#after civl war
gaypirate420 · 1 year
Being a Jasper girlie (gender neutral) is constantly living on the fucking threnches.
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wuxiaphoenix · 2 years
On Writing: History and the Fantastic
I love fantasy and SF worlds, where weirdness abounds and there’s a new monster or alien around every labyrinth corner. But I favor grounding the fantastic in as much history, science, and biology as you can handle. It adds depth and backstory to your world, and there are plenty of readers out there hungry not just for entertainment, but for information. When they read a story, they want to learn something.
For me, learning the history of Northeast Asia started with Blockbuster and Samurai X.
Note, prior to that I’d seen some anime; Sailor Moon, Monster Rancher, a few others. But they were all dubs on TV, and I had no idea they were anything beyond “new cartoons”.
(The internet was not something I could get easy access to at the time. Or I’d have found out otherwise.)
Samurai X, though - that was something completely different. The animation was beautiful, the swordfights like nothing I had seen before, and the apparent historical details (samurai and people in late 19th century uniforms, really?) were intriguing enough that I wanted to see if they were anything close to real. And so started my poking into manga (Rurouni Kenshin first, others later) and early modern Japan.
(Blockbuster is also how I got to see Gundam Wing, Princess Mononoke, Howl’s Moving Castle, and Spirited Away. I miss that store.)
Finding out that the Bakumatsu was real, not an invention of the writer, and samurai had indeed been running around killing each other with swords (and guns) about the same time as the American Civl War was... well. World-shaking isn’t exactly accurate. But it certainly shook up my view of history.
I also admit to a deep sympathy with anyone who wants to tell the rest of the world, “get off my lawn and stop bothering me”. In the long term it doesn’t work, other humans being first-class botherers, especially if they think you might be weaker than they are. But the impulse is real, and relatable.
This led to a lot of digging. A lot, and probably pulling out every book in nearby libraries related to that place and time.
Eventually this led to the MDZS animation, and then various c-dramas and k-dramas. Unfortunately library books on Ming, Yuan, Qing, Goryeo and Joseon are... locally nonexistent. But between internet niche articles and JSTOR, I can keep digging and filling in the gaps as I get one book at a time. Because this part of the past is a foreign world, and makes everything you thought familiar take on a new light. With that you reconsider your own history, how place makes a difference, and how the past leaves ghosts of customs, foods, attitudes, and fears in its wake.
The past was different. But often it’s presented as “more of the same, people just didn’t know as much”... unless you look at the past in a foreign land, where historians are more willing to focus on “this is how it was, wasn’t it weird?”
But humans are humans. If you can see how weird that past over there was, you know your own must be equally weird. And then you can start finding the cracks and oddities that were glossed over in the history “everyone knows”.
Here’s a tame example. Cattle drives and cowboys, the quintessential image of the Old West. Except prior to the Civil War, cattle drives were a major thing in the Southeast, stock being driven to the railheads for points north. Meaning after the war a lot of Southern drovers headed west away from Reconstruction and picked up their old job in a new place. Sometimes bringing their old grudges and a fair amount of PTSD with them
(Yes, the Civil War had PTSD. They called it “heatstroke”. It was considered serious and sufficient explanation for rare lethal shooting sprees years or decades later.)
Knowing all this, you can see that while the character of Nathan Algren in The Last Samurai may not be a historical person, he is a very historically plausible character. And that makes the story so much better.
Steal from the best. Give your worlds reality. Your stories will last with the reader, long after they close the book.
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downeysgirl94 · 6 years
Amends & Girls Ch. 10 of Not Alone Anymore
Natasha had just arrived back at the compound and wasn’t sure what she was going to walk into. She knew she had messed up in the past with the accords with Tony but she wanted to make amends even if Steve wouldn’t yet. Luckily Ross had been removed from the accords commodity that she knew of so she didn’t have to worry about him. Natasha stepped off the elevator and immediately saw some of peter’s books in the common room it made her smile, she hadn’t seen peter in so long she missed seeing him when she was here. She had to earn tony trust back first since there is no way she will be allowed to hang with peter otherwise tony loves him too much. She sighed.
“Friday where is tony?” she called
“Boss is currently in his lab would you like me to alert him of your presence Ms. Romanoff?” FRIDAY asked
“Yes let him know I’m in the common room, thank you FRIDAY” Natasha responded
“It’s was my pleasure” the AI replied
Natasha sat on the couch waiting for tony she picked up one of peter’s books to make time go by it was his math textbook it made her grin glancing through it she saw so many doodles about star wars and him do equations in his book god he was too smart for his own good. She noticed he had a picture in to book mark where his class was, when she turned to it and saw the picture she couldn’t help but smile it was a picture of peter and tony it looks like at a convention of some sort judging by peter’s shirt. They looked so happy it had to been recently since tony had what looked like the black eye he had around the time of the accords. Nat sighed thinking about that again but was slightly relived peter was there for tony. She made sure she did lose peter spot but kept glancing though his book and noticed what she guessed peter and his friend were writing back and forth to each other.
Dude are you ever going to ask MJ out?
What are you talking about?
It’s obvious you like her and I’m beginning to not doubt she has feeling for you too. go for it.
Were friends Ned nothing more!!!
Sure lol I guess I got confused with all the staring like you used to do to Liz ;)
Natasha could help but chuckle at this apparently Pete was embarrassed for liking a friend more than a friend.
“What is so funny about a high schooler’s math book?” tony asked stepping off the elevator obviously annoyed
Natasha immediately closed the book and set it on the table and stood to greet him.
“Hi tony I know your probably not thrilled to see me but before you ask I have not had any contact with rogers or any of his team since I last seen them in Germany.”
“Romanoff you expect me to believe that you tell me time again I can trust you but every time you go behind my back and break It.” tony said angrily
“Tony I’m trying to make amends that’s why I came here today, I know your mad you are right to be I don’t know what happened after Germany but I’m not going to push it” noticing tony slightly wince at the mention of it
“tony I knew how Steve gets when he puts his mind to something he won’t budge he doesn’t care what will happen as long as he got his way so I let him go so the battle would end in Germany. I didn’t want anyone else hurt” Nat said sighing
“Big lot of help your interfering did for Rhodey” tony said defeated
“Tony Vision didn’t mean to do that you know that, again I’m sorry what I was talking about was Spiderman” Nat said with a grin
“What about him?” tony said defensively
“Tony the others may be fooled but I’m not an idiot I know peter is Spiderman and I know Steve was not going easy on him for the amount of time they fought he was lucky he didn’t get hurt if Steve stayed and fought any longer whose saying he wouldn’t of really hurt him. I care for peter too.”
Tony sighed and rubbed his face and sat on the couch
“ I didn’t want him to come but he literally begged me wouldn’t leave me alone until I allowed it I told him to keep his distance to only web them up but of course him having my DNA makes him headstrong literally almost had a damn heart attack when I saw cap drop a gateway on him.”
“Tony I let him go because I didn’t want peter hurt I knew you were freaking out too.”
“Yeah Jesus I thought having a kid without powers was a cause for stress the moment he told me about his powers I could feel myself getting greyer by the minute.”
“How did he get powers?” Natasha asked
“Spider bite basically he has enhanced everything which is great for everything but my sanity.” Tony said with a chuckle
“Like I said tony I’m here to make amends I know you have made some changes to the accords and I’m willing to go along with whatever is in place I am truly sorry for breaking you trust tony. Nat said with a smile
“Well without the dick Ross things are a lot easier I can easily get you pardoned eventually ill work on the others if I decide to” tony said bitterly
“Whatever Steve did I can tell I had a huge impact on you and no I’m not going to ask it not for me to know but I can tell peter has helped you through it.”
“Yeah I guess” tony said unsurely
Natasha picked up peters book again and pulled out the photo and showed him
“This picture looks like it was taken maybe a week after it happened the old tony stark wouldn’t ever be at one of those conventions” Nat said with a grin
“Yeah the old I definitely wouldn’t but I have to admit going there with him was a fun time didn’t know he kept a picture in his math book.” Tony said laughing
“He probably likes that reminder of what a fun day when he’s bored in math.” Nat said smiling
“I guess so god id be lost without that kid” tony said putting the picture away
“I know you would so I hope you can forgive me” Nat said smiling
“Yeah you’re forgiven for now, plus I know the kid has been asking about you on occasion so I bet he like seeing you around again.” Tony said laughing
“Where is the kid now?” Nat asked
“He was hanging with his friends Ned and MJ I think movies or something, he messaged me before I came up here that he be home in a hour so probably like 15 minutes or so now” tony said glancing at his watch
Natasha grinned at the mention of MJ “Oh I can’t wait to see him again” she said grinning
Not even 15 minutes later peter walked off the elevator and saw his dad and black widow talking.
“Auntie Tasha!” peter exclaimed as he ran over and gave her a huge hug.
“Hey Pete I take it you missed me?” Nat said grinning
“Yeah but with everything I wasn’t sure” peter said quietly looking at tony
“Pete were good were friends again me and Nat are at least the others are TBD. You and your friends eat or are you hungry?”  Tony asked
“I’m starved, Tasha will you have dinner with us?”  Peter begged
“Sure bud whatever you want” Nat said laughing
“Dad order Chinese food please” peter said with a grin
“Aye, Aye Captain” tony said laughing. He stood up pulling his phone out of his pocket started walking to the kitchen to place the order.
Natasha noticed they were alone so decided to take advantage of it.
“So Pete what were you and you friends doing today?”  Nat asked
“We went to see the new star wars movie” peter answered
“I bet you enjoyed that what your friends think?” Nat asked
“Ned was over the moon he liked it more than me I think MJ I’m not really sure what she thought of it she’s not really into star wars much but she came because I invited her.” peter replied blushing slightly
Natasha grinned
“Well sounds like you had fun peter I have a question for you”
“So you like your friend MJ?” Nat said grinning
Peter cheeks turned red
“What are you talking about Tasha?”
Natasha picked up Math book and turned to where Ned was writing him notes
Peter sighed
“She’s just a friend Tasha nothing more I mean it” peter pleaded obviously embarrassed
“ you sure from this he comparing her to some other girl you had a crush on apparently saying he catches you watch her, sounds like a crush to me” Nat gave a smile
Peter sighed in defeat
“Yeah I think I like her more than a friend but there’s no way she likes me and I don’t want to risk our friendship just to be turned down.” Peter said quietly
“Pete she won’t turn you down, you want to know how I know. The movie she went because you peter asked her, you said it yourself she doesn’t like star wars yet she still went because she wanted to spend time with you. So Pete if you ask I guarantee shell says yes” Nat said with a warm smile
“Thanks Tasha for the advice I’ll try asking her next time I see her” peter said smiling
“I’m always here for you Pete and another advice try to pick a first date she like you hang around her a lot you should know” Nat said smiling
“She likes reading and arts a lot” peter replied
“try asking her to go to a museum or gallery I know she’s smart like you” Nat said smiling
“That a good idea thanks Tasha” peter said pulling her into another hug
“please don’t tell dad about this he embarrass me this next century god when I told him about liking Liz he tried giving me the talk god i’ve never wished I had a different parent until then” peter said laughing.
“You secret is safe with me” Nat said smiling
Tony walked in not long later saying the food should be there within 10 minutes. He noticed peter look like he just finished saying something.
“Did I interrupt a lively discussion?” tony said smirking
“Nope peter was just telling me about his movie” Nat answered
“Oh ok I believe it kid can talk hours about star wars” tony said sitting next to peter
“I do not” peter denied
“Pete vie timed you in the past do you want to ask FRIDAY or you want to take my word for it?” tony said chuckling
Peter shrugged in defeat and glanced over at Natasha who gave him a wink.
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confusedconfetti · 2 years
Ok soo...um *rolls up the sleeves*
Where are those fu**ers who said TONy diDn't thInK abOut Bruce In Civl WaR, roSs would've kePt hiM in the Raft..Tony DoeSnt paY for the other aVengErS..Tony this Tony that..come one out now...i just wanna talk..
Tony 'gifts a million dollar island', 'builds a bar' 'specially makes a million dollar lab for brucie bear to keep BOTH hulk and brucie safe' Stark...and the anti's just piss me off.
This little rant came out because he was so nice and I still miss him..and even after he's gone..somone mentioning a small gesture about Tony makes my tear up...
The moment Jen wore Tony's Led Zeppelin t-shirt, i cried..
Brucie kept that t-shirt for so long..
Tony coming to bruce's lab to whine about Steve...my heart just can't..
Tony being with bruce..in the lab creating enjoying and just being science bro's
I loved Jen she's amazing..but I miss them❤
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weatherman667 · 2 years
The concept that slavery is a moral evil is English.  Is ENTIRELY English.  England was the first major power in the world to take a moral stance against slavery, and then imposed that stance on the rest of the world.
Anyone trying to come after the Anglosphere for their use of slavery is fighting against the very concept that slavery is evil.
Every single society in human history practiced slavery.  It has existed before we’ve had writing.  It might have existed longer than we’ve had civilization.
Until England stood up and said no.
Britain BOUGHT out every single slave in the Empire, and freed them.  A dept they carried into the 2000′s.  The US broke away before this, and so fought an incredibly bloody civl war to end slavery.
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hebblog · 2 years
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Halo | Episode 3
At this point, I think I’m going to PLAY Halo while watching new episodes. 
P+ has got to have the worst UI for playing episodes. Why do I have to physically drag the timer to watch from the beginning (if someone has already watched) gimme the option to start from spot or beginning! 
So Chief’s the bad guy still right? I guess that’s a cool twist IF this wasn’t like, the beginning of his story? Kinda? In the games when he was revealed as a god, and went off path, it was devastating. This is just a soldier acting weird. 
This garbage kids remind of the one’s from the H3 commercial. 
Oooooh that’s how they acquired the girl that lives with the Covies. I mean….sure…still doesn’t explain the timeline of how humans found out about them in this storyline. 
Also why do they call Chief “Demon” already???He Didn’t they only start calling him that after the first game?? Like, he had to become a menace to their people for them to fear him. Right now in the show he’s had some situations with them…but the war hasn’t even started??? 
God I hate that intro…
Waaaaaiiiiit…..what the fuck. Did that thing just say Miranda Keyes is the daughter of Halsey??? What the flying squirrel fuck. 
I get Battlestar Galactica vibes from this show, sometimes. Which is a shame, because that would make it so damn rad. I really feel like they had a script for a different show, and since they couldn’t get Halo off the ground as a series, they just adapted that existing show for this one. 
So…in this story….Halsey cloned herself, and then will murder the clone to harvest the brain….to turn it into….an AI that will run the Cortana system?? Am I following this correctly??? Did this happen in game and I just missed it??? I feel like I’ve followed a lot of the lore pretty closely, I would’ve noticed this! 
Obviously they have to put an eyeball surgery scene in to make me hate this even more. Gross. 
Wait (again), so the brain of Halsey’s clone goes into John’s brain, the body is destroyed, aaaand that creates an AI system out of thin air?? I DON’T UNDERSTAND (I do love the old armour sets in the background though).
I do not care about this civl war refugee character. I know this girl is supposed to act as “us” in the show, but it doesn’t feel that way. WE are supposed to be the Chief in the Halo storyline. You can’t give us two characters that we’re supposed to see through the eyes of. 
Put him back in the suit. Put him back in the suit. Put him back in the suit. 
Dammit I jinxed it, now he’s just in a flipping t-shirt. 
Kay the Lekgolo attacking everyone on this ship is rad as hell! This series’ “hallway scene”. 
………………and then they ruined it by giving her….*sigh*….energy sword NAILS. What the fuck. That means human-female nail aesthetics is a thing within the Covenant. Or else they researched it specifically for HER? WHY?? 
What the fuck is this dialogue?? “Go, disappear” Why in the HELL would he…this isn’t how Chief acts. Sure he jumps into stuff without planning, but he doesn’t snap and lose his cool like this. He really is just some regular ass soldier in this show. 
They injected her into is actual brain. Geezus christ. Also this hormonal pellet…I hate that to. Just SOUNDS stupid. Nothing in Halo ever sounded stupid. 
Now it’s naked Master Chief. Oh wait, civi clothes Chief. So over this. 
I would understand all of this IF this was meant to be a story about Chief BEFORE the Covenant war. This side-timeline stuff is nonsense. 
WAAAAAAIT baby John new about Forerunner artifacts??? WHAAAAT
Ugh...I just can’t shake the feeling that I’m watching a generic sci-fi show, when I should be watching an amazing series about my most beloved character :(
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winterironbang · 4 years
Art Preview:
 Below you will find the art previews for this year, remember authors that its not quite time for claiming yet!Take a good look and pick 2-3 favourites and remember their Title for when claiming does begin.
If you’d rather see the art as a google doc click here
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   Title: Kissing under the fireworks
Description/Prompt: what it says on the tin. Kissing under the fireworks.
This one is a pretty open universe, could be a first kiss, a regular kiss exchanged at New Year's Eve, the fireworks are celebrating that one of them have been crowned King or them finally getting married. Or maybe a romantic proposal at a holiday celebration. 
Warnings: None
Limitations: No unhappy/ambiguous ending, no alcoholism (but recovery or past mentions are fine), no watersports (kink) 
A/N: The art is not finished I am open to reinterpretation and/or taking the prompt a different way then the one I have outlined or changing the art a bit to better fit the story like Bucky (not) having the arm, short hair or long and similar 
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 Title: welcome back / welcome home 
Description/Prompt: Bucky pulls Tony into a bone crushing hug, extremely relieved that Tony is back home and alive. Bucky doesn't plan to let him go, ever again. 
Open verse, could be a no-power AU, or pre-Afghanistan, or maybe sometime when Tony is IronMan. It could be focusing on Bucky's anguish at not knowing where is Tony if he is alive. Or could be the celebration that Tony is home. Maybe how is their life is being affected after.
Warnings: None
Limitations: No unhappy/ambiguous ending, no alcoholism (but recovery or past mentions are fine), no watersports (kink) 
A/N: The art is not finished I am open to reinterpretation and/or taking the prompt a different way then the one I have outlined or changing the art a bit to better fit the story like Bucky (not) having the arm, short hair or long and similar
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   Title: 19th century AU
Prompt: 19th century-vibes AU (or can be Bridgerton AU), with behaving one way in private and another way in public to save face, love, and searching for one's freedom. (Can be ABO or not)
Limitations: dubcon/noncon between the OTP, eye gore, MCD, D/s verse (a normal universe with a D/s relationship is fine though), unhappy ending, pwp. I would prefer if it was not simple love at first sight.
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 Title: Sweethearts
Description/Prompt:  Punk!Alpha!Bucky gets into a fight, not on purpose - this time - and while he does win, he gets beaten badly. 
He tries to walk it off, but he runs into his Omega classmate Tony who is heading home from a late night lab-session. 
Tony sees him and is very adamant to treat Bucky's injuries - he lets slip by accident a couple of details about Bucky, showcasing that he pays more attention to Bucky than a "proper" Omega should. 
Tony patches Bucky up, and they fall asleep on the couch, Bucky relaxing after a long while.
They end up becoming friends and Tony offers to tutor Bucky. 
They end up falling in love with Tony, and Bucky stops skipping class and getting into so many fights. Though Tony patches him up, every single time. 
In the end Bucky's grades improve enough that he finishes in the Top 10 of the class. 
Warnings: none
Limitations: No unhappy/ambiguous ending, no alcoholism (but recovery or past mentions are fine), no watersports (kink) 
A/N: The art is not finished I am open to reinterpretation and/or taking the prompt a different way then the one I have outlined or changing the art a bit to better fit the story like Bucky (not) having the arm, short hair or long and similar  
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Title: Iron Man Noir AU
Prompt: Iron Man Noir AU with influences from Spider-Man Noir. It is 1939, Tony Stark is undercover in Berlin in his hidden Cabaret, to gather intel, and help where help is needed. 
Why is Bucky there? Is he sent for undercover work, ready to meet some secret contact? Is he a Russian spy sent to gather information about America's plans? Or is he just some normal guy who wandered into the wrong Cabaret at the wrong time? 
(These are just some ideas for Bucky, if you have others, let's talk! Bucky could be MCU-inspired or comic-inspired, or a mix or something else.)
Limitations: noncon between Bucky and Tony,  MCD, ABO, D/s verse (a normal universe with a D/s relationship is fine though), eye gore, eye things in general, unhappy ending, pwp, smoking except pipes.
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  Title: BDSM AU
Description/Prompt: I was definitely thinking praise kink and rope play, but feel free to include others as well. Who is being tied up is the Author's choice, I will adjust the art accordingly (like including Bucky's metal arm) 
Warnings: BDSM, Rope play and I guess other kind of kinks if they get included. 
Limitations: No unhappy/ambiguous ending, no alcoholism (but recovery or past mentions are fine), no watersports (kink) 
A/N: The art is not finished I am open to reinterpretation and/or taking the prompt a different way then the one I have outlined or changing the art a bit to better fit the story like Bucky (not) having the arm, short hair or long and similar.
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    Title: Sea AU 
Description/Prompt: Siren/Mermaid Tony and Sailor/Pirate/Privateer!Bucky - Tony visits his land bound lover, Bucky. 
This one is open verse, I have already listed couple of options for them, but feel free to change that. 
The world can be dark - Siren!Tony attracts unsuspecting ships (and sailors) to their death. Either by Bucky's sword or by shipwrecking them.
Could be angst - ala Little Mermaid style (original or Disney version) or a completely new one 
Could be hurt/comfort - Bucky is the only survivor of his ship, because Tony saved him. But Tony could only bring him to a lonely Island, where the only way out is for Bucky to build a raft, and Tony provides company whenever he can stay above water. 
Could be fluff - Tony and Bucky deeply in love, where in the end Bucky follows Prince Tony into the depths of the ocean, never to be seen again by human eyes.
Or any other combinations! Go wild! 
Warnings: None, I would say 
Limitations: No unhappy/ambiguous ending, no alcoholism (but recovery or past mentions are fine), no watersports (kink) 
A/N: The art is not finished I am open to reinterpretation and/or taking the prompt a different way then the one I have outlined or changing the art a bit to better fit the story like Bucky (not) having the arm, short hair or long and similar 
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Title: Vampire Bucky
Prompt: Vampire Bucky AU with Bucky. How does Tony find him like this? Let’s brainstorm together.
Limitations: noncon between Bucky and Tony, unhappy ending, pwp, MCD, ABO, D/s verse (a normal universe with a D/s relationship is fine though), eye gore, eye things in general, smoking, evil Tony, evil Bucky
A/N: It's still very sketchy, total WIP.
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   Title: Knight in shining armour
Description/Prompt: The Winter soldier is pulled from a burning HYDRA base by IronMan. 
Open verse, it could be that Bucky is slowly methodically taking his revenge on HYDRA, and everytime he is injured IronMan comes and rescues him, but Bucky never stays, all the way until the end. 
Or maybe Bucky was kidnapped and wiped, and IronMan wiped out the HYDRA base in revenge and now he is taking Bucky home.
Maybe IronMan finds HYDRA during Avengers one and decides to do some recon on his own and comes face to face with Bucky Barnes. 
There are sooo many possibilities! 
(While the IronMan armour is intended to be the Bleeding Edge armour, this can be changed) 
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort? Possibly darker themes 
Limitations: No unhappy/ambiguous ending, no alcoholism (but recovery or past mentions are fine), no watersports (kink) 
A/N: The art is not finished I am open to reinterpretation and/or taking the prompt a different way then the one I have outlined or changing the art a bit to better fit the story like Bucky (not) having the arm, short hair or long and similar 
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Title: Dragon Shifter AU
Description/Prompt: Tony and Bucky are dragon shifters, Tony with fire magic, Bucky with ice magic. They can't stand each other, but they have to get along now... (Basically any enemies/ frenemies to lovers story you can thing of will make me happy, maybe with arranged marriage or a common goal/ enemy?)
Limitations: no A/B/O, no Civl War salt, no non-con between bucky/ tony, no mpreg
A/N: This art is purely self-indulgent. Anyone who wants to just have fun with the idea feel free to pick it up!
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Title: Warlord Tony AU
Prompt: Everyone has heard of the warlord Iron Man, a cunning monster whose troops mercilessly slaughter his opponents on the battlefield and who has never lost a single battle. According to some he's not even a man at all: After all, he can cut through weapons and people alike, and survived direct hits that would kill a normal man. His army turns wins fights against superior numbers and his cannons never miss their target. Very few people know that he also hides quite a number of secrets in a calm little valley at the heart of his territory, in a town called Arc.
For Bucky, you can go wild - whether he's part of a tribute, an enemy soldier, an assassin or something else. We're looking forward to talking about plot ideas!
Warnings: implied violence, blood
Limitations: no non-con between Tony/Bucky, no fully evil Tony, no MCD, no ABO, no mrpeg, no team cap  bashing pls
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  Title: Alpine 
Description/Prompt: Biker Bucky finds Alpine on the side of the road, abadoned and hungry. Bucky decides to take Alpine to the vet, unfortunately this being - your choice of holiday - there are not many vets are open and most of them is for emergency only. 
Bucky worried that the kitten won't survive the night, runs into vet!Tony who is about to head home. However seeing the kitten, Tony decides to help and nurture the kitten. Alpine survives the night and becomes a bike-riding cat, usually traveling on Bucky's shoulders or back pack. 
The story could be a falling in love at first sight, or Bucky bringing all kinds of animals to Tony, because Bucky trusts Tony to take care of them. (There maybe a cracky story hidden in there somewhere too *wink*) 
Warnings: no kittens were harmed in the making of this prompt - none 
Limitations: No unhappy/ambiguous ending, no alcoholism (but recovery or past mentions are fine), no watersports (kink) 
A/N: The art is not finished I am open to reinterpretation and/or taking the prompt a different way then the one I have outlined or changing the art a bit to better fit the story like Bucky (not) having the arm, short hair or long and similar  
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    Title: Late night dance lessons 
Description/Prompt: Bucky is baking late into the night as a super soldier he doesn't need much sleep and baking is a relaxing hobby. It's 2am, the night is quiet no people around and his favourite music is playing from the stereo. 
This is the moment when Tony arrives (could be a long night at the 'shop, or maybe just coming in from an overnight flight, maybe this is the time they regularly meet), they get into a small talk which slowly evolves into Tony staying and talking and Bucky reminscens of old times and what he can remember. It's a soft and tender talking the one people only have at 3am. Then an old times music comes on, reminding Bucky of nights when he went out to dance. And Tony seeing the look on his face offers to dance with him. 
Warnings: None
Limitations: No unhappy/ambiguous ending, no alcoholism (but recovery or past mentions are fine), no watersports (kink) 
A/N: The art is not finished I am open to reinterpretation and/or taking the prompt a different way then the one I have outlined or changing the art a bit to better fit the story like Bucky (not) having the arm, short hair or long and similar 
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Title: Feats of Flexibility 
Description/Prompt: Bucky is doing push-ups, and someone accuses him of showing off - he had been in the gym for hours now - and Bucky claims that this nothing challenging to him, so naturally he is challenged into proving it. 
This is escalated into more and more complicated and complex tasks ending in Tony sitting on Bucky's back while he is doing push ups, with his feet in the air 
Poor Tony who only come down to keep in shape and tries valiantly to not stare at those feats of muscles and flexibility gets roped in 
Can end in a kiss/confession or more sexy times *wink*
Warnings: None
Limitations: No unhappy/ambiguous ending, no alcoholism (but recovery or past mentions are fine), no watersports (kink) 
A/N: The art is not finished I am open to reinterpretation and/or taking the prompt a different way then the one I have outlined or changing the art a bit to better fit the story like Bucky (not) having the arm, short hair or long and similar 
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Title: Untitled
Description/Prompt: Open to any ideas for some steampunk shenaniganry! Skyships, pirates, dashing captains, scrappy inventors, swash*buckly* adventures?
Warnings: none?
Limitations:  DNWs include a/b/o, mpreg, noncon, dubcon between major protagonists, death of major protagonists, unhappy/ bad endings
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  Title: Fantasy Secret Identity AU
Description: Bucky standing in front of a wall plastered with posters of all sorts, among them some wanted posters, one for Iron Man, one for the Winter Soldier.
Prompt: Tony Stark is a well-known noble and mage, and Iron Man is a well-known villain. Of course, the two aren't connected at all. Until Tony Stark takes on a bet to figure out the identity of the man in the armor - and hires James Barnes, a washed-up mercenary to find any clues possible. It's just as well James has no links to the feared assassin called Winter Soldier, because that would be making things complicated.
I'm always open for other ideas but am really hoping for some identity porn :D
Warnings: None
Limitations: no A/B/O, no mpreg, no CW salt, no MCD
A/N: I haven't inked most of the posters in order to leave the author some freedom for the AU they want to make - I'm open for suggestions about adding stuff in!
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  Title: Promise of the Desire to Live
Description/Prompt: This is a Pokémon crossover piece. The Pokémon egg on the left belongs to Magearna and will hatch in her original coloring (which are pretty much Iron Man colors). This Magearna will be the partner of Tony. The Pokémon egg on the right belongs to Mewtwo and will have almost the same coloring as Shadow Mewtwo except that his tail will be navy blue. This Mewtwo will be Bucky’s partner. Here’s the prompt – 
            The Avengers are called to deescalate a situation involving a young and semi-inexperienced Inhuman who lost her family due to a suicide bomber. After receiving her powers mere days after that traumatic event, this young girl, no more than 12, is able to sense who has a strong desire to commit suicide and send them to places/people/beings that need help and are able to bring them back from the brink of suicide.
Omega!Tony and Alpha!Bucky are sent to a Team Plasma lab with an egg incubator in the center of the room with two eggs in it. They take the eggs.
Warnings: Discussions of depression and suicidal thoughts
Limitations: Story cannot be ended with the Pokémon hatching. I want a full-length Pokémon journey from Bucky, Tony, and their Pokémon. I want them to find a way to travel between the Pokémon world and their home world. Also, must have A/B/O. No rape.
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Title: Bunny Tony/ Wolf Bucky
Description/prompt: No matter what the media and Hollywood tried to say, there wasn't really that much difference between predator and prey presenting people. A jaguar wouldn't love climbing trees and napping all day anymore than a squirrel would hoard nuts and play deadly games with cars.
But whenever Tony's gorgeous rear and fluffy tail wind up in Bucky's line of sight, he has to clamp his teeth against a strong urge to bite. And when Tony comes down to the kitchen each morning, hair a mess and silky, floppy ears on display, Bucky has to fight more possessive urges. He's sure neither the team or Tony would appreciate Bucky dragging the bunny off to his territory...Would they?
Warnings: N/A
Limitations: Happy Ending, No Civil War, No  AoU, No bathroom kinks, Prefer Team as family, Explicit welcome
A/N: The sketch will be colored and have at least one more piece featuring a Wolf Bucky. And maybe a shot of Tony's fluffy tail.
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  Title: Untitled 2
Description/Prompt: something based on the John Wick tailor scene or James Bond-Q outfitting or just general spies or mafia? 
Open for brainstorming or alternate interpretations or anything really! Assassins/Spies not up your alley? image can be edited/background removed if your idea is for a non powers tailor au instead!
Warnings: canon typical violence for story (john wick levels or mcu levels up to author?)
Limitations:  DNWs include a/b/o, mpreg, noncon, dubcon between major protagonists, death of major protagonists, unhappy/ bad endings
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Title: Hold out your hand
Description/Prompt: The only thing I feel needs to be heavily included in the fic would be about Bucky's relationship with his arm and how Tony helps him with that (though it doesn't technically need to be the main storyline) 
If you want other input then I love tropes especially soulmate type situations and Bucky recovery fics, but pretty much any trope is good. 
Warnings: NA
Limitations: Character death, age play (I am pretty much open to anything else, any rating is cool with me as is including smut or not)
A/N: I am still messing with the composition and finish on this so if you have any input then let me know :) (for example the smaller images of the hands and Tony could be used individually for page breaks in the story rather than being the main art?)
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Title: Porcelain and Metal or maybe a Toy au?
Description/Prompt: This particular piece was created because I really wanted a porcelain ballerina tony and nutcracker-ish bucky.This could be a first meeting scene of sorts with bucky being a shameless flirt but the writer could expand and add more scenes of course! I mostly just wanted a very cute and magic realism-ish vibe. 
Warnings: N/A
Limitations: No unhappy endings. A bit of angst for the sake of the plot is fine. Non-consensual acts of any sorts is also a no
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Title: Scheherazade AU
Description/Prompt: Based on Thousand and One Nights, war chief!Bucky refuses a spouse and threatens to kill anyone he's set up with. Tony ends up married to him and talks every night, leaving off right before bed so Bucky has to keep him around another day 
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Limitations: no noncon/heavy warnings. Also really not into stucky, even as background influence/past feelings. Also don't want any feminization of Tony by having him as 'weaker' or a damsel. I don't like infidelity or overcomplicated drama because of simple misunderstandings. Some smut is okay, but no hard kinks, PWP, or A/B/O.
A/N: Besides inspiration of original story, I don't have much planned. While no warnings, it would include arranged marriage, but no actual noncon please. I like slowburn so totally down for a long fic. Also pretty relaxed with background ships and always here for some epic friendships (tony and rhodey, bucky and nat, etc). 
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  Title: Mirror images
Description/Prompt: Bucky and Winter got separated into two bodies by accident or on purpose, which helps greatly with them getting along better (or at all), until they decide independently to woo Tony 
Both of them show how much they care about Tony, even if it's very very different from each other 
Tony appreciates and loves both and absolutely can't decide between the two (nor does he want to because both are important to him) and it ends in polamory either a triangle or v-shaped
Warnings: N/A
Limitations: No unhappy/ambiguous ending, no alcoholism (but recovery or past mentions are fine), no watersports (kink) 
A/N: The art is not finished I am open to reinterpretation and/or taking the prompt a different way then the one I have outlined or changing the art a bit to better fit the story like Bucky (not) having the arm, short hair or long and similar 
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Title: College au meet cute or something
Description/Prompt: No specific plot, maybe Bucky and Tony like each other but both are oblivious to the others feelings. Steve and Rhodey as the "Why am I bestf riends with an idiot" best friend. With minor thundershield please 
Warning: N/A
Limitations: No unhappy endings. Bit of angst for the sake of plot is fine.
A/N: Will color and clean this up a bit. I'll also be willing to make more art for the story if ever.
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187days · 3 years
Day Sixty-One
I was slightly concerned, when I started Block 1 World Cultures, that my lesson was not going to go well. I wanted students to share the research they’d done yesterday (about either Uganda or Somalia), but they were initially really quiet, and it was like pulling teeth. Gradually, though, more and more students started to participate, and over the next half hour or so they shared enough information that we could all clearly see how colonial rule led to conflicts in both countries, which were then fueled by Cold War-era weaponry, and the consequences are still being felt today.
After that, we read an article together that explained the lead-up to the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, and I asked them to connect what they learned from it with the research they’d done (the RPF’s leaders fought in Uganda’s civl war, the US didn’t want to get involved in Rwanda following the deaths of its soldiers in the Battle of Mogadishu, stuff like that). That’s when the class really got lively; students lit up when it clicked for them how everything fit together, and they asked some excellent questions, which led to some fascinating tangents in our discussions. It was all so good. The article ended on the fact that 450 largely unarmed UN peacekeepers were left guarding thousands of Tutsis in Rwanda during the genocide, and tomorrow I’m going to show Shake Hands With the Devil, which tells their story. A lot of students said they really want to know what happened, they’re curious about this now, and what more can I ask for as a teacher than that, right?
Meantime, in APUSGOV, it’s all about Court Madness. Here are this year’s brackets:
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Students paired up (with one triple because I have an odd number of students) and drew the name of a case out of a hat. They’ll have to argue that their case is more significant than the other case in their bracket, so they spent today doing research and crafting their arguments (with a bit of smack talk and a few secret planning sessions in the hallway). They’ll continue that tomorrow, and debates will begin on Thursday.
That means I’m planned out in GOV for a bit, so I spent my prep time planning for World. I have to provide an alternate assignment for students whose parents don’t give them permission to watch Shake Hands With the Devil (because it’s r-rated). I had one I used in past years, but it needed some tweaking, so that’s what I did this afternoon. The Principal came to talk to me while I was finishing up. He had a quick request, but we ended up chatting about the general state of affairs for a while. After he left, I quickly graded the assignments I’d collected today, then headed out. It was around 4PM by then, so it was a late one, but it’s all good!
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hillwoodhouse · 4 years
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Meet Jerry.  Among the first generation of black men born into freedom in South Carolina after the Civl War.  Painted by Elizabeth Boott Duveneck in Aiken, SC in the winter of ‘83.
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stellarune · 4 years
Sophiana and detz coward-
first of all : hEY
second of all : alright.  detz :
dex, after everything that happened, after spending so many years in a civl war decides to reconsider his original idea of becoming a councillor and fix the wrongs of their world, and instead decides to become a mentor
his final goal is to becom headmaster of foxfire but he takes things one at a time. 
his subject isnt technopathy, although he does teach a few students here and there when the usual mento is overwhelmed. no, his subject is alchemy. 
and hes pretty good at teaching, if he may say so himself ! after all, years of living with the triplets left him with more patience than twelve elves put together. 
fitz, after spending a few years as an emmissary trying to psh the council to take much needed reforms, eventually decides to join him
its not hard, his surname deos have its perks, and soon enough he finds himself a telepathy mentor
dex mocks him, in the beginning, when some of his students complain to him about fitz, saying how strict he was, and how he expected them to know more than they did and acted confused when they idnt
its a great source of frustration for him because he just cant figure it out
eventually he goes to dex for help since he heard nothing but good things about him and maybe its alitle awkward since they havent talked in a few decades, but they quickly fall back to teir dynamic
its freeing a bit, because as much as dex had acquantances in the other teachers, he didnt really have *friends*, and fitz hadnt been there long enough to know a lot of them. 
from then on, they eat most of their luches together, even run detention i the same classroom at one point
then one of dexs students come out to him. 
its not a big deal, and he doesnt make it to be, but he does ask them who else knows and who he should use the right pronouns around
and the kid tells him, embarrassed that he had been the first they told that to, but they guessed he could tell fitz as well, since he probably wouldnt make it a whole thing either
and dex is glad that he was a safe person for this kid to come out to, but he doesnt really know why him ? 
he asks the student, who chuckles a bit before answering that since he and lord vacker were a thing...
then the class is done and dex is left to his “oh” moment because he realizes that they do, act like a couple, holding hands sometimes and shit last week he was pretty sure fitz had fed him while he was grading papers. and he realizes that maybe he feels that way too, and if he does, then fitz is in the same boat.
fitz is certainly Not Opposed to the small kisses dex starts to give him on the cheek, or the head when he leaves to go somewhere but he doesnt quite know what to make of it. 
then eventually dex feels a bout of bravery one day and kisses him on the lips before leaving, and fitz is a mess for te rest of the day
they tlk next time theyre in detention duty together, and half of the students are following it with so much attention they only need popcorn for it to become their favorite telenovela/
easy to say they leave the classroom with whoops from the students, holding hands
the sophiana one is coming, but i cant put the ask in drafts and i need to change computers so ill just rb this later
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gcldvn · 4 years
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{cis woman; she/her; pansexual} – leia organa who comes from star wars has been spotted in sydney. they are twenty years old and are a force-sensitive human. they have been called +wise, +compassionate, -feisty. it seems like their memories are intact. i’ve also heard that they are a dead ringer for victoria pedretti.
name: leia amidala skywalker organa solo
age: twenty
height: 5′1"
hair color: brown
eye color: brown
born: 19 BBY
birthplace: polis massa
homeworld: alderaan
species: force-sensitive human
gender: cis woman
orientation: pansexual
occupation: college student
leia is the biological daughter of jedi knight anakin skywalker and senator of padmé amidala of naboo. she is the twin sister of luke skywalker. leia never knew her parents, as her mother died shortly after giving birth to her and her father succumbed to the dark side and took on the name of darth vader. jedi obi-wan kenobi safely delivered baby leia to alderaan, where she was adopted by senator bail organa and his wife, queen breha organa. she was raised a princess and the heir to the alderaanian monarchy. later she took her adoptive father’s place in the senate, becoming the youngest elected senator at eighteen. she supported the rebellion during the galactic civl war. it was during this time that she crossed paths with luke (unknown to her then as her brother), the smuggler, han solo, and the wookiee, chewbacca.
following the destruction of her homeworld, leia became the face and leader of the rebel alliance. after the defeat of the empire, she married han and had four children: jaina, jacen, anakin, and ben. she was formerly luke’s apprentice and later trained rey in the jedi arts. after the death of her husband and the collapse of her family, leia continued to lead the rebellion in the war against the first order. she died using her remaining strength to call back her son, ben, to the light side.
leia remembers everything up until her death, so finding herself young again and on a strange planet is quite a shock. 
she has retained her force-sensitivity, though she doesn’t practice the jedi arts in sydney. she is more focused on locating her family and going to school.
she’s currently studying political science.
though she shares traits from both her parents, leia is definitely more like anakin. she can be hot-headed, impulsive, and impatient.
she’s a mom friend and a natural leader.
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ad1thi · 4 years
@spiderrpcrker replied to your post “not this server being filled w tony and rdj antis can people stop...”
Lmao i think rdj was p unwilling himself or jon favreau was advised not to take him, something like that
he literally didn’t want to have to do more than just cameos after Age of Ultron, even for like the big Avengers films -- and then BvS happened and marvel execs roped him into Civil War,,,but please go off about how RDJ “threw his weight around” like please he didn’t even want to be in Civl War and spent the entire press tour reminding people that it wasn’t his film sjksksks
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missppxtts-a · 7 years
“Yes you do want more. Look at you, you’re beautiful. And right now, you crave my attention, because just having my eyes on you fills you with pride. But you’re so desperate to feel my touch, to hear your name on my lips… so tell me your name. You’re so eager to hear it in the sweetest voice you’ve ever heard.”   
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And looking at herself she did, even though Pepper wasn’t sure whether it was because he had said it or because it was just a normal thing to do. But he was right, she felt so proud of herself every moment he just briefly looked at her. “Virginia, but everyone knows me as Pepper. No one ever calls me Virginia, except for my parents.”
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dirigibleplumbing · 4 years
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@whenas-in-silks​ replied to your post “This was fun! Thanks to @fanfictiongreenirises for tagging me.  Here’s...”
I like the "dark fic yes, unhappy ending no" dichotomy; that's a very specific craving xD
Heh, absolutely. I can always handle certain types of unhappy endings in my darkfic. My personal favorite is endings that imply that Tony never manages to escape Hydra Cap or that Steve never even bothers trying to escape SIM but I mean. Those are happy endings, for Hydra Cap and SIM! 
And very occasionally, I want to read about sad sex worker Tony or irreparable Civl War angst and death or multiverse-destroying Hickmanvengers angst and cry until I'm a withered, dehydrated husk. That’s the ship, after all. 
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Something Important.
Requested by: @hgacutan Can I do a request where reader is tony stark daughter and reader is in relationship with Steve and when the civil war happened Steve decided it's much better to keep reader out of harm so he left her but he didn't know reader was pregnant until after infinity war but unfortunately their child is one of the people who turned to dust. Fluff and angst. You decide the end. Pleaseeee! Thank you.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Warning: Minimum Angst & Fluff
Summary: Civil War happened and your love was torn between Steve and your father Tony. Steve needs to keep you out of harm and while you deal with two life changing events.
Master List | Prompt List | 
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These were dangerous times and dating Steve while being the daughter of Tony Stark was not easy since the Civl War between the Avengers broke out recently. Your loyalty was tied between the two.
Living temporarily on site of the Avengers Compound had it’s perks, but it was for your own protection according to your father while things were happening and after Sokovia.
You loved Steve with every fibre of you’re being and he meant everything to you. At times your father, Tony did not approve of your relationship at the best of times, but still accepted the fact that you’re together and that you’re happy. 
Tony only wanted you to be happy and thats all that mattered to him. 
Steve walked into the lounge room briefly and quickly kissed you on the cheek and he then quickly walked into another room, searching for something very important so it seemed, you paid no attention.
Nausea was overwhelming and was sudden the past 2+ weeks, you missed your period, you quickly ran to the store and quickly took a pregnancy test as soon as you got home and you made sure that you grabbed a handful of tests.
As soon as you got home you quickly went into the bathroom as quickly as you came inside, you locked the door and then took the test, when you were finished you quickly hid the tests somewhere safe so Steve doesn't find them. The next few minutes were going to be agony.
A few minutes later of pacing around the bathroom you grabbed the pregnancy test and turned it over to see the results, you gasped as the results, pregnant, 2+ weeks, tears streamed down your face with pure joy. You took another 2 tests and they were all positive.
You’re pregnant with Steve’s child and you could not wait to tell Steve the great news, as soon as you walked out with test in hand, going through the house to find Steve.
Turning the corner to the lounge room you seen Steve with a couple of bags in hand and another at the door, you were wondering what was going on, you were very understanding, but this?
“Steve, I have to tell you something important...” you said before being interrupted by Steve.
“Y/N, I need to leave...It’s much better to keep you out of harm while all of this was going on...I don’t want you to be hurt or dead.” said Steve as he looked at you with nothing but love in his eyes.
“But Steve...” you said as he kissed you on the forehead and left through the front door with all of his bags.
You dropped your pregnancy tests on the floor as tears streamed down your face.
2 years later. [Take Place During Infinity War / MCU Timeline.
About 2 years later, you gave birth to your son named Grant, you felt and dealt with the pregnancy as well as the aftermath of the Civil War between Team Iron Man and Team Cap.
Sitting in the lounge room playing with your son Grant, in front of you as Grant faced you while he was playing with his favourite toys, he was laughing and giggling.
He looked so much like Steve, the blonde hair and blue eyes, you did not see yourself, only Steve. You missed him so much it hurts and you wished that you could see him and his son.
You picked him up, you played and tickled him and he laughed and giggle more, then you hugged him as tightly as you could and as soon as you brought him in front of you, Grant looked up at you with his smile on his face before being tuned into dust.
As you saw your son disappear into dust, your face and your stomach dropped as you looked around to see where your son had gone, you started to franticly look around the room and them his ashes on the floor.
“Grant!!” you screamed as you kept looking for him.
You continued to scream as you looked through the dust on the floor and started bursting into tears, after sometime, you picked on the floor and managed to dial Steve’s number.
The phone was dialling and it kept on ringing thinking that Steve might not answer, you were worried that he might not answered but luckily he did, you sighed with relief as tears were rolling down your cheek.
“Y/N, what is it?” asked Steve.
“Steve? I have something to tell you, when you left, I was 2 weeks pregnant with our child just before you left, I had a son and I named him Grant after your middle name. He was the one that turned into dust...” then you couldn't continue as you broke down into tears again.
“Oh my god Y/N...I’m coming asap.” Said Steve then he quickly hung up.
A few hours later, Steve comes to your house, to find you on the floor with a pile of dust on the floor. Then Steve walked in to find you and he knelt down next to you and you cried into is shoulder.
Then once Steve pulled away from you and you looked down, holding Grant in your hands, then Steve looked down and he started crying as well. Our son, was now turned to dust thanks to the Mad Titan Thanos.
“My child...” Steve said softly as you buried your head into his chest and you started crying again.
Steve lifted you up to your feet and both embracing each other for the first time in years sine he left during Civil War. After pulling apart, Steve had not changed much and neither have you.
“One minute he was playing and now he is reduced to nothing!” you sobbed.
“We will get through this. Check In with loved ones, 50% of the population has been wiped...” said Steve.
Over the next few hours you checked in with your closest loved ones and thankfully they were still alive except your son. It shattered them too, they were devistated that they lost their grandson and their nephew.
While you were on the phone to family, Steve walked around the house, looking at all the photos of his son and everything he has missed out on in his life. He missed out on alot of his life and how he wished he was now apart of it before all of this.
Steve also wished that he had stayed that day so he could of been told the news himself...He should of been there as he looked at a recent photo of Grant and you smiling together in the park last week, Steve smiled as he saw the photo.
Getting off the phone to your father, you found Steve looking at that recent photo and it was one of your favourites. You walked up next to him, looking like you’re bout to cry again.
“We need to get our son back Y/N. Whatever it takes.” said Steve while he looked at the photo.
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lol-jackles · 6 years
Speaking of guys and spn, i had a guy friend of mine watch a couple of episodes, and while he wasn't sucked in by the plot he instantly favored Sam Winchester. I think it's because like you've always said, Sam is the main protagonist. (btw, this totally sounds like a sam fan trying to brag—full disclosure, I am a sam fan, but this story is true)
That’s the nature of the protagonist, you follow their story because they move the plot forward.  Without the protagonist there is no story.  It’s why most TV shows are cancelled when they lose their lead actor.
There’s a saying that one does not remember the plot, one only remembers the characters.  How often have you said, “the plot escapes me” months or years after reading a book?  A protagonist is a principal character and while we may have forgotten the content of the story, we remember the protagonist’s development shaped by the events around him, and the reactions of the other characters to the protagonist’s progression.
As a kid I sucked at history class, couldn’t remember the timeline of the Revolutionary war to save my life or my grades.  Then we were assigned to read The Drummer Boy as part of our Civl War studies.  We followed the unnamed protagonist from when he saw President Abraham Lincoln at a train station to his first battle when a solider dies holding his hand, then onto the next battle and the next battle.   Through the protagonist eyes and experience I remembered the battles and timeline enough to get good marks in my history tests.  Years later I don’t remember those details but the effect of story has marinated in the networks of my bain, working on me even though I’m not thinking about it, becoming the sum of it all.  
I don’t remember the details of Supernatural’s 287 episodes, what I do recall is Sam going from a college kid with mad fight skills to losing his girlfriend to losing his father to losing his brother, meanwhile he finds new set of skills inside him and a scary destiny seemingly outside of his control.  Personal demons play on his weakness while the devil tempts him with promises of strength.  Sam learns to rely on his own strength and slowly carve out his own destiny outside the designs set by angels, demons, God, and Dean.     
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