#african grey parrot sounds
tiktokparrot · 8 days
African Grey Parrots: Unlocking Their Genius and Emotional Intelligence!
Discover the incredible world of African Grey Parrots in this in-depth video! These highly intelligent and emotionally sensitive birds are known for their remarkable ability to mimic human speech, but there’s so much more to them.
In this video, we’ll dive into the science behind their intelligence, their emotional needs, and what makes them one of the most fascinating pets to own. Stay tuned as we unlock the secrets behind their genius and learn how to care for these magnificent creatures.
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okbutwhy-rebooted · 1 year
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s-pirth-lemonade · 10 months
*shyly peers around corner*
Uhhh... this sounds specific, but I have a reason...
Could you draw Captain Rex with two African Greys? A Congo and a Timneh.
I... have a Congo and a Timneh. So, it is very specific.
If I am asking for too much, I understand! Either way, I am following. I look forward to seeing more of the Echo and the Hyacinth.
I might have a winged AU where several Clones are given parrot wings, and Rex's is a Hyacinth. You know how the underside of a Hyacinth's wings are dark grey to blend in with the underside of the jungle's canopy? Rex's wings are dappled dark grey, to match Kamino's stormy skyh.
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Here ya go luv 💓 this gives me more ideas to draw more clones with birbs, thanks for the request 🥰
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notdeezy · 2 months
I'll already tag it but just In case I'll say it in post again but Trigger Warning for Animal Death
I'll never understand smokers who smoke INSIDE the damn house and then suddenly are bewildered and devastated when their pet dies from secondhand smoke.
My mom owned an African Grey Parrot and she always smokes inside the house in the same room with him multiple times a day over the course of half a year. One day he reportedly made a weird choking sound before he dropped dead. I wasn't there when it happened but I don't think it takes a genius to find out that the secondhand smoke killed him, especially when birds have a notoriously sensitive respiratory system and the fact that he wasn't even a year old at the time.
I didn't say anything to my mom because I know her grief is very much real and I didn't want to say anything where she could interpret it as me blaming her but I can't help but think that his death was predictable. I knew he wouldn't last a year when I saw how much he was neglected by my mom and that she kept smoking inside the house. I, an adult human being, can barely handle secondhand smoke. I can't imagine how horrible it must be for an avian.
For the love of the universe stop smoking around your pets. It's borderline abuse because pets cannot consent to you smoking next to them. It kills your pets and in the end you can't blame anyone but yourself if they eventually pass on too soon.
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flock-talk · 1 year
Hi! One of my friends went to a ‘parrot island’ and fell in love with macaws. He has never had a bird before. I think I have successfully convinced him not to impulse buy a macaw, but would you have any further advice on the reality of owning such a big parrot that I could use to hammer the point home? I like parrots but definitely am not an expert and also decided in preliminary research that it wasn’t for me at this time, so I didn’t dig too terribly deep once I arrived at that conclusion. Thanks, and your birds are cute. 💕
Honestly sounds like you’ve done a great job!
Your best resource would actually be talking to people who own big birds! They can give you a much more realistic glimpse in to how hard and challenging it is than any article could.
I’ll redirect you to @parrot-parent who owns Merlin the macaw, cusita the African grey, and Holly the eclectus. Who may be willing to share some of the more realistic struggles of big birds!
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freneticfloetry · 7 months
Hi Courtney! for the weird writer asks please:
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice...what do you Know?
Hi Rae! Thanks for the ask. These are fun!
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
Ooof. Irregardless. Like, setting aside the “sounds fake but okay” of it all… While it is technically an actual word, this clumsy, ridiculous double-negative mess means the exact same thing without the discordant “ir-”. Which is nonsensical! Just say “regardless”! But wait, what’s that? Most people who use this word actually think it means the opposite?
I just, I can’t.
36. They say to Write What You Know. Setting aside for a moment the fact that this is terrible advice...what do you Know?
I don’t actually think it’s always terrible advice! You certainly shouldn’t be constricted to writing what you know, or let it limit the stories you tell. But I think there’s a lot to be said for bringing some aspect of your own knowledge or history or experience into what you write, as long as it’s used as a tool to strengthen characters and serve the story.
But to actually answer the question… I know birds. African and South American parrots, specifically. Is that weird? My dad was a breeder for my whole childhood, and I basically grew up in an aviary. He specialized in Congo and Timneh Greys (and for a long time was the go-to Grey breeder in the country), but Meyers, Senegals, Caiques, Capes, Indian and African Ringnecks, Amazons, whatever. You name it, we raised it. We belonged to a regional bird club that had meetings and shows. I learned how to handfeed baby birds at 11. We all had our own pets — my mom had Poncho, who was exactly like every African Grey you’ve ever seen a special on, my sister had a peachface lovebird, Romeo, and I had my childhood cockatiel, Tango (who was a Lutino, a big sweetheart, and a pretty good talker but loved to sing). It’s been years, but I can still tell you what dominant and recessive genes you need to pair to get a whiteface pearl pied cockatiel or an albino ringneck.
I have no idea when any of that would ever be helpful in terms of writing, but there it is.
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cheeriecherrymain · 2 years
Headcannons you say? 👀 why not how Viktor would react to reader's lotal pet bird! Especially if it cawed out his name everytime he passed?? Only if you're comfortable with this, much love <3
My cousin has an african grey parrot, whose name I have lovingly reused for this.
Viktor x fem!Reader
-He doesn’t know you have a bird until you’re comfortable enough to visit each other’s homes.
-You’ve probably brought him (and Jayce) lunch at the lab a couple times, and he seemed to enjoy the meal, so you figured it might be nice to invite him over for dinner sometime. The two of you are always running out of time during your conversations, interrupted by school or work, so an evening together sounds nice.
-The first time he walks into your home, he’s generally polite. You’re a student, so like him, you don’t have much money to spend on decor items - but he doesn’t judge. He can smell whatever you’ve been cooking, so it’s kind of the only thing on his mind.
-Until something screeches from the other room.
-He’s visibly alarmed by the noise, whereas you’re perfectly calm. You’d heard that too, right? He wonders, hoping he’s not losing his mind.
-You disappear from the room, and he can vaguely hear you speaking softly, but he’s not able to decipher what you’re saying…
-But you return moments later, with what looks like a plucked chicken standing on your shoulder.
-And he must be making some kind of expression, because you reach forward suddenly and pinch his cheek. 
- “Don’t stare at her,” you scold, without a single hint of malice in your tone. “She’s shy.”
-As if on cue, the bird twitters softly and climbs behind your neck, poking her head out slightly so she can stare at him. Viktor feels incredibly judged, despite the fact that it’s a bird and an incredibly weird one at that.
- “Her name is Peach,” you explain, settling the table while the little creature balances happily on your shoulder. “Some rich bastard kept her in a tiny cage for years - she was so stressed that she pulled all her feathers out. As soon as she wasn’t colourful, she was abandoned…”
-Viktor watches as the little bird presses her beak against your cheek and makes a dramatic kissing noise, and his heart warms. Of course you’d be the one to see some sad creature and decide to help it; you saw the value in every life you stumbled upon. Much like you had with him.
-He was no plucked parrot, mind you, but he wasn’t unaware of the fact that most of the students at the academy -if not most of the people in Piltover- looked down on him. Because of his roots, because of his disabilities.
-But not you.
-You’d stumbled into the lab one afternoon, looking for Jayce (you’d somehow ended up with some of his mail. ‘Again’, according to you) and had started up a conversation with him instead.
-You’d shown a genuine interest in what he was working on, asking how things worked, and even offering a little bit of advice on why some components may not have been functioning. He’d been a little peeved at first, because who the hell were you to walk in there and criticize his designs?
-But then your ideas had worked and he’d been a little less annoyed. And then you’d come back a week later, once again looking for Jayce, once again striking up a chat with him. You’d eventually stopped bringing mail with you, and just started showing up to loiter and talk to him.
-Soon enough, he considered you a friend.
-Soon enough, he noticed the way his heart sped up whenever you were around.
-Soon enough, you apparently trusted him enough to introduce him to your strange little bird.
-He doesn’t get along with Peach at first. He’s rightfully wary of how protective she is of you, despite her being a parrot. She’s grabbed and chewed on his fingers on multiple occasions - whenever he got too touchy with you, really.
-If it wasn’t for Peach, he would have told you how he felt by now; he would have held your hand, or kissed your cheek, or something.
-It all comes to a head when he’s over at your house again, and you suddenly have to run to the kitchen to keep the stew from boiling over.
-Leaving him alone with Peach.
-Who glares at him with her beady little eyes.
-And he sighs.
-He reaches forward slowly, and offers his hand to the little bird, who surprisingly takes the invitation and steps into his palm.
- “Look,” he says quietly, bringing her up to eye level, “I know you do not like me very much. You bite me, and you hiss at me, and you steal my food. But I know you’re just protective of your mother.”
-With his other hand, he slowly strokes over the few feathers still on her head. “I know you love her dearly; I love her dearly, too. She’s kind, and caring, and smart. Perhaps, if you are amicable, we might be able to share her affection?”
-He hears a giggle from the doorway, and all at once he realizes how absurd he must look - talking to a bald parrot, professing his love, of all things.
-But instead of poking fun at him, you instead find a seat beside him on the couch, and lean over to press your lips onto his cheek a couple times. -It still takes a while after that for Peach to truly warm up to him, but eventually, whenever she hears the tap of his cane on the hardwood floors, she squawks his name and puts up a fuss until he comes over to offer her his shoulder to perch on.
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ndeep1234 · 4 days
Best Pets for Home: Top 5 Pets and How to Choose the Right One
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Finding the best pet for your home involves considering factors like space, time commitment, family dynamics, and personal preferences. Pets can bring joy, companionship, and responsibility to a household. Whether you're looking for a furry friend, a feathered companion, or a low-maintenance pet, there's something for everyone. In this article, we'll explore the top 5 pets for home and offer insights on how to choose the best one for your lifestyle.
1. Dogs
Dogs are often considered the ultimate companions for families and individuals alike. They are loyal, loving, and provide a sense of security. However, owning a dog requires time, effort, and patience.
Popular Breeds for Homes: Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Beagles, and Poodles.
Behavior: Dogs are social animals that thrive on interaction and activity. They require regular exercise, mental stimulation, and companionship.
Weight: Varies widely by breed, ranging from 5 lbs (2 kg) for small breeds like Chihuahuas to 100 lbs (45 kg) for larger breeds like Great Danes.
Food: Dogs require a balanced diet of protein, vegetables, and grains. High-quality dry dog food is a good base, but some dogs may benefit from fresh or raw food diets.
Advantages: Loyal, protective, great companions, encourage exercise.
Disadvantages: Require a lot of attention, training, and regular exercise. Some breeds are prone to health issues.
2. Cats
Cats are independent, low-maintenance pets that are perfect for smaller homes or apartments. They can be affectionate without being overly demanding and don't require the same level of attention as dogs.
Popular Breeds for Homes: British Shorthair, Siamese, Persian, and Maine Coon.
Behavior: Cats are curious, playful, and generally independent. While some cats are very affectionate, others may prefer solitude.
Weight: Typically between 8-15 lbs (3.5-7 kg).
Food: High-protein, grain-free dry or wet food is recommended. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning their diet should primarily consist of meat.
Advantages: Low maintenance, independent, ideal for small spaces.
Disadvantages: Can be aloof, may scratch furniture, litter box cleaning is required.
3. Fish
For those looking for a low-maintenance and visually pleasing pet, fish are an excellent choice. A well-maintained aquarium can add beauty to any room, and fish are quiet, peaceful pets that require minimal interaction.
Popular Species for Homes: Betta Fish, Goldfish, Guppies, and Neon Tetras.
Behavior: Fish are calming to watch and can be mesmerizing with their graceful movements. However, they do not offer the same level of interaction as other pets.
Weight: Varies depending on the species, but most common household fish are small and lightweight.
Food: Specialized fish flakes, pellets, or frozen foods based on the species.
Advantages: Low maintenance, aesthetically pleasing, quiet.
Disadvantages: Require regular water changes and tank maintenance, no physical interaction.
4. Birds
Birds can be wonderful pets, especially for those who enjoy animals with personality and intelligence. Birds range from low-maintenance species like parakeets to more demanding species like parrots.
Popular Species for Homes: Budgies (Parakeets), Cockatiels, Lovebirds, and African Grey Parrots.
Behavior: Birds are social and often form strong bonds with their owners. Some species can even mimic human speech and sounds.
Weight: Varies by species; small birds like budgies weigh around 1 oz (28 g), while larger parrots can weigh up to 3.5 lbs (1.5 kg).
Food: A balanced diet of seeds, fruits, vegetables, and specialized pellets is necessary to keep birds healthy.
Advantages: Intelligent, interactive, can be trained to talk or perform tricks.
Disadvantages: Can be noisy, require social interaction, and may become destructive if bored.
5. Rabbits
Rabbits are great pets for families or individuals who want a soft, furry friend that is relatively low maintenance. They are quiet, social animals that can be litter-trained and kept indoors or outdoors.
Popular Breeds for Homes: Holland Lop, Netherland Dwarf, Lionhead, and Flemish Giant.
Behavior: Rabbits are social animals that enjoy being around people. They can be litter-trained and love to hop around in open spaces.
Weight: Depending on the breed, rabbits can weigh anywhere from 2 lbs (1 kg) to 15 lbs (7 kg).
Food: A diet consisting mainly of hay, fresh vegetables, and rabbit pellets.
Advantages: Quiet, can be litter-trained, good for small spaces.
Disadvantages: Require regular grooming, need space to roam, can chew on furniture.
How to Choose the Best Pet for Your Home
Choosing the best pet depends on several factors:
Time Commitment: Some pets, like dogs, require a significant amount of time for training, exercise, and attention. If you have a busy schedule, consider low-maintenance pets like fish or cats.
Living Space: Consider how much space you have. Larger animals like dogs and rabbits need more space to move around, while fish and small birds can thrive in smaller areas.
Allergies: If you or a family member has allergies, hypoallergenic pets such as certain dog breeds (like poodles) or hairless cats may be a better option.
Family Dynamics: Pets like dogs can be great companions for children, while smaller pets like fish or birds may be more suited to families with older children who understand how to handle animals gently.
Budget: Some pets require more financial investment than others, not only in terms of initial costs but also in terms of ongoing care, food, and veterinary expenses.
Experience: First-time pet owners may find it easier to start with low-maintenance pets like fish or small birds, while more experienced owners may opt for dogs or rabbits.
Final Thoughts
Owning a pet is a rewarding experience that comes with responsibilities. Whether you choose a loyal dog, an independent cat, a peaceful fish, a chatty bird, or a soft rabbit, ensure that you are prepared to meet their physical and emotional needs. Researching the specific requirements of each species and breed will help you make the best decision for your home and lifestyle.
What is the best pet for first-time owners? Cats and fish are excellent choices for first-time owners due to their relatively low maintenance needs compared to dogs.
Are rabbits good pets for small apartments? Yes, rabbits can be kept in small apartments as long as they have space to hop around and plenty of enrichment to prevent boredom.
What is the most low-maintenance pet? Fish are considered one of the most low-maintenance pets, as they require little interaction and only need regular tank cleaning and feeding.
Do birds require a lot of attention? Some species of birds, like parrots, require a significant amount of social interaction and attention, while smaller birds like budgies are more independent.
Can dogs be left alone during the day? Some dog breeds can be left alone for a few hours, but most dogs require companionship and exercise throughout the day. Consider hiring a dog walker if you have a busy schedule.
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practically-an-x-man · 9 months
Your OCs as parrots?
oooh, interesting question!! This will be fun!
Okay well for starters Ophelia is an African Grey hands-down. No contest. They're wickedly smart, but can be total nuisances or even outright dangerous when they get bored.
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Rae is a dusky lory... mainly because they look SO COOL and I didn't know what other parrot to put for her. I just really like their markings, and while her markings from her mutation are silver instead of silver, the shapes and patterns reminded me of her
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Robin is a blue-fronted Amazon parrot, since they're known for being excellent in mimicking speech, songs, and other sounds
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Jasper is a New Zealand kākā, mainly because I think their plumage looks really neat (and pretty punk, fitting for Jasper). Either that, or a black lory for the same reasons
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Kestrel is a hawk-headed parrot, also namely for their plumage. Obviously they're modeled after an American kestrel, which is definitely not a parrot, so this was the closest thing I could come up with.
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Quinn is a harlequin macaw. "Harley Quinn" pun aside, they're bright and flashy, deceptively smart, and will absolutely bite your finger off if you don't treat them right. Perfect!
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I've compared Madison to a Major Mitchell's cockatoo before, and I still like that comparison, but I also think the crimson rosella would be a good match for her
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Indigo is an Eastern bluebonnet, based on their size and plumage. They're small birds, and when they're sitting still they look fairly nondescript. But at the right angle, or with their wings spread, they've got some really impressive colors!
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And I know I've said this before, but Katherine is a sun conure
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flutterdown · 1 month
if you had an african grey parrot what noises would you teach it to replicate
i would teach it to meow and then I would teach it curse words and then I would teach it slurs in that order. no but really I would probably just try and play sound effects whenever possible to hopefully it would pick some up bc that would just make my life funnier in general
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tiktokparrot · 1 year
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sungbeam · 2 months
behold! the 2nd gen, the first offsprings of mano (don't mind the clutter they're living in- they made it their home so they could hide and stay safe from the enemies lmao)
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there were five of them- the ones mano hid in our veranda lol. sadly, two of them died when they were a few days old and these 3 lived and made home here :')
our next door neighbours had one daughter but she had severe asthma so she couldn't really go out. they had a big garden and we made a little house for these cats there and they always made sure the cats had food and shelter. so the cats would switch homes sometimes they'd hang out at mine, get bored and then jump over the wall to the neighbour and it was always fun bc atp, both of us had parrots too so we were training the cats not to mess with the parrots (mine was a feisty african grey, hers was those little birdies lol)
oreo (the one who's winking) and whiskers (the cat at the back) stuck around. the third (traitor) left lmao. whiskers was a girlie and would have kids later on which i'll introduce later, but she'll also have more siblings hehe
by the time both mano and whiskers had kids, there were at least 10 cats total that hung around in our area. the backyard was my true home now lol and whenever i came back from school, i would go chill there and let the cats play with me (they would jump on me, scratch me affectionately, rest on my lap or shoulder, or just judge me from a corner lmao).
sometimes at night i would hear them fighting and yowling and since i'm a very light sleeper i would rush outside to shoo away the enemy cat that never warmed up to us lol it was an ugly cat ngl i never took photos of him but his face is fresh in my memory💀 street cats got issues man idk why the fighting every other night lmao
i'm logging off for two weeks from tmrw so i'll come with more tales when i return! i'll tell you about my cat allergy lore and hopefully find better pics hehe. hope you're having fun at home and are well!
love, yumi <3
the three of them are sooo so cute in that photo 😭😭 like their coloring is everything to me and OREO THE WINK A CHARMER, TRULY jefnkenfj and whiskers looks so silly (affectionate) in the back there, like so adorable 🤧😭
awh im so glad that they all felt so safe between u and ur neighbor's homes :'))) im sad that they lost two siblings (plus the third traitor 😔) but it seemed they had a great home w u !!! RAAAAH to have kittens be so affectionate and loving w me <//3 OMG 10 CATS IN THE AREA IS KINDA CRAZY ??? all of this sounds like such an adventure tho like wah what a lovely time 😭 except for maybe the ugly street cat 💀 PLS DOES HE HAUNT UR DREAMS SKFNKDNFJR truly they do have issues (i say as if i have ever encountered a street cat LMAO)
also im glad u were training them to not mess w ur bird like cat-birb homies kinda sound rad
CANT WAIT FOR UR RETURN !!! thank u again for this hehe 😚
love, beam!! 💖
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greenmaneheart · 1 year
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~Griffis Supspecies Height Comparison + Info~ ------------------------------------ Just doing this for fun~ I made this so I can use this to design more griffins oc if I want to save time. Also explaining the differences. Not just for these that I show here, also included for other bird species. Of course, I can't filled all in here. Just try and use common senses, if you can.
There's a few things that I explained based in my universe world, so, just want to make that clear.
If the pic is kinda hard to see here, you can view the full and close up image on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/greenmaneheart/art/Griffis-Supspecies-Height-Comparison-Info-in-des-978901373
I will explain more details of what features they had. have fun reading~ ------------------------------------
Very small - HUMMINGBIRD
This also included other small bird species such as kingfisher, kookaburra, cockatiel, parakeet, parrotlet.
They have a certain natural ability based on what bird species they are; kingfisher griffins can catch fish. Kookaburra griffins can make loud and chaotic cry. And more.
Their small size makes it easy for them to fly swiftly or hide in small spaces. ------------------------------------
Medium small - OWL
This included all types of owl species out there.
They can fly without making a slightest sound of their wings flapping while flying.
Their common traits are usually quiet, watchful, sly and deep-thinkers. They seem more active hunting during night time, making them nocturnal creatures.
Owl griffins are considered as the calmest griffin compared to other subspecies griffins.
They are not usually aggressive and only do so when it's necessary like defending their home.
Despite also being considered as a predatory kind, they're pretty calm. ------------------------------------
Medium - MACAW
This included all types of macaw and medium-sized parrots species such as cockatoo, African grey parrot, scarlet macaw, black palm cockatoo and more.
Their habitats are usually in the jungle or rainforest.
Some have the ability to mimic sounds. Their special beak is for macaws, able to crack open any hard nuts easily, without any tools.
Their common traits can come in pretty friendly, intelligent, crafty and creative. They're considered as the smartest and creative subspecies of griffin. ------------------------------------
A common griffin, half eagle, half lion. However, this also included all types of eagle species, including hawk and falcons. Usually predatory birds.
This type of griffin has the biggest wingspan of all other griffins. A strong flier and the fastest flier than all other griffins.
They are also considered the strongest griffin subspecies.
They are also common subspecies and the most populated compare to other subspecies griffins.
Most of these griffins are very well known to hunt any certain food or animal easily. ------------------------------------
Medium Large - PEAFOWL
Male peacock griffins are usually a bit bigger than female peahen griffins.
However, this size can come from other types of bird such as Lyrebirds and birds of paradise.
Usually the royals are a bit bigger compared to it's average size.
Peafowl griffins are considered as the most beautiful creatures in Griffonia due to their unique pattern and colorful feathers.
Peacock griffin can fly but not as fast as other griffins. Peahen griffin cannot fly properly and can only glide.
Certain peafowl families will wear a certain gem on their forehead to easily identify their close relatives and family. This also to show off their beauty and high quality of themselves.
This has been going for many generations and now considered as their tradition.
Most peafowl are from the royal family. They live in a high ground place called The Proud Tree Kingdom.
They're usually very graceful, elegant, and well mannered. They always try to maintain their appearance to stay clean and beautiful to show that they are more superior than other griffins. ------------------------------------
Very tall and large - OSTRICH
Ostrich griffins are considered as the largest griffin subspecies.
They are also one of the griffins that cannot fly.
Females can have pale, pastel, whitish or brown color feathers, while males have dark coloring feathers.
However, as a normal ostrich would have, they're able to run fast compared to other griffins. Their highest speed limit is almost the same speed as the normal griffin's flying speed.
Most ostrich griffins participated in a racing sport game, and so were considered as professional racers.
These griffins can usually be found in many populations living somewhere in the desert western land, which is where the racing stadium for ostriches is located.
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allwaswell16 · 1 year
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—Fics by allwaswell16—
[ 20 - 29k ]
When We Were Young (series) [E, 24k, farmer's market, fic post]
Part One: Sound Like a Song [E, 14k, fic post] In high school, Louis Tomlinson lit up Harry’s world like nobody else, even if Harry did most of his pining from the safety of his tightly knit circle of friends. Ten years later, Harry is ready to make some changes. He’s tired of having so many regrets and not taking charge of his life, and he still hasn’t forgotten how brightly Louis shines. He’s about to get a long awaited second chance. Or the one where Harry helps out at a farmer’s market and gives Louis free vegetables. Part Two: Look Like a Movie [M, 10k, high school, fic post] Louis lights up Harry's world like nobody else. Harry just wishes he could be brave enough to ever ask him out. Although Harry's high school life is fraught with anxious encounters, he gets by with a little help from his friends. Or a prequel taking place ten years before 'Sound Like a Song.' Featuring school dances, soccer games, overeager lab partners, crushes, and being ten years too early for the love of your life.
Scarred [E, 23k, omegaverse, fic post]
As a male omega, Louis has learned to live with disappointment and rejection, but he dreams of the day he finds his soulmate. When Harry inadvertently rejects him as his soulmate, Harry has no idea he's doomed Louis to a slow, painful death.
Pride doesn't keep Louis from telling Harry the truth. But love does.
That's How I Know (series) [E, 21k, parrot, fic post]
Part One: That's How I Know [E, 19k, fic post] Louis Tomlinson has just landed his dream job, coaching soccer at Augustus University. When he moves into a new house near campus, he meets his very fit new neighbor, English professor Harry Styles. Although their first meeting leads to an instant mutual dislike, the more Harry gets to know Louis, the more he likes what he sees. Or the one where Harry’s African grey parrot spills his dirty secrets to his very hot neighbor. Part Two: Don’t Embarrass Me, Motherfucker [T, 1k, fic post] Harry comes home from work to find Louis and their parrot are up to something. A Darcy the Parrot time stamp
Dive (series) [E, 21k, famous/famous, fic post]
Newly retired football star, Louis Tomlinson has left Manchester for Malibu. Along the way, he finds music, friendship, and love in the form of his pop star neighbour and the very fit movie star hiding out next door.
Part One: I Could Fall or I Could Fly [T, 4k, fic post] Newly retired football star Louis Tomlinson has left Manchester for Malibu. As he begins to settle into his new house on the beach, he finds his life here to be very different than the one he left behind. His pop star neighbour likes to drop by unexpectedly, and there's a very fit movie star hiding out next door who seems to have developed a sudden interest in football. Part Two: Hanging On the Words You Say [E, 5k, fic post] Newly retired football star, Louis Tomlinson has left Manchester for Malibu. California has been full of surprises, including a date with a very fit movie star, a songwriting session with a pop star, and the hope that maybe there is a life for him after football. Part Three: Before I Dive Right Into You [E, 4k, fic post] Newly retired football star, Louis Tomlinson has left Manchester for Malibu. Dating a famous movie star is slightly more complicated than he first imagined, especially because Harry seems to be in hiding from his career, and he's about to find out they have something unexpected in common with their pop star neighbour. Part Four: Let Me Know the Truth [M, 2k, fic post] Newly retired football star, Louis Tomlinson has left Manchester for Malibu, and he now has a new life that includes surfing with pop stars and trying his best to keep up with his younger, fit, movie star boyfriend, Harry Styles. They may now be officially together, but Harry finds there's still a lot to learn about Louis Tomlinson. Part Five: Jumping in Harder Than Ten Thousand Rocks on the Lake [T, 5k, fic post] Retired football star, Louis Tomlinson left Manchester for Malibu and created an amazing new life for himself. He may have lost football in his life, but he's gained music, love, and friendship in return. He thinks it's a pretty great trade, although it's not without the occasional bumps in the road.
Wine Not? by abrighteryellow, allwaswell16, catfishau (dinosaursmate), crinkle-eyed-boo,  disgruntledkittenface, FallingLikeThis, jaerie, Justalittlelouislove, kingsofeverything, kiwikero, LadyLondonderry, Layne Faire, lululawrence, momentofclarity, orphan_account, phdmama,  QuickedWeen, Rearviewdreamer, red_special, SadaVeniren, taggiecb
[E, 20k, enemies to lovers, fic post]
Louis’ Wine Dive is a bar run by the people for the people. Wine Styles is a boutique tasting room that caters to a more highbrow clientele. When their worlds clash on a beautiful Charleston street, one of these owners may find that an ounce of pretension doesn’t stand a chance against a pound of perseverance.
I Didn't Fall For You (You Fucking Tripped Me) [E, 20k, monitor lizard, fic post]
These days Louis tends to steer clear of dating alphas. He’s dated too many knotheads in his time, and he’s ready to just focus on school and his friends and his pet monitor lizard, of course.
Too bad the alpha next door won’t take a hint and stop using the worst pick up lines of all time on him. He’s really got to stop laughing with him--and talking to him and walking to class with him and letting him bring him coffee and tea and gifts for his lizard and watching Netflix together and...
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nature-nerd-sarah · 1 year
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Posting birds until I hit post limit: African grey parrot
The African grey is renowned among parrot keepers for its ability to mimic sounds near perfectly. Some of them can even mimic the sound of running water!
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t34-mt · 2 years
Little fun fact
when maanuls and kyhuines speak they sound like how an African Grey parrot would speak, tho it is better than them, we would still find it weird to hear it. And since they have an avian like organ for vocolasation, they don't have a larynx. To them, we would be the ones with an uncanny way of speaking.
And also they don't rely on moving their mouth so much when speaking for articulation because they mostly rely on their vocal cords, which may look uncanny to us. To form words we humans use our lips, tongue and also teeth, but for maanuls and kyhuines they will use tongue and teeth. Not the lips because they simply don't have any, by that I mean human like-lips.
The vocal chords is a sort of vent thing that is separated from the oesophagus, it is normally closed but can open for speaking to then be connected with the respiratory system, when they speak it might open the vent of their olfactory vents so the head nostrils might open while vocolasation, because yes they are build in a messy way. Olfactory organs has evolved separately and differently on many species on altuyur and theirs isn't the most effective compared to some animals.
When they shout, a bit of sound might even come out of their opperculum since the two are connected. When performing certain calls, a sort of light whistle can come out of the respiratory holes (opperculum)
I know I mentioned in previous posts that kyhuines don't have front teeth, so how would they use them for speaking? The thing is like I changed the way their teeth are AGAIN(sorry) tho it is not that noticeable.
I should do a chart of the vocal box, oesophagus, olfactory vent so it feels more clear to people. If I can then maybe one day I'll do a simple gif with that same chart but showing how it looks when they speak.
Oh yeah since respiratory and feeding system are separated they can't suck things into their mouth, so they will rely on muscles instead
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