#after i post this ill be posting it there. so
highasthesea · 13 hours
Hazel has the earth and gems, Nico has the dark and dead, so what does Bianca get from her fathers cold blood and hands?
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pettydollie · 2 days
rapper!chris x singer!reader hcs
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a/n: lowkey a collab with @bambi-slxt bc of all the headcanons she sent me LMAOO thank u sweets!! <3
chri$ is definitely one of the more "soft" rappers. everyone knows that hes a lovesick puppy for you. he doesnt have ONE line including the words "my bitch". instead he replaces them with "my girl" OR "my wife" :((
i think he would 100% make an album fully dedicated to you. kinda like tyler the creator's "call me if you get lost" in a way. for example, in the song "HEAVEN TO ME", tyler explains his dreams. chris would rap about all of the things he wants to do with you and how he sees you in his life forever
he has many features on peace on the beach with my peach since its partially about your guys' sweet relationship! theres moments in the record where there are beautiful beats paired with your heavenly vocals and cute voice cracks while chri$ is dropping barssss (ill make a post ab lyrics i think he'd add)
sososososo supportive of your creative journey. he was with you as you wrote and planned out your extremely personal debut. he even helped out at the studio :c
but then you started adventuring some time after your 2nd-3rd album. you started experimenting with different genres/styles. you created storylines and visuals along with your music.
out of the two of you, chri$ is definitely more famous. anyhow, he got invited to the met gala and had u has his plus one obviously, where you both looked drop dead gorgeous!! i literally cannot see him wearing a basic ass suit and tie to the met. he has to be on your level and match your uniqueness which make you two stand out so much!
when you both got up the steps, he was being interviewed by emma chamberlin, who was also a fan of his. she asked about the creative process of his newly released album and he totallyy put you in the spotlight, saying "yn helped me a lott honestly. she's... literally a genius." he grins, turning to you while keeping his hand on your waist.
you guys like toying with the paparazzi when they're bothering you. you goofballs make silly faces right in the cameras so they back off
one time when you were being interviewed, your sweet boy wrapped his arms around your waist as he listened to you talk. you were a little nervous and stuttered a bit, but chris consoled you by rubbing small circles into your waist and whispering a gentle "it's okay baby" to your ear.
you fangirl on stage when you catch your boyfriend's eyes in the front row. sometimes you entirely stop what you're singing just to giggle and squeal "hiiii honey!!" while twirling your hair like a little girl. the audience cheers with screams when they realize chris is with them in the crowd-- but feels like its only you two in the stadium when he blows you a kiss (some corny shit he never thought he'd do) and mouth the words "i love you".
for the holidays, u two visit homeless shelters and childrens hospitals and perform for everybody <3
imagine just hanging out at the studio with him and your guys' friends. he's manspreading on a leather couch while massaging your feet resting in his lap as you write lyrics in your lap, your friends helping you out as you do.
you knew that somewhere down the line there was going to be some kind of beef. a popular rapper decided to call out chris for something he did years ago as a literal child. you both ignore it until he sends out a tweet about you. something around, "nd his bitch bad asf id hit fs but she a fuckin weirdass childish mf"
you ignore the fact he called u a "weirdass childish mf", you cant care less, many people dont vibe with ur ideas and thats okay!
u do however care about how his girlfriend would react to seeing him wanting to fuck you. and you'd met her before too, she was a little snobbish, but respectful nonetheless. you joked to your boyfriend about dropping your own diss track on him, but he actually seem intrigued. you shut it down almost immediately though, you didn't wanna make something small such a big deal
but at the next big event you guys went to, you found the rapper's girlfriend and showed her his tweet. she thanked you with a furious scowl on her face before she ran off and slapped the shit out of him in front of everybody
chris gets a custom made $500k chain that has ur name and little details that remind him of u around it :((
speaking of that chain, he wears it whenever he pounds into you so you'll be reminded of how he's yours.
chris loves ur vocals so much on stage! he finds them beautiful, but he loves them even more in bed.
"cmon mama lemme hear that pretty voice"
in fact, you two created a song just to have playing in the background while you two get intimate
chris audio recorded him eating u out once and you saying, "oh, fuck chris, it's so good!" and he decided to use that as an adlib in his favorite songs OR disses he wrote about someone being a jerk to u
watching chris perform did things to you. seeing him sweat, brushing his gorgeous hair out of his face, putting in so much energy into his performance... it's intoxicating! sometimes you wish he'd just drop the mic, pull you onstage, and make love to you infront of the world.
he talks about marrying you while he's balls deep inside of your wet cunt :( saying how he wants to drop a humongous bag on your ring, give you the wedding of your dreams, and how he desperately wants to hear "missus sturniolo" from others' mouths
chris will totally pop up behind stage after a show and guide you to your dressing room not so subtly. you apologize to your manager before rushing to your private room like a giddy teenager. "wanna see her sweetheart, she wet for me righ' now? oh, there she is.." he coos as he bends down to his knees right in front of your pussy when you pull down your pretty pink stage costume.
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@leah-loves-lilies @1everythingmustgo @star-sturn @junnniiieee07 @mattsneezing @freshloveee@freshsturns@emma4eva @r6diosturns @matthasmywholeheart @donthugmeimhot @blahbel668 @chrissturnsss @joanofarcily @mattscoquette @slutsturn @sturnioloremarker @ashley9282828 @jnkvivi @sturncakez @lanasturn @riasturns @st7rnioioss @strnlxlqve @starlace111 @mattsfavbigtitties @stvrlighht
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femmequixotic · 1 day
Hello #Femmequixotic, I am a huge fan of your fics, and I've recently finished the 4th part of your Tales from the Special Branch.
Firstly, I'd like to express my admiration and love for your writing and creativity, and after reading your last post here, I hope you currently find yourself in a better place.
Now, I confess that I came here to see when you had last spoken about your work, and was incredibly excited to see that you were working on it, only to see that it has been over a year since.
I understand how life can be unpredictable, and no-one will be upset (although certainly sad) about you abandoning the series, but I came here to simply thank you for your work, and ask if there is any chance of an update (that being new chapters or the definite end to the series).
Hi, friend,
I just logged in after a significant amount of time away and saw this and some other lovely messages of support for me from various people. Thank you all so much for your kind words.
To provide an update on why I once again disappeared....well. Life is curiously, frustratingly exasperating sometimes. Just as I got back into writing last year, I started to have some health difficulties that I had to deal with. Long story short, I was rediagnosed with cancer in the spring of 2023. This recent tumor wasn't operable due to its placement, and technically was considered metastatic, so over the past year, I have been going through a very long process of two different types of radiation treatment plus five months of chemotherapy. I still have a very long stretch of immunotherapy ahead of me, and while the tumor seems to have melted away, we're not entirely certain the cancer is gone based on some symptoms I continue to have. My oncology team is awesome, though, and they're doing everything they can to help me.
I'm better than I was a year ago--or even six months ago--so that's positive, and my brain is finally starting to return back to normal from some of the fatigue and fog from treatment and from being ill. I'd like to go back to writing, and I'm feeling more creative as my strength builds back up. I don't want to promise anything, since the last time I did, life decided to immediately throw me a curveball, and to be honest, I'm still wicked tired on my good days, but I hope to complete the story within the next year. That's my plan, at least, so fingers crossed? I've always said I didn't want to abandon it at any point, and I'm determined to keep that promise to you all--and to myself.
So, yeah. That's what's been happening. I'm still here, I'm still fighting, and I'm still writing. Just super slowly, lol.
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shirefantasies · 2 days
The Hobbit Characters + Pregnant Reader (Wife!Reader)
I just love fluff ok and, say it with me, I did this for LoTR 😁 (you can think of the older characters’ as being set when you guys are younger, not during book/film events 😊)
Warnings: conception mentions, some implications of infertility, pregnancy-related illness and symptoms, very long post 😂
✧ Five years. For five years you had tried. Six you and Balin had been married, happily as anything, but children never came. Your struggles had broken you down, leading you to try all the remedies well-meaning elders and healers alike recommended. Eat more good, strong foods, less of that greasy stuff. Drink this tea, it’s great for women! It’s only a bunch of tiny needles- the pain of birth will be worse anyway. Don’t be so active, let yourself relax for Mahal’s sake, girl! Remedy after remedy, you put your body through it all and put your hands up and prayed. Weeks passed and you had taken ill, attending the healers’ just to get something to ease your nausea, and that was when the questions began. Illness forgotten, you wandered in a grinning daze out of that hall and straight into your husband’s arms. When he chuckled and asked what this was all about, all you could do was snuggle into his chest deeper and whisper “It’s finally happened.”
✧ Such years leant of course to Balin being a bit extra protective of you. You often chastised him, good-naturedly of course, that he hovered so over you, and every time he would simply kiss you and say "That's right".
✧ It brought you both to tears when you began showing, when your condition had persisted long enough to be real, to last beyond the known months of danger. Forehead pressed against yours, your husband held you tightly and warmly for some amount of minutes you did not know, but minded not at all. Balin's words of love and reassurance were as music to your ears.
✧ Hormones confound you some days, pulling you from peace to ruin in mere moments, but Balin is always there with warm arms and wise words, reminding you that whatever you may think, you will never be alone.
✧ The one time during your entire pregnancy that you saw Balin cry was the day you brought home a tiny red coat that looked just like his and showed it to him with pride glowing in your eyes.
✧ He is so calm during all the worst sides of your condition, standing right by you through the good, the bad, and the ugly and dusting and cleaning you off each and every time. "We fought hard for this," he reminds you, "And I'll keep fighting with you every step of the way."
✧ You had wanted children all your life, certainly, and you'd seen Dwalin around them a few times, but what would he say? Your husband was a renowned warrior, hardened in the face of blood and steel and tolerant of no foolishness. But still he went soft as clay when his beloved wife fell into his arms. Thus that night you softened him up but good with all the great food and affection you could muster, so much that you had him remarking what a wonderful home he'd been blessed with. "And would you be willing to share it?" At that, your husband rose from his chair, hands tensing at his sides. "You don't mean-" "I do," you nodded. Without warning, you were swept up into Dwalin's arms, hoisted gently into the air with a giggle. "Just when I thought Mahal couldn't bless me any more! My beautiful wife, with child."
✧ Cue the two of you bickering back and forth like, well, a married couple, about who the child is going to look like. "I'll have 'em look just like you, thanks." "I for one relish in the thought of toting around a miniature Dwalin." "Come now," your husband teases back, running a hand over his shaven, tattooed head, "If they look like you they'll have better hair!"
✧ Dwalin has tiny wooden swords and axes made in time for your little arrivals, ensuring the axes match his to a tee.
✧ He sleeps flush against you now, head leaned against your growing belly and one hand firmly atop it like a lovely little line of defense.
✧ You have him absolutely wrapped around your finger, even more so now. Bat your eyelashes at him and make any request and he melts like butter. You’ll never want long for anything you crave!
✧ Admittedly he knows very little of a woman’s workings, but the moment he hears all your explanations he dubs you as great a warrior as he! “Beautiful as the stars and strong as the mountains to boot! That’s my girl.”
✧ He has waited so long for this. So many years of this hanging pressure and yet when he has you by his side, all the feeling of necessity behind trying fades away. You two can simply enjoy life. So when you return to Thorin's side one day, eyes brimming with tears, all you say to him is "It's happened". And with that you see your king, your husband, collapse as if his whole body is sighing, pulling you into him like he needs you to breathe. One hand reaches up to hold the back of your head, gently caressing your hair.
✧ Vows every day that he will protect you both, be the father and husband you deserve, taking your hands in his and then leaning down to address both his queen and your child.
✧ Thorin also assures you that despite what any members of the court say, your new addition will be equally loved and equally worthy of the throne whether you welcome a son or a daughter. "All I wish is a healthy child with their mother's heart." "And their father's good looks," you tease in response, pulling your husband in for a kiss.
✧ You begin stealing his clothes, stating that his tunics are so much more comfortable than your dresses with an innocent bat of your eyelashes that has Thorin relenting every single time, heart rent at the way they begin fitting you tighter.
✧ You see a different side of Thorin in this stage of your marriage, one you’ll never complain about, not when he softens so, gazes down upon you with such love as he hovers over you, kissing your lips, your neck, your belly.
✧ There is no denying that you both glow during this time, pride and joy illuminating Thorin’s features right alongside the radiance of your childbearing state. Everyone stops you to say what a beautiful couple you are and you cannot help the flush of heat that rises to your face as Thorin thanks them and guides you away from the crowd, a protective hand on the small of your back
✧ Predicts it before you even realize because you’re exhibiting all the telltale symptoms; annoyed as you may be by his insistence that you are with child, what do you know? Oin is right. Oin is, unfortunately, also quite smug about this. Once the initial triumph wears off, though, he’s shouting for joy and crushing you with a hug!
✧ The absolute dream husband to have when you're with child, for he has worked taking care of countless dwarrowdams in your condition. He knows what you need. He understands. And most importantly, he does not judge.
✧ In fact, you two get a kick out of poking fun at the other husbands who roll their eyes at their wives' demands or take shots at their cravings because, frankly, that could never be you. "He doesn't know her body needs more iron!" "I bet he moans and groans about grabbing her a pillow, too."
✧ Having married such a well-known dwarrow, you’ll have all manner of strangers approaching you with congratulations that you reluctantly just accept, correctly assuming they’re patients of Oin’s that he’s proudly blabbed to.
✧ He’s always asking you to guess if you’re having a boy or a girl, insisting that “‘tis the mother’s intuition, after all.”
✧ You insist on remaining on your feet as long as possible, and your husband does not protest, knowing that exercise is good for the baby. That doesn’t mean he won’t be right behind you to catch you if you fall or check on your precious little bump, though, of course.
✧ Not so subtle in his so-called 'baby fever', your husband has been going on and on about how his child will be his little flame, the apple of his eye, his world. You have no fear, then, sharing the news, in fact you amuse yourself by dropping your state in conversation like the plainest fact. "I'm glad you've got those new blankets, dear, what with the baby coming in winter and all," you told Gloin, taking a sip of your tea. Deafening is the only word you can use to describe the roar of celebration he gives, wonderfully bone-crushing and teeth-rattling your embrace and kiss.
✧ Tackles you to bed almost every night the first week, covering your cheeks and belly alike with kisses.
✧ Spends that very same time period sharing with absolutely any soul who even remotely listens that he’s going to be a father!
✧ Gloin is very insistent upon your care, even taking it upon himself to make your meals by hand. Which, suffice it to say, is a bit disastrous the first few times but he emerges triumphant in the end and succeeds in filling you with all the hearty things your budding dwarrowling needs!
✧ Being married to a dwarf means you have a husband who absolutely adores the extra pounds you put on and has no qualms about showing you in and out of the bedroom! Even just stopping by the market he’ll be wrapped around you.
✧ Encourages the baby every time they kick, shouting out praise of their strength while you tell him to cool it, all those kicks are going to you!
✧ A large part of him thought that he would never be able to experience fatherhood. Not since the injury, and that had happened at such a young age. You cut right through that fear, assured Bifur that he would be an amazing father regardless of if he did some things differently. And that he would soon see, for your family would be growing early the next year.
✧ In all honesty, you feel blessed to have a husband who signs, for your baby will likely be able to communicate early! When you tell Bifur this he breaks out into tears, for what an angel you are to see the beauty in him. Every side of him. He promises to do the same.
✧ And make good on that does he! You will never want for love for even on your illest days Bifur is right by your side, his caresses gentle and speaking volumes of adoration.
✧ Absolutely adores jumping into the bath with you! His excuse being he has to help you and may as well rinse his beard off, but you can see how eager he is to run his hands over your hair and see the way your body relaxes at his cleansing touch. He wants nothing more than to feel useful, needed, and you assure him you cannot do this without him.
✧ Again and again, in fact, on the days when he stands behind you, holding up your burden and cheering you with little jokes and flirtation in Khuzdul even as you are overcome with exhaustion.
✧ Proudly tells everyone who will listen that he’s got a little warrior in there whenever the baby kicks!
✧ You hadn’t exactly been trying. You hadn’t exactly been not trying, either. The news comes to you through a haze, muffled by the great rush of other thoughts bombarding your mind and sending your heart beating, but at their heart comes the image of Bofur holding a little one and bouncing them upon his knee and your chest flutters and soars. Your visit is completed all in smiles, and upon returning him to your husband’s questioning about the flu you’ve gone in for, you tell him it likely will not go away until the end of the year. “The end of the year? Why ever that long? I’ve never heard of a flu like that, not even-” “‘tisn’t a flu, my darling,” you smirk at him, “it’s a baby.” “A- you’re- we’re gonna have a-” Bofur is all agape, stepping closer and hovering his hands over your middle like he doesn’t want to grip you in a way that breaks you. “That all right?” You ask, half-teasing, for he has recently confided in you his envy of Bombur’s family. “All right? Song of my heart, I could kiss you!” “Well, what’s stopping you?”
✧ If you thought Bofur was affectionate before, well Mahal be with you, for you haven't seen anything yet! He falls even more in love with your body knowing it's carrying his and your child, hands nearly always holding or roaming you. When you're out and about, your husband usually has a hand at the small of your back, supporting the weight you carry as you walk and running soothingly up and down. Kisses all over your belly in private.
✧ This lends to how quick your husband is to reassure you on days you don't feel so friendly with your body, those times when you'd like nothing more than to shatter the looking-glass. "All I see," Bofur tells you one day, a hand on each of your shoulders as you peer together, "Is the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my lucky eyes upon, and she's not got an easy job. If I were her, I'd be proud of myself. Proud of making a comfortable home for our little one. And if I was her husband, why, I'd take her as she is right here and now! Right nice for me I am her husband, eh?"
✧ “Imagine havin’ a little girl.” Lying side by side, you heard Bofur’s wistful tone and felt a small smile creep onto your lips. “I’ll do her hair up in braids and tie them with ribbons. She’ll have all the pretty things she wants, because I have mine right here,” he adds, turning over to caress your belly and pull your lips into his.
✧ Marrying a toymaker comes with distinct perks: your husband crafts the most magnificent little wheeled contraptions and carven animals for your new addition! He spends hours carving and glazing them, and sometimes you catch him having fallen asleep at his workbench when you struggle to stay in dreamland, covering him up with a spare blanket.
✧ You worry because the baby doesn’t seem to move much, but Oin confirms everything seems to be going fine. “Your wee bairn just got this one’s personality, it seems!” He jokes, stabbing a mock-accusatory finger Bofur’s way.
✧ A baker's dozen. For as long as you've known him, that's how many wee ones Bombur purported wanting. Thirteen more than most dwarves have, you always tease him, but in reality every time you see your sweet husband with children and hear him dream of a family your heart leaps. That is why the moment you take his hands and tell him it's come true is special, intimate, a quiet draw in and out of breath that has him sobbing joyously and nuzzling into your embrace with so much love your chest bursts from the flight of it.
✧ Sixth senses never seemed real to you until you became pregnant and it was like Bombur knew what you were craving and was making it before you could even say anything!
✧ Cannot keep away from you. Always wants to be kissing you and cupping your cheeks and holding your hands, just so so sweet!
✧ Bombur is so much more good-natured than you, for all the jokes about how you'll be as big as him soon have you swinging, but he just holds you back and laughs alongside them, saying he's looking forward to it with a twinkle in his eye.
✧ Literally baffled if you ever feel bad about your body; his legitimate confusion alone halfway snaps you out of the sad reverie, and all the following words about your beauty and your husband's appreciation of every inch does the rest.
✧ "You know I'll keep you safe, right? Both of you," he tells you one day, a hand resting upon your bump, "I may not be some great warrior, but Mahal help anyone who comes between us."
✧ From even before you were actually wed you knew that Dori would be an excellent father. Having taken care of his younger brothers from quite an early age, he had knowledge atop a naturally caring personality you fell for. Gentlemanly Dori waited with you, keeping chaste until after your wedding, but once it is official you know your news could come at any time and you accept that. On your one-year anniversary, in fact, your first gift to Dori is the tiniest bracelet of fine amber beads. “Does this mean…?” As soon as he sees you nod, Dori is taking you in his arms, cradling you gently as if you were made of fine porcelain and thrice as precious.
✧ Caring father-to-be. A little too caring. "If those are too heavy for you, I can carry them!" "They're just books, I'll be alright, Dori." "Oh, don't eat that, you got sick last time." "I haven't been sick in a month!" "That's a lot of steps, should I carry you?" "...Actually, sure."
✧ Always sleeps with his arm wrapped around your middle. No exceptions.
✧ Has every manner of tea and remedy you could desire on hand or otherwise purchases it. Same goes for supplies- Dori even found a ring-shaped cushion for you to lay on! He has your back for any ailment and is often there to make or apply your cure himself. After all, he wouldn't trust anyone else to do it!
✧ You love this dwarf with all your heart. He takes it upon himself to find dwarrowdams willing to let him practice changing diapers on their wee bairns and surprises you with this newfound skill when you return home one day!
✧ Dori’s love of the finer things absolutely carries over into his future fatherhood, as he has the loveliest little velvet clothes made and procures the dearest little bejeweled hairbrush. All in all, both of you amass far more than you need because any time you go out it inevitably devolves into you two clasping your joined hands between each other, gushing over all the wee things, and taking them home!
✧ He never thought he would get married at all, let alone have a family, but as time goes on the desire to continue his lineage and finally settle down takes hold. Then suddenly there he is desperately trying to seduce you into trying for a little one! It doesn't take long, not with his charm, until the day comes when you teasingly tell him that he got his way. Smirking until the realization takes hold of him, his arms are then snaking around your waist to pull you close.
✧ Always talking about how he's going to teach his little one everything he knows. When pressed about it, responds with such things as fighting and picking locks. His defense? "What if 'e gets stuck somewhere, or-"
✧ Impatient! "When am I gonna be able to feel 'em?" He asks, a hand upon your belly, which has yet to display any changes. "Not for another few months, Nori! I haven't even begun to show!"
✧ Hides things sometimes or puts them up places you can't go just so he can swoop in and help you, saving your day and pressing a kiss to your cheek as he tells you he can handle it, don't you worry your pretty little head.
✧ Nori always teases you when he pours himself a drink. "Bet you'd like some of this, huh? Not for three more months!" He chuckles. Your brows furrow. "Three months? What about when I'm feeding?" "What does tha- oh. Does that really-" "Yes, yes it does." "By the stars, I could have got my baby drunk!"
✧ Talks to the baby quite a bit, especially when he finally can feel the kicks. "Where you running off to, huh?" He chuckles, feeling the flutters against his hand pick up. "That's 'cause of me, isn't it? You hear me? That's right, it's your da. Can you believe it? Me, your da! I'll take good care of you, you hear?"
✧ "Ori, dear," you implored your husband, "Might you knit something for me?" Looking up from the scarf he'd just finished, Ori's eyes fell upon you and he gave that smile, the special one reserved just for you. "Of course. What would you like?" "A wee pair of booties," you replied, hands clasped and expression dreamy. "Who needs booties?" He asked, head cocked. "We will in the fall," you answered, stepping closer and resting a hand upon his. Ori's jaw dropped. "You... I... We-" Smile widening, you nodded. "I. You. We," you agreed.
✧ Nearly from the first day you know you are with child, Ori is rattling off names. After tossing out a great deal, he finally pauses and gives a sheepish apology. "I'm sorry, I suppose I've thought about this a lot," he confesses with a grin, "I just can't believe it's happening." Your hand joins with his, resting over your little bump. "Neither can I. It's like a dream."
✧ "So," you ask Ori one day, leaning your chin upon the couch where you'd lain, "What should our plan be for when my water breaks?" Your husband's brows furrow. "When your what?" "Oh, no," you mutter. Cue Ori spending his afternoon receiving a great multitude of lessons. What he got for being raised by other dwarf men, you suppose. "That really all happens to you?" He asks, gaping at you as though you came of the Valar themselves. "Yes, it does. Birth is a great deal of work. They don't just run on out, you know!" "Yes, I know. Of course I know." Ori's voice is faint; he excuses himself and you assume it's to faint or be sick, but about an hour later he returns bearing gifts. "I'm sorry I'm putting you through all that." "Sweetheart," you chuckle, cupping his cheek, "You know it takes two, right?" Your sweet husband reddened, but he nodded.
✧ Ori takes on almost all the cleaning himself- you haven't even asked! Finally curiosity gets the better of you and you inquire as to why he's gotten so into housekeeping. "Well, aren't you tired?" He asks simply, innocently, and you wonder how you got so lucky.
✧ He also knits far more than that pair of booties you requested- all three of you will have matching sweaters before your little one has arrived!
✧ Ori's favorite thing in the world is sitting with you in his lap, one hand cradling your growing bump and the other holding a book as you two take turns reading aloud, filling your cozy hollow with the sounds of voices your little one will come to love. The books are hand-drawn, written, and bound by him, of course!
✧ You two speak of little ones so much it borderline infuriates the others, Kili himself even bursting out in frustration one day at yet another interruption about tiny clothes, "Just get her pregnant already!" "Good idea. See you later," Fili replies, scooping you up and carrying you off bridal-style. "Wait, I- Damn, brother..." In reality, Fili just carried you around the corner and set you down while you two burst out laughing, but about a month later your tries were in fact successful!
✧ Honeyed words were no trouble for your husband before, but now? Praise falls endlessly from his lips. "Never did I think you could get more beautiful, and yet each day you succeed beyond my wildest dreams."
✧ Fili has a near-magical sense for your new struggles of coordination, all but flying to your side to catch your hand or waist whenever you trip or even whenever you must rise up again from your seat!
✧ He loves to tease you, asking what disgusting thing you'll think of him to fix next or joke that he can finally beat you in a fight in this state, but every joke is punctuated by the most loving eyes and gestures that they cannot do a thing but warm your heart and make you chuckle.
✧ Your baby is very active, kicking all the time! "We've definitely got a little Fili in here!" Your husband exclaims with a grin, hand resting atop your belly to feel your little one's exuberant motions. "A strong babe for sure," you sigh, "Much to the pity of my ribs!" "Too bad we aren't having a Kili. Nice and lazy for you." "Hey, I heard that!"
✧ He turns his head, peering over his shoulder at you as you waddle after him, golden hair cascading down. "Care for me to slow down a little?" "I care for you to shut up," you shoot back, crossing your arms and fighting your smile.
✧ The thought crossed your mind far before it did your husband's. Not that Kili had no desire for children, it was simply that the possibility was all the more yours to consider. It took a visit from your young cousin, who had Kili wrapped around your finger, for the fire to light in your husband's head as well, a smile lighting up his face. "We- we could..." "I know, Kili." You could and you certainly did but a few months later.
✧ "I hope they look just like you." "Me too." Kili pulls his head out of the crook of your neck. "Hey, that is the part where you say 'no, I hope they look like you'!" "I'm doing the work of carrying for how long again? Nine, ten months? Least they can do is resemble me a little," you shoot back with a smirk.
✧ It was Oin who brought the news: "Both babies seem healthy as far as I can tell!" "Both?" You gape. "Both babies?" "'s right," Oin replies, "I know I can't always hear the best, but I haven't been wrong on a heartbeat yet. You can feel 'em." "Guess we did pretty good, eh love?" Kili teases, earning him an elbow to the ribs, but he just shakes his head and tugs you closer against his chest. "Should we make their names confusing as well?" "Don't you think it might get old for them?" "Fili and I switched names plenty of times and we aren't even identical!" You should have known.
✧ Kili takes to sleeping facing you, close enough that sometimes your cheeks brush. Others he slips down lower and you awake with your husband cuddled up to the bump of your belly.
✧ Will come running from any room, anywhere, to feel the babies kick, and also loves tugging along any of his family he can take, too. Childlike wonder fills your husband's eyes every time and pride glistens in his dark eyes when he's brought along his mother, his brother, even his uncle the king!
✧ Never once do you doubt yourself or have one moment of room for insecurity, for Kili still flirts with you as if you were tweens and sneaks all sorts of touches, pecks, and affectionate hands in your hair wherever he can find it! The notion of a baby destroying the romance of your relationship is laughable to you, who married a dwarf that has no shame telling you you're the most gorgeous creature to walk the earth and warm his-and the baby's in a different way-body.
✧ Bilbo's a perceptive hobbit. He knows something's off with you. You don't usually scurry around the way you are like everything has to be perfect. That's his job. "Something the matter? Are you... expecting someone?" Your husband follows you down Bag End's hall as he gives his inquiry, eyebrows shooting up at the look on your face when you turn around. Consternation, resignation, finally a smile. "I was going to tell you after dinner," you answered, "But since you asked it like that, yes I am expecting someone. Our child this spring." At that, it was Bilbo's turn to shift through expressions. Shock, realization, finally a smile.
✧ Nursery shopping has become Bilbo's favorite pastime. Baby Baggins isn't arriving for months and yet your husband is returning from market with all manner of trinkets for the shelves and paper for the walls. You cannot help giggling at his armfuls of supplies and kissing his cheek as you relieve as much of his burden as he allows you to.
✧ So sweet, always helping you dress, pulling on every garment with the utmost of care and even avoiding your reflection on days you feel bad. Quickly kissing each part of your body before he covers it with something he knows will be comfortable.
✧ You'll be eating well whether you like it or not! Bilbo will make you anything under the sun if it means you and Baby Baggins are getting nourishment and he certainly will not have you skimping! Anything that makes you sick simply is not allowed in Bag End at all, end of discussion.
✧ One night, you awake to soft whispers and your heart melts at the sight of Bilbo resting his chin on your growing bump talking to the baby. Not uttering a word, you simply watch, taking in the moment beneath the sheen of tears in your eyes.
✧ "Careful, careful," Bilbo is always telling you, holding your hand and guiding you over the smallest of obstacles, even little puddles and rocks.
✧ He has talked about getting you pregnant before, but speaking of it and doing it are two entirely different things, especially with...well, words of such nature. Thus, you find yourself nervously wringing your hands before your husband as he strokes your face, asking whatever is the matter. At Thranduil's touch, his intense gaze, you fin yourself melting and admitting all, confessing that you are expecting his child. You are certainly not expecting the way his confident smile utterly falters, dissipating in favor of the look of a man near tears. "Truly? A little one of our own?" "Yes," you whisper, finally able to smile as the tension melts from your body, which is soon pulled against the Woodland King's. "Long have I dreamed of this day, my love."
✧ One of his favorite new activities is commissioning you new maternity dresses; you will certainly have plenty to wear if Thranduil has any say about it! In addition, when the time comes of course he requests that you model them for him.
✧ Thranduil loves to sneak up behind you, lightly wrapping his hands about your waist and laying them atop yours, his head resting in the crook of your neck and breathy, pleased laughter warming the skin there.
✧ When you start showing, oh, he loves it. One more sign that you are his, utterly and truly his queen, his beloved, claimed by Thranduil in every sense. He follows your lead, a hand around your waist, letting you shine like the gem he knows you to be. Rarely will you two be seen apart, not when the king can bask in your glow, relish the eyes upon your beautiful form, heavy with his child.
✧ There is one day he catches you in tears and heart tearing he steps to scoop you up against him, cheeks held gently in his elegant hands, which begin to glitter with your tears. "My rings no longer fit," you sob, head falling to his chest. Thranduil holds you close, grip loose as though you might break. "That is not your fault, meleth nîn." "I feel so... so massive." "Who wishes a small dwelling, hm? Piteous thing not to have any comforts. Your body is a host of life, the vessel of a bloodline. Beautiful in all its forms. Never forget that, oh dearest one."
✧ Thranduil is experienced; he knows many little tricks to help you feel better, be they massages or ways to bear your weight. He impresses you with the knowledge he has of the ways of women, understanding your water breaking, dilation, and every complication the healers warn you about and telling you before they even do!
✧ First to know was neither you nor your husband, but rather your cat, for she had suddenly become your little shadow, following you about your home and taking rest upon your lap as often as she could. "I wonder what it is that got into her," you commented one afternoon, smiling and stroking her back. "Growing up, ours got like this when my mother was carrying my younger sisters. Both times. It was like he could sense it," Feren replied. You both sat in smiling silence for a moment longer before simultaneously straightening, looking each other right in the widening eyes.
✧ Gets a little flustered, frankly. Not so much at your news itself, simply the realization sinking in that he is to be a father. He, Feren, will have a child. He says this out loud several times before suddenly breaking out into a smile. You tease him for going through half his emotions at once, but now the wave of joy has swept him up!
✧ Playfully rolls his eyes and mock-complains every time you remind him that he has to clean up after the cat now! Subsequently adds that he would fetch you the moon if you asked it.
✧ Loves helping you bathe the more difficult your condition makes it, scrubbing your hair with such care and gently massaging your sore feet and ankles as you wash up. Despite your husband's skill in battle, Feren's hands are the most loving and delicate you could ask for.
✧ Your husband has a natural tendency to rise early, so now that your sleep has become more fitful you do find that you have more time to spend together. Your head falling to his shoulder as you whisper to each other, seated as you are upon your bed with blankets draped over your shoulders.
✧ Feren wins your heart time and time again, like the day he lowered you down gently onto the grass of a sunny meadow, basking with you and weaving flowers. He made you a ring, crowned you with a wreath of flowers atop your head, and made another little one to place gently on the curve of your belly, bringing your heart to soar.
✧ Uncertainty wracks your heart and wrings your hands at the would-be-cheerful news. In fact, you yourself do feel joy, have since your suspicions were confirmed, but would Bard see it the same way? He already has three mouths to feed, three children all old enough to take care of themselves. Will he wish to start it all over so? "What's wrong, love? Your lip is bleeding." So it is. You've practically gnawed the poor thing off in all your stewing. A sigh escapes you. Bard is your husband. No sense in delaying a very necessary conversation. "I know we should have spoken more about it..." You begin, trailing off. At once, Bard senses your reservation and rises to your side, taking hold of your arms; the love in his dark eyes brings a small smile to your lips and relaxes you slightly. "I'm with child, Bard." Almost childlike is the wonder and joy spreading across your face, and before you can say another word you are being pulled into Bard's chest, face snuggling into the fur of his coat.
✧ He knows what to expect, naturally, so Bard is definitely not the type of husband to gripe about your requests, though he does smirk and poke fun if you’re especially outrageous with it or have a funny enough delivery. Then kisses you if you pout about it before fetching what you seek.
✧ Caution overtakes you and your husband as you make to tell his older children the news, particularly you, but your wringing hands relax when you can see the joy in their eyes, particularly the girls! They hope the baby is another girl, hugging you so tight you almost cannot breathe, but you complain not.
✧ Happy is Bard to take on assistance cooking; he knows it can make you sick sometimes and besides, it's a nice excuse to make sure you get all the nutrients you need! You are certainly very lucky in the skill and domesticity of your spouse.
✧ Stands behind you and reaches his arms around you, lifting up the weight you carry and smiling, kissing your neck and cheeks as you relax from your burden.
✧ He also has no qualms about making you rest, down even to physically lifting you up and carrying you to bed if he must!
✧ Hesitant as he always would have claimed to be about bringing more Skin-Changers into a world so cruel to them, Beorn feels his nesting instincts kick in very quickly after you become his wife. You see it in the things he gathers, the way your husband moves things such as your blades to higher, safer locations. He is anticipating something. Something you cannot help pulling him aside and asking about, and when your feelings on the subject are made known, well, it is entirely possible you conceived that very night.
✧ Beorn has an almost eerie sense for all the changes taking place in your body. You feel a sharp pain in your back, and without a word your husband is behind you, ushering you down for a massage with some of the oils he's pressed.
✧ The aforementioned nesting instincts manifest early on, your husband carefully blunting corners and tucking away the best blankets so the little one-or ones!- will be nothing but safe and comfortable.
✧ Withdrawn as he could be, Beorn's affection is drawn out by your condition, his big brown eyes soft upon you as he pulls you into his lap, large hands secure about your waist and sliding gently up and down your growing belly.
✧ And grow it does! It seems to get heavier by the day, but that is explained thanks to your husband's exceptional hearing. "Four heartbeats. One is yours. A litter- three are coming!" Spots dance in your vision at that news, but Beorn's smile as he grips your hand brings you back to the light. You could do it with him by your side. "Our little litter."
✧ He attempts to reassure you anytime your anxiety grows. "My dearest flower, I have delivered hundreds of calves and piglets in my day! You will see this through." Reassuring? Perhaps not so much. But in your heightened emotion, that does break you into a wild laughter that does indeed relax you nonetheless.
Want to meet the little ones? Perhaps there will be a Part 2 😉
Taglist: @lokilover476 @kilibaggins @filiswingman @ibabblealot @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @mossyskinn @wordbunch @tiny-and-witchy @th3-st4r-gur1 @fleurdemiel-145 @mistresskayla-blog1 @misabelle717 | Reply/Message/Ask to join 🩷
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pearlfeline · 3 days
peter parker x fem!reader
word count: 900+
tw: black eye
a/n: this is short and it was in my drafts forever. and it was shorter than this before i added some stuff last night. posting it now for some validation and i want to feel better for my job interview tomorrow lol. hope its good enough.
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“plwase unlokc your window!! OMW”
“I told him not to text and swing.” You mumbled to yourself.
You huffed, making your way to the window to save him the trouble and just lifted it wide open.
Peter flops in immediately, earning a yelp from you.
“Are you crazy?!” You held your hand to your chest.
“Heeeeelp.” He groans. Peter tugs at his mask, rolling his head back for you to see.
He had a black eye. “Make sure when you fall, you don’t land face first into a fire hydrant.” He tries his best to pry his swollen eye open.
“Since when do you fall?” You shake your head. Not expecting an answer, you walk off to the kitchen and open the freezer, grabbing a bag of assorted frozen fruit.
You come back to Peter flipping through channels on your TV, slumped on the bed.
“Put this on your eye.”
Peter gingerly takes the bag, holding it up to his bruise.
”Why are you getting hurt in the middle of the night?”
“Avengers make mistakes too.” He grumbled.
“Peter. It’s late.” You sighed.
“I know I know but I needed your help specifically.” He sits up mirroring the posture of someone who would hold a corporate meeting.
“Do my makeup please.”
You stare at Peter expressionless.
“Like with the skin paint thing.” He adds.
“For your black eye?”
“PLEEEAAASE! I can’t have May see me with another black eye. She said if the kids keep picking on me she’s gonna call the school.”
You roll your eyes, motioning him to follow you to your makeup drawer.
“Concealer.” You handed him the small bottle and heard him repeat after you.
“Concealer.” He nods.
“How long will this last?” He twists it open.
“Stop, you’re gonna dry it out. And not forever. So I’ll let you borrow it to reapply in the morning.”
“How do I do that?” He starts blinking rapidly the same time your finger pats into his under eye.
“No blinking! Just do what I’m doing here. See? You don’t even need a sponge sometimes.”
You try to ignore how close you were to him. Seeing Peter from this proximity was something you’d never think to do. You never noticed how many little freckles he had. They’re so faint. He had a little stubble from running around all day and chapped lips. Your eyes follow the line of his bottom lip, like a crack in the pavement. You could feel his breathing hit your hand as you pat into his skin. As you look up from his lips, you find him staring at you back.
“Done.” You reeled your hand back, clearing your throat.
Peter looks at himself through your small light up mirror. Seems simple enough.
“See? Good as new. Just a little swollen.” You comb his curl away from his forehead so he could clearly see the coverage.
“You’re the best.” He stares at his reflection in awe.
“I know.” You shrugged.
“Don’t touch it or it’ll come off.” You grab a small pouch to put the concealer in.
“Here. Don’t lose it. I splurged for this one.” You hand him the pouch and he nods profusely.
“Guarding it with my life.” He puts it in the small pocket of his backpack.
“Thank you.” He smiles.
“No problem.” You avoided his eyes, hopefully he didn’t see the heat rising to your cheeks. “Don’t keep May waiting.”
Peter nods, giving an awkward wave. “Right. See ya.”
Peter jumps out onto the fire escape. Quietly this time. Out of sight.
“See ya.” You said quietly to yourself.
The next morning, you woke up to a series of messages from Peter.
“she didnt suspect a thing HAHAHA” 12:32 AM
“thank u again btw” 12:33 AM
“it hurts to blink.” 12:34 AM
“ok goodnight ill let you know how it lasts thru the night.” 12:34 AM
“hi it disappeared a little bit but im gonna add some more i hope that’s ok” 9:12 AM
You bit your lip, your finger hovering over the facetime button. You click it without thinking too much of it, waiting for him to answer.
Peter comes into frame with a newly pale complexion. His entire face was covered in concealer.
“Hi.” He grins at the camera, oblivious to how ghostly he looked. This would’ve scared you if he didn’t answer the call in that ridiculous angle.
“Peter…” You sighed.
“What? Did I miss a spot?”
“…No. You can’t possibly miss any more spots I don’t think.”
Peter frowns at the camera, he thought he did well.
“Too much?” He chuckled, embarrassed.
You roll your eyes.
“This stuff covers everything. I don’t have freckles anymore.” He runs away at his cheek, showing that it wasn’t coming off.
“Did May see you yet today?” You sighed.
“No.. Should I take this off?”
Before you could answer, May quickly knocks on Peter’s door, and doesn’t wait to open the door.
“Hey, I’m thinking pizza for lunch-“
Peter turns to look at May and you could see her blurry face peek through behind Peter's shoulder on your screen. She widens her eyes and blinks a couple times.
“What… What is that?”
“Sunscreen.” Peter blurts out.
“Y/N and I are going to the beach.”
May knits her brows together, thinking if that’s really believable or not.
“There’s no beach near by.”
Peter silently stares at his aunt.
“...I’m eating this pizza with or without you .” May shrugs. “Have fun at the… beach.” She gives Peter a look and then closes the door.
Peter turns his attention back to his phone.
“The beach?” You squeaked out, attempting to stifle your laugh.
“I would hang up if I didn’t need help taking this off.” Peter says flatly.
You let out a groan. “Just get over here.”
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peachy-wolfhard · 2 days
dating toge inumaki II
warnings: cuteness, erm plushie incest, toge gets cucked in Stardew Valley, “pretty princess” is used once
word count: 861
These are hopefully sweeter than Part 1
I have way too many thoughts about this freak
Sleepovers are a must and Toge is the number one sleepover planner even if the sleepovers are last minute
Facemasks! Movie night! Mario Kart! EVERYTHING!!!
Absolutely WILL try and sabotage your Mario Kart win. He likes to push, bite, hiss… anything a younger sibling would do
He likes to play the VS races so he can continuously blue-shell you
Toge loves doing every cute couple's tiktok trends. His favorite so far is the matching nail polish to your eyes
“Honey! Honey! Salted salmon cod roe!” as Toge runs up to you pointing and grinning.
“Hold on! Stop jumping!” you giggle taking the phone from his hand. Watching the TikTok he was too excited to show you, it's a couple showing their eyes next to nail polish their partner picked out. Looking up from his phone, Toge frantically points back and forth between the two of you, practically buzzing.
“You wanna do this wi-” “SALMON SALMON SALMON!” the curse speech user cuts you off all while jumping up and down, holding your shoulders
Another trend he likes is painting your partner, he takes all the couple challenges seriously but ESPECIALLY this one
“Ugh, I hate how all these guys never try on these” Toge types and rests on your hip to read.
“Never try on what?” you reply resting your chin atop his head, stroking his hair. Toge swipes to a TikTok of a couple that painted each other and skips to the end, the man shows his painting of his s/o as her face falls, it looks more like an unflattering caricature. 
“Let's do this! Need to paint my pretty princess :3 need the love of my life immortalized in a painting” Toge types giggling into your neck
Speaking of cute couple things! He definitely makes you a highlight on Instagram. Its wither named something like “(your initial) <3333” or “my wet cat :3”
Half of the posts are .5’s of you eating or the most gorgeous images ever taken by a human
FACETIMING!!!! He might not be able to speak BUT Facetime is still fun. He likes it when you give him a haul of all the stuff you bought
Jokingly gets jealous over the fictional characters you like (getting meta here woah)
“The things I'd let that man do should be illegal,” giggling as Toge pouts, arms crossed over his chest like a child.
“Absolutely devious and heinous things,” Toge groans then pretends to cry, throwing his head in between his knees. Ignoring your dramatic boyfriend, you continue the movie.
A flurry of messages comes through, all with the overarching theme of “I'll never be him”
“I mean we could dye your hair”
Toge likes to sneak into your dorm after long missions just because. You feel the bed move under his weight. Toge proceeded to wiggle his way closer to you, lifting your waist gently to place his arm under, pulling you somehow even closer. Resting his chin on your shoulder, “Hi”
Toge likes to keep his collar zipped up and mumble so you have to lean closer to him to hear him then pull it down and quickly kiss you
Play fighting is his all-time favorite pastime. Play fighting either means just wrestling around or picking you up and slamming you on any soft surface
Mystery box addict over here. Toge loves all mystery boxes but ESPECIALLY those Tokidoki ponies and the Sanrio ones
100% makes you guys open them together and record it
“Hi chat. We got blind boxes again,” you say holding up one of the many blind boxes you and Toge had purchased that day
“We bought so much today I don't think we have enough for groceries,” “Salmon”
“Which one do you want? I want the onion or corn pony,” Toge leans over and looks at the back of your box, and taps frantically on the pony that looks like a potato. Unfortunately for you two, you both get radish.
Plushie. Demon. Toge either glares at your plushies or makes them kiss and makes them hump each other
Dinner nights with the rest of your friends are quite common. Most of the time Toge makes dinner and invites your friends
Dinner also (most of the time) morphs into an unexpected sleepover (you guys forgot how late it was and now can't leave the dorm without being seen)
Toge loves playing video games with you. Even if you don’t play the kind of games he plays
“Grrrr,” Toge grows like a dog at your Stardew Valley character.
“Be quiet freak I'm talking to my husband. Go to the mines we need coal,”
“I'm being cucked in my own save file,” Toge texts you before running to the mines
Matching phone charms, headbands, sleep masks, PLUSHIES!!! Literally everything that can match you guys have it
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zombvic · 10 hours
summary : how i think the la masia boys would realize theyre in love with you
notes : this is a filler because i dont have anything finnished rn ... im making this and some headcannons a series x lmk who you want to see in the future. ALSO! im leaving for a three week vacation on tuesday (given its sunday rn) so theres gonna be less n less fics. ill have some drafts which ill post but ..
pairings : hector fort , marc guiu , pau cubarsi , lamine yamal x reader
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HECTOR is considered a serious and somewhat private guy. he thinks, before sharing details about himself with others. he was cautious and discrete, even around you. although he didn't know it at the time, hector slowly began to feel more comfortable sharing every little detail about his experiences and daily life with you, no matter how big or small. when something important happened, you became his first thought. after some time, he began to realize just how much he truly loved and admired you.
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PAU is still pretty young. being basically freshly seventeen, a prominent player for the barcelona team. id imagine pau to be in a relationship for over six months before he realizes hes in love. the moment he realizes the fact is when hes missing you. missing your touch, missing your voice, missing your eyes, missing you as a whole. it could be considered as clingy but he just misses you and thats what he considered as love.
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LAMINE is even younger than pau but quite mature for his age. he enjoys thinking far, far ahead. lamine often finds himself fantasizing about his future—his future house, family, future in football—and while doing so, he realizes that he can't imagine a reality without you by his side. another moment where he realizes his actual feelings towards you is when you meet his family. he is a family-oriented person and loves his family, especially his brother. he would melt at the sight of you and keyne together, and the moment he introduces you to his parents and they approve, it's decided. he's in love
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MARC would be smitten since day one. i can imagine him as a golden retriever type boyfriend. but the moment he realizes his love for you is when he sees you at basically every match, cheering, supporting, being there for him.
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munv · 3 days
𝗜𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵, 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗻 𝗮 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗿𝗶𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗰𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘀, 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱 𝗮𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗮𝘆. 𝗡𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗶𝗺 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝘁𝗼 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗹𝘁𝗵, 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝘂𝗽 𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝘂𝗴𝘂𝗿𝘂 𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗼'𝘀 𝗴𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗱𝗶𝗮𝗻.
A series I forgot to post..
The water cascaded down your back, and you let out a light sigh at the sensation. It was a long mission
When you arrived at the abandoned hospital earlier, you were expecting one singular first grade, and possibly people to save. Yet, you were forced to fight with two special grades.
You figured they either forgot to mention it in the report you had gotten, or whatever money for brains idiot didn’t sense it.
Possibly the latter.
Swiftly exorcising both curses, you wiped the sweat from your forehead. It caused a little trouble, but nothing you couldn’t get rid of.
Which, was the initial thought before hearing noises. Was that sniffling? Perhaps you missed a lower cursed spirit under all the racket made.
The remaining sparks of cursed energy was a little odd you have to admit, but usually a lot of cursed energy in one spot leaves residues at times.
Footsteps from your combat boots echoed within the hallways before a pair of black combat boots stopped in front of one specific door.
The sign next to the room read out ‘Room 63’
The closer you were, the more audible the supposed crying really was. Hesitantly, but ready for anything you placed a hand on the door and turned the knob.
The possibilities were endless as your eyes fell upon the dark canvas of the room. Just as you entered, the crying had withered down into pathetic sniffling once again and a small figure in the corner was moving. It wasn’t that dark after all.
You approached the small figure, realizing this couldn’t possibly be a cursed spirit. “Hello?”
Your voice echoed within the room. And the figure perked up. Oh, its probably a child?
“I don’t mean any harm, Promise!” You took another cautionary step to test if the child was willing to let you closer. They let your closer without flinching at least, good.
The child let out a broken hum of affirmation in response before you crouched down eye to eye.
As if it was a scenic moment, the moon shined in from the open window that allowed in light.
You observed the young child with interest.
His hair was black and short, but a bit long for someone of his age at the same time. Looked around the age of 7 or 10, with matching amber eyes.
He inched closer to the corner with a downcast expression, avoiding and breaking eye contact immediately.
You softened at this. He looked so fragile for a young boy his age.
“Hey..whats your name?”
He looked at the other side of the room before turning back to you, “I’m..Suguru” he mumbled out.
“Suguru” you tested his name on your tongue before giving a faint, small smile. You reached your hand out and placed a hand on his small head before ruffling up his hair a bit.
“Ill take care of you”
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wayfayrr · 2 days
hey uh. if requests r open. would it b possible to request a follow up to that self-aware-twi fic. if not thats ok i just wanted u to know i havent stopped thinking about it since i read it. altered my brain chemistry, touch-starved twilight princess link my beloved, etc etc. ur writing is top-tier <3<3<3
I think the best part about this ask is - I've had this written since early January. I actually wrote part two as a birthday gift for a good friend of mine @glowyskull <33
So this is more just me finally posting it sfbgdfbgdb. it's also funny to think that the twilight fic is my most popular fic now considering how the self aware au really started as just a really guiltily self indulgent fic - something fun to write that I didn't think could get as big as it did on my blog. and I'm glad that you liked it so much <333 whimpery touch starved twilight princess link is just so AUGH love him so
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“Oh you’re finally wakin up then darlin’.”
“C’mon darlin’, you can’t have forgotten what happened earlier already? Can you? Your fever - cold isn’t that bad so you can't have…”
Who’s rambling… and why does it sound so familiar?  Wait does that mean - is everything that happened earlier all real then, did link really crawl out of my tv just because he was lonely. Because I left him there, left him all on his own to rot in his own solitude. 
“Link? You - that - everything was real then? All of it?”
“All of it darlin’, from how I got out to how I’m never gonna leave ya.”
“Huh..? I could’ve sworn that you didn’t even mention anything like that…”
“Mhm, well you’re ill and still a little out of it darlin’ so you probably just forgot, you did agree though.” 
It does sound like something that I would agree to, I mean I’m the reason that he’s sentient. It would be cruel of me to throw him to the other wolves, he isn’t from here but besides even that, he isn’t from here. He doesn’t know how this world works, it would be worse than sending a dog to a shelter. It would be his death sentence for certain, and after all that I put him through for a simple pause in playing. The way he’s petting my hair like this though, it’s enough to simply just wash the rest of my worries away, if I could I would spend the rest of my life right here easily.  
“About your illness though, do you have any red potion anywhere?” 
“No, no things like that don’t exist here link and the painkillers I have aren’t worth moving for.” 
“If you’re sure… I’ll go and get them for you the second you change your mind.”    
“You don’t even know where I keep them.” 
His hand paused at that, causing me to let out an involuntary whine. I couldn’t even think to stop it with how it slipped out instantly, which he seemed fond of. Cuddling me closer to his chest and resting his head on top of mine, with what felt like a giant smile on his face. 
“I can look for them, It’s not like I won’t need to learn where everything is now that I’m living with ya… besides I’ve already put you through so much stress when you’re not well.”
“You didn’t mean to link, how could you have known I was sick?”
“...I don’t know - I just - it shouldn’t have been hard to know with how you looked when you opened the game. I’m sorry love I just wasn’t even thinking I just wanted to be out, but I should’ve been more considerate to you.”
With how silent he is in the game you could never have guessed how much he likes to ramble, it’s the second or third time it’s happened since he crawled out of the glas- the glass. Are his bandages holding up, he seems fine but he’s not from here, any infection could be deadly. He wouldn’t even see it coming with how much he’s fawning over my comfort right now. 
“Link?” “Yes, darlin’?”
Oh wow, he - well he’s whipped already. Is it real love or has all that time trapped alone twisted him into this. I’d look into getting him therapy but… if he mentioned the truth then it would be a matter of seconds until he’d be diagnosed with something inaccurate. No one. No one at all would ever believe that a video game character actually broke out of their game - especially not someone like Link falling for an exhausted student like me.
“Are you feeling alright? You have so many cuts and wounds right now.”
“It’s nothing that’s worse than anything else I’ve ever had. They do feel more real though.”
“They feel like real wounds, not something that could be healed away in seconds and they’re just tiny scrapes.”He sounds so giddy as he’s talking about being hurt - it’s unnerving when he starts holding me even tighter when he’s saying it. I don’t think I’m ever going to be getting away from him ever again… if I wanted to. Why shouldn’t I take a chance at having a relationship though. He cares about me - he really does even if it’s unhinged - it would be so nice to come home to him, to be able to spoil him and be spoilt by him. Even being held like this feels so unreal, so impossible that I shouldn’t be here with him. So much so that I want to stay here and fall back asleep without any argument. Didn’t he even say he wanted to be my lover? Why look over a gift too closely?
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gleamingtempest · 2 days
Xander Matthews - [DRDT] Character Analysis #01
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Hello. : ) This is a part in a series of analysis' by me where I will be individually outlining the negative experience, core belief & stated belief for every main character in the Danganronpa: Despair Time cast. Danganronpa: Despair Time is not a complete text yet so these analysis' will not be exclusively based on text from the project. All segments of these posts which cover parts of a character's story which has not yet covered in the text. Speculation will always be marked by the indicator [X] when it occurs. The purpose of this series is ultimately to provide my own individual thoughts, feelings & speculation on each character with actual text as my basis for building those actual thoughts, feelings & speculation. I hope you are all able to find it useful. Please be well - and enjoy. 🙇🏻‍♀️
*Note: This post was written at the time of 4/25/2024. At this time, the latest DRDT episode release was Chapter 2 - Episode 11. Every post in this series will be redone after the full release of the series.
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Negative Experience
Xander Matthews
-> Negative Experience: The most prominent traumatic events or event experienced by the character in their past, which primarily informs their core belief & stated belief in the main story.
Negative Experience Xander Matthews was a person born to a financially struggling nuclear family in the US with an indeterminant amount of siblings. He moved to the UK before he was 18 to study abroad and stayed long enough to pick up an accent. During this time he cared deeply about his grades & school was his most prominent priority. While abroad his family became extensively ill as a result of their local drinking water and, with no other choice but to drink it, died intensely graphic deaths as a result of their illness during the summer heat where they suffered for a long time. Xander was the only survivor of his immediate family. This incident was somehow the result of Duke Spurling.
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Core Belief
Xander Matthews
-> Core Belief: The Core Belief is the unconscious belief held by the character which informs their external & internal beliefs about themselves & the world, or, their "stated belief."
Core Belief
As a result of his negative experience, Xander developed an aversion to conformity, rigidity & organized or systemic discrimination, especially at the hands of institutions and corrupt individuals. [X] This implies that Xander's implicit belief about the world, prior to the incident, was one which prioritized authority figures & approval subconsciously. Xander shifted towards the belief that in order to avoid failure (to protect those he loves) he needs to compete against (the corporations, institutions, etc.) which hurt him & "win", or achieve victory against them. "I need to defeat the enemy in order to have worth. Failure is not an option." In this way, most of Xander's actions are motivated by shame, and especially the guilt which he feels over his inability to save his family & more specifically, his own survival where they could not.
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Stated Belief
Xander Matthews
-> Stated Belief: The external & internal ideology or belief which the character actively & consciously applies.
Stated Belief
A prominent part of Xander's characterization is the prioritization of determination & a refusal to falter or hesitate when reaching for a goal. "If it's there, reach out and take it, before the world can take it away from you." Based on his core belief, which predicates his value on his ability to succeed, Xander outwardly performs a loud, boisterous persona who refuses to give into the weight of a world which wants to stifle human spirit, creativity & determination. [X] This explains Xander's proclivity towards performative masculinity, in spite of his emphasis on morality & "goodness" - he is, at heart, a performer who seeks to be seen a certain way, more than he is a reformer seeking to bring "goodness" to the world. [X] His activism is an extension of this performance rather than the root of it.
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Xander Matthews
-> Design Philosophy: In order to analyze the designs of the Danganronpa: Despair Time cast I would like to establish my method for identifying significant elements of their design to outline & analyze. -> The order I will look at the designs through will be: [Color] -> [Clothing] -> [Story]. Color will usually consist of discussing three prime colors used for the design however their will be outliers to this rule. Story will often be speculative, since we're early in the text.
The most prominent colors in Xander's design are Yellow, Orange and Red. Red is the main color while Yellow & Orange are the support colors. Red is used to reflect his base human determination while the fluctuation between yellow and gray are used to reflect when Xander is able to and is not able to view himself as human enough to be worthy of action; alternatively, his "energy" or "belief" levels. Gray is often used as a dehumanizing color which "lacks humanity" while yellow is humanity and warmth itself. The warm hearth and interior of a human being & their ability to express kindness and love.
A failure on his part to act with love is ultimately his downfall & his inability to act with love for himself is the downfall of others. Clothing
Xander dresses in a disordered school uniform in order to emphasize his aversion to authority & institutions as he is now, or, a direction opposition to his "enemy" which he must "defeat." His singular eye is used as a symbol to reflect his single sightedness, or inability to see past his own goals so that he can consider a different perspective & approach to living, especially one which is less destructive to his own being & self. Since Xander's internal battle emphasizes shame so much, an open & loud design is a contrast which also highlights his focus on performance & performative activism. His right eye being hidden by his hair brings the design back towards his internal shame, since the design builds outwards from the eyepatch & since the eyes are often portrayed as "the windows to the soul." Story
Xander's right eye, or his missing eye is the most prominent element of his design, as well as the one which holds the most story relevance. The only thing which the text directly states about the eye are what it looks like, and that Xander does not remember how he received it, but that it must have been very soon before the KG began. [X] The eye could have been used as a hiding place for the note which Xander received telling him the kill Teruko Tawaki, which is why it has been emphasized so much in the text so far.
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Final Speculation
Xander Matthews
-> Survivors Guilt
Xander is the first victim of the Killing Game and the survivor of a tragedy in his own life. He's a red herring which is meant to draw the viewers attention away from Teruko Tawaki & at the same time the most clear piece of evidence we have about who Teruko Tawaki really is comes from Xander himself; both in his thoughts about her and in his actions towards her. From these we can gleam two things: -> Teruko is a perfectly normal & faultless person in this scenario, and -> Teruko needs to die if the Killing Game is going to end. Xander contributed to the Killing Game's orchestration indirectly by providing the unnamed student from the bonus episodes with private documents from or about Hopes Peak.
Xander left himself the note which ordered him to kill Teruko Tawaki, which is why he did it without hesitation & which is why he regretted doing it so much: Xander believes in himself as much as he hates himself. Xander gouged out his own eye with a fork in order to hide the message. The message was from the end of a previous killing game in which Xander and Teruko were the only survivors(?) other than the mastermind. Alternatively, the Killing Game is a clone "time loop" where only the survivors get to keep their current bodies, which is why Xander needed to mutilate himself.
That is all - TY for reading. 🛐 I look forward to Min Jeung next.
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alienaiver · 2 days
Aizawa Shouta x GN!reader
content: you're married to aizawa and he takes you to meet shirakumo for the first time.
wordcount: ~900
notes: the anniversary of a friend's passing is catching up to me. aizawa helps me cope so heavy on the comfort <3 written entirely on my phone and with no beta reading. i hope you enjoy <3333 (genuinely not sure if this is coherent. its missing people hour<3) spoilers from season 4 and up? to be sure!! ill come back and format this post when i have more than 3% battery 🫡
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"i'm married."
"married!" the voice is at the cusp of a scoff, but excitement shines through.
"yeah, i know. wasn't the most emotionally available back then."
"good for you, man! is it them standing over there?"
aizawa turns his head to look back at you. you're a distance away with a small bouquet of flowers, all in white and blue. you're looking up at the huge, cumulonimbus clouds. you're meeting shirakumo for the first time.
aizawa turns back to the cold, unliving stone with his friend's name engraved, together with the dates. he hates the last date; that day had nothing to do with shirakumo, he's not attached to that particular day in any way. it was just... the day aizawa, yamada and his family lost him. nothing else, nothing important or personal that'd invoke feelings in shirakumo himself.
he hears the comforting words of his friend, "hey man, it's alright. we're okay."
he never pictured himself as a person talking to graves, imagining the voice of a deceased. it's irrational. completely irrational. there's no one there. least of all his friend. but showing up periodically and giving his friend his life updates eases a weight in aizawa that he's barely able to grasp otherwise.
but he hasn't been here for quite some time. with the war, the amputation, the restoration of society, his marriage, it hadn't really seemed like an opportune time whenever he thought of it. always so much to do, so much to run after.
the days blurred more and more often for aizawa; all the things and jobs and shifts and teachings that he always had the upper hand with kept slipping between his fingers now. fatigue making him forget to grade papers after patrol, night shifts at the dorm disrupting his already fragile sleep cycles, medication after medication turning his stomach around while wrestling with medical training, physio and therapy.
aizawa's not young anymore; hell, he's never felt young. not quite like his peers and he's never really been able to recognize himself in his students. he may see a glimmer of himself here and there, but never quite does he relate to their motivations. he bites his lip.
"they're nervous about meeting you." he admits, even if he finds your fear irrational. shirakumo would never judge anyone.
he imagines his friend's laugh like a caress on his cheek, "i've already met them. i'm with you all the time, remember?"
aizawa snorts, "god, i hope not."
there's a beat of silence before he imagines shirakumo's next words, biting his upper lip and tensing to prevent tears.
"they take great care of you, like you deserve."
aizawa's lost so much. over the years he hasn't always been able to rationalize how he keeps going. surely, anyone going through all that he has is bound to suffer a mental break, right?
he thinks he almost did. but then you showed up, bright and warm. you offered a hand right before he'd resigned himself to stay alone.
to stay alone for everyone else's sake. he knows he'll become more and more of a burden as age grapples his torn body, as disability lets things slip.
he's been more nervous about seeing shirakumo today than you.
what if his friend isn't proud of him? what if he's disappointed? what if he pities him?
he grits his teeth and apologizes to the grave in a strained voice. reprimands himself for ruining the moment.
"they're coming over."
he tenses up when he hears your footsteps nearing.
"i told them to."
aizawa's stays squatted in front of the grave, afraid to turn to you. you don't see this side of him often.
he can feel you right beside him, and after you've taken a steadying breath to gather courage, you bow low to the grave and introduce yourself like you would to someone above you in a hierachy.
"thank you for taking care of my husband. i'm deeply grateful to be able to meet you."
you squat down next to aizawa and put the flowers gently on the grave, and he observes as you trace your fingers over the bluest of them all, the muscari, before you lean into your husband's shoulder. aizawa doesn't want to admit it, but he relaxes instantly at the gesture.
there's a moment of silence, like you're both soaking up the moment. when you rise and speak again, aizawa isn't able to hold back his sniffle as gracefully as he hoped. if you hear it, you don't comment on it.
"i promise to take care of him, in your stead. and send him here more often, with some salmon nigiri to enjoy with you."
the last part makes him laugh, letting his head fall into his open palm in a sort of flustered embarrassment stemming from all the overwhelm of emotions. aizawa imagines the gleeful laugh of his best friend, the puffed up chest and the hand to your shoulder, telling you to do your best, and that aizawa can be a handful.
"he's a handful sure, but there's nothing about him that doesn't make it worth it."
aizawa feels his heart soar as he looks up at you straightening your pants. when he catches your eye, you give him a thumbs up and a big, sunny smile matching the bright blue sky and white clouds behind you. the clouds perfectly shapes themselves and centers around you, like you're embraced by those, too.
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kerubimcrepin · 2 days
Liveblog: Wakfu Season 2 (episodes 22-26)
Episode 22 - The Silence of the Rings
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Insane lore implications for Ruel fans (all 3 of them)
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"Made in Amakna Copyr"
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NOM: Passambaal
PRENOM: Torrhe
NE RE: 12 Octilliard 823
Nation d'Amakna
Judging from this, Breta is either a part of the kingdom of Amakna — or this man is travelling a long way.
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"Pour vivre heureux vivons tamponnes / To live happily, live stamped"
[guy who is only interested in Waven-era Bonta voice] Unironically, Waven-era Bonta seems to be run a similar way. Though, unlike Cassis and Melo, — Joris, Kerubim, and Atcham have some plausible deniability thanks to Waven-era being a post-apocalypse wartime.
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I think Joris would approve of this unironically, considering Waven.
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"Le kama fetiche / favorite cama
mon precccieu / my precccious"
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UGHHHHH I am not translating this.
The third one says "The Dark Dofus" and something about it being the secret to the best omelette I think, but I am too lazy to translate it fully beyond that. I am so lazy.
Episode 23 - The Crimson Claws
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[coughs weakly] How would you know about possessing dragons, Qilby. [coughs in season 4 confirmed two-way mind link between eliatropes and dragons] Do you have anything interesting to tell us about your very healthy and normal 99999999999999999999999999999999999999 years of life together with Shinonome? Please? Some crumbs?
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I often see people claim that technology has hardly progressed in the centuries between Dofus and Wakfu, and in some ways its true — this setting is hardly interested in exploration of how the tech has developed, however...
I do think that giant underwater submarines with guns are more at home in Wakfu, than in Dofus. At least in part because there's less water in Dofus.
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One of the weirder changes of season 4, is that, by that time, Sufokia has "an empress".
My headcanon is as follows: His mom is the empress, and this is a matriarchical society. King is his father's title to point out that he is below his wife on the social ladder.
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The possibilities for how this happened are endless, but I do want to point out that New Sufokia has been underwater for centuries. Is this a very old teacup? Is this a fucking centuries old teacup? Is this boufbowl merch? Am I insane? Am I mentally ill?
Episode 24 - Phaeris the Mighty
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"I don't like violence" is something only the most sussiest of Eliatropes say, I think.
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If Joris, Atcham, and Kerubim weren't a part of this franchise, I'm sure I would be very mentally ill about Qilby and Shinonome. Specifically them. The implications. The implications.
He loves her a lot. And I think she was just as responsible for the things he's did, — whether she was a reluctant participant, or an active one. And I think she loves him a lot too. They've been all alone together for 99999999999999999999 years, after all. Their relationship is completely different to that of the other Eliatrope-Dragon twins, and their outlook on the other twins is just as different.
Episode 25 - The White Dimension
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I'm literally insane about him.
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Guys, I think Qilby has some supremacist beliefs about the Eliatrope people.
Episode 26 - The Eliatropes
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Guys, I think Qilby has some supremacist beliefs about—-
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He loves her so much it's crazy.
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I know Tot doesn't care... but I do <3 I do. A lot.
The implications of Shinonome being his ride-or-die even while he was doing the mechasm stuff, coupled with the implications of her being like "oh goddess this has to stop now" by this point, are insane.
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And so are the implications of his disbelief.
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My honest reaction:
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im going to hopital. gootbye
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mothermoth92 · 15 hours
Like Coming Home
Pairing: Halsin x female Tav
Rating: E (minors gtfo)
WC: ~5k (part 1 of 2)
Tags: established relationship; post-canon events; chronically ill Tav; chronic pain; porn with the barest whisper of plot because writer needed to justify her choices; emotional hurt/comfort; light angst; domestic fluffiness; marking; oral (fem receiving); vaginal fingering; multiple orgasms; consent is key; mentions of body image issues; plus-size Tav; body worship
Summary: Canon events left Tav to deal with chronic pain, and her healing respite has separated her from her darling Druid for months. They work through frustrations (emotional! sexual!) together when they are reunited at last.
Author’s note: First ever fic. Stopped writing all fiction after a particularly hateful fiction workshop in college, so three cheers for vulnerability, I guess. Pls let me know if there’s anything else you want to see tagged. I hope this isn’t terrible and that you enjoy.
And here is the AO3!
Also, @partially-controlled-chaos, I believe you wanted a tag when this went live.
He would arrive today. Something in the air had shifted. All morning, the energy all around her felt like she was standing inches from a buzzing hive, warm and electric. Tav could feel it in her body, too. A welcome elasticity had returned to her joints, overriding the tender, heated soreness to which she’d become accustomed over the past months.
Halsin’s latest letter had hinted at a visit in the coming tenday. They’d been apart more than four months, and while Tav had gotten good at finding pleasant ways to fill her days around her uncle’s cottage, the ones since his letter’s arrival had stretched on in agony. She longed for company beyond that of the hens out back, the stray cat that came and went, and the old ranger a few houses down she visited weekly. She ached for a touch and a voice not her own.
Tav turned to the eclectic collection of apothecary bottles and funny little jars on wall of the bedchamber. Another reason to be glad of Halsin’s impending return—her stores were running low.
It had been nearly a year since Tav and the band of misfits that formed her adventuring party had defeated the Netherbrain. The fight had claimed more than ally and civilian casualties and damaged more than the city’s infrastructure. Shortly thereafter, Tav noticed her body change. She could no longer walk long distances without frequent rests. Her body ached constantly. Her brain felt fuzzy and her focus easily diverted, often to the sorest spot on her body.
Tav would never have considered herself born for adventure. She was a Bard, for heaven’s sake. Before the Nautiloid, she lived a humble if rambling existence. She dreamed of becoming a playwright. She made enough coin to get by singing in taverns, performing with the occasional troupe, and selling tawdry verses to broadsheets while the stack of plays she wrote in her free time collected dust.
She’d always been a bit shocked she had survived even the initial Nautiloid crash, let alone the ensuing challenges. But she was clever, crafty, and good in a crisis. She excelled at finding opportunities where there were few and creating ones where there were none. Her fearsome companions made her better—a stronger fighter and a more tactical strategist. But gods damn, was it hard. The ruthless pace of their adventure had distracted Tav from the effect it was having on her body. The near-constant crushing fatigue and her screaming-hot joints that occasionally kept her awake nights were easily enough chalked up to fitful trances on uncomfortable ground, miles of difficult terrain covered every day, and the endless scrapes and showdowns they found themselves facing. But she’d had a quiet feeling even then that she was giving from a well that might never refill.
Now, Tav required a medicinal boost to get through most days. Halsin was generous with his Druidic magic and always quick to craft a homemade concoction for her, but here, during her healing respite, she relied heavily on the varieties that could be bottled and stored. When they’d traveled to her uncle’s cottage together to get Tav settled, they spent days brewing and experimenting with a wide variety of teas and potions, creams and salves to help ease Tav’s symptoms and restore her strength. Some were pleasant, some were vile. In the end, Tav had picked a few favorites: A handful of the most efficacious topicals, along with some pain-numbing potions and herbs for the worst days, a particularly potent sleeping draught that somehow mimicked the feeling of being cradled in Halsin’s strong embrace, and one potion that had no medicinal effect, but smelled uncannily like his sun-warmed hair after a dip in the river.
Today, the only stiffness she felt was in her neck, and she knew it was from days of repeatedly craning to look out the window onto the horizon line in anticipation. And, true, it didn’t help that her pillow was uneven with the amount of trinkets she’d slid under it. Halsin’s letters always came with a gift—angular hunks of agate and onyx, unusual flowers, which she’d pressed into the pages of her journal, skimming stones perfectly rounded by the passage of time and the rushing current, drawings from the children at the compound where he was continuing work in her absence. Tav liked to keep them close, but any Cleric, and frankly Halsin himself, would be horrified to learn she’d been resting her head on mostly rocks for months. She dipped her fingers into one of the jars and smoothed the salve over the tender spot before shrugging on her dressing gown.
In the kitchen, Tav busied herself by baking: half a batch of the savory scones her ranger tutor favored, followed by a dozen honey buns. One of Halsin’s only indulgences was sneaking sweet treats during the night. To say that encouraging his habit wasn’t part of the reason Tav threw herself into baking would be dishonest. She was eager to find subtle ways to spoil him.
Truth be told, Tav had tried her hand at other domestic hobbies over the past months, but baking was the one she’d found both talent and a passion for. She’d taken on what turned out to be particularly ambitious project of making new coverings for all the various pillows around the cottage. For fabric, she had sent a request to Astarion for scraps and whatever he could spare in his new undertaking as the Underdark’s finest tailor. He’d sent along a large parcel of rich velvets and delicate satins—fabrics much too fine for Tav’s clumsy fingers. The textiles were exceptional (and made for lovely pillow coverings overall, despite Tav’s impatience and lack of dedication to precision), but Tav’s most cherished part of the package was the note inside.
Not sure what you expect to accomplish with scraps of this size, but I’m nevertheless happy to oblige. Just tell me you’re not making austere little outfits for the hens. You know how I hate to worry.
It was signed with an exaggerated letter “A,” just two connective strokes shy of the formation that ruled his name.
The note lived in the stack of letters from her companions on the mantle in the central room of the cottage. There were ones that smelled lightly of incense from Shadowheart; pages slightly singed around the edges from Wyll and Karlach (how did they manage to post from Avernus?); hastily scrawled notes from Lae’zel on crinkled pages smeared with rust-colored streaks (was that blood? No. Never mind.); veritable tomes from Gale, margins crammed with his own annotations. Tav revisited them often, especially on days when it was a monumental feat to move from the bedchamber to the overstuffed chair in front of the fireplace, when her body felt like a betrayal. On those days when the hero of Baldur’s Gate felt like someone she knew only from the verses of tavern songs, re-reading her companions’ letters was her favorite way of grounding herself.
Once the scones and buns were set out to cool, Tav fed the hens and collected the eggs, then spent some tending to her uncle’s small herb and vegetable garden before turning to some of her overlooked chores inside. By mid-afternoon, she found herself fluffing the same pillows for the third time and decided to treat herself to a trip to the stream nearby to help pass the time. When early evening rolled around, she was back at the cottage helping herself to a honey bun and impatiently scanning the horizon under the guise of sweeping the threshold for what must’ve been the tenth time that day. The sun was on the brink of setting and Tav was beginning to wonder if she’d been wrong after all. She slipped back into her dressing gown, grabbed the most interesting book she could find among her uncle’s collection, and was preparing to put the kettle on when the birds joined the crickets in an unexpected, joyful harmony. Tav’s head snapped to the window at the front of the cottage. A familiar, hulking silhouette crested over the hill on the horizon.
A feeling of vindication mixed with excitement and relief crashed over Tav as the kettle clattered to the countertop. She rushed to door, flinging it wide. Was she imagining it, or did Halsin’s measured pace quicken now that she was within view? She leaned against the stone exterior of the cottage, unable to wipe what she was certain was the goofiest, lovesick look off her face as she watched him approach.
When he was finally close enough to touch, Tav reached out with two fingers and slipped them under one of the leather bracers that encircled his bicep and gave it a playful tug. Halsin raised his arm in response, sliding his massive hand behind her head to cradle it, tangling fingers in her dark waves as he did. He leaned into welcoming space between her jaw and shoulder and breathed her in, setting Tav’s skin alight.
“My heart,” he said on an exhale. “My whole heart.”
“Hello, my darling. I’ve missed you.”
Nothing in this realm or the next manipulated Halsin’s resolve quite like the sound of Tav’s voice, its low richness when she sang, its constant melodic lilt, exaggerated whenever she lovingly teased him, the rasp it took on in response to certain pleasures of the flesh. Bottled, it would be the color of the deepest amber honey, and just as sweet. He had known from the moment he’d heard that voice bouncing off the walls of the Goblin encampment all those months ago that he was saved, in more ways than one.
He gently extricated his hand from her hair and leaned down just enough to grab each of Tav’s thighs and slide her up the stone wall of the cottage so she was closer to eye-level with him. Were her thighs plumper than they had been four months ago? He allowed his fingertips a moment of greedy exploration and gentle massaging. He felt his cock leap. He’d have to do a proper investigation, soon.
Tav linked her arms around his neck and gasped as Halsin lifted her against the wall and leaned in for a string of sloppy, unrestrained open-mouthed kisses. It was impossible to tell where one ended and another began. He nibbled at her chin, her jaw, her collarbone. With her legs wrapped around his waist, she could feel him stiffen. Her mind went white with the possibility that he’d take her right there in the garden and fuck the old door right off its rusted hinges. Her lover was always passionate, singularly focused. But this was an echo of their stolen encounters during their adventure—making the most of whatever time they had together. His kisses were hungry and desperate, like he forgot all his promises to be cautious with her aching, healing body. Tav wanted to keep him this way. Gods above, did it feel good not to be treated as a fragile, delicate thing. She let out a moan. He bit down hard on her shoulder as he slid her dressing gown open far enough to reveal the tops of her breasts. Yes.
And then, with the shocked suddenness of a child who’d been caught stealing, he pulled away. Puzzled, Tav’s eyes fluttered opened to search his face, half-afraid of what she’d find. But he wasn’t looking at her. Instead, his head was craned downward at his feet. Tav caught a glimpse of a cloud-like gray tail wrapping itself around Halsin’s ankle.
“Small friend, hello,” he greeted the cat. The cat trilled in response.
Tav laughed. “That’s Ash. Or, well, I’ve been calling her Ash. Sometimes she spends evenings with me by the hearth. She comes and goes.”
“Then I shall forgive the intrusion, seeing as she’s been good company to you in my absence.”
His mouth returned to hers, gentler now. At this slower, languid pace, tongues entwined, he noticed a familiar sweetness coating her mouth. Tav felt him smile against her.
“You taste of honey,” he said, his low voice sending reverberations through her chest.
“Mmm, it seems a bear has fallen into my trap,” she said. She pressed her forehead against his. “Honeybuns. Inside.”
Halsin chuckled. “Honeybuns. Now, is that a treat or a new term of endearment?”
“Could be both, if you like,” Tav replied, letting one hand drift toward his backside. “Are you hungry?”
“Ravenous,” he said, his voice a shade darker than the one he used to tease her with mere seconds ago. He leaned in for one more kiss, dragging his teeth across her lower lip. Tav could feel a bruise blossoming in the left corner as he released.
With Ash safely out of the way, Halsin lifted Tav away from the wall and ducked inside the cottage, her legs still wrapped firmly around his waist. He stumbled a bit as he maneuvered the one-too-many pieces of furniture cluttering the main room of the cottage and blocking the shortest path to the bedchamber.
“My love, this is not the way to the kitchen,” Tav said.
“There will be time later,” he said. “The nourishment I seek now comes only from the font which has been denied me these many months.”
Tav felt her eyes widen and her mouth part into a small “O.” She clutched at the roots of his hair as he carried her the remaining distance to the bed. Once they reached it, Halsin stood along the side of the bed and dropped Tav near its center. She tried to focus on the handsome, besotted Druid panting over her, but Tav’s eyes caught sight of her well-used stock of medicines on the shelf behind him, and the walking stick she’d begun using on solo trips to the market leaning in the corner of the room. Reminders of who she was now. Painful reminders of the reason they were lovers reuniting, why her dreams of tumbling exhausted into bed next to him at the end of a long day of caring for dozens of children were on hold. A swirling cloud of insecurity settled over her. Tav’s eyes fluttered shut. Halsin’s worn, deft fingers began to tug at the tie of her dressing gown. She worried at her bottom lip with her teeth and pulled her knees toward her chest. He stopped.
“Something’s changed,” he said. “What’s the matter, my heart?”
Tav kept her eyes closed and shook her head lightly.
“Are you in any pain? If there is something I can do to ease your discomfort, say the word and I’ll—”
“You are sweet to offer, but I am remarkably free of pain today,” Tav said, opening her eyes. She scanned Halsin’s face for traces of disgust or disillusionment and found only that the lust that had softened his features moments earlier had been overwritten by concern.
“Surely that’s cause for celebration, then,” he said. “What troubles you?” He knelt with one knee onto the bed alongside Tav, close enough to be a comfort, but leaving enough space to keep her from feeling caged in. She remembered then the primary reason she’d fallen so hard for the gentle man beside her: He made her feel safe in a world overrun by danger and decisions for which there were no easy choices. When every step was a gamble, he took one unfalteringly at her side. He’d allowed her to carve a home out of him.
Tav rested a hand on Halsin’s massive thigh. She could feel the unrelenting musculature of it beneath his trousers. She swallowed hard.
“I am reminded that I am not the same as I was when we met,” she said quietly. “I miss my old body. I wouldn’t fault you if you did, too.”
She wouldn’t look at him. He sighed above her, then reached out with one hand and cupped her chin, gently tilting her face toward him.
“I will not dishonor you by telling you not to feel whatever emotion it is you are experiencing,” Halsin said. “But my beautiful bird, I hope you believe me when I say that your physical capability has no bearing on how much I love and desire you.”
“But my body…doesn’t feel the same. It doesn’t work the same, doesn’t react the same, it doesn’t even look the same,” Tav said. “She feels so far away.”
Halsin resumed standing, taking both of Tav’s hands in one of his. He rubbed his thumbs in comforting circles along the backs of her hands.
“Like the seasons, so too must we change,” he said. “Grief is part of that change; I understand that as well as anyone. I cannot promise that the pain—or the grief, for that matter—will ever cease, or that you will ever exist in your body the same way that you once did. All I can offer is a promise to help you find comfort on your worst days, to shoulder your burdens as you have so selflessly shouldered mine, and to make you feel every bit as magnificent and worthy as you deserve for as long as you will permit me to walk by your side.”
Tav’s chest swelled with a puzzling mix of warm affection, swirling trepidation, and scalding desire. She tugged on his hand, pulling him down into a kiss—her thanks—which he readily accepted. How she’d missed him. Not just his touch, his scent, his voice, but ease with which he soothed the rough storms of her mind, the way he made her feel like a gift when she felt every bit a burden. In this one regard, she’d been spoiled rotten.
Her appreciative kiss turned desperate. Tav’s hands were everywhere. Halsin’s mind could barely keep up with everywhere he felt her touch—a firm grasp of his forearm, a whisper of fingertips dragging down his abdomen, both hands pressed to his chest. She kissed him harder, her teeth pulling his lower lip, tongue grazing the scar that ran just below it. Longing pulsed inside him: want, want, want. She was moving quickly, too quickly for him to feel assured that what he wanted to do next wouldn’t be taking advantage of her display of vulnerability. He broke away from the kiss. She whined.
“You are sure you want this?” he asked, sending a silent prayer to Silvanus that her answer would be yes.
“By the gods, yes,” she said. “I’ve waited months to feel you again.”
“Will you let me look upon you, my heart?”
Tav hesitated for a second before nodding.
“May I?” He thumbed the tie on her dressing gown. She nodded again. He tugged at it slowly, watching the knot unravel, savoring the experience of unwrapping her. Unfastened, the gown hung slightly open at the center.
“On your back for me, love.”
Tav did as she was told, a halo of dark waves forming around her head. Her stomach fluttered as she watched her lover peel back each side of the dressing gown, leaving it to pool around her exposed body.
“Like a canvas commissioned by the Oak Father himself,” Halsin said above her. “These peaks…,” he wrapped one gentle, calloused hand around each of her ample breasts, thumbing her hardened nipples, making her squirm. “The valleys…,” he licked the hollow of her neck before moving downward, pressing kisses in his wake, from the space between her breasts to the lowest point of her sternum. “Gentle curves like a trusted mountain path,” he said, gently pulling both hands down her sides from ribs to hips.
“And these…,” he murmured, tracing fingers over newly formed stretch marks along her stomach. “As if you have been kissed by lightning. My love, your concerns about your body are your own, but this—“ he said, her generous waist filling one of his massive hands “—and these—“ the other hand caressed a sturdy thigh, “—have been tormenting me since I laid eyes on you in the doorway this evening.”
Tav’s entire body felt as if it was lit up from the inside. She moaned. Halsin sank to his knees and wedged an arm between hers, beginning to part her legs.
“Now, if you’ll indulge an old Druid, I’d like to hear you sing some more.”
Fuck. Before she surrendered all cognition over to baser instincts, Tav the presence of mind to toss one silly reupholstered pillow for him to kneel on. After that, she craned her neck back in anticipation. Her breathing became shallow. She gripped at the bedsheets and he’d barely even touched her.
His feasting began with her thighs, kneading each one first before bringing his lips to the inside of the right one, kissing the sensitive spot just above the crease of her knee. It pulled a sigh from his lover. He dragged his jaw along the same spot, grazing it with his teeth, closing with a soft bite. Tav whimpered. This was exactly what he wanted; these were the very imaginings that had spurred him on as he made his journey from the compound back to the cottage in three days instead of four—a record, even in wildshape.
Halsin continued up Tav’s thigh with soft kisses mixed with nips and occasional bruising bites that made her gasp. She was already unraveling. He could tell by her pleading noises and the wetness seeping from the seam of beckoning cunt. She was exquisite. The smell of her made his head swim and his already painfully erect cock throb. With a growl and all of the strength given unto him by the Oak Father, he tore his gaze from her perfect center, determined to make a matching set of her thighs before diving in.
When he had finished devouring the inside of her trembling left thigh, he sat back for a moment to look upon his work. Her legs were marked red, tender and indeed purpling with bruises in places. Tomorrow, he would offer to heal them. Tomorrow, he would offer a lighter, cooling touch to relieve the ache and the burn of being well-loved.
Tav glanced down at the broad elf between her thighs and met his eyes, which danced with mischief and desire. He reached up and grabbed her by the hips, then ran a hand down each of her legs, giving her outer thighs an affectionate squeeze before firmly placing them over his shoulders and pulling her sex as close to his mouth as he could without providing contact.
“Shall I continue?” he asked.
Tav’s heels dug into his shoulder blades as his request ghosted over her heated center.
“We might have an argument on our hands if you don’t,” she replied, twisting her fists further into the bedsheets.
Halsin responded with half a chuckle before maneuvering large hands back to Tav’s hips and pulling her fully to his mouth now, tongue parting her slit to find that she was indeed dripping for him. They moaned in tandem. A spark shot up Tav’s spine at the familiar sound of his pleasure.
Halsin’s curious mouth had missed her as much as the rest of him had. He studied her carefully each time they made love, each time they fucked with enough primal heat to inspire beasts to envy, each time she allowed him to lie with her in wildshape. He knew the combinations that would have her quaking and sputtering in an instant, and exactly where and for how long to lick and suck at her precious cunt to have her dancing on the very precipice of orgasm before finally pitching over. For now, he took his time, savoring and becoming reacquainted with her taste and the way her body trembled with pleasure.
Tav could feel exactly how much Halsin was enjoying himself. His flat, methodical tongue ran in circuits along the insides of her folds, teasing the very edges of her entrance. She untangled one hand from her grip on the sheets and sought purchase instead in Halsin’s hair, careful not to distract him from his task.
If anything, it spurred his hunger. His tongue turned to a point that flicked the aching bud at the apex of her thighs. Tav’s grip on his hair tightened as she cried out a string of half-realized profanities. She nestled her heels deeper into his shoulder blades in a subconscious effort to drive his mouth harder into her.
Sensing her need for more, Halsin wrapped his lips around her sensitive clit, switching between determined pulls and gentle swirls of his tongue. Heat spread through her body building from her core as Tav’s orgasm began to tighten around her. Halsin could tell that she was right on the edge, even before her moans increased in pitch and she began begging him not to stop. He couldn’t imagine a force strong enough to make him.
He grinned as Tav’s thighs snapped shut around his head a moment later and she called his name in devotion. Her grip on his hair loosened as her right leg slid off his shoulder and down along his arm, the left one relaxing, too, as she came down from her peak.
“That was beautiful, lover,” he said, chin practically dripping with a combination of saliva and her wetness.
“Mmm, but are you satisfied?” She lifted her hands to her own plush breasts and rolled one lonely nipple between her fingertips. She watched his eyes flash.
“You know me well.”
It was all the invitation he needed. He grabbed each of her ankles and repositioned her feet at the edge of the bed, spreading her legs wider. He buried his face between her folds again and resumed licking, teasing her clit with a pointed tongue. He gave the bud a few daring nips. He reached one hand up the length of Tav’s soft body and pinched playfully at the nipple within his reach.
The sensations were almost too bright for Tav’s post-climax sensitivity. She squirmed under Halsin’s tongue, gasping, an ache building low in the depths of her belly.
“Inside, my love, please,” she begged. “I need—“
Her thought trailed off in a moan; Halsin was already dragging one long finger along her entrance, coating it in her slick. After a few torturous pulls, he eased it inside her, curling it upward just so. He lifted his mouth from her and placed the heel of his hand on her clit, rocking it back and forth, simultaneously massaging the internal and external spots that sent her reeling.
“More?” he asked. Coherent thought had left Tav behind. Her every sense, every nerve was entirely overwhelmed. She nodded frantically as she lifted her hips in a plea for more friction.
“I see.” His voice caught in a feral place between a rasp and a growl. Without breaking his rhythm, Halsin climbed to his feet with impressive fluidity for a man of his stature. Once he was standing, he slid a second finger inside with less fanfare and warning than the first. Tav yelped at the intrusion; Halsin studied her face for signs of discomfort. To his relief, her head was pitched back in ecstasy and she met his gaze through half-closed eyes. She mouthed the word “yes” before giving a shuddering exhale and biting down hard into her lower lip.
She would happily follow him anywhere, Tav thought, as his beckoning fingers stretched her and coaxed her towards her second climax. He was beautiful towering above her, so beautiful, a smirk playing at his shining lips and muscular shoulders set in his determination to see her come entirely undone. Halsin trailed his free hand, open-palmed, down her body until he reached the spot above her mound where he knew she craved more pressure. He pushed down until he could feel the resistance of his own fingers inside of her. Tav howled at the intensity.
“You’re doing so well, my heart,” he said. “Relax for me just a bit. Do you need me to stop?”
“Don’t stop—just—ah—kiss—mmph!”
His wet lips crashed into hers before she could finish her plea. She tasted the tanginess of herself in his kiss. Tav’s trembling arms wrapped around his neck as he kissed her fiercely, plundering her mouth as he had her cunt. The weight of his body on top of hers—although she knew he was holding back to avoid crushing her—was what pushed her over the edge. Her fingertips clawed at the back of his neck as her walls clenched around his fingers and she cried out repeatedly, dangerously close to Halsin’s pointed ear.
When she was spent, he gently withdrew his fingers from inside her and rolled to her left on the bed. Tav was still panting as Halsin met her eye and sucked his fingers clean with a wanton groan. She shuddered and raised a hand to her chest. He nestled his head in the hollow between her jaw and shoulder and inhaled her, all sweet sex and sweat and a hint of sunshine and creek water.
“Thank you,” he said.
She laughed hoarsely. “I believe I should be thanking you. I do intend to return the favor, but I could do with a break first.”
Halsin grinned wide. “I require nothing in return aside from the pleasure of your company in this bed for the rest of the evening. And no fewer than three of the honeybuns that—now that I am no longer distracted by something sweeter—smell divine.”
“You have a deal, my darling,” Tav replied. “I need a moment to rest, but then I’ll make us a plate to share. Why don’t you get cleaned up?”
He pressed a kiss to her neck before rising. “Take all the time you need.”
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In honour of @helaenasbestfriend 's insane tags on my post, which inspired this two part trash from my end.
Tags: angst, hurt/comfort, fantasies of regicide. TW: offscreen marital SA in part 2, because that's what doing one's duty as Alicent Hightower pertains.
Part 1/2
"I'm going to bed, Aemma," said the king.
The name rang through the courtyard like a tolling bell. Eyes turn, the beginnings of whispers follow, but some part of Criston cannot believe it truly happened.
He turns his eyes to his Queen.
When he sees what had been concern for her husband frozen still upon her beautiful visage, like a doe's last moments as it was struck in the heart by a hunter's arrow, he knows. And he cannot stop the quickening of his heartbeat, the clench of his jaw, that burning in his mind - not wild and rapid with panic and fear as the fire that had killed the Knight of Kisses. No, this burn was cold, pure rage.
"Shall I see after Queen Alicent, Your Grace?" Ser Harrold asks, pointedly.
The King stops in his tired shuffling, as though he finally noticed his mistake. Criston prays for a mere apology. Even that admission of wrong is better than pretending he had said nothing at all, and perhaps that would be enough to banish these thoughts of bloody dishonour from Criston's mind.
"No, Ser Harrold..." He shuffles along.
Criston watches his Queen's face fall.
"You have the night's watch, Ser Criston," Ser Harrold says. A look of warning as he walks away.
Criston is glaring. He knows it, but he cannot bring himself to care - cannot stop his grip tightening about his sword's leather hilt. The faint creak is defeaning in his ears.
Aemma. After all these years, all the humiliations, the unerring performance of his Queen in her... duties. The suffering.
One stroke, the voice whispers, swift and clean. That is all that's needed. More than he deserves. A fall down the stairs with no one around to hear and help him. They might whisper afterwards, but so be it. Let them. At least she would not need suffer-
"Come, Ser Criston." Her voice brings him back to reality. The horror is only brief.
They leave the courtyard together, sent off by whispers and looks she's grown accustomed to suffering. She holds her head high but she cannot fool Criston, for he had seen the distance in her eyes.
"Something disturbs your peace of mind, Ser," she says later the Red Keep's sept. Her voice is distant, but her attention is upon him, even as she kneels before the Mother's altar.
"It is nothing, my queen."
"Then nothingness has you terribly occupied." She looks at him over her shoulder. "Your silence concerns me, I must confess."
"I do not wish to not disturb the hallowed peace, my queen, that is all."
She gives him a look that almost feels like a plea. She dislikes his avoidance. He averts his eyes to the ground.
"That was unworthy of his grace," he says, impotently.
"He is unwell, his mind muddled," she says, more graceful in the face of injustice than Criston. "Do not hold it against him."
An act.
He hates it. He hates that he cannot punish the king (what a thought for a Kingsguard to harbour.) He hates what she must endure, and that he must endure watching her endure it, as useful in his vigilance as a gargoyle on Dragonstone.
"May I be honest?"
"Always, Good Ser."
"My thoughts disturb me. They too are... unwell."
There is a silence. His confession makes the hairs on his body stand. His heart races at the thought that he might have overstepped. It is one thing to say too much of the Queen's enemies, but her husband the King?
"Will you pray with me then?" she says, unreadable. "That your anger might be abolished?"
Her generosity, her trust, stuns him. Suddenly he cannot help but admire how beautiful she is in her furtive sorrow, and wish that he could see her smile. Banish all her ills and worries away. How long has he watched her suffer them?
"You honour me, your grace..."
She shuffles aside and pats the pillowed floor with a warm smile.
He swallows his heart back down his throat, removes the scabbard from his waist, kneels at her side, and clasps his hands together.
They pray in the comforting silence and stillness of the sept, under the warmth of the sunlight that is coloured rainbow by stained glass. Beside him, her warmth is radiant, crossing the distance between their flesh. It cools the fire in his mind until he is afloat.
He finds himself wishing he could shuffle closer and truly feel her flesh against his, just an arm, that it might comfort her...
But it is unseemly. Inappropriate. Unworthy.
So instead, he prays harder. Not for his own peace of mind, but for the gods to free his queen of her burden as swiftly as possible.
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wbtsan · 16 hours
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synopsis. your boyfriend, wooyoung, has been away for ages getting ready for his upcoming tour with his band. luckily he has a day off work and he gives you all the attention you want <3
pairing. boyfriend!wooyoung x female!reader | tags. kissing, cuddling, princess treatment & nothing else? | rating. fluff | wc. 600+
authors note. long time no see guys!!1!! im slowly returning back to writing but ill take it slow since im still recovering from all this stuff going on but start to expect more posts!!
networks. @newworldnet @illusionnet
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ever since your boyfriend wooyoung started preparing for his upcoming tour with his band, the house has been awfully quiet. it's been feeling really lonely without him around as much. the sounds of laughter filling up the kitchen, small giggles coming from wooyoung and his smell of perfume in the house. you would constantly pull all-nighters, watching the time pass just waiting for the day when wooyoung comes through the front door. you just wished time would pass quickly and you can finally be with the love of your life for just one day.
"jagiya? where are you?" wooyoung's voice echos through the room. "jagi-" he says again, pausing. "ya?" he whispers, seeing you asleep on the couch. he takes off his shoes and jacket, carrying your bridal-style as he brings you to your shared bedroom. "w-wooyoung?" you say, half awake. "ssh, just go back to sleep dear. ill take care of you." he says, smiling softly. you smile back at him before nuzzling your head in his chest.
as the dazzling sun shines through the curtains, it causes you to awaken from your slumber. you tried going to the bathroom before you were pulled back down onto the bed. you were so tired that night that you forgot that wooyoung was there. "don't leave." wooyoung lazily says, wrapping his arm around your waist. you smiled at his cuteness before laying down next to him. "don't worry you little baby." "im not a baby!" he says, pouting. you laugh softly before saying, "im joking! calm down." you smile before running your fingers through his hair. he hummed softly, nuzzling his head in your neck. "how about since i've been away alot, we can bake your favorite cookies and binge watch netflix?" wooyoung suggests. your face lights up with happiness, "yes yes please!" you smile eagerly. he chuckles softly, "alright you princess."
"you better not put that cookie dough on my nose!" you yelled, running around the kitchen. "you never said i couldn't put it on your face!" he says, putting cookie dough on your face. the laughs and giggles fill up the kitchen, defending yourself to prevent him to putting more cookie dough on your face. you quickly ran to the counter and grabbed a handful of cookie dough. "this is payback!" you say as you ran up to him, putting cookie dough on his face. the tiny yells he made was super cute yet funny at the same time. you guys kept running around, preventing yourself from getting cookie dough on your faces. after a few minutes, you guys lay down on the floor together, panting. "wow, didn't expect you to be that fast of a runner." wooyoung said. "i was in the track team! what do you expect!" you say, giggling. "calm down!" wooyoung said. "let me check up on the cookies." wooyoung says, getting up from the floor.
"would you look at that? these cookies look really nice." he says, grabbing some plates and putting the cookies on the plates. "now, how about we watch some netflix? sound good?" "yes!" you say, excited to watch netflix with your boyfriend. wooyoung puts on stranger things and you guys eat all the cookies while watching the series. halfway into the series, you started to fall asleep on his shoulder. he looks over at you and started smiling, pausing the show and bringing you up to the bedroom before putting you under the covers. he gave you a kiss on the forehead and sat down next to you as he wrapped his arm around your waist, falling asleep next to him.
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darkestspring · 2 days
Your previous post about three Fatihs was great. ❤
Torrhen Stark: I have no reason to worry. Aegon said he would never take a third wife.
》After a while《
Lady Stark: She returns with a bloated belly and three Conquerors at her side.
Torrhen Stark collapses to the ground clutching his heart.
Will the conquerors marry Lady Stark without wasting time? I think the invitation to Dragonstone is a trap. Besides, even if Lady Stark stole it, no one could do anything. Nobody wants to get burned in the fire.
Torrhen thinks it's strange but doesn't think much else of it and let's her go to dragonstone and she goes willingly! excited to be somewhere new and then suddenly two months later, torrhen just gets the news that she's married to all three of them and he falls ill.
it is definitely a trap, all three of them know what they're doing. rhaenys arranges for the chamber in between hers and aegons to be set up as her bedroom and it's so funny cause she's all like "if you feel lonely you can come visit me!" while both aegon and visenya are just side eyeing her.
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