#after dinner on the planet they stay out for a bit longer and get caught in the rain
justaz · 2 years
the team gets news that keith is coming to visit the castle but they don’t tell lance for whatever reason (thinking lance would be upset or wouldn’t care or just forgetting to tell him) so when keith does show up right before dinner (which lance cooked), lance is in Shock but is also Very Very Happy and just gives keith his plate instead of shorting people on their servings so they all get to eat a full meal and lance uses the excuse on keith that he already ate and was full. somehow keith finds out that’s bs (maybe overhears pidge/hunk calling lance out in an empty kitchen or smth after dinner) and insists on lance eating but there’s little to no food in the castle ship (they have to go shopping, right? like there’s no way the food just appears??) so keith takes lance out to a little planet and buys him dinner and they just talk and catch up and laugh all night and it’s the happiest they’ve been in months which they stay up later that night thinking about
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1d1195 · 10 months
Sun-Kissed II
Alrighty, the first part of Sun-Kissed is here. This is the second and final part. Just over 8.1k words. It picks up right where the last part let off. I hope you enjoy.
Warnings: More 18+ things happening here. Public sex (kinda), oral sex. If you’re not into this, I wouldn’t read it. There's some minor angst but it's really mostly fluff still.
Once more reminding everyone I know how impractical love at first sight is now that I'm a full grown adult, however I fully believe in love at first sight for Harry Styles.
“This is not the kind of beach vacation you had in mind, I’m sure.”
“Kitten, it’s so much better, because of you,” he pressed a kiss to the shell of her ear. “I’ll stay all night,” he promised her.
The research on love at first sight was no longer a worry. She had all the proof she needed right here.
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It was so surreal having dinner with Harry’s mom and sister. They were a delight. She could see where Harry got his charm, his lovely looks, and just his wonderful personality. He was touchy, but not inappropriate. She insisted she help with dinner, and he pressed a hand to the middle of her back while she worked on getting the plates from her cabinet for the table. Immediately, she could feel her brain returning to normal functionality. While they spent a good hour on the beach kissing and holding one another watching the sunrise, the thought of leaving him for any extensive amount of time after she just fucked herself on his leg made her extremely disoriented.
Harry pressed a kiss to the back of her neck as he hovered beside her while she helped him cook the fish on the grill. “Y’look so pretty,” he said. She did change despite all three of them saying it wasn’t necessary, just a black tank top tucked into a pair of jean shorts to make her feel a little more presentable. It was by far the most boring look on the planet, but she liked the fact that Harry thought she was pretty. She tried not to blush too much, and she really didn’t want to overwhelm his family with their PDA. Even though she really wanted to wrap herself around him like a koala to a tree.
When they sat down to eat, Harry sat beside her, resting his hand on her knee, drawing small little circles along her skin. Anne complimented both her cottage and Harry’s. She thanked her no less than thirty times for letting them intrude for dinner. She already, insanely, adored Anne. She reminded her so much of her own mom who she missed a lot during the summer months, when no one wanted to set foot around this town. “Are you going to watch the sunset later?” She asked.
“That was the plan. And then ice cream of course,” Harry smirked.
“Oh, please come with us!” Gemma cheered. She loved Gemma too. It was effortless. Everything about Harry entering her life seemed so effortless. Gemma was so funny and lovely. She thought Harry must have had the best childhood with a sister like her in his life.
“I really don’t want to intrude,” she said kindly.
Both women rolled their eyes. “Like Harry made us intrude on you for dinner? Please,” Anne scoffed. “We want you to.”
She glanced at Harry who simply smiled at her, delight dancing in his green eyes waiting for her answer. “You’ll all need sweatshirts,” she told them.
Gemma and his mum walked out a bit on the tidal flats to get some more pictures at different angles. She and Harry stayed put in the lifeguard stand once more. “Thank you for dinner,” he murmured in her hair. This time he made no fuss about getting as close to her as possible. He felt better having as much physical contact with her as allowable. Harry was situated on the actual seat of the stand while she sat on the floor of it, between his legs. He leaned forward to kiss the top of her head and speak to her.
“Thank you. I’m sorry—”
“Shh,” he hushed. “Nothing t’be sorry ‘bout.”
He played with her hair letting his fingers get caught in the waves and gently tugged through them to avoid it knotting and hurting later when she needed to brush it. He spotted his sister taking a picture of the pair of them, but he didn’t bring it to her attention. Instead, he focused on her hair, mindlessly braiding it. “Are you braiding my hair?” She giggled.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“You are...” she sighed and tilted her head back a bit. “I’m very glad I met you.”
Harry wanted to sleep in the same bed as her. He didn’t even care if anything sexual happened. He just wanted to be as close as humanly possible to her. Unfortunately, his mother and sister were totally killing the vibe tonight for that to happen. “They leave in the evening, the day after tomorrow,” he murmured. “Then I want t’kiss y’on every surface of Sea View. And watch another sunrise with you.���  She shuddered, nodded mutely. His voice was utterly dreamy. She immediately clenched her thighs together for some relief. He inhaled sharply. “If y’clench those pretty thighs together in front of me again, love, m’gonna have t’fuck you before they leave, and I don’t know how we’ll manage t’hide that.”
It took every bit of self-control in her not to do it again. He was a little bossy. It made her ache of course between her legs and she honestly thought of doing it just to spite him. Just so he could figure out how he could fuck her without letting his family know. Make him sweat because it seemed entirely unfair that she would have to use her own fingers before falling asleep tonight instead of his thigh...or his dick.
“Did I go too far?” He asked quietly. He sounded concerned, but not quite remorseful. She was pretty sure he knew why she was silent, and he was just trying to make her a little crazier. He slid his hand down her arm, grabbing the elastic from her wrist because not once did he stop his fingers from braiding her hair. Saying salacious things but continuing the sweet gesture. The dichotomy of his personality was overwhelming.
“I’m getting an ice cream cone just so you have to watch me lick it,” she whispered.
He groaned and dropped his face to her neck, tugged her around the waist so she was in his lap. She could feel the bulge of his dick pressed against the back of her thighs. “Can’t believe I invited them.” She smiled and dropped to the side of his lap, draping her legs across his lap so his erection was covered but she wouldn’t tease him—even though she wanted to. “Didn’t know I was going t’meet the goddess of the sun on m’vacation,” he mumbled. “Never would have invited them.”
She laughed and shook her head at him. “You’re something else, Harry.”
He spent the entire day away from her and it felt like agony, especially since the only relief he got between his legs was his hand in that outdoor shower where he imagined her licking him the same way she licked her ice cream cone the night before. At least his brain was functioning better.
I refilled your grill, so it’s all set if you need it. :) She messaged him around lunch time.
Come to the beach. He answered in response.
Enjoy your family, Harry.  She sent a kissing emoji.
I can’t stop thinking about your mouth.
Please, love. Want you so bad.
“Are you texting her?” Gemma asked. Anne was down by the water, collecting shells and Gemma was reading her book, glancing up at Harry from the rim of her sunhat. She already knew the answer was yes because Harry couldn’t hide the absolute delight on his face.
There was no use trying to lie. He could feel his face smiling like a moron at the screen of his phone. She gave them her umbrella for the day and all the sunscreen she had. The unending kindness she had was admirable and he was so grateful to have met her. “Gemma, I think m’going t’fall in love with her.”
“I think you already are, you dummy,” she rolled her eyes. That was accurate. He probably was. “Just...be careful. I feel like neither of you are thinking about how you leave in a week, and you live in different parts of the state,” she reminded him. “I adore her. That’s not the problem. I just don’t want distance to hurt you...either of you.”
Harry hadn’t really thought of it like that. He’d been too focused on this bubble of salt air and love at first sight. He had been teaching at the same school for the last two years after being at two different schools prior. He loved where he was in his career, but if it meant he could be with her? He would apply to any school necessary. He’d have to wait and see where the week went, he supposed. He was sure they could do long-distance. They had all the same breaks and things to map out time for one another.
They’d always have the summer, too—he knew where she’d be.
“Do you want t’go in the water?” Gemma asked. “Mum looks like she has all the shells on the beach in her arms.”
Harry chuckled. “What’s she even collecting them for?” He asked, grabbing Gemma’s hand to help her up from her chair.
“She’s got some wreath vision in her head,” she shrugged as they headed toward the ocean. “Think she saw it in Better Homes and Gardens last month.” He nodded and scooped up his sister the second she was off guard, just as their toes hit the water, and he hurried out further to toss her into the waves. She spluttered as she came to the surface, and he was laughing. She splashed him and gave him a big wet hug. “I don’t know what that girl sees in you.”
Given that she was literally at the beach at the same time, Harry (and his family) insisted she sit with them on their last day of their visit. They chatted the whole day about almost everything and anything. She could see where Harry got his easy-going vibe. It was as easy to talk to them as it was with Harry. He rubbed lotion on her back, so she didn’t burn, and continued to find ways to touch her without being over the top. He brushed sand from her temple after she laid on the blanket beside him, so it wouldn’t get in her eye. Whenever they were near each other, he constantly pressed a hand to her hip in an effort not to be in her way as they reached for things out of the cooler.
Harry felt so much less tense than he had the day before. She spent their time apart running errands and letting Harry have a fun-filled day with his family. Being in her presence made him so instantly happy. It was impossible to believe he could fall so hard and so quickly. He truly wondered what was in the salt air that made his heart overtake all brain function.
Gemma shared at least three different fish recipes and vegetarian meals with her. “It’s hard to cook for us, I know,” she smiled.
“It’s not bad, I just run out of ideas. I am just very boring, and only like plain boring fish. Or salmon. That’s it.”
“That’s plenty, honestly. Don’t feel bad. I miss chicken teriyaki every day,” Gemma nodded.
Anne smiled at Harry from across their space while the two girls huddled over the jewelry, she got from a specialty shop in town. “Let me make a call and see if I can get us in. They’re very particular, but I know the owner,” she smiled. “We’ll have to leave early though; I don’t want to cut your beach day short.”
“No, that’s okay. Harry was going to take me to the shop you told him about with the sweatshirts?” Anne said.
“Oh, not fair! I want to go!” Gemma pouted.
“We could probably do both, but you may just wait a long time at the shop,” she explained. “There’s always so many people.”
Anne and Gemma shrugged. “You go to a tourist location, you’re going to deal with tourists,” she smiled.
Harry just watched all three women strategize showering and getting ready to go run their errands. She made her phone call and proudly stated they could go, just a half hour before they closed at four. It was like a military operation and Harry was overcome with how much he liked having his mom and sister get along with his beach goddess. “I just have to make him muffins before we go,” she rolled her eyes.
“You bake too?” Anne wondered.
“Oh yes. A real hobby of mine. Muffins are my specialty. I put cranberries in them with chocolate chips and an extra teaspoon of vanilla extract. Everyone goes crazy about them, but otherwise I just follow a basic muffin recipe.”
“You’ll have to save us some. Harry used to work at a bakery before he went into teaching,” Anne explained. “We’re huge fans of baked goods.”
“I’ll save you some,” she giggled, and Harry thought there wasn’t a vacation that would ever top this one.
The man at the jewelry store clearly wanted her as much as Harry wanted her. He couldn’t blame him though because she decided to torture him in a sundress. It was a pale pink with orangey red seashells patterned on the fabric. Sunglasses atop her head, he once more thought she looked like a princess, truly thought she would live in a sandcastle if she could. It was flowy, draped to the floor and Harry wanted nothing more than to crawl underneath the skirt and live there. She paid no mind, however, to the way the man looked at her. Nor did she seem to see the internal fight Harry was having of keeping it PG as the other person working helped Gemma and Anne while she looked at other beachy jewelry. “Oh, those are so pretty,” she cooed pointing to rustic looking earrings. A little chain dangled into two pearls with a seashell fitted at the end of the little chain. Harry pressed his hand to her back as he looked over her shoulder. “Do y’want them?” He murmured into her hair, his lips touching the back of her head. He hoped that her friend saw how close he was to her while he munched on the muffins.
Maybe Gemma was right. How was he supposed to be separated by practically a whole state from her when he couldn’t even fathom another man talking to her? She rolled her eyes, but she leaned back into his embrace. He wrapped an arm around the front of her hips, kissing the side of her head as she spoke. “No, Harry. You met me less than a week ago, I don’t want you buying me a $150 pair of earrings,” she rolled her eyes. Harry wanted to get them for her. He would probably steal them for her if she asked him to. He didn’t see what knowing her for less than a week had to do with it.
“Excuse me, can I get these?” Harry asked.
“Harry,” she whispered trying to turn out of his embrace. She caught the way Gemma and Anne exchanged a look and smiled to themselves as they were fitted with their own array of beach jewelry. Harry slid his card through effortlessly as soon as the man took them out of the case. He had a bit of chocolate on the corner of his mouth, but Harry couldn’t blame him. She shared a few with him and his family and she could see why people went nuts about them. He did notice the way he eyed the closeness of Harry’s arm draped around her waist. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Assurance you’ll let me come back next summer,” he winked.
“It should be a thank you for bothering her all week,” Gemma said as they headed back out to the car with their purchases. Harry drove and she sat in the back with Gemma so Anne could sit up front. Harry grabbed his mom’s hand unceremoniously and she thought it was the most adorable thing in the entire world while she directed him to the overcrowded shop.
“He wasn’t a bother,” she giggled sitting forward to squeeze his shoulder while he drove. He felt like there was electricity zipping through him, he worried he wouldn’t make it to the store in one piece if she did it again.
The overcrowded shop was actually very fun for people watching. Harry found his arm around her waist the entire time and insisted on getting matching sweatshirts in different colors. She rolled her eyes once more at how crazy this all was falling so quickly for a man she just met. She would have to research love at first sight and see if there was some evidence that it was normal to feel and behave this way.
Content again with their purchases, they returned to the car. “Dinner?” Anne asked. “We’d like to treat you for invading your home the first night,” she said sweetly.
“Seriously, it was the least—”
“Love, jus’ let us buy y’dinner,” Harry hummed. “Jus’ tell me where t’go,” he glanced at her in the rearview mirror and winked at her.
So, what was she supposed to do but enjoy dinner with Harry and his family again?
Anne gave her a huge hug, thanked her no less than thirty more times, and then hugged Harry and told him to be polite and give her space if she wanted it. There was nothing she wanted less. In fact, if she could have glued herself to Harry she probably would.
But she also thanked her for dinner and for being so kind to her that first night even though she looked crazy in her post-nap haze. Anne thought nothing of it and Harry wondered if he would ever get over the euphoria he felt, knowing his mum liked the girl he was already smitten with.
Gemma also hugged her and thanked her profusely. Told her she hoped to see her again and let her know if she needed recipes for Harry while he was there. The pair waved as Harry’s family left Sea View. They walked back to Sun-Kissed Cabana hand in hand. Fingers twisted together. She still needed to do the dishes from the muffins she made earlier. “Do you want to watch the sunset or go to—”
The second they were inside her little place; Harry dropped to his knees and lifted her skirt over his head. He didn’t even shut the front door. “Harry,” she gasped as his lips started the ascent up her leg, starting at her knee, trailing over her thigh, moving inward toward her underwear. Harry sighed, pressing a chaste kiss to the outside of her underwear. She put a hand on the wall as he lifted one of her legs to go over his shoulder and she wished her brain was working at full capacity. She would have requested the door close so no one walking or driving by could see right in the entry way and see her gasping at the man between her thighs. Anyone that even glanced would immediately know what was happening. She would ruin countless family vacations if anyone looked. People would glare at the indecency, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. The only reprieve from her worry was that the sun was setting, and they hadn’t turned on a light.
“Can I make y’feel good, love? Please?” He begged. “Been dreaming ‘bout y’on m’tongue, kitten,” his voice was nearly muffled by the fabric of her dress paired with the fact his voice was so low and deep.
How could she say no to him begging her? God, she wanted his tongue on her. “Yes, yes, please,” she whimpered closing her eyes as his finger hooked around her panties and pushed them to the side. He didn’t wait one second before his mouth was on her.
His lips wrapped around her clit, and he sucked hard making her cry out. She was certain she was dripping. Embarrassingly wet. If his mouth wasn’t there, she probably would have dripped on the floor. Harry groaned loudly against her sending vibrations through her. Her vibrator would never compare ever again. She whimpered, grabbing his head atop the fabric of her dress pressing him toward her. He pulled back pressing kisses to the inside of her thigh over his shoulder as he paused for a breath. “M’gonna live here,” he promised making her feel shaky on the one leg that remained on the floor.
“Please don’t stop,” she begged.
“No, no way, kitten,” he murmured kissing a trail back to where he wanted to be; almost as much as she wanted him there. “Gonna make y’feel s’good. Promise. Gonna make y’come all over m’tongue again and again,” his words were so sweetly said despite the filth coming from them. However, given that his lips and tongue were doing sinful things to the apex of her thighs, she shouldn’t have been so surprised that he could turn her to mush physically and mentally with his mouth.
He continued, lapping between the folds. He held her in place, pressing his hands into her fleshy backside. She moaned, wishing she was pressed against the wall so she could drop her head back. She was worried she would collapse and break his neck. Especially when he did make her come. “S’fucking good,” he groaned into her kissing her puffy clit. “God, you’re s’wet. S’that for me?” He wondered sliding his hand over her backside toward her hip, down her groin where his finger slid through her folds gathering the sticky moisture that accumulated from herself and from his mouth. “Did I get y’this wet?”
Oh, he was enjoying this way too much. She nodded breathlessly, unable to speak if she wanted to. He couldn’t even see her nodding. She was overheating. She wanted his mouth back on her. It was unfair he was torturing her with words and physical movements of his mouth. “Y-yes,” she managed. “Harry, please,” she croaked out afterwards.
He groaned at the way she sounded. Like heaven. Begging. He was rock hard, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to taste her. Wanted to have her come all over him so he could clean her up and do it again as fast as possible.
After massaging her clit between his thumb and forefinger and letting his middle finger slide through her folds he finally dipped it into her hole. She cried out at the invasion and ground into his hand. “S’that good, baby? S’that make y’feel better?” He asked. That mocking tone from the morning she got herself off on his thigh was back she wished she could bite back a retort, but his lips weren’t allowing any coherent thoughts through. “S’that make the ache go away?” She nodded again, not that he could see but she thought he probably knew it was true. It did make the ache go away except she wanted to come so badly. “Such a good girl,” he moaned licking her like he was the one that invented doing this. “Y’gonna come on m’tongue?” He asked.
“Please,” she thought she was going to cry if she didn’t get a release soon. His finger felt so good, wiggling around her walls looking for the spot that would drive her wild while his lips attached back to her clit. “Please, Harry, please,” she moaned, and Harry thought she might be crying but he couldn’t see with her dress covering his head. It was warm below the fabric, his hot breath, and her carnal need to come making all senses done for. He swore the only thing he knew to do was make her come hard. He picked up the pace of his finger dipping in and out of her soaking wet hole. She was starting to clench just barely while he kept flicking his tongue over her clit that he kept in place while sucking it between his lips. “Right there,” she cried. “Please, please, please,” she begged as the flutter of her walls began to work around his finger.
He brought his arm around her, pressing her close to him so he could continue licking and fingering her until finally she moaned and shook. “Yes, fuck,” she whimpered, and her perfect pussy clenched rapidly around his finger while he continued his licking of her clit so she could ride out her second orgasm due to Harry against his lips and hand. As the waves finished wracking through her she was breathing heavily as Harry lapped up all the wetness making insanely lewd slurping noises as he did—like he wanted every drop of her. When he finished placing the most ironically chaste kiss on her oversensitive clit, she sighed. The leg on his shoulder slumped to the floor. He pulled her panties down to her ankles, kissing down her leg as he did. Helped her step out of them.
“You’ll need new ones,” he stated as a matter of fact. Not a need to brag although he very well could have. As he flipped the curtain of her skirt back over his head to free him, standing in the same moment.
His hair was a little staticky from the fabric brushing his hair. He smiled at her, impishly it seemed. Her breath was uneven, and she tried to remember how to speak but couldn’t find the words to say. “Are y’alright? Was that okay, love?”
She nodded, her eyes fluttering as if she were about to pass out. She was speechless. It made him feel good that he could get that kind of reaction out of her, but he was worried he accidentally broke her. Her eyes looked glassy like she wasn’t fully coherent yet.
He smiled, sweeping her into his arms like she was a bride and carried her to the sofa. It was so quick, and he made it seem so effortless she didn’t have time to think about how heavy she must have been for him to do that.
He left her safely and softly on the couch, kissing her forehead before he made his way to the kitchen. The ache between her thighs was satiated and she could feel her brain cells reconnecting and hoped she’d be able to form a sentence at any moment.
“Harry?” She asked tentatively. Her voice was cracking. Blinking unsurely, at the lack of Harry beside her.
“M’right here, angel. Jus’ getting us some water,” he promised sweetly and hurried to sit beside her. The worry in her voice with just his name made his heart hurt. He handed her the cup so she could get rehydrated. Harry thought she was the most precious thing he’d ever laid eyes on, but he sensed her uneasiness. He knew she felt it the other day too after their sunrise fun—except he spent most of the day not seeing her. He would make up for it now. Scooping her into his lap, scrunching the fabric of her skirt up over her hips so she could straddle his lap, he didn’t focus on the fact there was nothing between her body and his shorts. Her head dropped to the crook of his neck, and he soothingly rubbed her back while he took his own sip of water over the top of her shoulder. “Y’okay, love?” He asked tentatively again now that she had time to process the event in her mind, had some water, and that Harry was holding her carefully.
“Mmm,” she hummed softly. Her breath tickling his neck. “Thank you.”
He chuckled and kissed her hair. “I’d say the pleasure was all mine, but I think y’got the brunt of it.”
“I don’t know how I’m supposed to make you feel that good,” she mumbled sadly. Almost as if she was hurt by the idea.
He smirked. “Won’t be difficult, kitten. Thought I was gonna come jus’ from touching you,” he promised. She didn’t pay attention to that bit of info. She was too busy feeling bad about how needy she was right now.
“M’sorry m’needy,” she whispered—it always happened when she orgasmed like that at the hand of another guy. There were only a select few that managed to do it, but only one that left her high and dry after. It made her feel terrible and it had been a long while since she let it happen like that. Worried that she would feel dirty and gross again. She couldn’t really help herself with Harry though and she worried that she would bother him being so needy. “This is not the kind of beach vacation you had in mind, I’m sure.”
“Kitten, it’s so much better, because of you,” he pressed a kiss to the shell of her ear. “I’ll stay all night,” he promised her.
The research on love at first sight was no longer a worry. She had all the proof she needed right here.
Harry doesn’t know how many times he orgasmed. True to his word, he kissed her and kindly fucked her on every possible surface in Sea View. Except the outdoor shower. But that was only because it was raining. She giggled as Harry closed his eyes, smirking at her little laugh. “Something funny, kitten?” He asked reaching out across the bed—where they ended their escapades for the day.
She shook her head. “Never thought I’d be part of the group that’s been fucked at Sea View.”
He rolled over top of her, the sheets keeping a barrier between them. “S’been the best vacation of m’life,” he promised. “Gonna leave a six-star review,” he promised.
She laughed loudly, making his heart thrum with adoration at how carefree it sounded. “I don’t do this for everyone that stays here, don’t make reviews I can’t cash in on.”
“Love, if I could afford it, I would rent this place the whole summer.”
She smiled so beautifully. Harry thought she really was an angel like her friend said. A sun-kissed one for sure. “You’ll stay the night, yeah?” He asked. “We’ll watch TV and order food, whatever you want,” he promised.
“I’d like that. But I’ll need to go get a change of clothes.”
“You won’t need them,” he shrugged.
She giggled again.
They spent the next few days in the normal routine they developed the week before. They went to the beach, they checked an item off Harry’s vacation bucket list, they ate dinner together, watched the sunset, got ice cream, and moaned into each other’s mouths as much as possible.
They also touched a lot more. Harry held her hand while they waited in line behind the group of people ahead of them at the mini golf course. His arms looped around her back while they waded in the water, holding her close to him. He kept a hold of her foot in his lap while they read their books in the evening before sunset.
When they slept at night, in the comfy bed at Sea View, he wrapped her close to his chest and curled around her, his arms caging around her. “What if I have to pee?” She giggled the first night.
“Then I guess you’ll have t’pee on me,” he shrugged through her laughter.
It was unspoken that they didn’t talk about his vacation ending very soon. The only time she left him alone was when she showered at Sun-Kissed Cabana. He cutely told her he missed her the moment she returned to his home away from home. “So full moon tonight?” He asked looking down at her face. Today they read with her head in his lap, her face turned toward his stomach at the moment rubbing her nose against his warm t-shirt. He combed his fingers through her hair focusing on his book.
She nodded, wrangling her phone from her pocket to in front of her face so she could look at the weather app on her phone. “Nine thirty,” she glanced at the weather, there should be no clouds or rain to ruin the evening.
“It’ll be cold, yeah?” He asked. She checked the temperature and nodded again in affirmation.
“Probably wear what we wore for the sunrise.”
“Oh, I love that outfit,” he said flirtatiously. She rolled her eyes and turned to lay flat back against her lap and stare up at him. He smiled while he finished the page he was reading. “What?” He hummed.
“You’re obsessed with sex.”
“Me?!” He cried throwing his book on the coffee table. “You’re the one moaning and pressing your bum up against me all night,” he reminded her and brought his face down to hers so he could kiss her repeatedly. She giggled as he pulled her upper body with him as he leaned back against the sofa. He pulled her close to him. He was obsessed with sex. But only with her it seemed. It was a billion to one chance he would me this angel this vacation. Another billion to one chance he would find her stunning and adore her immediately.  Of course, it was only another billion to one chance he would want to make her come so many times her legs would shake just walking three houses down when she needed something from her little cottage.
Ugh, he wanted to stay here forever.
“Love,” he said gently. She was busy tracing his eyebrows and running her fingertip over his eyelids while he was lost in thought about how obsessed with sex he was. “I leave in a few days,” he reminded her. She frowned almost instantly and nodded. Looked away from him, ducked her face so her lips pressed to his shoulder. He pressed a hand to the back of her head, rubbing his fingertips gently into the back of her skull.
“I know,” she mumbled against his skin.
They were quiet for a few moments. Harry was trying to figure out what to say. It certainly couldn’t be that he was in love with her. He would sound like an idiot. She was intelligent and beautiful. Just because he wanted to live between her legs didn’t mean he could go around saying he loved her after a week and a half. “I want t’be very clear, kitten. I really don’t want t’leave,” he kissed the side of her head. “S’been a very special vacation,” he promised. “S’because of you, y’know. I don’t want t’leave because you’re here,” he combed through her hair with his fingers and kissed the crown of her head once more.
She didn’t answer but Harry could feel a teardrop fall onto his shirt. He didn’t move from this position. Didn’t want to call attention to her sadness and make it worse. They would have these moments and they could figure out the rest when the time came.
They walked hand in hand, the pathway lit by the flashlights on their phones. They wore their sweatpants and long sleeve shirts and were barefoot as they walked the same beach path, they always walked to the lifeguard stand. Before they even got there, Harry was speechless. “Oh wow,” the moon was just over top the horizon and since he had only seen the sunrise once this vacation, he only had one way to compare to it. If it wasn’t for the dark sky, he’d have no clue it wasn’t the sun. It was breathtaking.
She smiled and turned her flashlight off to take a picture. Harry did the same, wrapping his arm around her as she did so he wouldn’t lose her for even a second in the dark. “Is anyone else here y’think?” He asked.
She shook her head, bumping against him. “Probably not; mostly kids around here with their families. They can’t stay up this late,” she giggled. She yawned. “Honestly, me neither. I was up so late last night,” she reminded him.
He rolled his eyes. “‘Harry, please, please, please let me come. Oh, it’s so good,’” he mocked. She jabbed her elbow into his stomach not hard enough to hurt but he kissed the side of her face. She ignored him, turned her flashlight back on, and pulled him toward the lifeguard stand. They sat in silence, watching the moon slowly rise into the sky. It looked enormous. Beautiful. He said it when he first got here, but he truly believed she was right that this was the most magnificent place on earth.
She was taking pictures and playing with the exposure and lighting in the settings as she tried to capture how beautiful it was. The moon was now almost at the point where it was illuminating the beach. If he listened carefully, he could hear the sound of vacationers calling attention to their partners to look at the sky from their porches and cabins and cottages.
Harry snapped a picture of her focused expression managing to get her profile superimposed on the moon in the background. She blushed, not that Harry could see it in the dark like this but still. She wanted to talk more about what all this meant. What they should or would do when he left. It was so hard, the second it crossed her mind, tears filled her vision and she had to swallow the rock lodged in her esophagus. How was she supposed to have an adult conversation with Harry about it when she couldn’t even get the words out?
Hearing him say how much this all meant to him was a good start. It made her anxiety lessen. Because this meant the world to her; it was rash, quick, and ridiculous to fall in love so easily. She felt like a Disney princess falling for the first guy she saw. While she wasn’t sure if Harry was in love with her—which would be a completely normal thing—she could rest assured that he at least cared about her in some capacity. “Y’okay, kitten?” He hummed into her ear, pressing his lips to her temple while she thought. “Can hear the gears turning from here,” he smiled against her skin.
She shook her head. “It’s crazy to me how fast the moon rises,” she said. Harry nodded in agreement.
“Let’s head back, s’getting cold and I want t’get y’out of these clothes,” he murmured into her neck.
Harry dropped from the stand first, climbing down so he could make sure she made it down without injury. Once on the sand, they paused, leaning against the frame to gaze at the moon more.
She was pretty certain it was her doing, but she would never admit that to Harry. But soon her hand was in his sweatpants, holding his dick in her hand massaging the length of it, pulling and tugging it to get harder and longer. “Kitten,” he groaned quietly.
It was extremely ridiculous for her to do something like this on a public beach. Even if it was late at night. The moment he groaned out her pet-name she felt her thighs press together. She swore she was soaked already, and they’d hardly even begun. “Something about sweatpants with you,” she mumbled as she pulled down her own to just to mid-thigh. Harry followed suit. “S’gonna have to be quick,” she whispered standing in front of him, reaching behind so his body would curve around her.
“Oh kitten, m’already ready t’burst jus’ at the thought of your pussy around me,” he promised and slipped himself inside her from behind. She moaned quietly as he began pumping into her, in and out. She loved the darkness, only the moon casting a low glow over them while it still rose higher in the sky. It provided a good cover in case anyone did happen to walk their way down here. She turned to the side, gripping the wood of the lifeguard stand as she bent forward more. The sound of the waves lapping at the shore disguised the sound of Harry’s skin smacking against hers.
“So good,” she whimpered. “Harry,” she cried. He gripped her hips pulling her back toward him as he pushed forward. It was a miracle she could have this many orgasms in only a matter of days. She had never tried before to have this many but was once more worried that she wouldn’t last one day without him, let alone a whole year before she would see him next summer. “Harry,” she whined again and grabbed his hand holding onto her hip.
“Yeah, love? Y’close already? Y’all excited and wet for me because we’re on the beach? Gotta be quiet for me, baby. When y’come. Don’t want anyone t’hear. All those noises y’make are for me, yeah?”
She was going to scream at the top of her lungs, and she didn’t care who heard her. “Your pussy is s’good. So wet. Feel y'gripping me,” he mumbled and grabbed he cheek of her bum with one of his hands. He pressed hard, certain he would leave little finger print bruises and he wished he could be gentler but this was so fucking hot he thought he was going to lose his mind.
“Harry,” she whined again. “Please,” she begged.
“Y’can come, angel. Come as much as y’want. Come all over m’cock, please. Make yourself come all over me, love,” he moaned snapping almost brutally into her.
She whimpered as she did, her legs shaking almost to the point where she would have collapsed if Harry wasn’t holding her up. He continued to drive his dick up into her as he pulled her back toward him, so she was pressed to his torso. With a few more pumps he felt himself about to burst and alerted her. “Gonna come so hard, cause of you,” he groaned. She dropped to her knees, wrapping her lips around the head of his cock just in time to catch all of him in her mouth. He shivered as her mouth worked over him and he pulled away and pulled her up as he did.
He kissed her forehead and wrapped his arm around her tightly. “M’legs are tired.”
He nodded. “I know baby,” he cooed, pulling her pants up. He pulled his own up, catching a glimpse of the moon. “Do y’still have your phone?” She nodded mutely. Harry smiled, kissed her lips gently and then cradled her in his arms as he carried her back to the cottage.
They were two days and several hours away from Harry leaving. Her chest thought it was going to break open from the force of hiding her emotions. She was finishing getting fixed up after their walk and separate showers. Even though Harry did invite her. “We have to go to the store, you maniac,” she giggled as he tried to convince her with kisses down her throat.
“The store will be there in an hour.”
“S’never just an hour with you,” she muttered under her breath.
“Was that a complaint?”
“No, not even a little.”
No, they left the shower off their new kinky little bucket list for Harry’s vacation. Something to look forward to for next year. She was just finishing her hair when she heard the screen door. “Kitten?” He called.
He stood in the doorway watching her put the final touches in her hair. He was grinning like an idiot. Like he had a secret. “Can we talk?” He asked.
She whipped around so fast to look at him and ask why he would ever say such a thing that she knocked her bottle of hair stuff onto the floor. She was lucky the lid to the toilet was closed where she had placed her towel from her shower, or she would be adding hair product to their grocery list since it merely bounced off the top of it. Harry’s mouth popped open, but she could see his eyes dancing in amusement.
“I should have picked a better phrase,” he nodded firmly.
She looked at him in shock. “Ya think?”
He grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips. “There’s...” he shook his head. “Jus’ c’mere,” he pulled her to her main room and flopped the pair of them onto the sofa. He brought his hands to her face, brought her to his lips and kissed her forehead, her nose, and pressed a gentle kiss on her lips. “M’going t’say a lot right now,” he told her. “Can y’be patient?” he asked. She nodded, nervously. Hopefully he would just treat it like ripping a Band-Aid off. “Y’have nothing t’be nervous about, love,” he promised kissing her forehead again.
“You’re making me anxious,” she said seriously. He chuckled.
“Okay, okay. I’ll start,” he smiled shaking his head. “I have immensely enjoyed this vacation. But even if I was trapped in the worst city in the worst home and you were there, I think I would have enjoyed it,” he rubbed his thumb along her cheek. It was starting off okay at least. “M’really heartbroken I have t’go,” he told her. “I didn’t even shower I was on the phone looking for another rental for every week this summer,” She smiled at that, feeling her eyes water. He swept his thumb below her eye seeing the tears appear.  “But m’friend Mitch called me too. His wedding is in early October. I...I wasn’t given a plus one originally, but he said I could have one. I told him all about you. In fifteen minutes. Mitch and Sarah were insistent at that point,” he told her. “I know s’not much. But I’d be able t’see you. And...I know s’like three months away...but it’s something right? Would y’go with me?”
She would see him again. She nodded. It didn’t matter how ridiculous it was.
“And...we could video chat. Every day. Hell, love, I’ll apply to a new school, I jus’ want t’have you in m’life in some permanent way. I’ll spend every school holiday with you. We’ll spend all summer here, every year. I know—” She started full on sniveling, and she covered her mouth as he spoke. “You think m’nuts,” he frowned.
She nodded. “I do, but only because I am too,” she promised tearily. “I want all of that,” she agreed. Harry sighed with relief, bringing his thumbs across her cheeks once more to rid them of tears and kissing her deeply. It wasn’t quite like the kisses that led to him pulling all her clothes off, but it had almost as much passion.
“I promise, I don’t usually fall in love this quickly,” he admitted. Her lips parted at the L-word in surprise and Harry slapped a hand against his face. “Fuck...I mean...” he sighed shaking his head. “I think s’obvious given that I jus’ invited you t’a wedding after knowing y’for a handful of days,” he shook his head quickly like he was trying to rewire some of his neurons in hope of making sense again. “Sorry,” he tucked his face into his neck terrified he just ruined everything by telling a girl he knew for only ten days he loved her.
She giggled through her tears. “I... forgot I’ve had an orgasm...let alone had sex...literally ever...when I was dry humping your leg at the beach. I don’t think...this is very different than any...I don’t do this sort of thing,” she nodded in agreement. “I like you a lot,” she whispered at least she had enough sense to not say love—even if Harry thought she kind of wanted to say it back—and she did want to say it. “An embarrassing amount. I’m dreading having to say goodbye. Dreading the end of your vacation and at any moment I’m worried I’m going to invite you to stay with me, nearly a stranger, for the rest of the summer just so I don’t have to let you go,” she then pressed her fingers to her lips and closed her eyes. “Shit,” she muttered against them.
Harry chuckled, bit the inside of his lip glad she was speaking from her heart the same way Harry did. “Honestly, love? I would stay, if y’wanted me to.”
She flicked her eyes up to him. Adoring the green irises that were haunting every thought. “Yeah?” She whispered.
He nodded. “I...I think this might be the best vacation I’ve ever been on. Too bad y’don’t have an outdoor shower. S’where I’ve been imagining some really fun things ‘bout you.”
“Why imagine when you could have them? We still have two days.”
He moaned. “M’gonna fuck you with a Sea View,” he said pulling her to stand and all but racing back to his perfect little cottage home. Enjoying her giggles as he stripped her naked in the backyard along with him. Harry was eternally grateful to whatever powers that be he got this vacation spot with the beautiful goddess from Sun-Kissed Cabana all to himself.
And an outdoor shower.
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @youdontcaredoyou @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals @angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams @summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use @kissinthekitchen
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myloveforhergoeson · 7 months
R: Hi. Almost done?
The text tone chiming off in James' pocket startled him, snapping the boy out of the tired stupor he had found himself in down in the Rocque Records changing rooms. After convincing Roxy to stay a bit longer after work so he could perfect the dance routine Mr. X had shown him and the band earlier, he had done his best to quickly shower so they could head home together.
Normally, he wouldn’t have felt bad about asking her to say, but the clock on the wall reminded him of the late hour. They’d already missed dinner at the crib and now he was pretty sure his shower had cut into the time she normally spent going over her songs to tweak them before her writing session with Gustavo tomorrow.
To be fair, it hadn’t really been his fault. Once the music turned on and he began moving to the beat, it was like he was on a different planet. Their routines were no joke, and Mr. X was a tough man to please, so James had hardly noticed the few hours that had passed until he felt like he nailed each and every step. 
J: Yup! Be there in a few :)
Am I an emoji guy now? The boy thought, making his way out of the dressing room and heading back to the studio. He was genuinely excited to see Roxy, even though they’d been apart for less than 20 minutes, and take a drive through the city at night with her. Just the thought of it did bring a smile to his face, so why not convey it over text too?
Traversing the empty halls of Rocque Records was a bit unnerving so late in the evening, normally Gustavo’s angry screams rang out through the halls or the melodic guitar chords of a new song. So, when James heard the opening notes to “Boyfriend” come from the dance studio, it didn’t strike him as all that odd. 
Did I accidentally leave the song on loop after practice?
It wasn’t until he heard someone else begin to sing the words did he stop in his tracks. That was odd. 
“Have you ever had the feeling you’re drawn to someone…”
Though Roxy’s voice was quiet, he was still able to hear it over the music, and the squeak of her shoes against the hardwood floor told him something even more interesting - She was dancing. 
Daring to peek his head in the door, trying to keep himself out of her sight despite the floor-to-ceiling mirrors covering three out of four walls in the room, James confirmed his thoughts. 
His girlfriend, pretending as though she was holding a microphone, was wobbly copying the moves he had been practicing for the last few hours as she sang the lyrics to the song. 
The song she had written about him.
Logically, James knew she’d kill him if he whipped his phone out to take a video, so he did his very best to commit the moment to memory. Everything from the tone of the voice she swore she hated, how closely her dance moves resembled the actual choreography, when she caught herself if she messed up… Finally, as the song came to a close, his knees just about buckled when she raised her hands to the sides of her face and wiggled them - Completely imitating the stupid move he had created months ago just to get her to laugh. 
As he rushed to steady himself on the door handle, the metal bar ended up ratting a bit too loud as the track came to a close, alerting Roxy to the presence of someone else in the room. 
He watched, panicked, as her head snapped up, catching the eyes of his reflection in the mirror.
“Oh, my God-” Roxy’s hands shot over her mouth, obscuring whatever she said next. 
All James could do was stay frozen in place, staring at her as she sped to the opposite corner of the room where she had left her bag. 
The last thing he had wanted to do was embarrass her, but what else was he meant to do? Not watch as his gorgeous girlfriend worked her way across the room like she owned it? Pretend he didn’t want to hear her sing that song over and over again for the rest of his life?
Jingling keys brought him out of his stupor, and suddenly Roxy was standing right in front of him, motioning to the hallway, trying to leave the studio as fast as humanly possible. 
Even as she stopped before him, her eyes were cast to the floor. “Let’s get out of here, okay?”
When he brought his hand to the side of her arm to try and calm her down, she jumped a bit and his gut twisted with guilt. “Rox, hang on-”
“Please?” Her voice was nearly a whisper at this point as she shifted from side to side. 
“Wanna dance with me before we do?” The words out of James’ mouth shocked even him.
Roxy stopped moving altogether; for a moment even James thought she might have even stopped breathing. And, maybe, for a second he did too.
 Between them, there were a few beats of uncomfortable silence.
Idiot, why did you just make it worse-
“I-” His girlfriend tried, reaching up to grip the strap of her black bag. “I don’t want to dance to ‘Boyfriend’ again. It’s too fast anyway…”
At her comment, James let out a silent prayer to whatever powers may be that she wasn’t upset with him. In all honestly, he wasn’t sure what he would have done if she were. Problem-solving wasn’t really his strong suit. 
New dance… Something slow… Slow dance!
The grin that spread across his face was nearly contagious, grabbing Roxy’s hand and pulling her back to the middle of the room. Gently, he took her bag from her shoulders and set it back where it had been earlier before practically bouncing back over to her to present his idea.
“Okay - No more ‘Boyfriend.’” He slightly winced at that statement before continuing. “But I’ve got something better in mind for two people. Ever learn how to waltz?”
Roxy shot him a glare through squinted eyes. One that told him “You know what kind of music I listen to and you think I know how to waltz?”
With a nod, James started again, “It’s super simple! You’ll pick it up instantly, babe, I promise.”
“Yeah…” She scoffed, still avoiding his eyes, tone a bit condescending as she spoke about herself. “‘Cause I picked up the other one so well.”
She’s still embarrassed, James concluded, bringing one of his palms to her cheek. “That’s right. You did.”
In an unexpected turn of events, Roxy punched him in the shoulder. “Just teach me already!”
“Right, right!” Her boyfriend laughed, weight lifting off his chest for a moment as she began to transform back into her usual self. As he placed his right hand on her left shoulder, he took her right hand in his left. “All you’ve got to do is follow my lead.”
Squeezing his hand, Roxy nodded and wrapped her left arm around his waist. Though that wasn’t how the dance was supposed to go, he certainly wasn’t about to pass up an excuse to hold her a bit closer as they moved. 
“Alright… First step: I’m going to move forward with my left foot and you’ll step back with your right…” James instructed, carefully stepping forward as he said he would. 
Shakily, Roxy did as he said, eyes cast toward her shoes once more. 
“Then to the side…”
As the singer droned on, doing his best to guide his girlfriend through the steps, he was a bit anxious this hadn’t been what she had meant at all. She had been dancing to one of the most upbeat dance songs ever written - in his opinion - and now he was teaching her the exact opposite of that. If it bothered her at all, she didn’t say anything, just silently followed his lead as they circled the studio together.
Roxy is far better at dancing than she gives herself credit for, James thought as they finally got the steps down. They were doing a practice run without his words as guidance, only his movements as she quietly spoke the three count of the tempo. She’s always selling herself short…
He didn’t know what to say about that to her just yet and resigned that to be something to talk about later when she accidentally stepped down on his foot, causing a slight yelp to escape his lips.
“Oh, God, James, I’m so sorry!” The hand she had resting in his quickly pulled away, draping itself around his neck as she looked up at him, eyes widening in panic. “We were doing so well…”
Wordlessly, he caught her waist to steady her before she began counting their movements off again. “Roxy, it’s alright! Just breathe for a moment.”
“It’s kind of hard to do that when I’m dancing with someone who does it for a living.”
Was that the issue? She had been embarrassed earlier not because he had caught her, but because he was a professional and she wasn’t?
“Forget about that… It’s just you and me right now, focus on us. I know you can do this if you put your mind to it.”
The sigh she let out told him she was still slightly frustrated, but once again she nodded at his words. “Do you think it’d be better with music?”
James had been so caught up in trying to make her feel better, grow more certain in her steps, that he had completely forgotten that was another crucial part of the dance process. Music spoke to Roxy in ways he would never be able to understand - It only stood to reason a background track would help boost her confidence. Now the issue would be picking the right track. 
“Great suggestion, babe,” He told her, bending down to place a kiss on her cheek. “I don’t think I know any good songs in this tempo that were written in the last hundred years though.”
The sensation of his lips on her skin seemed to light a fire under her, which James had many thoughts about but vocalized none as she abruptly let go of him and raced over to her bag. Flipping the black flap open, she dug her hand around its contents, before gazing back at her boyfriend. 
“I’ll think of something, but while I look I’m gonna need you to tell me who taught you to dance like that.”
Triumphantly, she pulled her blue iPod out and began to shuffle through the songs she had downloaded, waiting for his explanation. 
James scratched at the back of his head, now it was his turn to be embarrassed that night. “Self-taught… Though, my first dance partner was my mom.”
Mentioning his mother made Roxy stop tracing the small circle control pad under her thumb as she breathed, “That’s so sweet.”
“Kind of,” He conceded, though he was trying to figure out the best way to change the subject. Thinking about his parents always sucked and he certainly didn’t want to bring his assistant down again. “I was trying out for the Beast in a local theater’s production of Beauty and the Beast. As you can tell, it’s not really a one-person type deal… She was a saint for putting up with me during that audition.”
Still scrolling, she asked, “Did you get the part?”
“Don’t you know who you’re talking to?”
Finally, Roxy giggled for the first time in forever, and the sound was music to James’ ears. “You certainly are a beast…”
“Hey!” He fought back, though he found himself beginning to laugh too. Struggling to think of a comeback, he settled for watching her plug her iPod into the speaker system and hit play on the song she had chosen.
Immediately, a distinct guitar melody began to flood into the room and she practically ran back over to him to get into the starting position they were in before. “1… 2… 3…”
James stepped forward and she stepped back once the male singer began the sorrowful first line, following the beat to help time their movements. This song had been on the radio, for sure he had heard it before, but he couldn’t quite place how much of it he knew. It sounded so much like her, of course this was the song she would choose. On the other hand, Roxy had traded out counting their steps for singing along to the song in the same quiet voice from before while she pulled her boyfriend tighter against her. 
That little move almost made him trip up his step, bringing his feet closer together as he guided her around the room once more. Under his palms, he could feel the confidence she had lost during their first run-through build back up as she moved, throwing her head around as she continued to sing the chorus.
The chorus he definitely knew, but he wanted to listen to her for just a bit longer before he jumped in. 
While they continued to move together, she pulled him closer again, and all at once an image of the two of them circling a beautiful, Victorian ballroom filled his mind. Like they were the only two people in the dance studio, they were the only two people there in his fantasy as the song continued to play. His workout clothes were traded for an elegant black suit, one that perfectly matched the glorious red ballgown Roxy was wearing as they danced, continuing to hold onto each other. 
It was silly, he knew it was, but as he had earlier, this was a new moment he was trying to commit to memory. 
A few taps on his chest as they continued to move drew him out of his fantasy. “You know this right? ‘Iris?’”
All the boy could manage was a nod, grip on her waist inadvertently tightening.
“Good!” She called over the crescendoing guitar. “The last chorus is coming up… Think you could sing it for me?”
James Diamond was a professional entertainer - There was no question he could sing it for her. There was no question he’d do just about anything she asked of him.
I wonder how long it’ll take her to realize that.
Once again, he dipped down toward her, still keeping time with the song, and brought his lips to hers in place of an answer.
“Fuck,” She whispered when he pulled away, sending his heart pounding straight into overdrive. “Forget the song, forget the song-“
When James stepped forward for their first count, this time, she didn’t step back causing him to slightly careen into her. From the tilt of his head as he steadied himself, Roxy must have realized he was confused as they stopped dancing, music still filling their ears. 
The smirk that followed her actions confused him even further, he thought they had a pretty good thing going, before her hands snaked around the back of his neck, pulling his mouth back down to hers. 
This is way better than dancing, her boyfriend concluded, bringing his free hand to meet her waist. Roxy seemed to think so too, considering he could still feel faint traces of her grin before she pulled away from him.
“I’m so teaching you how to mosh next time,” She promised as she turned their waltz into a sway, bringing her head to rest against his chest. 
This girl is going to kill me…
When he didn’t answer, trading words for a kiss into her hair, she echoed his words from earlier to quell any opposition. “It’s super simple! You’ll pick it up instantly, babe, I promise.”
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morgana-ren · 3 years
SUBMISSION: How about a nasty sweaty incel shiggy waiting everyday for his dad to go to work so that he could have his relief with stepmom? 
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Excellent submission! Love that. Love that a lot! I find it only fair to warn you, however, that I won’t be doing mommy kink for it. Mommy kink is one of my squicks, and one of the very, very few I have. I’ll do the closest thing to it though: Daddy kink. Also I find the irony of him making his little stepmom call him daddy to be absolutely hilarious.
Also this one is a great concept and I love it but it’s going to have to be a multi-parter cause it got a little bit long. Lemme know if you like the concept and I’ll continue it. Also this posted under anonymous for some reason so cheers to tumblr and its endless fucking glitches that it never fixes or seems to make any better.
Warnings: Noncon, dubcon, sexism, really gross incel behavior, nsfl things, masturbation, violent sexual fantasies, nefarious planning, horrible suggestions from even more horrible friends, absolute LOATHING of family, and entitled bastard.
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There is only one thing on this planet that Tomura hates more than his father.
Only one thing can even compare to the level of abject disgust he has for his dad. Everything about the man is abhorrent and degenerate, only tolerated because Tomura is, admittedly, a NEET, and had no where else to go after graduation. But if anything- anything- could hold a candle, it would be his taste in women.
All women are trashy on some level, but his dad really manages to find ones that pretend so hard that they aren’t. Vipers behind the veneer of smiling faces clad in red lipstick and smart skirts. Always “kind”, always “thoughtful”, and always fleeting. Fickle, stupid bimbos charmed by his dads surface level charisma to quickly realize just how shallow the pool became.
Even his own mom was like that: She fucked off once she realized staying with him meant staying with his dad, and that was a sacrifice she wasn’t willing to make. So she left him to rot in this cesspit with his worthless father and no other way out.
He figures he can’t hold it against her, not as much as he’d like. A few weeks with his shriveled up paternal figure and most women quickly figure out they can do so much better. It’s in their nature to seek out the best, and that certainly isn’t Kotaro; A bumbling idiot with nothing to offer on the best of days. They don’t know any better, so they never last long after being brought home to meet his son, and those are the ones that even make it that far.
So when he starts yammering on about meeting yet another skank and how ‘in love’ he already is, Tomura’s eyes roll so far back in his head that he swears his retinas will detach. He makes a point to be around as little as possible, but somehow still manages to catch an earful about his latest fling and how excited he is for Tomura to meet her.
True to his word, Kotaro brings you home one evening, eager to impress his son with his latest catch.
His father had a lot of nerve dragging him from his room to meet you- his latest glorified slut. Adding insult to injury, you had the unmitigated gall to talk down to him like you were an adult and he wasn’t. Even though you had to crane your neck to look up and greet him, you still talked at him like he was some child. So different from you even though you were so much smaller than he was- barely even a few years older than he is, if even that. 
So polite, introducing yourself and gently shaking his reluctant hand, making a point to smile at him and telling him how happy were to finally meet him and that you’d heard so much about him. Your hands were so soft, so little in comparison to his own. He dwarfs his pathetic father, practically towers over you, yet you still talk to him like you’re the adult in the equation.
So young, so pretty, though. Far better than anything his father had a right to pull. They weren’t exactly swimming in cash, the house was nothing in particular to gloat about, and he’d done enough eavesdropping around late at night to know his father suffered a particular… ailment, so it certainly wasn’t sexual satisfaction keeping you around. What was it then? 
Probably nothing. You’d probably run off in a few weeks like they all do.
Kotaro is a worthless sack of drooping skin and aging bones; A ghost of a man not worthy of the phantoms he’s seen pass in his years. No longer the dominant male even in his own home: not with a stronger, more virile son coming into his prime under the roof as well. A beta male at best, withering away while his own son eclipses him in strength and intellect and physique. Tomura is in his mid twenties and blooming- His father… who even knows. He doesn’t care- he doesn’t bother to keep track. 
So, maybe you really are just a dumb little whore. It would make sense. Father dearest always had been a dirty old man; A raging pervert with wandering hands and lingering eyes. Always sets his predatory sights on some cute thing too good for him. 
Then again, the poisoned apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, now does it?
You’re cute enough you could have gotten some alpha at your beck and call, yet you’ve attached yourself to his worthless father who, in turn, parades you around like his most beloved trophy. Taking you to dinners he can’t afford despite your ‘insistence’ that you be allowed to pay, buying you things you claim you don’t need. Oh, how the moron dotes on his whores as if it’s enough to keep them anchored to him.
Strangely though, you don’t run off.
If anything, you sink your claws in even further, getting more and more comfortable and showing up more and more. Every time Tomura leaves his fucking room- which isn’t often- you’re there around the corner, smiling dumb and pretty and greeting him politely.
Fuck, he hates you. Hates your stupid voice, your shitty dresses, hates hearing his father happy for once.
It’s no surprise- but unwelcome no less- that he’d move you in sooner rather than later. Terrified to let you out of his sight for even a second lest you come to what little senses you have in your tiny brain and dump him. Of course, he’s quick to take on all of your burdens as his own, even if it means working overtime to support you. He’s always wanted another little housewife, and now he’s so close.
Tomura listens in on the whole conversation feeling sick to his gut.
You beg him not to- offering to pay your own way just like a good girl, but of course his dumbass dad will hear none of it. He’s more than happy to spend a couple of extra hours at work. His dad is so idiotic, so fucking blind. He’s playing right into it. He’s willing to be your workhorse if it means keeping you all to himself.
He’ll hear none of it. None of the fussing or the questions. You’re welcome in his home, he wants you there. It’s no imposition at all, he knows the house will be better with you around.
Except he forgets one crucial detail-
The son he leaves home alone with you every single day when he leaves. 
You’re nothing but a nuisance, something infringing on his private space. The time he used to get home alone to spend to his own devices is now split with you flittering around the house doing whatever it is bimbos like you do. Cleaning, cooking, pretending to read, whatever. He doesn’t have to see you if he doesn’t want, sure, but he still knows you’re there and that’s more than enough to annoy him.
It’s almost like you catch on to his animosity after a while. The way he won’t greet you back, the way he utterly ignores your existence. It bugs you, and as far as he’s concerned, good.
You try to slip him up, try to get close to him and make him like you. You always set a place for him at the table even after Kotaro repeatedly insists- truthfully- that he’ll never join for dinner. Even then, you always bring the plate to his door. He never bothers to answer- not after the first few times when he only opened it a sliver to see your stupid smiling face. After that, he didn’t bother answering. He’ll eat it of course- won’t pass up free food he doesn’t have to leave his room for- and then leave the dirty dish back outside where you left it. You brought it, after all. You can clean it up. 
All your efforts only get you mocked, and boy do you try so hard to get his affection. He even overhears you whining to his dad once or twice, not understanding why he doesn’t like you.
It makes him smile.
His friends- online of course, but still friends or comrades or kindred spirits or whatever- have more opportunistic ideas about it. His first post to the forum complaining about the new living situation was met with envy and awe- not necessarily the response he was expecting, though looking back on it, he supposes they were right. 
lmpwrst: Why u bitchin’? Ur living with a girl ur not related to and that’s closer than any of us have gotten u ungrateful ass
KingKockRool: Go jerk off on her pillow.
Stacystabber91: take a video hold her down and fuck her then idiot
KingKockRool: No wait till she’s sleeping and jerk it on her face
st8lker: Bet she’s ugly tho if she’s dating your dad lol
Oddly enough, he doesn’t agree. That’s one thing he understands about you, loathe as he is to admit it. His new ‘stepmom’, for all her annoyances, is pretty easy on the eyes. The kinda girl that would have caught his eye in an unrelated situation and earned a permanent spot in his spank bank. Thinking about it, the whole ‘dating his dad’ situation maybe threw off his judgement more than he realized.
He’ll let the jury decide: He finds a photo on your social media, crops everyone else out of it, and hits enter. Easy peasy. He saves it to his hard drive for later too. Might as well.
‘Here, you decide then.’
Thus the shitstorm begins. 
st8lker: Oh fuckkk fuck me mommy lmao
lmpwrst: Opportunity is wasted on u
Stacystabber91: you pussy punk bitch, i stand by what I said earlier. dont be a bitch and fuck the little cunt already
VolceliSwear: Whos the bitch
lmpwrst: Scratchy’s new stepmommy lol 
VolceliSwear: Nice. Hit it yet?
Stacystabber91: he hasn’t cause he’s a gigantic fuckin pussy like i told you all
VolceliSwear: Come on dude you actually have that gash sleeping in your house and you haven’t made a move? 
Stacystabber91: it’s not like she could say no cause you’re a big lanky bastard aren’t you? that’s one thing we got over the shortcels and you’re bigger and stronger than her so take what’s yours idiot or I will 
lmpwrst: I agree with SS lol U complain all the time about not having a hole to fuck and now u do
VolceliSwear: ^^ Isn’t your dad a limp-dicked prick who can’t get it up? Someone’s gotta do it so it might as well be you. Hit the bitch so hard and fast she doesn’t know what way is up
Stacystabber91: and send pics moron I want to see tits or I’m coming over there to do it myself
It’s an… intriguing thought. To be honest, he’s never actually considered fucking you before. Had the passive thought like he does with most girls he sees, but never stopped to think on actually doing it. For some reason, there was a mental wall between him and his father’s girlfriends. But why should there be?
Depraved little bastard that he is, he’s not above cornering a girl and forcing himself on her but he’s not keen on going to jail, so he’s never escalated past creepy photos and following the occasional broad a little too closely. Maybe a couple gropes in passing… okay, maybe a lot. But he’s never gotten caught- maybe the girls don’t report it or just couldn’t find him afterward. Either way, it’s all worked out so far because he doesn’t cross certain boundaries.
Most girls are repulsed by him and his repugnant behavior, so they stay far, far away. It’s like he’s a giant blaring warning sign that they tend to heed instinctively.
But you don’t. 
This is different. You live here, so close to him, so within reach. Just how close you are. How easy it would be for him to force you down and make you take it. Just how much time alone he really has with you since his father leaves and returns like clockwork. He’s got the entire day once his father leaves for work. And all night once he takes his sleeping medication. An easy, pretty little catch already wiggling in his web.
 ‘Maybe I will.’ 
That’s how it starts. 
Snowball into snowstorm.
With an idea and a lot of goading from his online buddies, a monster is born and weaned on his own depravity and escalates into something very real, and very dangerous.
Tomura is achingly familiar with the scene- he’s seen enough porn to give him ample ideas. But he’s got all the time in the world. It’s hard not to rush things considering how eager he is, but it’s safer to test the waters first. Get you nice and scared so you’ll keep your pretty mouth shut unless he tells you to open it for him. See how far he can get, how much he can toy with you before you finally catch on.
Who knows? Maybe you’ll fuck him willingly. You are a stupid little slut, after all. Most of you females are deep down beneath that holier-than-thou, stuck up bitchiness you hide behind.
So he starts with a time honored tradition. He steals your panties. 
The bathroom is cluttered with your shit. Your fruity shampoos and conditioners, your makeup, your perfumes. Tomura has a toothbrush and a comb he doesn’t use, a bottle of 3-1 for when he forces himself into a shower, and a singular gray towel, but the rest is between you and his father. Your body washes, your scrubs, your clothes in the hamper. 
It’s easy enough to fish out a fresh pair- only a couple of hours old. Some lacy contraption you must’ve been wearing beneath your clothes and carelessly left in the bin when you showered. It’s easy to pocket them before you hear him rummaging around, and maybe you’ll miss them, but that’s not his problem. Washer eats things all the time, doesn’t it?
He’s hidden back in his room, safely dodging you before he allows himself to indulge- Bringing them to his nose and inhaling the doubled fabric of the crotch so hard that it catches on the edge of his nostrils. 
Fuck, your cunt smell good- tangy and sweet but the tiniest hint of bitter. A couple of whiffs is enough to get his cock twitching, inflating into a painful hardness as he hears you walking around outside in the hallway. Shit, you’re so fuckin’ airheaded, walking around so oblivious as he tongues at the cloth that was nestled right up against your pussy until a few hours ago. He can taste you, sucking your left over essence through his teeth and he swears he’s going to cream all over the inside of his jeans if he doesn’t jerk off right now. 
He’s quick to drop his sweats and sprawl on his bed, thumbing the tip of his prick and licking gratuitous stripes up the slim of your discarded panties with his tongue. You’d look so good sucking his cock; On your bruised knees, face a slathered mess of cum and saliva and running makeup. Bulge in your throat from taking him so deep and trying so hard to please him like you always do- or maybe avoid a painful punishment because he isn’t above using his hands on you and you learned that the hard way.
The thought of your ruddy, soppy face makes him throb- fucking your wet little throat until you’re suffocating, pulling out to let you breathe only to cum on your face. Yanking you up to bend you over the stove and force you to make his worthless father’s dinner with his spend tacking across your face and his cock lodged deep in your cunt. Worthless fucking sack of shit that his father is, he’d spit in it too and make you serve it to him with a smile while your actual daddy watches you do it and rewards you later with his dick fucking you between your tits.
Fuck yes, that’s what he’ll make you do. He’ll make you call him daddy when he creampies you- the opportunity is too perfect to pass. He’ll fuck his father’s pretty whore as she screams and moans for daddy’s cock while his father is away at work to pay all her frivolous bills like the beta-cuck he is. None of the work and all of the reward- as it should be.
It’s not like Kotaro can fuck you, and his friends are right. Someone should. So why not him? Why not spread your legs for your boyfriend’s younger, more powerful son? Oh, sorry, did he give you the illusion that you had a choice? He’ll take what is rightfully his and there’s not a fucking thing you or his pathetic fucking father can ever do about it.
He plucks your panties from his face, moving them instead to work over his cock. It would feel so much better if you were wearing them- grinding your sweet little cunt against his dick, begging him not to fuck you but getting so wet all the same. The silky fabric feels so good against his hypersensitive skin, coupled with the clenched pumping of his fist as he daydreams about railing you into his filthy mattress until you’re too weak to even move on your own, his cum dripping from every one of your used holes. Limp, useless little whore too fucked out to even fight him as he fucks her in the ass again-
Fantasies swirl in his head, flashes of scenarios that tease him and work him into a frenzy. He’s going to cum hard to the thought filling you, your agonized face as the tip of him knocks against the opening of your womb, buried so deep in your cute pussy that he can feel the wall that keeps him firmly locked out of your guts. So close, so tight, so warm. He’s going to pump you full to the brim like the skank you are, fill you nice and thick full of his seed and then use you again and again and again-
He feels it in his spine, waves of pleasure furling at the base and congealing together impossibly tight, so ready to burst. His thighs flex, muscles in his stomach tightening and breath staggering. Searing white behind dry, clenched eyes and his cock twitches in his palm, knot bursting deep between his legs as his hand stills momentarily. His hands twitch, cock throbbing as thick ropes of cum spill over the slats of his fingers, splattering his stomach and the waist of his sweatpants and all over your adorable little panties. 
Shallow, shaky breaths, still seeing stars popping behind his eyelids. Fuck, he hasn’t cum that hard in- well, a very long time. Is it the thought of having something tangible soon? His very own cunt to abuse? Grinning, he looks down at the absolutely drenched pair in his hand, sticky with fresh seed.
He thinks so.
Instinctively, he wipes the excess off his fingers and onto his dirty, rumpled black sheets, swiping across his shirt and his skin. Just another ‘mystery spot’ among the rest, soon to become a crusty, flaked white stain on the fabric among all the preexisting ones.
With some effort on his part, he sits up, still trying to catch his breath. He thought post orgasm clarity might deter him from this path, but if anything, he’s even more determined now. Why should he sit and touch himself in a dark room when there’s a perfectly good set of holes to fuck wandering around freely outside?
Oh yeah, this should work out just fine.
There’s a knock on the door while he’s still wading through his gross thoughts, softly at first but then slightly more insistent. It jolts him alert, irritating him that he’s being bothered when he’s scheming. He’s already finished the dirty dead, all ready to put himself away for now but it’s still jarring none the less when someone comes around so closely to him wanking. A quick dash at the clock tells him it’s not dinner time yet, so what gives? Why are you bothering him now? Nothing is ready yet.
He tucks himself away and quickly buries your soiled underwear in the pocket of his sweats. Quickly wiping any remnants on the knees of his pants before swinging his door open, agitation palpable as he greets your stupid, sunny face.
Speak of the she-devil.
“Hi, Tomura! Just wondering if you have any laundry or anything you want me to take!” “N-”  He’s about to slam the door. About to. But you know what? You want his laundry? Sure. He’s got some for you.  “Yeah- yeah, sure.” 
He steps back from behind the door, letting it creak open a little as he rips off his freshly re-soiled sheets.
“Oh, good! Yeah, I’m throwing in my own so I’ll take your load too-“
Yeah you will.
Balling it up, he chucks it at you as you curiously peek your head in. You’ve never seen the inside of his room, but soon you’ll see plenty. He doesn’t know if you can feel the fresh cum on the sheets, but he’s willing to bet you can probably smell it. To your credit, you barely falter, even with the sheet cradled in your bare arms.
You’re probably having a moment of “understanding.” ‘He’s a young man with no girlfriend and no other outlet. Of course he’s going to wack off’ and all that. It’s cute, the way you pretend not to notice. That’s okay, he’ll give you something you can’t ignore.
He steps up to the door again, yanking his black shirt over his head and dropping it in your arms with a shit eating grin.
“Oh- okay, yeah-“
Your sentence halts completely as he starts to strip off his pants and you’re left staring in slight horror as your stepson strips down to his boxers in front of you before placing his sweats on the top of the pile you’re carrying- right by your face.
“I’ve got some more dirty boxers if you think you can handle anymore.” He’s grinning like a fiend, reveling in your poorly concealed discomfort as he leans against the doorframe, swinging out towards you. You’re backing away from him, desperately trying to keep your eyes up and away from his very exposed body, and especially the half hard cock tenting the front of his boxers. Your face is turning a viciously dark shade, stifling your breathing because he just knows what you’re refusing to see, you can almost certainly smell.
“Um- nope! This should be a full one! I’ll get them back to you soon!”
“Oh, take your time. No rush.” 
You scurry off down the hall much quicker than your usual casual walk, probably to scrub your arms clean with iron wool. Poor little thing, just trying to be nice and this is what it gets you.
He cackles something fierce as he shuts his door again, going to look for your ruined panties to post a pic but remembering they’re still in the pocket of his sweatpants, covered in his cum and saliva. A fun little surprise for you to find when you go through pockets to ensure nothing gets stuck in the washer.
And he notices, in the coming days, you stop leaving your clothes in the hamper- or even being able to meet his eyes.
Oh, this should be fun.
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dammitolly · 3 years
Loki Imagine: "Starting Now"
tw: rather large age gap, swearing, major angst
fluff, angst
Loki x Stark!Reader
You were seventeen when you met Loki Laufeyson. And you must admit... you had a bit of a crush on him. He was being kept prisoner by S.H.E.I.L.D, his power too great and his blood lust overpowering. You found him... interesting.
It only took a couple of tries before Nick Fury found out you were spying on Loki. You would study his mannerisms. For a god, he was quite... human. But, that was before there was a code put on the door, one that was made to keep you away from him.
It had never been explained to you in detail exactly what Loki had done, and you were too busy doing other 17-year-old things to turn on the news. So, Banner kept you as distracted from the trickster god as possible, showing you anything and everything he could in the lab. But, you would occasionally see Loki being escorted to and from his cell, peering into the lab... grinning at you. You couldn't help it, you wondered what he was like... you'd also wondered what those beautiful black locks felt like through your fingers. But those thoughts were just fantasies... ones that would never come true.
You had never been close to anyone capable of that before, capable of killing. Let alone someone who had wanted to do it. But you were a fool... a child. You didn't understand Loki, you didn't understand what he'd done. Not that anyone had bothered to clue you in.
After things got out of control, Tony, your father sent you back to New York where you would stay with Pepper and train for the next three years. Where you would learn how to help your father. Learn how to be an Avenger.
You were nineteen when you saw him again. His hair had gotten longer and his face had aged, but the biggest change was that he was no longer considered an enemy of the Avengers. Now, he was simply accompanying his brother to the compound.
It was almost noon when you first woke up and began making breakfast. It was your day off and you were going to do your favorite activity: sleep.
"My, my" a velvet voice said from behind you, "look who grew up."
You didn't need to turn around to know who was speaking. You grinned and continued to smear butter on your toast. "For the God of Mischief, you really aren't very good at sneaking up on people."
You turned and threw the butter knife, it pierced the wall right above his head. He stood with his eyes wide, his shock was unjustified. For one, if you had wanted to hit him you would; two, he had to have known what you had been doing all these years, what your father required of you.
You took him in as he sauntered through the kitchen, leaning against the bar. He was in desperate need of a haircut, the black locks fell to his shoulders. He wore his traditional solid black suit, not a hint of color. Not even his signature forest green.
He looked tired... as if it had been not two years but twenty. Age had gone well with him though. He looked mature, as though the youthful pranks had stopped a long time ago, like the power-hunger had disappeared.
You smirked, "You've gotten old."
"Two years isn't that long, Y/n." He reached over his head and yanked the knife out of the wall, leaving a small hole. Pepper would kill you for that later. Worth it.
You took the knife from his hand. "It is when you're getting old and fat," you retorted.
Loki chuckled, "You are your father's daughter."
You rolled your eyes, "Did you need something? Or do you enjoy seeing the mental agony you inflict upon me?"
"Actually, I was looking for your father."
You pointed your knife towards the elevator at the other end of the room, "Lab. Lower level. You should be familiar with that wing." The wing he had been kept prisoner in. The wing you had strolled down almost every day when you were seventeen just to catch a glimpse of the handsome prisoner.
"Thank you, darling," he replied as he strolled over to the elevator. He smiled and gave you a wink before the doors slid shut. You rolled your eyes.
Darling? Absolutely not.
Dinner was the most awkward thing that you've ever been forced to sit through. The fear of Loki and his manipulation loomed over the table like fog. Steve was watching him like a feral animal that would attack at any second. As if he were a venomous snake ready to strike at any given moment.
"So," Thor cleared his throat awkwardly, "Y/n, your father tells me you've been training in New York. How's that going?"
"It's a lot of work but it's a nice way to spend time," you said through a bite of mashed potatoes. "Right now I'm focusing more on science so I can help Bruce and dad. But Natasha is really wanting to do more combat training with me."
"Y/n fights now?" Loki asked, grinning at you.
You shrugged, "Not much, but I could definitely kick your ass."
"Could you now? I suppose we'll have to put that to the test, won't we Miss Stark?" Loki said with a wink.
Natasha laughed, "Y/n is a bit too soft right now. Once she gets over her fear of actually hurting someone I think she'll be an excellent fighter."
"The knife she threw at me this morning must have been an expression of that fear."
"Y/n Stark!" Pepper said from the other end of the table, "You did not put that hole in my wall."
"He was annoying me!" You said defensively.
"He annoys everyone, you don't see Tony throwing silverware at his head."
"No he just blasts him to hell with his suits," you deadpanned.
Pepper looked at Tony. "You see where she gets it? I told you seventeen was too young for training. I told you that the violence would rub off on-"
"Can we not argue at the table, please?" You said, looking back and forth between your father and Pepper.
She rolled her eyes, "Fine. But you're going to fix that wall young lady."
"Fine," you sighed with a roll of your eyes. You caught Loki grinning at you from across the table and went back to picking at your food.
"Here I was thinking we were going to have a civilized dinner," Loki chuckled.
Cap scoffed, "Civilized?"
"Cap," your father said with a warning tone.
"What?" Steve said defensively, "I'm just wondering where a murderer gets off saying anything about being civilized."
"That's rich coming from you," Loki retorted. "Do I need to remind you of all the innocents you killed in Sokovia? So many lives sacrificed in the name of doing the right thing."
"Brother!" Thor snapped.
"I'm just trying to level the playing field," Loki grinned. "If I'm going to be put on trial, perhaps everyone else should get off their high horse as well?"
"We have never been on the same level, Loki." Steve snapped, "You tried to conquer this planet. You lied, manipulated, stole, killed innocent humans. All because you wanted a power trip. That wasn't Sokovia, we thought we were doing the right thing, all you wanted to do was the wrong thing. All you wanted to do was kill."
"You speak as though I don't have the ability to change," Loki leaned his elbows on the table. "Isn't that what being on this planet is all about? Second chances?"
"Not for murderers," Steve spat.
You didn't know Loki well... but to the extent that you did know him, you knew that when he was embarrassed he also got angry and violent. But not this time. Loki was the picture of serenity and calm as he stood from his spot at the table. "I see how it is," he muttered, "I suppose I should have just stayed... gone."
With that... he left.
It was 3 AM by the time you left your room again. For no other reason than to break into Thor's cookie stash. He was convinced it was your father that had been stealing from him... wrong Stark.
You prayed that nobody would find you digging in the pantry for two reasons. One: Thor would kill you for stealing his snacks; two, you were in your underwear and a tank top. Anyone other than Pepper seeing you in this state would be humiliating.
But, of course, you can never get what you want. Behind you, you heard soft footsteps padding their way into the kitchen.
"I didn't realize you'd be awake," the masculine voice said from behind you. You turned and saw Loki, shirtless in low-hanging black sweatpants. You did your best to force your eyes away from the dark trail of hair below his belly button and into his pants.
As your eyes met his, you could see the light blush on his cheeks. Fuck, he'd caught you staring. He cleared his throat, "I just thought I'd make some tea. For some reason, I don't sleep well in Midgard."
"Perhaps it's all the memories," You muttered as he stood next to you at the counter.
"For christ's sake, Y/n," he slammed his mug down onto the counter, "I am not that person anymore, you know that."
"Do I?" You turned to face him, "You killed innocent people, Loki. You killed children-"
"I know what I did," he sighed, putting his head in his hands, "I'm trying to fix it. I want to be better than I was."
"Loki we can't just trust you," the tea was long forgotten at this point, the water had probably gone cold, "not after what you did."
Loki huffed and yanked the butcher knife out of the block, placing it in your hand. He wrapped his hand around yours and put the knife to his chest, only a little pressure would need to be applied in order for it to tear his skin.
"Loki, what are you-"
He shushed you, "I am literally putting my life in your hands. I want you to see that I am done hurting people, and if you killing me is how to prove it, then so be it."
You tried to pull away but he pulled you back in with enough force to make your knees buckle. You weren't looking at the knife against his pale, muscular chest. But his blue eyes that were begging you to acknowledge his sincerity.
Your grip on the kitchen knife loosened. It clattered to the floor as you wrapped your arms around him, pressing your face into his warm chest. "I don't want to hurt you," you whispered.
You felt him sigh in relief, "I don't want to hurt anyone either. If anyone here is willing to trust me, I want it to be you."
"Why me?"
He pulled away and cupped your face in his hands, "Because you are the first truly good person I've met on this planet. You give me hope, Y/n." He pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"You don't have to be that person ever again, Loki," you kissed his Adam's apple gently, "I promise I will help you through this."
You felt him lean down slightly, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you up to meet him. You immediately felt your breath hasten. You had been fantasizing about this moment since you were in high school... and now it was about to happen. Loki, God of Mischief, was about to kiss you at 3 AM in the kitchen of the Avengers compound.
Before you could take another breath, his lips were against yours. His lips were soft like you'd always imagined they'd be, and his mouth was hot like the rest of him. He groaned into the kiss when your tongue brushed against his. You raked your fingers through his hair.
He parted his lips from yours in order to lift you onto the counter, standing in between your legs, his hands trailing up your sides.
"Wait, wait," you gasped as you pulled your lips from his, "How do I know you're not about to use me?"
Loki smiled and tucked some stray hair behind your ear, "I'll never lie to you, my darling. I'll be good for you... starting now."
You pressed your forehead against his and kissed the tip of his nose, "Starting now."
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deewithani · 3 years
having a baby with Jesse <3 ;)
When I tell you I screamed and started planning a fic. I love stories where our clone boys get their happy ever after. This got me out of my writer's block, so thank you, thank you, thank you @kaorikoizumi for this ask!
Starlight’s Gift
Rating: G
Pairing: Arc Trooper Jesse x F!Reader
Approx. 1.1k
Warnings: Pregnancy, general discussions involving birth and child care. Pure tooth rotting fluffy slice of life. I'm not sorry, and I hope you enjoy 😁
Your peaceful slumber had been shattered for the thousandth time in two weeks, ever since your (grumpy/loud/hungry/sleepy) beautiful son had blessed the Galaxy with his arrival. He was precious, truly, and he was his father's pride and joy, but all you wanted was a few more minutes of sleep.
“I've got him, love. You get some rest.” Jesse mumbled sleepily. He pulled you in close, breathing in your scent before rolling over and out of bed, ready to face the squalling infant that was currently waking up the neighborhood.
Two years ago your world was much different. The end of the war had truly been a blessing that you could have never imaged. The GAR was engaged in some of it's toughest battles and experiencing some of it's hardest losses when the truth behind the violence became known. According to Jesse, his Jedi general discovered that Chancellor Palpatine himself had been playing both sides against each other. After a small skirmish he had been taken into custody. Without any leadership, the Separatist movement folded in on itself. The war ended almost instantly.
What was left were a multitude of soldiers scattered among the stars. At first the Senate and Jedi didn't know what to do with them all. With no war there was seemingly no purpose, but there was great need across all corners of the Galaxy. Systems needed help rebuilding and help surviving. People needed a hand getting on with the work of living. The clones who were deployed to protect and fight for the Galaxy were now being deployed to help rebuild.
This was how you came to meet Jesse, who was sent to your world to help re-establish normal trade and travel, which had been made a priority after the swift end of the war. Many were suffering, your own people included, and you volunteered to help whenever help was needed. It was during one evening of volunteering where you met him. He was in full armor, minus his helmet, giving direction to the assembled crowd for the first task of the evening. You were so struck by his commanding presence, not to mention by the giant gear tattoo on his bald head, that you didn't realize you had been staring until he stared back, raising an eyebrow before the corner of his mouth lifted in a smirk. Heat quickly rose to your cheeks in being caught, but the moment ended quickly, and Jesse continued providing guidance and answering questions as if nothing at all was out of place.
It took you a week to gather up the nerve to invite him home for dinner.
That dinner turned into many dinners, then starlight walks, which turned into holding hands, kissing, and breakfasts after late nights. Whispers were shared, regrets of the past and dreams of the future, and you both came to realize that the other was who you had been waiting for.
And then one day the work on your planet was finished, and Jesse and his men were being deployed elsewhere. So you made a decision. You packed up your things and you followed him to the next stop, and then the next, finding work and lodging as you went, even going so far as sleeping in a tent on one occasion. As long as you were with Jesse, you would follow him wherever he was sent.
Finally, gratefully, moving slowed, and you and Jesse had been able to stay in one location for a few months. His work morphed into something resembling a normal job, with standard hours and occasional days off. Then the big change happened. The Senate voted to officially recognize clones as sentient beings, and the GAR began the process of transitioning soldiers to civilian life. The former soldiers were able to go and do as they pleased, and many did just that, scattering to the far ends of the Galaxy, taking up trades, searching for bounties, opening clinics in underserved locations, following paths they only ever dreamed of and never believed they would one day walk.
Jesse chose to walk his path with you. You took his hand and entwined your life with his, one starlit evening much like the evening you first met. You swore to love and cherish each other, until the day your stars no longer shined together, even if it wasn't as long as you wanted. You were thankful for each day, as each day was a gift more precious than the glittering jewels that graced the fingers of others. Jesse was your jewel, and he held infinitely more worth in your heart.
When you found out you were carrying his child he was ecstatic, and shared his happiness far and wide with his brothers. A steady stream of well-wishers visited your small apartment, bringing gifts, stories, and elbow grease, helping your small family of two ready itself to become a family of three. You both wanted for nothing and were surrounded by love on all sides.
When the baby came you learned just how much of a jewel Jesse truly was.
Labor took a worse toll on you than you had expected. You spent hours in labor, your cervix refusing to dilate. Eventually it was decided that you needed outside assistance, and after a quick surgery your son came screaming into the world, much like he was screaming now.
Jesse was a natural from the first day. He was prepared for every little whimper and cry that came from the tiny bundle. When fat tears fell down his chubby cheeks because he was refusing to sleep, Jesse was ready with a soft blanket to wipe them away and a gentle shoulder to lay his head. On nights like tonight, when you were tired and still a bit sore, he was up, changing diapers, feeding a hungry belly, and soothing a baby that sometimes seemed to cry for no reason. But Jesse always knew. He picked up tasks that you generally handled, with no question and no complaint. He knew what you both needed, without asking, and took care of it. He was your partner in all ways.
As you lay in bed you watch him through the light of the street outside your bedroom window while he changed the diaper of this new little life, your heart swelled. When he was finished, he carefully lifted him from the crib and crossed the floor, where they both rejoined you on the bed.
“I think our son is hungry. Do you want to feed him? I can get a bottle if you're too tired.”
“No, I've got this. You're so good to me, you know that?” Jesse hummed in response, then placed the bundle in your arms. As he latched Jesse put his arm around you and pulled you close. You closed your eyes and hummed a tune your mother sang when you were just a small child, silently thanking the Maker for the gifts that were given to you for your keeping.
Taglist: @ashotofspotchka @gummywurme @bobabitch88 @the-empress-strikes-back @tacticalsparkles @rebelpitstop
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demonictales · 3 years
request: The reader and Lan xichen meet at a fancy banquet and the reader gets poisoned. At first she just doesn't feel to good but then it gets worse and Lan xichen is super worried. She almost dies but he takes care of her and saves her
TW: POISONING, NEAR DEATH, extremly ooc xichen
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As most cultivators knew by now and were gathered at Koi Tower to celebrate the first full birthday of the little heir to the Lanling Jin sect, all of the town was filled with people from everywhere. It was bustling.
Your small clan had been invited as well and since your parents were busy handling your new born baby brother Zizhen you attented as the oldest child from the Baling Ouyang Clan and entered the Koi Tower a few minutes ago, just a little after you had arrived you were greeted by Jin Guangyao. You returned the gesture of bowing respectfully and thanking him for the invitation you had received as well as apologized for your parents absence due to your little brother being born.
The gap between you and your brother was about twenty three years, quite a lot but your parents had birthed you rather young, so it was no big deal. You were excited to have one more family member and a plus point was that you had a little brother by your side now.
Moving along into the hall, you spotted the familiar blue and white attire of the Gusu Lan sect. Immediately your features seemed to be even brighter as you approached Lan Xichen. "Zewu Jun. --- Pleased to meet you here. How have you been these days? "
You had met him several times before, either through lectures or other meetings and occassions where you had crossed paths. It always delighted you to meet him and be able to exchange a few words with him. " Greetings, Lady Y/N. I've been quite alright. I shall hope you had nothing to worry about either." Xichen spoke in his usual quiet and refined tone and you nodded with a smile. "Yes, I've been fine. My brother was born a couple days ago. -- It will be very lively for the next few years in Baling. " You answered him with the news of your brother coming to walk this planet. "Congratulations. He will be a happy and strong boy with an older sister like yourself by his side. --- " A rose colored blush graced your cheeks before you smiled. "Thank you, Zewu Jun. I will let him know you think this way. My parents will be joyful to hear such words of blessing for Zizhen."
Soon the dinner would commence and lots of guest were talking and enjoying the festivities including yourself during the night, cheeks adorned by the blushing heat of the wine that did give you a little to much warmth. You told yourself you'd drink no more as you felt rather dizzy from what you were given. It was so unusual since you were not a lightweight, you could hold your liquor but something about this red firewater was setting you off. Perhaps it was just stronger as you expected it to be though it did leave a bitter taste on your tongue.
Excusing yourself you went outside, you needed air and to cool down a little. Clenching your eyes together to get a better vision was one thing you did as you stood up and started walking towards the doors, however, the room did not stop spinning and you felt incredibly nauseaous when your heart started racing like crazy. Holding onto the door frame for security got you no where.
Lan Xichen had joined a few cultivators outside for a talk when he noticed your struggling figure at the entrance. He did not think much of it before you in fact threw up a massive amount of blood unbeknownst to yourself for you had blacked out the moment you fell to the ground. "Ouyang Y/N!" Zewu Jun hurried over to you, feeling your pulse. It was weak, barely tangible. Crimson colored blood ran down you lips and nose, your already dark red colored robes were sweat drenched. None other than Jin Guangyao rushed to Xichen's side wondering what happened. "She has been poisoned. If we are not quick to find the culprit and the antidote, it might bring terrible consequences."
Zewu Jun requested Meng Yao's help to send out people to find out who poisoned the young lady of Baling. What nobody knew was this seemed to be an assasination attempt on Jin Guangyao which had been failed as your wine had been switched by an unknown servant and was served to you instead of Meng Yao.
It was only a matter of time before the perpetrator either escaped or was caught. You were given into the care of the doctor of Lanling which was instructed to give updates on your health as each of the cultivators present and the apprentices of the Jin clan were sent in search of the assassin. Even Lan Xichen was involved. He knew you didn't have much time and you needed the antidote before the sun rose high in the sky to survive or it would be too late for you.
Hour after hour passed as your health and sign of life disappeared within you and the closer they got to find the culprit. He was disguised as an errand boy inside the clan of Lanling when being searched they had found someone fighting back. Everybody was doing their best to get the antidote or Jin Rulan's name would be tainted by the death of an accquired clan members death. They could possibly not let that happen.
Meanwhile you were losing strength to hold onto live, you did no longer react to the doctor calling your name, your unconsiousness dragging you deeper and deeper into the dark void of nothingness. However, your subconcious could make something out just a little, a liquid was running down your lips and every bit inside tingled by a slight burning sensation. It wasn't too strong of a pain, but it was bearable. What once felt like you had been turned to mush inside now felt like it was burning and restoring itself. What in god's name had happened? What is happening and why were you coughing all of a sudden.
Bright light blinded you when you opened your eyes, your head bumping tremendously , a stinging pain as you sat up, the song of clarity being played in the far corner of the room you were resting. As your dark orbits adjusted to the sunlight you were surprised to see Zewu Jun who sat and played the melody. You watched quietly taking a deep breath as the calming effect took over you. Eventually, you got up and quietly walked over, steps still a bit wobbly as you did so. "Zewu Jun. "
Your voice was dry and it matched your even dryer mouth. His eyes met yours as he came to a quiet and soft stop of playing the guqin. "You are finally awake. Let me pour you some tea. " He spoke in his usual quiet and calming voice. " How long have I been out? -- The celebrations were yesterday, am I right? " All you remembered was that you had maybe drank a bit to much wine, and went outside, but that was it. "Lady Y/N, you have been resting for three days. Do you not remember what happened? "
You were slightly confused because you did not quite understand what he was saying. You shook your head and took the tea he offered you with a small smile. "Thank you. --"
After a brief explanation of the events of the past five days you starred at him blankly. You had been poisoned, which had been an assasination attempt on Jin Guangyao but the maid ended up serving the poisened wine to you on accident and basically Jin Guangyao was the one who had recovered the antidote while Zewu Jun had fed it to you and played the Song of Clarity for your quick recovery. Lips were parted as you tried to speak but no words came out. How? That was the question, how did you end up getting caught up in an assasination attempt on Jin Guangyao.
"I believe I owe you very sincere thanks. " Quietly you stood up and bowed to Lan Xichen, who had stayed two days and three nights playing the clarity song for you. "The Baling Ouyang clan is deeply indepted to you, Zewu Jun. --- You have our undisputed loyalty for as long as the Ouyang Clan exists. I myself am indebted to you as well. " Lan Xichen's reputation was much more than that and you knew how humble he was but you did not bent. You were sincere in the fact that he had safed your live.
"There is no need to bow. " His hands touched your elbows and brought you up. " Instead rest well for another two days before you go home. " He insisted. You nodded and did as he spoke.
From that day on, you had sworn yourself as a sister to Zewu Jun for saving your life and he greatly accepted your offer.
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zodiyack · 4 years
Requested by @nerdydragonwarrior​: Hi! Can I make a request for Henry Cavill as Superman/Clark Kent where the reader works night shifts as a barista and Superman becomes a regular, and during the day the reader is an intern or works part-time at the Daily Planet and becomes acquainted with Clark Kent?
Pairing: Clark Kent / Superman x Female!Reader
Warnings: A cliché?, cuteness, me not proof-reading
Words: 861
Summary: (See request)
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @fandom-puff​, @darling-i-read-it​, @simonsbluee​, @thewarriorprincessxo​, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow​, @maan24​, @beckster07890​
Masterlist | Henry Cavill Masterlist
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She was cleaning up. Less people visited in the night, but there were still the night owls. Originally, she took the night shift due to her day-part-time-job of interning at the Daily Planet, but some things made her grateful for such choices.
The lack of people, the free coffee a coworker occasionally left her for no reason other than being nice, two jobs she could balance just right...and the guest she never expected to have but soon grew used to.
A cough in front of her caught her attention, tossing the rag into the bucket before attending to the customer. “Hey, man in blue!”
His smile widened as he shook his head. “Man of steel, but close enough.”
“Since when have you cared what I called you?” Y/n joked. She started on his order, him not even needing to tell her what he wanted. After Superman was a customer for about two months, she could practically make his drink in her sleep. Y/n was good with her usual customers’ orders...and her boss wanted everything to be perfect for their famous regular.
“That’s true...” He watched her prepare the coffee. “Why don’t you join me tonight?”
She smiled for a second, but the joyful lift in the corners of her lips fell within seconds, along with the feeling it gave the man. “I would love to but... I’ve got work in the morning. As much as I’d love to brag around the office that I drank coffee with Superman,” they laughed, “I’m also still on my shift.”
“After? I don’t mind waiting.”
Y/n bit her lip and shook her head, sighing heavily. “I leave as soon as I’m done. I- I’m sorry...I’m just really busy, ya know?” He nodded with an understanding grin, taking his coffee from her and tipping her; he made it clear after the first few cups that his tips didn’t go to the tip jar, but her wallet. A demand of his given with a sincere and caring voice. “I’ll uh...see you tomorrow night.”
“I hope so, Y/n. Thanks for the coffee.”
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She awoke with a start, scrambling out of bed to shower and dress for work. The breakfast she made for herself before heading to her night shift was still in the fridge, much to her relief. After checking that she had everything, Y/n made her way out the door and locked it behind her.
When she arrived to work, Clark was the first to greet her. Two coffees were in his hand until he took her bag in exchange from one of the warm cups. “Oh thank god.” He chuckled, watching her down a few gulps then realize it was still hot.
“Careful, don’t wanna burn your tongue off.” She nodded, lifting her head from the cup. Clark’s eyes dropped to her lips. He lifted his hand and wiped away some of the coffee that had been left on the skin above her top lip.
“Coffee mustache- Sorry, that’s...embarrassing.”
Clark shook his head as he laughed with her. “No worries. You rock a mustache better than I ever could.”
“Doubt it.”
“Doubt all you want,” the two began walking to Clark’s desk, “it’s the truth.” He took a gulp of his own coffee before setting it down on the desk and sitting down, Y/n leaning her hip against the smooth surface. “So, how long are you going to be here today?”
She grabbed a pen from his desk and began doodling on his arm as he watched with admiration. Not that she noticed. “Probably until lunch. Why? Do you want me to stay longer?” The quirk of her brow battled her smirk; her tone indicated teasing but his answer didn’t seem to surprise her.
“Yes, actually. I’ve been meaning to spend more time with you.”
The two had gotten close ever since she’d started interning. Clark was the person who showed her around and introduced her to others. He was like her new best friend almost immediately. Unfortunately, with her night job, they didn’t really hang out outside of work.
It was always; wake up and eat, go to work, eat lunch, go home and sleep, wake up, get dinner and go to work, then go home and sleep. Then the cycle repeats. She’d planned it out specifically to match her schedule, but after meeting Clark, she regretted not making a time open to hang out with friends. He, however, was understanding and always told her he was fine with waiting.
Like another man she knew.
She clicked the pen in her hand nervously. He took the pen from her, forcing her eyes to meet his. “Clark...”
“I know, I know. I’m just saying. If you want to, and if you can, stay longer, I would love to hang out with you. But if not, I’m content with just spending my lunchbreak catching up with you.” He smiled kindly.
“I’ll be eating lunch too though-”
“That’s alright, if you’re alright with eating lunch with me?” Y/n pretended to think for a moment before nodding eagerly. “Great,” Clark chuckled, “it’s a date.”
“A date?”
“Unless you don’t want it to be.” He shrugged. “I don’t mind waiting.”
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Together We're Toxic
Billy Russo x Reader (you)
I wrote this for another fandom and I kept thinking how fitting it would be for Billy. So, I did some editing. *grin* Hope you like. Definitely explicit.
Billy Russo was not a man to be reckoned with. One would have thought that out of all people, you would know that. But then, you were no longer his girlfriend. You were his ex - a fact that he was not at all pleased about and planned to fix.
The club was hot, the music pumping. He could feel it through his body, an incessant beat. The club was dark even with the random mix of colored lights, and it smelled of sweat and perfume.
It felt like impending sex.
Some were going to get laid tonight. Some were hoping to. If all went according to plan, he definitely would be.
His eyes narrowed in on his target. On you. You were with a friend who wasn’t a fan of his all the time, and you had your hands clasped above your heads as bodies moved to the beat.
You and your friend were attracting attention from the men in the crowd, which was the point, and it pissed Billy off to know that this was probably what you did all those nights you wanted to go out with friends and “let off some steam.”
The sharks were circling closer and Billy’s jaw clenched as he took in the men whose faces he’d have to break later for staring at his woman with lust written all over their faces.
You were stunning, so it wasn’t like he could blame them. All that shiny hair that flowed down your back - he liked to wrap it around his hand when he fucked you from behind. And those eyes - they could look so wide and innocent, and then turn black as night when you made it clear you wanted him.
And your lips, those lips you painted red. You left streaks of it on his cock when you sucked it.
Your smile, fuck, your smile and your laugh, and the way you spoke so intelligently about everything. You were so fucking smart and he felt so fucking dumb next to you sometimes.
There was that little bit of Billy that worried you had partly broken up with him because of it. But he knew other things - things like how to change your oil, put in new brakes, and how to beat a man bloody for touching you.
Once, some asshole had groped your ass on the subway and he’d knocked the guy straight out. You’d blown him good and proper after that. He went nearly cross-eyed just thinking about how it felt when you took him down your throat.
Finally, you and your friend took a break from your frenetic dancing and one bold shark inched his way close to you. Billy held back from charging over and punching him dead in the face.
No one touched what was his. No one.
It was that sort of thing that you said was one of the reasons you broke up with him, and Billy had a funny feeling that your friends had something to do with that. You sure didn’t seem to mind when he got, as you put it, “growly and possessive”. And what really burned him is that you would get just as “growly and possessive” right back.
When an ex made contact with him to ask if he still had her hatchet, he’d ended up exchanging a few texts with her about how things were going. When you saw the text come through on his phone you’d simply grabbed your purse and walked out the door, claiming you were going for a ride. You didn’t return for three days and he had no idea where the fuck you went. When you returned you hugged him like no time had passed and nothing had happened. Then you whispered in his ear, “If you talk to her again I won’t come back next time.”
But then, was that worse than when he witnessed you smiling and laughing with someone you had dubbed your “work husband”, and he’d ended up locking you in the bedroom that night for two hours and not letting you leave?
Apparently, it was.
What about the time you slashed one of his tires when one of his (female) customers from Anvil asked for his number?
No one pointed fingers at you, but when he went a little mental and tossed your phone in the toilet, everyone was all up in arms.
Your twisted relationship was your business, and it wasn’t like Billy didn’t know it was twisted. You both were. You knew it, too. You were both passionate and fiercely in love with each other.
He knew you loved him. He <i>knew</i> that. It was in the little things you did - cuddling up to him on the couch, making him dinner (when you had the time), and trimming his hair and beard for him. You also held him and loved him when he needed you the most. And he always, always needed you.
And he took care of you. He changed your oil when it needed it, rubbed your feet at night and listened when you complained about work. He offered to take a few co-workers out for you, which always made you laugh even though he was only half-joking about that.
You were both better together than apart. There was only one woman for him on this godforsaken planet and that was you. And there wasn’t another him that could give you what you needed. He felt a smirk tug at the corner of his mouth. Little freak that you were.
You and your friend shooed the men away and headed for the bar, giggling together. While you and your friend planted yourself on one side of the freestanding bar, Billy made his way to the other side. He made room for himself, much to the annoyance of the guy beside him.
“Hey!” the guy protested when some of his drink spilled over the side from Billy hitting it with his elbow.
Billy just looked at him in the way you claimed could make grown men “piddle on the rug.” The guy certainly appeared as if he just might. He picked up his drink and walked off quickly.
Then, Billy leaned on the bar, elbows on top and stared at you, willing you to look his way. It was your friend who saw him first. She made a face and nudged you, pointing at him.
When you looked his way, your mouth fell open and you met his gaze. When the shock wore off, he caught the hint of something in your eyes. Something he knew quite well from having spent almost two years with you: excitement.
You covered it quickly with a look of annoyance and said something to your friend that made her frown, but then your friend nodded and you started around the bar.
Feeling pretty victorious, Billy pushed away from the bar and smirked at your friend who glared at him. Good, let her be pissed. You could no more stay away from him than he could stay away from you.
He moved away from the bar and inched toward the hallway where the bathroom and the back entrance was located. He had a plan after all.
You stormed up to him, fire blazing in your eyes. “What are you doing here?”
“What do you think I’m doing here?” he drawled. “You didn’t think I’d let this breakup stand, did you?”
“You didn’t fight me when I ended it.”
Was it his imagination or did you sound upset about that?
“You changed the locks and put all my shit out on the lawn. You also called Frank for backup. What was I supposed to do?”
“Just...go.” Now you sounded sad. Defeated. “Leave me alone, Billy. It’s over.”
He grabbed your arm. “No.”
You yanked your arm from his grip. “Don’t manhandle me.”
“Come outside with me,” he said, changing tactics. He fully intended to manhandle you and though you might protest at first, he knew what a little freak you were and what got you hot. You’d be putty in his hands in no time. But for now, you needed to act like you didn’t want him there. Maybe you even had yourself partly convinced of that. Billy knew better though.
“Why should I? What for?” you asked.
“Just to talk. I think I deserve a conversation that doesn’t involve Frank, don’t you think?”
You pursed her lips together and studied him with suspicious eyes. He didn’t move. Just waited. Finally, you sighed. “Fine. Let me tell Friends Name.”
He nodded, smiling inwardly and pointed to the hall. “I’ll be waiting for you right there.”
“Fine, Billy.”
“And don’t think about ditching me,” He warned you. “I will find you.”
Your lips parted and you turned on heel quickly and stalked off. Oh, you wanted this. He knew it.
Five minutes later, you were outside in the cool air and you shivered and wrapped your arms around yourself. It was your fault for wearing a sleeveless top - his favorite one, too. Red and low cut, it was gorgeous on you and easy to get off.
“Why don’t we sit in the car so you’re not cold,” he suggested, pointing to his black Porsche behind you.
You turned, dropping your arms, and he grabbed the handcuffs in his jacket pocket and hurriedly cuffed one wrist. You started to turn back, looking down at your wrist. “Hey--”
But he had you cuffed before you could finish that sentence.
“Billy!” you exclaimed. “What are you dozing?”
“I told you I wouldn’t let this stand. You’re mine.”
Your eyes widened and you made to run.
You didn’t get far. Billy was on you quick enough and managed to wrap both arms around you from behind. With your wrists cuffed in the front, you couldn’t move in the bear hug he was giving you.
“You’re hurting me!”
Doubtful. “We can do this the hard way or the easy way,” he muttered in your ear. “You either come with me or I use the chloroform I have in my pocket.” It was a lie; he didn’t have any.
“How the hell did you get--”
“Hard way or easy way?”
“I hate you,” you hissed.
“No, you don’t. I’ll prove it.”
“I could scream,” you snarled.
“No one would hear you over that music.”
He pushed you to his car gently, wrapping one hand around your forearm lest you get any ideas about running off.
You cursed him the whole way and Billy just smiled. He opened the backdoor of his car once they reached it. “Lay down.”
“Why do I have to lay down?”
He gestured to the rope you’d not yet seen on the floor of the car. You cursed him again and got in. “Don’t even think of kicking me either,” he told you. “Or the chloroform comes out. Heard it gives one a nasty headache. Plus, who knows what I’d do to you all tied up.”
“You’re disgusting and you’re going to pay for this,” you snapped.
He licked his lips. “I certainly hope so.”
You laid down on your side with some help and when he was sure you were comfortable - because he didn’t want you hurt after all...well, not much anyway. He tied up your ankles with the rope while you glared at him mutinously.
With a triumphant smirk, he moved your feet out of the way of the door and shut it. He then climbed in the car and started it up.
“My friends will look for me, ya know,” you said.
“They won’t find you.”
“Where are you taking me?” you demanded.
“To the cabin.”
“Fuck,” you muttered.
He grinned as he pulled out of the club parking lot. “That’s right. The cabin in the middle of the woods where you can scream all you want and no one will hear you.”
“You’re an asshole.”
“Yeah,” he drawled, “But you love me anyway.”
You fell silent and Billy smiled. Your silence said it all; you did still love him.
It was a forty-five minute drive to the cabin and after letting you sulk for a while, he finally asked, “Why did you do it?”
“Why did I do what?” you asked innocently.
“You know what,” he growled.
You sighed. “I’m handcuffed and I’ve got ropes around my ankles. Do you really have to ask? Do you think this is normal?”
“It’s our normal,” he said with a shrug.
“Maybe I don’t want it to be.”
“Or maybe you’re too busy listening to your friends tell you how our relationship should be.” He took his eyes off the road to turn and look down at you. You looked almost pitiful on the seat looking up at him and he had a moment’s regret. Just a moment though.
He looked back at the road. “You get off on our games.”
“Is that what we’re calling them? Games?”
“What would you call it?”
“Unhealthy. Twisted.”
He laughed. “Oh, You. You’ll never not be twisted. And I’m the only one who can match all that fire inside you.”
“Maybe I don’t want that anymore. Maybe I want normal. Maybe I want someone like Frank who--”
“Don’t mention his fucking name to me,” he growled. “He’d bore you in a week. We’re here.”
One of your friends had tried to introduce you to a “nice boy” who wore Dockers and white tennis shoes and actually played tennis, and You had kept it from him until he’d overheard you talking to that friend on the porch one night. When he’d confronted you about it, you’d hedged until he threatened to ask your friend himself. You’d told him, and in retaliation he’d dragged you into the house and tied you to the bed and proceeded to make you come and come and come until you begged for him to stop.
You had clung to him so sweetly, mewling in his ear. Screaming. Telling him again and again how you loved him and only him.
He cut the engine and stepped out of the car. He made his way around to the back and you sat up and he maneuvered you out and over his shoulder. The wind blew, causing your black skirt to blow over your ass and he slapped it. “That’s my ass,” he told you. “Remember that.”
The cabin was his. A place he had built with his bare hands. A place for him to seek refuge from the world when he needed it. Then when he had met you, it had become yours and his. Long weekends were spent here when you both felt the need to get away, just hiking, making love, and doing domestic things that he wasn’t very used to doing, but rather...enjoyed?
You could both be normal. You were both “normal” more than you weren’t so he didn't know what the fuck you were on about. Sure you both had your moments, but it wasn’t always like that.
The cabin had three rooms - the living room and kitchen rolled into each other, and then there was the bedroom off the kitchen, and a bathroom attached to the bedroom.
Billy stepped inside to the kitchen and carted you over against the far wall and placed you down on the lumpy couch with the maroon sofa covering. You fell to the side and then righted yourself and glared up at him.
“You gonna run if I let you loose?” he asked.
God, he hoped you did. He wanted to chase you down, throw you on the ground and fuck you in the open air. His dick was hard just thinking about it. You glanced down quickly at his crotch and then back up at him. You looked angry, but he caught the twinkle there. “What do you think?” you asked.
Okay, so, you needed to warm up a bit first. Work up to it. He was game.
“I think we still got wine in the fridge from last time we were here,” he said. “You want some?”
“You gonna roofie me?”
“No, of course not.”
“I mean, you did threaten to chloroform me--”
“And you know as well as I do that I wouldn’t. Even if i did have it, which I don’t.” He did though. Somewhere. Just not on him.
You lifted your chin. “What’s your plan then? Keep me cuffed and bound all weekend?”
“Well, that all depends on you.”
You tilted your head to the side. “Oh?”
“Yeah, all depends on how long it takes you to get your head out of your ass and realize you belong with me.”
“I don’t--”
He bent down and placed his hand at the back of your neck and drew your face to his. He kissed you deeply, wanting you to just shut up.
You didn’t kiss him back at first, but then he felt you melt by degrees. You moaned and Billy went down to his knees, filling his hands with your face as he kissed you. “Stop fighting me,” he muttered against your mouth. “You love me.”
“Say it, You. Say you love me.”
Your eyes welled up in tears. “I do,” you croaked. “I love you.”
“Say you’re mine.”
You sniffled. “I’m yours.”
He kissed you again and you swayed into him, pressing your chest against him. “Billy,” you muttered. “Let me go. I can’t touch you like this.”
He fumbled, panting, for the key to the handcuffs. He managed to fish it out of his jeans and with shaking hands undid the cuffs. Then he fumbled with the rope, and with your help you were free. He pulled you to her feet with him and kissed you. “I need you,” he gasped. “I need inside you.”
You stepped back a few feet, smiling, and whipped off your top. You threw it at him and it hit him right in the face.
You used that distraction to rush right past him and out the door.
He roared, his dick pressing hard against his jeans. Game. On.
You didn’t get far. Just by the car. You were on the other side of it when he approached and when he went to the right, you went to the left. You both stopped. Stared at each other.
“You’re a little brat,” he told her. “I should take you over my knee.”
“Don’t you wish you could?” you taunted him and jetted to the right. He ran around the car, and you squealed and ran off to the woods. He was smiling, beaming really. This was just what he’d expected and you’d almost had him; he’d almost thought you were just going to capitulate without any game this time, but he should have known better. You were always up for a good game.
You were like a sprite running through the woods and Billy kept his gaze steady on you, while mindful of where he was stepping so as not to trip. He finally managed to graze your arm by a thick oak tree and you squealed again and darted around it.
He could hear your breathing from the other side and he forced himself to go still and quiet. Then you did as well. He waited.
The wind blew, a cool breeze that rustled the leaves and branches. Animals deep in the forest made noise, reminding you they were there. The moon was nearly full and cast light down through the trees. The clouds in the sky were moving quickly by and stars twinkled above them.
He was harder than he’d ever been and he swore he could smell your heat from where he stood on the other side of the blasted tree.
You popped her head out and said, “Boo!” and then made to run off. This time, you wouldn’t get far. He was on you quickly enough and you let out a playful scream as he managed to catch you and push you against another tree. You winced and he pulled you away from it.
“You hurt?” he asked, panting.
“I don’t think so,” you said breathlessly.
He spun you around to check. Just a little red where the bark touched your bare skin. He bent his head and pressed a kiss to one red mark, then another and another and you melted yet again into him.
He went down to his knees and forced you down with him. He pushed you and you planted your hands on the ground.
“You gonna to act like a bitch, I’m gonna to fuck you like one,” he grunted.
“Oh, God, yes,” you breathed.
He pushed your skirt up over your backside and tore your panties from your body.
“Billy,” you moaned.
He wrestled with the snap of his jeans and the zipper and then he shoved them and his boxers down and spit in his hand. He stroked himself and then used two fingers to check just how wet you were.
You were soaked. Just as he thought you would be. He fucked you with his fingers until you screamed and then he pulled his fingers out and slammed his cock inside you.
“Fuck! Yes!” you screamed.
He licked your wetness from his fingers and then slapped your ass hard. You cried out and he gripped your hips, knowing he’d leave fingerprints, knowing you’d love to see them in the morning.
“Come for me again, you little bitch,” he rumbled. “I want you dripping all over me.”
He reached out and wrapped his hand around your hair and yanked your head back. “Fuck me back,” he ordered.
You did, grunting and moaning.
“Fuck me harder, asshole!” you shouted.
He did, bottoming out inside you, bumping right against your cervix.
You screamed and your walls pulsed around him, milking him. He let go with a roar, unable to hold on. You’d had him aching for you the minute he’d stepped into that fucking club and saw you.
Billy slumped over her and pressed a weak kiss in between your shoulder blades. “I love you,” he gasped. “Fucking hell, I love you so much.”
“I love you,” you said, breathless.
Billy pulled out of you with a groan and did himself back up. He got to his feet while you staggered to yours. He drew you into his arms and kissed you hard.
You kissed him back just as hard and hand-in-hand you walked back to the cabin. You showered together, laughing softly, and caressing each other gently. Billy took you to bed after and he made love to you slowly, sweetly, until you cried out softly. He held you wrapped close in his arms as you began to doze off.
“Mine again?” he asked softly.
“I always have been,” you murmured. “And I always will be.”
Satisfied, Billy drifted off into a sound sleep.
And when he woke up in the morning, he found you gone…
And himself handcuffed to the bed.
***I know it would not fit for Billy to not wake up to getting handcuffed, but just go with it. It's needed for the second part.
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mccoymccoymccoy · 3 years
Kirk - Go to your quarters or I’ll pick you up and carry you there.
Word count: 1,531
God, you were tired. Finally a calm day on the bridge- no engine repairs needed, no hostile encounters, no pointless orders from Starfleet- and yet it felt like the longest day since your shore leave on a planet with twenty hours of sun. Your nose was red and sore from patting at it with your sleeve, and you had a headache like what you imagined being struck by an ice pick would feel like.
“All in order, cap-” you paused, face contorting into the classic pre-sneeze expression. Oh, go away, go away, go away! Miraculously, it did. “-tain,” you finished, rubbing the side of your finger against your nose. He turned around and raised an eyebrow at you. “Lieutenant, it seems like you’ve still got a bit of that cold left. Didn’t Bones order you to take three days off? As long as I can still count, it’s only been two days.” Spock, who was walking past, nodded. “You can indeed still count, captain.” You sighed.
“Sir, with all due respect, a little almost-sneeze isn’t anything to worry about. I believe I’m perfectly able to perform my duties,” you lied.
He put one hand on his hip while the other pinched his forehead, and sighed right back at you. “Y/N, we don’t know how this cold- this virus, works. You heard what Bones said, it’s not like the old common Earth cold. You got hit the worst out of the landing party.” He may be a walking bullshit detector, but his reasoning was a void attempt to you.
You saw your duties as more important than anything, which he normally had incredible respect for, but you’d already lost out on two days. Two days, just kicking around your quarters and sneaking around your deck trying to find something to do. Somehow, every time, Bones or an ensign found you and had to bring you back. Mimicking him, you placed your hands on your hips and shifted your weight to one foot. You were starting to feel a bit light-headed, but you weren’t sure if it was because of the cold or him.
“Come on, Y/N.”
You looked down. His insisting this was really starting to make you nervous- not just because of the prospect of missing out on work. You were so fond of him that surely the rate of your heart and the anxious sweating would just make him more firm in his decision that you were unfit to work! Thinking about him made your headache worse than it already was, too. “Captain, please. I’m alright.” Your nose twitched another sneeze away.
“No more arguing, lieutenant. You’re off for the rest of today and tomorrow. That’s an order. Go.”
“Sir, please-”
“Go to your quarters or I’ll pick you up and carry you there.”
You froze. Your face flushed at the thought, and the pressure you’d been adding to your one leg became too much, causing a little stumble. Jim grabbed onto your arms quickly, steadying you. You started to explain about the pressure, but he shook his head. “Spock, you’ve got the bridge. Come on, Y/N. Let’s get you outta here,” he said before sweeping you off your feet into a bridal carry.
Captain Kirk, Captain James T. Kirk, was carrying you back to your own goddamn quarters. You pressed the hand that wasn’t wrapped around his neck against your face to cover your blush- What was his deal! “Captain, if you’re that concerned about my health, perhaps you wouldn’t want to be, well, this close to me? Please, put me down.” He looked down at you, brows furrowed. “It’s not a cold transmitted by contact, Lieutenant,” you sighed a little at him using your official title while carrying you like this. “Doctor McCoy explained that to you already. You’re tired, you almost collapsed on the Bridge, you need to get some sleep and rest. I won’t say it again.”
“But-” He softly stroked your shoulder with his thumb, and it shut you up immediately.
“That’s all I gotta do to quiet you down?” It had clicked for him just a few seconds prior that you weren’t acting strangely just because you were sick. He smiled down at you- something you’d usually expect to be snarky from anyone else after the last comment, but not from him. You knew your face must be redder than your shirt by now, and without thinking, you pressed into his chest to try to hide it. You felt his next chuckle more than you heard it.
You stayed like that for a few moments more until he made it to your door, inside, and to your bed, where he put you down gently. You sat up immediately, and he smiled again.
“Give it up, Lieutenant. I wouldn’t want to have to confine you to your quarters.” You frowned. “Captain, nothing is more important to me than my work. I’ve just got a headache and a tickly nose, at least clear me for tomorrow!” Your head pounded at the effort of raising your voice and you cringed in pain. Jim frowned now too, reaching out and then sitting down beside you. He thought for a moment, while you looked down with your hands in your lap.
“You know, Lieut- Y/N, you know, you’d be no good at your tasks right now anyway.” You laughed quietly. “Gee, thanks, Cap.” You watched as his hand found its way into your lap and between your clammy ones, fingers lacing with yours. He was looking at you, but your own eyes were glued to your lap. His next words were spoken so softly, you could hardly believe this was the same man who’d yelled at you earlier to take a rest.
“That didn’t quite come out how I meant. I meant, you’re an incredible officer who does incredible work here, and I’m sure you wouldn’t want to dampen that record because you don’t know how to relax when you need to.”
“This isn’t relaxing,” you sighed. His other hand reached up to cup your cheek, turning your face so you’d look at him. And you did- oh, how you did. How lovely it was to look at him up close, to look so deeply into his eyes you thought you’d never be able to escape. You always tried to avoid eye contact with him, and contact in general- which had always proved difficult. He was always asking you to join the landing party, and then dinner after, and a game in the rec room, and a gym session- you always tagged along, feeling like a pity case and wondering why he’d have you there. It had never once occurred to you that maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way about you as you did him.
“I know. Maybe I could help that?” His eyes flickered to your lips for a moment, then back up. You looked down, leaning into his hand on your cheek and finally beginning to grasp the one in your lap rather than just letting it be there. “Maybe,” you said, barely above a whisper. He closed in, slowly at first, then quickly- he kissed you sweetly, and to say you melted inside would be an understatement. You moved one hand to touch the edge of his jaw ever so gently and felt him smile. He pulled away from you a bit, but stayed close, resting his forehead against yours.
“You sure you won’t catch this cold, Jim?” You smiled, and kept your eyes closed. You felt his breath against your cheek as he chuckled before responding: “So now we’re on a first name basis, I see?” You sat up abruptly, the brain fog hadn’t allowed you to interpret that as a joke. “If we aren’t sir, my sincerest apologies, I just-”
He gently grabbed your shoulders and kissed you again. Shorter this time, but not exactly a peck. You blinked at him, and he grinned.
“I was teasing.”
“Ah. Of course. Maybe I really do need some rest.” His eyes suddenly lit up, almost in a comical lightbulb-moment way. “Why don’t I stay with you a bit longer? You know, make sure you actually stay put and all.” You smiled and looked at the floor once again, but not before picking up on a slight blush from him. He truly was a sweetheart. You nodded, humming. “That would be nice, I think. What about the bridge though?”
“Spock will have it under control for as long as needed,” he responded while laying the two of you down. You wrapped an arm around his waist and cuddled into his shoulder, despite still thinking it’s completely inappropriate for you to do this with the captain- but he doesn’t seem concerned at all. Your tiredness had caught up with you once you finally allowed yourself to relax- you let out a loud yawn, and couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore. “Try to sleep now, Y/N. I’ll be here.”
“Thanks, Jim,” you mumbled as you started to drift off. He pressed a kiss onto the top of your head, and you could feel him smiling again before your mind finally went quiet.
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spvce-cowboy · 3 years
ch. 3 of i’ll be here in the morning (the mandalorian x fem!reader)
previous-ch. 2: “gentle things”
next-ch. 4: “songbird”
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rating: mature 
8k words
warnings: alcohol, drug use mentioned, jealous/protective mando, animal cruelty, descriptions of gore
summary: the luxurious rot of Canto Bight is enough to put anyone on edge. Mando is forced to ask for your help in finding a high profile quarry.
Mando leaves the fighting ring before the caterwauling nexu is able to deal the killing blow.
 He can still hear the sound of the gore spraying against the floor as he climbs the stairs towards the exit, the roaring jeer of the crowd obliterating the speakers inside his helmet. The inevitable outcome of the fight was clear from its onset given the state of the nexu’s opponent, some kind of sand-bear, who was already injured upon entering the cage-like structure.
This wasn’t the Outer-Rim fighting rings he was used to. This place has carpets and a fucking chandelier suspended right above the blood clotted, dirt floor of the pit. It has pipe smoke and dark liquor, the low rumble of voices that only rise in tandem with the progression of the fight. There’s a strange reserve among this crowd that Mando has never seen before, not in this context at least.
 The patrons still had that starved look in their eyes though—bloodlust, pure and simple. Somehow, all the tuxedos and hair gel makes it far more sinister than it normally would be.
Karga sent him here to gather information about the quarry, but after an entire day spent searching along with the past hour he’d spent floating around the fight hall where the informant was rumored to be, he knew to give it up before he wasted any more time.
Mando exits the underground arena, stepping into the late afternoon heat just as it begins its gradual descent towards an oncoming chill. Upon arriving at Canto Bight, he had learned very quickly to avoid the main streets. There were too many eyes and whispers for a bounty as high profile as this one for him to be spotted on his own like this, obviously searching for something. 
There’s something about this city that makes him absolutely revolted. It’s not the strongest testament to his resolve or his character, but, at the same time, it’s not something he can necessarily help.
Mando still has absolutely no clue what Karga was thinking, but here he is, regardless if it made any sense or not.
He returns to the Crest, deflated after a second unsuccessful day of trying to gather information about the quarry’s whereabouts. He is desperate for a lead, two of three informants proving to be completely useless and his patience growing thinner every second he has to stay on this forsaken planet.
Closing the ramp behind him, Mando heads straight for the cockpit, needing a moment to regather his thoughts. To brainstorm a better plan of action before it becomes too late to rendezvous with Karga’s third, and last, possible informant.
The problem was that there was absolutely no way he was going to be able to get into the racetracks on his own. Getting into the fighting pit—which was considered “seedy” by Canto standards--was already a total hassle, costing him far too many credits and straining what limited negotiation skills he had.
The second problem was that he’d rather take a blaster to the leg than involve you in one of his missions. But now that was kind of his only option.
Mando rubs a hand over the forehead of his helm as he paces. When that doesn’t work, he settles himself in his pilot’s seat, hunching over slightly against the weight of the beskar against his bones. Maker, he is fucking tired.
Swiveling his head to the side, he notices a pile of something on the console that he can’t exactly make out until he leans over it.
Resting on the command board is a leather string, a few palm-sized pieces of stained glass already fashioned to hang from it by smaller loops of the same material in varied lengths. It looks like you were in the middle of working on it when something else distracted you, several more discs of glass piled onto one another to the right of the unfinished project, and a few loose scraps of leather in a pile on the copilot’s chair.
Mando allows himself to admire it for a moment, rubbing his gloved thumb over the glass’s surface. By the time he glances up through the windows of the cockpit, looking at all the people milling about outside, his breathing has somewhat evened. It’s easier to think straight, at least.
He stands and climbs back into the hull, rounding the corner to peer into the space you’ve made for yourself.
It takes him a moment to see you over the pile of blankets you’ve kicked off your mattress. You’re asleep. Under the table. The kid taking a nap with you. Of course that’s where he expected you to be if you weren’t in the cockpit but—but.
You’re on your belly, head buried in your folded arms. You have one, bare leg hitched up over pillow. The length of your calf spills over onto the floor, socked foot delicately pointed. That’s not really what stops him in his tracks. Well, it is in part.
But you’re wearing one of his shirts.
It must have just been a mistake, he knows that. He’s seen you in one of your own that’s the same general color and cut, but he knows this one is his because of the hole in the elbow where it had caught on an exposed screw and torn a few days previous. He’d been too busy to mend it.
Mando tries to wake you before his thoughts could go anywhere else. He says your name quietly, then a little louder. It wakes the kid, who yawns and blinks up at Mando, making happy sounds up at him from where he’s snuggled into your side.
When that doesn’t work, Mando nudges your calf with the tip of his boot. You startle awake, a protective hand shooting out to automatically bring the child against your chest, blinking rapidly up at him.
“Oh,” you wince slightly at the light coming into the cabin but otherwise doesn’t visibly react when you realize it’s him. Your arm loosens from where it had wrapped around the kid. “You’re back. I thought you’d be gone a while longer.”
“I need your help with something,” Mando crosses his arms in front of his chest. It gives him something to do with his hands and how awkward they feel just hanging at his sides as you prop yourself up into a sitting position to listen to him, the loose material of his shirt pulling up to reveal little glimpses of your lower back and belly as you do. “I have to have a companion with me, to go into the racetrack. They won’t let me in if they think I’m looking for a quarry.” 
You nod, rubbing your eye with the heel of your palm, voice croaking and still hazy with sleep. “Yeah, yeah sure. I wanted to check it out anyway. Just lemme get changed and we can head out.”
You pick the kid up and place him back on the floor of the hull. He toddles over to Mando, nearly falling—your hands automatically reach out to hover over his sides--but he manages to catch himself on Mando’s pantleg, tugging the fabric in a determined up, now.
Your brow furrows. “What’re we gonna—”
“There’s a nursery. Karga cleared it,” Mando reaches down and scoops up the kid. 
“Gotcha,” your voice already sounds clearer. You reach out a hand for Mando to pull you up, he obliges. The blankets fall from where they’ve pooled around your lap as you do.
You pad down the length of the hull towards the fresher, your hips sway with the movement as you lift an arm to continue rubbing the sleep from your face. The shorts you’re wearing are a few sizes too big, you have them rolled twice at the waistband to keep them up. Mando looks away sharply once he notices. 
“Alright womp rat, how does some dinner sound?” Mando smiles to himself when the kid gives an impatient squeak. “Yeah, yeah okay alright. I’m the worst caregiver in the galaxy, I know.” The child keeps giggling as Mando makes his way into the cockpit.
Mando is running through some of the Crest’s vitals on the command board when he hears you climbing up the ladder.
“Do you think this would be okay, for the racetrack?” There’s a certain timid quality to your voice he doesn’t think he’s heard before. You have also literally never asked him for approval on something, so he’s already a bit surprised before he turns to look at you. 
The clothes you chose were simple, a fitted long sleeve and a pair of loose-fitting pants long enough to at least partially conceal your work boots. It shouldn’t have felt like much of a departure from your usual roster of outfits because it really wasn’t, but for some reason there’s something different about it that he can’t put his finger on.
You have your hair piled on top of your head in a bun. With it pulled back like that, all attention is drawn to the canvas of your neck, your delicate throat that gently eases into the soft planes of your face. There’s a nonchalant beauty to you that sucks all previous thoughts straight from his head.
“You might want to bring something warmer, a jacket or something.” He turns back to the command board, desperate to look busy and hide how long he looked for. “Temperatures drop on Cantonica as soon as the sun starts setting.”
“Oops—yep. Desert planet. I forgot,” you sigh. He hears the sound of your boots scaling the ladder back down.
He purposefully doesn’t look up when you enter the cockpit again, when you announce you’re ready he nods curtly, making brief but direct eye contact with you before setting a quick pace out of the Crest and into the streets of Canto Bight.
The nursery is tucked away, out of reach and notice, protection guaranteed. He leads you through a series back-street passages to get there, too nervous about the attention the three of you would get with the kid and the main roads. You carry him against your hip most of the way, occasionally adjusting the little hood you’ve fashioned to cover his most distinguishable features with every person you pass. 
The door is nondescript, positioned in the alleyway behind a semi-busy restaurant. Mando can sense your apprehension the second he steps up to press the buzzer. Within seconds, there’s the sound of a series of bolts unlocking.
A warm faced woman opened the door, wearing the clean white uniform of a nurse. “When Karga called in I hardly believed it,” her voice is light, but there’s a grating, nervous squeak to it that makes Mando scowl. Maybe it was just the day he was having, but just about anything was able to set him off.
Mando and the nurse exchange a few blunt words about pricing and care. He winces, slightly, at the cost, but it’s not anything either of you could notice. Right as Mando is about to turn to take the kid from your arms, you speak up.
“Is this… safe?” You ask again, holding the kid a little tighter to your chest. He realizes that it’s the first time since you’ve joined them that you’re separating from the kid, Mando thinks his anxiety is partially feeding off of yours. 
“Karga gave me his word. It’ll only be for a few hours.” Mando glances at the nurse, who was giving the two of you her very best customer service smile. “C’mon pal,” Mando nods towards the nurse. The child’s big eyes stare apprehensively up at you, then at Mando. One of his small hands unfixes itself from your shirt to reach out towards the bounty hunter. The nurse clucks her tongue, her hands on her hips.
“Someone seems like he’s already gonna miss his daddy.”
His stomach drops without warning. “I’m not his father.” The correction is biting in a way he doesn’t intend it to be. He’s vividly aware of your sharp inhale at his words. The nurse looks startled for a half second before blinking her eyes and retaining composure.
“Yes, yes of course,” she stretches out a hand as an offering of assurance towards the child, who has resumed clinging to the fabric of your shirt. “Hey little guy, c’mon. I’ve got a lot of friends for you to play with, and some snacks. You like the sound of that?” 
Mando catches your smile at the child’s ears flicking with interest, despite the fact that his hands are still firmly attached to you. Mando mutters something under his breath before taking the child from you, handing him off to the nurse and trying to push down the terrible feeling it gives him hearing the kid give a small whimper as the two of you walk away.
The racetrack is down a major boulevard, towering sandstone buildings line either side, their circular doors illuminated by bands of glowing yellow neon. The streets are a different kind of polished stone that makes Mando’s skin absolutely crawl for not discernible reason.
He thinks you’ve caught on to his worsening mood because you try to keep the conversation warm and light in a way he’s never seen you do before. Your eyes are fixed to a constant arcing movement, taking in as much of it as you can, but your mouth keeps moving about anything but Canto Bight. You avoidance just draws more focus towards the situation at hand, but he appreciates the effort.
When the two of you reach the racetrack, you stop talking completely as you scale the stands. You and Mando settle on two chairs pulled up to a tiny table, overlooking the standing room crowd below. Mando faces the crowds more than the track itself, however you angle your chair so that you can look at the racing fathiers with ease. Eventually you turn away, grimacing.
“What is it?” He asks, out of curiosity as well as a desire to fill the silence.
“They’re so beautiful,” you cast one more glance over the track as the group rumbles past to the sharp roar of the crowd. “But they look so sad.” You keep looking at the beasts for a beat longer before fixing your gaze to your hands clasped in your lap.
Mando finds his words slowly. “This planet… this amount of abundance. There is always a cost. They always make someone else pay.”
You wince, shifting your body so you’re only facing Mando and the expanse of the crowd that’s over his shoulder. You don’t look at the track for a while after that, purposefully keeping your body turned to keep your gaze away.
Mando finds fleeting solace in the fact that he was at least able to keep you away from the fighting ring, which is quickly replaced by guilt in exposing you to a similar cruelty in a less bloody form. He does his best to remind himself that you mentioned wanting to see the races previously, that the indecipherable emotion on your face was not entirely his fault.
 The wait spans an hour. The tension in Mando’s shoulders grows with each passing minute.
 “He isn’t coming,” Mando eventually grits out. “It’s… Maker I—”
 Jobs have started off way worse than this, he’s not sure why he’s allowing all of it to get under his skin. It’s this damn city, something about it makes him feel like there is a knifepoint digging between his ribs.
 You tap his hand lightly. Twice, with your index and middle fingers. It happens so quickly he’s almost able to believe he’s imagined it if it weren’t for the fact that you were still adjusting your hands in your lap after your hand had retreated. As if you didn’t know what possessed you to do that, either.
 “Hey. It’s fine. It’ll work itself out, yeah?” You maneuver your head to stare directly into his visor. For some reason that alone is infinitely more intimate than your brief touch. “We can just stay here for a bit longer in case the informant shows up, then pick up the kid, grab something to eat and hunker down in the Crest. Tomorrow’s a new day, or whatever.”
Mando looks you over, then nods.
 The sun is setting on the horizon, the tracks illuminated by the last vestiges of its light. This is the beginning of most everyone’s day, yet the drinks are already flowing, and have been for quite some time.
 There are far too many extravagant outfits, ridiculous little hats barely teetering on large skulls. The roar of the crowd grows with their drunkenness, the races becoming crueler the more the stands fill. Mando will never understand the value in any of this and he’s genuinely not sure what’s worse—the icy coolness of the fighting rink or whatever all this is.
 “Who’s the quarry?” You blink up at him. “If you don’t mind me asking.”
 “Tyreus Cavill. Some filthy rich kid who doesn’t know how to keep his damn mouth shut. He’s taunting the Gild to the point of insult,” Mando rubs his hand over the brow of his helm. “It’s been confirmed that he’s supposed to be at some kind of party tonight. That was just about the only information I could get.”
 “Was that why Karga mentioned deep cover?”
 Mando nods. “He said it would be my most viable option, which doesn’t make any kind of sense. Especially with no pre-existing contacts that could get me any intel on where he’s hiding.”
 You speak up after a while. Mando isn’t sure how long, too comfortable in the silence as is.
“You know my mother worked for the Alderaanian court?” You say it softly, quickly looking at the racetrack to avoid drawing attention to your words. You’re kneading the hem of your sweater, a nervous tick of yours he couldn’t help but notice. “I still remember all the things she had to teach me when we went to dinners at the homes of the survivors, the etiquette and everything. I’m positive it’s much of the same, here. All this,” you twirl your index finger in the air, gesturing to the whole of the track and presumably what lay beyond. “Seems very familiar. I could help, if you need it.” 
“Your mother?”
“She was the court singer--or, well, one of them,” your voice is tense. “My father was a professor. I don’t remember a lot, just that they loved me very much.” Your eyes are searching the crowd in some desperate search for something, he’s not sure what. Probably for any kind of distraction, or any reason to keep your eyes away from his. He waits in silence, patiently. “They moved to a different planet to have me, a few years before the annihilation, there were a few other survivors who were off planet when it happened. I remember my parents hosting them, and they us, on a few occasions. It was always a multi-day affair of trying to remind me what proper manners were.” You wrinkle your nose. “It’s all very stupid, if you ask me. But,” you turn your head finally and look at him evenly. “I can—”
Mando watches as your gaze floats to a space just above his left shoulder. Your entire body visibly tenses, lips parted in what he can only think is total shock. Your hands drop the edge of your shirt and hover in your lap, as if you don’t know what to do with them.
Before Mando can ask what is wrong, you’re getting up from the table and pushing through the crowd. It takes him a beat to register what has just happened before he is up and following after you, making considerably better time in catching up given the fact that the crowd seems to naturally part for him. He almost reaches out to touch you, but instead settles for aiding your pursuit by keeping pace and staying at your side, clearing a path for you with his body and an outstretched arm to motion people to the side.
“What is it?” He tries to keep his voice low enough to not be overheard, his head in a constant survey of the crowds before you. You shake your head and keep pushing forward, higher into the stands, swerving around servers with platters stacked high with strange looking drinks. “Hey—if we go any further we’d need clearance—" the higher in the stands, the richer the patrons get. They wouldn’t let either of you in without identification after the eighth flight, which you’d just swiftly pushed past. Mando checks over his shoulder and, sure enough, a server is murmuring something to a guard droid, pointing up at you.
You’re so far up by that time that you have at least a minute until the droid catches up with the two of you. You climb onto one of the raised platforms dotted with various aristocratic parties, dining over bright white table cloths, centerpieces of bizarre orange flowers bursting through the tables. You make a beeline for the centermost table, where a Twi’lek woman is dining with an Abednedo and a human male.
You approach the Twi’lek in three swift strides, grabbing her shoulder. “Febhana.”
When the woman turns, standing, there’s a kind of wide-eyed shock of absolute wonder that immediately turns into pure joy. The two of you leap into one another’s arms in a cacophony of ecstatic, indistinguishable sounds. One of some long awaited reunion.
The Twi’lek woman, Febhana, holds your face in her hands, yours slide over hers. There are tears in her eyes as the two of your chatter over one another in breathless delight. 
“I thought you—”
“I had no idea that—”
“I’ve tried to find—”
 You both cut each other off, staring into one another’s eyes before laughing again and embracing tightly.
 From over your shoulder, Febhana gives Mando one of the quickest, scathing once-overs he’s ever received. He can’t help but automatically have a little bit of respect for it, especially compared to the terrified, diverted eyes of her companions.
 “Who is this?” She asks, pulling away from your embrace slightly. You open your mouth to respond but she’s already babbling over your warmly. “Oh! No. Don’t tell me. Not yet. Let’s do this over drinks at mine—please. Please indulge me. Maker, look at you.”
 You let loose a laugh Mando doesn’t think he’s heard before. A certain tonal quality of complete release, familiarity. You nod as Febhana clasps your face between her hands again, in marvel. Mando doesn’t blame her, with that look of utter joy on your face he’d—
“Do excuse us,” Febhana swiftly addresses her dinner mates, they nod and mutter forgiveness, eyes still fixed to the ground. Mando knows for a fact that at least one of them has a fob on them by the tight anxiety exchanged in their brief glances towards one another. He ignores it for the sake of maintaining the moment between you and your friend.
 Mando trails behind the two of you by a few paces. As Febhana guides you through the crowds, she waves off the guard droid with an elegantly manicured hand.
Febhana’s apartment could be considered a house twice over by Mando’s book. She leads you and him through so many tall-ceilinged hallways and rooms to get to the… lounge, he guesses would be a proper term for it… that he genuinely can’t remember where the entrance is.
The room contains a bar stocked better than any cantina on Nevarro, a few odd pieces of furniture, and a large fireplace. Heavy, dark blue curtains hang from windows so tall he has to crane his head upwards to see the top. He guesses the luxury is communicated through the refusal to occupy the space with much else, despite the fact that it could be considered a small banquet hall.
Febhana makes you and her drinks while you settle on one of the sloping, white couches, scanning the room in the same way Mando has been, with a little more plain wonder in your eyes.
Mando hovers on the periphery, unsure of where to place himself until you motion him over to sit on one of the opposing chairs, equally abstract as the rest of the furniture. Febhana settles across from you on the couch, handing you your drink before leaning back and kicking off her heels.
The two of you are in a constant chatter that has so many names and dates and overlapping speech that Mando has a difficult time keeping up. What he does catch is limited and mostly inferred: the two of you escaped from the same warlord at different times, Febhana was able to scale the social ranks of Canto Bight with ease and an inherited wallet--most importantly, the two of your missed each other very much.
It’s been at least an hour since the three of you sat down when Febhana directly addresses Mando for the first time.
“And what are you doing here, Mandalorian?” 
Mando feels your eyes on him, burning, as you take a sip of your cocktail. 
“She saved my life,” he manages as a straightforward reply. “I’ve hired her as a medic.”
“Febhana,” you say. When you’re slightly tipsy like this, you have a breathless wonder in the way you go about describing things. “It’s… it’s been so good. I’ve been practicing all these languages and… Maker, all the places I’ve been. It’s just like you described, when we would tell each other stories to go to sleep. Everything’s so big and there are so many people.”
Febhana throws back her head in a laugh, nodding. “Well I know that, darling. Oh, stars, it’s so good to look at you again.”
You and Febhana go back and forth a while longer still, Mando happily settles into the rhythm of it. There’s the warm, familiar way women get so engrossed in one another that he finds completely novel, if not enviable. It softens something in him to see you so relaxed as you prompt Febhana to detail her exploits, the excited yip you make when she flashes you the wedding band strung on a series of thin gold chains looped around her neck.
Then again, the way the two of you seem so physically intimate occasionally makes something in his chest constrict uncomfortably. He isn’t sure where it comes from, all the little touches you give each other seem to come from a place of purely platonic joy in reunion. But there’s a little jolt in his stomach whenever he sees it happen. He doesn’t want to acknowledge it as jealousy, but… she gets to feel you. So unabashedly.
At some point there’s a lull in the conversation. You take this moment to stretch your arm across the couch, clasping Febhana’s hands in your own. “We’re actually here for a specific reason,” you say. “And I’m only asking you out of genuine, pure desperation—Mando… has a job, here. That’s gotten a little tricky. The bounty is on the head of Tyreus Cavill.” Febhana’s eyes widen considerably, but other than that she maintains composure. Taking a deep breath, you continue, “He needs to find him, Febhana—there’s intel that he’s supposed to be at some kind of event. Possibly tonight.” You glance up at Mando to check if you’re getting the details right, he gives you brief nod of assurance when you do. “Do you know anything about it?”
Febhana scoffs, shaking her head and withdrawing her hand from yours to grab her drink resting on the low glass table in front of you. “If you’re referring to what I think you are, it would be the Gathering of Rams, one of the most exclusive events hosted on Canto. I’d imagine that’s why he’d dare show his face, even with the price on his head. Unless you already have an in, you’re fucked, Mandalorian. That place is more fortified than a warship.”
You visibly deflate. “What do you mean?”
“It’s an old, and I mean old, money tradition. A dinner for just about every despicable person in the galaxy. I’ve only heard rumors about what goes on, definitely some serious cult-y type shit, oaths, rituals, the like.” She chews on a nail as she thinks. Something in her eyes lights up. “Wait. I think I… yes! Yes, I got the announcement a few weeks ago. Stars I think—” she looks down at the device on the inside of her wrist, tapping on it until—“Christ you two are the luckiest couple of bounty hunters in the galaxy, you know that? The Tagges are hosting the afterparty, tonight. The most eligible of all of Canto Bight will be there, and then some. I was invited a few weeks ago, I’d completely forgotten. With any luck he’ll be dumb and drunk enough after the Gathering to go.”
“The Tagges?” Your voice is filled with apprehension. You glance to Mando, then quickly back to your friend. “Febhana, there’s no way he can get in.”
“Hm, I’d think so too but there could be a chance…” Her eyes narrow, her face breaking into a toothy grin. “No, I’m a complete idiot. Maker, this is gonna be perfect--most of the ladies in waiting here dress their guard droids as glorified curtains. It’s a new thing if you get what I’m saying. If we go in together and disguise the Mandalorian as even more of a hunk of metal than he already is—” Mando grunts at the slight jab—“all one of us would have to do is get the target by himself with a little eye-batting and it would be a done deal.” 
You and Mando speak in unison.
“I am not going to be a honeypot.”
“She will not.”
 Febhana raises a brow, one side of her mouth pulling up in poorly concealed amusement.
“Oh I suggested no such thing, I’d happily volunteer. But I do need a wing-woman, for appearance’s sake. I am taken, you know,” she flashes the wedding band again, pulling the collar of her dress down a fraction to do so. “Would be unbecoming to go on the prowl in public like that without pretending like I was just assisting.”
Mando glances over at you, trying to gauge your reaction to her proposal before he came off as to overbearing. He didn’t have the right to, he knows that. But there’s some raw part of him that winces at the very thought of you and your safety getting involved in one of his jobs. Maker if you got hurt in any way—
Febhana’s voice breaks his thought before it can be fully formed. “Oh, this is going to be excellent.” She practically purrs, jumping off the couch and extending her hand towards you to help you up. You comply, giving Mando a raised-brow glance of well, let’s see where this goes.
As Febhana begins leading you across the room, Mando stands.
“Should I contact the nursery to let them know to keep the child overnight?”
“The child?” Febhana’s eyes flick between you and Mando quickly. “I’m sorry, what?”
You curse under your breath, pressing your hand against your forehead. “A kid we’re looking after,” you clarify for Febhana. “I’m so sorry Mando, I got excited so it completely slipped my mind. I…” you bite your lip. “If you feel like it would be safe doing that I… guess that should be fine.”
“My wife could also look after it,” Febhana regards Mando evenly for a moment. “If you’re worried about safety. Would that be sufficient?”
Your eyes brighten slightly, glancing at Mando, tilting your head in question.
Mando nods, addressing Febhana directly. “If she trusts you, I do. I can travel back and get him while the two of you get ready.”
“I’ll send a car for you,” Febhana throws the remark over her shoulder, already busying herself by flinging the double doors that lead into the hallway back open.
You inhale sharply as if remembering something, tapping your friend on the shoulder before she begins to walk down the hall. “Wait, Febhana—the car, is there maybe a taxi service you could call? With an actual driver? He… we don’t really ‘do’ droids, if possible.” 
“I have an ‘actual’ driver, darling,” Febhana playfully chides. Her eyes flick towards Mando. “I’ll ring him, he’ll be downstairs in a moment. You remember where the entrance is, right?” 
Your delicate rephrasing, that “we,” rings in Mando’s ears for the entire trip back to the nursery. 
Mando quickly returns with the child, slightly weirded out by the enclosed landspeeder Febhana sent for him. It’s unlike anything he’d seen before, more like a carriage than any hover-craft he’d ever set foot in. There’s a dividing curtain between the passenger cabin and the driver’s seat, which he has pushed away to make sure the silent man at the wheel doesn’t try anything. 
The driver has a stony demeanor that seems very similar to Febhana’s—she clearly wasn’t one to suffer fools, and the people she surrounded herself with seemed to reflect that. Thinking back to the way you initially interacted with Mando, he could potentially see how your shared history with Febhana could have informed that. The characteristic briskness, the unflinching resolve. 
The child spends most of the returning trip chattering in relief, little hands reaching out to touch Mando’s beskar in a continuous greeting.
“Right here, kid. Always right here,” he affectionately rubs the corner of the child’s ear. There’s a heavy guilt that had settled itself in the bottom of Mando’s stomach since dropping him off.
He wants to apologize in some way, to blame it on his mood or the mounting anxiety surrounding the job, but he doesn’t know how to phrase it in a way that wouldn’t make him sound like a complete jackass. So he settles for bowing his helm to bump foreheads with the kid in a small display of reassurance. It seems to settle something in both him and the child almost immediately.
Mando glances up sharply, nearly forgetting the parted dividing curtain. The man, a wiry looking human male, glances back at the two of them through the thin pane of the rearview mirror, then returns to chain smoking while wildly maneuvering his way through traffic. 
The hover-car’s abrupt stop breaks him from his thoughts. He glances out the window, recognizing Febhana’s apartment building. The entire block is in a similar style as the boulevard you both had walked down earlier, circular doors outlined by bands of glowing yellow light. The only difference were the towering, wrought iron gates in front of each building and a set of tall stairs made of the same sandstone leading up to each house. The driver gets out and opens the landspeeder’s door for Mando and the kid, then steps forward and unlocks the gate, holding it open for the two of them.
“Sir.” The driver’s voice is more of a growl. If it weren’t for the enhanced settings of Mando’s visor, it would be too dark to see the mass of scar tissue that formed a jagged line across the man’s throat. The old wound is only partially concealed by the lapel of his coat pulled up against the drizzling rain. He’s abnormally tall, so thin that it looks as if his skull is actively attempting to escape his face. “Febhana’s apartment is the third buzzer. The service droid will let you in. She told me you should follow it.” The cigarette balancing against his lip bobs as he speaks, his heavy drawl disrupted only in part by his eviscerated voice box.
Mando’s lip curls slightly but he nods, thanking the driver, ducking out of the hover-car and climbing the steps leading to the apartment’s door.
Just as the driver said, the front door of Febhana’s apartment is opened by a droid. Mando stiffens despite the fact that the thing just barely reaches his knee. It gives off a series of little sounds before turning away and maneuvering down the front hall. Muttering something unsavory about Canto Bight under his breath, Mando follows it inside.
When he arrives at the threshold of Febhana’s dressing room, she’s only just started pulling out dresses for you to try on. He deflates slightly, really hoping that the two of you would have gotten this part over with so he could begin scoping out the Tagge mansion as soon as possible.
Mando accepts his fate and seats himself for the time being, placing the kid on the ground to let him toddle over to you. You lean down immediately and scoop him up, lifting him in the air with a happy: “Hey, stinky!” The child giggles as you snuggle him to your chest, pressing kisses all over his face in reunion. 
You keep gently playing with the kid as you and Febhana resume your conversation: wiggling your fingers over his face for him to grab, tickling his tummy, gently pinching his socked feet. It’s something you sink into so naturally Mando can’t help but be mesmerized by it. It calms something in him, to see both of you like that. He pushes the implications of that feeling away for the time being, as he always does.
Febhana gives the kid a bit of a once-over but looks overall disinterested, turning her attention back to rummage through her closet. “So it’s supposed to be a formal dance, but if it’s anything like the similar things I’ve gone to, that shit quickly disintegrates. But it’s still weirdly important for them to keep up the illusion of appearances, even though most rooms with closeable doors are occupied by people railing lines or fucking. Or both. Usually both.” The Twi’lek woman plucks out some kind of red, silken shift, holding it in the air then shaking her head and returning to her hunt. “I’ve been to enough Tagge parties to be a familiar face, we can play you off as an old friend of mine, some kind of lady-in-waiting thing or whatever. Crowds like these don’t tend to prod too deeply into personal histories, and with tits like yours I don’t think they’ll be interested in asking too many questions.”
Mando clenches his jaw so hard something starts hurting. You give a bit of an embarrassed laugh, quickly diverting the conversation. “So how do we get introduced to Cavill?”
 “Honestly? The easiest thing to do would be getting you to snuggled up with one of his friends. He runs around with a group of bachelors who are not… pleasant company by any standards. Snotty rich kids,” she makes a face. “But if that’s not an option I could try to push some of my contacts there to get us into their circle. Seriously, darling, with men like this involved it is probably going to be one of the easiest bounties he’s ever going to collect.”
The strain being placed on every cell in Mando’s body in response to this conversation alone says the exact opposite.
Febhana continues pulling out dresses, layering some over a bench and discarding others all together.
“Febhana, will they know?” You ask it suddenly, your tone—not tense, necessarily, but definitely controlled, as if you were expecting an answer you didn’t want to hear but were willing to take regardless.
“It’s the Tagge family, so of course they know what happened to that fucker, but I don’t think they would care,” she waves off your fearful tone with a shake of her head. “Just as long as we make a bit of an effort to conceal your identity, for formality’s sake, it’ll be fine.”
“What happened to who?” Mando asks. Once he does, all the air is immediately sucked out of the room.
After an extended moment. “You didn’t tell him?” Febhana’s head cocks, you visibly swallow.
“I um…” your nostrils flare with the sharp inhale you take as you search for the right words. “When I escaped…”
Febhana interrupts. “She stabbed the shit out of the warlord who owned us. All his wife found was pulp. Didn’t take it well, the cunt. Nearly catatonic. The rest of us were able to practically waltz out of there because of this one. Owe this gorgeous bitch my life. All of us do.”
You smile at Febhana, reaching out to squeeze her hand. She winks at you, covering it with her own before turning to go rifle back through her closet. You keep your gaze to your hands when she does, lips pressed together. Mando doesn’t remove his eyes from you as Febhana continues. 
“So it might be a little difficult getting her in there, but to be honest the Tagges hated him anyway. Rival business type stuff, though, not the whole holding women captive or worker’s rights violations and debt bondage thing,” her voice drips with a kind of contempt that Mando prays he’ll never have directed his way. He notices your hands tighten slightly from where they lay in your lap, your arms loosely looped around the kid who now sits upright in your lap. “I know someone who can forge some papers well enough to present to the guards, he owes me some favors anyway,” Febhana continues. “They’ll be ready by the time we have to leave. Doll you up enough and I’m sure it’ll be fine—ah!” It is only then that Mando looks back over to the Twi’lek woman. Her eyes are lit up, fanged mouth pulled upwards in a triumphant smile. The dress in her hand is a deep plum color, fabric so thin he cannot make out what it actually looks like without a form to fill it. You reach out to it, rubbing the dress between your thumb and index finger.
“Perfect.” You and Febhana say it in unison, your widest smile of the night parted up at her. There’s a delighted, mischievous tilt to your mouth he’s never seen before.
Mando swallows, despite the sudden tightness in his throat. 
He waits outside while the two of you change, sitting on a strange tufted seat pushed against the hallway’s bay window. It’s piled with an obnoxious amount of silken pillows—it seems the longer you’ve been with him, the more surfaces his beskar encounters that it never would have otherwise. A part of him is able to find the humor of that, despite the discomfort of feeling wildly out of place in your friend’s luxurious home. He settles with his legs slightly spread, back hunched to brace his elbows against the tops of his beskar-clad thighs.
After about thirty minutes, a woman comes down the hall, absentmindedly cleaning a pair of large-framed glasses with the corner of her sweater, a thick, leather-bound book tucked under one arm. She looks as out of place in this hallway as he does—more like a Galactic librarian than a resident of an apartment like this. She puts her glasses back on and stops in her tracks once she sees him.
“Who are you?”
Mando clears his throat. “A friend of Febhana’s.” 
“No you’re not.” 
“Yes, I am--well. A friend of a friend.”
Her eyes narrow quizzically. “I’ve been married to that woman for five years now. I think I would know if she had a Mandalorian as a ‘friend of a friend.’”
As if on cue, Febhana emerges from the beaded curtain suspended over the entrance of her dressing room, barefoot and wearing a blue gown. She pads over to the woman, something bulky tucked under one arm, the other carrying the child in a sleeping bundle. Febhana places him in her wife’s arms delicately. “Lovely, we’re just getting ready for the party. Don’t mind her play-thing,” she tilts her head towards Mando without directly looking at him. “He’s just here for decoration.” 
Mando physically bites his tongue.
Febhana’s wife glances at Mando, before leaning up to gently kiss Febhana. “Alright, I’ll be in the study. Wake me when you get back.”
Febhana cups her wife’s face gently. It’s such an intimate gesture that Mando looks away, feeling as though his presence alone is an interruption. The couple talks quietly for a moment, then her wife exits through the same door she came in from.
“Here is the guard’s uniform. The measurements should be right,” Febhana stands in front of Mando, handing him folded pieces of dark fabric, and then a helm. It’s two halves of a black metal shell meant to fit and tighten over the face of a droid. There’s a thick pane of darkened glass cutting through the middle of the mask, presumably to not disrupt a droid’s sensors but it will render Mando’s absolutely useless. This night just keeps getting better and better.
The whole thing is not something Mando has ever seen before, though he was never one to frequent circles like Febhana’s. The only distinguishable features are symmetrical dips cutting severe cheekbones into the object’s silhouette. Two fixed pieces of gilded metal form a swooping triangle that hovers just over where his nose will be under the helmet’s featureless surface. Looping, thin chains dripping from the decorative structure to partially conceal the mask’s lower half. When he holds it up in the low light of the hallway, their movement creates glinting waves of light.  
All of it is purely flare, for the most part. At least the tailor made plenty room for armor beneath the--as Febhana put it--glorified curtains usually meant to conceal a droid. He heaves a sigh, taking the uniform from her. “This is the only option?”
Febhana shrugs. “Unless you want me and your girl going in by ourselves and trying to lure him out to you--which is certainly an option--yes.”
“She isn’t ‘my girl.’”
“Oh, trust me,” her smile is biting. “I know that.” She tilts her head towards the dressing room. “C’mon, the pretty one is almost done. You can use my room to change.”
When he enters, you’re seated at Febhana’s vanity. All the air is sucked out of his lungs.
The dress is really nothing more than a series of gauze-like drapes that spill from your body and pool onto the floor. The expanse of your back is completely exposed, the dress only resuming to cover you right above the base of your spine. One long piece of fabric serves as the illusion of sleeves, cinched at the swooping neckline by delicate, medallion-like embellishments that rest at the dip of both shoulders. The sleeves’ near-transparent fabric are fixed to ovular gold rings you have on the middle fingers of both hands.
Mando watches the fabric shift over the bend of your arm as you use said finger to swipe a little pigment on your lips. It glistens in the mirror he looks at you through. In that initial moment of deep focus, you have the severe look of a high official’s wife. Utterly untouchable. The most beautiful creature he’s ever witnessed.
His entrance breaks your concentration, you smile up at him, warmly, through the mirror.
“I’m almost done,” your voice breaks him from his stupor. Your other hand dips a small brush into a pot of powder. You dab it under your eyes and then stand, going to a crystalline bar cart and spraying some kind of perfume on your neck.   
Febhana steps into the room behind him. After a moment Mando finds his voice.
“And you said she isn’t supposed to be the honeypot?” It’s hard to keep the pain out of his voice as he says it. At this point it’s like the two of you are actively trying to kill him.
Febhana laughs, and the smile you give him is expansive yet strangely private at the same time. As if you and him were in on some secret, some inside joke. You cross the room and pat him lightly on the shoulder twice, before moving him aside in order to link arms with Febhana.
The two of you leave the room, picking up whatever conversation you were having before Febhana left to give Mando his things. He stands there until his heartbeat steadies, then moves behind the wooden room partition to put the uniform on.
It’s going to be a long night.
a/n: mando, babes, u don’t even know the half of it
jokes aside i am so excited for the next chapter you guys have no idea how much fun this is to write !! love a good ol’ fancy party w a bunch of degenerates. 
tag list: @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11  @walkingthegrounds @roseallisonparker @kaitlyn2907 @dinsbeskar​
please let me know if you would like to be added/removed!
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mnemosyne-musing · 3 years
Double date (River/11)
(So this prompt link is very tenuous and has basically turned into pwp for which I at least partially blame sonic for encouraging me. This version is rated T but the link for the slightly smuttier version is here)
“So!” the Doctor leaps up the stairs to the console and grabs the monitor, spinning around on his heel before typing rapidly into the keyboard, “I was thinking, once River arrives, maybe, a trip to the Amazzi waterfalls. They have these wonderful pools filled with algae. Only, it’s not really algae, it’s this kind of-“
“Doctor,” Rory interrupts, somewhat tentatively, “We were thinking tonight. If you don’t mind that is. That we could just stay in? Maybe have dinner and, you know, just talk to River, and you of course?”
“Yes,” Amy pipes up quickly, “Only if you don’t mind of course,”
He looks up from the console at the two of them standing by the railing. Amy folding her hands slightly nervously in front of her and Rory biting his lip anxiously.
He beams at them. “Of course!”
Amy gives a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank you! It’s not that we don’t want to go anywhere, it’s just, it’s been a lot the last few weeks and we haven’t really had much of a chance to process or talk to River or-“
“Ooh, it can be like a double date!” he cuts in and claps his hands together, “We can cook dinner here. I’ve got this wonderful recipe from Escoffier. Fabulous chap. I worked in his restaurant once actually and-“
“Doctor, are you sure?”
He waves a hand at them as he types. “Pond, it’s fine. I’ll be fine. It doesn’t always have to be running and excitement. I can do an evening in. Now, off you pop and get your cooking clothes on! I’ll pick up River and we’ll meet you in the kitchen.”
Amy and Rory grin at each other before bounding towards the stairs and out of the console room.
“Thank you, Doctor!” Amy calls as they scarper down the corridor.
It had been just over a month since leaving River in the hospital after Berlin. They’d seen her once since then. He’d taken the Ponds to a planet with a fantastic seventeen hour meteor shower and they’d bumped into her on the viewing deck. They’d also run into a gang of high-end jewel smugglers whose presence there River swore was a complete coincidence to hers. He had his serious doubts about that but, honestly, he’d been quite distracted by all the running and excitement and then afterwards River had had to dash off very quickly. Well, not so quickly that she hadn’t grabbed him and snogged him against the door of the TARDIS but. Anyway.
He sighs and shakes his head to clear of it of those thoughts before returning to the monitor. He’s just about to pull the lever to let the TARDIS dematerialise when there’s a familiar noise of someone appearing by vortex manipulator behind him.
“Hello sweetie,”
He turns around, a grin already on his face and leans back against the console. River is standing a few feet away, wearing a dark trench coat that’s cinched in and tied at the waist, a pair of dazzlingly high blue heels on her feet that do funny things to his insides.
She begins to stalk towards him, a little bit like a predator approaching its prey.
“I thought I’d bring you a birthday present,” she practically purrs, stopping just out of arm’s reach.
He quirks an eyebrow. “But, it’s not my birthday?”
She simply smiles. A slow smirk that spreads across her face and now she really does look like she’s sizing him up for the kill. That thought really shouldn’t thrill him as much as it does he briefly ponders.
She brings a hand to the belt on her coat and slowly pulls it loose. “Care to reconsider?” she asks, her voice low and throaty as the coat falls open.
The Doctor opens his mouth but all words and possible replies immediately evaporate as he catches sight of what she’s wearing beneath the coat. Or rather, what she’s mostly not wearing beneath the coat. He hardly thinks that the plunging bra and skimpy pair of knickers, both made of flimsy lace in a deep blue colour to match her heels, really count as clothes. In fact, he can think of several planets on which that is most definitely not considered an outfit and would probably be illegal and really- hang on, why is he thinking about other planets when River is here and-
He licks his lips and swallows. “I think,” he manages to croak out, “I think it might be my birthday after all.”
River grins wickedly at him and lets the coat fall to the floor with a soft thud. She steps in towards him and grasps his shirt front, pulling him off the console and steering him backwards towards the jump seat. She pushes him down willingly into the seat and his hands automatically drift to grasp her hips, his fingers splaying across her back and stroking the soft skin there.
As she leans down to kiss him, there’s a small flicker of a thought at the back of his mind that there was something he was supposed to be doing. Something he was doing just before River arrived and-
A little while later, she levers herself off his lap as gracefully as she can before turning to look for her knickers. He watches unashamedly as she bends down to retrieve them, arse in the air and wearing nothing but those heels. She frowns down at them before shrugging, kicking her heels off and slipping her underwear back on. Turning back towards him she leans down and nabs his shirt, slipping it on before he can protest and carelessly doing up less than half the buttons.
She looks so utterly delectable, all beautifully dishevelled and ravished that he reaches for her again but she dances out of his reach.
“River!” he complains, as she sashays away from him and towards the corridor, “Where are you going?”
“We need to toast your birthday!” she calls over her shoulder as she disappears around the corner.
“But, it’s not really-,” he sighs and stops as he realises he’s talking to an empty room. He shakes his head and pulls up his boxers and trousers before sitting back in the jumpseat and waiting for River to reappear. He still hasn’t really caught his breath back since River first appeared in the console room.
He must’ve closed his eyes very briefly because he nearly jumps out of his skin a few minutes later when River’s voice suddenly crackles in the air.
“Sweetie, do we have any of the 1976 Krug? I’m sure we do but I can only find the ’77 and it just isn’t as good.”
He looks around wildly but he’s still alone in the console room.
“River?” he exclaims, “What? How are you doing- Where-“
“I’m in the kitchen, sweetie,” she says in that infinitely patient tone that she seems to reserve for when she’s telling him something extremely obvious, “I’m speaking over the intercom.”
“But. The TARDIS doesn’t have an intercom?” he objects, still looking frantically around the room as if River might suddenly pop up from behind the furniture somewhere. Her silence in response to his comment tells him she is probably rolling her eyes at him.
He’s about to come up with something very cutting and witty when over the intercom he suddenly hears a gasp and a very Scottish ‘Oh my god!’
The Ponds! Oh gods indeed! He had totally forgotten them and their date! He leaps up, spinning around to look for his shirt and then remembers River had purloined it just minutes ago. He swears in Gallifreyan under his breath, running a hand desperately through his hair before dashing out the door.
He sprints down the corridor which is rather longer than he remembers it being, cursing the TARDIS under his breath as he does do. He careens to a halt just before the kitchen and vainly tries to slow his breathing as he attempts to nonchalantly stroll inside.
He stops in the doorway and swallows nervously. River is leaning back against the kitchen counter, still clad in only his shirt and her knickers. She’s clutching a bottle of champagne in one hand and a couple of glasses in the other and looking exceptionally amused.
There’s another doorway into the kitchen on the opposite side to him and standing there are both Ponds. Amy is looking mildly embarrassed but still faintly amused whereas Rory has a shocked and slightly horrified expression on his face.
“Ah, there you are, sweetie!” River calls out cheerfully, “Did you want a glass of fizz?”
“Doctor?” Amy simply puts her hands on her hips and cocks her head at him expectantly.
“Ponds!” he exclaims as he looks wild-eyed between them, “River just arrived and- she- Well, we were going to celebrate because-“
“I think we know how you two were ‘celebrating’,” Amy snorts, folding her arms in front of her, “You’re only wearing one outfit between the two of you!”
“Ah, no, no,” the Doctor shakes his head frantically, “I know what this looks like but actually I had to give River my shirt as she only had a coat and some underwear that, well, really wasn’t much of an outfit to begin with and after-“
“Not. Helping, Doctor,” Rory mutters from between gritted teeth as he scrubs a hand over his eyes as if trying to erase that particular mental picture.
The Doctor gulps and attempts to salute the other man. “Sorry, centurion.”
“I suppose I should have asked earlier but when are we, Doctor?” River asks, still looking far too entertained with the whole situation.
“We’ve only just done Berlin a few weeks ago,” he mumbles as her eyes widen.
“Oh! Early days then,” River nods in understanding, a grin still playing around her lips, “So, this is the first time you’ve caught us like this?” she asks Amy and Rory as they nod.
“Hang on!” the Doctor says in a panicked voice, her words suddenly sinking in, “What do you mean ‘first time’?”
River simply gives him that knowing smirk again. “Believe me, none of you want to know about those times in advance.”
He puts that rather worrying thought to the back of his mind, ignoring the way Rory blanches and Amy gives a small shudder. Pasting a smile on his face, he claps his hands. “Well, we’re all here now! We can have that double date!”
“Double date?” River raises an eyebrow as she looks at him.
Amy shakes her head. “Sorry Raggedy-Man. Seeing you two half-dressed has kind of ruined my appetite.”
The Doctor glares at her and pulls his braces up self-consciously over his bare-chest, ignoring River’s soft snort of laughter. “Oi. Rude, Amelia.
“Don’t you Amelia me!” she retorts and wags a finger at him, “I know exactly what you’ve been doing with my daughter!” she adds as the Doctor blushes bright red and avoids her gaze. She turns on her heel and heads towards the door, dragging Rory along with her. “We’ll see you in the morning,” she calls over her shoulder, “If you could try and keep it out of the communal areas that would be lovely!”
The Doctor splutters in protest and turns an even deeper shade of red. He turns to River who is still leaning against the countertop. “You,” he points his finger accusingly at her, “This is all your fault.”
“My fault?”
“Yes,” he nods emphatically, crossing his arms across his bare chest and trying to look foreboding as it was possible to look when only half dressed, “We had a nice evening planned. The four of us. A double date. And then, you arrived with-,” he gestures vaguely at her, “Well. With all-. Looking like that and now here we are.”
River ignores his attempts at glaring and simply laughs. She puts the champagne and glasses down on the side and slinks towards him, her hips swaying. She runs her hands up his chest and winds them around his neck.
“I’m sorry, my love,” she coos in a tone that suggests she isn’t really very sorry at all. She leans in closer and whispers in his ear. “Shall I make it up you?”
He swallows heavily, his arms having already uncrossed themselves and somehow found themselves settling on her hips. “Well,” he mumbles, “It is my birthday after all.”
Her answering laugh is muffled as he kisses her once more.
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pricetagofficial · 3 years
Interstellar -Part One
Warnings: Violence, angst, language, snark, 
Word Count: 3.7K
Tag List: @kishony-the-geek @unknowntoanyone @subtleappreciation @catxsnow @screennamealreadyused @river-bottom-nightmare @woahjaybird @bikoncon @arestorationofbalance @littleredwing89​ @offendedfishnoises​ @lostoctaviaaugusta​
A/N: Here is the first part of Interstellar! I hope you enjoy it!!
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Part One
Three Years Later
“Y/N! Quick, take out that fleet over there!” a voice cried from her side.
Turning where she floated, Y/N saw a fleet of ships aiming their missiles at the planet she and the rest of the Star Sapphires were fighting to protect. Looking at the woman next to her, Y/N gave her a nod and took off in a flash of violet and took out each ship one by one.
It didn’t take long for the ships to notice that she was attacking them, and began to aim their missiles at her instead of the planet. Quickly, she put up a large shield to protect herself from the onslaught of missiles and blaster beams.
With a yell, Y/N shot herself at the ships and tore them apart piece by piece until they were only floating scraps left to drift in space for the rest of eternity. Looking around, she could see the rest of the Star Sapphires fighting to stop the invasion of their home planet. They should have seen this coming; it was common knowledge that the Star Sapphires had enemies and powerful ones at that. But it was also common knowledge that they were about as ruthless as it came when they were fighting especially when it was to protect the home they loved deeply.
It had been three years to the date, on Earth at least, since she was chosen by the violet ring that rested on her right hand. It was also the three-year anniversary since the death of Jackson Luthor, the man she thought to be the love of her life. It was her love for him that fueled her to fight the good fight and protect those who had also loved and lost like she had.
As long as she had love in her heart, Y/N was a near unstoppable force. She was one of the most powerful members of the corps, behind Carol and Fatality. Between the three of them, nothing could stand in their way.
It had been almost a year since she stopped in Metropolis, the memory of Jackson was still too painful to bear and being in his hometown where his monster of a father caused more issues than he fixed only made it hurt more. Since Jackson died, Lex was able to get away with more and more secret operations. When Jackson was alive, he kept a good eye on the family company and made sure that everything was used for the purposes they were made.
Several acquaintances of her that were part of the Green Lantern Corps, had regular run ins with Lex with the time they served with the Justice League to protect the planet and other systems across the universe from intergalactic threats.
Letting out a huff, Y/N constructed a large harpoon and shot it at the nearest ship that was attacking one of the other members. Keeping her grip on the violet chain, she shot forward and swung the ship attached to the harpoon into nearby ships making them explode.
“Always the show off, aren’t you?” Carol said, floating up beside her.
“You should know me by now Carol, I don’t hold back in a fight.” She grinned and flew off towards another squad of ships, taking them out with a massive ax as Y/N swung it around slicing each ship into multiple pieces.
“Why don’t you assholes go back to whatever hole you crawled out of?” she shouted, taking out the last ship in the area.
Between Y/N and the other Star Sapphire Lanterns, most of the fleet had been destroyed. The remaining ships turned around and began to disappear into the vast expanse of space, the Star Sapphire Corps letting out a cheer of victory.
One by one, everyone began to fly back towards Zamaron to celebrate their newest victory but Y/N stayed afloat above the planet below her. Her initial plan was to head back to Earth for a couple days, that being her true home. She could check up on Rita and see how she was doing, and even stop by her parent’s place.
“Are you not going to join the festivities?” one of the other lanterns asked, stopping in front of Y/N.
She shook her head, “Not this time. I had previous engagements; I’ll see you soon.” Y/N smiled and took off across the galaxy and made her way towards Earth. Her vision was filled with various stars and planets as she zoomed past them, the excellence of space not lost on her one bit.
Y/N’s favorite thing about being a Star Sapphire Lantern was that she got to see things normal humans did not. The simple fact that she could travel into space without dying was amazing on its own, but she also got to see different planets and how they lived their day to day lives.
Within half an hour, she was hovering above Earth. This had been the closest she had been to home in a long time. In the distance, Y/N could see the Watchtower in orbit around the blue and green planet. There was a good chance that several league members were on board, even possibly Hal or one of the Green Lanterns that came from Earth.
A smile spread across her face as she flew closer to her home planet, heading for Metropolis. As she entered the atmosphere at a blinding speed, Y/N flew closer and closer to the Earth’s surface. It felt good to be back on Earth.
As she got closer, Y/N saw a blur of red as she passed through Central City. Thinking the worst, she stopped and created a violet wall to block the path of whoever it was. Her first thought was that a Red Lantern had made its way to Earth, and if that was true, she would need to call reinforcements and fast.
Whoever it was, ran face first into the wall she had created and had fallen backwards onto his ass. Y/N let out a sigh of relief once she noticed that it was not what she feared. Instead, it seemed to be a human dressed in red, with his hair almost the same shade as his suit.
“What the hell was that?” the person rubbed his head as he sat up from the floor and looked up to see Y/N standing there staring down at his as her hair waved in the wind. “And who the hell are you?”
Letting out a scoff at his words, Y/N crossed her arms and stared down at him. “You should have looked where you were going, maybe then you wouldn’t have run into it.”
“Oh, yes because I should be on the look out for giant violet walls in the middle of nowhere!” he snapped getting to his feet. He looked her over more and his eye caught the sight of the glowing violet ring on her hand and put the pieces together.
Hal had mentioned that there were more Lantern Corps out there, but they typically didn’t hang around Earth and to his knowledge Carol was the only Star Sapphire from Earth. So, where the hell was this girl in front of him from and who was she?
Y/N stared him down the longer he looked her over. She wasn’t sure what it was that he was thinking, but the way he was looking at her, like he was trying to figure her out irritated her. “If you don’t stop looking at me, I will flatten you with a giant mallet.” She threatened, the white lenses over her eyes narrowing at him.
The man in front of her seemed to get the hint and raised his hands. “Hey, I was just trying to make sense of things. No need to get pissed at me babe.”
“Don’t call me babe.”
“Whatever you say sweetheart, do you know any of the Green Lanterns from around here?” he asked.
Y/N let out an unamused huff and landed softly on the floor in front of him. “If I did, I wouldn’t tell you. I don’t know you and you don’t need to know anything about me. Let’s keep it that way.” She snapped. “And maybe pick a new color. Red isn’t all that flattering with the hair.”
The man let out an undignified noise at her comment and could only stare as she flew away towards the Eastern Seaboard. If he really wanted to, he could have caught up to her but Central City needed him more. Maybe he would meet this crazy woman again someday and actually catch her name.
The rest of the flight to Metropolis was quiet, and Y/N was thankful for it. One encounter was enough for her, and even though that guy seemed to be a hero she knew that you couldn’t trust anyone immediately.
Her feet landed softly on the top of the skyscraper as she powered down her ring. Y/N’s violet suit faded away and was replaced with her normal civilian clothes. Y/N L/N didn’t spend much time on Earth, but when she did she was an archeologist. When she was off world, her cover was that she was away excavating ruins all around the world.
The only thing was, she would have to stick around long enough for her bosses to not fire her. The only reason they hadn’t was because she was the best in the field and had resources to dig up some of the most priceless artifacts.
With the constructs her ring could make, there was almost nothing she couldn’t do.
Adjusting her jacket, Y/N walked down the stairs that led from the roof to her apartment floor and opened her door. Rita was going to be over in a couple of hours and this year it was Y/N’s turn to make dinner. It was a tradition that she would meet with Rita on the anniversary of Jackson’s death and have a wonderful dinner. It had always been the two of them, but the invitation was also open for Lex. He was Jackson’s father after all, it wasn’t just Y/N and Rita who had lost someone that day.
Walking over to her fridge, she pulled the door open and let out a sigh. That’s right, she hadn’t been home at Metropolis in almost a year; of course her fridge was empty. Shutting the door, she grabbed her keys and left her apartment and went to the closet grocery store. If she was lucky, Y/N could find a simple and easy meal before the store closed.
The trip to the store was a quick walk, it was just down the street after all. Y/N knew that it was practically pointless to keep an apartment on Earth since she was in space so often, but her civilian identity couldn’t just fall off the face of the Earth. People would be looking for her, and she didn’t want to cause that kind of stress on anyone else. Y/N just simply didn’t have a reason to stay on Earth, but she wasn’t exactly looking for one. Carol came back because she had a life here along with her on again, off again relationship with Hal but Y/N had nothing like that. Since Jackson died, she removed herself from society.
Reaching out to pull open the door, Y/N was pushed back by someone pushing the same door back into her. Stumbling to keep her balance, she felt a hand reach out to grab onto hers to keep her from falling onto the hard concrete.
“Fuck, I am so sorry.” The voice said, helping Y/N back onto her feet.
Looking up, she saw that it was a guy not much taller than she was. He had flaming red hair and the brightest green eyes to contrast it. His face was adorned with freckles, complete with a mischievous look to his smile.
“Are you alright gorgeous?” he asked, tilting his head while juggling all of his snacks.
Y/N gave him a nod and smiled softly. “Yeah, thanks for the catch.”
“I’d feel terrible if I let a pretty girl fall to the floor.” He commented. “I’m Wally.”
Noticing that she were still holding his hand, Y/N shook it with a laugh. “Y/N.”
Wally let go of Y/Ns hand and shuffled through is snacks and before finding what he was looking for and held it out to her. “Shall I offer my pepperoni stick to you?” he questioned, trying to hide the grin forming on his face.
Biting her lip to fight the smile forming on her face, Y/N shook her head. “You need to take me to dinner before I even think about touching it.”
Wally’s eyes narrowed in amusement, unable to hide the laughter bubbling up inside him. “I have a feeling we are no longer on the same page here.” he chuckled. “But I might take you up on that offer?”
An unfamiliar feeling bubbled up inside Y/N, it was something she hadn’t felt in years. Before she knew it, Y/N was writing her number down on a slip of paper and giving it to him. “I tend to be out of town a lot, but maybe I’ll stick around for a date or two?” she asked, looking up at him.
“Yeah sure, I’ll be sure to give you a call beautiful.” He winked before walking off towards a car that was waiting for him.
Y/N tried to hide her amused smile hearing Wally’s friends make fun of him for the encounter he just shared with her, saying that she ‘was a catch’ and ‘how does he always get the good ones?’. It didn’t bother her all that much, the possibility of Wally actually going through with it and calling her was slim. She just hoped that she would be on world when he decided to.
Looking at the time, Y/N let out a loud swear before taking off into the store to buy a quick and easy dinner to make. What was she doing, it was the anniversary of Jackson’s death and she was possibly getting a date with another guy? Y/N felt like she was insulting the memory of the man she loved. She knew that she would eventually move on, but Y/N was unsure what would happen once she did.
The power of the ring on her left had was powered solely by love, her love for Jackson more specifically. Would she lose her powers if she fell for someone else? Would her love be weaker than it was? The possibilities were endless and most of them were not good.
Dashing through the check out, Y/N eyes the slim jims and laughed to herself. She knew very well that Wally’s offer was innocent enough but she couldn’t help picking on him. Paying for her stuff, Y/N left the store bidding the cashiers a good night.
The sun was setting, a warm orange glow covering the sky with the clouds tainted a beautiful pink. The area was calm and serene, Metropolis was one of the safest cities to live in and that was because of it’s protector Superman.
That wasn’t to say that the other members of the Justice League were useless, but their cities were more crime ridden and there was an existential fear of going out after dark. Almost no crime happened in Metropolis once the sun was down in comparison to Gotham or even Blüdhaven. Those two cities were the most unsafe at night, even with the great and scary Batman watching over with his team of Robins, past and present.
Y/N had only ever met the Bat once, and it was to stop another invasion attempt from yet another alien species. Earth seemed to be a constant target for alien attacks, and Y/N was normally off world when they happened.
As if fate heard her thoughts, something flew through the sky, catching the attention of her and everyone else around her. That was most definitely not human made.
“Well shit.” It looked like dinner with Rita was going to have to wait. Even though she wasn’t part of the League, let alone Earth’s roster of heroes, she couldn’t just sit by and do nothing while he hometown was attacked.
On cue, several more ships soared by and began firing at buildings nearby sending bits of glass and debris into the air. All around her, people began running inside to hide from whatever was happening. Nothing could be heard above the screaming of the citizens and the firing of the ships.
Dropping all the groceries to the floor, Y/N took off behind the building into a secluded alley and powered up her ring. Her clothes were encased in the familiar violet light before her suit materialized and she began to float above the ground by a few inches. Her mask was the last thing to appear, her hair pushed back out of her face.
Feeling ready for a fight, Y/N grinned and shot off across the sky towards the closest ships and block its blasts with a shield construct.
Taking off in a streak of violet light, Y/N flew right through several of the ships and watched as they crashed to the floor. A flash of red dashed around the ground before coming up the building and stopping on top of one next to her.
“Could you at least pretend to care about the people below you?” he asked waving his hands in the air.
“No one should be outside! Besides, you got them to safety.” She snapped. “Now are you going to sit there and keep complaining or do something for once?”
The annoyance on his face made Y/N laugh as she flew off, taking down more ships as she passed them. It was the same guy from earlier that day and she had yet to learn his name.
“Hey Lightning McQueen! Want to give me a hand?” she hollered, holding a ship captive in a large violet rope.
Looking up to what she was doing, Flash grinned and got into a stance. He may not be her biggest fan, but that didn’t mean that he still couldn’t have fun kicking alien ass. “Bring it on sweetheart!”
With a grin, Y/N swung the small ship towards him as Flash broke into a sprint and bursted through it at the speed of light, sending bits of metal all over the place.
Letting out a laugh, Flash looked around and smiled. “That was fun, let’s do it again.”
Y/N let out a chuckle, looking over she saw another figure floating not that far from her. She should have known that Superman would make an appearance, after all this was his home town.
“Hey Supes! Watch out!” she cried and launched herself at the alien ship coming up on his side. Ripping it to shreds with a large sword made from her ring, Y/N turned around and looked at both Superman and Flash. “Do you have any idea where these came from?”
“None, I have colleagues looking into it as we speak. I’m assuming that you don’t recognize them either?” Superman asked.
Y/N shook her head. “I’ve only been in town for an hour, two at max. All I wanted was a simple dinner and these assholes decided to show up.”
“Well, don’t stop fighting yet. We still have a ways to go before this is over.” He said. “You two keep an eye on this part of town, I’ll keep watch on the western side.” Y/N and Flash didn’t get another word in before Superman took off at a blinding speed across town.
Y/N and Flash gave each other a look. “Try to keep up Speedy.” She grinned before taking off down the street to fight off more ships that were entering the city limits.
“My name’s not Speedy! That was someone else!” he yelled and followed after her, running up and down buildings to not only stop the ships within his reach but keep various civilians safe.
Y/N wasn’t used to fighting on Earth where there were so many casualties, that her actions were careless when it came to taking down each ship. Flash spent most of his time following after her and cleaning up the path of destruction that was left in her wake.
“Any word from Supes yet?” he called, pulling to a stop on the top of a skyscraper.
Y/N shook her head, throwing a large hammer at another incoming ship. “I haven’t heard anything yet. He might be a little busy.”
“Star, Flash, incoming.”
Both Y/N and Flash looked to see where the voice was coming from and saw a flash of green light take out two ships that they hadn’t noticed yet.
“Nice to see you G, how’s it been?” Y/N asked, watching as Green Lantern pulled up beside her.
“You know the usual, stopping an alien attack. Just the average Tuesday.” He chuckled. “How’s Carol? It’s been a while since she’s been around. Thought you were her until I saw the giant hammer.”
He did have a point. Between Carol and Y/N, Y/N was the one with a better sense of humor and it showed in the constructs she made. Carol always had a more serious disposition while Y/N was always looking for a laugh.
Y/N gave him a shrug. “Wanna play some baseball?” she grinned.
Green Lantern’s grin matched her own. “Flash, Batman sent me to get you. I’ll stay here with Star and clean up shop here.”
At his words, Flash took off down the street when Y/N stopped a ship mid air and held it up.
“Batter up!” she called.
Green Lantern made a large baseball bat and got into a batter’s stance, ready to hit a homerun. “Pitch it to me good Star.” He laughed, swinging the bat once she threw the ship towards him.
The satisfying sound of metal exploding on impact rung through the air as the debris showered down around them.
Between the two of them playing baseball, the southern part of town was kept safe. Slowly, the number of ships dwindled as the two lanterns took them out. It wasn’t until Green Lantern got a transmission from one of the members of the Justice League that they found out the attack was over.
“Bats wants to meet up at the Watchtower.” He spoke up. “Both of us.”
Y/N opened her mouth to protest when he held out his hand to stop her. “When Batman says something, don’t argue with him.” And with that, he took off towards the closest zeta-tube with Y/N following hesitantly.
Stopping in front of an old telephone booth, Green Lantern put in the coordinates and a guest pass for Y/N. Watching it open, Y/N followed him into the blinding light.
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imagine-lcorp · 4 years
Take My Hand, Take My Whole Life Too (One Shot)
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Can I request something with a Paramedic reader attending to Lena's wounds after a car crash. Reader was on her way home from work still in her uniform when she sees the crash at night. Lena gets hurt and the other driver vanishes from the scene. R tends to Lena's broken arm or something. Drives them to the hospital, stays by Lena's side the whole time in the ER and then drives lena home. Lena is smitten by the woman in the uniform and offers R morning coffee since it took all night in the ER
A/N: Hello, my dears, back again with this one shot, as always thank you to the anon that sent this one, I hope I’m not to late (I know I am but pls forgive) and I hope that you like it! Let me know what you think, guys. I love y’all c: 
Lena Luthor x Paramedic Fem!R//Word Count: 2,540  -------------------------------------------------------
When people asked you what was the best part of your job, you would always say it was being able to help people. Which came with its own reward as you could meet some amazing people along the way. The downside of it, however, was that your work was never done. Especially in a place like National City, between the usual medical emergencies, the occasional super-powered villain wreaking havoc and the rare alien invasion, you always had to be ready for anything. Including the car crash you had witnessed while heading home.
It had been a relatively quiet day at the station, your shift had ended at midnight and the only thing you wanted then was to go home, grab some dinner, strip yourself of your uniform, and go to bed early as your day off was waiting for you the next morning. The last thing you had expected once you got off work was to go right back at it.
You had been waiting for the light to turn green at an intersection when a blur to your left startled you, followed by the sound of tires squealing and the loud crash of metal against metal. A moment later, you saw two cars ahead on opposite sides of the road. The black one had a broken windshield, and the driver side doors were dented from where you guessed the red one, with the bent bumper and broken right headlight, had impacted.
When you finally caught up on what was happening, you didn't waste more time. All thoughts about rest and relaxation were forgotten as you started to assess the scene. You turned your blinkers on and moved your car, making sure there were no other cars about to crash on you and close enough to have a better view of the damage. Unfortunately, you didn't get the chance to examine both cars further as you watched the red one take the road again and flee the scene. You stopped your car and got out to check on the people inside the black car.
Approaching carefully, you went to check first on the driver's seat. Inside the black car was a single person. The woman, probably in her mid-twenties, wearing a sleeveless dress, with dark hair, pale skin, and who looked strangely familiar, was lying back on her seat with eyes closed. You took your phone from one of your pockets and called the emergency number.
As you described what had happened to the dispatcher, you examined the woman's condition as best as you could giving them a picture, as clear as possible, about it. She didn't seem to move but her breathing was steady. The crash might have not been as severe as there were no signs of cuts or wounds visible. However, with the airbag in front of her already losing it's shape, you noticed her left arm had a purple bruise. You moved the rest of the airbag with care and grimaced as you watched how big it was. It could be a sing of fracture.
The call was quick and after confirming your location the dispatcher told you there was an ambulance already on its way. In the meantime, you did what you knew best.
"Miss, can you hear me? Can you open your eyes?" You said before trying to move the woman. When you didn't get a response, you opened the door and tried shaking her gently in the shoulders. A pair of dazzling green eyes fluttered open, focusing with some difficulty on you. You put your hands on her neck and face for support. "Do you know what happened to you?"
The touch of your hands seemed to shake her a bit, her eyes closing and opening again as if thinking this was some kind of hallucination. Something you imagined was the effect of the shock.
"Oh, you're pretty." The woman said with a drowsy voice.
A little smile formed in the corner of your lips. It wasn't the first time you had received a compliment like that. She was also an undeniably beautiful woman and you would have responded accordingly, had it not been for the current circumstances. Now you feared she had suffered a concussion.
As she saw the little smile in your face, the woman's clouded mind cleared in an instant. Her eyes grew bigger with surprise. It wasn't a thought she was supposed to voice out loud. Her head had felt foggy, as if waking up after a long nap in a bed made of rocks and rusty nails and it didn't help that she had started to feel a little headache, making her almost incapable of forming orderly thoughts, until she realized what she had said.
"Thanks." You managed in the end. "What's your name?"
"Lena." She said with a grunt, like she was finally realizing where she was and what was happening. "Lena Luthor."
At the mention of her name something clicked inside your brain. Of course you recognized Lena Luthor. Besides being one of the richest people in the planet, she was a very active philanthropist. She had made great donations and participated countless times in the charities the hospital you worked in organized. You made a mental note to thank her after all of this but, in the meantime, you proceeded like any other case.
"Alright, Lena. My name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N), I'm a paramedic. An ambulance is already on the way, so I need you to stay with me, okay?"
All my life if you want, Lena thought along with some other things she was aware enough to keep to herself, only giving a small nod in understanding.
You started placing your hands in her neck, her shoulders, her back, and so on, asking if she could feel anything or if she was feeling any pain or discomfort. Most of the time the answer was negative as she only seemed to have a mild headache and some pain on her neck but, as the adrenaline and shock were wearing off, she slowly came to notice the the actual amount of pain in her body, especially in her left arm.
"Any pain here?" You said once you reached her arm.
She winced with a little yelp and for a second tried to pull her arm away.
"Sorry, sorry." You took her arm again in a gentler way, trying to move the rest of the airbag out of the way, placing her arm to a better position and your other hand under hers. "Okay, we are not gonna move from there. Can you feel your fingers?"
Lena nodded, trying to close her fingers around your hand. "Yeah, I can feel them."
"Okay." You moved your other hand, feeling her arm with soft touches. You still weren't sure if her arm was broken but anyway you needed to cover it. "I need to go get some padding for-"
"No, please." Lena quickly said. "I-I don't want to be left alone."
There was fear clear in her eyes and you almost hit your own forehead. For what you had heard around, most of the visits Lena Luthor had ever made to a hospital had been after a direct attempt on her life. With a crazy family and half the city against her, of course, she was scared.
"Alright, don't worry. Once the ambulance is here, we are going to give you something for the pain, get your arm splinted up and take you to the hospital. I promise I'm not leaving, okay?" You said with another little smile, reassuring Lena as much as possible.
"Thank you." She stopped holding her breath.
You tried to make some small talk as you waited, making more questions about trivial things to make sure she was alert and hadn't suffered brain damage. While doing so, you learned that Lena Luthor, for all the things the media some times tried to feed you about her and her family, was a nice person. She was answering every question you threw at her as best as she could, even making some charming remarks from time to time that you found kind of cute. Mostly, you were relieved to confirm she was in good shape.
The ambulance and police sirens could be heard on the distance and a moment later you had to step away to let the team of paramedics work. You recognized your coworkers as they came to your aid. You had to step aside to talk to the police about the incident, giving them the best description you could about the hit and run before some details faded from your memory and were glad to leave them to their own thing as you watched the other paramedics finally pull Lena out of her car.
They were moving her to the stretcher and towards the ambulance when you went to do a final check on her. She seemed calmer, probably thanks to the painkillers they had provided her, and a bit paler, which made you a little worried, but you were relieved to see her arm was already being taken care of. You had thought that was the end of your night and were about to leave Lena's side when she called you.
"(Y/N)?" She said as she was about to be loaded into the ambulance.
"Yes?" You frowned for a moment in confusion but got a bit closer to hear her through the sound of people moving around.
"Could you stay with me?" She asked with pleading eyes.
Somewhere, on the back of her mind, Lena knew this was nothing more than the effect of the drugs in her system. There was no other reason to keep you there, you had helped her so much, calling for help, attending her injuries, and making sure the medical team could take another look at her. And maybe that was the exact same reason she wanted you around for a little longer.
You raised both eyebrows in surprise, and the couple of paramedics did the same as they looked at each other and then at you.
"Well, I-" You hesitated for a moment but considering who was asking, and that the cutest puppy eyes you had ever seen were looking at you, you gave in. Part of you wouldn't admit it yet, but you had somehow grown fond of Lena in such a little time and you still had to thank her for all she had done. "Sure."
Since you couldn't just leave your car behind, you decided to follow the ambulance to the hospital where Lena was brought into the ER. She was placed in a bed and you sat by her side, waiting for the nurses to do a check up.
"I'm sorry I dragged you into this." Lena spoke after an awkward moment of silence, realizing she may have overstepped your boundaries.
Considering her state of mind, she hadn't really thought this through but your presence seemed to soothe her better than the painkillers and that was all she had known at the moment.
"Don't be. I figured it was the least I could do for our biggest sponsor." You said this time with a bit of a tired smile, feeling the exhaustion of the night.
Your weary expression didn't go unnoticed by Lena who also didn't have the chance to ask what you had meant as the nurse and doctor entered the room. They started by asking her more questions and checking her vitals. When they noticed you there, still in uniform, the doctor figured you were one of the paramedics that had brought Lena and told you they would take it from there.
"She can stay, doctor." Lena's tone made it seem almost like and order. "She's a friend."
You were a bit surprised by her answer but both nurse and doctor nodded their agreement and moved on, probably because they knew by now who they were treating.
They moved Lena's arm again to take some x-rays and, through all the wincing and grunting, you instinctively took her hand in yours and you had no idea how much she appreciated the gesture. It had been a long time since another person had offered her a hand in comfort and even a longer time since she had let someone take care of her like this.
It was early morning when after all the necessary medical checks were done, you left the ER pushing a very tired and very beaten up Lena, with a cast in her arm, in a wheelchair through the hospital doors and into the chill of the night. As you pushed the chair outside, you took a moment, taking of your jacket and putting it over her shoulders.
"Here." You said and started pushing the wheelchair into the parking lot. "Now, we better get you home before it gets colder."
"Wait, (Y/N)." Lena said as you were approaching your car. "You don't have to, you have already done so much."
"It's okay. Like I said, it's the least I could do."
"For your biggest sponsor?" Lena asked.
"Yeah, I guess." You said remembering you wanted to thank her for that. "You may not remember but, last year, you made some big donations to every hospital in National City, Miss Luthor. Including the one I work for. That helped a lot of people so, yeah, this is just me trying to repay for all those you have helped."
"Then, if that's what it takes for you to take me home, I'll make sure to make more of those donations." Lena said, forgetting to keep those bits of inner thoughts to herself.
You stopped then, like finally realizing how unusual the situation was. An off-shift paramedic taking care of a car accident patient, accompanying her all the way to the ER, waiting all night beside her as her medical test were done, and taking her home afterwards, like it was the most natural thing to do.
You rounded Lena's chair and crouched in front of her. "It's not just the donations, Lena."
She got worried she had overstepped again but seeing the way your eyes were looking into hers, and the way you had said her name, made Lena feel secure once more.
"I cannot tell you how or why but I have ever done this with anyone I have ever met." You said with a sheepishly smile.
"Maybe we could discover it together." She tried. "Around a cup of coffee, once we reach my home? I mean, since you already have been with me all night. How does that sound?"
You seemed to ponder it for a moment and then you offered your hand. "Sounds like a good deal."
Lena took your hand in hers once more, closing what felt like the best bargain she had ever done in her life and hoping it would last exactly that.
"And now that I'm sure you don't have a concussion I can also tell you. I think you're pretty too." You saw Lena's cheeks turn red and didn't give her time to respond as you returned to the back of the wheelchair, with a grin plastered in your face and excited to star the new day with her.
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underworldobsessed · 3 years
I Don’t Intend to Suffer Any Longer ll Extra Fic! Bo-Katan Week Day 7: Free Day
Title: I Don’t Intend to Suffer Any Longer Rating: T Ship: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze Characters: Bo-Katan Kryze, Satine Kryze, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker Series: This Life is Mine (Bo-Katan Week 2021) Collection: Obitine Cave Fam Summary:  Bo-Katan knows that when she doesn't feel safe, she doesn't sleep. She so rarely feels safe, that even visiting her sister's family on Tatooine leaves her feeling unsafe and refusing to sleep. However, on this particular trip, that changes. ll Extra fic for Bo-Katan Week Day 7: Free Day Author’s note: So this is actually based on a roleplay universe a bunch of my friends and I created, and I got permission from them to create a little fanfiction universe based in it. I adore the AU we created and I'm so excited to bring this world into my writing. Also, I felt kinda bad that my last day of Bo-Katan week was smut, so here’s an extra fic for all of you Bo-Katan fans!! I had a blast with this week! Thank you all for sticking with me!
Tagging: @bokatanweek
Read here or under the cut
Bo-Katan got the ship ready to land as she lowered into the atmosphere of the most backwater planet she could think of; Tatooine. She never understood why both Satine and Obi-Wan chose this planet to settle down on, and raise their young adopted son; Luke. It kept them safe, which to her, was the most important thing.
Yet despite all of it, she never felt safe enough to get rest while she was there.
She still felt uncertain with Obi-Wan, still trying to get accustomed to working with a jedi like him. Her sister knew this well, which was while she questioned it, she never judged her sister for not  sleeping while she was on world. It was something she wished she could do, but sleep never came to her while she was there.
Wherever Bo was, if she didn’t feel safe, she wouldn’t sleep or her sleep would be plagued with nightmares. Even places she had been dozens of times, like the main Nite Owl base could cause her to become anxious and prevent her from sleeping. If they got a new member, or if they had recently had a close call. She became used to working on limited sleep, if she ever slept in general.
As she landed on the created landing platform, she picked up her helmet off the console. She would only hope her sister didn’t see that she had bags under her eyes from the stress she was under and sleepless nights. She hid a yawn as she walked down the ramp, only to get slammed into by a four year old, seeing her sister and her husband walking up towards her.
“Auntie Bo!” She smiled despite her exhaustion, lifting Luke up to set him on her hip. She pressed a kiss to his head. “Welcome home, Auntie Bo!”
Her heart warmed at the greeting, still unbelievable that she had a home that wasn’t a military base. Her sister and family actually had a place for her to stay, and wanted her there.
“Hello, Bo.” Satine walked up and wrapped her arms around Bo to try and hug her without crushing Luke. “How long are you going to be here this time?”
“I’ve got three days of leave before I have to return to base.”
“Awww,” Luke whined as Bo set him down. “Why can’t you stay longer, Auntie?”
“I’ve got people to save, kiddo.” She didn’t want him knowing just what she was doing when she wasn’t on world. At least not while he was this young. She knew her sister would frown at the consideration that she wanted to tell him of violence. Best not to let her know that she was planning on buying him a dagger for his birthday this year. She got one when she was this young from her parents, so it wouldn’t hurt to get him one as well.
He pouted but hurried into the cave where he lived. Obi-Wan smiled at Bo, clapping a hand on her shoulder.
“I’m glad to see you in one piece, Bo-Katan.” He smiled “Perhaps once Luke goes down for the night, you can tell us about what you’ve been doing and the progress on Mandalore.”
“Of course,” She promised as she followed them inside. On the table was already a full meal prepared. She was still not used to someone preparing a meal like this for her. She typically made herself something quick and easy, or just resorted to eating rations to get buy. A real home cooked meal like this was rare for her. Not that she was complaining necessarily, and she knew Satine had become a relatively good chef in the time since they were younger.
They all took their seats at the table, Luke making sure to sit next to Bo. She knew how much the kid missed her and she had to admit, she missed him too. It killed her to be off world more and more, finding less chances to come back and visit her family. At least for now, this was the way it was going to have to be.
“Is Korkie gonna come visit us anytime soon?” Luke asked, and Bo sighed. She looked over at Satine, who was pointedly not looking at her anymore, but she knew she was listening. Satine had still been keeping Korkie’s true identity a secret, but she always worried about the state of her son now that he had joined the Nite Owls in their fight to reclaim Mandalore.
“He wanted to join me this time, but he went on a supply run and won’t be back on base for another few days.”
“Oh…” Luke pouted as he took a bite of his food, before launching into a description of what he had been up to for so long since she had come to visit. The story was disjointed, but Bo could keep up fairly well. She listened to his story, smiling to herself as he went. She caught that he was making friends with some of the other kids, though always under the watchful eye of Satine when they went out. They had been to Mos Eisley a little bit more frequently, but lost what they did there in his rapid talking.
“Luke, you need to not talk with your mouth full,” Satine chided him, and at least he had the chance to look a little sheepish as he stopped talking briefly to eat a few bites.
“Sorry, Mamma.” He said, and Bo could see that same stunned face she made every time Luke called her that. She knew that Satine and Obi-Wan had told Luke the story of his birth parents, of Anakin and Padme and all they had accomplished. She had almost expected Luke to stop calling them mamma and papa after that, but the affection of them as his parents remained.
She knew anything different would tear Satine’s heart apart.
“Let the kid talk, Satine, I’m here so infrequently. I want to hear his stories.”
Luke beamed and launched into another story, this one about his recent love of reading some of his mamma’s old books. Bo had been bringing Satine some old Mandalorian children’s tales that Satine would find appropriate to read for Luke so he could learn. She knew there wasn’t much she could do for Obi-Wan’s past, but had found books that he would approve of for him to read to Luke as well.
They had been trying to get him to learn Basic and Mando’a, and possibly Huttese as well though neither were fluent in that.
But it was a connection to his father nonetheless.
As dinner wound down, they retired to a seating area to continue talking. Bo had taken up a seat on the couch with Luke and was playing with his starfighter toys, engaged in a playful fight as Satine sat comfortably on Obi-Wan’s lap as she watched her sister interact with Luke.
Paying attention to this caused her to notice just how Bo’s movements started to become sluggish. Her eyelids lowered as Bo let the starfighter drop to her side.
Bo’s eyes opened briefly, and she looked over at her nephew.
“I’m sorry, kiddo.” She ruffled his hair, and picked the toy up to continue playing with him once again.
As they played, and eventually just sat as Bo started to read one of the books she brought for him. She felt Luke grow heavy against her and she smiled, her eyelids lowering as well. Her arm wrapped around Luke’s shoulder and her head slowly fell to rest against the armrest of what she was sitting on. It wasn’t long before both of them started to fall asleep.
Satine looked over at the couch and gently nudged her husband to look at them.
“Obi, look.” Satine’s voice was soft to try and keep from waking Bo by mistake. “She’s actually sleeping.”
“Forgive me, darling, but I would assume Bo-Katan would sleep, it is quite late.”
“Obi, in the years my sister has come to visit us, how frequently would you say she came to sleep?” When silence greeted her, she continued. “When she doesn’t feel safe, Bo won’t sleep. She knows she has nightmares, and knows they’re more common when she doesn’t feel safe, so she won’t sleep. The fact that she’s willingly fallen asleep means she’s finally starting to feel safe while she’s here.”
Satine looked once again at Bo, who seemed so much younger now that she was asleep. The stress had melted away on her face. While she knew that they were twins, Bo had been graced with a younger face, so she always reminded Satine of when they were children and Bo would fall asleep next to her.
Finally, her sister felt safe enough in the same place as her where she would willingly sleep like this.
The thought brought tears to her eyes, and she felt her heart warm.
“Should we carry them to bed?” Obi-Wan finally spoke up once again “I don’t want them to get a crick in their necks.”
“Don’t worry about it, Obi.” Satine reassured him. “Bo used to be able to sleep pretty much anywhere once she was comfortable. Besides, I don’t think she will be able to fall asleep once again if we accidentally wake her. Let them sleep. Luke will be happy to sleep close to his aunt since Bo is so rarely here.”
“I’ll get them a blanket.” He said as he went to the spare bedroom that Bo never used. In the meantime, Satine got up and went to brush her sister’s hair out of her face.
“I love you, Bo’ika. I’m so happy to see you finally feeling comfortable here. This is your home too and we will keep you safe so you can always get a full night’s rest while you are here.”
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subbing-for-clones · 3 years
Stranded Part 2.5
Savage Opress x Reader
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A/N: so I'm calling this 2.5 because it's super short but it's been forever since I updated so I needed something to get the juices flowing again. And a break before all the angst that's about to come.
Word Count: 1.5k
WARNINGS: mentions of death, super duper fluffy fluff with our favorite himbo.
   "Relax. If you want to connect to the surrounding force you have to breathe. You have to relax."
"I can't."
"Every time I try to focus, I just see her face. I see my brother's face. I feel his bones crunching in my hand."
    Savage was sitting cross legged at the edge of the cool water spring next to his princess. Light pink blossoms drifted lazily through the air leaving a floral scent in their wake. She had a fishing line bobbing in the glimmering waters lit by the late morning sun, a yellow sundress pooling over her legs. She was facing him but he couldn't see that behind his eyelids.
"Do you think he blames you now? Do you think he blamed you then?"
"He called out my name."
"And was it a curse or a call for your mind to return to the present."
"I... I think he knew I was being controlled."
"Does the witch still control you now? From wherever she is in the galaxy, can she call your name into space and force you to do her bidding?"
"I don't think so."
"Can you feel her fingers in the back of your mind?"
    She stood and walked behind him, wrapping her arms over his shoulders, splaying her hands across his broad chest and resting her chin in the crook of his neck. Without opening his eyes, he held one of her hands to him and rumbled a purr.
"Then you have nothing to fear. Her influence has been severed. It has been since you disobeyed her order and fled her and the count you spoke of."
Savage rumbled an acknowledgement.
"You brother forgave you. You may have been the one to end his life but it was a kinder end than one he could've met. I have no doubt you will be rejoined in the dusk of your own life."
"Thank you."
"That’s enough for now," she pressed a light kiss to his temple.
"Help me catch our lunch."
      Many moons had risen and fallen since Savage crashed on this strange planet. She had been right; time was nearly impossible to keep when you had no engagements or even a chronometer to keep track. The only thing that mattered was where the sun was in the sky. Had it been weeks or months? Hard to tell when the moon is always full, although the leaves were starting to fall slowly and the flowers danced on the wind in larger quantities than before.
    They had grown incredibly close. It would be difficult not to when one needed comfort at night and the other needed kindness during the day. She never had someone to hold when the nightmares came and he had never felt a kind touch before. How do you know you're falling in love when you had never fallen before? It didn't feel like a fall, it felt like a warm embrace. A kind form to lean agianst and an ear to listen, a voice to guide.
    He felt lighter, like his feet weren't pounding into the earth but walking across it. Like his presence wasn't a burden or disturbance. Like he was wanted by her, by this planet, by the creatures who lived here.
    They spent their days in meditation, tending the garden, hunting, caring for the chickens and wading in the springs. They spent their nights by the fire, preparing meals, he watched her fiddle with this or that and tried multiple times to whittle away bits of wood like he had seen her do. No matter what the evening started with it always ended the same, wrapped in each other’s arms. It had been a while since he found her rocking in the center of their home in the middle of the night. Even longer since he adamantly thought about seeking revenge agianst those who had harmed him.
    After lunch they decided to take Mira to the orchard close by and pick the juicy red fruits for canning, she had told him that winter would be coming. During the heart of it, the longest night of the year. The planet would be lit only by the moon for the equivalent of a week.
    The lowest hanging fruit was still too tall for either of them to reach so he picked her up to sit on his shoulders. She giggled and filled the basket he held with the sweet treats. Rather than ride Mira back they made their way leisurely, picking mushrooms, berries and flowers that caught her eye.
    They left the tree line during the golden hour and she paused to admire how the light shone agianst the spring. He had never seen anything so beautiful as the creature who stood before him, bathed in brilliant light. She turned to him and motioned him to lean down towards her holding up a floral wreath she had woven on their journey back. She stepped towards him almost bashfully and his breath caught in his chest. They held one another at night and she had given him the occasional kiss to his head but there were a few levels of intimacy they hadn't breeched. He had never wanted to feel a set of lips grace his own as much as he had in this moment.
    Her face broke into a smile as she took the basket into her now free hands and made a ridiculously animated bow in his direction, head dropping down her knees.
"Lord of destruction and new beginnings, king of fallen petals, our castle awaits! And dinner must be cooked." It took him a moment to realize she had placed the wreath on his head like a crown and he rumbled a laugh.
"I think you've finally convinced me that you might be insane."
She curtseyed and flashed him a mischievous smirk.
"All the good ones are my dear."
    He chuckled again and took off the crown and placed it on her head. He held her cheek in his hand. He didn't miss how her eyes darted between his own and his lips, slightly wetting her own with a flick of her tongue.
"I think we've already established you're the princess in this scenario, this is your castle and your kingdom."
"What if... if it was ours?" It was the first time he had ever seen this look on her face. This hesitation, this want. He froze for longer than he wanted to admit. It was the closest thing by far to acknowledgement of what was brewing between the two of them.
    Her brows furrowed just slightly in regret and she started to turn away but before she could he grabbed her arm as gently as he could in his desperation and spun her back towards him. Without hesitation he took what he sought and pressed his lips to her own. They were even softer than he imagined.
    Her eyes fluttered closed and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself closer to him. He lifted her up into his arms without breaking their contact and purred agianst her. One of her hands traveled to the back of his head and brushed agianst the base of a horn causing him to gasp silently. She took the chance and ran the tip of her tongue agianst his, deepening the kiss.
    They stayed like that for a few minutes, dancing and gliding their lips and tongues agianst one another softly until their breathing became ragged. He broke the kiss and set her down but their arms remained wrapped around one another. Foreheads pressed together they stood until their breathing slowed and the heat fell from their cheeks.
    For a moment he was worried he took it too far. The idea of ruining whatever it was they had bloomed in his chest and took root. But like all of his fears she chased them away with the sound of her delighted giggles. She grazed his lips again with her own, smiling before she bent down to refill the basket she had dropped by his sudden affections. Of course, he helped her before allowing her to lead him by the hand back into her home.
Their home.
      For the first time in his life felt... giddy. He helped her prepare for dinner but allowed himself to brush his hands agianst her as often as he could. When they lay together that night, she kissed him again, long lingering tentative kisses that brushed agianst the point of no return for both of them. He fell asleep with her on his chest wondering how he had gotten so lucky.
    She knew what he had done, what he was capable of and accepted him anyway. He thought himself a monster but how could someone so beautiful, so capable and soft care so deeply for a monster. Maybe he wasn't one after all.
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