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skeletonblogger · 1 year ago
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[asheville music tools] acv-1 | adg-1 | afg-1
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territogifblog · 2 months ago
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Very cute 'end level' animation from Rayman AFG and nice callback to Rayman 1. He looks so excited.
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romajuliettemai · 1 year ago
Just recalled that the only character Chloe confirmed to make it out alive from the Flesh & False Gods Trilogy is Mao Mao and now I'm in equal distress and relief.
Relief for Mao Mao but distress for everyone else help
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sunflower1me · 8 months ago
Title: At The Riverbed Pairing: Wallace/Winona/Steven aka Sabotageshipping (Pokemon) Rating: (General/Teen/Mature/Explicit): General Word Count: 970 Warnings: Blood, blood loss, injury, stitches Summary: A visit to the river gets cut short when Wallace has a nasty fall. Created for @anyfandomgoesbingo​​ / Square Filled "Split Lip"
Created for @whumperless-whump-event Day 1
Created for @hurtcomfort-bingo "Pick Your Poison" / Square Filled "Recovery"
Ao3 + Bingo Images Under the cut!
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valentin10 · 4 months ago
Full Match Short Highlights | Afghanistan Beat Bangladesh 2-1 | AFG v BAN | ACB | Sharjah
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hopepunk-humanity · 29 days ago
this is hope-punk to me but i'm not quite sure how this'll fit with the rest of the blog so i'm anon-ing. this is very heavy into the US's situation right now, so anyone that that may make spiral, maybe sit this one out
y'all know about the attempted "buy-out" of govt workers? my parents are govt employees. my mom told me the night before about the mass emails sent out basically saying "hey guysss if you quit now we'll pay your through september pretty pretty please quit"
mass emails don't usually get sent out from the OPM like this. workers receive emails from the individual department heads.
this is a massive fuck-up, because people knew it was fishy immediately. some even thought it was fake. people are confused and angry. my mom said "they're so tech-savvy yet they can't even write a convincing email", and thousands of other workers are saying the same. because this email is the exact same email that Melon Husk sent out to Twitter employees before he cut them
but this isn't Twitter. this is the entire US government workforce that hundreds of millions of people rely on to do their jobs every single day.
mind you, the govt is gonna run out of money March 15th (if the debt ceiling isn't raised). they CANNOT pay any workers who resign through september, if they pay them at all, which senator Tim Kaine (D-VA) is openly highly skeptical of and there is a video of him on the senate floor telling government workers to not take the deal, echoing exactly what federal unions are telling everyone
and now tens of thousands (probably hundreds, if i'm being honest) of govt workers are standing firm. they know what this means. the fed subreddit is just filled with "stand firm! hold the line!" posts and propaganda that i fucking love to see. one post has over 60k upvotes on it. saw dozens of comments that all say something like "i've been begging for a way out for the past few weeks but this email just reignited my passion for public service and upholding the law".
this is a war on the american people and they are ready to stand up to it. they know mass resignations will fuck up so much shit, and that there is NOT enough people wanting to work for the government to fill those holes.
as of 2pm today (1/29/25), a lawsuit has been filed by the AFGE about Trump trying to politicize the civil service, with special emphasis on how he's going about it. this will not go down quietly. add that to the list of every other lawsuit being filed against him
my mom sent out "keep calm and carry on" to her team and offered guidance if anyone was thinking about resigning (mainly, her younger team members who don't have tenure - understandable). this is a tumultuous time that is scary. my mom is never phased but she is so over this bullshit, as is my dad
this administration is trying to scare/threaten people into quitting because they know a gutting is not going to be easy or even possible and to be completely honest, that email was absolutely a threat to people's jobs.
this is a grand stand of solidarity to the american citizens these people took an OATH to work for. they are tired but they are re-fired up to fight this administration with everything.
and do you know what fighting tyranny looks like for government workers? doing their jobs well. making sure people get what they need. standing up for the constitution. because for some goddamn reason, the clown show believes that government workers just sit at a desk all day and do absolutely NOTHING
Donny may be smarter this time 'round and he knows what he wants, but he has no idea how to get any of it.
bottom-line is, a large chunk of federal workers are in republican-lead states in roles that encompass every department. a lot of government work involves blue-collar workers that get paid jack shit and are NOT partisan in any capacity. this is going to fuck people up, REGARDLESS of political affiliation
so stand behind the government workers who do so much. they need us just as much as we need them. and trust, WE NEED THEM.
if you want us to be okay, you have to believe that we CAN be okay first. and i'm believing that we will come out onto the other side of this. because american citizens hold all the power here, and not him, and this (so far failed) government takeover is just proving that even more. he is overconfident.
in the darkness, this is a spark of hope. people know what we have to lose and they are FIGHTING for it
As someone who was trying to get a federal job before this mess forced me to put those efforts on hold for now, I've been watching this situation unfold closely. I'm thrilled with what I've seen from the federal workforce. It makes me all the more confident that this is the career I want, because the people already there have the same mindset about it. It assures me, too, that there a huge swathes of the government (far more people than in congress) who have this country's best interests at heart.
Suffice to say, it's been really difficult to be hopeful about the U.S. government for the past several years. But for me at least, the federal workers are re-writing the narrative.
Hold the line. Don't resign.
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justinspoliticalcorner · 17 days ago
Grace Seger at The New Republic:
In the weeks since taking office, President Donald Trump and his billionaire ally Elon Musk have taken drastic steps to slash the federal workforce. In turn, this has spurred a bevy of lawsuits and ignited renewed vigor among government employee unions. The first month of the second Trump administration has been a period of constant upheaval for federal workers, with employees routinely receiving conflicting information about hiring freezes and proposed buyouts, typically followed by court injunctions that compound uncertainty. The federal government employs just over three million people, comprising almost 2 percent of the American civilian workforce. That workforce is organizing with new urgency. As Mark Smith, president of National Federation of Federal Employees Local 1 in San Francisco, told The New Republic, the response to the Trump administration’s actions has been immediate. There has been a dramatic uptick in employees wanting to join the union in recent weeks, to the point where “we couldn’t process the sign-up forms fast enough,” Smith said. “I literally just don’t even have time to process them all. It’s the largest growth in membership I’ve ever seen in 10 years,” Smith continued. “I think everybody is getting an education in what unions are for, and why we have them.” This activity is reflected on a national level as well: The American Federation of Government Employees, or AFGE, the largest federal employee union, has seen a surge in new members in recent weeks. AFGE is also leading several of the lawsuits pushing back on efforts to slash the federal workforce. On Monday, a federal judge further delayed a deferred resignation proposal by the Trump administration. This came two weeks after the Office of Personnel Management sent an email to two million federal employees granting just nine days to determine whether to stay in their jobs without guaranteed safety and a commitment to be “loyal,” or resign and stay on the government’s payroll through the end of September, even though Congress has not yet appropriated funds for the federal government past March. On Wednesday, a federal judge lifted the pause on the program, arguing that the unions representing federal employees that brought the suit did not have standing, because they were not directly affected by the administration’s actions, but instead were “challenging a policy that affects others, specifically executive branch employees.” The offer was immediately closed, with a spokesperson for OPM claiming that around 75,000 people had taken advantage of the buyout—far fewer than what Trump and Musk had hoped to entice. For employees like those in Smith’s union, the net result has been chaos, with each day bringing fresh—and often conflicting—updates and directives. At first, union members believed they would be subject to a hiring freeze, although they learned later in January that the health workers in the Department of Veterans Affairs, or VA, would be exempted. The email from the OPM, which bore the same “Fork in the Road” subject line that employees at X—formerly Twitter—received soon after Musk’s takeover of that firm, sowed further confusion: According to Smith, some workers simply reported the initial email as a phishing attempt, because they believed it was a scam.
Government employee unions are facing a fight of their lives with the Musk/Trump/Vance triumvirate axis of evil taking a hatchet to many government agencies.
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purplepainterbouquet · 14 days ago
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1月26日,新任命的国务卿卢比奥(Marco Rubio)说:“我们花费的每一美元,我们资助的每个计划以及我们执行的每项政策都必须对三个简单问题的答案有理由:这是否使美国更安全?它会使美国变得更强大吗?这会使美国更加繁荣吗?”这一举动导致了美国在世界各地成千上万的援外计划临时关闭,并迫使相关机构休假和裁员。
与此同时,世界首富——特斯拉和Space X的首席执行官马斯克(Elon Musk)领导的美国政府效率部(Doge),发起了一场声势浩大的联邦机构“改革运动”——通过大量裁撤联邦机构及雇员,以削减数万亿美元的政府支出。USAID便是他的主要目标之一,马斯克声称美国国际开发署(USAID���是“犯罪组织”(criminal organization),并且说是“该死的时候了”。他建议将USAID完全关闭,因为它是“无法修复的”。特朗普也公开将USAID描述为“浪费”和“腐败”。
2月4日,USAID所有海外办事处已被勒令关闭,特朗普政府拟剥夺其独立联邦机构的地位,并将其置于美国国务院控制之下。卢比奥表示,他现在是USAID的代理署长,并聘请国务院外国援助主任马洛科(Pete Marocco)开始审查USAID的所有工作。他说,特朗普政府不是“结束USAID的计划本身”。但是马洛科的审查可能导致“暂停或废除某些计划项目或活动,关闭或暂停某些任务或职位;关闭、重组、裁员或重命名机构组织,减少其人员规模,并签约或私有化联邦雇员执行的活动或活动。
2月6日,特朗普政府计划在USAID全球超过1万名员工中保留至多不超过300人。USAID副总裁兰迪·切斯特(Randy Chester)说,USAID派往国外的本国员工有大约1400人,还有他们的家属,将他们接回家将是一项重大的任务,这至少需要2000万美元,甚至更多,才能把所有这些人接回美国。这对美国纳税人来说,成本巨大,而且是不必要的。
据美国国会统计,USAID全球雇员超过1万人,其中,2/3在海外工作。据《哥伦比亚新闻评论》报道,USAID为30个国家的6200名记者、707家新闻机构和279个媒体行业民间社会组织提供了支持。根据USAID的数据,在2023财年美国在全球国际开发方面投入了超过446亿美元,但这些外国援助总额不到美国预算的1%。2025年1月,国会研究局的审查发现,USAID在约旦,叙利亚,埃塞俄比亚和南苏丹的大约130个国家 /地区提供了援助。在巴以冲突中,它还向以色列提供了数百万美元的军事援助。尽管对外援助资金冻结了,但卢比奥对以色列和埃及的军事援助进行了豁免。
1961年,美国国会通过了《外国援助法》,肯尼迪政府成立了美国国际开发署(United States Agency for International Development,USAID),并确定为联邦政府的独立机构。该机构的设立,旨在对抗当时苏联在冷战期间的影响,并负责管理美国各种对外援助项目,其理念是美国的安全与其他国家的稳定和经济进步息息相关。事实上,从那时起,共和党人和民主党人就该机构及其资金去向进行了长期斗争。共和党通常会努力向国务院提供对其政策和资金的更多控制,而民主党通常会促进USAID的自治和权威。
三是USAID对抗俄罗斯影响。USAID在俄罗斯影响力较大的国家支持治理和媒体项目,比如格鲁吉亚和亚美尼亚。2023年,随着亚美尼亚总理尼古拉·帕希尼扬的政府寻求减少与俄罗斯的联系并加强与美国和欧盟的关系,USAID大幅增加了对亚美尼亚项目的援助。援助冻结意味着一些独立广播公司被迫削减部分节目。 埃里温新闻俱乐部主席博里斯·纳瓦萨尔迪安表示,独立媒体“可能面临被迫选择——结束他们的存在或寻求政党和大企业的赞助。”
自USAID成立起,对外援助被广泛视为软实力的基石,这一术语由美国政治学家约瑟夫·奈(Joseph Nye)在20世纪80年代提出,用以描述影响他国以实现本国期望结果的能力。 奈表示,他认为特朗普缺乏“对软实力的理解”。 他在2月4日接受NBC新闻电话采访时告诉记者:霸权是让他国做你想要的事情的能力,你可以通过三种方式实现:你可以通过胁迫;你可以通过支付;你可以通过吸引力。这就是著名的——“大棒+胡萝卜+蜂蜜”——而特朗普不理解蜂蜜。
2月5日,USAID的五位前署长联合起来签署了一份声明,对特朗普政府试图解散该机构的努力进行了严厉批评。 在这份联合声明中,五位曾“为不同的总统服务并投票给不同的政党”的前署长强调了USAID在全球的重要性,并表示摧毁它只会伤害美国人。
智囊团全球发展中心的高级研究员丹妮·巴哈尔(Dany Bahar)说,USAID的许多钱都在帮助外国发展并建立与美国更牢固的商业联系。
前USAID高级官员英格拉姆(George Ingram)在电话采访中告诉 NBC 新闻,暂停USAID的援助“为中国和俄罗斯打开了一个窗口”。他们警告说,这一决定将导致美国在非洲、南美洲和亚洲的影响力下降。他们批评特朗普决定关闭USAID和冻结外国资金的批评者担心,此举为中国提供了作为世界各地有影响力的超级大国的空间。
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dertaglichedan · 3 months ago
The Biden administration appears to be working overtime within federal agencies to put labor agreements in place before President-elect Donald Trump takes office in January.
The agreements are designed to complicate Trump’s stated goal of civil service reform or, as he puts it, purging the deep state. The contract terms can restrict federal agencies’ discretion over employee management.
The latest example of the Biden administration implementing this tactic is at the Social Security Administration (SSA). It has already performed or is working toward similar changes at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Justice (DOJ).
Bloomberg reported on the Biden administration’s efforts:
A Biden administration appointee has agreed to lock in hybrid work protections for tens of thousands of Social Security staff, part of a slew of organized labor efforts that complicate President-elect Donald Trump’s efforts to reshape the federal workforce.
The American Federation of Government Employees [AFGE], a union representing 42,000 Social Security Administration workers, reached an agreement with the agency last week that will protect telework until 2029 in an updated contract, according to a message to its members viewed by Bloomberg.
AFGE members at the Environmental Protection Agency in May ratified a contract with management that includes new “scientific integrity” safeguards meant to protect their ability to discuss their work with the media and report alleged scientific misconduct without suffering from retaliation. Attorneys at the Department of Justice have been organizing with another group, the National Treasury Employees Union, trying to secure union recognition before Biden leaves office.
The Biden administration has taken some heat for its plan of action to impede Trump’s purge of the administrative state. Senator-elect Bernie Moreno (R-OH) said he would work with Trump to unwind the agreements on day one.
“Federal employees are on notice: in the real world, when you don’t show up to work, you get fired. Senate Republicans will start unwinding these ridiculous deals on Day 1,” he said
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postsofbabel · 1 month ago
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ebonydoesshit · 2 months ago
Hi, ebonydoesshit! Thanks for participating in the Sixteenth Day Event this year.
In 2024, you took part in 1 monthly event, and you made sure to make it count!
Personal Month
Founder Badge - For participating in the first event
Thank you so much for contributing to our wonderful community, and good luck in all your future endeavors. Keep on creating!
afg i havent touched this blog in how long...maybee ill do something with it again...hmmmmmmm
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wyrmguardsecrets · 5 months ago
[The femboy hate comes from the cis women--]
AFG 1: feminine. he's a boy but he's feminine. like a femboy. here there's a paragraph or so in his erp style, way more attentively written than his normal rp style, describing his stock femboy body in detail.
AFG 2: insatiable! he will spend the entirety of interactions, no matter the tone or direction, trying to drag the most large, masc character away into an instance for erp. but it's all IC, don't worry! it's in his AFGs!
AFG 3: a description of his outfit which gives no character or background flavor at all and serves only to highlight his sexual availability.
AFG 4: he has a brand, collar, lover's name carved in his body, wedding ring, or something similar. unless he's single in which case this glance is just l a rehash of AFG 1 because he couldn't think of anything else. did i mention he's a femboy yet?
AFG 5: he's so powerful in his chosen school of magic he could vaporize you instantly. just like every other white-bread one-upping self-insert in the world. but he chooses not to. he's going to do a fake-sounding stutter and go like this 👉👈 for the most part.
and then they come on WGS to go "cis women are so jealous of me XD" bruh
inb4 woman characters do it too. yes. they do. but it's the femboys who are bitching.
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pedaloftheday · 10 months ago
We're continuing with our "Asheville Week" here at Pedal of the Day with the first of three effects from a company focused on 100% analog sounds. The AFG-1 Dynamic Flanger from AshevilleMusicTools features lush swirls, vocal comb filter sweeps, and metallic flourishes that can be controlled with the on-board LFO, or articulated by your playing dynamics with our bi-directional, multi response envelope follower…Full Demo via the link, cheers!!
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dzthenerd490 · 11 months ago
File: Resident Evil 6
Code Name: The C Virus/ The Chrysalid Virus
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Samples of SCP-AFG are contained at the Level 5 Biohazard Labs of Site-AG. They are separated in four vials all placed within a biohazard box that is locked by a 6-digit code. The biohazard box is locked within one of the freezers of the Biohazard labs, its door and handle are reinforced with electricity to shock anyone who tries to open it. Only an AFA-2 with a specialized glove is able to open the door and is entrusted to take out SCP-AFG samples when needed. Any testing must be approved by three Level 5 Foundation staff members. 
In the event of a containment breach, Mobile Task Force Hades-4 "Bio Rebels" is to be contacted and sent to Site-AG at once to protect the SCP-AFG samples. It is only because of SCP-AFG that there is even a MTF Hades-4 unit at Site-AG to begin with. Even though Site-AG has been created to avoid containment breaches for obvious reasons, the Foundation cannot afford to take any risks. 
Description: SCP-AFG is a virus created with the same genetic structure as SCP-AAY-Veronica and SCP-ABE. This has allowed SCP-AFG near limitless mutations to any host depending on the strain they are infected with. So far only three strains have been recorded with each one having higher mutation rates than the one before it. There is SCP-AFG-Beta, SCP-AFG-Delta, SCP-AFG-Omega, and SCP-AFG-Alpha.
SCP-AFG-Beta is the most basic of all the variants normally taking the form of blue gas. Once someone has inhaled this gas who is not immune to SCP-AAY or has not taken the vaccine they will become a zombie immediately. Unlike SCP-AAY-1 instances, zombies created by SCP-AFG-Beta are stronger, have heightened senses, and more aggressive. They have the ability to occasionally hold weapons and can even mutate themselves. It's possible for zombies of SCP-AFG-Beta to become faster or grow larger allowing them to lift boulders or withstand heavy amounts of damage that would tear apart or kill normal zombies. It's even possible for the SCP-AFG-Beta gas to revitalize rotted corpses to the point they can stand again and kill anyone who isn't infected yet. Though SCP-AFG-Beta can be created artificially it has been made that its possible for other SCP-AFG variants to create the gas naturally. 
SCP-AFG-Delta is a bridge strain between SCP-AFG-Beta and SCP-AFG-Omega. SCP-AFG-Delta does exist in injection form and can spread through bite but that normally doesn't happen given the circumstances. When someone is injected with SCP-AFG-Delta they become a zombie like organism that has multiple eyes grown on the face. They are able to hold weapons, have greater strength and speed, heightened aggression, more durable skin, and are able to follow complex orders and remember said orders without forgetting a single detail. 
The organisms created by SCP-AFG-Delta are slaves to anyone infected with a stronger strain of the virus or can be programed to follow orders of others. DNA testing has shown that SCP-AFG-Delta victims are able to recognize the DNA of certain people and obey them without question, never bringing them harm only protection. Furthermore, they have the ability to mutate when damaged. 
When an SCP-AFG-Delta instance receives damage to a limp or other body part there is a high chance it will mutate as a response to make the organism stronger. These new limbs and body parts typically have mixed mutations of insect, reptilian, or fleshy characteristics. These mutations can be used as body weapons, armor, and even life extending organs. These mutations continue as they increase damage and do not stop until the SCP-AFG-Delta instance is dead. The best way to kill an SCP-AFG-Delta instance is ether with necrosis venom weaponry or just damaging it continuously until it finally dies. 
SCP-AFG-Omega is a more concentrated strain leading to disastrous effects. SCP-AFG-Omega exists only in an injection form, this is the only way someone can be infected which makes sense given the effects afterwards. Once someone is infected with SCP-AFG-Omega they instantly catch on fire due to their bodies over heating with rapid mutations. Their bodies then become encased with a liquid that covers them entirely and quickly hardens. After a half minute the cocoon opens up from the back and releases a random monster. Its unfortunately impossible to predict what exactly will result from this mutation.
SCP-AFG-Omega infection most commonly can result in a giant lizard like monster that has great speed and agility. Then there is the large hulking flesh like monster that has what appears to be hardened blood and bone growing out of it as thick armor. There are also grotesque monsters that spread SCP-AFG-Beta gas from the spore sacks all other their body. Then there is the rarest mutation where the result is a swarm of mutant wasps that sting with SCP-AFG-Beta venom. There are unfortunately other mutations that either are combinations of the previously described mutations or completely different. Unfortunately, this is not the end of SCP-AFG as a whole. 
SCP-AFG-Alpha is the newest and rarest strain only existing after being enhanced with antibodies created by those who are immune to the previous viruses. When someone is infected with SCP-AFG-Alpha, their body becomes a vessel of limitless mutations. Essentially, they become no different to SCP-ADU in that they can change shape at will, grow in biomass, and grow larger and/or stronger the more they consume. The main difference is that anyone infected with SCP-AFG-Alpha will have complete control over the virus though their mental state might deteriorate a little leading to increased aggression and a lack of common sense. 
SCP-AFG was discovered in 2012 thought it was officially declared contained in 2013. It is the first and most successful original product created by the terrorist Group of Interest: Neo Umbrella. For those that don't know, Neo Umbrella is an international black-market terrorist organization comprised of Neo-Sarkites, Proto-Sarkites, Deserter Mekhanites, Rouge Scientists, Bio Terrorists, International Terrorists, Mercenaries, old employees of TRICELL and old employees of the Umbrella Corporation. They have joined together in an effort to create a new arms race of biological weapons and use the money and connections to become the new rulers of the entire world. 
The Foundation actually got its official confirmation of Neo Umbrella's existence back in 2012. Agent Sherry Berkins of the newly created Mobile Task Force Hermes-9 "Acid Rain", saw hand first their actions. She was in [data expunged] during a mission to find people who were immune to SCP-AFG and only barely managed to make it out alive. Please see Addendum X-40 for details.
Though there were various other run ins during the incident between Foundation staff and various Persons of Interest. This included Leon Kennedy of PENTAGRAM, Chris Redfield of the GOC, and International Mercenary Ada Wong. Please see Addendum X-41 for details.
Despite their organization still being new they managed to grow in power rather fast even making ties with the Family. The Family is a powerful fraternity that was actually one of the founder groups of Group of Interest: The Global Occult Coalition. Once the SCP-AFG incident was resolved the GOC found all members involved and had them executed by order of the ACPA. 
Though the incident ended with several powerful Neo Umbrella members dead, the organization still exists and has slowly been recovering and growing their power in the shadows. Foundation agents believe that Neo Umbrella is now under the control of several individuals who call themselves, The Board. These individuals act as a counter to the O5 Council and have declared war against the Foundation. Despite their activity being reduced since the incident, SCP-AFG is a prime example on why they should not be underestimated. 
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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ao3feed-peterstiles · 2 years ago
Hale Law Office
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48283789
by Sivan325, SivanShemesh (Sivan325)
“The case of the Hale Fire came to court, and Peter is the lead attorney,” Derek replied.
Steter Week 2022, day 5 - visual prompt Steter Bingo: Casual Kink AFG AU Bingo: Office AU
Words: 1139, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Steter Week 2022-, Part 2 of AFG AU Bingo, Part 1 of Steter Bingo
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Cora Hale
Relationships: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Pack Alpha Peter Hale, Mage Stiles Stilinski, Lawyer Peter Hale, Porn with Feelings, Office Sex, Suit Kink, no beta we die like men, Alternate Universe, Steter Week 2022, Tumblr: steter-stackson-bingo (Teen Wolf)
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48283789
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stony-ao3-feed · 2 years ago
omega instincts
Read it on AO3
by haveufoundwhaturlookingfor
Sam Wilson is having a normal day when there's frantic knocking at his front door. What he really doesn't expect to find is his neighbors little boy seeming scared and panicked. Sam's omega instincts kick in immediately.
Words: 2364, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of AFG Omegaverse Bingo, Part 4 of Sam Wilson Bingo Round 3
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Peter Parker
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Bucky Barnes, Omega Sam Wilson, Omega Tony Stark, Alpha Steve Rogers, Omega Peter Parker, Protectiveness, Protective Sam Wilson
Read it on AO3
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