#african artis
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natureisthegreatestartist · 2 years ago
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What's this? A male rock agama, nicknamed the Spider-Man lizard.
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johnnyslittleanimalblog · 15 days ago
African lion Artis 3L0A2868
African lion Artis 3L0A2868 by safi kok
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browsethestacks · 10 months ago
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My Love #023
"--But He's the Boy I Love!"
Script: Stan Lee
Pencils: Gene Colan
Inks: John Romita
Colors: ?
Letters: Artie Simek
Marvel (May1973)
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zootoo · 2 years ago
Dembe by Nick Dijkstra
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hsmagazine254 · 1 year ago
Habanero Marmalade Chicken by Chef Eric Njue Mithamo, H&S Chef Of The Month
H&S Chef Of The Month Chef Eric Njue Mithamo Nationality: Kenyan Interview With H&S Magazine Who Is Eric Njue Mithamo? My name is Chef Eric, but many people know me more as Chef Makoti. I’m a proud husband and father of two. I’m a simple guy who finds satisfaction in making good food and, most importantly, enjoying the experience of eating.   Type Of Cuisine? I’m a lover of meat and all things…
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nature-nerd-sarah · 2 years ago
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I went to the Amsterdam zoo with my parents and sibling yesterday.
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afrotumble · 10 months ago
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At only eighteen, she recorded her first record as part of a studio group led by Benny Goodman. Her career quickly grew as she recorded songs with Teddy Wilson and began a long partnership with Lester Young, who gave her the nickname "Lady Day." In 1938, she was invited to headline an orchestra by Artie Shaw. Holiday became the first African American woman to work with an all-white band. One of her most famous songs, “Strange Fruit” was based on a horrific and detailed account of a lynching in the South. Many scholars now consider it one of the first protest songs of the Civil Rights Movement.
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diceriadelluntore · 2 months ago
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Storia Di Musica #353 - Jorge Ben, A Tábua De Esmeralda, 1974
Tutti noi conosciamo una canzone di Jorge Ben, straordinario musicista e cantante brasiliano, anche conoscendo per niente l'artista. Perchè è autore di una delle canzoni più famose di tutti i tempi, e simbolo della musica brasiliana: Mas Que Nada! (1964 dal disco Samba Esquema Novo) portata al successo da Sergio Mendes e i Brazil '66 e poi divenuta uno standard jazz, una canzone dalle centinaia di cover, una sorta di cartolina musicale della musica brasiliana. Ma Jorge Ben (che fino al 1989 userà questo nome d'arte, ma poi lo cambierà Jorge Ben Jor, scritto anche BenJor, per frenare l'incidente legale che attribuisce parte dei suoi diritti editoriali al cantante e chitarrista statunitense George Benson) è uno dei grandi autori di musica carioca, e uno dei pochi non "bossanovisti" a travalicare gli argini internazionali con dischi importantissimi.
Bravissimo chitarrista, dalla fine degli anni '60, quando ottiene altro successo importante con il disco Jorge Ben, che contiene altre due canzoni famose come País Tropical e Charles, Anjo 45, inizia un percorso sperimentale musicale che lo porterà nel decennio successivo a scardinare le strutture classiche della musica sudamericana, intrecciando le influenze delle musiche occidentali come il soul, il funk, ma anche ribaltando completamente la traiettoria, rifacendosi alla radici africane della musica brasiliana. Questa ricerca si traduce in tre dischi, eccezionali, che pubblica tra il 1974 e il 1976: sono A Tabua De Esmeralda, la scelta di oggi, Solta O Pavão del 1975 e África Brasil del 1976. Non hanno il successo commerciale dei precedenti, ma sono unanimemente considerati tre capolavori.
A Tabua De Esmeralda deve il suo titolo all'interesse di Jorge Ben per la teosofia, il misticismo e le arti magiche alchemiche: in copertina c'è una riproduzione della tabula smaragdina di Nicholas Flamel, grande alchimista e massimo studioso del XV secolo della pietra filosofale: la tavola smeraldina è un testo sapienziale che la leggenda vuole opera di Ermete Trismegisto (la fortuna della tavola smeraldina e del suo potere magico ha avuto ultimamente una rinascita con la serie Netflix Dark, che prende spunto dal testo). Musicalmente il disco, dominato dalla sua chitarra gioiosa e variabile (sarà l'ultimo disco dove la suona, prima di trovare difficile le registrazioni dello strumento rispetto alle sue aspettative sonore) ebbe un'enorme influenza sui musicisti brasiliani dell'epoca e contribuì in larga misura ad accendere l'esplosione creativa che ebbe luogo nelle scene samba rock e samba soul brasiliane durante gli anni '70. Il sound di questo particolare album è molto semplice, dominato dalla atmosfere acustiche, con le canzoni guidate dalla caratteristica chitarra acustica di Ben suonata insieme a un basso e percussioni, in una sorta di brazilian folk, anche per gli innesti che Ben mette nelle canzoni: cori, arrangiamenti di archi e un contrabbasso che rendono le melodie magnificamente realizzate, fluide, vibranti e con quel tocco magico che sia la lingua che la stessa atmosfera danno alle composizioni. Tra le tracce, quella apertura è l'allegra e bellissima Os Alquimistas Estão Chegando, con i suoi divertenti testi sugli alchimisti. Altri momenti particolarmente belli sono Errare Humanum Est, a tema spaziale, Zumbi, con i suoi testi ispirati all'Africa e che anticipano il lavoro profondo ed essenziale che farà con Africa Brasil, Cinco Minutos e Magnolia. C'è spazio per le canzoni d'amore come Eu Vou Torcer e Minha Teimosia, Uma Arma Pra Te Conquistar. Brother è cantata in inglese ed è uno spiritual carioca, O Homem Da Gravata Florida è un brano diverstissement che parla di un uomo dalla bellissima cravatta, in pieno stile realismo magico. Molti critici hanno notato che in realtà alcune canzoni sono riferimenti simbolici a personaggi storici: l'uomo della cravatta potrebbe essere Paracelso, O Namorado Da Viúva, l'innamorato di una vedova, è lo stesso Flamel.
Ben è stato una grande fonte di ispirazione, anche a volte "incosapevole": una sua canzone Taj Mahal, che riprenderà nel fenomenale Africa Brasil, fu la base per quella canzone di grande successo che fu Da Ya Think I'm Sexy? di Rod Steward nel 1979: portato in tribunale il cantante scozzese, Ben vinse la causa sui diritti e donò il ricavato dei diritti del singolo all'UNICEF. Ben scrive e suona ancora adesso, portando sul palco l'energia magica e indimenticabile della sua musica e del suo paese.
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siryouarebeingmocked · 1 year ago
Someone recently claimed that the new Davies era of doctor who has no more wokism* than the show used to.
Now, maybe I've just changed in the past few decades, but from what I've heard of the 60th anniversary specials it does seem a tad more concentrated. Cherry-picking SPOILERS, sweeties.
- Donna got married offscreen. To what I can only assume is the last black cab driver in London.
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- Her kid is trans. Specifically, non-binary, female presenting, says the wiki.** - In the next episode, we learn the Doctor is gay/bi when he thinks Sir Isaac Newton is hot. I'd smugly say this bit has no real relevance, but...the actual scene does carry the episode theme of accidentally changing reality. It's just the queer bit that seems tacked on. Though it does carry forward themes from 10s era. - Sir Zack himself is played by a half-Indian actor. It's not exactly hard to tell. I'm assuming they're running on Bridgerton logic. https://twitter.com/frozenaesthetic/status/1731332492282429950 - This episode is basically just Donna and the Doc exploring a weird location, and running into monsters, who happen to look like them. It would be a bottle episode, except for the large vfx budget. And yet ol' Rusty somehow managed to awkwardly wedge in an  progressive issue. - In the next episode, the villain explains how he's just exploiting the divisions that already exist in human society, including cancel culture. - no wait he's got a point. Jpg - This is ironic, given that Davies and/or his broadcasting house masters are pretty blatantly on the team that a) coined the word,  b) cancels people the most often, and c) defends the idea of Internet lynch mobs*** (***as long as they're left wing. If not, they're *ist "trolls", even if they're just complaining about the latest sacred cow.) Maybe the Davies was criticizing his own team. * Because the Toymaker was kind of racist back in the day (white dude dressed like a stereotypical Chinese dude), Davies made the new version a bit racist "as a callback to his original, problematic depiction back in 1966." - TVtropes, ref. DW Unleashed. On the other hand, the Toymaker also mocks and dresses as several other cultural archetypes. All the ones I've seen were white European ones. He just does this to everyone, apparently. - Toymaker also weaponizes the Spice Girls hit "Spice Up Your Life". No, I will not explain. Though I will note that a line about the "Yellow man in Timbuktu" was apparently drowned out in the episode. Probably for being a tad spicy. - One new UNIT character is a lady in a wheelchair. When the new Tardis - no, I will not explain - has a wheelchair ramp, she happily points it out. Which makes me wonder why the blue box would be so limited, considering it often deals with alien species. - Also, the same actress played a disabled Companion in the Big Finish audio dramas. I'm not sure why it was considered essential to do so in an entirely audio format, but there have been controversies over this sort of thing before (EG Artie on Glee, various racial voice acting controversies). - At this point, casting Ncuti Gatwa as 15 doesn't even register. Not really a blip on my radar. Black Doc? Whatevs. His sonic screwdriver has Rwandan words on it? So? I go to church with lots of Africans. Heck, I'm a black immigrant to ol' Blighty myself, just from the other side of the pond. Ncuti is, chronologically speaking, more British than I am. - Though given that he's Rwandan-Scottish, there may be some debate on the "British" part. - Wikipedia says the actor is pretty left-wing, but the actor seems good so far, so I'm willing to give him a sha-
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Oh, come ON!
Maybe the original person speaking was comparing it to the Chibnall “history has always been a whitewash” era, which had a character who was a paper thin Trump satire. A tad ironic, when the whole point of bringing Davies, Tennant, and Tate back is to play on nostalgia.
*Tangent: that word was apparently voted  the most annoying words in English. Which is kind of hilarious if you know that it was originally created to self-describe certain progressives. And the "you can't even define that word!" meme was almost certainly ripped off from the right wing "what is a woman?" Meme. ** This is apparently because she's part Time Lord, through Donna. It seems a tad interesting to me that a few works featuring non binary characters happen to make them enby due to some sort of supernatural (Omniscient Reader) or sci-fi (SW Squadrons) influence which the vast majority of IRL enbies don't have. ...As far as I know.
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juhnkit · 2 years ago
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Adult Movie Posters Resurrection of Eve (1973) Eve and her lover Frank, a disc jockey, live in the San Francisco Bay Area. They have a fight triggered by Frank's jealous nature. Frank is dismayed that Eve has gone to a boxing match featuring African American pugilist Johnnie Keyes. Jon Fontana - Artie Mitchell - Nancy Weich - Mimi Morgan - Marilyn Chambers - Johnnie Keyes
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greybitch · 10 months ago
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At only eighteen, she recorded her first record as part of a studio group led by Benny Goodman. Her career quickly grew as she recorded songs with Teddy Wilson and began a long partnership with Lester Young, who gave her the nickname "Lady Day." In 1938, she was invited to headline an orchestra by Artie Shaw. Holiday became the first African American woman to work with an all-white band. One of her most famous songs, “Strange Fruit” was based on a horrific and detailed account of a lynching in the South. Many scholars now consider it one of the first protest songs of the Civil Rights Movement.
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abwwia · 8 months ago
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Artis Lane (born Artis Shreve, in 1927) is a Black Canadian sculptor and painter. Her bronze bust of Sojourner Truth is on display in Emancipation Hall at the Capitol Visitor Center in Washington, D.C. It was unveiled in 2009, and was the first statue in the Capitol to represent an African-American woman. Lane's sculpture of Rosa Parks is on display in the Oval Office. via Wikipedia, photo: Lane at the unveiling of her bust of Sojourner Truth at the U.S. Capitol
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Bust of Sojourner Truth (2009)
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johnnyslittleanimalblog · 14 days ago
African lion Artis 3L0A2571
African lion Artis 3L0A2571 by safi kok
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kudosmyhero · 2 years ago
Daredevil (vol. 1) #69: A Life on the Line
Read Date: November 01, 2022 Cover Date: October 1970 ● Writer: Roy Thomas ● Penciler: Gene Colan ● Inker: Syd Shores ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: Artie Simek ● Editor: Stan Lee ●
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Synopsis: While crashing in on a minor theft, the driver of the getaway truck crashes while trying to escape Daredevil, looking inside DD is shocked to find that the driver is a boy no older than 15. Running into the Black Panther, the two rush the boy to the hospital.
Black Panther explains that he was investigating the criminal activities of a local gang of African-American youths known as the Thunderbolts. The Thunderbolts, Panther explains have been recruiting members from the kids that he teaches in his civilian guise of Lucas Charles (during the conversation DD and Black Panther confirm each other's civilian identities). The group itself, is anti-establishment and is under the belief that the "white man" is the cause of their ills, and believes that violence and theft is the only way to get out from under the perception of oppression. (Tell it like it is!) DD also learns that the boy he saved (Lonnie) has an older brother Billy who has infiltrated the group.
Daredevil teams up with Black Panther to break up the group, and with the help of Billy, they break it up and turn them over to police. Billy then goes to check on his brother at the hospital and Daredevil and Black Panther decide to treat themselves to a Coke for a job well done.
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Fan Art: Black Panther by agustinalessioart
Accompanying Podcast: ● Josh and Jamie Do Daredevil - episode 08
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hsmagazine254 · 1 year ago
Banana Muffins by Chef Eric Njue Mithamo, H&S Chef Of The Month
H&S Chef Of The Month Chef Eric Njue Mithamo Nationality: Kenyan Interview With H&S Magazine Who Is Eric Njue Mithamo? My name is Chef Eric, but many people know me more as Chef Makoti. I’m a proud husband and father of two. I’m a simple guy who finds satisfaction in making good food and, most importantly, enjoying the experience of eating.   Type Of Cuisine? I’m a lover of meat and all things…
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stitchandani · 2 years ago
What are your guys’s thoughts on some of the new casting announcements for the upcoming live action Lilo and Stitch? There’s been some chaos regarding the casting decision of Sydney Elizebeth Agudong as Nani and Kahiau Machado is confirmed to be playing David, along with Billy Magnusson playing an unconfirmed role.
Doverstar Hi anon! Well, first off, I want to reiterate that Arti and I actually don't care very much about the live-action L&S. We're two of those oldies that consider the live-action re-imaginings as totally unnecessary, low-quality, irritating cash grabs that almost never honor or pay proper homage to the original Disney classics they're based on. So. Disclaimer there. I do have some new opinions as of this morning, personally, but feel free to totally disgree with/ignore them! :) Secondly, as far as the casting goes, if we like anything, we like that Chris Sanders is Stitch again. That might be the only good thing we can see so far in it. I personally think the girl they chose to play Lilo is super cute, and as far as looks go, she looks like Lilo so that's a plus. We can't say anything else yet because we haven't seen her act as Lilo, and we don't know if the writers will butcher the story/the characters entirely yet, so no comment there. I hope she has so much fun! We all wanted to be Lilo at some point as children - now she gets to actually do it! Good for her! What a precious-looking lil lucky duck. I bet she'll do great. Now I'm gonna rant, get excited.
Thirdly, here's my most recent opinion on the film and its cast and all that jazz: people online have been very loud and very obnoxious and very rude about the color of the human cast's skin. Even though these human beings are, in fact, of Hawaiian descent, the way their characters are supposed to be, that's apparently not enough because their skin is "too light". So now we've gotten to a place in our culture where it's not sufficient to be cast in a role with a certain nationality or race that you actually are. No. Your physical skin color, which you can't change and were born with, has to be a certain shade or else it's racist that you were cast and the company is intentionally using you to "whitewash" characters with skin colors that were designed as non-white. I personally think that is ridiculous. If the actress for Nani plays a convincing Nani, and is right for the part, and as a bonus she is a female of Hawaiian descent (because the character in the original film was intentionally created as a native Hawaiian woman living on Kauai), then she should play Nani and no one should have a problem with that. The same goes for the men cast to play David. Which brings me to my fourth opinion: I said men, plural. David has recently been recast. For multiple reasons. The biggest reason being that people were yet again obnoxious and loud online (like they always are) and, because they were still salty that Mr. Machado's born skin color was not the shade they wanted it to be, they dug and dug all over his personal social media accounts in order to find anything incriminating they could yell about to force Disney to recast him. They did find out that he seems fine using rude and offensive terms when referring to African-American people - or that, at one point in the past, he was fine using them - never having met with or spoken to the man himself in the present to find out what he's really like, what he actually believes, or why he posted things of that nature in the past. People didn't like Mr. Machado's skin color, so they were loud and rude and obnoxious and did everything they could in their own free time to get him kicked off of the project, and it worked because modern-day corporate Disney is a sleaze-ball company whose higher-ups only care about money, not whatever they say publicly that they care about. I don't think Mr. Machado (or anyone) should use what people call "racial slurs", ever, because it's terrible. But I also think the public was super weird and boundary-crossing and incredibly silly about this whole thing. Do you actively, regularly go to random strangers' Facebook accounts when you met them in a Starbucks line and you didn't like something about the way they physically look? And then look all over that Facebook account for something that would get them fired from their job? A person you don't even know? Fired from a job you have absolutely nothing to do with? No? Then don't do it to an actor. Why do you care? How do you know what they're really like? People ruined an opportunity (a crappy Disney live-action opportunity, but an opportunity nonetheless) for a young undiscovered actor because they were mad his skin color wasn't what they thought it should be. That sounds racist to me. Anyway. Now they've cast another young gentleman as David, and good for him, lucky for him, and he looks fine to me, but who knows. Maybe they'll rise up and get him fired too for having the wrong-shaped earlobes or something. Stupid. ANYWAY. Llike I said, Arti and I don't really have any other strong opinions on the film beyond the ones listed here. We don't have much faith that it will be good, we don't think it even needs to be made, but we're super excited to hear Mr. Sanders as the voice of Stitch again! Unless they recast him because he's not blue. Then we riot.
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