#afn hurts
sick-as-a-dog · 9 months
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skunkes · 8 months
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pocketramblr · 8 months
43. — words
Set after the last afn snippet
Izuku landed on a couch- ok, cool, demons had couches. He looked up at a real tall ceiling, with fancy flourishes where it met the wall, and a fireplace of shimmering black stone. There were rugs on the floor, and as Izuku sat up he realized his body didn't hurt anymore.
Then he realized he was bleeding all over a demon's couch and jolted up with a yelp, looking down at his clothes to see- nothing. Well, some mud and dust, and apparently he'd been sent here with the contract he signed, now all crumpled in one hand, but no blood.
"Iron ish otris?" A voice called, and Izuku froze. That didn't sound like the demon he'd met. "Yura eret?"
His demon- well, not his, but the demon he'd met first had said some other demons did eat humans. But he was doing all this extra work to avoid that, or letting Izuku die, right? So this demon probably didn't eat humans either. Or it was just, a demon literally playing with his food. Izuku really have a choice to trust him.
"Soo heret?" The new demon asked, sharper, and came around the corner into the room.
Izuku blinked. They looked like a catboy- maybe those were horns on their head, but they kinda looked like cat ears. And the tail waving behind him in matching blond fur looked like a cat's too.
The demon looked at Izuku. Izuku looked at the demon.
"Woded uyeh tegin ear?"
Izuku held out the paper contract as far as he could. The demon blinked their strangely shaped, very dark eyes, and slowly moved to take the papers and read.
Then their strangely shaped, very dark eyes got very wide too. "Unshet poda! Iron ish otris det poda uyeh?"
At least, Izuku thought that was a question.
"What?" He asked.
"I don't speak, uh, whatever language demons do."
The demon stared at him. Izuku pointed to the papers, hoping there'd be a clue there, and the demon kept reading. And reading. And reading. Flipping the papers back and forth, until they threw them on the couch and pulled what seemed to be a regular phone out of their pocket.
They dialed a number. Then, they spoke so quickly Izuku didn't even try to figure out what sounds went in what order.
He waited.
The demon did too, then sighed, and hung up.
"So?" He asked.
"Hellayo." The demon said, then pointed to themselves. "Mirio." They pointed at him. "Izuku."
"Hello, Mirio."
The demon- Mirio- smiled, and crossed the room, waving for Izuku to follow them.
Mirio spoke as they went, gesturing between them, but Izuku didn't understand what they meant until they opened a door into a room with a giant bath and moved to start the water. Mirio motioned to the bath, then left.
Well, Izuku was pretty sure he'd been knocked out under a bridge and dragged through the sewers before he'd been placed on the altar in the circle of blood, even if he didn't really remember the details or who had grabbed him. Probably the concussion, that memory didn't feel like icy patch where his name was. It was cold and slick, and all he could think was Shimura Izuku, even though he knew his surname certainly hadn't been that.
The point was, the trip to the sewers apparently left a stench that hadn't gone away like the blood had.
He did his best to wash when he wasn't sure which soap was what, and then dried himself off. Mirio knocked, then entered with a set of clothes like they wore, a white button up shirt and some slacks, though smaller. Maybe their old clothes?
Who was this demon, anyway?
Mirio led Izuku back to the room he landed in, though there was now a try over the couch with a plate of food and two cups. Mirio waved at him to sit, then left again.
Izuku examined the food. Was it safe for humans? It certainly didn't look like it... A magenta slab over a ball of what looked more like scales than rice, a pile of tiny white bones, and a paste of vibrant berries that smelled like eggs.
Mirio returned with a pot, and poured tea into two cups, then set it aside.
Izuku looked at the tea- grey, rather than green, and Mirio nodded, taking a sip of their own.
Slowly, Izuku did too.
Despite the appearance, it tasted good. Spiced, in a warm and not too bitter way.
Izuku tried the foods and found they were alright too- the little bones were shaped crackers, filled with different flavors, and very crispy.
Mirio talked, even though Izuku couldn't understand them, and smiled a lot. They had sharp fangs.
Sharp nails, too, and colorful ones at that, Izuku noticed now that he was looking. He also noticed Mirio giving him similar looks.
There were only a few snacks left when a crash came from some other room.
Izuku jumped, but Mirio just put their cup down and stood up, calling, "Iron ish otris! Izuku taneck keeps iina jaweh gaanel os neck uyeh kuhsif tath?"
In a flurry of movement, the demon who had... Saved? Adopted? Kidnapped? Izuku was in the room too, looking exhausted.
"Hello, my boy! I'm sorry I didn't think about the language difference, I've never done this sort of thing before, so, let me just, fix that as Mirio asked."
He lifted a hand, and put it on Izuku's head.
Izuku froze.
The demon said something, and then nodded.
"There you go, can you understand him now?"
"Me?" Izuku asked, "Or, can Mirio understand me now?"
"I sure can!" Mirio answered.
"I can too!"
"That's great!" The demon smiled. "All right, Mirio, this is my new son, Izuku. Izuku, this is Mirio, he's a security devil in training and I'm his warder."
Izuku didn't know that that meant.
"Very." Mirio nodded, smiling too. "Honor to meet you, Izuku-kun, and a pleasure to serve. Is he going to attend Bablys, Toshinori-san?"
"I suppose so. I'll have to reach out to Nedzu..."
"Awesome! Then I'll be your upperclassman, Izuku-kun, and your guide. You can call me Mirio-senpai."
"Oh, ok, thanks?" Izuku was starting to feel dizzy as- Toshinori? Could he call the demon that?- collapsed onto the couch too. "What's Bablys?"
The rest of the night was... Informative, Izuku guessed. Sorta. In a way that left him knowing absolutely nothing at all, but he supposed as he was led to what would be his bedroom that he could find out more tomorrow, assuming this all wasn't the strangest dream he'd ever had.
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thegreatestheaver · 3 months
If I was from Murder Drones...who would I be...
When I'm done with the last episode I'll draw J as Junko by the way. As a treat
BREATHES REA;;LY HEAVILY. is it too on the nose to say the Absolute Solver lol.... evil ai,......... UM UM UMUM you give off Doll vibes tbh youre very Doll coded to me. red eyes as a bonus :) HOWEVER. youre also very very Nori coded to me as well. :) SHAKES SO ABD. IMSO EXCIRETIDSI FOR THE HAL MURDER DRONES FANART EVEN IF IT IS TEH FUCK ASS J AS JUNKO THING. GRAGUIIGURSAJKGFSJKHLSAFKLHSDKLHSGKLHKLHSSS SHAKESYOU UNTIL I CANT FEEL MYARRMS SHAEKSS YOU UNTIL MY ARMS AND MUSCLES AND BONES TURN TO JELLY. aijdgfsugjkgsQWDHFKEHLJKSDGKJGSDSDGJKSDF SDK. FGRTGTSTHSHTGSGTGD SHHHHAGFSXKJFLDJKSKJSGDJKDS . SCREAMS AND YELLS. BREATEHS REALLY FAST AFN STASRTS HYPERVENTIALIIING. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grabs yuor face and goes in for a kiss PLEALSPEE PALESE IM SO EXCITEDDE MY CHEST HURTS I CANTCALM DOWN PLELEPEPELPEPLPEPKSORDHJFGALEJGRKDBFJDSGSEFOASRGDBGLREWQPEDOFARGSDS EPELELPELPLPSLPEPLPLPLPLPLPL3PLPLP PLELAPKKK PLEEEKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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granma-sweetie · 2 years
hsllo i am bere to complain that i genuinely gfeel like shit i threw ip last night for the firstt time in like four years and now my whols body hurts and everybting smells like laundry detergent Nyway in 1 episode away from meeting kayne (again) afn hsjshshsjshehehhejehehehsbamdh anyway have a nice day hope you are doing better than i am <3
aw i’m really sorry you’re not feeling good :(((( sending spells of get better soon 💞
omg kayne my best friend my mortal enemy soooo true
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babyawacs · 8 months
@slate @afn @afnstuttgart #amithejerk in relations the issue is trust+respect+communication you fail on either. while jealousy is a problem with the jealou s about inferiority often it means that you hurt someone fragile extra  keeping it and lackof communication mistrust breaks the basisoftherelation you a r e the jerk understand trust+respect+communication and debate the jealousy and fragility amplified by mishandled incident causing mistrust that isthe path thereon trust is restored or youare on the way to part and toxic relationships
@slate @afn @afnstuttgart #amithejerk in relations the issue is trust+respect+communication you fail on either. while jealousy is a problem with the jealous about inferiority often it means that you hurt someone fragile extra keeping it and lackof communication mistrust breaks the basisoftherelation you a r e the jerk understand trust+respect+communication and debate the jealousy and fragility…
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dykefagz · 1 year
i do hate calling myself ugly and thinking im hideous because in a way i ts like saying transness is and how thats hurtful for my community but like. i literally cant stand how i look. its not even the T i think i mean the afne and the patchy facial hair but In General like my teeth and hair and height like. i have been mourning that i would have been a beautiful woman who had people fawn over her like my sister but i am like. a below subpar man who must people dont want to look at
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charlieslowartsies · 2 years
17, 22, 25, 29 for the Weird Questions for Writers
Thank you for asking these aaaa
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
We do not have time for the lore that is the FNAF timeline. I don’t even have time for it all in the KGA, hilariously enough. I’ve had to cherry pick and beat my sandcastles into a passable attempt at a coherent storyline and the sand gets wetter with each new FNAF related thing that is released. I hope its working. I don’t think my tower is up to code, but it’s a pretty tower.
However I am pretty proud of the upcoming plot stuff in terms of the characters getting either their comeuppance or much needed closure. I’ve set up almost all the hints by now for the major secret—well, I think it’s the most important one! It’s been my favorite to work on. There’s obviously other mysteries going on inside the Pizza Plex. I’ll try and answer them all, and hope the DLC doesn’t have to be entirely ignored if I want to write more KGA stuff. (It already looks like it will but…fuck it. This is why I call it an au. The second Mike stepped into Fazbear’s Fright with the Fazgang that storyline rocketed down its own path, and I’ve had to accept that.)
One thing I settled on early—I liked Vanessa’s character/presence. I like what she added to SB, although I wish we had better endings and perhaps more things to find that fleshed her out. She’s one of the few people Mike meets that he thinks Freddy Fazbear will approve of and even respect. That doesn’t happen often. I did not want her to be ‘the bitch’ and I did not want her to be a villain for evil’s sake either. I want her to be as complex as Max was when he first entered Last Shift. I mentioned before I’m mashing two or three endings of SB together for Lies Within. I still am, and she is included in the ending. I also did not want romance, either, between her and Mike. She needs help, yes, but help comes in a lot of different ways and I do not like ‘we spent 6 hours together and decided it was love.’ That’s not a message I think is realistic and I don’t want to focus on it, especially not when we have Mike’s previous relationships right behind him pretty constantly. *glances at a certain overprotective Puppet*
There’s a very jarring scene I’m trying to reconcile with. I want it to happen, it CAN work into the storyline, it DOES makes sense. But it hurts.  A lot. It depends on far I want to go when I reference Devil’s Spine. If it does end up happening, I promise I’ll do it justice.
Plenty of things aren’t making the final cut to Lies Within. I unfortunately had this brilliant idea for an opening plotline that came to me around chapter 5. 8T There’s no way to salvage the concept either, because it would have hit better as the opening ‘act’ for Lies Within. I had this idea that Marion erased Mike’s memories to protect them from Glitchtrap’s clutches and he sent them to the Pizza Plex to work while he and the gang tried to recover lost ground. Goldy had gotten so damaged during an unseen fight with Glitchtrap too, so Mike was powerless. Max had his memory, and was there to keep an eye on their reckless night guard. Sunny and Moon were also in on the trick, and they had taken a liking to Mike too.
Another thing was Springtrap was going to be in this fic. I decided that didn’t really match the whole “Spring/Afton are dead and gone” point I made in Last Shift. (After all, we were told he was gone in FF, and Afton got back into Springtrap. Why would now be any different? Nah. I don’t wanna contradict my writing if I can avoid it.) Even if the characters are assuming differently, which is part of the fun of a mystery. What’s real and what’s not? Especially when we know things the characters don’t ;)
AFN 2 is nearly ready for its release. Lies Within is getting dark fast, and back when I was writing Ghost Strings I came up with the idea to explore the world using those episodic adventures. I’m solving the whole ‘I miss Springtrap’ thing by giving him his missing scenes that never made into FF. (I like the time jump I did, but it def left me hanging in some parts.)
One of the main themes for Mari’s plotline was and still is: “Just because someone is different doesn’t make them bad” but he’s also getting some more development in answering for his own past transgressions, such as how hard he’s been on Michael Afton.
I’m still working on the details for Max’s ending in this series. I think I have a good idea, and while it will be a happy one, it will also be melancholy one too. I don’t like using Loss for unneeded drama, if I make a character suffer I want them to learn from it, teach another character, or work to get what they lost back. Sometimes they have to earn it; sometimes we do get what we want even when we think we won’t. and sometimes, like perhaps in this zombie’s case, he’s learned enough and just deserves Something Nice for once.
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
I started this process with London Bridge and kept it going until Lies Within. (As well as every other fic around that time in various fandoms, with a few exceptions. For example, my TF fic Resonance is written entirely in ONE document bc I wrote it in two weeks.)
I have a single word doc called ‘fic title NOTES.’ And in that doc is everything from the title ideas, there’s usually 5-6 of them until I pick one I like. There’s the summary, as well as all the necessary quotes.
Then I make a rough estimate of chapter titles. This is usually wrong, but I try. LB had 8 chapters and I actually kept the fic in that first guess. LS was supposed to be 12 and ended up being 24.
Then I name chapter titles that I think sound cool or interesting.
Then I just start writing in a new document. I don’t really plan. I go back and rewrite into the Notes Doc what happened after the chapter is finished and ready to be posted. Sometimes if I go ‘okay next chapter I need this scene to happen’ I will do that. But mostly I write down conflict to resolution across the chapter list. For ex:
LS chapter X: Freddy and the gang shut down by Henry/Marion. Resolves in chapter X because of: and a short note why/how so I don’t forget something.
Sometimes shit resolves in that same chapter, such as Max almost biting it in chapter 10 of LW. Sometimes it don’t, and sometimes, like in Finding Freddy, the conflict sets up for the following story, (Springtrap being Possessed again and escaping) so I make note of that.
I do work backwards. I don’t know why. I just write for fun but when working with a mystery/thriller, I recognize I need some level of organization to get my ducks in a row in time for curtain close.
 25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
Mike Schmidt is half Mexican. Mostly because I am too, so he’s got my skin tone (well the one I get in the summer.) Representation matters, kids. He also has the running joke as me, his wife and my girlfriend are pasty white and they learned Spanish better than he/I did lmao. Entirely immaterial but a fun detail!
A second, maybe not as useless to know but kind of: When Mike is bonded with Golden Freddy, he cannot swim. A computer’s response is to short circuit and turn off, so that’s what poor Fredbear does, and Mike sinks like a stone lmao. Obviously he avoids pools/lakes but he can still shower fine. Baths make him secondhand nervous though.
 29. Where do you draw your inspiration? What do you do when the inspiration well runs dry?
Music, and reading mostly. I can also keep my writing juju-bees going by drawing or illustration a scene I’m having trouble describing. It’s mostly why there’s so much art for Make Believe and the KGA! When the well runs dry, I usually just need to take a break and I switch to doodles or read a new book. Horror is preferred. Lately my favorite author is Riley Sager, The Last Time I Lied is def a recommend.
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dearmrj-loveme · 5 years
Dear Mr.J
So...it's been a while...
A lot has happened and I am not taking it very well to be honest.
My office mate is now gone and they gave me her staffing coordinator duties on top of mine own. But they didn't count for the fact that now that I have twice as much work I need more time to complete it all. I am very stressed and I hate it. I did get a raise though so that is good. 
I had a small heart to heart with my boss about how she felt closer to me than I did with her and she kept apologizing for making me cry on Thursday. She had called me into her office and the way she sounded on the phone was supposed to be joking but it sounded serious and I got really scared. I thought I was in trouble and I just broke down when she said “How dare you have tea and not tell me!” She answered the phone after than and I just felt so relived that I started sobbing. My other coworker was in the office with us and started laughing at me. I don't like being in trouble and I cant handle being yelled at. I feel my throat close up and then I cant breathe. Its one of the worst feelings.
I got into a fight with my friend the day after my brother’s dad died. She said something mean and unsympathetic and I snapped on her. I told her that I'm not in the mood for her to be sending me petty messages and that I am going through a lot right now and if she has something to say she can say it to my face not be sarcastic and rude. She came back and said I read the message wrong and that I shouldn't snap at her again otherwise we will have a problem and how she wouldn't be spoken to like that. 
I got pissed after that. I told her you don't tell someone who is having a hard day to “have fun” and not expect it to be taken as sarcastic. I told her how she never is really there for me and whenever she wants to talk I am always there to listen but when I try to talk to her my issues are brushed off and she wants to talk about her “tea”. I was honest with her and let her know that I feel like she doesn't care about me sometimes. 
After that she said that it was exhausting being “the first person to make sure I’m okay.” She said I wasn't the only one who had problems and then she proceeded to tell me that I am negative and that I complain about my family and work and how its always something...she said to make a change and to stop living like that and how she was tired of spreading herself thin to help fix the people around her.
I was extremely hurt to be honest. I cant change my family situation, I cant change my work situation. I cant change anything in my life and she knows that. What am I going to do run away from home and live life as a jobless hobo? No, I’m depressed not crazy. I ended up telling her I hope she has fun and to not worry about spreading herself too thin. My problems are my own afn I wouldn't talk about them with her anymore. Then I thanked her for all of her support up until then. 
It has been 10 days since then. I have thought of a lot of hurtful things I could have said back but I held back. Like the fact that boy issues are not really issues. She spreads herself too thin because she always has to pick the boys with a lot of baggage and cant keep her nose out of drama. She thrives in it and every day she always has some form of drama to talk about. She cant let go of the fact that her old boyfriend has moved on. She cant stop stalking her own father that left when she was in high school. I get it. I really do. Life fucking sucks for everyone but don't tell someone to change the things in there life that they have no control of. 
I have started drawing again and I already hate everything I have drawn so that definitely makes me feel like my high school self. I stopped doing anything artistic after my dad passed but last year I started again. I started painting and trying to write. I only recently started to draw again. It will take some time before I am even remotely okay again but I missed it. 
I did start playing animal crossing pocket camp again and I can honestly say that I am addicted. I also got the guy I am talking to addicted as well. I don't know if we will go anywhere but if we do yay if not it okay...not the end of the world.
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hello, world. it's me...
Today is July 20, 2021
Who would've thought that we'll still be in the middle of pandemic? it's the 2nd wave, had been for the past 2 weeks(?)
Life has been great, mostly
I am 21 now, still can't drive and haven't got my license yet lol.
I have made peace with my current state of mind. I just have to understand that life can be bad sometimes but there will always, ALWAYS, be a good time too. I just let the bad days happen, and be patient that, this too shall pass.
My persepctive towards life had shifted a bit. I used to be like "I do not want to hurt people cause I do not want to be hurt by them" Well, how wrong I was. There are possibilities that people will treat you badly eventhough you are nice to them, and it is not unexpected either, it just how it is.
A lot of things change, it is just one of them. I want to use this page as a diary of sorts lol. Okay that is it for now, I think.
02.22 a.m.
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mikescott8 · 6 years
PUSH • Only big boys keep deuces on the ride
Gucci Chuck Taylor with the dragon on the side
Man, I make a buck, why scram?
I'm trying to show y'all who the fuck I am
The jewels is flirting, be damned if I'm hurting
Legend in two games like I'm Pee Wee Kirkland
Platinum on the block with consistent hits
While Pharrell keep talking this music shit . . . . . . . . . . . #subscribe #vibe #mikescott #hiphop #newmusic #musicblog #like #itunes #followme #youtube #wavy #spotify #songwriter #producers #livemusic #losangeles #musicislife #hiphopartist #motivation #tidal #rapcavier #pharell #clispe #pushat #studio #afn #playlist #allfirstnames
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Your actions shouldn't be depend on how they treat you.
Your actions should be based on what's right.
It might hurt you,
But it's worth it.
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Some people say: "Pam you are too angry" or "The AFN isn't complaining, why should you?" Others say: "Pam, you have to admit that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made better promises on First Nation issues than former Prime Minister Harper" and still others say "But Minister Bennett is so nice?" They are all right. I am angry; National Chief Bellegarde looks exceptionally happy these days; Trudeau did make better promises than Harper; and having met Bennett on several occasion, I can say she seems to be a super nice person. Yet, I sometimes work in The Pas, Manitoba where Helen Betty Osbourne was kidnapped and raped, yet nothing has been done to stop the numbers of disappeared and murdered Indigenous women and girls. I am  often woken up in the middle of the night with phone calls or texts about someone's child having committed suicide or community members who have died in a fire or frozen to death outside. The most recent hand-written letter I received was from an Indigenous man residing in prison who was hurting deeply because his mother had been raped by an RCMP officer and nothing was ever done about it. Prior to that, I received a desperate request for help from an Indigenous mother who was frantic because Child and Family Services was taking her children away because she was poor.  I receive calls from people who are trying their hardest to get to university, but there is no funding for them, so they give up. And an email I received this week was from a Rape Crisis shelter who asked me to keep advocating on behalf of Indigenous women and girls despite how hostile the environment. So, I admit that I am angry and I look angry and I sound angry. The pre-mature deaths and suffering of my First Nations brothers and sisters is nothing short of a national crisis. The lack of housing, proper schools, adequate health care, education, and child and family supports; along with the lack of basics like food and clean water,  have been called labelled as a "crisis" "grave" "discriminatory" and "inequitable" not just by First Nations and advocates, but also by former Prime Ministers, Supreme Court of Canada justices, the Auditor General for Canada, the Office of the Correctional Investigator, the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the United Nations. So why has little been done to address the crisis? Despite all the promises from Trudeau, where is the action? Instead of action, we see daily doses of misinformation at best and lies at worst. Whatever you choose to call it, it's not the truth and herein lies the problem with Canada's new obsession with reconciliation. We can't ever get to reconciliation, no matter how it's defined, until we find a way to get to the truth and share it and take responsibility for it. Canada is killing our people with its deeply ingrained racism towards to First Nations. If a, affluent neighborhood in Montreal had contaminated water which was making everyone sick, federal and provincial resources would instantly be brought to bear to remedy the situation. If a cozy suburb of Toronto developed the world's highest suicide rate, massive amounts of financial and human resources would be dedicated to remedying the crisis. If 50% of the Members of Parliament's children were stolen from them and put into foster care due to lack of funding for child and family services, watch how fast they'd reallocate funds from Canada's 150th to get their kids back. So, why then does the government not act to do this when it involves First Nations? Why does the response always follow the same racist pattern: (1) DENY the problem: This is when the government either says that there is no crisis or that it is not as bad as the media or First Nations are saying it is. Then comes the inevitable Access to Information request which shows that the government was either lying or misinforming and they have to admit there may be a problem. (2) DEFER the problem: This is when the government says they will study the issue, even if it has been studied exhaustively and well-documented in the research. This is when they will buy the media silence of National Aboriginal Organizations like the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) by offering them some sort of project-based funding to meet about the issue, set up tables, or do policy papers on the subject. (3) DEFLECT the problem: At this stage, the problem can't be denied any longer, so the government will blame previous governments, blame First Nations themselves or make excuses as to why the problem can't be dealt with right now, like budgetary limitations or that changes can't be made overnight. The most common response at this stage is: "We can't just throw money at the problem" because (a) First Nations leaders are corrupt (Harper) or (b) First Nations have no capacity to address the issue (Trudeau). The end result is that all of the problems get worse and our people die. The government response is usually a Tweet or speaking point for the media which says: "Our hearts go out to the community" or "We are sorry for your loss" and then everyone goes back to their offices to plan Canada's 150th birthday. Every day that this government fails to take urgent action says that there is no relationship less important to Trudeau than the one with Indigenous peoples. The underlying message is that there is no life worth less in Canada, than the life of an Indigenous person. Until we accept that this is current government policy and force change, then it doesn't matter which party is elected - new or old, racism will continue to kill our people. Quick Facts: 4% of Canadian population 10x more likely to die in a fire 5-10x more likely to commit suicide Some jails are 80-100% Indigenous 50% of all kids in care are Indigenous More likely to go murdered or missing 120+ First Nations without clean water #racismkills
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puisitanpamelody · 6 years
All those bad days will end, soon to be better days..
Kala itu langit menjadi mendung, menunggu datangnya seseorang tapi tak kunjung datang.
Harus seberapa lama lagi saya menunggu? Hanya untuk berjumpa.
Rindu itu menyedihkan, bagi saya. Iya pejuang ldr.
Tak jadi berjumpa itu hal biasa.
Tak bertemu berminggu minggu itupun hal biasa.
Tak bisa berjumpa secara langsung itupun sudah hal biasa.
Sedih? Pasti.
Sudah hampir 24 bulan..
Bertemu 2minggu sekali itu sudah hal yang paling menyenangkan, lalu di pisahkan 1 bulan karena satu dan lain hal itu sudah membuatku sedih dan sekarang entah berapa bulan... entah 2bulan 3bulan bahkan 6bulan..
I’m fine, It's just making my feelings hurt for a minute ... mmmmm, to a week’s, more like it..
I'm really sad that I can't see you every moment ... can't hear your story straight, can't see your smile, can't see your laugh..
I always try to always be strong, but I'm just ordinary women.
My tears keep flowing if you're gon na need you or miss you.
And you need to know is I really love you in my heart.
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babyawacs · 8 months
@afn @afnstuttgart #amithejerk in relations the issue is trust+respect+communication you fail on either. while jealousy is a problem with the jealou s about inferiority often it means that you hurt someone fragile extra  keeping it and lackof communication mistrust breaks the basisoftherelation you a r e the jerk understand trust+respect+communication and debate the jealousy and fragility amplified by mishandled incident causing mistrust that isthe path thereon trust is restored or youare on the way to part and toxic relationships
@afn @afnstuttgart #amithejerk in relations the issue is trust+respect+communication you fail on either. while jealousy is a problem with the jealous about inferiority often it means that you hurt someone fragile extra keeping it and lackof communication mistrust breaks the basisoftherelation you a r e the jerk understand trust+respect+communication and debate the jealousy and fragility amplified…
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babyawacs · 3 years
@afn @afnstuttgart isaw guns as engineeringchallenge Notwhat todowithem Itwasmore careless times and aminor mistake idontthink anyonegot hurt with em Life is amiracle Inventing cool stuff important stuff Like photonic computing quantumcomputing newatom newelectron form olecularbiologymiracles and more Is alotbetter Itisnecessry that sometimes security must make serotolerancewithscums These need cuttingedge tools but eventhem donotlike guns ‎Theyneed 800hours training a year just tokeep form with these horrordevices thats 3months pavedoverthe year shootingrange stuff Blah Isay eventhem dontlike guns overly becausetheir ass is inthe lineof fire
@afn @afnstuttgart isaw guns as engineeringchallenge Notwhat todowithem Itwasmore careless times and aminor mistake idontthink anyonegot hurt with em Life is amiracle Inventing cool stuff important stuff Like photonic computing quantumcomputing newatom newelectron form olecularbiologymiracles and more Is alotbetter Itisnecessry that sometimes security must make serotolerancewithscums These need cuttingedge tools but eventhem donotlike guns ‎Theyneed 800hours training a year just tokeep form with these horrordevices thats 3months pavedoverthe year shootingrange stuff Blah Isay eventhem dontlike guns overly becausetheir ass is inthe lineof fire
@afn @afnstuttgart isaw guns as engineeringchallenge Notwhat todowithem Itwasmore careless times and aminor mistake idontthink anyonegot hurt with em Life is amiracle Inventing cool stuff important stuff Like photonic computing quantumcomputing newatom newelectron formolecularbiologymiracles and more Is alotbetter Itisnecessry that sometimes security must make serotolerancewithscums These need…
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