#after Hogwarts
Memorable || Sebastian Sallow x Reader || Smut
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Outline: Sebastian invites you to the ball, the very first one you get to attend at Hogwarts. After learning that you have yet a few more first times to experience, he vows to make this night memorable for both of you.
Word count: 5’595
Warnings: Aged up characters, first time sex and explicit smut.
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Sebastian was sitting on the grass, his textbook opened and resting on his legs. Despite the soft spring rays of sunshine warming his face, the birds singing in the trees and your quiet presence right next to him, he still felt nervous.
He stared at you in awe of how beautiful your eyes looked in bright sunlight, how shiny and soft your hair seemed to be, how the first two buttons of your blouse were popped open and how he could catch a glimpse of a forbidden sight every time you slightly leaned forward to turn the page of your own textbook, scribbling notes on the parchment on your lap. He had suggested you studied together this afternoon, which wasn’t such an uncommon occurrence, but this time, getting himself to focus on anything else but you proved close to impossible.
“Hey, what are the two of you up to ?” A familiar voice asked. Sebastian managed to peel his eyes away from you to see Garreth Weasley, making his way to you with a friendly smile on his face.
“Studying.” You replied, barely looking up at him which somehow pleased Sebastian more than what he’d want to admit. “You should do the same if you want to pass your exam.”
“A wise advice.” Garreth replied, shaking his head as he sat down on the grass next to you.
Sebastian groaned. Getting you to agree to a study session with him without letting Ominis know about it had been harder than what he anticipated since the three of you were almost always together but he had managed to make it happen, but Garreth joining you wasn’t something he had planned on. He wanted to be alone with you… Not to mention that he didn’t like the way the redheaded gryffindor had decided to sit, so close to you, his knee almost touching yours…
“Oh look, there they are.” Sebastian said, pointing behind you to redirect Garreth’s attention somewhere other than on the parchment paper on your lap, where your skirt was slightly pulled up and letting a silver of your skin appear.
You and Garreth both turned around in time to see a group of Beauxbâtons students passing by. They had arrived a few days earlier along with students from Durmstrang for the Triwizard tournament organized at Hogwarts. This year being the ten year anniversary of the tournament, Professor Black had decided to make it special by hosting it in the middle of spring instead of waiting until winter.
The French students were so elegantly dressed, walking graciously towards the castle like a fascinating herd of absolutely gorgeous creatures. Sebastian knew the new students were Garreth’s current obsession, he even knew he kept failing to find the courage to invite one of them to the ball so, as expected, the young man jumped on his feet to take a better look at the light blue airy uniforms passing by, even awkwardly waving in their direction.
Unfortunately for him, none of the French girls paid him any mind, only one of them shooting a bright smile in Sebastian’s direction before vanishing inside the castle. Sebastian had smiled back at her instinctively, without really thinking about it, but the exchange between him and the Beauxbatons student didn’t go unnoticed, causing him to face Garreth’s envious disbelief and your dark stare.
“I think you caught the attention of the one with the long legs and plump lips, you lucky bastard.”
“I was just being friendly.” Sebastian argued, unsure of how to interpret the way you were staring at him. The only thing he knew was that he was in imminent danger of an ancient magic lighting hitting him if he didn’t justify himself quickly enough.
“I get it, I really want to be friendly with them too. All of them. At the same time.” Garreth continued, with a stupid smile on his face.
“Alright, you guys can drool together all you want but I have to study so I’ll find a quieter place to do so.” You snapped, closing your book and rolling your parchement papers with impatience.
“Wait.” Sebastian demanded but you were already walking away. He watched you until you reached the doors leading back inside the castle. Maybe you were dressed in a plain gray uniform like everybody else in Hogwarts, maybe you weren’t that gracious while walking around the castle but by Merlin, you were the most beautiful sight he had ever laid eyes on. Those girls from Beauxbâtons were so elegant and full of poise which seemed to seduce pretty much every other guy but not him. Sebastian Sallow couldn’t care less about elegance, decorum or grace, because all he wanted was you and the beautifully chaotic way you fought against poachers, ennemies and acromentulas. You and the insanely hot way you always beat him up at duels. You.
“Dammit, Garreth.” He groaned, looking up at him and noticing how he still was very clearly lost in his daydreams about the Beauxbatons girls. “I wanted to ask her to go to the ball with me.”
“Who ? Long legs and plump lips ?”
“No, you idiot.” He replied, rolling his eyes. “I swear if I missed my chance because of you and someone else asks her…”
“Well, I heard Leander talking about inviting her the other day so maybe you should hurry up.”
Sebastian cursed under his breath, packing his books and quickly stood back up. He reached for Garreth’s shoulder, forcefully pulling him with him as he headed to the castle to follow on your steps.
“I’m going to need your help.” Sebastian explained, the gryffindor cloak of his friend tightly balled up in his fist as he dragged him along until they reached the library doors. “Mrs Scribner banned me from the library for the rest of the semester so we’re going to have to be careful… and creative.”
“What the hell did you even do for her to go to such extremes ? Usually she only gives you detention.”
“Err, I might have damaged a few pieces of furniture when I broke into the restricted section… Turns out those armchairs really aren’t sturdy enough to resist the embers of a few confrigo spells shot at the restricted section gates… And old books ? Highly inflammable.”
Garreth quietly nodded at him, no stranger to such incidents himself. Together, they sneaked inside the library, stopping to hide behind the first bookshelf, out of sight from Scribner’s desk. Both leaned over to take a look, easily spotting you sitting at a nearby table, all alone.
Sebastian called your name, as quietly as he could but you didn’t hear him. Garreth tried making random sounds, as if you would be more keen to answer to a bad imitation of an owl shriek rather than your own name, but nothing worked, you stayed focused on your homework.
…Homework ? Brillant.
Sebastian opened his texbook, retrieving a crumpled piece of parchement on which he scribbled something. He balled up the paper in his hand and peeked from behind the bookshelf, aiming at you and throwing the ball of parchement, hitting the back of your head. You barely moved in reaction, looking around but not where he was hiding from the librarian.
He scribbled another note and repeated the process, this time the ball of paper getting caught in your hair. He heard your loud, annoyed, sigh from afar as you pulled his note out of your locks and placed it on the table next to your book without giving it a second thought.
“And this is the hero of Hogwarts.” He grumbled, rolling his eyes. Garreth let out an amused sound, reminding your slytherin friend of his presence. “Go see her, tell her to check the notes.”
“What ?! Why me ?” Garreth asked, a bit too loudly.
“Because if Scribner catches me here, I’ll probably get expelled.” Sebastian reminded him. It was only fair that Garreth helped him since he was the one who had ruined his first plan but the young man seemed pretty uncomfortable at the thought. “What are you scared of ?”
“Her.” He admitted, without hesitation. “She’s in a bad mood because you flirted with the Beauxbâtons girl and I know better than to go and face her wrath.”
“I did not flirt with that girl… Now, go!” He pushed him out of their hiding place and Garreth hesitantly walked towards you, glancing over his shoulder a few times to make sure Sebastian didn’t change his mind.
You didn’t notice him standing next to you right away, too busy taking notes on a chapter until he cleared his throat, making you jump.
“By Merlin, what do you want ?” You asked him, slightly annoyed to be interrupted while studying once again.
“Err, Sebastian says you need to check the notes.” Garreth repeated, awkwardly glancing to the bookshelf behind which Sebastian was still hiding.
“The notes ?” You repeated, confused, wondering if it had something to do with your homework until Garreth pointed at the ball of crumpled paper on the table. You reached for it, smoothing it so that you could read a single word written in runny blue ink.
“Ball ?” You read out loud, looking at Garreth for an explanation but he clearly had none. You turned around and bended down to pick up the other ball that he pointed to, still on the floor, and repeated your gesture to smooth out the wrinkled paper. “With ?”
What were they up to ? Was it a prank ? A joke ? Because you definitely didn’t have time for that, not so close to your exam.
You looked up to where Garreth kept nervously glancing, seeing Sebastian’s freckled face peeking from behind a shelf. Your eyes met but he didn’t register it quickly enough to stop his movement as he aimed another balled up note right at your face.
Ouch. It hit your nose before falling on the floor.
He mouthed a quiet sorry in your direction and you shook your head disapprovingly before picking up the last note.
“Me ?” You read, placing the wrinkled notes next to each other, like a puzzle. “Ball with me ?”
You looked at Sebastian again. A slight pink blush was now coloring his cheeks as he anxiously stared back at you.
“Well ? What do I tell him ?” Garreth asked, unable to remain still any longer.
“Oh uh… Tell him to meet me tomorrow afternoon in the gardens.” You replied. Your friend seemed to find the answer odd but didn’t say anything, simply walking back to Sebastian to rely the message to him.
Sebastian listened intently then looked at you again, a confused expression on his face. So you shyly nodded at him and a smile slowly appeared on his lips. He felt himself bursting with joy and pride that you accepted his proposal, even forgetting that he was persona non grata in the library as he fully stepped out of his hiding spot before Scribner’s voice reminded him of what he risked if he got caught. So, with one last smile in your direction, he ran off before she could spot him, leaving you to your studies with a silly smile on your face too.
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The next afternoon, Sebastian met you as promised at the same place you had attempted to study together the day before. You weren’t too sure what to say or do as he walked to you, the question of whether he had asked you to go to the ball with him as a friend or as something more had kept you awake all night long. The only way to know for sure would be to ask him, but you couldn’t quite gather the courage to do so. Not yet.
Instead, you awkwardly led him further away from the mass of other students, behind a tall bush and on a small patch of wildflowers. You stood with your head held high in front of him, trying to fake the confidence you suddenly lacked in his presence, his coy smile making it even harder to keep your composure and not melt in front of him right away.
“I’d like to practice.” You told him, a bit embarrassed to admit that you didn’t know how to dance. Not properly. Not like the Beauxbâtons girls probably did.
“Practice dancing ?”
“Yes. Do you think you could… teach me ?”
A faint amused smile appeared on Sebastian’s face, instantly making you regret asking for his help. He was probably going to laugh at you for lacking such a basic skill in this time and age...
“Of course.” He simply said, stepping closer until he was able to place his hand on your hip, the warmth of his skin radiating on your own through your skirt. He outstretched his other arm to the side, his palm up to welcome your hand in his. You followed his lead, resting your other hand on his shoulder, the unusual proximity between you leaving you breathless for a moment.
He took a step to the side and you followed a bit late and again when he stepped back, unable to properly anticipate his movements. You stared at your feet, trying to follow his lead and after a while, you felt like you were getting slightly better at it…
“Now ideally, you should be looking at me.” He instructed, amused by how complicated it seemed to be for you to let him lead you while he was so comfortable swaying to imaginary music.
You looked up to his brown eyes, feeling heat rush to your cheeks.
“When did you learn how to dance ?” You asked him, in an attempt to make small talk so that you wouldn’t be staring into his hypnotizingly beautiful eyes in silence.
“Years ago, with Anne. Ever since our first year at Hogwarts she’s been looking forward to the balls. Back then she promised that if I practiced dancing with her, she’d let me borrow her books on advanced metamorphosis.”
“A deal you couldn’t possibly refuse.” You smiled, imagining a young Sebastian dancing with his twin and pretending that it wasn’t fun.
“Obviously.” He smiled back, as you realized that you had managed to follow his steps without looking for a moment.
With his face so close to yours, smiling at each other, it was almost tempting to lean just a little bit closer and see what would happen if you pressed your lips against his. Would he step away ? Would he return the kiss ? The way he was looking down at you made you feel like the latter was the most plausible outcome but you didn’t have much time to ponder as he suddenly attempted to twirl you around… And you crashed against his body instead of gracefully turning in his arms.
“Sorry, it’s my first time doing this.” You said, feeling the need to justify yourself.
“Will it be your first ball ?” He asked, curious.
“First ball, first dance, first date…”
His eyes sparked with excitement and some kind of mischief at your words, prompting him to try to twirl you again just so that you’d crash into him once more. With your chest pressed against his, he held you closer and tighter, looking down at your face with a smirk.
“You can count on me to make all your first times memorable then.” He promised.
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“Will you please stop it, Sebastian ? The whole bench is trembling because you keep bouncing your leg.” Ominis complained.
Sebastian tried to still his body, taking a deep breath to appease the growing nervousness inside of him but a few seconds later he was back at absently bouncing his leg again, causing Ominis to sigh in despair.
After a few afternoons of practicing dancing with you, Sebastian felt comfortable and rather confident doing it. Especially with you. It had been the highlight of his day for the few days leading up to the ball, he’d joined you behind that bush and get to hold you in his arms for an hour or so, swaying with you and pulling you close every once in a while, each time getting dangerously closer to letting his instinct kick in and passionately kissing you… But he had promised himself that he would be on his best behavior with you, that he’d be a gentleman, and that he’d make your first ball as amazing as it could be.
But he just couldn’t help it but feel nervous. It wasn’t a quiet dance in the garden anymore but a real party with music, nice clothes and other people around. He was worried everything would be different this way, and mostly, he was worried that after this night, he wouldn’t get to share with you such intimate moments like you did while practicing anymore.
He tugged on his collar, adjusted his vest and ran a hand through his brown hair. He had tried to comb them back in the same way Ominis did with his but his hair were too unruly to fully comply with that idea, some locks already shooting in different directions and sometimes grazing his forehead.
All the students old enough to attend the ball were making their way to the ballroom, excitedly chatting and laughing. The crowd was growing outside the doors as well, young people dressed in gorgeous gowns and suits waiting for their date to arrive.
Sebastian spotted Garreth and Leander entering the ballroom together and smiled mockingly at the realization that neither of them had been able to find a date. A while later, Poppy shyly approached, dressed in a pretty extravagant yellow dress for such a usually quiet girl. She complimented Ominis on his white costume and they awkwardly linked their arms together as they left Sebastian on his own.
His stomach tightened as the possibility that maybe you had changed your mind and didn’t plan on attending anymore occurred to him. Or maybe you had decided to go with someone else at the last minute. Maybe a guy from Durmstrang convinced you to sneak out with him instead and would steal all your first times from him…
But then, he saw you.
From the moment you walked in, everyone else disappeared from his sight, leaving only you in your gorgeous dress. You were like a vision, something otherworldly and he couldn’t believe that it was him you were walking towards. How did he get so lucky ?
“Good evening.” You greeted him, with a smile but he didn’t return it right away, too busy staring at you in awe of your beauty.
“You look… You are beautiful.” He said, nervously pulling on his collar again.
“Thanks. You look pretty good yourself.”
He smiled, glad that you liked the all black suit he had bought for the event. It had costed him more than what he had budgeted, but he was determined to look his best for you. He offered you his arm and you took it, gladly using it to keep you balance as you walked down the stairs in your impressive ball gown and uncomfortable shoes.
You entered the ballroom together, marveling at how beautifully the decor was and how lovely the music playing sounded. You tried the buffet, eating and drinking merrily at a table with your friends before putting your dance practice to good use. Sebastian twirled you around, bended you over and even kept you closer than required for a few dances, making you laugh and smile joyfully while having a great time.
But unfortunately, it was all over too soon, the party coming to an end as more and more students left the ballroom. Soon, Sebastian and you were the only ones left still swaying to the music, the few last couples quickly grabbing something to eat or drink before heading to bed.
“Maybe we should go.” You told your date, reluctantly. Both of you could have continued dancing and holding each other like this forever.
Sebastian nodded as the last song ended, releasing your from his embrace. He walked you out of the ballroom, leaving the magical decor and the soft music behind. In the hall, faint sunlight was already shining behind the windows, indicating it was very early morning. He looked down at you, the thought of letting you go back to your dorm and be separated from you again feeling all too overwhelming suddenly.
But what other choice did he have ? Maybe next year, after you both graduated from Hogwarts he could ask you to move in with him in Feldcroft, or maybe he could follow you wherever you wanted to go… But for a few more months, you still were students and had no choice but to each sleep separately.
Resigned, Sebastian quietly walked you back to your dorm, adjusting his pace to yours and your aching feet and tired legs. Once you reached the entrance of your common room, you turned around to look at him, unsure of what to say apart from wishing him a good night.
“And thank you for such a memorable first time.” You added, with a smile.
His eyes darkened slightly at your words, giving him a sudden unexplainable need to share many more first times with you. So, as a rush of pure adrenaline seized him, he stepped closer and his lips crashed against yours, kissing you more feverishly than you imagined he would. Your first kiss.
He pressed his body against yours, his hands finding the small of your back. He deepened the kiss and, with the strength of his own body, forced you to take a few steps back until you were both inside the - relative - privacy of your common room.
“You shouldn’t, if someone catches you here you’ll get detention.” You reminded him, knowing the intrusion of a slytherin inside your dorm would cause quite a scandal if anyone heard about it.
“I don’t care.” Sebastian replied, silencing your worries with another hungry kiss.
All he ever knew was the Slytherin common room and dorms, he had never stepped inside any other students quarters during his seven years at Hogwarts. Of course, he had always been curious about the other houses’ dorms. He often said he would love to see what they looked like, to compare them to his own but now that he finally was inside one of those forbidden areas, he couldn’t care less about what it looked like. The only thing that mattered to him at this very moment was where he could find a couch - or a table, anything would do - to lay you down so that he could take that dress off of you.
The common room was plunged in darkness at this hour, the only light coming from the dying fire in the chimney and filtering through the tainted glass windows. You bumped into an armchair and he cursed when his shoulder hit a stone statue, but he kept walking you backwards until you could no longer move, your legs pressed against the back of the sofa facing the fireplace.
Sebastian allowed his hands to roam over the fabric of your dress, stopping at your shoulders and slowly peeling the straps off until they loosely rested on your arms. Then, he gripped the soft fabric over your belly, pulling it down in a torturously slow motion, revealing your skin inch by inch.
“We might get caught.” You warned him, in a whisper.
Probably. But he was too far gone now to step back and walk away. After all this time, daydreaming about what it would feel like to touch you like this, imagining the curves and lines of your body hiding underneath your school uniform, wanting you to be his and only his, he was too close to fulfilling the dangerous desire he had fought against for so long to renounce.
“It’s alright.” He breathed, his fingers grazing your lips as he angled your face in his direction, his brown eyes plunging into yours, a hint of mischief still blazing in his gaze. “You’ll just have to be very quiet.”
You couldn’t quite decide what to do. The consequences you’ll both have to face if you got caught doing this would be enormous… But at the same time, you had wanted this for so long - probably as long as he did - so stopping him and sending him back to his dorm seemed to require a huge amount of willpower and you clearly lacked it. You nervously glance to the stairs leading to the bedrooms, making sure no noise could be heard expect for the faint cracks of the fire and the sound of the wet kisses Sebastian was placing all over your neck, your collarbone, your shoulder…
Your dress pooled around your feet, exposing yourself to him and, although you felt kind of vulnerable like this, the hunger that passed on his face as he took in your almost naked body in front of him was an obvious indication of how desperately he wanted you.
By Merlin, you were beautiful. Even more beautiful than what he ever imagined in his daydreams. You looked like you were made for him, like every curve of your body was perfectly tailored for his hands to caress, like the softness of your skin was an invitation for his kisses and his touch. If his heart wasn’t beating so fast in his chest, he would have wondered if he had died and gone to heaven. Or maybe he was dreaming again, but if it was the case, he sure as hell didn’t want to wake up. Not now. Not before he could lead you around the sofa and lay you down on it, wanting to remember how incredible you looked in this very moment, with the dark leather of the couch around you and the warm light of the chimney flashing in your eyes.
He quickly took off his vest and unbutonned his shirt, feeling like his body was on fire. His pants were getting alarmingly tighter around his growing erection. Everything inside him was begging to have you. Right here, right now. But he knew better than to rush things. He wanted to savor this, make sure that if it was his only opportunity to have you, he’ll take his sweet time to carve each moment in his memory forever.
He sat at the end of the couch, his hands finding your thighs and attempting to push them apart but you stayed still under his gentle touch, nervousness rising in you.
“I’ve never… What if I’m bad at this ? Like I’m bad at dancing.” You admitted, afraid he might be disappointed with you.
“Nonsense.” He said, with a cocky grin. “But I won’t mind if you want to do like we did for dancing and practice every day until you’re comfortable enough.”
You laughed and your body relaxed, allowing him to slowly pull your underwear off and spread your legs apart. Before you could even realize, his face disappeared between your thighs.
Sebastian knew one thing or two about how to make a woman comfortable, all thanks to the forbidden books and journals Garreth had shared with him and Ominis last year. He had made sure to remember every tip and trick written on the pages, understanding that - unlike men - women needed to be prepared and sufficiently aroused in order for them to find an intercourse enjoyable… So he was just doing as advised, running his tongue between your folds. One thing he didn’t expect though was the way you reacted to this new sensation, shuddering with pleasure under his soft licks. He must have been doing something right.
With this welcomed boost to his confidence, he kept moving his tongue over your sensitive skin, exploring and tasting you, finding it surprisingly pleasant and delicious. He could faintly hear your ragged breathing, your thighs pressed against his ears preventing him from focusing on anything else but you and your pleasure. At some point, you reached for his hair, your fingers entangling in his tousled locks, a soft moan leaving your lips which was almost enough to make him cum in his pants.
But he knew it wasn’t it. Not yet.
He had to make sure you were ready to take him. All of him. So he plunged a finger passed your entrance, making sure to keep lapping at your center so that it would still feel pleasurable to you. You trembled in reaction, thighs tightening around his head. He took it as a silent permission to keep going, gently pumping his finger in and out. After a while, he boldly added another one to stretch you out for him a bit more which seemed to surprise you at first but the discomfort you felt quickly faded with his simultaneous - and merciless - treatment of your clit with his tongue.
You arched your back, doing your best to stay quiet as a wave of pleasure completely took hold of you. Sebastian resurfaced in front of you, watching with a satisfied grin as your body shook with the orgasm he had given you, his chest puffed out with pride.
But even though he loved to see you come undone, especially since it was his doing, he couldn’t forget the fully grown and rock hard erection in his pants, almost painfully demanding attention too. He reached for his trousers, if only to free his cock from the tight fabric around it and was surprised to see you spread your legs open again, silently inviting him in for more.
He angled his stiff cock at your entrance, ready to push past your glistening folds but you placed a hand on his bare chest, stopping him.
“Be gentle.” You asked him, before allowing him to continue.
He looked at you with a tender smile, his erection slowly sliding inside you as he leaned over, until his face was close enough to yours to plant a kiss on your lips, a softness that clashed with the overwhelming feeling of his cock stretching your insides. It wasn’t painful but the sensation felt foreign and it took you a moment to get used to it.
Sebastian stayed still, giving you time to adjust to him, leaving a trail of gentle kisses on your lips, cheeks and neck in the process. When he finally felt your body relax, as if it had finally accepted his presence inside you, he attempted to move. Very slowly.
Attentive to the expressions on your face, he made sure to slow down every time you grimaced, until finally, your features told him that you were starting to enjoy his movements as much as he did.
“This feels pretty nice.” You informed him, breathlessly.
Pretty nice ? Was it all it was to you ? Because to him, it felt like fireworks going off in his brain, the feeling of his cock buried inside your warm and wet center, your walls so tight around him was the best thing he ever experienced and if he could have it his way, he’d simply never stop fucking you.
He wanted you to feel as good as he did, not just pretty nice… So he decided to stop worrying about hurting you and finally let go of his restraint, thrusting into you much deeper and quicker than before. You closed your eyes, making him unable to interpret the way you felt about it all anymore. But then, a moan slipped from your lips, making his body tingle with pleasure in reaction. He was making you feel good. Finally.
“Faster.” You demanded, your voice a barely audible plea among your panted breaths.
But Sebastian heard you loud and clear, putting all the strength he had left into his fast thrusts until you tensed all around him, your cry of bliss causing him to release himself inside of you with a loud gasp of relief.
Then, he collapsed on top of you, his face resting on your heaving chest as your body trembled with a pleasure like none other.
“That was…” He started, interrupting himself to catch his breath.
“Memorable ?” You finished, with a giggle.
He agreed, his body feeling so numb that he wasn’t sure that he’d be able to move from on top of you. Not that he wanted to anyway. Now that he had you, he was determined to never let you go again. He’d be the most annoying boyfriend you could ever ask for, he’ll follow you around like a puppy, he’ll do whatever you asked of him and he’ll make sure to kiss and hug you at the most inappropriate and inconvenient times…
A noise resounded up the stairs, suddenly alerting you both, reminding you of what you risked if you got caught by someone in such a compromising situation.
“It must be the prefect.” You whispered, helping Sebastian get off of you so that you could both get up and move. “You need to go.”
You helped him button his shirt up as he tugged his satisfied cock back into his pants. He reached for his vest and you reached for your dress, putting it back on as quickly as you could. Once Sebastian was more or less presentable, he rushed to the door as some footsteps slowly approached the common room. You anxiously looked, hoping he’d be able to get away before your prefect could see him and report him but instead of leaving, he hurried back to you to plant one last kiss on your lips. You quietly giggled, pushing him away after a few seconds to remind him that he needed to go and he did, running off into the deserted corridors and back to his dorm with yet another silly smile plastered on his face, very similar to the one that stayed on yours for the rest of your short night.
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576 notes · View notes
khamoise · 7 months
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She's pomegranate.
This is kind of the continuation from my previous post!
209 notes · View notes
juneymont · 7 months
Professor Sallow Aesthetic 🐍🩶
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118 notes · View notes
rhunew · 1 year
⭑ Fuck Buddies; Fred Weasley x reader
Summary: Fred and you have been fuck buddies for a couple of months now. But what happens when feelings get involved? Will it ruin what you two have going on?
[ SMUT, praise, and slight degradation, Dom! Fred Weasley, Sub! Reader, my English, begging sorta, fingering ]
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WC: 1,052
A/N: Heyy, this is my first time ever writing something like this, actually writing something in general (that I actually post). So please go easy on me, feedback is always welcome though :)
Here you were again, In his bedroom. It has been weeks since you last saw each other. It used to happen regularly, sometimes even on a daily basis. But now that the shop he shared with his twin was running well causing them to work overtime most days to help as many customers as they can, it got harder to find time to meet up again and react your sexual frustrations out on each other.
But yet here you were today, waiting for him in the apartment he shared with his twin, wearing a beautiful lingerie set, you sat yourself down on his bed. You knew he would take a break between 12 and 1 pm while George would take his after Fred.
Your head turned as you heard the doorknob twist. Excitement had your blood rushing through your veins and your heart beating faster. He made you feel alive every time you were with him.
Heat surged through your body when you looked at him again after all those weeks of going without seeing him, an overwhelming feeling coursing through you once again.
"Hey there," he said with a grin. He had seen you walk up the stairs after greeting George and telling him to be quiet about your visit, turns out you had already been seen and he had been informed about your little plan.
You were sat on his bed, watching him unbutton his waistcoat, and letting it drop down somewhere on the floor behind him.
He started slowly getting on top of you after removing his dress shirt, his eyes scanning over your body, moving down from your face to your chest, over your stomach... It felt almost predatory. His hands slide down to the place you have wanted him most for weeks. "Fred." His name came out in a gasp as you reached for him. Wetness flooded the apex of your thighs.
"If I slid my hand in between your legs, how wet would I find you there, hm?" He was staring down at you, kneading your thighs.
"Hm, why don't you find out yourself, Weasley." A little mischievous smirk playing at your lips.
A grin is displayed on his lips, he slides his hand between your legs and spreads them apart, pulling your panties to the side and moving his finger through your slit. “So wet already, huh?”.
A whimper escapes your throat. You smile innocently at him, nodding at his statement. “Mhm, I’ve missed you, Fred”. The ache between your legs is only getting worse.
You watch him as he slowly starts taking off the set you put on for him. Butterflies erupt in your stomach. His hand gliding over your skin, you missed this feeling, his touch. You’re growing more impatient by the second. “Please, Freddie, it’s been so long, please”.
“So needy, aren’t you, little whore?” He chuckles, shaking his head, he slides his thumb through your slit and rubs your clit in circles, watching you squirm at his touch. “You’re so pretty”.
A whimper escapes your throat once again, you remain the eye contact. You give him a smile and thanked him. Tilting you head back and letting his fingers work their magic on your pussy.
Your mouth falls open when he sinks a single finger in, getting himself comfortable between your thighs he trails his free hand up to your stomach and then your breasts, teasing your nipples.
He speeds up his pace, adding a second finger when he feels you’re ready. The sounds you’re making filling the room. Fred’s lips wrap around your clit, sucking and flicking his tongue. Oh, how badly you have wanted this. You glide your fingers through his red hair, tugging at it slightly causing him to groan. Vibrations coursing through your pussy. “Please Fred, I’m going to-“
You felt cool air hit you, he stopped. You whine at the loss of contact. “What was that for?”. He looked at you, clearly enjoying this, having control over your orgasms. “Don’t worry, love. All I want is for you to cum around my dick”. You can’t help yourself but admire his toned body while he’s stripping down. He takes a condom out of the top drawer of his nightstand, ripping it open with his teeth and putting it on. All those years of quidditch did in fact make him look gorgeous.
He is teasing your entrance with his dick making you whine and whimper, begging him to fuck you. You had been patient and he wasn’t exactly rewarding you the way you wanted him to. Your eyes met his, filled with lust. “Please, I missed you, no more teasing”.
He plants a gentle kiss on your lips before pushing himself in slowly. Gasps slipped out both of your mouths, you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer to kiss him again.
He waits until you’re adjusted to his size to pick up a gentle pace, every thrust getting rougher, your moans filling the room. “Such a good girl, you’re doing so well, love”
His one hand rubs your clit in a circular motion while the other explores your body like it’s the first time. Oh, how he missed this. Hearing you’re beautiful sounds, kissing your lips. He missed you, the girl he has loved all those years.
You felt the knot in your stomach threaten to snap “Please, don't stop Freddie, I'm going to cum” Fred smirked, continuing his rough pace getting close himself, his thrust getting more sloppy and his groans louder. “Fuck, cum for me, darling” and so you did. The wave of pleasure crashed over you.
His thrusts get slower as he fills up the condom. He slowly pulls out. You're both panting, holding on to the other. Your eyes meet his but this time it's not lust you see in each other's eyes, it's love. His lips crash onto yours, cupping your cheeks with his hands. “You know, I've loved you for so long, angel”.
You return the kiss, shocked by his confession you pull away “you have? Why didn't you tell me?” worry rushes over him, did he misread this, was it not love in your eyes? But all of those worries went away as he felt your lips connect to his again. “I've loved you for a long time too, Weasley”
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onepawproductions · 7 months
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Now that I've got The Muddy Princess finished recording, I thought I'd make a snazzy lil' Book Cover, and remaster the cover art I'd previously made.
Then, it turns out that oh wow but you can actually get a single copy Print on Demand of soft and hardcover books.
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So I spent my Saturday making a Dust Jacket cover for The Muddy Princess! Woot! Or is it Sunday? WHAT DAY IS IT??
I like it~! Made with Canva, Sketchbook Pro for Tablet, A1111, and SDXL 1.0. Mascot Muse Seal of Audiobook Approval, included! ❤️
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snowshadowu · 1 month
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indigobackfire · 7 months
@missnight0wl kindly let me know Victor did get an adult model and since I haven't seen posted here on tumblr
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Apparently, HP vampires are in fact mortal...
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Story by: rubykrishna (ao3)
Story name: The Contender
Hermione stopped walking. Her eyes scanned back up the roster until they found the name that she initially mistook for a typo.
Draco Malfoy….Beater.
She could comprehend the words, the name and the meaning. She understood that his name being on the roster meant he was the starting Beater for England’s national team, but for whatever reason, when her eyes ran over the black ink, her brain could not articulate any emotions or reaction.
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traceyc-uk · 4 months
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I think you can guess which quest this follows
Edit: a consolidatory hug post
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choccy-milky · 2 months
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💖🎊the end, & thank you for reading!!🎊💖
im so thankful for all the support i got on this story, and i wouldn't have finished it if not for all of you, and for the love i got for seb and clora. so thank you again for giving me the motivation to write this 600k+ monster, and to see it through to the very end. LOVE YALL💖🫶 (ao3/wattpad)
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hiddenmoonbeam · 1 year
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After a year of admiring amazing art and fics, I finally started drawing them too. So why not share, yeah? :')
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khamoise · 7 months
"𝑾𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝒕𝒐𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓..."
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After the Battle of Hogwarts, Talbott and Heaven are finally able to settle down and start working deeper on their relationship.
Although they don't have much time left until a big surprise arrives... 👀
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juneymont · 8 months
Professor Sharp & Professor Sallow
As if student Sebastian and Professor Sharp weren’t enough fuel for ya 🥵
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If you’re into jt you can read about it in my fic on Ao3 or Wattpad.
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blondwhxrewrites · 4 months
I'm just saying that, Mattheo is against having children until you're crying in his arms, all worried and concerned, as you ramble on how you were on birth control and suddenly the thought of a baby— your baby—doesn't seem so bad. Of course, he could've waited a few years before knocking you up, but he should've known that refusing to wear protection would've eventually led to this. And you're just so completely out of it, breaking down, apologizing to him, and saying that it's okay if he doesn't want it and he's immediately shutting you up the moment those words come out of your mouth. 
"Princess, don't even think about that. I'd never leave you, no matter what. This baby, our baby, is the best thing you could've ever given me. I love you so much, my dear." 
And now you are crying for a whole different reason because you have no idea how to raise a child, and while you love children, the thought of growing one is extremely scary. When you finally calm down, the excitement starts to kick in, and while there isn't much excitement—It's good, nonetheless. Mattheo is already imagining you with a baby resting on your hip, and he wonders if the baby will have your eyes or his hair, and maybe he should've done this earlier because, holy shit, you're going to be round—belly swollen with his child and that stirs something in him. 
Oh, and he can't wait to tell Narcissa, who's been waiting years to finally be a grandma, and while Lucius isn't always the best, Mattheo knows that the man is going to absolutely adore his grandchild. The boys tackle him to the ground when he breaks the news and now you have to deal with a whole army of men being overprotective over you.
Basically, you're going to be even more spoiled than you were before, and Mattheo discovers just how much of a breeding kink he has.
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onepawproductions · 4 months
Chapter 2, Lady of the Lake, by Colubrina
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Expand for Earlier Chapters!
Lady of the Lake, Chapter 01
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snowshadowu · 9 months
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