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aftanith · 1 year ago
Vampire Knight Guilty E10-13, "Prelude to the Battle/Tatakai no Pureryūdo/戦いの序曲" & "Two Souls/Futari no Raibuzu/二人の命" & "World's End/Sekai no Piriodo/世界の果て" & "Vampire's Knight/Vanpaia no Naito/ヴァンパイアの騎士"
Today I'm covering the final four episodes of Vampire Knight: Guilty, and I am honestly just so happy to be done. The ending of the show is 100% completely my nightmare outcome, and I’m not gonna lie, I’m pretty pissed off. This story made me want to go be a hermit alone in the woods somewhere. Please let Castlevania be better, because that's what I'll be watching next.
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aftanith · 1 year ago
If you see this, spoil your WIP's biggest plot twist using ONLY ONE WORD
Here's mine!
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sunnydaleherald · 5 years ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, September 24 - Wednesday, September 25
MAYOR: No. No, she took the fight outside. My Faith doesn't like to be cooped up. Walks over to the vampire. We have to find them. Put everyone on it. Do it now. Vampire: But Sir, the ascension- MAYOR: Find them! (talking to himself) Faith's a good girl. She can take anything they'll throw at her. She's going to be all right. She'll be all right. She'll be all right.
~~Graduation Part 2 (Season 3)~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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One Night Off (Buffy, G) by badly_knitted
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Loyalties (Xander, Giles, T) by madimpossibledreamer
Experimentation (Xander, Willow, Buffy, T) by madimpossibledreamer
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Why is it Always Prophecy Time? (Buffy/Angel, T) by Cornerofmadness
Roadside Blues (Buffy, T, Sons of Anarchy xover) by pprfaith
Girl Wake Up (Buffy, Faith, T) by Susan19
Woman Of My Dreams (Riley/Sam, General Hospital xover) by Seblainer
Screwed Over (Oz, General Hospital xover) by Seblainer
A New Experience (Spike, General Hospital xover) by Seblainer
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Butcher shop au snippet (Buffy/Angel, unrated) by gracenm
Untitled (Willow/Oz, G) by daisys-quake
Poetry In Motion (Spike/Reader, G) by united-fandoms-in-one-home
My Sister?! (Spike/Reader, G) by united-fandoms-in-one-home
Vampires Need Saving Too (Angel/Reader, G) by united-fandoms-in-one-home
Untitled (Jenny, unrated) by towerofpisa
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Lotus Chapter 67 (Willow/Tara, G) by Counterpunch
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Second Chance, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, M) by tbd
Second-in-Command, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, E) by OffYourBird
Liberare, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Twinkles
By Fate or Free Will, Chapter 25 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Spuffy516
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Manip:Nekid-Spike postcards (NSFW) by mwrgana-muse
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Artwork:Angel Sketches () by artsying-ifer
Icons: Willow Rosenberg () by anakins
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Video: Cordelia & Gunn | Rock n Roll () by 1SnoWhiteQueen1
[Reviews & Recaps]
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PODCAST: Smashed/Lullaby by mmpodcastnetwork
PODCAST: #44. Lilah (Peace Out and Home S4.21-22) by Still Dead
PODCAST: S2E01 Judgment by Angel On Top
PODCAST: 039 - The Agony of Choice (S03E05 - Homecoming) by Buffy Boys
PODCAST: Aus irgendeinem Grund hat sie gesehen, dass er was gesehen hat, was sie nicht sieht (7×08) by Once More With Feeling
PODCAST: S07E03 - Goth Dr. Seuss - Same Place, Same Time by Pop Culture Role Call
PUBLICATION: Rewatching Buffy – Episode 106 by confusingmiddle
PUBLICATION: Rewatching Angel – Episode 50 by confusingmiddle
PUBLICATION: Review: Angel #5 by beyondthepanel
[Community Announcements]
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Artist Sign Up Post at multifandom-bb
Author Sign Up Post at multifandom-bb
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SPOOKTOBER 2019 Prompts by spooktoberchallenge
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r/JossWhedon is looking for mods! by thecriclover99
[Fandom Discussions]
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Old Alanna Greene / Buffyverse Fic Notes (Probably Outdated/Irrelevant) by aftanith
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The total contrast between reactions to Cordelia’s death and Fred’s death by demandingbillydolls
hey rosy !what was you favorite: bangel or spuffy? by sometimesrosy
Joyce Summers Meta by mybitca
I was thinking about how Ted would fit in the Dawn-verse by mybitca
Joyce Summers Meta by mybitca
obsessed with the symbolism of the fact that both spike and buffy fall from glory’s tower in the gift by impalementation
RNM for meme? by acomebackstory
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Does anyone know what's going on with Buffyworld? by thrasherpix
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Remake Comic Books - yay or nay? by Dark_Ansem
Xander's shoulders by Kidn3y_St0n3
Was the Immortal from Angel Season 5 episode “the Girl In Question” supposed to be Thomas the Rhymer? by Forsythia_Lux
SMG just discussed the Buffy reboot on Sirius XM by hamiltonguy
I just finish Slayer by Kiersten White, here's my spoiler free thoughts by Skramer94
What is your favorite streak of Buffy and/or Angel episodes? by Fly_Sistas
Unpopular opinion: Harmony is one of the best characters in the Buffyverse. by alliebird_
Why were only the adults affected by the spell in "Gingerbead"? by jdpm1991
Who would win in a fight? Illyria (pre-removed of her powers) or Glory by jdpm1991
Anyone else feel sorry for Amy? by jdpm1991
AO3 suggestions? by phoebephile
Why is it on "Angel" there's a moral and grey area on which demons are good and which are bad by jdpm1991
Buffy / Angel crossover: Season 1 - "Sanctuary" who did you side with on how to deal with Faith? by jdpm1991
I always thought this was Willow in the opening sequence but it is actually Amy’s Mum. by AMissKathyNewman
Season 3 Episode "Enemies" were you just as fooled as Xander was when he thought Angelus came back? by jdpm1991
A team up of villains *spoilers* by Argonarrs-girl
Comic's Megathread: ANGEL #5 by BOOM! Studios by coolbeaNs92
First Episode of Buffy You Ever Saw by Survivorfan_tm94
Spike by Crober45
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Grief - Spike helps by miss_holly01
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Angel Writer Bryan Edward Hill Talks Creating Lilith, Bringing in Fred and Gunn, and Kicking Off Hellmouth by https://comicbook.com
PUBLICATION: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Quiz: Who Said It - Angel Or Spike? by whatculture.com
PUBLICATION: HELLMOUTH #1 Sells Out with BOOM! Studios Fast-Tracking a Second Printing by
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feliciacraft · 7 years ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, June 20, 2018
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Drabble: The Only One (Buffy, G) by badly_knitted
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Time Slayer (Buffy, Giles, Willow, crossover with DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Teen) by SeaSpectre160
Liason (Dawn, Riley, Gen) by Whedonista93
With Tired Eyes and Tired Minds (Angel/Faith, Explicit) by avablue
Quiet (Buffy/Spike, M) by sunalso
Pon Farr (Buffy/Willow, Teen) by yourcrookedheart
[Chaptered Fiction]
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The Decision (CHAPTER 1) (Ensemble, G) by Fmfan1980
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The Decision (CHAPTER 1) (Tara, K+) by fmfan1980
The Turning (CHAPTER 5) (Dawn, T) by fmfan1980
A New Life (CHAPTER 41) (Tara, Ensemble, T) by fmfan1980
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: ["Make Me What I Was"] (Spike, SFW) by sanshodelaine
Artwork: Torn Out (Buffy, SFW) by nightmaninred
Artwork: [Just hold my hand] (Spike/Angel, SFW) by goldminegoldmine
Artwork: Days of our Youth... (William, Cecily Addams, SFW) by comlodge
Artwork: All the wrong places... (William Pratt, SFW) by comlodge
Artwork: Fred Burkle icons (SFW) by angelandbuffy
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy rewatch: Graduation, part 2 (3.22) by elsalapizza
Buffy rewatch: Graduation, part 1 (3.21) by elsalapizza
Buffy - S2x12 - Bad Eggs by zoeywatchesthis
Comic Book Review: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 12: The Reckoning #1 by siphen0
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PODCAST: Angel: 519-520 by tinyfences
PODCAST: Buffy the Vampire Slayer 1X09 The Puppet Show | Rewatch by Show&Tell
PODCAST: 4.03: The Harsh Light of Day by bufferingthevampires
PODCAST: Talking Buffy Episode 1 - Welcome to the Hellmouth and The Harvet by /u/Dark_Moe
Reddit: Episode 79 (S5 E01): Buffy vs. Dracula by /u/AutoModerator
Reddit: Episode 23 (S2 E01): Judgment by /u/AutoModerator
PODCAST: S04E17 - Jonathan the Vampire Slayer - Superstar by popculturerolecall
[Community Announcements]
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Buffy Comm Coming! [Would anyone like to help?] by katleept
SeasonalSpuffy: Reminder: June 21 is a Spuffyfest [On LiveJoural, Dreamwidth, and Tumblr] by thenewbuzwuzz
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Summer of Giles: Week 2 Roundup by littleotter73
[Fandom Discussions]
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[Probably Scrapped?] The Hardest Thing Notes by aftanith
Soooo, Buffy S12: The Reckoning #1 Issue by sueworld
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[If the writers had wanted to create a real dilemma for Buffy re: Robin vs. Spike, “LMPTM” would’ve been set in season 6.] by dreamsofghostsandstars
[While it is true that a great many fics that give Xander powers in some form are just… badly written or OOC for everyone or nearly everyone, you can’t condemn the entire subgenre for those] by kyliafanfiction
[One of the greatest romantic tragedies of all time] by alixoftimble
Spangel prompts to my inbox please by mkatsi
[Re: I think you can confuse obsession w/ love.] by pepperespinoza
[IMDB’s poll today on favorite TV couples] by fruking-up-the-uk-blog-blog
[Headcanons on Giles] by rupert-giles
BTVS S12 Spoilers by mrsgordo84
BtVS S12 The Reckoning #1 SPOILERS! by gite63
Christos Gage & Georges Jeanty Talk "Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Reckoning" by buffythecomicslayer
[Finally, we recced Buffy the Vampire Slayer.] by thedescentiseasypodcast
[Re: What are your thoughts on Willow/Kennedy?] by sulietsexual
[If the writers had wanted to create a real dilemma for Buffy re: Robin vs. Spike, “LMPTM” would’ve been set in season 6] by dreamsofghostsandstars, spikesjojo, and rebcake
[I went to WhedonCon and got the opportunity to meet James...] by buffyness
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Reddit: Does Willow ever get a job in the show? by /u/MrNateG
Reddit: Thoughts on Kate Lockley by /u/ScoobyDoo416
Reddit: Comics dilemma by /u/rararezra
Reddit: [SPOILERS] I read S12 #1! by /u/elliest_5
Reddit: Is there a source for season 8+ that isn't absurdly expensive? by /u/adamwho
Reddit: Buffy Madness episode ranking poll - Final round of voting in The First Bracket! Once More With Feel by /u/mountm
Reddit: I never understood the Xander-hate until my current re-watch by /u/ava_holden
BuffyBoards: The essence of the slayer, one girl in all the world by Dora
BuffyBoards: Bangel Fans, Sign up here! by Buffy Summers
BuffyBoards: Top 5 Cangel episodes by PaulParmar1
BuffyBoards: Buffy's cutest outfits by MarieVampSlayer
BuffyBoards: Why Did Cordelia Initially Want Buffy In Her Group? by Agent Z
BuffyBoards: The Buffy/Angel watching guide by Nico Tam
BuffyBoards: Tell me about your Buffy collection by Mohammad Khawar
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: The non-toxic masculinity of Rupert Giles by Meg Elison
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ao3feed-btvs · 8 years ago
Run, Run, Run
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2mbZakk
by AFTanith
Buffy is back from the dead, but she didn't ask to be.
Words: 160, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Buffy Summers, Dawn Summers
Additional Tags: Season Six Spoilers, Episode: s06e01 Bargaining Part 1, trigger warning, Canonical Suicidal Ideation, aborted suicide attempt
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2mbZakk
0 notes
a03feed-btvs · 8 years ago
Run, Run, Run
by AFTanith
Buffy is back from the dead, but she didn't ask to be.
Words: 160, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Buffy Summers, Dawn Summers
Additional Tags: Season Six Spoilers, Episode: s06e01 Bargaining Part 1, trigger warning, Canonical Suicidal Ideation, aborted suicide attempt
from AO3 works tagged 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' http://ift.tt/2mbZakk via IFTTT
0 notes
aftanith · 1 year ago
Castlevania S2E1-3, “War Council” & “Old Homes” & “Shadow Battles”
Today, I'm covering Castlevania season 2 episodes 1-3, and this was such a promising season opening. Brace yourselves, my friends, because I plan to gush over Carmilla and to read for you all at least one very, very gay passage from Le Fanu's original work.
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aftanith · 1 year ago
Castlevania S1E3&4, “Labyrinth” & “Monument”
Today, I'm covering the second half of Castlevania season one, and while I'm not particularly surprised by anything that happened in these episodes, I am very much enjoying them. I am so happy that I get to watch a good vampire show after being so disappointed by Vampire Knight. Alucard has been on screen for literally two seconds, and he's already everything that Kaname wishes he could be.
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aftanith · 1 year ago
Castlevania S1E1&2, “Witchbottle” & “Necropolis”
Today, I'm covering the first half of Castlevania season one, and I am so relieved that it looks like this is going to be better than Vampire Knight turned out to be!
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aftanith · 1 year ago
Umbrella Academy S3E8&E9, "Wedding at the End of the World" & "Seven Bells"
Today I'm covering episodes eight and nine of Umbrella Academy season three, and now at last we know why “He got seven.” I'm a bit more optimistic now that the season overall will be worthwhile, but I suppose we'll have to see how the finale goes...
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aftanith · 1 year ago
Vampire Knight Guilty E7-9, "The Kiss of Thorns/Ibara no Kisu/茨の口づけ" & "Spiraling Recollections/Tsuioku no Supairaru/追憶の螺旋" & "Revival of the Mad Emperor/Fukkatsu no Enperā/復活の狂王"
Today I'm covering episodes seven through nine of Vampire Knight: Guilty, aka Vampire Knight season two, and oh boy has this season been a slog!
So here I go with what I know already are straight-up fighting words: Vampire Knight is just Japanese Twilight. They're the same story. Lame toxic romance? Check! Pointless love triangle? Check! Female protagonist with half a personality at most? Check! Vastly more interesting side characters? Check! Tons of interesting backstory that gets neglected and ignored in favor of the extremely boring "romance"? Check!
That's all Twilight shit. This is just Twilight! Why is it just Twilight? And why did its fans hate Twilight so much? I'm so confused.
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aftanith · 1 year ago
Umbrella Academy S3E7, "Auf Wiedersehen"
Today I'm covering episode seven of Umbrella Academy season three. So Harlan really is dead, huh? I really thought they were going to weasel out of that one somehow.
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aftanith · 1 year ago
Vampire Knight Guilty E4-6, "Devil's Awakening/Akuma no Ribidō/悪魔の胎動" & "The Subordinate's Trap/Jūzoku no Torappu/従属の罠" & "The Fake Lovers/Itsuwari no Ravāzu/偽りの恋人"
Today I'm covering episodes four through six of Vampire Knight: Guilty, aka Vampire Knight season two, and we finally meet our "real" villain... as if Kaname isn't already clearly a villain. Maybe he's not the villain... but I find even that concept pretty suspect, tbh. Honestly, I think we're just doing villain v. villain now. Because Kaname is not a hero by any definition.
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aftanith · 1 year ago
Umbrella Academy S3E6, "Marigold"
Today I'm covering episode six of Umbrella Academy season three, and Harlan's just already dead I guess? I... am worried this season is falling apart before my eyes, honestly. Is the writing worse than usual, or am I just losing it? Maybe the Hotel Oblivion stuff is gonna be fun, though? It's kinda Coraline, and I'm here for that.
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aftanith · 1 year ago
Vampire Knight Guilty E1-3, "Burden of Sinners ~Guilty~/Shukumei no Giruti/宿命の罪人達" & "The Eternal Promise ~Paradox~/Eien no Paradokkusu/永遠の約束" & "The Azure Portrait/Ruridama no Mirāju/瑠璃玉の肖像"
Today I'm covering the first three episodes of Vampire Knight: Guilty, aka Vampire Knight season two, and honestly? I don't think we're off to a great start. Here's hoping it gets better instead of worse.
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aftanith · 1 year ago
Stranger Things S4E7, "The Massacre at Hawkins Lab"
Today I'm covering the seventh episode of Stranger Things season four, and I told ya'll Henry was Vecna was Jamie Campbell Bower. Also how dare this show finally get me on board the "Jamie Campbell Bower is hot" train? I resisted that shit for years, and now...
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