#affair the series ep 3
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thefriendoforatioisdead · 6 months ago
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gl-saveme · 3 months ago
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jealously stewing and ignoring your feelings for your best friend in the lesbian bathtub 😤🛁
Grace Budsarin as Genlong in Mate Ep 3 Sonya Saranphat as Pleng in Affair Ep2
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letscf · 5 months ago
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Affair The Series EP.5 [3/4]
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twig-tea · 5 months ago
GL odds and ends 6 October 2024
I haven't been as good at posting about shows as I wanted to be, so I'm trying a round-up format instead because it feels like a lot of GLs skirt under the radar. It's exciting that we're in a time when there's enough GL airing that it's worth doing a round-up! This was a great week for the lesbians to figure themselves out, so it feels like a good week to start. No idea how regularly I'll do this, need to figure out a cadence that makes sense.
Currently airing (with thoughts up to Oct 6):
Reverse 4 U 5/8 (Thai, Tuesdays 1:00 PM EDT, Netflix / YouTube) This week the girls finally sorted themselves and we got set up for the main plot to start next week. I was initially really stoked about this one and then a little bummed that it's not taking it's very cool premise and the stakes it establishes as seriously as it could be, but I'm still hoping it will start to have real stakes in the main plot stretch.
The Two of Us s2 ep 6/6 END (Thai, 29 Aug-3 Oct 2024, YouTube) It was so great seeing women in their 40s being romantic together but I did not love the plot of this one; I find their romantic conflicts too juvenile (lots of easily-triggered jealousy). The moments they're being sweet are great though.
Unlock Your Love ep 4/8 (Thai, Wednesdays, GagaOOLala / YouTube [cut version]) This is the first episode that this series felt a little more assured; I liked the series this production company produced with a short run time, it feels like this series has been worse off for its longer episodes. That being said, when these couples get to do their thing like in this episode, they have good chemistry.
Chaser Game W s2 ep 3/8 (Japanese, Thursdays 12:30 PM EDT, GagaOOLala) @lurkingshan is already doing a great summary of this week to week in her JQL weekly round-up!
Affair the series ep 6/8 (Thai, Fridays 11:15 AM EDT, iQIYI/ YouTube) Finally! I liked that it was Ek pointing out that Wan was unhappy the entire time she was gone that finally got Pleng to give in to her desire to be with Wan. This show is so melodramatic but the emotional threads follow and the character motivations are clear and consistent; I'm enjoying it in spite of not loving melodramatic storylines in general. It helps that the acting in this one is excellent.
The Loyal Pin ep 10/16 (Thai, Sundays 12:15 PM EDT, YouTube) Glad we finally got confirmation of Patt's history! And I'm relieved Anin knows she has an ally, though I feel like it's given her false confidence that worries me. These two are stressing me out by how bad they are at being careful but I do love how desperate they are for each other, as well as how beautiful this show is.
Red Whisper ep 2/8 (Korea, Wednesdays and Sundays, YouTube) Starting with cheating is not my fave but is par for the course with these SukFilm short series; my fave so far has been their first GL so if you haven't seen that yet I'd honestly recommend that instead.
Recent One-offs
Out of Breath (re-release in a bingeable version; Korean, YouTube) Highly recommended! Also the creator, Soo not Sue, announced she's working on another series to hopefully air before the end of the year, which I am super stoked about.
The Suffering of Xiqing Mountain (Chinese (censored), YouTube)
Sastra film app YouTube channel has several short Cambodian GL series that come out weekly Honestly they are not to my taste but I don't like gatekeeping GL especially from smaller markets. I check in on these time to time and if there are any that I think are great I'll give them a shout-out
Ditto above with JPC media YouTube channel for Thai GL shorts if there are any that stand out to me I'll say so
Recently ended that I haven't had the wherewithal to write about:
Hoshikuzu Telepath (fansub) Thank you to @yuiyuihan for your hard work making it possible to watch this series! I I haven't read the original manga but I do know they changed the kiss communication to a forehead rest; Unsurprised that this adaptation, starring idols in the same group, would be left ambiguous in terms of whether their feelings are friendly or romantic. I liked what this series was trying to say, but in all honestly didn't love the execution. It's too bad because I absolutely love the concept of an alien being helped by girls obsessed with building rockets.
The Secret of Us 8 eps [complete] (24 Jun-15 Aug 2024, YouTube) I first included this in my recommendations from the summer and then retracted, but I ended up liking this series and then never updated again. So to set the record straight: Though it lost me in the middle, the ending on this series won be back over. I really appreciated the way this series handled filial piety and balancing that against personal happiness. I appreciated SO MUCH that the main characters decided together how to handle Lada's situation with her mother. I finally understood too late that Earn believed the lies Lada's mother told her in ep1, and that affected some of their decisions in the middle of the series. I still think the execution was wobbly, but the acting and chemistry between the two leads carries this series through. This has some of the best domestic fluff in any GL, as well as my favourite GL counter lift to date. And it's gorgeous. Tentatively recommended with the caveat that you do have to either enjoy or power through the melodrama in the middle.
Starting soon:
Apple My Love, Thai, 12 October, GagaOOLala
Pluto, Thai, 19 October, VIU
The Nipple Talk, Taiwanese, 1 November GagaOOLala
My Ex's Wedding [in theatres in Thailand 14 November]
Petrichor, Thai, 23 November, TBD
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absolutebl · 11 months ago
This Week in BL - Taiwan has one show, but that's all they need
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
April 2024 Wk 1
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Two Worlds (Thurs IQIYI) ep 4 of 10 - I don’t say this often but I LOVE this love triangle. The longing gazes = chef's kiss. I like that we are finally getting flashbacks to Tai’s side of the love affaire. This show remains highly engaging. So pleased for MaxNat.  
Deep Night (Thurs iQiyi) ep 5 of 8 - More lesbians! Yay! Meanwhile, when our leads make up they make out! (Yes I’m proud of myself.) I think this might be BLs first rooftop sex scene. We’ve reached new heights, BLabies. (Yes I’m proud of that too.) Anygay, basically a soap opera at this point, I'm not thrilled but I don’t mind.
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"Do you apologize for being straight?"
City of Stars (Fri iQIYI) ep 10 of 12 - It was lovely. Very well done celebrity leaving the closet ep. Nice ensemble work too. Next week is doom! As expected. 
Only Boo! (Sun YouTube) ep 1 of 12 - New main couple for GMMTV in an idol romance about a boy who dances good and a food stand vendor. It’s fine but overly very pulp feeling for something from GMMTV. I'm a little concerned.
1000 Years Old (Thurs iQIYI) ep 8 of 12 - meh.
To Be Continued (Sat C3 Thailand grey) ep 7 of 8 - Never turned up on my usual sites. So will have to wait until next week. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Unknown (Taiwan Tues YouTube & Viki) ep 7 of 11 - Qian was, indeed, the one who couldn’t let go. This show is fucking fantastic. It's the best thing I'm watching right now by a mile.
Jazz for Two (Korea Gaga/grey) eps 3-8fin - The bully and the blue-haired drummer side pairing were great. I hated the father. Hated him so much. Our main tsundere seme was a bit too tsundere for me. I was v annoyed by the time he finally softened. I'm amused by all the ways they finagled boys kissin-but-not-kissing in the first half of this show. 2024's "pan around the back of the head" has now become a "dipping of the brolly." We did, however, eventually get an okay kiss.
This was basically what I wanted from Given and didn’t get. So I’m pleased. The music still wasn't great, but you can skip those bits. A solid enemies to lovers BL, where the sins of brothers' past haunts the present. Great optics, decent chemistry, and a tidy script even if tsundere characterization went a bit extreme in some cases. 8/10 RECOMMENDED trigger for suicide
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Love is Better the Second Time Around AKA Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto (Japan Weds Gaga) ep 5 of 6 - We got the past betrayal in detail and it was decently bad. Bitterness understood. Too soon to live together! The BL U-Haul strikes again. I do like their weird curry passive aggressive argument. This is an interesting show. Do I LOVE it? No. But I think I like it.
On a not-really-related note: adoption, including adult adoption, is actually pretty common in Japan (comparatively). It's often tied to business scionism.
My Strawberry Film (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 8fin - It all turned out to be a tragic GL in the end. Not BL = not my problem. No rating. I will forget its existence right about�� now. 
Love is like a Cat (Korea Mon Viki) eps 1-2 of 12 - Okay, weirdly kinky with the head scratching. Not much has happened and I’m not wild about what has. 
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It's done, ready to binge, but I suck
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps
It's airing but...
We Are (Weds GMMTV iQIYI) ep 1 of 16 - University ensemble BL featuring PondPhuwin, WinnySatang, AouBoom, MarcPawinPoon - basically the good kind of messy gay friendship group (so more My Engineer and less Only Friends). Looks a bit like the Kiss series but everyone is queer. I'm IN but I need my other computer and I'm traveling as usual. So I'll get caught up next week and probably won't regularly be able to watch this one.
Graduation Countdown (Taiwan YouTube) - It's too much for me to keep up with 2 minute verticals, I don't have that kind of TikTok endurance training.
A Secretly Love (Thai Sat WeTV grey) 10 eps - Completed. Worth watching?
Lady Boy Friends (Thai WeTV grey) 16 eps - reminds me a bit too much of Diary of Tootsies only high school. Not my thing. DNF unless it turns a corner and is truly amazing.
Kiseki Chapter 2 (Sun iQIYI) 6 eps - It’s so boring DNFed at 2.
Close Friend Season 3: Soju Bomb! (Weds iQIYI) 6 - The problem with situational comedy BL is it must be situational, comedic and a BL. This show gets 1 of 3 claims correct. 33% is not a passing grade. Dropped at 3.
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In the news
Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari is getting the undeserved honor of Furritsubs. Follow them for details. Tip 'em if you like 'em. (Will I watch it? Oh, probably. Damn it.)
Then Next Prince turned out to be a trailer only. Word on the webs is we will be lucky if we get it this year. It’s BL Princess Diaries. Jimmy has a new pairing (that boy from Night Dream) which is... interesting. All in all, this show does not look good. Pretty but not good.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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4/11 Gray Shelter AKA Gray Currents (Korea ????) 4 eps - SooHyuk is only just surviving and reunites with YoonDae, an old friend. They end up living together. One of the leads is played by Choco of Choco Milk Shake.
4/12 Living With Him AKA Kare no Iru Seikatsu (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - Kindly Ryota goes off to uni only to find his new roommate is his childhood bestie, Kazuhito. Kazuhito doesn’t have a girlfriend and Ryota tries to help him figure out why, they fall in love along the way. Same director as Old Fashion Cupcake.
Still to Come in April
4/18 At 25:00, in Alaska AKA 25 Ji, Akasaka de (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - Yuki lands his first starring role in a BL drama alongside superstar Asami (previously his senior at uni). Said superstar suggests they form a sham relationship until filming concludes. As they actually begin to fall in love, the spotlight begins to burn. I think I've seen this before (joke) and also the trailer doesn't inspire confidence.
4/26 My Stand-In (Thai iQIYI) 12 eps - adaptation of Chinese novel "Professional Body Double" by Shui Qiang Cheng. Stars Up (Lovely Writer) and Poom (Bake Me Please) directed by the same team as KP (not a recommendation IMHO - my biggest criticism of that show was the clashing directing styles). This one looks well complicated, lemme try: Joe is a stuntman for famous actor Tong. Joe falls in love with Ming but Ming sees Joe as nothing more than a Tong-replacement. After learning this horrible truth, Joe dies. Joe then wakes up in the body of another man also named Joe. He manages to rebuild the same life as before—with the same people eventually re-meeting Ming. Ming wants Joe back but Joe doesn't understand why. But Ming seems to know what's going on and wants to give him some kind of explanation.
I'm exhausted just trying to describe the plot.
Knock-Knock Boys (Thai WeTV) - 4 college friends conspire to help their friend lose his virginity. Familiar faces like Seng (yes, Billy's previous partner) and Best, news here.
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
NOTE: It looks like one of my personal favorites of last year Unintentional Love Story is getting a spin off!
See City of Stars & Unknown.
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are too much work.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire
If ya wanna be tagged each week leave a comment and I will add you to the template. Easy peesy.
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lullabyes22-blog · 4 months ago
my supreme, what is your opinion on the first three episodes of arcane season 2?
The only supreme is Fortiche - and a huge round of applause to them for the animation in S2. Every frame is like lickable visual cake icing and my eyeballs scream for more.
Also in keeping with food metaphors -
First 3 eps are good soup. Tasty soup. Well-presented soup.
There are clumps in this soup that were absent in S1. The flow is not as seamless. Transitions feel jarring and the dialogue overall feels distinctly more flavorless. First time I watched S1, there were entire lines of dialogue I ended up memorizing, and that dialogue continues to pack a well-deserved punch 3 years later.
This time around, the scripts feel distinctly more... Marvel-esque?
High on quip calorie, low on substantive content.
I highly suspect there was a great deal of executive meddling behind the scenes, given corporate were not expecting Arcane to crunch the numbers it did + the scripts being incomplete. That, and the storyline kept getting passed between different writing departments, with different chefs trying to spice the broth. All of this might account for the relative lack of cohesion and its weird sense of hypercompression
I don't know if it'll improve or get worse. We're only at 3 eps, and the rest of the story's still waiting to be told, so I reserve any real criticism until then.
But overall, yeah.
It's still gourmet soup, but I feel as if the soup's been zapped in a microwave, ykwim?
Beyond that, the series is still a treat. Truly sumptuous soundtrack, and inspiring cinematography. The fight scenes legit made me catch my breath. You can feel the love poured into every frame.
Fuhrer Caitlyn gassing Zaun was not on my Bingo card, tho.
Nor was Jesus Viktor.
I am A-OK with the Arcane eating Heimerdinger. But gimme back Jayce and Ekko, pls. They got character arcs (and ship breakups) to suffer through </3
I also do not think the writers of the show were expecting world affairs to pivot quite the way they have - /gestures vaguely at RL - because leaving aside character motivations in a self-contained fictional setting, the critical literary lens and interpretive optics between Zaun and Piltover overall are gonna lead to some, hehehe, interesting fandom discourse.
On my part, I can't wait to see every single one of these beloved characters spiral to the depths, hit rock bottom, and hopefully climb back out as wiser human beings.
I also expect some of 'em to die.
Overall: 8/10. Very yummy indeed.
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What type of TV shows are popular on Gallifrey right now?
📺 What's popular on Gallifreyan TV right now?
We may not have exact viewer ratings (because, unsurprisingly, Gallifrey does not concern itself with audience engagement metrics that often), we do know what types of shows are likely being watched.
If you missed the previous rundown of Time Lord TV, you can catch up here:
But if you're wondering what's popular right now, here are a few speculative guesses:
📡 Live Broadcasts & Government Programming
🛑 The Presidential Address – Daily updates on Capitol politics. - Thrilling (mandatory) viewing where the Lord President reassures the public that everything is fine.
🌌 The Celestial Observatory Report – Real-time updates on stellar weather and cosmic anomalies. - Essential for predicting temporal storms and vortex disruptions for your commute.
🌀 Temporal Affairs Committee: Open Session – An exclusive look at Gallifreyan policy discussions that should have ended 500 years ago but didn't. - Popular among elderly Gallifreyans and those with nothing better to do.
🎙️ The Lord President Speaks… Again – The exact same speech you heard this morning, but now with a special commentary track explaining why it's even more brilliant than you originally thought.
🎭 Popular Dramatic Programming
📜 The House That Stands – A prestige drama chronicling the rise and fall of an ancient Gallifreyan House. - Expect scheming, betrayal, and a shocking number of regenerations. - Allegedly based on true events, though every major House denies involvement.
⌛ The Untold History of Time – A long-running docudrama that contradicts itself every season. - Covers historical events such as the Pythia's Curse, the Rassilon Era, and the Eternal Schism Debates (a six-part special). - No two experts agree on anything.
🚀 The Renegade Files – A sensationalist anthology profiling Gallifrey's most infamous outcasts. - Features the Master, the Monk, the Rani, and the Doctor—with wildly exaggerated re-enactments and lousy acting.
🌀 Schism: A Time Lord Story – A coming-of-age drama following young Gallifreyans as they prepare to look into the Untempered Schism. Episode guide: - Ep 1: I Don't Want to Be a Prydonian! - Ep 2: This Is Fine. (It Is Not Fine.) - Ep 3: Is It Supposed to Whisper Back?
🎩 The Patrexian Conundrum – A detective series starring a Time Lord investigator who solves paradox-related crimes. - Every episode features puzzling inconsistencies in the timeline that must be unravelled. - Special twist: Every episode starts with the detective already knowing the solution—but needing to work backward to prove it.
🧠 Game Shows & Mental Challenges
🧩 The Prydonian Trials – A high-stakes academic showdown where Junior Time Lords must solve paradoxes, predict quantum fluctuations, and recite ancient High Gallifreyan poetry.
🔍 Who's That Renegade? – Contestants must guess which Time Lord went rogue based on obscure historical clues.
👽 The Mind Probe! – A high-stakes game show where contestants must answer Gallifreyan history questions under extreme pressure. - Face the infamous question: "You will answer… the Mind Probe!" (There is no actual mind probe.)
🎤 Entertainment & Cultural Shows
🎭 The 4D Theatre Showcase – Broadcasts of avant-garde Gallifreyan theatre. - Features time-loop performances and non-linear tragedies.
😂 Temporal Standstill – Gallifreyan improv comedy, featuring jokes that unfold over multiple centuries. - Watch performers set up a joke in one incarnation and deliver the punchline three regenerations later.
👶 Kids' Programming
📚 Junior Academy Lectures – Children's programming on Gallifrey is just accelerated coursework. - Topics include "Basic Quantum Entanglement for Ages 6-8" and "Your First 500 Years of Political Philosophy."
🏫 So …
Of course, what's actually popular depends on who you ask. And if you can't find something to watch there are still 87,656,432 channels. You'll stumble onto something eventually.
💬|⏰🎶What is Gallifreyan music like?: Musical instruments and genres on Gallifrey.
💬|⏰🎾What sports and games are there on Gallifrey?: The (lack of) physical sports on Gallifrey and other games.
💬|⏰🎮Do Gallifreyans have video games?: Detailing the one solitary 'video game' on Gallifrey.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any orange text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →📢Announcements |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts → Features:⭐Guest Posts | 🍜Chomp Chomp with Myishu →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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bengiyo · 4 months ago
Love in the Big City Eps 5 & 6: That Apartment Was Too Small
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I’m late this week to write this post. Despite everything going on in the world and in my life, I have struggled with how similar episodes 5 and 6 played like Part 3 of the book. When I read over my reaction post for Part 3, I felt like I could post it with a few edits as a reaction to these two episodes. I’ve also read so many great posts about this section, so I’ll throw some quick thoughts down on some of the things that stood out in this section.
The T-aras Continue to Be a Great Change
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Presenting the drama in a more linear format required baton passes between the sections that the book didn’t require, and I really loved having the T-aras as pallbearers who also took care of Yeong when he wanted to go out the night of his mom’s funeral. I love how they also feel like they’ve matured as they’ve gotten older.
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Making us love the T-aras so much makes their flippancy about being around someone they know, or suspect, is positive hit like a ton of bricks in the flashback. What’s so sad about this is it puts this wall up inside of Yeong that keeps him from ever telling them about his situation with Kylie. We know the T-aras love him dearly, and I think they would have adapted quickly to take care of their friend. I couldn’t help but think about the hospital scene from Part 2 and wonder how uncertainties Yeong felt about them complicated that moment for him.
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I also love that they’re the ones who got to meet and approve of Gyu-ho, and that they suggested Yeong take him on a trip to help rekindle the romance. Yeong not being completely alone has been one of my favorite changes, because few of us are ever as alone as we think we are.
Gyu-ho Feels so Alive
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We see so much of Gyu-ho from Young’s perspective in the book, and I loved seeing him come alive and share space with Yeong in the drama. I loved seeing the mundanity of their relationship. I loved seeing Yeong consolidate and clean up the room to make it livable for Gyu-ho just as much as I loved seeing them struggle with their living habits. I loved seeing them fight over little things, and then seeing Gyu-ho adapt to that and cover annoyances (especially with the water bottles).
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Unfortunately, Kylie ruins so much of Yeong’s ability to commit to this relationship, and I think it’s why staying in Mi Ae’s apartment might be one of my favorite choices of the drama. When we read Part 3, I kept thinking about how small Young’s apartment was, and how it didn’t seem right for the two of them to stay there. Here in the drama, we see that Yeong’s mom made sure to take care of her affairs, and I wondered at how much Yeong had stashed away from that, but also figured he wouldn’t want to stay in the home his mom had.
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I think, for Yeong, Gyu-ho is just so radiant and beautiful a person that Yeong is worried he’ll infect with HIV and make “dirty.” He brings that word up a lot, and it made me so, so sad. Kylie is everywhere in their relationship. It’s in Yeong’s need to fake a blood test to get a decent job he hates. It’s in his inability to pursue work opportunities in other countries. It’s in their inability to have unprotected sex without worries. All of this culminates to make Yeong feel like he’s ruined Gyu-ho’s future for just being with him.
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Conversely, it’s so frustrating to watch Gyu-ho from this perspective doing everything he can to make Yeong feel loved and valued. I felt so much for Gyu-ho when he got a solid job as a nurse and wanted them to get a bigger place together. I also felt for Gyu-ho searching for potential new partners on the apps. It sucked in the book and it sucks here when Yeong tries to shove Gyu-ho to go have sex with someone else when that’s not what Gyu-ho wants at all; he’s a romantic.
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As such, they could not make this relationship work. Gyu-ho is probably the one person in the series we’ve seen Yeong trust to the most. The T-aras prickled his shame. Mi Ae outed him. Yeong Su turned out to be gross. Nam Gyu died.  I believe Yeong when he said he was writing as hard as he could to build a future where he was independently wealthy enough to take care of himself and Gyu-ho, and it was so sad to see him completely lose the love he found in the present for that.
Onto the Finale
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That’s all I’ve got this week. I find myself looking forward to this section because I’m so excited to see what Habibi turns into with this version. I’ve meditated on the fallout of the Gyu-ho breakup, and I’m excited to see what the drama does with that.  
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vegaseatsass · 2 months ago
Hi. I am adamant that I don't end 2024 without returning to this place. So I'm making a POST!! Unfortunately I no longer watch very many series at once (basically in my 3-4 month absence I watched... Affair, Jack & Joker, and currently Spare Me Your Mercy (on ep 7), one at a time at a time, and... dat's it) and I may end up needing to heavily filter things I'm not into to figure out how to use Tumblr in a more chilllll way. I wll probably sadly be even less of a reliable message responder. BUT. I WILL MAKE IT WORK. I've missed it here so muhuhuhuch and I simply cannot believe after telling myself adjusting to my new job would be easier than last year (and it was, at first!! until my second job started and I forgot I am a total wreck at the 6-day work week), so I wouldn't have to disappear off the internet, I went and disappeared off the internet. Boo, hiss. If I may whine for a bit: Life has been very hard lately :( At the end of October my beloved bird got sick - they are better now but it was a scary horrible handful of weeks - then my close friend got sick, then I got sick, then my close friend got much sicker, then I got much sicker (shit tier COVID for the past two weeks straight), so you see, I haven't been out having an exciting life, I've been pining sadly for the internet while life has been cruel and unusual to me and my favorite people and creatures.
But I'm ringing the new year in by tumbling!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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randomnessofthehighestorder · 4 months ago
Arcane season 2…
Act 2 was incredible! I have never cried so much for this show before the new eps came out…
(Spoilers below the cut)
Viktor’s fully embraced the Machine Herald title, but I never thought he’d create a commune/cult… also, he said it! He said “glorious evolution!” That’s all I wanted from him!
Warwick is Vander! We were right! I cried when he hugged the girls, the family is back together!
Flashbacks galore for Vander, our first look at Jinx and Vi’s mom and the return of Silco (younger him technically), they were so happy before the bridge assault… it’s so cute that Vander gave Vi her name.
Jayce must’ve gotten real messed up while in the Anomaly, how could he kill Viktor?! RIP Machine Herald… Jayce fucked up big time. Hopefully, he doesn’t mess things up further…
Vi took the breakup hard… alcohol and violence don’t really help… but on the bright side, the Emo look is working for her!
Isha and Jinx were so cute together! They must’ve really bonded between Act 1 and 2. I cried when she did her big hero sacrifice for Warwick/Vander. RIP Isha, you will be avenged…
I had no idea that Singed��s real name was Dr Reveck, I knew he lost his daughter, but the extent he went to save her? I’m conflicted…
Still no Ekko and Heimerdinger? Are they still lost in the Anomaly? Hopefully they come back in Act 3…
Caitlyn is really embracing her Commander role. I’m glad she defected and helped take down Ambessa. But also she hooked up with Maddie? We need another CaitVi kiss to heal the heartbreak…
We now know where Mel went when she was taken by the Black Rose. She also had a brief reunion with Kino, who apparently isn’t dead… but then that turned out to be not real (man…). Whoever took her is apparently Mel’s half sister, Ambessa had an affair and this is the repercussions that came of it. But what was that glow? Was that her gold plating? Is it magic? Is that the reason she survived Jinx’s missile in the season 1 finale?
Vision, might, guile, (and to Ambessa) sacrifice. Those are the principles that define strength according to Noxus. Ambessa had a vision of martial law, she had the might to enforce it, the guile to make it seem like it’s for the good of Piltover. All I need to see now is the sacrifice…
The music never fails to disappoint, it got me hyped, it got me crying, and dropped my jaw to the floor!
Overall, shit is getting real, I can’t tell what’s gonna happen next. All I know is that there’s gonna be a battle to end all battles in Act 3 and the Arcane will change the world forever. See you in a week…
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khaoala · 4 months ago
Well. Affair sure was...something. I mean i definitely love LMSY and i hope they get another series together because this one was just...mhm 🫤🫤🫤
I don't understand why ek STILL continued to get so much screen time. Wan saved your fucking life so sign those damn papers already and let’s be done with him.
Marriage changed Wan like what the fuck was all that for??? And why didn't Pleng just invite Wan to the party to celebrate the album, wouldn't you think that's the type of event that you bring your wife to?
((also i don’t know where in the timeline this show falls but I don’t feel like the Nuengs of Gap or Blank would’ve been so eager to help Wan like that imo))
well, anon, good news are, lmsy apparently will have another project together! so at least we have that to look forward to (and here i am hoping they actually mean it when they say they want to make something different).
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and here's the thing, this is a thai ql problem. they do very well for 2/3 of the series, but few of them manage to stick the landing. affair and the secret of us were like that for me, so i'm excited to see them acting together again, of course, but i'm also sad bc they could be so much better.
they really needed to make eek of all people look like the hero after being the biggest pain in the ass since ep 1 i'm pissed af. this man deserves no pat on the back after the whole trauma he inflicted and sense of entitlement he had over wan AND HE DOES NOT DESERVE A CUTE DOCTOR FREE THAT MAN FROM EEK'S CLAWS.
wan has 0 trust on pleng, it's not just a jealous thing. they are one month married and are in dire need of a couple counselor (as well as separate therapists, but we've talked about that). that whole jealous fit was stupid. i hate pointless jealous plots that appear in the last half of the last episode like pls show some respect.
and to end it all, if i had a cent every time mother um apasiri had a change of heart in the last episode of a gl, i'd have two cents, which isn't much, but it's tragic that it happened two times in less than 6 months. this woman kissed other woman in the past, LET HER BE A GOOD MOM TO HER LESBIAN DAUGHTERS!!!
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thefriendoforatioisdead · 6 months ago
Wan definitely went to the Anin's school of jaw-dropping love declaration and flirting skills because WOW
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gl-saveme · 2 months ago
Pleng and Aoey: no issues, surprisingly quick with it
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Meanwhile, Tul: needed a little assistance, but got there in the end
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GL Bra Removal Masterclass (sorta)
WanPleng | Affair Ep 3 GenAoey | Mate Ep 5 TulRan | Petrichor Ep 5
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jibunbosh · 1 year ago
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a common experience many autistic people experience is struggling to put your own feelings for the people around you into the strictly defined categories between "platonic" and "romantic," to try to frame your own unique affections in the context of the words used by the people around you. especially when you're younger - when you're already used to the world around you seeming to speak in terms foreign to you, when the concept of love rears its ugly head in adolescence, one that could be found confusing to anyone... it can be nigh impossible to wrap your head around it, to try to quantize the feelings you know are burning brightly in your heart.
in episode 3, it's clear that sakiko is someone that tomori highly admired and appreciated - not just for her kindness, but how things always seemed to click into place with her around. sakiko helped tomori realize that her own words had value - and what are tomori's words if not her feelings put into writing? and if her feelings have worth, then what of the way she thinks of sakiko?
i feel many have (rightfully) subscribed to the autistic reading of tomori's character, but I still remember when the lead writer of the series, unico-san, wrote something to the effect of "if you're a fan of girls' love media, please watch mygo."
with that, I think there's much to be gained from reexamining the way tomori looks at sakiko from a queer lens, as well (to say nothing of the large overlap between neurodivergence and not conforming to societal expectations of gender and sexuality). crychic was a brand-new experience for tomori, with sakiko serving as the catalyst for tomori's joining of the band. unico-san even writes in her relationship chart, even well after crychic had disbanded and mygo had formed, that to tomori, sakiko is still someone tomori cherishes dearly and considers of great importance. I don't think it's too much a stretch to postulate that tomori's feelings for sakiko overlap what some may describe as "love." the difference between platonic love and romantic may be negligible - the matter of the fact is that tomori's life was greatly influenced by meeting sakiko, and for that, tomori feels very strongly about her... in some way. so strong, in fact, that she wished she could remain with her for the rest of her life. but, alas... it wasn't to be.
broken, afraid, tomori asks anon when she expresses interest in a band if she'd be willing to do it for the rest of their lives. it feels blunt and forward, but it's easy to see why tomori at that point would ask that: she's been in a band once with someone she cherished, and that person left. is she willing to feel that way about someone again?
"I don't think I can ever forget about CRYCHIC."
mygo ep 13 hands the baton over to ave mujica with tomori attempting to bridge the gap between sakiko and the newly-established mygo by offering soyo's words to her in writing, but sakiko doesn't entertain it - merely wishing her well and leaving, as if to wipe her hands clean of the whole affair that was CRYCHIC. yet, tomori, as much as she goes barreling forward with mygo, doesn't feel the same - the way she feels about sakiko is as strong as ever.
whether reciprocal or not, tomori's affection for sakiko is something that irrevocably shapes the rest of the narrative and the way tomori feels about everyone else in her life. it's something that can't go disregarded when it comes to examining the countless other dynamics in the show - from the protective and bashful taki speaking of tomori, to anon's newfound appreciation of tomori, to even raana's playful amusement with the girl. and, before long, we'll get to see more of how that shapes sakiko, too.
it's hard growing up as an autistic teenager, and it's hard growing up as a queer girl. what happens when you're both?
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sissylittlefeather · 2 years ago
A/N: Ha HA! Another one done! This is the 68 Special one that I promised y'all after the poll. It goes with my series that is currently unnamed, but includes Baby, What's Your Name, Goodnight, Sweetheart and Always, Honey. There are references to all three in here. It takes place before What Kind of Question is That? and Feels Like Forever. This is angstyyy, but the way the story is in my brain, the mid section is that way and the whole story is kind of tragic, in a way. It's very Catherine/Heathcliff (they should be together but can't be for some reason). I didn't set out to write a tragic story, but there ya go. It is what it is. I hope y'all like it anyway!
Also, don't be shy. Let me know what you think! I'd love to hear from you 😁
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, smut, unprotected sex, p in v sex, kissing, ANGST
Also, I'm using Elvis gifs for this one because I like actual EP here, but if it makes you happy to imagine Austin!Elvis, do you boo-boo.
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I Missed You
It's been over 3 years since you last saw Elvis. This is the longest you've been apart since you met all those years ago. You haven't seen him since he got married or became a father. He did all of those things without you and it nearly broke you. Still, you'd had your own marriage happen and fall apart, too. You wondered if you'd ever tell him that it was because of him and the fact that you never could seem to stop loving him.
The year is 1968 and you just got off the phone with a friend of yours who works in Hollywood. According to her, Elvis is going to be recording a new show soon and they're looking for audience members. She called to see if you might be interested in seeing an old friend.
No one really knows what you had with Elvis. Well, no one but your old roommate. Still, despite your long history, he never made you public like his other girlfriends. Maybe it's because keeping you a secret made the romance hotter. Or maybe it's because keeping you a secret meant he could keep you all to himself. Either way, your love affair had always been something that only the two of you really knew about.
But an opportunity to see Elvis again is hard to turn down, even with everything that's happened between you. Perhaps seeing him one last time will give you the closure you need to move on. You decide to call your friend back and see what you need to do to be in that audience.
Now that you're here, you start to wonder if this was a good idea. You're sitting in the audience in your new mod-style pink gingham dress with white boots and a white headband. You wonder if he will even see you in the crowd. Will he notice the pink gingham?
Your hands are starting to sweat and you wipe them on your skirt, pulling on it to try to get it to cover more of your thighs. You're not a teenager anymore and this dress is starting to feel a bit ridiculous.
One of the producers of the show comes out to explain to the audience how to react to the "applause" signs. Elvis is coming out soon and you're starting to feel a little sick at the prospect of seeing him. You don't remember the last time you were this nervous.
And then he's there. On the small square stage, right in front of you, in black leather. Your heart jumps and your warm center gets a little warmer. He looks good. Not that you expected him not to, but he looks better than you could've imagined. He breaks into That's Alright Mama and you're instantly transported back to that first show where you threw your panties on the stage to get his attention. You start to laugh a little thinking about what might happen if you did the same thing right now. You'd probably get carried out by a security guard.
He sings 4 songs and then they do a set change to him sitting down with his old band mates for a kind of casual jam session. You're still waiting for him to notice that you're there. Part of you is starting to hope that he'll never notice and you can just slink back onto a plane and go home. Seeing him has enlivened every feeling you've ever had for him and you can't help but have flashbacks to every time he's ever touched you. You long to feel his strong hands on your body, his lips on yours, his fingers and tongue doing unspeakable things between your legs. You squeeze your legs together and pray that you're not going to leave a puddle on your seat.
And then it happens. He's walking around the stage singing again and he kneels just feet from you. You're in the second row, far enough back to be out of reach, but close enough to be visible. He looks out into the audience and your eyes meet. Ever the professional performer, he only freezes for a second when he sees you. You feel like someone dumped ice water down your back and it's suddenly hard to breathe. You want to get up and run out, but you can't. And just when you think he's completely unaffected by you, he closes his eyes and shakes his head. Then he stands up, turns away from you, and keeps singing.
But he comes back.
He walks around the stage like he's supposed to, but he always comes back to you and keeps his eyes locked onto yours for as long as possible before he has to move. Every time it happens, your heart skips a beat and you start to wonder how much more you can take. Just when you think you might melt from the intensity of his gaze, he leaves the stage and the producer comes back and says that filming is done for the day.
You sit there for a while and let the other people around you file out. Eventually you get up and head for the exit. You're one of the last people in the room as you head for the door. And then you hear someone behind you. You turn, expecting someone to tell you that you need to leave, but no.
It's him.
You stand and stare at each other for a good minute before he speaks. He asks a single question.
"Where can I find you later?"
You want to tell him to go to hell. Instead, you hear yourself say, "Hollywood Hilton, room 647."
He nods, turns, and jogs away from you back to wherever he came from. A man comes and ushers you out the exit door. You head back to your hotel in disbelief. You're not sure what you expected, but it wasn't that.
You're trying really hard to stop pacing in your hotel room. The clock on the night stand says 12:24am. You're still wearing the pink and white dress, mainly because you're too nervous to change into anything else, but you're barefooted now, your boots in a pile by the door. You tell yourself you are giving him until 1am and then you're going to bed. That's when you hear the knock on your door.
Your stomach tenses up and your heart jumps into your throat. You walk to the door and open it carefully. Elvis walks in quickly and closes it behind himself. You're reminded of the time he did that when you lived in the dorm and you almost laugh out loud.
"Who are you hiding from?"
"Everyone." He looks at you like no time has passed since the last time you were alone like this. He puts his hand on the side of your face and for a moment you let him. Then you move away from him.
"Honey, why--"
"You have a wife."
"And you have a husband. Never stopped us before."
"I don't have a husband anymore."
"All the more reason--"
"You married her, Elvis." He looks down at the floor.
"She has your baby. You're somebody's father."
"I know that."
"Then why did you come here?" He picks up your hand and kisses the inside of your palm, just like he did so many years before.
"I missed you." You want to take that hand and slap him with it. For a second, you really consider it. Instead, you pull it away from him and turn to face the window. If you look at him, you might give in.
He comes up behind you and touches your dress on your shoulder.
"You know I've always loved you in pink."
"It matches--"
"--the dress you wore on the first night. I remember."
That almost convinces you to turn around, but instead you shake his hand off your shoulder. You can't turn around. Not yet.
"Elvis, we said this was over."
"We've said that before."
"Yeah, but last time I thought we meant it."
He walks around in front of you and faces you. He seems afraid to touch you again.
"Baby, you know I could never mean it."
You cross your arms over your chest and look up at him. He looks different now, grown up and fully himself, but he's still the same boy from Memphis who said he would always be yours.
"No. Go home to your wife, Elvis."
You can see in his eyes that that stung. You immediately wish you hadn't said it, but you did and it wasn't untrue. He does have a wife to go home to and you have what? No one because you can't seem to move on from him. He's as much a part of you as you are of him.
"You know what you mean to me." You do know. But sometimes you just wish he would say the words.
You walk past him to the hotel room window and look out at the street below. They say New York is the city that never sleeps, but this town could give it a run for its money. There seems to be people everywhere. He speaks again, ripping you out of your reverie.
"You know, I could ask you the same question. Why did you come to my show?" You step back from the window and look up at the ceiling. That, you don't have an answer for. You're not even sure why you came. It's no use lying to him or yourself anymore. You turn to face him with tears in your eyes.
"I missed you."
It only takes him three steps to walk across the room and pull you into a deep and passionate kiss, his arms around you to keep you from pulling away. You know you should pull away, but you don't even try. You melt into him like snow in the rain, your mouths picking up a rhythm easily. Kissing him is familiar and satisfying and you begin to wonder why you ever stopped. You wrap your arms around his neck and let yourself get lost in him. He walks you backwards to the dresser and then lifts you up so that you're sitting on it. He runs both hands up your thighs and then grabs your hips, pulling them into his own. You break the kiss and moan softly into his mouth as you feel his hardness press into you. In a second, he has the dress up, over your head, and off. Your fingers shake as you undo the rest of the buttons on his shirt and push it off of his shoulders with his jacket, letting them both fall to the floor. The whole time, he's kissing you on the neck, on your chest, and shoulder, and jawline, and lips. It almost feels like he's trying to devour you whole. In fact, he bites the skin next to your collarbone at one point hard enough that you let out a small yelp. He knows you well enough to know that's a good sound. You grab the back of his hair and pull his head backward, diving into a deep kiss with heavy tongue. He almost breaks your bra, trying to rip it off of you and your panties don't stand a chance as he tears at them and throws them to the side. The button pops off of his pants as you feverishly try to get them off of him. He slides them off his hips and to the floor, letting his erection free to land against your thigh. The sight and feel of it there elicits a moan from your mouth and a good deal of wetness from between your legs. He pulls you to the edge of the dresser and pushes himself inside you. He slams into you heatedly and you both start to sweat. You can feel your climax building around him as he pumps. He's still kissing you all over your face and neck, dipping his tongue into your mouth periodically. Your hands grip his back as your fingernails dig into his skin. As many times as you've been together, it's never felt like this before. There's a desperation and need in both of you that's completely new. You wrap your legs around him and he carries you to the bed, still inside of you. You fuck for a while with him on top of you, until you push him into a sitting position on the edge of the bed. Then, you turn away from him and lower yourself onto him, holding onto his thighs for support. While you slide up and down on him, he reaches forward and makes circles with his finger on the spot between your legs that makes you cry out his name.
"Elvis, fuck!" You scream as your climax pounds into you from every angle, rushing through you from your center to your edges and back again. You turn around and push him back onto the bed. He moves himself backwards until he's fully on the bed and you can ride him easily. You're grinding your hips against him, so that he is so deep inside of you. Nothing seems to be deep enough to satisfy you tonight. You want to swallow him up and keep him there inside you. He moans and grunts while you work, obviously approaching his climax. He flips you over one last time and thrusts into you a few times before he shudders and cusses and fills you with his warmth. You're both dripping wet with sweat and covered in marks from the other's teeth and fingernails. He rolls over off of you and lays next to you, both of you breathing heavily. He picks up your hand and kisses your fingers.
"Oh, honey, I have missed you so much." He smiles at you and holds your hand on his chest. You get up and go to the bathroom, trying to forget that you just committed adultery with him. Again. When you come back, you get some panties out of your suitcase and put them on. Then, you climb back into bed, where he's arranged himself as if he's going to sleep there.
"Don't you... have to... go?" You ask tentatively. You think of his wife, probably pacing her room waiting for him to come home.
"No." He doesn't give any more detail and you don't ask. He puts his arm around you and pulls you close to him. "I'm staying here." He kisses the side of your head.
It feels so good to have him wrapped around you again. This won't be the last time you're together.
He waits until he thinks you're asleep, and you almost are, when he whispers,
"I love you, baby."
Taglist: @itlover8000 @deniseinmn @elvisalltheway101
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absolutebl · 1 year ago
This Week in BL - New & Old Tropes Galore
Entirely subjective yadda yadda. Organized sorta by favs in each category.
Sept 2023 Wk 4
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Ongoing Series - Thai
I Feel You Linger in the Air (Fri grey) ep 7 of 12 - occasionally I forget that Yai is like 20 and this is his first love affaire. That poem bit gave me very Goethe vibes. Lots of doomed lesbians in this ep. Doomed love in general. Frankly? I was hoping for more oil less sad. Also, these two are making some v stupid mistakes. Also: MORE boys dancing.
Finally... who was it wanted a rain kiss? You got your rain kissing here, okay? No umbrellas to be had, apparently.
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Dangerous Romance (Fri YT) ep 7 of 12 - I love them so much. They are so darn adorable. I like how forthright Kang is. Boy has no game and is such a dork but at least he's enthusiastic. I love the “my boyfriend smells good” trope that BL is into these days. I’m into it, too. The bff enemies drunken bathroom shenanigans was v funny. Also @heretherebedork your boys are couple dancing all over the damn place this week.
I guess we get the boyfriends ep next week?
Hidden Agenda (Sun YT) ep 12fin - The conflict really kind of wasn’t in this last ep. But I guess it was a fine, if not a particularly strong, ending. I wish we’d had the family conflict threaded throughout the series. It would have felt like a deeper more honest drama and the actors could have handled it. They’re ready. How pretty were Joong’s single picturesque crystal tears? Honestly, it's been lovely, boys. Not at all memorable, but lovely.
Quick pitch Hidden Agenda: 
A relatively simple and harmless old-fashioned style university Thai BL, that started out Cyrano de Bergerac style but then drifted away into forgetfulness. It felt like it could have fit into the En of Love universe, except that it was high quality GMMTV with very pretty makeup. I enjoyed it for what it was, it's just that wasn’t much. 8/10 RECOMMENDED
Naughty Babe (Sat YT) ep 5 of 8 - Am I mostly watching this for Est and annoyed he doesn’t have a pair? Yes. (Am I writing a whole revenge plot in my head: "seduced to the good side by my enemy's hot bodyguard" with him and the Tem character? Yes. Yes I am. But that’s way too KinnPorsche for this show.) That said, MaxNat really are a great pair. Nice that Dio is figuring out how evil his own family is. Weirdly, I kind of like this speculation that if gay marriage were legal rich families would use it for arranged-marriage power plays. Can you imagine what China would do with this concept if they had access to it? 
Love in Translation (Sat iQIYI) ep 7 of 8 - The morning after was sweet, I do like it when we get these scenes in BL. FYI no one misgendered Bojji except the caption writer. The screaming "discovery" scene was adorable. And I am very much falling in love with all of the side characters. I also love how aggressive Yang is, like he stepped out of a 2016 Chinese BL into Thailand. And I adore the main brother relationship.
I have to say, this is going to be a difficult BL for me to review. I didn’t like the first 4 episodes but it seems like I’m going to love the final 3. I’m actually really looking forward to the finale next week. Boy, do I feel strange about this. In other news, is it just me or is it weird to get a gay kiss from Ngern almost 10 years later? How late is too late for smooching a boy? 
Never too late...
Absolute Zero (Thai Weds iQIYI) - from 2021, Studio Wabi Sabi and New Siwaj finally brings us this “time loop to prevent tragedy” romance based on the novel of the same name. I think we can expect this to be sad (so it will likely slide down my list as I become more confident about this). Mix is a great actor, so I’m not worried about that aspect, but I am warning you this won’t be your classic fluffy Thai BL. It’s a bit slow moving for me so far. Meanwhile, a revelation:
Thai high school BL is all about the hands. I blame Love Sick.
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FYI the outdoor movie they watch is Love of Siam Thailand’s first real queer movie, also featured in My Only 12%.
I'm in trouble, Ongsa is such a sunshine cutie and Sansoon is so lost and sad. Pretty sure I won’t have the patience for 12 episodes of this, but I’ll stick with it for now because a pair like this is yaoi-induced catnip for me.
Only Friends (Sat YT) ep 8 of 10 - Ah, Ray, baby, you can’t get what you want if you want the wrong thing. Also, corruption charges much? Is Ray turning into Ton or is that just me? I still hold that Jenny’s is the only story I actually wanted. Although, I did enjoy the two bi boys bonding over Freddie. GMMTV sure is making good use of Title now that they got him away from Wabi Sabi and I’m NOT mad about it (4 shows & counting). Under ordinary circumstances, I probably would have dropped this show by now. But something keeps dragging me back.
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My Universe (Sun iQIYI) Right Time Right You ep 6 - This couplet ended up feeling like an amateurish short. It was interesting in that way shorts can sometimes push into unusual territory, but very slow. My favorite so far, but that’s not saying much since we've only had 3. Kinda amorphous ending. 5/10 watch it if you have nothing better to do. Next week's looks pretty but silly: You Are My Soulmate.
Venus in the Sky (Tues iQIYI) 5 of 10 eps - I don’t understand the bit with the girl, car & eyebrows. Was that all just ad copy? This show is so bad I’m mostly fast forwarding now. I mean the leads are cute and earnest but that’s it. NO SINGING! And... nothing happened this ep. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Kisseki: Dear to Me (Taiwan Tues Viki & iQIYI) ep 7-8 of 13(?) - Buckle up I got A LOT to say. Ep 7 was the boyfriends ep! Look there’s a a lot of problematic going on here by western standards: age gap (FYI age of consent in Taiwan is 16) + teacher+student, but if you’ve been reading this blog for a while you should know that Taiwan likes both high heat and taboo content (and so do I) plus (unlike Mame) they just lean lube into those kinks. And I, for one, am delighted. I talk about taboo in terms of age gap here and stepbrothers here. I’ve never done teacher/ student because we don’t get it often enough (insert sad face). These are not things that I’m going to complain about or rehash, so, moving on...
I found a lot to love about ep 7: tie grabs, smiley kisses, communication, being held down, younger aggressor, AND preliminary research= all good things. They even brought in morning aftercare, and shared trauma! I love a show that’s both unexpected yet entirely classic Taiwanese BL. I love that the family appeared as a plot device and then disappeared again. It’s all highly amusing.
Gaga dropped ep 8 a week early, I’m assuming this was a mistake since they skip next week. But hey! 
Ep 8: def uhaul lesbians. Also cute queer fam moment. Ring finger biting = v hawt. Then of course it all goes south. Tres romantic means of taking the rap, gotta say. No one does gay sappy quite like Taiwan. Also, now we know why he loses his memory and Ai Di has to go in after him. Honestly, I’m not pleased to see yet another amnesia trope raise its ugly… head (why so many this year?). But it seems to be this year's trend. 
And I know there is more trauma coming, but in classic Taiwan fashion it’s all gonna be fine in the end even if that HEA is chaotic and entirely unearned. Don't worry, all. We good.
You Are Mine (Taiwan Fri Gaga) eps 4 of 10 - Oh noes, sunshine has a cold. And not from the rain... just, like, a normal cold. Amazing. But then when baby gets kidnapped, daddy gets v mad. Honestly, I am charmed by the show. It is very old-fashioned "domineering CEO puts little lady up against the wall" and it’s Taiwan, and thus I am not mad about it. This is what we would be getting from Mainland China if China we’re still making pulp BL. I am disposed to simply enjoy the utter "80s bodice ripper but gay"-ness of it all.
Bon Appetit (Korea Weds iQIYI) 1-2 of 8 - from 2022. If you have premium icky VIP you can binge it all now. I don’t, so instead I’m watching it 2 new episodes every Weds. Struggling heartbroken loser-ish office worker who lives off junk food + sunshine neighbor who loves to cook (from his past with a long-held crush). Also there is a "love class" element. Why does Korea like this conceit so much? Do their universities really engage in socialization training? Gotta say I’m getting whiffs of stalker... but only whiffs. Basically, this show is going poster child “way to a man’s heart is through his stomach“. Bit too much flashback, but I like that our chef is open about liking a boy, and I like that they remember things differently and in alignment with their own egos. And I like that we got a confession already. Ah KBL, it is nice to watch something that MUST move plot quickly. 
My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho (Japan Sat Gaga) ep 6 of 8 - Jealous weatherman is ridiculous. Japan = queen of “why don’t you guys just talk?” 
Mr Cinderella 2 (Vietnam Sat YT) ep 2 - Ba Vinh & Minh Thao reprising their roles as Dung & Khoa what do we think? 8 eps? 10? We got the stepbrothers (or whatever they are) backstory. Also My Prettiest Cat-boy does certifiable nutcake v well. Psychopath looks hot on him.  
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It's Airing But...
Crazy Handsome Rich (Sun Gaga) ep 3 of 10 - The sound. No. DNF 
I Cannot Reach You AKA I Can't Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai (Japan Tues Netflix-Japan & ????) - Adapted from the manga, childhood best friends: The cool, smart one who’s good at everything, and his average, dorky friend who struggles. Always by the other’s side, but not together in the way they truly want to be.
Unfortunately I Cannot Reach You, in classic JBL fashion, could not be reached. 
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In case you missed it?
Viki dropped Our Dating Sim the movie. I didn’t notice any extra footage and they took out all the in game/high school flashback stingers. At first, I didn’t really miss them but by the end of the movie I really did. So this is going to be one of those rare KBL instances where I recommend sticking to the original series over the repackaged movie.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming October BL
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10/1 Can I Buy Your Love From A Vending Machine? AKA Sono Koi, Jihanki de Kaemasu ka? (Japan cinema release in-country only) - This one is a movie from Japan so in customary fashion who tf knows when (or if) it will get international distribution. Salaryman Ayumu Koiwai just can't tear his eyes away from the strong, muscular man as he checks on the stocks of the vending machine in his office.
10/5 If It’s With You AKA Even If I Fall In Love With You AKA Kimi to nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo’ (Japan Gaga) - from MBS a live action adaptation of Kubota Maru’s manga ‘君となら恋をしてみても. Amane has stopped loving people due to trauma until he meets Ryuji. At first Amane just wants to play with Ryuji but… feelings. I am assuming 8 eps and rumored to be taking Weatherman's spot so that date is likely wrong.
10/6 What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) - 4th installment in this series (1st series, 1 special, 1 movie prior) about a lawyer who lives with his boyfriend, a hairdresser, and cooks for him. Season 2 will follow the couple as they enter their 50’s. Slice-of-life drama adapted from a beloved manga series of the same name.
10/6 My Beautiful Man: Eternal AKA Utsukushii Kare Eternal (Japan movie Viki & Gaga) - This is the 3rd and final installment the series. The 2nd season didn’t blow me away the way the 1st did, but I still liked it. I'm looking forward to the finale. I hope we get character growth for a change.
10/31 SHADOW (Thai VIU ????) - this is a horror BL featuring ghosts and other paranormal elements in a high school setting. I'm not wild about Thai horror (or horror at all, but if it must be done in BL let Japan do it). It features Singto (who did paranormal BL He's Coming to Me) opposite Fluke N (who's done a couple horror's before). Also Fiat. Dan suffers from sleep paralysis, and in his dreams he sees a shadow that suffocates him. It gets worse when he transfers schools.
October? Bump Up Project AKA Bump Up Business (Korea ????) - BL staring OnlyOneOf that released(??) as a movie in July but is now being recut and reissued as a series. Stars NineMill and from Idol Romance bulled as a love story between a trainee who is about to debut and a celebrity from the same agency (based on a webtoon). OnlyOneOf have been auditioning for this since Libido IMHO. You can watch me chronicle their BL MV work in this post. Idol Romance will do sad but can do good kisses (Wish You, Nobleman Ryu, Once Again, Kissable Lips, Poongduck 304, Tasty Florida, Tinted With You) but I don't think we will get any in this. After that OmegaX Shoulder bullshizz buisness I am very wary of this show.
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED).
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There was a ton of truly great stuff in this week's Kiseki, but this was hands down my favorite. (Pun intended.)
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Oh and the neck kisses of course.
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I LOVE HIM your honor.
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GMMTV's ongoing love affair with the scent trope.
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Calling out out new couple's dance trope. (Both Dangerous Romance)
(Last week) 
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