atpm1976 · 8 months
THANK YOU!!!! <333
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slugchild · 1 year
hunting song - pentangle
“take care, lest misadventure shall stain your heart and lead to woe”
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alexanderpearce · 9 months
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was inspired by @afieldinengland to indulge in fish fingers for the first time in forever. glad i did, meal of kings.
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masterbaiting · 1 year
… so I don’t even watch the polisci/communications major show but I am intrigued by the mean and sordid queerness in it that has had you and afieldinengland foaming at the mouth lately and I came looking for the really filthy fucked up porn. Where is it. You’re looking for a push? Here it is. Let the beast loose.
SOB SOOOO FUCKING TRUE ANON THE MEAN AND SORDID QUEERNESS.... considering how long my last one took the next will probably take a month or so (uni has just gone back..) but thank you so much im keen to write fucking over desks #pukeyourthoraxthursday
in the meantime, i have already published imo fairly filthy fucked up polisci/communications major show porn
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ancientbeast · 1 year
hey sorry to bother you out of the blue but it's harri afieldinengland, i've just been terminated again for some reason :( i'm not sure how to let people know
oh no!! i'll post this publicly to get the word out :(
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hi, i have no idea if this will work but it’s harri @afieldinengland— my blog has just been terminated and i’m trying to get it back now. tagging a few people in the hopes they’ll maybe reblog this for me? i’m so sorry about this, forgive me if i sound addled it’s all very sudden @cynodontia @aheathenconceivably @octobergods @roystonvasey @pregnantstallion
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Belated happy birthday, my treasured lover! I am sorry for being so laconic nowadays. The friend I had mentioned times before is not getting better, so I am standing guard, so to speak, and keeping them much needed company. There's thoughts of eternal life and the cycle of life and death on my mind, and I am - sadly - not reaching any valuable conclusions. But I do wander around the village quite a bit when they're asleep, and find something new on almost every walk. This here seems to be a fence separating what used to be land belonging to two different people, but now the only ruler of both is Nature. There's an apple tree a little further, with apples surprisingly big for this time of year, but I dare not take any. Whoever or whatever holds power over this place has not invited me to do so, and eating an apple without permission would be foolish.
I am sorry these barely count as birthday wishes, but all the words that come to mind seem bland and pointless. You already know that I wish you all the best in your life, that you may find understanding and peace among people of alike minds, that you feel comfortable in your place in this world, may you have the strength to withstand any troubles and obstacles that you might encounter, and I hope you will be able to celebrate (or happily ignore) many many more birthdays, each one better than the last. I love you eternally, like the sun itself.
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natequarter · 1 year
I think you and afieldinengland should be friends
i fail to see what the field would get out of this
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afrosarah · 2 years
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Youth with a lamb goat? Clearly @afieldinengland
Bonus faun:
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lapis-lazuliie · 3 years
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@afieldinengland - even reading this is making me lose my mind❤️ can u imagine steve prancing about reece as he's asking him to take his clothes off, the scene where they grab costumes out of the wicker basket and reece throwing on that cape gown thing ('i can fight it no longer, darling'), steve commenting how reece must be easy in a skii lodge, on a yacht, a beach, reece getting close to steves face and whispering lowly as he realises he's winning the game,,,,insane x
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atpm1976 · 7 months
huge fan of bespectacled manipulative loser bisexual freaks from the early 2000s named ollie
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radioprune · 3 years
always - blind pilot: holy road we are on tonight / catch as catch can till we get it right
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meshimellow · 3 years
happy birthday!!!!
thank you harri!!! day started so great i slept in an hour and currently almost late for work
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rec me a cushing movie if u like! this is such a cool ask game idea
Incense for the Damned (1971)
a trippy, messy, quite 70s vampire flick that has cushing briefly in a few scenes.
i found it grating and incoherent at best, vaguely racist and explicitly homophobic at worst, but I think you'd have a ball analyzing it.
It has a vampire twink and homoeroticism, at least!!
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ancientbeast · 2 years
hi hi hello i just responded to your message on instagram but it’s me it’s harri afieldinengland i’ve been terminated again please please please let me know if you see this i don’t know how to get the word out i’m desperate
i hope it's okay that i pist this publicly, but yes i can see you!!
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hello hello again it’s me it’s harri @afieldinengland please please tell me if somebody sees this— i’ve been terminated again and i don’t know what to do, if anyone sees this please please reply or reblog
@octobergods @aheathenconceivably @roystonvasey @greedol @despair-with-walnuts @bluestockingbaby @herb-wine-anons-gallery
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