment. Still, it didn't feel like a judgment, just a battle, somehow. Elizabeth purred in her throat, closing her eyes and settling in. Apparently she was about to have the best nap of her life after all that running around.
She huffed and let her head lull back, peering up at the ceiling.
She's gonna get fired because the cat fell asleep on her chest during her break. She can feel it.
Right on cue, she found herself staring at the upside down visage of Jumin Han, who must have come looking for Elizabeth. He stood in the doorway, looking down at her. Well. Probably at the cat. But also her.
Probably in the metaphorical sense as well as the literal.
She didn't even have anything to say.
Not an apology, not a laugh or even a crack about it.
She was just completely humiliated and...defeated.
The only thing she could think to do was look up at him and mutely whisper, "One minute left on my break."
She wondered if she looked as pitiful as that sounded.
His gaze lingered, expression utterly inscrutable. Honestly, though she'd never say it to his face, he was a master of holding unnervingly stoic and unreadable expressions. It was a true skill, to not express any emotions and still be expressive. He turned and went back into the hallway.
...Honestly if he was going to come in and gawk at her like that, he could have at least freed her from her cat prison.
Maybe she should just be happy he had the supreme self control necessary not to shatter the remnants of her dignity with a well placed quip. Or just a raised eyebrow.
She judged herself enough. Trying to explain to her employer that 'no, I don't normally fall every five minutes, I'm not disaster prone, it's just my proximity to you, I swear it's an ancient Mayan curse placed on you' while he looked at her like that...
She'd call that handsome man up and curse him out for stopping the truck from taking her out, if it came to that. She'd do it.
Extracting herself from beneath the cat felt very much like she was in a spy movie or an...art theft movie...why were art thieves so similar to spies? Why did art museums have comparable security to nuclear silos and government bases?
If her employer could hear her thought process, he'd probably assume she had another concussion. She wouldn't blame him for it.
Regardless. It was a delicate, careful operation to extract herself from underneath Elizabeth without spooking the cat, but she wouldn't lose to the Demon of Seoul so easily as to wait for her termination while trapped beneath a sleeping, purring cat the singular day she had to do her job with her boss' supervision.
Unfortunately, as much as she'd like to, she couldn't just hide in the bedroom all day. She had the rest of the penthouse to clean.
Maybe, just maybe, if Elizabeth deigned to sleep the rest of the morning, she could at least pretend to look competent in front of her boss for half of her shift.
And if she couldn't even with Elizabeth asleep, then maybe Jumin really was the source of the curse.
The man himself sat on the couch with his laptop open when she finally exited her cave of slightly-less shame. She did her best to pretend he didn't exist, with the reasoning that if she didn't look at him she couldn't see disappointment - or worse, amusement - in his eyes when he looked at her. And from a practical sense, she was a little behind on her schedule on account of all the falling and wincing of the day, so she needed to focus now that her break was done.
Still, she couldn't help but glance at him as she made her way over to her duster, which leaned against the counter closest to the entrance. He didn't even glance up from his computer, so she refocused on her task and picked it up.
Which immediately resulted in her stubbing her foot on a table nearby and dropping her duster on the ground.
Okay. That one was on her. This clearly wasn't as bad as she thought.
However, her boss did actually look up from his computer at her this time, and his brow knit almost imperceptibly.
Perhaps she was overselling her own competence. Honestly. That's where she's ended up. This is where the day has driven her. Questioning whether her months of successful cleaning had been some kind of long hallucination and she'd done nothing but trip over everything since starting the job.
She knew nerves could impact performance, but this was ridiculous.
Taking a deep breath, she leaned down and grabbed her fallen duster. Deep breaths. Even if her employer were cursed, or the cat secretly a demon, or her nerves determined to make her look a fool, none of that was an excuse to lose her best job in years. She was capable of focusing, and with the cat sleeping, things could go smoothly. She'd clean faster than usual, and finish her tasks with plenty of time to spare, perhaps even leave a little early.
And she'd do that cleaning...not in the living room. Mhm. Conveniently in a room where her boss wasn't, until she could control her nervous energy and stop imagining his smooth voice saying some innocent yet cutting quip or another.
She opened the door to her employer's bedroom - making sure to listen carefully for any sounds that Elizabeth might have woken up and followed her - and pushed through, heading straight for the bed to attack its collection of cat hair and fluff. From inside a drawer beneath the surface, she pulled out the small vacuum cleaner she kept in there for emergencies. Emergency cat hair.
Bless that man for being so fastidious, with his preference for bare floors. It made maintaining the bedroom much easier.
She plugged in the vacuum, switched it on, and began attacking the bed with a vengeance. This was only slightly influenced by her need to destress, compared to her need to catch up. Yes. It had absolutely nothing to do with her competitive spirit or determination to prove her fears and frustrations incorrect.
...Except that it did.
She finished vacuuming the bed just as she heard the door open, and immediately spun to face the inevitable horror show.
Oh no-
Elizabeth trotted right past her, not even a glance up, to go settle onto the unmade bed and curl up on top of it.
She sighed in frustration, as she watched all of her efforts at eliminating shed cat hair immediately unravel. "Elizabeth...!"
The only response she got was a taunting stretch from the fluffy white ball.
"Did you really need a nap on the bed that badly? You couldn't wait until I went home?"
She wasn't sure how exactly a cat could sound so smug, but Elizabeth did.
"You absolute menace." She made sure to hiss that one quietly. Just in case the cat-dad was within earshot. He had a penchant for moving silently and appearing wherever Elizabeth was, so biting remarks were a real danger.
With a sigh, she once again turned off her vacuum and swapped it for her duster.
She and the cat are friends. She likes Elizabeth. Elizabeth is a spoiled brat, but usually not demonic. She must remind herself of this.
She'd have to abandon the unmade bed for now, rather than disturb The White Queen over there, and focus on cleaning the master bathroom instead. Of all the areas of the penthouse, it was the second cleanest, and the one with the least cat hair. For whatever reason she didn't care to speculate at, it seemed Elizabeth rarely entered this room except to give maids grief. Perhaps she considered the tile floor unpleasant. Just in case, she wouldn't mention this thought to her employer. She had a feeling she'd show up to a carpeted bathroom some day if she did. Bless his cat-loving heart.
She sprayed down the shower and collected a tiny assortment of random toiletries that had strayed away from their original spot, and then turned to the faucet to rinse and dry her hands. She still had a couple of rooms to clean and the bed to double back and conquer as soon as Elizabeth abandoned it. Once she finished that, she'd put up her equipment and head out for the night.
As she dried her hands, she glanced up and saw her own reflection in the mirror. Frowning, she brushed her bangs back with her wet fingers, and scrutinized herself. She wouldn't admit it, but she couldn't really help herself.
Her nose scrunched up just slightly. Did she really have the nerves of an amateur? It wasn't as if this was her first day on the job, or that she'd never worked with Jumin present before. Sure, she'd never done the whole day with her employer overseeing her, but he'd arrived near the end of her day multiple times in the past. She hadn't transformed into a walking disaster on those days.
Admittedly, every day in the past he'd arrived after vacuum-time. So that was different. But if that was the case...she just...needed to find her zen. Keep calm. Do her job. Be a professional.
Just like she always was.
She closed her eyes and nodded to herself. She'd gotten herself all worked up over nothing. No longer would she berate herself for a simple stumble. The evidence suggested it really was a coincidence. At least, that's what she would tell herself until the evidence suggested otherwise.
...And, well, it wasn't exactly a hard sell. Today was an aberration and she wouldn't let it continue any longer. With the sink thoroughly sanitized and her expression as determined as she could get it, she turned off the light and exited the bathroom.
She passed the cat in the bedroom, and emerged into the hallway, immediately meeting the sight of a wandering Jumin Han.
He was like a roaming beast who could appear at any moment she turned around.
"Ah-" She stopped, unsure of how to respond to his sudden appearance, or what exactly she should say.
After a brief moment, she gave him a nod. "Good afternoon, Mr. Han."
"You look to be in a better mood."
"Ah, I-yes." She blinked. It wasn't the most positive comment, but it wasn't a jab at her performance either. She just...thought she'd find him making a veiled insult or maybe-
He smiled, a rare, genuine, soft expression that took over his entire face and seemed to light up the room. Not that she stared. It was just a close encounter with his sudden, swift, and completely confusing shift from reserved to expressive and-
So that was how he looked when he expressed himself.
Her mouth moved, opening and closing, as her thoughts flashed between several different remarks that all amounted to nothing. He didn't elaborate, though, and just gave her that gentle expression for a second more, and then turned to head back into the living room.
Leaving her speechless and still slightly traumatized by his expressiveness.
Well. Okay. Now she's just being dramatic again. 'Traumatized' isn't the right word. 'Surprised' might be a more accurate one. It wasn't bad, or anything. Just. Distracting. She'd never experienced his expressiveness so openly or so close before. Now she had an expression to match to that laugh of his she'd heard in the past.
The cat didn't distract her for the rest of the day, despite frequent encounters. She even braved the main living area again, and cleaned around her boss' presence on the couch - that smile still fresh in her mind - but it was smooth sailing the rest of the day.
In the end, she even completed her tasks earlier than usual, a sense of accomplishment thrumming through her. She'd risen to the challenge of something new and had come out on top. And as usual, when he was present at the end of her work day, her employer politely handed her a drink.
"You have improved tremendously over the course of this afternoon." The faint thread of approval in his tone encouraged her to brush off any remaining embarrassment from the start of the day and just appreciate the compliment.
"Thank you." She cleared her throat. "I-I've never slipped or fallen while cleaning when you weren't home."
Okay. So that blurted out even despite her plans to not to let it.
His brow arched. "Is that so."
Oh wow. look how fascinating her drink is. Is this lemonade? Wow...
"I imagine then today was a fluke. Or," his lips quirked. "It seems I failed to keep out of the way for even one day."
She sputtered. She couldn't exactly argue with him. It had been his presence that had turned the beginning of the day into a walking disaster.
Somehow, he seemed to pick up on that, and his gaze was surprisingly sympathetic. "Either way, it appears I may be the direct cause of your setback. Therefore," he paused for effect. "The next time I have a full day off and am in the house, I will request for you to have a day off as well. I wouldn't want you to find yourself thrown off-track by my presence once again."
"I-" She coughed, quickly shaking her head, "That isn't-"
He nodded firmly. "It is no trouble at all. You have served me admirably and deserve a day to relax. It would be cruel of me to knowingly disrupt your routine."
"Er...I can't just not come in on your day off..."
The way his brow twitched just slightly, she got the distinct impression he was humoring her. "You're extremely determined to work even when offered days off. While admirable, it is also unnecessary. If it's a matter of payment, I can assure you will be paid your normal rate even on the days I am home and you are off."
"I'd feel horrible!"
He tilted his head, patiently. He was an inscrutable man, most of the time, but she liked to think that shine in his eyes was a kind of approval.
She coughed lightly, before he could press the matter. "I...it is possible that I may have been off my groove today," yes, very professional wording, that, "but if I was, it was only because of unfamiliarity. I-I'm used to cleaning alone, but I'm capable of doing it this way too! So there's no need to change anything. I'll do better next time."
Whenever next time is.
His stare lingered, but slowly softened to that same gentle, faint smile from earlier. "Alright. Since you insist, I won't change anything for now. Perhaps next time I will make it a point to sit out of view until you finish your tasks for the day."
He was offering a compromise. It was still quite embarrassing, but she found it hard to protest when he had that expression again. "Yes. That sounds like a good idea."
Finally, he nodded, and the moment was over. With one last bit of polite goodbye, she stepped out of the penthouse and left, satisfied that she had conquered her demons.
Next time she'd definitely not make herself a dual clown-maid. After today, there's no way the penthouse had any other tricks up its sleeves to shock and frazzle her.
And now she knew what he looked like when he smiled.
It wasn't like she'd think about it all night, or anything.
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unwiltingblossom · 2 years ago
To the people who ask in my DMs - no I won't complete the mystic messenger webtoon review - I said from the start, if it turned out to be Hana/7 I'm outtie immediately.
And to the people who want more Queen's Favor, I ain't dead.
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unwiltingblossom · 3 years ago
It's absolutely absurd. I've seen people claim that Konohamaru was better for 'beating a Pein' even though that didn't actually stick. Also Sakura is explicitly not using the jutsu to hide her aging: Sasuke likes her with wrinkles and she said she'd age at the same time as him. Even if she chose to hide it though...why is that a problem? That's not a reason for hate. Honestly, the hate for Sakura is just ridiculous. It's never consistent, it always involves jumping through wild mental gymnastic hoops just because the person in question wants to hate her.
I actually just saw someone link the manga page where Sakura is comforting Naruto in the wake of the destruction of the village and the death of Jiraiya and then thinks to herself 'I'm comforting him, but I should be looking for comfort myself' because Tsunade is in a coma and might not recover...
and they said
'Sakura only thinks about herself and doesn't care about Naruto's suffering at all'
I don't understand the mind of a Sakura hater.
I really don't.
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unwiltingblossom · 3 years ago
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Good job to Johnny, good job to all of his legal team. Good to see justice finally prevail.
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unwiltingblossom · 3 years ago
I actually just saw someone link the manga page where Sakura is comforting Naruto in the wake of the destruction of the village and the death of Jiraiya and then thinks to herself 'I'm comforting him, but I should be looking for comfort myself' because Tsunade is in a coma and might not recover...
and they said
'Sakura only thinks about herself and doesn't care about Naruto's suffering at all'
I don't understand the mind of a Sakura hater.
I really don't.
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unwiltingblossom · 3 years ago
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Hey Naruto fandom, this is just your reminder that Sakura didn't do anything wrong.
It's not her fault - nor is it anyone's fault - that the person she fell in love with had personal traumas that caused him to behave in unpleasant ways. She's not responsible for the actions of the person she loves.
Sakura has always only ever done what she felt was best for either her village or her friends, even when she makes rash mistakes they are with the motivation of doing what is best for those she cares about. She wished to go with Sasuke because she was terrified of him going away with Orochimaru alone, because she believed Sasuke would lose himself if he did so. She tried to kill Sasuke because she believed her old fear had come true and if anyone else killed Sasuke it would trigger a war that would only hurt Naruto, the village (currently destroyed and recovering) and her friends.
It isn't Sakura's fault that she never fell in love with Naruto or Lee, and she isn't obligated to love someone back just because they had feelings for her. She was never intentionally cruel to them simply because they had feelings for her. Her false confession was done only because she thought it would make Naruto happy, not because she was trying to hurt him.
You're not obligated to stop loving someone because they're not a good person anymore. Sakura still tried to kill her feelings for Sasuke out of guilt because she believed it was wrong to still love him, and she couldn't.
In the context of the ninja world, slapping Naruto around once or twice was not considered rude or unacceptable behavior, neither did Naruto ever consider it to be. Despite this, she does it something like twice in the entirety of her association with him. Bear in mind that adults beat a five year old child so hard he was hospitalized, and in that scenario it was the child who was considered to be in the wrong, and when Jiraiya peeped on Tsunade she almost killed him and they remained extremely close until his death. Sakura's punches of Naruto are more akin to dope slaps in-universe than they would be in reality.
Sakura was rude and mean to Naruto in class because everyone was rude and mean to him. The very first moment someone in front of her questioned the validity of this behavior and turned it on her, Sakura realized she was in the wrong and resolved to never do it again (and followed through on it).
Although Sakura started up a rivalry with Ino about Sasuke, it was not with malicious intent but respect. She saw Ino as a genuine rival for Sasuke's attention, and so openly declared her intent to Ino. Their friendship remained, and Ino is the only person for whom she rearranged her headband for as a show of respect.
Sakura worked as a doctor and a medicnin and essentially a single mother to Sarada throughout her child's youth - staying up late until she physically passed out at Sarada's bedside when the child got a fever. She shielded Sarada from the more confusing and dark aspects of her own teenage years, and hid Sasuke's uncertain return from his dangerous mission so that her daughter would grow up happier and feel more secure.
Sakura doesn't just "love people who treat her poorly", she doesn't "bully and attack Naruto relentlessly" or treat her friends "like crap". She isn't selfish and self absorbed or vain, and in fact she's almost shockingly selfless at times.
The old Naruhina vs Narusaku and Sasukarin vs Sasusaku wars have assassinated her character in every way that it can be assassinated, but in the end it's important to remember:
Sakura did nothing wrong.
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unwiltingblossom · 3 years ago
What do you do when you want to make fanwork, especially fanfiction, about one of Markiplier's works? In some cases I think it would be a little easier to section it off, like with WKM where the characters have their own names, but his interactive adventures are a little more difficult to filter.
I don't want, in any way, to write or read RPF. Still, I like the characters and concepts in his interactive stories enough that I'd love to see fandom extensions of them - or make some myself. (Mark has made it pretty clear he prefers to make new adventures rather than go back to old ones, and that's understandable...but also what fanfic is for. You know. Fanfic other than that Other Kind of fanfic. notthaththeresanythingwrongwiththat.gif)
What is the protocol for making things related to Heist, Date, Space, or anything else made in past or future with the "Mark" character interacting with an "audience" character? How do you find material for it that doesn't include RPF, how do you make things that aren't weird or creepy either to other fans or to Mark himself if he were to stumble across it?
This obviously means 'creative' works that add on to or change what's there, not 'representative' works that portray what's already there, such as cosplay or art of characters or existing scenes. Quite obviously such work wouldn't bother anyone.
Ordinarily this wouldn't be a question at all, because no one is going to question that you meant Jensen Ackles when you write Dean Winchester, but many of Mark's characters are just named 'Mark' and are meant to be fictionalized variations of himself.
The question is aimed at fandom, because I'm sure that what I'm describing does exist already and such rules therefore also exist, but just on the off chance that Mark happens to get on tumblr and glance at his tag at the exact right moment, I'll also mention @markiplier because an official answer is always a good one to have.
Also, yes, I know that 'just don't publish it' would be the perfect answer to 'how not to put anything out there that will bother anyone else' but that wouldn't solve how I could read and experience other people's works.
--Where would you find those, by the way? AO3? Do I have to fight with Tumblr's tag system to find them?
Don't send me to the pits of fanfiction.net...
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unwiltingblossom · 3 years ago
"This female cover just makes the Phantom so much more sympathetic and understandable, if I were Christine I would totally choose her!"
because the Phantom isn't always sympathetic and there's never a debate over whether Christine should have chosen Eric or Raoul, right?
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unwiltingblossom · 3 years ago
When someone reblogs you and agrees with you, but has you blocked....
Tumblr, it's been like ten years now, why are you still so weird?
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unwiltingblossom · 3 years ago
And here is my regularly scheduled "AND ANOTHER THING THE PARTY IS STUPID" post
it is.
I don't know if you know this but there is quite literally no reason to put a bomb protecting what is essentially a list of doxes of famous and powerful people in South Korea. Brace yourself for this one, but: most powerful and famous people are already doxed and have been for a really long time. California sells 'star maps' which are just 'this is where x celebrity lives!' - it's even got a website.
and this is crazier but the really powerful people have famously public addresses, like the White House and the Kremlin. And the hilarious thing is that Rika's info doesn't even have the home addresses for 99% of these people. It's literally just their email.
There's top secret protocols and a bomb to protect semi famous wicker basket weavers from getting spam emails.
But wait, there's more!
The game acts like this party is somehow groundbreaking and revolutionary, that Rika had done something nobody has ever done to get people interconnected and boost careers and raise money for charity but it is literally just your bog standard charity dinner schmooze fest that rich people and upper society hold all the time. It's basic networking that rich people engage in and up-and-coming people employ nepotism or ingenuity to get invited to so they can hobnob with the famous and influential potential buyers they're looking for.
There's literally nothing remarkable about the party, they happen all over the world all throughout the year. The only thing that would make it stand out is that C&R is hosting it and the RFA themselves attend it and that makes it a bit of a status symbol for attendees, which means any party could be that if they just attended/sponsored it.
There is nothing sensitive about the information in Rika's apartment besides the business and sometimes personal emails of random attendees and AT. BEST. a list of notes on things like 'bic pen businessman likes traditional pens'
Literally the only reason it's dangerous to be involved in the RFA is because Rika is a psychopath!
Despite this the game is all about how the party is so vitally important they can't even delay a party they haven't held in 2 years for more than 1 week, and it's (almost) completely understandable to hold a random girl hostage in an apartment with a bomb in it constantly threatening her life, because there's a computer with email addresses on it.
You could literally just have the hard drive wipe itself if the wrong person opened the door, but no. EFFING BOMB.
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unwiltingblossom · 3 years ago
Because everything is about me let me just say that even now, looking at Mysme, everyone's treatment of Jumin still enrages me and only does so more now.
This month someone suddenly died, someone who I am extremely close to, possibly the person I'm closest to in the world. If I wanted to explain how I feel about that, I can't, except to say that continuing to be alive takes almost all of my power, and that's something that will probably never change. And to the chat groups and places that I have social interaction with, I say extremely little about it to them. Mostly I just continue on exactly the same as I always am, with some occasional mention of it here and there. I only have spoken in depth about it extremely briefly and in private to people I feel comfortable doing so with.
The routes in Mystic Messenger would address this in the same way they do Jumin dealing with his own tragedies and stresses: calling a fundamentally broken person for behaving calmly, a robot for controlling my behavior, and then making fun about using a trusted source as 'a diary' if I were to go into how I felt.
I'm not trying to go for sympathy points or say "I'm just like Jumin guys look!" my point is that I've always been irritated with the fact that they act like him being introverted, calm and collected is somehow wrong, that when he goes through a crisis and maintains a cool head it's proof that he's just a broken human who doesn't function right, and when he finally reaches so much distress that cracks show, they make fun of him for it being so uncharacteristic.
The characters constantly do this to Jumin on every route, and where other times they generally only do this on that person's route and are proven to be wrong, with Mysme it's always just played off as a joke and like the people he's supposed to be friends with are completely in the right to treat him like that.
You are not a broken person because you can handle yourself and appear to be well put together even when the world is falling apart around you.
You're not wrong or some kind of freak because you keep your emotions and your internal struggles to yourself as much as humanly possible.
It's not harmless fun to make fun of a person who's hurting so much that they have to let it out to someone they feel comfortable with or trust, even if they're the type to usually be stoic and reserved. Jumin was wrong to trust the RFA with his emotional pain just because he trusted them most, but he was wrong because the RFA don't return those feelings, not because he trusted someone and needed to vent.
The RFA is full of asshole friends who barely count as friends to Jumin. It's irritating that Mysme pretends it's not.
Don't be like the RFA to Jumin, and if you're Jumin in that situation, probably don't put up with the RFA invalidating the way you operate just because it's different from how they do.
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unwiltingblossom · 3 years ago
In a bit of a Sasusaku mood so let me put forth this thing that sounds like headcanon but is actually canon if you pay attention at all to the post-699 chapters:
Sasuke is the type to seem super cold and aloof because he generally is, but when something or someone has managed to get past those cold defenses and outstretched arms keeping people away, he's extremely warm, caring, tender, and obsessively devoted. It's not the kind of thing where his behavior changes toward other people and he becomes a completely new person because now he has someone to love, but rather all that lack of emotion and care everywhere else has only one outlet, and it's at the people he does care about.
Naruto doesn't count, because he has a unique relationship with him where they show their care for one another by being combative and violent. His behavior toward Naruto should never be used to measure what he thinks of others. Instead, how he handles people like Itachi are a better read. He will prioritize them over just about anything, he will cling to them like a lost puppy, and while he will fight them if he is forced to do so, even if they betray him that cannot kill the love he feels for them and the pain that it causes him if he loses them. For the one he loves, forgiving even the most terrible torture is possible.
How does this relate to Sakura? Sasuke loves her romantically, and she is one of only three outlets of his emotion and care - one being Naruto and therefore functioning differently - and that means you can be assured he is ultra laser focused on her. Sasuke can't maintain a stern face in front of Sarada getting weepy, so you can see he is quite weak for the people he loves - this is part of why he was impossible to get to while on his quest for revenge, love makes him weak and he knows it.
While publicly Sasuke maintains the proper decorum expected of the traditional Japanese kind of man he embodies, it's stated that he reserves special smiles to share with only her in private, and as heavily implied as possible that as soon as he's home they immediately have sex. All of Sasuke's (romantic) affection, all of his tenderness, and all of his sex drive is totally pinned on Sakura. He may tease Sakura playfully where he doesn't tease Sarada (which is in itself a subtle sign of the kind of man he is with her in private) but she is certainly just as spoiled as he clearly spoils Sarada. In her own way.
What I'm saying is that contrary to much of fandom's beliefs, Sasuke is a jealous lover who is very possessive of Sakura (see how he is with Itachi), he is tender and loving and sweet to her in private - and in public this only shows a little - and they absolutely have a full and rambunctious sex life because Sakura is a pervert and Sasuke has a lot of repressed sexual energy with only one person to point it at.
The anime claiming that Sakura could have gone on a date with Sasuke, and Sasuke went on that date with her willingly and she got the impression he didn't even realize they were on a date is simply not possible with what we have seen of Sasuke. He may well have been extremely quiet and aloof during the date, but he would still subtly communicate his feelings about it by the end - and Sakura is established to be able to understand such communication from him.
When writing Sasusaku post-curse of hatred, one should bear these points in mind. Sasuke is an Uchiha, and Uchiha feel everything to such an extreme that untrained Vulcans would blush. Writing him as cold and distant in their relationship - once it is a relationship - is simply not based in canon of any sort. And the novels that address their relationship agree with my conclusions completely.
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unwiltingblossom · 3 years ago
Ahh no worries, that makes sense then.
I need to look up what are popular ships that antis hate so I can draw them and piss off stupid antis.
Can't believe there's still people in 2021 who bully innocent artists and try to drive them to suicide because of shipping. Stupid losers.
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unwiltingblossom · 3 years ago
You can't just add a sarcasm tag and not explain what part of what you just said is sarcastic.
I need to look up what are popular ships that antis hate so I can draw them and piss off stupid antis.
Can't believe there's still people in 2021 who bully innocent artists and try to drive them to suicide because of shipping. Stupid losers.
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