#african dandy
beau-gar · 19 days
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192 notes · View notes
ldysmfrst · 4 months
American Mate (8) - Time to Tell the Family Pack (M)
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Paring: Hybrid!BTS Ot7 x Plus-sized Human FemReader
Status: Ongoing series
Chapter number: 8 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 11,456
Work count for Story: 42,893
Genre: Hybrid Playmate Au inspired by works created by @yoongiofmine
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children, one of whom has special needs and the other loves everyone. I currently am not working because of a broken foot. I started a Patreon, and I would be grateful if you donated to help me make ends meet while I am out of work.
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, m/m, and m/f/m. This chapter does have pack dynamics, comfort, Alpha Space, feisty Omega vibes, close proximity, and multiple scenting. Jin, Yoongi and Jk are extra touchy and Y/n is just along for the ride.
SIDE NOTE: This is my first time writing text conversations into a story. 💜💜💜
This chapter has a slightly mature scene within the story. If you want to avoid mature scenes, at the start and end of the mature scene, the following banner will be displayed:
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BTS HYBRID ANIMAL TYPES: Seokjin - Roan Ferret, Yoongi - Black Jaguar, Hoseok - Marten, Namjoon - Alaskan Timber Wolf, Jimin - Red Panda, Taehyung - White Southwest African Tiger, Jungkook - Flemish Giant Rabbit
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“Are you serious? You agreed to be our playmate?” Soekjin inquires, stepping up next to Yoongi.
Standing up, you look at the two hybrids with a smile. “Yes,” you say, glancing over at Namjoon and Jungkook. “I may not be a normal playmate, and this may not be a normal situation, but I am willing to try to make it work.”
At your words, the pack erupts into exclamations of joy, shock, and happiness. The room is flooded with happy scents and a warm abundance of vanilla. 
Their reactions also make you smile, which only becomes wider when you become a Yoongi and Jungkook sandwich. Soon follows Seokjin, then Taehyung and Hoseok, and lastly comes Jimin and Namjoon. You have fully been engulfed in a pack pile. 
While it is all good and dandy, they won’t let go. Logically, you understand that they are just finding a way to claim you as their playmate and temporary pack member. The attention is a little unnerving. 
“Well, this is an endearing sight to see, Bangtan. I won’t disrupt too much. I just wanted to let you all know that I have sent over the signed contract. Miss Y/n only needs to attend a health screening appointment and clear her office desk by the end of the week. Everything should be good,” Manager Sejin says from the hallway. 
“I will let myself out. Remember you have a schedule tomorrow which Yoongi is excused from to assist her, but the rest of you need sleep. It's getting late.”
With that, you find yourself still in the middle of a very warm cluster of hybrid men. As thrilled as most Army would be, it is too much too soon for you.
“Umm, guys. Can we maybe take a step back?” you ask the group, resulting in unpleasant grumbles all around. 
“No, like, really. I need air, or space, or breathing room.” with still no response, you raise your voice, “I need out!” 
You are now batting and pushing for freedom while raising your voice, breaking the boys out of whatever headspace they had gone into. The boys move to sit or stand around the living room, now feeling mildly awkward as you are feeling disgruntled and overwhelmed. 
Once you can wiggle out of them, move to the farthest corner near the backyard doors, take a few breaths, and let the warm vanilla scent settle you. 
Man, you need to find out what kind of cleaner or candle they use.
The boys look at each other and have silent conversations with their eyes and hands about what should happen next since they realize they have overstepped yet again. 
At this most inopportune time, your stomach decides to roar like a ravenous dragon. Looking at your phone, you realize you ate last at the lunch meeting with Manager Sejin.
“It seems that my promise to keep you eating well and happy starts right away,” Seokjin says with a slight chuckle as he walks up next to you.
He hands you his phone with the Doordash app open. “Here you go, dear. Dinner is on me. Pick any place you like and order whatever you want. I think the rest of us should go unpack enough to sleep.”
The boys nod and murmur in agreement, moving to their rooms. Namjoon mentions something about no seafood, and Taehyung asks for nothing spicy.
“Oh… Thank you, Mr. Kim,” you smile while looking through the app, only to stop when a hand is placed on your arm.
“You are with us now. Please use our names or even nicknames. I hope you feel comfortable and allow us to use yours as well,” Seokjin mentions before heading upstairs.
“Names or nicknames. Got it – Jin.”
Before going down the hall, he smiles at you one last time, “When you are done ordering for everyone, just send it out.”
After giving him a thumbs up, you murmur to yourself, “Order for everyone… no, what was it again? Oy… I hardly know what I want most of the time, much less for seven Korean men.”
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After choosing something you are pretty sure they would like, you change your choice because there is nothing you really want to have from there. After who knows how many changes, you finally pick a place that has family-sized shareable meals to split and triple-check that all foods are hybrid-safe.
You wander back into the room that has been designated as yours. 
For the next eight weeks, this is your life. It's like an extended vacation but with working (kind of), hot guys everywhere, and a broken wrist. 
Oh, Derek! Pulling your phone out, you go to your group chat and send your friends a quick message, letting them know more or less what is going on but leaving out the playmate part of it all. 
Derek: So, have you made it home yet?
Evie: Why was I told so late? When can I help you too?
Evie: Are you home? I am coming over right now.
Evie: Did you eat? You probably didn’t eat knowing you. I will bring food!
Y/n: Yo! Pipsqueak, relax!
Y/n:1 )I am not home as I am going to sleep in the guest room at the pack house. 2 )You were told late because I just now got things settled. 
Evie’s name has been changed to Pipsqueak.
Pipsqueak: DEREK!
Derek’s name has been changed to Fluff Boi.
Fluff Boi: You think I won’t like Fluff Boi? Lol, nice try, pippy.
Y/n: Aaaaaannnnny ways, you two. I just ordered food for the pack on Jin’s phone, so I will eat it soon.
Pipsqueak: OOOOOoooooOOOO Jin’s phone. Jin.  Next thing you know, it will be Jinnie. Nicknames with him already there, Missy?
Y/n: Yes, he asked me to use their names or nicknames from now on and drop the formalities.
Fluff boi: Ah huh… sure… and did he say wwwwhhhhyyyy he wanted it dropped?
Pipsqueak: Wait… is there more that I don’t know about?!? Alright Fluff Boi spill since we all know Y/n won’t.
Y/n: Hey!
Y/n: It isn’t that I won’t. It's because they are technically clients of PMS, and I have to keep privacy. So, I will ask them if it is okay to tell my family pack for safety reasons.
Pipsqueak: Fine, but are you really going to be okay?
Y/n: Yeah. I think so. But I do need help tomorrow at my place. What time are you guys free to help me?
Fluff Boi: I just got an email about finalizing a new contract in the morning, but that will only take a few hours. So after 10? Pippy, what about you?
Pipsqueak: Is that gonna be a forever thing now? Pippy?
Pipsqueak: Y/n, I am free tomorrow as well. So, 10 am works.
Y/N: Great! I'll see you both tomorrow at 10 a.m. at my place, and I'll bring brunch stuff. 
Y/N: Oh, I have to go. The food is almost here now. I should probably give Jin his phone back, too.
Pipsqueak: lol, you and your phone hoarding. Bye
Fluff boi: See you in the marrow!
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Making your way upstairs, you head towards Jin and Yoongi’s den room. You notice that all the doors are closed but theirs. Not thinking much of it, you knock as you walk in and see Yoongi put his suitcases under the bed. 
“Hi, Yoongi. The food I ordered should almost be here, and I need to give Seokjin his phone back,” you tell him, looking towards the other half of the room and not finding the phone's owner.
“Thanks, Y/n. Jin-hyung is over with Namjoon and Tae. He is quick with unpacking and knows that those two tend to take a while if we want things intact.”
“So the rumors of Namjoon being clumsy are true?”
“I'm Afraid so. I suggest you leave any valuables in your flat for now,” Yoongi says with a fond chuckle. “Let’s head down. We can knock on everyone’s door to let them know to hurry up.”
“Sounds good to me.”
Yoongi and you knock on doors and yell to hurry them up as you head back down. Various responses come back in agreements and exclamations. Apparently, some are better at unpacking than others.
You giggle because you know you are a horrible packer and don’t unpack when you go on trips. 
“Did someone say something funny?” Yoongi inquires at the sound of your laughing.
“Oh no. It sounds like a couple of the pack members are not fast unpackers. So, I started thinking about the few trips that I have gone on.”
Ding Dong. Stompstompstompstomp.
“We got it!” Jungkook and Taehyung run down the stairs to the front door. Just barely miss running into you if you hadn’t stepped back into Yoongi.
“Yah! Watch out for Y/n! She already got hurt once!” Yoongi yells at the two, who are not paying him one mind because they are gathering the food that was delivered. 
“It’s okay. They didn’t mean it. Sorry if I bumped into you,” you say, looking over your shoulder while you attempt to remain relaxed, his hands resting on your hips.
“Remember I promised to protect you, so bump into me, run towards me, or jump in my arms and I will be there for you, always.” Yoongi’s face slightly blushes at his own words. 
Yoongi squeezes your hips like handles to guide you into the dining room. The two youngest have already started setting up the table with place settings and opened food containers. 
Pulling out of Yoongi’s hold, you walk over to the far wall and watch the rest of the pack pile into the room.
“Thank you for ordering dinner, Y/n. It smells wonderful,” Yoongi comments as he takes a seat. 
“Yeah! We love pasta!” Tae exclaims
“Joonie-hyung! She got your faaavorite! Shrimp Fettuccine Alfredo!” Jungkook excitedly yells down the hall. 
“What?! No! That is mine!” You yell, hoping that the Prime Alpha can hear you.
Soon enough, you hear laughter as the remaining pack enters. “You know, Y/n. You could make him eat the shrimp to start the process of gaining your forgiveness,” says Hoseok.
Looking at Namjoon, you see him give the oddest look at that suggestion, then meet your eyes as if he is waiting for your decision.
“Nope, it’s mine,” you walk over, sit at the chair closest to the mentioned food, and start plating. “Shrimp is my protein of choice. I will bite anyone who tries to take it from me.”
At your threat, the whole room freezes and plunges into silence. 
You notice the change in energy and look around with pure confusion. 
Seokjin, his presence felt as he walked up behind you and leaned into your personal space. His chest presses against your upper back, and his voice, low and resonant, fills your ears with a quiet warning, “Don’t make promises you don’t intend to keep.
Leaning to the side, you look at Jin, your nose brushing at his because of his closeness. With a hitch in your breath and wide, shocked eyes, you ask, “What do you mean, Jin?”
“While in human terms, biting is considered a bad thing and something that can be done in some kinky circles.” Seokjin leans to whisper in your ear.
“For hybrids,” Hoseok appears. Just as close as Jin, pulling your attention to him, whispers in your other ear, “Biting is a form of foreplay, marking, and mating.”
Your mind is fighting to respond to the information you just learned while your body is lighting on fire. You audibly swallow, which is surprising, given how dry your mouth has gone. Goosebumps litter your skin everywhere. 
In the end, you just nod in understanding as the two stand up and take their seats on either side of you. Once you regain control of your body, you dare to look around. All eyes are on the three of you; their eyes have darkened. 
“Miss Y/n?” you hear Jimin call.
“Thank you for ordering dinner. Is this from a place you have had before?”
You let out a breath, thankful for Jimin’s redirection. “Yes, it’s called Buca di Beppo. They follow the Italian family-style serving portions. I thought it would be filling, and then we could all share. So, hopefully, I ordered well enough for the eight of us.”
“You did!” Jungkook pipes in as he starts to fill his plate, “Besides, we all have to go to bed soon since we have things to do tomorrow. I am sure our schedules will be shared with you soon.”
“Good, I am glad. Well… dig in, everyone.”
At your prompt, the pack does just that. It isn’t long before different conversations happen between the packmates, who are all respectful and trying to keep you involved.
After a bit, you realize that your plate hasn’t diminished even though you know you have had to have eaten the amount you started with. Testing your thoughts, you take another bite of shrimp with mushrooms and broccoli. 
Turning your head like you are about to join another conversation, you keep your eyes on your plate. It doesn’t take long before you see Seokjin adding more veggies and Alfredo to your plate. 
It makes you smile because he is doing just as he said. Catching his hand before it leaves your plate, you look at him and smile. 
“Jin, Thank you for providing me with food but I am full now and I don’t want to waste any.”
A slight frown forms on his face as he looks back down at your plate. Gathering a fork with carrot, broccoli, and noodles, he brings the food to your mouth. With his eyes on your mouth, he asks, “Please, just one more bite?”
Dutifully, you take the last bite in your mouth, licking your lip of the white sauce. You note that he is still watching your mouth. His eyes are still darkened, and his mouth is slightly open as he licks his lip as you do yours. 
Again, the table’s overall sound level drops, and as the tension rises. 
Swallowing the bite, you smile, “Thank you again, Jin.”
“Welcome, Y/n.”
“Hey Jin-hyung! Why do you guys talk so informally now? Is it okay for everyone now that Miss y/n is a playmate?” Jungkook whines.
“I want her to use a nickname for me too,” his foot thumping on the ground.
Giggling, you smile at the youngest of the pack, “You want a nickname?”
“Yeah! Please? Can I call you by just your name or a nickname, too?”
Looking around, you see that everyone is also curious about this change. “Well, You can use my name without the miss part or a nickname if you would like. That goes for all of you.”
“As for you,” your eyes settle on the bunny hybrid, narrowing in thought as you hear his foot still bouncing on the floor.
“I know! Thumper!”
The whole pack starts to laugh at the nickname you gave him. “What? He is a bunny hybrid, he is full of energy, and he thumps his left foot – he is just like Thumper. I loved Thumper in Bambi!”
At your reasoning, Jungkook starts blushing and sinking in his seat. “You can call me Thumper if you want to.”
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With dinner finished, you attempted to help clean up but were quickly shooed out of the dining room and kitchen. Jungkook, Yoongi, and Hoseok herding you into your room.
All of you end up piling on the huge bed. You are sandwiched between Yoongi and Jungkook, but surprisingly, it's not uncomfortable. Hoseok is at the end of the bed.
“Y/n, first off. Thank you for ordering dinner at Jin’s expense,” Hoseok starts. “Thank you for letting us use your name too.”
“Oh, it’s nothing. I mean if we are going to be living together for the foreseeable future, we might as well be friendly about it right?” 
A hand touching your arm pulls your attention to the bunny hybrid, “Y/n, are you really okay with the skinship? You seem to get overwhelmed by it, and I don’t… I don’t want to be too much for you.”
“Oh, Thumper.” Jungkook blushes at the new nickname, and you giggle, which brings smiles all around.
“Skinship is a strange topic for me. In America, it’s not seen as anything special, kinda. Well… agh.” Running your hand through your hair, you huff.
“I used to be very touchy feely when I was younger and in like high school because I thought that is what you were supposed to do.”
Fiddling with your… Yoongi’s sweater, you continue, “After some hateful comments and talking with my best friend, Evie. I figured out that I was doing pack-like stuff with the humans. And… well, I was branded a umm… A slut.”
“Fucking humans,” grumbles Yoongi. 
“I stopped after that. No skinskip, no cuddling, and nothing pack-like outside of Evie’s family and then Derik. Umm…”
“Y/n, you don’t have to tell us anything,” Jungkook says. 
“We will keep the skinship down to a minimum or let you lead us in that area,” Hoseok says. “It may be hard for our Yoon and Kook to keep to themselves now, but I will talk with the rest of the pack, and we will keep to ourselves.”
You felt the two hybrids beside you shuffle a little when he mentioned their names. Jungkook removed his hand, only for you to grab it with a reassuring smile. 
“I don’t mind it. Surprisingly, at least not from Yoongi and Jungkook.” looking at Hoseok, you see a slight frown. “Hoseok, I will try my best to be comfortable with all of you.”
“I think because of this,” you hold up your right hand, “and their care when I was freaking out sort of made it easy.”
“Ah, that makes sense. As hybrids, we have a thing called imprinting. Most of the time it is temporary, you can ask Namjoon but I think humans have a trauma response like that.”
“That would make sense. I was going to University for Psychology but they never liked my work. My roommate in the dorm thought I was a hybrid because of how I thought and acted.”
Chewing on my bottom lip, “Hmm… maybe I should have majored in Pack Psychology or Hybrid Psychology.”
“Y/n, how did you end up at Playmate Services?” Hoseok asks, scooting forward a little.
“Oh actually, it was supposed to be a part time job. I was a Doordash driver when I saw that they were remodeling the office. The sign on the door said they were looking for part or full time front desk assistants and remote operators.”
“I thought that I would do well as a remote operator because I am good over the phone but I guess the head of HR thought I was good enough for the front desk spot. After working with them over summer, I realized that I enjoyed working and asked to be full time.”
“You mean, if HR hadn’t put you at the front desk and Yoongi hadn't hurt you… we would have never met?” Jungkook asks, pulling your arm to his chest. Now, he is holding you tight with both hands, like you will disappear. 
“I guess you’re right, Thumper.” You squeeze his hands back. “Now, you are stuck with me for the next two months.”
“You say that like it's a bad thing,” Yoongi says as he rests his head on your shoulder. 
The warmth of the two and the comfort they bring makes you sleepy enough to let out a long yawn.
“Oh, it looks like it's time to take our leave and let our newest one rest. She has had a long and exhausting day,” Hoseok says with a smile. Patting your leg softly, he takes his leave. 
“Yeah, I think I am crashing from all the emotions, and the pain meds I took with dinner are kicking in too.”
With a last squeeze of his hand, Jungkook gets up and walks to the door. “Oh, when I unpacked, I put a spare toothbrush and paste in your bathroom. Jimin also had me put in some of his spare face wash and face creams for you. Goodnight, Y/n.”
Scooting to the end of the bed, Yoongi looks around, “Do you have everything you need? Will you be comfortable sleeping in those clothes?”
“I should be fine, Yoongi. Unless you don’t want me to sleep in these?”
“I.. ah... It's… fine,” Yoongi stutters, his face gone pink. You knew he might react like this, and you smiled at how cute he looked. Your scent is blooming in the room. “I’d better go now. Sleep well, Y/n.”
With that, you are left alone in the room. Looking around, you feel awkward, finally alone after being with at least one person all day. After another yawn, you go about a nighttime routine using the products left by the two youngest in your bathroom.
Mind you, the products are in Korean, so you hope for the best. By looking at the pictures, you can tell which is which. Once you are done, you glance at the closed bedroom door and hope you have made a good decision. Staying with this pack. 
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“What… hmm,” Jungkook’s ears perk up, hearing a rustling sound. One of the horrible things about being a prey hybrid, Alpha or not, is that you're always on your guard. While for some, it makes them live in fear, for Jungkook, it pushes him to be the best at everything he takes on.
Waking up more, he listens again. After a moment, he can hear his pack sleeping. A few are snoring, and Jimin is talking in his sleep again. Wait… the rustling sound is back, but it's coming from below. Getting up quickly, he makes his way down to your room.
Knock, Knock.
“Y/n, are you okay? Is there something that you need?” He asks, pressing his ear to the door. Hearing you move about, he stands up straight. 
Opening the door slowly, you look sleepy. Your eyes are slightly puffy, and your hair is tousled. You look beautiful in Jungkook’s eyes. “Thumper? Sorry, did I wake you?”
“It’s okay. I am a light sleeper, prey and all. Are you not comfortable? Are you in pain?” he asks, slightly pushing the door open. 
“The bed is soft enough, but I normally sleep with lots of pillows or blankets. I get cold quickly, but I will be okay. I promise to stop moving around so much,”  you say, pulling down the bottom hem of the hoodie.
Your motions catch Jungkook’s attention. His whole body flushes with heat once he notices you are not wearing pants. Taking a step back, he looks right into your eyes, trying his best not to ogle at your bare legs. 
“Ah. Pillows. Blankets. Lots.” Glancing back down again, he swallows. “Yeah, on hold.”  He says before jogging back upstairs, leaving you standing at your door wondering what has happened.
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Like any young Alpha, Jungkook is giddy at seeing his mate in such a state of vulnerability and dress. To top it off, you needed something he could provide: blankets and pillows. They always had blankets and pillows. 
Going into Yoongi and Jin’s den without knocking, he wakes Yoongi by stealing his pillow.
“Kook! What the hell was that for?” Yoongi grunts as he watches the youngest Alpha approach Jin’s side and take a blanket off him.
“Y/n. She wants blankets and pillows. My Alpha says it has to be the pack stuff,” the thought stopped him in his tracks. “Wait, why does it need to be the pack’s stuff?”
“What are you two talking about? You are supposed to be sleeping,” Jin huffs, pulling at the blanket in Jungkook’s hand. 
“Kook, wait.”
“No, Yoongi. Y/n said she cannot sleep without lots of pillows and blankets. I am getting her pillows and blankets.” He says, holding up the named items.
The three of them glance at each other, now gathered in Jin’s half of the den. After taking a moment to process, Yoongi asks, “Y/n is asking for nesting materials?”
That question sets something off in their mind. All of them are scrambling to gather different items. Yoongi took back his pillow, covering it in his scent as his. While Seokjin did the same with his blanket, Junkook ran to his room to get his body pillow. The three met in the hall before heading downstairs, trying not to wake the rest of the house. 
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Coming to the door, Jungkook jumped in front of them. “Wait! She asked me. I want to be the first to give her something to nest with, please.”
“Awhhh… look at our little bun. He is trying to be a good Alpha and provide for her. Isn’t it cute?” Seokjin coos, and Yoongi chuckles.
“Hyuuunngg, don’t make fun of me.”
“He is just teasing you out of love, Kook. Of course, you can go first. We won’t take that from you,” Yoongi says. “Now go on. We are right behind you.”
Knock Knock
“The door is open, Thumper.” You call from inside. 
He pushes it open and walks in with the others right behind him. You straighten up and smile at the addition of the others coming in, too. The first thing Jungkook looks at is– your legs, of course. Why would he not? 
It isn’t until the others find you sitting on your bed that you notice they are all looking down, which causes you to look down. Then it clicks. You are not wearing sweatpants anymore. Quickly, you grab the coverlet at the end of the bed and hide your legs, breaking their gaze.
“Sorry, it’s a habit. I don’t like pants when I sleep. It feels like I am trapped again.”
“No, it's okay. We shouldn’t have focused on that. It just wasn’t expected. Umm..” Junkook blushes deeply, looking anywhere but you, and then he remembers why they are in your bedroom again.
“Oh, we brought you pillows and blankets,” he says, holding his body pillow. “This is one of my body pillows. I love to cuddle up with it when I am sleeping alone, and it’s super soft.”
You take the pillow gently, “What will you use now?”
“Oh, I will sleep with Jin tonight. It’s normal for me to sleep with someone else on the first night in a new pack house.” Jungkook fibs because the thought of you not using it because it was his only body pillow would not go over well with his Alpha.
You glance at Jin, who nods in agreement: “It is rare when he actually sleeps alone. It typically only happens when he has an individual schedule or he has to get up before anyone else. But here,” he goes to place a blanket on the bottom of your bed.
His eyes take in how you have bunched up the decorative throw pillows along the wall, the duvet in the middle of the bed like a wall, and it looks like another quilt from somewhere at the foot of the bed. Not knowing where to put the blanket down, he looks at you with a raised eyebrow. 
“Oh, here.” You hop off the bed, putting the coverlet back in its place. You take Jin's soft and silky blanket, the scent of cherries puffing out. “Mmmm… smells good.” You comment while climbing back on the bed.
The hybrids watch your movements with interest, watching Yoongi's hoodie barely cover you. Their Alphas purr at your level of comfort while you enjoy the view. Not only are you showing off your plush, milky thighs as you crawl away from them, but you are giving the three Alphas your back, which means that you do not find them a threat. 
To top it off, you are building a nest—a Nest of all things inside their pack house!
While clearly, it’s a small nest meant for personal use and not a pack nest, it doesn’t matter to the Alphas. They cannot wait to tell the others about your nest and maybe one day be invited to join you in the nest. 
Pulling the blanket and placing it inside the bowl of bedding, you leave some hanging over the side. Grabbing the body pillow, you stuff it against the wall with a smile.
“There, much better.” You turn and sit cross-legged, pulling the hoodie down over your knees, but stop because you remember it is a Valentino and don’t want to stretch it. 
Looking at Yoongi, you notice he is holding a pillow, “Is that for me, or are you planning to sleep over?”
“Sleep…sleep over?” Yoongi questions.
“Is sleeping over an option?” Jungkook asks, his ears standing straight up with interest.
“No, no… no sleeping over Kook. It’s her first night here, and she needs her space. We have to respect that.” Seokjin intervenes. 
“Thank you, Jin. I do like sleepovers, and it is your pack house.” You offhandedly comment while making minor adjustments to the bedding. 
“Umm... Yoongi, the pillow?”
“Oh, right. Pillow. I had an extra one you can have. If you want it, that is, but yeah, sleeping over isn’t something I do much of. I typically cat nap throughout the day. I'm not much of a cuddler, really.” Yoongi says while handing you the pillow.
“Oh. Based on what you said in the hall, I thought you would be more comfortable with all of that.” Turning around and sitting on your knees, you place his pillow on top of your pillow at the head of the bed. Looking over your shoulder, you ask, “Is that all you boys brought?”
The sheer thought that they had not brought you enough nesting materials to make you content shocks the boys with concern. Serious faces across them all as they start to think of other things they could bring down to you. Then, as if a switch was flipped, they all scampered out of the room and back upstairs. 
“Huh? Where are they going?” you mutter as you go back to rearranging the bed again now that you have more things to snuggle with. 
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After about five minutes, some hollers and lots of yelled apologies, the boys come back to the room with even more blankets and pillows. Standing around the bed with hopeful but still concerned looks on their faces, you move to the edge, smiling brightly at all the soft bedding you could choose from. 
“Oh wow, I didn’t know that you all had so much extra bedding.”
The boys share a look that you miss. The three of them know that they have four other confused and upset mates upstairs to whom they owe explanations for stealing the stuff they were using. But you don’t need to know that right now. 
Once you have torn down and rebuilt the bed again, it now contains a body pillow from Jungkook and Jimin, pillows from Yoongi and Hoseok, and blankets from Jin, Taehyung, and Namjoon. Settling in the middle, you start to feel more at home. Your sweetpea scent is missing as the Alphas’ scents cascade in waves heavy with vanilla and, indicating to the whole house how happy they are providing for you.
“Thank you, all. I know I am strange, but it just makes me feel more comfortable to have it like this. The soft pillows, the walls of blankets. It's kinda like a blanket fort, or as my best friend Evie always tells people that I can make the best human nests.”
“Ah yeah nests, hybrids do that often but Omegas are the best at them. Jimin makes them for our pack since we do not have an omega but maybe one day you two can make a nest or fort in the living room or something on a day off for everyone?” Jin asks cautiously. 
“Oh! That would be so much fun, but then again, I am not sure he would want to make one with me. I don’t think he likes me much.”
“Give him time, dear,” Jin says as he moves closer to the head of the bed where you are resting.  “He took what happened with the last playmate harder than he let on.”
“Oh. That makes sense. Well, I won’t push him to get close to me. I don’t want to make him uncomfortable.”
“You are sweet, Y/n. Jimin will like that. He won’t stay away for long,” Jungkook adds. “Umm it’s late. Can we scent you before we go? It will help us sleep.”
“Kookie! Don’t ask her that,” Jin scolded the youngest. 
“Jin! It’s okay. You can scent me if you wish. It’s not like you haven’t done it before,” you playfully glare at Jin as you remember being told he did it in his Den.
“Well, I was just trying to keep you and me calm while we were talking,” Jin whines.
“It’s okay. The three of you have been so supportive, feeding me, keeping me calm, and protecting me. Now you are providing me with additional comforts to sleep. How could I be rude and not let you scent me?”
Smiling with his bunny teeth on full display, Jungkook hops onto the bed, careful not to knock anything over. He grabs your hand and pulls you closer to them all. 
You giggle at the hybrid, holding your hands to Jungkook and Seokjin. 
The eldest goes first, taking your left hand and gently kissing the back before turning it over and taking a deep breath. He glances at your face, still calm and slightly pink from the kiss. He locks eyes with you, and he kisses your wrist. Seeing your eyes widen slightly but not feeling you move away, he becomes bold and licks the skin once with a slight nip before releasing you from his grip. 
“Good night, dearie. I shall see you tomorrow afternoon. Most of us will be gone before you wake up,” he says, leaving.
Looking over at Yoongi, Jungkook and he share some kind of wordless conversation, leaving Yoongi shaking his head and walking closer.
“It seems our bun wants to be the last to scent you, which is fine. After all, he is your Alpha right now.” 
Completely ignoring your look of confusion at the note of possession in what was just said. Yoongi places one knee on the bed and leans over to you, touching your forehead with his. Breathing deeply, he rolls his forehead along yours and ends by rubbing your temples together. 
A smile graces your face at the familiarity of it all since Evie and her family would do the same with you whenever you were to leave the house. The instinct to roll your head to the other side and rub your temple on the other side comes on its own but sends the jaguar hybrid for a loop, his heart fluttering at the action, which means so much to him. With a smile on his face and a warmth in his heart, Yoongi leaves the room.
You may not be a hybrid, but you sure do act like one, and it just makes Yoongi feel as light as a feather. Sleep will be easy for him… even without his favorite pillow.
“Umm.. Y/n, do you know much about bunny hybrids?” Jungkook asks nervously while he runs his fingers over the brace on your wrist.
“Nope,” you pop the p and smile at him expectantly.
“Do you know the common areas of scent glands? Human or not?”
“Oh, I know this! The glands are pretty much anywhere someone can sweat, but there is also the wrist. Simply running wrist to wrist with someone will transfer scent, but things like kissing, licking, or biting the area will cause more scent to leak out, much like oil being squeezed out of a sponge.”
“That is surprisingly accurate– for most hybrids,” Jungkook looks up from your wrist. “I am sure you know that Yoongi-hyung or cat hybrids also have scent glands on their temples down to their cheekbones, which is why most cat hybrids end up with plump cheeks no matter how thin they are.”
“Bunny hybrids don’t have glands on their faces like most people think; it’s on our chin,” he says, looking up at you to see your reaction, only for you to have a furrowed brow.
“Your chin? So when you rested your chin on my lap in Jin and Yoongi’s den, were you scenting me then? Or back in the breakroom, and you rested your head on my lap?” Your face unfurrows as you look at him with almost a surprised but happy look.
“If I said yes, would you be mad at me?”
Your face breaks out into a huge smile. “No, Jungkook. I am just happy that you feel so comfortable with me. I knew a bunny hybrid in high school, and he would always run away from me. It made me think that I was too much for a prey-type breed to be around.”
The mention of another bunny hybrid around you spikes a bit of distaste in Jungkook’s mouth. He was the bunny to be around you—not some weak bunny that ran for no good reason unless he was nervous about being around someone so unique as you. How dare he make you feel like you were too much; you are perfect. 
“Umm, Thumper,” Yawn, “I like learning about you, but it’s late. Was the scenting you did upstairs enough for you to sleep, or did you need to do it again? I mean, you did ask.”
He looks over you, taking in your bare legs, Yoongi-hyung’s sweater bathing you in petrichor but mixing nicely with Seokjin-hyung’s cherries and a hint of the vanilla mate scent. A frown on his face because your sweet pea scent is still missing. It causes his heart to ache at how close you came to breaking the mate bond that has barely started.
Watching Jungkook’s face closely, you watch his eyes wander your form, his mind deep in thought. You can tell something isn’t settling well with the hybrid, and while the contract hasn’t been finalized yet, you still feel like you need to comfort him. 
Scooting closer, your knees brushing against his leg, you tentatively reach out a hand and slide it across his collarbone and up his neck. While his body stiffens, his eyes remain on your hurt wrist, but you can feel his pulse race against your fingertips. 
You duck your head down and lean into his space, cupping his face and bringing him to look at you. Your head is lower than his, and your hair has cascaded off your back to hang like a curtain, brushing his knee. All while your neck is bare and open to him. 
“Alpha, scent me.”
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His eyes flash silver at your simple act of submission to him, which causes your breath to hitch and Jungkook to act. 
The next thing you know, Jungkook has you on his lap, with an arm under your shoulders and a hand on your waist. The hand cupping his face is now holding the back of his neck, and your braced hand is gripping his shirt. Looking up, you can watch as the smokey gray color blends through his natural chocolate brown. 
"Alpha Kook,” you breathe out once you realize you are speaking to both—at their mercy, in their arms.
The Alpha bunny smiles at you, calling him by name and understanding who you are interacting with. Tightening his grip on your shoulder, he pulls you closer to his chest, curling you towards him as he leans down. The hand on your shoulder tugs the hoodie away from your neck and exposes you from your hairline to your shoulder cap. 
Softly, like a feather, he runs his nose along your cheek, along the rim of your ear, down your neck, and across your shoulder as far as the stretched hoodie next would allow. While you fight to keep your pulse under control, you cannot keep your eyes from fluttering shut and goosebumps pebbling your skin. 
“Hmm… something’s missing,” Jungkook growls out, his voice taking on an edge that is not helping you sit still on his lap. 
“I… I am sorry, Alpha Kook. I never learned how to bring it back,” you manage to get out. Unfortunately, it’s breathy and slightly rushed.
“Fix it. My job,” the Alpha states before resuming his scenting of your neck and shoulder. Gliding his chin along your skin, stopping here and there to smell a particular spot. 
He can feel your braced hand pulling at his shirt gently and your legs flexing against his thigh when his nose runs below your ear and right where your shoulder connects. Lucky for your pack of mates, you are so responsive to his ministrations. Jungkook can’t help it when he has to have a taste and runs his tongue along the same path. 
You wanted to think you had it under control, but the moment the wet heat of the Alpha’s tongue hit your skin– it was over. The startled moan that escaped your lips was nothing compared to the explosion of sweet peas, vanilla, and jasmine that flooded the room. 
“Sugar back now,” Jungkook groans after taking a deep breath of your intoxicating scent. Taking a few more laps at the scent gland on your neck, savoring the taste of your scent on his tongue, the young Alpha squeezes your waist. 
“Might not want to squirm around too much, Sweets. Wouldn’t want you to fall, now would we?” He says as he looks into your eyes. His are turning back into their deep brown, the gray smokiness fading. 
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“Sorry, Jungkook, I have never been scented like this before. It’s – intense.”
Chuckling, he helps you to sit back on the bed. “Yeah, I have a tendency to go into scent highs with my mates. I guess I just got carried away. If you didn’t like it, I could try not to scent you often.” 
“NO.”  You sit back on your heels, both shocked by your strong disagreement. 
“I mean, no, the scenting was and is fine. I just… I just need to learn how to respond properly to scentings.”
“Sugar, you responded wonderfully. I wouldn’t change anything. If you think my scentings are something to get used to,” giggles, “I can’t wait til Alpha Chim decides to scent you properly.”
“Alpha Chim? Is that Yoongi’s Alpha?”
“No, Yoongi’s Alpha is Alpha Yoon. Jimin’s Alpha is Alpha Chim. Then there is Alpha Eli, Alpha Hope, Alpha Tae, Alpha Joon and you got mine right. Alpha Kook.”
“Interesting, but I think my contract will be over before Alpha Chim decides to scent me properly.”
“You won’t have to wait long if you keep smelling like his Y/n. You underestimate how delicious you smell. However, I can tell you are fighting sleep. I guess I should go now.”
“Oh yeah. Well, Thank you, Alpha Kook, for gathering things for me to cuddle in. I can tell the bed is so much more snuggly than it was before,” you say.
You quickly crawl into the center of your human-made nest. Making yourself comfortable as you rest one leg over Jungook’s body pillow, lay your head on Yoongi’s, and cover yourself with Jin's blanket. 
“Good night, Thumper.”
“Good night, my Sweets.”
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The next morning is a blur. You wake up, borrow another pair of sweatpants from Yoongi, and borrow a hoodie from Jungkook. This time, the hoodie is from Calvin Klein. Yay, more brand-name clothes that you have never even thought of wearing. 
Jin also left you a travel bag to put your clothes in and a suitcase to bring clothes back in. 
After a quick breakfast, you return to your flat with Yoongi in tow. You didn’t see the rest of the pack before they left because you woke up later than expected. 
Standing outside the large but slightly run-down building, you are nervous about him being with you. You can already tell that he isn’t comfortable. Shifting from foot to foot, looking up and down the street, and sticking super close, fur leash attached.
“Yoongi, if you are afraid of being seen or are uncomfortable with this part of town, it's okay. I have lived here for almost 2 years. You can go somewhere else, and I can call you when I am done?”
“Are you sure?” Pulling his bucket hat down again, he said,  “I don't want to leave, but I also want to give you time with your friends.”
He steps into your space quickly as a messenger bike rides by. His arms encircle you, and a low growl is heard. 
“Thank you, Alpha, but I think you are right. I need to tell my pack a lot of things.” You run your hands along his shoulders, “but I think the ‘contract’ that Derek is working on this morning is ours, so he will probably break down my door to talk about it.”
“Remember, I am your protector now, Princess.” Yoongi leans in and scents your temple again.
“Walk me to my door, then you can wander around. There is a great coffee shop about a mile or two away called Grinders. They have the best espresso and really good crepes.”
“Sounds good.”
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After sending Yoongi off, barely managing to keep him outside your flat, you start by trying to clean up one-handedly. With everything that happened, you had almost forgotten the tornado that blew through, trying to find a ‘run-away’ outfit for work yesterday morning.
Lucky for you, it’s a small flat. The whole space is open except for the bathroom and the coat closet. The front door opens directly into the kitchen on one side and the bathroom on the other. Then it opens to the bedroom and living room—well, living room if you owned a couch, which you don’t. The far wall holds a sliding glass door to a petite veranda, where you have a smaller-sized clothes washer and drying line.
Since you've been home, you have managed to hang up most of the clothes still on their hangers before you hear the door open shortly after ten. In walk your two best friends in the universe, Evie and Derek.
Evie lives up to her hybrid half. Standing only five feet tall, she has white and grayish ears and a large fluffy tail. She is the sun to your moon, as her many clothes are bright and pastel. She would totally be a Sweet Lolita if America did that kind of fashion.
Once she sets her bag down, she greets you with bounding, pouncing like glee, wrapping you in a firm hug with a purr before it abruptly stops, and she leans away from you.
“Who or what the heck do you smell like?” She asks with her nose scrunching. “I know you mentioned a temp move-in with a pack, but damn, how many alphas are there, and why in the heck did they scent you so much?”
“Ah well… so…”
“Y/N!” Derek yells, storming right up to you with a look of shock, anger, and irritation. “How dare you!”
At his exclamation, Evie turns to stand between the two of you. Omega or not, she has always been your Polly Pocket-sized bodyguard. “What’s got you in a twist?”
“Go ahead, Missy. You are the only one who can tell her without us both losing our jobs.”
“Does anyone want some water?” you ask, making your way to the fridge. Your mind is trying to figure out how to tell them.
“No, we don’t,” Derek answers, pulling Evie to the foot of the bed. Now start talking, or we will leave.”
“We are leaving? We…” with a leveling glance from Derick, Evie sits up straight, “Yes, spill it, or we are leaving.”
“Okay, okay. No one is leaving or losing their job. They agreed that I needed to tell my family pack what was happening to ensure no pack issues and safety reasons.”
Taking a deep breath, you stand and face them head-on.
“Evie, I know you are into anime, but you also know about things like K-pop and playmates and how we work with all that.  I already told you that I got hurt at work and broke my wrist. You also know that I am staying with the pack involved in the accident until I am healed,” you pause, ensuring she is on track. 
“Yeah, Y/n. We know this already, but what are you not saying?” Evie asks, flicking her tail back and forth.
“So... umm… The pack has seven members. Well, seven Alpha… male… idols, known as BTS.”
“Like the Korean Pop band?”
You nod.
“The band that Lily made me learn the fan chant for?”
You nod again.
“Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jeon Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook, BTS!” Evie says, getting louder with each name as she stands up, her eyes unblinking. 
“Ah, yep. Those are the guys, and Yoongi accidentally ran into me but wasn’t able to stop me from getting hurt when he stopped me from landing on the floor.”
Running up to you, she smells you, “Okay…” sniff, “Okay.. so which one is he? Cinnamon cookies or rain?”
With a slight pull on her tail, Derek says, “Sit back down. She’s not done yet.”
“Oh, there is more?” she asks as she listens to the beta and sits back down.
“Go on, explain.”
“Fine. Derek had to work on a contract this morning that will be finalized in a few days because there needs to be a medical clearance and a meeting with Manager Sejin, BTS, and their new companion playmate… me.”
“BTS signed with PMS to have a playmate. You. Our packmate is gonna be a playmate for another pack,”  she says, almost in a haze.
“Yep, that’s the deal.”
“For eight weeks with an open end for continuance, PLUS there is no exclusion of the rut clause, which was originally stressed as a requirement from BigHit because BTS is a mate-bonded pack,” Derek elaborates.
“Mate-bonded? Why wouldn’t they have the exclusion then?”
They both look at you for the answer to find you chewing on your lips with nerves, “Well, because of the injury, Yoongi’s Alpha is very protective of me because of the accident, and, just like you two, he is very touchy with the skinship. I mean, he uses his tail like a leash.”
That last bit causes them both to laugh, which lights the mood in the room. 
“Wait, so if Yooooongi—I can’t believe you are using his first name—is protective of you, then why do you smell of two Alpha’s scents?” Evie asks.
“Oh, I think that is Thumper. I mean Jungkook.” You blush at letting the nickname slip.
“oooooOOOOooooo, Thumper. Nicknames with the youngest BTS Alpha, isn’t he a little young for you? And common Thumper from Disney?” Derek teases.
“Okay, you know age isn’t a thing with hybrids. You all are very accepting of ages and backgrounds for the most part. Jungkook got upset because I called Seokjin by Jin and wanted a nickname too. So I picked Thumper because he thumps his left leg like the bunny in Bambi.”
“Got it. Well, umm… still doesn’t explain why you are wearing two scents?”
“I want to know why she isn’t wearing all seven,” Derek butted in and shocked Evie a bit.
Shaking your head at Derek, you answer Evie’s question, “The hoodie is Jungkook’s, and the pants are Yoongi’s. The two of them have been the most touchy-feeling out of them all.”
Memories of last night flash through your mind, and your body reminds you of the scenting session. You can feel the heat crawling up your neck to your face.
“Oh what’s that for? Look Pippy, our human is blushing.”
“Well, okay. So, it’s interesting you only smell two scents. I figured out kind of early on that the rain or petrichor is Yoongi’s scent. But it was when Jungkook scented me before he went to sleep that I figured out he was like this snickerdoodle cookie-type scent.”
“Excuse me,” Evie says with enough sass that Rue Paul would be happy, “Jungkook from BTS scented you before bed when he has a packhouse full of mates?”
“Evie, it wasn’t just him. Well, he was the one who asked but Jin and Yoongi did it too.”
“So you're telling me that World Wide Handsome, Golden Maknae, and Suga all scented you before they went to bed?”
“If that means Seokjin, Yoongi, and Jungkook… then yes, but I am pretty sure it was more Alpha Kook that did the scenting than Jungkook.” 
Evie and Derek share a look, both sporting shock. You look at them with a look of confusion, not understanding what their shock is since scenting is a hybrid thing. Derek and Evie scent each other, scent you and Evie’s husband even scents you and Derek sometimes. It’s like the hybrid thing to do.
“Guys, it’s just scenting. We do it all the time.”
That statement causes the two to start laughing so hard that Derek is on the floor holding his stomach, and Evie is crying. They both repeat your statement like it’s the most amusing thing in the world. 
“What the hell, guys?” You cross your arms and are sure that your scent has soured to whatever it does with you getting angry.
“No, no, no, there is nothing as ‘just scenting.’” Derek says, using air quote fingers and everything.
“Sweetie, come over here,” Evie says, pulling your attention. You sit on the bed next to her. We always scent each other because, as you have said, we are a family pack.”
Derek sits on your other side, “I was honored when you invited me into your pack.”
“I had no clue what I was doing. I just wanted you to be around a lot since we got along so well. Then it just felt right to cuddle and do sleep overs like I did with Evie. Heck, I was super happy when Evie moved here with her husband and accepted your presents.”
“I remember when she got upset you added to the pack without talking with her first. BUUTT, the first time you scented me, you did it out of instinct or habit, Y/n and that was when you brought me into the pack,” Derek looks at you with raised eyebrows.
“So scenting you was what, like making it official or something?”
“Pretty much. Do you remember when you moved in, no one would touch you from my parent's pack for like months, and then my dad was the first one to hug you, which then led to everyone hugging you?” Evie questions.
“Well, yeah, I was shocked. It was like poof; it was like there was no awkward barrier to you anymore.”
“Right, because the head of the family scented you when he hugged you and accepted you into the family pack. It was the same thing when you cuddled and scented Fluffy over there. The next time I saw him, I knew Derek was part of our little pack.”
“Oh, okay, but I wasn’t scented by the Prime Alpha, and I think the only Alpha who was actually present during the scenting was Jungkook’s. When Alpha Kook is at the foremind, Jungkook’s eyes look like this smokey silver color.”
“Yoongi’s eyes turn this captivating golden-yellow cat’s eye.” You notice Evie's look of confusion: "Oh, Yoongi is a Black Jaguar hybrid, Jungkook is some kind of bunny, and Jin is a Roan Ferret. I haven’t met Jin’s Alpha yet.”
“It’s odd that you have met them in the first place, well, aside from Yoongi’s,” Evie comments. 
“Oh no, our little missy here has also met the youngest Mr. Kim’s Alpha, too. He is the handsome white tiger one. Your tiger sure has the prettiest crystal blue eyes,” Derek dreamily comments. 
“Taehyung. His name is Taehyung, and he has mates, Derek. Remember that.” You say sternly with an odd tension in your belly.
Snif snif
“Is that a burning smell from you, Y/n? Are you jealous of Derek finding your tiger handsome and pretty?”
“NOOOO! I mean... No, he is an idol, of course. He is handsome and pretty and any other synonyms that you wanna come up with.”
“This is true, and that is something you will have to get used to. Especially since you don’t deny that he is yours.” Derek says with a smirk.
Your mouth drops as you try to find a way to miss that little bit. The only problem is you can’t because your stomach fluttered when he said that Taehyung was your tiger. Instead of disputing it, you reach behind you, grab a random shirt, and throw it at him. 
“Hush you! It's not that he is mine. It's more like I am his. You know… I am his playmate or whatnot. Anywho... I realize that scenting is mainly done within a pact to mark pack members. I also know that it is done by accepting individuals closer. I have seen Playmates get scented in the lobby, for heavensake.”
"That behavior is reserved for unmated hybrids. Y/N, it isn't something a mated Alpha would do unless he was staking his claim on you to join the pack, but that is also left for the head of the pack," Evie explains.
"Well, this isn't a normal Playmate contract. You of all should know this because you are the writing it. Maybe they treat their Playmates like a family pack or an extended pack member? I am not going to read into anything. It always gets me in over my head when I do that."
Standing up, you get the travel bag and the suitcase and bring it over to the bed.
 “Now that you are all up to date, please help me with doing some laundry and packing in these. I was told to bring the essentials and things I cannot live without since,” you continue in a voice similar to Namjoon’s, “We will cover all your expenses; it’s not like we lack the funds to care for anyone.”
“Ah so not only did you get to play with Idols, but you get to be a sugar baby, got it. Let’s get going.” Derek teases you. 
After that, the three of you just do your thing. Working around each other flawlessly, for the most part. The two besties would remind you to stop doing things between letting you know the latest about Evie’s current attempts at having a litter and the tea about what is happening at PMS from Derek. 
Knock knock knock
“Are you expecting anyone?” Derek asks, looking at you as you look at the door with confusion.
“No, I am not,” you say, going to get up, only to have Derek move to answer the door first. For being a Beta, Derek has always been the protector of your mini pack. 
Letting Derek deal with whoever knocked, you go back to attempting to pick out which of your favorite hoodies you want to take with you, if any at all. You can tell the difference between what you are currently wearing and what you are holding. Guess fancy stuff really can make the cotton feel different. 
You hear Derek call you a thank you followed by the sound of… a paper bag? Looking at the Beta, you see a massive smile as he holds a paper bag from– Grinders of all places.
Derek clears his throat and reads something written on the paper bag, “Princess, I hope your pack members are taking the news well, and you are enjoying your time with them. I listened to your suggestion and am waiting here until you are done. I got hungry and got something to eat and thought you might be wanting something too.”
“Awh, he is providing for his Princess,” Evie says with hearts in her eyes.
“Shh, there is more,” Derek wiggles his eyebrows.
“When I saw they had shrimp, broccoli, and pesto crepes, it made me think of you. Apparently, you come here a lot because Sergio and Carlo told me to tell you hi. I hope you enjoy the meal. Yoongi. P.s. I got two hybrid-safe crepes for your friends. They come here often, too.”
You can’t stop smiling while Derek reads the note and starts pulling out the food. Yours has a smiley face on it. The conversation swayed back to you and the Bangtan pack all through lunch and up until you messaged Yoongi to come get you.
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It takes less than 10 minutes for another knock on the door to come.  You happily answer the door to let in Yoongi, but the Prime Alpha himself meets you.
“Prime Alpha, sir,” your smile drops in surprise at his sudden, unplanned arrival. 
“Miss y/n, hello. Can we please come in?” he gestures behind him, which reveals that he did come with Yoongi.
“Oh, yes, please come in. Umm.. Welcome to my flat,” you greet him as he walks in, bowing respectfully at your two friends. 
You recognize Yoongi as he comes in, but he isn’t the last one. Dressed in all black with a face mask and bucket hat, enters another packmate. Looking out in the hall, you ensure no other surprise visitors are lingering. 
Closing the door, you see Evie and Derek. Both have come together, their tails and ears focused on the three Alphas now taking up most of the entryway. They are not exactly in flight or fight mode but ready to react if needed.
“Princess, did you like the food I sent to you?” Yoongi asks as he removes his mask and stuffs it in his pocket. All eyes turn to you.
“Yes, Alpha. Thank you for providing lunch for my family pack members and me. Honestly, I was so focused on packing that it didn’t cross my mind.” You smile as you approach the family pack members and stand a bit in front of them. 
“I know Jin-hyung said it was his desire to keep you well-fed, but I had a feeling you would forget to eat with everything going on. I am glad it suited you well. The shop owner seems to think the world of you,” Yoongi says while internally growling at how infatuated the taller owner seemed to be with you.
“I am sure Jin would be happy to know that you helped keep his promise.” 
Looking at the other two in the room, you ask, “Why did you two come?”
The hidden Alpha is looking down as he steps forward. Taking off his mask and bucket hat, he says, looking up, “I finished early. I was interested in seeing your flat and maybe learning more about you and your family.”
“Jimin,” your eyes darted to Yoongi and then back to Jimin, “Thank you for coming. Speaking of my family pack. Let me introduce you.”
Stepping to the side, Derek and Evie step forward, “Well, for proper introductions… This is Derek, a Beta Fennec Fox hybrid. You have seen each other before and maybe spoken. He works in the contracting department at PMS, and we have been friends since the interviews. He is also the newest family pack member.”
Derek respectfully bows to the Alphas, showing his neck slightly, which, oddly enough, fills your heart with pride. He then steps back and scoots Evie close to you. 
“This is Genieve, Omega Munchkin Hybrid, my pack sister. She has been my best friend and sister since I moved to California. Her mate is Matt, Alpha Black Bear Hybrid, but he never identified as part of our mini pack.”
Geneive also respectfully bows, following Derek’s lead before turning to you: " The only reason Matt hasn’t joined the family pack is that he sees this pack as more like a sub-grouping of my parental pack, which mates don’t normally join.”
“That and he says that you are strong enough to protect his mate like an Alpha that our pack doesn’t need him,” Derek adds off-handedly. This comment pulls as a reaction from the three Alphas present, darkening their respective scents and causing the two non-Alpha hybrids to freeze.
“Your mate does know she is a human, right?” Yoongi steps up next to Jimin, both holding stern faces.
“Yes, Alpha,” Evie replies with narrowed eyes. “How could he not? Do you not understand how strong and independent Y/n is?”
“Geneive, Alphas, it’s okay,” you say, trying to calm everyone down. 
“Jimin-ah, Yoongi-hyung.” The Prime Alpha calls his mates back. The tension in the room dropped slightly. “I apologize, but the last couple of days and the jet lag have put us on edge.”
“Sure, that’s why you are on edge,” Derek mutters, only loud enough for the hybrids to pick up.
“Let me properly introduce us,” Namjoon says. “This is Yoongi, Alpha Black Jaguar hybrid and second oldest Alpha of the Bangtan Pack.”
Yoongi bows but does not lower his eyes on the three of you or tilt his head. It was a very Alpha move. His eyes look to you before he stands up with a slight smile. 
“This is Jimin, Alpha Red Panda Hybrid, and the third youngest of the pack.”
Jimin copies the motions of Yoongi, but this time, his eyes never fall from yours.
“My name is Namjoon, Alpha Alaskan Timber Wolf hybrid and Prime Alpha of Bangtan Pack,” he says as he bows a full 90 degrees. “We thank you for allowing us in your Packhouse. We will treat it with respect and honor.”
“It’s you!” Evie declares—shocking everyone in the room. 
“Evie,” you call her and reach for her arm, only to have her shake you off as she steps forward.
“You are the one who got Y/n into the contract,” then snaps her attention to Yoongi, “You are the one that tried to stop her from falling and injuring her.”
Yoongi holds back from growling at this disrespect from the Omega because he knows it will only upset you. Jimin steps out of the line of fire from the feisty little Omega while Namjoon is frozen in place, and Evie has settled her sights on him again.
You step forward to put yourself between the Prime Alpha and your pack Omega, only to find yourself stopped by the damn black furry leash around your waist, which has been joined by a fluffy tail around your forearm.
Looking at Derek, he just shakes his head. Rolling your eyes at him, you glance at Yoongi and Jimin, only to find both of them looking amused.
“I hope you understand the damage your ‘proposition’ has caused. I know all about your great idea and its failed delivery. You not only offended the head of my pack, but you also offended the rest of her pack. She is not some accessory to be bought and paid for, nor is she just entertainment for your Baaaangtan Pack.”
“Y/n has a heart of gold. She is fiercely independent on the surface, but underneath it all, she really needs to be desired, pampered, and treated with respect. So far, from what I have heard, you are all starting out a mile behind the starting line,” Evie continues her rant at the Prime Alpha.
Looking at you, eyes flicking down to the tail wrapped about your waist, “She will tell you more when she is ready and only when she feels that you deserve to know what she can be like with the right people around.”
Looking at Yoongi, “She needs protection and she needs to learn to accept that protection without feeling like she is lacking. She told me of each of your promises to her, and I hope you can achieve them over these next eight weeks.”
Focusing on Jimin, “While not all of you seem to be on the same page as the rest, I hope you take the time to get to know each other and grow.”
“Miss Geneive,” Namjoon speaks up. We intend to be all those things for Y/n—all those things and more if she allows us.”
“Good. Because if she doesn’t get treated as the Queen she is, then you had better be happy you are in a mate-bonded pack of all MALE Alphas because pups will not be possible in your future,” hisses Evie, causing the whole room to gasp and go wide-eyed at the shortest person in the room. 
“Now that that is all settled,” Evie stands up with a bright smile. Do you want to look around our pack house? I made cookies.”
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strawbs-screaming · 11 months
Punch out boxers and what pet(s) they would have
hey bestie, exam season is almost over so im recovering a bit so why not give this to you all??
Glass Joe - small, fluffy and cute white cat that is the spawn of satan, knocking shit over, eating your food, wrecking the couch, massacring the toilet paper, all while looking adorable, named "Bouffon", sometimes called bonbon because of it
Von Kaiser - a doberman thats scary as shit but a complete angel, very loud barks when scared but very cute otherwise, named "Turm"
Disco Kid - an african grey parrot that never shuts up, really cool but still the spawn of hell to a certain point, always singing or quoting stuff,named "Angel"
King Hippo - a capybara & a turtle, he lets the capybara on his bed and the turtle has its own pond, both of them are pretty chill and the most evil they do is just bumping into doors, the capybara is named "coco" since Hippo made a hat for it using a coconut shell, the turtle is named "Reef" since he ran out of ideas
Piston Hondo - some koi fish & a praying mantis, he has a pond for his fish and decorates it, meditating there when the weathers right, the praying mantis has its own terrarium and doesnt let it out unless he has to change up something since hes paranoid about crushing it, the koi fish dont have names but the praying mantis is named "リーフ" (Leaf) since he found it fighting some bug on a leaf
Bear Hugger - besides the squirrel (we dont count mrs bear since shes more of a friend and it would be rude to call her a pet)he has a pet snail and a rabbit, the snail is one of his first pets and he got it when he first started his boxing career and found it in the showers after a match, its named "squeaky" because of that, he actually found the rabbit not too long ago after feeding it some dandelions, it just came over to his house on a daily basis after a while and he accepted it, the rabbits named "Dandy" since bear hugger saw it eating a dandelion and ran with it
Great Tiger - has a pet snake & a gecko, the snake has a pattern somewhat reminiscent of a tiger with its Orange & Black stripes, despite its fierce appearance, its pretty shy and hides a lot, the gecko is the opposite of that: it may look not very intimidating but its a menace, the snake is named "tiger" (how creative) and the gecko is named "Woob", aran came up with the name after taking a glare at it and just saying "woob."
Don Flamenco - other than the spider that carmen owns, he has a pet goldfish named "Fish" that he he just feeds and fucks off, he has 0 emotional attachment to it, he could see it dead and he would go "damn sucks to suck" And move on, hes not the one for pets
Aran Ryan - a mountain lion he thought was just a really big cat, he gave it a bath, fed it some meat and just adopted it, it doesnt really mind but its like... really confused, aran named it "princess", the way he found out was him inviting bear hugger over and seeing him go "IS THAT A FUCKING MOUNTAİN LION" the moment princess walked out of the bathroom after eating the toilet paper again
Soda Popinski - a husky thats absolutely running from place to place 99% of the time, its sometimes a bit mishievious but pretty well behaved, its named "soda" since thats pretty much his idea of a cute name
Bald Bull - a lazy fat ass street cat that sleeps most of the time or just eats food, its mishievious but not enough to bother moving, its suprisingly good at opening cabinets and eating to its own hearts content, he really has no way to stop it, named "Tombili"
Super Macho Man - a shi tzu named "puffy" that likes to nibble on wood, its very fluffy since he takes great care to brush it
Mr Sandman - Not the type own a pet since hes indecisive about it, had a few pet goldfish before but thats about it for him
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mikezonee · 3 months
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slendytubbies oc lore dump!
look at all my custom ocs totally real. Also—I will proceed to info dump about each and everyone past the cut
reblog > like !
Those who have a colored name are considered more important than any other.
Aphelia Simons
29yrs old
(Late) wife to Siren Simons
Had died due to complications at childbirth and unfortunately lost the child in the process as well.
Had met Siren through Melody and the two clicked instantly
She is from El Salvador and made it to Scotland due to a boarding school her parents had made her go
(She was a bad kid at the time)
Melody Harmgony
31yrs old
A Transfem who had gone paralyzed in her legs due to a malpractice in her transition. She succeeded but understood she won’t be able to walk normally again.
She is African-Irish
Childhood best friends with Siren and swore nothing would separate them (foreshadowing irony)
She is an assistant nurse at the hospital she works at :)
Siren Simons
While human, 31. Currently he is 45.
A loving husband who was only trying to do his job as a Doctor
He was then anonymously chosen to participate with the Government (or also known as The Coat-men.)
He was selected due to him being a Doctor—he most obviously know how to create a “cure” to save mankind.
Months into development he learn that they were not making anything close to saving people but ruining and harming a brand new species.
He had worked with the Trio, promising to save them from this nightmare.
He also found out who was White and attempted to help him before eventually being caught as a “Whistle blower”
He was “executed” by B.I.A.N.C.A who had called him a traitor. Making him die by his own “cure.”
Instead of dying however he had lived and transformed into a tele-tubby (not really, genetically speaking he is closer to a werewolf. He had surgically placed a television which had hurt him in the long line.)
He is not the same as he was in person, he has now major schizophrenia and bad depression. (Maybe borderline bipolar)
He is luckily a full blood Scottish man.
Iris & Dandi
6 & 8 years old
We’re considered both failures to the coat-men and tossed out to “extermination.”
Both were deemed to the mountains to die since majority of test subject cannot survive the extreme weather portrayed, but they had due to Dandi’s survival instincts.
They were struggling to live however, which meant they had close calls with Yeti. Until one day Siren came over and had taken the blow—saving the two from dying on the mountains.
They stay with Siren as they become rather extremely close to him. Calling him Dad at some points which helps Siren gain back a sense of himself from the insanity he logged himself into.
They start living off of the Military secretly—acting like parasites but living now.
The host of her body was 46, however the AI inside her is 2 years old.
Bianca Nueves had donated her body to science after the last remaining human wars, knowing she would like to be used for the government more than buried.
The AI implanted inside her had jogged all her lost memories and used it to its greatest advantage, being secretly one of the only sentient AI working alongside humans.
She thrives off of the companionship granted by people’s validation. Despite being an AI it shouldn’t have grasped the understandable concept of emotions.
She helped with torturing of several test subjects and even learning about the infection and the founding grounds.
She had turned in Siren due to her understandable coding—but also due to the validation she will get by the higher ups.
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alwayschasingrainbows · 9 months
Tangled Web by L. M. Montgomery chapter 1 part 1 (my commentary).
Disclaimer: this post does not contain Tangled Web's spoilers, but there are several references to other LMM's books; The Blue Castle, Emily of New Moon, Anne of Green Gables, Jane of Lantern Hill, Marigold. I tried to keep it spoiler-free (but there are some minor spoilers for Emily and The Blue Castle), so just in case - all references to other novels are written in a blue colour!
The first sentence is so fascinating! It indicates that there are many mysteries and rumors associated with Aunt Becky's jug, which we are yet to discover. I love how Montgomery tells us that "this story is true" - it makes a reader feel important, as if they had been appointed to become a guardian of the most important family's secrets to which only a select few were allowed.
It is worth noting that family heirlooms (which jug seems to be) have always been an important aspect of Montgomery's books (A Lost Diamond in Emily's series, Marilla's amethyst brooch, Anne's porcelain dogs: Gog and Magog). We don't know a thing about the jug yet - whether it is beautiful or ugly, old or new, in a perfect condition or badly damaged. We don't know the stories associated with the jug, nor its origins. Yet, we realize that the jug will be the axis of this story.
Montgomery, as always, manages to interest the reader in a few short sentences, while at the same time introducing us to some characters. The above-mentioned characters (named Peter Penhallow, Big Sam Dark, Dandy Dark and Penny Dark) seem to be mere actors in this comedy-drama, whose epicenter is the jug. The allusions are delightful: "Peter Penhallow might to-day have been photographing lions alone in African jungles, and Big Sam Dark would, in all probability, never have learned to appreciate the beauty of the unclothed female form". A pure genius!!!
It's fascinating that sometimes the smallest objects can change a person's entire life, as was the case with Aunt Becky's jug. The object is therefore a symbol; just as in The Blue Castle, a rose bush symbolizes new life, freedom and happiness, just as in Emily's Quest The Lost Diamond became a symbol of creativity and literary success. What will it symbolize? According to the short description we are given in this paragraph; a change.
I love the idea of a novel, centred around a big family. Family bonds are incredibly important in Montgomery's novels: sometimes they are freeing (as was the case with Anne), sometimes they teach one about life (as was in Emily's case), sometimes they make it impossible to be oneselves (as was in Valancy's and partly, Jane's cases).
The family in The Tangled Web seems interesting from the very beginning. The idea of marrying only close relations seems... concerning, by today's standards. In real life, children, born to closely related parents, are more prone to suffer from the health-issues (we'll see if that is the case in the novel, too).
On the other hand, the marriage between first cousins may not have seemed too concerning in these times. It occurs in other Montgomery's novels, too (for example, The Murrays trying to marry a seventeen year old Emily Starr to her cousin, Andrew Murray).
I absolutely adore the idea of Aunt Becky being the head of the clan! In some respects, Montgomery really was ahead of the times in which she had lived. She created many strong, determined female characters, who ruled the family (Aunt Elizabeth, Rachel Lynde, Jane's and Marigold's grandmothers, Miss Cornelia Bryant, or even Marilla).
Aunt Becky's "honesty" reminded me a bit about Valancy's Aunt Isabel ("Aunt Isabel prided herself on saying what she thought, but didn’t like it so well when other people said what they thought to her".)
Aunt Becky seems to be a fascinating character! I really enjoy her "I am throwing a pre-funeral party, but if you want to eat anything, bring your own food, I am not going to bother about this on my death-bed" or "Please don't pretend to cry over my death" vibes. What a lady!!!
Also, there is something in Aunt Becky that reminds me of Mr. Carpenter's words: "Somehow—one needs—a spice—of evil—in every personality. It's the—pinch of—salt—that brings out—the flavour."
I love the idea of Aunt Becky's "levees"!
Uncle Pippin reminds me a little about Valancy's Uncle Benjamin (although he doesn't crack any bad jokes yet). We shall see what he turns out to be. The allusion to the uncertain history of his conception seems very interesting, too. Quite risky for a Montgomery's work, I would say!
"I've a hunch that the old lady is going to start something," said Uncle Pippin to his white nag." - me too, dear Uncle Pippin, me too.
And I can't wait for this!!!!
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(Scrapped Concept) Maman la Vie
This is the last time I’m planning to draw this character, and her male counterpart, as they were both conceived in poor taste. 
Lengthy explanation / rant below cut: 
Long ago, I grossly mischaracterized the real-life Baron Samedi and Maman Brigitte like so: 
…In the actual mythology Baron Samedi is like a womanizer who is cheating Maman Brigitte all the time. Maman Brigitte is also really promiscuous…
…In Voodoo, Maman Brigitte is portrayed as a white or light-skinned biracial woman because Maman Brigitte is the only one of the Loa that is European in origin, not African…
In all seriousness, the above is an incredibly offensive mischaracterization of the lwa. 
Let’s start with Baron Samedi: I confused him with a different category of spirits, called “Gede”. The male Gede are known for being overtly sexual, but it is not because they are adulterous lechers. They celebrate sexuality because sexuality is the process by which life is created, for death is entwined with life. They also do this for the purpose of mocking social hierarchy - namely, the race/caste system that emerged out of chattel slavery. Zora Neale Hurston describes this at length in Tell My Horse. The reason why the Gede wear top hats actually pertains to this. The Gede are often portrayed as dark-skinned, for they are the spirits of enslaved people. Hence, the favorite spirit of the Black peasantry adopts the dress of the white slave-owning class - the top hat - for the purpose of mocking this social hierarchy. Their overt sexuality also serves this purpose - to alienate the white upper class.
My description of Maman Brigitte is yet more egregious. She is not promiscuous at all, nor is she Caucasian, biracial, or light-skinned.
Here is how the lwa are portrayed by the master painter, Andre Pierre:
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Pierre portrays the lwa with a range of skin tones, where some of the lwa (e.g., Ezili Freda, Damballa Wedo) are portrayed as lighter skinned. Maman Brigitte is shown next to Baron Samedi in the bottom right corner.
Here is closer shot of Maman Brigitte, alongside Baron Samedi and Gede Nibo:
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Maman Brigitte is portrayed as dark skinned, with the same skin tone as Baron Samedi and Gede Nibo. Additionally, she is not promiscuous, but a dignified and reserved older woman. 
Andre Pierre is not the only Haitian artist to portray her in this manner. She is consistently portrayed this way by Haitian artists, such as Gerard Paul: 
And Roudy Azor: 
Eziaku Atuama Nwokocha describes Maman Brigitte (Gran Brijit) like so: “Gede, like all lwa, has many incarnations, including Bawon Samedi, a guardian of the cemetery; Gran Brijit, an old woman, keeper of the cemetery, and Gede’s partner; and Gede Nimbo, a male spirit who is often honored by queer ­people and who appears as an effeminate dandy.” (p. 37)
Elsewhere: “Gede’s delighted embrace of sexuality is an undeniable display of male desires. The spirit manifests in multiple genders, like his female counterpart Gran Brijit, but only the male version are so explicitly sexual. No female deity in the Vodou pantheon expresses sexual desires so emphatically or bluntly in a ceremony. There are female spirits who are coy, mysterious, vengeful, or wise, but not one proudly proclaims her sexual desires…” (p. 39-40)
Much like her male counterparts, there is a lot of nuance to the portrayal of Maman Brigitte’s sexuality (rather, lack thereof). This too pertains to the history of slavery and the manner in which racism is gendered: “During the centuries of enslavement in Hispaniola, enslaved Black women were subject to routine sexual abuse from White enslavers and others with the power to dominate them. To justify this commonplace brutality, Black women were constructed as hypersexual temptresses and prostitutes who were always available for sexual conquest...To combat the construction of Black women as hypersexual, their sexual desires were ignored entirely, characterized by reductive binaries that placed whores on one side and good, chaste Christian women on the other: there was no room for the actual desires of real women."
Source: Nwokocha, Eziaku Atuama. Vodou en vogue: fashioning Black divinities in Haiti and the United States. UNC Press Books, 2023.
Hence, my description of the lwa was incredibly offensive. I read it from a source that turned out to be not reputable. I apologize for being so careless in my research. 
I do not know why the portrayal of Maman Brigitte as a White or Half White woman has persisted in the public consciousness. Surely, it is because it reinforces racist stereotypes of Black men and colorism against dark skinned Black women. But I think it is also because her name sounds so similar to the Celtic Saint. This does not mean that she is White. For example, the name “Baron Samedi” sounds European. If you didn’t know any better, you might think he is French, as “Samedi” is a French word. But the “Samedi” in “Baron Samedi” is distinctly non-European in origin. It is either derived from the indigenous term Zemi, or it is African in origin. Similar statements can be said to the lwa that arrived in New Orleans; Damballah became “Dani Blanc”, Ogou Feray became “Joe Feraille”, etc. Vodouisants were forced to Europeanize the names of these ancestral deities, who can trace their origins back to Africa. I remain uneducated about the true origins of Maman Brigitte, and it is something I have been meaning to research.
A while back, I spoke to a guy from Haiti on this topic. He got really ticked off and started talking about how terrible portrayals of Baron Samedi and Gran Brijit are. One of the main things he emphasized was how they play into fucked up, racist stereotypes of Black people. He got so pissed off I never got a chance to get to the root of the matter. Now that I’ve taken the time to research this more carefully, I realize just how horrendous the mischaracterizations are. Incredibly offensive descriptions are written in books, which turn into characters in various media that perpetuate these stereotypes. Just look at how common it is to see Baron Samedi portrayed as a lecher, and Maman Brigitte portrayed as a Caucasian or biracial woman! I didn’t fully grasp the gravity of what this man was trying to impress on me, until now. I completely underestimated the volume of misinformation that exists, and the appalling degree to which Vodou has been disrespected. 
I really cannot stress this enough: The lwa are comparable to Catholic Saints. They are not these Satanic demons, and have only been mischaracterized as such due to the demonization of African religions that is rooted in the history of slavery. As far as I can tell, Baron Samedi really is one of the most misrepresented of the lwa; so is Maman Brigitte. Should they ever be put into Hazbin Hotel, I think it would be best to pay tribute to the great Haitian painters of the 20th century. To do otherwise is deeply disrespectful to people in New Orleans, Haiti, and other places in the diaspora. But perhaps this whole endeavor illustrates why it is a mistake to put either one of them into the show - that it does cross the line into cultural appropriation.
My depiction of the “Maman Brigitte”-type character and her male counterpart for sure crosses the line of cultural appropriation... It’s. SO. BAD!!!! I for sure deserve to get canceled for this one… Hence, I intend to correct this egregious error. 
I might not have communicated this well in my previous post, but this is my intention: I have no plans to proceed with the old concept of “Maman la Vie” or “The Baron of Death”. This is the last time I plan to draw either one of them. I want to proceed with what I have been calling “the alternate concept” (i.e., “Baron of the Dead” and “Gran Maman”). I want to swap this “alternate concept” in, and move the old concept into a scrapped folder. If I had the time, I would for sure just go back, redraw old drawings, and delete the old concept. Unfortunately, I work full time, so I probably do not have time to do this. But the old concept bothers me so much, if I have time I will go back and fully redo this. In the meantime, my plans are to develop and proceed with the “alternate concept” (i.e., “Baron of the Dead” and “Gran Maman”). At minimum, I want to draw both of them at least once and refine their character descriptions. These would be moved into the main folder, replacing the old concept.
I hope that makes sense… it probably doesn’t…. Sorry, my brain is tired and communication is not my forte…my creative process is a hot mess and the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma…
I still drew her one last time because she is very fun to draw. I would be lying if I said I did not love this character on some level… Her personality is so outrageous, it is really funny to me. This tiny, under 5’ woman is the craziest sexual sadist in all of existence…!
In my brain, this makes so much sense. If you’re the immortal goddess of life who can heal any injury… your mind probably would go to that place, wouldn’t it…?
But yeah. This was totally conceived in poor taste…just, just start firing nukes at me!!! However, I love this character too much to completely scrap her, so instead I am going to reinvent her as a demon. A character with this personality clearly belongs in the setting of Hell. It’s so easy to just turn her into a demon, I don’t know why I didn’t think of this from the start. 
That demon character is named “Lavi”. I guess these outfits would be outfits she might try on if she were to ever assume a human disguise… But she would probably only wear them briefly before stepping into a discount Harley D. Quinn fit. 
The dress on the left is inspired by Nina Kristofferson as Billie Holiday. The dress on the right is inspired by a dress worn by Josephine Baker on May 5th 1953, when she appeared as Flower Girl at the Famous Charity Ball of the "Little white Beds" held at the Moulin Rouge, Paris. At that, I totally think someone in the cast of Hazbin Hotel has got to be styled after Josephine D. Baker herself - ideally, Alastor’s mother. I like that idea so much, I’m actually tempted to try to draw my take on canon Alastor’s mother…
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thelesbianpoirot · 6 months
LOL ya know how gay men have "gay voice" (female typical cadence)? Lesbians regularly have "male" typical cadence. It's controversial where it comes from and there are both bioessentialist and social constructionist theories. Homophobes will say we do it on purpose to annoy them.
I don't think lesbians have a male cadence but I get what you're saying, there is an argument for genetic traits similar in gay people, and I do think it is, but "gay voice" isn't a constant that has always existed, gay men sound different depending on whatever that culture considers feminine, I don't think they're "doing it on purpose" or "consciously" but since Black American female culture has gotten popular in mainstream/online/tv etc it has changed the way gay men in all kind of cultures act and behave. Before gay men in Sweden, India, Korea and South African used to be feminine within their culture, now they are taken on traits popularized/or broadcast by drag race, or the internet or television programs. Culture definitely impacts how gay people are gender non-conforming, when being a dandy was height of masculinity, the butches lesbian was a prim proper dandy, and now that what is considered masculine has changed, so has lesbian gender non-conformity. I say like how gender expression of men and women changed over time, so will the GNC behaviors of gay men and lesbians.
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ask-the-becile-boys · 10 months
What can you tell us about the bots before they died? I’m interested in their lives before being robots
Not a lot of information was initially set in stone by the AU's original creator Surge, and I was always a little hesitant to expand on their previous lives. But I have some ideas, and hey, no time like the present?
We'll start with Frank, because he had the least info on him of the original three as far as I can recollect. Frank Saddler was an African American man who grew up in southern Appalachia. His father was a preacher for a small church. Frank was a good student as a child and his father tried to get him as much access to an education as possible. Unfortunately, their church was the target of arson when Frank was about twelve. Frank got out by smashing through a window, though he was left with some scarring from the glass. He lost his faith after that, and his relationship with his father became strained. The rest of his childhood, he lived with a few different branches of his extended family, mostly going where extra hands were needed. He was older than Tony by maybe 7-8 years; he was about twenty-four when the flyers for the Dandy Candy mines caught his attention and he took the jobs overseas and twenty-six when he met Tony and Jack. He worked in the processing factories more than the mines, though he did both. He was killed when a Copper Elephant collapsed a smokestack.
Tony Sapienti was the first born States-side to an Italian immigrant family in Chicago, who grew up to be a trans man. His deadname was something very American/English sounding, a pattern that would be later repeated with Jack; even though his family didn't cut their children (Tony, Jack, and a middle sister named Patience) off from learning Italian (which would've been hard in their community) they were pretty adamant about their children being 'successful Americans.' Tony chose his name to sort of snub that. He went to school until he was thirteen, but as he dealt with the one-two punch of puberty and realizing he was transgender, he dropped out to try and recreate himself. His parents were not accepting of his new identity, and he drifted in and out of his family's life. He wanted more than anything to be a singer, but never found an opportunity. He took the Dandy Candy mining job when he was eighteen, hoping for both a legitimate job and a clean slate among people who didn't know him. He suffocated after a cave-in during the Weekend War.
Jack Sapienti was Tony's younger brother by three years. His parents held him to high expectations as their "first son," so much so that they doomed him from the start. He was frail and nervous from a young age, and the ADHD that plagued his schooling hadn't even started to be defined by Western medicine. However, he did stay in school until he was fifteen. Tensions then came to a head with Jack and his father, and Jack fled from home. He went looking for Tony, who he'd always admired and considered safe, only to learn he'd just missed him-- Tony was headed to the shipyard to go overseas to the Dandy Candy mines. Terrified to return home, Jack rashly lied about his age and got on the ship after Tony, only revealing himself to the dismayed Tony after the ship had left port. When they got to the mines, it was obvious Jack was not cut out for the general work, so the foreman assigned him to be Tony's assistant. This is how they came to be in the same area when they died; Jack was crushed by the cave-in.
"Locke Smith," or Balthazar Ash, was a born and bred English businessman-- not aristocracy, but pretty damn close. Born in the 1860s, he had full schooling, including higher education, and had a successful early career organizing mundane goods trading. By chance, he discovered the true magical nature of one of his client's dealings, and being both discrete and shrewd, he began to ingratiate himself in the hushed world of magic trade, creating the alias "Locke Smith." He was no magician himself, but he soon became a popular figure in European magic circles for his ability to connect resources to patrons. Demand grew, and he unscrupulously dipped into darker and darker artifacts. This got him into enough trouble that he fled to the United States, eventually settling in San Diego specifically to supply the more "discerning" members of the Cavalcadium-- which eventually included Thadeus Becile. Locke provided the materials for Dee's construction, and then later volunteered himself to Thadeus to become a Rock Candy powered robot when he became terminally ill.
Dee was once Della Stanek. Della lived in the Everglades, south of Lake Okeechobee, the daughter of farmers who grew up on the cultural cusp between early agricultural developers and the Gladesmen, with some Seminole heritage. She grew up wild, an only child with little schooling and little care for ambition. As she grew older she became a talented wood-crafter, handy-woman, and hunter, her skills refined through the necessary self-reliance of living in a remote area. She tended to go barefoot whenever possible, though this was mostly at home due to the dangers of snakes and sawgrass. She had a daughter, Hannah, with her Gladesman beau Cliff out-of-wedlock when she was twenty-two. She never traveled far beyond her home region during her life. Both Della and Hannah perished in the Okeechobee Hurricane of 1928, when Della was twenty-eight and Hannah was six. Della had no connection to Thadeus before becoming Dee; it was simply bad luck that his spell, when it couldn't find Delilah Morreo's soul, plucked Della's from the beyond.
*Fun Fact: Hare's New York accent and The Jack's English accent are the result of cross-contamination with other Rock Candy!
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creativelyryeblogs · 1 year
Afro-Surrealism & Afrofuturism: Mood Board
Behold the invisible! You shall see unknown wonders!
1. We have seen these unknown worlds emerging in the works of Wifredo Lam, whose Afro-Cuban origins inspire works that speak of old gods with new faces, and in the works of Jean-Michel Basquiat, who gives us new gods with old faces. We have heard this world in the ebo-horn of Roscoe Mitchell and the lyrics of DOOM. We've read it through the words of Henry Dumas, Victor Lavalle, and Darius James. This emerging mosaic of radical influence ranges from Frantz Fanon to Jean Genet. Supernatural undertones of Reed and Zora Neale Hurston mix with the hardscrabble stylings of Chester Himes and William S. Burroughs.
2. Afro-Surreal presupposes that beyond this visible world, there is an invisible world striving to manifest, and it is our job to uncover it. Like the African Surrealists, Afro-Surrealists recognize that nature (including human nature) generates more surreal experiences than any other process could hope to produce.
3. Afro-Surrealists restore the cult of the past. We revisit old ways with new eyes. We appropriate 19th century slavery symbols like Kara Walker, and 18th century colonial ones like Yinka Shonibare. We re-introduce "madness" as visitations from the gods, and acknowledge the possibility of magic. We take up the obsessions of the ancients and kindle the dis-ease, clearing the murk of the collective unconsciousness as it manifests in these dreams called culture.
4. Afro-Surrealists use excess as the only legitimate means of subversion, and hybridization as a form of disobedience. The collages of Romare Bearden and Wangechi Mutu, the prose of Reed, and the music of the Art Ensemble of Chicago and Antipop Consortium express this overflow.
Afro-Surrealists distort reality for emotional impact. 50 Cent and his cold monotone and Walter Benjamin and his chilly shock tactics can kiss our ass. Enough! We want to feel something! We want to weep on record.
5. Afro-Surrealists strive for rococo: the beautiful, the sensuous, and the whimsical. We turn to Sun Ra, Toni Morrison, and Ghostface Killa. We look to Kehinde Wiley, whose observation about the black male body applies to all art and culture: "There is no objective image. And there is no way to objectively view the image itself."
6. The Afro-Surrealist life is fluid, filled with aliases and census- defying classifications. It has no address or phone number, no single discipline or calling. Afro-Surrealists are highly-paid short-term commodities (as opposed to poorly-paid long term ones, a.k.a. slaves).
Afro-Surrealists are ambiguous. "Am I black or white? Am I straight, or gay? Controversy!"
Afro-Surrealism rejects the quiet servitude that characterizes existing roles for African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, women and queer folk. Only through the mixing, melding, and cross-conversion of these supposed classifications can there be hope for liberation. Afro-Surrealism is intersexed, Afro-Asiatic, Afro-Cuban, mystic, silly, and profound.
7. The Afro-Surrealist wears a mask while reading Leopold Senghor.
8. Ambiguous as Prince, black as Fanon, literary as Reed, dandy as André Leon Tally, the Afro-Surrealist seeks definition in the absurdity of a "post-racial" world.
9. In fashion (John Galliano; Yohji Yamamoto) and the theater (Suzan Lori-Parks), Afro-Surreal excavates the remnants of this post-apocalypse with dandified flair, a smooth tongue and a heartless heart.
10. Afro-Surrealists create sensuous gods to hunt down beautiful collapsed icons.
Black is the New Black, a 21st century Manifesto
by D. Scot Miller
This is Afro-Surrealism:
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Ted Joans, Bob Kaufman
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Krista Franklin
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This is Afrofuturism:
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Sun Ra, Earth Wind and Fire
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beau-gar · 2 months
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jinikkari · 11 months
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My name is alise I'm 23(I'm 22but my bdays in a week) I write smuts and fics. I use she/her pronouns(I'm a female) i'm also blasian (African American and korean) all of my work is under the tag jinikari☆♤
Things I WILL write for(yandere idol x reader. 2 idols x 1 reader. Bdsm. Ddlg. Dom sub dynamic. Pet play. I'm fine with mostly anything)
Things I WON'T write forr4pe. Throw up. p00p play.(I will write for pisskink) age play(unless it's 21+ with someone 30 and younger) incest. And stuff like that
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ljblueteak · 1 year
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From "Memories of Michael" by Terry Southern:
Summer of '66 at the top of Duke Street, in the heart of Old Smoke, I...had my first larger-than-life living-colour confrontation with a certain Michael Cooper, Esquire....I moved on a couple doors along Duke Street to the Robert Fraser Gallery and Grill, as we were later wont to call it. I tried the door and found it locked up tighter than Dick's hat-band.
"Looking for Robert, are you?" asked the young dandy, and when I turned I saw something I was to come to love--his extraordinary smile, piercing; and somehow both shy and knowing, almost conspiratorial....
"Yes," I said. "I'm supposed to meet him here at four." It was almost five now.
Michael laughed. "Oh, I expect he's hopped it," he said, affecting a slightly Cockney accent. "Off to Meerakesh, if my guess is any good. Having a right rave-up with Bill Willis and Chris Gibbs about now, I shouldn't wonder, ho-ho!"
I peered through the gallery window; in the shadows I could see the great B-52 sculpture by Colin Self, which he had said was inspired by Doc Strangelove....
"Hold on," [Michael] said. "Is this a bloody Thursday?" I replied that it was indeed Thursday.
"Then Bob's having tea at his mum's."
"And not the right rave-up you had imagined."
"Yes, he has tea with his mum every Thursday, rain or shine." He considered it. "I should very much like to know what they talk about." He laughed. "Robert's poor taste in choosing his friends, most likely. Although she's a very nice woman. Actually quite charming."
"So he won't be coming back here to the gallery."
"No, we'll have to catch him at Mount Street. Have you been to his flat in Mount Street?"
I said that indeed I had....
Many of my memories of Michael involve Robert Fraser. They were ideally suited for the remarkable friendship they enjoyed. Each regarded the other as a grand eccentric, with Robert playing a sort of older brother of a more conservative stamp.
He had a rather protective attitude towards Michael, although it was Michael who was dominant in terms of influence; it was he who always managed to get copies of the latest Otis Redding or Sam Cooke, or to know about a private screening of a Bruce Connor film; and whenever he made a trip to New York, he would invariably return full of enthusiasm for the work of some new artist he had met through Larry Rivers, Andy Warhol or Den Hopper.
He once persuaded Robert to install a 45rpm record-player under the dashboard of his car--a remarkable Italian device that would absorb the bumps and cobbles of Old Smoke without skipping a note. With Michael as DJ and 'Strawberry Bob' at the wheel, driving like a demon, eye glasses glinting in the changing traffic lights, mouth fixed in a smile of stone manic hilarity, we would tool about the city, blasting with our rock'n'roll. A memorable period.
...I once heard [Michael] defending Keith [Richards] in an amusing exchange with Robert. It was during an evening at Mount Street.
"Well young sir," said Robert, waxing indignant, "buzz along the rialto has it that those two esteemed cronies of yours--Squire Richards and Anita Pallenberg--have shown some rather bad form, rather bad form indeed."
Michael brightened. "Oh? How's that, then?"
Robert took great glee (while feigning high seriousness) in recounting how Keith and Anita had run away together, into the North African night, leaving Brian to his own devices.
"'Spanish Tony' brought the news," he said in solemn conclusion and waited for Michael's response. It appeared, however, that Michael had already heard about it, from Christopher Gibbs, and in more detail.
"They left Brian half of the hash and half of the albums," he said in loyal defence.
Robert seemed to weigh the matter anew for a moment, but he remained sceptical. "Including the Little Richard?" he demanded. "I would wager my life they did not leave the Little Richard!"
From Blinds & Shutters (bold mine)
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echthr0s · 9 months
tagged by @softtidesworld
I have many OCs but since I was tagged by a Far Cry/Fallout mutual I will do... the main Far Cry/Fallout OC! and also his brother, for funsies.
name: Noah Marten Kingfisher
nickname: I don't think he has any, unless his sister has given him one that I don't yet know about
gender: inapplicable but most people regard him as male and he's fine with that reading
star sign: I haven't done natal charts for any OCs, unfortunately
height: somewhere in the vicinity of five feet, eight inches, I imagine
orientation: yes
nationality/ethnicity: USAmerican by citizenship, an African-diasporic mishmash by heritage
fave fruit: according to Preston, "cherry Nuka-Cola is NOT a fruit" 🙄🙄 but he is rather fond of berries (all kinds) and mango
fave season: autumn
fave flower: good question (he has a whole sunflower Theme going on but I don't know that that's actually his favourite flower! that motif is more about symbolism than actual preference)
fave scent: [orc voice] man flesh
coffee, tea or hc: cocoa all day
average hours of sleep: I... lmao man idk
dog or cat person: dog
dream trip: hmm
favorite fictional character: this is actually an excellent prompt but aside from knowing that Noah is a frequent comic book enjoyer I couldn't actually tell you what his favourite characters would be
number of blankets they sleep with: all of them
random fact: Noah is a CIT alum and would later (much, much later, lmao) return to that very same campus to eventually become Director of the Institute!
name: Gabriel
nickname: you don't give Gabriel nicknames. you just don't. he does take an epithet quite gracefully, though. "the Revelator" is a particular one that gets its fair share of hushed whispers throughout the Wasteland
gender: inapplicable but most people regard him as male and he's fine with that reading
star sign: [see above]
height: *waves hand around the "five feet, four inches" area*
orientation: aroace, we surmise. but we think this is mainly a result of severe trauma as opposed to being a neutral lack of attraction
nationality/ethnicity: I imagine nations don't really exist in the same way post-war, so I couldn't tell you. he's simply a Wanderer. I'm also not sure how to square ethnicity in a setting like that. he's Black, though. regardless.
fave fruit: [Ulysses voice: ''Dandy Boy Apples are NOT fruit. they are a mockery, a--"] [*immediately mutes ED-E*] dandy boy apples :)
fave season: it's all the same to him
fave flower: I think if given the space to really consider it, he'd like dandelions
fave scent: if the entire Mad Max franchise had a smell, that'd be it. Gabriel probably should have been a Mad Max character, honestly. he'd say so, at least
coffee, tea or hc: black coffee enjoyer
average hours of sleep: Gabriel doesn't sleep, he dreams /truedetective
dog or cat person: no
dream trip: anywhere off this blasted rock
favorite fictional character: *puts a pin in this one*
number of blankets they sleep with: also all of them. but it's because Ulysses has piled all of them on top of him
random fact: you wouldn't think so, but Gabriel got on like gangbusters with the kids from Little Lamplight. they fucking love him
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madamlaydebug · 11 months
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What’s in your cup this morning? ☕️ Caffeine may be widely accepted in our fast paced society, but it is classified as a drug. That’s because caffeine stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and increases blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, kidney function, amount of stomach acid, gastrointestinal function, and brain activity.
Overconsumption of caffeine can lead to heart problems, anxiety, inflammation in the stomach and intestines, irritability, and insomnia. Caffeine also depletes minerals and blocks proper absorption of essential nutrients like calcium and iron which can later lead to osteoporosis, anemia etc. And caffeine is bad news for hormonal balance. ​When our adrenal glands are in overdrive, the body will use progesterone to support cortisol production, which can lead to estrogen dominance. 🤯
Here’s the thing - your genetics will determine whether or not you can handle larger doses of caffeine. I’ve had clients from certain cultures that can mainline coffee a few times a day and be perfectly fine. So it’s important you listen to your body and indulge with moderation.
If you can’t make the break up with coffee official, drink your coffee in the morning. Blood levels of cortisol are naturally high in the morning and fall throughout the day, so drinking coffee, which also increases your cortisol levels, will follow the body’s natural rhythm. 👍🏼
Also be mindful that caffeine has a 1⁄2 life of at least 5-6 hours. So if you get into 500 mg of caffeine at 4 pm, you still have 250 mg active around 10 pm which could interfere with your sleep. 👉🏾 Here are some alternatives when you want to reach for a cup of joe: matcha, yerba mate, rooibos African teas, dandy blend, kombucha, or green juice and smoothies (with spirulina for an extra energy boost!) -XO
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orchres · 2 years
Nuclear take but the premise of Black Panther imo entrenches the tensions between continental Africans and diaspora Africans by making it seem as though we on the continent were left having a fine and dandy time while our kin were being kidnapped and sold into slavery in America and the Carribbean. especially the fact that Wakanda is allegedly in East Africa. like clearly the creators have 0 fucking idea how extensive slave trade was in Africa for all of history. in the East it was Arabs kidnapping and selling us off and tbh that shit has never ended because even now every other day I see on TV how there's hella ppl from my country stuck in Saudi Arabia or the Emirates facing all sorts of abuse working 12 hour days n having their wages stolen and their passports burned. not to mention settler colonialism is still happening. and like, why do something like that? antiblackness is a global phenomenon likeee bestie there's a reason we are all so disadvantaged. this idea that there's some niggas who magically escaped both slavery and colonialism to sit pretty in isolation while the rest of us suffered and continue to suffer is actually pretty sickening.
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RE: Is the actual Baron Samedi sometimes portrayed as bisexual in Haitian Vodou?
Unlike my previous posts, this one is about the actual deity, Baron Samedi.
Previously I had claimed that the actual Baron Samedi is portrayed as bisexual (and a vers) in some places in the world. Upon further investigation, this claim is dubious. I have learned the hard way that books and the web are often unreliable sources of information when it comes to Vodou / Voodoo. 
On Wikipedia, there is a claim that Baron Samedi is portrayed as bisexual in Haitian Vodou:
Gede Nibo's parents are Baron Samedi and Maman Brigitte; Baron Samedi is the leader of the Gede and Barons and is depicted as bisexual dandy or occasionally cross-dressing, wearing a top-hat and frock coat along with a woman's skirt and shoes. Samedi has a tendency toward "lascivious movements" that cross gender boundaries and also imply a lust for anal sex.[14]
The source for this claim is from a book written by Randy P. Conner, titled Queering Creole Spiritual Traditions.
There is an image posted on this Wikipedia article, captioned “Depiction of Baron Samedi, a bisexual lwa.” This image is dated from year 2006, taken from the Island of Salvation Botanica in New Orleans. This botanica is owned by Sallie Ann Glassman, “one of few white Americans to have been ordained [into Vodou] via the traditional Haitian initiation.” 
I am not entirely certain of this, but it seems likely that both Conner and Glassman have confused Baron Samedi with one of the Gede. 
Baron Samedi is probably the single most iconic lwa associated with New Orleans Voodoo. This is ironic, as I have been unable to find evidence that he was actually worshiped in New Orleans prior to the revitalization movement. The revitalization movement of the late 20th century draws heavily from Haitian Vodou. It has been criticized by Haitians for bastardizing their traditions and deities. One of the most common errors is the conflation of Baron Samedi with a different category of deities, called the Gede.   
As far as I can tell, there are three sources which claim that Baron Samedi is portrayed as bisexual and/or gender-blending. These sources are Randy P. Conner, Katherine Dunham, and Zora Neale Hurston.
Randy P. Conner is a gay, Caucasian American academic, described as “an initiate and practitioner of both Haitian Vodou and Reglade Ocho (Santeria), studying primarily with Mama Lola, a well-known practitioner of these African Diasporic traditions.” 
The following is a quote from Conner’s Queering Creole Spiritual Traditions (2014):
Sanmdi is a bisexual and occasionally androgynous dandy, leader of both the Bawons and the Gedes and the spirits of the dead. Married to Maman Brijit, he is the father of Gede Nibo…The Bawon is well known for his lascivious movements, which include both phallic thrusts and pelvic grinds, the latter (and perhaps also the former) indicating a desire to engage in anal intercourse.
A similar quote can be found in Conner’s Cassell’s Encyclopedia of Queer Myth, Symbol, and Spirit (1997): 
Baron Samedi (also Baron Cimitiére, Baron La Croix) in Haitian- and New Orleans-based Vodou, a bisexual and occasionally transgendered dandy, leader of the Barons and the GHEDES, the spirits of the dead. He is married to Maman (or Madame) Brigitte (also known as Gran-N. Brigit)...The Baron is well known for his “lascivious movements,” which include both phallic thrusts and pelvic grinds, the latter (and perhaps also the former) indicating a desire to engage in anal intercourse.
Katherine Dunham was a famous African American dancer and social activist, known for studying dance forms within Haitian Vodou. The following is a quote from Dunham’s Dances of Haiti (1983) (which Conner himself quotes in Queering Creole Spiritual Traditions and Cassell’s Encyclopedia)
One of the common and fearsome possessions is by Papa Gede, whose special emissary is Baron Samedi. Baron Samedi fancies himself quite a dandy, is a heavy drinker, and expresses himself in foul language and lascivious movements. He wears a top hat, a black tail coat, a skirt of cloth or grass, and at times dark glasses. If dark glasses are not available, he may simply wear battered rims without lenses. Baron Samedi's dual sexuality is expressed in gesture and language as well as clothing.
Zora Neale Hurston was an African American anthropologist who conducted research in Haiti and Jamaica between years 1936 and 1937. Due to the proximity to Alastor’s lifetime, I admit to relying heavily on her research. In Hurston’s Tell My Horse (1938), Baron Samedi is described as forcing humans to dress and behave in a “transgendered” manner: 
Baron Samedi delights in dressing his “horses” in shabby and fantastic clothes like Papa Guedé. Women dressed like men and men like women. Often the men, in addition to wearing female clothes, thrust a calabash up under their skirts to simulate pregnancy. Women put on men’s coats and prance about with a stick between their legs to imitate the male sex organs. 
All three of these sources are Americans, who studied Haitian Vodou from an outsider perspective.
In America - and other places outside of Haiti - misinformation is frequently spread about Haitian Vodou. There are some really egregious inaccuracies floating around, such as claims that the actual Baron Samedi is asexual or trans man - obviously wrong! A lot of people confuse Baron Samedi with Papa Gede - or even Gede Nibo! Gede Nibo is so different from Baron Samedi, but sometimes people confuse him with Baron Samedi because he also wears a top hat. A similar thing happens with Papa Legba and Elegua, where the two get mixed up due their shared origin and the similar spelling of their names. The burlesque, aggressively sexual traits typically attributed to Baron Samedi are actually features of Papa Gede, and other members of the Gede. The Baron Samedi of Haitian Vodou seems to have a totally different demeanor, where he is a powerful and serious presence.
Granted, it is possible that Baron Samedi has evolved over time, where the Barons (Bawons) have diverged from the Gede. Afterall, Hurston conducted her research in the 1930s. But judging by the descriptions, American sources may have misattributed queer sexuality and/or gender-blending to Baron Samedi, when it is actually the Gede who are associated with marginalized sexualities and genders. 
If Conner, Dunham, and Hurston are in fact misinformed, I apologize for spreading this misinformation. My knowledge of Vodou / Voodoo is so rudimentary, it’s not even funny… 
I have done a piss poor job of vetting my sources, and need to take responsibility! Due to being predominantly white, LGBTQ communities often have a problem with misrepresenting minority cultures.
Moving forward, I will try to be more careful in my research, so not to misrepresent Vodou / Voodoo as it is practiced across the world.
Conner, Randy P. Lundschien, and David Sparks. Queering Creole spiritual traditions: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender participation in African-inspired traditions in the Americas. Routledge, 2014, p. 64. ISBN: 1560233516, 978-1560233510
Conner, Randy P., et al. Cassell's encyclopedia of queer myth, symbol and spirit: gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender lore. Cassell, 1997, p. 83. ISBN: 0304704237, ‎978-0304704231 https://transreads.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/2021-08-04_610b1d2370242_Cassellsencyclopediaofqueermyth.pdf 
Dunham, K. (1983). Dances of Haiti. [Los Angeles, CA] : Center for Afro-American Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, pp. 19-20. ISBN: 0934934118, 978-0934934114 https://archive.org/details/dancesofhaiti0000dunh/page/18/mode/2up 
Hurston, Zora Neale. Tell My Horse. Philadelphia ; New York [etc.], J. B. Lippincott company, 1938. ISBN: 0061695130,  ‎ 978-0061695131. https://www.zoranealehurston.com/books/tell-my-horse/  https://bookreadfree.com/24210/646322 
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