inlovewithdisaster · 4 years
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"i have to admit, i am a bit biased, since i've always wanted to see one of your concerts live," tobias comments. "but if i'm to be honest with you, here wasn't the place i wanted to see it. like, you're a real performer, there's no doubt about that, but did you even read the prompt? theme performances are supposed to create a valentine, and you just kinda…stood there and sang while your pokémon fired off a ton of flashy moves. i would've given you a higher score if you'd chosen freestyle instead of theme, because i can sort of see how the lyrics of the song could be used to represent a grudge? but even then, when you do a performance onstage with your pokémon in a contest or a showcase, you need more team involvement. you need to engage with your pokémon on a deeper level than i saw you do here. so, for your score, i'm giving you 5/10 in aesthetic mastery, 0/10 on adherence to theme, and 6/10 on originality for the way you used telepathy. this brings your total to 11/30."
"thaswaytooharsh!" ursula cries. "sweetieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…thas…way too harsh!"
"wait. did you just call me sweetie?"
"IS THERE A PROBLEM WITH THAT?" ursula screams, followed by another enormous hiccup.
"you know what, fine, whatever," tobias says. "call me what you want. i'm not gonna argue."
"okay, sweetie," ursula simpers. "anyway, sweetie…it was nice…and creepy…and i loved how it was scary bunot too scary! aesthetics gets…" a pause. "8/10. you didnreally fit the theme, though, s…s…sorry, i'm giving you a 0. but…" HIC. "i thought it was super original. so, another 8/10. that means my score is…"
"16/30," zoey says. "as for how i'd score your appeal, i do have to agree with tobias there. i've never been fond of the showcase way of putting the human performers before the pokémon ones, and while i'm trying to be nicer about it, i guess? i still felt like you were way too much in center stage. i want to say, though, you're really great at creating a vibe. so for that, your aesthetic mastery gets you 6/10. now, you really didn't answer the prompt at all, so for adherence to theme, you're also getting a 0 from me, i'm afraid. and for originality…i admit, i kinda cheated and looked up some of your previous performances before the show, and i think this one had something special to it. but since valentine's day is kind of the opposite of what you do, i would have encouraged you to try something new. 5/10. that means your score from me is 11/30. like tobias said, you're a real performer. i can tell you have the ability to command a crowd. it's just…not the sort of performance that people usually do for those types of events. if you want any advice for how to improve in coordinating, please feel free to ask."
"fine," ursula tries to let out a huff, but hiccups in the middle of it--sending her jolting out of her seat. "zo…go right…afucking…head. jus'…mark it down 'cause you dunlike me."
"tobias marked it down, too. he did it before you said anything about it, and i was agreeing with him. you might as well accuse him of shafting you through this too…not that you should," she says quickly, not wanting ursula to get any ideas--
"that's 'cause i looooooooove tobias," she said, grabbing his arm and dragging him toward her, letting her head loll onto his shoulder. he sits there staring ahead sulkily, like a cat being held who wants to be put back down.  
"ursula, you've really had too much to drink," zoey says. "i strongly urge you to stop judging."
"well, we can't argue with that," tobias says with a shrug.
"i don't know," zoey says. "i think we should put off the rest of the contest until tomorrow, when she's sober. better yet, the day after tomorrow, when she's not hung over."
"look, i'm sure she'll be fine if we extend the intermission. give it twenty-five minutes instead of fifteen?" tobias suggests. but he doesn't want her to be fine. he wants her to come back still drunk, still inhibited--just to embarrass her all the more.  
"that sounds like a plan," zoey says, and goes around the table to beckon ursula backstage. "come on. let's get you some water."
as ursula hobbles offstage with zoey supporting her, tobias goes to bonuses.
"you get a +5 for using psychic," he says. "and……that's just about it. whew, that was fast. this means your total is……"
high up in the harmonias' private box, ezra turns to ghetsis, his handsome features forming a look of concern.
"shall we stop the contest, my son?" he asks.
"no," ghetsis says. "let her stumble."
feat. @aeshmedai!
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luckynatured · 4 years
◓ pl s ,
Hilbert sent over a...! // Accepting
Admittedly, it felt awkward seeing Ghetsis again, but he did give him Lapis. It was only fair that Hilbert give him a Pokemon in return, right? Whenever someone does something nice for you, you do something nice for them in return. He was raised with that rule, so he’d follow it to the very end.
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“Hey, so...letting you know that Lapis is doing great. She’s been helping me give Roger haircuts when his fur gets over his eyes.” And with that little status report, Hilbert continued, “Speaking of...I got a Pokemon for you. I was raised to show kindness to people who show me kindness, and you did give me Lapis. With this docile little guy, I’d say we’re even.”
Did he know the little guy was shiny? No, but it does make for an interesting parallel.
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Take good care of Goomy!
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timebranded · 4 years
@aeshmedai​ // Aura Reading
He’s not human. How could he be, when his Aura gave off such a strong draconic vibe? There was lightning in the mix too, but the draconic energy caught his attention first. Maybe it was due to his own connection with Dialga (another dragon legendary).
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"Well...the first word that comes to mind is ‘thunderstorm’. There’s lightning, and something draconic too. You definitely have some kind of connection with a legendary Pokemon, if you’re not one yourself.” Lucas doesn’t know what the term ‘Herald’ meant, so he wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.
He’s suddenly not sure if he should speak up about the cloud looming over the king’s head; that usually meant a negative emotion, but what? Anger? Envy? Between the intensity of the king’s aura and his own self-consciousness (because it honestly wouldn’t shock him if Ghetsis could discern his own connection with Dialga just by looking at him), it's hard to tell which it is.
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floralcalaveraa · 4 years
happy birthday !!!!!! i hope it's wonderful !!!!
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This is sweet and sudden, I appreciate the good wishes, hope you have fun at the event today 🥰
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eldunea · 5 years
do the fight me for ghetsis - @aeshmedai​ 
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puerveritas · 5 years
Hilbert will literally fight @aeshmedai if he has to.
He really thought that beating N would be the end of it. Zekrom was the one that chose N, after all; wouldn’t it follow that beating him would mean the end of Team Plasma’s goals? 
But no. Although, it made sense thinking about it now; N’s intentions were good underneath it all, so there had to be someone else pulling the strings (so to speak). And frankly...Ghetsis made the most sense. He always gave Hilbert a sort of vibe; not a good vibe or a bad one. He just always had a sense that Ghetsis was someone to watch out for.
At least he was right on the money there; even in this setting, he was downright intimidating. 
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Hilbert realized; if he wanted to truly beat Team Plasma, if he wanted to survive...he would have to beat Ghetsis in a battle. And he’s only heard rumors about how strong he is. Hilbert would be lying if he said he wasn’t a bit intimidated by all that.
Still, Garfield’s PokeBall remained in his hand. he wouldn’t throw it, not yet. He figured that he’d wait for Ghetsis to say his piece before jumping into a battle.
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hopblogarchive · 5 years
i love hop and i love u thanks for coming to my tedtalk
i met you literally today but i would cross an entire ocean for you. ure stuck w me now
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armxnia · 5 years
♛– When was the last time the little boy had stepped into the forest? Far too long ago, he felt, and he would be lying if he said that didn’t make him feel uneasy - he missed climbing up trees, stalking in the bushes, hunting for berries, and all the sorts of things he couldn’t do in the wide, open spaces of the castle.
In turn, he found himself replacing his tactics; instead of bushes, he’d hide behind curtains and cushions. In place of trees, he’d climb the very same curtains, alongside the couches, blankets and such. Deep inside, he wanted to be optimistic about his new home, hoping that one day he’d get to revisit his old one. 
He did remember his father’s words of it being a frightening, dreadful place, but honestly he didn’t find it so bad. Must be the fact that he lacked information about the very reason he had wound up there in the first place, but it was possible he’d rather keep the truth from him until it was foreseeable for such a young head.
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‘‘Ready or not, here I come, Junior!’‘, mused the Zorua in the language only Natural and the rest of Pokémon would understand. He sniffed around, following the tracks of his friend before being pounced from behind and pinned to the floor.
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‘‘Heheheh! Pinned ya’!’‘, he giggled, before getting off the vulpine, who in turn thrashed his tail about.
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‘‘Oi! You might be getting better at pouncing, but you’re not getting away with this!’‘
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‘‘Oh, yeah?~’‘, he announced in a smug manner, getting up on his fours before wiggling his body, anticipating a jump. ‘‘Grrrr- grah!’‘ And with that little growl, he pounced his friend again, commencing some noisy playfighting. 
They harmlessly brawled around on their fours, running from one room to the other as they chased one another, though at one point they stopped on their tracks, coming up to see the very man who had brought N out of the forest. He had his back turned to them, his mighty presence known by his standing height.
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‘‘Oof! I’m outta here, kid! See ya’ later!’‘, and with that, the Zorua scurried away, letting out a squeak of fear.
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The green head tilted in confusion, wondering why not only Zorua, but also most of his friends were so terrified of the man he had the obligation to call ‘father’. As confused as he was about the reasons he had brought him out of the forest, he knew he could be a little intimidating, but outside of that... 
N stared at the King’s figure, not perceiving any harsh movement in him. Still on his fours, the child crawled in his direction with a stalking disposition, head low as he made sure his step was silent, and...
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‘‘Grrr- grawh!’‘ He growled in his soft voice, jumping right at the sleeve of the almost endless robes; who said he couldn’t do this kind of things with his father? He snickered in a playful manner as he started to climb up the clothes like he would do a tree, his tiny feet and hands perching onto the material and finding amusement in Ghetsis’ height, finally arriving to the top, perching to the battlement-like ornaments on his shoulders admist giggles and snickers.
‘‘Heheheh! Got’cha~’‘, he mused, peeking his head out to look at him.
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gcttacatchemall · 5 years
@aeshmedai is following you!
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[⚔️] “mmm... how about no?”
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[♞] “I second that.”
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inlovewithdisaster · 4 years
@aeshmedai​ submitted:
Mun name: knight Pronouns: he (preferred) they (also accepted) Timezone: EST Discord (if I don’t already have it): u have it add me 2 the server
Character name: ghetsis harmonia Age: 40something at this point have i been counting no but he’s looked 38 for a while now Pronouns: he/him URL: its this blog lol Team: hydreigon , the war dragon . truly , that’s all he needs , hydreigon is a 15 foot long war dragon who can fire off multiple attacks at once & is also his ultimate partner . if necessary , though , he can call on zekrom . What they’re doing: spectator.  Theme or Freestyle? n/a. Credentials: he’s the king of unova & mouthpiece of the gods Possible plot role: congrats ursula , you’ve convinced ghetsis harmonia to allow you to hold your contest in opelucid city , the seat of the harmonia king’s power . of course , he keeps a close watch on all things , considering the disaster of the 2020 wallace cup . 
Other: its dangerous to go alone take this .
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and we have our first entry! don’t worry ghetsis, ursula won’t disappoint……probably.
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luckynatured · 4 years
i love u i love hilbert ghetsis doesnt love hilbert but ok , also that thread of ours was legendary and it was such an honor to write it with u and tear each others hearts out im so glad were friends
tell me what you think and i can’t respond // Accepting
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timebranded · 4 years
@aeshmedai​ // Ball of Hearts Starter Call
“Huh...I can’t say I expected to see you here." Although, he really should have, right? There was no mistaking his Aura; draconic and electric all at once. Whichever Ghetsis it was that people had been whispering about, Lucas was almost certain that it wasn’t this one. 
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Not that it made the encounter any less surprising, though.
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controlledhues · 5 years
⚠ is this the ppt meme do ghet or tobias or both hkgshdg
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wallace-cup · 5 years
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❝wow. simply--wow. your performance just blew me away. every moment i was riveted on the action, watching these deities become themselves through the might of warfare. by the end of it, i was nearly convinced that your pokémon were fully divine!❞ he laughs. ❝a word of advice, though: make sure next time you work on your timing. i felt as though you could have added more action to fill the musical space that was available to you.❞
❝what a magnificent testament to the greatness of gods! as a man of belief, i was quite touched. i truly felt as though i was watching something larger than the mortal world while i observed these beings being born. i would have liked to see the gods do something else while in their fully realized forms, but that is only a minor nitpick compared with the overall picture.❞
❝depicting the birth of gods in such a way harks back to common mythological themes, but like any potent myth, you have managed to make it unique and exciting. the use of contrasting types was also a wonderful touch that i don’t think anyone else here has come up with. though most of your moves were used in more or less expected ways, i do also appreciate the combination of hidden power and sludge wave in combination with the ice cradles in the water--and i love your use of ground-type moves to create an illusion. well done.❞
❝you get +15 for using all six moves on all pokémon on the field. this brings us to a total of 96 collective points!❞
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❝you and your partner both shone equally, managing to blend your pokémons’ performances while at the same time making them stand out as individuals. hats off to you for your part in it.❞
❝your pokémons’ command of their moves stood out to me immediately--though force and not finesse was the focus, there were some moments where finesse was used. i also love how easily many of your move combinations had one move flow into the next. while it’s not unheard of as a technique, it takes a lot of skill to pull that off, so i wanted to compliment you on how well you must have trained your pokémon. perhaps for another challenge next time, try having one of your moves flow from your partner’s.❞
❝you have received a +5 bonus for improvising, which means you have maxed out your +20 bonus points overall. this means you have a total of 92 individual points!❞
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❝as i have said to your partner, you both did a wonderful job balancing your pokémons’ contributions. i’m extremely proud of you, my protégé, for managing to shine next to such an illustrious companion. you have made yet another mark on a contest you have entered, and it shows.❞
does he have some idea of who tevrien really is, or is he simply giving the plasma knight another compliment?
❝your pokémon were proficient in showing off their skill, especially with the way your mimikyu built its wood hammer from its opponents’ moves. as with your partner, the temple illusion at the beginning was quite a good use of fine-tuned technique. i would have liked to see more like it--even a raging battle has its moments of nuanced beauty.❞
❝you have received a +5 bonus for showing your fire-type get absolutely drenched--congratulations--which means you have maxed out your +20 bonus points overall. you have a total of 90 individual points!❞
❝This means that Tevrien, you have a total score of 188 POINTS, and Keith, you have a total score of 186 POINTS!❞
@aeshmedai @eigenaces
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eldunea · 4 years
💀 but for ghetsis ( @aeshmedai ) bc im Too lazy to swap blogs - @moraldyad 
Would Your Muse Survive My Fanregion From Hell? (Not accepting!)
hOOOOOOOOooooooo hold onto your seat, this is gonna be spicy as fuck. 
ghetsis is one of like maybe a handful of people i can immediately think of who i would be more than 50% confident would be able to complete a prussian run. he is also one of maybe two people i can immediately think of who i am more than 50% confident could be the protag of preuzien if lotor wasn’t already. so i will be mainly thinking about how his prussian run would go if he is the protag.
given our conversations i’m picturing him coming in with nobody knowing he’s ghetsis but people figuring it out pretty quickly. wilhelmine isn’t the brightest bulb in the box when it comes to policy decisions and sometimes strategy, but she is surrounded by 18+ gym leaders and other league members, some of whom would be able to figure out what was up with this stranger who was just so weirdly strong. after that, they’d be taking him a LOT more seriously and some of them would most likely manage to force him to use more than one of his pokémon. that said, ghetsis would still have an easier time than other muses because when i wrote that big post about what muses would experience going through preuzien, i was writing with the majority of muses in mind and the majority of muses did not have prior military experience while ghetsis did. he could definitely make it past all 36 gym challenges, through the prussian national tournament and past the elites. once he challenges wilhelmine, he has by far the best shot out of any muse i have in my inbox of killing her.
he’ll have a harder-won victory, however, if she enters ragnamax form during the battle. at the point when she’s trying to destroy the entire world and starting to look skyward to try and kill legendaries i don’t really see the oración being able to calm her, seeing as ragnamax zygarde is on a completely different level than regular zygarde and in fact most legendaries. in such a fight, ghetsis would have to use his full strength to try and bring her down. i can definitely see the entire arena getting absolutely bodied by these two gods duking it out…truly a battle for the ages that holy shit i would love to write.
there is only one thing that would truly hold ghetsis back, and it is his trauma. if he goes through the league feeling very not OK and dissociating half the time due to being in a warzone, prussian trainers are not above taking advantage of that. he doesn’t seem to have a lot of good coping mechanisms, so he will have to learn those…while i can see him overcoming it because from what i gather of his arc with kei’s rosa he does get better, the psychological impact will probably drive him to think “i won but at what cost.”
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lukissed · 6 years
aeshmedai replied to your post: ((…I know it’s like one in the morning right now...
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